185G Jt. K OR T II CAROL I N A STAR WEDNESDA Y MO It N I N G , M AY 28. Congressional. Tiirtr-Foorth. Co:rei-Firrt Session. YA'sshiigtok. May 13, 158. StXATt. The Chair tai J before the 8mat a connnunl.-sitiua from th Secretary of War, in relation t the removal of rock a Hell Gate, in the Etst river, New Turk. Two messages mere received from the Presi dent, vetoing the bills f r the improvement of tbe month of the Mississippi river, and th flat of StJTlair river. The President return them becaure a regards tliem u part of a general system of internal improvements, and refers to hit previi.ua nnwtire of 1351. vetoing the river! - - i nu uamtiT mil. j i.c cortsiueraiiuu ot me mu ject. wu postponed until next Wednesday. Mr Cass stated that be should auk leave when a convenient opportunity presented itself, to show that tie told been misunderstood by Mr. Cnuoptoo, in certain correspondence with tbe British Government. . iur eumner set lorm in wrong ol rvantns, attacked what be conceited to be the abiverv ag gression, and defended the State of Massachu setts which he, io pari represents. Tbe Senate adjvurncd. ' Hocur, of Iirrr,-iFtTm-tj, The Hons on dor a suspension of the rule, passed joint revo lution, offered by Mr. Wbceler, anthoriting the . l'reaident of the United States to despatch a na- nouu vow i to ine vap a v era istanai wltn such provision may be privately contributed, for tb relief of tlie sufferer by famine. Mr. Galloway acked bat did not obtain Icare to offer a resolution, calling upon the President - of the United States to inform tb linns wheth er any official actiuu bat been token with regard to certain alleged murder in Kanaaa, etc., ete. Mr. Walker moved tb t tb rule be suepeu dud, in order that the Committee of the Whole - oa the atate of tb Uuhm might be discharged from the further consideration of the bill fur tbe .Improvement of Mobile river; but tbe motion did Dot prevail yen 00, nay 57; not twu third.. Mr Keitt moved a suspension of the rule, bis oiyeet being to introduce a revolution providing fot tbe adjournment of Congress on the fifth of August, The question wu decided in tlie nega tive yea 02, nay 77. ' Mr. l'ringl asked, but did not obtain leave to offer a aerie of resolutions, with regard to tbe ontinuatiun of tb Washington acqusduot, and providing for a special committee to investigate fully all tlie facts relative to that subject, Tbe Ilous adjourned. - WaiN0Toi, May 20, STt. The Chair laid before the Sun ate a report from tbe Secretary of War, tranmitting information rorpceting the inipruvoineiit of the navigation of the St. Clair Cat. ' Tb IIou joint reiolution in reference to the aufferer at tb Cape do Terd Inland wa read. Mr. Seward urged it immediate paaage, but, objection being made, itlieiovor. Th Beuat proceeded to eonaider the bill ma king appropriation for lb. Consular and Iipb matio expenses of tba llovernment for the year ending June 30, 1857, which wa amended and paned. Mr. Benjamin, from the Committee on Com merce, reported a joint resolution roquiring the Commissioner ofl'atsnt to tnk Ui necessary atep to obtain information with regard to the growth and consumption of tobaeouand ootton in the several countries of tb world; which wu lead three timet and passed. Mr. Sumner resumed hi Kansn apeocb; In eonelunion making a outparhon between what bl called the tyranny of tb President In Kaunas and tb tyranny of King George tb Third. from Congros h appealed to tb people in thJA'0'' t,w,Jin ""Rult """n'tted upon ooiiiing Presidential elootion to vindicate Kan a.' Let Ui ballot hoi of tbe I'nbis with multi tuilinoas might, protect tb UUbt box tber. Mr. Cass charactsriaed th ieoh of Mr. Sum ner as tb iyH un-Aniericsu aid unpatriotic peeeh be had ever listened Io, and trusted his ear would net er be saluted by uch a no again here or sbowlmr. Mr. Iougla wa rewnii1uil.lv sever on Sum ner, tbaracteriiing his speech a being a tissue of gro vituperation and vulgar abuse-, and h said that whil th Senator from Matwaehueett bad ebargod him with erime, be himself while tuking n oath to support tb Constitution bad violated that instrument I Mr. Maaon l.lu-wh-e. replied to Mr Sumner nying Sotinbir by virtue of their political ao ci.ttiuns, ar com lh d to litoa to buiguage brr to which they 4ild not lend sn ear el Tiber. II (aid that Sumner was incapable id knotting what the truth Is, and to see bun eli-e- vtbrre wu to loath and despise biro. Mr. Sumner replied; Irtdulgii g In aoars per sontiliiics, more sever than those of ' Douglu to wards biu). lU S-untt a-ljourned. II ui or ltti-arsxavsTivu. Mr. Rennet, of .Nw Turk, from th Committee nn I'uUio Lands rrfurtol a bill granting 1,0 If ,"iiS acr-si bf lands to the ef Wiseousin, fur lb ennstraetion of tli re roads, of an aggregate length tf Bv bun drJ and threnil n. 'lr. Stanton mad an inrffectual motion that the bill lie oa It. tnbly CO, nays 70, 71u. b time was eonsumod in preliminary quo timia, calling yta and nays, sts and pending t'.s e-innidsratrjej of th bill, Tbe llous tbcu a-'j. urtiid. WsiiiiKovoa, May 21, S va, Asaoug otW tiutiusa, lb I Bvimlng a bill wis pawed giving pension of thirty dol lars us'iuth.lof Uf to John Nugent, of S. Turk, ln 11 b-t(j bis ami on board th t'nited ; i tlx ship riartnsnknrn, wbil eng igsj in Iring a 'o'e in bn r uf the birtbJity uf tb Queea uf din. , Jtr. (Vllamiir ret-.rted bill to test tb pr !.-: . 'y aud asefulues of tb attnospbrie tsle r; . Tie UK to grant tb ri' t of preemption In t i ,'.a li il tn lb !u.l,Jn V early Meeting of t e 'y .f Fiin.Ji aw pawed. Mr. 7 !. alUikrd tbs proereJinge of tl e I I.. I . .1 t. r I. argnihg th.lt tbry sliouM b sit s it as fr as C oi grs as wuipU'il to do Mr. r.f-jtoila f und fsult with tb ieto of tb i r - ' t ot to St l r TLsl bill s f lU bi t 1 r. , m eUtrui"lS f I la U S BP rUlSl f tl S .: ; i. H U ine-I U ill ibni JisJgmsat 'is A min-io 1 S,Tlnt that of th t . r 'ft.t. i ',r, 1 iU st j.w4 of tl.s iotr. pij l lrbty f i . pr... Unt to I'. ('Mtiiuti", ami gsv ao- r I l I ' 1 '. ' b-Rgth. dfn l til t' T . 1 - J antil to m ifruw, i 1 u. ; - ;i - it .(i t. ,r i o! iiiiiii TUs till f rnl- a c.farii'4 tflund io aid of three raiiroad in the State f Wisconsin wu pveed rea SI, naytT". Mr. Cobb, of Alnb-tnia, front tlie Committee on Public Land, reportej a bi'I i;ra,utiti(; land to Alabama to aid in the coiirtruction friimd therein, and it era paaacd yea 74, nuv 01. Mr. Bliss made an hour's speech on the new question of slavery 1 Th lions adjourned.. , , Wakih.k.tosc, May 22 -Sixarc. The Senate peered the joint resolu tion allowing Dr. Kane and the officer of the Arctic Expedition to accept token or aeknow- i leugmcma a th Britirb Government maybe placed to present. Tbelill j.aed by vote of avee, S5, nay 4. ; Mr. Gejer oi) tbe reeeptioj) (r-n the Ilium of tbe nnnooneement of tbe death of Mr. Miller of Mifouri pronounced a eulogy on , the deceased. And the Senate adjourned. . IIolWK or . Ilti'itxaiNTiTiVE. In the Houne Mr Lindley announced thedeath of Mr. Miller, member of Cor.grcM from Mlmiouri, and upoke in exalted form of Uii public ao'I private character. Mr.' Humphrey Marshall pronounced glowing eulogy on tbe deeoMcd. ; . The oirual resolution of rcufcct paucdeacb IIoue. . ; The House adjourned. ; WasniHCTOs, May 23. BEKSTtf A message waa received .ft President of tbe United Htutes, returning tbe bill making appropriations for th improvement of St Mary' river, in Michigan,' with hi objec tion. . ' i Mr, Wilson, rising, said the tent of hi ol- bngue (Mr. Sumner) wu Vacant to day. Yes terday, after the touching tribute of respect to the memory of deceased member of tba House of Representatives,' th Sonot adjourned. His oollonguo remained Id hit teat, engaged, with pen io band, in s position which readored biin utterly incapable of protecting himself, Mr. Pres ton 8. Brooks, a mouther uf tbe House of Repre sentatives, approached him unobserved and ab ruptly addrauie'd him. Looking up and beforo be had time to at!er?a single, word iu reply, L be revived a stunning blow upon tbe bead from o citne in th hands of Mr. Brin k, which made him almost senseless. Endeavoring, however, to protect himself, in ri sing from bis chair hi desk was--overthrown; and while in that powerless condition lis tu beaten upon the heed and shoulders by repented blow until h sunk upon the tbxir of tho Senate, exhausted, unconscious ax d covered with hi own Mood.- He wa raised from th floor by a few friends, tuken into tbo ante-room and bis wounds dressed, nod then carried to bis house and placed upon bis bed. II wns thu utiabl to be with Senators to day, to porfbrin tb duties which be long tu him as a member of this body. To assail a member of th Senate for words spoken in debate, out of this Chamber wu a grave' offence, not otjy against tb rights of a mcmbor, but the constitutional privileges ot this body,but for a man to coin Into the Chamber and assault a member Io bis seat until he falls exhausted upon this Boor, wa an offence requir ing tb pninipt action of tb .Senate Mr. Wil son said be should submit no motion, lie .eft thai to older Senator, whose character and posi tion in the Senate and before tb country emi nently fit theia to tak th load in measure to rodii the wrongs of t member of th Senate, and vindicate 'tin honor and dignity of the body. Mr. Seward submitted resolution that a er.ni mittoe of fivefatcnibeni bo apioiiited by tbe President pro tem, to inquire into the rheum tTi person of tbe Hon. Charles Sumner. ii-em- ber of tli Senate; In the Sonata chamber yestcr- Tday, and that said eommitt b instructed to re. port a statement of tb fact, together with tbeir opinion thereon to tb Senate. At th suggestion of Mr. Mason, t' resolution was amended so that th eomaiitlee should be elected by tbe Senata, and Messrs. Cass, Allen, Doilgo, I'c Uo and Gey or were sloolod as said eommitte. . Mr. Fruart gav notico that b sboulj at an sarly day ask leats to submit an anicnjoisnt la tli rulos of tb Senate, declaring It out of order for any Senator in detail tn use htnguag roflant Ing Bfon tbe conduct motive of any other Senator direourteouiilf or ituppiperly rel'ccling upon tb action of a Stat thr than thone represented br the Sun,ttor spenking. A large number of privito loll" wer passed. Tb Scuat ailjoun.ed till Monday. Iloi'st or tirsrriTTivas. Mr. Wsjhlom of Mainr, from tb CnmmittM of Eleetlona, re ported a resolution, that James C. Allen, of Ills, n I os, was not (levied, and is therefor not entitled to tb scat now held by him; and that W. B. A roller wu (looted, and is, tbarvfot, tutillrd to tb seat M r. Stephens has prcparxl a majority report Tl further ei wiileralion of tb iitjct wa post-ned antil tb ninth of June, Mr. Cam) Ml, of Otiio, rue to a prirlb ged qurstiou, od-ring Ui following: Wberea. on tb 22d of May, lH'K lb linn. Prvston 8. Bruoks snd lb "Hon. Lawmie M Ksitl, member of this II. u fmra South Caro lina, and ether aibers, either as pnrx-lpals or ac-'ossorie, ierptratrd a violent auaolt apon tli persoM uf th Una. Charles Suinner, a Sena tor uf th t'uitsd Stat front th Stat of Mania ebusrtts, wbil remaining la bis seal in tb Sen ate eliauibet la the performance of duti apper taining to tb said ofliee, then fur b it Besotted, Tliai a commute of fit member b appvinitd by tb Saker to liitetligat lb saljsot an report tb facts, ilb b resolu tion ia rtfereoe thrre'o u in llielr Ju lgment msy be proper and areeuarf for lbs viudieatwe) of th charai'trr of this Ilmse, and that (aid eommitte hav poser to tend (r persuu aad paper and employ a stork; also that they hav Wan to fit diiriug th session of tbe lloue. Mi?Cliugmaa (aid b wa eatl.'.od tb slale ment wa a gross fal'ehabd, bat that b did aot awsnj to Impul to Mr, Csai liII aa Intention to misrepresent. s 'l b Snakr hating decidad that tb priii ton was ia r !r, . Mr. ('Iii.ftnnn appealrd frora tb d"eil'n; and on Bktitixn uf Mr. Camplicll. lb appeal Vu laid M the lU-veM i, asys 71. taring tb pvr ors Mr. IVmks d a peisrirsleii'analim.Mj'nig. oa tb b jro of a (tttUinaaj, thai a-4 a bumaa being on Sank , knew when or wl.sr th liaoSMUow Ulsadad s wou'd eK-uf, ssivpl bimsU. J Mr, ('inpU.ll and ol,rs rsmarkixl, la re ; srna I qusatlua, tb4 Mr, Cam; ball's pr (p.'to a was the prixia-4 f M out Is tiag er : r itrus . . j lag more t.j.in t ini Mr. Camp!e31 modified bis preamble by adding aqo.ii:Ec3tioo; "whereas it i represented," and striking out the name of Mr Keitt Tb latter gentleman suUtqoeutly said b did sot know tba ""P"' bBJ peng them. The Black Be tim nor the plac wber the transaction (th , P'lwans nl ke sbain Democracy, have united usault) would tak place. lie wu not vn new the parties at tba time. ... Th resolution wu agreed to jeu 63, nay 63. 1 Tb Speaker appointed tl. following named gentlemen are tlie Committee: Messr. Campbell of Ohio, Allison, Cobb of Georgia, Greenwood and Spinner, , After further proceedings Tbe House adjourned till Monday. N - ' 11 I i Tbe War of th factious. - - From present indications, it would seem that tb portion of the Antr-American alliance whs tyle themaelve "Th National TH.-miieracy," will have a regular shindy at Cincinnati. Tb wire workers ot Washington and elsewhere, in tbe interest of tbe rival aspirants for-tho nomination bar been bu'V, for. months past, drilling their respective force, and there are many conflicting roports afloat as to who atunds tb best chance for the honor of boing beaten by tbo National Americans in Novemlier. . Tbe New York Herald (in the Piuchanan inter est) publishes a "statement from authentic data," which gives fifteen of th Virginia delegate to Buchanan, and thirteen to the opposition, tearing- j eight delegate yet to be heard trom ; "the oppo sition to Buchanan," continues tb Herald, "is split up into tar or three factious," consisting of th partisans of Pierce, Dougla and Hunter. We quote further from Bennett' Washington eorruspondonco ; "Buchanan says that when be was abroad be felt"- no particular interest in the renult of tbe electioii(.,.JIeupiMed himself out of the ring. Hut now l(iat he "has relumed and finds his friends entering into the matter so warmly, he docs feel au intuient in the matter. Ihiuglas says that until lately he bad no Intention of running, and, indeed, bus no personal aspiration that way Cow. He bad been told ull along that the Ne braska bill was so unpopular that no person so closely identified with it as himself or Mr. Pierce would have the slightest show. Now, however, when the deiuoernuc party intend to take up this Kltifrli! isnee and fight to win on it, Itouglas says It think" it a banl case if the nun who introdu ced the hill should not have a chance. So he is "iB the pool." Mr, Pierce think that after the sacrifice he made, for the first two years of his roi(tn, for the abolitionists at the Nerth, by giving nil tho offices to the Van Uurenites, the tremendous somerset he had to take afterwards to please th South, and th awful pull on bis conscience caused by writing those Kannaa messages, he deserve a second term. So ht enters for the race. It is now figured on several slates that the hard ntid soft delegations from New York nri both to b admitted or both rejected. The Southern del egates say that they do not fully comprehend New York politics, and do not tlierelore, wish to act as empire in a local dispute. Their view is, that whil th bards show a clean national re cord, the lofts at the last election polled th most votes who are anxious to remain in tbe party; also, that whil tb soft exhibit free soil antece dent", the bard ar sadly tinged with Know Nuthingivui." If tb rumor alluded to at the close of this ex tract be true, it of on urns settles tb question ; th Southern Aril'-Ame ricam who time ever shown themselves tolerant of the "frewoil wing oftht Northern lii uiocracy," will not deliberate a mo ment u to "which tf the two to oheo" anti- slavery or Americanism ; they can fraternise Villi Van Titircn, Cnubrelling and Iledfield as of yore, mid agree to i,-m rc "for this election," the liosiliity oftheM) worthies to tb extension of slavery ; but they cannot abide even tb tuspi ebui of a preference for native born citiicnsever the (migrants, wbu, according to democratic 1 igle, eonle amongst u with intuitive quabfiea- tions to till tb oGces of th country I Th difEcultie in tbe wny of an amicable sot tleuient of the question "who arath New York democrats t" are further complicated by a ttiau. ifuato publiiihed by bundnd of th leading softs of New York, In which they adjure the resolutions adopted at their last Stat Convention, and that th siiuon pur, democracy uf tb Empire Stat stand now, u tbey hav vr stood, in rm and uncoDiprouiising opposition to slavery exten sion. Add to this tbe troubles In Missouri, wber tli Bsntop and Ati hison faction are arrayed in deadly hostility to each other, both tending a full delegation to th Convention, and w hav a fair prajiact uf a "beautiful row" at tli very outset uf lb proceeding uf tbi eecoluve m the bk.d winl m of the "barmouiouB and buwogen-iis-.o , dun icmcj ." lb.w it is all to end "tiu aud ehanc" will detormin t hut w aliali b surprised, if th deliberation of th Contention do nut result, as tho of siiailar locofUu aasem blage hav msuited, in a determination by all hands to "agra to diaagrs" about alavwy, aad uuit fur this leuua, ua som dugb-fa4 poli tician w Iw aan b made available at tb North as a fret toiler, and at th South as aa ardeul frieud of lb "peculiar institution." A set of resolu tion . "(ail sf suud aS rrv slBl'rls( aetltlef." will Vs adi ptrd as a Salitmal iHutfurm, and th gam of fraud aud deo-ption aarvied a withtb sain seal ss in "ui," but u w fondly bop, with far dillursut rs'ulia. .Aut.oawl iiMrrinia. Mr. r Ulnair l'rFctaa Tli iiichiooad Whig, earaful ia its statements of facts, make th fvlluaiug remark apva th eaavassE As to Mr. Fillmore' ! , w uasMtor thata txesllenl aud (rowing touchier (teiy dav, M Uosvsh will uttnu a pUrality it mA aA-aj .is ly vote, In most ot it. Virtbst Suuta, aad, an tler th io .H olur..rhle eirvwntatanvas. It will b almost sur to divide lb tortirsl vol of lb Nutb ilb tli Cincinnati r-tnMt. Virginia and S 'h Carolina ar th lji Niulhera Slat Hist w ar willing tu (- 1 to lieauixracy and ttirv will at get them willwut a sever strtig. .e. lb ballaatc lltaf ar not eartaia for Ful unit put i u doulitfui SuuhM AIsIkui, Mtlsipmand Arkas. Vt bars Uiat Mr. Nuirt to hi pch bsf .rs tb Suwaton t'uniMiiH.n, mad aa aattmat, and rlaiuia I as certain fur l Imors, th teetotal twtea if th fuibiwing trtaaes vt I Maaaa-hiisoli, 11 1. 1,,. I. 1.1,1,4, 4 Nsw Turk. Si Ksw Jiissy, 7 I'vni.itlianis, ! Martlsnd, ft ksntiKhy. 12 lnnssaa, . North I'sroltalat liaiaiarta, Miaaouri, Caiifurtiua, livlawara, Fietida, which atak a tuts) uf l' 7-l a, or than I na eiy I aa la.-ni., 1 akmg it alltrstbr w .. k upon tb SMistsl u preily l.ir. 1 k lifHds ol tilimor. ihsretore bare s rubt to fiwl j tars,-it. Arrl,hi.k.pe wkola taira snake "osar ira4. 1 heir bns at tout s ton U4 fiwa la ' of a.dittoaU dttMwm, ta orttor to new-tojiu-r Utaa tboas jf tb Iiemwraey. aa tbutg ( rare a a.i. Irrslaiaaa tor lbs tom4l of tb isnd.at present V ear Mkini maea atol 1 1 HrrK U iwn Ms rd ta ilaa.il a Corda- abs asaj 1st oausi4 at t incianam as regard sns eaaoidats )! bl aa fomidsbis m asuib- sr. tik prr startwnts, fil.m. san total aV a. tl.ay east put f rtb aud that t , ,!, it . It sad sli h is frisssts, searrywbsrs siturr apea lbs wk M tb eaa.ta-a sartisMs and mi, s4 lb reawli Will ant to aVrwUiful 1 ak furt-t-"tb skis at Lri) bl said brir:b tuny" FeJltlcal fcjMdcraliaa f th Went Ua4 Our America! friends rrywhr must bewars of th -ticket otUte allied powers, and keep their .logettier to kill Jf th American party by a con- tinua. rtetitio, of fabrication, and th. FHr of pr.litical cndralim such as th eoaotry never witnemwl before. When two partie so boyttful of tbeir strength atbes allied powers, nod it ceoessar to indulge ta monstrous lying in order to okea tba American onus, it 1 evidence that hey know and fl that tbey n- aounter forniida.le opponent in the person of r illmor and lotelson. Th foul gsmebeing played, is thi. Th Wab ington Union anc other foreign organ raise th ery that th American party has no existence North, and th N.-w York Tribun and tlie whol abolition pack tale op the cry and endorse it To prodnce soma shadjw of a proof of such as sertions, they piblisb the proceeding of State contentions and tounty meetings refusing to rat ify the nomination of Fillmore and Drnelson, and represent them to be-oonvention and meeting oftb American party, whereas tbey are meet ings of black Kepuhlicont who withdrew from tbe American party after our Philadelphia Conven tion of 1855. ' ' Lt us call to- our reoollc -tion some of the tricks of these allied powers latt year. After the tlie American prty ado;i'e I their na i nal plat-r-aaa in l'lulJlpl.i-, w:u l.ili uv, . declaring that w could not poll ten- thousand tote ic Maasachusetts on such a platform, and the New York Seceder said w could not poll seventy-five thousand vte in the Empire State. The " Democratic" paper all over the country eiied bold of those declarations and endorsed them, and then worked quite as hard to give tbe Black ipublicjin a victory in'these two State, aedidOroely, WociTUCo. But, when th ejection cam on, the conservative American of Masta chusetts heat the Freexuil seceder oot of their boote, and New York wu also carried by ojir friends by a largo plurality. Well, u it was iu those two Statos last year, to it will be at tbe coming election, saving aud excepting a majority tor our ticket largely uioreased. The recent elections have shown that the Black Republicans voted with "the Be mw racy "in order to avoid exhibiting their weakuess when sqxmi- tnl from the conservative nortion of the onnul. ii tion tttjhe power that be. They make a great noise and indulge in extravagant bouting, but when their votes sholl be counted, it will be seen that their strength is "all sound and signifying nothing." Th soeds of abolitionism having been extensively sown in all thenonslaveholding States by th Van Burcn Democracy some year ago, it i from that party that tb Black Republicans will draw the most votes for tbeir candidates This the foreign party leaders are well aware of, and it is for this reason that they labor o indus triously toproduc th hnprrssion, that the con. test will b between them and th Black Repub lican. They hope by this policy foTrTghton into the support of the Cincinnati nominees, aa many American voter u they ar certain to lus of 4heirown men by a Black Republican nomination. lbe fulnehorxi and misrepresentation that will appear every day in the I'emocrntioorgans, with tb view of bui ding up Black Republic ism, ought to Ik treated by our frindu tbey dserv, and that is laughed" at. Scarcely one hub in ton of tho Northern and 4"orthwestorn people, outside of the great Frecsoil army, tint ! wu organised Jay tb Van Burens and kept in tbanald tor aia gives himself anv concern about th slavery qunnio i, and wou'hl jo-t as willingly vol slavery into new Territories a to vol it out. At any rate, they do not ear enough about it to in.lnee them ti disturb tbe harmonious relation between tho Korth and Stiuth by their action upon h. Thi is proveu by th fact that political abolitionism was always a liolpleiu ihine nnUl " Democracy." Ihrou,,!, the ii.nueoce of the Van Burens, contributed two or three hundred thousand recruits to It It it from thi. source that Black HenuMicenism will obtnin most of Its supi-ort, and tberfore th "Dcuiootaue party" will b lb greatest sufferer by this new orrfini latHHi, whan tm-e loving allies shsU epart at th Pffidentiat eleetioa. Nn rTorts will U spared by 4btt allies to cry dirwyj and In down tb American party in tb coming canvass, and therefore our frismls sbmiM nti tr viKorouasy tnte tb Jight by tongu and n liallimori Cliiptr. pen Aratbesw Thing Ncthlagt Tb N. T. Express very forcibly say "Atvhbl.hop lluithes, tb head and front of th Hierarchy in thiseounlry. has declared the grand aim and obtoct sf " th Church " is u malt? Ilumr Ikt IhMrirl of CufHstota Ike trkuU mtrlj;1 I that nothing f Arcbbiahop 1 lathes is at this moment nraged in raUiugan iiiiiuensefiinil.fi thearkoowlr-lgrd purpose of atali!i-hing t Cullrie in l!om,for th edueation of Jesuit f, ths I'niird States, th I'ontitf deeming th ducation of bis priests tU fetiiv. if obtained in a land of liberty. 1 that nothing f This asms Archbishop Hughs, there i vry reason to believe, hu actitsly enlisted f..r h Presidential eleetion, in onler to break t)a -.;. die chord of tb American I'artv" (Lb very ( pressioo b uakn us ol.l ths Irish Roman Cath oho tot 1 to b fitwd with th Blark Krpuhli ana tb Black Ilefubliran slpulntin( ft special li(ilalion for Horn, if Uisy get luto pow er, 1 that Nothing f tlrr-tss Hrnwnsoa-- leading aathnrity. and on of tb most (antous a ..tlcs of loKnshUm ia Ameriia. declares that the is kis nUrriIrr Iff Ike I VaurfiiHHMi t.f Ikt aiic.l S:l,t. Tin lu- tn are Court is subordiuat to tb Vatican. Vst, i Uiat noiliii gf A Papal haneiQ wasreiit fn m Riot, not long aft, elolbed wMb a f iraign authority, to a-ljudi-caltupnn a oscular qoti , arTtsaing lerritorial JridK-tion tn, in tin Stat. I that noth ,iir ' A B ntith I'.i.l, .p ia an a-tjoiaing diucax, 4. rbtrea that "4'atbolM-(lector la this snaatry.wb do not as tbsir u frige in Ulialf of th wnay rsts K-lnmls, are guilty of mortal sia," I iiiat aithln(f A kuaiieh BUbnn, In sur plater BepublisVf Mexico, bail a few day acou it wrrr.waa baad i rrl sllian scamat tlx Kspal.hcm ttovem mesit f l'raiilnt t'oaafor), pttilinf arms Into lb hands of has flosk, and hi hrothsv rlsrry, . to (fhl acaiast, la onlar to svet throw toa gnvwmntml. Is thai Sotbini f Rwblr thews are thin z that areaianl fvsted. not siitiply on tb itistm-Mt p( laa, twenty so-a hundred year r but to dsy nmr. Tbey are lb daods and d-UrtitaT that tssasat. and an of ta awt. Tbs f a.i st.tt h Msrlf. tus tosdly staoial Rowta, and it war far agamat etil and re I gtoa litony. In vsry naitoa m who-b has bad aalhon'tv, to (sera ased a re-saKiresKeat tf its dmiiai rua aa tntelligaaipvpla, bkaeatra, was ar rsadsr of hiaturs. u all as of awiaor. I'obt trad dwtafrtie, wltuas f lirv It U to snak "ttoa rVtsaiis f st'4snh AreblaaV-ajta, ia antor to fat tbs VMes ol wbu Ibt ars tba too- ' sal t llalw it.s. h4 Uar ks (maisa zzz'- iT.";Te.7 tis ans-tl.a gaaaaaiars ars da, rets aad lb skps ki U playsd M srs eastajal worth a 1 rea !.i.aj eas.ps.ga-tot .1 11.. , 1. tare are ot fcaok'ur-l Is ll and. al all l .iwta fW b uatiroi 10 r ill eWw u tb (lct t,f ail fals pn , bat. " ' rot tag ta. . . Dear Sir Tboogh I hav no personal aequain anca, with you Itrast you will permit bm to say throuliryixir columns that thestansmentmadea a lata namtiar of tli North Carolina Standard, that Mr. Gilmer eamanat at Murphyfia Cherokee coun ty, for abirge Bank to bejb:tiJou Kail Ibjad stock nor will b eisewbere advocate any audi scheme. It must b apparent that -ths Editor o th Staailard hav no dasireto do M r. Gilmer justice or to lay tbe truth touching thi important matter before th public. Their desires are 'all bounded snd expressed in ens word ; and that is selfish ness ieoure tb Locofooo' party in August next by any means, or at any sooririo of honor, truth for justice, and they wiu b satisfied aye re joice lustily provided .ths party give uiein the publie printing at th exorbitant price liich they hav been receiving long enough to nuke handsoms fortunes. What care they for the de velspuieut of tb resouroe of the State or the prosperity of th people f IKrect taxes may rise upon ths people the hard-fisted yeomaury of the. state like Unit ot mercury in tlie theromoneter in doj; days hut what care such Democrats u the Editor of the North Carolina Strndnrd for all these things? They no doubt entertain the opin ion expressed some ti mo since, by their friend-and favorite Gor. Wi;, that the people do not pay half taxes enough that tbe true interest of the State require that the direct taxes of the State should be increased until tbey are made to groan beneath thoir oppressive, weight, Th greater the revenue raised in this way, the greater will be thoir proportions of th spoils of (be public plun der. Hence we find these devoted friends of the oauxe of 1 lemocraey and defenders of the patriotic au'd chivilmus knights of tho Locofoco order, bringing all the miirhtv power they wield over ins iima ana nie of their p.trty, to bear, against everyone. I care not .who be may b, who may be honestly laboring 4o devise the way aud mean to relieve the people of some of the bur den that have been verv iniuiliciouslv laid odor them in thi State by the recklen legislation of !, I..i . : an :. : " ; .t i, snmiuu. nmr auy it is ungenerous ill ine Americans to noio .mem accountable tor the abominable tax bill paused by the lost General Aasem bly. And yot when Mr G iUner, in obedience ttthowishesofavast majority of the freemen of .orip v.aronna venturea to suggest t He on lv feasi ble scheme that can be devised, to render the abomiuuble tax bill by the last Legislature on- .npeoasary. tlie Editors forthwith coniuienoe.ko.ow ii)j!'.rjtid williully, tydistort and misrepresent nis proposition in the most reckless and snaine ful manner possible. Nor i thi all, quite a num ber of Democrats who are now canvassing for seats in tbe next Legislature, have com out. and are now canvassing their counties in favor of chartering the same Bank, that Mr. Gilmer i in tavor of. Nevertheless the Kditor of the organ are now rnisine the partv ohout to drive these men back into the ranks or crush them out u he did Mr. tenable, because he voted from North Carolina a small portion of the nublic lands to keep down., the direct taxes upon the citixeu of North Curoliua. It is well enough to give twentv million and more to th State of Illinois to build railroad, of th publio lands to anilow eollege and free schools and all the other new States in like pro portion. Yot it will never do fur the freemon of this State to b relieved of thoir burdens by tb General Government in this unconstitutional mnnner- It is only tolerated in the new Status, among tho refractory freesoilcrs, because expe rience ho demonstrated that it is absolutely ne cessary to enable the Democratic party to carry their State. Here in North Carolina where w can hatoh oot hnmbucrs aa fast as thev mav he required to gnll the true and tried friend of liemocracv. such donations when they are tender ed to, or demanded for North Carolina ars in dignantly to be resented by the Locofoco of this Beveled of the world u " clumoniuary giJU from mtjearrai uvrerHmrni." lint when this federal '.oturnnii-.it drags from Old Uip MOU.GW and more of duly, from th public treuury of th State, by their advalorem tariff on the iron news sary to construct our roads, all tlihr is perfectly right inasmuch u ithosuieeflect of increasing tho direct taxes of the Stats prove our people to bo bih minded and chiviirou Stat right dunces. .But above all this partial jjrstem should ! conti-iuiicd because it bos never failed hereto fore to givethe party the victory and its leaders the spoils, and aa we, ths servants of the people gtour fat and slunk upon our litteral lelarics we nrc thorehy euahled all tbe better to draw a fuithlul contrast between th condition of lb laboring class and th on a Kind Providence hu permitted u !ooccupy for juio tjioe past, through tbs plentitu.de of bis mercy. No class of society is so well qualified to trli the difference betww-n the ins and out u we, and duly appreciating tbe difference o w do. tb public will, w trust, especially tbe Democratic partv of it. excuse os for using every possible exertion and resorting to any lucaii wittiin our power to retain our preaent position and income, beside, a hu been well remarked by a prominent msnilisr of our party, tb Democratic party, though tbey profaa to Ii progressist ar emphatically a partv that hu been greatly troubled in it lime with emo tions it make no propositions alway assume th nsgntivs and fight for thing as ihey ar forced by publie oppression to yield and then u in tb eompromiss u 1M0, it submits with tb bast grace it can but only for th tim being with the merit, I reservation if by any mean it Can hereafter restore tbe old order of thi bings, tt will do it or die. Th Ilsmosrary oppissd ths N. C. Rail Road and when it wu chartered tried their bst sr reiiesl it Tbey npp.cd th distribution of ths Public Ijind r their proceeds among tb people of tli diSerent States, and when tkirigreu, tim after time, passed bills fur this purp m lb great leaders of our party bars iovanablv sieppsd fir- ward and mainUined Uieseurail ireoera. bi.l-J f I be kind and the asm may h aald of appropria tion f"r works of Internal luiprotemeuu ly the general Government Therefore to be sotiaiatsnt sad carry out tbs principles of lbs lists or ratie party w must miareprsasnt and oppos Mr. tuluisr's scheme for a Bauk in every way that it is witbia our power. Ws will fiirhl sll prepaai tions, that b may mak Is ralicte ths psnpto from heavy tasre and inirrote tlie t.iTa without inrurrlng tb LardVn to a grsatsreiteni vt if any nt th American party dares to try to bold th Itcnxcratie party rsi. n.U.I (r prsaent annopular tax toil wa will duooane tout Ldmsritu in very axiaiW of tlx tyandat.J thai w wau won lus t y b by w gav the print tb other day to th 'seders sad stump ora tor ia a abort article ws pub tsbed and in thai P".raraph i snucbw) all lb great prim ipla of to a vicionou irenaueraue par.y or tns si wintry And thai is " nmpats a,WSiy bmt t)pum ssasy. fSisj' tiiimsr hu dosw, and is now, ws under stand, proposing to do a great deal th. Bragg hu d". u ithmf and prupoaM to do tb aatus hs is tbsrsfors a most stssllssil rsprcasntatit of North Carotins lieiaueraay. II Lt Lisd- notbing and noa-suotaiittal eoure will l Iu f 11 w ur advk-s. and keep Mr. I,!mr im tbs diftnaivr, and all the subalterns sr-d amlsni slumps of ths lisaioenu aad ami Know Nothing party will be careful to imitate lit (tempi set tbess hv his Ktxsllesjry Go. Tliaiaa Uraga, junior. Tby will tnd it to their a-lranU; to atirod aha h spraks and tat sola sn as In snalds lhm to ksvp tola sad Ustr dirty, ragged, hsars. Isaa. lossy epponrttl oa tb de fa hairs. High Mxh and ieitMwray ar old and agres. abl SMntiMitoa in A la I an., Mtsaiasippi, Ar kansas. I'saiaaylvaaia attd irjrmut thay are old sad ba SMBMBMitt-and where lh M biggwr sa bass bad ih sarsedant; tb-ra thay srs ad dsd and will triumph furerer. It be tb r-oa-ry gvuasiad bsnreib tb distrea that mfeaia-itb bind ia l"tl-lbn Iir,.rcy rl.isv.d na iSal vtotsry is nwtli Caroliaa. Oar party baa always nuvestled tt bast p'pl are nf praaasd uae,rsntiy wdiappr. id any pr;.,l..,a that may bs aad by Mr. Iiilnwv or any sa U to rrlisva lb r"fbj rVeaw pavir ( tots. AS OLDllSkt HUT TO PI LoKUIg uCLttB, TVs lltotsatssst Csaav Waahiagtosi May 31.-A surniptanlia was Seal to ths lluaa to SVae ts tslaltos la tka aalUs. rr,r,Wrw tt uvrr:'Cw 1 tsra Ml. Bekhastaa and Lord PaJsMf aViat. Tb tore cuss lb lallar af rsaaissag , Utwrtoat brtUrs Us Ihilr serrsapoHd j , ,. . - .. . hud Woes PaiiiasMSjt, thus ginsg a View sf tbs sbe- ffaswabl to tb Lsgltsh .dsea'v For th Korth Carolina Star. Caaas CsavsatJss, c Raleigh, May 20, 1856. The Executive Committee of the North Caroli na Stat Agricultural Society met Prsssnt : The. Ruffin, Wat. R, Pool, Charles L. H in ton. R. A. Hamilton, William II. Jose, and tb Sec retary. Ths object of tb masting being; ss stated by Chairman, to hav th Society represented in th Convention to b bold at Washington City.oa th 10th day of Jun next, for th purpose of taking soma dsoisit atop, oa th part of tbo interest ed tor th reductionjf tb prio of Guano: . Tb following parsons war appointed Dele- gats to said ConventiM on tb part of this Soci ety, vixr -I Henry K. Burrwvn, Northampton. Hon. Weldoq N. Ldwards.Dr. lisnry L. Plum mer, Wi James M. Bollock. C. II. K. Tavlor. A. W. Venable, Tho. Miller, William A. aton, S. S. Kovster.Uranvills. lhouias McGehee, John W.Cunningham, Per son. James K. Williamson. linn. Bedford Brawn. Calvin Grave, George Williamson, Sen'r., Cas well. William- A. Graham. Paul C. Cameron.Elisha Mitchell, William J. Bingham, Orange. Hon. Thomu Ruffin.. ttdwin M. Holt Sen'r.. f Gen. Ucnjauiin Trollinger, John Stafford, Ahv manc. Dr. W. R. Holt; Davidson. Gen. J. B. Littleiohn; Col. J. A. Whitaker, E. . Crudun. Franklin. M Richard II. Smith. ITiomu P. Devereui. Nich olas L. bong, V illiam-Uill, lion: John Branch, uaiuax. 1 John S. Daneev.. Robert R Rrido. Il.nr. Murdeeai. William NorrlesL William O. Raltla Turner W. Battle, Kdeeoomb. tnarlesL.Uinton, R. A. Hamilton, ThomJ. Lmay, Wilson W. Whitaker, L. 0B. Branch, Needham price, A. Mial, Wake. R. C. Puryear, Nich. W. Williams, Surry. . Peter W. Ilairstoo, Davie. John M. Morehead. James Sloan. Robert J. Lindaey, Ralph Gorrell. Guilford. Josiah (.llin. Charles Pottiirrew. II. O. Snru- ill, J. G. Noroom. Waihincton. Lewis Thompson. John Devereux. Cullen Uapehurt, Hortie. . ' William K. Lane, Col. John Everitt, Geo. W. Collier, Wayne. Warren Winslovr. Cumberland. William D. Bethel, Thomu S. Galloway; Dr. Edward F. Brondnax.Hon. Thomas Settla Knelt. ingnam. . Charles F. Fisher. E. D. Austin: J. F.Foard. Rowan. Hon. A. Rencher. Dr. Fred. Hill. La iiittigoion, vnatnam. J, W. B. nation, Johnston. L. W. Humphrey, Onslow. Thomu S. McDowell, Bladen. Hon. Kenueth Rayuer, Hertford. Oi motion, ordered. That tba Sneratarv ad. dress a letter wiiich he bt authorised to have printed) to aoh Delegate, notifvin him of hi jipomiment. On motion, it wa glor lletoletd. That Ielemte be appointed to ren- retent tbe Stat Societv in th Convention of ths American Pomologicaf Society, to b held in the tity of Rochester, New York, on Wdneday,tb 4M day of September next ine toiiowing persona wretbn appointed to attend said Convention, vist Messrs. George W. Johnson, of Milton; Joshua Lindley, Guilford ; Thomu Lindley, Chatham; and S. W. West- Drooas, Ouillord. JOHN C, PARTIDGE, Secretary. u,,, roa tug sr a a. Smithfield. N. C. V Msy, 23rd 1S56J To Jhe Editor of tbe N. C. Star. Dtv sigj, Allow ma, through the column of your good paper, to offer my nam to my fellow ciuva of Johnston oounty, u eandidato for Sheriff of said oounty for tb ensuing Urm. And as many hav been curious to know what party I am tb eandidute of, in answer to tbem, I am happy to say. I am not th candidate of any party. I am th candidate of th people. And ur far u th duty of Sheriff, I am happy that I am able to throw uids party feelings, aad tak as my guide the law of aiy Stat, and not tba dictate vf a party Yt allow me tossy that a an Iiids pemlant man.and an American, I am.at all times, and all place, ready to endorse th parting word of my Father, Washington, and tli advicanfa Jackson, Jefferson, Madison. Clavand a Web ster, and thousand of other great and good. niaioaoiru in warning American ol tn great danger of foreign influence, and aa such, also ready to endorss th great American Platform with the nam of Fillmore and Donolsos, a tl: national standard bearers of th same, and can sav with inch great and good men M Millard Fillmore and, Andrew Jackson Donalsoa al th helm our good and great American will be safe, and our glorious I n ion b held together despite all opposition of .Foreign Catholia iufiusno. So far si food. On word to bt friend and opponent Mr. J. A. Vinson, Sirt alt ho' yon hav th honor of be ing th nomine of th lm..craU: Convention held io Smithndd on- tbs 10th of tbs present month, and bat an humble or) ban b- y an your opiouent, -y u must iLyoa axpsot to succeed do u aa old lady said to ber ben that ah had sat on 24 Shanghai eggs, whso slit saw bsr ben did not eovsr half, h said "hea if yon aver exnect todoany thing for yourself, spread yourself," if my iriena stpscta w aa so Uing tor kimxll n must spread birasetr, tor I xpct to bs aft or him with a hmg puis freca th vary fast thai a good friend of mm informed m that oa half ws going for Bill snd ths othsr half fur A vera dowa hi way, so at friend must wau h bisoorks, or lb nomine will not bs Sheriff much tonisr. Yry Rsapsctfully, Your. Wat, n. A VERA. Rcgitt sr wilt do a a favor to py. . Tbs MlllbsaUr Psdr. Tb New Turk Flpresa, remark in g apnn tit notf nitioa of Padre Virgil, a Minister uf lbs Nieartguan Govern sueat say 1 " It something entirely aw, this Intrnduetioa of a Priest of li s Ib mss Catholi C harca. into thsdiptomsti eirrtos of W s.bmgtoa. Tb thing hu ba triad before esrtaia dsmagngasa high ia th ondaac sf th ISMBoerati partv w rrmm!r but it failed -u It dsawrvsd to' fail is k'miTliati ia ai.d disgrae W bsa tb papal Naaem, IWdui, wu ia Weahiagtos, it will rO reeollseteJ, asch high Prlsau and apostles of Is, averary u lbs Senator (-om Michigan, did thsir beat ts giv bias plan aad want ss far, rn, as to in ti mats IhsaTpsdisTiry of srennlasnsntlng tb Roman , by ailowmg it to hav a Nuneu rsaidawt ia lh tailed Htsta. Bat lb psopl in tixs dav war slightly ahesd af pubuetsss. If Ibsra ware dasagi.g at Waahingtnai, bswtog lbs tore to Baal 41. ppl at toast bad alsatsr and kol.ler ensHMpiiiiBs sf right ai.d wrong. ta Ibal aeeaaioa tbay rsvollsd araiast tb distia gsialted horror paid lb iatrigtiiaf ssataaary sf Ui ProMgasMta, and his hsvsrenesdnssvsrssl u aa u bs eaasrgsd fivss tb sns toil atoapbar of V aabingtos Ibal lbs sown try h. ysad was to hot la bald bias." IstasrteM trssa Havsss Tbs Spsjtkdl Caret a sssat Prrssrssig as sltark ttsa. tv altar, dk. Nw fn. May SI Tbs Masmsr Qakr Cllj hu eVrive-t at tbi port with data frost Ha vana t tli ltb. 1 bare were rsat la iraitlto al Havana that tb Itraaaiah tluitaaseiil are to ll sail tsa assdiataif al that rorl aa tip hi"- to pna-a.l tolMtaKtea tstmis agst Walks rs Nb esresrsa. ssd tbst s dtattsgabbsd IpiU tfteat hu Us already stosnsssbsd to lh e.aste of fata re sstma. 7 hare sre fartbs raa-a to lb tost srst'rw la to b hossbardad bt lb r-paai.b f-Mas to ss-sa ts stttosss w kTSMl ofsaisaa (laisM dw to tbs h paste lisaantasssit by If asi ss. Tkt BxuvssMwt, M to astd. to to pre.sat tos madiaialv, ssd lbs seemed sattvity pesvs.ltsg s-t ths rtr-sstefc aasa-W war St llarasa ss gsiit.g resdv tor aa wswid sa to gtv ersdase to tbs rwasvrs rphl Sobaeriber aesfrea to giv at M tkai v. LI hu for sale tas toUewiag new aad ZxZ? nva Colored Prints, w.iea are rails .rZr superior i any that ha karetotbr Wen - LIFE ON THE WESTERN FRO.-?flE w st.::H v i K s THE PCRSClT -SU2Si30. Repreanting a kimiieh a ths Phi. a a 5dJ?,PP?r U fttU f"""11 cf sa Ud'iaa CW decked In a is war paiat aad plums, mvss. warrior stems urging kis korss to Us statsst TaaTj aad attempting tododgsths unpeadiag bwllst fw tbs levelled pistel of his for. Ia ths dwUae. real sf tbebond ar retreating before th rifles tbs butttara. TIIK LASlfWAR yUOOP -Six 23 1 M. Th ascrring bullet hu breacht th art. 1- rlor to th ground, from which h nartlv raiaaa "himself to giv th but death ysll ofdVaaaea tolls enemy, who seated sa his saddle with tbe diseasr. sd pistol still ia his head, seams t regard baa with a look of mingled pity and hat. Th iarv mustang steed of j tbe Indian wildly endaavarrui break the lane with whisk tk Trsppav held his? The position of the beautiful blood bay bores efts bitter, bt partlettlorly fin, ss he regard th fallaa savog with starting y, tare laid-back, and for toet braced, as if shuddering at the unearthly soanl 7Vv Spirited Illustration! of Amtritcm LaU mi Forttl Hernery, in H infer. 4 DEER SIIOOT1NO "on th Shattnge" Sis 2 a 00. Two hunter In the foreground are croaehia hi rifi at a noble buck which with twdossj to hav come down to th opposite side of s anal stream to drink. The fresh snow oa th ground aud fallen trees, broken only by the hunter fool marks, is finely represented, aad th whole (sea en that will delight tbe eye f evsre tovr of hunting snd wood craft- ' TROCT FISHING, (through tb ic,) on Chats. augsy Lake. Site 23 x 30. On th fraxen surfsc of the tak la th front of th picture, stands aa snthuslastio disciple of In,, , Walto i, who, through a hole eut in the lee, if pulling up a fin Trout to b added to th group f beauti'i of the ssdis ort," whieh are lying th Hemlock bough besids him. In the' back ground is teen the snow capped hills, aad mid Way the wintry blast whirls th light now in a ebrad -before it. Thi U an extremely pleasing and nat ural picture, in all it detail, and- gives a vivid ides of our vigorous northern winter. TnE CARES OF A FAMILY. Site 23 x 2 from the Original Painting by A. F. TAIT, lattly : . exhibited of the Button Atlianeum, and at (As . Kaiional Academy of daign, al Xttc York. A very elegant sod interesting picture of a group of Qnail and young, (III site.) The anel bird mounted en moss grown log, with bead errr, and eye intent en tlie watch, lest danp-er -fault menses hi charge, and the mother bending itoas with open mouth, apparently calling her ehildrea to fesst on a tiny fly resting on the grass before btr. Twoof the tittle Hedging are running' with sger hut to secure the tempting morsel. Th solici tude oX tbe percnt birds, and th timid reUsae of tbe young brood are represented in thi beautiful group in a meaner whieh slicita at aura !L mAim. atioa and sympathy of th beholder, and weald successfully appeal to th -ferburaae oftb keenest sportsman. H. D. TURNER. N. C. Bookstore. - naieign stay, i860. 20 tt. Spring. Etofk t! Booti tad Shott. fpiIE SL'DSCRIBEB beg leav to inform kU X numerous friends aad sustomars, that h hu just received a lrg and wall uleeted stock oftb below earned good 1 - Udles Car. Kid Cong'. lid. 0 sit re. Bl'k Fr. Tlrped Col d " " 8. C. M ' Brown ' Siitch'd tngh. Kid L. L. " Bd. " Bootee. Gaiters, Bootes. Slippers, " Th'katTkiaJ. Linda. Mor " " . Our. Kid " k Mer. Parodis. Slipper. Buskias. Slipsere, laredie. " Bront 1 Lad is Whit Kid Goiters. ... .. t'ash " , " " Kid Slippers, Misses Car. Kid Roeett. Bl k Mor. Bd. Bootses, - tsd'd --- " n - Bl'k Tf.1-vr- aattert, . Col'd " Kid Mor. and Ot. Bootee Th'k 8olss. . pro. Gol d R. K. " Ch. Ol Wa t fc-Msr " - " Ass'd. Col'd Lu Gsltere, - " " Mor. Bootss. " Brit - u , - Ank. ti. 1 " Col'd " Cuh II d. BattesfOalter. " 1'at. Lea. Blrap tlbess sad Paaips. With a larg sssovtsasat of Heal s Gallere, Bests snd Shoes, Also, Trunks. Vslelcss, Carpet Bags, Halcksls snd Uoanet eases, with very at ber ar ticle asaally kept in a regular Bkss Bum. All is wsat would do wslt to sail aad exeadss befcre hnying, ss I will sail cheap for sash sa sis months lima, to punctual dealsre. Hair TH OL1UM KllltK eealinus to atsse future in Eituaaal styi, all bind of work ia ki lia ia the most fashionable aad darakl msaasr aad at th shortssl aotic, aad u aheap w ts tlste will ad.itd. . , LOOK FOB TUB BIOS OF THR ft HI BOOT. BENBV rOUTH. . Raleigh, May Vtb, 1R54. I Ot "J)IRCVUS GUAR 0 at lowest sask market t'tlLl' VB1AH 0rA"O,asataiahf Isrg srsr. tloas sf rasspkat f Urn sad frst Fasssasrsi Acid, hi hag of Iflnilho saab. l 1T.U rilUHPII ATE or LI MI ia hft sf InOIInsaaeb, sr la barren) u praferred Allan eelebretsd UKAI'INU snd ktOvTIKO MA' CM I K thst aanaot alog. Evsry daaertpliita afl UlWgssd Aunitikiu RALaad UliUTIt I Ll I H Ab latpleseasle. A fall sa.rtixasl sf (bs sbatsss F1SL0 sad QAttlixK DbKliM. It L. ALL It. M a 191 Wat it H. T. Kew Yset, May let, WA. , . 1 TO MERCHANTS. Stebblni, Mo7 id ft AlUn, V itirr rvstiT, stw root. IMrOkTKKI AID tiBALBIt I Drag, Dys. Cnantieala, Twtnmvj, T I A I JlH st lasted UWtt stark fsaas tba boat tbal Vs 11 .la ts ta I eyaiaaa a ra-, Sa skaala g tbat M eif a; no. aad ta aa tm aatli Inn aa atf stssnsr tots Is Ibis eaaMttrf . - Uvdrn as sotm as bf sasll ttl ataa with praaspt Sad aaaSal amstlt sd sn se fat rails aattaltiS. ST- rear stf ssat aa at Brasdsay katawa ralasa ukutkii iiif-fittiii ii liti ikiTtir- rpitB saaa.eir'd as tos aesaad a - sd s. I itn. e WJSia. sw Mta sirs a I as btbtasla ItoaS Sua. SaTlk rl i ss dall-s at ilta oka a fl i a laert absae sa all di.eiid ' ad batf. Ha kafS by kat aSlU SaS stoae alail- ta bta tailaia 4 aadf to eeeel. ks saaan s Hsaosl abas at eke asanas- a( ts pau1- ' J.I.AUt"'. UWfb, Aagsatlstt Pr, laril.'t tt 1tL THB aaattrsst toloa-s (ssd ssat kd aas, Vf Uardaa S flag. . tVeostvsd ssal to J by , w.L. rowrBOf. (Mob It, IbfJt. lJZ rrt.l .naaiMlaHl HSM let X laaa, ssael ! tof eo , kaS-oodst pat. a Bit a. Jt. , Itw IM tf- -SM if w "Tttr-N

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