7 N OIITH C A R 6 LI IV A STA It WE DN ESDAY 3JR-N INC, MAY 28, 185G Selected Poetry. Ymm !L Bwttva Traveller. , ).IM.i. 49 ' I gp to irr.ar a tiluce fur jeu." JuAa 11:2. 1 pi the dyirjj Cava. said, A maiist. p to t.renare. That je, vrbo ii my noister tread, ' Mj e my jlorj there. Ai"l i mine rJ.T, Jearet Lord, My spirit utile reply ; lr tu claim th blissful ward, And dwell with liod on b'gh. : Yee, mU t!.e Lord, the maneiun wiite 1'ast by the erjaiBl tea, , .'-. - Jl ml upen wide its pearly gates, Kxpectaift still uf the. And truth, nJ lore, i.d heavenly grace ., Float the glad portals through, My glory Ciw thy ready )lace, Till thosi art ready too. lf--om.fiea?itiaParty"ef t Caroli-a' CAUl'liTS, OIL-CLOTIIrf, iC, "ic. - At Convention : U American party, tela -at tUleigh, . ertHe lJih f t i. ir, iVio, llicf.- t lu.riiijf riouti..us were 4'iei: 1 y.VWwJ, That, at the rs,i s which tri..Wel the WM T of the American .rjtwi'-ii news- j aarr in iw ii.lncy. ktS sittt the. sewrel ecreauMiiait-uf the rir aether if ttsi.tt-ti.ie-t ; uh!irl ion, ein, eoeietiiutitHi, rituals, r r- 1 words be tf.rishe. ttvtt we- !o eotrnitutr iwr-, aire into a pub!ttly-orguixKl fi U-at 1 ; challenge oar of aments ts the puiilie liiecussi."! ; ut iur ;riiiciiil.i mid we do tiereliy iiivile and ; invoke "the aid and co-op1'''"0 "f thecmirn j of the Ktate without reirawi to tlieir former polit- j ical affiliation, in oiViutaioing "d carrying; out the itrut hn, jriooplv and object! i f thej A.uerican Psrtv. . 1 j JVesoiW, Thit we di h"retj ratify and en-j iffiree the principles enunciated, m the pliiifurm i of the American party, by the National Council ; uf the same, brain aiid held at Philadelphia, on I Heady, dear Ijrd, I tearful cried, luainettetl uut timnsini ran, in I nut aarcd.and aanctified lit blood that Thou did'at n.illT " IUt then not bear me day by day I' pun thy pierced heart, ' Aiid may I not, dear lord, I pray lie with thee, where tliuu aril ' lrinV cf my up, the Lord ajrain Made enswer filled for thee; And be baptised by death and pain, If tbou would' it reign with me 1 Ileneefortli I bear a joyful heart Iteneatli his Inring red, Binding a earthly joy depart, Thoto'i greater room for (iod. the. luiMtf ,vf Mir rmrtv. at) tanc to any mhios of mere governmental p.dii;y. Kesoivtd, Hint mete mrce grrai primury prui- ple are, JIM the onuneciern .i tne n.ni .ra, . K, rrtrin w.ir o.l.. and all other artlclee o8ioe and re:'(niliiitie r p-lml !tll,Di f BIU!y lPpt in iiirpi-t ftorfn. und'rm-(reniment,tinarive-bi)rn Americans j llK A fiRXT FOR AElXIXfJ with a due reptnl at the aauie time, w tue pr.- cur,art fc S)'t VomtY l. Thiee jlv and In tectioBof the fteiKii-b.rn in all the cud rilit gt.,,in c,,rpeti, wrll as rlHrlier e Aiihurii l'r. and privilege giiriid to fnenien by the om- ,u,c ,r,sci, ij-pl , Jnginin and Venetian Carpet tUntioit, watbr Federal or State. , . and Uuge. - tvaudlij, lSwiAtaiice to religta mt'iternnee. !' , ' - -' - ' - and a riid niaintciianve of the grent principle of , Hertlxig'a Patent Cbamplou and Burgler reltgtuua lree.m lV ejt-iuuinjj iruni i wince aim FrQOf galea. pJw.r lh.ewho-oUi.lper.Mitcturop1Iiion,.-nKe . i,,,,ri ..,.,,,i.,m1 b 1.- ,., ,., howouldcntrolthe puHticaolthcciMiitry through, i I ,rfei, tliIV fr:,m 'Fif,t. V llUrCn lllUlieurWr pueiij ihkiiumh, , wbo a.:knowte.lp.eau allegiance to imy power of ; arb whither civil orecsleniaelical as paramount j to that which they owe to the C'unHittiUoti. i And. Timlin. oiiawerTliiE aovotion to tne ; mio uf thci Statoa, and renietBHC; to all fae-i tllANtiKS. Wh"m firat we lore, job know, w teldopi wed ' Tine rule u all. And life, indeed, U not The thing we planned it out ere hope waa dead. j And then, we women eannot cboone our lot. Moeh muit be borne which 1 hard Jo bear! "' Much given away which it were aweet to keep. God help ua all! who, need, indeed, Hii ear. And yet, 1 know, the abepherd loveabii eheep. My little boy begine to babble dow, Upon my knee, bit earliest evening prayer ; lie ba tit tamer eager eyes, i anow ; ut,.4 piipcr, mfh a tlf.n'K Jlorlgiie, llecdl, mid ll'inftt ul Arc uut, tlntnthe nitlinar.v rA r r.a herf to-" ff re f n bm had uttrdd, iinlucd the aubkerittM tu i&evut u hii portion of tim und atlpntioli during the iiAat l'iurtcci Yearn lu making luiprovementa anil IMnrnvcrU'ii lor im timct't, mul ihi-r no hva lion and acetional atteiiiptn to weaken. la;d?-: j ,hilt ,,,, ,,(,:,,. h, b,?n cr.mnf.rwMU HrtulWI, I hut III ail niiminHtliinn ior poniicni 0( ,,.i.i,, ,f.-,m ,d ikcj now oll'.-r .ho I M I'liUVKD elation hereafter to LA made by Hi American llKHr.lNif HAJ I...1 AIR 1'ltfcJiIU.M Partr. it m ri'ConiuicnijMU that the nm le ne rum rnuur.au l Aid they ay too, hi mutlier' lunny hair. But when lie alecn and inile upon my knee, ' And 1 can feul bit light breutli oome end go, I think of one (llrnreo help and pity me!) . Wbo loud me, aud whom 1 loved long ago ; Who Blight bat becn'ob! whatt Idarnot think 1 V nr changed. God judge for u beat. God help n do our duly, and not ihrink, ' And truat in Heaven humbly for th reft. But blame ui women not. if rume apinr Too old at tiroea i end moie too tar and light, Soot eriof gnaw deep ; aouie woe ar ban bear. Who knowe th past? Anil wbo eaojudgs.ua right T " 'Ahl werw judged by wliat we Blight have been, And not by what we are, bo aid to fall! My little child ho aleepaand em ilo between f heee thought aud mo. In Heaves we ball knoif all. . ITl KOT AI.W ATM MAY. , Th eua i bright the air U clear. The daribng awallow nar end i"g, And from th lately elm, 1 hear , The blue bird propheaying epriag. So blue yon windiup river flown. It eeui an outlet fruiu the ky. Where, waiting till the wert wind blew The freighted cluude at anchor lia, AH thing! are aew, th bud, the leave, That gild the elm tree'! nodding treat, Aud even the neat beneath the ear i , There are do bird in hut year' neit 1 AH thing rajuie In youth and lov. -The fullnea of their finl delight I And learn from th cift beavani above The melting tenderue of night, I Maiden, that read'at thii aimpl rhyme, t.uji y thy youth, it will not aiay I T.nioy th (rauranee of thy prime, tor oh I it i ku always May 1 EnJ'y tlie iSptingof Ive and Youth, io tome r aid nrcrl leav th rest; for time will teavh thee kh-o. II truth. There are no bird in but year fioatl At low Price Vn Caabl GEOEGE t. I.' HYATT, NoP. 4il US U I'tlUL-JTU tT, MIS COATUIM, . Ew yoniL. nAP cow lo Htote ao-t Is c-nttintly reeoivinr a awrtr.1 stock ul t'trpet, txl Cloths, ic. to wliic h ii.viics j uV.iSc sttctitioB, believief tl.nt an esnu,inHtic& uf b.'th itia .iy and prieeR will .rove aatiiilaitory to !rchai.ts and tu Par cliarvri g-nerally, waobuy fur teh ilia stock eoiiniKts of - . Zich Velvet 1'ipettiy & BrusseU Carpet it A"v Daiyni, t , SCA EU10R E.XGI.MU A MEIlWA NZ-FL T Comprising many New I'iRturne, mad eipretaly for bint class trade, alio. Tallied and 1'luiu Vcqetian Hull and Ptaii Car pete. - Oilotbs, iit widths flora 2 to 4 feet in various nuftlit'.es. KURS Books; Bocks! Becks! IN'IE ASH I T. S r-tfctnw, tr w!j ta lite Ur tf ? HoWrt ;riw, a. htBg efThswMLa, hy LabIvUow. Mrba, i-f tinmaUS i 1 V .ttr. t tu-otriof CM.ticritte, 4 hutuad btr Succtinon. lileovtviHt; r lb Priri) JVy. . ' . WAKUEN L. I'OMEUY. ... 5o- 16, Fxyetteville Street, Raleigh, 5. C , us jcjt aanivte ,M ood-Aotra. sr Carolina CarU, CtlllCtlOJ Of ; NORTH CAJIOLJXA POETRY. . - Cw!r4:yTiul!a. CJo.'.12ie.l."5. rpHK VoIoiim t Hirv asw piiata to the paWls Fin-t, i irj ttiv Bt(Kir ul Slit icwnU A4a, by BaM-j k4 their .ny is m rolUtt-a ftr the eoaipiUr'f WmS.rf i( n-xiri' tbt Ki(hte, &l.ifltit.aBd Lit ! Vl. (ht it h.d b rtiirl ms fieMibl tit by Jirt,rrt. j Dd jmblufie't iut very Nwrih Cuol.i.'tt Aiyht bT Th i'iantfr't Vtftim, or Ineidratl of Anriun a4 fc. .(Mirtuuiiy &l rMMinjt m a i.rinwni aud eon- th 5h tiny uf Juiia, 155, in relation t tne po litical p .iit jf of h (iufernmenl whilst ftt the .M.m.v v; h ;;-- -I.uicl. Moral Tufted and Cemmeh Hearth y. v...... -, - - ' au4 Woor MaU of different tort. paramount . . ....,-.- . ,, , .,. .. , . . ,,,.,, 4 4, H h 1 ti i 1'litid and plain Mattiugt. Window eiia'lcx of Ieirnr,le flyles. A mioM-'oT t all (ilbers. It is now, undouliU'illy, en tilliol to that titiipUlion...aiiil apnred with UALb'4 I'AI B.NT PlH UKIt l'llOnF 1,01 Kr", (whrh alsewa 'artr. it is recomuiondd that the snma Ixs d. ne rll'.E I I io open public meeting jtnd that all tbore who j Chmnjimn Sale tf&thr llio.', hurinti Itftn ewvir-J agree a mi us in prim .piw, mm woo wotu, ,u ,, i (iflt .irintt itt tioin ine iioii.i 9 sutt, i.(ii,, aim and ohiocts, shall hereafter bo recognired j ' Ibol, ef i AVw lurk, IK3. as inemlicrsid the American Party. Jtmlr,'i, That it le recommended to tho merlcanl'Rrtr iu this State to hold a Contention of delegates, to-bo appointed In public primary ; swaidcd Mkiais b shove,) (nus itm mon prlcl Virs Bieetinas in the respective eouiitics,tnfireiiUoro ! ",,1 Uerlar I'rool fisf.a tt,i l,tr,.re ofl.re I u tliepub- on Thursday tjie l'lth day of April bcxt, for . ... ... i Th, Sobifrilier sl.o ma nuf:,rl,irpv nil K inoaf Hull,., the purpose of oomitiatii.g a candidate in oe run i m4 fil)ilM ,,,, MMf t h(.s. ,t1 v.u i,u, ,Tui by the Ameican Party 6,r dovcruor at tho next M,,cv Bx r (-h,( fr i!ri iSl jvwtm, election that eann coumy arpoiiu as many , pre Kumilien, tor I'lat. Iiiamobd, and oilier Val. itidegalea as it chooses, nnd that th mode, of ; ual.te. And nrralb I'iit.utet i,y purclni-. at,4 Totins in tmd convention be rcculatcd bv the Man.ita.tnrr .,1 Jti.Nts I'Ali . M 1'hn.ML 1 A I W.N eonvention itelf. tittuleti. That we cinsiilor the 22d nay of February next !he time berctolorn selected by the atlonal Council o the American order, tor the nomination of candidate for President and Vice Prenideiit, as too early a day fir that pur pose and we do hereby recommend to our brethren of the American party throughout the Union, the propriety jif postponing the holdiuft of said coot emiut. to a.tuie tiuie in tho mouths of uneorJuly. KtMltrd. Ilowevor. lest such postponement may not , take place, it is deemed advimblc to ppvrint two delegates to'rcproM iit the Slato at larje In inch nominating 1 onveiuion, ati'i it is recommend. ) to the American Party in each I nj 1. Cwgressinnul Ilitlrict to hold primary mcetitijrs I Mini phy,i- al and a.ol a,... t. Blaverr, with ill.ilratiABf. The Mu b t.irl, Oi I.iiv Scenes as they are, with lllos trtimis, . fValker's Msniy Eireisee: eontsinlnjt liewieg, Fail-is-, Kiding; i.rivinir, tl 1 ifct, liutitibg Slid rfaobtiny, iiiu-uatd. Itisr's I leffT. iU--tr.' t. -. Itr of th Wue, 11s i.: '. t.isiid'of tb 11 core of Hsa ovvr, lj lir. It. Ih.rn, &tino,riof lr. SainitStn, late Plcfi.leotof ths-Cnion Tlt'-oloi. ill rminry. j Whei-ler's hintorr uf Sorth Csrolins, lllontrattd. Tiie Arrt BiI.'i. o ttomsnitfin is tti Caited ritatca. j fly M-villa ft. Uvlii.lv, iiliinratcd. I The Anierieaa f'..uie (.'ookervCook, or Housekeep ing made Karv. 'ibe Priucs'uf or Truths' for younglHecinles. by s My. .Jlh Lund tit the Foron and the Vatican; or thoughts sn-VreWelws diiririi! sfl K;,ter Pi3irini: to Koloe. KooW fki-ihe ol Virirn'-M. I'd reros. Wlistui rrei.ft'rii.tiMi , t.y the Itev. Pr. Ho.lpe. Th u: 'irnl st;d tnt,.lle.'mal divereity of Races, by Nn a llut. - - Thelites Kidtc.'.T.B'iar, or the Child Is.ieht by the F'mcer Itooif. ... . feinoBcby the Rev. Robert South, D. I. The riia Iaya on'r.'nlion' e. i-erieii of FaaiUiar I"'t tore, from a father Io bis etuldren. v llairy and correspondence of Hauinel Pepy. Juuo ( tilord.hy J.jdy. llairy i.r.d rorrfi-nondeiie of Jobo Krelyn, T. K. P. llintoriral ard Ie,rriy tis Hketchu of Norfolk and Vioiuity, Ji!u,trH'.cd by W. r'orrct. 'I'll., pottiv and mvctery of llreanir, by Charles 0. Lollan.l. ' tierfliiker'8 Trnreli. , Voyage? Hound ihe M'orld, from ihedeiitli'ofCaptoiii ood to the f-res. Ill time. ' , lorll.y a. l. Tt nXER, N. C. b.okelore. Riil.ijjli. Hoe., 1!S5. 47 venieut form, a copy of many ptecva that they hael pr l.ly read sad aOiaired, aud perhaps "lor a tints preer ed from regard for the authors, KiwoarsKed by their kiod enstpertia, lbs work has keen steadily, thviarh slowly. icrowiBa; aalil it has reached Its present aittihoiiyb it has beet. )Dipoiljlt to procure many pieces which it was tboatdil eould be procured, yet it is booed thst tbi, 4nt atteui't of the kind in North. Carslioa will meet with the furor of the citizens for whose u,e the work is principally intended. Though ws easy aot have produced any very great poets, still these "fool. pr.nU ol lot Mue-' wilithowtbeni wepofse some of "the pieta that are SOWB fly Nature; men endowed with highest gifts, The Vision and tbe faculty divine." 1 . , It is from our knowledge of the writers that many pieces in tbiseolleslion ill dtriea Iheir interest, and tliough viewed hy the severeeye of eriticira., they would hr l-n reieeied. still it S thoucht that public - pe.tarion Would hate been dumppointed bad they been auitttcd.- irm rAi k.j " for sale wholesale sod retail by the publisher. THE FAVORITE AUTHORESS OP THE SOTUH. DANK 1.0 K. rlbAS C. HMlltlNtl A Co. Patentees, IIsks.v I)u,. k, Nos. l:i5, 1:I7 1 1 IS Water Street A'rut J'or X'jt lh Xutoliiia, J. H, liloHsom -Frbiuary S5, f 8mo. III! Alii A VISIT T in the respective counties, and appoint delegates. to District Convention, tor the selection 1 1 a delegnte from c o b respectivo District to Said nominating dinontioti. , ltm-Mieil. Ibat an r.xevuliv Pentral Commit tee of live, be appointed bv this body, whose du ty it shall he to attend t i tie goDerttl concern o tli American tnrtv in this State, to carry on the neeessary enrrt-finrlence, end lake such incep- j ver equalled by any Amerb an. and auipassed by but 1 ill. till 'M i:v HOOK. ISMS, cnitlS, LOO-CHUO ANtliAPAt, IR THE YEAR 1855. .BY lUYAUOTAYUm. "r'f' 'Icgftut Stcl6itgming. 12mir.clcth. I'rieo ti.so 'ihiv vohiiai tf a record of Ihe nuthjr'i tfin tipti f do dtiftnft yoitr'l trTtl to th nbtv nauit'drotintrirn b'U'l t conrry an cciriit idea if iheir (r, ttlaiifJ armt :(. T..a reulf of ibt irfltt'r'j yWrvtii-ms hp (tiri in the mmi tlflightfuHy DMUirnl tylltieli rbr' leriaen hi prcvHiiii, aurk. "W Rlrni6 ith ph'aure thi Ifinf pruuiiiu'tl work Thll f thr- Ttititii'pt riiupri"ini rh trAVcltio Out ml Arrl'-i, Kyj'i ami India, on "f vtmt In dfUiitfUf'i Unvi-I.'rii of th. dny. W Itnnw ofnu h,V ut 'Mi pjjud tl-at kr'p lh roudcr' at(ittkun twudmh Uv". SuimJut I'Upflttb. Mr, Tailtif Uat mrpfd a frpuUiion as a trurcller, tive t?i at mny b dei-mcd tiatMarv fur the moro UHiiiriijrn urantantinn 01 the taia parij -ainl that ail 'pputiv ccn tin i t he anlhrixeU nd rHiitl to i-i'fx'tut a (Vnity Kiacutjve i Dinnnttco fur each Lvtnty in th Mat; and thai md County Kxeeut.rft ('nnmiittpfl Jo further Apfiotnt a rml.-O'.u. n ittca f r ewh elertio'ii pro- cinrt in tlrflft'iinly Wffh utiflt(Tiimonth'rougl. anH (Mmii!tt.r(fniirttit,i. uf the Aowritan par tf ill NurthCarulirt. Plat tor a of ihe imrrtt-sn Party, idoftdat the acwlwH ! th Nailoaal lubrll, l-'jjrHary tlRttiMAO. j 1 IU 1 a H BOnii) ll mfm aTwsEtl 1 1TI Ol W 1 II r U 'T Rlf Is' fwlnft, fix tiif'rltri,er wiia VtiuriiKaffd t t-ar fwiher la tat.r MMtwwtai HttutionrT inryKte, UHtw. aaMi(rf t4 to a, lartr acadaU. ta ihr i r utiua i f ta liUnlt, th tadffMmdaara, 4 ika aaWa f tBM MaJflt , Id. Tbe traraaU?a af lha FtfUral fnkirN, the fatitvdiatH tf Mtr vivl. at d m ;iKt a tiWriit-a, aati lire er ntv 1 ulaarli mi Aairtra Ip4-Baipnrv. 2tl. ,4jir(tiM mmm ttm A -., ai)t l" tl ta1, if, rr Hv?ra itst it HhhiM ka ifUrlrd fr all rtate. adral arid aianlrisal Atw f i-trfimtnl empln. rat, ta jr--trfrar W all aHivrtH aeerii'ivt 4th. 1'rrwuai Htra of Aatarivaa iurnii rxaidineHai f9rny a?, tbouid a aatitlad to all Ihe rigitla of aatia-ara rUatt tV ' itfa. K yrMra fbal4 hm tlr!trd far t-.tilir-U iU- lloM, aHiN-r rf ptiTff nr f r-ite l-wtli.t aK. irm- niisr-i a? i!,i(ear-a r i;if sUttm of aav drf tvU a ta frw perwm bow 1iiu((. W v nture iti aw"rtifn. thut Uibi.abw.k will ! Krnrally esiiffMtad tsubaaia Krvatnl aud hcM rk." For eala bj W. I,. I'OMEnoV: Ott 37th 138 VHio is Sam? The Som ufihe irr, or 1770 and ti)b,a hisUtry oj the, mid 1'nnjmt tj'Ut Antftriroit 7'ar bj t ritid ite ymhahff Jnjtueim on the next l'retidrHtid Kl(viim. Jo iihifh it added i Hu'ir'tc of tfiti J.tticr of , ih Huh. Sir My A. WUt, ' U'tuinxt the, K N 0 AV - N O T IT I ' G S . 5rThe first Ileelnriition of Indept-ndfnce.iTortftim-t.d by our ,ires ill 17. o, Ihs second by tn.'lrsous. iu Isjj '"""' Freedom fronrForcign Rule:!!- .Thisftork i.- tioiu the pen ot oiik tUoioiighly e llHi.lted with ttie under, urrttnt ol Aoieriesi) polities, and the raioes whkdi have ted to the existing corrup tion In high ptAees. II.- titees outclearly the oj.eruliotis ol aforeiirn el.'iiipiit In onr goveeiitnetital histitutiona, and show Out the ,Yuns of tho Soil should guvrn the Soil! Thi?-i? the suilior's ..trong position, whi. b be main Intre by irr. tultib.e hirfUlnenlii, Tbii, b'-oti, one ituit shoiil.l be ill the band, ot every naliee bom ,-ilileii a, well us foreigner. The Pi'lili. ians will have it, of course, for they have a persoiitii iijler.-sl tn the ui'lion "whu will be our nest i'resiit.'lii?" .It will produee a ri.tt.lingaim.ng the dry bones of eld political pwrliyans. t'.lM'r.N'lS.- .l,i.pt.r 1. '1 he An.i'ricati l'urty. 2 t'aurej. ol it, oiiin. ;. Pria ipl. s Flnted. Illustrated snd Kufor.'. d. t. 'f he Obimta which thi Urganitaln n aims in A..oio)'li,h. 6. Ihe n-c.ily ol su.di an tir gsniisliou eialiiined. . Ihe exigencies of theTluie Itrnmnd au Aieeri.an Party. 7. The true position ol the Puny, h. Ibe Kapid Projrts, snd i.iv Kk.lti.wt its InfJueioeau Arttt.ir.ei.l for the Ks.ell, nr, ol the Arm-riesn Piirlv. 9. 'I he Plan of ll.erstion sd plsd he tho Aincrl' so Party. III. 'Ihe Piohal Ic ii Hi . I .'. ol tl.e American Party en the next Presitlelilial bl. itir.n. ip. r.e,i.-w of lion. II. A. w ise s letter, 'ln e 73 . . Just put. lulied aud lor sale by. , Jt. 1. TPftSEK. H. C. Hook, lore. K.neijh Msi li, . ill I Stw Sotcl by Ihe author of "alone." i irnl Ftlition, ' 10,(M0 Colics, Aot Ready. THE HIDDEN TAT II; A Svsd. By Mnrion lUtrlund. of IlirlivHtul, Va om ettymtl-uto. cof. 43-t Fuyet Prk(,lti. f pilEestraonlinary suceessofMiss llsrlsad't "Alone I running through edition after edition, with great rapidity- re -published in Knglsnd with a still larger inmslntrd into ihe French and Uermna languages with uiiirked iu.. i.r -is irt-rbeps the best evidence of the originality nod pojilsrity of her writings. In tbe Iau:uii!:eof ait eminent critic "che may henceforth ta ne rank antoog the most saccessful novelists of the t'uited ctotes." oTIove who hsve read 'Alone snd these wbo have not, should will he interested and gratified to know, that s io' book by Vir inis's gifted authoress, enti tled 'Th.' Hidden Path,' is now ready. Beautifully as Marion lUrloo.i' bs woven the' threads of life in othr ronisi.ee nnd song she is a poetess of rare fe li,.itywe are safe in predicting that bor new work wili'surjiass all her provious efforts In fine delineation, brilliancy snd power, and that Mr. Derby will bo called upon to r.-eord it on his book - as one of tbe moat popu lar ami su.-.-eseful of modern literary issues, riinee re.i'in: 'Ah.ne. We stell! luipalietmy swan trie appear ance r-t 1 he Hidden Path."' A'. P. A'rreiioj J.Veor. J.t: IiKKliV.Publisber,ltasssustreei. ew iork, i And for sule by nil bsoksellers hed n -w Agents. W. L. POMKIlllY, llaleigh, im. I New Books ! 1 RACK I.K.K, by Julia ka'anah. autlioi . ' 1m. lit.iiy bums, Ac, j I 4tb- builders, M author ot Heir ol Ke-I- .' t; rt-Ka-e. Ac. ' j Travel, iu Europe an-l tbe Kssl: a y :ir i I't.y li.cd, rv-oilai.d. Irelnii l, tVal. s, Pian.-". Peigiuiu, Holland. lieruiH.iy. Aus'.ria, ltsly, liieeee, T'urk-y, .'-yria. Pales- tine and Kgypl by riuwuel Irena-n, Prtioe.illustraieu, j 2 volume I mo. i The Praelieat American Cook llo4 Miss Stri. klttods'e QiU'ens of M-.ll;; . . ol. V. W I s Illustrated Natural Him. . Koberf (irahaui, a Sexual to "b. e .. '-; -f' lin Lee II. nil. f-ra.l Potter, or Fifty Vcurs in 1.... .- IN r.i ; v Melvite. . Mo b'fn f un.lar.1 firstna, vob m, - ii limb for .May. For sale bv W 1,. I. -Mi,,;. A. Knteigb, April, IMS. CLAKJSDON iron works, vVlUllSiiTOS s. c. ' . . A.V. fAkBOkktLKK, Proprietor. flHE subecribee bsvtnr purehad the rnlira interest 1 i ths -CLAktMiUA IKOJi VtOKKS," selitiu order tor Means Knginea, of any power or style, Haw Mills of every variety, alining Machinery and Pumps. Or st and t'lowr Mills, complete, Paikrr, Turpentine and ether Water Wheels, Rice field Pumps and Cpgines, Leavilt's Corn and Uob Crusher, : Kioe Tbrasbera, ; , , , hklnpte Machines, Hhaftiug Hstigera and Pulliee, 'Ootton tiina aud tiearing, - . -Iron Caetitigs of all kinds and pattern!. , llrass " - Locomotive and Tueular Boilers, Hue and plain Cylinder boilers, isiacksmitb work or all kinds. Iron lioora for Houses and Jails: THE KhTACLISHMEXT Having been re orpluized for the express purpose of iusaring punctually of th execution of ail ordea the public may rest satisfied that any work which may, offer will be promptly rielWcrcd according o rnmlse, and of auch workmanship a can not fail 0 give satisfaction. " j THE Mi'.CH AMCAL IKPARTMKST " Being in charge of men of talents and experience, 1 have no hesitation in tayine that the work her after turned out, shall compare favorably in every respect with that of the most celebrated in tbe .States, and at prices which will make it to the in terest of all iu want to send me their orders. REPAIR WOltK ' Always done without delay aud having (large force for that purpose, it will prove advantageous to any person needing such to give me the prefer ence without regard to expense of sending tax from a distance, Orders will be addressed ltp 'Clarendou Iron Works," Wilmington S. C. A. H.VAXBOKKEU.ES. Oct. 2S. Kb tf. CKKEXSI!oT:tT ' ISSt'UNCE C0HP1SI, MUTUAL pi VI I A T the endef Three Years, such .has bsea tb t'are and economy of the officers of this Company thai we are still tree froo debt t made nu asiesmeuts d- hsve poor such a large Capital in co,A and notes, thst we have no hesitation in saying to the public, that there is no safer Cumpany in Ihe roiulhvril Country. i ue most ot ine rtisKs in this tympany being In the Western part if the otste, where tbe danger Iruia ire is much less. At the last annual ,meetingt the following outcera Were re-eieeted. JAMES t"bOA.N, President " . CdPPl.V, Vice President. C. P. MKNbKNH Lb. Attorney. PE.TKH AsllAMS. cs. retary and Trvksur. r W. II. l l .M.V)i.Nli. linioral Aent -ittrectors: ttit:l..sslioRot'ua. Jauios .-.loan. Dr. J. A. .M-.bant, C. P. M. n.l.nhsll, Was. 8. ltankin. Rev ( . Y Ueew. , .lames M. tiorrett, Jed, H. Und.av, W . J. McCnanell K. W. Ugburn, J.'b. Colt-, II. I' vioir liAI.SItill .Mi tin A M I, . Ills. V. ACRssonol on. I.. V I'i'.y i .l.ucNTows It. r. (,. i oit.i, WashISOTO. .lo.-lii i' 'ti.ylo. It iLMtsvTufi. W tti Mii A. M right. . SAiiasrav. Jolifi 1, chk.'er. KATKTTt.VII.I.e. l,i, . f.'ook. I'LVMOt'TH. II. (1. Snruill. I.t uasaToi. Robert K. Troy. be.sox . AsTl.t. Ilr. K. bi rt'H. Senles. All ..omiiinnientlons shounl h dircte.l to th- Heere aiy Irec of postage. i PETbK ADAMS, tiecreusry j Autusl Hlh, 1HA4. S it, NEW JEWEL, y" STORE. " I Tbe Briiiak Ptriwliral nd Ut f nmcrt tufa GZEJTllEDUCTWS LX THE JgJCjg F TBI laiTtl rVtUCATlU. L. KCOTT k CO., NKWYOKK, contiar a, puUtab the fullwwiitg leaOiug Br.ua PaiWiw Vial " - - - , . 1 s. s7e London Jurtcrty VonstmUict.) t m lhtEdMTy Baric (nitty.)" v " 3 TAe Xorth 'irriiuh Bvk tret Church V 4 ' JAe Wtsttuwiatcf Htmvi (Literal.) Bkicknyod'a Ediuhuryh Mayaxint (Tvry.) riSlIe rreat and hnportunt tTentaReHajoaja, rulitioal. and Military now aciUtir.tS tati'-c ul the um orw, girt ta t&ew lblUaUaai aa tatasrtsvi and t1u ihy Bcvar before potttm4 They oeeuy a niitidl ground betveca tbe aaetir written ccifiultt-i-, rradv fpecnliHtjni, and tyiBmiZ. mora of ibeafWrf aper, aud tbe poiidieMae Toeae efibe hirtlurian, ritta ltj(r at'trr tte liviitj; igtett tb fapte hp rt'uc-rtU nbaif hnVe ftaitted away. I'hj Ifreaa ot tha M wr In Ilia fcit w.TUpiea-a.iaa vaeiii their pagca. Kvtry naoTeiaetit . jltwly ntiritfj whe titer of fHr.id or of foe, and all sibtirt-coiuiiigt aMK Uwaly pointtd out Tb letter from the Criaata ead fruw the BiUtiein IUmbwtjtVl'i alegaaiaet lruntef in mwt pt-imlar ciiiirilmtora, gire a ure intelligibly end reliable aeeount ul tbe aievetaeaie of the ati belli(i;tirtti than enn eUcalicre be latind. Ui'K Feriodivalii ably r-)rcrt'tit tbe three great ee Uticfl partiea of Ureat britriB-t-Wbij-, Tory, aad Bae IcnJ, but foSiticaftniiimmly oii) feature ol ibett eaatu aeter. An Orfraue of the mott profound a-HtotM . Hciene, Literatare. Morality, and Kelifriaa, they eteadi aa Uty ever havf tood, tiniivalJed ia the world ef leU tern. Wing evnpfcleivd indit-rfnmble to the et-llttlar irofceatonal man while to Ihe layeliigent vradar I cry clasa thuy furuifch a more correct and ti afavstaw ry recura ot ma eaircni inaraiuro ti me aay, tDroavk. mit the world, thao can be poealbly obtained freai any' tther aource. , -EARLY COHiES. The recaipt of Advaiu-e Fhwt ftutn the Britleej : puhlifhera give additional Talue to tlte Renriata, ea ee.aHy during the present cxcitiei ute vt Kuropraej aH'itra, inanmuih aa they ean now b placed la the bauds of luhacnbete about aa aoun ai the erifiaal ed tiont. . v TERMS. Peraae. $ H 1 tit ... ......T . et ....I tit For any one of tbe four Kriewi, ....... For any two of the four HeTiewp,..,.., rot any three of tne lour lie views For all four oi the Ueviewa ,, For Bhukwood'i Mngaxine ,; For Hlft(kwmd end three Keviewa,.MV Jfor lilavkwood ana tuo luur neTiewf,,,.,,,u ue raymtnt to ie made in ail court in adranct j&onfy current in. the Kafc where itmcd Mill be r?ccired ai par, CLtHWNO. A ilifumint uf twtT-IV er&t fnur tt"f abova j pri t f wjl he nHi'Wi d to Cluhi cnWHcjr i r r eiore " c.pief ' I any n1 r an re ot the aht.it wtrtt. Tha at j Fur t"( ' MnehwifM, or ot one J!vi.w, will ha sr.i to om1 iiiiirfie w'T i'or mpten oriti unr Itf. ' VU P ,VU BIm LW tn O 1 1 1 iVi'tl itfify . i it, W7At.I';, Till Ii j .i "utti.T'V, t i.j tl T ' i". "1 iVr'i '". n'-i ' vX 7 d.i. Mi, ) t.i 1 vrtt.- t V I ttiKI i I J li j.;.,?t )t)eauf to .nit ri t ilt iritr-d HaUv miiiu't Tweuty-fiur (Vntatar 1' r BlH.'BWit d. ' at, let FtiUiUtn t intr ayear lii rath of thevie. THE FA It MLR TO t-t ltMlFlf s a VIDE AGltUTb P.,i M. rrv. M, (.1 , n I.1.-.T p. Nit. in Vflie ' oil, (;e IO.. ISOO pM., pijliuipt, till. I ct.-t-e. . i'1-t t' v- t .. AND PHAf'TIt'AL 'ttbl. . I 1, . c to.ilirfl.snduje Ik'.mi .1hMtiir, Agrlraltar N. el i vil, ti.ds l.oyal OeUl- , i o i ' ii .. i V i sad ticst -I . .-irnlly inf.roi tb. CO.P ARTERSHIPe JMIfcK'H OAHl'IM ivrrl.1h rttWHWera are L eauatlR tv raie tbie eenia Uif eta af ttreljta a ad Avftaa itardaa ail"Utaee Cerda, which I ante a Urgtr and nre tarted lha a ahy erevluae ea nlr. Th7 are pr-rA im aeavwae order fttna aMfehaa, la aay .. Matr m th wool awebla ta-reaa, aad atil ailtvw ihaaa tne ftr.t aiiwtarbi all aa- eid b tba lislh ! sjune, T rait)i wivhiaa; ad, will lme aa4 tkairardfn wbile r fclorB ta fall. Ail out ed are w a raw a 14 fb aad ft.aiae( aad aeang Iheta are aotaa aew ad .! 4 id Tanetiea. ri?ct U A OATUXO, i)iy.U aad saaaaa, fta.aiftaVC, JTaa-tlt. A 1) F. rr'Tf, eirt thiad.r tWt4 e Pa farw I. lnbf WHh ka lesvir lw. lie. W tia! lata 4I eoacy, C, will eatuit-ne I t e i irn it b iIm' aad H' ! Mtaeaa aeef the erta rf rt- t a i.4ti,iiu. eaauaialata ta a ntl dtae ealaeflaff aad f-T'et trf Mrj. ttmi tbH f a a a h laefjwff wit wlriir.a i im krifHe. wakhwlta laeeoaaad fattiiiaa, Jftty n ta 'rtnf ta aw Uim4 art'ttiM aaiu.effarsi if ..talf tat tttbf tieat. Vi are piavd to It irt ar Irtrade and ewe-wiea fViat we have e-raeee ta, vataabtw -nrw f Mr i U. Ir te r aia wtth Ultaeae n j i , . m .d, and iu mf tKe ftfw bt lUtafd d Pt wb ir r lxr-r' aevwUnt, Mr. m. I.. W ard. w! atla j .tti a'l-t r., -.ti f u r imI, ei k h t lttl W I'rMM. at si jr t ihe d aad eight. I'tr i m ibe PiN-Ma, btl Mr. J, .tt ie erd ai!l ae t aii4 ta iate fae i unit, asd tar atteaUaje will ftea-w riag Ihe Or a"aate w.ll he prearalfd rW afU'eawae HI the IM ml Ja'f aad J..rV h,, yr, ai U'eV'rM are I 'br pjrthafr, ?, V. Ifc tl l, IJ.W.SATLIXO, et-t a. - al aaw f sserii soataslf im4 la a.4 b3,aaa atatt b rir4 iiiht-i -t;v. .1 d a r l e n D i D B 0 0 K S for 11 ItKrAFtKH avl pii-.lisl.e! eiprefaly Full ai.d II. L.liy ., t lri:.t .V. Uoal Lavu .V-rii'n .Spirt, 1.1-. ily lllusi nttt'il. Tne I lea of the New '1 rMi.itu'iit practiciitly unfol eai a Ft'iu tld 1 ot't ul Auierua Thoroughly , liHrt'n hcn!l'r(n yut-hly Iteviaed, U rHeraof .tnerica. Thor- Sjfft ndidty Uvtratnt. 9p A Fi'tr-U m IjW Jl4 7"'tH, Drf G!, OrsceHfi. Ftj taftatS, tliiS'AI. irrai MSi is. CASR1AGEI, mi'IT TKtEii, l Mlsi MS (a IM CITT 0? HEW YORK, AT tH Ptl l lT CJXHISI..I. . t-mim Ra. W a. -,l.. i, S. ( Ba.ler. !, U . i J H SIM ...IC r. U.u0.ul.s.J w.O.Sotn, . W. S1U.-U.M, smU Wlwv Sn lisl PETER W. HINTON. C0M1VIILSI0I, MEECIIAKT, , (w. Zi ap 2ti at TBBirt'a wnir, M.lUiM.K, VA. ' pr.ClAt aiU"tl"a tid tn atsSHng T '(!, Fi ore. .l. tv..t.i ...i ;."., ..irfi,,i..f...hal T'iMiu, I .,if-..,.MVH Te-ur. it, rttrw u . 1 . It t.i. ..J -... - withia i r-T-haetl aa iiaraaMaai to ai! aibee la, at 1 - rale t t-wiiiiat aetitra. 0i h. lhaea4att'd r-e gftiiif aad a.aint aaaee f aay fian !a priitr, pfstrntnie r 'wirl r alitt e hw IfCr'rH ll Chaa ! Hint., Nbr Csiwaty. . f. J, ti, 1) l!m.lhr', r"-l.. UaMjih, H. ('rir- W- II vj .'!, K-.., h.i- n-h, N. C. V at. 1'iamaiai, aiitottrift, V. Dree i Goods. tha r.- rFrd nahlr I tbe' eral t"lata. aad tbe rt tit atitttt uf haroi y a4 t'oiarf.al v-d will, bct,h the eiiia ftth v-ra! 'ia, t'lbt and, na tettrrlesee by t'" rr wttb awsfisna enrtailtif arttljrbibe aditiaittal a I ana.tat ratia by oaeJt faie nb ih. ad-r f aar Mttrf afae. Ilh. 1b ree-ffatiKw eJ the r-cbt af lha M(ic.hra aad aalaraMied riliMea af the I mid riatra, pnwa aaaii ri ia aay T-n iinry ihrtrrfr li.ris.boe thlr -alittta laws aad ltfl their dea!ic aad aw4 af alia In ibaie Ml , afcle tattia mrmy i af tha t'edrad !' -1,tat'a, ahh tbe pet- t ( wf adniat ln tb I ni ahrat ter ib-j baie j lte rHHe popatnia fr ae Betifana ta t ; rre. 'rwnWfd m ihal awie fcut t ! wh arerf eiiaaaf tte 1 aitel talee, aadar tbt -ctttt' a 1 aweh TerH.ee,. aa. Mia tr. .a.teta lha Vaettoi al 1 AHI n Ml 14 I KJd fU OR fjf aatd 1 l"t. II yiar eafti ek-, r -htw, ahihj 1)LAI5 Firwred pl.i4.-itd Arf4 A'.iha, Hah at-ti d . ry rbap, HttiB 1. e'rtt. r kir ! iiad Vlaie Parafe, I bait, lit raj Ua I r a h Jaeaet efcd?uteaan I aatt-, a Ia- B.mit8'i.t ( et f lw pi si. tllhjbem., fr .Ihaetr: Plata. ietif4 and lij'wttlf.iii XeelWe. II. !.. r.VAXS. Mreh jeth. UU. - ib, aanifftii-, ar iw ti eaaMauat mi tawa t 4 I t- ffMrt HHretrd Hill m,4fgm4 Ifmmmf J 1 a a- e.i-. V i) H M IM) U K . T.:e North Carolina Form Boole, 1 'MtiMN'l a:i ib k.. ,.i atw-'al tm abh I r'Mlit-lts. ttH I ay f IHb 1 f I. rl.f kf U. 'm. An etr-aisi $ (br pia!J ih( an Ptat Trtiwf aarbl a 4 tall Mb-n ihea tiMnra -f iW t hi ud btattrt le lha tiM of irairagi-,t mi bvidinf pv II I kal Via. A yht la th tawa aalarlUaa( aiahlag a eca'.tw-M friln ,f twrwie ae feat', f a!) at hete.a"?t t i-rr-'tar4 !, aa (a-lifiii-ifcla ervUtte he titb'p barai, ard etrttMitar at! pat rra. . and p-ee rattMM ftit. ff fan t'r f t e -ar . h-r. ki aa ka tart -eras a tih iba rm-i-4 tk'.w mi l'e-tr,era. i lut. o.itit l eat a Wfae Vint h aal 1 t'latc a ifsfiiterwM ailh fl j tavafaflb, mt avfatt., mm 4 e. r i mth le t-aWa, I ll'b. r'm aad the b letret.p'i w tat af aad ait aliattd a-- mi f- .. Mi-, aad a iit ; wf m t ta fatsiir ai ewtttlMeea. j I ?tb. Tbe .- a 4 a -M nl aU Wat f e.aaliat l j mmmt4, aaiil aav4 la ha II h pfat. ' a-1. ehsit W daeUraw bail aad rd by eaeaptWed ttal a b'rlif , M'h. i tj taw ta tha rel la aad aawiea tMy j ad lh pri. a ll ia ta b rMtiilaiti.j aa af mmf wan-Mi aad fMra mmmt aa : aba ta f-Mrtaf Mniri.i' fl-t 4iatal ad r-wtaiit, ta pia e. hm r, ead pWnk f.sefee aad lt. tk iHi pt-et ae b-a ta a I lr. k taf twMr 't iba et tsg-,, aa ta teat 4 f-tireif bitf t4 liU tb weee aaaae t ee i a.aa Hi rM'f ! a(it'a, by lb f r-r ai at iba M ( f-m i a ta la (fawM f aa a tnrm '4 e wtturi It a MfM a mrm ya ia a a , HitkJ h'ara'ba aah,aa tatil'alina rva a ITt!' I(,a h e-s'fte aad a a la i aa b im the I f ! a Ht aa if ff httf arat-a-tetie- ibfttag pra. Niti s apt!. r 'u ta tar, tf W etaM bsf a rtraa mt- "'h n.t sretS, rait at lrd ead isetl.r-f ard yw fntdiha e.afrM r i T 3d"1ita, rairtira. pfifi t. r tl e Ha t, 1Mh a l eii. Pmm, Yt faairty, rahae aad 'Vwnba. ap--a n rr fa are blv r Mar, tf ytm U b I "ttr, wore rbeerUl, ead he fre tr.aa ear af th tile w,mn aad I'MUDAUATUXU rerfca' J, 1 . a-tf. A LeUga Stock of Woiated GooUa. V aW tr .a FUt ia, W-i t a.tak..r,H Ural r-t. a ht-t.a..a'l bat4 .ar ft 4 1 ait, " I. --a i 'h t Ll ft' ai lee le $1. I'aS-rrd I hj!laad lilath, tvi ni it ir Mfftge. f tr el lag Preeare, F ed lVaa4Ht.a U, W H,4 R. ft. Tt CK-t e tlKK UltJI Of Cognac, Wine and Hum, wttw literttHa ma eeti at C ARwIiej eh Mtkhl l U ) 4 U t tITT Mrrrt. awtaa. 1IATH! UAlSli HATS!!! sSrtrt'V Otfirfu .v. f,mHiricli'i Gems T UrttUh I'oetry. Furtrait The W lute Veil, a Uri.Ul Gift. Macauly1 ,iyaf Anrient Borne. Tupper'e Frovrrlial t'ltiluiophy. rim 4U-tflm $rri fyiJtnddilit liluttrnltd. thluuhflini-r a Juruealcta and ile hacrett LooaH lira. Ptevcn'e How iu theC'lond; A Uooh ofCnnaola- tion. KeatVe Comp'ete poetical Worke. Kirk Whlte'i (oini-iete orVe. lUtj r'a fVinpHt.T ' i tl l orkt. I'emphtll' ( ftwp.i tf i tteal IVorke. Mm.re'e Iri-tt Idt h-litt K-iith M) re J'wiit 'uita. The ('roverhisliKt and (he Voet. Cahinel nf Mn.etn Art. Firet Heriea. 1' a hi art Medtin Ait, Htritnd r-irire, lyr.ceof the lieert, Cte.; l ie. bj Ala ftecenU af Wemaa Peatre mt Iba Affertiwaa, Kte li v Mr. lit man a. U.D. UESKK. .N.C. ItcH.hature. Bale'gh, S.2Hth, 1?4. tf "1 fEj-tml Ewik (or ihe Bomc-Cirelc.1 ,tltu 4( A1It, r rM!ir.phy at tuc, b . t . i. I,nid. A. hi. .,uirafd sub an el-j(iiHterireia a. frvia detiaa hy ihaatlaa, ti' etrlwia, lt, ettith aatrav Th l k i det uned ie tit tract aa welt a ta da hirltt tbe yaattE readir. It aaaba la Watrh the brBifi:I and tut tt I ant tihe and ffttu ipiea of aata ral It ne lu the faertbating fum at floiy. The lo -4-. Wt' a hi"k aernr is lha c UpHT ifte of a happy family jrvHip, (ltifitT the t hrieimea hl"lt C the yeaag ii !,. ere all ftieoifr ta tl.prr hawlelge rf phtle-eaphy, 1 M ft, idaatal lall uf a dth frM the e I uf a rareiasea ervaat me iba la M at a dtariiaaiea wt ra 1 1 ! (. 1 br tn etnii e)atb w.adw-erMe a r'laf buishie rwlhnj bpn tha rari-ri, a ehed'by'e tf-tf t nki "ana ksr" ih- aad a bardrrd oahcr an rrui tr (.. ar i - $ an.a wbivla ate kmr the e.a eai-ial le U- f pra-iral w tea -at. Ataeaat aU the he haeut pbytl art a era tllailfaiel la the da ts'Uietl nl the Mftri aal li.a U;trt,tn4 abltd Buy (wiber eaMedttta t aad ewraM Hl-Mabal thaaa. el a t aarrMU t. b., f.4- b( the eprta ar! e. mrm "f Harry t. t bti rufnrN, that ha eaa'd paa. eUr dti f tai bba eeieaee fa aaarbrf e hari etady. Fnr tale hi n. !. Tt feKR. N. C. l-ire, ReJeh Jaeaary l ii. b fpilKNCWrOMKH, l.y Ihat-keray. CoKl- Hecent Publicationsa r.Nl.l.? ai'h tl"- 1'r- ii.M': V rilra ol !t- m, l tttafi'iie- hy r.i. A..lmi il Uruan. iu.-.-.- Itnyf I n-iit i! : A n t imisiimr lei trr- 'i a lufhr ii.s ''l.'1 !in. 1,1 W. t. Muinl. A vi.- "t ih- Sf-tiiur dii'Vt iBUgt.e euncemittg a , Komre tn(i hv An-iihifttn, Mnnttly. 'i i t.' I f-iv.-rf-nfi- I .' rl, 1 ;ir'l, ini 1 "i"P'i'y. i hf l'iiirniify-f M mM,- J.; !i ! l-y lr, tliti'heock, ' t l.tiut nr.'i us'hile, tyM.!iiarIv. Ui-atltf, author of p. v ..mf.tni." C!triti,- .l.thm-ione, hy Charlea Rele. autW ot Ptv W (uiik't-'!." 7h- 1. U-r - irM r.l y lU n . ti .fan Eth.-1: or the jViilj! Krrr.hy Varisii JH.t,.i. liuituniv of Aoieri- llirTorv, i y J-"- i h I..iiirr.l. iiflO'I, and other ('..fii. -, l,;Tt'pav"i I'Int-, hy Anna Cora Jlorrait. ti'.4nr-i-, l.y i hrle Kinkier. Fr S!a hy u, u. ruMhitMi. lialrlub, Oet. 9t " 123-rtf Etfint ru!)!!rulicrt.. The I Ktalitv eerbus Fiction, by Ilia lit-Tber. - A f leit to the camp befure HeraJtopal, by Rich er'! bk .Met urmit k, jr- Saahe tn th pranice of a Xew York SurgcoB, by E'lwanl II. lixoi, 1). IK The Life ui Curran. by hia Bon. 1 he Fuotxtepe of fct, i'au!. Life in Ct.Ult.rnia, Mountain! and Molfhilla.by Frank Mflrryat History of the c-mtril efTrcnt, hf Hunpenfr. 1 he A r n ace n i ana: or Nutea uf a 1 our among the Inlian Tri. cm.f t hill, by rMinnnd Ruel tfiaith. A Isaeket nf f'b, a, by John Hronbain. Aairrira, Fliual ai.l Social, by he ha f. Fairy Telea of mant nati-me. iita Lett era of tbe lfttiah rpy. t hftn'iicT f I Ina of IretaetKpal. For aula hy W. L. FOMFsROt, Octulwr ia, J' e ' 1 l M l:TPl BI.IC ATlOKeWni.- LITlvRA i 1 V n,j Lfe and t'anerptfadenae ef the toaauaa of i inrrerripTr-av , i ar r,caj f num ; nr, I'tarimaree oi ..ereai Mie ead lb r'.afaiB t a Hitler ol C hariry, . Un'ita eal mta with ratrtaau mi weed buwehlni the axaker ( lib, hi-ein lraa. lel'ii'-ka; Hlsatheaaya, ty g. H. Fl.il aad r Dne etKh a, f. ft. Hill ottth abroad. . , hoRrt Tl .fAaaiae ofErfilnh w-rrdi aad phraae. A new addiht. Literary ati.d llirfWr-al MiereHastee. by ClWge Ban' rvfi. I bi iaiti-y fd Ceaant Life, hy iaaee F. Jahaataa, ee.bip.ate lb 1 tot.. I 2 tnr . II. eht-re t:- I ivi: T i-l.l .Ah.- f i. :'n t;.'B pvi.'i vtli. f "; T ' t- Xi'-I ij . . in i ! tlie on the '.Tltllir-lill,; ait-nttii m! of nil ihe n, and I It ut''ui. ui.'l : mil'.-). I. tti linlit. lie hit, ai-ii, f"i tiit t utl'-imtt. a j;t d h t'uf jrol-1 i "and silt"T W'aifho. wiihh will he warramed tfl per ft. rni wel'.-whi'ti th'ivfrt'd ti the eu-'toiiH'r.- AUo, a .At .!;! t JMH liLFMiAKUrLLU) il N.S rtinirht t-n efCfe-i.Uy f'r th- hintr of Camlina Al i a gr'Eit ?jrit f ot Walking i anee. Iu fact, at tiie Mr-w Jea.'lry .jre, an? and efory" thtrif. a intlv krpi in -urn eiiii-huifiit", may le fnntid at prii thai raniMti fail to pleae t!i envtutner Itc,auia;j:j.-tutir' el ihit tftL.itfa jrd aatbfa , Iintir1uBt to DuUfttkcfprrs iod Daltr. THE HOPE MILLS. 71 Fultim SI., uud tl ll'tkumn St., line Turk. Pnacipsl ORe 103 Front St., Hew Tail Factory, Nor. Wl, It7ft SH llu.tseB 81,, Jerejy City. riMIE rnuI'llIKTURS f thU louj and weli known - Colfce and Spice Establishment, fontii,.ieo,re.r the beat rilARMA0Kl"l1CAL 1'IIVt liKKM la ase for misins; Arraaf, bimti.Jr ana .thtrrukft. Ae. They also t.repsre Mustard, Cocoa n many viher srtic'es of tlaity Bsc In every family, viliich they offer nr-oa tlie nioet reasonsl.le terua. Catalegaes sent to dealers vshorefjaeat them. H. II. k i. (I. IMIAM. N. B. Consassers adviseit u Inquire for HQ? Uii.ls articles. v rr en Arre .i. it eiaer v,.t r se.sk . 1,1.1.1 1!J II to I ii'.uoiA as4 r. tv ,4! r ; art af I 111 tr-This 'I: " i :-i .-.f ,i,,aM it. I'l ilrh,s, i CjT a to, -!. N- l..ik. i-tf. . TV ksv. le store sci w ilU. ! . w it irtst mar. kt rstes, ecu co. l s o.I. fin, A l.i i, , ' , !' ,p pslai .In liiftiirol Alom slt. Illl.le It. fin, Liu.lo.1 Su..r, i 1 ti ,10 t'itl'..e, . id Half U se. l.onf fogsr, -&2t'0 Psea Hio roftes, ' ellioxep Psle eV., H. " ilo llrow n d..; in "Jo Chemluil (llire Foep, J4 PMi If. C eirnei llenings, !i0 Jo do Cut no. Brooms, Ituekets, t rsppier Peter, Twlae, toftt Pojes, i casf Powders, (Hive IMI, t h.srolate. ranttssss MouiJ, Adsuinutiu. ae.l hpein.,' tnnbrr Bilk ail arts, elsja to b. foand ia a wbol.rnle rroeerv. A. M. kl. llH-.Kll.fl8 4 to. ' Xo. , Kraioke r',iare, Korlelk. N. n, Psrtieular amnios elves to sal. of PWet I sad Kortkl'srelias rro.l. caeaeral). Order for Lisss, tluano. Je Mlrd at l.;w,st Jnee. Derewlr 19, IV 4-tt TWO IC !l DIE! TBOUiU B0U1I1 Worth of Land Warrant Wanting, Vmlft tkt 2H .s, lf5f). ami 3rd M.trrh, liC'i.j, Jur ran A tkt kiykeit coik prim wUU SI.W, rpllR st,lrrl,n win sAlket all -arraals asder said I ta. da. l ail soldiers far tt davs rv4 Ss rslee; rk. soldier is dead I. ibetr srfdew, ee tainor ehilrren. Persons seading vserant t. tk Paksrriter kir saall r hy Adaai's tixprees t ss.Any e tkrtsark tbe sh wii. ssit ie.se easata at ligas, saa re uu. laser. jig-rxLI U I P J. H. K II. II AM. times opposite I,srs''s Jl.ul, t'srslwvill ft ReJei. k. Jans Imk, i '.Sl .'i a. . e Mt Oni tf AeCk Itnltll ititl 1st I tin li I r tTl t r hum. rr.r his r 1 1 1 .;. a . ,-hi :.m::, I t.s i.s . I I l is 1 sjeW.s-, ,r,.',it., (,N,is.al,f I . l. . I s P i "I I t . -t t-j 1 , ,a i -. I 4 'i' It Mrs. 1 1 .'. I ., It.il . ft ,e a mi 4 k I sr Us dea eeaseM. d il .a Is 4.fw asi!d...s a,... e?,,, ilr.h . . , w . I . a 90 ef,i.!Sd sa S.ft i. Ik. I rleg at .Msesf -sai ssT Mt f.,, stl-"fc, . !'. f. , t e.i, silief sjslls, as ree V..I tt a d e,"e f- . ef ta... fs sa .'-1 . a , "ta.i.,1 pmtif" , tfc e "Sr ' te ' l -e riM t'S. V e..a s-l.'s i . ,1 s,aHlis.ssHnii .s.tll'.ft-. Ite i r'..a. . 4 " '. 1. . IS., S- Ml t S'S h..I,. S4 t,.i.S asd s... a.' ..'nil.. t' . 4 f... s,f 4 i a sf s'l p 'iii f, jl., , a, , w 4 is s S..s. .-,,4 s.rt, t Msaa fas llala t.SSf B It, . Sf It . iMest S4?leS SmsS H. U IVA. ts.o k,r t, 11.1 I so li:! l-t S PATH - sa j it s latere, in. .k.s.,ss.t.ii ristiiiis ii' t ftH.teelt resite-l aaeiker ...k Iss- tit-tm i - im. stat f.o Huts tVe Baea Jaws Sssatsad .sse. ., t f. 1 1 - IDI lid' 1150. if. mm 1 l.ltl VU a ii tV I Ml 4 fr-l k , I, A ..l 1, I "IP Jl a vs. , ii a a i, 1 1 1 s.i it. i sn H T 41 W .k ank ik. fc. .d k. mm fr t ssaasi Aadewse Be s t -,., ' Mans, 14. lass, II i S".V )oi.jn fin vi Lltr tt fer... r..r vrt'. e-,e . tci ir ro-titii r sort t is. i I pi.sil koT. It la n:r j.vi ,ir Ft hucatiuxs. MlK. tK f rorlaxe. tv J II Jon..: Kv hst, r ike t hree Ai prent et 111. I.s, ol t eon rtic.it, ikss af Itodh Ten hi.kis 1 a lisv times, t j T M Artkari MaaeMrv aad Aali- ktssnr7, t're'pkj It. etsHoi, ar Ik llsirw el I' all lo.aa C aal Is, kv kslioa; . ' Theory af rkrietsnity, Yy Gtayseni el',sais ft .sa the 1 hr. C.n.osols. bs M t Ward: laaisl, A M.-i.l far 1M( tes, kv Ik KtT W A f.oll, l, li rerneri id tl,s tt li.te Monal.ms, with 11 .latea, kv t.k,s; fWhoot Arrkttre.ar. r fsatril tt lath atfesav,t. tltf-.Lrasi lleaaea la lb I. , Bilk s,e,. qs ll!stral.ra. ttd pi.i,me, sr llittTie,1trk.tfkesf f..rB fr.,l.r.,.ss. e. By Jrs-, k Csslth, l. . t'k' seal tt ky I ieh l.i.t.,a, lee .,1, e U Is 11 UNkK. ttalsi.k, (S4. 3D, 'ot. 5. C, IWh tt-. AK8E0.TTFZS. flUI ssjpMisliy f tka p.rtars ts.lt I see Ikmaak X ns lis-, 8uecer or to E. L. Harding. rrfTE snd.Tsirti,d, ah. has tee for ssenj yass L t'lerk for t. I.. Ilr-dlrr. ass na Ike 1st day Jaasary, 14.4, af.iut-d Aj.sl f. r lbs 'Balelib ftrsaek."by ti.e im tnatcefaeisrers vrjik vsks Mr. U. was sMaseted bile dolsg kataa ia ahl rlry. Tk ssoa. stvl. and .ias. d t'lolbtrK ll.at kave gives tksf Hue Ilia r. p',tjti-a It e"S7 at j,s, will ke kept,ss4 tb pq. es a,il be tmif. ria, saa as kote as smtisfsetsr le every tatluslsr. . WILLIAM tl.WlUA-S. T oar jToimer Patron. I ) KFOT! K laarlnc the eiiy for sasv a. h.a sea take J Ik. pleasare et reeasass'sdiss; Mr. Wllllass II. V) iliiaas In yoar IsVomlde eoasideratiea. Mr. Wis lisass Bill ksve tbe na,. facilities fur erpplyias ysBf sat sad .Irsaeeds, as kse, 4. a enjoyed ky tk , dersigad r, tbe Isst r.gbt yeats. Atr, It lllistsa ilnlly aaitii nisd la ssHle add areoBi.ta. Vt , ,.-, f . r ike Is. I Has. rlsas, say tw all ladeklrd lea.. Ihal til It kl.Kl Kedt M I kT 1 lieaeoaalde lias. B.U ke slloasd as Imseats ketVie askit.g tliess l tettle vsiik sssr sssst a-. 1.' M L. IIAHIHN. kslelgk, reUt, Ifli, " S 1.1 ri: i'iiu-r.i:vir. Patent Swlngletzea- J US l-SKli,k Past afad P eesal. kv H, 0. Freata. i I is, .1... ,i I las.. 1, I i.L.it .,, - I V... S..!..!. ....... u,.l I .1.. ...I. ,kl i I..s t ' M.n, i.s of .N..Uoa. i liaei and ilr.a keseeaia aav lishl. aa II is Itn fr. se ' leak, aad sell lk. statasi'tra.. la Iks A I kiefs l(.et..ry sf Knglaad. I y fkarlw Illeksas. 1 , ,a ,the si,,.-, pl.te. It ,uad rsSdwy.sad I Was, Jobsetoa, t kstt-.sa. Orae;.. rraakli. Wsse , rk-,. . , . --...no, ., ry, y vaanea I.'.... i , m asset ly efael . II la W,rvts to srsur, atr ar , ra aad Neh. Tiie sor ts.. e st a p...i.ea Mory. i ld, aad lll last let ase, aaisspied. I all at tbai tk.y sill .ti,..d 1 l .llei fsr. Ik. liases aasmly, by JobB lastea , T. J llAW.NIt aitl. il. ..J .1.. ik. Ihroa.k tk saMsstr. kt, aaiko f "lbs Vlri.a t.,..,liV Afc Ralsdeh. Ie..t. I l.k lt. - 4f I U, Otis f.io..rs.. a kw. e la. . ssoe. kesseas eaa oe etsH-wt .r.-sa a sesiei aa.a es i" "s" , a.-id resi'ertfally'lafana tk aasku II, o4 Iks t ose Its Is Ik skirts ss saslts Cooks, aik.- f "Tb. Virgie.a tos,iis,, As. Iks l.s.,li,k Orplssas i lis, A 11mm Ib Ik. Kevs World, ky Mrs. Mary J, ltolssaa, Balkier .1 "Teaipssst sd rni-.i.i.."" a Tn tlsisess Mf HaaaktAB ; a aat ta 'Aekrey. Fi.ak Irslie's J.Hsraal t"4 keiteo.kev. ' Istaiit; . L. POMKItnt. .pt.Ur 7. Uii. , les list or new" iooia,' sow it r. a i r . I Alfrs-l TeauyuB- klaai) aad ether Teees. it els II. I kaslss, Bleadelieg W, ff egtae. B NsSsL. k eels. rtisisfle J'd,rsesa, a stos.t, Tt esata. f ! 4. sad SMi,,klal TI rl. III. .ll sa IWans Ud, Law aad ttld,lvslt li. II A I ' Adelt,la Iks Wild af Aaetrslia,Biik .1 .f.i e. "i ,ais IV. Thma, t. IMecey-tk. V ft Tmu T. t k. K tsr,lT be t ovag. aad Adstaw . , ( As.U..k. l 7. a a I, ,ws, o lb. Bj Md.es sd lk. ,k.. M fj.abx, I. l.i An-44 mm ml )t. Ar .U sd fca,l 1 1 . fsA kan, a JkeL It. . ) Id e.b bv, - w.t.. K.MraoT AY IMttiW (,L4 AS D) PI IfV-JaM ta kaad .tk it.H safety ss ike Hiidi aad Hess la U. K ta tsd M.lee P4 boss vt n,d. 111.,,, rmpet I. rai l, ,ad s,r, a. tkat are k-.y kes yMis aid ssdl j siva is vasWHS. lias a . i w. mi.., a, mi I j kiin bsbii o.hii ,-, n sera wwtiw i,o" IB Ibis saaib.l. AIM, Isni aaafls Wily Is ktadel I ( k SB lv..d ts id lb des tailtsat aad eaas, I.HT sal ala ssaalt S'i.sae. ky 1 rasajsa. v fssett.a. kussea Kseiv rtdisf vebasl H.MUIUATI.IIII. I kTlt l.l.raiy a, la 4. Sand Papers Vkt I'l'lUOH Arttcla el Ivaail Paper, trvm I 1st aiekv n, d. Tt stxra. R.leljb. i.d. It. HI Ladies and Gent lloalf ry, j A f.a.rat .issm4 ws JHea . SI -e sad Hoy j ' Xtau, Tim.4, Bd sad II. l.,s( .t), .4. t . II. 1 Jt Tt I kl. St. Til lit I I. krr...y fera, aatkM at Cs. Leseia.l. nls fts, Ac., tl J. rstssl.lt AkRCX t. POMXaoT. Il ia ba,. alia, a, 4 Ss. H. It Is ek, as 1 sad s1.la I entarllass s.aist d.. 1. as k i ta. b4 t. .14 s e e.kN lea, I fimr- Hasten ss sWe.be ptsb tkal sy leMsss i .a tt.l Psi.sl, sir say Isa.saiioB. ssr eey atte4 i sssbs a sue ky say s.-l.l n, tkis P.seart Sas lee. ta sat M Ike Hi.s .a, e .aasaeeasted. Ik Ss sa m ssisi. Bill k. ps. .MSSled Ss Ik .11 !! Wtk.i.-, la lb. t t .osets at ssk.esy a a-s f. P. -ILLIAMd " , ILsUigk, 1 .k. 14, i. - C LT IS. sa.k. Ide.ry- SHS Vrvaad A sV' i a.n wt, :., tat Ol)(i PkAt4 X.!tff and Toolteap rpra. ,m4 BThH. a ISM I Sf-rf. pre It .a ti j. M k.s p. 4 Plass l.",l Nan-Ale i, ..,.b I1..1. p.m s r 4 tbts f ..lesas Pafee. frbs t) k.ssa. a. s l4kslstl ii d Tt tn a. tT.'ik, FtJ I'ti. sss A N DHEW J. 8TEt ATT Mm IT AT I AM 1 I AII rsn4 ta fiu-We.', . i... A sr. ike t' I a A. I if I batkasBh t1 ..U.S Ms- ,14 4T-e is. .1... .a4 (.- s... k Im. rkuVM.IT A fill It. klK l.-S InM ...,.g Ssmi, 4, sssa ia t.. aaa w, t g ke !. (.J) i.k"kll.T III. k. kkl P1U4.-II S,I,,-U.S., Ml by I.HSlB Stll A Ml' kS. .. r,l,,. his k. 1 II 41 t kl.-i.alii I ) l , .is. p . r, aad 1 N1 a. w, linn. ItW rr.pAsHJUasMir. MILLKIl 4 UUGERS. ( A tr swys BBSs' 1'sss.lsrl f itsrat,) . KAl.l.U.ll, X. C 1 1L erxd 4r-vat-tl t teiall dbssbssss auMBesaf tB the.' rt-i4--a- Comnliilon Merchant. , . Sts. H ) BAVt STSSBT, es. Ilsalaglos. . ( l-ly.H- tVM.aa.. k..k II - ,. ty fsssj I ... rs,. k ,ii, h w ..i lM I Bm1 t, S .M.i.t, ,.ii g. - - tss; ssss. by W L I I KHH T, sa, sik Isax , 1 1, ti a sad r,i.d . n.it..d r.rt-.s 4 t kl. J... s,4 Ta I -a..,, Ssnsw. fa. .s . -W, ii. ta braad I i4-.. 'ks S..S sas,l. tis.. ssl Hss !....,.. I'll. a. I i.aBs ls(. hasp. ri.l .g ad ioS P S'S.I I e. k.. P'a. k aad fJwl Hal,,, I B.'ba. :t a. 4 u r4 Ta'sa , P'.iB asd P1...! Pilks. kkaal snd Mseti-.as af ib labea. - oet.si.-SMS Jawt Mslssd, aaatM i it. . ns.ss , - t.pt...r Tt. l.i. . Ilk. I sl,i (, . - I I I .am A laree lot of MourniriT Oor,da r..ii,l tjl ; . a,- ..b.,i, VJi.1, I '"B FssM ITrfks j -y v 4 , Ca!.r ,"VkH.d aad" i S l. I.s W ! ll,.y hrl'S 1. 1... a Lb I uli a, w t. A-.W. p.. la blM II Hsriaa, Itsask hUsskim" pass. tat'i'k ler,a, 1 -a... a I 1.1b , .,.. I .,4 Task li... UJ... l. ik..,l ..Is, Oala 4a- t alt !.. b.l... va Bay. M. U ITAN. aptsssb-r. It 4. ' II I t! 11 4.r.a.tfwst.dlkk-S- fad kli. as i .at aloe ed Manisf) - p.B S aa la. tsaaai 41 Par,, k.d use-. Heal T.i-ad I l.k Milk, fanaals a4 every .iy H fa. i a a i trt ata, tt'.i i i i- . a. I ., ' F a M ..J t .,,1. MUMS' 4 Ml k" 1 . , t J ,.its.i tS I 'iil'll il' 1 ii. I, " i , .- a ,t... ,.,'.. i, w.u a n s.THKtn ' r. t -. , fat-Mittm I

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