IJoriji-CaroInta Star miuiu f mu ii - , C " William c doub, , , - i i-: . mtiM KingniiM, If neld trlctlT la tdewaee, tw dollars per aa- I tw dollar ad tfiy lull, if paid within . six months ; ad tkr dollar at the ad mt th ! J"- .-...- ADrKimSgXSXTS Bot exceeding tliWen wee will hs iaienad eae tin for eae dollar, n i4jlr Are oente fo-wcb sweweqwewt tnewrtloeo Tuse )1 greater length will b charged prpr tl m ilty. Oeart Order and Jadicial advertieemeat wilt be hre th per eent. higher than the abev mt. mtnult dedactiea will b matt h m wko advertise bj tk yea. ,j- , T ; ... Bwk and Job Priulirg don with Benin SB f ? JVteh, and oa accommodatieg ternia. . VOLUME XLVn. ' GENERAL DIRECTORY. ' C1TT GOVERNMENT. ' Tn. Dallas Haywood, Intendant ot Pulic. . -. cmainiovin, , . jtUr rfVd. fcldrivlge Smith t ' ' .. - A. Adams. . - '-. ,r ' MiddtuJard.C. B. Hoot, ." y.i' W v;.m. R H. Battle. " : .-. O. W. Haywood. - -X Welter Ward. A. M. U ".j " H.D.Turuer. , ,j.r;, l , t - J. J.ChrUtopIiom, City Clwk, ; H. 11. Batiln. Citj Tra'u. t?f'y (ruanj. Jamas M. Crmwler, " " Jackson Ovrlv. P7jf CuMtoitr. Kdward HiutW " ' . ,. i-iit Williaaa Andrew. . . . A. Adam. Weiiihrnajter. K. Harris, Clerk of Uie Mar The Supreme Court of Nurth Carulina i- ueld ta tliii city eemi-aiinunlly, on the seccmd A adae n June, and the 3Hh Any of Dweniljer ' : JWye.- Ila. Kreiiermk Kaah, Ohioi Juatioe, i , , . . , K. . f eareoB, Auooiate aage, W. II. Battle, ' ' Kdmund B. Freemn, Clerkrtlnm. C. Jonee, Repnrtor, J. J. Liteliford, Sr., Mursliall. , The VmUd Slabs Circuit Court fur the Dis trict of North Carolina ie held semi-annually in tlua city, on the. lt Monday in June and the last Mnndar in NoTember. - Judyt.ttn. J. M. Wayne, of Georgia; Hon. Ileury Potter, of Fayettoville; District Attorney; Hubert P. Dick; Clerk, Wm. II. Haywood, Sr., Mawhnll, Wesley Junes. The Superior Court fof this County, is held on be Mrst Monday .after the fourth Monday in Mareli and Septemlier. John C. Moure. Clerk. " Jns. B. li Mrhel ir, Att trneT Oeneral and Solio itor of the fourth judiuinl Diatriot. . The Vvuri of Pir.su and Quarter Settiaut is held on the tiiird Monday in February, May, August an! N'iretnlwr.' Jeff. Utlev, Clerk. Chairman it f Urns Cmif Cumrt. William Boy Inn. , ' i' County Sotiritor K. P. Marriott. Kh'riifnfri'ake County William II. High. CuroiKr Willis Scoti. '. lUyultr. 11. llutaon. , ; BANKS. Jltnk of tht State of Korth Carotina, inoorpo- rated lii.iu. Cbartor exnree in IhOu. Capital JiLoOO.tKHJ. divided iulo li.tKK) sliares of which the Literary Hoard holds 5,027 and the Univer- !tr HH. - PriuuiMl Bank at ltilnign. Ueorge W. Mordevai, Preaident. CutrTes Dewev, Cashier. J. II. Brvan, Jr.. Teller and Notary Public W. K. Audenton, Dismount t'krk aua Notary Pubbc , . JorSan Womble, Jr., Cfcrk. Tbts Bsnk bus brandies at Newliern, Tarboro' FsTeiteville, Wilmington, Kliiatmh C'itT, Char lotte, ililtoli, Morgauuia and nidaor. mater iks. On tiie HArt of ttte !SUne i D. W. Courts, Pul i i 'lV-iutare', e-of5 ;io, l O B. Brauch and W It IWc. lU ;fi ..f inn Ht.KklmMers : Wm. Boy lan, Wui. i'ei;. I. 'I. it T.iu. J.'U. tJ. Uoulbue, Al fred 1 oies (nil II. i . t (d'roi .tile .j ! 1 1.. I'li-iihy. i'lou.it d iy U il'ioso-'. . . II ll'"l a It .1 I 1 Ut'At ..I hi ll.m. 4.' uul- ' r- '-r--r - . - .;.t. ii i.ir U.oo 10 lili 2 SKW till 1 ST I ITltMim- rnm ViJr h SMI s !Mrei Aftnimmf (Ua Applsua's BUdif M 141 Ilrsaarnj;. , . BCBisrrLiK brother Co t " inpoariaa, airbbisuu la : ." Brngt, FiiBti, flilt, Dyn, ftrftmrry. It., i ITO M UlUassttreet, Mew Yerk," . T SVITK the attention of the trade te their hrce X and Mried stock of Drugs, Paints, Oil, I'erfuai- ery, ., e. Ia addition to their regular importations of Sta. pis Drugs they are also rraeiring, direct frost the sources of production and manufacture, supplies ortraoTH, uaia.anu.HAii.natitHiui.UBoxsEs.CoBKS, Mortars, nroKoss, raiaca and cuoiisa rsaroii- tat, Usis s ExraAcrs, sod many other artioles ueuahy enibraeed in Druggists' stocks, which they are also enabled to offer on the most advantageous terms. " - Order; either ia person or by mail, will reeeWe promptotteution, y June 26, 1866.' 77 Finl PraniBm Cold Mul riaDt-Fnla, TBIHWAT ft I0N8, , i aMram-TvacKa, 84 88 sunt ttauta. , (SAB BROADWAT, BRW TOBK, ' ." " '' Raspsetfally eall the attention of the pebHc to their splendid assortnsnt ef semi-grand and auuare I'ianos, which, for eolune of tone, elastiel ty of tonch, beauty nf finish, and In short every thing that render a Piano perfect, are unsurpas sed. . They were awarded the first premium for both kinds lu competition with the most distm guiahsd makers from boston, Philadelphia Nsw iork, and Baltimore. , , ; new triimp;i I Btsiswat k Hons hare just been awarded the FIHSI l'romium UUUU Mr. UAL (orarnll oomprU tors) at the late Fair ef the American Institute Vrysui raieee, for u lir.sr I'ianoforte. PLATE A WINDOW GLASS... SOOT. mtTJTHEM CO . S. 43 ClifSt., Xlw rrk, TMPORTER8 AS1 - MASDPACTCKKRS A- ceaia. Ohanee's Enaliah final. Crvwn and lys- tal i'lale Window Glass. Fluted glass for tiky-iights. rean Houses, ete ,ete. t'olored. Ornamental, Upli- ealaad Microecopie glass. Ihe Lotidonand Manehea- er plat gla tympany s Mt poliaheJ plats lor store windows 4c, te , , Rungb glass for Boors and slir liilit. . - Attention ie innted to the boot various ae- serlntioas of window glass ia Car Uteres, UtrulUngs jb i other parpoiss. Toe quality el taete articles i inferior to no corresponding descrip tion, sud in many respects superior. Our Sheet Glass will be found better than the French in it frerdia from Htaih, Bust, Afl. Being Aeente for two of the largest Glass Man' fscturers in Europe, we are enabled to offtrroeal ers and others every adruitage in prioes and large stocks. Price Lists will be furnished en applica tion. - . April its, 186. 17 m. BtlfTOK'l TBUtT mU VIEW. Bold ex. rlusirelr eg eakacripiioa. Ageate waned u obuiu aubaohptioas fei Vol. -Sd ul Beatoe's Thirty Tear.' View of ike Seaneof tha Vailed States. M',l Copies bars bm soM of the int volaae, and It is freiumad Uisttsany mors win be sole, ot me ssseias. he New Volaaa will be ready ea the let ef May.te be erabelliiked with al steel piste view e( tbe United State Senate Chamber. The pries of the work net ralaoteis 112,30, each containing J JO double eoUused pages uf latter neeaa. Anenu a aare geoa uuirlcu aiiotiea te tnsm m the following Sutes - Connetiiicwi, Vermont, Ifew Tork, Kew Jersey, Mary- land, Virginia, Aorta i.arulma, atiaeuaippi, - aud l.ouiiliina. Address D. APPbETON A CO., and M Broadwsy, New York. AprlllMSSo. It-lm. ..'i 11. .1 I( I'. i -i. I 'I l.:f - -t i ' .!.-, J I , i : '. IV. ll. II. I Vi f.v ln.k nf the Cuf t'ur I a-iiier. r .il X 'Urr Public. v; !ktw,wHl. T. 11. Kclhy, ' Little, Dr. Tbu. k ili'Kg, .ii uj;. 1 1 iy, D'.Sdount iiy Tuoa-lay TILTON k McFAIRLAND, 33 Maiden Lane, Raw Tork. AKUFACTCP.F.8 OF THE WORLD RF. aowned 8 .lamander Safes . Bank Vault, Baltimore Depot. 146 Pratt. . Boeton Depot, 14 Howard street. ' 127 ly. NE.ft' YORK MU.UNERY. MRS.SlSMVv'ff.dlfwIt and Mall Rillrrarrr nil Slrsw Gouai Wnrthouw , 564 Brandwij A' A' W YOUK. fRS. 8. te now In Kurnpefor the exnreas purpose ltl seleeUns: noveltira fur tha iiprine Trade, which will arrive and le ready for Inflection on or ahou tha nret of March. Southern and Wentern Merchanui and Milllaers are respectfully Invited tn call and examine. tha eame before mrtrbaaiog eleewliera. r altera lloti' nets slways enhnnd. ana tent by esi'iess to any ad' reee, ire.e.J o jib Brwklyi-tlty Slnm Engine Works.. D. P. BUECON ft Co. WATS BTBEKT, HBOOKtTW, Ktw VOSI. Slmtifacturtrt of Steam uginu tcitk liurderi Patent ml tiff and BmUri. ffMllS worn Ibem not only aeert lbs superiority X the ei.BalmetioB of their Engines, bnt will guarf au lee to traiian.il one.third were pnwar aub tie tea surfacs of boiler, aud 3 per cent less preaenre of elea than any other h,ngine -wianufaeturtid Iw the Vnttrd rjiatea, mainialmug an cUai rperd. witbont regard amount of power applied te the enirine. Also from tbelr long experience and Immense reoin- ties, tlieysAkuowlMg no eoenpetttore in ll.e nrannhM. tare el Supir Mil!; fait and Grist Miltt, Hiram l'vwpi, Mining Vmji a'd Gearing fur .Vine. Kwf ley and 1'nttirt, H ury vnd Uyht t'nal iuyi, ntJ .Viif MiKliinetM f rrcry ' , Jetcnp:vm. tfoethrrr Piantereeteenl-on te nerOewlerlv direeted siwracwi.adlnivroied ieaar milt. Ike aitsplirityof ennatreclion. eAtraordiaaty power aad meat durability render it aYutletliy ennernir to any bow tnnie. Orders by mall, or etherwire, attended to with prompt aae and eiapatvh, a. r Bineos, i. r. ntniiua et cu. a. B. rossLiw, RALEIGH, NOBTH CAUOLINA, WEDNESDAY MORNING, JUNE 4. 1856. , 80.000 Iff OHB MORTEL ERNEST LINW00D, NUMBER 23. KW YORK ADVERT1SEMKNT8. Mii.eellaneont. By Carolina Ucats. ALTHOUGH hot sltile moetk has named tiace aetMsuajyiit nnliianlbook was teawei.yet au reat ku beaa tbe demand for ike last aad Bust been fill work frioa tliep.aof ua Umeoled aathieees, that we are now -minting uie TWENTIETH THOUSAND, wUk aa aaakated demand still yieealeg aa. Si see the diswf the bamplixkter, ne book baa sold s rapidly. or become se universally popyiar. produotioaa, eaea tbe foliow.ag beauliiul Uugsmgc i Urneet t-lunood. . . "Death darkens bis eye, unpliunel hU wings, i ; , : Bei the sweeten song Is the hut he singe." Ia thsvolaie satltled 'KrBet Uawd,"Ja Iseoed bv Jewell Co, of Boatou, we hae the dying eung of the elegant andirlfted Mrs; Cardlae Lee Houtt- Moure folly sweesilae tbe aign et aa Aonaa iiie, yet deep and eraealar aa tbe voioa of many waters, it ace uie lebaVebeea poured forth while her soal Boated dowa tetbe eeeaaef Heet. oa almost every page we cast trees the ahadow of the deal h-ansel, who bore her away wljsa her aong waa eadrd. .l.reriua gleawaa from keneaUthe splint ng vail ef kpiiit-hmd ata.reawe rose. Ike book Ue reea-el pireweii a nngmiug hand (Taea frem ewe we hi ad- If me tnlatiiu . us ;;' "''. ' Tawttage ef Pnnek. ' ' . fht JCuy.'f'j iWVurtrr. "Tb pen with Which the treaty of reac wis sirnej win puHe i from tli wing nf nn iuuicrial eals In tL Jur din dns Plantee, by M. Ki-uUlet ilc Conclei, chef du bureiu dee proioco4. O.uW. As the arrow that brlats down the oaelo may bear That eagle'e ewa iemtber Ie guide its bartad ning, Sj the pea that now atone the French eali ' career, h properly p'wked from the Freaeh ealt'i wing. A Kan cSioerrr. A g-nlleuisn who. had lieen in our citv at four o'clock, when t flood uf clerks ia reoerallv let ljone, waa Ulking upon the sub ject to his wife at dinner, when be wound op : grandlv Ly saving. "1 never wunessd sneh LTBi Anetdeea. -i Front th Boston TratiMripL Mr. Cboate ie quit famous f tiie amplilndoj at hi vocabulary, n ban n eoater a new Inc tionnry caw out, eome one wee mentioning to the Juddethat it was se'id to cootainfour thousand new words. ""tJU, then," said the Judge. ap rentty in alrm.J"don't lot Mr. Clioale get hold of iu,f ir if he doe, what will become ul u f The late Judg Wilde, while, at the bar, was quit famous for bis apt repartee. II was one .1 w-ii - . i -x- v .i. ii.... i nr ,i. .. trrinca caaw. ana lauorwu terr uara lauiitatn a elegant artielre evarpanneoUlsreirardhiaaUoraee- tkeir I oertain anawer fnim reluctant wilneia. Tb i cn i.rcu.itgaion in sll ntT lit, my dear. W hat opptieing eounaei luinrriiptett mm wita tli aede ; i;ieoa, 001 tun miu, uavr rmwi remark "Ah, It'a no nn, brother Wilde, to rufgnt! Only imagine, my dirling. that not vnly pump tb witn furthervon nreftwl onnfwii it niitiing tj and di-g. but balling out wild gniaa li." Just in, sniit Mr - Uf- i .ibiie also at the nam tlnta.,?. . . , Wild(e) on one side, and trooae on tb other." The U'e Mr. Henry 11. Fuilor. wns on of tiie most ready wit that ever gr.ici'4 tiie tar of any tuuntry. 'Many aaian bas been immortalised as a wit in Loudon or Paris, on half tb capital b poascased. He was once engaged ia -ning case, and in lib oloeing argutaeut, he taud an irreveretit alluainn to some nn not nan d. and il was dm in sunh a woytiiat tlinpposliig eounsrt to k it in biirh dudijeiw ae an alluiin te .bimaelf and svrot Me-.F. a note., demanding an Impreaaiee paataget ere -reveeatwua id tbe laaer nft f j apnl. ge, , Mr. Full replied in bi happiest tbe wnier-wanderfullor vtvid and abeerbing. beeaaee , nniv wtJ ,,, h hJ Mke ,nlt atai n to .miaiAill. M.I 1 t . . - iiiuin'ii, ue ca nve it eartninly waa not rneant tor "I ARDKN 8EEI. WARRANTED FRESH J aad Oenuine, growth of JBJ4 for sale by UKM- V.X V TUrtnKK, nookseller, HALBien, n; t;. Citron, for pretervs, Aeawreorue. 1 Largs Uianb iieana. (BuahorSnan Shorts.) Early hil-Weeke, et Early Mohawk. Bed Speckled Valentine, ori Hed Harrow, Jfaemrel. White, Brown, Cere, (Mm, Silver Skinned, or White, Large Tellew Btrasborg, Brown Speckled Valent las,' Large Red Wethereneld, Befugo, or Tboueeed-tO' One. Red t rench, Cranbery Beab, ' ' Kltra Karly Victoria, Koral BWarf.or While Kid rtcy. Early Yellow Sis WVke,' China Bed Eys, or Karly tlilns, Larirs Liais,or Butter Resoe Uarolina bewee er nana. Dm. Kstra Early Tornlp-rdhted fop or Batten Onion. W bite Portugal, Vellow Hutch, llkuvers Yellow, new, ijarge aveo, tsrly Kad.lrstrs Ptrttn. 'burled, er Iloubie, riaia or Single, J'mrtatf. .oger. Hollow browned, er Cap, 7'ene. Lai.drrlh'i Estrs Esriy.' Karly Turuip.rooMd Bed,lKally Frame. lins Blood Red. Silekian or beer, ' Mangold Wurtset, Karly Orange do,. Karly Half Long Blood, French Amber Sugar, t'eeetiye Esrly Peuh, Esriy York, lndretli's Lsrge York, Ksrly Hegsr Loaf Karly Batterers, Karly Jirumheed, Oreea 1'urle.l eiavey, Larue llrumliead Haeoy, Red Hatch, (for pickling,); Large lte Iiruuihcsd, t at I'll!, h, Green Ulssed, Usiutnoth. . Oerrre. Long Oraage, t Karly Horn, . Aluiiiuliam, or Field, k Largs n falie, or Field, UfUry. White Solid, Red Solid. .. .. .Cura((Jia4 Evergreen Suar, Sweet, er Swear, r.arly I aaada, Karly tVaebinKton, Karly May Ae, Karly Chariton, bishop's tlwarf Proline, UwarrUlue Imperial, noyal Dwarf Marrow tar, Blue Praaalaai Karly Champion of En gland Large kite Narrow let, ei.Mr. Iree Swcvl, Bell-abspsd Inmate, er rial, Cherry, Cayeune, or Long, 'ei. L'sebsw. et Cheess. oarierfiillv real. We will Bet el empt te renow eat, m sen nonce, in threed ef aa inimitable telcita aodolne weaboumonly aniiuipata scenes and e-eaie, wbiebgrome, with bosaii- 1 nnklngs an aneeneet.owi to lite eye oi aiywww. e would sot rob the book of half He eharm.-w Sweat Oabrilla Lyaa will fell her own etory. PaliUibsd by JOHrKP. iKWKTT A. CO., No, I IT V'aahUgW Street. U-uton. for sole by all Book. aelleia. -, IMaruh IKM.J lit mm GOODS FOR K, J At No. 29 Cheap Place. w Ome Door abote H. sultb'a torgwr. I AM now receiving my SPRING AUD IvbTbTEX RTOCK OP FARCY aad STAPLE DRY OOOIM, UaU, Boats, Shoes, Boaaeu, Ac, ae. which 1 intend selling at Reduced Prices to pi Blue', buyer who will pay wkea called ea, ead especially- ie uuae nan uqy nub Cam. I deem It enueeeaaary to enumerate ertklee. My Slock is Lares and well aaeerted. nd I want the money for them by the lit of Augusi hsst sbd te enable me to get 11,1 inteuibeeiliiig uihhIi a lime cneaper lor CASH this reason shea tbey ban beea eoM in Ibis mar. kst hsretotors. Some of our Newspapers are adopting tha Cash ays tern at lower prices w by not tonic uercfasnt follow suit 'If the rule wurks wsll la ons eaie why not ia the other. But I leave this point for wiser heada to dis cuss. ' Olis tying however, I will ,ay, snd that is, I esa sell Uoodsoiieapcr forl'aah than iboae who sell ou 111 and ! months time and to tstt this matter, dou't lake my word for it, but call snd try, snd I think I will be able to prove It te yow eiitieawsatltfaetioa; Kveri body eall and ms 11. L. EVANS, READTHIS! All those indebted o the Srm of EVANS A COOKE, or to Ii. L. KVAha, must settle their Notee and Ae eouuts. Tbs subscriber rauaot sirs longer indulgeaoe. B.L. KVAha. April lab MM. 14-SL NEW GOODS. e-I'llRKAD LAfEOOODS, EMI1K01DER1ES. t. 1 The 8bie t-ere have lust rreeiveei trm New Yoik, s f 1.1. assortment of tha below named gotdiwl.i.h have been aslecud ith great care I IS a. B. cosaua - HA-ll. -ttd ADS. .' ii-.jk j. i t'oo Until oad Cupuny- i. F . il;H!lt .O, iVwai'tCllt, v.". V.'. V:, Irt voiri-r, a). l. I'il, s-iiaiaiitTrwtinrer. , a.', as, Al.cn. De,.l Agent, Si tl ir nn Ica.ea at J w'vlock, A. MA arrive at CJ I. M. - Aorta Pai-oried l.mlr.iad i'ompanu. ., Cha. F. I'iir, 1'reei-lent, , C. I. MooJe ilull, Treiirer. J. T. Weal. I re olitand Ticket Agent. Maillr a arrive 6 o'clock, A. M., fnitn th Kast; aad departs lOia. afier io'chje. K. M. Mail from th eat arrive at 7,1 niinuic af ter 4 uVha k, 1'. M. Departs at SU niinutc be fore 5 vVlock, D. M. POST VIT1CE. Willias While, Sr., 1'ont Master. UAo bova-a, oa week day, from fun-rie U 9 P. M. TRAVELLER'S GUIDE. (ttaieiL nseaart nr mails at LgcN X0RTIIF.UX MAIL iBr Raiibosb,) Tbronjh Mail cluwa daily at 6t a. m Way Mail at 9 p. Be Arrive daily a p. at 'fh(.ar leai the) depot at 6, a. a , bOlUUKX MAIL (Bt Ttra-aoasg Hah, Cloeae daily Arrivee dity . Tb Hack Iraiee at 7 p. 'WESTERX XAllBr R.iiboab.) Clnsw dally ' at 9 p. Am tee daily at 4, . Ik Tnda iwaewa at 14 OoUiMWrUl'JUIL (B Raaaoan.) i'loeeedailv, at f . p. SB Arrive daily. at I a. at Th Car leave daily at 0m after a. TARBOKlj MAIT.-lHiTwo-nM !!.,) doMonNunday,Tuee.aiid Thttr, a t p. Arm Tassilev. Thar, aad NeX, at 7 p. Hack keavweoa Mo. M e l. and t'ri at I a. PlTTSBORO- MAIL B TaBtia Here Cwamtwa Tee-day and latrtay, at t p. Be Arrive ) and Tbwrwdae,- at T p. Ilack keavweaa rVsa. and Wed. abwert T a. at I p. as) at 6 p. as 8plBdl4 8tek efOeods! Are Be reewielat Ike Wfaet Mark f seaada yy r t r . it.iA. i sa.. cr- ewy, and rwlaa. that baa eeev W-a peweewted ks tUarl, ewd ee sky ksw kwaw bwwt u ii i Silly they wen te pi.IM4 Jr. W.IL sVeVsVYCrggB. I . iKsom, uiT.aa ARir.amnjs. MSesf Puts Maavry Welirjie f Bias, Baa a Mewvy i mabi eare ewes, beea feeble ease av.fawa. It !. kAOika' Saiei. L4.e' Caene PVaa. tav m SI a aeia I an a mum BOaa &m4 U.il.aa lb aMBeead e-as sod b a wtr) IwssMas ass arweaa mawaei srnaa Ceal aad aemae ismax Feb. S -The Wonder of the Age. KO paiI , IF Dr. Toliaj' celebrated Venetian Linimret dies nut core ( balers, llyiirntsry, Croon Cwitc. t'eegbe, liero'SMis. t eeniline, Mnmne, Taolhab. lli-ader-he ll ... i.l Has te, C.ild Feet, Mouilo Bilee. Insesl riling,, llironis linruinaitein, rwillirige, toa roree, 'ie. llama, Brnisea, snd Pains er Weakness la th Limbs, Berk aad Chest. NO U UM b' 0- TBY I T. Dr. Tobias has raarranted his Liim.-at for eight' years withiwt ever Bating edrmsnd aiadc for tha rs kara ef Ike meoey all that k seked ia to art it accord ing te tb direction. NO ONE WILL EVER BE WITHOUT IT A (lev once ieg it. If y-e da act lad It better tha anything ye hare ever tried before. MET VOI R MOSEY BETVBSED. Tknewaada of Cert. feel, i here Wen received weaku, if its rare virtue. New e daye it la tbe peweeare se ill lb papers with eerttSeala from ae kuifWa i ereoae, ar gitea by ibeae eke has aeter aeed Ike me. liaise. Bow Or. Tessas efars t ay 1,000 DOLLARS he ea ewe who willprwve that he ever pabliabed a false peril lento during tbe lime be bas had ate msdartae be fore lbs fal.lie. stloa tb gwt and ret a rao-j Mel eentelnlog genmae eertiteASee. 1 As penees eavmets el Ike nose sale ef tbe Veneuae Uaiieent have auied it Ie Injun la lake It Internally, Dr. Tobiai bas lake the l"l- tewing OATH, L ttaeawel t T Adas, ef the Cstv ef Xe Tork, helae duly eeore d icrew leal I eneanovwd a Lieimewt sailed Veeue, ed ebe tb Inaredlewn wf wkiek It Ie eoaepaiii are aefeeiry kaWe ka sake kMecnelly, eeve in duwtiH U.e i,aaauiy aemed ia the ilirecoo se cenrfenylng eeeebwitM. . . ew Verb, deamery Hk,lr. , S.J.T0BIAS, wer te thle day be foe me, ' Peewaette wToaat, Mayer. Price tb A ee) arete, seed i.y tbe drwesHSa aad Pasae IfediHi Dealers Ikoabill Ike I a, led rutea. O-Alaekar aekr to. Teheaa' II oca Liaiaeeal te pint Betllea at s eewla, waereweed swpena Se say ath 'nr. Tolas' WS-e,eyiCortlaa4 SC Rrw Yerk. Pebewaey), I St lg -RI,CH VIM)T CLAawt. ISVAIB P. BirtlE. I44 Osmbees Street, . T. Ts eWaweet ef ttedae River Railroad theet OPffcRS as Heeler ewd f eacweaee bes ailitealil beasAaef Inexb l4-w wluw e taemkea SeeM, Paevsee wi.a ii.l-aiii.a will be toraiebed wtak BeUaa aa eaewpe at ibear address. Onese owl M Bay Aeelred fWSeen, aw paywad Wee ef ebeage. Ard !' , If f FOR THE 1,000,000. THK r. PlTtlTtlllBUCO. M TaimssiB U, Is. T MAl'FACI CRIBS ef mesVes Maaebe, TU. Teee Meaaaa. Pi iSiitale, A . a eewela, ken. alalia, aad ell luuaa MarkUe. Taia aruxie, wklb e a saisar.elia nt Marbie Isees, ehaeaaewllf wiaa miaeeel exa, aa ae ea be eaowtded mas ae Seem eed tm, by wko-k a marble awe be naawwIWawed ea bam sbe belllbe e-as of aba loeamea mataelal. wkele SI eaeess K M .ea.U.f e4 keeaSf. I a .Se MaeW.ssd r aad item tkere Ie aw aaelaee waeb, Ike eM ,e. sswe tart Iba eeaea ef ska !.. I. wbMe a eaewlek aaed te ge a Waapweaey keaeig Se sb earreae. Sta sals hm IS la iS TaSIa l-, ga..ewal'C ekaep. BifSMI IW saw slaasiaare aed HaAa efakaaa w eVe g.sWawi SVaaae, wnl aniiis aaaeaaa akeea raaeeaeetwe fe.ee, li-eioB Saeaiakad ea aeeli-'aae fillggbSM ri-i.r H'i laou Field Ms-auolh, Ai.W,.. Long Scerlet bhert-tep. look naiteen, kite iaroip rooleJ. jlted Turnip-rooted. iYellow Turnip.r.ioted, tSewwier n bite, ilVtMbffr, er 'I'e-feat. .We(y, or OeWer.'fewt. Syaw.. .Early Bueh, at fatly Paa, Early Apple Buah. or Lgg, Long Oreew Crookaerk, .Bneh Crookaeek Summer. Earlv York, or Adam's Oetfk bemmer Scallop, Fa'rly, t white. Tascaiora. iDwtch Bmaesr SeaUopeL . Utaheerer, ilow. Early Aeislie, (Imported.) r.r.-nnt. Late Uwtrk, jValparaelo, er Poatrr. Urwae "etper Ores. Ppiumtlu Breereli Lome Porjile R cad RBro leaved. Cape, Urire White leoe. Prt.Hy seed, tWeSioer, . j laaiaeo, er .aewAyle. rThlUSnined. Lett tied. Fatra Karly Kairiaa, Later Yellow, Karly Frame or Table. nhort Pri.kly, tally lireea Cluster, F.erlv Frame, Karly Bherl Ore, L .oa Ores Tatkey, l.ng Oreew f Kreee'ei Pear ekancd, farafp. Early Flat Daieb, Strap leaved, illed Soiwd. 8 trap leaved. SO.,. Lerre Nnrfolk, eJL Small I brlkln, f.wn-ble Lara tilobe. i.-M 'eat, we , Jaiopee. Yellow Aberdeen I. aire Pwrple, iptawleb Yellow, Early Purple. , tale Bare, e Swedleh, l.rrwec. ieri Seed. Early Called, wr Cat Salad Lavender, lmwa Balm, Koaeaaary, .aee. e Seiery, Semmer, , I Winter, Stweet Basil, lweet Msrjorem, inweelTbyme, (rrem FeaaJa. rRv Iba hound w bwakal hed t hrver, WSIU lfeleb Clover, ilearwa, ee Freeak, . Hlae Mvaae, Herd, er Bed Tap, Timet! y, , , ICasuiry need, tail) t'sbbaee, Holler Leila. , Browa iHeo-h, Royal Cabbage, Imperial, Pbiladelrbla rabbage, (.'.Had India, ae lee, white Cot, Oreo Co, Pelcrtine, Jfetawa. W ard'a Reetar, Pine ai'ple r Prretea. Kblllaaea'S Free Sallied) Beeebwand, (ellre lea,) I'arMlna eter. Mao aula tet Wales, ranivy, mmiiui. n.ai. Raw Orange, - Aad a rreet variety ef Seeds aet laeledid In tkle ad veeileemewt. I e Ofloa aT . a X. 91. Co rom them st recent importations, emurecleg all the awat styles of Collarets and sleevea, la seta to mama, Ohsmisettsaadaleerea Lac Cnllsreti end sleeves Laee trim'ed collars and sleeves, French worked Cbrmrsolts and Sleeve, " Laee trimmed French worked Cullers snd sleeves. rmhroidrred l uiul.ric, tn aelle to n.atch, Embroidered Heta, oa ilnen and line Cambria. Threed lace Collar aa.l eUcveelo match, Mourning Seta, in both h ack and white, Kmbroidyred lisudorkereblole, ia great variety and ae). style. . - Kmbroidrrrd Skirts tor open dresaea Embroidered Swiae and t'sml rlc Flouucing, Embrwidsred Dimity and Jsckonel Bantls, Mualia and Cambria Ldgiugt snd lossilinjS i Heal thread lace llertliaa aad t'ullara, Thre .. Uceeead F.dging of all widths, wide Black Laeaa fos Flaaneea, A., lox. ihar witk many other new and desirable goods adopted to the ( rem in and sppioeehing sea aone. ouch as Flounced Silk Ifweeee, In great variety, ' Organdie Mnelibo, " JaekMict Mualiu, ( Prnch pfinte in Kohee. . Fleuneed Bcrag Hohca.a greet variety, Cliene Silks, striped and tgnred, new stales Light plain Rilka for evening diaaaea, olerod bilk lllueioaa Black Silks 1 every variety A. All ef w.iieh, together with a eowiplete Bseort- ment l m saonabie good l.oth foreign and di mrs. tie. in fancy end staple, will he offered at the lowest pneec te cash or Hasiaal dealrra. . U. AB, 8.TIIEKR. . A pi II 1, IWO, 16- Ini. but for a much elder nmmber of tha bar than miliar of them, to wit, th devil." (, AluSAi. ver 'ah an uncomplimentary a.lu sina to voureeif. If ymi can help it. It may lie meant fir tli. ,-. ' Th bem.li deprecates lone argument, and bene admin moat your nit" ot few words. Mr. Coffin ( I'iuiolliy) oni:s, iu n-icg to tilrs tb c .urtremnrked, ".May It pleas tn Uoiirt, I am about to makt a very elinri an J a Vary excellent argument, for Mr. .? uatio Wild euied to mt that he oois d.-red that tiie fiiwl proposition al ways included th last. I.shall submit the caw upon th record." Th benon wer unauimoua ly of opinion lliat it waa th modal ol an argu menu e Two uf th great gun tif th New Hampshire bar, Jeremiah Maaon and Iulinbod Bartlett, had beea battling all Ilia week, and tb mutt impor tant cans bad bean disposed of. 'iiijudg was half asleep, the jury was in scareely a better eon ditlun, and uases wra decided befi.r tb parties niter ted hardly knew which way to turn. At abuuld o'clock, an old man was placed at tb bar, accuacd of passing counterfeit money. 'flier wer but few nraons in ih court hoasa 111 Inwyerav hn h d Htnshed lhair businese.liad guue home, and lire old fellow seemed in a fair way to be rapidly consigned to Ilia Slat Prison. Mr. Bartlett, the younger gun, sat with hie arms folded, and bis feet upon tli edge of tb tabl, apparently asleep, whil th attorney general wns examining two or three witneeaea. Kerer waa justice hurried through in a mure nummary msnoer. me evi ience as airact ana cxmciu. ive, and as witneea afie witnbsa left th stand, tb old prisoner's fsc grew paler and pnlr and he trerul.led at tb cerUinlv of his fata. By and by Mr. Bartlett opened hie even, oast i glance at th grey haire of the culprit, yawrrsd gently, and. turning to lb attorney gwnaral, id audibly, "I'll defend this man." 11 asked no queati.ma nf th wilnrssse, and took M not but when th evidence waa through, be rose and delivered one of lb moot beautiful arguments ever beard. Tb testimony, n biub appeared as clear aa nooo-dav, l. pulled all ti pieoee h mad uiaonru nt liarinony nonsons ot eenee diacreiiancy uf tb nioal stent agreement, and ajjen h( touched upnn Uie nld nian t unjust sul fennge, ha drew tears. Witlurat leaving their seuts, Hi jury itoclared tli prisoner "ot Hull tyl" Th weening man. with, alaanad bands, loansd forward, seeming to Invoke a Llcaaing upon I lie bead nf his defender. ' Let him out, constsUe." said Mr. Bartlett, "and now, yn aid rasoal, go about your business, and nvr ket nt catch you ennnterfciting money again." Th jury stared in wander, snd w lelt tb ourt- bobie) tank at JIumt. Tli treat ef tie act provides, it ia said, for tin ataintne uf tb integrity sf tueuitucnan empire, bat that ampir Inolade) many mgue in th ehsp of dishonest pachas, that th fact of bi iniegril v snm nuestionabl. H iniat na.vnnng to seour tli integrity f Turkey, w might aleu lak eueaaura for tbe presen ation of our own. whwli will son eease Vi be mora than doulrted, if fraud, and embaaxl nnt aontinu to ooeur among usal their prevent ewta, il . - U'-T " n-.iO i A Fittimg r.n,--Wimaii's pertlatltT for thin shoes is tn b aeconnled foe by her insuperabln mailt lo tuick undemanding, ' - - An Emtmrratting Demand. Weeee t'ler is a new sang by Blfa, sailed Th Firrt Ki'l. Is thcr not eome dog re if danger In such a title? ror instance, what would a aliopman think, ana how would ho Uhate, if A pretty young lady want un to him, and smilinitlr said. "If mu plc.t.. air, I wontyna to gi,v in f.t Flrtt Km T All of a Viert, W cnntiot help feeling that tb th conduct of th war, and In tli annoiusion of the rc. we hare not had mncb re ton to boast: for we hove been wateful in th toruier and earlv led in th latter kusinem. ' In our us of th plnmatli) pen w hav not proved ouraelre r be penny wiae; whil in, nor wast uf the materials of war, w bav ben roor than pound fouliah. tltrtlu a Oninie.--U ha, been rcmirked that Ocueral Airey mlcht bn judiciously namd lor in command or a ngiij. division. . .ompany, 1 bAiisaiav. April 10, IS. North Carellna.Kiil Uod IfMilcrtr tilt Trail M niiftrf In4ij lk(!lit yf Ipril, IMC ' E'T. Leave Ohtebwvo', at . e 4 so A. M Am. 4 ea b.i..,k.sl til JlllleSnro', It.S a Urakam. I M Pa M. - .aaea.kwa', Jlf e JaHi.neaa, J Leaeu, IW M - glMbory, 44 " roofed, T ST " t kartetle, , S EAT. la.e beetaaa. al Arrive et awf-a el . Swluberg, Leaiafto, i lit A. M. t al oa I I at ' II l lirakam, 11 P. M HiikW, t IS Sal-ea, 4! ttuitw', ' r TittotxiRi Rirr, tagtaeee aft B. ti Bell SA. April ISA I Aw AOElTt WAV7Z9U ait Maaar vkaa Tm Cm! rrHI gabamiitM, Aaetee es meeoea tbe msdn1 ewn- ef a Aft eeaee baweif af taw t eived Biakaa, tSfMW, aad eaesMe me may make eeaaeet sWaam pee awe, bws rw a kemUieaey ef ewy bled tali BtfUewteee ef Sbe ewSwee of lbs bweleae wi. I be by Sliaaalaa lb awknai Hi i r. eed n- f p riot Tm il Ikf Irt'lRil Half I'krttt, In j tnnd 1p.mlt, and in V-'aUie Park- oyrs, try , , I, S and owaoi, Itil.llll If aTElTrilTO&eCO. . oetoisAt mines, or res bsvaluc tea rais Wbols-als DaaJera la Teas ealy. .V. r. Corner a Mm 11 wad Milk eVseee, .. PI11LAVKLVHIA. Jtar-TH, t M.iallie Parka retep re kerffkeet. ewaiieaaieg a vartMy at beab Hlaek aad lireea la eaM kuveva. .a Pnniad Mat ef prices, Tor me, Ae., ParaUlted by mall es ell wk order Ibem. t All Teaa waeraetad Ie please er ae sale. One and tbe eewie nrie awd Srrms Ie all. eed ems aly. Hall ebeeU el Bmeh denote abas t tswads ee of reee abawt IS noda seek. Merrh It, . ' '- 11 Hats, HaU, Hat. "I ) FMF.MI1ER fee yew Spring rtyleef flat, twmwrtvialllLtKI.hu. KEMI MIILR tbetr price ar k pAtrasHlo I the iUa It,. Lemember fkst tbelr Dels ar sssiersailtsli la beeuty, styw aad darsbility. Iisaaemtier si their eeisi.lirbsaant yen wltl V euro ef geitlrg a gt-d ertiele. la lb ler-geagv ef lb fiSoal ef llaaaie e gather! r ember1 localise w. II I E. R. TLTEEK. .essoinee and Strwiger! -Rrmambwr thle, Al It. R. I. Tcker e, tea sss get mi mm aver. lAieg. April lei, ISM. 16 tTASTB BI rPLILP. IT Is a eaaaeded fail, Ibat sUaaaaJg 1m e- 0a4a are kiwara di). alt I fauiara. la Mttl mm't laJe. awd m remedy Mile, we kale paid partiewlwe aetaeie sa Ibw eVewrteaewt . Tkle eb. we bar eeeeleed e eemplem Meat ef tbe mee, deeWeSie ii i Aa. wemelf , rlleeb Queen, I ilb i aem.ifctas ealjroly Rlah amlee fV.w.ii'ae blak haao Bw.mtilea, Blwr t'owla I Mb. Iltae Ber.rae and Tleeweer e aad Wkne otiara ewd I edee bure. bl.e kob aa.4 Rid Uleeaai B aak li.arbaaae end Uaaa Lm.iae easy ba mint roey eee ko sailed t-v eall lag aw . U.A R. A Hi kl. April, l. Ill It a. TjtTF.Xf Bglili IRES Yw R tod liwaak I aiaaeai, very eaaene oeeeeimaw, m ina pat . Th Plaaadth Needle. A nia and A needle bctng neighbors in a work basket, and both being idle, began to rjuarrol, at uie ruiae arw atn to uo. "1 ahoulJ like to know," ssid tli pin. "what yon ar good fur, and how ynn rxtiect to get tnniugn tne worm witnout a neao. r "Vt hat ie th us of v iur head." reolted the needle, enther aharply, "if yutt hav no yf -v nat ie tit usnt n yo," aald tli pin, rll thareitalwnsKumelhlngin ll?" "I am always active, snd oan gn through mort work than you can," aald tb needle. "Tire; but ya will not lives long." "Whynot'f "Because yo hav alwava a stitch In your tide." taid lb pin. ' Vein'r a poor, erookttl creature," stid tb nebdl. "And yon ar so proud that you csn't bend without breaking your back." "I'll Dull your bud off if vou Insult me sriin "I'll put ont roar vs if vou in touch uie; re member, yon lit hangs on a fingi thread," said the pin. iWhi'etbey wer (litis conrarslng. a little) tirl enflered. and, atideruking tn aow aht very soon book off lh needle al the eye. Than she tied the ihrd around the neck of th pin, ami at templingtoaw with It.sh polled its head off, and threw It into th dirt by (he id of th broken neeii. '"Well, her w ir," aald tlit naadt. "W have nothing to ghl about now," taid th pin. "It seems niiaf irtune hat brought us in our senses.'- . -. - "A pity w had not aoma to tl.em sooner," . said the needle. "How much we reaenible human beings, who quarrel about their blessing, till they lose them, and never nd out that they ar brothers till tlicy Ii down In lb dust together, a we du." Aaedtw-f Carly waters) PrwachetaT" V Among tb mu! noted of ihoee sr!v nrrasliers waa Jatnai or, as he was a.aally colled, Jimmy Iiaxlcy. In ISUGor 1HU7 h waa arm aa a mia- young men waa...r but re.ipevlal.lr, Tha father ,i'tJ ,h A"k.-,nV "" l lemisiana. a rmild .laiiilnoanrhuniim.end rwM.lutrly nppoewd " '"" .".u"a j teoi a vaiiHuica, sie i; and the deugbtnr dar not d m la-y niaaa'T- I b'! " .iuh.riHei,wol from unpaid kiiiduew. Mi "mat bint be ntootilight," wbiln preteiolod i . "'"bty wita wliu-h 10 puruliaa it BOAer m have seen wm aid she ninr.i and wast ed lu spit i f bcreoll, Mie tgas really In lor I aisle of tig.li mid tiara, wl.nb wcinen i.ftener rrarb by tiaagiiialiiin Ihaa reality. Still lb Ihthwr remained iuetbontble. Time pa aeed nn, and the rnt ef Mary's dsea-s-k cheek aaed off. rdie let no cenneailment, like a "worm ia tli buL," prey em that riainaak lirk, boweter; but when brr father eVed her by eb pined eh always t'ld bim, ll.snld geulleman Waa a widower aud he loved e daugh ter dretly. Had it been a nidnwed motbet who had .Mary ia charge, a women ' prut aever wimll he's gittn way befor til iaiputtaritties of A daugbtar. Mea ar not. however, an !h. bora la wiah inaltert, abdwletu tb fatlief aan rraa tli Loniariii JenrnaL foreign Alliglaac. Si fjf st t'ir R-ea American tr'rc -pi It eon--ecracd of nut eoj -..rur; f -a !. n ( eti.n-. I cv who rfgrj iiMmolin . jwior 'a T-me aW trgtao fi tbe r.ir. we ea-e m l.etir tl.s Catbullo fa t'lie ci unlrr are mane nr f.-w. Whether ll ej arh ui,t ,,r fiw, tha prin.-ij le ie invulnerable.. Keesi if Air e-wrbvt hundred men in the I'nilel S'atea acirn w'eJj.--g ti.eir bigheat aUig'aiKe to th 1'.-. tha amv.ii.e-s of " t leir nunib--r w iu. l l.e no rtia ,n v ihev r tnv of them tb mid I adjn. wie i f r J,"., mnit ia It tn fulS) tbefn.ne.iit!oa ( in the tln.tel State nnleaa. iu hie owrl lirw. the S-.r !'i.-i. a see ia t tb P"nirH'i.ov which I i. e.irn to support. It ie absurd tn t.i tn, ti jt. Ii-au tlieew r bnt few peraiwia ru .,ur cunrrehd h.-dd tn i:, m.Wer uf a fo-vit-n tyrant ! a.oi.lr then, from l! oblig itionenf allewnce tiour eon titnrio aad-iaw. wwagtt to ) r.o 'il.:e.nin t anpportinj tha fnrxtii.'. W wml l'm anp. port snch mea any si f.rr than w ibid sup port a traitor, ami we WouiJo't suptort a traitor vn though be were tb only ir-.'iwr in tl. land. ' Tb principle of e'ecing men who l.clieTe in tb power of a fore'em p KtntvS to rejtiirc them t dienbey tbeineti'Viiin and lairs of our ciun try it in itself pjlpibly and touaeipiutlv vrMng. Inopraoiing it. we lo not dumii lr implvllis enistrjnce nf any four in nufm'n U thai' tha -Mama Catb-tlic a'ra Hbe atrbng Or (ncrentihe; tn atrentfth in tin fnited Hmtcs. Tel nntloubt extlv they are inoreaaing in strcn'h. The imia merahl multitude, poured from fore1? p un tile Into eurnwn, are alinnst entirely ( alliolk-a. They make yearly a ief tici-oeiim to the Cmh.i lio power. Teariv tb Cath'ilie pmpo-iti .n of our entir pojiulatinn is, in ennafiieiici', bettntii ing largac and inr,jrr. Aire )y the Catholic of tb United Slates number themselves br nililiotit and th Pop nf Koone, by iaauing h i onlirs tlimngh bis ar)ihishop. and thoni-e through hia Qianop. aru tnno tlirourh bit (irieitacin ctul th wltol Roman tTathulic rut of tl t'niicJ 8'aein a solid and unbroken maa, for whatever men or whatever neatiirc be pleas, and thus eterdee, ren now an influence in our p .litii abanlntelr fenrful, lie ntn apeak a vvnrd f om lb Seven Hille, and hie whole a-my of bundrede nf thoneandiiln thlinitd Stntoa wheals ahd 6, at hit eomreand. Th existenc nf eucb a pnwef , in th will of a foreign jpnt U a treroendoiu erH and an appalling peril, eten when th Cetln nlic ntimhers in the t'nited State flr not greater " tha at present! and with the infreieb of numirent, nomas the lucre ise of-the peril. Thar is a rea m, thtn, a jrent reieon, a mighty rcgann, why no man, bnbling liirhwrall-el.inc loan earthle - power thin to the t'hlte.1 Stutes, should b le twd tn nffiot in this country. The Influenc of Rmna'rt f'siln licisui nvr tbej ip Nicht prcts of fhe United Siste, i daily 1i Irewiinlnggrentar and more tnurifutt. Hun lreiiU -nfnntl A niericnn editor wl.ol.aie always liceu' Proteetante. nrc serkin erery opportuiiity to -diaper? I'ro!otnntiiu in comparison with "Pn pwry. If thy do notonenly s.ttn.:k I'fiiieatant lam. tbet sneer at it. We have tliie nl.oueiit 'ee for us avert prominent soli Amerii-sn pat or of e ... i- .... . .. . . '. rvmiturxy, which enya Unit "i,n mini i.l Hit Protestant etercy have i,t' fith in 0d and truth," and that tbe ar "Bulling aloud upon tli flesh and the devil." If such is ti e eiwe with th Biat of th teachers of theprotensant Church it is to bt presumed that th laity are no better. ms not to ne supposed tnnt th mass nr the fol lowers ar better than th man nf tbe teailiTS. an, then. In the new nf ourantiAmcrlcnn cditora tb mas of all tliav IVtettints of this country bav abandoned their faith la CoJand truth, and surrendered themselvet on to the fitth and th devil, k When the pre- of a grsitt and powerful pnlitinal party la induced tout uob latiguag ae tots, sural v It te time for Protectant Ameri cans to take heed to th political asgrrvsidiil uf I laughing yst Ktrruwful, e- A Utile tuekrrrea la a llnrry. An amuaing Btntfimnnial etory Is told nf the olilro time nf Mew bngland. ll ee tell ont that two young people becam very much era it ten with each tuber; as young pmipl wimetime d. Tb young woinan'efatlter w as a wealthy (Junker I he White Beats." Tbt ntwspapere in tbt tmpl iy uf Sag nicbtitnl in Ih Eastern portion uf our Uiavaar very much excited about tb Whit Baais. just now. 'In alt nut Western (schangaa w e nothing nf It lluwiatliat? The . follows tell asttat "De mooracy le a unit" th Mm at all times and every w tier I Can 'thle be sot In ltnnonuih and Wilk then itra -8outhni" gentlemen urge no obiecliou make nil fne about "Whit Biasia taking away the rights of the S'Uth." It leaflet tlmt 1-!nmlier rights" loingmad And bit Western frienda, wb i Mluae to gj with a very larg majority of "old linn" "Henry Clav Whigs," evsn tot 1'illuior, L-a as ikay ab IcJgs "lb right of tbe JSjiltli ia the pir.aiouiit question now," is it a lad. w say. that th p l culisr .-iuUim guardian (If jj will allow Hut While Rasia )uesiisB hmh tint copies td" th IluWgh Standard w gel, hoi. !a up at a tl it t.uga abolitiou quaatiun to bt aeibud emnn.1 ab"ut tbeut, and all tlinu.'li li.o lal. and never rnia tl.elr Warning emcaer Where we I lingular. Mills, Colsman. Krwm and other VY.tmrn lea l era, thai they di r.ot sie.ik out and wirn their l.eighbors sgaiaat this l hit Utaia "aU.lilion" Uiovet Tin strip nf petno't (?) lh in ';tti and niggi-rinterrat in the Slav, our .', we ttnnb ti lulkuuit as brtid, if low a Lne I n ler than any one ls, again! tit Vibiic Da is busit ne Al on time be waa reduced lu tbe very verge f ' prvrrided lilies vlw have aisrd lh! iue.toi ar starvation. 11 bad p,-ed lb previou. hunt in ! ""' '!"B J '"netiv thereby. V .11 tiny n it, the iia twamp.- Towards evening, eold, wt, ' on' J!" ""' ,n nPIibw U tin. affiir, and buugrr, f, h bad aalen nothing for thirty- Tru"i ,r,li".,f "' ,uiu "'' " will be taken f.r six waits be reached a tilautntion, lit rnteio.1 the bouse, and ielitioned for flroj ami t dining. Tbt mistrres of the houee?, a widow, with euiniiy daughter and eereral iirgro vhililrca plating granted that those ah, now ap-uate it, ar mt a.-ling very credilal.l. aa II. ev are only endrtto rinj to i'H's and f..ncnl eei n oml atiiib ft r niieral,le. unworlliv, pn.-ty cmU. I.i I'atil, we tbatlhdugbtereartaMtwlleHp.alnU!l', "J beyond, 11 a.sicb, baeurpnaed bar one dav be Waking wtn f nnA kirn erBU(,uB -Marv, rather than amp tn death, Ik badat " fatoritgiann ala ui, rwiigoiscd his calling, and rofuwd hlart-1 '"' " ""l 'lr ' H).i.aa1rfi , u,,, (incal. 'M,ew..n!d haienoauihraitUaU.utl ar.' , tecn..,l the S ate, wlieiher e .rieut or not. Tieoj.od thai lor c.nilgninwaep,ra,iai.Ui warm ! i'el t' uix that men sli .u'id lean the rewar.ta liimaollbjil.rnrtllorelicetoutiiib.llia.ldnd0' Uicir own d.eh.wveaiy. w think that ll Mr. darkntvs. As be sat warming himself hetl.uuthl '" soil-defenoo, s'.ould turn I'o. .,ue.-i. n id" bis sad pl.ghL and of Lie empty atom. Ii. He 1 V1' t,"l o.nal ag l .i n -making thought of anuihar nigbi in lb. aep. II ! "''' tJa-n ba, rairtd to injure I , to il..,o. l.l of the dark. e..li;n. el... ..d ..I ' bia own adiaMai; In the W eat, ni eel a-ti e Leiler aaarry a thoa boue and wbeB the pleaee. And what d d Slary? Wail 1.11 tb birds of the air fcad In! 1 her swan ef lire change, or nil her father bed lint to change his wind again! hot a lest of It. JM cUfped her newl bowaet n her beail, walked direeily iutwth MreeL and then ks dirn l V tw lb a-Mis f her intended a tl street emild carry L. r. frtit walked into the boara lilijut knoa-king, tf knea-king wss n.K then ladiiowalile. and il found tle funily just sitting d a to diknxr. IV me bltle e-ieusuolkun waa es bib led teo atMttotednerniuihmaaiaabeir lb the Widow's m tisre, but she Seed en. John looked np laquiringly. hbe walked tw bim. ewd las k hie hatido ba her r "J.4.a," aaid el.e, "faih ee mvs I aaae ! tbra." Aad Jol.a got dirws, ly up fns lb talJe, and went tw lb pwrwow's. Jnai In leeuly ii Minou tl,ey wi aaaa and wilt. A Peal llard tbelL We d-'l rrfcr l. ll e reliri -w. I at ti. the phya. irwlel.elt wf th nbt aegwiwloww a iareefnadWet i f i he Hel"ireire I'aind niet in lh ear frm Chicaea, LliBula, ip dms tj , and I hue de eeriliwe, " I ar tasek tweite Ih nmer, set an nged eebiree) man. wjwii In H.arw. i.e S lt lw ill llagwr. Mwet hwiall, II, mom 'a Mark Anlhe y, eon Id ileal bim. lie bad pwewed llma-rS aewrly an bandeeal yeire, wtw a wig al India hair, l.latb aa tel. beneaib which wa a beard while ae ditir eemw. A ww roenphN reprw- beart aAalle l w ith I found vent ia uu of ' "Peae. my eaal, then aeed .) set fear, Tbe Ureel Provider still le bear He sang lh who! hj nm, then anothst and atf lit Kia, he will l juetifed in enduing. The fml ia, this W bite II ii-is huui'-ug la near, ly poweroee in lh Kaat. Mivlin a, mar, a weals, nd Loo Karrin "cAril-," hate reawl to b metiers of naideralion l.y Ilia intelligent penpU of the i,it. He whualtenitHs it n.-w. f.wle that b dnaene th ontr-nnt nl all hone-t an itiier. Ja.iii round at Uie close, Ii aaw i snen, nemagogiiM usee piayeu upon mat "harp m dherapd dAUghter. and Mzniee all 1 teir. i of a thoueand etnnga," until it ia ale ut all on- "llerw, Pally, gd the preacher a and I'ete, you put up ria Sure weet II be piesaee, aanl the widow. , Bo Jimmy land for bis tuptf ailb a eong. y.'ec. Sir. Mil bar s Ltctnra, t gie supper j strung anu qisninrseti, vsry uuii innate, so nur o : lie th ill stay a to thai it a'll only p'ay one nine ab oit Au -u t and thil will be ' ngju'e ratre.il,'' wb graceleee impe w,ill ".oaroli l.i.ksiila ' in tl iu ! V OjUM-k lime to the tune of V, carry m rung to tb netd wt Mil mar I CtirwiiM lidtvoiie.tn. erlid ia awe waweea, ae Sew ewuy, wbo-b w watt eeltea awd family BeSWae., le ewe ewewmr, wa wewaae. bierwM mm4 reaail Piscrit ATttSO. alaAgk Febrwaey ka. I SMI ef y-SNggag IMb-sae aa tbeee aa eaaalesd VV sw eaaweaae, gee asle ST Feveei. e. f. ;nj S0wy.T A B irS, sMiaitasi uf an F.gynuaa aawmme "Wl4 eeareale be imagined. AHul asnddew lb ..id frlkrw eUurk p a line, in a r ear, (hull eoi-, lka ailraes, leg gwnaral anentiow tl seemed ae tkowrh l.t " t mved eea a Iserw r.f a han4 efr ngw," la j k kaad wwa m paxiiina akmg a4 b poret vf kehnwiela viiamei, narra'ier torn By liiehra. swey, lot Midi ! waa b-iea. We., la Krf Cwroliw, near d Cap Fees, we, kannreal year er-v Me Maewalewk eMHb)..e-rL wtiere Ke died awd lef ms fee I g4 bgi as wet da Awf b a? wly, e-ghteea hoedead, ewd bvb beaa preeec, baa Ii .r, et.ir elwew. fV eMralrt as Mef M a, bwt fee brd shell Pal.' tela, a sol seee ba m nt la ms en ta d and d ladder wax Id 1 fbi great penree awd h-p to, dw g-d. II said bs bad ves VfaabiegMsi awd aebae gewat leas af Ibe IbevelwtHiwi waa oW prntif ia eavte rwminia. eeetrwe Men ef the reassegwe gave kim ! dwwaii a, for nbiesi be wiwild benevwdewily die- The ladaetrssn Ho- In lleaored Mas. Tb Irath ef th acriiHwral adaee. "Ilil,al d,,-e.,t ia Iroalne-s .1.1 stand brf .r king., I,.' tT "What are y Jiglug Pat r rai:fc. ,, . ... ... I an' at d'gg eg far Bew4 ' T'enrw f.re aball b.4 at.nd Uf.r mean men,- bee lee. th. ,,, ntti "W. .-t) 1, f.t, j.q larautifully temptiSc4 la lb career " John A. j digging for m .my T" "Writ, I a, n't il t-i ' t 1 -ti.lwaer. Webndbia. In bia youlb. atonetine "y'"ot eUe!" "t'iral-rite lu k ' -. , . nl, L.t..:.. ll, f.,i... . .v.. r.. ..a .. .,i . m lead letter take h -Id. AIM f 1 1! . r i ... ... ...m, ,,.w ,,h, HHq Hi ptOlf.rr, in lb wuraakop tbi Maaua makmg spinning heels for lb g.,!4 witw of (iuill od t r-! mi lleir wU I k bark IneUtU their e-.srs and baalonda, and lb Kelt, Irud-ing b not fmm Huuth Carulina iih bis budget on hie V. k. afier Jew long aehud I t ll. means wherewith to spaiiee drripped, end the baiters i i nisi. pro ids bia owe siudie. Suckayuulb m.u.d Wol , bait bav Leew suiw4ed by a besfol man' 4 I l ba larew. Tht b y that tolled for tbe s.. ; ort of the younger members of bis fallieis fam ae well aa for l.t bwproserMonl laf die i'.J. ka. tbia stay, lb Beiti IndaoroJ and faefobir man la that whole rrioa of lit fitate, so J't,.l,Cs In g-aat a.ij gad Bsc. and laid hold rnt tlroronili f r s l i.e A throwing ont exmie clrl I. J. tl.e (; w-' i--t. si "Whoa did yon tet anr ni' e. 1 i.t ?" '"M'li'-'U n'ght." " hi : In, mu. I; ili'l , il t?" ' I . , d iilars and a half." 'l !,v, lint . ta: .i .ro I. lis pretty well t ail el iiln ii a d-a i tl t r- lof pnr br dirgint filer . all teei t wm." 1 A NEW W0 UK. llTW. P 1 1 1 pleie mea A Harris la Ttsea, aiaecstae ra tea ,n n. M'e.a tbre,, lii.r, .a ial f ee-e di o to. i.t. ihraiea lbs t'ie.'.i.le l,aia-. a lea.d.a. aefl.d parii ol .i ) la tke re. i Iri.elll, 7e ba okt,teed "f all po. ke;'' ii, e.i paid U aiy ps-t ef U.e t'a., a .e r.-- - ' t. MU I i i Ar-'- i,. , . It f, 1--W eire.t, ' Af.ll. let, mt Tb Owntatf PrUf does ap llmwrill laotic- fY' V,."7Xf", w Ilk aa tint loath. Tbt billowing Is a es-n ( ) e r k. a U.,-e I Ar'ii. od I eao g I e lata not and t g eaure , fiew w. ii AftH I. I'i Jjoi Burnetii Maaatae et L raaideeM nf Mr. nt. Mb laed, by la. (' -ll -way, Mia Msiii In mid. ka W, It, Ilieks, daeaing asnatee, better kw wn hanghai iluka, by ewer emeenei he be In n Marabell w bisin th Unit IS f owr trwa wiaaay. Th fiat' tlnsend la4 Mated httbr Mr I'll'srd, tt wk ban tb wereesoe y U - k t i.. kByretlWa f &-.. tWlly Ml.rd kw g.e I ,,,,. A 1 SI A d aad e'-ee i. April I. In. ,f b U.L..VA a'. I ataeer Laws SWaaary II 1IAE Arri'lM'ie, It ly. wesSiag wS Pool K a Swas a p iww, awt W4.,iAA. fi BII C"-, rsueewaa, re. few e aerre tieeii.ji Wet tt Card Xirt't. " j t

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