NOR TIT CAROLINA STAR-WEDNESDAY MORNING, JUNE 4, 185C. Pflrtj-(anInta Star B A L E IONdT Wednesday Korainp, Jane 4. IBM. I ATI0MA1 AmiCil TUTU. -ron ntniran. MIL.LARD 'FILLMORE, or KtW TOtl. . toe. rtci-rauiDurr, ANDREW JACKSON DONELSOS, , or nrnni, . - ron oovxxkox, JOHN A. GILMER, or CCILTOXD, Tram information wa hare received from tha vYeet, " aayetbeOneaebore Patriot," nnal iafied that the iMut ia the Standard of the 21st, of tUdiaoontioa ia Cherokee ea tha 8th, between Gov. Bragg and Mr. Gilmer, ara tissues of tha most glaring distortionx and aaitrepreeea tations. Mr. Gilmer, we lean, eimply explained the-posiuoo ia which ha iu a tha tint ha gon tha votee alladad to tba duties tbea devolving oa him, and tba constituency whose feelings mod wtereete it became his duty to represent, aad submitted to Mr. Bragg and tha audience if f was fair that these ihould bow ha used to preju- The EagUefc DrnVratts Mack af tha nxalious controversy which for two at thraa yean has beea going oa betwaea (bit government aad that of Greer Britaia ia at tributable ta tba character of those wbje had aharga of it Then have beea no points of die- pata which night ant bar baaa tattled by ah; two intelligent, frank, saagnanisaous gentlemen ia twenty four boars. Bat English diplomacy U proverbial lor evaeire aad aqui roc ting tendea- eiea, aad enluokily wa bare at tha baad of tha State Department ia thia country a persoa whoaa pragmatic and pettifogging propcasitioe make quarreling a pleasant pastime to him. ' Tba prea- SAD BEREAVEMEBT, It beoomea oar painful duty !to aanonnca tba death of ool of oar Boat reapaetad and beloved citiaena, Dr. Joseph J.W. Tucker, who departed this Ufa on last Sunday morning in tha bloom of manhood and la tba midst of usefulness, leaving large oirolo of relatives and frieodt to mourn hit departure. Truly may it be aaid, "be died Without an enemy." Tba funeral aermoa of the deceased waa preached in tha Methodist church to large audience, by the Rev. N. F.Reid Preacher in charge, and eoneignod to tba tomb by the Oak City Guards of whioh bohvaa a member- dice him ia tba East, Got. Bragg stated to the I out aspect of the matter it presented in a praeti- eal and impressive light by tha New York Cou rier aad Knqairar. We think it will satisfy all liberal minds that thara U ao quarrel remaining and thai further dickering ia aa anmanly aa it would be ungenerous aad anbeooming. Says the Courier l - Baying Votes. -' f Tha Washington Organexpoaaa one of the me. tbode of electioneering adopted by the Anti American party hi Washington city, for the pur pose of carrying the municipal election soon to take place there. Tha Organ says : "A baker who belonged to the American party waa urged to abandon the party, and was offered a contract to furnish bread to the Convent in Georgetown worth some $200 par month, on condition ofleav. lug the party. . He so told several of bis Ameri can friends, who remonstrated with hint against accepting the offer. He said his business bad suffered he waa needy and must do it. Now if the baker referred to, will rfrny it oner hi liijuor tun, we will prove it by so many and by such credible witnesses a will make hint vho denict it blink. Now, let tbe issue be met." If such ril lainous means aa these are uoad by 4he aati-Americnn party at the seat of govern ment to carry the popular elections, is it not rea sonable to suppose that like expedients will be adopted elsewhere ! . And, if ao, what becomes of the boasted purity of our popular elections ! crowd that they ought not. Aot uud about whit bai. Ml. Gilmer opened the discussion. Got. Bragg commenced bis reply by stating that be had been Governor for near two years, and that ha bad aerar heard any complaint of any thing that Ira had done; that ka had made appoint ments without reference to party. He concluded in the same way. Mr. Gilmer ia his reply minded the Governor that there had been some complaints, that hs had not been entirely fret from party bias in tha appointments of the State Directors of tba N. C. K. Road, and that there were complaints about the Bridges not being corered ; the tills and spikes being left scattered along the Road. Got. Bragg, in a tone somewhat excited, demanded nr. Gilmer to specify. Mr, Gilmer in reply, after apeaking of Messrs. Dortch and Dick aa vary respectable gentlemen, stated that ha had heard it remarked by a gentleman of Got. Bragg" s own party, that Got. Reid in ap pointing them, had passed orer others of his own party friends, who ware more interested in the Boad, and of mote age and experience j and that Got. Bragg had renewed the appointments. Thia has never been mentioned since: and had all the gentlemen" wfc-compoae the State Direc tory been present, they would simply hare smil ed at the mistake of Got. Bragg, in supposing that he, differing front all other -men, had escaped Complaints. We would ask, in timpe justice to Mr. Gilmer, that his Eastern friends, and all others, Wait and bearbiin speak forhimself. We learn that where' ever he has spoken he has given entire satisfac tion, and ia considered an over-match on the stump for Got. Bragg. Our information from the West ia encouraging. With the Tote that Mr. Gilmer will most assuredly reoeite in the East and in the Wast) the Urge Central counties, by united effort, can triumphantly elect him Govern or of North Carolina. A Pleasant Wore from CoaaecUcaL A correspondent of the Boston Bee writes : "Mr. Fillmore is gaining friends by scores day by day, and losing few or none of those who evor were bis friends. The more his name is canvass ed, tbe more signs we have of tbe Very high es teem in which be is held by tbe American people. Aa intelligent people like tboaa living in Con necticut a eommerciarand manufacturing and f industrious community ought to be among the foremost aad fastest friends of such a man. and - wa predict that they will be true to him in tha end. Such a people will never go into the sup port nf Radical Democracy, nor play upon that ingle-stringed instrument which discourses no other music but the melody of a sham Republi can. The Cincluaatl Ceavaatiaa-. . The XewvYork Herald, after a careful analysis of the predilections of the delegates to tbe Demo cratic "National Convention, divides the Conven tion thus rMr. Pierce 107, Mr. Buchanan 91, Mr. Douglas 48, Mr. Hunter S, Mr. Dickinson 1, New York and Missouri are not tatsu into tha account, iiiMmuoh as both these States aand two sou of delegates. The New York Softs are said to be partial to Mr. Duchanan, and the Hards ara 1 certainly opposed to Mr. Pierce, ao that no matter which is set is admitted, 1t will not hold Mr. Pierce as its irst choice. Tha Benton faction in Missouri is aso favorable to Buchanan, and t ie old liners may be likewise, tat aught wa know. At all events, Mr. B. seems to stand the bast olianoe for a nomination but not having a two-third Majority, possibly soma obscure maa may again be put ia aominetion, Aaseretaa Victory ta Wheeling. Wa are gratified to sea that the gallant Ameri ins of W heeling Vs., have repaired the injury they sustained, by anpiaeness and want of eouoert, a few months since. U the eonteet last Tbartday, they elected their Sheriff and all the county ofioers. Tuis result was obtained by acting in concert and by aot being ia toe great a hurry to act as a party; and wa hope the success which tba Americana have bow achieved, will induce tbesa, la future, aurrounded aa they are by enemies of every aoa eeivable character, to bare regard to the same i in all their movements. Town Meeting. Pursuant to notice, a portion of tbe citisens of Raleigh assembled in tba Town Hall on Saturday evening last, for the purpose of making a range- men ta for the celebration of the approaching An niversary of the Declaration of American Inde pendence. The following gentlemen were appointed: On behalf of tht CUamt t Dr. L. 8. Perrf, . Kdward Cantwell, P. F. Peeoud, I. Procter, W. h. Pomeroy, John C. Partridge. On behalf of &e Sunt of Temperance : J. W. Howard, P. P. Williams, J, M. Perkinson. On behalf of the Military: - Oak CUy Guard, Commissary 3. Iredell, Sargt. J. Spelman, Corporal Wm. J. Browo. Independent Ouardt i Sargt. J. Nichols, Sargt. A. D. Tumbro. Private II. C.Smith Easting far Dealer rata. Bedford Brown.formerly a Senator fiom North Carolina, was ia the Senate Chamber a fsw days ago, looking tar tba standard-bearers af the old Dssa oat alia party bat he looked la vaie. Ia lieu af Forsyth, Beatoa, Wright, Tatewsll, aad ethers af his eoramnorariea, ha found Maeoa, Iluater, Job, of Tennessee, Toombs, Pratt, and Bsajamsw all rampant Whiga during hie torial tons.' Mr. Brvwa ia a eekrate to the Cincinnati Coa- veatioa, where ht wiB tad many snore renegades af the earn stamp. " IfaaaT. , , Serea gmtlemea of A lam ansa county have for mally withdrawn from tbe American party after a mag aad todioaa fcyoiay to be releaaedw that take oat, aad SIX eat af Aa savis bad to make their MARK. It ia strange that aa ataay gcatkmea should sign a paper and only eas smJ4 wrUe hi aamsl There mast be a "serea loose" somewhere. Tba withdrawal was published la the North Carolina Standard. . . fcr Miaaaaata is tha asadel af a prosperous, peace M. wsll governed Territory. Tbe Legisla ture baa jast edjourosd, having dlipnesd, aalie faetorUy to tbe whale pipulatiea, of all baaaase brought before h- la reply to elreular addressed ta the members, la Peat Maetere aad ether par aoas la pa bits aositioa, ratarae af Use aopekiioa have beenlUr4dapa May Is. It hi aaiaad, with leaaeaable aaearaey, to be, 130,000, mere than su&oUat ts jaetify tbe admieaisa of avmaaaaWn'mOsV maal aw (WftajaJw ' ' Tha Kattsaal Asaartcaa. I. Thia paper has asaaad to ha leaned as a daily, aiuitiognsen aaaaaaissssat made by iw Ji- tora, ka the isswe af May KHa. It will aareaftar WUswadaeaTaskly aad Sesai-Weakly. Tba edimse hwrmg tmU sheir hvtsrswt la the Asserioaa tokaa laaaaaf the Aaerioaa party b a long ad rem). gtThs members of tbe above committees are requested to meet at '"thk Arinorifof Ike Oah-CUf Guard, this (WEDNESDAY) evening, 4ih Inst., at 8 o'clock precisely. J.NO. SPE LM AN, Pros, pro Urn Perloaleel Received. , STWe are indebted to tha publishers, Mes srs. Dix 4 Edwards, New York, for tha June No. of "The School Fellow.a Magasina for Boys and Girls." It ia a very readable and Ins tractive number, and well deserves the attention of ail School Boys and Girls. Terms, f 1 per annam, payable ia advance. Putnam' Ituntkl for June baa been received. Published by Messrs. Dix A Edwards,New York, at $3,00 par annum, and ia worthy of a liberal aupport. 'IIoHtehold Wort" from the lama publishers is also received. Price $3. ftar-A destructive Ira occurred ia Charlotte tbe 2Cth nit., by which aome twelve or fourteen houses were destroyed, several others were blow a up before the dames were arrested. We learned from a passenger on tha ears.that tha Ira originated la a bakery not far from Sad ler's Hotil, and tl.s Hotel kept by Mr. Adams waa among the buildings destroyed. Lose not known, - One of tha prominent oSoert of tha Costa Ri- eaa army la a 1 russiaa itaroa of tha name of Batow. He held a command la tha army of Blacker wbea it aa opportunely arrived to the aid of Wellington aa tbe laid of Waterloo. Soma years ago he took part ia aa emigmuoa aobease to thia Coatineot, whith did aot, however, answer the eipeetathma of ita prefeniturs. Afterwards ha took up hit reskwaea ia CratrafwAaserioa. A gentleman whe saw him la Honduras several yean since, states that he ia ont of the moat ax- pert atarksatea ha ever saw, and expreseee the opinioa that if thara are many like kirn la the Costs Rieaa army, a bloody aad doabtful oeateet ia before toe (ores of Oea. Walker aad his Nioara- gaaa allies. .. . , " In settlinc a nersona! dimouttT between rrn tlemen, the tone and temper and spirit exhibited are of much mora account than the respective views entertained of tha subject matter in dis pute. Iteooneihatiou is much mon a wort ot the heart than of tbe head, Now tf one gentleman charges another with an offenea, through servants, asrainst his riehts and dienitv. and the Utter, af ter calmly hearing the complaint, replies that it would be a very met complaint. M true, nut that it springs from misinformation and misanpnhea sion that the wrong acta imputed had not oc curred, and that trespassing upon tha rights and dignity of the complainant was never contempla tedthat be had given bis servants express or ders that they must take all care aot to commit suoh trespassing, and to practice ao concealments with his neighbor that the moment be had discovered there mittnt te aanegr ot trespassiac through mistake or accident, ha had ordered them to leave off immediately tha whole business upon which they had been engaged, and that they had dona this that, could aot aee that thev had committed any wrong, "yet if it was really so, it came from no design on tneirpart or hia part, and that ha felt sincere regret for it, that he was anxiows there should be no quarrel between them, for that thev fluent to be two aa good triends as wen in the world ; we ask how long that quarrel would last it SUCH a bearing were met with a similar spirit? The latest des natch ol Lord Clarendon, on the recruitment difficulty, is precisely of this charac ter. Tha British Minister says literally, in ao manv words. " tf the British aeents had infrineed the law and the riehts of the United States, its Uovernment would have Deen entities, touemana and her Majesty's Government would not have hesitated to afford the most ample satisfaction," ' Her Majesty's Government, however, unequiv ocally disclaim any intention either to infringe the law, or disregard the policy, or not to respect the sovereign right of the United States, and tier Majesty's Minister at Washington and tbe Con suls solemnity affirm that they have not commit ted any of the acta that have been imputed to thorn ; " Her Majesty's Government gave the most positive orders that nothing should be done to infringe in any manner whatsoever the neutral ity laws of the Uuitad States. " "Ita intentions and the arrangements made to carry those inten tions into execution were not oonoeaiea irom we Government of the United States." " It was sees that however strict might be the orders of Her Majesty's Government that nothing should be done in contravention of the laws of the United States, and however aorapuloot Her Majesty's officers In America might be in obeying these orders, yet a misconception of the precise bear ing of tnese laws, might lead someot tnose omcers Ulllllieiiuouailj so uvorswp Hiei, uiaiw , w hw, accordingly sent out orders to discontinue all further proceedings In tha matter," ana " tne re cruiting srrangimente and proceedings bad been abandoned." " If, contrary to tbeir intentions and to their reiterated directions, then has been any infringement af the laws of tha United States. II!r Majesty's Governmenteipresssince re regret" "This difference is deeply regretted by her Maj esty's Government; fur then an not two eoantriee i i . , , . .1 t L : which an oouna ur sirunaor un, ur or considerations, than tha United Slates and Great Britain to maintain uti broken the relations ol perfect cordiality and friendship." Now all this is nndeniahlv. in a marked decree, courteous and friendlv. Then ia not the slightest trace in the whole depeih of a falne pride, or of a defiant will, or of a captious disposition. Kxaatly tbe opposite feeling is conspicuously manliest, n ny ttten ought not this dispute to be regarded as in the fiurest train of settlement f risen Kaasas Heparts C swarmed. St. Louie, May 26, A a extra from tba Isl ington, Mo., Ka press confirms tha previously re eel red accounts of the destruction of Lawrence. It states that after mach difficulty. Marshal Donaldson had entered tha town aad saade ar- a ofU persons for whom he bad warrants issued by tha United States authorities, lie then turned over his posse to Sheriff Jones, whopro- eeedeo) ta make arrests on warrants under the 'territorial law. Ilia attempts were resisted by the eitisena, who fired on bis men. Sheriff Jones then commenced cannonading, destroying tba Free 8tate Hotel aad the office of the Herald of Freedom.. l ov aruuerr wan sun nunc ana uiv names 1 i . .. . lives wen lost. . i eroowBMafiTrn. - St. Louis, Ma v 26. Later advices from Kansas nport tbe return of Gov. Robinson and Messrs. Schuyler and Conway, in oharge of the If. S au thorities. Robinson was Imprisoned at Leoomp- ton. Gov. Raeder had aot been heard from. The Kansas Citv KntemriM. Extra, of the 22d says that Sheriff Jones took about 20 men into Lawnaca citv. and at his demand Gen. Pomerov delivered all the cannons and rifles ha could col lect, oa which Jones gave a receipt. Jonee refused to allow Eldrigde to remove tbe furniture from the hotel, when a posse entered aad carried most of it into tbe street. Jones gave express orders that ao private property should he injured, particularly Gov. Robinson's bouse was not to be touched. After the posse left the house was burnt. Daring the excitement one man was shot: another killed by the falling of the walls. Geo. Pomoroy is at liberty in Lawreuce, . t..- :. tt tha Star. , . Trfsrate at HeeaeetV Aanoar Oaa Citv Gcaaaa, ) Bsumm, N. C, Jaae 2. 1H56. f At a called meeting of the Oak-City Guards, held thia morning, the following preamble and resolutions wen unanimously adopted i WatasJJ)y the decree of Almighty God, our beloved fellow -etddier. Dr. Joe. J, W. Tucker, the 8TATE OF NORTH CAROLINA. C'BATnaa Uochty. Court ef'Pteas and Quarter BesMoaa May J eras, . . - CM,. AttachaseatXavy aa Deft iaterest in Ceawer Vtlaea. McLeaeaaa vs. 8. B. Slmmeaa. IT appearing ta the reUsfaetlea of the Court that 8. 8. Slauaoas realties beyoad the iarisdietiea o this Cean ar so aosawded er evaeeals himself Surgeon of our corps, has pasasd from time to I !7T ".T' "... !i,I7"r' "? TrBi?" " Uhai " ; be made for six weeks la the North Caroli-a Bur, a , V ,1", .i-..,.. . I newspaper aabUshew ia the oily of Raleigh, notify -r. ia ni wa sow surjmiMiveiy ro lof a,, la B. 8. Simmons persoaally to he aed Thggubeeriber desires te gin aetice tkat'se ass mr sale the Mlewh( new and stmei ive Colored pnata, which an fatly e,al. if aat saperior ta say that has hum of. re Ua isned. LIFE O.N THE WESTERN FRONTIER, F ram ralatiags by A. I. Tare. A'ftsWtmi, That bile wa bow submissively to lD. ik. MiJ a g. Mia Alwisetreatur, we deeply regret , appear at the aext Term of this Court, ta be held ! rest of the baad an retreating befera the viUm f ? . THE PURSUIT- She S i SO. Brpreseating a sMrnabh ea the Praire. A an. tl Trapper In full parrot! of as iu M.a Chief, aectea In His war paint and plumes. The sevse warrior seems urging his harm ts his eimesl speed si d attempting tedodtretse impending bullet fiom the levelled pitei of hit foe. Ia the dittuxrr, the and untimely death of our friend, ' r..r the anaatv afChathaatar the Uoart Hu ia Who, but a few short days ago was ia our midst, VitUben', aothe 2d Monday la Aagaat A. 1). 1 &. rejoicing with as in bright hopes of the future. Tbea aad then ta replevy ar the property levied aemmz, i oat in nia oeatn Ilia Vity Guards have sustained aa irreparable lues j and aa tbe cold hand of the relentless destroyer has sow closed bis eyes and hushed hia voice forever, that are cherish within our sad hearts a fond re membrance of tha many m inly qualities which, enabled hia character and adorned his life. . ' Jiewietd, That we deeply sympathise with, and offer our oundolence to the bereaved and af flicted mother and relatives of tha deceased! and in mingling our lean with tbein would fain sooths the anguish of their bleeding hearta. Ketoleed, Ibat we wear tbe usual badge of Biourn'mg for thirty days. JietJoni, That a cony of there resolutions, be sent to the family of the deceased, and also to the City papen with a request that they publish the same. aa will be condemned ta satisfy this reeovsTT. Witness, W. i. Taylor, Clerk of our said Court, t ad i ,k. .i xinu. r u. year. PRICES CUMREKT. Kaasaa AOhlra, St. Louis, May 28. The St. Louis Republican and lenioerst, both hav letten nlativs to tha recent attack upon the city of Lawrence. , The latter says that stores, and dwelling houses have been indiscriminately broken open and robbed. Mr. Johnston had $2000 worth of drafts and land warrants stolen. Mr. Opliff, oolonal of militia, appointed by Governor Shannon last fell, waa robbed of his commission, private papers, watoh, eight hundred dollar in money, and all of hia clothing. Brown's Library waa fired twice, but by citisens. Tha Republican learns that on the 22nd inet.,. a hundred Free State men wen collected at Lawrence. -The garrison at Franklin was prob ably attacked by tha Prea Stale men on the night of the 22nd. It is understood that Governor Shan non would order hundred regulars to be stationed at Oswattomie, a hundred at Lawrence, and -a hundred at Topeka. Judge Cato of the Oswatto mie district court, has been prevented holding the sessten, by threats of the Free state men, Judge Fane passed though Leavenworth, on bis way to Georgia. The Democrat is informed that Jonee intended to proceed immediately to Topeka with the in tention of destroying the town, whore soma new murdors had taken plaoe. Advioea from Salt Lake state that tha conven tion for forming the State constitution, met on the 24th of March, when the oommittee reported unanimously for a constitution for the State of Dereret, Utah.) 1BRITAI OP THK aTElMER BALTIC ! FOUR DAYS LATFR1 cotton doll aatyniTDr rt sua Petersburg, May 30. Wheat The market ia active and we note a good demand fur prima White at $1,60 loj 1,05 ; a very choice U.t wouhl probably bring mora fair to good White $1,4(1 to $1,50 1 Common $1.10 to 1.35. : Cottor. lloth buyen- and sellers an disnos- posed to await further demands. Wa hear of nothing doing, and quote nominally at 10f for good lots, at which quotation sales eould be expected. Corn. Market dull -salw at 55 to 57) from tne w nan tor country l,t Q I j 04 w asked. lonaoco. Ihe breaks fur aome weeks past have been very heavy. Good to fine descriptions, in dry keeping order, an in demand at full rates. Common to fan leaf is lowest, and the decline on this kind is greater than for oilier sorts. Wa quote common to good lugs, in keeping order, $5.50 to G; Leaf $0,50 to $8,50 1 Good to fine $10 to$li. . ..... .t. GuaNo. The demand continues active. Hold err an not quite so stiff, and we quota sales in large lots at o per ton. Sits. Tuh-iktini. Small titles at dOeta. A. 1. 1 Son, aad of Americaa Independence the 80th W. P. TAYLOR, C. CO. 22 -!w F RSTUm SLtOBTLT DICLIKED 11 foaarra Coiktt, as perhaps many of ear ran den may know, reoeived ita name la aoaor af Cl. Forsyth, a North Carolinian, wlte fell ia the war of IB12,on the Canada frvolien. Be fun he oatered the army, the Ootoaol waa ia tba habit of visiting thia place oa business, and aa one Oe caaion accidentally left hia tavern bill as paid, at tha tavern of Mr. S., aa old revolutionary patriot. At 0e soaimtocamenl of the war of 1812 Mr- Forsyth rscelved Ue eosnmiseioa of ea plain of a lino eerpe which be raised ia hia neighborhood He awebsd to Caaada; waa a Wan aad seres ss ful omesr, and waa several times promoted for gallant and sooeaasful engagements with the assay. For ansa achievement hie former boat would gin him endit aa b bosks for part of the debt and wbea, being Cuioaat Fereytk he fall at the head of hie troops, which be bad ea eftoa led ea to victory, the patriotic eld gent lo rn aa finally bsJaaosd hia aaeoaat. , , MT The "Roanoke Dsns at ret" is the title of ape pabliahed fat Mali fas, V. C, by Jasaae W, Fsaestt, Editor aad Proprietor. It raises the lag ef tkmoertrf, .. Firs U Tewa. On but Monday evening, while our eititens wen at supper, the two story house oa the corner of Market and Greene streets, belonging to Mr. Charles 0. Tales, aad occupied aa a Tie Shop, waa difeoveredro fin, and ao rapid waa tbe progress of tba devouring element, that all efforte to quench the lames proved una voiding. But fortunately for the town, tha fin waa prevented from apnading farther. Greene street being Tory narrow, R nqaired eonstant effort to prevent Mclver's corner bouse on the opposite aide from taking fin. And bad it not been for the large throe -story fin proof brick building, recently erected by those soter prising Merchants Messrs. J. A F. Garrett, the fin would Inevitably have spread East, and the whole central portion of the town would now ban been in mouldering ruins. Tbe evening waa exceedingly calm-not breeae stirring. The Fin Company were oa tbe spot with their engine aad buckets ia quick time. doing good service. And the Inhabitants, white and black, wen out in full force, doing what they could, to stay the Ira. A portion of the tie wart and materials la tbe shop, wen saved. The large assortment of Tools wen a early all tost. We an gratified to learn that purtkm of the loss sustained by Mr. Yates, ia secured la the Greensboro' Insurance Compa ny. Mr- Yates la aae of our most aacful oitisens, energetic and industrious The fire was hardly done-burning, hefor be had mated another bouse. aad waa ia the can oa hia way to procure tools and meierialt to go to work agaia. lie ia tbe kind of s maa to build ap and enrich tow a and eeautry, . , The large brick boose of Messrs. Garrett, though steading ia three or foot foot of tbe turn ing house, waa not eortoealy damaged. lie window shatters were red hot for some time. Wt aD (eel that thia house aavad the town. CrsnaWW rtriat Jfug (Vi. Niw Yon, May 27. The fine steamship Baltic, Cant, Cora stock, arrived this morning, with foodjays later intelligence than was reoeiv ed by the Canada. The lialtio aailed on Wed nesday, tbe 14th inet., and bar passengers enjoyed a pleasant passage, Capt. Com stock proceeding at usual speeu, nut ooserving great caution. iter news possesses considerable interest. A Commercial Treaty bad been concluded be tween Penia and tba United Stales. It waa rumored that aa American squadron would soon enter the Raltio. On Friday the 9th, Russia, Sweeden and Ol denburg, signed a protocol at Copenhagen, agree ing conditionally to theoapitalisatioe ollhe Sound Dues. - Russia, it was reported, had demanded sxala- nations respecting the Secret Treaty, signed joint ly by France, Gnat Britain aad Austria guaran teeing tha independence of Turkey, but tbe Intel- igenee has not anected the stock markets. The Russians under Moorovieff, were eommen- mencing a new oampsign against ihs Circassians, 1 ha excitement at Dalgium continues re, peel ing the interference of France with the liberty of tbe press, but the latest intelligence by mail says an agreement with France had been onus to. The disoovsry of several secret societies in Franns, had caused the government much suiiety. Affaire in Italy continue to excite much atten tion. Cavout had presented two important notes to the Sardinian Chambers. Wslksr's battle with the Costa Weens, had caused but little excitement ia Knglrnd. COMMERCIAL. Cotton onehanawd. Cloned dull. Salsa of tha three daya 18,000 bales. Wheat a trifle lower, with bat little speculative demand. Had vs. 3d. a 10s. 4d. f white Us. Vd. a Ua. 3d. Flour a trifle lower, with but little enerulatln demand. Westers Caaal 82a. a S44s. i Ohio and Baltimore 55 a 87. White eom so roe, and advanced ana shilling. It It quoted at 80s. a 32s, Mixed declined e shil ling, and dull at zy a Tba weather has been Tory favorable for agri cultural pursuits. . Consols Vo a raj. ARRIVAL OF THE AFRICA! Tuati ban Li via raoa aiauit Wilmington, May, 31 TuarxNrma We note a decline yesterday of 15 eta for yellow dip, and 12 etc for old virgin; with sales of 360 bbla at 2.60 for new, and 1,08 for old virgin, 2,10 for yellow dip, and 1,10 for bard, ail per bbl of 280 lbs. No transaction to-day. Sts Sales yesterday of 125 casks at 43 eta, and of 248 do at S3 eta petgal. Nothing doing, to-day that we bear of, Kobim. There nppenn to be considerable na tivity in tills artiole, with sales yesterday of 105 bbla No 1. at 2,00 2,50- and 2.80 per bbl as in quality j and of 8,100 bbla Common, at' 1,10 for large bbla. Sales to-day of 1,000 do at same price. . . , Taa. Sales yesterday of 125 bbla in order, at 1,40 per bbl. Pitch. Sales yesterday of 150 bbla at 1,40 per bbl. Corn. A cargo of 1400 bushels received, and changed hands at 68 eta per bushels. Salt. A cargo of 3,000 sacks Liverpool, re ceived direct, sold to arrive, oa private terms. Fayettcvllle, May 31. We have ao abanges to note iu the produce market tuis week, liust- aeas is verv dull. Then is a good eupply ef Bacon oa market. The supply of Cor ie light No changea in the price of Cotton. The supply of Flout is good prices unchanged. Spirits Turpentine SO cents per gallon. Raw ao. no sates to report. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, . Pitt CJot'xnr. J " Court of Pleat and Quarter Sessions May Term, ' 1858. Petition to sell Lands. " W. M. B. Brown, Adm'r, vs. heln at Law, ft. William A. Womble, Dee'X N this ease, it appearing to the aatifaetlon ef the voan tnat tteanet WomDie la a non-resident or this State. It is ordered that publication be made ia the North Carolina Star, published at ttaleigh, for six successive weeks, commanding tin) said Oennet Womble to appear at ear next Court, to be held for the oouatv aforesaid, at tha Court House in Ureenvilie, on tha first Monday of August next men and Uien to answer and show cause, u any. be had, why the prayer ef petition be aot granted, or this notice will be takea pro confesae aa to him and heard accordingly. Witness, Henry Shepperd, Clerk ef ear aald Court et office ia Oreeuville the first Monday of way, t&ou. II. BHEPPERD, CTk May 22, IKM. Si w. v NEW BOOK S. Married Not Mated ' Mimic Life by MreRltchee (Meweth, Ballad for tha Social, by tha Author of Ballad for the Solitary, Ernest Linwood by Mrs. Carollnia Bsc Hentry. Annual of Hckuliao Discovery for 1850. Hogsrs Table Talk, ' Gardening for the South, A Forest Tragedy and ether Tales by Ones Greenwood, Bhoopae Rseolleatlsai a wayside Glimpse of A merioan Life, The Old Dominion by 0. Y. R. James. Travels in the United States and Cuba by tha Uon Mlas Murrsv. Italion Lights snd Psnal Frlnetpin seen taroaga Americaa Rpeetaeln by domes Jackson Jama. Harpers Maganne for June For sale by W. L. POM F.ROY. May 27 156. ' 22-tf. NOTICE. THE Aaeaal Meeting ef the members ef Vsrth Tar llaa si ami Life lasamaee Cossnaay will he held la Ihs City ef italtlgk sa sluadsx Us 7ih of July asxt. at II slots at. JNO. O. WILLIAMS. Beerelary. Jans 14,11)1 ' Is id A. ARNOUX A SON, M110I AIT TAILOR! 5C7 Aroexheoy ff. Y. VTVIHl.l. Inaef A. at a. A. Araeax havlag kesa X dlsselvsd ea the 1st Inet A. Arenas, the faeadsv at the erlrlaal tne, has assseiated with klaiMir his sea Wlhl.l AM. (! the hue Irw) fnr lasparpese ef eeaiiaalag ihs aaMatss sa Msveaaal Talleva. ikef have tokre Ihs stete Ne. MT Hreadwav, hetweea Iks Ht, Miehelas aad MstreMliwa lletels, ahsre ih.v have last epeaas a tat aamtawat af Ulethf, CatslsHns shd Vseuags ef the newest aiyies. tMr easawaers are emails' Ike! ear aim win he teta kaaee ikervMHailaa akiek tny yean aitrallea u ta slaese has earned Aw the seeler partaeri end that ear nailsnl ears will he ts have every ganavat avails ap la a saeanev last, tut style aae wavfaashlp, waaet he sarpaaftsd. LATE PTJBUCATIONS. vUnahlieaa Laad Marks. The views and opinions of Aaierleaa Ptalssmaa ea iBnlgrsllua. Using aeollee tla ef statlsiies of fupulatioa Pauperism, erlaie e. With aa enquiry Into the tree eharaetvrs af the II. 8. OnvernaMBt, aad Its policy, oa Ihe sahjeet of isswlgra tine, Naiarallsatioa of Aliens As By Juha B. Bamlr- u. . Blent aad Una ring. Hew unserved, aad Row lesti By .Henry Clarke, M, D. n a. Husiak. A Bonn tnat I ev aeaainer. The Baas kg fapsrs 2nd BsrltSj By Julia Ureuxh Kiehnead, la Bv Ooas Days, Reaslaieeeaees ef aa Old Cltiien. The gnarrew urass Papers Or Life In the Ceentryi By Frederick B. leaser Peter flatt, The Cape Ass. glsbermea By 1. Rey- nlili. M It. The t eatk or tne oia iMNainien i uy resiaei Hop kins, HimiiIms A nnrel. Ths Krroad Marries I Or, A lMMghtrt Trials A doaivrlle ef New York Dy aatlaka,-- Tke Feed ef Animals I at Jvkasoa. Tka Iimi AaMrieaa BalUe I Ov. The eeatest between Chri.tlearty aad Pelllieal Rnsjenlsa By Aaaa KUa Carrol. israaseev It. II, TllRflEH. If. 0. Book Btsre. Raleigh, May IT, 1C II - the hunters. THE LASTJWAR WUOOP.-Siae 23 x 30. j The unerriiTg bulltt has Iresghi lbs grim war- I rior to the ground, from which he partly rais himself to give the last death yell ef drtsnre te his enemy, who seated ea hissad.lls with the discharg ed pistol still in bis hand, seems to regard him with a look of mingled pity ami hate. The Aery mustang steed of the Indian wildly endeavor to break the Usee with which the Tia.iper holds him. The petition of the beautiful hlood bay horse ef the latter, is particularly tine, as lie rejrar U the fallra savage with starting rye, ears laid hack, and fore , feet braced, as if shuddering at the untau thly sound. Two Rpirilol Jlliutivtient efAmteriemi loh ami Pari! Smmi. in Winter. ' riEKR SUOOTtXU, "ou the BUattagou" Site 13 . 30. . ',..-.. . i .. Two hunten in ths forr ground are crouching behind the thick cedar bushus ens of litem aiming his rifle at a nobis back wb'n-k with two does seem to have ceme down to the oppoaiK side of a small stream to drink. Tk fresh snow on the ground and fallen trees, broken only by tha hunters foot marks, ia finely represented, aad tha whole scene one mat win delight the eye or every lover of banting and wood eraft. L. , : TROUT FISHING, throogh the loe.) ea Chate augay Lake. Site23t30. -. On the f rosea enrface of the lake la the front ef the picture, stands aa enthusiastic disciple of haak Walton, who, through a kola cut in the ice, is pulling ap a fine Trout to be added to the group of beauties " of tbe tame sdrt," which are lying on ths Hemlock boughs beside him." In tha back ground is seen tbe enow capped bills, and mid way ths wintry blast whirls ths light snow is a ctond before ito Thlt is an eitremeiy pleasing and nat- ' ural piolure, ia all its details, and glvss a vivid idea of our vigorous northern winters. THK CARES OF A FAMILY. Slse 23 x 28. From th Original IStiating fcy Jl'f. TAIT, lately exhibited at the MoMim Athmeum, end at th .National Academy of eVsiow, ef AV Turk. A very elegant and interesting picture of a group of Quail and young, (Ufa sise.) Tha mala bird mounted en a moss grown leg, with head arret, and eye intent on the watch, lest danger shall" mettaoeiiis ekargs, snd tbe mother bending down ' with open mouth, apparently calling her children to feaat on a tiny By resting en tha grass before her. Twoof the little II edgings an running with eager haste to eeeun the tempting morsel, the soimi-. tnds ef ths parent birds, and the timid reliance of the young brood are represented in this beautiful . group in a manner which elicits at snot tke admir ation and sympathy of the beholder, and would auoceasiuny i appeal to the Icroesrance ol Ihe keenest sportsmen. i n. d. tcrner. - M. C. Bookstore. Raleigh May, IMfi, 20 tf, University.- tctrlne; Mac bine Spool Cotton. ORK'SaV M ACN A U OUT'S Superior Improved Six Cord BOO Tda ".IDOL COTTON THREAD. WARKAKTRP t fetd k Be. taelaslve, Mas pi Has sWs ather Thread said as t Ceraj 4 Cjts m Ka .to twhsstva. IS Mae. aeave ether Tkread, ara r trwa ae te I Ml. Vail essertanaU as skis sarevlav artMe, (whl-h Is BewprrfrrvHhyikeeakewkkWlha MACHINXH. fnv katk t'pper sad br Thread) Jeet nIM aad f r sale ey the case ef tail . er ewkagM af sue sW, ay SLiSASiiss njM'A. ha, t fine street, Nvw Terk, Seaevai Agent tut OB hit a MACRAl'UUT, WlaageW' Bawple fer trial gl.e tree Ml heyers. deae (, In, Itlm. . Nrw Ton, May 28. The Canard steamer Africa, which left F.urope oa tba 17th int.. ar rived at her dock la Jersey City about 10 o'clock t - L . CI.. I J I ' -. .-! . . mas aigns. cae aau pwen prwvMrasiy reiegvapnaw ap from the narrows. Then Is aa Tory aaex- peeled ronton In the ootaiu of her sows, la a mereantile view of the Africa's aowa wo lad Catena anchaaged la prices. Bread stuff a tbe aasac aa Last, aad Flour easier and aotauta bly lower. Oa looking over the ether aews we find nothing of a very speuial imparl anew. The English par, I lament waa ant la sresiaa ap to 17th. Folium ware evict aad than waa ao etn lenient na the Central American sfaira. Ia net, the penple did aot swasa to anticipate that their Miaieter, Cramn-1 "t T saewtaa to t.e uti.UriUe af ton, wnwldba diemiaacd by thia UevefaaMrM, ur 1 mat milium TiaeVr. iMatald. I rtasr ae Waa or ' " iu a,e see aaa mm EXAMI5AT10M ef the Students af tha 1 Ualvereity of North Caroline, will begla aa Monday, tbe gOth of May Instant. Commeaccmcat an Tharaday tth ef Jane. The committee af Vleltatlee for lnod, eonslata ef it Kioolisacy THOMAS URAOO. ' Oovctaor ef the Rlste aad Free't et-afficic na. V. U Bwaln, L. 1 U-, I'ree t ef Ihe Cglltge, William 1. Aleiaauer, William ft. Battle, . James W. Rryaa, f HanM W. Uaarta, Jeha W. Caaalafbant, J-ha h. bcaaall, - w illam A. ttraham, Cashing B H.seeli, , Bamael F. Hill, James C. Jehaetoa, Cadaallader Jaosa, Jrn Aadrew Jeyaer, Matt. B. Mealy, Olles Mebaae, George C, Meadeahall, ' Jeha M. Menaced, Usury l'e ter, Tlslisr L. Btaele, Ragh Waddell, Jeaathaa vTsrth, cntm.8 maxly, eersjery ef ths Beard ef Uireriare. Raleigh. May t, 18A. lit td lapsrtait tilttl lilUiisli rnptrlf ll ftl&B, KORTH CA&0U1A. Spring Slock of Booti tad Sbotrt, TUB 8CD8CRII1KR begs lean to inform his numerous friends aad customers, that he haa Just received a large aad wtll selected stock of the below named goods i Ladlea Cnn, Kid Cong's. Rd. Galtera. Bl'k Fr. L. Col'd -8. C. - -llrown' Biltch'd Engh. Kid Oar. L. L. Tipped Hd. . Bootees. "-- tlaitere, Ihwtecs. Bllppera, " Th kAThiaJ. Llads. Mnr Kid " rarodtea. " A Mor. " Bronte Bllppsn. Buskins. Blippers, Faredtaa, J-Linus. bdlea White Kid Q altera. - Cash - Kid Sllppen, iluwea Cnr. Kid " Roaetta. " Bl'k Mor. Hd.- Bootees, lll k Fr. t. Oaitsra, ' . " tlot'd' , ' ' ' " Kid Mor. aad Gt. Coolest ThTt Bolea. lira. A I'el'd R. R. " Cha, Ot Welt 4 Mor mm. Aas'd. Col d Lace Oaltsn, " " " Hot, bootees. Rl'k w w " . Ank. Ties. Col'd " " " . Cash Hd. RuttoaOallert. . I'at. Lea, Strap hoe snd f umpa. With a large asennmeat ef tient's Cailera, lleeta and Hhoea, Alto, Trunks, Vslelces, Carprt Bags, Matrksls and Ituantt caaea, with every other ar ticle asaally kept In a regular Bhee Htorr, All In want would do Well to eaB aad einmlae heft re baying, as I will sell cheap fur cash or oa lis months time, to punrlnil dart, . BmT TUB 8U UNO HI HI) It e-Mlnscs In faeture ia kisasaal style, all Linda ef tk ia his Ilea ia the moat faahlonablc aud dor-bk Maim, v and at the ahertest autlea, and at cheap aa the timet will atlnri. LlM)k FOR TUB 6K5S Of TllBniil I'.'HIT, HtSHV l Ulllt H. Ralrlgh, May tin, lV, io -lit. sha loha A. Gilmer, Ksq, the Amotieae can didate ht Governor, aad Oct. Bragg, are stump ing it lathe Watt, Hia EteeHcocy ie overly thrice wsleome to every thing thet he eaa make eg that maa John A. Gilmer, of Guilford. We know him a cleverer fellow acver broke bread be is a pbua maa don't hare a white kid glove to pull off ia abasing heads with agnwon aad laborers. Qeeea Uragg doa't lad Uaekery ta deaata aad would gin ap his emce to puss tea Gilmer's taUate, ' Gilmer la self mads maa. If be never sold berries and auto far bread, he has aosnsiatad with boyt whe did, aed theagbt hitaealf aoae the arena fur it. Ruing as it were firasa the ashee ef poverty, ws be bald him a eeadwtete far Oov eraer, aad one of the ebteet mea la North Care lias. Gov. Bragg ia geatlcmaav aad eaa af eaace. ded tokatc, la lofaaey he waa Vothad hi the cradle of wealth, aad his laiaete owe Ut orlgia te the dimes aad aot to the maa. , . JrWam CAnmirlt. else they did aot mack care whether I Boa. Americaa stnckl still held firm la tha F.ngli.h markets, aad the weather was more generally favorable lit ti e sraaor. Tbe Africa made a firm ran, and rearbed her deck at 9 o'clock, p. m. The Kaglish hmrwala la the govera meat's leterew! et plain Lord Claraa doa's totter reepaetiag the turn rines tm Cut, Lea, by saying that ths Rritiah Gonramenl have sjaaalitira of uld cutsets feraaicaad will be glad to avewt other raitomare far them besides Uic Costa Kieaaa. A vary lame apoh-gy. Ths silting r the Crimean l,iard of MairT an within a day setae of thctr tavminatiuaj. A peneiim of S,tlA per anaam had hrwa granted to the marvels of lhtlbusia, la the India Co. 'a sarvire, as a reward fr hit having aanatad the four Kinrlnms to the BriUah nnatsisiiiiie. The trial of i'alater, the alleged1 puuoncr, was progreacng ia Loewtuo. and kllrarling much at tea Urns. The most amiaeat momhers of the Cagliah bar bad been amptovod oa both sides. A eu'iireas of rfrmra fna all natinas had heaa held ia La4a. Robert Owao presided. Petitions Ac parliameejl and A memorial la the Uwma had baea ad-otc4. The aowa from the Cuoueeat of Campe la aa in ts rem lag TATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, MttTia CoraTT.J Ceatt af Plow aad Quarter Beatieet AprH Term,ltM: F, W. i agalast Wllllsm Tlacer, DaaUt J. Ilart th, R-1 1. Kills sad William am, tradlagaaaer the ana af William Tladrv A CaAiUikmsat, me Oart rk.i me Uertwaka, Betovt i MVau af wis itiaw. ll w ilirtw, mi oaMiratraa to taaCe la tke Nrth l aMiaa Caw f- sts wti awilrlai tk aid d6HMaat l ke aad erew l,tn tk Jae'Uea af ear aaMOaawaf Pleas aad ttaawr gisinaa m ke keM tm MVe saM Vmrnrntf. as Ike Can Umm ta WUImmmMi, ea UW to Maaaay la Jalr sou sa4 reptevy, ar Jeg. meal teal aiH k aaWirec ap agalasl tkm aad tk Pywt kvM w,s14i4 tellH stymaM ef Ska tVat. Wiiawsa. hJsn.nM f mmt I wt, ataakala W,ih.mumi Ik ta Mly la April, 114. May ink, lt'4. , f5- KEW BOOKS' BaliW by Ana Flic CerraH V ThcOreet A at Marytwt, A Issfeaea af tha Amevtrea fetb-y as sy-paaM U tfc Eauaaskmtatc af parstgn IJaamaa by Taaa, Wkitaey. ' - a Raw enJe by - . ., W. UrOMPtAT May ff. laid tf ' Ot MONOATTItB tlU PAT OP Jl gg fpreslma) im ta keanaf It a'etwt, at, aad I vtMh P. at, will k said a ia snalm a, ik kiriwM k444r the r.fnr ks hTIIW ILtKl t lOTtl, anrvmsr aim aH las mraltan aad Aamrss msastag. Tk kaiUMag Is eatlnly new cad wH atiaated aad eaaakle af asiwrnmsitsMeg a large acaiker af gawm tk dlalag ream ts very snarls, aad repaWt f seat ing several aeasud asttwas mfftakty, sad lis eaa MlHm tmikss aitk tke ef tk emeteg jn- tsal sr aawrrraimS ky ts of say atket etsMt,h Tk l-t4 CW r ike atevd A Rsaaahs ll read C lyaay. aad that t Ik aatsigk a MMa Ballnad I 7. r la Ik kaiMlaa, end kvlag Ht- aal4 MaswtiaMly aa tk Itstlnas, Ik aath4a4ia,a- leg tke wkate treat at Ike tl psnis u twratial aavaalagre t t,vwas wk 4, ire ta gag tk tk ka. stares f Mate! trag. The kaam It at frtwst saj-y lag s iwt ta af ka,iaas. It I atae eaasreaaary m eater late a state aataf 14 oVtsvtptlaa as avvsaas wlekmf ta yarikais am n,a,ass tad t eaamtae ike presaety tofare tke say el sat. 7 ,s vs. a. II aac ta m Iks la saaal payawalfc aVMuts wiik ai pv,4 tarerliy aM k rr4. May ia, ma. T.J JAhkklT A CO. II 4 ( . tM'; f vy ad f RAVgto I I ty far ths he ! li. with fni -1 1 M h. I Tell-C t ejarf m4 1 Opposite) ths Ha tonic Lodge, Waal Co, wages, Alswienae a4 Cat flat, Vails at ail at wiiaais aa, Maare aa4 Ua war. f aat mm a4 sksa. aa 4 T"ka aad Cigwa ataal aa4 Pkaav, 're e4 Peea, aa4 aha, ead a u a,., wsa! f Pre tWaa. aad UstM, a4 mmt w thMc ! tjaaf ia o arire i aU f aaaaj H ka aaM Ita aw ak c twf P tut i mr wfcfctb tac hrkai rtM ina w, w, wtMintfc. rill I B.MSW. Asvll 11. l4. ward rsasc cfy . It-if. Tag Books. Tax Beoka. II A VI tm aula a lew Tas naatit. modceipreea- saMaaf flawaty I aart t Wrnsaad llke. pnAied hea4taf af cash Item af t !. prspanv, aMer lac late rvre-ia aat of the Ug.t tan af thia iiaia. . H B. Tt'BKP.B, tUlrtgh, H. C . Mag, aht, e rukletlll Illr-(lllll lid ttf Ikiflif. Tltg aaaswsi4 has kaa) ..-4 a aa-y t Mr, t r e t koiac, sar th mmrwr m at ike sittr4HS 0 isO 0, kw tke mal waia. eWi 1 sreuwa wk tmtf a p)Maas a4 wu a area f mttw t; toaiHM si'" astsaam t bH kaiiaw, at aalr a avt, km teaawa a btatat atms ef eke aatragv f k r 1 1 A !.!. gu.ii, ai.i, (-m t, RlllTM t AtlttlluA MmImsI a-He lateraare (anpaay imciiutisi.i.c. f ItRIB rmpr aatnlawac to toewn the lives ef X all baaltky w kit fart as aae Ulevea. I he gvaataM riak tahea aa a staglt Ufa it earner laere are laewred fee a term ol pas to lt years tor d tbetr valae. - ovrtrraa. Ir. fa. R. Jidiaann, rrael-toat, m. D. Havwead, Vice PreiHsat, J-drolt Wiliiama, Paawtary, Wm It, Jaae. Treasurer, M. II, W. Havfcra, Attareey, lr. Wm.ll. Msaaa, Csamlalag tttshilaa. Allloa are paid withia Kdayt after aalitfte lavy praaf la preaaalae, alaast aad Pamphleta, eaealaf the alaa af f- rattan af the tfay, may k k4 a aapHaattae ot taa INaaa, ar aay af the Agaawtaa. All tettare ea bcttaett abaoH k 44re red ta Jtm . ILUAtt", JWg April It, I not. - It. if. fTt RB aal sStrsws kr in Ptiy r A .! 1 i a-ir-a Ma r. t k s.i..s t, T .! I. kt.lka, lavalHH! m tkt rkxtat, Jaae Ilia, !-. . P.f f-a- af tMr. Tttna. 4T . fM,a4,g tww4rf 0mimf A w.l. JYFjBPyiAS'O D A R O at 1ow-t rash ma.V.i CtlLI' MBIAN 0C ANfl, containing Urr rmrr- tiaae af phaaphet ef Lime and free rho 1 one Arid, In hags af IWUII earh. PITkB-l'llliat'llATg HP I.IMB la Mrv cf Ifjtillleaeh, ar la ham-Is as pre4rr-d Allea's eetrhratrd IIPAI'IMi sod MIIV.I.M, M - CHINKS that raaaat ting. Frery drerrirrtlea af I LOatt ,a4 tCCJi 1 I. fl - RALaad II'IHTU'ILTI BAL I A fall asanrimeat af th ehvil Pll I P I GAUUr..t Pkhnit. R. L. ALLtM. 19 AU1 Wattr St !. T, Raw Vark, May 1st, To MERC 11 A yTS. SUbbint, Morgan Si Allen, Pinirr svtttv, hv tntt, IMPOIlTItt At HALflig IS Bra pa, Tyycc, CnffttlcaJi, Terfymety, AV lit It arlsrU-4 Ikrw sWvk frm H hM Its, ll tVaMfi a "we arerkwui ,S, ir Use (Irk. t4 I t mmt !., . evret iadswawau M il rrra r M- mm. r, a, aaa , . eriy ara. arf a as rasakle tras a, aay bm I II. i, vaa),y ! I .', t hv Bull all! ! auk r-v- : aad vaerM eiwatlaa a4 r.r-i" v i av raws ww rest f tiCsff kla i ;.- Book Eaidin?. JOIIV II. DM'inTi niT AI0T, BALF.I011, S. C. i UR stilt aarTrtat aa ths hW-h It. !'( ha--n la all IM kra- are tl th Sid im.4 r , i a, h. ;. tuM " TH'r ta-r.,--! f'ihti .?! .' ' ti l i th kia-llag af tr4i-l. N.w- -, A., with pramplwree aad sJ.i . at h t'Wk priF. W-tt a, at t lk"t fi s.r r'i ' ' wtlh 4W. l-a. a 'I k k.- i ru ft I' ' v'..-' kas4 aaf ai t-t h-i i- -, Ji'nt li. ! Jiati T . t N ' Arril;t. l"'. - I" - LIFK Ol" VV A Mil N I, f.f t:i .- Iv, l ... '. I .' M r i ;

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