-t K ORTI1 ,C AR OX IN X'f ST A 11 WHDN ESDAY r MOItN INGy JCNE 4,'l&55 i - Selected Poetry. J - - trm tb llonJwul, THEinrxms the valifv. T B. U fuA. Tr-evV a to, litraHew, V hem t,,e waterc wind and 1,1 -w. And lb daises Wf in whiter, 'Xm'H c Trlid of n.w; Ard ri- Ice, L'o rvi d ei.lot. lil.r rn in leattty in ll spriu;. And lbeuiit.eaia kit the wavelet. Till thaj teem la logh and sing. Bui in autura, wl.e lb eon!r-bt Crowns tbe eednr-coreicd hill, Shadow darken in tbe tatiee, 8h..lnw omTnous and atili ; -Al l the vrTlnw leavee like banner! Of an fcifin-S.ml. Iht' fie I, Ting'd trilhp'ld nd rural purple I latter lly uterhaai. And those ehitd.iwi, rLkiiiit 1i4 )t. Like din phantoms on, id ground," Stretch their dre-itwy b-itgihs forever f.)n a daiv covered mound. And I load her, ye I local her, - l.'ut ifce afiRcU li-rrd I er, loo, Fo she's a'roj.inp in the taller, ' , 'Ik eath ') k y o bright and Woe. And no ulali i.f palid tmrU. Krart it ahit and ghastly l ead, Telling: wanderer m the (alley Of tha virtues of Jhedead. ' ' Bat lille m hr built-torte. And a dew- lrun. rot and bright, the epit b an ancat rV rot jo lh tillnM if wight. And I'm miortif il. were arntirnfut. For my ami d'h errarerae Far the iadiner of the eh tdowa Fr.rm that Mil woodland prar. ' Tit the memory of the lured una, Kmm n amil will aar part) And tho ehnd. wa in tbe taller, Ihm theaunahinenf my t.eu-i IK atlCHT. AwaV. my aout, thy hoar are Cectiog , Thy life i rapidly rmapletinit, Tim with eiernitr i meeting, 1 - Snnn eonre th aifht, . Thy retr ba i , ton, will e ma, : Aoca dine br lat thy doom. Da right, do right f, Thooph elond thy firmament o'prd. And lemrmat Inrat aroand 'ry nead, Thoosh lifeita fren f.liare hed, . Ia aorrow' hlliht j And thonfh thy hi ly hope and frara Li Imried 'neath the gathaiingyaan Do riht, do right. Th warmine element' worat wrath. Thaaari hquake an J t lie whirlwind' breath. 1 ba taller and ih aliad of death, Need not affrijhk; t FTduty'aralm cotnman lint form. With rainbow arma anall elaap Ut etorta, vo rtght, do ngtit. , Fain! not in all tha weary alrife, Trough rf day with ' I h rife, Work t the element i.f I fa, Aation i licit For man la mad to toil and trir. And "nly th alio labor lit'. ' Po right, do right. Life la not all a flea'ina draam, A iw'eti flh. a rainbow (learn, A bol.Ue en tlie "i.a'ing iream, 8. ton b loaiiihti . For there.' a work fot etrr hewr ' la arery paaeini word a power Do right, do right. 0 1 lif la full of aolamn thrughl, And nobl deed If hobty wn.njht . With fearful eonaenenoe fraught) And ther ia micht -If gathered in -h plnr honr. That ira th ar at oneartlily JHiwe, "7 ' lH right, do f igbl. - nin. , I aVd aa iee man, a man of earn. Wrinkled and, carved.' and white with hoarr balra t ...... Tim ia th warp of life." I id. "Oh lell The yotrnr, lb fuir, li e gar. tn weace it well," I aabed lb ancient, teneiahle deed Fag ho wrote, and warrior who hledi Frowi ttie cold grave hi.lL.w mumii r flowed Tim aowed Id eeed we reap in thi abode." I Baked a living rim tr, eie ti e title Of life had left hit tcina i " Tima," he replied, "I'reltwl ll ah, lie ueatuie!" and be died, t a led lb goIJrn an r,dailter t h'tea, Th- 1-rigl.t ihr,B'im'ei of data and yer:' Ther anawere I - Tin e ta l ul n etrur'r g'are,' And latde aia f r elernltr prepare. 1 aked th aeatiaiain 11 air annual round, W bU'h Lewutify or dcao!ie tin ground I And iher re( lied (no na. le a 1 1 wite.) 'l u folly ' lin k at d W led. m'e hirbl priu." C O-P ALT EESHIP. I'HIWII tlARM X M l l.-1b tab-et btrt r aiMMiii,e la e,p,-it. itti, o,mIh. tti.t. .t,uk ... lorvig and Auttrteap tlaidefi and lraee Ke,-H, abieb ' tt tauch iargtrtad bo.i vt-ried taaa aay prevUwt tun-F'.- " . T'j'y t't prarared to ttecata eed rv fiarj aet!1iaat, la aay pari ol tht lae, en ih Blow latorable terata, and will allow theaa Ibr privilege ofntuihiag all ua. eit bvtba Ifh d Jua . ' FaaiiUta atibing and, kill pWae t1 thcirerdert :olt w ttoek It hill. All t ttd tr atrmiited ftttk aad f-naiae, t4 an i ilttui m turn' at aad tk'l'adtd tar.cutt. - a ri.'CVD A f.f! ITTJ, l'li'goott ard . edtnta. Jn 1, 1'.a. 1 F. FF.:l D, batiagibtt d.y formed a t . Part, 0 a.r.t.ip with h.. brother la law. Ilea. W 11. t. ling. lAto t.alteoelv. b, (, , o ill irtliaa W to, da i l .e h-.le.-lt aad R i.l I' rag llooa.ea aader tat Ira el I I l I D A HAIl.ng. . eaalratola t a a al .r l.tae ealargia aad tat. p aring tor rk-.ee, I..4 rhtil ', rep a Bel larorvr trot b w ...- . " irt.o orretoin'o. BRira BOB oWf laereaaed farl'illte, oali y Brio Hfr.fla t araf lrt in la Skills s.t.l.eg.r.,1. I, ooaaaahl meiliag ladactmeau. w a ate pitted t Inl.taa ear Irieedt tad rawatm IL.I at b.rt toeatred Ibt aaioaid eefleee af Mr ( hAr'et A Itootl. Im Ire or alt irart auk a illltatt g M.taood.aad Ulalka l it i l ll.ro. I X Harrti she w.lb r lx.ttaaui.ai, Mi, 4. I. Ward. Will WBitt auk or la anosmoi peooli, n itroir waest, oa tbe m at f.roraalt totsaa, al til ban ad Ibe dav and hi. Oat aore will a stored oa ibe bl-i..ih. Ool Mr. grU at W art will b lo auVradaaee to eleiate toe I Ho ttehealr. aad tbi.r i.olll Bui t,.tt nr.g Ibt ...rmkeit. (Ht aoewoatt w'll he proteateA tW setlltlktat oa tVt let ef Jely aad Jaasorv la eoeh yeae, atae trraa taw tior.hoi wok Ik. parrheat. t. t. Fb'i I kit, O.W.SATLISO. i.et wait a. Vt.t pmaal 1. 1- Wd ! lb Bad-rttgard by et4 t awreo ,,ai are aw ateetl.a'cty tpoald tat tm I .itnl, a It d brastaaae waa be rlr4 wltboal d.l.y. P.V PRef-lD, FORM BOOK. Tha North Carolina To:m Look, fVIMIIM!. aMtk m-l-te'u: Form abb k twrat la t.- 4 t..' . m 1-e.a e e aaa at. man, as well aa ta , tei fil.-t. I ge'breaMb ' Uf r-tt'i'k'i.i if ii k iihtiii tctt tt ill I IMKII ITITlitl r. a t nxtsn rnr. rrr.n or i'.7.'A HlKiatf S, 4 e, t'. i t. it. .... of lie l ,i....Jil f teetlaa, l a.oe.'i' ltllta, 1 Moanhtd by saombcv ll .!. I.-.... b iiktitr D TtkkiR. ii ft. T a .tl seed .1 ai.e ovtk ky mail, poiiag f.a .o I! p I. , . . I H-tf P., ) I U fa k ' f fl'I. Tbt .r-rlket I fl f l . ir a ta IkUCB AflATllta . a rf y.irwy t. II 4 f Jm Oil f jiu T IA bntu f ' . Al L.rmciiu u of Um Ami icn party, MM llir;.zli. on iw lyji of Oct.. leer, IS'ti, the to- ' barring reaolathirtt we.- adopted: Htmlrtd, Ihai, at tli caui-f hieh rn!e?tl tba eeerevy erf the American nrjrtnizari n nece. aary ia ila infamy, no loger ei.i-t-'-all the erel eevraaitaiata i4 tit riw a aether if initmtiojit oUi)(atifms i-nf. caaiitaiiMiat itnais"e paa wiinla L atx'lirtieU luit e . do enutitute ir Nlm ini.uWit !r-tH'r'Hii'vl porfw lliai e dn ehalietif imripptfietita lu lh4 pablie dVeumiati tuat iHdoi prncipii and w fcerebr lmii and tnnik the aid and co-oneration if all tlieciiiieti of the Slat without feaid t-i their furmer polit ical aftliationa, in mAiiitaiainx and carryincut the gret aima, principle and bbjrcta ' f the Anierimn Party, Urti'iml, I liar herrl r ratify and en ira the print iplea enunciaied in tin ( latfurm tteAw,fnJ. l, lhKto:Vn uf the tame, and held at Philadelphia, on 3th dar ( June. IN)J. iu riatmn to the v litioal oolkr of the Oorernnient whilat at the tain time, we eontider the three treat primary pxittoiplo of tlx urnaiicaii m. wiiu li cmitilute tfle ha -i uf our carry, as purniuoiint in impur- tauca to any k-iin ot mere puertiraeniRi pi n 't. HetolrtJ, That thex three great primary prin ciple are, Jirtt the eoo6uement of the hn'r, oKoe and roponailiilitiaa of political ataiion. uadorowrn.il ertimenl.t'niativa-Uirn American" with a due n gird at the amne time, to tlie pr- teetiimof ihTireiiti-l'rn tn all the cml nerhH and prirl!ej! enaraiitaed t freemen by tin eon- tltiitvm, whether reoeral or Male. Sreonrfv. Benatanc to relicMua intolerance. and a rigid maintenance of the (treat principle) of religion rreed"m iy en luninj in m i.nne and p wer, thoae who a onld eie'ciitf fornpliiio)iaank m l t rt . ' . j.. . I tnorun i-iuueo i. r p'te-'ij mienere.. , ao,. who ai-knwlfrlpianallegimne io ny power ol , 00,,k,f itMM. thaatl. r.ui.fj oAfks hereto earth whither m il or . i le4n-liwll pammi.uot f r. In u. hud 0.rJfJ. induced tba uboriberi to la that winch they owe to the Constitution. A nH Tl..r.lhi nnionin, dariitiiai to tha Cmo of th-o Stale, and reitai.c Ut all fai- ti'm and ectional attemfita to weaken ita Umda. Hrtati, That tn all nominationa lor political tation hereitfter to lx mane or the Auiericnn Party. It ia recotn mended that the aturi he done ; inot.n public meetine and that all th"e who , Kra with ua hi principle, and who coucur in our anna ami nnjeute. auait niirtraufr ia rvtugn izt:u a milrid th Amai iean Party. K'lilcnl. That It l a recuiniatnled to th A niarican Partr in llihtJSlat to bold a Convention of delesate. to b appointed in ptililiu nrimnrv Oieetinpain Die reapectire eouuti,ltiUrenlor on I bm ailay the li'th day ol April neil, for . the po root of noniinalinK a candnlat In be run 1 hr thewAmeocAn Partr for Uovrmor at tbe next 1 ejection that en'h countr nrip'iiii aa nrnnr ' Delegatea a it chfowa, and that the mode of rotins in laid convention lie reirulaled hr the convention lttlf, 1 Huotvtd, Tht weeonaidee th S2d dnr of Felnmarr Item Ih time heretofore aelectfd l,r the National Council of the American or ler.for the nomination of ctindidntra for Prattdent and Vioe-Preeident, a too early a day for that pur- M and w do nereny reoouiinenn to our urethren of the Americnti partr tliMtishout the Union, th proprioly of piatt poning the holding of aid cnnrentiui. tn (out time in th month of JuneorJulr. JUtolnd. llowerer, lt nch poetnonement may not take place, it It deemed advisable to appoint tan delegate tn represent Hie Stale at 1 large in auch anminaiitig Conreniion. and it ia I reoommendcl to tlie Ameticnn rjrtr in each .e, . it,...,, i i I . . i vtn.Krtra a , m-irio. . ....... i prmiar; wtewtnitra in the reaptiftirecoiintievt, and appoint delegatna I to Dialrict Contention, for the selection of a delegate from tvh-reajiectir I'lttriitto eaid ! nominating Convention. ! AVtrrt,, That an Ee.niiv Central Commit-1 ...of five. U appointed by tbf.l.a.r. whn-e du- j nominating Conveiith.n. . ty It rnail oe to aurnu to vn (fenenii cimcerne o . Ih. Aa mwiinn rmriy Uith'm Hm, Utcnrrrn tlie titentf-jtn mtiT If) liwmej nwenrt fur ttir more thiDrnuili i'.rtfnt(itHUMi the NiiJ iAriv ' -...I ak ...r...;. -,- ... i . .V ' . i i Bailie llPta Mal-J WArtWiHT UIHI " irJ l 1 llirr ICt-tg nrl tfiiiMitfvt hi H'lfV'itTt v (miit I'vav-ni I Ooimtiitt"? fur n h Orf-ntt in ttt Slut; n J ' that trnid CnuntT Kx font re Commit iff d fun Iter Apfointai fult-o.iini htcft fr ench elcftiiHi pr cinrt In theeountir with mi1 t'nmor thormiuli : And eiMiipltAiirgniiixtton of tbe Ainorirmi nr-; T 0 .NoribCmrt-l ns. j Platform of th AawrtrBft parly, aitnf)tidl th j cninii ft tba Wa:ktnl ImucII. Kobruary XUMMI. j lrt. Aa buff.r,ta(;Vflntr(ljrn-iittfitr.t fli'twa,? bt ' j tin. ftf ,intartlf f rare w'ttirhfafrd tn tmr fnilir-rii I ta their itmttei km,tfr eaiatfyli1, and fanltcrhi : anantluM! i aa, ta4r 6t4, im tiit prnmi'tm ' ot lb hUMitctv tba dc bee, aad tha uiauB of that Ptaue. 9 j 3d. Tit ixTptaatl' M tha Flf nil t'nli n, aa tha ' fNilUJiuaVt f atir rt. a d rH(m IrHrr ht, and tb? I wn-Y tura halwark of Antrriraa lndrpfnlatir4. j Ui. ,4iiW.m aict' rwi A twrcm, an) t tbia aad. t mhi K.fh fttitaa -aHiN taa t.pcid tt ait f iaia, ! 1 4M.rw a ltd iaiinkb4 fB(Ha ar catatnbaa4 eupl-j- ' avrBt, in ifattraaa la alt itaiw aavnala. t 4ih. IVrtuae t.ra of Awnan nei ret' din p.erunl al.rtjd, 4-vlt ba aattlltd ta all lie ligbu af tiatiM I ota rttiiri lai, j Ith. N rHTa-j hild ba fitrd fttf aatitical ta- J lti.il, wbirr f aUv of t rfiga birth .J oh rrvg ' uUaaanr llrfiaaa nr obtitjatlwnnf tuy iln ipa ta ' aay furttjra atinra. ptraiif mr r" r, or b r-fwM Is rMrmtalhaKtiral aad Clan . antiiarti a ( h wiibta it tliMa) aa araaiont ta all tbrf Ua. aa . tuU f tliit al arth. j 6b. 1 be Naqaaltfl' rffaltlaa at malntraaaae M tt rarrri"il riiatt vt ilicca tral ftir. ai d tba j I tlTitin tff btmry id titttaraal f4 Hi, Wtwam tbe fit!ia aib pvirral Haifa, atid ttbl- ad- tna I lia-rtFietrf .y t irt.rrrM nb o,at.e an ertl?ilnr nMf an tht ftttivt'iojal ti:r, and a.hiitrrraUoa i by caeh lata with lb air -f ary othfr Mttte, Tib. 11c rcrogtiHIi a A tha r.i tt b ii.rii 1 and nataraMtrd rlilvera l tht I a ted fftatra, f-ayrma i aectlf reMirf la any T nh or bmt t, liirrama ibrlr aHittftr and laaa, aad rrffnlet thvtr dna-jeviic and atartnl pffatt ta ibatr a im4?, t)t i4M,l tb ) IraviMap of the Kidrral Tm tiitatt' a, atik tba put- I rue of admUitrita tl a Vataa ahetrttrr ltiri haifj tba rHMlu f aliitti tae t e ttrc-.tetif,t (alt. frtfc $rartit4 tr,a, ibal bat lbw b art itite(af tba I aunt rtatea. laa eaiittaii4 aad ibnl.ahd akwbav a tiaad r-d- ianv mrh r- l.ar.tp-l.l. ia tl KfM(M ) 1 f X9V A K K fl ft EH IN fBM M(RMM ift tba ai4iiaU4nB, ia iba aahmtaaeBt af fcaai twr aaiiU.l aaia. If yr Air ta ebaf fed, nr ef eid Mh ar-y lrrttry m ; la. -. . t.b. Am aafuiTHMaftl f ib ilre rli ltatr T-rr.fmy (agbt ta adu.it fftbert ihaa c(it?- 4 tht I tiHc-4 Mu ta tla ikul tr fnBfti-t0 af aaMtag tiu ai i Art. kit.. 1 rLaa le tk Ware a Miawallutita. Bak lae a eoM.ird rc Vae af ifii)-4f vearr 4 all ( ketwIaWfort ptoVldcd fur, Motopraeaote reuauitt f eil.set.ak. a broll?, ad tkeeadiag a.l paMipeva, I ad pcrvnea cn. h led otceitoe. fr,H laadta rnin ear shaeeti bat a iBIeeaeeeaee wilb Ike staled 114 kte of focttrweva. Iota, OpneKittaa H aa aalae batweea Ckarrk aai stlaret a taterlervSMe svlk seligleaa seltb, ee worth I p, aad ao t'tt aatbt fw oaki-e. Ink. I ee aad ihoroe k utttniglllua laie aaf sal U ailegvd aboatt of ptanlkr fftMteli'atita. aad a ttnel : tett.-my In pol-ne eteew4iattres, V. Tht taaloteaaeee o4 eafeamaitt aaf ail laws j eetetitai.t.eityees-tr4, netii a.d law -boll be repeal- j e4 oe tball tt declared Ball aad void by awaapewnt ' )o.uvtat aatbsv.iy - j It h. tippa.lat ko reet leet tad aaa'.M plb-y : of tbt petkl 4mtautrotMa lath general manage. m.ataHtr aiert.i a4..r aad tart tp et.ltt a abowa ia rvmevtag Aaaerttat" bvaVaiga.ttoa) aad easMwrvalieae ta priitt.ple. P-a adbee, aad paaelag f'gttvt awd eliiet! la ibetr pltea aa tnowe la a truck itag NBteeviewcy lo iba rtf.-efft, ted aa iaaleal aad eovardlt bravado lawat.ta tbt Beaker p,aeri a above I tet taaiag ae. I ..etl tgitatioa, by fb repeal ot Ibt ali'et I otMptfeBH't t aa .b'.va la gteallt c U aao.mr.htrd nvigaer tl t rf.-M of agr.t la bta. tat Aad Bebraakat at abowa to Vae.ll.lleg ataarao.a tl, geee aad atkwao a1" I wtktvt ta Ibe eorraroeat a k k earvs tcme af the dp.tvaacatta4 lt,t gfeeaad Be tkawa It. ditgraeia atetlaa..l aatai egl'trt lkroak p,itd.r eoptuei tad tt i a). a la tkt kiuaotriBA momaaagemeai ef eat foi eica rvl.i.'at. lib. TaetetVeo, t etatadv tsltrla llt( at.4 nee vewt the d.ttraf eieooaaaea atberalee rtitog I hoe, ft m. we woewd keila mp Ike "aateviiea fril t lb prtoeU,! ktlWbMte SfSlod a A.k" "k '."-.V,.":'" k""s"r t tmred Ik. tr rcin.1 ree rtitoirt, an tt tw aWlir ,u- .11.,,,.. ..1 .1,-. .il Bdo4 - -i,. l:e.Ut f- frll.w.bip aid d..J at. lalelk srry. j ti-tk IM awdaptra d'"-.i.e sfall f Bileal .r.u . ul o.Lro..d to Mae Bl.lfMta. ' A r Kfsi r HO ERIE tad Oxekeer. tampl arawb W. M. 4 U.S. tit Kb. April 1,1 .' . , f-tr.AP aekotttTarr-ewt.a.e.M.H.etHee.eri f-eaal On aaoakLkl a Mi At a. Fsttbeg, M T 1 TJPTTQ Jill fllTHS 1,. 1 r.. A ... , VI Uk.'j . O.V., tV. At low frioea for Caah f OZOBOB S. I. HYATT, Ni. 411 kd HO PtiL-rtir, ia ( aitiiii, NEW VOKK. T A now In Slre aad i conntautlT rc?truir a J J wall v,rtt I tolt of t arpt-H, til Ciulha, tewklci) It Invite paMieattentioa, baliering tl..t ...;.,; ., w.i. ..j ' .ill . "I.,'." " Vt T " , . ' t will prvr Bnttafaetory ta klercbanta aaj to Pur , ckaaara r'aerally, waa buy for caah. Hi Mock 'ua,i vt Eick VeWet Ti.pettry4BniMelCaniett . 1 Pui'jHi. SUAERIOS EKdUHUtt; AkCRICASiPLT -" Kf lnyratH CmjuUi n, fomnriaing nrany New Patteriui, made i reaxly to, ...lei... trad. Ala,, j Twillrd and Plata ritliao Hall aad Suit Car- , pfa. . i tHI-Chith, la width from 2 te 24 fet In rariou qnimie. i Kifh Meauie lofted and ('pD:m(n Hearth Hurt! anl IJoor Ml of dltl. reul aorta. . Tabl and 1'innti Cover of choice Pattern. 4 4. &-4 and 4 P aid and plain Mailing. Window tlhade of lirairakl Ptrte. Btair Corerinf, Hiair Koda, and all other artlclaa vauallvkepl in I'aipet tlorrt. ;' is also Aoiwrroii mx-lixg ,m I'arbart 4 'a 1 t.ir tn 1 1 iee Ij and lu r.roiu Carpvta, a well aa liaiher'a Auburn IV. mails ilral ply, ingrain and Vcnethia Carpett and lliiii. Barring' Patent Champion and Burglar Proof Safe. flHK erear iotert maaifried by the pblit a urwuwra mnrm prirc ,wnnij iioob r'rv lor vai Mb,4 1e Bl Jlo !).,, a04 drr' t a inrgp prtiMii of time an4 ailantion duna th I-nacteeM 1 ear III maklnc I aipror amenta ana IHM-nrie lor tyi tihjrct, and they a keg j taa tvaiir ibetr t.iiaioroiii tfiriida. and lb public ataarally, thai thoir tftorta ka beaa rroanrd with ci wiplrtf iu-iitii ar.t tbrr now offri tba lkll'KOVblt HEKKiMrg iAiEi WOllCD-eJ rAHU'Kt,MUM HIIK I'ltOuf'aa tbe (htnninu Salt ni' th MVW k xcdlUt al u,iifihe IIWVi ur, hauls. . litil, uihI in Acip 1'ori, 1H53, At tnparior to all otkert. Il it bow, andoubtedly, ta tiled M. ibat appolUiion, aod-teenred wilb HALh'tl fa i t .nt I'ow ui.u. moor i.oi ks. tbch aii..a avurilcd Mt:aALa at alHivtAirMi lb atott perfect Firt ana Hurgtiir rmot Hatii trrr befirt onertd to tbrpub ... MUW IJUWVI-MUCr. "I," 1UDI1 U I ,T,m Ml) HlIinFftl uoiltT ad Chilled Iroa llanki Cbntt and V .ult llooti. and tloney lloaet or Cht, lor IJrokere, Jewaleri, and FriTilt Faaillice, for I'Ulr. Iliaamndt, and other Val anblra. Ad are al.o Pur.iiti-r, by pun-hnvf, and Manafarturr. ofJONEs' PAT C.N T I'CUkll'IATlUK BANK LOCK. . MtAS C. 1IERH1N0 A Co. Paientr.t, Oa ItLora, Vt. 134, 1ST 1M Wafer Strett Aijtnl for Forth Carclina, J. It. BlOMOm Fibiaary MS. 1 -Smo. D1V1RD TA l.n' P.KW BOOK. a rim i 'i dia, CHtti, loo. moo aan jiriK, i TflEIEflR mi 1 BY UAYARJ) TAYLOR. "7ith fWjfitnt Steel cnertvipgi. l?nio,clotIi. Pri II. Mi 'Jbi inlnnte Ir ft Wford of iht uthir' owa espri tn du-iiiif ft yrnr'a travel in the abuvcniimeftiouTiiriM Bit'i ! iminiini iu niwrei nuarturnk ' Mira oi (OBIFpre. ,, .,,y,it,tl and flul a.pect. The reialtt of the writer', ,., rvallone are givi a in the mime d.ligbtlully Bttural tvl a bich ebaracier.tc bit peetiou voirkii. "We welcome wilb plet.ure ihi ..r promiacd ..rk imma not v.uawre roniproing ma travel in "'' . oiuonF 'u"1 f!"r"- " " 'k" v, I'eVi.r . vi,e 0i me tuo.l la- e know of ao book p the reader a attention eouueh sji SiirtWfiv tti.iuilh "Mr. Tuvtnr h carnM rTutfft1nii ni .FUTleF. f,,w Pr IWitur. Wt vrntur iBFPrtinTi',tht A" - -- ftrai!y vonfea tobrhit irMttMt ud brat work." fc', t ta I -- ' W. L. OMEROY: Oct. 27-h By mn4 faewwest en fat Bi rtems, 9 Dry Cwis, Ofwrsi, Finr:i Lrflt'i hth Ht'ttrAL ttrsracurvia. CARR4A0EI, FRUIT TREE!, t itrrwtv aaa tra it aa a aa ia oitt or iiw roax. AT th) U CIVT CuMUliWION. arra W A nr. Kan. g. taetpw. II. L. Iw.hi, J. M. tuWthead, C. T. MeummbaU. t. . oVhe a, a W. Waouua, and ' m ta. iau ' PETER W." HI It TO Jl. C0KIMU61CK JuEECBANT, koo. '.5 and Lt) it.tiirar' BAr NOIU'OLK. VA. SfFCIAI. aiiewli.m paid t aelliBg Toatcoa, Phot a, tlaaia, Corroa, Jiavai! Moai a, Ac, A Alt U BeeelvtBA Bad Fofasidui tioo-t. WiXM 10 I'hea. L. Ilintoa, kM- w County. X. C. ' J. U. D. Houibee. t . IttLifb, N. C. limrgeW. Ilajwoo.1. K., rtaleivb. X. C. Wm. t'laatmee. Lta. WMreata, b. L. " Dress Goods 1)LAIX Fixated I'.tld.ino A'u.pe.l A. Ik a, " Uia. k W l, red do. very rbrap. aiiu ' lt. Mrtfd, F'tal and baia Beragt, I kail. Ileragt Pa Laot, I rrfccb jBta.at.1 tad laeatt, a bog a.otai.-e' at very row arteee. Illnrbawi, Br)iliaaiel I'lain Douetlaad ki.urvd bauu !allr. II. L. IVANS Mink Stb. IMS. ! fixf.tt'm. if ym ir aaagdaataiaaUl:-titia.ae aray 1 fal'iar wt, m rfu- t rure If amciMbaTt a cltaa j o ard t4a,l Vmi4 and tin fUna- abd y wtN aaf ha prratrt rarttiy t-iir,a, iwaatiacf, I t'rrarait-afl tut tbe Ha r, Teeib atad KWn, IVf. Aittr. biahca aiut t (ihtj, nm t err tetbta. tena). ! hea-lre. If y mtm'4 l"di better, Mra thvtrf.l,atd j i bt free from any td Iba UU of lilt, roll tad tee 1'kM.LD AUA1LIMI l-tf. rebnary I, ltd. ! I A Lrja Stock of Wcrtted Oooda. . j Vebrarla Ptaldsi Plaid t athmere) I Real French Mrriao,ellabee t a LoplBS Itelarat. " f let peae4 Lollies, frrt Itet It. IM- red t b.Mteaed Itl.ek. Browe ead ilrkrLvlirage, for trouetleg prese, P ad K aadhus kllka. V W.B.aF H.B. TCCKFR. J'l HB OILS OF" r CogniOt Wine and Bum, a ita aiaat-rioat m iali ar L AkM I at 11 t. 1.1. 11 : PLATT STREET, Ktw-loal 4 - HATS I HATS!! HATS!!! fit I It n-.t M,.l..k s,W4 IUi. dotk and Platk f t'-f, Riark aodt.lred brafl, Commoa latHata Otkst id Bum, of tk bal.tl It I l-a ml II. L. ETAKA. Octt-W A. 1J. Itr- FIMIK HlDl'Elk PAlll.-Jast receivtd aaatkef 1 UI'P'' at thit iBtereetlag work . L.rouiRor. dkrlober li. loi. 12a finIK ljl!ak.-W. b... J.- r...4 M . , T . , . ,m . A bl..dt-g...iBd,.wtii-mib.lmp , ."' FKttCl'B A btATMIeV Ftkewary It4- a-tf. fl'llb k KkT Aklafes j I awl h-o k and ha aval b Ubi. hh WUb.f.Mh- Ic tt aaaie. Aodrrra Itraa I rrlr.. h. (,, March IJ, lata. II TfiHNKTli.'v t llrvllHTUT Of COUklOW l I It Jaat rtltd a leige ewptlv f tkt mlr ealwable work. L. Kktiror. ' IVeere If A. in . Books! Booke! Book! W'ISXIli A!fl1-t!l, S-w PurctM., w mr, f I resra ia ! fcr N eai, hj Ruben Carltoa, E. WWui tiMia, y liHJuiBray. ' MX s4 Huvaika. f LaaaUaw. -U Jira4 im McliuaaOT.kr Akaatt- eir, I, ilaiuutoa a eJcar. a jtnnuirt vf Calkciint. ol karua. a4 ar ttttum. . Tena, ky laeorrt eaaa. tilfxwood: or the Ih3k liny. "r""'"" r t.u-m,oo rrt. a alary tk. anrikr d tkt aoroad A-Imm, ki Batd ... . ' MeDioira of II. ary lit EiaLik, l Eaelaad. Had kit jail aire, by Hcrttt. j1" '"ia' laf er v, lth lltutlrati'.ai . ., . taeteau ar latneai Tk Matt ktiirhUr Lit. ?etaea at they art, with illue- i"'"--. j ''. wu. riacoji, hum i,g .no eeuvun. t IlliuaraOid. l.Zv.t.-tth.iB... ,.,. by lr. I. ttoraa. Memoir 1. mdi son. Utr VimiJemal ika l;l..n Tbrulonwat uiiiuir. n aaater aiatory wl ttrta varonua, llluatratnl. Th Arck bi,li"p, ltoiuaulemia ilia Unitol Etatea. B tlrvllla 8 BrIMr, lllutrutl. ! Tha Aatertt-itn rntiiva t'.u,ikerr Uook.'oe lliM.Hk.in- big made Kaay . l'ba Pnure f Peaee, or Trutba for Toaeg Ditefydce. ' by a laor. The Laud uf tba Furmi and the Vatieanf r tbouerbu and hkerbetf, daring oo K-tater Pitpritnagt to Koiaa. F.HtteV itct b- I Virj; niu. 21 Merlce Wtutl it' l'ro.ibft.'ri;-nili', t-y tl- he. Dr. limine. Tbe oooal atnl intelVtiu.1 Oiver5tty of Baeee. by Natl liat;. Tin lui'e Kmcti;lu. ir tbe fluid taught by tha Prayer Uook. feiDiuna by the Kev. Robin South, P. It. Iba ia lay uf Creation: a reriet of Familiar Let ter, fruur a ftiber to bit cbililrea. Itnirjr and eorreppoiidenca of Samuel Pepyt. Jiltio titord.bya Lndy. lairy and orreepondene i.f Joke Evelyn, F. K. B. Itt.'l iriral aad lei-rt l' r-ketvbet of iNorfulk and Vicinity, lllurlrated by W, 8. Forrett. The poetry aad myrtery of lrchBti, by Charlet G. XoBnna. Oermaker'i Trarelt. Vojairet Ronid the World, from thedeath'ofCaptain ood to tha pratent tin. , Foraaleby . D. I). Tl'RNFR, N. C. Hook ilore. ftaleifc-b, Per,, 18M. il Who is Sam? The Soia of the Sirtt, or 1776 and 1855, a hitlary vj the Hit anil lyMjrttt of the Antrricaii J'ar ;, find ill prolmult lnfiiUHce on tht nat VfttiiUntial Elcetitm. 3o which it uddtd a Htvuvof tht Jdttr o, fA Hon. Hcuiy A. Witt, ayuiiut the KNOW. N0 THINGS. JUrTbt first DfcUratiou of Inttvendeftce,ptclaim td by our siron ia 171. tbu ttfcoul hy theirboun, in IHj5 Freedom from Foreign Kule!!! Thin worn is iiuiii li e )-co til une tl.ruufhly a quaintrd with the urulfri urrent ol Americuii t'uluicjf im. W eaoima whtrt) tiit'v led tn the cxiitins iirnii- tion lahili itlarm. Mr traoax out clearly the operation of a f'ireiitn elfimrni in our pove'iiwental laatituuoai, and bu that the Sona ot tbe boil should govern th Soil! . Thii U the author' atrong poltiotif itbich be mailt' tain be rm-falblc arrttuienU. TSii I)oIl i one that huld be In tha hand, of retry batiTc I'urn ctfucn a well an fureiituer. Th& PoIiticiHiif will ha Fa U of aoarvt, for they haee a pertfrttal interitt la tha qaesiitfti "abo will be our nest Pre idem?" It will prodore a rattling atuung tht dry htnt of old political partiraar. t ONTJMh. Chapter I. The Ameritan )'r.rly. 2 Ctu.ea uf im origin, it. PrtncipU-n Hfated, lllmlrated tud tnfomuL 4. Iba Object wbieb thUOrcanixati"B aim!" to A if on. lirh. 6. The ni-eeiiy o tut-b an Or- gamiatiMD t&anuuid. A. Tbe extgfnuiv of tbr Time Ttptnand aa American 1'arty. 7. Tbe frst p. i tit in ol tha I'urto-. 9. The Rapid Frujrrtptamnlfj Eitentft ita Intluenrc aa Arjrnrrifht f-r the Ki atTMice of tht Anivriean I'arty. t. Tha Fran tf trpFetioa adopted by tbe Aaierl-aa Party. a 10. 1 he Probable li.flitrtiee fit tha Amwriria Party on tba next Pretidrntial tlretion. III. Kevivw id Hon. IL A. Wie' LetterlJriee?ot. Jiut Tublirlit-d aud tur ale by. if. D. Tt RNKR, If. C. HoukFfvtre. H!eigh Mnrh, 1R55. M SPLENDID. BOOKS flREPAUtDard pobli-hed evprettlv for 1 Fa land Ih.lid ty laic of IP&l-ft. Roval lavo .Series Splendidly lllu.lrated. The Ip ICR of the N.w Tcataiuent practically nnfol aad'a Fenrtil Pocta ot America 'Uiniougbiv ael Hart'a Female Trote Writers uf America. Thor oughly Homed. . Small ivaria fin irt SfUemlidly lUii'traeil. tiijtrieiavrerrnt.e.' Brilieh I'uetry. I'ortrail Th Whit Veil, a Bridal (lift. Macauly'abaytof Ancient ttome. Tu 1 er 1 l'roverbial I'kiloicphy. Crotra fk-fure SerietSjlewliufi Ilh.strsted. tlei,heinier 1 Jeiuealem n.l'ita tatred Lacali lies. Steven'i th.w in the Cloud ; A IWk of Cnnsols tion. Keats'e Con-p'etc pi.etica W 1 rk Kirk While'! Complete Wotkt,. hog r'i Cnni let. I'.rfticst Wi.rka. Cauipbell't t'ontp-ete I'evtical Work. Moore Irish alt looiea. FditkMay'l FoeticnJ Work. Tbe I'n.verl.ialist endtbel'oel. Cal.tBct of Modern Art. Fleet Seriet Cabinet eWklottcra AH. hect-nd Scrie. Lyric uf th Heart, Ltc.i Fir- ly Al Watta. Kecertlt W orraa Sang af th Affectioat, je El Bylrs lleinant. II. D. TURNER. N.C. Bockstar. 140 If Ralt gb, ..,2ili. lb-' -I. "1 lipiUI Book (ur li.: lifmr-litflf " nAMMkn UtAiitik. or PblluMpby at Home, by W.l. S; I. A. M. Ilium. trd ai-'i sts rleg.ntee.ravins, M.-m iie-igna by TbBaitts, On vnionte, IC100, cloth eklia. ' Ibis book is taer.gncd lo iuatruct at well as lo do likbl tits young rewler. It ska la tretk Ibe most braanlul and lu-porlant truth sod principles of nala ral w L use ia ibe feat inttiag k we ol story. Th ibI. dt-att abtrb orcur ia ibe eaperlcrrre of a happy family gvooa, daring tbt t'biiataaa boiidsyt ol lb yoong per-ple, art ail a,ade lo mieiaior a. tbeir knowbtlge ol pbilotepby, Tbeae.idtBial falter adirb from ih fla gV Ot rerttes ervvasrl frrrm lb te tt of a dlacwaatoa ob gravllef.ea. Thefr. work apeti ibt wiadow-paaesr a coat bul-ble essliag apoa Ih rerpot, erhenl-koy's tArt with a "asachrr'" ' tkoee aad a kaadeod trtoer p. Lparoi tnar .jro org. npoa wkicb art buag tk mor vs'aai.le lestrra of prsrllcel wirdt m. Almost all kite BewBrhsaot pbrtiral ecleare er illdsltatrd ia ibe dr-rrte-pjr.enl et tSe ateey: aed tbe laitlltgenl child saay gather ateeedtetiB r aad eeeorale idaaabASt Ibrm. at mwl BBerssaeloBalv. wbll fotiewieglhe eprrrtt aad ssa. ttrot of Hatty aad km etraipaaloas. thai a camld poa. eibiy ertrtas fr,4i ttai-btroa aa aatsas la asjassrkse't kartl ttady. Far sal by U. P. TI RlvER. B. Ct Doadiatora. Ralrlgk Jeeeery ltl. t LATEST ASO SEW i'VBUCATloyS. I "1 HEARS of lortuae, by J B Jas; ! 1 Easy Nat, er tk Tbra Apprentice! ' iliac Lewi af Conner tirut, ad af IAoO; Tea Nigkla ia a Bar Room, by T Artkan Mataary and Aan- la., nry, by Craigk) CryeU.ine, t th Ulre uf Fall Do a Cull, by bbellon; Theory ef Cbrlalaally, by Ureytee; Sellers frtiM lb Tkre Coatlatata. by M F Wards Daatel. A Vlt-del fag Teaag Mta, by Ut Btv W A SeoU. b. t 1 . aVeaery f lb White Maetala, wltk 11 alatee, by ti.kt.i sVkoel Arrbiteeiare. ar Coairtl ellcm t lb Impravraaetii af Srboel Heaee la tk I'. S., wltk aameewa lllaaltall til l Redttoa, c lllaleeical Sktlckea ef Wa. tera Fretttiiertaaia, At, be Joeepk Smith, 6, IX t b eaut Wasrd.by l.lll Uaartta. For a.le be H. D TI BMH, Ralttgk, Set. 2. 'At, . C. Brrok Sloe. Letup gnd Fcrslieap PgpAra. OfW, I kAbllgu-d Wk naLtu., P.pot. Frteell A I a Reaaa. worth 1 1 a. . aw Reseat e"d Bla Letter Paatt, Prlrt J, neeik S.. tsaett getnt Wkilt FMiaeap TaBe. Pri ft a Sr. as, actb a . For Sate bf If. TfRXtll. ' C. Im. RaU'gk, 5ty Hit. T 1 A K tad Cbrr-d geilaeka, Cbslk aad Casta Jl B J.aas a4 I , Uhi asote ler , m kewttaa4 t l.4. Slork aod b.rrae tta.l , Bod tk. I'ttala. Ulaat. 1 asaa, tiaaae) eget ssa a aseekete. ! .. . t. IVABsl. WARREN L. rOMERY. ... , ! So. 16,ryetUTiUe Street, Saleig'a, 5. C , an jt.tT uctirao . Wd-Xla, r Carolina l'Brla, a cii,(ctieB or SOUTH ' CAROLINA POETRY. ' CvmptUdbg Taulla. 2Kok.12aM.fK75. , riH E Valuatea or p'ffUry bow pioaiatailaai tk paklie X kad tkrtr orixia ia a eollecuon for the eiauptlrr'a aw . Aa It inrreaaed, a few fritda asprtfad a wtafc Utal it aboald k rOM4 a arldet aa pSatkk ad(.Ui,bid (bat arery itottk C'aioliDiaa atigkt kM aBjuwtaaity f pcxaetrin in a aernamml aad roa- raaicst larta. atpy at ausy pttcet IBal taey praa- - "rr "r.;r.t r"r iT. lko.rt ,,.1i, trvw,B. .,. h rurh,d iu i Kfent ftixetthoagb il baf beea impoatible to roevtt-Biafi pieeet 1 wuiaa u trat ihoecat eoM te praran. yei nie Bopeo . Ibat tbia tret atleatnl of the kiuu ia -North Carolina aill meet with Ike rator id ibe. ritlzert for wboee Bat , tha work it principally Intended. Tkoutb we may not j bare produced aay very Kraal porta, tliil three "foot- - "Ike poet that tre none Ity Nature; ate endowed with bifbett gitta, Tht Vitiou and tbe faeulty divine." a a a ( It it from our knowledge of tba writer that Buoy piece ia thit collection will deriro their isterett, and Ihoogh viewed by the avverr eye of tiitieien., they would hate boa rejected, tlili it wat lbuu.ht thai public es pei tation wtmtd batehoea diapintcd bad they been cm i i ted.- Pnr.racr.. For sale aholetal and retail by tht publUbrr. IHI FAV0K1TS AUTH0B8I OF THE SOTUH. lirst Editio, 10,000 CopUi, -Vow Ittwlt. THE HIDDEN PATH j A ti'ortl. BvMnrion Hnrhmd, of Hichmonii, Va one eltgaut VZmo. tvji.M34 Zioe Vite.Jl S3. EextraardiiuiivaaeeettofMita HarLaud't "Alotit ninaim tbrotiirk aditionafter edition, with great rapidity re puhlithcd in Foglaod witat a ttil) larger tale tranali. ted into the French and tit-rnnut language aitb marked tiereBr-i perbtpa Ibe beet evidence of tbe originality and popularity of ber writinge.' In tbe languageof an eminent eritie "ha uiay henceforth take rank among the molt tarretifal aovelittt ef tbt United flat.. " "Thote wh bavt read 'Alon'aad thete wfo have aot, tbnuld will be interetted and gratified to kaew, that a new book br Vir ioia't gifted aathoreet, ttttl. tied 'The Hidden Pktk,' ll bow ready. Beautifully al 'Marion Uartand' baa woren the thread of life in other romance and eong the ft a poetett of rare fe licity at are tafa la predicting that ker aew work will aurpart all ber previoat effort in ftae delineation, krillitney tad power, and that Mr. Derby wiU he railed apon to record it oa kia booka tt oat ot the moat popa. larand luecetafnl of atodern literary iaeuea. flinee reading 'Alone.' we ahall impatiently aaait the appear tneeof 'The Hidden Path.'" Af. Y. Mirror. J.C PKKltV.Pobliher,ll!aaaanalreet.NewYork, Aad friraate-try annooiiaeller and new Agenla. YV. U FUMEhOY. Kalelgh, 1SJS. 108 New Booka. GRACE LFK, by Julia aavanah, author ef tlba lie, Daily Burnt, Ac. ' Cattle Builders, by author of ileir of Redcliffe, Heartt Face, Ao. Travel In Europe and Ibe Rait: a ytar in England, Peotlnad, Ireland, Walet, France, Belgium, Holland, flermanv, Aaatria, Italy, tlreeee, Turkey, Syria, Fait. tine aad Krypl by Samuel Irenwus Prime, illestraud, 2 volume M me. Tbt Practical American Cook Book. Mi Ptrirklandt' (Jaeeni of Heotland Vol. V. Wood' Illuitratcd Natural Hiatory. Robert Oraham. a rteunal lo "Ijenda," by Mrt. Caro tin bee Hentt. laraol Potter, or Fifty Yeart ia Etile, by llermant Mrlvile. Modera Htandar Drama, yoluraet XII aad XIII. Gadey for Way. For tale by. W L. POMEftOV. Raleigh, April, I LSS. ll Eccent Publications. VKINMS with tbe Fropln lei A Heriea of Me- J, jmoterend .we.lttstions b.v Rrr. A. W,rton llrown. 'ibehil Day d Crt-fttion t A ck-ric itf familiar let ter trout a lutber to Li. Cbil.iiea, by W. U. Rbied. A vii-tt of tbt Scriptare Hevclalurna etiaeerning a Fui.iic Plaloi by Arfbbib Whatrly. Tn t'nivere no)?ert, the Rsrth n Monopoly. The Plurality of World K illed Lv Dr. Hitchcock. Mourt and Hnnabine. by fharltt Beade, author of ' IVr W.-fi'-tn-ii.'' Christie Johnrtone, by Charles Rrade, aatbof of ' Pc YVofEi.k-ton." Hie l:iilcrMlcr. by Marisn Jaute. Ethel: bribe In,u1 1 l:rr.r, by Marisn Jtsrea. Romance of Ameri can 10i-c by Jn.rph Banrtrd. Mat'd, and otbev Porm., t.y 1 entiVM.n Playr, by Aana Cora Jdorratb Qlancut, by tbartea K1agty.- . For Salt by t W. L. PONFROY. Rtlelgh, O.-t. , 185$. Ii!2 if Krtrnl Publiffiiiom. rpilENEWCOMFS.b Thackeray. Tht I (ioli Reality veraua Fiction, by Ilia Helper. ; A visit lo the eantp be re rlevan. I a, l-y R.ch ; ard l faaw'arwiir.k. jv 1 Scene In tbe practice of a Sea York Surgeon, by Edward H Diton, V. D. The Lire nf Curran. by his Sob, a - . The Footneys of M. I'sul Lire la t alifornia. Muuuta ai aad klolehills.by Frank Marryatl. llisloryol thrroarcil of Trent, by Dungentr. Th Arancot.ians; or Note af a I nr among Ih ladiaa Tril.i sot hut. by kdwond llucl Smith A Ifnrket t.l lb. pa, by Joi n lln.us.haui. America, Political and Social, by ckhaff. Faier Tales ef meat natina. W Irts Utter of the' I'.n tih Spy. Char.. Her' l'laa ef Sevailopal. Foraalebr W. L TO at ROT. October 11, MM 120 - 1JM i;T PI III l( ATH)Na-T HKLITKRA I V racy l.ltt and CorrtapiNideuee af the CoeaUet of bs -aias-t,. Tbt AMrafd Knai'Or. Ditcleraee f Ceavent Life aad tbe eoafeaaiira af a Sttlte et f liarity. H.bilt aud sat a w Itk mi asb ol record touekiag the mskeisof boib, brD.elut brrrat. Dot Slicks 1 W kat kt sate, by t. K. Pl.l'.andcr Pa, etit k't. H. B. v Bell Rmiik brrtA. Hogei't Tbeeaunta af Epgllsb aorde aad pkrates. A BrW addiiHra. Ln.rary sad lllstoriral Miaetllaai, by Oeerge Basrrrv.fi. . t'brotUlry rrf Comstoa Lift, by iaaaa F. alokattea, eraoprete In t vol., me, Tbt Kagllrk Pat and t eseat. ky R.O. ret:ek. Lea f ara.' Memolra of B. ohroa. A Child' H.r'yryof ko(l.od, by fkirlet IHrk'Ba Peg Wortngtata 1 akrwatiiulei-.ry.by Chart Heads. The Hammer bsad 1 a err. (here ltrry. Cilia 1 Or. tbt Horn. a I osaody. ky Joka EtAtoa Cooke, aalkac of -I bt VUgtalt Caaediee," A. Tkt Faglirk Orpaaat 1 Ot, A Moaa la ta Ktw Wield, ky Mrs. Mary J. Uetsate, Bailee of "Tib peel ad Saerbta." Tbt ll'irtea af ll.agbloa 1 a tear! l-AWey Prtrk Letlrt't Joaraal la bet t.fi.brr. Foe mis by L. FOMER'iT. September f. IM. lea LIST Or SEW 00X3, NOW KKADT. I Alfred Ttaayaaa Maud aad atker Feet U eta II. t hsrlti Read peg Wtalogiira.a MeveL l-krUiit J.-kt-Mut. K.etl. Tt ttats. """ aad t)d,r4a I loodaaad aaa.klaa It nsu. Ilk Witl,.m Hewitt Lead, Ukee . Id A R-y't AJveal.rrala tktWddt t Aalrali,Bltk illoetrat.owt.; k eease. IV. Tkome lie Quiaeer Tk Kofe IWk. Tlaeei, V. Ckattet kia.Orr The Vojegee aad Adeeautrt Aymat Utb. 1 1 7k. taatUiah. 1 1 7k. bUawews. ue the WoaAees of tbe theta. AA teaaa. VI. 1-r.rM. ArwJd. mm ef It. Arwokt ml Bubyb Oak tela, a krcrel. (I. " Fat Past ky, r ftet. rib. . POMFROT Ut -a ANDREW J. HTLDMAN, ATT.Y Af LAW, 1 f ATIgU awAawtdto I 1 ret.wly Ibe Cowl ll.is.M f'aaaiiaa. Ptllabeea'. K. C, Bdl asltad eu ef I karttvasa. Mae and April 1st. 1 wf 'Ikl.kl'K Sworlaatliwe Sllkt, Bla. k aad Cebeetal 1 J I Cwreke. Plata aad W.seeod Silk, Ut Bard rrurevw isima-, i ait im net a ilka, aha aia aard Maaiitieeaf ika aalt Impatleti Jot retd, edfMaJea H. 1 g t AM . frtlewWr I. a. g , A Urf lot of Mouniinff Coods. Brbatlatw Mdbait Lrtakraaj Caatsaa tU.be, Aipaeta a4 De l-ts. a.n. It . TtiRIH. CLAEESDOX iuon works. . vVltUlXGTOS S.C. ; A. V. VAMUikktLEX, rreprketer. THE tvibaeribev having pnrebated tht entire iabrrett tanYe CLAR.MU.N OIOX WORKS," aoiieit ertiara tor blettt Ecginea, of any poww or ttjlt, Faw Mill ef Tery variety, ' Mining Machiaery and Puoip. (inrt aad Float jiiilt, complete, Parker, Turpeutia and other Water Wbtl, ' Kic Srld Pump and F-ngine, Uavitt'a Cera aad Cob Crasher, . Rice Tbraaher, .. ; y fhingla Macbia, "hatting Hanger and Pallie, : " ' Cottoa Cina od Gearing, Iron Cattiug ot all kind aad pattern. Bran " ' - Locomotive and Tucultr Holler, , . nut and plain Cy mUtr llviler. B.aekta.itb aoik al all kind. Iron t'ovrt fur Jlimaee apd Ji.il, x - rn K TA LLIMIMKNT Hating been re orcm.itcd lor lheeiteee pbrpoa f lusuriug punctuall) l tfi elocution ofad orde the public amy real eatirfitd that any woVk which may oiler will be pttn ! j celittniiaccor.lti.g o rotniae, and of luch workniajikhip a can not fail o give tntiiUetlon'. . THE MECHANICAL DEPAKT.MF.XT Being in charge ef men of talent aud ekperieaCe, i onvi no neeimuun in eating that th work ber after turned out, iliull compare favorably In eterr rupect with that of the most celebrated in the State and al price which will make it to th in terest ol all In wnt tc send me their order. , KF.PAIR WORK Alwtjs don without delayand baring a large force for that pnrpoee, it will prove advantngeou t any peraonneeding tack to give me tbe prefer ence wnooui regard to ejpent or (ending a-at- irom a uisianc. Crrdera will be addresard to "Clarendon Iron Works," Wilmington fi. 0. - 1 A. II. VA-NBOKKELLKN. Oct. 23. 128-tf. GKEKNSUOKO IHSttiSCK COIfiSI. ittrtt AT Ih end of Three Year, such ha beaa th tar and economy of tbe officers oltbia Coainanv thai we are (till fret from debt : made no atieamenu A bavt oaucb a large Capital ia ewek aad noU't, thai we bate ao hetiutioa in laying to the publit, thai Ibtre It a tafer Company in the Southern Country. The moil ol ibt Bitka in thii Company being ia tbe Western pari of tbe Stale, where tbe danger frost lrt fa mack leu. At the latt annual meeting, the following officer! JAMK8 KL0AN, President B. . COFFIN, Viet Pratideat. C. P. MESDKNIULL, AUorner. PETER A DAM 8, Secretary and Treatarer. W. . .tTMXHtU, Seaeral Ageat. JJirectunx - i Kktaoaiifaa.-Janiet Sloan. Dr. J. A. Ifcban. u. r. mcuoennaii, tt m. n. rtankin, Kcr. C. F. Deemt, .;.""' " l-radiay, W. J.MeCoaBill B. W. Ogbura, J. L. Cole, D. P. Weir. htreioa .M. llee A W illiam Agents. Wtntsaoaoi ea K. t. LiJIy. jAaaarowaDr. 8. 0. Coffia. Waaaiaeroa Juthua Taylot. WrtaiietToa. William A. Wright. SALiiacnr. Joba 1. Skater. Fai im nix. John II. Cook. Plvbocvb. H. . Kprulll. ' Ll'BKaToa. Robert ft. Troy. Lkaoa I.Asn.a. Dr. Iloberl II. Scale. All eemmuniratioaa abould bt directed tbeSccre ary free of pottage. PETER ADAMS, Secretary. Augntl 14th, 1J4. suir ..v NEW JEWELRY STORE, CIURLES U. TI10HlPS0i WOt'M rcleetfiillT Inform th fliiwdtn. I'VV HaWiKh. tba c.uoty and Ibe euutre adjolnina gjjQ liaat ba ba ai fittk-d Bp in efdeadid tyle, tit huuav trwriy oci-uftieti ,y iBe lnuranee tympany ia the wait id f Kayiu-villf Street, ad bttwetn' Mr. 8. 11. You us', utid Murray aod O'Naal'i dry goud store, wurrabe tiaafpeBe4 aimf aad aeantiful aauttmtDt 01 of all lb nnrdern elvlta, enrirting of Ibt erntmental and the useful, and to which kt iuvltes tht attention of Ibe la.l.e.. He ha, aVa.t. for the rnt1ent.'n. a good lot of gold andailter Watches, wbi.-b will be warranted to per f.iiiu ttcll, wheu dt-littred to tbe euu.mer. Ah.., few etcllcnt Idil IlLK BAIII!f.l.I.l'.I C.I NS, foagbt ,-n errecisllr l.T the hunters of I'arolira. Al : a great vgrirly of Walltrg Caue. In tact, at tlie hew Jewelry More, any and evcry rbiag, uru.Hr kri.l ta such eOabliabuienU, may bt rbnnd al prteet that eaanot fail to please tht customer Ke.airiug executed al abort notice, aad taliafa lupurti.it It UiDiukff'crs ltd D rltr. THE HOi'E MILLS. 1 1 t uitm, St.; ami 7J liethuan St., Acs. !". i'.-.i-oi( ei l-f-.tr loS Front it Ktw Yc:k, Faetoi , No. oU. 01 itd HUiltnn St., Jervrj ,ty . flMlt. 1 Ht) KlblOkS of tbia long and w.l 1'kn.aa Coffee and Spice Eetablikriirjent, Conti. n. to 1 trisre ike beet I'llAhMACEl'TlCAL j IttW Dl.hA in ue foi raith.g Arvaal. katrwif. ft . fkerculrt, Jr. ll.ei air imart Hataid. loci ' and mart other hrtir.teotiiaM aae taevrfv I. milt. , wine u.ey oner npoa Ibe a.oal reawMiabl terata. CaUlogut rul la dealers a ba request there. It II. J 11. IXIIAM. N . B. Consumers edvised to iarjaire for Hort Miu article. 1WI imilEB IBM tiM ItUlkl Wortk of Land Warrant Wkatin-, VmlttthlM L'Sfi S,,4 liO, assa.iaf Jfrarrr., ' iKo-1!, Jor trhu h tht AiyArtf tiuh prieet teiUU yraiif. T I H k Subacriker w III eollret .1 warraali aaaWe aald 1 lawt, daa ta all eetdurra toe 14 data eaeord sorrbrti it Ike sotdlcv is dead to tkfir wbdowa ee miaor ebll Ilea. Psraeas seadtag w.rr.ala t tk Subwrihtt by mail oeby Adam's k a or ear Caiuy setbroogk tkt Itaaht will bavt them earkrd al tig hi, sad 1 eunu.ees dema ky return aasiL J. H. KIRHAM, Otio epaetiit Uareaee't Hotel, layeilevile 1. Rairigh, Jarre Utk, Itib. 1 AM1&0.TTPEI. fPHK auptrWily of this pl.lara ls.lt I eeea limugb . lb glass, aad Is aot rrveraod iikelke Dsewrrrvw. lye i aad II to k atta ra aay light, aa H w free from Ik palish ef tk slltee plait. Il aaaaet get dttety, aad Is arat teally aWtmd i il it uaeervlniaa I water, at, ot aatst, aad sill last foe agt aaimpeltrd. t all al T. J.A k. Rabrtgk, leaeemkee, lih l'tk. 47 riSDOW OLA AS ABM PlTTYJatt ta baud I f la $4 raider Im beat W ladaw Olaa. twmaet tag tba V set. am sis ad aaelittee aestelty eattrd ftsr la lilt aaerhet. Alee, I MO piaall Putty la blaUtWt aad aaaa, . tale at a aaaall adtea by Ft.l 0 A OATLIBA. rebruvyr. 1w. Sand Paper. A SlTERHiR An.it I af Saaal rpr. A l'r I be . Us aal by n. . IlRM t. Raleigh, S.pC 111 j LstdiM aad Ce&U Hoaiery I A gwereral At.l m Ma a, Woaaea est) T Crrtkrw, Tbesaid, Weed aad b.lt Hoars, Al tl.-e. af everyktad. W. M. A R. B. Tl t klR. LrrttAW, araaa, w e4 aad tveeyhlaaV. KI TH II l t.,'y F Leavee, L.titr Fra. - aav Feva, aaikoref Ft At, tl.Jk. lee sale by ARRER L. POUkkcT. Ft Q iLT -M) atvka LlteewtAslaaA Orotiod Allow Sell O la es-e aad Ua arstt bp PMeeahaag. If. . gROWBLRT A BtrgA. 1)APKR If Be at wtetptag fft, altaVeee taaa. la a4 it sal b rrl"0.. Bo. . (tlj " LI T i rjitgf. (r I BRET BAUiV 4 kaao f (.... tad Jr BBOWkbkt A Bill. Peamkatg, Utatmbte A, XJA-ta IVwifctkR.ikM.ll., r. 7111 1 Pr iMssa by Ih Mae W esdUvt l Burt, kt a atahaaarwr Irtlag. . b, a 9 re net by v.uptatteT. ek tsth.lsit kAWUlky la bo. si..., a.((isA BR0LkI 4 Bilk rAA,tef a t'lilmka, t. WVAII-d ta tscwslitiml tmd Atalao Basse Av la alsae sat aw sals hi rrtardw.kM. (aJ MIITA Bl't. TlTBriiUI hiatin1Ktliriia GBEATBEDVCTWS IX TBE njCX - or th Varna rsLK4a3 L. SCOTT A CO., AEWIORK en-ir. ' ..W rii. Wiowin, Uaoiag Bntb Hrlor : i ; v 1 1 Th Lmdon i?rttrV, (Cmvacrr,, v tkt Eiinhurs Review 1-1",)' 1 ' ' z ThtXirtABriluAliemtwVruChwchS .- 4 .. . 7 ' IA HVtfwiniVcr Jtetirv Liberal.) Blackyyod'iEdiuUrsh Xayaxint (Ifcrj roltlital, and Milittuy i.ow agitatiiVTl 'Httu aalloat td tha Old World, give I Ibett PaL.iT- lateeaat aadraua itw newer Wfoet --, , tain. We.-. Ihcj otxopy a a-idult aiooi.d beta,,. A. wriueanew Mcwt, etude peciirlnrjt, nd ,i m irt ot tlienewrpapcr, and tbe ectleivai 1,1, , .,!, ra, birtorltn. wrlucn ioeg alter tbt litii.g int,r"t it !i facta he retoids tbali bar passed aWav jaJ gr. of tht War in the jt Meupie, . -r,, their psges. Every movtmtnt ia closelv !r 7 whetbst af frioBd a ot foe, aad all tl tt.mimH' lorsly pointed out, Tbe letters f r. m tbt Crbai. " Irom the Baltic in Blai kwood's Magasinr, its most popaiar eonlriboiora, give. tre UiuuL V aud reliable account of tin uievementt ot llit i.. 1 belligerents Iban can elicwbere be lovnd. v -lbtatreriodtcaltably r. prerest Ibt ikreeetvaro. liticalpartietolUreutBriteiB Wkig, l,ry JbTI!"' ical, but politic, fin me only out Icatuie ol'lli, acler. As Organs of th aooal profoand -wrlttn ' -Scieace, Literature, at 01. lily, and KellsioB, Ikrv si. ' J as tliey ever bat e stood, mrit ailed ia lbs aotld ol l' tore, being considered ItidiepettFtble to lb, ,,, , " rent rrader nf ...A .-.2.1 . ry record ol tht current literature of tbe dav ibt.. k n the world, than can be possibly cbtslaea' from . twrrsourc. 1 "any F.ARLY COPIES. ; Tbercmiptof Adrtnre Cheat, from n- tj.:.. puMitbert give additional value te there Hit riat, il pecoilly during Ibe present eicitug .ute al Frsniw. tffalrt, inaamuch la tbey call pow be planed rail,, bands of subscriber about at sou as tbe original eib TERMS. 'er ana.. . gg . i it . tr ...J) ag - .J ft For any oat ef th roar ReTiewtM,.,., ForaBy two of tin four Btvitwr.,.... For any three of ibe four Review,., For ell foar of the Review ror lllaekweod 1 alagaiioe,,., ..,., For Blaekwood and three Review . ror aoacawoea saw toe tour nevlews ....,! OS dlamenU to be medt i all ttua m aWnwat.' - ikWy current in tht State tcUie laturti -will be rereiml al par. CLI'BBINU, A diseoent of twepty-fii w-wt.-frcwitbeTeAote" prtcel wil 1 allowed to Clube ordering four or mart ropiei of any one or more ef Ike al.ot e worke. That: Four copiti of lilatkwowt, or ol out Beview, will bt tent lo one address fr 19; foar copies of tbe four Re view, and Blackwood for gat: aad so oa. POST A UK. - In all pilneipat Cities and Towiisethest woikt llt ' be delivered, Free of Postage. Wbeas.-nt by mail tbe Potttgt la any part uf tbe I nllrd States will be 'bat Twenty-four Cents a year for "Blaekwood," and bat . Fourteen Cetilt a year for rack of tbe Revitwi. THE FA R JlfEIt ' S Q VIDE TO SCIbNTIFIC AND PRACTICAL AORICII, Tl'BF, By Henry Stei keas, F. K p., of Euinbargb, tad Ibt IsleJ. P. MortoB, Professor of belt nlilic gritullare ia Yale College. Kew lloven. t voir. R.-val Oets vo. leu pages, aad numeroat Wood and btsel Kngraving. This it confessedly, the merl timplele work oa Arrb culture ever pubiiabid.aucl ia older logltette widtr elrralalioB tbt ullitl ei I ate irnlt . . to i.i.tlta price to FIVE DOLLARsroRTIIKTWOVOLIUFSII When arol by mail i-..ri-i..,J) A I slifornia tad rtregoa the price will be 17. To eveiy ull.cr perl ef tbt I. Bine aud lo Caaada (post-paid,) ft. xoTbti work is not tbr old "Bock ol ti e F.iui." 1 llemlllar.ee foraay af lb si . re ubliisliot boald always bt tc'irtrrd, jen psW. l ibe 1 1.1 llrbrrt, . LKUNAlill StOTT I t o, Ka. 44 Odd c'lrcct, X.-w York. I tf. Fnd ki esT AVE hive ia surre aad will rail below lowest uair y kei rjtet, Je Puki J.rtcvs A T'l-rccj' I. T. Salt, liaat do llround Aluio hall, ll Bt .' I .tied liuibid Ce-sr, " Id! ill) n,nYe, - " - - tt Half U.ica Loaf Sugar, Ji t IW- Bio I'ctl. e, C R,.ie Palt faap, ktO du lirowa do. ' , UK) do Chemical 01 ire S tp, J.'dl lll l. K. 1'., Orost llrrrlnga, " S.e de do (' d... I t." ', B'bela. Wrepl.- Fsl, Taite. bervi P- A - Yet-I l',.d.r-t.-t- f ll. I I ,h - i,,ic t.it... M. KM, -j.mi,r-.ir . ; i Sf-. rr-. t, r. :1 I or S. t . i .tt. - It I a Iv-IMl IB a V-l -ir , . . ! 0, I V A V Jul Ml I 11 1 ', i 1 o. JS . Kttnr-br r- . S,,f, t K. b, 1 Ar.ir.tsi ail, 1 - ua ;,t ,1, j,. , ot I !. ar erl 1 ..;.! a pn't u,t gi e-!:;. . Ink fvr Lmt, trniiosa,.. t;iri t l,iri reti. L'etimUi It, lei. fc tr-cf. tuwtaau to Z. L Htidlij ri'llE ai..lrr..grtt d, who kta beta bt a ear years 1 tlcikl.it L L. I.BldiBg, ssr t-a Ike Irtd.vet J.a.arr, las, al pointed Ageat fr eke "bah'lib Braat b," by ibe tea. maaoas. laitts aiib ab-mtlr. II. wa ermaerlrd a bile doit,, businee le tbi. Ity. Tie eaaatal.lr aad etaessd I lolbiug Ibat base gtvea tkis llMirt ike tcpotate it avw Itlotefutil Be kit tread Ibe litres a ill be eaif. am, aid at bops at tBlitfarvay la every partkuiar. . W ILLIAM ILWILLIAMat. To or Foraer Patrout. 1)FFfRKttvif Ik tSy ft nut at wheat we ssk tkt alMaare ef recwmmeadiM Mr. W illtam Vt iliiama a. your latorable r.midcraii..a. Mr. War Name will bare the e-tae feei'mea Srr leilriag year waata aad desaaada, aa halt ba aejoytd by Ik lav deettgnrd for Ibe 11 iftl i tests. Mr. W illtsBs. b fall ae.b. nird ta settle ear ktlt I aad erroana., W t b.-W, lot Ik l.rl Itese iisae. my te all tndel led e. as, ll.al t ' I K I 1 M M - l I f 1 a SLTTLFIi I P. l:eaeablo liou . I lc alir etd ae--baBeait krp-re arbii. uWm Is- ttitie aitb aae atoar '' a. K. L. lubblbv). staleigk, Feb. A. It.'.i. Lit I'KLM RM.Ml Patent Swing latrte. The AWkseribee kavlBg arawkaeetl ike Me rigkt t makt aad tell tkoee Pa teg acta, ta lb i uo.irrt tf Wake, J..kar4oB, Ikatbaaa, Oreago. Fraaklla. Wse era ead S.rk, wawld rTetfallr rafrm tbe p. ktw Ikal Ikty will aliead kke trsatu Ma tk akwte ease. lies witk lhaa, aad bIm peddt them tkroagk the ewaasry. By Ik It ajetaglctr, a krae, ee twe er keeaea, saa k tie tee bed trans a tafcttae lata at SsH iveed, witk perferd safety be tbe itktekt ad tkt la H- B It tia.pl aad ee.y, e tket aay any ta year add et trad kiaaself ef Ut at. Be aawk Bleteetlaa wt fef kefan keaa mteated egaiaet the A. agree laerdeal be rwaawey e tract Mta. kwask f-r err nd.it ttbtebl of kt sa kit est nchd a tl. It It teet. safer aad eoctate psaiaailea agaiast daagee. h eaa be st taehad le add ae eehsaa. Jkra- Rmic It haeeby givta. tkarl aey afrtags aa thai Pasewl, ee aay tmitaiaaa, ee s.y aiir maa aae ky aay modit aaaa. ikl Passed Ire ka aay af ia saraattee akov tasawtMAr ta -r- - of peear.es ta adreadlog will he pfeseceled te Ik r.U t!cl4 tht saw, aalttt ll. i. ratw at Watkksf P. P. WILLIAM! at CO.. Baleigk. F.I4. 111. - a. v. a i Lie. a. a BjOtfl LA CfiPABTBRMHIP- MILLEIt A B0GEB8, (Afswracae tratf raurUr af U,) RAUlCiU. X. C . W 1 IX alt..d tt4l a Uall bw.taa ewrrr. ka tbtauj artil lijr , "T "a rii."ii A its I L, - Cammlsslen Xtrkat a. II aeraro want mar, vTMmaagwaa. B. Ce - dy-pf; " Vl StH atwtwa, Frvraet. tuUarsa, ' pace, tegtiak Nertaa, tatasasa I antes I l.tk. I .twrft, plairt faakssvetwa, W-araw taaa. UaW BaasW.e.ktefa, . a. CaH aw etsmla t ifte taw bass... H. 1 RVAMVt aapumhee, loA, A' - rpBi lADIr'a aare tree larfaemd tha eaa J Sal MaattUla ia ftdsrte Bad gAswsa)ktU fee tart art... . AkXTpark. aTuUv. t Twwwa ItU f mult aa4 a sere raebtty af Faa. ratrrt-sa aww 7 r WTTtra. AptU I, IAAAJ, "