4 rturk .i " : . -$mi'mm ar WILLIAM C. OUB, aairoa iiDnoniini. TUHSs If a aid strietly in advaace, twe dollars par ae Bata; twe dollars and tiy tuit, if paid withia tix moo Us j sad three dollar at the ad of th jrar. ADrEBTlSKXSXTS tot exceeding sixteen IN Till b inserted sat time for ene dollar, and twenty-fre cents for each subsequent iaWrtioa. Those ef greater length will be charged propors tioeally . Court Urdera asd J adicial edvsrtisement will b eliargea 25 per cent, higher than the abov ratss. A reaaoneble deduction will be Bade te koae was advertise bj the fear. Book and Job Priutirg done with neatnes an deepatou, aad oa aeeommedating terms. GENERAL DIRECTORY. CITY GOVERNMENT.' Vfm, Dallas Haywood, Iltt endanf, ot Police. coaaisftoxMM. Eastern Ward. 'Ktdridge Smith, '.". A. Adams. tliddlt Ward.C. U. Iloot, . " Ml. Buttle, G. W. Haywood. Western Ward. A. JI. Gorman, . II. D. Turner. J. J. Christophers, City Clerk, n. it. Battle, Uity Ireoa. PiVy Guard. James M. Crawley, " Jackson Overliy. Cilt) Comtalda. E-lward Harris. " William Andrew!. A. Adams, Waighmaster-. E. Harris, Clerk of the Mar- KIT . COCRTS. The Ftiprtme Court of North' Carolina ! ueld la this jity scml-nnnually, on the second Jiday in June, and the 30th day of December Judjei. Hon. Frederick Nash, Chiol Justice, 11. M. rearsun, Associate uoiw, - W, II. Battle. " Edmund B. Kreooian, Clerk; Ham, C. Jones, Reporter; J. J. Litchlurd, sr., .Marshall. The Uiutrd SlaUt Circuit Court for the Dis trict of North Carolina is held semi-annually in' this city, on the 1st Monday in June and the last Monday in ISoveinbor. Judge. Hnu. J. M. Wavne, of Georgia; Hon. Henry Potter, of Fayettnvillo; District Attorney; Robort P. Dick; Clerk, Wffl. 11. HaywooVSr., Marshall, Wesley Jones. The Siijitrior Court for this County, islicld on lie first Monday after tlia fourth Monday iu March and September; John C. Moore, Clerk. Jos. B. Bachelor, Attorney General and Solic itor of the fourth .Indicia! Iiatrict.t The C'o.iri of irtt and Qiuirlcr. Samm is bold on the third Mm Jay. in February, May, August and Noremlier. Jeff. Utiev, Clerk. Ch xirmtm of llu County Court. William Boy Ian. County ftolicitor'K. P. Marriott, Sherijof H'ii County William II. Hinh. Corunt-r Willis Scott. Uiijinter. H. Ilutson. BANKS. Hank nf tht Stat! oj' Sorth Carolina, incorpo rated ls:iil. Charter expirm in 1800. Capital $l,5tf).tKK, divided into 15,0(10 shares of which the Literary Board holds 6,027 and the L'niver itr 1000. Principal Bank at Raleigh. George W. Monleaai, President. Ch trie Dewey, Cahier. J. II. Bryan, Jr.. Teller and Notary Puldie. W. E. Andcrsuu, Discount Clerk and Notary Public. Jordan Womble, Jr., Clerk, . This Bank has branchneat Newbcrn, Tarlioro' Fnjettevllle, W itruingtun, Eliuljoth City, Char l.ttto, Milton, Mrj;aiituu and Windsor. a iiirb'T.::s. Oaie part of the Stale : D. W. Courts, Pnl lo Treis irer, ex-nflicio, L. O'B. Br mcli and W' Jt. Pode. On the part of the Stockholders : Wui. Boylan, Win. rWo, J. II. Ittvtn, J. B. G. ltoulhac, Al fred .lone and 11. F. M-wre. l Dtforiug urtd Uencival day Tuesday. ' Diaciuut 4ay Wodocsdv, Domcatie liill i aul Bills of Exchange discount- 1 every (lav. Business lioun from 10 till 2 o'clock. ltatrijh Itranrh of tht Hunk of Hit Capt fear William II. Jones, Cashier. . R. P. Finch, Teller and N jtarr Puldie. Diatcroas. Ge. W. Haywood, T. II. Pelby.J 8eth Jones, Go ire Little, Dr. Thos. a . Uo. j and C. W. l. HuU-biDss. O Turing day Miuday, Discount day Tuesday RAIL UOAD3. tahiij awl tfiwoa ItaitrtiaJ Company. R. A. Ilnnilton, President, W. W. Vass, Treasurer, J. M. Pool, Assistant Treasurer. C. B. Allen, Depot Agent, Mail train leave at 7 u clock, A. M., arrives at C P. M. North Carolina Railroad Company. Chas. K. Fiher, President. . , C. P. Mendenhall, Treasurer." 1. T. West, Freight and Ticket Agent. Mail traia arrives 6 o'clock, A. M., from the Eat; and doparts 10m. after 5 o'clock, A. M. Mail from the West arrives at 32 aifnute af ter 4 o'clock, P. M. Imparts at 20 luiuutes Iw- r a ..ii. i- ti a, w sore s oiuca, a . m. POST OFFICE. Wiltiaa White, Sr., l' -at Master. Office bours, oa week day, Irora Sun-ria to 9 f. M. TRAVELLER'S GUlDfi. (isaiviL txa urisTias or luu at aaLitoa NORTI1EKN MAIL (Br RaiLanan.1 Through Mail elosea daily at It a. a Way Mall at p. Arrive daily . at 6) p. The Cars leave the depot at 6i a. as ' SOUTHERN MAIL (Br Twe-aoa-i Ilara, Close daily at J p. an) Arrivew daily at 6 p. ai The Hack leaves at 7i p. WESTEKN MAIL (Br Rausoaa.) Close daily at 9 p. Arrive daily at 4) p. Th Traia leave at 1 4 y. OOLDiBOIlO MAIL Br Ra.i.aoaa.) Ctoesa daily, at 9 p. Arrives daily at ft a. Ths Car Waves daily at 10a after 6 a. TARBOUO" MAIL (BrTwo-aoaat Hmi.) CloMsonRun lar.Tiiea.andThnr., at 9 p. Arrive Taaadnv, Thurs. aad Sat,, at T p. as Hack tevon Mon. Wed. and Fri, at I a. m riTTSBOItrt' MAIL (Br Ta.is-aos.i llara CI.mos oa Tuewlay aad Stnr,Uy, at 9 p. as Arrima ea Monday and Thurwlay, at 7 j. as llaek leave oa Sua, aad Wad. aUut 7 a. as 8plndld Stock efGoeda! r 1 are ao rveolviof lb U'f at aiarh of aaoe aW atarw d'p pwdd, 4a, Ca-a, Kkoea. C r k . a4 U raeartea. thai haa nee taa aeeate4 to) RoUtf. va4 a fehey baeba nwwffbi eeflly tvhey WiU be ajiap.aan.al f lb awe4 aWMiw-rmiaT laenta. We ahmll be pi nd to ehw thew) to an oo ! jbiaa! 4 the pebaM .if.lle. W, li. A. -1. TrrKRB. IMMir. CwAITKllw ARI1BNOIA MOV KewM. Haey WatoeweW aUwto, flewfwa . H.w.ef Rawiiae lw jwrrawwt, wee iwil awto kVaanaa, A tp nVwaaa. LAllaC W eihiag Kke-m. i-adiew Cwaeea ate, Mil if Riiwjta, RUHl m4 Q4m.t .... Th a... aaataaH aad fbM .III W sd . as WwoM saawbM Mm tall aad eaaaalM - a M. L. a i-. vn.,is, ) VOLUME XLV1X HEW Till 1STEIT1IE1E1T8. I V Appleten's Building Se d Ui Broadway, 8CHISFFLIR BROTHERS 4 Co. aroKTias, hid biAuat la Brngi, PaiBli, Bill, Byu, Ptrfnmery, kt., I7tl H liUaaMrM, Mew York. INVITE the attention of the trade to their large and varied etock of Drugs, paints, Oils, I'erfuui ry, 4., Ae. : In addition to their regular Importations of Sta ple Drugs, they are also receiving, direot from the sources of pmtuction and manufacture, supplies orTooTa, Hunt, and N aii Bnijaiixs, liaojtxKs.Coa.is, Mobtahj, SposukS, Fskmjo and Ekuiisit.I'XBri'M bbt, Lima's Extracts, and many other article! usually embraced in Druggists' etock;, which they are atse enabled to offer's the moit advantageous terms. : Orders, either in person or by mail, will receive prompt attention, y June 28, 1855. 77- Fint Frfmlum CoIdStdiilFisno-Foftct, 8IBIHWAT ft B0N8, . MAHBiiua. ataa, 84 4 8& WAUtaa-atazaTS. asaa aaoaowar, iw roaa. Respectfully call the attention of the public to their splendid assortment of semi-grand and sijuare Pianos, which, fur rolume of tone, elastici ty of touch, beauty of finish, and in short every thing that renders a l'iano perfect, are unsurpas sed. They were awarded the first premium for both kinds In competition with the most distin guished mskers front Boston, Philadelphia Kew X orB, ana isaiumorw. NEW TRIUMPH I Stsikwat & Boss hare just been awarded the r 1KST Fromium UOLB MEDAL (overall coin net i tors) at the late. Fair of the American Institute Crystal Palace, for the DEST Pianofortes. 7 tf. TILTON & McFAIRLAND, 33 Maiden Lane, Vtw Tork. ANUFACTt'RES OF THE WORLD RE Downed ttdamander Safes. Bauk Vaults, Baltimore Depot, 145 Pratt ltoston Depot, 11 Howard street. ; 27-ly. The Wonder of the Age. no pay! T F Dr. ToMa' cvlf?l.rated Venetian Liniment doe X not cure Cholera lyr-ntt'ry, Jro( Colie. CmiRhi. Itj-fpcpftB, omitin, Muuipk. Tooihaohe, Ih-a-lacL f.happi'd Il tntU, Cold h'utt, Morquito Ultima IiifcpI StitisK, Chrciiic libeumatiria. wtl!i?ir, 0I1 r uta, iJtiriii', Lrunes, and I'aiua or . enkneu m Uie Liuibit, liat k and Chest. NO HUMBCG-TRT IT. Dr. T 'b?a Ima warranted hla lint men I for elht ear a wiiiuttit ever having adetuaDd made far the re turn of th money nil tiiai ia stked i to ufe it at cord ing tn ttedirei-tiona. NO OXR WILL EVER UK WIT1IOIT IT After once usine- it. If you do aot find It tetter than anything you hare evtr trtea hefor. GET YOUH MONKY It ETl'RXKD. jMr-ThouMiiiU of Ccrtifieale bare been rtv eive.l tpoaknig ifiU rare rirtue. hum a day it la tb ratt.ee to ail Uie paper with certinrntM fr ktfown pereuitf.er pircu by thoe bn haTe never uced tb medicine now ir.Tobtaa otTrra lo tir 1,000 I)OLL kk S tb an one who will prove that lie,evr ptihtiihed a false eertificnte during Utvtiiuv be hai I. id hi medicine be fore the Ful lie. titlloa tbe asent and ,ct a PauipMvt enntaininc genuine ctrUfitntt. Am wroti enviiua of thelnrf; ule of tht r (n't tint LtniMuitt have M,.h.i it in injur; bue to tnke it intmiUy. Dr. Tliti ha luken Lhv UA lowing OATH, I, ramafl' I T jbWi ;-wf the City of Nrw YHr, hnr duly oiU ilo dcoe thet I rouipi'tint! a l.iiiUutnt culled Veartisp, aid that tht iiiefMln nf of nbii-h it 1 eomironfd arepeteetly haruUrt to tjie liJli-tiiaiHy. eren iu Ucubie the quantity namid in the Diroution aie conrmtiTiiia; each LtaUlr. ftw lark, January t-tftfl:o. 8. L TO LI A?. Sworn to thi day before inet Fernandu Wood, Maytir, PHe ti k 56 eente, old by the rirucirfela and I'ateot M'Hiii DfttUr Ihrunghout the I'niied Haift, $'r- it nth In-. Tobiai llora Liuiiaent la pint IluiUea at h& turn, warrauted ruperiov to any oih er. Dr. Tobiaa (, feiCourlland St New York. February 2s. S-tS I Jy HF.XC1I wlMM)W CLAMI. EDWABDP. DJCm, 144 ChAsbart Itraat, N. 7. Two tloor weat f Hu'Uoa Biver Railroad Depot, Xr rKIUS to Deal aad Ceaaaaiera hi aelebrafed hraada of Fnatk M indow blaw favorabic term. Parue wihiag infurinaMoa will be furwikbed with prieee an rwriiH of their addree. Ulaaaeewt toaay ikiirwi paitem, ana pacaea ire of marge. April in.. 17 ly FOR THE f.OOO, 000. THE IJ. . P A T E R T MANB 1,11 CO. 6H! ThoBMMMi eta, N. Y. f AKUPACll'RKRS of Mabl WantUa, Table 1 L Tup Cwlnteaa, Pieetola, ., U ieuta. Urn eaieile, aad ail lUaiaa Uarblra, Tbia artieia, wbith la a prvpa4ttti of Marble Dat, ehaimeally eoaabtned wlrk tfftaerai ewhwe-, aw-wa-tw-aw ainwl4ed tmtm any 1mm and ewlor, by wbtrk marble eaa be aaaanfaciwted at kaa U-aa haff the nnH f theeoanaoa aaaiertal, while it aseeia Kiaoaranniiy ana aaaiy. i ana aaarnieiaesa Irwa aad blata lb ere hi ae eurfeee work, the avlur me nine lata th um A km taster.), while raraiab e need La giro a wforary beaeiy la th ewriW, Mb. Ul ft m t 1-tJ. Table -ps a-..eimeily aheap. It i tli U ft the HnrM4areaad t.4e of aboe f.jf th . d IT ii jjtf'ia, wni a will eawre in.wiew.ae) twraa to th- latemftiig tw.elf mm. uf.rw.eiww fwnybd apHiticiio rfe 1 Kit nh.N H rr-tir-t er Jaaaea l.aa. Iretarf. ltW VoUK April IU 1-, II ly. PL.TE 4 WINDOW 0LAS.S. TOOT, mVTBEtl CO., 0. 4t CtifSt., .Via rr, 1WP0RTf.US AND MAMfArTftirPsll' A tenia, ('bane' tngHah fUrel, Crown and Cn ti I'tate window Ciiaaa, I'lutel glaaa fur Vky.ligbta, Urnllaea,(H,,art. i 4ore4,(fiiAjente.I.tpti. edand M irwaopW glaa. The LlWvaud alawchea law .Ute (race Way'a Utieh poiiahaJ ptale far 4ore wm-bwa Ae.. Ao , lioutb glaaa foe iowra and akt-liiht. Atuntiow to laeitead l th aboew rariowa 4a. aeriptinM ftf Window alae In wa fc mofwa. Dweltiag ! aikwr pxtrpoaaa. Th awalitv of I haa art tela le In fori t m arrepndinR 4eeHp tins, ad In many rp-x-ta tpertr. Owrlthewt tilaea will w rnd better thaa th fraaicb ill It fre int fron Hi am, Rwet, Ae. Being A?nt for Iwa of th larra4 Tilaoa Maa- fartnrera In rurtipa, we are enabled ta Ser al er and tbra wr j a trentajre in priowa aad large ataekft. rri MU will be ftmbed 99 anptiea Uow, April li4, 1 , i- A. ARMH'X V MIIOII ART T A I LO MB. y7 ilrrwp; .V. Y. tlirUtelrwiwf A. - O. A. Arawwa haetng to-a X i ttW let iwet A Arwsaapt, ie , aarvfit,! , fa, haa aee'sd w tta htMrf bit mm WILLIAM, fato W toa to Irw) f te par m tjf eaWliMieg the IbMtwtM sm aavaa4 TatUare. 1 U7 iff tale U( fi l. af ttrajdUsef, atwealbe PPbbeteeaa4 kinf ihwf M . wbtew hara ateititM aewtm. .aHis j afjiw.tr i aad V of tbe jawea e'r1'. Ow w aee aw aaM that ewe aaen wtft We to - i waerfieatia watk h-nf yei mmmUn W. at aaet4 tae aae pevrwaiei a4 Uai ae ean4Mi ee Will be 9 bae ever gr . ai e to awtoat-jtffijto aad wawi , twaaat be Ik-em. ". f. RALEIGH, NOSTH NEW YOIIK ADVERTISEMENTS. Sewing- Machine Spool Cotton. ORR'Sds MACNAUGIIT'S Superior Improred Six Cord 300 Tda -SPOOL COTTON THREAD. VTTARR ANTED Cold t No. W iaelaslve, being V V I No, abova other Thread sold ai Cord: 4 Cord to So. 0 inclusive, 10 No, above other thread, aad Cord front W to ISO, Full assortments of rati superior article, fwhtrh is now' preferred by those whoa.e nEWJtl MACHINES, for both Upper and Lower Tfareed)Miret received ai,d f-r sale by the ease of too dm. or paeksres of sow dos., by ALEAN,I)KR KNtlX. No. t Pine rttreet, New Tork. Oeneral Agent for ORRS M ACNAt UtlT, OhMgow. Sample for trial gitei free to buyers. unea,inco,' . 23 lm. , Cl ARI1F.N SKf.D. WAKRAXTF.D FRESH T and Qennin, growth of 155 for sals by UKN UY D TUKHEK, Bookseller, RaLuaa, N.C. - AipartvjHi, .Citron, for preserve, .' Large Giont. ' ' 'Jfaeftsral, , iSiU, (Bushor Fnan ghorts.l IBrowa. . Early Six-Weeks, or Early! Okra, Mohawk, Oaua, Red Speckled Valentin, or -ilver ftkinncd, r White, Ked Marrow, iarge 1 ellew Btrubarg, Brown llfceckWa Talehtlae,Larg' Bed WelhemhelX ' Hefuge, or Thouaaad-to- "P or liiiifoa Ooiou, One, iWhit PurturaL i Red French, Yellow Hatch, Cranbery Butb, Uanvers Yellow, new, Eatra fcarly , letoria, lr Red, Kovat Dwarf,or WhiU Kid-jEarly Red, extra Key. Vartlrr. ICnrled, or 1 China Ked Eye, or Early Plain or 4ingle, La ree Lima, or Batter Reaue'Swesr. Carolina Sewe or Caha. illoilow Crowned, or Can, . lit. i Pram. Extra Early Turnip-ronted. Laudrelh's Extra Early. r.i,j iutri;i,rwicii neu, r.arij rraane. fOnjr Blow! fted. Karly WaphingtoBf Karly May Ae, Knrly Charlton, Hiahop' Dwarf Proline, Dwarf Itlno Imperial, Sitebian or Hupar, Manoia V. ur(y. Karly Orange d( Kurly JJiitf Long Blood, French Amber Sugar, I'tlbtttllflr Early Dotsrh. Karly Yorfe, Lnntiretai'a LtrRe York, Early 8ufrar Lo,if Karly Jlftttrtn-t, Karly Drumhead, Oreen Curled iSaeoy, Lsriro Dramlu ad Saror. Koyal Dwarf Murrowlat, Illue Prut fi an. Knrly Champion of England Large W bite At arrow la t, 'eitfwr. Large Bweet, UU-haped louraio, or j-iat, -t-herry, Cnyonue, or Long, Ilcd Dutch, ffor plekftng.)! haw. i.srp i,ate Uroaihentt, Flat Itut, h, Oreen Ulaxed, Mammoih. Carrot. Long OmftRt', , Knriy lloi'n, AitnnirliRUi, or Field, Large White, oe Field. VArry. White Folid, Red Holid. Trergnvn Nnr, Sweet, or Hnt-ar, Karly t nnaia. Co nion Field, or Cbee, js.aninoH), sWt.A. Long H-'arlet bhort-top, Long SHlreon 'White Turniprooted, iHeil Turnip-routed. iVvllow Turnip.rooted, tiSumnier White, j Hhnhnrh, or I'ie-plvmU Sulrijy, Ojfftr-i'iimt, 1 tmnk. Knrly Buh, or Pattt Pan. Laiiy Apple Ruph, or Kgg, iwOitg ureen Vrooknaek, ( 'Hah Crookneek Samncr, A Ja' Ly t h Hummer ficailup, ! white. Early York, Eurly, TuKarora. (Dutch buaatr Ptallup.yel lo Early Ainue, (Imported.) Coeoa-imt, LaU Dutch, Valparaaio, ar Porter, fiVuM 'rtiper tVm J 'immk llrot wti Lrte Purple ilmind Huoy.tHved. i,ae, J.8fge w bite tape, Prb kly eeed. (urHat'cf. 7uMtf, or LmAnvi (.liiteBpiutd, F.trn Kariy liu-tlun, Knrly Frame or Tueie, tihort PiUkly, Karly Mreen Clualer, Kaily I rame, Kbmt fihort Ureen. Lare Red, Large Yellow, I'ear-ahapfd, . fmrmtp. ' 'Karly Flat Dutch. Strap. 1 leaved, 'Red top( oj, Strap Uarod. Karty Htorie, Lafc, Norlidk, , -Larjre H(l, t-ll.iw Aberdeen, St otrh Vellow, Huta Dagai r H wed Ubt Lottg Gtetn 'f urko.v, L'.ftff tiren ( K rene'i.) iSrniiU Chikio. Torptekh" t.i?g I twit, vf Jletinjttit Large l'tttple. Early Puiplii. Eatly CurlM, or Cut Palad, L.-,rendrl Karly Cal.bai LeiHuti Italia,' Hutler l.4t(tKP, lirtmn Duii li. il.orentary, f'a.ory, Continer, - Winter, . iSwect Ran 1 1. wefli Marjoram, woet Thyme, J lirmm RretH. k Ry the pound ar bnahel.) Ke4 I h.rer, WhiU Datrb rterer, I wrtrn, r Frvneh, Blue tJraea, r - llerdaar Red Top, Titrothr v Cal.bai:. Imiterial, I'hiUtptna Cablare, Curled ItMiia, or K-e, white Cue, tirvei, Co, I'lli -lUie, AfW Ward'a Nrctar, I'Sa apple r PerMan, hkiilman' Fin Kettled) lieflitri i, (eitraaae.i Cam' in water. Mountain howt Water, Canary ttoad, DfhMey , at X watatn lweet, .ew Oraaa, And a grew vaiie' of e4 t Inelnded la thi ad vsrtif emoat. , SojHrior Tea ii the Irirlnal Bilf thfiti, g9, of f, f, 1, Z axf 4 ptmnU. rot tatvi T JE1TEI1T3 be CO.. o.iynaL isvasroas r ni aavaiuc via ran. tVBelavals Sealara la Taas aaly. A. W. Cirmr it mil mmd A..i MrMM, rillLAbELPHIA. Jrer-Tess la M.t.ll.e 'aek. pwl.p la halfCbHts, r.,oiaai( a variety 4 sik Hla.k aad l irwa Ss nut t'rtoted II. of ftea,Twms, a.-, Nralihed by avail as an wl. araer uem. All Tea. .arrested la pleaM a. saie. (lo. .atl lb saia. rte a.4 letBM S. alLsad Mce.lv. Halt rha.U W BWfk M'aia ilaM It a-MWda, am) of Ureea Itatl e p-.BO. ew s. Marvat li, lC II, Hats. Hat", IlaU. Rr-VfJlllER f.r T' "rrlsg styl Beta, Ya ao. vi.rt lit kf.K A. bEMEkillER Ibetf pric ar la ,rportiM U the qoa lly. lUsaeaaiar Ikal their llals ar aaappresibatil laboaaty, style nH aiiralimv. kamWr at tbvir .t.t,liabaw.t yw will sor, of (.tna, s , 4 arlirl la to. U.(u..ef in. tiw at naii s rata-. Are.ter' teeallea W. H A TITtrt. f w.t.Hwvr. and atraagova! 'B.a.ewb.r' Ibis. At ll.tH 8. tacker's, ya eaa ,rl tlmi aey. li,.. April 1st, Is'id. 14 wast m rrnro. 1 T I. a aae4d Ibat Mrai.f irM Oh4s A alwav. .- to aod I. e.ai.dy tbia, ..bat. said SMrtKiaM attoalM l lb. aVfnak - , IW snl, w. ka.S VMetfed MrUa eWeA f lb. aMt 4,ai I. rna. b.a.!v i Sl.l Qui. ( l4k MSkl.a lir.ly mw. Uiarb w mtl lUaaoata liia.a tmmmm b-.ehba.ifc.. IUvS ( a at... ( lis. kl.'S Itoioa. Tymw k.a.S I l.l lk,,MU4.r si.na b.kk.lk.ad kid CllMi tnark l.tofkam. ..4 Ia.b. Uedie may be mhw. ta.y a a. aatt4.k eall.ag a m. A. . IltkkH. Aavlt.lt, III. . I at ACFJTI WAKTtD !! ItfaV, Money wtea Taw Ctl t fflll SoSwIWr. 4lr. s tb. a4l.l44 at 1 . A-.l a - f mt lb., t 11 a4 at 4 a.. a... aa smS vot1 aiu,. i m a.T,.HIk.i rta m mmmtry m a. , ,13 ..rlMlaea of lb. awaae. mt iW baa k.ad. N a. g--. kf 9Armt lb .iislla. a4 bo ardrt, UM fH I a. mmmf a. Ml l akl m ItX. r-a.i.s.it. I lltTHT HI I'M 1I .- m liblswaak I H4aw nr; ,riwH, mwiomS . a. aa4 l.if .elioi a. owr owmm,. ris t o 4iL;. laJ. tk r.bewy 0. tut - CASOISnA, "WEDNESDAY MORNING, JUttE W. 1856. . 20,000 IN OM3 MONTH. ERNEST LINWOOD, Br Caretlaie Lre llents. A LTHOl'on bat a stnirle sweiK haa passed slncjs the arst copy of this bnlliaut book was iasoed. ret so great has been the demand for the but and moat beaa fal work free the-pea of iu lamented anthuteaa, that w are now printing th TWENTIETH THOUSAND, Hh an unabatf A tleitmnrl itilt ptvs.Dr Bine th dv of tlt Ld-nipliffhtw, tVmk bMuld m riidt7, or become to nb.rerMiljr popelar, -- , " ; Col, Fall-T nf th New York Mirrr, In one of the moat eleftuit article everpenC4t(Inrf(ranl tuauthtm or their ptXKiueaiung, una the following iwHiuitul iangai , Krucwt Unwood - "Doelh darken hit e;e, unplumet hU wlnj, . Bat the veetcatt long U the lat he ing.' Xa the volume entitled "Kmiit tinwoodajust Ueued hf Jewett dfr Co of Ho ton. we here the dying Mug of tbe elepfan aid)rtrted Mr. CHrolme Lee HeU. If oarnfuliy sweet like the eigh of an hollas lyre, yet deep aad oracular a tbe voice of tuaor water. It vmM to hare been poured forth while hemottl Quated down to th ocean of Heat. Od alntoeteftT wge w can trace the ihadow of the death-atigfl, who lu. hjr away whes hereon; wa euded. ' iMynterlow j leaiu from beneat&tbe Mi'liriin veil of Bumt-iaiMl eta re a we re4. . Jh bw li a btroad-VtV tXreweU-1 i"'g?r)ijg Md-j.re tim eM we lo4U li we atUtiitlrtaU iu iiureeive paMaicvK are reveUtitrtii ef the movr iil'e oa" Uie moT-woDtjermHjf rind and abidrbing. tecatue oiidenully real. We will not at ew.pt to Mlow out, la thUuotioe, the thread of an iaituitaMe tal;i o doig wevhould only anticipate weniinJ eteuta. which cuiuda with beauti ful Unking and fine effei.befure th? eye of the reader. Yt e would not rot the book of half ita charn. Pweet v.aKrir'lla Lvnn will tell hr own tonr. kUL. rubliahod by JOHN P. J K WE IT 0., No. 117 V aahinirtoB Hlreet, IVtfton. Yr aale by all Book selteta. Maixh I85J.1 ' 13 NEW GOODS. THREAD I,ACECOOD-KM1!I101I)KRU:S, Ae. I The Kuboricra have junt received front New York, a fi 1: asst ttinoiit of the below itemed ooas wbtvh have been selected with great care injiu iiemu.i picwii importations, emoracius; an the newest styles of Collarets and sleeves, in sets to match, Chemisettsaud sleeves " u Lace oUareta and sleeves " Lace tritn'ed collars and sleeves, 1 French worked Cheniitetta and sleeves, " Lsoe trimmed French worked Collars and sleeves. Kmhroidered Cambric in setts to match, Euibrnidered He Is, on linen and linen Cambrie, Thread lsoe Collars anJ sleeves to mateb, Mourning frts, in both black and white, ' Kmbrnidired llsndcrkerchicfs, in great variety and new styles. Etitbroidered Skirts for open dresses ' Embroidered tfwtss aud Caml rio Flouncing, Embroidered Dimity and Jackonet Honda, Muslin and Cambric Edgines and lnscrtinp, Real thread lace ilrrthas aad Collars, Thread Laces and Edgings of sit widths, Wide ltlack Laces foi Umnees, Ae., Together with many" ther new and desirable goods ailopted to tli, present and approaching sea sons, such as - Flounced Bilk Dresses, In great variety, ' -. Orgsndis Musline, " Jackonet Muslin, -French prints in Hobes, Flounced Kersgs Holies, a great variety, Chene Milks, strined and figured, new style I.iht plain Bilks for evening dresses, Colored Hilk Illusions Dlack Bilks iu every variety Ae. All of which, together with a complete assort ment ofstasoiiahle goods both foreign and domes tio, in fancy sad staple, will be oflertd at the lowest prices to csih orpanctusl dealers. W. ft. 4R. 8.TVCKF.R. April 1, li' jfl, " 16 fpiiR f ubacriher deslrf, to give aallce that be J bus tur sue tle ii liowiiiir new and atlr.ct iv Colored I'rints, wliich arc tally iqual, if not .upi-ri r to any that haa faeretoti'i-e been issued. L1FC O.N l HC WKSTKHN FHON HER, From Paintings by A. F. Tait. THE riUSUT --.-SI.ett 1 30. Representing a aklimlsh oa the I'rair. A Moan. Ud trapper iu full pursuit ef aa Indiaa Chief, dckd in his war paint aad plumes. The savsg warrior seems urging his horse to his ntmoet speed ard attempting; todo.lg.tb. impending bullet fr.m tb levelled pi.ui ot kit re. In tbe di.taace, the rest af the baud are retreating hefor the rifles of tbe hasten. THE LACTJVTAR WHOfir.-Sit 3 I 30. The unerring bull'! ka Irousht th irim ar- rior to Ihs grooat, trom which h partly raises himself to givs Ihs last death veil ef delance to bis enemy, wboseaud oa biesaddl with the diacharg. ou (.i.ioi aim in Ms nana, estate in regard bim with a look of mingled ily aad bat, lhe aery maatang sUd ef tbe ladisa.vildly endesvore U break tbe Usee with which Ike Trapper holds kiss. The posttina of the beautiful blood bay bora of tbe latter, is particularly tue, ss Is regards Uie ftllea savage with starting eye, ear laid back, and f re feet braced, as if slmdderit g al ths aneartbly soaad. IW Fiiiilrd lUuttnMtioHt tf Amnican Lakt and titrrm JVeorrw, la H mUr. . M.l.K MKWTi.NU "wa Hi Sliatl.ra." Sis 23 30, Twe bonier la tb AiregrtMtad ar (reaching behltd tb thick cedar barb, aae of tbam aiming km nU. at a aobiebaek which with twadoessaam t have earn, dowa I lb oppo.lt side ef s small stream la-drink. The fr.h anew a tb ground aad fillea trosa, broksa aaly by the kanters fou mark., la (nely represealed. sad tbe whole sera a that will, delight tb y, at vary "lover of aaniiaa. and woou crart. llU'CT UMIIM1, (ihrougb L It,) oa Ckal. aarwy lk. hiss 2d s .Hl. Ua lb froaoa ewrfaa at I ha lake la th front af lhe picture, Stands aa alb.aia.titdiseii le tf haak Waitoa, who, throne-a a b'lrrl la Ike ire, I. pallia p t la Tr at I be added la th gvwap at noaaim at ta asms sun," vaua r lying aa tb llewilork tn.,tl.a bo.ide kirn. la tbe ba. k ,roaa.i u .en tar awe eappaw mill, sad mid way ; tae wwtry aiaat air la la n,ai sal la a eland I aafare II. Tbwi. aa exirwaMiy ateaatng aad aat arai pirrar. ta all Ita detail., aad gives a vivid i'U mi war vieies anbevw wiater, TUK CAKL.1 OF A t A VH.Y ?1 t 0. trumn lie thijinnl fsiWnil. 4. K TAIT. taUim akil.iltd at lit tMa A'aneam, aaad 'I la Aafaif Aradtma tf Uwm, mi Sim )!. A ry ie,aal aad t.umtu-, pietore ef a graw, f tfbeil aa-d )Mg. (life sim.J Ik. ...'- bird aaMalad mm sm growa b g, .lib bead erf. aad eye latrtii aa lU waleb, lest daait, .ball avowees bis sk.rf., sad lb amber Wbdiag d- a with ope tseaik, epparaatly sail .( her ,k l.lna ta gaa.1 a Hay By iMIlbg lie l i. III. ,. br. ' T.ef lb Uill. I.d,lag. .r ri i.i liig srnh t.gr keM I war iba aa.H tg a.or..l. lb oli4 tad ef lb parrel birds, aad th lie-id vlLer ef tb yrg br4 us ,...i.ll la ikn Wamilal gr..p la a nn.er whwb .litii. al mi tb. aiair slloa aad symiil.y af lb tvrr, aad ... 4 awoeomd ally Sf ai la lb f..rWai.t-r af lb km, sprbmaa, ' a. it. t t n 1 1 1. . C. .k.t-e. tawlgbHsy, IV,, a-U, 8tbblna, Morsta A Allen, 40 r urr tvassr, at tu(. laPOKTKR MtlkK IU . Drogv' Dyta. Cb'aaieaU, Parftnery, . It Ctl mrmm ikt bw k. Im la. A I 4 .n... mt frmfm awk.NI aWd, H.a ,1. --a., t g,,.. i.l.nai.a a. ta .. .I..I, I ."- mt .. , a eai. Ik-y My . na. e4 mm mm ,iai s.ll. swam aa .., M.ia bwa. I. ik .wi.trt .if, a as be aaail a S lk S.4 -.r.! .i a4 mr fmmrnmimHf 4ill axv y W...M am mt aWo4t t.wa gaJSa ateaamaau s Health of Aaaerleaa tVaaaaa. Miss Catharine lleeeher's excellent Wkhaa directed aonae attention to the subject of th health or rattier ill health of oar country-worn en. A spicy article in llarnere' for June dis cusses ins same natter, aa far as city residents are concerned. It i. unfortunately true, however that, delicate and fragile as are metropolitaa ladies, oor country dame outvie them in this respect. This, too, 'in spite of th purer air aud the early bours kept of necetwitv where titer are tew puWio amusements and laree assemblies: in spite, too, of more active household omp..yrait. i ne causes, inn, must li somewhat diuerent, wliich yet produc Uie same remit. It la true Hint a portion of th physicalajuOer ing nf city women who are exempt from labor may lie due to the want of mind and "body, and to indulgence in indnlent habits. Rut th daily saunter in RroadwOv. even tlioue-h the fiilr n. dostrian be hampered with half a doxen skirts of whalebone, liairelnth, moreen and flannel, or swathed and manacled in other fashionable mon strosities, is favorable lo health-, while her intel lect finds. If not full dsvelopment, a little mincing xciteniont enough to kecjfTl from stagnation in eoniliinationa end cooitiarisons of dreaa and shopping, and the snisll gossip of her circle of J acquaiiuance. V ibould ga.tn tho niot of the matter, sud assign, as the rhk-f ennaa, tb want r.t nrnrwr devaljunent in fauej and chtldliond. If mothers were bent on having tliels, nfTspring grow up sickly, deformed and imbecile, they could not a dopt a surer method (if ofleottng the'pirrnose than (h prevailing system uf training., r'mni their birth, babies ar excluded fnita ihealran.l light and kept in overheated apartments. As soon as they can make their wants understood, their in tense craving Kr lhe blessings f frwii a and sunahineara manifest. Thev nlcsd. snnidieat and weep fur what rHtttii-emn'dceential to their vigorous growth; hut in most canes it is denied to tho little wailing innoeents, Almost the first word listied by a lmle is a pe tition to tie taken out. But this earnest voice uf nature is stiHod, and the victim coiiTnelled to sut ler iiupriPo.iiui-nr-Bs a general rule tliougli, perhaps allowed the smnll relief of an hour every plessatit day of doors till an unatural mmditiun ui me system is superinuiiceii, ana tne child ao- luauy siiriiiks Imni, ur is niiired by, the atmos phere out side of th four walls. :" . e knew a hiily who would not atifler her children even ta slnnd at the closed windows Willi out Iwintr muffled "The are aura hi taka a culdi" she wuuld say aud so they were; fur hah- iiuni ronnnemeni Had iiiduced a morbid suscep ti bili i y hardly to be overcome. Too pieva'ent in the city is the custom of keef ing jouiig uiuuren in Uie House, ur, at Hie best, allowing tneni oui parnaily anil occasionally th free use uf their limbs in the free air and an Biiglity and nndiflu ar th evils, witlu.ut anv uiixliire of good, flowing from the praotiee Ihn'l it cannot ba too often ur too forcibly pressed oa public attention. Several Reiilli men in this city have constructed gymnasiums in the Uniier pari of their house, with every imagiiralile cunirivane fur exercising all the liuba aud iucraasitig their lieiiglh. This drop to th ocean may answer the purpose tor their families in inclement weather; but noth ing can compensate even to them for th want of tb invigorating process devised by nature's self -in ths stimulus of pur air, lhe Wight, juyuui sunshine,, and perpetual variety sights aud sounds; ami good aa gymnasiums may U, llior aim poasiuie way m ineir general Introduction. No contrivance, do devir uf man eaa prudiie suUiiiut fur the pure air and exertiisa which nature demand, and wliluli cmnmun bens. teaches as ar necessities lor children. How will In Whig Act t Ths New York Commercial Advertiser, a Whig journal, thus eipre,ri in Dplnion on this head There is ti nt in th platform of th tlemocratis National Convention hick ahould make cunserv- aiiva Whigs tie use er ihsy join th Iienncratio raitaa. ii la, 111 uur diiuus, uie great Qrawuaci to a nomination that otherwise would have led men of all parties to fed a firm confident- in tli well being and praoeliil prosperity oft!, country, whelhor .Mr. Fillmore or Mr. Buchanan should b elected. We tefer to the latent tililitnteri'in con' laitiod in Hv resnlutiutis on foreign ITuirs. These resolves, alike from tha tuirol aleluant II, a. "ij.tn dui e and fiota their sentiment, bar awaken. eo, anu inuai yet awsken, iMitiful aiinreheBsioua la in annus ot all conservative eiliaeiis. 11 many conservntlv lemoerts, ven, they art r- rar.led as a drawback lo Mr, lluchanan n. ml nation ; and bad they been followed up, a il Htm at on lim genera I v reported that thev were, by th nomination ef lien. Quitman, nf filibuster uobiriety, winild propahly have proved fatal lo lhe success of lb ticket, le any true Whig diajaaed to go iu lengta oi tlioa resululiuas 7 Il cannot Le denied that aotne V higa keaital to avow tlieniaeltrasuprairieraof .Millard rilluHire, broauae they entertain discouraging views id h primpeet id eloeUun. It luu been tlie policy of li m ist violent opponents, th Kopublienna, lo sa- ourag this gluutay view id II, fiittir. and cir euiastanees hav perbap favored their aiiarepr- senutioos. m suspaet that uma w ill show lh his pruspetoTNcass is by ao means diahearten- lug. Al any rale, il aillb th course of true w ibm to wail Mr. Fillmore's return In lh t ailed Mates, aud lhe fuller devek,nwnl uf Mibli sea tiin.nt thai will be mad when all tbeeandidala ar befir lh e.inlrv. Th party which ni Bated Mr. i illuv.re is knwa to te at only aum-eri.-ally strong, but pern-el in organising, aud adroit ta IbecaMiduet ofeletliuncering eaaiign. VI ar.SMured by leading memlra-of that parly thai Mr, 1 illni'xe's pn-. Is ar guud, irtsapae. lit id th Vt big and other uaaertiv upport which it ia ipa4d hewill teeeiia 1kamign. lleioa si pre th belief that if lh bifa gaw erallv gite biia their aid, his sleet Kia will b a raied , end lliey add Ibal ere ag sij dewoa ilrsla ne will evbgrsa tbUaaaaraac. Il la very (uf mlleatea In talk alatai thoa- sends of W higadswrtiaglbeir standard aad their prin'iplea, while darlaimiag kefure a parly I hiM thev have Itiewteelvea demmed ; but ia ear bam bis J.4 fin.. I Whigs generally ar mad af 'k fsiil.le .tuf, aad da aol readily er abwly go llimugh wb IrantBMtatbdis. 1 b Urge er I) of Ui. hi( aad ef.-ia!ly such as ba sti'lmi during rerent liia'tuf il eireuaaialMwy, r a4 erne mrskrra. They a-k ae patronage, and aVeir aa reward Wy d lb eeaei.i.a.e ot bavmg rf rsn il.r duly aad .erved llwwr coantry to Ibe beef nf ih.ir sUlity. They r not ear, therefore, lo le of ll.e rnij o-.lv. ai 4 do ant daMrrt le tbe eaemy a " n a tk.y perrn. tlMmaelvae la ll aaiiwritv, Tl.ay arefey iu.tire I. tptieairy, aad kow.r f.r they , la. driva Iron '. . td pear, will v4 dlier la fieineipl. M h 1-1 il..ref. r. lUl Mr. 1're.loe .--.e wiilmul soibtir whew be mail the declare!) .b fc reili. 1 1 iu-rali (' .iienia.a kk-b ehrilod appUav ( as (la'ler! Itetaeiera, ad that Mr. I II. i.,f, and . Mr. rtiM-b-anaa, IVmoeral, w.ll iwi,e tb Usdy of Wkij Vote tbruagh lb I a. ' ' Paaaaalal a swearlkg, la laU rt fy ia a L.maa Cail- i. Ilrvwa-' lorn ha lh foil. .w ia, ghinraat vraraphi "t- J "oed Ht lam4 iea,is lria( awr Cirruil t aart, sums f yooy ( ail. ..Ik aa.e. gr aer .e...(l. Isisrwl by Mr. M A bai. lhe Allorhes tfc,.l w lt,fy ia .as., af unlaw. fad gsmteg. and raaaihiag af i lllla-.. 1. Ilitl w sw tm ' I'ri.ie.laol Keyipii;, aaxi e.ery aae id li-em .wuse la, I V Ike lawt.fy. log Ut i key kti.w joat aoib i ,: 1 k. Aumnmy layal lba peod.,H I etb-li ll.l.U, with a Crmt am lis Lerkaaa-l tbaaa eiataiae at, sew tls mm tl.al. . 4 II. .y A, mi rr.4 a,e Ike wae t fmad I'-ey knew ! t mm ''rM "!. I su4 fee Soth mn In be ea"id lata , nf cr enwrt e (lit oa.tm y eel Ib.m ' ft,, V NXTMEES 25. Allen Induenre la th I nlied mate. Snm one ha not inaptly deaerildgreatcitiea i 'sores upon lh lody politic." Thi is a harsh and not very elegant expression, but there is, douldlcsa, a great deal of truth in it.ccpeciiiHv i.u ra.i.m. i iviMiym w ihhmium. j, ia a nyular fact that so mmv of the annual emi grant to the shores prefer to settle down amid bub and obsenntv ot our mti cities, rattier an push forward to lh otiea land of lh West, huusands thus suffer end starve, who atielit otherwise lira comfortably and rise In respecta bility a mecliauioa er tiller of ttio soil. There acems to li a natural affinity between th great body of emigrants ami that kind of degradation l.l.l.! v.. ... l e i j wiiicu ia oniy iu ue lounu in uonaeiy poptliateo town. Bui even this is not sn great an evil as Ihsune which, under our institution, naturally flow from its ' . . Were this vast annual accession to our nopula- on to be scattered over tb land, though their aggregate strength might lie a great, their pow er would be neutralised by such a distribution f their numbers; while, by swelling th rank of voter in uur large cities and towns, they soon reach a point where they hold tli balance nf power, or els control, by numerioal strength niniie, the municipal, and, to a great extent, the State elections. In order that we may be fully understood, wa ;ir below a table showing the relative number of aliens and natives who make apths population of our moat important cilia, according to the ensue oi itsiv, via Native.-' J. foreigners. 130,4X1 35,42 88.SHU . 4G.C.17 23.GU3 15,083 0,a"i8 61.541 50,470-' 48,(io 277,762 2:i5,K33 31,162 Ao.m 11. 655 j 8,',7 7.1UI 12,782 25,059 12,421 28ti.34tl 131,694 Sll.629 38,SH7 26,501 12,3-iZ Baltitnor - ltoston , Chios go Cincinnati New I r loans Nsw York Albany I Ib-truit I ...... ? MilwauLi Louisville : Miiliulelnhia St, Louis Newark, N.J, It will be seen from the abovs tab o. that in must of th cities named the al iena enmprise more than one-third of the entire papulation) in New lura, ami jw tirieans.tueir numbers ar near v equal, while in Saint Louis and Milwaukie, the foreign population considerably exceeds th na tive portion, The effect of tin Is readily seen. Th election, of all kinds, in the pldce named, are unquestionably conl rolled by th alien por tion m voierB,eiiuer uy llicir poasusslliff sumomnt numorical (trentli, or by holding lit two great political parties in audi positions that on ur lit other, in ordor to be successful, must icoedo to any demands limy jutv choose tomnke. The elect of aiiy political movement or enter prise, In any large city, upon the political action of the 8tat al large, La We ' well known to need uioi trail a paasnig reference, l'eoiile in lh country town ar apt. to te influenced mora or lees by the fashions and customs nf lh great cit ies uf their respective Mates, and this prineiple appliee aa well to politics as toeverythiiig!. I he great thing t be reared I this; that, aa is now the case lo so great 'an extent la our larir cities, thi foreign Influence will becom para mount all through lh land. and th rein of rov- emuient be finally wrested from those hands to which they were originally confided by th fra me ui omr consiiiutinn,ana rrom wnicn it was never intended they should pass, vis: thos of uur native-born citiien. The evil having gmwn o great, a is plainly evinced by th foregoing table is it any wondor that our patriotic aititona are aroused throughout lb lenglb and breadth of the land, sud that th popular -wntuhnord lias be som "Nun but American shall rule America!" Amer. Organ, Mr. Hucbauuaa1 Weak Th New Tork Kipr thu xpse Mr. Hu- cliartao's weakiiai Th measures of the Pierce administration ar alrnadv endnnted. Mr. Ilunhanan kaa held i.tr, under It abroad, and be has, in adrane, announ ced hi adlierance to mrasuroa which he before condemned. Ii ba tuud apun tb Miss uri Comproniis flat foolad and iii hi recent declare tinne baa aenniesced aad approved of its repeal. lie nas a record ainst in xtensioa of shivery,- and a record against arresting the sitensionof slavery. II has a lUmoera io raeord and a Federal record, as rsd and blu a Lucifer him self. HlaaiitrcrdeBta as a politicise srs of th worst poesibl tor, and nf o mixed a cast thai it will lead all cautious men to mistrust him. II has le ii aspiring liar tb I'rraideticy for twenty le year, aud a publie aian for forty. II ha ball Federal certilLete of aleel'inu under lb worst regime l( FederaJi.m. and licmoeratieeer- tifiiaUm ofelciion sine th lim fortune fir.l fax icd Andrew Jaektoa. Ho has been sn sittam parly aisti, too, and a such waiiliug in ataguauiaaity to political nppo- nenia. as witness bis Irsalmenl ol Henry Clav, and bia atraaks on Julia liavia, nf MnsmTiuaeila, lur i Mii.g uis laeiinaielMry aud want of A sarriranism In regsrd lo Anieriena labor. Toe ambitious to I e.,u.i.isnt, to liuiid to b ju.l snd ver lea.ly I be all thing lu all men, "fif ty four forty '.mn by profeaaiuoe, a "forty nine' man by action. Very Engliali In Lngland, very Amerieaaia Anierira, vary free tredish in ibe L'uiied taele tenste, very vtctise ia I'rnnsyb vani. W hanlly know man againat a lice politi cal prolea.ioi ana acliee wnre eaa le said. This record, of enurse. ia to be mat fairly and fully, wot abu.ii.ly or ankindly, we b , but j neverlnelo la lb lull light af aa manly eanv, W BaiHier like Mr Huchau- sn's antecedents, hi fadiiira, hi prinriplea, as, Ui platform ea which the Cimo unali CmiyenlaH, base placed bim. He wanta greaneaa, eunsi.ien. ey, (air.., lie wiU, feosa the siereaaityof lhe . le eniled to walk lu lh fuoiitevs af tb prawn I edrnwiatraii'in, and w pray kind I'riv nlettr In sats as at least from eucli atiblie. lamity a this. ' A PslbrTtgk arUiry. A subaeriberof ears, la Miaaouri, a Ka. 1 Irisb.ian, lately bad a hair bread ib aaoap frota beavr, lb details af which adventure h was giad enough to send as. Il appoar, b I. ft bom alih-iul a aasf-a of tay kind aad after itro- eavdmf a. me dielanee, aata aw Drain, who put alter I'airi. k, and a race of m at anle was lb 4ieet,eaevt, Al length our friend Uteata. eeavineed that be would have te call nptaa bis ; "wtls" for aid, as his legs aad wind fast failiue. a. Ibkinaoff kia aa.a. mm l.a mmm .nj ma. 1 kmg I r a sloal stamp, which hs ssw i the d a tan., Ii. bolt, iie-l il tm II. stuaip. and ela,f nig ka. hal aa tb b p af il, at.. I. of, keeping the .i ..... .. i... ... t. r mA ,i - i it . ee.1. "V bea 1 turned waind to see if 1 ' wa. .or t - . -tiu aitav ni., mere re was, witn niaiwopawa; Tfa. b r 4 Ibe at u nip, striving hi La-k ukdfr i. leaf ksm. of any kat. biaawfiaia, 1 .opt,-., . ..i kii. l ol a mti.-intl I t.i. Th k l-t lu tU o-K and , la tbadaikoea. aball lo d.Hns my voaili..n. Ii l.m . h-me a. I .ating, b.ld my a.,.I.U-' kl. f.... .b....:l ...7 l m lo tm my kai and e-.t. I did ad f .rf a- V gwa thi. H. Vt had hn mh lr.,1 , ioding n.1 lb pUee, end liter aa Ik l-r, bargmg ba stamp, a fr-ab a. wk.a I kfl boa, grMtkt.g l-rr I ty at it. I ,.-,... he ll-.url.t 1 e.v.s aad aa Inakmaa aojilooj wearing an Inabmea'eroei. as bard k be.i ( to 0- go and. isi uvi i. ti ns1r. r illa.lt,t.-li ed kins. I'. putliBg a r.rt. ball ihe-ayb Li. mtu',1. Batd I ktlliaf him have la. cheer" ot bavk.hut ia tbe Utuw lsof k giaaaed. Jl y a. l . a. a- ibt.g lb sum te baiog ia bi. as aas ail a tl.l, kwlaay bai I. uaad aa M-p I made aaa..l k4 asp of In n.a, Iwes.ae, wktek r...ol a II Ifatl I ha kai nat aeaa-.swaier, Ul ! asl. u. tit i at related I w.th awh lrn-r a tle um Mew Committee Iteame. A visit" dav or two piuee lo thetwn n-. a. the Cnribd now in procesaof building suITkc I ta luroiau some tuea ot toe manner in n iiu h ibae noble suoctures are intended Iu 1c decoiated. The room in Uie extreme a.nl.uii n.n... r North wing ati oars t l yerv nrailv hi.,ab,l and the work in it liu been d ,nc ia a miai vlab-o-ate and btautiful way. Tht floor, in common a iti. tli'-iaeof tb whole suiteon tbe snuie !;nn.iid( al ., is beautifu.ly ialaid with lt,Uao paTeiueitt; but the ceiling i. al.al will ehi.t'y sin, e !!! at tention and draw t ot th adoiita'i. n of t;,e be holder. Th desiSnf..r . th o-ilin,', which ia freacoedreextreniejy ricl;,Rlinoat t.. etuU-r me: in fj', l! eye be.-omea atej nigh hewiebiet with lh luxuriance of ornauirnt pieseutt-1 :o its ,nie. Beautiful tli eint of tins rwaa is by j daylight, yet one percehea that uiutei the soften- inj uVil ufajralaay of gaa buincis itili it hke a ' veritaUe fairy tempi. One of the rootua of the Soi::!i winj: is aUo rear eonipleiittii, and is well calculated tn.-itoni-h the lisLer, especially if it hia not Iwn his fortune lo hav gone th round of siht eiiig.i.n Europe. Th South and North wall arc ilhwatt-d v uli large sited heads of Wiishincton and 3. uVraon rejotively, in which lhe liVcnc-sea seem to I e remarkably well preserved. Oiithe Eastward, " just below the cornice, is a scene in fresco repre senting Cineiiinatus at his plow when called up. a to becom tho leader of his people ngniusta mthlesa foe. llirectly opposite to this, on tb West wall, is a seciia from A uicricart history pat. aliel lo that of Cincinnati! ; that ia tu ray, 1 ut natw at his plow lweivlrur th inteUiga'-ea id lh battle of Lexington. Above, on the C' iiing, ara spirited emblems of th four seasons, tlvu done in fresco. Other ornnbienta dewrate lh rootn.- Whilst passing fruni this raini, whuh ailjoin the apartments in use by Copt. Me gs and hi a si, taots, we glanced at ailrawing of tfe Capi td n it Vrill b when compluted and surmounted w ith the- dome. The sight- was enouxh -losweil ihe- patriotio mind with honest pride, such are Iba magnificeiit proportions and surpassing beauty of the American Ca; itol at it w H, hy Uod'a blcsa'tiig, shortly lie. . National Int iltijcHit, .field aad filter luth Woild. A Hussian Counsellor uf Stat has reietitly pub lished a wotk styled, "Void and Silrer-i-tlieir origin, and th amount extracted from all coun tries of ths world, from th most remote time till tlieyenr 1835." The following particulars are of interest t . . . ' ' ' " TU amount of gold and silver annuall y taken from th mines of KurAfw, including llu'ssia, ia 2ti,iU,kiUogriimmes of tbe former, (27-lU pounds tu tli kilogramme,, and llH,44t kilogrammes of th liter, vulue4 together at $i(K)0,iMai. .... " lu America, including California, the annual prfMli.ot : 15U.834 killoprammcs of gold, and "li, 1H0 killogrsniiiii: of diver, worth, in nil, $H6 ooo.nco, -... - . "In Atia, th annual brinlu.:t i27(X0 killo grnuimes of gubl, and 1 10,000 of filter, amount ing in value tu -J.lHHi.lilHJ. " In Aiiiii, no silver mines ar wrought, anil only 40'JO killugramine arc produced, Valued at $2,600,000. . . . Australia, too. vields no silvsr. but the annu al product of gold amoums tu 'J'.Kl.oOO kille- grsinmes, valued al faiMSKi.tsai. . "isaa total in all pan. of the world. 510, TO , ktllogrammes af gold.and 1,026,1.24 killof;rniiimea of silvor, valued together at 1,'S!,U m.t ,-iju fumes, or over t307.0t 0,000. The whole sum extracted from Ilia enrliet time up tu tue present will amount to 15,314,r!43 kiltoraiuines of gold and 234,410,170 ol silver, wonh together something more than $2ii,536,tK O.OOO." The annual production uf lh precious metals at the preaant lims is enormous. At tins present rate, we gum mora in fifty years thau our mure tors did lu BTiy rciituries. The annual iucrease of gold and silver fur the .eriod uf three yeare ending iu 1H.M mure than doubled that ol any previous year amounting to fUl,IHKI.tMH franca, nd in the la.t four year ending loj it ha in creased nearly 150 per eent, and now amount to 1,5U2,-631,65I francs, or f 3ld,.'i27,3 10. America hat furniaiiud more gold and silver double the aiiimint than Euruiw, Afi'u-.v and Auatrulia put tojz-ll.ur.nml .Inly iji.lhM.IKJ I less than Asia hss furnislied from Ilia beginning of It world. . . v, " ... a . ' Iteautlful Passage. In Mr. ll.onjauiiii 'a reccnl speeeli in lh I'niied States !uate, ia the Kansas debits, tli follow ing fin passage occurs ; What then is the principle that underlies that whole principle of our cmuum uoicrniiient and ulii. h w should all instiuctinly leil lo have been uutragitd by such abuse. J it is, sir, tli quality of ili fir and independent Sulfa which that wstramwil links toeeihoi in a comuo n bond of union snliie, nlMoluto, eoRq-ir., oitqiialiiird tualily equality ssaut ereliis, equality in their rights, equality iu their dulire. This wss the spirit that pre. old 1 over tl.e form ation of Uie C"i .lilution ; lb. a is lbs lit ii.g spirit that br alhee thruugh every line di il ; this is th object professed by il of b-riinn- "a uior jiertuti luion"-- . . 4ieaat vmllil Itiourire, ar. 1 slMav tb. ai'aU, UI loose wl,o Irauied in kiab UvLel. Tli. Immortal iMtpa. ol b.v. lii.t t. ia..le Oor bur krtmd sitipirs eixe is Bui. Take away Ibis ea;n of love convert It into a bond of distrust, of suspicion or of hate, and tb entire fobne which is I oi l ingetlier ivy that ea avent will era nib la tu Us esnh. and real Alfr ed ia dishmio:td froments upon the ground. Cms Muse. Tb following iuciilfiit we had front a friend who knew tire parly : Ib o n l'..nit.. k, i f 11 irt fiiTd, Coa.,is well kntii aalicin provide I villi an euornHius tiandle to his soiimi ,,.i:h, irt lb shaft nf a h.jre iio-a, in f.wt il,i. ioui iriabl for lis ;re It leiigilk 8 hit itr.ioii, wl.en Inking up a Ciillet iioa la the church to huh tbe li. tieoit Lelotig., as be jod tl.r uk;i I e a.iirivatn a terv persnu I, wlf.ui bs pt-.-. ol.. I toe baj , V'' j ' -e,.i. in be p.aea-d Ly a u. I en u4 un-m-m-elhgatil andjl ,ru.lJ, de.iie b. hn-h. T o low ,n did not know ehat lo aivk id it, lis had a.lieu i-a-. I ruand Itef v, but iw satch sflitrls aa tkee had t.s ever before wini,-l. 'i'ii so. ra, b,wt-i'I leaked oal. II had been aiHtt-ird frail. Tor tttoeMba . irftli, Bl.vl Spta-iolHge, sn 1 b.ll plueed B small pie, a of .In-, t. pi ,aier ott-f ;t. I'uiitig tbe mot U.l.g of II, e U-i, iu qui ato n lb. daatf bad drof p I ..It. ao I l'.a d - o o i a-n n as fas st.u.ed"ii ll.e Co r. n ir 1 1 i. c an . s ... k It oa agvin. Lulal.s f.r n.e i w ' fon i n maks great laLtttli-, be pi, k 1 up n. t. ., i v ,.t Ibooe pie.-e tdp er w inch tha m tool i-ei, of Spvad o.jtloa paslontl Ibreml ot t-tor, m;-.i. which read :-l arrauied to h-.l I o. i '. y vr.l,. iSuch a s.ga r.a suuU a n sy w is en - i ;U t- a( -t lb gtatttj t.f ve.i a j ur .1 in cjo - r - . m. XATE rUBLICATIONS. IlifaiSi ee Lad Mriik. 1 a) t at i- :i Anvrisa tu.aaa - (itswueraii' . 1 ,t -i wt titiiay .f ps'pb .! I vt tf i,u, ff.t J. H Hk aa titr ite t tree ut r. f i I (, uati, e4 tte f" y, aa tla .' t t , a 1 .Neihi teti !fl.ii.ri I i Joli U f ' t'fM aad tl"f is.-. tw jtti J, m4 Urn W j ,i..l'Li ' 1 . 1 M, p a, . M. D. A t lV" It A b'I H-kad, a ly Um ..ya rt.-a.u mt ta r" ' i ' ' T k. ri- ii-.'. Np-s t Or L f. la (" ij i F' ! '''. ree.H.lat.,mm h ? a a i T y i Jm m i .t l ao- " . 1 1 o ; k,.t I .' i A k i-l I t" '' i ... , i . i . j . ; -i I N.-i. ,, s ' t.S. ", in f- - - i It. r"ria V. . rptir, ...... .t I ...... , d s l ba 1 U.i r , r . H 1 i 1 f r a. b I