7 y,m the S ir e July 17th, 185. Faly Kirtaudl , . l neir rye-teem are out at hat. thee hat la Tii4 Ihrm ap after many awful eontoriioas of race, iimnnni letter sustaining the vtb..le ! c nr;t wn iu a mericae party tin preferred , e;raii,jit lb Ktmixh Hierarchy, hubttu vlngged out tt litem and tiicy now stand exposed to tb world having atteuirtted an outrsgeoa fraud on the hi.ifM voters 4 ibis District! . We do Dot with the public te forgfl tlie hitorr of thb letter. At a di-tnsstoH in Wrra cou'rity, between Merrt Suepbard and Bryiiich, the former char ged, ibat ilit papi-r claim for the pup of Koine , p-iwer in temporal matter, or uch control over , the ixivdeiice of lit members of bb church, a it i incmpatibl with and daugtrou to the free . do n of the Slate, and eited Urownsnn' Metric , (he ackrinwledgitd organ of the INipacy in tbi -: amnvj) to sustain bb position. Mr. Branca in I T'j. produced a paper in the form of a, letter which, he said would blow Mr. She.i.rd "k hit-h" it waj nothing lea ilmn an original letter from the veritable Mr. Bmwnson himself eddrrvwed to a gentleman in Warren county. He . read a paragraph or two tdwards the beginning .1, of ,tl'i '" onlended thl it amounted to , retraction oball the1 obnuxivu doetrinea which lie had contended fur in his llevbw. Mr. Branch fl'Jel up the letter with an air of triumph. But no, Mr. Mienlierit desired tote the l-"r;i banded to him he examine it, in his rejoinder to Mr. B, read tlia whole letter, and ao uueqoivo j col and direct wai tlie eUim of power oyer the eml lf.iir. of kingdom, asserted that Mr. B.'a i aouerenu aung their beads in astonishment and chagrin. And bow could it bare been otherwise? J"Jy did ni Mr. Branch read the entire fettor? i vYhy d;d b Attemrtt to keen hack In iminna that very port which convicted hi clients, the faputs, ot the charge preferred against them ? M not Mr. Branch know the rule of law, that th whole of what a pera m tay. in a particular eonrtrsatinn. letter or duAumutr h.u.t.I ,,. L... ' lata maidaratiu to loam bis meaning -Uvea aut enow mat other rule which declare thai NXprr to te,i is tqu j ahnt to lne tuggcttiofaltit Mr.. Branch have continued to rend nTbIe-tJ xiract" from the lellor had not Mr. Shephard eipose...the avWe-nf It J Howefer this roar have been, the neil daj in the discission at VVarreiitun Mr, B. repudiated bis own witness di-nnuncins lotto lin.wnson and hie Intter I 10 this Mr. 8. rery proiterlr replied that he bad 'K!' lo discredit bis own witness. II bad introiiueed Ithn to proie that tlie American Partr was wrung and be bail' "prored that thej were ritjht audit migl.tle rerjr omrenient to get rid of lb prwfby aasailins him, but it would not dohe intended to b .ld Mr. B. and bis party to - wbat their friend, ally, sndwitnesi Brownsnn j ni J; and called for the letter. 'Unwanted Mr. V. to gir him up the original leUer or a eopy ' and both were denied, but nmler the repeated J demands which bar been made for iu publica ,' tion, too Jettor ha wad its appearanc I It was tisrlit soucciinx. but it bad lo eome. Itnerar - would have seen the light if the friend of the American J'arty bad becu ai lent after the dt euiwum at U arrenbm irr Let I Ho letter be re.id and oirciilnled. It is the Idoircenre duced by the uppmiant of the Americao Party. 11 was wrilteu to an utui-Auierimin called out by biia and triren by him to bit eandiduto to b used aj?aint us t but lol.outof iheir own tn wths are they eouricted of bein the open and ack nowledged defender of the I'apal power. Th - W arrenttm Newa" need not b ulnrmed. t hall nut Wlaw U eiample of Mr. liranch and . Rir K'rbied eatracts from the letter," but ".py it entire," and as e-ipied, it prove all w Wt.h. Luok at it I Can any malt who read mi-take it wemiinx f I'aii such laujung as th lolhiwini be niiauudurstnod? The I'oi-i i th prupor authority to decide fur mt, whother the Constitution of this country it or it tut repugnant lo th law of Ood. If b decid" that it is notthnlaui bound In coo cience to obey, Ao." What i. th i,ut th, UijtUr Law" of Seward at.d .Sunincrf W Ut , Ulu, , .unenderof the const li ne and juJiiiem a to tlx eonstitttion and law of th eoumry, to th will and judgment nflli Pop J Kver Hit ease. 8uppoo th Pup were to sny that lb Constitution or a law I repugnant to th law of God 01 lb canon of the Church, would not Mr, liruwiison and thoat wlitithuikwithbiiB b bound tu obey lb Iop and rls obedience lo flitU tJoowiluiiun and law r Mit assuredly they would 1 Wr ask pain, tbould men atowiug such doctrine bt liusud with i.fli. under our (iaTernmentf Ifo, the let thedm.Hiteiaiioaof Seward, Sumner, and rurkeraante, and la-tit b enncedod that a they believe that a Mh!Rhr law" than the CoMlitu tion, declar th Furitir 8I iaw.wrnne. and apiinst th law of U id, they ar ot bound to witryni is in (wuth prapnied torsoi h a do- irmtr warn tar tr.pl aiut tboao who loui llieaptilugisueud ileft n lersof suoli d.Kstrine as ar maintained by Hrawnaoa and bis sdl,ernt,- He is th leader and fknowledr rd organ of th K,nui.h ebureh in this tnunlry. II sKak from th remrd. Will lb Trod. lart.of NoHhUandina f tlbtw kirn 1 But la ll t letter. I, ate It aliened part ofllio direct lb reidors aiteuti .n to tlitm. Her it bt , Borroa, Juna 12, 1854. . l4 I'rit Sir i I bat reccittd thi aiomsnt . youiaul Hi 7th lust , with It ntlusur. I am a lull at a loos to dcMraiio what course lo lak. Then at an aumbr of limicw wbareia 1 hie luiuiitaiued lb eiul authority of lb 1'np in ihl vunlry, but as there sis aoteral numlter In which I hat discucd lit rolatk n of th l order leioporal ud spiritual I think I b ill op-lit" b"l. bestaii'wer jutir wislte ty spoiling ii.rm, s win tnsreinr order my pi, 1. 1. -1 m lo send yuu all the number f t lbol ard Iw. Vi w.l! 6n l ia the sulci" entitle! th Tie IhJ January, li, " !t,u,tT,il mat Jm Iht Irmpunil." April, an 1 "Tit .' no . jirrm','' July, of , llitaame jear, tit sts'tment I uit ili Irin u lue ul feu d ia "Jv Ctt M fur." Juiuary, lii4, - Tk Umporut Wwr i-1 lfi," April, i Sit, and " L mUJmk Kk ktt A'; 'tfr," l-r tKlobsr, ol ih tamo yar, aiy c.i 'i.nitnms and defeue of aiy durtrin. M- ask tins to read thtua artielr ia lb lit l-r in ah left I hat named ihrmf If sua will. nl'h o,;h jt will dou!,tle dud much wbn.h, if a n-u I nth ilic, yia aiilalgrct l, I aia ur yoa w il Ii. I ti i sit. h d vliii e a 1 ata aocuaed of Ii. iil.cf. Th ulijert 1 bent has teen sauch i Ihm iiii'l by ronti.ncKT. and 1 am I I to atis l ; t '.e stuB by thu who hsi at u. l l it f'Wu'Kl pn.r.i.inlly fi mi the I r! lie pi.int ol i w. I lira! tt-a u only andrr certaia i'i'i i and U-r I'Kth 'tnw, ai.J atony of lb tertii I ornate m CatLo ie tlith try a technical ena, i I. iii".sw-t (wiiiar nn that llnnhiry atsy in , pprrbrml. I ? UnS ia Ut4 IheM it 't i Mil tottsfepreaeoted Ot. I i I tan lw.il never has rbtlmed fuf lb Pop, it t i l li e !..' Ieiaiical 'le of ahicb b Utb ii I i m v.tr.K'i.f i mi vttt ot civil junm ! , tt, power, or authority, protinly a aallrd. ne ih ly powr tits l'r kij ia Ibis rixiafty. Is . i .w.T over t slliol.os as th ni ritual bead I ul .i(tf i. an It m punt or civil lun n "It n .i . w.T over sllmnos ( tin n vi lliciiurn. l is a purely apiriittal power, liniU i. i.t-l only l -r a rpmiKal tid. . I tun iha ml it ovof Istlmiies f .r it. churns J V B tl Jtl l llnM wIm ar II bint, I i -!i ftirriy tomiwal. 1, a a Csllinlie, oatit, ,i r,.- 4t the lVfa, bsau b has f . .if 1 (r. i 'I'-vus I Itrist ao ufhtr,ty a a t ni 'ftl Viii-rVBHf as. He eaani't a sk n ii ) i f Ih aiveiriin or ll dutisw . I t ' V .ui lv - abr, ;l tl. h uvef or abatlv fi , .i 1 .ii. er. T! f .rsll I-..', ll.s, wl.e.l.ef th. ,MIUd o'i. " :.''e II Kelil Oaiiinn ar s'n I. 1 te ihcptita l.es Pi'-l brv. AH iff I,-, k . .K vie ia tjrm aa t In b'fti'iyil ia it i.wtl wt i-r . t -tl IS Vt SSy, ill !'. trt..ifl i,,..r. I ImkJ I fVs , H -t I'' I'mf-vtt t. ' ri 4 g'i .ir. es f Hi i.tm, t t IM IV t- . riiitiilt i-,r,i, s tl 4 fa Iht s;t till, . I will tti,il ler Sltrt l,1 p-hi'l I r rts I' t f k9 tf'v.. - tif .sr, l 14 Ih tfWfstrml. Ul .ii an f- M all, ' n-.tl I ' tth. bt, d- ainlav'l-4 K , , , mi ttnly a t'. i f I l we ttviH - i . , : - ii ta iitsti, n I .t' f t !te I e t.- V l rratvlwra lln r-viifl. I ? i a frvr wir is li is .'V- U jtt rlf it 0'l"Jttf4 ,-tJ, tl .,7--r ' tt t nm lt e-'vite-tosttt V lli I 'nt3 b.lti h i t.- v. I e it. I. t l.i f g?ti, ts ll.t whs k l-o.. M 1 NORTH CAROLINA STAR -rWE D N E S D A Y M and lo hi right m reign. This b th e-imnioa d tctrin held by all of u American, and all Cslhuhe doctnr leaeband always hare taught il. It lies at th foundation of ail true blterly, and is the only doctrin that can eter justify revisl arte to the temipural pttwera. TLia right of r sietanca of power when il becomes trraunicai and oppressive, I tak it fir granted is held by eie.y American. But her ia a difficulty. Th fhurch. t.llrw ing il-e Ibtly Scripture, mikes civil allegiance a reitjfiuua duty, and says with Saint ,1'aul, Kom. aiii 1-2: "Let erery toul be subject lotb higher powers, fur there b do power but from (iod. Therefore, be that res'ute:b the ower resiat ith th ordinance of (iod, and thee that resist, car- chase damnation to ihemselt." Here yna set I am forbidden by the law of God to revist th power, aud oomnvinded, on peril of damnation, tiobey. I lore is my conscience bound to obe dience, and my conscience as a Catholic co be released only by a decl iratinD of aiy Churrb, a th divinely appointed director of conscience, tlmt tn prince by his tyranny anil oppressmn lias fttrfcitrd hi right, tullen from lii dignity, and ecail to reign. What I cl.iini fur the Fotte, as risibl head of the Church, hi th power hi rolrtme my conscienca from Ihi. religious bond, and to plae ni at liberty to roisl the prince become a tyrant, Thi is ail I understand by the ibputing power. Th pbwr, itvrlf, tcrylxidy, not a tyrant or a (lave, assert. The American Congress of 1770 asserted it, and deposed tieurg the Third. Hit aaVy dijftrrnrt it, iume girt it to ih penple: nmt to tht iadiriilual ) a4 t etairu it for the Chunk, and the 1'opc at JkruJ of tht Chunk. Thetl'bi doe not in this exercise a civil power or jurisdiction, and it is called hi tenipi ral power only because it ia a power eiercised orer teoiK)tt,l sovereigns, or in relation to the Obligation of Uieaubject to obey tht prince. But even her the 1'opt doe not relieve from civil allegiance, for that the prince had fnrfitd by bis tyranny, lie release Ih subject only frtlui the spiritual or religious obligation, luperadde by Christianity to the civil, and tbi only in cose 01 th Catholic conscience. Jf the proper athrity io decide fur netrkciher the CvnttitutUm aj thu ctmntry it or it not reptignant to tht lawn oj God. If he decide that it is not, as he has decided, then 1 auj bound in conscience to obey every law made in accor dance with it and under no circumstance can he absolve me from my obligation tn obey, or iuterfo with the administration of giWormnetit under it, for th civil gnrerninent is free to do according lo it constitution v hutcvor it please that i not repugnant to th lawa of God, or to natural justice. Tlmt it ia fret to do more than that, I prevuiuo no man io Ihi country will pre tend. I butt made these remark to aid Tou lo un derstand th doctrin of th article to which 1 have called your attention. - You art a stninger to mo, but I tak you to be a serious minded-man. and a lover of truth and justice j a ucb I hT addressed yon.1 1 bar no doctrine nr opinion that 1 wish to conceal. 1 am a Catholic. As such, 1 aim to be true to my God, and to my fellow men : I hav the honor to be, yonr nltedient servant, 0. A. BHOWXSON. Hit; a J. Dins, T.k., Varrenton, N, C. lame Iturhaaan Insults Jawe Madison. At th duts of bis Crstanpiratlon to a seat in Concress, Ir. lluilinnsn mad a caielully pre BBred TTurtb of July oration, (1815,) wherein ncrpt'k of Mr. Mmliion's fnle a follow: "Time will not allow me to enumerate all th other wild and wicked projects of this adminis tration. Suite it lo tay, that, after they had depriitd us of Ibe mem of defence, by destroy ing our nary and disbanding our army, after they had taken away from us th power of recruiting them, by ruining commerce, tht gresUsourca of national and individual wealth; alter they had, by rdusing tht Bank uf tbt L'liited States a con tinuanc,ul il charier, (nibarraaeod Ih financial en. tun of Ih government, and withdrawn th only univerml tar medium of tht country from circulation ; after the people bad bevoin unaccustomed to, and, of course, unwil ling, to bear taialion, and without money in the Treasury, they rashly plunged us into a war with a nrn.ii.it more able lu da as injury than any other in tit world. What wus lh dreadful necessity for thi desperat mraut? W a our country invvdrd T No! Wa it to protect our little rt Biaiiuiig ronioiarc frum th injuries it sustained by ih order ia Council f No Commerce wss ao uch a favorite, and tht mtrchant wished lor no war on that account." - InObeiitme orlinn, lit (peak of aduplsj citl tstt a Iht Hartford tv nieulinn had recently simken, and s his party wa ihea atKusluwad ki peak ot thsm, as follow i "Th greater part of tlioat foreigner who would be thu fft-cled by it, hart long been Ih warmest friends of th lieinwrntio party. They hid been on of lb great nteaus of slevsting the present ruling party, and it would hayt beun an (ratelul lor thai parly to ban abandoned them. To secure tht foreign feeling ha been th labor of 'hir lvulr for awr Ibaa twenty yevira, and wl hav they been paid fur their trouble, for il ha Lven on of th principle cause ot introdu cing and oonliiiulng them in power. Immediately belore the war, this fotlgn itiRuanot bad tiu ple'ely imbudieil ilself, with tbt majority, par ticularly at tiit Wtvl, and il oic was hrd so t ad at tbt test of limerraieul that l'ieiilnt Mailia a wo obliged either lo yield lujta din Uib s, or rein fr mu i.ffi. . Th choice wai mad by a man who prfrtl lib privet inlerasi lo th public fw-d, and h thsretort hurried a into war utterly urtireprU. And again, relornti.g to tbt suljscti " W ousht to ast svery bsnwl Msrtita to turn el uf-ptwer lhs weak and w irked ana who wild end Tieionary fheorie hav been tested and fnuud wanting. Abo all, a ought to driv fmi our sh.trr Imin taBuetio, and cbvua Atarieaa feeling. lorriga influeae has be a ia vsrg Ibacurs of Kvpublita its jsundiord v seew everybotly ia fab eok rs tit tha'k tV SBttvtiht nf nreiuttiea bv a bich It b trr sae- rouudrd, n lulling le a iia nghl Ih light of raa. Lrl us thsa Irara winloin frnai rv- m, and twtir bantso Utu at nd from ear so ciety. S sat nf lb Ohio pJ ers art bunting that Ih Uurl.sbsa .jtairrau ol thvl ntai ar lb only druuxretl organ ibat aate detmaaeed what tbei lertB 14 Iliei4ltrag" net nsl'ir Kuutitvr. tin of lb, lb Mount rn .n Hsnner, after Btaking tow rtavark oa tumoei'i pee-.U, ssts i Hut dill wt ntitertd, that all this afforded as pretetl fiT the hiatal and avurderoas tssaaU cota- iitled Mr. II ns, lit npbw of f nsi te Butlsr. M i ansa uf e.tvt fueling oan jaslifr orb a eviwardlf attaek, il matter t kaw graat easy b lb ntTorii a. Tins thmgnf navertiag ll. balls of legislalwa Into lilt I'omts Utl'g tabs n b a divgrae la lb nattua, tad should bt pal doaa by publt opinion. How will Ibis tort of talk tail tbt brlhra la rV'W'h Carolina f The following nnaiuaivftlUn, whUk lad ia thCiucii.BU CisM'te, b IgoiRvtal, anlbjsnsy sp, ru( tuitely tnd Wa bar i ' Mimh. 1 at loss I ana an f I'd Lia Wkt. and easwajwa with ya at ksartiliu tit bp n-ied la your leader tbt Bvrfning, "litai t'.orhaaaa any I awatinated." iih biut as i be IwiBoerwte candidal tad true sv va as Ih llrpublKaa csa.Jt.lsis f t th I'f tiJv.rT, wl.S'vvrr b lb rsvuii, 11 liiamph wl'l I with lb N.tfih, and a axal s gael r' will b ad niatsverel, nl Italy I th Hath, batUvl'r-, Itvugla and Ih piraent Adutln vtrslMi. lb r, t i -1 im Hi emwivtg te-tMia w ill la hsMwsa lb ,N itrih and tsmik. If w aaan imn, by litpvildi.'aa totes, a aapwvlt rtisaanliMd la b ...til,, lb r evt lsl thing will k t IkrvsHa-ratt v.rliiey whir WiU atw b a V witter ylelaey Mr. ! i. ' at b t Nttrvbava avaa, and ? ituiSMS. II is oirw. II e, 4 tlwsy ba b."n, in fsM nf a HrMaeti I.nff li,.l ln It I f frtaa rewwsylvastta, kstvwiiig Mr. llwea iim i views, at bee saw, aag vry avvia l .r bis N-wiiMila. I hot,. a assy k tstid. If i.a tnorrwU pans wi resslul test ( t l. t. eke, la Will ( a IM rt i l bWw to iM tam .rtn yt-Aivrry pJiy al ib u- vl Ai win ..! cv il (H.a l.is Vt mtC Jt t. !. Mr. Cllaur a ad Fre aaaVaga. The ,U.ia ing Tbwabich V Cad ia tbt Peo ple's Pra art o just to Mr. Gilmer, that w dfm it prof r to gi i litem a conspicuous ini-er- tioa ia (lit r arer, in order tl.st the pabli may bocr ine thoroughly inf ,rmedas to the real issue Bow pending between Messrs. Gilmer and Bragg in regard to tree Suffrage. lUad. re.lcct.ponder, and circulate. A the position of Mr. Gilmer npon th tubject or Fret hutfrngt ha len and b still being Tery much misreptesentcd, and in pidcr that juviict may bt done cor noble standard bearer, at bast ia torn degree, w have taken pain to inform ourselves correctly and particularly in regard to his stand in relation to thi measure, from ail tlie light before us, obtained from his public speech the legislature, a lata a Ilecemlier IR54, front bis recent speech at Ihuibury, and from oth er reliable anurces, tbt following article is rea- pectully presented to our reader as embodying Mr. uirmerview upm Free Suffrage, and may bo implicitly relieiTupoh, aa w acorn knowingly to publish anything tiot atrtctly eonitstent with aim tn irutn. In 1835, it wis ankcd. and properlT asked, thnt taxable sluvei should be protected aiminst eices- iv and uuetual taint ion, by tlie General A.j seuiuiy. it was reauity and properly granted, By putting it into tlie t-iinttlituuiin tlmt cafitttitioii tax sin. old be equal hi wit: that the slave tnivl 1.1. .1...-..I.I I .. .1 .t i . , , u, ennui., ticTivr im mito ttititi me wuiie isiHtinrt o tlmt by tlie vonmihitwDUi provision, the lave tumble are prrtectcd againtt unequal and on- prMir taxation, the lutHmibly bfing bound to raise th tax on the slave taxable when th sam is raieed on th whit poll, and prohibited trnm reducing th tax on the white pull, without reducing the tame on the slave taxaltta. ,Viw, wtien Mr. Utlmer and Ins friend failed to get a Convention, they, like honest, candid men, Atabout exerting themselves to get the Free Suffrage bill in such a shape as to be junt and agreeable to alt voter, a well those who own land a thus who own none, by dtiing. bv wav of amendment, that ?3iX valuation of land slmuld never be taxed by thn General Assembly mure than a taxable whiteor black poll. to sunnlv bra Constitutional provision, the check ajainst op pressive taxes on the laud. This check is now, a (he pteernt Constitution stands, provided for, by reason oMlie Senate being elected by the free bolder alone. The pro-ont hill simply provides mat an wno vote lor vne V-imimims, may vote for the .Senate, but putt no Constitutional restraint on the Assembly as to its power tn tax land. 1 In amendment made and nothing more being added, nut' it into tht power of the Assembly to plait all the tnx on ttio land. H id the bill been amended i wo proposed, it would hav been acceptable hi everybodv. No voter wtuld hav opposed it. The landholder" would have seen that juKtic was contended for and secured to them. They would have aeon that th Assembly would not haveincreaited thetax on their lauds ithout increasing it in the earn proportion on th whit tnd black poll, nor eould the ns-embly increase th tax on the noil without aluo increasing it on th land. Br this necessary and just amendment, the bill would hove been greatly, improved. both lustice and aquality would hav been secured; general ntiitiiction. ynuld hav been given to nil parlies til interests. By this amendment the tin a! pass ago of th bill by th proper mtjnrily of th Sen ate, at the next seaainn.would have been certainly cured, and question uf Free Suffrage ended. limse wno exerted , inemtelvr to put the bill into this shape, war the true and hnnast friend of th proposition to let all who vote at the Com mon box, vol also si th Senat b-.j. All th objection which the fret bolder hav to tht bill would hav been removed. It I perfectly immaterial whether Ihes fears of Iht frumers, h laud holdan, ar well or ill founded, they would htvt I teen removed, and th bill rendered so universally popular, that Fre Buffing would certainly pa at th next session, Setenteen vote io th Senste against the bill at th next Mtwion will kill it. Then nil the ex pente, time, trouble, discussion and wrangling abtat Fre ptuflVaa, will end in nothing. It ha been tight vears belore th people, and they have not g tt Free Suffrag yt! By Con vention it could hav been had seven year a-o. 1 1 nd th bill fur limit' d Convention offered by Mr. Iliy tier, in l"4ri, been passed, Free Kuffrage would nave been bad king ago seven year ajs.t! It is very clear that th lleinocrat who voted against putting the bill in such a shape ai wm.ld havt been just and acceptable to th fanners, and as would oertainlj have secured it passage be fore th next Senataar not thsreal fricmU of th measure ll show that they ar willing to letii pass In such wsy thnt liter would It tilnv lion to it. that they ar willing that il aught be defeated before the next Serial, They were unwilling to let Ibe bill be improved, for fear il would list it final passage, slid th qiietttiun b nVl at Ih iixl session. Th proposition that land should But b exrwwrely taxed beyond Iht prsent proportion between land and on ih poll, would br ao opposition from any person or from any quarter, and this being secured in th bill, (11 in th Fast, Kiddband Vl l would hav been pleased and (aliened. No wnmg or injustice wonld hav beea dona lo any inisrest, or any voter, or tny (action. In any viaw thai Ihb who! qnestitm may lot taken, no sntivfuctnry reason esn b given why litis (irtilecliiiB againsl unetpal and oppressivs laxalinsi oa bod, should But hav bee a added, xr-epl thai il wa iht.ught bl to Iravt tbt bill in such o' jecti. until sharoi, s l,4 ir lur the farmer in a suffi. tlil number of enslitrtal lii. trirt, to wit, in stnleen. to eleel thir hea aitsra la vol against Ih bill, nd deleat it at th west session, s that Fre Huffrng aiirhl b agaia kept before th pnpl, thai 'hey might b kept grasping after th shadow, but lb subsiaoe b kept out id ibeir way. Th rftly to Ibb generally is, that thi Cnn litulional pettvisttjsl agaiasl npprMitt late aa Ih bad, i' anneveaaary, thai Ih Pwnatora hav each to own list at re nf bud, tnd that all ah (ol for high tax, would la voted dowa them rives, at lb next (lection. Tbi sa-w argument would apply to pmptaitn la di'pans with lb CoasliiutmB slli gi her. It doe lit't requir mtrh to g4 IU si fct rss of land, ia order lu a a henslor, or iDOacra to a Cumiiiimer, in snl of tht "unii in Ihb (Mat. Farther, Mnti b Hi saxii iyaif many to gsiial tbt Awmbly.as ludiralr l ib lb u.a of oniaey thai they will iptvd ia elevtiutwenrtg, and (a teeuring their 'ration by Ih varies weasa that tb iaerea f lass oa thevt laad wuald b a avails f vary smmII avoasenl in a foatosl wblbr Ih ia ru uf laasa sht uld la pat oa tua voit tad Isisbls sbv, or oa lit bad. At Ik vary bal Mswua of lb Ganaral Astesa bly, tit Juiiit C'liwwiilis oa tinafce repurled their lull tadtvuU lb tain bad bwl la Ibis doubling I bey ibraw of i a wa arb whit ad bbxk tk.ll, sad Ihey Were ,y indawd la drop Ui- and donhl It aabilh, bwl iuatghl 0a lb ye nf lb (aimer kefur they anald gl their fr sufftsg bill throw ia P'pnssai aluipa, and by which Iko AssewtUy. If tbry ebt. , suiilil put Ih grtr BetMia uf Ih ta aa lb bad. Vesids all ihis. it Is rrtf rsiily to b swen, H al ia as lb fsrmrra I. I heir b- Id la Ih rVa. (t. Ikat 1 1 if iitftawae ia both bowses, th o at t aril l, fvstai asr b g. a i and Ibat lb vary neal prupnaitMia to dtw with lb bal jujl.eu4i of rwsbr and I'oaiavoaera, ail', very sot paaa- ia d4asa f (U ptaib.to ahtsk lasy eaa aaaka. 1krsaa b aa r-4 reastta sdfsrwd why Ihb , aqual, and pUr stweajtwwl prwsHtteg aistasi wswwal t'ytvsivlaiss Wnds, sbwuei al has la sd ld. la thi mala lb tiuvwraof ba a vsov, 1 b" very wbw w 4 la Ib ('.tvaavtas bat da st la la swi, to I dsn wald kav lwa plis4 ad saii-led a ilk II, S eitissa nf lb B ai. Fast V i, mmH kav kwa dwaiisted nub ll, ss d leased, Tasxvtew ar steeseaUd I show ll,aiaba Mr, liilsasv d fca Irtewds gavt Ib'tr 4 to It loll, Utv war a ting la dnwl esT-etwsl'v aad ararvwwllv. ia lb way Ikat wwbi hav faetsd tb I pei fvd. ar '..la'j a.sspy, fully rvwed id riipii, a id beaded by bead f wbvt saasb eian, paraded (It tl vwt f rinelaaatl larleg Iks aUiag if I' laxMaraO ravatiii. Mr. Jlvtraaaaa's Aatecaweata, . V lak tlia ttllowing artiol from th "Perry County Itemncratie Vrtm," publufaed at Bloom field, Pennsylvania. It (bow p James Bach, anan ia bis old Federal, anti-f lavery, iaoonsistent ctaracter. Mr. Bucbanen openly end nohtrionsly advocated oa tb floor of Coagres tbt doctrine, that ten cent per day, wa enough to pay a poor wbitt man for a day' labor I Tht mechanic tnd laborer in this country very generally re ceive from on to two dollar per day, and w ar sur they well earn what they get. But to our extract : J1SII CCBl!ltIV Ki'iiuin. . No man in th United State ha turned his political cunt as often as Jamea Buchanan. 11 ha esM)ued Ih principle of Ary party that has had an exietence since the memorable'Hart ford Convention, and has been oa all side of po litical questions. A b.-ief reference to hi history will establish conclusively our assertions. v , nit rioxaAtisK. lie entered political life io l8Uas rank Federalist, and by the Federal party ha was elected to the Legislature nf the State. He wa re-elected in 1M5, defeating Molina C. Bogere th democratic candidate and afterwa-d on of the Supreme Judges of the Slate. In lHjtl, he was elected th Federal candidate by 97B majority. In 12, he wa re elected over the k ii ii t a man by 813 majority. In 1824, be was the Federal candidate for Congre and elected iver Samuel lltmsbtn, the Pcinttcrntie candidnte. SjTSl'J vote. In Will, he wo re-elected over' Dr. John McCament, the Democratic candidate, by 4.13 vote, ilia maiuritie tr becominir leu every time, and in order to at'njfy hi Federal friend of hi fidelity to th party, he had to de clare that "if he bad a drop of democratic blood in his veins be would open them and let it out." irk nicolE A DEMOCRAT. Two years after this he changed hi coat and became a full-blooded democrat., nnd ran for Cungres as the democratic enndidate, and Was elected by virtue ol'Generol Jackson's popularity. lie was alruid to run a second term and be ihv clincd. BIS TI! CXXT Sl Eft n. In IP 4.1, in the United Stateenate. he made a speech advocating tlie principle Unit ten cents was a sullicieitt compensation for a day lalior. llenceh i called 'len Cent Jiainiy." In 1s4"i, he became Secretary of Stale under Polk' Administration, and consented to eive wv about half of the Territory of Oregon to the Bri tish government, after be had proven that they ttnu itui w spur ui vine to II. He extolled the federal Administrat'mn nf John A lnina.and endorsed the abominable Alien nnd Sedition law of the federal reign of terror. lie bitterly denounced the Ail ministration of that pure eiiioorat, Jatnev Madison, aml ridiculed what he termed the lollies of Thomas J tfferson. UI Sl.VVISr SOUEHSETS. In 1810, at a meeting in Lancaster, be renor- ted resolutiun favoring resistance to the exten sion of Slavery and the admission of the State of Missouri as a slave Suite. In 1847 he wrote hi the democracy of Berks county, saying that the Mnwouai Comnronibte had given peace to tht country, and thut instead of repealing it, lit was in favor ot it extension and maintenance. In IK'iO, in a letter to Qpl. Forny, rejoiced over th settlement of the slavery agitation ly tht Passage of tht Compromist Measure during illmtir' Administration. In Wt'i he 'wrote to Mr. Leake, of Virginia. concerning Mr. Fillmore' Compromis Measures of 1 KaO, winch had been pas. , d by Congress, and (aid, "that ihe volcano has been" extinguished, and th man who would apply the fir brtnd to the t'ombustiblo mutcrluls still remaining will produce an eruption that will overwhelm the Constitution (ltd tlie L'niyu. Th I set arkiiowledged. W havo frequently charged that th' official t torsi uf President Pierce wa ouleulated, if nut design!, to give "aid and comfort" to tlie Free (oilcrs ami Abolitionists uf the North, and now. worn li e poor, uisri; p iriie'l, uM-rtcti man can bd kicked at in reputation even by lieiuoeraK i I ion-elves, they having uo further u f r him, j th charg is admitted, aye, proclaimed in the j Democratic Conve lion. A wvidence, the f .1 lowing, which we find reported as having ic eurred in th proceeding of tb cnnimittce on credeuliab tb claim of th two New Yurk segment of Democracy being under discussion : Mr. Stevnon, of Kentucky, tln ught it neces sary to selll tin different! now, nd, although h sjiopaibtted with th Hard, lie regarded Ut Sifl a tb regular delegation. II aa at Bal timore tight years ago whan tb satus question wa raistjj. Tbll.irib then claimed to b th regularly organised pnrty on bs grounds than th i ft aiaka Ui saut cla'm Bow. besides, Ui Hard had shamelessly abused Franklin Ptrc. tud bad mod, as th boob of their ad dress, abut. of th most sacredly aooatilutioual administration ever known, ll wa willing, however, In allow tit New York representation in tli convention to b on tbt bi of lb vott but falL Mr. Wiggina, of Maine, denounced tbt aboli liui i wis, for 1'iero bad been oa favorabl lo lb abultiittiiisUin a nteat is aa to Ui South in other. Mr. Cwirge, ol.S'sw lUuip-lnr, (aid h would aol (land by and bear tb glurtutis, God hi ad Biinistrstioa o( liaiiklin 1'arrct tbustd ia that Ouiuuiillr. Mr. Vt iggin I will not ba bmw-baata her. I will stand la the conversion ready to deoouoo Pierce, and to pros that in fab appointments at tli Not ill, b bad ndeavoid lo Bourish Aboli. tloutsm. ll wa not Utr to aduiil th tlrlrgatcs oa lb basis uf th vol gained oa lb Frv tswl platloras, Jl Went for tba admisama of tha liarda Mr. Talford. d, of Indiana, was willing to lakt lily ot letting ia tl. Hards, II lb re-iKMistb 1 ktuked ua lb Vitus ruilea obolitUiniala, at bi t. 11 himself bad heard John Vaa Buna dtebu Unit tit odsaiBMtnsiMta vf Jsbm ki. Pvlk wa a "eurrupt as kelb,' 11 (Tainted) uVstrwd lo vol lor tb adaiwaiuti of tlx Hards, but b w willing I mak a tesiua and aduttt half of nek dela gstton. Funbw coaeaiv hr'-wauld ao Bisk av blp bin God I . RcballWasa Ik Bag asratoCaaa. Tb Nw York Kuiag Pot, f..r a qaorlat of k atry tb badtag IbnsoeralM j-iaraal of ibat tily, aid gnaaily swpadiatet lb aaaiiattMl af Mr. Ducbaaaa, It rtaaar wiih graat truth t la aa taainaiioa of tba potitietl brelr I Mr. Barhanaa which w atsda start ovoctib tat, tad to a bbk wt showed th prrariiy at hi abaix bt a aominalitja, w tlwdd lu lb (Itararter ol b s auMusie and eun(edrot, N pabli jwa af ear day b nirmaaded by a prodigal a act uf full iw- oad dairf. II t Ut rwnir af a treb f aaiH-ipld ad rwibss odvwatura, w boas a ew ofabigtttr dgr of Mtf swi4it (vuid. lbre b usweibutg at s pua tl auswuiui hi tb tare with ahwh b b avawaad abirb (tlrari so bnw tl at slas f fONMHis, aad a saw ass to b perfertly twtsut auk lb aasurisiitsa Utas .-qMii4.' K ko saaa, wk b ( miliar a ilk Mr. slacB aaaa' bbttsry, Will deny lb nrrv--tMss ol tb IW'i tsattwr! Mr. tiufbaaaa't bawnlagaia. II ba tUrawa bbasalf tola tb bead at Forney, rUadwv, (ttekba, Ryadan, aad atbsf political suu hbfssa," tad they will ataald kiss I tbir pwrpinsi lb by b aealJd by U kaad uf lb psi. (bsd to lb Prss'i Isasy, lb will btbbekbf aJvraart tfeay will dw paas Ik otnav? aittiuw paraaas lby aiS a4wd bt Mbvw, aad lb will tewnU lb (Wgn tad dosaesti pwlir of bb adsstai Tk bar irobaUlitf af b a dtgmlv.l aa af aaTwrt taghl to ba twaUlsat to iriv tonwad f I'sssjw frt-sa t f-rt. OR IV J IVG , J U N E ; Frext th AsserKaa Orgasv I - - Th Cam af Frawd. . Th XaUoaal A as erica a ( uwaeU - AbttllhasBt lib slmort a waste of ammunition to shoot it. f aecrary. j the TVmoeratio PUtform. It would rwquirt a ThproedinrftbXaccJ(BrcaofthJtweIl-muxxW cun of hucest calihra to bit tb American party, tl iu teisioa lost week in tht city of New Tork, were, in many respect of vital importance, and require attentive and arn- est consideration from us tod oar reader. From th .casiont f thi Council w date, with tb utmost confidence, a liew era In 3uf history aa a party, and do not hesitate to prognosticate not only a rapid accession of Dumber, bat the final triumph of our principle throughout the land. In aa open organisation, with our banner thrown boldly to th brecie, w may defy all opposition, ad malic, all th influence of tb Foreign party, and all the power of the Vatican. AVt referred briefly, Inet week, to tht abolish ment, by Hit, recent National Council, of the system of secrecy under which wt have till now been operating system which, in our earlier history party, waa'alitolutely forced upon us by the exigencies of fh case, and without the adoption of which w could not hav contended o ucceitfully against the peculiar enemy to whom w fuund ourselves opposed. The foe we were called upon to meet, itself repudiated al' the ordinary rules of, honorable warfare, and Compelled a to an attack on it own field, and to fight it with it own weapons. What wa dis honorable with it, became right and proper with u. Secrecy, treachery, and midnight plotting on their part, was met by judicious and carefully considered counter-plotting on our, until, baf fled at every turn, and writhing in agony at the unexpected defeat of their own machinations, their only relief was to accuse us of wickedly pursuing (system whi:li they had first taught ua and literally forced us to adopt. And yet, after all, our secret system wa very little different from that current with every other political party that ever existed, either in this country or elsewhere. Tlie operation of the Democratic party, though it loudly claim to be th most frank and open of any on earth, are, ncverthclets, concocted, hatched, and put into effect with far more stealthincs and mistification thau ever attended the movement of an American Council in it most mysterious session. Who upppes for a moment that tb measure of that party ire the result of the. spontaneous and sim ultaneous impulses of its masse, (itber in con vention or in gewcral public convention? No one but the niost credulous or ignorant would enter tain such an idea for a mome'nt. It b perfectly well understood that th few in th Democratic party rule the many, although they contriT to hoodwink the masse and make them believe that every measure emanate directly frum themselves. There never yet wo an im portant movement made in that party that was not the result of the discussion and consideration in secret conclave, among a fow of It leading politicians. The very secrecy with which all thee operations have been conducted, added to tht (act of the blind obedience oftiitma to thcil master, b th real secret of their success hitherto. Who forget tb Tammany Society of New York, or doubt that th politic of that State, and, to a great extent, of the country, wor not only influenced but absolutely ruled by th Sachem iu secret council T And who is ignorant of the existence now, all through the land, of lHmtratic clubs, with pass words, (igiit, and initiatory ceremonies? Tb very party which hut abused u most soundly for conducting oursBairs with a judicious reserve b the very one which is really moat obnoxjou to the epithets of "midnight cobspirotors," "dark Untern oligarchies," ic, c. We are dipowed to be mrc liberal than they, and have no oljeo tiuii to tlwir't'Hva! consultation. It is a privi lege to which et cry political party is alike entitled. N e claim for Ihe American party th right to surround itself with inch 'safeguards, and if ne cessary, with such mystery in its movement a, it may deem neccary. It ii nobody' business but its own. At the same tim, w bold that th nesity which first loducd.set.'recy in it coun cil, and extraordinary obligation among it membrt, bat long since pwved twy, and w thcrcfur bail tb abolishment of the two fea tures, at th prescut time, with unfeigned grati fication, W belitv, moreover,' that tbt stvp might hav been taken a year (go, not only wilb fty, bat that il woujd faavabaea highly eon.'u eiv to thi interest of th party, Tli recent action of the National Council hs now dprivtd lb opposition of ib bat vuloarabb point of attack, which il bat also served to render a mora formidable. Th ka (ud cry that th American parly narrad (gainst lbs religion of a poriHia of our ciumim bo about suUidvd, and is only occasionally itwd by lln wIm lock in tolligtitceurt-xamoa prudeuc, for lit masses generally anJtrtaudth subject too wsllto bt de ceived. ' Tot much eradil eanei bt twtrdad to Uoa. Humphrey Marshall, of kiaulucky, lb pioneer la tlib Kitiinnl, and who 'literally fuught il through Hi i sewn t Council Suck, a maa wo needed to throw biatsalf into th breach, and to his undioibud patriotism, oond reasoning, and fervid tlv)UHC, b doubllss owing tb pag of tht resolution. W jow rand befur tb eotnlry aa open, aodbgubsd, and powerful (arty, Tbouaands, who syoipailis kav always ba with a, but ah kv ba rvaMiewtioBsly nppowd to ti t secrecy hitherto (tutting ia wr organisation, will Cock gladly to owr rank, la tb jutna and patriotism of ear eoan ear u6dec b aiiwav trlng, and that ll must prevail w fl at owrtaia a that tar fat bar firat aebitvd ear aal'onsi ladpadnct. t t, Clsaer daaaw1 aawwr a (Hd'ttHM k." llt. I, Ubary Jua, ah (ievstd t paihloa Ibniag fr wegrv tba right f suffitg la lb (bat f I'svtniylvaaia, fat kit tttesnpK to defend " (Nd Buck" trwsa tb ka tbrwM wf UnrT M. rIiT. tits tb fullowbg tvideaat af Old Daeh'" iuatbera avaibbility i "They at aawrd by tb faei, that ak.b a Bsaaabarf air Polk tabiad, aaviwsS Ua rptn silita uf fwnaiietava, bpropasd to tad Ut Mtswtarl lias It, th I'miBs, amid tb sMigbl aad f-aiilwda f aauWaal aa of all part af th aa." Tbw ttlioaal avaa af all parts of lb (aba." Iswbsdt, (say lb IHgaa) Mr, Joss, tad tbT lUpalJieaat wb k to lvta Ut Afrvma to fjtu-l tqaabty with tb AavtrUaa. If Mr. Baabaaaa delighted tk kalsoaal Inoe by aef" bf k iwtua af the Maanari rwwlricliua. kal elass af swa da b daligk by odbsr bag to Its tral I Caa ll V that tba (vaUsaal saaa mt trst.Uol P-lk'S tdaibsbtrLaai, Wb wrt ausra adraaala wt lb Muavaarl Hsarbtivst, art tb a (A natal f ib praawal day, aha d Ussts lb Maava a hub g tbaas stk dwlif bt, a dna aad tstmw.ts'l stl Via Mr. Jww, tb iM of to afTB'rr itsaiuna. mm ml tb aali sawl '' a ssoak dwltblad Mi I Ut prsajmts-w to ti4 tb Misasart rwsvrvrttoa! 18 , TcS ' wbob of it la a week' ttcady Sring. It b a ( forest of verbiage of every hue. 3y a tucceasioa of quadrennial accumubtion and abraaiona, it ha. com to reacmbb tb delta of some great river, - wh-r every variety of incongrnoue (edimect bat i been deposited. . ! W see that tbt new addition pledg th Democracy to carry out tb Monro doctrine rigidly that b, to permit no European govern ment to colonix thb continent, or to interfere with the government of any portion of It, "Fret ea and progressiva fre trade throughout ' the world" b also declared to be a cardinal principlt of tht Democracy. Thb would inJieatt die yositiou fornniveraol war, and b scarcely prac ticable hort of universal conquest. Some of the Virginia delegate mad somt exception to tbi new item of Democratic faiih, and protested that it wo not to be regarded af a test of orthodoxy. But their objection were little heeded by tht tumultuous Democracy. "Our ascendancy in tht uun oi Mexico" wo likewise asserted which means, wt suppose, tht conquest of Cuba, St Domingo and th rest of the neighboring Isles. We presume th Virginia protest wa designed to apply to thi portion of the programme a well as th "progressiva Jree trad." A a sample of tht candour and ingenuousness which distinguishes Democracy, we have ia one of the first resolutions a strong denunciation of Internal Improvements by tlie Federal Govern ment, and the very last act of the Conven tion was a resolution in favor of a railroad to the Pacific ocean ! Such brazen duplicity b part and parcel of Dcmocratto tactics j and it not merely disored. itahle to the character of the country. It has wrought vast and irreparable misrhicf. It hat made the politics of the country alsse nd de grading gam ; it has substituted expediency for principle, and generated the brood of sharping acmageguo who infest the lnnd. It hot given vitality to the slavery agitation, and fomented it into a dangerous element of domestic discord. We see it practical effects In tlie diverse inter pretations put upon the Nobraska-Kansaa act the President and hie Northern follower pro claiming mat act to be a "measure for freedom," andth Southern wing, a "guarantee foojilavcry " T,hi( shnmelcM double-dealing, reduced tosy tern, and pot forth under th sanction of one of the great panics of the country, is the immediate parent oftb abolition ejfltbrcaks in th North tnd the civil war in Kansas. It tends to destroy' the moral bands which hold society together; and its baneful effect will continue to be felt in the futuie. It may achieve the success of a spoils pcty i but it threatens ruin to the country. An election carried by such an agency settles nothing except the individual who shall distribute ih loaves and fishes; if leaves public qtestion un settled it exasperates secfiuri it keep th public, mind inflamed. Soy Mr. Buchanan is elected on th principle of the Jtehianka net with ib contradictory interpretation. Hit North ern friend everyw hero sustaining him as th advocate of squatter sovereignty tnd tli friend of free' Kamas, (nd thereby encouraging their followerc to imitate tht conduct of Boeder, in trying to subvert the government by force i what isgained by it? Or take tb Internal Improve ment question: tlie people who Toted fur tht Pacific liailn ad in the Convention, nd thot Micbiganders, who lost week denounced Gen. Pierce for his veto thry will be disappointed and indigent, if Mr. Ilui hsnnn should put hi veto upon an Internal Iniprnvemi r.t t ill j should Lo withheld it, be wuuld incur the wrath of lib Suuthern supporters. But ns propositions for improvements will only com from those sections favorable to the policy, and a tli resolution in favor of the stMcui as of later date Ihsn that against it; the only effect ol thi double-dealing will b lu pass bill fur th benefit of th North and nun for that nf the South. Uichmcttd Whig. Meswrt Hragg Uilucr la Halifax, W alteuded the meeting of Messrs. Bragg k Giliner, iu Halifax oa Saturday lad, and altbniigh w look no not, w uodertak to giv s brief, but correct oceounl of th aptaking. . ll is l try geutiallv known in thi Stala, that Gov. Bragjr ua good speaker, (and not a bad lookii g man, but a thought sont part of Mr. Gilmer' re ply aused hiui to look soar.) ' Th Gov. led off in a speech of two hour, add accoiding to Ut uresMt order of democratic warfare, dwsll chief ly upon charges again! bb opponent, and ridi eub (lid (bus of tb American party. Th thares war no mu tl aa hav bit a -ii in th .Stuo.urs! aad w think it Strang that other bav aol baa got up, from lb fruitful toarc which ereat lliea), Th Gov. opened hi battery apon th Ameri can party, by exhibiting a little bonk, which he aid, ibtaiiid th obligation and lectures of tli kauw Kothing. II staled Uiatbbd bea asmg a newspaper, which wa ineuavenimt, but wbn ia the wetter part of th Stat, h obtain- M th genutn book, and a he euted to think w uiwgrnutn vooa, ana as ne uiei to I much bad been aceumplished thtrthy, bt lob p,pb kom be obtained it. If we aodt n faun uncUy b Mil that it waa given to hu told the rstood nveu to bias b t lloetar, Ipoutblyj Hi family physician of a genibmaa who waa a Koow-N'nihiiig m4 the wile the ttvitlesss wa e atwrh op pitted to tit party, thai sh stub Ih book and gsv i u, Ut lkjclor. Now, wnylaVrM aoiajaMbaiaa r (a l ia tb li.uth alio, by lnf. tn.auo or Ma ba dticamwiu, obtained ibroagh the trybry of sbv, that would hav Ut hardihood to go brfur tb publb and prosaulgala sasUsr thu eisadtwiiiily obtained, ami, while wt do aol charg Ui Got. with ta iutCLtiuvial brtack id prttprteiy, w do y thai w ar surprised that t ftBtbmaa uf kis sens af right Mas of Ut ttbiiit which bdu from wit to hatband. knoabdgt of th koaorabb tad delicai relatioa thai geaarolly tuUi.t tatwaca Hit family aad phystetaa a lie ba charg of it, atwuld St ad Mil Uf. ire an Intelligent and vu-taou patpl tnd acknuabdg that k t asiag tottiatuay ka h eaow tbrawgh a sbaaaai so aurrupi. 1 tier wa another mailer ia oani. w.th that htilt o-oJt, which wt would ao btvt sipevt td af Gut. Hragg. II read the ubllgsiioo ol lb f rst aad saw-d degtM, aad prvrted tbass, ias-tlilsMitowhihk aachawd readier tbaluf ih UdgrM.th priati let id wbwh a bthtit a pa tnol will Bod Uull with. Tb (im soil tUongly f ' Fr Maf rag aad Intoraal lasptwstBavils. H bib Go, b. wa disswweiag Una duauiM. assay asewsttl war rtssindw of tb impurtsal bang that kav takaa pUca ia hi Vtw wtio toaynrywr. Webrga, and ebalbag t ra (uUitfSi, that wbta the aoeirva af frw uf iag wa arts lutrwlarwd kr by Ki4 lU lb Iw4- r of tb dewHatratM party ia Norvbasapbjw, ar uppuMd to it, (a pi Mom Go. B, w.ll ol bwaatoronkkiaiia that apbar ). Vi fwriht barge, thai Ik wrsatM ad we bkot um if adrtstwA-W Iks ateaswr to m-fmmt ike N mm alr IA auUia? smt wmmU Im M -rt mmfrmm, W furtbsv y Ibat wt dtssbl wbein w ihtwe b a a bviag, wk atwr kaw lea. It. tod a board buaeet, ay thiag lavwrabb to in wraal iKKwttatil, aaul ofkt hi aoaiiaaitaa. w re vhs ate away waa tWreasMbar, IkM kftar bb'aMHaalkaa, be wa s tsadcrlottwd f thai Mltjata at toarMt (aawk aw. wkMlt f k w.tdd a atd to travi sa tk wwswra part f lb ktato. Taay alt reauiWwt ka In t A vr bb hasping w.lil k gt4 to Kal.tgk swd wa T"1""J si. i owe, mmm mm trtMttt stM a tor aaytat Be tear akaast kiss ttut at, a w itatr to taaak af kt owpvtiuor. ' A iter th Gor tat down, ilr forward amidst ; that tlir.GoT., I '. fair tecinieoil w,.,7 wh enow better 1 u:. yi of speaking I not what a great ,- "7, eloqwent. bat if a good toka, fte, orticulktb. approprmtt language and gesture, are an,! th wiiponnt part of eloquent b batb and more, he bf firmness in meetine bso-I whwhalwy( mrirt eonfidenee. Th. dTZZ mad by Mr. 0. against tb tharge which ha appeared in tb Standard xTd w, bv Oor. Brare. waa smiiff t. u:. ..- Lin fa f truly triumphant d ." uumers review or Uov. Unigg-i rfdicnb witticism and oomic action in relation tn th A marican party, wa well calculated to convi ' tlie Got., that b gained nothing by hit labor We think w. speak truly in ayW tLatMf Gilmer in this county, will add materially tn ib. vote which was given to Gen. Docktry . Hi) J Patriot, i Th nomination of Mr. Baahanaa. ' A correspondent o tht New York Port, writ big from Cincinnati, state in extent, th. uri01 npon -which Mr. Buchanan', frbnd. advowted Ha claim to th honor which hss been Wded him, and the objection of those present by who. he was opposed. As these will form base future argument during th campaign now tlZ. at hand we recapitulate them briefly f,,, L benefit of our deader. ' 1 . T" reason advanced ty hi. porti.ah. in b hall of hi. nomination were FirtL Tin im lbs !! nf tk. - . . - - ,itB rKca ni jaexsoni' an statesmen of distinction, who have remaiaed "" 'merest or the Smith. allf-- t i'0' !b twen,y J" ba. filled, sotisfiictonlv. irr.M-inn .n.z . . and abroad.. , ' r ' T " "f , Th4t h rry Pennsylvr.- b i'uHt- TbB !Vf, wsrtabl. personal habi t, being neither a bully nor a drunkard. rtjin. inat bis political inclining, ar. to th oobservative side. wuhj Sixth. That he originated the propotitiom to jmrchate Cuba; and teat tlie author of the Otteni t ireularreeommending Ut teiturt, if the Svanitk Ooremmeni refuted to tell I ' A omewhat singular commentary upon bit conservatism.? ' Severith. lhat lib Northern friend, belbv that be regard, tht Misin.uri CompMmise ts a jut and wis provision though he it trilling to aequirtee in if rewo; and that hi nominatioi. therefore, would'be equivalent tn the declaration from the Convention of general amnesty to all who opposed th Knsa bill, but are ready if acquiesce in th principle of squatter sovereignty including .uch men a Allen of Ohio, Bei ton of Missouri, and others. On th other hand, those Democrats who w.rt antagonistic to hi noutiuation.contended: 1. That he commenced life as a' Federalist, and a champion of th alien laws of John Ad mi, 2. He i. reported to have dnce said in Bali's more, that if he thought be had one drop of Democratic Mood ih hi. vein, h Would opn them tnd let it out. 3. In a speech en the tulitreosury bill ia th Senate once.he dropped a remark which was eon stracd by the eoontry into a declaration ofhi willingnes tose the wage of mechanic redu ced tu. ten cents a day. It wo urged again!, him to th Nortlurn del egate: 4. That he ha shown himself an sundry occa sion willing to aid ut th extension of Southern institutions , By th offer to purchase Cuba; by hi recom mendation of extending the Missouri line to the Pacific; by.his co-operation with the present Ad ministration; by bis Ostend Circular, and bv hi avowed willingness to accept the territorial pldiey of the Pierc party with reference tn Kansas. In operating upon th feelings of the Sontl era delegates, argument twentiallv different wr advanced, To these it was insisted: That h wa ah.nt from th country when th Kansas bill became a law; and that he is there for entitled to no honor for measure in which be did not participate; That having declared tin Missouri' CAmpra.-' mise a wiseiensure, it is Impns-iLle for him to proiterly represent the issue whieh tbeffonth In ist upon trying at this election, vis: that Cun gres had no poaer to ennct or sanction anv lim Utinn UMm th power of an American eiii'xca te tak hi slaves wherever h cnn go himself; That though well disposed to th South, h 'it eonstitutit nsllv timid, and may b Irightencd in. toeoncassionsby Ih preasui e'of the nti-sl'ry feelingwhich i likely to overwhelm tb next Cnngrras; . 1 bat hi principal friend (nd (opportere r men unworthy of pabli eonfidenee) Thai hi proolivileatretofilibusterbni tnd red republicanism; That in hi diplomatic career he not only Idl ed lo Mttlt tny of th vwiel questions between thi ountry and Kngbnd, bat mad tbvioo snd constant effort to disturb th frieudly feeling which ought to tubtbt between th two tuua triet: That no Important public measure Km ever been Initiated by bin during his wbob public hf. that no on bat evtr quoted -a speech of bis for th ability it displaytd, and that h can point Is nothing but tbt office be ho held to ataia k p reten sittns to the Presidency. And, Anally, that bt ntver ba carried aid tbercfoi, probably, never can carry the Bute of Peneylvtni o a popular lretioa. Such r alleged I bavt keen tl t arguaiwtt aaed at th Cincmndi Convnti.a, by th rival cctiua of tb Democratic party, to piontot or prevwal the notoinalioa of Mr. Buchanau. Wd giv tiitm it expressing th difftrnc of opinion xialing among mtmber of th asm argouba lion with resarct to bb anteottleota. Hut thsr are other ol.iactions of a gravse east which ia du eours of tim, will b saad sislasl failjl b Ifturtisls tat Imlitul nn-ill Sa kin and a msy, therafort, aafely infer thu lb att wuu wnicn air. itucitsnaa ueretr-teu in aiiiaming bis neuiaalioa aa a eaadidatt for tbt 1'retidewcy affordt ao eriierioa whereby w (say jadgeri 1. . . I V a : . 1 1 . .t. .a . 1 - I..,., ttittuw, wvtti w-twvaity wnwst " f eom te the last tost of all tin ballot box. ItuiL Jattief. Later I rasa ksasea t f vll War rrwtrreaatne;. CaiCAOti, Jun 1 1. fjtlar arrivals frost Kaasa eno f. via tb rrpnru of lb (listing civil war to th Ttrritory. Twtrrty oa Mis- ariaaa, Caro lin.an nd A la Item bos kav been killed to dif ferent ergagwmsmt. rvrl free rtola ata hav Im wnuaded, bat boa kill'd. Tk I atwd Stales trtsip generally dispen tb forte f tba partis after lb battles ar over. G i. It. tt.tr baa ba resaovad frtwa Ucoava toa to Ittavtawortb. Tb rerrtd daatb af Martial tHataldw proved to It hsavreet, Itodi uf asea ore movirg horn Iadepdsvea, vTstptn tad other Miwi tow as toward Ib TmiiirT. A par'y l.ft Islington aa StrfardJ for Hickory Poial or Lawrtoo aad a gratval belli at ipeet4. Lator frtAB KaaskMwra Ttra tUmirfi, W. Pr. Lot It, Jun Mlh. fWtwaltaasb, a Fest IHtal tow, a aarktd a lb ttk by tb Gr giaaa, uader w biitUli. Palmyra waa aba - d. The Fre Stat sa war r-sritif . tior. hlistinoa had goa to Fort Lvwtiwrlk, Mswtrs, Howard aad tvbarataa, af Ik C-w-gvw-tiuwal t rjtiotitse, arrived kr to-day. Mr. Oliver t.i r-da lUhsaottd. Tk Ctamif" have g-wt to lietroit to for a frw day. 1 b tovswi ,-u.a pwmw that owl f "Jvww fnlld ai ih UgtsUuvlttwsi la Manh, KA sail lluu were l.b.sl. DIED, la Htl.fs. oel,ea Tatsrtay airMbss. Mi., tl ttaLth Baruta. .srl bt. H.U. IUrsvw aad daafhtar uf Col Aadrew Joy. la tbi City, aa Mstsdty, U wtk toot, CtMSMaiatUaa, altar a ksag aavd patafvil lilatsa. Me. tbditrt C. eautt, a pv.tsksr, ia tb ut J mt kt mt. srl r niststs I ts s a i 4t4s tot -til s. IU1, (, immm llvk, ItssV .MMwwV.sXsHilkA to im. areetin.! which ii--jT' .ajr kilW Mr.O.; klherOVMl tnt.kin. , . a UtliL

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