0 (ortt-CaroIin f tar B A LEIGH, N . cT -Wednidy Morning, June 18, 1858. J ATIO-fAI AXKKICAX IICET. . r run dht, MILLARD FILLMORE, pf xtw to. ', ro Vrri-raMiLurr, ANDREW JACKSON DOXELSON, -', : or tiunisjm. , rolooT!o,, . : JOHN A. GILMER, or utii.roBn. la addition to hi appointment! already pub lihel, we art requested to state that Mr. Gilmer will apeak at the following timet and placet : -.Columbia, Tyrrell County, Saturday, June 21st. Washington, Beaufort County, Monday, June 23d. - .. US A presi of other excellent matter must be bur exeost for a want of editorial articles this Week. ; -Bio'-vVe republish by request the letter ofO.A Brownson to Hugh J. Davis of Warren, which (piked on of the .Anti-American cons so effectu ally in the but-Congressional canvass in this Dis trict. Although our comments on that letter were more applicable to the pending canvass, they are not oat of place in the present contest 1 Nr. Fillmore. Aeeptance. Eolow we lay before our readers a letter from Mr. Fillmore addressed to a number of gentlemen in answer to one from them informing him of the action of the Convention, from which it will la sen thnt Mr. Fillmore accepts the nomination for the Presidency of the Cnited States. The Demo cratic party have, fcr lung time entertained fears, or we might say kop , that Mr. Fillmois would not accept the nomination, but we are glad to say to them the,t they may make them Dives easy In relation to this matter for Mr. Fill more certainly hat accepted Me nomination In a letter over his own signature. lie is now before the masses of the American seonle he is in thiir hands, and they arP at liberty to do with him as they may see fit ithnr to elect or defeat him. We aU know how he discharged the duties of that high nd responsible station, in which hs was plnred at the death of old Zaek. None can iy that he did wrong in the least act, but on the Other hand, alt must tadmit that be did all that cjuld be expected. We hope and believe that on the day of election the American people will re member Mr. Pillinore and vote for him, knowing that in him they find a tialuman in deed, pure nd ui dallied one who has ths interests of the country at heart, one who will do all an bnnett man can do to advanoe the best interests of the Amerioan people Let the American people then arm themselves for the conflict let tliern work, and work on uiui their labors shall be rewarded by the election of the truest patriit and the truest ttaletmam that can be found any where North or South. Paais, Mat 2lt, 1S56. Gentlemen: I have the bonor to acknowledge the receipt of yon letter informing me that the Nations! Convention sf the American party whle'.i had just closed it session at I'hilndelphia, Presidency of ths fjnitrd States, snd anmi-iatxt nau unanimously presented hit nnma fur ths with that of Andrew Jarkann Donrlson for the Vice Presidency, This unexpected eommnnica- iinn met me si emu on my return from Italy, and the duplicate wailed thirteen days later, was received un my arrival in this. city fast even ing. This mn-t account for my apparent neglect la giving a more prompt reply. V -u will pardon me f..r saving that when my administration eluaed in 1M3, I roneiftrred my politi-nl life as a public man at an end, aud thence forth I was only anxious to discharge my duty as a private citisea. Ilenoe I hsve taken no active part in politics. But I have by ao means been an indifferent spectator of passing events, nor hare 1 heitatcd to eipreMi uiyopimsti on all political uhjects when asked, nor to- give my vote and private influence for those men and measures I thought best calculated to promote the prosperity and glory of our common country. . beyond this " 1 deemed it improper fur me to interfere, liut this aosolietted and anespeeted nomination haaj wfwvu mow uuij, iron woicn s caa- "t shrink; and therefore, approving, as I do, of ths general objects of the party which has honor ad me with its eon 9 leu oa, I cheerfully accept its nomination without waiting to inquire of its prospects of sueeees or defeat. It is sufficient tit sac to know that by so doing I yield to the wishes of a largs portion ef my fellow eititene ia every part of the Union who, like myself, are sincerely aaxioas te see the administration f our govern aunt restored so that original simplicity and purity which marked the trst years of it esu twnoe; and if possible to quiet that alarming erotic-nil agitauon. which, while it delights the Monarchists of F.umps, causes every Use friend of our own oouotry to mourn. Uaviag the sipsrisnc of past service la the administration of the Uovernment, I may be per mitted to refer to that as the alponenl of the future, and ia say, should the choice of the Coa Itoa be sanctioned by the people, shall, with the name eeropuL.ae regard for it s rights of ovary arotaoa ef the Laioa which then influenced my -induct, endeavor la perform every duty ia- led by the Coastitatioa and iawi to lbs svxeoa tive. At the preeaedinge of (bis Convention have tnarksd a aew era ia the history ef the country, by bruiting s Dew political organisation lata the appnochiog I'reeideaiial oaavaas, I sake ttie oo oaeien tors-sAri my lull conSlenc in the pa vvrtie perposss ot that orgsnisatna, which I re gard as epriaf.ne; not of a public asraaeity. furred one) the amntry, to a large eitsnt, by aafurta Ba'r sectional din-t -as, end ins dnns.ert.ne tra- aeary uxao divisioae towards Uiuiniia. ia tr.j opinio-, of all the political aacirs aw eii'tmg, is poaass4 of the power to s U ses this violent and disastrous actuation, and to r. tare hsriswny by its own cisnipls of mo.tratioo and forbearance. It has a claim, therefore, U y Jedsssent, anna every erns4 friead ef lbs tairtriiy of the I uuii. i St eatimatiag this party. I-Ii U hs prmni p JttioB. aad future asstiny, I (Svt; adopt it great leading principles as anix.aawd is ths newt 4e oUratioa of the Kalioaal t'saacil el Philadelphia, TT f ahh yaw were kind as to enclose toe, holding tin to be jass aad liUral to every orae lateml of the eoantry, aad Wialy adapied to iha e-ul.liahirent sad aup rt of an enlight. aad. safs and effnve Aaeru p'lwy, fa full tweovd w.ih the l.l and the tu iesf lU faibsrs Of Ml lUpablie. I espad saort'v to sail for Amerira, aa l. with iho bUsalngsef ("iiim I'ruVHlrnre, b .pe .-n hi read my aauvs hL My "i'i jrnj ui fmpt- ewe tuaniry aJ U.s wa-lua of us p pie auk those ef l.erupe. ka snly served to to- sail my e-tsiireiw and ke Uwumt saw tlm d kad U lit-erty. aad to t Wlla owl evea deeire ever la mmt toe AUaatma. gsia. I ag ef yna, fntkawa, to empt my thanks tvietne very uerg meanm to wka-k yoa hsve a a pisaasd to a,,t U.sraUsaf lbs tunioa ef thai ealifMeawd aad osmotic body sf toon was owpoe4 la Ule iMVaaissa, aad to he aasarsd that I with fvt mwA reapawi and Mm, Yeae frwad aad hiUrm itim MIIXAKK flLLMtiKC. ! Jem a tlstol. ai Watdoa. ft. C, has Wan rwrvha-d fc 71fft.VJ, by Jobs M. Moody. f NORTH CAROLINA ST A R Tea CeatsaDay. Janet Buchanan, sari the American Orrui. in a speech delivered by him in the raited States Senate is tha year 1838, gave it as bis delibe rate opinion that "lea eemtt a day was raowoA for u laboring man." Thit will not be denied by honest men if any party. The speech was prin ted in pamphlet funs by Blair Kivee, and many copies are still in existence. The country at that time was-paesinc though a commercial crisia of nnparalelled severity. Al' the banks had suspended specie payments the government itself was bankrupt, and business of every kind in a state of suspension! Remedial measures for the distress, which bore so heavily npon the people, were universally denounced nd this was the remedy, the vanacea for all the ills thus endured by the American people, which sir. liucbanan proposed. Wages are too high, said Mr. Buchanan -that is the secret of all our troubles. ' Wo ean never compete with the labo rers of Europe unless we reduce the wages to the rste which obtains there.. Put down the wages of the laborer to ten cents a day, and prosperity will once mora crown eur efforts- our manufac tories will again commence operations, and our commerce will again flourish with renewed vig or. Was this counsel worthy of man who aspired to the reputation of, statesman? Is it by de grading and impoverishing the yeomanry, the bone and Sinew of the land, that a great nation is to be raised from depression to prosperity f Can a free republic, of all other forms of govern ment,! allowed, by the conversion of majority of its citiiens, into a horde of paupers f . The idea is too absurd to enter the brain of any but pampered aristocrat or a heartless oppres sor of the working man. Yet it did enter the brain of James Buchanan, and he gave it utter anoe in the Senate of the United States, and it went forth from the Capitol as "sound Dem-xsrat- io doctrine 1" Suoh is the man whom the Democrotio Kation tional Convention have presented to the Demo cratic masses as their candidate for the Presiden- cy. Such is the candidate 4t that party which has falsely assumed for twenty years to be the etcluaive guardian of the rights of labor andthe sworn foe of the oppression of capital, Can that man be regarded as the, friend of the Working mivn who would give him, in return for day's labor, the insulting pittance of Tin cinti ? Can hs be regarded at an enemy to the oppression of capitalists, who would pny the laborer less than his poverty extorts from the grinding ava rice of the Austrian prince or the calculating toluahnets of tho British landlord of an Irish estate f The Buchanan, Pierce and Douglas Vol en the tint Ballot. It is curious to examine into the condition of the Cincinnati NationalfConvention, at the com mencement of the balloting. Mr. Buchanan re ceived 135 votes in all. Of then, there weregiv en by the Free States as follows : Maine 6 Massachusetts Connecticut New York New Jersey Pennsylvania Ohio Indiana M ichigan Wisconsin Free States 101 By the Slave States, at follows : Delaware . Maryland Virginia Louisiana Ksntucky Slave States Free States 13 34 101 135 General Pierce received 124 votea i time there were given by Fret Suites s Maine New Hampshire Vsrmont Massachusetts Knode Uland New York Ohio V iseouaia Free States By the blave States Maryland ' North t'aroliaa ' r'outb Carolina tleorgie Alabama Misaisaippi Kentucky Ten Masse Arksnsa llorida .' Tssas Slave "tatoe Free State i alt. Of 18 0 12 ,0 124 It will thus be teen that while Mr. Buchanan received on the first ballot 101 votes from the Free Stats, and 31 from the Slave Stales, Gene ral Pierce received oa the tamo ballot 74 votes from the Slate States, and only 40 from the free. Oa the tamo oeraaioaadge Donglat received 31 votes ia all aamety, 30 voles from ths Slave Stales, aad 1 1 from the free while General Cast received f v voles ia all, aad from Free Slates. qfTbe Cine in nau Convention has beea guilty of several glaring as J ridiealoas iaouasisteneies; it raeSrme the Baltimore platform vf lfU2,hkb accepted and supported t'l the Compromise measures ofl'OO, and the thsa eslsting lews on the tulyeet of elavery as t finality, tiabrasing the Missouri Compromise at (art of these laws, and I the nana matorial fart of them; aad thea tack oa to the pUtf-.ria string of ra-luiii-asoe of which, ia lbs strongnt Ungusge, adopte the No-' brsaks-Kanaae act as Iieasaeratie meaure winch rspodiauss the pUtfna of 1H.',0, in this, 1 that it rwpeals tlm M issuer I CempromUe. The ssois platform ef l-'i2 denies the oastileiioBa! powsriaf ike livnafal Government to ergage ia Internal imprwemeats; tha revolution of iKVfi de slarss It tbeUoiy of ths Federal Gavemmenfto srriis pn.mptly til Its proper eoostiutiaaal powers" to Iniild ep J' aeils rilr.d. It is true tost the Introduction (ihs word "proper" la the rsailetUia may, aad doautna dies, mark the tree tense ijwkih It la to be takeai hot the li st la tbo onvineibsj with ths eld platform would desirsy ike fifreef lbs reanlutioa, and nili it what il duobtlsss was in lea-lad to be. e fraud apoei all thai paeiiua of the sous try oh aVaaire lb ruavl built, aad better thai fVra- avast has lb emsiile'i) power to build k frasa tansa, H Bs oar last.taers bevs b Isr snrivah fmm Kuruf.tb laM brief, date frves Uvsrsnal to tbo list alt, Tbero was esasideraUe essilsmeat ep-m Aeserieaa aAVur. Othar as esinpoe- Why Mr. Bachaaaa as Voted mr. It hat taken bat short time fy the Demo- ! emtio party to illustrate the duplicity with which the canvass for the Presidency is to be conducted. One day a platform is adopted by the National lonveation,tn which tha Kansas bill it made the leading issue, and the next' day fourteen ballots are taken, in which the united votes of the two men (Pierce and Douglas) most identified with that measure but little- exceed the vote of Mr. Buchanan, who had, nothtn to do with the con troversy, a bo was not in the flgbt, and whose sentiments respecting the Question were out known till the law was passed. The explanation of this it found in the following article from the Cincinnati Gasette, paper printed at the scene of the convention and devoted to tAt aoti Kansas interest t v "Opinions as to the nomination are as various almost, as the dele-'atet arc numerous. Buchanan men, )at night, were, or affected to be, oertainof his nomination, dome proteased to think that be would be nominated on the second, others on the third vote;while the extremely sanguine believed mat no would ne nominated ov acclamation. V) e think, on ear part, that Buchanan basgaiued strength within a few weeks, and even since the delegatee began to assemble here. TheinTa sioua outrage upon Mr, Sumner end the infamous proceedings of the Border Kuffians in Kansas nave created such an excitement in the North, that the politicians see that without they take ud some man like Mr. Buchanan. srAo hat Mot been dutely identified with las Kmiat-Nebratka Bill they will liuve no chance of doing anything in the Northern States. Hence, they are willing to dodffe the iiuby throwittg overboard both Pierce and Douglas, and nominating Buchanan who doea not occupy a position quite so antagonistical to the Ami Slavery sentiment of the. North, at they do. The nomination ot Buchanan by the Democratic Convention, triti be 'a tree Soil tri- mu; for although he would not be satisfactory to those who oppose the extension of Slavery, Ins nomination over the beads of those who have doue so much to further the tmrpoaca of Slavery propagandi stseuuljouly be aoconiplia bed through a consciousness that these-chamniont of hlaverv w o v, el, auu coum iwi -ov put ia numiuaiion wit nuut groat n&x. . We sar nothing in relcrence to the ingratitude of the South, and the bad effect it will have upon Northern dough -faces should Pierce and Douglas he thrown over board although we have in our eyes number of young politicians of essy con science, or no eonscieuce at all, who are ready to earn their promotion by doing theHlirty work of me oouui uccauae ii is no concern oi ours, lax them take on re of themselves. But we were not prepared fur the exhibition of weakness, and . i i . r . ... - ,i i i uimw in merlins: ma issue mev usve roiseu. which, (if the Buchanan men are to be believed,) the Democrats in the Convention are about to make. The nomination n Buchanan will be rir- tvally an adintttivn that the reiieal of the Mittouri Comiirvmite true a fulit tttn. and a eoutlemnation nj i terce and nit aitmmutiatum. Putting the llest Face oa It. The ctfmocrtcy of Washington oity had Bat iuoation meeting on Saturday night last.and Oen Cass aud Mr. Douglas, two of the disappointed delivered speeches in support of the nomination1 of Buchanan and Breckenride. This was not so bad; for Cass is too old to hope, for the office, and Douglas it young enough to wait, and knowt that his present acquiesce noe is essential to hie future hopes. But what did the crowd then do but march to the 'President's House, to serenade Franklin Pierce on ttf occasion of his bitter dc- featl "After the Band had pltytd several airs, in) s the Union, (whst they were we are not told nor even wuether they were appropriate to the occasion,) load call was madt fur the Presi dent,aud be came forward and delivered speech commencing as follows: "I congratulate yoa my lenuw eiutsos, upon mo occasion which bnnga you here," and ending with, "my thanks for this gratifying call." Is it not true that language was given to man to enable him to conceal hi thoughts? After leaving the President s House, the party called at the residence of Mr. Secretary Dobbin, who addressed to them few remarks "in sy patbetio response to the object of the visit." Mr. trillaere. The Peris correspondent of the Herald writes as follows, nndsr date of May 21t; "Mr. Fill more arrived here yesterday from Copenhagen. lie left Rome with view to go to Kusaia, but f Mind the Bailie blocked with ice. So be returned here, aud will, In few days, leave for England, You may expect him home in four or tve weeks, lie looks remarkably well, sod I venture to ssy ia the most composed candidate for the Pretider. cy now extant, Mr. Fillinoie received the first official information of hit nomination by the American party in enioe, and t duplicate of it here the day before yesterday. Hit aceepUnoc goes out by the same mail which carries this letter. Mr. F. endorses the' general principles of the -platform, and rood sains til Motional agita tion, lit accepts the nomination as national j" II. W. MUtor, Esej. We nnderstaad Uiat this gentleman, when oa visit fo Norfolk last week on professional busi ness, was prevailed npon by the Americano ef that plsce to daiiier an address. Though III notice was short, wt are assured that Asblan Hall wse crowded to it utmost capacity. M Miller's cpeeca is represented, to have beea aa able and powerful one, completely reputing the fjwl charges made agninet the Amerioan party, aad triumphantly sustaining the principle Odd positioe of our candidate and our party before the American people. The New York Herald, in aa article hesde "A Little I'laia Talk Aboot the Presidential lilertloa," ) inkl that tb election of either IVmocra'le er Black Republican esa lidats f ll Preaidenry will hav tit elT. ct of ptrpeioati a'iiml leeliiig, tnd of finally endangering l! t'nutn. The si a a uf tb pfie UiMugbuot lli Country, at ItaM I lie most intsllifrnl aad patriot- M, both North and S-Killi, bavt eomt to tb tame OusKiluiion. aad will give their votoe to Fillmore and iHiaelson, In prefsreaeo to the eandldatoe of nj other tarty. taaaMeUs tor I'Jeetor, The Ameriaui t'uaventina which met ia WiL miutoa oa Toudsy. seieated 0. V. Mraree, Fq a the Amerieaa eaatdUlat fuf Eleetur lit tb 3rd l'S'rirt. 1 he fc.Il-wli.g are lbs auli-l.lartort l Aerkas Purr. Sf ffiMnr-r,. II. Ceasa snd Gen. Delia, ayielw. II. W. Faisno, lh a Hkenford. K Tr.y, Jm. C. Kvia. It aonj-(in, Alfred lUirkerv, ft, F, IJllI. lMrv-a Kelly, i. K. M.ltia. yf-aari-l). U It.. II. Jt. tire., . (W.iv, A. i lrla. A. J Tr-.y. t aaiWhis4 Jn. W. Bskevjr , K llsitno. Iltrnm Ja. A Wfare. T. B ia. C. A. Ilsmson. tMekwaa1t Msgsslaa, riwilasef lire May nasslar 1. r.rvrtand's r.4ilrsl I stars, Z. (ta I ih Wli Boa... I. Uiters fr Ih. IU.,k. nt It,. Ira.alo. 4, Me'am -wphreeesi A Tsls-I'art I. I. Th i ia ai-wna. ikw'aa mt in "waes.s. 1 ke Art of Tre4, 7. The fear. rUtMbieakod bv The learw. U rwoti A , New 1 ark, al 3 t year, or Ule k wawl aad the four Brtueti Ifuartsrlr riviwe bar I1W. WE t)N ESDAY Ths 'Xertner CaaS uUta. It cannot bo denied that tkt North gained a great triumph in the ominatioa of Jas. Bucha nan for the Presidency. He was theireandidatt ! hile Pierce was the candidate of the Sooth. Oa t the first ballot BuRiaaaa received 101 vote from the free States, and only 34 from the slave State 13.) mail, while Pierc received T4 from the slave States, and only 50 from the free States.- I The slave Stales that supported Buchanaa, were Delaware, Maryland, (in part,) Virginia, Louisi ana and Kentucky, (ia part,) only five. The ave States that eupported President Pierce, Were, Maryland, (in part,) North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Ksn tucky, (in pert,) Tennessee, Arkansa7Forida and Texas eleven in all. It is evident that the North succeeded in for eing their candidate down the throats of the South, by party discipline alone. Dook tt the determined resistance of North Carolina, for ex ample. She oould not be induced to vote fur him until opposition waa out of the question. She f mghi against him so long as hope remained, and then with a wry face wot forced to bolt the un palatable stuff. This nomination it direct condemnation of Pierce's administration, Which, we are told,' has been eminently Southern in its character. And, ii confirmation of this charge, we have Demo-" oratie testimony. The Columbia (S. C.) Timet lyt: 1 he selection uf Buchanan is a rvpudic- ion of Mr. Pierce's administration. Mr, Pierce had madeaonie atonement to the South for his affiliation withsndnlEcinl patronage of Northern freesoilert, by bis late annual message to Cougress,iu which he clearly set forth and ably vindicated the con stitutional rights of our section. ' That very mes sage, however, utterly destroyed hit availability, nd proved the very means, in the hands of hit Northernopponeuts and truculent Southern-politi cians, of defeating bit nomination. We care nothing now about the motives which prompted him to write such nre$a;e; we predicted that it would lose, mid now know that it hat lost him the nomination. lie has been pointedly re p'rored, censured, condemned for writing it for expressing merely in cheap words hie. yiewt touching the rights of the South; Another hat been selected in his stead, who durct not utter, even if he entertains, such conservative senti moots selected because he has never expressed such sentiments selected for the very purpose of repudiating the annual menage nf Mr. Pierce. To sum np. The more conservative of the rights of the South, Mr. Pierce lias shown him self and he has by pn meant been as conserva tive as wt would have him to be the less toeep- table.he has become to the Northern freetoii l'e mocraey. The consequence has been hit rejec tion tt Cincinnati. We conclude that the nomi nation of Mr. Buchanan should not b accepta ble to tht South, because it it virtu- Uy a repudi ation of the little regard which Mr. Pierce hat shown to ths rights and interests of tht South. Not only should tht nominstirn be rejected tt the South because of its acceptability to North ern freoilisra, but it should bt rejected for other oogent reasons. Mr. Buchanan though tn able ttatetmnn, who would no doubt manag the for eign relations of tb FodersJ Government with skill and success, yet entertains inch yiewt upon various questioni affecting our internal relations as should render him extremely obnoxious to the South, and especially to South Carolina. He it not sound on the paramount question of tht times the slavery question. He it high pro tootive tariff adwate. For these weighty rea loni bt oiiglft not, ia our. view, to receive the lupport of the South." 1 What mor can w tdd? Is not this sufficient and mor thta sufficient to demonstrate our po sition? The far-4 raiim biUi,l,. illt rin- didatemoet tgreetblt to the South, was rudely et aside, and the candidate most agreeable to the North was nominated. The North triumphed over the South, and yot the South It called upon to ling hallelujahs for it. rT,7ii0!oB Herald. W anhlpof the Rising, iYe etllngBsB. Wear t"ld,ln UitocuuiVsrtheclosinV"ot ofthtCinati Convention, thet "thrVW metidous cheers were then given for Bu-Wiaji, three squally enthusiastic one for IouglAod three moderate one for Pierre." Thus It it ever In political life. Tht man whs has no mors favors to bestow, is whistled down tht wind, whilst tlis supposed dipensere of the spoils are greeted with "trcmendoue cheers." The came late awaila these, ia their tura. Should Buchanan be elected, tven with as overwhel ming "trepiendous" popularity as wafled Pierre into the Presidency, he will go out four years hence il h very "mnderate" tnplauae. Harry the officer who can take with him kit oar appnr- betiou, the reward of a faithful perform anoe of duty. du h man le Millard Fillmore. He la worm thmisanri rloeuanane, Djoglasea, aad Pierces. fay. Obt. Jisl 10th, 1856. At I meeting of Raleigh Chapter, R. A. M., Ku. 10, called ia ooaaequence of the intelligence, that Jamas T. Marriott, hss departed tbit life a, ll- lsns, Arkansas, os the Ath of Mty IKifl, the following rrsolutiooi were snsnimoosly adoptsdil ' llrmJred, that we bay beard With tht pro foumleat regret, snd the deepest snmiw, nf ear mwh resieotd and bebned c-mipsnion, Jsmes T. Marrioll, who, far from ths bom tnd friends of his youth, and thns who know him beet, tnd to whom he waa must endeare.1. ia a land nf itran gera, bis been eut dsn in the prime of lite, a' d with aproapsol uf uaeiulneae belur bim, bytl.e baad of vniUaro t but, whilst ibarply df pkrringhis fate, and Sviemnljf imprrsssl with eurh regrol ana sorrow, ws snail ever clieriah In lively t msmbsrane bia many tirtnsa, thos hir i and gsostonaqi aliiiesuf heart, hick so oadearvd him to bis friends and OHepauiunt, and secured to sim a pue) ia our affection. fYurxW, 'bat we bow with eubmisaina to this michnf dianevisethia, know in that the immor tal spirit uf oar hekivedenwipsbioa be pie. t,, the presence of Ilia whole too wm to try pud too gtstd to do wrung Wreif, thai Villie lierestsl wife, friends sa-l rslstivrs of be dernsss-l, we teaHsr our bsartftU ypaihy an I sincere toflilwlaa". UrAfd. U.at a a testimony reanrrt for the Veeaeed, w will wear tlis uveal bsds ef mours- to. Itf.tml, that copy nf the f.ire-.li, j Resota- lions be eaimmnu'irsicd to tfiS family uf the rln. eesd, and that they be published ia the lily A TITALIZI50 UIXESTI TO C0N1UMPTIVES. k rkyatHs wf kl,k ur4-sas4rrwMet)i s fr. J V fkt Is 'I iks S.aal liMiluniaas a-T I Lis "f rxin fnaa erllvs prstrv, at, ku nfarias f-ast Psliamarv flw-aw. IImuk Bails liui I rmik Inla rW kla sr.nk, s ewrs be eaw,u. mSHis, fasfki, ( .U.. m t-rl aVkilits-1 m-4 ki swsrssVat llwwO.n ekn,ullii M 4r.l St all '., ka la Slrv... rr-a Iks arlartnM W ! I , IT, 7 r,',. r."J. TrL7.717?l, I 'kasra. ka w-'l ml a RaaMX. wok a. n a.., -ew aatief enw OTaaaaeaiif iai M. Tka . Is armed fee Posts-. Sad lbs naaeeel-eee 1 paaee) af SkH Addrii f ril t K, iltf ST ft, j ftoi tt, r. fie, Nrw-klla, n t. ;sa,t, !. e-if. MORNING , JUNE 18, 185G Tar the Stan t)etoecrary la a (tow. Ml. Eoln a Aoeordini to nromise. I smd J00 &w lines, 6-r your excellent paper ia ro- w ? "' ' this see,h.a. duui mm since, we I'emoomcy r ) ui .ilartin ana Washington counties, held a e-ntnd encampment at Williamstoa ; and after great deal of ercrei caucusing and srsrs pmlmp, they succeeded in nominating Josiah Cullins, Kq., of Washington county as a candidate toe represent this seuato- rial District in the next Legislature. And, sad to tell, after til their hard wore Mr. Collins de clined. The American party is bow. as it should do. holding back and watching the movements uf the the anlemjittt. ( We Gilmer chape really expeot a little fun about the 4th of August.) This county will seod an American to theneil llouae of Commons, and very likely this District will send an Amerioan Senator, Tb probabilities etrongly favor this result, About this time the Democracy are certainly "down in the mouth," tnd ther teems to be no help for them. A mod dose of Chsrrv will not recruit their languid spirits or animals their troubled ouuiitenaneea.- The prospects of the Amerioan party are htfi ,.r now man iney nave ever been in this section; and the days of forty with the -Log Cabins and Hard Cider," were never mora fUuerin than are thene days, in which the cry of FILLMOKK ivn viiu iikiiAvi S - - ... " " tmo.ii are ecnoine- from iurtb to South, from the Kast to the West. 1 be ilemocrats do not seem to like old Bock ; Pierc wot their choice, but of course thov "will support the nominee of their party whoever he may be." The prospects of our county elections aft very flattering. . Gilmer will very certainly get as good vote in this section as any man hat since the days of V, illmm A. Graham. KECTUS, Congressional. Tuirty-ronrtk Congrcti-riwt Session. WjtsnisuTuM, June 9, 1856, SH4T. Mr. Bright being absent, Mr. Stu art was eleoted president pro tern, and took 'the ehair. , Mr. Adamt moved to take np the bill to amend the naturiluatinn laws tnd mtkt It tht speois' order for Saturday next; which waa tgreed to. Mr. Trumbull introduced a bill to reitore order nd peace in Kansas, by annexing that territory to Nebraska, and abolishing its present form of territorial government. ., ' Mr. Trumbull thought that this proposition was worthy of some consideration, as ther was a stat of things now existing ia Kansas which all good men must deplore. He taid hi did not cart about the bill being referred, as that would withdraw it from tht consideration of tht Sen ate. Mr. Donglat advocated tb referring of the bill to the Committee on Territories, who would make report at tn tarty day. lie wot glad to te that the opponent! of the Nebraska bill were beginning to acknowledge tb principle of that bill.. Mr. Trumbull, in reply, taid he reitrded tht repeal of th Missouri Compromise as tht cause of all tb mischief, and would be glad to rectors things to their former position. ' Mr. Douglass said that if th people of Kan sat would yield implicit obedience to ths laws nf tht land, there would bt no difficulty in Kansas, or anywhere else. At to ths Nebraska K inset bill it it understood by all trus Democrati every where alike; snd be would refer hit colleague to tht proceedings of tht lata Cincinnati Conven tion. . Mr. Trumbull, la reply, taid that the language was ambiguous, tnd each section understood it to suit Its own views. ' Moaert Douglas and Trumbull further continu ed ths debate wlien the bill of the latter was re f erred to the Committee on Territories. lrv Foot oVIivered hie views with referrene to sulgects growing out of th proceedings of tb Ule naval board) arguing agsisxt the power of rat nctiaont to nismiss any Jorrmmimionea offl oen of the army tnd navy, except in hit execu tive capacity to carry into effect the lawi of Con gress sod the sentences of oourtl martial. Tb Senate sdjsurned. Hot-it of RirsumviTtvrs. Mr. Jones, of Tennessee, moved t correction of tht Journal, to ttrikt out tht Bolic given On Saturday, of bit intention to Introduce bill to remove the seat of government from Washington to lbs Slats of Ohio, sod within flvs miles of lbs city of Cin cinnati. II contended that the notice could not bt glvtn, in asmucb as ther was aoquorura pro- tent oa that day. , -' Tht question was taken; but B0 quorum voting yeas 41,htyt 61; The House adjourned. '.. - WtaaiXGTeaj, June 10, Smart. Mr Fneter submitted s resolution di recting tin Committee na Commerce to enquire Into the. expediency of tutborising III issue of register to the Britiah built barqut Resolute, which was alranduned by that Government, and found derelict in tin Arctic ocean by th Ameri eaa whslesbip George Henry, ind by her brought Into the port of New London, where sh is bow lying; all claim to said teasel by the BrL liah Government having been relinquished to lbs salvors. . Mr. Mason proposed that ll.e vessel thsul-l ba purchased by the Government snd rsfttteJ, tnd then eeut back to ths Biilisb Government si s present Mr. Fneter stpress4 bit gratification at this suggestion, tnd ill order tl at il might be tarried oat, withdrew the resolution. Mr. ('rittss4ra submitted s rear lotion, rqa tlngth President of ti e Unite! Steles, la vie of Uie difteultios eaiatuig ia Kenasaand tbt em, ploy mnt ef lbs military f.me Inr th restoration of peace sad harmony there, to trad G so era! Scott to tsklo.isrsandi f ihe-e fortes. Mr.Criltendsn eaid thet Cong-est bad bea la leash n til months, isd yet bad J"fe nothing !orde restoring peace. There bed beea to1 much debate, w bit b bad ths rflVet only to txae psrata. aad to inflame paai's, and lead to eriea fat ion end rn-filr.ioati. lltsa kumiliatirg to itnes Ibstprctsrle la Kansas, If not civil war, there wss the nest tiling thit f te it, tad tht whole Inb sl(1it left lb serk tisronastriirneoa. fisn. heU was U.s prv person In rvad thltlier, lis would earry tn hi left band the sword, snd ia ths right pears, sjliet eaie, Mr. Msaen said hs waa ma) prepared either Is eppmvs or d "approve i f tb resolution. Il at ptsMrd S diavbt as to lb twprw)y ef making sash a reqiteat nf ths I'nmdsnt, aim. sa th mands In et.ief of the army as asll as the bsvv, bee aula iwsr evsr the eal-rt, Mr. frwsrd waa In favor wf sending General fVott tn Kana, Let th .upht it ebueid b d-me ny a joint teaolutt-n. The roMilutiua was postponed an I -I to . Ik Penan paseed a till ( lb relief of see tain eiinl set ls-s ka Miosiaaippt. tad The V nale e lyrearaeH. Ibet at oe rtirnesayavivu. Mr tlorfinrams y rnnswisdlb taa..uie of the Usneiatur Staaear-haaetls IB Snrvicat eaet-leennsln-a eT lbs aaamK Rewator Nrr, 1 key wers laidea ' 'Slrts a sf-terod I b pr.nle.l, an f, y want . OiktrwtB, ' Ik limes lift t'j urufd. SOUTH LOWELL 1 MALI ICASKMY A MEDIC AX KB0OL. OR AWE covjury, x c. Rey. JESSK P. BAGBY. A. B Prineir-1. Mr. JAM US II. SI'tKD, A. B. Ajtoeiata. Mr. A. V. KAi.UY, Asvistant. Mr. LDWAKD M. SCOTT. M T Pe!.tl -t .the Medical School. Ta Fall BaMtoa sf tks Mats tai... .ill T'T?" ,s f J),. The corps of tuMreetora kaa ksae incieaitj. lbs ehuaeuraf tks tHehoal is as .... eaienue Kaaol u ovaiastl ae- Z ki I rrm locsiily stiupsrss : wu la rennl to beatlh an saarahli -tk Trustees and TeaeksrS tWI II A.,,. i u. eulests svsa aioraltly and eemvt neaersl vmws ! "liioa, yet at the raen Uaw tticj will uke seMeial ear. tkai rn.lhm, ia tsugkl that ia at all eestanu, hik lite Tciebara propose i,, aver Uta ma m.mjl Si sal u lbs Si 4 clana Aadeisiea, thay desai il of mark mors importaavs that their iuitrsctio rhoals ks ttonet thas arenn'n. Kiarr effort will k. -1. te issues fcesaeas far sta4y, sad Is cheek vietowi ore. arnaiusa. Trm: Taiiloe la English Departmsat, lit, St, sad la ths Chueitial, ili.od m aeaaioa. A e.niiu...t r " si ii required each sturleiit. (load board esa k okuined, ooaveuient to ths Aratlmv. rn. a? ta month. The Anoeiala Priaei)! orsursckoul is a nstivs t Nth Carslina, sr.a a rrsdssle ef Hasipdee Sidney Caller, s- Tks Principal Is a astivs ef Virsjlais, and a graduate of rUadolok staooaCa I . Hi, hniw ... -;-- I 4"Hea atgniy raeoaiaiasile, nrsm Us -wiw vhwih nuutuB aaam Ullefl, The medical school. , w III ettamesce oath 13th of July. Ths meda ofle- StruetiuB Hill ha bv Lectnn-a. Uuinlinn. ... lii leal ronvsmuonn Katk sttnlent will ks required, st suck titties sa amy ks dv.tanatid by ths Principal, to wrtis a aari ia lha variout branches ef Hmlieius, sad will ks practiced iB spplrlss; haadarsa tor fractures, ste .aBd in tha use ol Kuritieal laMramaata. Dr. ricatt will aikiblt and ex) lain ths vsriwss klnda i oarficai inamiaaists. snd alio apparatiu for ths ad luataantoffracturaraaad dialaeaUnaa. ulunnia requires, drawU and akaris foe Illustrations ia Anal My, aud is the i'rscUc ol Med,,,.. Ia wialev sa epponuBity will kaxivea fur rserelas ia practical A net. eruy. luatead of encakin matm r ! 1 nr M. li-.i.-i n "W" tios sf il ky Or. RU-hsrd Black nail, wkoss wall known ehsrseler sa a Hhyalcisn ens. blea kin to appreciate ths inporunes of suck hiellii as for kladicsl Imlrocli. n as ws proprwa to oftke. Proper sraldcpartkiaM will of rwurasbs sspeeted of gam s- " "l- "J attenuins Siatllesl ncboot. TnRMH. Tha seusl raws tied bv tks Msdlosl Pre. rceti'a-IOO per annum. Kates of kuard as shots WIWI. Ray. J01IX A. MeMsaaerhCka't; Rev-II. ARNOLD, Wr. JOHN B. l.KATUKRS, 1 Mr. WIhl.lA.M8 IIAKRlft, - Coh I), V. I'-tUhlrttl, ossKtary, t toks pleasure iBreeomaaadlns Dr. 8cott' Medleal t.lsas le young rare whs may wiih to read Medieina. l)r. Heoit ia a uatlvs of Or tnga Bounty N. t'arolins. Hs hss keen for several yssrs llaiaonatrater in ths Natloa. al Medical OHIces, Wss .Idi..o, U. C, shcV'.V Bourne, " an toe suvsmeitea ol bseonlng laiMlf quail mini onargo oi a nsuirai elaaa. nr. sjeutt' slaas, on aeetisot ol tha oppomtBliies afforded by kia tr aacniises is rraeueai Austony, will ba ie sdi of thors who lake tha ordinan K,r.. l,-r,M .it.n,li. Leetorsayor (radualloBi as tha aaaleaty of tka aofl parti, et PmeUosl Aaatony, ia reneaatly artUMd. RICHAUB IlbAthSAbb. M B. Juns U, IMt. ' ji 4J tfm, Guide) to the Spring. TI18 VtntHSIA tPRlNtiS.-CoBUlBlB an as souut of all tha I'rinelpal Mineral Cprinst ia Vir ginia, with n raatka on tks nature snd medical ap,,ll. oaMlity el each, Hr 1. J. Mrwsaai. M. 1). Meevsd sdltitia, greatly enlarged, with a syaujiiis and saspaof roowia anu oiaiaares, aa plslas. Alsa, aa sppew. d.i, eoBtalniaf aa soeouat af Iks aataral suriosiussaf us rtsts. ISiso. mania, Bl.al, "VUitera to tka gurlnsa. for balkarralJi.tlM. will lod It paally to tkeir advaaisfts le procure suok a leuabls eade aaewai as thia; sud thoaa who, Uks ou. srlrse, rataais st hone, sas alio sppreeiala snjlhinj whiuk bears upoa Physloal tlaoaraphy ia Its eoiabins. HuBWitk ths kssling art, Tks work ia got up la aapilal styht, aad ths paklie wisy he sure thai It Is as eaioa Beany prodseUoa." M orcaaaa mud Ksaervsr. . Burks' Virginia Springs. Tn. VlRllIMA 1IINKRAL 8CK1MI8. Wllkea. Stark oa tkeir aas; tha diaeaass Is which II fi r ors p- lieabls, at. acenmpanlad ky a wiap of Rooiaa sod lirtsaoee. A new woik. Haaoad e-Jlll-a. twihraicd ssdealarged. By Wn.uas Uuaas.kt. II. llise.aiaslia, II.M. "Na aertloa sf ths world Is Bears fWvaead kv Broi deae la Mlaarsl Waters ef grsat value and tndushied viriua Hiaa oia pi.,i-i., a 'rlia - -i--4.. and Utiticd Aocouat of tkalr ttaaliuas aad Klaets, With directions as to Ihalr l as. biaMwuualwadiul scatlcroao, la kars offared ta tka nabhci aim a Maa wi rvuur-., u. wntr-w ins savaraj waterlBS plaital are reached. Ta iavalids sapoaiallv. who are dirorliaw their slUstiaB lo Katare'a raovedial asaals, wa eoaaaaead litis as straecllliiKaowipanlua; Il will direct Ihslrekaass sas gtiise ineir Journey, In aeart-k af ths dears be a earn, tiict will bare ohlaia aiors tnforavation ra- snseunx tbras ruaalaias af llaahk, tkan frnaa any elk sr aoeres wbatsier Mkdim OmmI, H-h-.. rormiesy , H. U TI KNKR, ,... - . 0. Bowkaiors. Rala ih, June, li. 4 Greensboro' remale CoUesrn. rpil PallRci., ,t ids, will esanasoes sa the X. sist eay I list da. ef July, daucs, k'ael. HaabiB.ssd Lskul ails talUH Is all I Bass,--rutard f twlad ns ntrnt.had Imm io-b. Ike EnKliakkraaebs 47S.ee iBMdealal UI, (or reflra . I SO Day acholan. foe fuel, lye tsvaaaa Xaale on Iks Plaaa sr Ouliar, ;i.M Drswinr, Ik dtadles la Maada, Cray-Hl faetile, IU. nil l ai.tlrn, iS. bstin, IS. rreach Sit. K. u..r faea are la ba paid sae kalf la advaBeo. Ike olkoe half al tka snd sf Iks Boeetoa. Lecturers aa tks 1 bears of Marie will be delivered, free af starve, to thooe kutias Uo Jcrira a lkucoMS kawlads sf thai InlsrseUBf atiema i I Irca'ari will ka s-BI aa applleatlli to Iks President, letoae dealriBg full iflteraaelin. T. M. JOSM, Pre-et. Jaaald. Hi.. 41 Is. iaifi V bile tnlf fanr Il4 riyl)Vit Jpri.tx VTarrrn Cannly, n. f. fpilESR HI' II I Mia are slusled la a k.aliky aad A pieaaast aaeuuaol eowalry, I J Miles lu.m ar rail I on llepat and II mtlae fma HeBdera-aa. saeb of who-k nlaews Hacks stay a (ware ks fnsnd, ready to snsery iMIoea to tka Sprlssa, Tka climate to aalulirioM, the siadwinat elutes cf tka aauvs aa. doahfrd. aa laoud by aw stpinewea ef staleew r aad Iba taeaaiauiew la all eoapwets, (ed. Tks eeubllsbauM II saw epos a Ik aoaptloa af f avals. TRRHit, am el Isat year, vtsi fay Based pay tvwlk, ?l M " . " ", I s " " day. ' I at Far sklhlrsa (ssdar I) sad atrvaats. kalf prt.a. fayrmmt r.-mnl Iks wMs aeaaw, my tkra -il, wilt ka ekariae at tks ISM sf . par atvalk, ot fnr lha a-.o. g-K liAII.I MAIL will hake-rajUt. tka aprtai. . . vrtLLtAM JorJ, Jane 1st, laid. jt im Book Blndln?, JOII1 II. Irt ARTI lti:T Jk lot, - R ALf-IOII. N. C. i Rl Hill snrrylns sa tks fW-k ltl. tlh kealeses j . in sii us keaacaas at ths sol stood ever "I r reran, U, tVoatatar " Their haoreeaed fae-mile win enable them to es seats Iks kinlmf af 1'eraadia.la, kewepapara, lis. who ftomf taaa ead diepakk, si be tor prises. (Was a. ot to Ikaat from say part ef Iks Stats wiik dilerlir-aa, will be townd l say rle denrwd, bused tad Sml Week Ollbcnl deUv A Creey s'i'M.I II. l ARTkhs-T A H,,. Bslel.k. r. jr.t's1-. Vt STATKOF .NOnTIICARifl.lNA. "l " I'ltr Cm try. J Coart ef TWss tad Quarter Rssaiaw May Term, I-.. felili" te ee l Ua4a. W. M. P. I'.rowa, Adss y, vs. kalis al Uw, a f, N'llltaiB A. fiasabls, teas d. I X ll.ll fees, tl ar.r-eaH U Iks sallfaetlca af U I .-rt ti. el Kuu B.M.1.U u - - - . 11.1, rial- 1.. - - ..... - - , . ibm f-e.,ei nea-io I tha Rank ( a,-lins aiar, yai I ike I at i'a.e.ra, f all enaeSeee weal a. kakil4.il tl.a ne.d Resmel neabia tn Sfpoat SI HI keal I eeset, ta ks keld for tht enaklv af-eaeiaid. al Ih I . art Ilea-, la t.ieec. lie, en the tial M4ay of Aafwet sail Inoa aod H.eea to aese and w swwaa, i eat, k k I. wl.y tha peayav sf pelilin k fc- rl-J. W , s-l b.,d eewj tV sf Ikie fc-t.i will J lebee era B 'ee-a na 1 . lee j Hil,M. Mary Pk.fp.ed, I Tewrt .t -t fc, Or.ki.as lle-k nf ear i-S tral M-ia nf . War, I , II. ff;riMt . k. e eprta, Stock if tooti lid Shea rrtHS 8i;tWChlBE bet, km to infarm kis 1 nouteroas tnoa-la sad ewstomers. that ks kaa Jus! received starts and well selected stock of th bslow aaaisd goods Lsdies Car. Kid Court. Hd. Oa! tra. Ceng!. L. L. Bl k Fr. U lifped t:oi'd - 8. C. a Brows " Htitck'd " F-ngk. Kid Bd. - h Bootse. Gaiters, Bootes. Blippere, " Ths Tela Minds. Mor " " Car. Ud " r.rodies. " - k Mor. I M 1. .Slipper. I'uiSias. fSiippers, . Parodies. i' Liutls. " Bronte Ladies Whit Kid C alters, Csah " - Kid Blippers, Hissss nr. ititi Bl'k Mor. nd. " Cul'd - Bosetta, Bootees, . Bl'k Fr. L. Oailsrt, Col'd - i Kid Mor. aad Gt. Bootees Tk k Solas, " Br. A Col'd B, R. Chs, Ot Ws'.t s Mor - - " Ass'd. Col'd 1-ao Oaitars, ' " " Mor. Bootees. (" " Bl'k ii t " " " Ank. Tie. " Col'd h . ' : " Cash Bd. Button 0 niters. . " - fat. Lea. Strop Shoes snd fumpl, ' yi'ith a largt sssonmentsf (ient't baiters, Bostl and Hhoss, Also, Trunks, Vsleioee, Carpet Bags, itatckels tnd Bonntt eases, with svery ether ar ticle usually kept ie a rsaular Shoe 6 tors. All in Want would do well to Call, snd enthlnl before buying, as I will sell aheap for cash er sa six months tuns, to punctual dealer BqT TUB BLBSCFIlltR continues to toaou fkstur in hlsusual style, all kinds of Work in hie line in the most faahlonabls and durable manner tnd at tht shortest notice, and as eh ens as tht timet will afford. i LOOK FOB TUB BWH OS fit 8 RIO BOOf, tliiNHV fOKTKR, Raleigh. MayHtb, J8M. X 2-l, STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, 1 Chathak Covktv. Court if rWai and Quarter gsaslont May Tsrmi 1808 Attachment Levy on Dt"t interest tn Copper Mists, 8. MoLenehan vs. S. 8. Blmmoos. IT appearing te tlis satisfaction ef tbt Court that 8. 8, Himmoas reaides beyond the Jtiritiliciton ef this Court or so absssndsd er eonoesls himself that the ordinary process ef law cannot hs served en him. It is thsrefore ordered that publication be made for six weeks la tlis North Csmllnt Clar, a sewapsper pnbiiahsd ia the eity of Raleigh, notify ing the ssld B. B. Himraoas psrsonaliy to bs sod appear st Ih next Term ef this Court, to bs held for ths eonaty of Chatham at the Ooart Hoi as in Plttsboro', onths Id Honda j In Anguat A. I), IKolk. Then aad ther t replevy or th property levied on will b condemned te sstiafy this recovery. Witness, W. t. Tsylor, Clerk of our said Court, at ofKca In Pittaboro' aa lbs 2d Monday of May, a, v. l coo, ana or amsries inurpenuenoe the '"'in year. W. P.TAVbOll. C. C, C. 2a ew 8I ATE OF NORTH CAROLINA. 1: Martin County CaaH sf Plsss aad Quarter Bsaslsas April Tens, !;, T. W. Hoars sgalset Wllliaa Tladar, Baalat . llart- sosk, Rokl J. Bills and William Boas, rrstUsf uaj.r tks Ira sf vTUllaai Tladei A Co. Aiiacha.at IT sppmiHng sa tks aatlifactloa sf tks Coart that tks u,d Wiltiata TiBder, DaBist J. HertaMika, kubart t. Kllis sod Willia Baa are Baa rendcata ef this Mlale. It ia Ikerafnrs aedsred that pahlicaona be aads la the Hurts Carolina ft tar for ais wevba Betifjief ths aaid defendants lo be aad appear kernes Ike Jei:ires a sar asld Court of Pleas aad Hoarier aaaaiona. ta ba bald ft the said Coastv, at the Court Hwe la a atiawiMai SB tks Xd Monday ie July east sad replevy, or Jus. awl tnal will bs eetaved ay agalaal Ibaa sad ti-s pmperty levied aa applied totke payaianl of tha dchk ,.n. w. Joen.,-11, clrt ol our I or, at slice in Williauiaaoa Ike U iioadajr ia April, I"-. stay asm, I a: a. XX s , MEW BOOKS. Married "ol Watod Mimie Life by hlrsRItchee (Mowatk, Ballad tor ths aWaL by tke Antaer ef Ballad for tks Helitary, Brasat Ltnwosd by Mrs. rarnliala Bee Ilsatry, A aaaa! ef Helen 1 1 to Ihseevery fur 186. Rosen Tablt Tslk, Uardsaiag for ths etoath, A Porsst Trstsdy sad ether Tales 1 1 Orae Oreaaweed, tthuapa Rsosllsetlea t waraiis OIibpss ef A merles Life, Tks Old leomialon ky ft. P. R. Jams. Travels ia tke I ailed feu las aad lab by tb Boa Mies Murray, Halloa l-nhle sad rap! Principles aeea Utraak American h(-ectacles ky James Jncksea darvss. Harpers Magsslns tor Juna tut tsls ky Wi L. poMrnnr. Mf J7 lrVcJ, SJ-f. )r.RlTltS OCA B0 at Uweal sarSesrl.t prtes. ( tll.l al HI It nt'Awn.ewataUlr-f ave (r-.e- tione af rbne) hate of Ias aad free p I Aetd. is kara of licilt-e oieb. kl I I K I llt'XI IUTI tiP I.IMK bs Up mt Inollkaaaek, a Ik l-rela as pewfeered A'u.taeaiehral'd RKAPlNti sad kil df -l W A -CIIINM lhal Sneikeil et- Pvsrv deeelrxlB af Hows end ACRIt'f LTC Absad IIOKTI1 I I 1 1 R 4L leaf oaten (a A fall a n--i ai the etrMoeus 111 IJi .t QAklit'.S l f ;-r B. L. AU.I.N, If t VI Hsieytt" T. ew l ark, ll.j 1st, 1 .. I" - OppoliU the IIj ionic Ixk, MAI be f wa r-s-a. ASaaaa-aa a- TnlUW t aoSlee. e a.l e .-fl W e. f rarSevy and lis ware. at. . aed etes. S- r .. T-a,ea and I 'face, I '-V a' e I Ska If- te ai i (tle), MBr . l r w-r - ffBrr t --Il 'H - " - tmmurf Ut fcJl lav I ' - w to fH. 1 W. t. 'M ! Hiif-.. Aix.l 5V l - I; mif4 pi4h9 M-.W r.oKS' TV flrnl AwiarUaa Ban s ky A.S T o f am t af Vlarilaad. A I ef-a nf tks ASMViraa P ' as e-- I. i tke I ner..a-! a.ewts sf I are f I ..wensa t; 1 - a kiln y. Ut S.V ky . t. r- r May TT. . Tat EoU. Ta S ka j T II t V f f.-V aals S few Taa rWi e st4 e , A ty lie an m4 I eeeij t i ' e-1 i- - : ell., w.'k vteied tee 4 t C et l-l low - j f-r-- tars sf i-. -e tka las reee ,a aa mt f .11. h, B C . W.e, A. NoTif t I'n R l-ea.l W ref .v. , i ttej k - ei s i m w : : a a . ItJt, I It I I N (. ' H Ll.t; '. WAMIIN f mi J - I V-M BV . 4 ! sf i

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