N OR TIT q A RO LIN AlS T A RWED NESDA Y. M O Iiijn NG , JU $ E 18, 1 8 5 G; s I. Selected Poetry, Xuml-er lli praina of sand outspread Yt herever Ocaair billows flow ; Or count tbe blight ftin overhead. At tbeeo in their proad courses glow; Con til all tl.e tribes oo earth Hint ereep, Or that ex and th wing in air; IWuLer th lots that in tin deep -lxisteue and il pleasure ahara; - Count lli green lrave that in the breath " tM spring,' lilith pule ar dancing fut; Or th'je, all fade J, tr.tr in death. Which liit before the wiutrj blast ; Ay! tinmlier these, an trjrriad more, All untio.s,na they rcein to lie ; There still remains no ampler stura " Into Id by, and unknown to the. Afkest thou "Wlm, or what be they t" Oh 1 think uon tlij louruil doom ; v And with niiiiiiiiej evo survey Uho aiieut empire ol tiie toaib! ; Think of nil tltote woo erst bare been ' liiting a tlum art even now; Locking uhu life's busy soeiie With glance kb careless, libt, aa thou, AH then, like tlioe, hare lived and moved, Have awn what now thou look'vt upon, Have fcKr'il. Hoped, bated, mourned, or lov'd, And uo from mortal iglit are gone. Yes, though unseen of human eye, Their n lira slumber in the earth The boon of immortality To them wan given with vital birth. Tbev weiw ; and liav'ng been, they are! Karth but eunttiitia their ulnuld'ruig duet , Their deathless spirits, near or far, . Willi tliine niu.it rise to meet the just. Tliod knowM not huMhey hover near, . VVitiiena of every aocret deed, .With sbunuiiig liumiui eve ot ear, y Thespirits ui tliu ileud may heed. , . A awful lh'. light it is to think Tii9 vifwIoHtt deiid out number all WIhi, liouiid by life's coiinciliiij; link, , ' fiow share with us this earthly ball. It is a thought on drend'nml high - And one to wake a fearful thrill, To think, while all who live must die, , The dead, the dead, are living still 1 . ' t'louds. RT BET. WILLIAM CIOWILL. I cannot liHik nbove and You high-piled pillowy niasa ' Of Kvenin clouds, no swimmingly, In gold and purple pass. ' And think not Lord bow thou wast seen, Ou Israel's dencrt way. Before them, iu thy shadowy ecreen, , l'avilioued a I the day t - - Or tit those rol.es of gorgeous hue, , Which the llcdeeuier wore, Worn ravished from bis follower's view Aloft hit tiijrht he lior. . Whrn lilted, as on mighty wing, ',, lie curtained his ascent, . And, wrapt in clouds, went triumphing ,..'' Above the firmament. ' Is It a trail of that sums pall Of many-ei'lored dyes, That high above, o'ermantling all, i Hangs midway down the skies Or borders of tho,- sweeping fold, . W hkh shall he all unfurled About the Savior, when he holds Ilia judgment od the world ? Forinlikomannerashewent, ' ' My soul, hast thou forgot? Shall be his terrible descent ; Wnea n'aii extocleth Strength, Sou of Man, against that hour, lie to our spirits civon. When thou ahull couie again with power i pou me eiouaa 01 iieateo. b - . - beaaratkia. AV parted in silence, we parted at night, On tli banks of tbat biimlv liver. V tiera tb ImRrant liinss tl oir IkhiIis unit,, w e met and we pnrtvd lorever. Tbe uiglit wind nin, and the start above, 'Ud many a looming storv Orfrionda biig past to liio kingdom of love. tv her the soul wears us man tie of (lory. But ere si ij;liex oar last farewell, Jn wild and bitter sorrow. Cur wbiupcred vows (remembered well) S kn ra.-e to the ooon'iig mom. The lips that clii. tbat vow of mine Are cold as that lot.eljf river, And that t) (tbe liciiiiiiful spirit shrine) Has thruwdrd its lire lorever. And now nn the miInit;!.t sky I look. And in w heart grows loll to weeumg ) ' Kai h star ia to in a sealed book, Nuns tale of lb ! ved on keening. V risU ia tilenrf, parted ia tsars On tbs banks of that Intielt river. ' lliit tl.e (ru -ram-e and Lbxiua of tbi se ly tore tear. V ill bai arovtij its water f revet, CO-PAETEItSIIIP. 1 BP I2 It AAMtKN PMD.-Tbe swksr.iUra are X m1"i to raeriee this inritK tbetr otf-rk M k MeijB mu4 Aisieriea bardea an4 ttrita , wbieb is amen argjra4 saf fatM. Iiaa aay aeriw imp. Thtjtra pe-f re I Uf crtiW er4 rfrrvai merrkaata. ta any prt trf lb Male, tbe mart fatftrable lema, aa-iwtM !(- ibw the fmilrf trfretsrsnag at na -t bvae lMh u Jus-, Psti-e itiBir will pleaM 4 their Wden wbilt - k Is All ettr ac4 are warraated frva atl v atweag tbew are aew m4 s PK.rrD A OATLtKO, iriiIiiUad lwsli-va. kl.xk, X. 0. Jae.31te. i I) f. ffTl D. Uit H.U trmrA a Co p.ri. , awr-b.p ania k bteiHer la law, lie. W tut- t. f Ule "I !.! K. " , eiU rtilM la eo- 4n it u m H i I I'rmg jsttMee aader i-m t I 1 A t.A.U.Nii. W rmwmfK hm U -r iitae ealarglnf a4 Mat. prswinf vwr it, a i. 4 tttall iera a aaa Ureer strk a4 rtU in mtt ti, th4 ki-retu, Mk adh nt tv4 fv-iMtta. Jattiiy av ta wflawihji t frUMs a I 'ft f f ea-eily ismU r tan ttg taearnanta. w are fUe-4 le inlmm ewr ! 4 eaasene thM e4?v4 Ike vatwabl eert at Mr i nH W P "M. te ie sti tr WHft ilHavase A j) .-, at4 Ui f tb trm rl Uaw4 l Nil j ke w ik Mf i-snsf Mr. 4 m. U w - eilt aa-w Wtlk a ta f4f pririp m tke mmt, mm Ike at t t efce lrw.a, j ail iaantf tb Amt and aitjkt. it,t a-iil tn. ri4 mm the tWhib, Itst Mr. fl-u ' 4 tll ke .ft au-adaaree I aeie far tfc trk 4 Uu aiiaaiai wiU e etft tk t..a ftell.. Uit 9ffM il he pfmmi4 f seMMt tVe .i Jdy mm4 Jaaaary la eafcyaae, ""k tke faaeebaeer, anB let mm art flw.flAn.f5a, t)e wot w. A It er !4fel ilse ritn4 if - ,n if ffwit4 a fif v.M i ! 4 be !' W- .le 'tsP .4 ka a f4 ft kf at Mr i uj,, ar tie ptw eaH m tk -k i-s-e, Mis e wai a 40, 4 s 4 He ftTe Its -fttU a 4 fur n t-"--r ti 4wa-tffe a-4 e t ftei t UmtI ;-e ( ike rrf ike f' .4 1, AllK. ytK Ar-a. I. -t el a et eee f-e all ka t wl f .m a 4 r.aifoTBj ef ths American Friy f ortk CaroUaa ' At a CunveatKin of the American rsrty. held i at Raleigh, on the l'JUi of October, l8o5, the fu- lowing resolutions were atopteil: KcvUntl, ihat, as the oiws which tendered the secrecy of tlie American prgJiinxatii'tt neces sary in its infancy, no li.npereiit all the secret eeretnmiiais of the order whether of initintiont obligations, eiRS,:eoniititutions, Mtunls, or pass words be aholi'hed that we do eonntitute our selves into a mibiiclv-orffnniaed wrtif that we do .1,-iiu.w. u. h..i.i; wl , ,......, -" ot our nrinen.lfHi -mid we do licreliv invite and . - - -. --j i jnToke the aid and eo-opcrntionof all thecitiiens of the Stale without regard to their former polit-) ical alhiiitioi.a, ia maintaining and curryingout j the great aims, principles and objects if the, American 1 arty. J . Ktiolrtd, TJ.ni we do hereby ratify and en-1 d'ime the principles enunciated in the platform J ol the AmerkXu party, by the National Council of the same, begun artd beU at Philadelphia, on the 6th diiy of June, 1H55, in rclhtion to the po- same lime, we consider the three great Jiritnary'f liTiciil policy ot the tiovernment wtiiist nt me principles of the organ iznlion, wincn eonatitute the Wis of our jmrty, as paramount ininiar!' U1UIQ U, Bll 1MIIC Wl fw 1 1 11,11.. II LUI (.uiiv. llanlrtd. That thee thrte great pi imnrv prin ciples are, firtt the confinenicnt of the honors, omcea and responsibilities ot political stntion, i oniieriairgiivprniTieni.tn native-born Americans ith n clue rccriv 1 at the same time, to the pp- tection ol the lincign-lHirn iu nil the civil rigliln and privilege' guaranteed to freemen by the con stitution, whether Federal or State. Sfcnmllii, Koistiince to religious intolerance. and a rigi'l maintenance of the great principle of religious trccdom by excluding from orace and power,tho.ewliowoniil percrcutcforopifiioiissake howoulii enntrol the politico of thecountry througi! Church influencen or priestly interference ; and lio ackni.ii!.i((ean nllfKinncc4o any power ot earth whether civil oreocleKinfticnl as paramount to that which they owe to the CoiiKtitution.. And, Thirdly, unswerving devotion to tho Umion of these .States, and resistance to all fac tions and soctintiiil attempts to weaken its Ik mils. l(rolmt, i li it in all nominations tor political station horrnftcr to be made by the American Party, it is recommended that the same he done in open public meeting nnd that all those who agree with u in principle, and who concur in onr aiii.c and olijecU. shall horcuftor lie recognised j an niemliurs ot the America n Part. Itcsolml, That it e recommended to the American party inthis State to hold a Convention ! of delegates, to be atipointed in public primary Bieetitics iu the respective counties, intin ensboro on 'I'lnrrsday the lOtli day of April ri.cxf, for the purpose ot nominating a candidate to be run by the Ameriean Part Sir Unvcrnor at the nest election that each county appoint aa many lielegates us it cnouses, nnd Uitit tho mode id Toting in said convention bw regulated by the convention itself. iMowot, That wo consider the 22d ilnv of February next the time heretofore selected by the Niitinnnl Council of the American order, fur the iiomintitinir of candidates for President and Vice-President, as too early n day for that pur pose and vte do hereby recommend to our brethren of the Aincrican party throujiliout the Lnion, the propriety ot post polling the holding of aid convoiitioi. to some time in tbe months ot June or July. , Ji'enoeti, However, lest such postponement may not take place, it ib deemed advisable to appoint two (Megaics to' represent the State at Ii't5 in such noinit'Otinn Convention, and it is recommended to the American Party in eat h Congrcjjoniil llistrict to hold primary meetings io the respective counties, nnd appoint delegates to 1 Mitnct t onvcntlhii, tor tbe selection id n deleptite from each respective llistrict to said noininatinf! Unnventlnn. UriKtlred, that an hxecutivt Central nmmit- tce of five, he appointed bv this hoilv, w bne du ty it shall lie to attend to the gcnornl concerns o the American pittv in this State, to carrv on the neeessnry correnpondenco, and take such inedp tive steB) as may be deemed necCFsnry for tlie more thorough organti ation of the said partyj and thol said tieoutivceomiuittee he authorised and re(uested to appoint a County Kieoutive Committee fur each Oupnt in the Htatnt and that said County Kiccut.ve ilommlttee do further appoint a sub-comn Htee tor eaeb electirn lire I Cllif-I in tbe cuiintv villi ' aniore tburniiieh I and complete orguiiuation of the American par ty in North Carolina. Fiatrbrsa of the Aaaerlcaa Party, adopted at the arsalon ot the National lounrll, Pebruary 9lst,lsi.t0. ' 11. An hambUarknowUdTnentto tb SaiirenieB- inf, for hif prgttit)t as-hMft-d to our fntbrrs In their rtn ecMfal Itevolutlotiery itmpslr. aiid hiiert maniretled t v, their drm emiuM, in the ireierratian ef the libertie, the li;deitidenee, and the Union of tkese Mates, Sd. Tb perpetuatlf n of the F'lcrtil 1'nlon, as tb pallediam i'f wr i-tti, ard trlifioup"liberilrt, and the only sure l-ylwar of Ameriean lndeptridrare. , 0. a1inirn fcurt -' Amer-ny Bltd to thtS end, fr-liini rituen fhnH be selected fr all Ftatw. Prtlcrnl i tid mm lci l Iflces or iroeernmettt employ. ufftt.bj rr-fH D'elo all tbra: lieeertbelees. 4tli. Prrne bdra if Ataertnia nirenti reaidierleai- purarily abr.m.l, fhuald be entitled le all the tight ef aatir burn eitisents l ot, Ith. No person ib.ld be leet d for political at. ti'in, (whether f unlive r f reiga birth. wbp rerojf ftte any allriaftce r l'liralton nf any deneiptinn te any fort ifH iirmce, fotentate erpwcr, ar wha rrfetee ta reerniF tti PfNleral ead Ftate etirti(otm,iMeark withia itr T4iere ar paramount to all dtber laei, as 1 rales effHihtifal action. tk. Tbe ut.t4al;r4 reenrftltk aad n.a In tee a nee ef Che r-eerTrd nhu of tharteral ftstte. ai.4 tbe ewl. (Wat ion of himmiy aa-l Ireterwid mut, fe, twea the tii.fras et ihe eeral Mete, aad totbis ead, hoa laterf. reftee l y C't';ure ailh qattloni . trtaitln; rli ly t- thf h.n l F intra, and iH.fat'entifsvh by r k rute with tli.- it n of any ntber tMe. Ttft The reeoirn tinft at ike ei-bt "f the naUfe-Wft and anhiraltrrd rtuien at the rnitatl Htate. per at a illy reitliPg la any Teriltftry tbereuf, tn fmaie Uieir euEtatMnfioa -.f4 la, aad t r ( ilete tbetr aWmeaii and eneial affsiti iftthrie ua Mwde, vabjrw taaiy tw tbe wrtrrlrlAra y O t rU ral t'n-eiifati'.n, ike ptiti lIT ' admi4t4f lnte tbe I ntm ah reefer tbrys-kaie tfte ree'ite ftrt"ft t ete Bet-reeentatiie la Co fTT rat-laiVW farsa tkftt k tb-fM Wb r tit werat af tb Tailed Mslse, wsdar tke fwtlitHi aad laws (btret.l,a.d k kfte a lied rrudefte la aey ia k ItrtliiH-f , vefcbi l ieitatia la U forai4ia) t tke e. asiitui vft, ?r ia ti.t eaaftsaetii ef law far aaid T rriluty or Htate. - Hk. An er(trersaeat f tlie eiftelle ibsrt aa ffiBteur Term. y a -bt t elii Mfterf ihaa ejiiteft of the Tatted Ptelrrte tk rijrbt ttt ewtrafet e? af kwldifg lift, al sAro, h. A rbsairelft tV law af Sjatwrallrafleft, saakltif ft ai liaed fiis ef t"aty tm yert, ef all ftt kribU ..rs nvi4 4 lr, aa i4ifsil,e r;ieite fu eiliiw k!B kervafiee. ftd eieled ae aM ,' r. Bed jswa.iia 4utaiart ajJ art ttum. trmm lmm.tl.rn sat. .at a9m 1 wrr fcatt a tftterterewea ft ilk tk tt'tU riWte af feTaea, Ifttk, OftpAiiti. ta aay sml Wtwea O.erfb aal flat: r.v if rs t;k rr: sfaastttk. a arfcip. ftwd t. t H ik fur i f f. lltk. ftmaed tkrwatk toveftigetUft late aay aa4 all ili-ed mi" mi -utille finsrti4 r ft. aa4 ft tt ftetsasinay la fftMle MMi4ttiiee. Illk Tlaa m.ai..aasa a.. , a, fnsrMsusi as. t m.H I. as.. .iHeiieeHyeaa-te4.aafaaaidUe.-ailWt 4.r kall W dseleewd ftaU a4 ts4 ky .s.i4ira4 Jftd e--l aikri. IJtft. Ityfl esatft UU f4)ft ftftft Wftwie faBtir af Ike pearta4 e'lsHiawtawtliaj) la ike fwfml ftsia efti at .r B,l"Mt aff a4 av-r fBUHt i eka ta twea-ntac " A r irasa ky 4m i ( a4 -ssrsttie ia ftflrie. rrva R , tM 4tag iBfrtmi am auiait ia u n !. i m Irek'..f ,oMn rfWv S it., rf.f.r.s.4 aa IsmIihI a. 4 ewr41y brat..l. I, w.r4 IS. .talwpi.mi aa aba la nNai.t ti,a sgtiatloa, by IS. v, et h. ltlMmrl I .-U a. aWnwa l gvwalig I. aa.loe.ti.c4 htiin ihm .igbi a .. ia k.a. . w. .ad Hebraist s. a.wa ia raf limine sao. i lb. knuai s ,a4a ,o i a. i . I. ta. eTW Ho, ahltb pliMi iirtVi. ml IB. m-f iftauia.wf It., f v.t.ia.al t aa aval la riiifTMiaf avil.r4wa t i C'i :w U-r,B M)aUew e. r' ' 4 aa B'.. in 1st l4nB.nf Uli.b.' VI. I 4 0mttt9 fa ri-m. Itb. Tltef, Hi rmf sta'.f .!., sad few. . IB. 4:,, "t af i.w.., w.,wl.- t.,aief l!..r. ft' m. . . i4 B. td . tb. A awevy my-m Itwj llMt 1. ke.l..i.. M.taw ink. t.t ek Bl. la I tllt k... ..'karii. S..Mr4 io. -.tj I . r., t,.i. a, s. as S. .Bjwt,.! Ik. KiMl ..4 tttef Sal B b'la "l1, HMto.'t ol .M W f'.mmt tW lb.a.t f a.4 4aiM. al' kkioik. r.4r lk A ! aaAw 41. S aU kIHImI peiJv,fb-. wknM4 la ws poattorua. ( Risf't.rirH sad frbSTj, a t fW I r i. II. a B . i i kl R. Ap.,1 i, i,ve, i- I Iim 1 aif .art at. m CARPETS, OIL-CLO'IHS, kc, kc At low Fries fog Cash I , GEOEGE E. L. HYATT. XoS.414 1KB 140 riIL-TtirT, XtABCuiHAH, SEW YOUK. HA8 now In Store and is constantly receiving a well assorted stock of Carpets, Oil-Clot lis. fce., to whica he invites public attention, believing, that an eaamiiiati,.n,f bote quality and pns will prove s;tislactory to 51erchanU and ta rnr- cb.Mri praeruiiT W,o buy for cash, c " Ills stock eonsmts or r,. , Velvet Tapestry 4 BruMe CarpeU - ' 1m Kern Daign: fj EUIOR EXGLISJf d A M ERIC J Xi-rL4' ' '"' Carprtf ; Comprising many Few Tatterns, mad expressly for Gritt class trade. A Uo. Tyiiiicd snd plain Venetian Hall and Stair Car pets. ibW lotbs, In widths from 2 to 4 fcttin various i'.ich Mosaic Tufted and Common 'Hearth tlugs ano lloor Msts of ilitfcrent sorts. Table sndTinno Covers of choice fatterns. 4-4, o-4 and o-4 Ptaid and plain Mattinga. tviudow Shades of Desirable Styles. Stair Covering, Stair Rods, and all othr articles ubiibiiv Kepi in ' nrpci iiorcs. iA; IS ALSO AG By T FOR SKLITXG t'niiiart & Njt'a Tower Lonm llnee ply nd In frmin ('arpeta, n wpH Hi Brtrbcr'n Aulmrn Vr tund ifrnHfcls Ingruin and Venetian Curpeti Ami liujrs, K4YAKD TAYLOR'S E W IIOOi. A Tf AIT tit INDIA, IIHHA, LOO-C1IOO AHDJATAJI, IS TUEIEIRISiS. BY BAYARD TAYLOR. "Tfllh elfgnut Steel engravings. Uino, cloth. Price Tbie volume if a record 4f the nuthor' own experi ence (lining a jcar'n trnvel in the iibove niroedcoutitrkc and is hiLmkd to convey nn uorurntc idea of their pre. wnt phyiiml and focinl ouptirt. The romlt of the writi'i-yibervtioiiii sro given in the time delightfully untTiral tyle u.la-h vharactvrivvi Inn prvvluu wurkn. "We welcome with plcactirc this long promised work Thelatof three volumea compneing the travcte in tentral Africa, Kjrj'pt and India, of one uf the mott in ftcrntipablc travelers or the day. We know of no book of Hw kioi that ktvp the rtmder'i attcutiuD io much alive" Hundnv liefateh. "Mr, Tuylor has earned s reputntion ss s trsveller, never equalled by any Americiili, and surpaeiied by but few pernonR now living. We venlurs the acnertion, that thisjiew book will be genernlly confesned tobebis greatest and best work." For Sale by W. L. I'OMEROY: Oct. 2Tih 120 Buy and Fhrurrnl tm R'tt Trmt, Dry Gs, Groctriti, Jarming taptaciiis, EooU CARRIAGES, FRUIT TREES. K irtWlWSJ aTUas aT CJH NAf IN " CITY OF SEW YORK, AT tH Pr.l CIT. COMMIMION. Xiere So Hon. W. A. Orahnn, Q. . Bsdrer. D. L. twln, J. H Morelieaa. C. F. slunileaball, J. W. Oikera, W. Weodna, and oUmtb. s, law PETER W. HINT OK' COMMISSION MEBCHANT, KOS. 23 AND 2ti BOTIIEBV'S HABf, XOUFOLK, VA. CPECIAL attention psid to selling Tobacco, Fl-oi a, LJJIlBAIS, I'OTToa, A AVAL BTOSKS, C, SC AISU I. Ueoeiving nnd Forwsniing lols. HKKLH TO diss. L. Hiuton, K.. Wake County, N. C. . U. U. Hoalhse, F.x)., Kaleich, N. C. Oeorgs W. Haywood. K.o,., llulelgh, N. C. M m. Plaumsr, Ksq. M'arreaton, M. C. w . 8 Drees Goods- IJI.AIN FlirnmiriaUrimd Mnpen mkt,mi X " blai-k Watered do. tr.v i-hap. , ' -eniiia I'Uiil, rilrifiefi. Figared and .uiin Ilerage. Chali, llersjre- lis las. French Jaeete andcomsa Lawns, a larK ae'urliaent at very low prices. Uinghaue, Brillianiet; IMain. llotted and Figured Swiss alutlins. 11. L. EVANS. Mareh 2th, 10ii. IF YOr AllF. FI FFEBINll FIIOM KICKKFSS OK pnin, if your rkia ia tbit)iV(l, or covered Altb any eriipliun, if your hair noiuansgeable turning giy, falling mil, or rcfua.'e to ears, if you would have a tleaa snnutb soil leeib, csilat l'eerud snd Mailing's sad yuu willfindlhs greatert variety of Medieias, Coeaieties, Frepajatloas lor tb. I!a:r, 1 A ih snd Hkia, Haspa, Per fumery, Jlraahessad 'neabs.uM.B very faverarlelerms. Itesder, if yoa woaM look Witer, more rbesrfnl. Bad bs free from any of tbe ills .1 life, rail sad ae l'h.-l.ll4WAll.lNU February 3a, ls, if. A NEW WOEK. BtiKsiwa ra vhi sorv-w lirw. n. 1 f plei. insn Wliits.af A then, fleorgia. A ssnst seiss. no.1 t-ir .very depnrtmeat, of Honieub mbrsrlsg the Vegrlable Uansra, sad lb. Fruit Harden, s4.pt.-d partk'utarl) to tbe oalberB etatsa. 1'lie II Jl. Te be obtained tf ail Tl.,kellen, ar seat by as pr. pata losny part ol I a. lama oa receipt .1 pries. C. M. hAXT'iM A CO. Agrin,tiai.l Itu,k l-ul li.bra, 14 F.lt.a elre, Hew Ywk. April, Js.l, lit. I t IfYOr Wlrll A TRI K AM) FAITH FI'U LIK l N list of y,mleif t rfrieti.l, eallssa art on. f thus g. mi prodto-.a oniyat IIAVb.i A MALLON's) I'be tersplile Wallery. "VfFrirX. ALL PRIiKHS ISPFBTIII TO MP. will plaaM sail aad arttl. IK.tr apr"iiOiai daslely, as IutiImt iadulgMe Meant W allow 4. T 4. IIAVf .Hrt. Rskisk, April 14, 144, . . II A Lsug. Stock of Wonted Ooodtv. Vil'ri l'bM, I'.l'ohro,. ka! Ftai b klfrio,allaaaarS -brpia liiltbe, " Low piie.d l.bia. frnai lf ta II. (Vlorrd rt..lli.r.l li a, . tlrn.. ..a lir..! m ge, fi-r IrsvsHag Presses, Fd st aMHaa kiika. W. H.dt E.i. TI CK Ik. rrnr, oils or Cognac, Win and Rom, wiva MBtrwtit rutu si CARSJI.SV sl IIAkr I . ' ii 4 : flatt T.rt:f. ISlf. fATH.J-wsl wew4e1 ftsMtWr ' -Av tVJ lBiterltD work W. U TOM I.ROT. t (rtobeTl1. I" ij, l.'ft j - - - - - fIMViR A Ul niVK.-Wf lm Jut r-4t i J ete liaa'fw4 ( t 4irf rVwaa-fAe laaf. ' tMa,wkU wiU as N kw .y I tM TBI UATllxa. , Frkrury 1", t-tl. 'I'll SH BIT AKTrairii.rg r..k wiik.ewiik. I Jl . dl.. M. C Mank II. Iw. 0llsTn S ClllkilPTST Of COWJIdl tl LIFa. Jaa rrmvesl t bugs ly iMa tm'.f saia.Us wart. (. loMriuT. ' l lb M as Aptlb )U B4 10 eUS. a Urge aad llf.t a...rvl ft Moarwlaf la4anwrtsl t v.;.eB Mr Ladisa I a.ikis0 ew'irs'i assr. W. I.IL $, Tl I '.LS. .jlprtl I, 114. IV W rtlB .1 ...MS l.ilra, w.'kiag si' Ml , Kii.to s.4 P .Iw.ys i ..4 ..-. . Ha a. iipibv. Aped I. !- ( till I - It. Um a j ft ., a . i. s. s-. 1. MowRLM. an-as. Wmmm to.4 s4 A rmmm m . Books ! Books ! Books ! WJIXSIJt AXD I Tbe Kw PanksM, or earlv Y ytun, iata Ut H tii, r RoUsrt Carltoa, Ks. Bllepuerheiia. bj lrVmscy. Hods of hiawstba, bv LaKfrHew. H.ty M-sd ana MoHusnM.br Abbott- Slrabo. tj llaniltoa a Fslcua. ,-t.'' Mrmnir of Cutberins, ot huvMa, her Sueessef. TevcriBo, bv tieorr Hseil. i V'"T V F,r.i toJJ.rv th.iaoi UlKood; ot tbs Furtll Hoy. . .. meat t run fcek, the w ifeof ths iLer at tb seeoeil Adam, by ilald- jltwoirs of Hrnry the Eililb, ef Iglasd, sad his is wiven, by ilerlrt. Ths PlsaW's VK-iiaft, or Iaeideaui sf Asierieaa Slavery, with iUovlrwtii'ns. Tbs Matrfe (Jirl, Or Lif renss as they are, with illus trations, ' . Walker's Vaniy Exerelsest eontalriinf; Bowia)?, Fail ins, hiding, liriviiig, fencing, Hunting sad bbouting, lllnitmtrd. . tJray's Klepry, illoftralwl. ' ' Livos uf ths Ijiioi nol Knglsnd of the Hence of IJnn vrrr, hy Dr. D. Uubib. Mcimjimif lir. niiijisua, Uta liccidBlof ths Voion Tbeo.lt,i;irttt ScBjinary. i Wbi'lrr,s history wf North Carolina, llhwlratod. -Tl Arch Biihuji, a Rumsainnla tbs b'nitsd Slates. By Orrills S. lUli.le, illn.u-sieii. . The American Cottage Cookery Book, or lioasekeep- iat ui:ie. hapy. The Prince of Peace, or Truths for ToaagID!ciilns. by a la.lv. The Land of the Forum and the Vatican; or thoughts and Skelcbfs, during an Envtr PlIgrimagsteRome. FfM,ti.' skeo-hos of Viririnia, 2d Hcnes. Wlmtii Presbrtrrisnisnit by tbe Rev. Dr. Hodge. The iimrHl and liiiollectuul diversity of Usees, by Knit it Hat. - - The little Kpiieopslian, or ths Child taught by the rrnrer nook. Rermuna by the Rev. Robert South, D. D. The Ma Darn of Creation: series of Familiar Let- tem, from a fiitber to bis imldrea. Dairy and eorcjpondniiSe of bamuel Pepyc. Juno Cliford, by a Lady. liniry and eorre.-ponilMice cf Jnba Kvelyn, F. R. P. Hbt'irirnl and lieFcriptie Hketohes of Korimk and Virinrty. llluntraled by W. fl. Forrest. The noetrv and mvnterv of Drcnins, by Charles Q. I,.'fln.l. ficmveker'i Trnrels. Voysgcf Kianid the World, from tliedenth'ofCaptain oixl to the present time. For sale by H. D. TURNER, N. C. Bookntore. Rnlcigb, Pee., 1855. 47 Who is Sam? The Son nflht Writs, or 1776 and 1855,0 history oj the Hmeaud Irogrtuf-oJ Uu American lai ty, ami its jn-ifbalJe htjiuettre on tlit next J'retidcntial Electim. Io trhirh is added a Hcnrw of Ike Letter of theJIon. Umry A. Wise, atuinst Me KNOW-NOTHINGS. jf--Tbe fint I) win rat inn of Independence, proclaim ed by our firci in 1771. the m-ooud their)Ult. in 1455 . Freedom from t ore i en Kule ! ! ! Thu wurk ie fruin th heo ot one thoniaghly ac quainted with the undenurreat of Americnn fulitirii. and the ranto vhtrh hve led to tha nitinr corrun- Uon iiibigb plats1. 11 trace ot clearly the operation ofafureiAin eitmcut in onr fftirrnmnti initiUittons. and ihowii thut the iVons of the Boil ebuuld govern the Soil! Thii i the author itrone poiition, which bo main tnim hy (rreiulable nrpuincutint Tliia book it one that ahonld be In the hands of arery nntir born cititen an well as foretirner, Tlie Pnlitit-iani will bare it, of eoarie, for they bare a perftonal intcrrvt in the question "who will be our neit rrfKientr' it will prouuee a ratuing among toe dry bone of old politicly pvrtiiana. C0NTKNT8. Cbupier 1. The Amerttan Party. Causteaofiu origin. V. I'rtmip) Btated, Illustrated and Knfon ed. 4. TheObjeri whieb tbiOrrantaatiia aitu to Aceomplirb. 6 The necessity of such an Or- Smisatiun examined. A. The exigenuie of tbe Time eiohd an American Party. 7. 1 be tree position of tbo Party. 8. Tbe Rapid Pr.gresand Wide Extent el its Influence an Argument for the Kirelli nre of the Amerlran Piirty. 8. The Plan ofOrerntiun adopted by the Arneriran Party. IU. Ibe Prvbblde InDutitee ol tho American Pnrty nn tbe next Presidential Election. 10. Review .f llun. II. A. Wiw'a Letter. Price 75et. Just publiilrtdand fur sale by. li. D. TIT.,-KB, N. C. Cook tore. 31 Raleigh March, 8 P L EN!) Td BOOKS t) H1TAKKII si.d published expressly for J Fall nnd Holiday s.iles ot Jbo4 56. Royal Uvo .Series Mpiendidl lllaslrstad. The P les of tho New Testament practically nnfol. ead's Female) Poets of America. Thoroughly ,1 1 liar fa Female Trose Writers o(Americs. Tbor- ouliiy llevistd 'Fuia'l QwtrtQ .Sri-iVi Spltndidty lUvntrafejl. (loodrit'hVfjems uf Htitth l'ovtiy. rortraits Tbe Wl ite Veil, a bridal liift. Marsulr's Lays of Ancient Roike. Tupj.ci s rroverbial I'bilotophy. Crows) Orlare ,Soi .-Jfiirny Ilhmtraltd. iMenhenner a Jerusalem and Its facred Locsli ties. ' , rlteven'sDow ia tit Cloud ; A Book of Cnnsola- tioa. Keata'a Complete pbetieal Works. Kirk v hite'a Crat eta Works. Rog'T's Compl etiea Work. ijsswsF.en'a t!oaifwar poetical Works. jtAvals' Irish klelotiir. a Fditk May' Poetical Worka. TJsaaJ'roverbialisi and tk Poet, t Vsliet of Modem Art. First Rerle, Cabinet of klodera Ait. Heeond bcrles. Lyric of tk llssrt, Etc.i tc. Uy Al Watt. Rseords ef'Womsa Bear af tk Affection sJ Lie, vy Air, ileuaus. II. D. TCRSEB. K.C. Uookatar. Ral.lgk, Kov.;lh, 1M. 1 40 tk "I Capita! Itok fr tke Bnnr-Circlr." HAetRkw VACATIfiW, ar PkUaaapky at lioasa, by W.C. Rxbard., A. M. H ..N.I.4 a ais ebuaalengrwriuas, fross derlraa by Ibaaitea, On. vtibaaM, lasso, cloth eatra. This ko. t la eVaisa.4 bs BBstrwct as well as ta de light ih. row; readw. It mti la sr.'k tbe saoet kwi.lil.l and imfrt.nl Irwlbs aad rrtari.i f wmi rat St tesww bs IB. faa, laallag gaisa ef stM7, Tk iaet 4. .u wklcb eevwr ia ihe eaieteece ef happy Saaiity gnmp, rlag tbs tkitiiuas b.lidaya ml lb yoaag pe.o., ar. ail smads I. Batai.r Be ta.ur hB.wl.4aw ml pktlMopky, ThsaettaVaial fall ml dlak froai It., ta. Bvs el a ceretM rmiw fwruaa tB). I. St mt a'diseaai.loa mm gra tlani.a. Tkrfrwt wckafMatk. wiadew f.aa' a mmmm b.KI.1. fWii.f aaoei the ears, a srbl'kv' TMrt a 11k a a awt kce" tbaas a4 a kav,4rr4 4ke ap. par.at triage ae pegs Bfwa whlb sr. bang Ik. aarM valMMe l'W.i ml peaeiml wiaeWss. Ahwh all UM bis.'! 4yriral arbraee see ilt.trsl4 ia tbe 4e veLaMM ml lb. Vmrjt aad tb. I.iell real ekl 4 saas gal I er avar. dlatisrt sad o .WaeBbvwt Ikm, .1 aafoM'bilt, h)l fotkywles IbastMels aad i-mm- ae ml Hmrtr mm 4 hi. eMtpani,.. tkat k. ewwld pu. siM ... trmm toll koe ea aHesM la lsaivt'l ksr4 auady. I er sale ky m. v. 7i sirs, R. C. tr.okatee. SaMgk JairtHry lts. b LA TEHT.A.Stt KEt- ri'HLICA TloXK I U F. I K a Feet, by J J) l.y Nat, er tbe Tbrs Appmtiet Hlae Ijsi ml teaaewtteat, I ed ef l V. Tea kibt. la a Bar K ea. by T S Arlkert klaeaary aavd Aatl-Masawry, ly Creigki CryMalia. a tb Hslns af Fall Itawa Caatlau ky Hk. ua; Tasary af CkrUlaalty, by fjrayswat , Setkera frwea tb Three' Calibrate, by V t War I; Ualel. A Model tmt teaag klea, by Ik Bev W A Pe-ss, t. D.i Mswy af tk wkll tfeaateta. wllk IS alata. ky (kakeet , rVkawt Araklteesara, ae raalrikaiiea la tb lpre.B.aie af alM(.MMar la tk B. ., tk kaawewas Itlarfrattw. Old ferfateae, mf ritrteaJSketekeeef WeaUra rro)k.r.ola, by k Saattk, p. p. k'sawt Weod.ky I tatlp, I me Hla ky H l Tl R(B. eleiga,t.iw'tl. Jl. C. tk Sie. Laftrr a4 Taolsr-ap riper ffVl t-4 bl UsM r.mm, tMet All'l kWaea. -.tk II aa Smsbs gw4 mi mm Uux Fepw, trim It, vasta' St. 1. swat t,.. g I Wk, Fs-r " frks tl ftrsaa, v.o . fa Bel kg ii a ft fr. C I sWigk, Hay task. ntart, s cmJ.i SM.a. Immm4 r .. b Immmmi m4 la4i, l.wMia. Knwkt B-. .bs INf4 bM.4 IBAif, "b. fcS M1M f mm I . aanai . sWs 1k. FnakB, wim 1 s riaa wt, mmA b'4 Iwlm, WARREK L. TOMERY. No. 16, FayetUTille Street. Ealeigli, H.C, as J 1ST nciiviD Weod-.otr, or Carolina Carol", i' couictioi or X0IITE CAROLINA POETRY, Caaptitdby Tcnclla. 2rote.l2so.f 1.75. rpnu Volnuee of poetry a preseoted to the pablie I baa tbeir oriina ia a-eulleelion fur the eomiiiler's ta ass. As It iarreaaad. tew friends expressed s' wuh lint il theuld fceiAederrd ar t aiflete as possible aad pabiisbeoi luat every North Csiobaisa micUl have aa opportunity of poescserng la a permaneut and eoa venient form, a eopy ot many pieces Ibat tbey bad prob ably read aad admired, and perhaps tor ' time preserved from regard for tbs aatbors. Eaeouragcd by tbeir kind ro-ouoration. tbe work has been steadily though slowly, growing onlil it has reached iu present sixeilboagh it b.y been iuipotriMcto procure many pieees which jt was ftiougbt could be procured, yt it is hoped that thi Best atteuiDt of tbe kind io North Carolina will aieet with the laior of the citiieiia for whose o- tho work is principally intended. Though ws may not have irodaceit any very great poets, still these "foot prints of tbe Mne" will bow tbew we pontes sous of - lhiB poets thnt are sown PjLature; me'a eniluwed with highest gilts, The Vision snd the faculty divine." . e ' "'., It Is from onr knowledge of Uu writers that many pieees in this collection will deriva their interest, aad though viewfll by the sererceye ot erltisiea., mey wouio have been rejected, still it was thuught that pablie x pcitatioa would have been disappointed bad they been omitted.- -fPiiKWia. For ssle wholesale and retail by the publisher. THE FAVOBITE AUTH0KE88 OF IHE SOTTJH. A Sew Sovel by the Anthorof "llont." iVs Edilion, 10,000 Copie; Ab Ready. THE HIDDEN PATH; A Koret. By Marian Borland, of Ru hmond, l a on elegant VZtno. rot. 4o4 i aye Y-m,i20. rpitEitraor'dlnarysuoceiofMlss Harland's "Alone X runnjug tlmiuEn eaitionatter eaiuon, witn great ropiilUT re published in Jinglanit with a still larger ante translated iiitothe French snil tierusn lsnguages with miirked sueeeaf is fierhapa Ihe beetsvidenoe of the orieiiialitv snd fxipulnrity of bet writings. In ths luniimieTOf an eminent critie "the msy henceforth Hike rank among tbe most successful noveliata ot the nited States. "Tho who hsve read 'Alonsi and these who have not, should will be interested and grsttbed to know, that a new book bv Vir Inia's gifted authoress, enti tled 'The Hidden Ptb,'4 now rcsdy. Beautifully as Mnrion llsrlsnd' hna woven tbs threads of life ta oilier romance snd sunn: flic is a lioetens of rare fc. liitv we sre sole In mtiilictini that her aew work will surpass all her previous elforts in flue delineatioa, brilliancy an!wer. and that Mr. Derby will b called npon to record it oa his books ss one of the most popu lar and vuceeseful of modcru literary issues, bins reading 'Alone we shall impRtirntly await tbs sppear anreof 'The Hidden Fata.' '.V. 7. Arraias Mirror. J.O I)FKnV,PubIiiher,llAsassastree.t,Iew York, Aad for nal by all booksellers and new Agents.. W. h. POMERUY. Raleigh, 184J. ! New Books. C"1 RACK I.GR, by Julia Kavanah, author of Natha J lie, Daily Duma, Ac, ( an If builders, by author ot Heir ol Kencimo, iiearu F.sse, Ac. Travels ia Europe and ths bsst: a year in England, Scotland. Ireland, Wales, Fraooe, llelgiuni, Holland, Usrmsny, Auftria, Italy, tlreees, Turkey, ftyris, Pales, tine and Kgypt by Snuael Irenaeus Phwe, illustrated. vtilumea 12 no. , The Practical Ameriean Conk Hook. Misr Htrit-klsnda's Queens of Kenlland Vol. V. Wond'e lllualratcd Natural Hintorv. Robert (Irabsm, a cqnal to "Lenda,H by Mrs. Csro- lin bee Heats. Israel Potter, or Fifty tears la Eiils, by lisrmsns Mdvilc. Modem Ptnndard Drama, volumes XII ana XIII. Uodey fur May. Fur sal hy. W L. POMEROT. Rslelgb, April, I5. 12- Recent Publications. "i"M"ENIMI;l with the l'roi.heis: A eries of Me j moirr and MeiitatioBB hy ltev. A. Morton Brown. lueptx Dasofl reatlon : A Denes 01 laminar Ict ter from a fsiber to bis Children, by W. . Rhind. A view of the fecripture Revelaliona eoaeerning a Future Htale: by Arehbishop Whalely. "lie CuivprH a. Desert, the karth no Monopoly. The Plurality of Wurlds lidlted by Dr. Miu-heuck. Cluotla snd HuBihiiie, by tliarlcA Reads, aulkur of ' P"g WooinsWn." Chrimie Johnat'ine, by Charlss Read author ot ' Peg t.ff.n-ton." 7'he III. b-r .iil-r bv Marisa James. Eihel ; or tbe f loiitde Fu 01. b. Marifi ileioaa. Hoiea m af Aaaeei ran iiiputt, oy oiri'ti HDor,'t, muU, inurr I'orm, f ieaayeeo Pity., by Anna Cora MorralL Ulanrua,by CLarle. kiag.iiy. For Sale Ly W. L. POMKROT. Bsleigb, Oct. , mi. ma KfffBl ruIillnlioBi. rpilESEWCOMF.f,'bjTl.scker.y. Tb li I tltld Kealily versus Fiction, by Ilia ilclper. A visit ta the camp before Sevastopal, by Rich ard C. McCsrmlck, jr , Scene in Ibe practice 'ofa New Turk Surgeoa, by Edwsrd II. lMioa, D. I. The Life of Cur ran, by kis Son. the Feotst.pe of M. I'aul. . Life ia Calif., raia. Monnlaia andMol.hllls.br fl'raak Marryalt. Iliatory ot the council of Treat, by Bangwaer. Tke Araueanians; er Notes of a 1 ear among ths ladisa Trlb.sof CMII. by Edsaead Ruel nasitk. A Basket of t k.ps, by John llrwughaaa. America, roll tic. I and XotiaL, by fchaf. Fairy Tal.a ef many aatloas. irt. Letters uf Ibe British Spy. ' Ckandler' I'laa af Stvtatot al. For sal be W. L. fOMFROT. October 1 3, litli. l .fk Hl.tkTPl BI U ATlf)a.TllHl.tTFBA I V rary Llfs aad Cerrrrpua4eaee af tbs Can tees f VICfugloB, Tk. Leaped Kaa t Or, Distloawres af Ceaveat Lif aad tb eeeiawwta af a bistw at Charity. Habits ana m.a with ruau.su M rasMd sMkaklag tke BMUer, of Bwlk. ky 1. rlmr Koran. te Slick. . w kal ke says, by ff. K. Fkilaad. Do, stirk's, r. B. Ii.il siih akewad. ko.l Tlieaaanas af EagUak Weed aad pkraea. A B addilMSB. Ltsawy aad HiASorUed MiseeUaaies, ky Baa.rt.ft. . tlMrge kewitMry mt CoaaaM Lif ky Jasaea f. Mas, eeartpui. ta I vwi.tx , Tk. kagli.k l'. aad F eeeak ky R.O. Imssa. La t ...a' Maeaolr ml itthulo.,, Alrtt l'. Utrtonef .,l..Ji Ck.il.a Du-keea Feg tt aftaiM 1 a bmiii.l iwi, by Charles HeaeK Tk. raw.aip la. 4 t a r.. lh.ru htmty. Fill. 1 It, tk' ll.aua I e.4y. by J. ka Eaal. Ceoka, salkw uf "tk k triiota t ataSias.' A. Ik. ksrltab I trib.B. , Or, A Hmbs ta lb Baa Wt4.br kir X.ry J. U.lae.. saiSM ml IrapS p. aHtat.biie. a Tk. H.ir. f lte.it. low I a sea.l t Aabe.y.'' Frak 1 .It. jMaraei tae S r4..! it. F-ea.1. ky W L F0MFF1 r.iUr T. Iik, tea list or hiooks7 T NOW READY. I Alfred Tsaaysea Maad aad etkev Pmibs. M u II. I aerie aWAV-F.g Wut.,1, ami. ft ewats, rkriasie l-U.nt. a H.vat, ThIs, ISelita4Skiaat tSawia. III. W ti M M.eus-U.4, Uweaad OJf, I.O. rnmm. i A B-y's AdrMtetMBB Iks ltd as Aasttla,iik t' t4 V. IT. Tk..., t. Vt... , B..rk k-M M II .. lb lining A4r.a-se t. v saroj a tafi 1 a v yg T mimms L.tgk. 1 l,...i, . lb W a,4Vt. ml tk. ei. sa ..i.ti Tl, Les. Arw,u,,fMei af Dr. Ai..t4 af B.irt (kak S.I4, -.! tmt S.I. by, W.trtJMISOT . tvtrik. m jVNDBCW J.8TKUMAN, ATTB IkV AT tA, lTIla Pma-w. a f. will earwkulf ik. Cwerkt ef I beakeea. kt r. .f Htai ...t a. m- Aprdlln. 4f ) LAC S M.etaatbvaa ..ka. pl..k aad f wbaewd J ) I k-aka, I'kaaa sad Iwual B'tka, immm aad T.'aa.s rla.a aad I1t4 Auks, bbaal aad ktaaittlaeaf kk tabs s pOTi.lt Jmmt ruallad. aadPseaaksbS U. L. tUkl apAasabe T. UA, . i A Urs lot of Mournicf Oooda, IIAI . CLARENDON IRON WORKS. WllMlSOTOS K. C. A. V. VAMMIkkFLtS, Proprietor. THE suhacriber baring purchased Ihe entire interest ia tbe -CLARKMiuS VT0KK6,-solUiM orders tor -Steam Engines, of any power or stjle, ' Saw Mills of every vaiiety, Mining Machinery and 1'anifSi ' Grist and Flour Mills, complete, Parker, Turpentine and other Water Wheels, . Rice-held Pumps and Engines, Lea vitt's Corn and (Job Crusher, .. Kice Tbrashera, bhingle Machines, ' Ebalting lUngers and Pullies, Cottoa Uins and Gesriug, Iron Castings of aU kinds aad patterns,' Brass '.' " . - Locomotive aad Tncolar Boi!ers, - Flue and plain Cylinder If oilers, Ulacksmitu work ef all kinds. Iron Doorfl for Houses and JulIb.-v . ' THE ESTABLISHMENT Having been re.orgnnizcd for tbe express purpose of iusurlng punctually of tlie execution of stl ordes the publie may rest satisfied that any work which may offer will be promptly delivered according roinise, and of such Workmanship a can not fail o give satisfaction. THE MECHANICAL DEPARTMENT Being in charge of iuen of talents and experience, I have no hesitation in asving that the work her after turned out, shall compare favorably in every respect with that of the most celebrated in the States and at priors which will make it to the in. terestot all mwaut to sendne their orders. KEPAIRWORK Always done without delay and having a large fore for tbat purpose, it will prov advantageoua to any person needing such ta give me tbe prefer ence without regard to expense of (ending ease irom a distance. . - Oftlers will be addrersed to "Clarendon Iroo Works," Wilmington N. C. A. II. VASItOKKELLKN. Oct. 23. 128 tf. GUEENS110RO MUTUAL IKSIUSCE COXflnl. A T ths end of Three Years, such has beea the XqCsre and economy of the officers of this Company that we are still free from debt : made no aaserments A have aoieauch a large Capital 4s) en.A and Botes, mat we nave uo beeilalioa in saying to the publie, tbat there is no safer Company in the Southern Country. Tbe moat of the lti.k ia this Company being in the 11 emeru pan 01 me otate, where the danger Iron n is much less. . . At the last annual- meeting, tbe following officers w.ro r.-.ieciu. JAMKS HLOAN, President 8. U. COFFIN, Vice Preai.lent. C. P. MENDKNUALL, Attorn.y. PETER ADAMS, Secretary and Treasurer. W. H. CI.M.MIM1, Ueneral Agent. Illreetorst GRBsaaaoaorea Jamee (jlosw, I)r. J. A. Mcbane, C. P. Mcndenhsll, '. if. Kankin, Kev. C. F. Deems James M. Uarrett, Jed. H. Lindtav, W. J. lieCoanell B. . ughurn, J. h. Cole, D. H. Weir. Raleioii Mcllee A Williams Agents) Wadbsbokoiob. K. F. Lilly. Jsukstowb. Dr. B. 0. Coffin. Wisn'soToa Joahua Tayloe. Wn.aiH.Toa. William A. Wright, 8aubsi sr. JoLn I. Shaver. FavaTvaviLLB. John U. Cook. I'utboi tb II. . Fpruill. LrHBKBToa. Robert E. Troy. Laaex Castlb. Dr. Robert H. Pralea. All eommauieatioas sbould be direeud to tke 8 cere ary Jree ot postage. PETER ADAMS, Secretary, Augaat I4tb. 1154. . iutf. NEW 'JEWELRY BTORE. CHARLES D.-.ID0MPS.0K WOULD repctfully inform the eitiiens e asteiiffe, the county aad the enantry adjoinin Uiat be kaajual lilted up la svlendid alvls. tb bouev foriaeriy oeeuitied by tbs Iusuram-e t'oanfmny en the west aiae 01 rivsiMTiiie rires, ana oetweeu air. B. H. Young's and Murravaad O'Neal's dry good ttorea. wbsre he has opened aiargs and keautifal asfortmrBt of JlfcW JKW t-.LiiK. of sS tbs modera alvlea, consisting of the ornamental and the asaful, and te which he invitee the attention ef the Isdiea. lie has, nlo, for tbe gentlemen, a good tot of gold antlaitrer vYstehrv, which will be warranted to p.r- torta well, aitea dcllrered to the eaatomM. Also, few einellent iHiici.F nAnnKU.ED cins. rougltt on eepec tally for the heaters of Carolina, Ai jl vs great vaTtfrf-ot Watktrg v'sees. fart, at tb. Xcw Jewelry riiore, BBy Bad every thing. os.e!ly kpt ta such estabHenmeuta, may be found at pi tret, tbat cannot fail t pleae. the reMoaaer. Itettairingevated al ihtirt aouea, sn'UMtiafa Iraporloot Io Ucintkerptn an lVt Irr. THE IIOl'E MILLS. 71 Enlli Xt and 71 Reek-Han AV, iVsr Jort, rMrKlpaUgAAii, Frsnt St, Xew Tork, Factor nVNow: 87 A Wl Hadsoa Bt, Jsrucy City rpilK I'lKH'IllETOItH ef this loag and weU ColTce and Spice Ilstablishment, Continue to prepare Ui best PHARMACEUTICAL POM DF.KS ia aa fur raising mrtmit, awaif, te a svanruses, A-a, Tbey ala prepare Mustard, Caen and many other articles of daily a a la every family. waioa la.y oner apoa tn aaost reaeoaable tensi. VaUlogaea swat to dealer wbe rtqu.at them. R. H. A J.t. 1M 1AM. K. B. Tooaumars adriaed Is laoulr for tinea si ill article. IWI ItSIII) Tlltllll BIIL1I Worth of lAitd WsmBti WwUnr, VmUr tk .ass SfcfA W, 150. and Jul Afarr. l, tor rsoA A Aiuaesf reisA prafr iriUlW fwiitf. f IIM fabacribw will a!te.t all warvaaia mmtmr said X haws. 4mm t sll soblirre foe l days r.erd SMvieet tl lb aotdiar ka dead te their Widow as miaae skdjr.a. P.r.tB. e.a lig aarraata to the S.UenkM by mail mf ky A4asa'. kit,''. Cossnaay mf ibawagk ibe Baabs will k.e. ik.ai e.hd at sight, aa4 rasMitsas daea by rxara Baaib J. H EiRIlAM, f)ee spy at is Lswrraee's UoUl, Fayaisttill. St. Balrlgh, Jaaw ivtb, IS, ' AXBSO.TTf XL Fpil K rr-rirtij f ibts plrl.r. t. it Is sere Ibrwagk L tk. Vt.M, aad la aa raaerwd Itkaik. iagaer. Mp. I ad ileaa bawa aay bglst, ee at s Ires Iroes tke BMl.b Ik allvar pUua, li aaaM setdwly.awd t av ea.lly imtmrmA tl tm Mauri I. a V. wat.r. air ar siW, aa4 will ksM M aga aa.Btpe tr.4 Call el T.J. BAM. Ml. , Bakrigk, LWenUe, llik Illk, 41 rI.MOW I. LASS aD rrrtY.-Ja takssd V I la 4 nAi, i kti mm Uku, asn. St. tk vrpB sou s.d ws!ium bi villi eatfed lo I Ikl. BUlH. At, ISSa) pUHnlA P.ll w kUU'UrB ad . aaW al a email a.. by i t.fi I b 4SATLla. reknary !, U, . S-U. Sand rarer. SITERImH ArUcIk 1. 1 read tmfm. j, rrr.as 1 ta a. For a. . tf Kaleigk. Kfs. II. H. t. TtB'ta. III-. Ladka and Crnta Iloklciy. A g.a.r.t Iteoa,! ml bj.a a. w in.a a. 4 By ( mumm. 1 brill, aal 4 Urnmrn. Almm Ut..a ml svesyt wd. . II. A It a.11 1 a,kk. 1 ,1M M4II, by r.aev I.e., .atbMf Fe . IV Leasee, L 4. Il J. Ff sal. ky WAkREt t. FOBkltfir. It SIT-ke .a, U.rvl a4 linaat Ailass fW la mtm a4 bw eie ky fdrnkata b k IK IUII A Bit kS. 1rH Is i arapstBg bFVi sVr.a mmmm, ta r-. aa to ai. I e ke.l. (u kauaSLIT t Btrtl. (VI ki BX'.H.-1 kl" f tlw.a B.f t aal I kg kaua Lki bn k. fatoaabwrg, t.rskUs A. XV ts akiMiiav-fc. i 1 rit. hap by I JUf I a aa. ka mtm W.tt, ka FaAHtf r.ra. Ik tgt-a lr.ua W. fc.rBIfiT. tf mm ky ik litk.llll (il akf Ai,ikt.- iii k.w ii. . r .,, .g I '- -' S Ik'iBSIIl dkilika Tbt Erillsi ftriodirili tli lie Umtfi CiMi, GREAT RE6VCTWX IS THE i'RICS or TUB LATTKt RIUUWI, L. SCOTT k CO., KEW YORK, continue ta publish the following leading Uniisb lVriodicale, 77oj Lmuion Quarterly (Cimarrrsftrc.) 2 the Ediuhiryk J7fri.se ( Haio.) 3 The North Britiih Jieritw tree (AirarA ) 4 l Ihe Walmiuuter 7.txr (WtcroJ.) 5 ' JlIarhtootTl Ediuhvryh Magaline (Tory.') Tile great and imrmrtnnt event Relje ioag. Political, anil Military Dow aeitatiiTii nations of ths Did WorHi, give to thrte Publi.f,i. a interest snd valtur tbey never before roy....i Tbey occupy a' midUl ground ketweea tbe kanil. nltea news-items, erode SteeulsUous, and flying ra, tors of theaearsner, Bnd theronderoua To..- bisloriso, writ'ea long alter the living iatrreM ia the facta he reccr.li aball hav pssted sway. The wiZ grjaa of tbs War in the tart oeenpies a large tpsesia ...... r- - -....w.,, rioeeiy erttieuMsit wketherot friend or of foe, and all sUrt-eomia. Zji 1 1 .w.; ....1 -r - 1 . . . s iear from Ihe Bsltir in Disckwood'a Msgaslne. fen. h.. its most pnpnlnr eontrlbuttm, gi mere iBtelli.iui and reliable account ef tbe movements of ihe great oetiigerants tusn can eucvuere ha tonnd. These Periodicals ably represent the three great ntf, litieal partiss of Great Britrin W hlg, lory, and bad. r.i, oi oou.o. ,oim. oitiy one leature ol their eharr acter. As Urgsns of tbe meet profound Htrra, Science, Literature-, Morality, and Religion, thev ,t.n4 as tbey ever have stood, unrivalled In the world of let' ters, being eonrldered indispenisMe'lotU fcholarasd " ' '"' ""ciogtnt nsder ef erery clsas they furnish a ssora eorraei and aliilact.. ry record of the rurrent literature ol the dav, Ibrougkw out the world, then can be posiilily ohtsined from aav ether sourcs, EARLY COPIES, The receipt of Advance Sheets from Ik. n v publiehers givs sdditional vslucio there Reprints e. pccially during the ( reicn( txcitir.g atate el EuropeB affairs, lusiniueh as they rsn now be placed in Ihe hands of subscribers about as soon ss the origins! eta TERMS. Pereaa. 1 l H . 0 - f ..I M I M ... ta) For any ons of the four ReViews For any two of tbe four Reviews.;...,.. For any three of the four Reviews ., For all four of lite Reviews , For Rlaekwood'a Magaslne ..., , For Rlarkwood snd three Reviews For Blackwood snd the fottr Revlewa .10 u J'airmrtiU to be made tn alt catrs in advance. Aiuney evrrtm tn t Me Slate where itnted vilt te rereiretl at par. CLl HUI.NU. A diaeooBl of twenty-five ner cent, from Ik. .Iu.. prices wil. bs sllowed to Clubs ordering ft nr er mas cntiea m any one or aiain the al.ove uoiki. This: Four copies of IllKkarajB, or of one Review, will be sent te one sdiWs for til: four copies of tks four Re. rie.i ana oibcawooo lor t..o:and SO OS. PflKTAUV . In all pTlneiral Cities and Toanalhea. .n4, .111 bs dclutred, Free ef Postage. V ben sent by msi),tbe Poatngs to sny pnrt of tbe I'niird Mates will bs bet Twenty-four Cents a year for "Blackwood," and bat Fourteen Centi a year for ec,h ol the Reviews. THU FARMER'S GUIDE TO SCIENTIFIC AND PRACTICAL AliRICL'L. TURK. . By Henry Stephens, V. R 8., of Fdiabargh, and tk late 4. r. AnrloB. I rofceeur of Hi irtitifie Agricultar in Yale College. New Haven, gvuls. Rojal Octa vo. 1600 pages, and aaaierous Wood and Sleet "Engravings. This is confer sedlv, Ihe most enmnlete work mint ealtare ever pnlllbed, and in crder le give t a wider eirrnlstion tbe puhliibers Laverriolvtd to reduce tke price to MVJS Din. LAUC FOR THE TWO VOLt'MES 1 1 Whea aeat bv mail (1 10.1-1 to C.lifoni. ..4 Oregna the price will be 17. To evety other pan ef tke l'ai.a and to Csnada (postpaid,) I a. This noib 1. do. to. viu dwi ui in. ral 10. krmittaaees fin-any of the ebove pultllrations rkoald always be addieerid, leu paid. Is Ihs Pui Ibbrrr, LF.OXAUII H01T A CO, So. ii Uuld Klrvct, Sis York. 1 tf. 8UNDKIES. AATK ars I stare and will sell below lowsst 1 T kst Mlia. , iaN SHOO fstks "J.Crejs A Dsrecj' L. B. Eslt, ltasi do flrour.d Aium Halt, in lil la Refined Ciuebid Hnrar, lea tint one, M llslf boss. Loaf Sugar, bagl itloCoBve, - BOO Roin Pale Coop, k's de Brown do. , III do ( briairal Olive Soap, J-'.e'tJI.I. f.. C, Or.,. HmtIbcs, j;.S do do Cat ' do. Brooma, Hucke's, Wrspplug Paper, Twine, Fegsr Poses, Yasat Powders, Olive OIL Iheeolate, ( andl.a, Mould, Adamnatin and ."perai,, loirtker wlikall arti ' el.s to be foaad in a w kolersle erorrrv. A. M. Mi Till HUBS A to. . Ka. . Rtsaoks rnoar., Norfolk. B, Parlleular alleatioa givea In ssl.a ef Fbiaf and b urtk Caroliaa pradae g.aerally. ItrSeT for Lisa a tioaao, Ar, tiled al row eat paces, Deeessbee IB, IkeA. tf. Iucceiorto E. L. Earding'. FpilE Badenlroed, wbe has leea for many years L Cl. iklork. L. Harding, was ea Ik 1.1 day ef Jaeeary, 11,11, appointed Agaat for tb "Raleigh Braack," by tk ssots manataelarrrs wiik wkom Mr, II. waseeuaeetad while doing beeieess la Ihlaelly. Tke ram Btylesad elsaswl Llotbiag that hav gives Ik Is Hons lb repauiioa it aw Brjoys. WiU k kepi, sad tb prkes will b ana- tm, aad as hope a aa I ufaaSiy a every particular. WILLI Aki H. WILLIAMS. To our Former Pstroas. "I EFOR K lrlag tbs elty for mm, a. k. w Bike tsMBleMrs af rwnBma4ir( Mr. William H. ) illlema le year hinUt etaaiderslba. Mr. Wu llaat. Bill bavs lb. UBI fbelllUM for er pplylar ywsw waaia aad demands, aa kave kaea enjoyed ky the aa dcigBd for tb l.l eight ymra. Mr. Williama ia lully s.lh.rli le settle saw be aad aeeoaala, Ws Bow, foe Ik. I.rl Hat laa, ssy bs all lB-i-kt.l teas Ik.l (il B BIM.NFM MlriT BS akTTLFD I F. kwaaaait llaa. Bill b allowed V MaaawaM kefvr sakipg ibem t srttl with we .rue a.y a, . R. U. BARBIBU. katsigk, Fk I, I Ski, f- LIFE TRLS-KKVLVO . Patent S w 1 n a; 1 t r . The g.beeritoe kavlag pwkaMd Ik sol sight la make aa4 a.11 tb.ae wiBgtrrea, la lbs rewalieeaf Wak, JokBrtoa, Cbalbaas, Oraag., Frsaklla, Wsr sa and B.k, wowld s.r.lf.lly laforsa tk pwblk Ibat tb.y will aiuad Ibe Cvrf I tk. skwee eeweaa wllk tk.aa, bb4 al pddle Ik. a, USeotfik tb siaatry. By tkui SaiagUlr, a ks. as two mt Baass kasaisk eaa k 4.tsrked frvas a stH skew 4 Pali apsid. wtib prrfMS Mt.i; be tb snii.m aad lbaa la U. I I a.eaele a4 f-j, mm tbat aay bwy baa ytan sad eaa awl biaw.tf t M. m. Be mmt ffrntttUmm kee sm mmtmt boa Is.Mtod against lb dafrs lMil ta rwM.y ar (ra,lla k'mi, Bvy rtdl.g mmmlflm ckl aa k.a mmm ana.k.4 es at. II I. kep, emtm, ead aata prtriwlitwi aruad daager. it aa Be a. ba.b.4 I. .14 mt mm ..bo las, fp- Beile. Is kmA (I. Ikal sy tafrtagvsseal mm ike H.tr.1. aay iitiulioa, ml say BUesasS I auk. mt aae by aay awstbraiioa, ikte Fbt Swiagk., kr ta aay ml us atuthv aw,, esapmud, tk fr mm p.ewaa a a.B4i( will k. a ..ant S Ikd f.ll .SMI af lb kaw, ka Ibe I . . t n. mt awf a-a. ' r. P. WILLIAM sUMtk. Fab. It. If., r, BUM. a. a. LAW roPABTXKR.sUIF. MILLER 4 ROGERS, ( dif"aB m4 Oswaw'or af iVaar,) H A U K. II. N. C. I'LL liad proas pllt kaall Laataew aiihaslsf t tl.f a." attl-IU. W, 11. MAn?ll, Comiaiislon Merehat aav IS -.sia wan evsirv, tMaalagtaa, a. C. " I-'. I 'Sr.ltcil klerlaa, Fr.s.fe IxUae. ai A I tan, Earltik Unix, I I"!- t aafaa I talk. I .bans. 4 I s.4 t'eesuwer. I .aa, Ladi' aadknkifs, Urals 4. I mtt sad SBsaia k.f. yakay. II. L. TA. t r.ymkOT, lao. IIS r I v II I Ittil, Ban sm termed taal -1 fad Maaii.ia la Cabar bad Meaeweaf) mrt mmm mfm tmt Iwaftaallaaa. Ab Parte kidukwna Real TaieSed SUk MMbs, rasmde aad rserf arv.iy af Faa. ' w a a a . ttTKM. April I, sA I- u. ik aaet Mi-era. M IP M OAILI V ftk ry ft. IV. k-f r.. ...... -j r. . mmim N All " k.c. r.wi ,UI1 A 1111 a. I A 1 MS aa-.. .'I'l-lrll v v.4.,r. . ...f H.'J VI rpt b - l mm T-, IA I B.4 Bte ot.. ky k yOTa..'!. I, r nI ot It av... ka hvakLtr A BI' k. lk bv HI. 11 a mmtf, . T. M. L. STAB A "w TLrY 4 Wl' R, ,,i It - H, i IttBfR.

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