: '7 a. a , ?.' S: Wlla. . . fed "Wit . 'at, frw, '4, an,; Am km mt I -P-anna-ewaawaaa-j ia -THOS. J. LEMAY, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. -: ... ' '" ' Scerearrrio. rn "- kalf ia advance. - - .Mln. withast Ik Stat .1 W r,rwr' - .w aaaoaat e( the tear MsllMH Iffl Y w - .,"- . . . .. : ,a 1 : . tV ror -, ... .i.ti.,. ..-h ,h .....a. Il -iiccmini iv " - is trpel arr incwr... -IrVj" of Clerk and Sheriff. U-f,.. -.t n.r eeatr hit-hen and dr. duello. efSlfj r''V"Vl."" regular price lrdvrtierihy the year. Letterl io the Edltoe f"t be poll-paid. General Agener and Commission Uusiness. - fiie icbieriber offer hit lertieei to the poblii, II c-T TV T Kvhix tucker Balelcji. July 31 t. 139 '"- 88 8 D r. Wm. Evans' Celebrated c -; Camomile and Aperient -Auti-,, .w. Bilious : Hills, t Tor Consumption, Coughs," snd Cold, ntf-' ons d.seste, lier compmiix, uj sprpwi, oi lio.il diaea-Mi, pilt nJcera, female wraknem,' -aiwISII Hiae of hypoehowlriacitm, low pi- 4 ril pipiut'an of the heart, nervoua irritabi-,' ; lite, nervoua aeakneia, flotir albtw,- iemml ;"V wetknew, lmlirtion- lota of appetite, heart-i bnrn general debility, bodilj weakneta, ehlo-j , rosii or green iicknetv flatulency, "hyitericaf V f.:..tine. tnslcrica, beadachea, hiccup, tea tickneeV iiglilmare, rheumatitm asthma, tio k'( doloiireux, cramp, tpMitioiiic altccumi, na , tho'te who are Tictim to that moat' ttcriicia - ' I PK diifmlff potr"'i!l find retief from tbeir; iflVriniK. by a courtftl'gr. Vf, Evalijr" 1Uedi erne. " ' WM. M. MASON fc .CO,.Paleigb,TAttot nont. YT. Evan Sootliiri a Symp V1.il A mi lWthiti9:-.1,rrnared;h Himself. -r'-'-H-'i ,: TO .T0 I IIBHS AND NOBSRS.' , The piiiage of the Teeth IfcrouRh the fiim produce tri.uUlewnie ami dinferoat ymnil il it knn by mot hen that there rel irrHi tioa in the miittlh and gumi ilsrina; tbil pmaei., The gumi iwelt. Hie ieertioa ol Mliva ii in rewl, the eliil't It teixed with IreqiteM aad uldi-a all of crying, nehingt, MariHin mina H llhrirkl "w 1 Inreri . Willi aireme Tioiwwr, ana inrnn into in mmiih U ihM - preenraory nmntomi are not ipemtiiy iimtmen, ipaMnmuai , nMliioni iiniverulle nicwrvene. ! anon cjumi llit iliilition of themfan". If molben who ' Inee ihelr lillle bibsi alU'iied with IheM itlav" fpMi.irimtoni.oulilinDlr IV. tVillnun Ertm , Olebraled S'otiiii; Strop, whicihal prered hnmlre N nf inf mil when thought pH reaoeery, ' Irom being lailiLnly allaiked wHb lhat, lalal , milady, tiMitoliiimi (. -A ileal Blesslnz to Wolher. J) , If. A'vawi Cilebraled StMhing 8grup, For Children Culling their . ; ,.TeelhZZ---'Z' Thii infallible remedy hit pretereed hnnredi . (Aiidfeo,;heiiihiiaght paat reeqieryj I rain omalMoni. At toaaai the byrup ii rubbed on ilie'euinl. tlitihlld aid reiofer. Thii prrpara- Itioa ii m mnnaeat. to tffieaiiout, aad to lilcaiaHt : hbakjio ehild iUrefo tp'Jet ift garni he rub- lhaJ ilhil.Wheii inland ire ai ihe ace id four scnonlglk inrnieii mere n no appearance i leei 1'lclB infant mi tery. and . .inriure.',. My infant, while ittihaxg, ep rienced tuck acute tuRWiiigi, tint , 11 wti attacked with e nruliiont, and., my. wile ml lamily luppowd that death would, toon re leua Ihe babe from mgniih till we procured a 1 l.tl ol your Syrupt which al o m ai applied to ' thagumia wonilei'lul change wai produced, and ' tier t lew application! Ihe child diipliyed obiioui ; diet, and by eotiitnuing in ill oar, I am glad to , ialoria you, ihe child hai completely rv entered aal ae recurrence ol that , cwlul complaint hai ince occurred; the teeth ire emanating daily . anil lha hil.l i,iva uerleat liealih. I aire iitu i- Nrcbeertul permiiiion 10 make thii atknol- - !"1WH pHWUY "n. i.i S tA"v HlitrnmiVM . a tbucircumttance . , - , ; ", . -" ' W.M. JOIINf'lf. (X7 A gentleman ho bit made trial ot Dr. W, F.tani' .Smibns -V) rep, in hii lamily, in eate'V it C lecthing.chilil J wimc ui to Kale that he found it entinlt efi'catual in rclievine pain in the ' gums, and preventing the toniequence which kcatenme MIoW.. We cheeriully comply wnh . hi.rrnett N. Vurk Aiutt. ' . We belie re if te' generally 'acknowledged by ihoac who bate tried R, lhat ihe &'oothing rSjrrop ;c i'ir Cnihlrrn .Culling Teeth, idtertucd inanoth- er aoru.n n.-i a tnni ry rHl aelwle . tee-the or.--- pntei lor winch it it mienocii. Highly repecii le pei t.t, at any rate, who hive made uie of k.duiim hv ti at a in give it! virtue 1 the lanciioa ", al their wamei.-'-' Uuaten I rateMer. - ' ' tevere Cuse Teething tcUK i-i- .; CHum nier (timpluintr -ldtr the Wwtlible Amernran Somhlng .Vmu- v. btant Mrt. Moi'tienon, reanlii.g tt I, I,rlno. tlrcet, called a lew dta ainea a 'heiScdical olpce or l)r. VV.. Ean, luo Cliaiam frtet, N. . and pui abated a tiolile of il.e Sir- " p lor her child, who til inff. ring excruciating . fi J.iCRir lii piTuesu oJ deiti(tiiit feeing am- ' atemarij) tlireatened with contuiaioBt, it bowel tuowcro eaeeedinf btac, and ou toud aould be rrt.med on ihe lumaca. Almoct immediately oa hi ipplieatton.lbe alarming itmptomi entirely ceaaeil, ant by eontmaing the uttvf Iho tyrup lac gtirat; the boweii in a hurt time beaame qakc naiuial. . At a tribute of gratitude for the 1 benefit afforded the ehild, the niuther came of -her owa accord, and Irerlrtaneiioned Ciiblieity to the nb.it ;. rajr be particular io. afiplying at lUO Cha ham tireet, ai there are aevnal larfe.it idtertiaert. Ne other place in iheenv bat the genome lor tale. s Jlmpunant 'loTnaiChiMren gener ally tuirer much uneaiiiieii from the cultnig, , , at ftieir, teeth.. Whatever :dingerOut or lalal . ymptpni allend I'm proeeii ot nature Ihey are pvluced invaribly from the highly trrilaied end' M.med con lition ef the parti thervlora the rrincipal iadieationi ol cure are to abate Ihe ia- f aia,tKn, and to toltrn, tonthe, tnrl relax lha v gnmt jl'lhit 11 effeeted the inlant it, preierved irom tubtrqiient fevrr, inB tula,Mn,-tpaimndic ' Cnngh twitching of Iradoni criHip, canker, and "niM .oi. il.i;il) lug their lata) conteqiinn . . ' If wothera, nnrau i, orguanlami have their babel tonnrrd with paintul . and protracted denmain, an l thii nonce atiracti thrir attention, they ihouli ,. Sot be iletirrd frniu tiurehntoit bottle t . , eva.vs soornist; svittrp- ate Uliil.lirn Tectiii.'g, the incomparable vutoe jat whirli, in cooipleiely relieving ihe tuoct dit in ca ( whrn'apjilietl tn'the itila.ifi gumr direoieilj I. iatalualilr, 'I he remerty h re- w -reil llioii-anda of chil'lten "hen on iheere,' ot ihe xi ate. to the embrace! again of tl-8 ti- . traet-d ,.rent, atiaeked wiih that awful and mor " ? Oter .111 ihaU'lj eiinniMiini, . , ',; , ' - r i-.. ' " r" a g EN.Tsi; rtrn'xif V Win. - M. Mason & Co. Raleigh. . ll'ilt, Nraberti; J U. liedinoud, f arhormigh .vm t).; Meeli.t, Wa.tiintimi r ; ' P H. .Mamlmii, llaloaxi ' T . ' -'.pntiwnnd Si 1( l.er.ton, Pctmljurjt : M,t. X-wlolk; !" ' , h'ktnnoods I ... ii Jnunaim. Wa,hgioa,, CZT - Met timer k Mieararaltimore. A.virvr,Tvr-.m'-ryr-it . "jjaMji 7r ,. 'vrT's--. r . z... . lunu-i enntrii 1110 nrrrro o'iripr i an. iwn, "wr" nwmvmz-w tm 1 rtrl Lfc. t-il. ... ih. ,r,.a im..!!. -ill ... .i.k.:. .h... aheca ineir prorreii, ana tate tne paiirwi iroaa nunis, vr Sing law woue at me rom SHUCK- U. -.11 ..j w- . 'k' 1.. ' j..Ki.-i..v1 ..e'.rgi.e.'ei.c by opening .he poti. and heeling H " MflPPA fS VRTApLBXIFBIKDI- VT!tri' " ' H genlUttti jbHe'b.riL i,H ahegnmn thereby prevemmg Convultum., l ClNlvH poueii quilitie ot the mott miw ana --Air '--:.. t- hilf side, with une footatickingout, and hi in ao hour of danwri-rlhefrfor. lowborn can the v. I I IrJ;' ' V V 1 IV V gredienti known the only certain antidote for-' l-M " P1. ;. Vault Of lleaVMl 1 t...J ' efa;AS-ltrptrMaea-wUHfra ul I Dr. JSU(IH SiWllttUS .SlrMTJ V - . f j .....' h. ,h. . icerlim remedy lor wormi in children.. 1 -J ;, I Southern men nrhb. Soulliern faalniia. wa ecu fievV LI I To the Agent of Dr. F.n.' SooihinB Strop) : , produced ehher Irom eold, bttroetiow, baa . n P tract ol V,e' r"7.M.'u7 'JLJl'Z , : From the Philadelphis Gaxette. ' , "TT er cupuort the ra-eleeUon of Mirtm Van Buren. I lleirBir le great onefii iti.inlrtl 10 my luffijr- ,-, iwampy and eimp tituationi, ur putrid mi - Urleaw, Va;e,.- MnrT.llw io ' t, ataathoe'- a.aail.ik!ne'" U H ha eomo into power by no merk of hi owu. J g infant, by your S .o.hinR Svrup. in. a .,e of .helper m.l.gnan, or ephtemis.'or by oth- J":.,. TZttTXTZ? e I Pe". -L . .1 . 'J". ? Hs h. d.m. Vnf art worth, of hi. Country . a a) l""r";" .w-H.oon. muti eonv.nee ; r tUet, iHedtamet ate eerta.n in ibeig J--", "7- " I-omVtbst. sn average. I WM",8'U J H " ' gratitude In 1819, whil.t in Ih Nw York Leg So7i"v.r be conles.ed.thnt the nuua-er i. large L,u,.. b. y0led ,oY,,uc, ihe .naioro,,,,,,, Ajatt.-Wratki.(.y. wrxzxT "I .. TV' , . ft .". A. ,mSZM North C Caeolina he VOL. XXX Commission and Forwarttlas fTtlC Subicriben km eKibliihed thrmielTet I in Wilminjtun for ihe traniactioa of the a boa bnaiorii, and aolwil a ibare - ol pahlie patronaga.- HiTing been let o Homed M Hie ba ineti, and iutenilios' to rieeote tbeie at tea I mo ' eteiun'tely to it, tbry pledge IbemielTii to giro ... tiliifactinn lo thme ohomiy pilronize theaa. ' . Mrrchantt lirine in the "Interior-may; relr sa J ''- having prompt aad early adtieei.' of rriial and -ahipment of thrir fiooda, aad thote who mpply " nsinaeitet M' tiraarnet from- iimmeiaa, . Will be retalarr adeiard of arrintt. and the . ate of Ilia market. Strict attentioa will alto b given to Ike tale of Produce, lumber, Tim- T ber, tie. ' ' '"-r;-- " t.f;A T s; MeGnY JcMtTACGABT. 1 The General A nembl hieing aoihorUed lha . Goernnrto nrocure one complete let of veiebta " nil roraiurer, at Itindai dl for each eouhly, per 'r imi ilitntnrq to eoniriei are tovNeo is aaae their teraaa known, agKcably Id lift ae( for tbaV .: purpote, chapter XL.- , ! : : .f t -. Modeli of iba weight eta be teen it the Ei Aprih-i833y54v" ..--.irtf t. The Keeiner. Slmdard. Newbero Speotator, CIreentborough PatrH-t.aad Salitbury Watthmin ,:, . ill publiut lul lonMe, ' . - - : MOPPAT'S MPK MKDICIXES- IlK-A NIDATION Whea the ' mott Im. port ant fuaetioni ol I He era nrtpeaded, and that : who are invalid! b? mheritinea or imprudence ire repriced t I iteprorible ir "t aereinit de" hilit. the ahnulil not een then deipair. fur it - ' ant deinair lhat relief can be fmind.. No. , Let theia fini look irooiid. aod laying aiide all , niwimlima. mk ihemw-leel Ihil OUealion ll . my phyaieian cannol help roe, lihU reputed ilill my only retort f" . ' . . Perhapt at that moment the headinf of Ihit idtenitrnient. Moffatl'l life Medicinei. would ' n.ch their eyerand were tbey ia trnlh itieeued I lonliih prcjudieet, they might perhant, be w, diiend to inquire whether Mr. Moffat!! theory aad treat menl of diaeaar differed from that of i heir own phyiician. They wonld then learn that it did differ, tad-eery widely and with aaoK -Wf'W- - r -, w k.aMww A UUUU VKtiKI AU.MLIiH.inci lajoa lha reeerte, of all thi. far hundred of year, before that iaonrge of mankind. 'Mereory. wa employed io the healing, art. Phyiwian oaed i nothing but'aimple berba. Brew the JJibla re aommeaJl ai the 'ikilful phyiician' he who pre parcth hii medieine Iron aeraa. wnueii be. ;si li.aiaal.iima. e.lian. aalit. V J. The ikillur trnettettw aBati- tii-av- ",ri--t ..uliaraualitiei whieh not only exp ul at Ihe tame time rettore and invigoiaie the 1 yttenw "When Brat taken into Ihe aioniach p'wy immediately .difl'ute Ihemtelvei like ti uiir through every pore, producing effect! t.' t ace delight iul, iilutary and permanent , han ,he apark of lilt beginato grow- dim, Ihe cireu Umi languid, and the factiltiet paralysed, Iheie medicinei are found lo giys lone to Ihe nervci, , exhilerate the animal tpirka, invigorate the body,1 nil re-animate Ihe whole man. - THK UPB MEIMCIMiS hive alao been tiled with-the moil happy tocceii in Nervout tnd diipeptic diieaiei, Conaumpilon, Aithma, Liter complaint, Kheumatiim (cliroaic and in. gammatory) Uropiiet fca U.-.t . . 1. : For further ptrtieulart of the tbnve medicine, tee Moffat' good bamarhant s copy of whirh aeeompanie the medicine. A copy cm alio He, had on application al the ufficc ot WM. I'KCK, Kateigh, N .C., agent lor the tale of the medi ine. - .'" -; ' : K-S " A tiberat drdnetinn made to lltnio who pur. T chate to tell again French, German, ami Hn, ' iih direeiionl, ean be ohtainco, on applieaiioa ; af ihe offlee of Ihe proprietor, W. Ii- Moflat C No 3or .wowYoea. .. . ; ; jlaljjU; r DU; r. XV. Wr-MAHSII A l.I,t- Ointment Tor the lilinit I'ilcs. ; 1 hie iotaluable-remedy bee neeo teveral ;- Lrari before the public; it virtae, and efficacy ' , aye been well leiled.and, Innomeroul iniian-" eel, in the mott tggiavated formtof ihe dictate. . In j.ot a lolitirv caie hai it been known to tail in ffeeiig a curtlMany er reipeoiable per. '. lont nave oorne tetiimony 10 uatinicacyi aniung whom ia the Kev. Wm. A. Smith. of Ihe M. K. Church, and Kditor of the Conference Journal, who. Iron, hii nwn xperiencei ennadenti) re-- cominemla it to the pebtie at "1 cart, aoaxta- ie; an crnriaa'T axRDrt" . It mav be had at Ihe Store of It. Tt VKl.lt, ,, . Agent, Kaligh,X.C LOST, ' 1 ' A Crrlificnte of five Share of Stock of the Bar k of tlw State. , C. I- HINTON. . Raleigh, Aug. 83.. 1859. ' 37 3 w Sale of Land for Taxes due for I will expose at public aale on the first Mon. day after ihe fourth Monday in October, at the Uoort Ilouie in WiticeaDoro , Joel vannma- inter. ert in Lota No 34. 35. in the town of Wtlkesboro' in 1 200 acret of L..d attached to the tame. Two hundred acre of Land on Big Bufrgabn, adjoin- ng Ihe land nf Snlumon Lyon, the property of A' Herrrll. Kiehty-aeven acret adioinine Jamet Jimei"atid Join, Watte, on Little Idvet, the prop erty of Ed ward Brown 1 A '"AKMIC'll ALL, Bh'fl. of Wilke. - Sept. 1. 1839 - . - -3 4 - ' Price ad'y. J3.40 . , r DOTAL SUKfiEltV. DOCTolL SCOTT WILL be abaent from Raleighfor 5 or 6 week from Ihe IHb September, 130. -. -, A O VICE. . To nil vJiom it concornsi . Call n0 the etbacribrr a ith your uicoin.'l or n'Urt fur p,vm-rt: he it anxinut lo pay IIih 0 whom he it ii'drbpd. and furthermore- lerla much delicacy lo call on thote 'who are in hit d bl for payment: fiov, therefore, be it known, that I ha put in the liaotli of 1 lawful officer orattornrv, alt claim due W.J. Itamsa, C:o.,nd ihoie due I, Ltixlosumi, iti.'iv'uliiafly, at no lonjjer in dub.nce can be gieen, after thie wrrk , ' - B Ll.ND.EMAS. .. B ialiigh, Sept. 4, 1859'.';- . . . 38 3w tTrJ SLifwii klart airht of the treat mea ba abalt , jtundiee, tick and nervoat beadaabe, dyipeplia, pi otlgll the Strait faiTOttgh-nn-more-BhaH Jmem ssffsreiiftha-puhtiri X"fVT. . ' . " ' . I mnJtrZm.m rtKs animaeh. hrarlbura. -.. . t . I. .i.Jli'-ii .1 -r .1 i u.. I Powerful in moral, in intellectual, and in physical resourcei-the land of our aire., and Uie RALEIGH. N. C. State of North Carolina, Vi- .,. n..i,,-,J!atirAX.i;owTT. jiZ.&uperht Court; etf Mt,ip& '':'-.t. Jtpr' Term, 1829. Caariotte Alieerook - n - w. . t PelSio i fcr Dirorae. Willii Alaobrook. . '3 ' ' t.i tbii aate. it appeorinw to the tatltiaetioa ol ho Court that W ifiii Alaobrank naaon-reaL dent ol the Sine, it h there lore ordered hy lha Court that Pablicetioa bo made m the Raleieh Star, for three mnntht, ootitjrHig the mid Willit Alaobrook that an leu ho ae and appear at the eat Superior Court o tjaw, te be held for Ihe anonty. of Halllatv at ihe Court Hoate m the town of llalilai, the fourth Monday alter the foortb Monday in bepiember neit, and plead, answer Br riemer, jwlirmcill will be taken pro aoniviaa r.l lo him, and heard ei plrte m- ' ' Witaert, Itohert L. Whinker. Clerk of card . Coau-i at office the loorth Mondy alter the ' roorth Monday m March, A I). 18)9 ' . - .v. - ' HOBr U WH1TAKK.KC. 3. C i Price' Ade.'fr S0.;,'.. i,;...,.., 9T am. ,f T!ie true Riehet o L'fi liUentth' ' ; We know that health and I thi abilitf to labor - eeaitituiej the wealth of Ihe great tnaiiof lha people, ia thit, a la mnt other anantnea. 1i preaeree 1 Here lore, tnal neallk ratuial aatiat it a grand, moral md political thee, lo fwlRI ' which require! oor Mtmoat ailrniiom. The- iia preeedemep nopulartiy and . uninertal Ipprobt- linn which thii mediehiw hai arhirvtd thrbiiKhout -he UnMed Stiiei, the Canada!, Tt,. Meajeo end the V'eat lailiei: fully jumly )r.' I'cjer m warmly aad aonMientionily reenni mending them to the tpeciatalientMHittf'the afflitd.- ' ' Ur' Pertert kit inent much time in ex perl- . .. mentini with different teerlable medicinei. for ditratet of the liter, and new offert hi ergeta ble Kill, ai the' beat, mott convenient, aad r he prat medicine that eaj be prepared lot gea ". ' wrat wawi One rreat eialitr of bit eegrtable Pillt it ihit (Key have ihealleiatiee principle combined with their aalbariic, or operatiee qualiliri, no lhat I hey am only alcanac tne atomaan anu aoweji bj . pargiog, but they regulne ihe liter, change the morbid atcretiom, ttreogthra the digettiee or pot, patify the bfood, -iocigonielhe circalaiioa, aad gir tone and energy to the aereout ryrero. Tbey are. mild and pleiaanl In Hie ir 'opera tion, and eon try altnofifrtmediau coaticlioa ol -their utility Trom their firlt doM. -They ean bw taken wMhaafety 'by- perannt. of any oge. and Hi ; ieebre,1hTnniW-Th itertoot and -har-delieate, are II ran ei belted by their irioej. beeaate ihey clear Ihe eyttem ol bad humor, qniet nervnui irrjlibilliy, aad ihtariably produea eonnd kealih. . ' :Tbe urelibl PaUaro a tore remedy "for" 1 Kuract ol a letter fiorn llr. Prichird of Hod. ton N. V., June 8, 1836. "I wataaire that Ur. Pelen wat ontol the hell cbemiitl ia Ihe Unit ed htatet, and fell aitured th.t he would tome diy (Irom hii Intimate knowledge ol Ihe jiinp erliei of heibi and drttgt produce an efficient mnlieine, and I mutt acknowledge that bit ve getable Pilli Tully reipond to my expectation!. They are indeed! eUerior medicine, and reflect creilit alike upon the chemilt, the phyiician, ami the nhileannher. ; ' - ' - Exlnctnlt U-iterfromDr Wiinet, of Cincin. ; niti, Feb S. Ift3 'Your Pillt are Ihe mitdeit In their operationB, and yet 'mott powertu in ' their effect, of any lhat I hive ever met wiih in a. practice of eight aud twenty yetrt. Their te. Ion on the chy le, and hence on the Impuritkl of the blood, ii evidently verv urpriiing." ; J F.xtract of teller Irom Ur.. Scott ol Baltl more, Dec. 17, 1836.- "1 101 in the daily habit of preaeribing them, fPetere Pillt end Ihey .in nearly all oatn antwered my purimw. bav ilncaieil other medicinei, tome of them vey eood onei, in their lavor." . .,. ' ' Angu.ta.Ga. Feb'yIO, IS.19. To Dr. Petert Sir For upwtrdc of Bneen month! I have been cruelly afflicted h Fetey and Agnei and during the lime could find noih. g Uiough 1 had applied 10 every thing, Mhat gate me any thing like permanent "relief AC length, however, your pint wei recomroenneu . j ; mott grateiul md happy in being able to addr . ..; bv one 01 nur Dear nnitiaiawa, anu am that hco tcarcety nieo ita tmn wuim .... that Ihey had reMored me to perfect health V Since then, varioot rmbert o( my ftmity have ' oaed Ibem with equil meeitand coaw quently ; 1 feel it my duty lo'aiipilte ymf-ofbe 4aet, c4 to rennatt of tou 10 publivh ihit cert.ffcatr, I , am'Siixlooi TO edd my pwblie" tehwoy-n.bo almoat miraciiloui virtue! oi your unrivalled ' medicine. Heipwatfully yowra,' - .. ' TIIKtWWUKJ uira.,.,,,.,,, Charlottr. N C, Jan. 1. 137. "Dear Sir 1 hate mad frequent me of -row pllli in Ihe mcipienl atage ol bilioni fever, and it?:-, ohitintte contnpation ot the bowelii alto, in Iho enlargement ol Ihe tpleen, ehmni drteaiea d t the liter, tick head-a he, general debility, endV i and in all catel have lound ihrm la lie very tf. v lective J, 1 BOYD, M l. . Metklenbnrg CO., Va. eb-Sr, l37. Matins uted Dr. I'ctert pillt in my practice ". for i he lait Vt monthi, I lake phiture in gitmg m trtttmnnt ol their good effrtit in caiei nf dyipepiia. lick bead-ache, bilioui tevere, and other diieitrcprMlueed by inaelitky of the lit. ' , er. They arc a aafc and mild aperient, being the 'J belt article of the kind teveroted. - . v": GEUKUE U. SCOTT, M. l. The followine ii from a highly retpreiablc Plamer of Burke county, Ga. July 10, 1137. ' Petera Pill. I have gnea Ihem a lair trtel , . nearly three dozen boxei have been ceil on wiy ; plantation the latt year their idminiatratiua t hai been ettennetl wlln more luccrti man any , . medicinf t bate ever uted, nd I lake pleaaure in recommending ihcm to my Iriendi and neigh. , . bourn they are harnly, talc and efficient, aud7; teed but atrial to be approved. , ,.., v , IIKMIIY f.JOr.S. ... '- ' Cnmmtinicaiinn received from the emiiienl Dr. J. II Irwin of Floreaee. ti. Ma th 13. l83ou., Dr. J, P. Petera. : My Ueif Sir 1 : the. oightnf ihe IHh inttatti, I a ai called at great , baaic to the home ot a lell ei.ixrn (Mr. Lee J where I lonnd hii ion - child ol lit yeara old, lahorinv nn.ler a win alarming attack . of Cyn- .; a..h. l'u..l,..li. rCimnO anil tlitiareiillv be- . ) ud Ihe aid ol remedy.- Hy the g eat rat good fortune, hxvetrr. 1 had ia my potkrt a rrtiken bsa ot your pillt two ol wbith I ailiiiiiiitteTed. With tilth an imnwlialely hat-py fleet lhat in a few n.inuiet nit . ail. nl wai at te, and out of ; dinger. Thia caw, in ronnectlon wiih lot name I at your lertice and I hte the pleature to be alle lo inlorni you Dial your inmiimatde medi cine it in aiien grrat tavor with Ihe faculty here, :, ttjii I believe there ic not one of them who dnri ' .. aol nteil in hii printe ptaeice. Y-imoti retp'y, r J. H. IRWIN, M D. : .Tbea ttrsordiaary and juatly aelcbralcd WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 25, 1839. Pi li, are tolJ la Bdti(h by WUIiimi k lUj wMtand W. MMat-tej at Co , tad IhrtHtrout the Untied Htatet, the Caadai,'Teii, Mexico, and tho" W.eat Indira, . . .t, t? v ... .... . - pVom the Viokabarg W hi. '--, DRMQ3 lilrlN! AN ELUQUENCE. A ctirretpoudent uf tin Sentinel, writ inz from Midioin county, eiea a vlnw ins account of apeach made by one Geh. u. " . i erreii, a . uucq rot.p oratur, in reply to Reuben DvU, Eta., which he taya entirely demulished Mr. Daiia and the whole Whig party, lie give the fol lowing an his perorauon. He in upeakins ol Um. Jarkson and conclude thus: When the m.itiumenMt marble erect ed to prrpetuate the memory of tyrants and f de-tpotn, haU have miiuldrred: in to dust, and their yrry name, shall have be-n obliterated frutn the recollection- of wen f.iretef his Heme abaUVconiinuo -,to be hoimred and reered " as lune as a Re public thall have existnce. tir, liberty it slef has a votary, among; the sdni of men. Through the portals ot everlasting fame, the star of bis notitiral existence haa made its exit front the fctage of action, and' fa ken its stand in the highest point' of tHe political Bruument, there to shine while time shall lat,: searing the "yeb ill of en vy which continually glare wiih maliirnant hostility upon hi triumphant career.- Tfajti bright neis ehaH eMd.aretland.it lontre incream until . final discard shall wreck the piitre . ' And even thrn when the last loud linjrering trump shall sound the warning koell of departing timi -in thi plenitude of my gratitude I have been tempt d to iinngine thai ihe lofty cenotaph erected In perpetuate his name and his deeds, will cons itute the lat fragment of earthly matter that shall be left to float on the bosom of eternity's waves.". ' That's t pretty considerable of a grand flourish. , 1 his Gen. Terrel muni 1o the same man who was employed to iirosecute a negro in t lis State charged with killing 1 another negro named Daniel j his speech ran in this-wise: "Oentletnen of Ihe 1'ury Daniel i nmnre. No more shall )niel pluck the snowy cotton boll, or p'ougli the strait furrongti tio-more-Bhall of those who bear it I'srhtly. : short aen- . tences are then in request; and the man who can put an axiom into the smallest compass, becomes your solstitial : philoso .! nher. One of this sort 1 a writer in the Boston Glaxv.: Ecce 6'igmtm. t There is o much confusion in the late j Turkish newt that nobody can make head - or tail of it. ; . . ' -';' ':' Bags in a steam boat bite sharper than i ; they do on rhore the sea- air gives them . an appetite. ;',"'.:. - a Ji Most insect play on some instrument. a lie uiumiuiiu juiut a on uiuit iiumiici, " the doe-bug a bassoon the cr'uk t turn a grindstonei and - the buil-lrog play (he Scotch bag pipe - j Suufi'ia coiisiilered a very, powerful meificine by moths. ' t itarbers inherit a erouml-rent on the , chint of the rirh a well as of the poor. . ,V Posthumous fame ia the most enduring, thus Spanish Dies uite Bnarperatter evathv It should be added that the above . ex- (racts were made and prefaced yeaterday. i The weather to-day is raw fend . brisk jmucb unlike summer, and more : resemb-4 ;! ling the clone of September, than the proach oTiT oeoinning. , ' ." You Whigs may have the majority in the House of of Rf preventative!., bu t you cannot, k-rp It ten laysiii leas than 5 even r before they meet, we may turn ; the taides upon you." ; ' : ' '? v", Srfch is the drift of Loro-Foco talk. Tliey appear to rely with much confi dence on the marketable character f cer tain membres and the consequent charms which Executive gold may exert over them. They have no scruples to bribe a member to betray his constituents, O no, that's all fa r in politics' wiih them, an perfectly compatible with jheir devotion to the "dear People." Their doctrine is that the Executive ia the only genuine Representative of the people, and entire subset vience to his wishes, (however murb in, conflict with the wishrs of the people) is .ihe . only sure , "d practicnt teft of ; true Democrat.. . ,', . But we have better hopes than thete looe Moralist r and "patent Democrats would seem tn , allow. ; Thei nunier'a gold ia potent, no iliitiut, but is not quite so pleiuifufaa it ha be.i, and after all is exnentlfil it mav atill fall short of ac- complitihing tlte great end pruposed. Iher.e may be some- whom theliiobe has nuf in the dtiutitful lrt.i who cunnot -be bough'; and there may i be olhers, -who,' al-.huogiv enrolled a Executive tool. iav ! prefer the good of country to (he triumph of party. They may, when Ihey reach Washington, anil see 'with their own eves, the sordid proiligiry and. 'corruption ;f the les-ler. abandon the 4 whole set in dis gust, and rail; to the standard of the 1 pea. pie. We know that recruit to the pop I NO40. Ur cause from the government parly are rare, but there have been some, indeed several, aince the accession -of Mr.' Van Buren, ami we hone there m if be . more. During the whole" of the last Cnnrres notwiihstanding the la fish ate if ihe Eg. ecutue patronage, Mr. : Van Ba eira strength daily ilitninished in the House and from a mijotity at the beginning, he iounu nHoscii in a minority ai tne riu.se All who were not thoroughly rrnrobtte and wilfully blind to Ihe true interetnl the country, abandoned his colors. II there be a half-dozen honest men among his partisans of the , next House, He will not be able to survive another Congress. - ' , Rich, irktg. MEETING IN BEAUFORT. A very large and . resnectable meeting or the rniteua. of,Bj;ufirJruBnjye a,l a.. ,a ,,r ,t ' I i.kcwite nriu in tne town oi tvssningren, un the 4th instant at which Gin. Jas. (i'lC- v ilhains oiBciatcd a Chairman, and Win. E. Eborn, Eq. as Secretary., Delegate were-appointed to the D'utrict and the a lional Conventions, aud the following a raong other spirited resolution, were a dopted ; ;, c " , 1 ! j j.J 8. Ret 'W, Thai the delegates from BeatiM' county iiapreea upon the delegatee to the national contention Ihe importciiee ol nominating liasat Cut at the candidate of b whig party. 0 tea uie he h rminentty quahAod ts diet fairge the dutiec of the Preeidency . Brought ap in Ihe school of Jef feraonanil Madieon, be ba been a.Kepublioan from hit youth! upon every oreaaion be hat evinced ao ardent altaehmetit lo the soutU- U, on th relebra led Miieouri que tt ion, when lha admittion of lhat State wat pppoeed by the opponaiitc of itaverf, it waa Henry Clay who came Torward lb ehsianioa of Woulbero inaliluliona, and caved Ihceoun ry I rum diarolulion..jfor hi nobis enore then, be bat barn bitterly and iiutparingly denounced by aboliiionuta. Before and during in tail war with Uieat Britain, he wat the loader Of h republican parly, tbc Ajaa of hu country, advocating her lighti againat me power of th Britiah Lion. Hs wat in bit country terrie in nvgoliatltig tbc "peace which followed liic lata war, A few year "i when s airier Htate WM thrrsrened with citil warr it waa Hciiry City who held out ihe olive branch of pasce, and atved s gallant people from being oroahed by ao aibitrary, unjuitind tvranietl power. - He wit the anilirtm adveeai of Urn rightt of lb old ttunee, clilming for State 10 vote sgaintt tha admiaaioti of Mnaouri, becauts tha waa a tlave-holding Slate, lie came into otttca pledged lo fallow in tu foolilrp or lila illuitrioui prcdeceaior, hiving juaiillrd hit acta and all bit taaumptioni of power, lie It the acknowl edged Preaidiml of a party, ami not of hit country H hit been guilty of keeping a ninn in nllii' no tonnuily incompetent; one who hat ilinWd the public Ireatury lo b robbed of millions. He itill pre mm upon lbs mntry the odiou ub treciury, Which we believe may ultimately become an Ex.cu tiv Preaidenlial Bank. Under bit idminiii ration the expenditure of the government have been enor momly incrccved. He baa recommended pre cinp. tion rnJ graduation Bill, which wilt neceainrily deprive the old tttatn of their thire of the public tandi. Hi whole life ha been marked with no one instance of devotion to hit country good; the polar tr which hie- directed and atill direct hi court I celt Intereitv duel) nun ouglil not to receive lha eupport of Southern freemen. ' Corrtnpondtnct of ihe Nat. Int. -'rrr.-rr- N fcw Ycthk, -Sun EM HEM t14. Wull streot is blue, in the technical Ian gungr'tif the day. - The State Baokr whwh hat hail the redeeming of the Safety Fund Bank not gave out that it would no lon ger redeem them reason not assigned but ihe pmumpt ion i it has not beea provided with lunus which announce merif creari drnuite a franie io . the streek Jh merchants who had Sarety I'untl Uauk notes to sell, to take up their own notes in bank, were in a panic lor a moment) buVthe'''1rtterTiaoie''iri' iiftl"" bought"thcm" up at per cenfj which enabled them, submitting to the aliave, to turn uncurrt nt into current money. , " Tha panic, or something Use, which I have not time now to unravel, gut into the stock market, and stocks went down like stac k of brick. I he. U. S. bank bean the tumble at 1031 -4 1031 2 103 - 102. j cah ami, at last, at the second Uoanl of Brokers. 400 shares were sold st 100 cash. Two hundred sliaresBank iifCom meiccjwere sold f 9Jt Kentucky Bank, 79 1-2; Stnniiigton Hail road. 2-2, III n tis Bank, 79; Dry D ick Bank, 86 Lr. Lt. (his ticklish condition of the stocks is al most unarcountable. 1, ; , r : : , i-v.-. The fiioory mat kef here Jiowe er, Is jti a very bad way. I he Secretary of the Treasury, in June or July, st. pt info Wall strepf Att't ab-orbed ab 'Ut two millions and half of if reatiurtea in Tri"aury notes. The S'Htes haee also been lirf e; 'pressing their storks. The pott notes too have ah soi bed the a-li of the capitalist., usually jon drpie.. When pr inies lopay, con sitlerrd secure, will command 18 per rent, pry annum. st'iras must acronimotlat their price to the -.alu of lit money on infer et. The foining forward -of the.' crop tuo now demand's money," sod there i no mnnev lo tn et it. In me mean time, tne Bank of England 'crew us down to st rew .a ' iiaelf up. Its silpe is on us for more spe- rie. which, s the rat" of exchange likely to ffn. The rate on London now talked of, fur the Great Western, is HO, home of our affection. " anneen lOl i-Sr-wbicli mut eatry out specie. .1 hrse are bad e:gns all. Let the eachanjrs of the Uniun, horrib'e lor six mbiiihs past are - how excrutiafine. iileJipUu-jrAs,.!iii r fjtne E,.to 6 s nl r percent. On; MobiM rsrhsnge is lli 1 2. . How lung llieeountry can suAmit to this i a problem lo be noifced out but it i certain torn body or o-hrr niu-t be uin- ed amid such crutning nreration. "Ike fact is, now the vast mercantile intrrrl . of, the rountry, thy oduc:ng rlasara also, are laboring for ihe benefit of a few great eaplta lints and the olBce huldrrs, wh, e tne weal or tome wo, regularly have lmr salaries? and the prwnisw of the, govern-' meul to make tilings better i but another experiment, in ,wluh practical butnea men have not the least ronfitlentr, and , , which they know to be corrupting and im practicable. iiiw igili oimitiii iu.i. '. Saturday was a day of panic in the mn -ey market, and the like of it we have not had since the suspension nf -spoeieu pay.. awents. ' Th sudden announcement .f tne St.tte Batik that n w uld no longtr redeem the notes of the Safety Fund Bank, com. , municated a panic to almost every buaM nets trsnsacMon, and at one t me we did not know what would happen nex'. We ' are about over it, however, , now, .! A re arrangement ia made with the State Bank,, pro tun. at. least, and fortunate I It I", all the btnks that it i( ao, Tor a Jaujf pa like this with Ihe Dry Dork Bank ltd to hrah in May; I83r.. -WalUtre. 1 1 day is calmer. People can pay their notet,. and not nave them - pttetaevenT wtu .j. they have handsfult nf bank bills. .The slock market i recovering from Ihe shock-, U- 8. Bank has gone up to 1011,4. O.her stock have advanred a trifle. Monev however, ia intolerably acare, .The teat n(lhe value art upon it ia the aale of U. S, , Hank notes at 13 8 to L2 ilisreunt per. mouth. Every body is oneasy.V Theie ia, fretfulness in business. ;. T he lurrency. is so unstable and the exchange so disor'y lered that property, produce, la'ior. all, shake and vibrate amid theaeexcitrment.. rheendofall thi it ii impossible to for- - ' .. , a see.,, We Save been groping tn ; tne oarnr -ever aince: we abandoned tha footsteps nf, Washington and jlladison, and. took ilur. track of Oen Jackoq. , . - It ia stated that Mr,"Vn Buren ito be in the city ; to-day ; in tog.,'on JU way lo ' " 7 wasltingtonf but 1 Deiievewh.e n not yet, . ome, mougit he may be down in tne ai- bane tvi to niglita ; r Na. T You wilt- otiv in i unr newpaper-a.n r- itnmeasij mlu.nt otX I heie im:viu sre not n on Ame tc it; --- aciount. . Siifh t the pressure upon tlio, British money market that lhee gtnwU ar y- . s nt here, anil forceJ olTal auction, to tne wriwrdevimr-niif,theAnvcrian tee and mnnufat turer, ,gnd tt ' the aeriou. .:: v e are b as bur n-oswr at w v : J of GrealBrilaiiiLjU bank luck ourlai.k ' m of specie, and knock down our coit.ni. and tobarco, and , its own manufa lite. compelled by Iheetsur at huo f, ,lHurc.. Hate our mai Kets'wi'H ineir gt-ou., ono,. uriiing the tide nf the . exchang- against us, drain us, morn and , more of the .fec . tou metal. We have no protecting m tiiution at home, Tii Bank of Knglsnd ; a now the Bmk of the United t t ite ut England. Chestnut street i Threadnee. die street now. That vMonsler lloTd'e," of whom we heard so much in 1834 n l . 1 83G. has ileiiationnli.ed himself, and. though the Nicholas IJitldle we knew h ve' amid his graperies on ihe banks of the Deleware, yet the rnoiitter at t nf him is regulating currency in a bank pat lor", in the heart of London. , Are the people content? , Tliir l' U BXrtFDO Jd4 1 N. From the New York Courier. ; Mn. t'ttr's Lanp .I5'.'-'-; .;. 'J'iil From the views that we have a'rratly , . presented nf Mr Clay' policy in respect to the Public Lauds, 'it i .apparent that, the lime had arrived. io-Jbi npinii n, for final ailjustinciH l.'f thi imj oriiinl rjue tion. He regarded -.the naii n J domnm hi tliftJig.l.t!if .JLromm6n lund, to be man- . aged and disposed ol. for ihe "con.mnrt benefit of all tlie States." Thi proper ty, he thought, .fchould be pi utlentlv and : ptovidenJy admiiiisiet ed-thut it s'tould , not be wanlonlv sarrinceti at inauerioate ,w . ... . . . .i . t . t . nt ices, and mat U Kiiotiin not ue uniuaiiv abaniloiietl, in tiotation f the trust under - which it vS field, o a fivoifl Hi CHoil nf " the country, 'rhese principles were the . ftasistif thbiil, whicheeJi .it Ins duy s to introduce in the tfllate, i--iii.citarR- f the trust confided to the committee. It . ts nur present purpose to furnish an analy-, sis nf the provisions of this bill. , , I. It provides that after the thirty-first . day of December, 1832, 12j per Cent. f, the nett proceed of the the puhlic lands, ao'd within their limits, shall be paid t Ohio. Indiana. Illinois. Alabama, Missouri sod Mitsissippi, over anil sbove what earh of ihese States Is entiilftrto by the com. pacts of their admission into ihe t'nion, to be applied to Internal . Improvement and purposes nf Education, ; f within those " States, under the direction of their Legit-futures- independently of ' the provioion for the rnhstrucfion and msintenance of . 'lie Cumblfiand lload.. ' ' ' 7f"'V. ; II; Af'er tlii deducation,' the residue of the oett proceeds, is to te i!is ributed. among' Ihe (''ten) 2-1 S.at.s, according- to f their ;. respective,, federal.-- repreaewaJiv. population, to be npplied to such o!j-ct. of internal imprnvemenf, education or col- on'zafion, as may be designateJ by their" " respertive I,egilatores. or the reimburse men! of . soy previoii debt, contracted for , m0Hnpt Improyemerita.- - . v;; - i",' III. The act to continue tn wee i r fiv ers. -excent in the event : fit a war with" any foreiim power, and additional provis:.on to be mad for any new States . a . I. ? I a . illdiil t rt, 1-b a. 1 lhat may ue meanwnue , P''vf, v , Union, i f ' . - -!-- ,.JV,,Tlie mintmom price of the public , land not to be increased and not less

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