AR AND NO RTII CAROLINA G AZKT T E. n A LEIGH ST OLIVER & SMITH, (accrseaoa t u?n ck oaTO-,) ' II ANT TAILORS, J'af HsiBe 8l. Itairigk.Jf. C. An mw opcnjof, at their 8 lore, one door above fit Cap Fear Batik, larg and splendid Maori, nnl of goodcm their 4ine, arlected by Mr. Oliver H peraon, which can ha tonfidently raeomraeniled la our friend and cBctmnert not out for their ele- nr of style, bat for their daraUKar also; of .which lb following compris a part: par Wool dyed Dlack Do do Dloe Do da Brown ' - Rifle Greea Drake Neck do VCLOT H Great . da Wool dyad Uh hfk Bra-- new article for fl yer Coal r Wool ded Black Do de . Bio Washington Mixed Durham da Grey VCA8SUERE8. Brown !4iflit Drib ' Dark d Mixed da ; eaJ Buff - p'r Plain Black Silk Velvet Bin do j Lhally I So . Black Satin vveaiiuo. .. Bin- -do :- Figured Jo Black Mole Skin Brown do Buff Valencia Together with aa ataorlmanl of neinv niDB CLOTIinO mad no e earselvss and warraated to he gnodi a general atsorlaaeal M m onin. - Shirt Bom aad Collar, ruffled and plamt Tea aaat's aclcbraud Sleeks, adapted to all neekti Vat taria Creraist Glove., 8utpendert Pocket Hand kercbieft( aad msa other artielei needleaa to asea . Hon, ' . Wi kmio imr ennlor. Irat rate Norther work men, and wilt warrant every thing senuleaiure not to be excelled m Aaaerira . Ordera tram a dittanae will be promptly attended (o, at heretofore. ' ,. Thankful Inr nasi lavor. w retreetfulty olied -Smveh i, smiths BegiMar and Biblical R re order 4 tirar. A BALL A PARTS' - Will he furnished et the Franklin Depots on the e--"--"venine of the Mat aad 94 -erf Hovember aexl, by V,-: the aadenigaed. v " ,:,r'.. ' -,, - , II .III alaa one and keen ODen a Hon of V. ' PBITATE CTEUTAIXMENT, 1 at the ail Depot,' wheV be will be prepared to a.. aeaaaodate all who mif aall on mm. oemmoaate au wm m y aa , WijiSTOK. - ------ Franklin, Oat it, fgJB 44 aa le hi talaable tnm oi iano m the aoonty ol (irantUI. otaring I i aknat Ita hnndred aeret a whwb ' "am" m m aaW . . . era titaated bit . i BtStOENCE, andating of a coiaiuuuiuut dwelling bona and at x waretaary out bouK. on on ot the moot beanlHtil ; and healthy ka in the eonnty,an: anpplied kb ' ' atr from moat excellent prmr ' - . ; ' , . LBMWy CBOSS hOADS,: . . - - that trainable and weH know Mand for it (tore and , taearn, where a beam of tertaiament baa loeg boea ' .. keutl nd "',.,...- ;-: . : A CRIST AKt SAW MUX, . an Cedar creek, a ralnable piece of property, s . Peroni in tha entern part of Jha Slate, who rle - aire a mialtbv ap-eoumry re,iilene, haa now a - .. goad opportaaity of praaarmg taob a plaee. A fiir- llior neaoriptioa, haeeeer, ia deemed nnneeeiairy, at all wha with to parch te will no doubt Brit i . . the premiae. . - . . ' - lie kaaalta abno.1 Sir) eery In Morui Multieo. , lit tree, whieb be will aell either with th land or eparately. "... Gramme caaaty. Oat, 18, 38 v 44 , "IirK beg tear to tender oar Ihnnki t oar frlandi f anil patroni lor the liberal encouragement w ha reaenad at ttii place, anei mioria tnem iimi , wear now reeeiring an exlenura aatorlmeat ot Antamn and Winter-Dry Good,, which, w are ditpoaed ta aell en reiannabl termi, and reipretful A ' ry invite thoae wha are drtirou, of purchasing to call aad examine for themtelrea. - We aim bare tm hand a good atmrtraent ol Groeeriei.anntiMing of Ilroan aad Loaf Sii)!r, anorteth Lienor, of rarioa kiiidit Molatw, lioffcr, Cheete, Salt, be. ,, .. Wa will alto pay Mriel attentloH to the fore Ardinf oi any produa calroitcd to our care. . - . JNO. S. EATON k CO. Oatnber I Wi, 1SJ9. 44 w DC.t TAL SUliaEUY. , , DOC VolF SCOT V t "rT f,L b abaewt Cem Itateigh for 5 or 6 week ij . frwtn tha Uth arptemher, iwa.t BJf. - ' State of North rarolian, . BrhTi Cousrr. ' "T" " Court ol Pica and Qiaflcf SeionaAu rtit Term, 1839. , . .. ' AHea Bamtey eial.) Prtttioa (ordiatrlhaliee thir ' . (-of lb edate af Jwha llaauy, -' Li & Webb H al. 3 deeeaaad. . - . i appeanng ta the mtWaatioaaf thi Cenrt, that Jot. Ward k if Kliaahetb, Naaer Mitella, Jame It. Perry, Tho Perry, Joaeph K-rry, Jna Sowell aad wile Saner Ceorte liar and wil'e Kit- ' sabetb, retide Out oi thi.t atalai it i therafnr order. - r- ed that publication be made in the Italeigh Star fur ; ail week.(ur the eaid Joteph Ward and wMe Kli- ' both. Nane Mitellt, Jame It .Perry, l hama A Perry, Joeph Perry, Jno Hovel I. and ailaSIaney, : (ieo. Kay and wile biruortn, to make their ie. mmtm at our next Connlr Coart 'In ha held at V ii;d- . enr o the arennd Momlay of ifotcmhrr w,t, o nlrad t or hie their anaa-er to aaid noiilinn, - or judgment pr eonfrao will be taken againti them. Uy order at in vourt S)U CUEURY. Cllt. Prieeadr. 69 ' ,.44 Sv AiTIEUICAN A.K.HUAL9er 18i0. riTHF. GIFT E tiled by MiiLci1i. aantaiolng I nine, hirhly flmthed Kneravinf on Steel. THE VIOLET a ptetiy lata Booh aixengrav- Ingt, edited by Mitt ivtlw. , - THE RELIGIOUS SOUVP.VIR. Rdited by Mr. L. II Kigoamcy, enlarged and euperhiy bmiml m cmboeaed Moraeco, wub Gilt edge. We iathe all Ibote that want la get tomelhing in ih way of Premnl ta) call and examine the above - Work -They era jwat lemivrd at tha North Cro line UooK-ttore, n4 lor aalr by TUgXER k II UGH El. ' BaleighOet lib, U0. 44 to jovuxEvnex tajlohs, . Twe Jourueyme Tailor will and employment al the Prlertuurg price, by immediate application t U'tver tt SnMih, Raleigh, N. C. None but flrit rata warkmee aced pyly. . ; - OLIVER k SMITH. ct, 31, 1939,-- ; .-.,4 tw. l'drturr lae!ireacer aopy (niea. , i(ti (- .-aijfti U.K9 PIXtf ROOT WANTED. J (Spig&mMriUkdimCar9liml'i1c.) Th .ahewihen arc ia want of three or four hundred pounds offreth Crohn Fiak aUoti fur which liberal price will be gieen. Sale will be fiund for the article by applying- to Memr. Wm M. MaeonA: Co. M'ttr. Wi.l.arn 8c iiaj- aond. of Raleigh, N. C. and T. 8. Manlull, a lUlifai, rf.C. Cctcnburg. Va. 8ept.lM3 V " DR.' IHIYKIX'd ScmftfcTi .lnUlWUovis YU Fur the cor of Bilioo Ferer, Ajue & Fever, Ile- fMitie, or, InBaroation of the Liver, Jaundice, & ndigealion. . Fr ititi srtHe Medicine and Drn Stare W.1I. IV. HIASO.X Ac Co. aiLcma, v. c. The proprietor of thit medieine will not, like Par. eeelta aed many iacentort of the dar, preiead to me hitnillt wdl ear all diaeatei m an intuat. or re eaptbl of pralongiag We to an indefinite el'ent. Could he cure them or an-rat Iheir nmereM to fmi tion, ha would produce a ebawn ea the eeononr of I be antere tbKh m not permtit-it, yet in emttnrmuy la the general beneralenee ol rrolence, what he etniiit entirely reliere, he i enabled In palltaic. Ha em, hnaerer, aonfi lrntly atfert, 'if hit pill, be oed ia the ineiiicnt laee of either of tin" ahnee diteatrt. aninetynmeeatetout alaa huM wl, nontlier, mrrt lame will be rerjutt-ed, and no bmily after having tewew ih. a atlaiaiy irree,-wtttyfr be wtltimlt' boti ol tin howe-r. Ilia nublie. will be the bett jo'leei beinr a Southerner, by birth, nrinciiilet and IWIiuf t, he t at all lime willing to-plaea hi detli- njr m tneir nanut. To Southern planter tliit it an InraluaMe medi oine, partularly.thate who are rrin-e from inedi. etl aid id prrion lliu ailuated it will tare lliou mndt of d liar. FEVP.R -Thit dieraie It characteriz ed by Ung nir, ilroa-tinett, a Knit at ahtietr, ach ing in the baek and limbi, want ul appetite, ) n inc and tlreteliing. AU ur. X rt I hit fliteite it too welt known in the rmthern aounlry lo rraaire deteriiriinn. IIKPAI'll'ISj or, InlUmatioa of the Lirer lie gin generally with a functional disorder of I he ili- t retire ana biliary nrgaat, and in many mitanoei, iHtpeptia teeint to be the only arT-ein nretmt Irreeuiar appetite ant iinnaned uowert of diri-t'km acidity, flatulenee, tlijchl cliolic aintinlhe region ol tlie tiomaeli, and lmuenlly a diagging pain in the rich! tlinnlder. J.V7nr;r Uontiittm a ditordered tlate of the jr and biliary patta-et, eharaeterircrt y yell'ir neaa oi tn ere ano mmr alar eolome-l tere, highly bitiwtif nrirre, aad generaliy a ianguid-ttatwwf 4- m uraBiiin iismviinaii'in io uoony aim metiiai exertion, a hrattble and detected temper, eakirtt at uppetne, eontliiiatKin, aer eruelaiiont, tlnw and pain'iil dreettioni. flatulent pain in4ha bowela, he. INDIGESTION 1 he aymptomt ofthi .li.t.t er differ ennwdenibly aeeordmg to the atnge uf the eomplaint or the derree and eaten of the irritation. -fn th eommeatrmeni, the appetite it rarial.le. grn- eraiiy wean ani ou.-n entirely- wettroyed, the pa tient U troubled with latulencev diauntton, acid roatatiani, the tong ie eoeered with a white tor, the bowel t aaually conttipated, ihc whole tvt'rm lan guid particniarfr' -flaring the prrteett ' of' digrilinn, and there h) almoet a aoattanl uneair fuelinK in the near Birt 1 hare atail tour Rahihm tui.iidu. iTiHt In my family and Ind Iheia a mow excellent meamme, iney hare met m hheti eipectaiion m every inttanre in which I hare utrd them, aneh la th etlitnete. which t place Oprrn yonr mnlitine, I uitnn eery ureiiy m (nil ana the country farther South would !o well to aa them. - . - - - . . , Vour retpeellnllr, ' bexJamut OEVANT. To Dr. Bo) km. v . ' Pletnl Hill, Northampton Co. N. C. : Dear Sirt I conrratulalc vou onvnnewnnd rnHnn. in nretrnling to the public to valuable a medieine at your southern Aati-lldiooa Till; hing ated i hem very extentively in my practice, and Invaria bly with th happiett reaulta, I lake great pteature in reeommendini them to the public, at. a tale and ' powerlul pmnhylaali lo the biliou autumnal ilia. eate of the South, tpeedily overenming the eonget-, ii'tr wi ponai circle, preceding an attack of bilinu fever, and a a laxative, to ever come the ottit bil of the teilentarr and ilrtneu- combination at-emi to well -ailapted, tpeedily rettoring the atoroaeb tail proper tone od,tviRon indeed, combining a do ynnr Snnihera Anll-Hiliout Pill, imaltnett of bulk, with efficacy and mildnct ol purgative action, Ihey cannot Uil id being very e eepnhte to the faculty e-nerally . withing you a rich reward lor your happy ilitcovery, . ;v i 1 remain at ever your friend, r ' , JkIES JOHNSU.'?, M. D. tv ur. iioyain. ' ? , Eitraett of a letler from Or. A. S. II. Bnrteiof Southampton uo., v a dated May Itllh 117. ' I huve ute.1 ia my practice? rrpeaiedty your hninh- ern. Aiiil-lflliout I'llli, ar.d am entirely aatitfied thai their ppriaiion, both in plratanlnrti and erlieacy, it tupei inr In any medieine ul the kind wilk which I am acquainted, and of iheir prculi-r.mlaptedneit In ta prrptr the alimentary canal, in the eat ly ttage nf Bilinut Fever, lor the reception, niixher reuie- niea, io -paoiia, vauniuur, innigeiiilio, Kliruma litm, aggravated by limetinnal ltiorilert of the literj m a word, la all uh eaae at are haiaclrtited by nnnninrni nrpuue iiitonier. . 1 enienani no Hon lil. an. ,i ia, ., mil, pctidmi uuaervaimn ni your protemoii al talent and awar loo nt jnnr.aal-adknl hr pharmaTyrliM hot anrpritnl at the lavurahle remit I I . I .1 r 1 ot jonr labrtrt, won heartily uh give' in jour ouuiurm Ann niiiioiit I Hit, an extensive eireiiMmnt nnt-ttfni,1y nn'Xdiir nwTi aetniinl.Vut be came I think Ihey will prove of public utility, , Gxtract of a letUr ftom Dr. U-d,,1 Arrher, nfthe 'l S. A-rmr.-datcd Fort Mmnoc, Va. Aueutt "th M.VT. " . . I have examined the nmpnaiilntrnf your Soiithern Vnti Udiout Pill, and trttel theireRlcary in my (.raaiiea bi tint rati, me mgreitientt are judieiouily telected, heine at the tame time active and tafe. I can therefore have no hetitalioa in reeommendine; iiirm a. an eincirm ana raiutnie eainaiiw.aua ;ieeiii. iarly adapted lo the practice ol the Southern Stale From Ilia Hon. John Y. Maaon, Judge of die Crncr- at iiOuK va h gmia. . ' - - , , , . Snnihamntnn. Dear Sin I am nnl qnnliltied by ictrnet in (ive an, npinwm iro ine pmpeim m your snuiheru Ami- iiilimatrtii," iui i can aatety tay, thai nni lam ily,. they tttve proved rminrntly aueeetilul in 1h autumnal , diarate menlrnl to our climate. .Their operation n mild anil in re-y inatauee in which they were ad, have given peedy relief. ? I con- tiller them a mntt talc and valuable addition 10 the catalogue ol Family MeilKinea. . . . ;; . , , ' Wikmg too great auerrat, -1 am, with Ih highcat rtapear, rnnr Iriend, - ' s JOHN V. MASOX. Ur Bnjkia.' ,. - -1 bxtract of a letter frm the lion. Richard II. Ba , ker, Jnifre of the General tlni.rl nf V'iminia.-1 I have made frtqiient ate nf your Pill and have alwait found them a aate, mild and cScieal remedy From the HoaFrtncit Mallory. M D- Member j j-,-,- uongrett. I I am well arqnaintrd wiih many id ike gentlemen wn nav avniarw hi lavnr oi in AMl-Hilloill rilll, prefuircd by IJr. Hot km, ol Siniihntehl, Virvmia nd know rbem lo ba mm ol high prote4ioni4 and pemanel maading in aur Slat. From m kao dg of th propciiie of lb ingredient winch enter im th enmitotitioa of thit Medicine. I am confi dent it will prove highly cftlcacteat in the diaeaara tar wnaut n ,a reeommcmiea ay rn aigniy retpect' aaie aaw annreicrwrf nrniirarinr. rKAMIJlS MALLUKT, M. U. AprJ U . . it . Pirik ady. 4i. (fTA HIG'ILT IMPOrtTA l t.u TO TUB PUBUO "Cb '" . M IflrtAif DOCTOR BT ANS. 133 Cuamam ciree.. Mk the preterit nppartatiitjf of tcadennf; W moat anfeigned acknawledsemrni to " mrrou patron (afflicted aitli th arioii r..rmt ofdiee Ihr.ident to aumanityi w" have committed themarlve to hi care, and he ha llif aatildVction of knowing from many vine evidence! that lie li removed or re-, lieveil their reapretWe maladiea, 'r lie within Hie' eompaw of human mean, now ilittrrating lo the afflTicted i lYSl'Kr"SI. or XDIGK9TIO?! ! noiaonine all Itie enure ot enj.ivment, nl leading in Itviny inttancr to the m'terirt of hypocnmlriacitm. Imjf a it ha been the "ihjrct of inquiry by meJical autliora, it rem tint invalved m-icli obcarity ty. Jandicr, Diarrhxa, Cholera and Cliolic, in nerfurm a highly cmspieuau part tf the drama of morbid ktteClKne. ur. bv im been tingnlarly ucetfiil i,u the tretrnent ofihealiore co.nplainU, by ri-tnedic tlrawn from retearche of the most eiuiiient phyti ciant in K imne. Me haialto had rati tiptrience ana uecet tlireiiliont the hide family of ilelxate liaca- u-i. all of wlncli are for the mutt part acra- rated by or rooted in the omwlitutHMl By tn CONSPHUClEi id MKKCUKIaI- MU It- DEREK3, UNPHlNCIPLKII. UXEUUCA. TBU ASD.lXPKAUJ lCKO in any. ift ave that ef attempting to lead the credulou on the rod lo rum. Dr. Kvan't oltice i aiipplted wjtb clioicest remcrliei uora fureign uurket1nu componn- aert on the mrwt acieulihc principle. A nhyaician it alwav in gUemlance, and al thoae who come there in the hour ot need g-o It reinicinir. Ilr- Wa. Kvana' MediC il Olhce, llW Cliat- liam atrerl. Near TorS " MORE co.YCi.usirr. PROOFS of the eitraorj narr rmctcv tf Dr. U M JJf'.tVjr crlehntrd CJMOMU.F. and JFEKIE.XT AXTlBtl.OUS ril.1.8 alleviating? afilictrd minkiiul. Mr. Robert Cameron,0 Bowcrtr, Diaease Chronic Dja enterv, or Bloody Flux. Symptom: unii:itnal fl itulency in the bowel evere griping, frequent indicatidn to go to tool, teiietmua, lota of anneti-e, namea, vom iting, frequency of pulte. and a frequent Ue charge uf a pfctiliarly fcetid matter mixed with blood, great ileHility, aente of burning lieat, with an intolerable bearing down oilhe fcit the part Mi, t.aiiienm it enjoying prrtei bealth,-and rcturna liistmcrre thank lor extraordinary benefit lie had received JtrTEn FBT.T rCRBiiK ASTW'MAfFl FT Y raUU-IKAH3-TAJxUt.VU.. hlfected by I he treatment ol Dr. Wm. Rvan. Thit it tncertity that I wat atliekeil with the Athma intbe ninth year uf my age, and from llial lime aniu tue preaent year, a periorrol till lour veart, I have been tubiect to that ' diaeate. Kor the ltt five year, I have bad it almoti in aettaiitlr, not heinr ririaut Irom it more than wenry-1ar bodra lit any one time. ' I had con lulled the moet tkillnl liaiiani and tried many remediet without any Del kf. In June liitlcom- meweed atinc Dr. Wm Kvant ' vrvelabiej medi cine, not with the expectation of rgeetine; a core. lor" t weiieveo my eare liopetett ami my rtittuki IHiniir, but with Hie hope olobtaiiima; moment !IKJJ'--:I ar.'t'i.fasaft.- perleetly earen Of the 'ititeate, and conAilentlt reabmmend it to all wha may be aflliated wha that dittrctiiog eomplaint. . - , ; SARkll SIMMONS... Auguillo, 1138 '"" SjASTH.t.1, THH EE TEARS' ST .1 - JJIA'O. Mr. Robert Munroe. ScliuykilL affliote with the above Uiatrctting mjltdy. Symp omai Grett langniir, flatulency, ditturbed ew t, aerrou headache, difficulty of lrea tl ing, tightnra and atricture acroa th brraat , uxinctt, neryoua irritability and reillettnr. could not lie in-a horixontal poaition, without the tentation of impending uifiucation, pal pitation of the heart, diatreasing cough, jcot- tivenett, pirn oi tue stomach,- drowainetM, great debility, ami deficiency of the everyone energy. Mr. It. Monroe gave up every houtrht of recovery, and dire deapair aat on Ih countenance ot every person itrtrretted i i hi exitlence or happineaa, till by accident. he notice in a public paper tome cure effec ted by D B,WM, EVANS MEDICINE in hi complaint, tyiuci imlnced him to pnrcliate a package of the Pill, which rcatiltcd incom pletely removing every symptom of hit aUa eate. II wittiea ta any hi motive forlliit decoration is, that thoae afnictcd with the same or ny symptoms similar to thoae from which he is happily restored, may likewise receive he same inestimable benefit. t7 LIFEK CO.VPLAIW. TE.Y YE. liS. ST1JYMJU Mn. HANNAH BROWNE wile ol Joseph Browne, North Williamtburgli, afflicted the last ten year it U the liver Complaint, completely restored to hearifti through the treatment of Dr. WM., FiVANS; Symptom! Minimal constipation of the hpwela, total Ins of appetiut, excru ciating pain of tbe rpigaBtrrc region, great lie.' prettiunof cpirrlt, languori and olhrr wymp-i lorn of extreme debility, ditturbrd alero iJnimlinat. to ot4hmpBea,inJfT-the ght ,sule-eiiuT not lie on her Icll nle witlv rtV 't arxvalinn of the pain, urine high coloured, with other aymptoms, indicating real detfigeinent tn J (tic functions of the Mr Brown-; wot aUcn.U-d hy three of the mt phvticiana, but recrrted but trttie relief urn iheir medicine, tilrMr llrna ue procured tome nf )r. Wm. Kvana, invaluable prepara liitna, which rfiVclua'l relieved her taf the a- bore ditresig symptoms with otli ra, which it it not so eiatntial to intinitte. ; , , JOSEPH BROWNE. Cry hd County ol New-York, m. Jnaeah Browne, Williamthurgli, I.nnr Ia in ml, heii.g ditty aworn, did drpime ami aay Hint the Ucttat set Tortll in the within atate nient, to which lie ba subscribed hia name are i-l aiul true.. JOSEPH IIUOWNC nnartautl nt tue ni llannan itrowne." Sworn befnre mo. this 4th day of January. 1837 PEI r.ll PINCKNEY, Com, oT Deed. Jin trtratrdinnrf Cure, nrrformrd by Dr. Wm Evn,-of 100 Chatham ttreet. N-V Mr. UVW. W. of 100 Kldridge street, was liilioring under a di-aae which wa by many pliyticians cnnilerel incurable, ' anil could find mi reliel from any emirce wlialevee, un til He made application Id Dr.-, and placid lumtefl tMU't III succealul course uf treatment, from which he. began to find im mediate relirf. and in a few- week wa per- fciilly cured. . Vi. ,tfr ' : .1 CUE OF TIC DOLOREUX. Mrs. J. E. Juhnaon, wife uf Cap!. Joseph Johnson, of Lynn, Maa wa severely a fllictrd far tea year with Tie Duloreuxr violent nam f in be head, and vomiting, with bnr4ig beat4- in the tunmach, ami una'de ta leave Iter room. She could find tor retirf from the advice of several physician, nor from medicine ol any xind. until alter she nsa commence! using Dts Erant1 medicine, of 100 Chatham ttreet. ami from that time aha began to amend, and feela satind if ah continues th : medicine a fear d onger, will be perfrctl' Cured Refeerncrcan be bad as to lb truth of tha above, by calling at Mrs. Jnlintor.' (laughter Store, 389 Grand street, K Y; (- r PARALYTIC RHEUMATISM-A prfct . . . . tv w. BVANS. Mr. Job Gibton, of North rrrnnn . tVdramtbareh. aOietcd wlla the above com-. plaint for threw year aad aioe moatba donor . nam tm be pao la ate awwienca. 1 1 mplom were eaeruciatlng pam m all pit joiawa but etpeeially ia lb b'p, aboulder' kaeea and anklet, an eggravalioa of the paw toward! nighl and for the matt part " t" from external heal, amobvioat thkkraing of the futcia and lig ament, wub a aomplet tu "i mntcuiar po r ur me aeneat M mot pruieien .- mtnnrr, Mr. Cibaoo aonccrret II meci io a hat the paint have entirely crated, and that hi joint! have completely recovered their nature boae, anu ae lecia anie io retnrne m "" -j Btmei. uu AVXr.P KKXVT. So. 115 Looi ttrret, between Stanton and lloatton tit. aflliated lor ten yeara with tb following ditlreuinc ay mp toiat: Acid eructation! daily epetmodie paina intbe head, lott ol appetite, palpitation of her heart, riddmea and dimnea of tight, eond not ' P . . .. .. - I I ;- m.f it en her tide, fliainrben rear, nuer raauinij engaging m any thine mat aemanoeo vigor or courage, aomelime a titionary niea ot an vation of her tliarate, a whiratical avation to airlicHlarperton and place geonndlett lppce- bentinnt ol peraonal ilaager nd poverty,an ira aomeneat aad wearinett of life, ditanntented dia quietade aa every alight oceatkm, the conceived (be ould neither die nor live, alio wept lament ted, detpended, and thought the led a moil rni. erabl hie, never wat any one to bad. whhlre-i . . tent mental halloeiiiatiiwtt. Mr, Kenny had the aavice of eTeral eminent phi tialant, and had reconrae la numeroo men ieinrt, but could not obtain even temporary alle viation of her ditlremng atate, till nerautuairu pertutded her to make trial o my mnde of treat ment. She it nnw rjnite relieved, and flrult hrr telf not only capable o attending to bar domet. . IteinTairi, buf avow that, the enjoy aa gnoa - healih at preaenl at the did at any perloo oi oer exittenee. J. KKNN'V.hotband of ilif.rtaid Anne Kenny 5 wornlierore me.thlt 1 tih day nMleeemtier taaot '- PETER PIN':KNP.Y, Com, orDeea. AGENTS. Wm, M. Mason, & Co. Raletgli S. Mall, Newberni AM Me Imnnd, Trhornugh( . I) Meehen. Wathingtoni P. S. Marthall, llalifatt Spottwood et: Holiertton, Petertburgt C. Hall. Norfolk, A. Duval, Riehmondi lewil Juhnaon, Wathingtnn, D. C Mcrtimer 7f .Vtanbray, Baltimore. . JUalvet-sltWjr PeniMyivania. . MEDICAL DEPARTMENT. TIlKCourae of Lccturet will commencaon Monday the 4th of Novcmbrr. and be continued onder the following arrangement.- Practice u 'T beery of MeUicm. Nathaniel,D'- ; Chemirtry, Robert Hare, M. D. 8urgery, William Gibton, M. D: Anatomy, William E. Homer. M. D. - I intitule of Medicine, Samuel Jackson M. D. Materia Medic and Pharmacy George B. Wood, M. D. )ttrtricTlnd the Diaeate of Women and Childrrn, IliigliX. Hodire, II. D. Clinical Lecitu-e on Medicine and Soro-rry are -del:vrred regularly at the Philadelphia lloapital. I Hlpcxiry.j anq at (He Penntylvauia IIotpitaL iron tue beginning lo the end of Ilia Betstom Afa viae .lirairai 1 1 Why go to Ntw York lo pureau a Plans fc wltn you can do at wtll or bet ter in Peteriburg, Vut - The subscriber believei that in i mtjorty of ea rei, peraona would do belter It purchase iheir Pi anat ia Peteriburg, than to tend to New York for them. . ' s Her I keep conttanlly en hand from, fifteen to twenty well teleated and choice inttrumentt, and in no one atore in Norfolk, Richmond, Baltimore, Philadelphia or New York, will be fouod, ar one lime, mure than half that quantity a i that, tn far at aitorlment gne I hold out the greater induce ment, and at reipeer, price, it w ill be : found, by relerente to aeveral lettert, which I have publish ed, (mm gentlemen who are in Ihc habit of vititing the North twice a year, that I have told them nn at lead at rood terms at they were offered elaewhere. la Iwl, I believe thai a great many peraont py crest deal more t the North Ur a prettr " look mr. indiflereat iattrnmenl, than Ihey would in t lis place or a oeauiHui, mi innci one, oeeaute tliey have not the tame advantage in buying a tingle inurn ment lhal others have who purchase filly or aixtt a year, whole edttom it retained by being supplied with the very finett rnflrumcntt, and upon the very betttsrma. ' -'- - x i : llctMlea Ibete advantage!, thote Who purchase Pianntheie, have nnl hall .the trouble and ritk that they would he loreed lo have in piirehaiine; at the North. If an individual purchases a Piano of me, and by chance it aheaJd turn mil badly, (which thine, f am pleated lo tay, hat 'never yit iiappen;u. aiiiinngn i nave anid nearly one hun dred and forty Piannt, ) I kind mytelf to exchange or take it back mil I proclaim high and loud. Thote who want really line Pianos, shall not be ditappoiateil, if Ihey favor me with their orderi, either lo make choice mjself for them, or bave t iloue by tome one -cite. r. l-f in A3II. : Book aad Piano FoMe Seller, " - . , Peteriburg Ya ' ; eifi M)QKu Emm vva- f 1 EIN ti box tout lo go to Tcxat, I oiler . lor sate IJroy fine : ' .. JHorni !?f ulUcjaitUs Pwhard, Ol three ihoutaod Tives. Ihey ar ol one. two aad three years growth, and will be Irom six lileight tecthlgh th.s Seatnn. Specalalort and Silk-grow- erx are invited ttt look at ihv-mt tl thry will have sfine opportanrty to get btrgtis; - - - - . T. C. WIXTT. Near Raleigh, July 25, 1 839. " 32 if .r , , notice. ;C Willheaoldat the Court house In WhitevWlr, Columbus county, on the second Mwiiday ia De. cembrr next, the following tracla of land and town lota, to satisfy the taxes and charge due fur the year of 1833, vizi j. , One ihoitsond acres, joining E. II. Parker, val- UtTlOII fjlUU inn - - . .1. - . r -. . . auu acres, uc iirnncnr ni tv. J. (.owan. nn both tii le of Popular Branch, valuation 20 near jonn iticbaraon.::..& .fM-v .... ISO acre. Br'iant Baldwin. Taluation S40, join ifig A Byrd. . 100.acrea.The Heir of Jesse D TaSom, join ing G Flowers. ; ' - 1 Lot, W J Cowsn No 89. ; v 1 It, V Flua era, No 87. 1 Lot, Wm W Jonrs.No 91.' "- " " I Lot, Stephen B..refield,No92. . .1 Lot, ti or A Richardson, No 2& 4. ' 1 Lot, Jelin McNeill, No 57. ' " - ' r Lot. Alfred Roa land, No 38. . Do Persons name unknown, No 51. i o D G White, Nn 36. . DoJ Londcn. NnJJ. -v " . D J Toomrr, No 54. 1 Do Philips. No 23. ' . 1 Lot nnkhwn. No 33. . Jlo W B Mrares, No 45." t , , Da A & J.Hay, No 62., , ! Do Jno Willsun, No 68, 'Da unknown. Not 43 and 4. ' 'r' JOSHUA WILLIAMSON. Sheriff. ( Prie AJv. f 62J ; 41 6w General A (enr f and Commlulon " Th subscriber offer hi aerviec to the public, a t ijeorrai Agent ana lOramitiion Merchant, y v - . - BUFFIN TtXKER Raleigh, Jaly 31ttj IJ39. SJ tm .diwa he im t real mem wi ir. r auk. t, laoy . ,., si lUtT .., i HAYWOOD, LITTLE i CO, Have received, and are opening their Fall anpply of Drf CtaJt, Grtceriei, Jfurdwari, Ilite ka. eta. They have a general and extra uwrtinrai wh'wh thev offer Cheap, and would invite the attention of cuvjoruert, to examine i their tlntk, contitt mg in part ol - ? Ilroadclotht Super Blue Btk. It Fancy Colo Cattimert Fine d't do da Hatmetak Kcntoeky Jeana l"aid at flam Ijntrjt k Keraeyt ' White, Red k Green Vanelt Whiinry. Itrte k Duffle Blanket " flroea it Bleached Miirtingt et ..sheeting P.nglith'k rrewrb Merin'ot Fianlt.J BaglbA Caliecw ' Figured et Plain Bomhaxien . lrih I jnem. Ijwni ht Diaper Linen. Cambric (t French Lawni llerottitcheil k Ciilniirtd Linen Cambria Hdk Mnuthn De lain ft Chill) t - Plain be Figured Silk and Satin . Frenth worked Capt k ColU-rt Kmrhe, Thibet k .French Blanket Shawl Scarf k Handkt. a lange attnrtmcni Cotton Bagmr, (tope k Twine bngtr. Teat, k CnOue Tnliteeo, Salt, k Mulat let Iron, Catting, k Steel Uil. Soan. tt Candlet A jeneral aitortment of Boott k Shoe Nrgroet (hick Brogant all lixel with, a handtume lot ol lloute keeping artielei, (elected cxprei!y for the re tail trade. . i : , . . .--' October, 1S.M. - 3 4 i Tht true Iliches at Life tt iiraltli.' We know that health and lira ability to tabor connlrutet the wealth of the grear matt of the people io thit, a ia mott other counlrie. Th preerrte' therefore, thai healih by natuial meant it a grand, moral and political icheme, lo lultil which require our ntinotl attention.- Tlie "o precedentep pnpnltrity and nnivertal appmhi- lion anicn ima meuwn, acuim iiirviiginwiv he United Statet, the Canada. Tex, Meiico and th Weal ladie. fully jutiify Dr. Peten in warmly and eontcienlioiitfy recommending them lo the ipeaiaj mention of the afflicted. Dr. Pertert hit (pent much lima In experi menting with different vegetable medicinet, for diteatrt of the liver, and nnw offer hit vrgeta- ble nut, at tne ueat, moil convenient, and eheapeat medieine that can b prepared lot gen eral ate. One treat quality of hit vegetable Pill it that they have the alterative principle ennrbined with their cathartic,' or operative qnalilira, to that they not only eleente the, ttomacn ana nnweit try purging, but they regulate tb liver, change the .. morbid teereliont, atrengthea the iliirtlive or gan, pdrify the blood, lovtgorateThe eireutation, ami give-tone and energy lo the nervout ayttero. They are mild and nleaiant in their npera- rlion, and convey almottimmediate conviction ol their utility from tneir hrtt ante, i ney can on taken with eafety by , pertnn of any agej an-l the treble, ih infirm, the nervoot and the delicate, ar itrenglhened by tbefcr operation,' ' beeau ihey clear the lyttem ol bad humor, quiet nerynu irritability, and invariably produce toiind health. The vegetable Pill ar a lure , remedy for jaundice, tick ntf aervnut headache, dyipept'ia', eottivenaia, tickneM of the atomaeh, heartburn. a protrseii ed and dangeniu iieknett. i hey ar i 1 1. 1 maiwtMMw in nervous snd hynncondrical aflee- lion, Ion of sppetrte, and 'all enmplsints to which femslei slone are subject. They operate as a mild and speedy purge, and are a sate and certain rcmeny ior wnrmt m eniiuren. F.xtract ol a letter from Mr. t.amey ol Hem OrleanW, La ,et. 1, 1437. "I have received mneh aitiitance in my practice, etpeeially io jauni'iea and yellow fever, Irom the a as ol Pe- lert J'ttla- I presume that, on an a re rare, t preaeribe one hundred bote in a month." Evtract ot a letter horn Ur. rnchard ol Una on N. Y., June 3, 1836. "I wat awar that Dr. Peter was-on ot the hesl chemitls ia the Unit- . ed States, and loll aatured that be would some day (Irom bis intimate knowledge ol the prop erties uf herbt snd drngij produce an efficient medicine, and 1 mutt acknowledge thwt hit te- gelabls Pilla fully retpnnd to my expectationt. I bey are indeed a superior medicine, and refh-et credit alike upon tha chemist, the physician, snd the philosopher. Kitraet nl t letter Irom Ur. tv awe I, ol Cmaln- nati, f th 8. 1S3I "Yimr Pillt are Ihe mildest In Iheir i.perationt, end yet mott - powerful in their rtfi-rta, of any that I have ever met with in a practice f eight and twenty years. Their sc ion on the chyle, ami hence en the impurities of , tne mood, Mcviurniiy very eurpritmg. " : Extract of a letter Irom Dr. Scott of Batti more, Ih e. 17, 1836. "I am in the daily habh of , preteribms; them, fPelert' Pillty and they in nearly all ease antwercd my purpose.' I have riitcared other medicinet, tome ol ihem very good one, in their favor." - - . . . - AuKUrt. Ga. Feb'y 10, IS39. T Dr. Peters, hir Kor upwards of filteea mnniht 1 hsve been cruelly afflicted with Fever , sad A joe 1 and during the time eym Id ud noth-ing-lhough I hsd applied to every thing, that gate me any thing like- permanent relief. At length, .however, your pills wem reeonMnended to me, by one el our belt plntkiint sml I am s, mott graielul anil happy in being able to add, . that I had scsreely ated two bnxec'when 1 fmind ihtt hhey hsil retlored me ta pei leet health " Since then, vtrioui members d my family have : used them w hh rjuti liweett and eon tequenlly t .f eet il niy" aTitty 10 apprise y ou ef 1 ha toct, aad lo rt-qneat of )ou topubliiai thit eertificstr, as I am anxious lo add my pilblie Icstimnny to tho almoal miraeiilont virtuet ol your unrivalled medicine.' Ketpeifu11v trtilrtr"" th'eooorejamf.s.: Charlotte, N. C, Jan. 1, 1837. Dear Sir f have made Irrqiiehl ate of joar pill m lira' Incipient tlaco of biEinu fever, nd'i" ohiiinale constipation nt the bowelti aim,, in the enlargement ul Ihe tpleen, chronic diaeate nl the liver, aick head-a.he, general debdiiy, and and in all eate bar loumi Ihem ta be very el- fective J. D XitYl. M. il. . Mecklenburg o., Va, Feb. 27, 1837. Having ued Dr. Pelrrt pillt in tuy piactiee -for the last IJ month, t lafcepttasnre in grrmg - -m; testimony nt tlirir good efti-ct in eaae ol ' dyspepsia', sit-fc brail-ache, bilhms fevers, anal other diseases, produced by iaaclivky of the liv- -er. They are a tafe and mild aperient, being tb ' belt article ol'lhe kind I ever ated. , ij, , . GEUUUri C. 8t;JTT, M. D. The lollowing it from a- highly rrtpesiahl Planter of Uurke coanly, '. July1 10, 1837.. Peters' Pillt. I have civm Ihem a lair trial 1 nearly three dozen boxea have been used oa mr . Siiamaiinn me ism year inrir nuruinittrstioa iat been atleniled with more suecett ihsa any ; medieine I -hac ever ated, and I lake pleasure j n recommending Ihem tn my Iriemlt snd neigh- ' hoarsi they are hand), . safe and cflicient, and aeed but a trial lo be approved. , w .r- -..i m. -MY.TtUX f .JU7IKS. " Cnmmunieatinn received from the eminent lie. J. 11 Irwin of Florence, Ga. . March 13. 1839, Dr. J. Pi Peter.. My - Dear Sir On Ih - night nf ihe llth.inttatii, I at called in great V hatte to th house ol a ietlow eilixen ( Mr. Lee If where I fowad bit son-a child of six yeara old,' '; Isbormg nnder a mntt alarming stuck ol Cyn- : snclic Trachealii (Croup) and apparently be-' ; vnnd ihe aid ol remedy. By ihe greateat goad ,' fortune, however, 1 bad in my pocket a broken box of jiHirpltl two orahlch t admliilttefed,"" whh such an immeiliately happy eflVal lhal ia a . few minutet my patient waa at ease, and oat of danger. Thit sate, in connection with my name , a at your service and I have the pleasure ta ae able to inform you that four inestimable audi- cnia iaia such (rest hivor whh the faculty here, - hat I believe there is ant one of theca who doe not ase M la bis private practice. Yrt bmmi rrto'v. : - r ; J. H. IRWIN, M .11. These estranrdinarw and. jntily aelebraied 4 Pills, are sold in Raleigh by Willisms fc Hay. v wnwl and W. M. Maaon 4t Co., aad Ibrougnut the United Stattt, tb Canada. Tcxat, Mexico,' ' ' aad lba West Indie, . - , ...... .. .. . i nii.i....- ar at-ii x--- m-A i diem ithaac Meoruinriv. (3 ran 2 Loio tf IVortli CarslinjL, -The Officer and metubera tif the toveral dinate Lodge in Nurlh Cat olina, ar berebr avi. fled that trie next Annnal Communication ain. Grand pndg of North Carolina will be held h Matonia Hall, in the Clty.of Italeich, on thw noon of .Monday, the 3rd- day oi Decembera he and where the delegate Ifora the Lodn..i retectfully requttted lo attend, either in p-rttu w by proxy. psr I he aeuioa of the t.rann Uodge will awaihan from day to day until all the botineii hi diipaaed V wiling brethren are rrtpeellnlly int ited to alba th meeting of the Grand Lodge. Uy Order, . I WILLI AM T. BApf, Giaml Srelar Raleith, Oet 9. 1139. 45 4. .' Regitter k Standard 4 werk mm ' The tobeeriber offert for tale, liit traet nf had, lyiog on Rocky River,, ten mile wen of Pifltbe, rough, eonuinmg 350 cret nhoot ( acret of which are cleared, nwl lurpe n-ntma f ( encloted by a tloue wait. "I he land it Vl aihpi ed to tlie capture nf corn and tobacco, wheal h4, and hat on it a eomfi-rtahle dwrllH.j hmiW( fitat rate ature home, and all wreraaary nui tumn It it one of the be it ttandt Inr a wore in the tmr, abound with good water, ke oca It will be laij rn reatenahle If rmi, a I am dilermined t rtaant to the watt. riORF.RT MATH. SeaS Marth'a Store, Chatham Co. N. C. Uct. I, UH 4M State of north Carolina, COUNTY OF ntAKKMV. Court of Pleat k Quarter Setiionl, Srpt lern tj Otborn Gay, lllake Baker and") V ife and r enner Yuung I . vt. j Pel it ion for Itltk Jame Baker, AdmV with the fdivtainnof theihw, wjl annexed ol Tho. Gay, ptelohtinr Iniktry dee. Ephralm Perry k wile, j tatcct Th. Gay. Henry R, Joae k trie, and I -- Mary Gay. .'. ' - j .' It appearing to the ratiilaelioa of thit Court,. Henry R Jonrt and hit wife Moornirir, tweat defendant ta thit petition, are i ntfnhabnantt! Sialej it it tlieretor erttered Ihal pabtiralina h made io the Raleigh Star for tix week, thai mha they be and appear before the J Oat tee t of ih Co ty Court ol Pleat and Quarter Seniona, at the, am Court to b held for th County ol Frank lie, at'ih Court Jtaate in Lnuitburg, on rhe lecond MomIm m Deeember next, then . and there ia tatwei n allrgatkm in mid petition tontaintd, jm!f aval pro aonfetao will be entered Mia tbemaud tly TH'B RAIL I.OA1) llOTO at Aucnbx. . THAT valuable and well know p-opettf ctlal the RAIL HO A I) HOTEL will be (olila I'ubli Auction on 1'barsday the Ib of Nuvrnad at S o'clock, P. M., on Ihe premises Th lei spacious aad convenient the buildingt eiiraun snd eoromodiout and the location immediateh at the Depot ol tha Peteriburg and Roa'nka IUI Road, one of the moil eligible and deiiraM is Ihe tH-poratlon. , .', This Hotel hat at present a eery extensive bnu. nest, aad antler judicious management may be audi exceedingly probtable. - " - v .; Mr. John Jamil, Ihc present oeca pant, will shoe the premises nn application. ALSO Three tilier Lttt lying Southwest ofPas lar Lawni oa two of which tlie re are aomhrtaUi Dwellinga for smsll .families the oilier oa it sa- improvetU . . J - --:4 Txbjis 6, .19, and 18 mouths 'credit from rt flrtl of January, next, at which time potarstioa win be given, lor approved negotiable notet, wiih lie 01 I rust on in properly tn leawie the payiorat. J Bold by content of Ihe Legatees Inr ilivittoa 1 i ' --n r...WH BIIOwNIJtT. AdmV .1 - ' J nl'Thomas Moss, dec'f Sal conducted by PAXNILI. k LEA, Awns DR. W. W. JTIAICSHAMS 4 Ointment for tue fMintl Piles- 'I his invaluable remedy has t een several year before the public: it virtue and efficacy hav been well tetled, and, in numerntii intiaa. eet, in the most aggravaled forms nf the tiiteaie. in not a solitsry cite hst it been known io l.ll in efleetmg a sure., Many aery rrtpreuhle per. ont have borne latiimony to ill ehWr( -limn niq, . m. A. .milh,nllhe XI. h. Church, and Ell itnr of Ihe Conference Jiraal, J who, Irom hia own ' xnerirne. ennKdoili re. esmmenrti it fa the public at "i tii, ioatiaa.; It mav ka. bad al the Store of H 1 1 :C F. R - Agent, Raleigh, X.C. , . COMMUTED. ' ' " To Ihe Jail of Grant,!! le cnonty . ' N.C-on the M:h ilaj of Mtrrh : ,:;l3ia..rgrosl.ti!,s..;.rusa enliiug hiintlf Laaieiic. H J tsyi ha it the property of Hiry f' Kneed, id Lurn nbuig cia'y Va I mat he- aa raited t fjiaam . eounly N. C. I le it timet 0 or IS years old very blacks bis hair it quits grey. . haisS IcellOor It nchet high j hat nto cms. made alolhes' The owner U requeued IS come forward, prove hii property, or said aIf win ba dealt with aceorutigto law t ' , . , ; i .-; M EAU A. SMI 1 11 Msrck 15th, 1139. . -, : I PRINTER'S tun. I Th subsn-iber keen constsntly on kaad : ply of spring, summer, fall and amler . . Printer's Ink( which they will loraiab oa tba moU aicom" ting tcrm. --. -'''': ' ! . ' ' .. 'UUrUY, KtlSSK.It at : t r v. "Agents tor Ihe Msnaiaciw - Petersburg, Va.' January, 1 839. - ' Nil Alto keep eonitantly on band r"r7 sortment of Medieine, Paint t, Ods, Dye clover, grssc, flower, and garden d ,j v ry varietyv which Ihey will fumith lodelrV pbftician an the mntt favorable rwJ- L- Comulsblon mid ForwardlBf , THE Sabieribers htve etiablithed lhrmtrlcc ia Wilmington for Ihe tramart ioa bote hn.;... ..4 ..hare of pak" patronst. Having be euttomed to 'be linen, and intenilmg to devote tlieir ,l'". excluuvrly tn M, Ihey pledge themselve '" satisfaction 14 thoae who may patronixJ"' Merchant living in th Interior nJf V having prompt and early advieee of arri shipment their Goode, andibnae ."'" hemtelve. wilb Groceriet from W Z will be reguUrly advised of . arriaels, ""V, aiate oflhe maiket. Strict attrntion """'-" ba givea to the sale ef Produce, Lumber, - ber; TmcGARY k M.TAGGABT. ; miminetin May 20, 1839. .-' . .... S3 i I

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