ruos. j. Lemsy, -, Proprietor. t . . : terms. ....... . ifiott,' three dollar personum "!iinw '.ithoat the Slal will be ootythe . eatouetol tbe year's .. ,. oa in advaawr - .nr. K AJlVRRTISlVG. i I sot exceeding It line this (irsf insertion,-ne dollar; each sub 1. ..; tareatvfive eentt. of Clerks and Sheriffs frc6i48J4ereeBtr-ifhernl a,de. 133$ per aent. will lie na irora Ice lor advertiser by the year. the Kditor mail be poi-rid. - br y that health anil I lie ability la labor n' : the wealth ot (he great massot I ne ,-.. Ait, a i BP oUn-r OBnlrii!. Tn ' i tmlare, tfrnl h'ealih by iti1il niraiit ...,.. moral ad iialilieal tcheme, lo fulfil' f irea onr tilmfMrt aMmiion. on ii ppnlnriiy ml. uniieraal piol- t Ihi medicine hat aeliirved throughout . State, ibe Cnaila. Text, ' Mrsieo et Imiiet fully juiify lr. Pi-frt in v : , I coiittirhiimuly rrcommr-niling iliem . vi mI atienlion ol lhe afflicted, ' , r h (pent mucli time -in expert- i ab different jftable mcliciiici, fr the liter, and now oftvra hie T-ge:-aiitlie beat, moat tonrrnn-nt, and ie licina that caa be prepared lor gcn aLqiittUr of aagatiibie 44U Vthttt ' i . altumivo frineiple eombined with :t Ttie, or operatife qali(iea, an that Jf.eleaate the atomaeb and b iwelt b v l tliry rrgnUl the liee'r, ebanje the i . (reiionisireinjllirn the iietiv nr- .. y the kl.Mi.l, init,oratetha circulation, me an(fentrny:to the nirenu aytiem. 'C i W mtW and pleawnt in tht ir nprra- :rTTTinrtitmTl'Bi!ltSfs,iil i . 7 Irwo tlifir fir due. They can be sub lafrty by priaoue ol. any jt ble, ll.e infirm, the nenroiia and the r ire atrenjrthriKid by their npennion, .- w y elejr lite ) UHr, vt bad luniioi , r- imi irrilabitity, and intaiiably pioibice. . Ih. . . . ..: rialile Pilla art a anre remedy fnr lick and urrx-ua heilehe, djp-pta, . ' - a, airkaeti of the atnmneh, hrarlbiirn, i I eoinjilaiiili, lever ol'all kind, and , the rummrneenient will v i Ir piORreit, and ae the paiirnt frim id and dangernu ti:kne. I heyaie , in nerroni and hypncnndricil Bre t 1 1 of appetite, and all complain'- to I nalel aiimr are uhjeet. They operate : V. and apeeily pargr, and ere a al aud "i-;ly tr win-m in ahihlrrik iTulaLlftler. IromJli-AiJiauT JL Je ' - La, Oct. 9, UJr "I hnve rtaofitrd ' iiilrie in my practice, eipeu'.ally in and rllow ItKr, from the ute nl I'e ri. flrVuuie that,' on. an average, 1 "'' Z Z. out huudied boar h nutaih." ; : , rol a letter fmm Ur. I'richard if flnd v i., Jane 3, IS3H. 'l w aware that Ur. ;ai outol ilie belt the. Uail- I, and tell aatuied tl. t h would ninie Jt - n hi iiitim.Mte knowledge ol the prnp. j herb and dragJ produce an tffilitnt : ami I niustVtkhowlrilire tht hi e- - JiUa full reiiimnf tt iy csnectatmns. x : ; !. .1 .- t It . -s ' ' l fnuecu a auMM "Mir meiHBino, whi irui-cc . ike Upon tlie cnetnitt, the phj liuiaii, t jhiloioplier. - tt ol a letter from lir. -AVainea, ol uneio- 3C, 138 --"Yiur I'llll are tlie miliKK rf eraitiin, and )rt moat pnrrlul in -tl, ol any that have ever met with In a of eiKht aid , twofij rskfi a A t of a letter Irom l)r. Scutt ol Haiti- ! ee. 17, 1838 - "lam in the daily habit of f tngtbem, Peteri' I'ills and they in , II caea annwervtl my pnrpote. I have , oilier medicine, ome of them very f H, in their faVor." ' Angiiita.Ga Feb'j 10, ISr.9. r. Peters. 8ir For upwards of fitte'.T r I hav beeaeraelly adlicled with Fever ci and during the lima aould fi'id noih--r, ifigh I had applied to every thing, Ihnt any thing like permanent relief. At b, however, your pills weie recommended ty one of our bull phiticiana, and I am telul and happy ia being able In add, -'d scarcely uf-l two boxe when 1 found L j had retored me 10 perleel health. - ten, varkm members of my family hare1 :. m with rcj'i.d auecem and convequcnily T 3j my duly to apprue you of the taut, aid ;-rttofiov tnpublitli this eerl.ficate, .a I -).u to add my public tcatimony. to the mnwciilua virtue ol Jour unrivalled at. lietaeetfulle ymtss, . i TllBOilOUFJAMF.S. - 4- CnarJottavJtVtJrr 4n. I , 3?i r" .-Sir I have maite frequent oe of your ;.tha incipient ataga ol biliou fever, and le sonMipalioa nt lh bowetst alto, in lbs t intent ol Iba spleen, ehi onid diicates ol ir, tick head-a he; general debility, and v all ease have found tlirin. la he very et ' - . J. I IUVI. l. I. . Miiklrnbu-g no , Va. "eb. 27, li.iT. fig iid Dr. "Peter pill in my practice t last 12 month, I lake pliasure in giving itunniiy nl their good elTi-ct in eaus ol Mia. n k head-ache, bilious fevers, and; fieaes, produced liy laictiviiy of the liv- ie a a it'- a i4 mild aperient, being the tide vl lb kind' I ever uel. i i.;r:ti!Uir;TT.r, i. n. f lotimauiir I from a hi jlilv rrsueelabla - of lim bs cvm, (,. Jy JO, tf. p- PiUSr- l-haa -rt" itlcnvri, ial; llireu doaen boxes have been uleil on luy tina tlie last year Iheir adiuiniatraliua irtteaHed witlj more sueerts than any in, have ever used, and I luxe pleasure immnnding them to my friends and ueigh- .;thi'yre handy, rife and elficient, and Hit a trial ta be ap-rnveil.- lumiirsrlmi reefhrd trTini lhe eiiiiiifriil trrt"'7 Vlirnj, - , i, T-W .... ..MlWr,; it the ttiti uitiai'it,' 1 aa 'called tn. great II found hi too -a child Of an year id. I. J uiimct n ,i,,iij hiiik. in Vyj i '. I'rachrali (Croup) and apparent Ij be- the aid ol reinrdv. tly the gi eateH g wd h, hnwever, I li nl in my pocket a broken roar nilla to ol which 1 a.lminntereil. I tuea aa immediately happy efleot that in a Hiniite my patient wa at ease, and out nf This cave, ia eonneetioh with my nsma I four serviceand I have the pleasure to be 1'n nitwin you lhat yiir iiieltimablc niedi- - win siish ami lavor wHtt tlie raeultv here. believe l hers is ai t one of them whn dm-a e il iu'hi priest piacice. Tr n.nil reip'y t 7rranniinar and iiivtl celebrated are anlit in Ualelsh hv X. II-.- and VV, M. Miaiaklla . ...I il...,.....:,. nilrd Siarra, the Canada, T.... .I..Ua, . Wed lixtiea. . . , a-IM M'KIX-When the. mnt lm."' iwu-ua niv are suspenueu, anainasa invaiai) inv.nrii'aaeo or nnpradeaco Hrett ta a lepUir.Ule r-,of Bervousd1 hey b,iMild HM.vca then lespeir, for It i inlf -slirt relict w- br f.-nd, i fcf. n firmt took ISiiiI, and laying a.ide all ' le, ak Ihemwlrx, ibis qiiesiion--"ll inn cannot help roe, iTatrciated skill rvairi r - . " .-v. ' i in tl.M moment the hewlingoT! ini-t .VUnftW I.f- i..ti.:.. -..i fir eye and were iWJ j irHtH divettcd I. prepuce,, u,,, n.t.h, I- KH.iirt whether Mr. Moffall' theoi in af nf differed tram thai . I , iinyHciaHS. I hev waaiia it... i..r f ii er, and very widely ajid with saoal all 11. 1 VKi;ETA,,I.E MEDiriXP I. !.. ' c.fl ,.is MtuioiM; Hjaa. . ' ',-ue Iticlies of jJfeirihalUt." , "" o 7;.' -" . V( M'7- -'"-:--. ' r-7,7 7: 7--V"" - '.a;. - , . CZbTbw , . . .. . v TNorth Cakolixa Powerrul ia moral, In intellectual, and in pliysical -i - ' ' ' " vouxxxi the reverae . ol all ihi. i'or huadredi of ear, before that eeoorjeof mankind,"' Mercary,' til employed ia the kealii'K an, Pliyticiaaa naed aothinft but imple herb. Kn the Ilible re. eoimnen I a the '.Wilful pliyaician' he who pre. - paietli hit medicine h-nta'lierb. Wilne Be eltriastkn, chap. ItiiL . - .V a The akdlttl vby'""1 "P and in the ofiil o the great men he alll be m admiration. . - V t For he bath prepwed hr metlTeine ou of tlia IIKItllS of Ue earth, and he tliatii wit wilt ant aUhnrthrm. - - MUrTA I'S VKtiRTAIlLR I JFK MEDI. ?tN KS pone ouulitie of the mot mild and brnrftcial nature. Tliry are compoard of arit let'.e mm antputrcieent, combined within gmliciila known aa the nnly certain antidote fur fcrr of ctery deuriplion. When the tlitae aa produced either truui eutd, obatiuetion, bad air, iwHinpy aid camp tituatiiin'. or putrid uii, a lunher or rpidiniic, or by olli or eaiiiet, tlieae mediciaea aie reitain rii tbeir opei'Nium orttfett. Tttty are howcf d 6t iev culiarqualitie whinhnol only expel all iliteaiei out at the aame lime reitore ami invigorate trie awtvra. V hen tint taken into the tmu:ch hy 'immeilialety djtluie, themtrlve like va por llirou(jh,eTry pore, producing r fleet at one -ilelililfuf, tlutary and permaneot U hn the a park of lite brgiu to grow dim, the circu lation languid, and ilie laculiiel paralyzed, these mrdicinc are ruiid to gire a Inhe to the ht-rTe, exhilarate the animal apirita, invigorate the body, ad re-animate the whole man. TUB LIKB MKDKJINKS have" also bkt-n uied ahh.the mntt happy tueeei in Xervou and dllprptic !irae, Cimsumplion, Aalhma, l.iver emniMuinl, Ithrumatum (chronic and 10 ianimlul 1 Urupaica kte. ktt. ' Fur further particular ot the ahoee mrdicine, ee Moffitt good SaniHi-itans a cupy.uf which arcumpauie the medicine.. A eopy h id on appliraiion at the ufKjpc nt V M. I'K'jK, Kaleigh, N . U., ageut lor the ale ol the medi ine. " A liberal deduction made lo thote who pnr cViUie In e'l agtio French, German, and Span ish ilirertiuin, can br ohtaineu, on application at the office of the proprietor, V. II, Vloftat No 3C7, New York. il tt Camomile nu ""Apfricnt Anti 7 Bilionti liHa. "For Cwnmptitm. Cuogliav JW Cahl,ak roa tliarrei fier eontplatnt, .nlyaprliaia, bi-- ; I'iqii ilitraica, pile, ulcers, female weakneaa ancrall tlincaae of hyprcliomlriiicWtn tow apil rit, palpitation of tti heart, nervous irritabt. -lily, nervooa wcakum. flour alliue, aemnia weaknes. iniligration. loa of appetite, heart-, burn, general tU-bility, bodily weaknerhlo. fnsia Or green aickrie, flatulency, hysterical fauttinga, h sterica, headache, hiccnp, aea sickttraa, nightmare, rheumatism, aathma, tio cloloureux, cramp, apaiinoilic aflecliona, and those who are Ttctim to that most eicrucia ting tliaorJer Gout, will find relief from their cofKTiiigs by a course ot Ur. Emna larcli- Doct. XV. Evans' voothltifT Sjtiij 'or Children Teelhing.Vrepartd l ij Himself. - TO OT IIKR3 A'XD KfcfltSKS. The nasviire of the Teeth throiieh Ihe pnvtucc troublesome and dangerous tynipluni, it is known by mother that there i gi eat irriia tion in the mouth and gum during toil proses. I be gums swell, the secretion ol. saliva ts Hi re ased, Ihe child is seised with frequent sad Sudden- nf crying, walchings, starting In the sleep, and spasms of peculiar part; the child hriek with extreme violence, and thrusts in fingers into lis mouth, if these precursoy ymplom are not speedily alleviated, apaimodie convulsion universally aupervene, and toon cause the dissolution of the infant. If mother who have their little, babe afflicted with these dis tressi'igsyinliras.woulil apply Dr. W ilium Cvsn Celebrated Soothing Syrup, which' ha preserved hundred of infant when thought past recovery, from being suddenly attacked with that fatal inaladv, convulsion. . A ileal Blessing to Motltcrs. im f Wwrill' ",.hiinr.r:Cli7.llfp j r , ww i una iiiiviiiiiu wii 11 1 r Syrup, For Children Culling Ihexr Teeth. This inf illible remedy ha preserved hundreds or Children, when thought past reoovery) from convulsions. As oon as Ihe Syi up is rubbed cm ' the gum, Ihe child sill resnvcr. This piepara. tion is so innocent, so efflcacinua, and so pleasant that no child will refuse to let its gums be rub bed aril li il. When infants are at the ago ol four months, though there is no appearance of teeth, one bottle ol the Syrup should be used on the gums, to open the pores. I'arenta should never e without Ihe Syrup in the nursery where there are young children; for if a child wakes in ihe a ight with pain in the gums, lha Syrup immedi a'ely give ease by opening the aoret and healing Ih giiinst thereby preventing Convulsions, Fe vers, ha - - - - ' JP" Proof Positive of Ute Efficacy of - Dr.- Evh Hi SMtMitg Syrnp. To the Agent of Or. F.vsns Soothing Syrup: llearSir The great bnefit aff.irded to my sufTt r iug infant by your Snihiig Pyrup, in a case of protracted and painful deulition, must convince every, patent boa jessential aa ratty ptiu eaiinn ol' soah aa i.-ivalublenelcc it to itelieve Intant m seiy and Inrluis. My inlant, while tcetbiag, sxpi ttusced tuch acute aoUermgs 4h -il wi sUikeil wUi ,ii.vuUio, ml -twy wibf aad lamily supposed that death would surra re lease lbs babe finm angniiti tilt"irwpi ucuird r bottle afyour S)rnpi ahich at so.m a appli-4'to tha guras a' wonderful change wa protluoe.1, and after a few piicai ioihe child displayed obvitm iieliel, and by continuing in it use, 1 am glad 10 inform you, the child ha completely recovered and no recurrence of that awful complaint has since occurred! the teeth are emanating daily and tlie child enjoys perfect Itralth. I give you my cheerful permiasioii lo nuke thi acknoal- . edgment public, and will giy any information on this circumstance -W-H.-JOHNSON. fA gentleman a ho has made trial of Dr. V. F.vont' A'x.ihing Syrnp, In hi family, f in ease of a teething ilnldj aiihrs n Innate thai he found it entirely effectual in relievine nain in th L gum, and preventing the tonteqneueet Which, wiuriime umnw. wt cnceriulty comply wnn hit recpieat . York 3uii. We believe it is generally acknowledged hv those who have tried lit, that the .Vomhlne; .S'tiup for Oiildreo Culling Tretli,aftrfFril m aimlh er anlumn, is a highly asiliil article lor the pur poses lur which it it intended. Highly repecta. bl person, at any rate, bo have made use of not hesitate lo give il virtue lire-(auction ot their name. ,'Uiittnn Traveller. Mfvere Cane 0 Teethiig with 'r t 8mmerCo..itiiintt '..'''S '"'""'ble AmeiM-aq Knollting Srrttp ' Mrs, Mcl'lierts.n. rviidlug at 7 :?'!,M,r called a few d .y inee a the medical office of lr. W B-ans, llWChaiam ".'i . t,Mr"ll a bMllo of th vr ap r ehdd, who wa suff ring eieiociaiin. pain process of ileniitimi, beint! an aaanlarHi threatVr"! h aonvulvinas. its bowrls loo wer vkcecding lo."- and an lood eoald be retaiheil on lha stomach, jv.ttoit kmmedunelf oo its applHuttion.thr alarming siniwu entirely ""T' mnn "T, eonliomng ibe un ol t..J "'P ih,10ms,hs) bo welt ia a thtt time Uw.. .RALEIGH, N. C nuite naloral. A a tribute or pratitude for the benefit atTorded the child, the mother came of herowoatcord,andlreelyanelionei! publicity 10 the boe. I'raT be particular in applying at 100 (Jbaiham treat, M there are seenal cian lerfeit aiWrrlitcd. No; oilier place in Ilia city hat tin cri'nuine for sale. j (33iorMH l MoTinas CbililreB graer liv tuirar much notamiei from the autiing, of 'fheir teeth. Wbaleer dangrtoo or fatal vmptcn aftead thi prore ol r.Sure tbtj are produced inraribh fnim the highly irt Hated ai.d influned ami lition of the part lhareJore the principal indication of cure are lo aiialclhc in Haniiii.iinii and lo olteo, mill(e, and rrlaa the gum. If that ic!lrcled ih inlanl i preened horn ubeqiiet feeer. iuB .tolalion, Spamm1ie cough tvitching of tendon. rop, ki r, and eonauUiiHt. displaying Iheir fatal onejwnce. tf miithrr. nnrai-s, or guardian h Iheir babes toHured with psinlu4 and protractel rtrntiiicn, and hi nnticeatiract their alteniion.'hey aliotilj not be drterrrd from Mrs UStins. 1-CalLlc ul- EvSivs'sooi'iiis fYni:r lor Childi ea Teething, the mcomparabla trtrmu f which, in completely rrliesing the most di. treating cae (when applied to Ibe inlant' iimiS tf directed i invalualilr. 'I be remedy ha re' -tcred thousand of children hn on ibeterg of the grar", lo the embrace again of thi irdi. tr aded parent, attacked wiibthal awful and mor titeroui malady ennTnl-inn. ' ; z . . . AGEKTS. n Wra. .M. 'Mason & Co. Raleigh. 8. Hall. Neabern: J. M. Hedmnnd, Tarborongh) II. I). Meehen, Waihinglnn) F. S. Marshall. Halilaai Spntawood tt Koberton, hterboTs; C. Hail, Noifolki K. I)iil, Itichmnndi lyewl Johuwin, V ashinglon, I), C. Mrrtimer ft Ma w l.r imore .tmt DOINGS IN I ENESSEft. TltfH' !ns bixn a sMties tuf events cum tinp in Ti'iinensre. iki.'jH)rclall)' in tise 'Legislature tliiMCtT, wiihtn tlie. last t!iree i.f fuur wet kf fcoine or wliidi ui II (ittrtl. us tliej Monli-eftI Courier Ifw Ihvi asn, tu make n uriifii-" ttfeitipeaiisiIaU-'t garnsi a wan." ihe begmini.g, rert rt'af hnr tnerTiidiiig" tiirnetl out anj tiling ut a r.trre.f " , 'I'lie nlaV was nnptird Uv ttlC intro-' of a batch f iijstittctln?'-Waii." - . laita.taia C- - tt III rv.fa.a kail I'lti Fa. 11 tin All built Upoll tliC nrcoiid. wImcI) n notu!-!)laitk 4!trortitl to ihe SC.for of - in lliP wonts inllowii'g. to wil.. Reeolved, That a corporation ia muchssfer than any individual sji nl, however ' rctpoDsibl he ntay he, tiecaAt it consists of an association of in- dividual who have thrown together their aggregate wealth, ami are bound in ther corporate character to the extent of their whole capital stock for th tie- posi'e, and that ia the opinion of thi Oener! As- sembly that th heaviest security wIik-u the weal- trilest imtlvldaat can give would not make th public uVpotiics safe at the point of a large collec A minr?;le(!rxprrsfiion of wonder ned rontenipt for Ihe audacity of tltn mover Mr. Anderson rested uyon the vis- ages oP the majority, ami some of tht-in sub- 1 reaswry 111 ail its parts and pro-. which piHl ,nJ hMt , recoguin a th sound- nn atiu eravriv Dimiosi ti 1 suus i u . . ,. ; , t , . !. , - , ". : ' questeu, to uae an iir anu uonoratue means to nave pvpn smiled at what they ronsidcml This was worso than cither of the a his fully in proposing that which, lie mendnieiits, practically, nllhougli less must know, would ho instantly1 voted duwiiju but the nmilcs weio- ttitily clianiMl to blank looka of chagrin ni:d confusion, when it was whispered about that the resolution was veibatim a re- petition ol a rertaio derlaration once made on the floor ofCongressby uo less a personage tiiau ins cxrci.enry Unvcrtioi' 1 oik, now (he most strenu- otis (lenofiiicir of all corporations us un- sale ami irrcHpittmiblo. - VVhat was to bo dont? .The majority could not, in .conscience, irpudiato thol docirioe so boldly advanced by i.eir ir.. m .i , ft . - in litrnp iii inn Hiiini;iiiintrr nnro u a a tr - " -:,-;,! " - ot the JNew Jersey members to seats in the lhey ilid. lhev votctl against (he aub ' House . .f Representatives, which now d.s 1 rcasury. I here was silence among tracU t,at ll.mse, and threatens to agitate litem i- tt hme, w hile the, mischievous t,e country, is of deep interest and may Mr. Aitder..u (ooked Ci cvplw on. Ctl.' well claim, aa it receivpa. Him at t.Mifinu ..f joking nisjoKe ana tUrir dtlFinma; butiiewhoIepeple;; . ..ItfiiCt It ..Ja tv iY.ftkMi ,wl.inred. 1 iay u oji iiio, iaUlc clugttf Jti'rtktii vitTiB iWieu$iiTi. lute w as Ll,'it''tablftja: But Mr; Anderson was ready wilh niiother, m follows. Resolved, Tbat w have eonCdcnce in the ability and rapacity of tha (stale banks lo perforin all Ibe duties of fiscal agents for the Government. This tiiiits the majority im mberswrre HspicitM7 aritdv- by rtibbing- up Iheir memories n little, nome of them railed 16 mind the origin of. Ihe sentiment one tif .Gcnpiirral Jarksoii,s Annual message-. "Lay it on (he table." again murmured Mr. Voakum,hiiiisi If arai re ly able to maintain his gravity; aud laid on the table it w its. . . lint Mr. Antlersou'a budget was nnt yet exhausted. He was on his tegs in n moment, with this resolution as ts sub Htiltitr: --- - " . Rrsolvett, Thstjtie Independent Treasury; Is disorganizing' and revolutionary, antl eubveraive of the fundamental principles of our Uoverument, and fits entire practice from 1793 down to thia Jny; and that it ia a palpable as the sun that the eUect ofilie schema tvnulj be ta bring 1. e public Tr ury much nearer ihe actual cuatody ainUswntrot of tbe Preaident, antl expose it lo he plundered ?y hundred bamta where one under the late aystrm could reach it' In eucb event, we should (eel that the People bad jual eaua for slnrTn, ai d eoghl lo give their most watchfu lattention IS such an ef fort to . enlarge Eo eunv t ower, and pul in it band th means of corruption; jLV.iiTP dunsnbm conic fi-o:i t?" qucr- tli3 land of our siree,, 84id tlie WEDNSllAY, JAN. 1, .810. ed ono trtua maj iritjr, (n liis nei.'i uop, ami tbe. es.tiiotig answer wits 'froin tlie ctilumtis ufQrial paper the of" the Gl'ibe tin nrsraii of t!i imrtv at Washitigt'in." This times fiinlft .nit hi. lnari'uS ufifl n an nt ibility thr'iuti the liyun', and Mr. Yodkum'ii lay it on tlie tiihlc" wan ncaiTt'ly n. tl'ihli', so whimsical was the ililrniins iit wliicli lie atul his ft it mis uerr imolv etl. They siirfcedi'tl. h'j-A ever in 'lay in-; it on the table," anil, al'ter that, in issij tiuir wlnilii batcli i.f- rrs'.lu li'uis - . . It vtnld seem moreover, tlia some ol" theai were tlt-tjiiisetl Jtjjji'ake up Km1. tIinriTast nntTiiyittires hv Ki ioff a ishiue; tutich to their triiinijtji. It was not enough to emlorVe the sub-lreas. ury only hut they must rtfetls tack mi another rPHnlutioti, endoi sing the 'wlme p.liiy Ot' the Administration, past. jubeo of the President briog tin essem-e ml their political riTPti as beramtr f.utli tftil kiigl of the collar. .So they roni. 1 ptetetl their hatch with the roiriwiitg. . j "Keole4, That Ihi General Assembly-doth i heartily approve of ihe leading mesaures and pulley of the Administration of Andrew Jackson and : Martin Van Uuren, and our Senators in Congress are hereby instructed, and our Ki-prescntativea re quested, to siiiport, in good, the leading meaiurea and policy as brought forward and aJvo catej by t!i prewnt President of the IJniied Wislaa, and to uaa all tiir and proper exertions lo carry out and accomplish the same." . lint tin instructors wero not yet quite tint of tho s. Mr. Reyeait, a tniinlirijTud got another Mint reatiy lor tlieui, ami lie let llitn jiave it jitat ui'.re tlie . yaus .wj-i tat-4 - additional pre.iuMe, anil .ies4- jj.',. - . Whereasln (Ha year 1880. at tha suggestion of lbs encrahl. Nat. Macorf, a cominitlea was ap; 'f- i ioMSiaie. to iak.4 inio comvidf-mium in reduction m irMptrnnia ol . r H. Benton wm chair man, und Martin Wn Buret. At Hu h- While, and olher'dUlinguuhed friend of i ... i i : i KiimmnlM mft rrwrl rtmiiantl Isw aiiv . lull the principle of that report rarritd out in tho ad- mioistralion of the Oovernment; ami alao to secure the passage of said bills, which are of tbe following titles, lo veil: . . 1 A bill to regulateie publication 'of the laws of the United States and the public aJvertisemenla. S A bill to seen re in office faithful collectors and diaburaers of of th public revenue, and the dis- placement of defaullers 3 A bit' to regulate 111 sppointramt of posfmss" ters. 4 A bill I regulate th appointment of cadets. 5 A bill to regulate the appointment of midship, men. 6 A bill to prevent the military anJ naval offi cers from being dismissed at the (deaaure of Ih President. perceptibly in the teeth 1 w list Ihe n: jeii ity were doiog ntl proposing at the moineiit. It was blow at executive patronage anil infliient i' 1 sh;ft aimed of the very vitals of tin party in pMrr, and feathered from the wings ul the part s largest fcirds. WliBtwnsto he tloiie Willi Hf l move the previous queation,' 'shouted one of tlie memhers; and by tiie aid of the previous question This new stuiiiblin block was disposed uf., ,V. Y. Commercial Advertiser. For the Raleigh Sur. ; ic Gntreverjy n feixard to the nsrht . v . -' ievec-I think -must show; kat1it;it'4s('''rtr tion of the United States, Congress may. the lime, place and manner ot holding e lectiuiis for Representatives. Unless and unlit .Congress shall make such regula tions, the time, place and manner of elec tions, 'shall be prescribed in each Stale by the Legislature thereof. " Art. I, sec. 4, Con. U. S. Congress has never passed any law, or established any regulations, upon the subject. But each Stale, in obe dience to (tie injunction in the clause of the constitution before referred t,- has enacted laws, directing when, where, and in what manner elections shall be held for members of congress, ami how the result shall be certified to the House ol which they are members. These regulations are not retluired to beunilorini and we there fore find that the oianner,not Only of etec tions, but of certifying the choice of ihei majority is different, in difTererjt States, Inyirpnia,or esampl Jb(i certi&cates t the sheriUs are br her taws made the Side evi ience ol a tit e to a scat to the Ilou.e f Representatives in the Congress of the Untied btates, TTit is nf election to either j branch of the State legislature! while by fthe laws of other. States, as Norih Candi- ni and New JerSey, tlie returns ol the sher- iff are not sufficient to shew membership in the House of Representative, as I hex are in the State Les'tstatures. but the Uov ernort of the States are emprtwered and re. quired lo issue a cotnmisiitmtmifyrngthr rcsourc ' ' home of our affections. NO. 1. r ' -e appointnient cf each person as a repre sentative. In these latter States, there fore, the Governor appointed the isturn inguflicers, lor inembeis of Congress; and their returns, made in due form, are en titled lo at. least as much respect In the hotly to which lliev are st-n.'. as ar those nf the sherifjain the General Assemhlv. In ascertaining how ltim li that should be we can be at no loss, if the historv anil practice of Parliamentary Assemblies in England and Ameri. a he taken as our Bui.le. i he rule in Hie li tush rarliaim nl is laid down in the ful lowing plain lan guage, which cannot be misunderstood or misapplied. If a sheriff slmll return one --nr kitighf -of-Hnrrthire'-w-hir wayunduty oFT not at an elected, vei lie mat is an re- " turned remains a member of the House till his t lection be declared void.' "Lex Paiiiamentaria 229, a oik every wliere cited by Mr. Jefferson in his Manuel, as a bonk of authority, (.'an an instance be found :idUhe priediuga lures or any of the Slates where a person who bore the ceriiGeatu of the sheritT, has not been' allowed to take hissi-at as a mem ber, either on the ground of fraud is the elections, false returns, ur any other uf the numerous causes which give rise to contested elections? On the contrary has not Ihe uniform practice bern, both in the State Legislatures ano in Congress, to re ceive in the fust plat, him who hail the forma' and legil evidence of title lo a seat, and to refer all .questions of contest ed scats, no matter how arising, to the tie riston ot the lliius alter it i nrgani.-ed as L'sja'iye body? If such high reganli pa i a lo ute certihra'e ol the alieriU, inuclt nin e would it seem to be due to the coin. niTasTOn of 7YUc7G.aicuuiiJindeFihe'great-i seal f the aiatei It is the most authentic attd solemn emblem, br which nersons claiming tobe members from one State csn accredit themselves To their fellow mcrii. bels from other States whointhey meet, for the first tiif-sjw-the floor of 'ori2ress; The whole people of New Jersey cannot u'MiTt iiieuiiy gu to i asnington lo proclaim with one voice whom they have chosen to repreaeiiUheui,ihu:cAnd if uii on Capitol Ijill, they could not be heard, under the compacts of ihe present cunjei-. mereni un people ol iNew Jersey have tie claretl to the people of all the other States that they will not ask tobe heard viva voce at the opening of each 7 Congress in an nouncing who shall be her Representatives therein, but that those whom bite sends will bear a letter missive from the higtlfst offi cer in the State attested by .his signature and the great seal. These she requires to be received on her pari by members Irmn the nlher States', as they may hope to be reeeived and recognized by her members, and the evidence of election, which their Stales may have severally prefcr'tbed. If this evidence be rejocted, r.o certificate from anyubaltern officer can be received no law provides for that nothing less tlia! testimony of sworn witnesses, liable to cross-examination, can be admitted to decide ihe- right. " But who can compel t c att"ndanre of witnesses? What offi cer shall issue. or serve a summons, or ar rest antl bring before the assembled mem bers an obstinate witness? Who shall ad minister to him an oath when he appears? The Parliamentary law 'and usage tell us clearly how all these things may be done. After a House has been constituted bj the usual ami regular course, but we read of no tootle ol ertectipn; them before the an ointment ofa Sneaker and other officers. much question tin ir right to punish for contempts, of to make any order binding any person whateverrbefure they ate thus coiisiiiuieu, tnetr mauuaies can only com maud obedience when issued br their pre siding olllcer under their-orderj. and they cannot substitute '"for this, their own ac clamations, however loul,even thotiglt lhe.y were unanimouv litis mode of admission in the fist in stance, exuis oi necessity, Otherwise it is an easy matter to prevent the orraniza Hoi)..olJie.llouse aUotiher ami -4 lis-4 solve the Government. If the members of one State are objected to. br those from another, and for that reason are. made to stand aside, antl allowed no part in the uusiness ot Ihe House, they have but to retaliate on their accusers, or charge an undue. rertificate xMi othersrand they must abide by (he same rule. And if the dial- jetiges should extend to a majority,,-noth iiijt, i a ii ue uone lor want ot a quorum. And thus the ridiculous' and puerile spec tacle would be presented of one half of Hie. Representatives of great nation standing "prisoners base on one side of the Hall, and the oilier half, powerless to redeem them from thraldom, or to do any act for Ihe public .welfare. Each mem ber has a perfect right to ask oPanother, "what constitutes yoo (in this preliminary stazi; of our proceedings) a jude over flier th answer if' given 7 in candour must be Ihe commtssion whicH J I tee fiom theproperaathorityinmyown State." lie has an unquestionable right to rejoin, "by a similar commission I have like powers overtoiuantl enoal nrivilesres with ycu in every particular." The right to a seat then, does nnt depend upon the fact, that there is no adverse claim, for these might be made from the worst motives and wimoui pretence ot justice, against eveiy memuer ol (Ue House. But upon the re- turn made by the officer appointed orthat HUGH tocOUEE purpose by the laws ol ihe State until the . Ilouse ioigani.ed. and until at er such organization il shall" by ret'lutin vacai.-' the seat of a member, this return ia imt merely prima fucie hot conclusive evident e for all practical purposes the member in the mean time ia nut only privileged - from arrest-but may ail and vote like otlTs-N er members. . . " f " In Jefl'ersoii' 115,it stated Even in cases of treason, fehwny si d 'breach tf the peace, to which privilege does not extend as to substance,, yet in pail'ument, a member is privileged as lo 'the mode of -proceeding. The case is , first to be laid before the II Ue, that it " may judge of the fact and of Ihe grounds . "of the accusation, and how for forth the 'manner of trial may concern, their privi- lege otherwise it would be in the pn--' erofothrr branches of the government " and even of every prive man under prelence of treason t"c to take anr matt . from seivitVin ihe Iluuse, at'.tl ss a many, one after another, as wuuld make " the ' I louse what he pleaseth Der.lar.t "tion of"lh Cotnmons on the Kinp dc "tturingSir John I lot ham a traitor.. ".Sy'en-aU"! " felony il was adjudged that he ought to remain of the House till conviction. Fur . "it may be any man's case who is guiltless , "to be accused iif felony or the like"' ' crime." ' In the latter days of the Stu arts it seems to have been one ol the de vices of the, crown -for the suppression o'..i: freedomrtff-prefepTriminal accusation gainst the liberal members of Parliament, with the hope of thus excluding them fiom - ; the Legislature and stifling iheir voice in the cause of iheir countiy. Hence amse the necessity fnr that jealous provia'mn o sec sic the attndance of members againf all improper interference, without the , , House, which has just been recited, . Whether at this time and in this country, any oilier branch of the Government or any private men'' is desirous to lake men from their service in the House and to v many as would inake the House what he -pleaseth'' I know no. It is quite certain, however, if any such dtsire were en tained, it might be as effectually accom pliahed. by. ailuw.ipg member lo bttexclu- tied, ti a at allegalion of a false return -f electrons-ashy accustngthe-rnnf rrimesr" whicb wuuld render theiw liable 4ci i J and conspquefitexclu'-i To all litis it is onjecied tliaTesch House shall "be lite-, jmlge of the election returfl and qualify-' cations ofTfs metirtierr sec. JjHr.'IslCftTT. This is at once admitted, bat' I think, itN has been a'lreatly shewn, as wt II as " deut- . nnstrated by (he late experiment in .die. Hnu "ttiat This" power- it iudg'mrtannnrr" be ctf-ctually exercised until the House s I the returning otucer my oeguniy oi iraiiti , or fslshood, antl these charges have been J unscrupulously bestowftl on ...die Governur... . nl New Jersey. a uepresentative ite- , public, stJch as tur Government the people , exercise many of their powers by means of , agehs these may abuse and pervert thei" V powers, but their acts are nevertheless binding for the time being, -To se cure a laithful discharge of duty , from ' , the returning officers in elections for Con , 7 gress, these are' guarantees equal in forco to those, which are taken for the perform- ; ance of any other official duties the slier- , V iff and inferior officers for failure or false-"" hood in making returns are liable to in dictment and perhaps to action also , The ; Governor of a State is responsible to pub lic opinion and liable to impeachment and disgraceful dismission from office, if he "T shall be so faMVist to all sense of charac ter as to certify a wilful falsehood or to ; suppress the truth. . . . The only inconvenience which can pos by result from giving credit to the cer- tificate, is that persons not duly elected may hold seats in the House for a briet in terval until an investigation of the truth fulness of their title can be had in the le- ' gal and customary method. ' Whereas if members with such certificates are not ac credited, whole districts, nay even sover . eign States may be divested of their Rep- resentation inone branch of Congress lor an equal if not longer time, up'in merely factious or whimsical allegations of fraud or falsehood in the election returns. My purpose has been merely to consider: the question involved in (his contest as ' one of Parliamentary 4a w, and to demon tni.wbaiitiia of tin IIoatt--s-Hp if ihf present circumstances, without -know'mz anr of the facts attendinz the e- -! lection, or the returns. It is proper, how-. erVrVtoV itate, 'tha:T"teeiii it altogether probable, that it will be shewn upon exam ination, that the course I have indicated as the correct and only legal one ; to be pursued at present, will r ecord with the ' truth and justice of the case upon its mer its As these certificates to (he members "' from New Jersey were given more than 1 " twelve months ago, since which time, the . .. whole subject has been freely discussed among the people of that State? and yet the " Governor and council who lurnished them have been triumphantly re elected to the ' offices which they then held. : IIAMDEN. The celebrated geologist, Dr. Buck- land, declared at the late meeting of the British Association for the advancement of science; thit ; wthe w to him a temple of Deity, and if rightly in terpreted,' such would be the sense ami feeling of every Christian lover of science,' in mavyjvesugation oi me giorions wr of the, CreMsitof all.'V It seems, there fore, that DriTtNinils nothiug in geolojry to favor atheism or inlNtelity. 1 his we be lieve is the experience ofarvemtnent ge- oWistt. ' V. . a PIiU. North'. American. 'a.'-:, "if , . m t - i t

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