-t4Li;;i:.:.:;.4--: ; A- ..r; I- a, ' V' - TIIOS. I LEMAY, V - Proprietor. ' TERMS. ' I three dollar I I Strteiri, per tune kair in etlvaaee. f7PnoH resio'inf Withoal the Stele will b .reqairea I pay the ameaatof lb year ' aerptioa ia advance, i KATRS OP ADVRRTISIXG. V For every square (not eieeeillne; IS line thli it type) first insertion, ana dollarieseotuh.. sequent insertion, twenty-five cent. g-Taa ddvertieement of Clerk aod! Sher'nT will . elt.rred SI per ecat. highers and a dr. dilation of 331 per sent, will ba made front egular prices lor advertiser by tbc year. Letter (a the Kditar mail ba pot-.id "TAe true Riches nf Life is UeuUlt." -We kno that health and Ilia ability to labor constitutes lha wealth ef ih rrcal mats of ilia people in this, in nml other aatialriee, Ta jireeerve theretore, lhat health by r-aluial oxen I a (rind, moral and political scheme, ta lulfil which require! oar almost attention. The aa preeedeatrp' popalarity aad universal approba tion wbicn ihte medicine has achieved throughout ba United rkafrs. the Canada. Texa. Metice and tha West Indie, fully justify Dr. Peter in It and eoBseienliottilr reentumendina litem ta tha special sitention af lha afflicted. , : Dr. Porter he spent maeb time in eiperU tnentiof wito different vegetable raetlieinee, for- '" , tllteasrs of the mar, ana now anera an vrjeia.. -rl ( Me I'illil ac tha baas, mot! convenient, and ' cheeped mcUcinotliat can Brpi eparad lot ten- . ral ase... .1 Una freat quality of hi vegetable fill I taat they hare the sltctative principle combined with their eatbartie, or operative qtialitie aa lhat , ' they not only cloaca lha ttomach and bowel by ; fioi-gine, but they regulate lha liver, change lha jnor bs.iIuoc, sircngtlKwMfcw Oigective'wr-' : y "fans, portfy the blood, invigoratethe en-culatiue,' ao'l give tana aad energy to lha aervoos eyetensr-: They are mild and pleasant ' ta their opera-, , tion.faad aonrey almoHimmeilmtc aoh iction ot tbair euilily Irore their Crt daae. They aca ba taken with talety by jterconc ol any agei - an-l the leeble, tha infirm, th nereoot an the lellcata, are strangtbened by their operation, bcetic ihtr clear the cycteni ot- bad huroorc, ejaiet aercoul irritability, anil invariable produce aonnd becllb. The eegetaMe Pi'.lc are rare remedy for , jtimdiec, etck'aad nervoac headache, dyiepcia, - aoctioeneca, (wkneac of the NDmach, beaHlMira, all billiom aomplahita, lever of all kindi, and ft taken at th commencement will invariably check their prorrete, and cava the paiienl frem ' t prvlrtetad aj dangamnc ciehneicTUey ara invaluable la ae'reou and hypocondrieal Bee, tioa, loe of appetite, and all cmnplcintc to which female alone ara (object. They operate a mild and rpeedy porg, and ara a aai au. oarlcin reioedy liir wwnii in children. Tv KSlof leiler trbm Mr Ijamey of New Orlrnt, La ,Oei. 9, 1137. T bava reaeived nock aswilanee ia my practice, eieaally ia jcundwa and tellow fever, Irom lh aca ol Pr- , ter' lllla. f prrtuine lhar, on " an-Ttverege, I -V :r prefer ibe otiejhodred boxe in a month,. -JUtraet at idler fiom Be. Prlchafdof Had , enn N. "., Jane 8, 1836. "I wacawara that Ihv ; tV'er '; On Ol lha bel eliemMtc, ia he Cait- ad Sictec, and latt attured iImI ha would ome. dy (from hit inluajita knowledge M the nrnp ertie of herb and drag prmtuea aa mko ' medieiiiei kail I matt acknowledge lb-t hie - tetchlc Pip fully jnnd te my eapeeiatinn. They are indeed a enperiormediciaa, aud rtH l erelit lka npnn tlic ebemitt, lha fhiiai. tnapauoanpuae. Ks Intel ot Ivitcr from Dr. Wiine. ofClneia twti, Feb. S, U3t Yimr Pill ara tnamihlent VUimMjiJ er'l. . i.aajl AeA, iwittj oowerlul m . ,3 ton, un lite ah) le. ai ui iiciica en me iinpui n tec 01 Iba blood, is rvtilrntlv sen ihrnrisine. Cztraet efs lexer' irons Ur. bsutl ol. Dalit morc.Uea. 17, 1 930. am m the daily habit of treerming them, Peter' Pill V "d ' lheyxm ' nearly all easr aoswenid my parmnr. I hsve diacared other medicines, some ot tbom eery good one, ia tbair favor, f " : Aueuttc'Ga Feb' 10. IS39. ' To Dr. .Patera... tttr Fur upwards t fitteetl ad Agaei and during the lime could find. Both log though I had applied lo every thmg, thai fiave me any thing like permanent relief. At englh, however, jour pill, wet recommended tome, by one. o I nnr beat phjticien, and I am most graielul and happy m being aide to add, lhat I had (eareely need 'two hoses when I found that Ibey bad rretorad me to perloot health iSiuw ttten, various mcmbert'uf my family have weed them with equal access and consequently 1 feel it my duty to apprise yon of the last, aad lo reqnest of )ou to publish this eertilleate, a I am CHittUs1 to add my public testimony lo tha almost miraculous virtuee of Tour unrivalled meuielne. Uespeetfully voor. - ) rn'isotijasj.iMM. Cbarlotle.N. C Ja. 1. 1137. : , Dear Sir I have made frequent use of your , pilUin lha incipient Mag ot bilioui lever, and obstinate eonstjnatioo ol the bnwel) elan, m lha , rJ -Hk9xA the apleeo. ehronia diseasea nl thtSMae, sick head-ache, general debility, and nnd ia all ease have found them la bo very el. leetlva ' ' J. I) BOYH. H.ft v Mecklenburg eo , a. 'eb.Sr, 113. ' Having a ted Dr. I'cters' pills In my practice i ' for tha last til months, 1 lkc phasura id grckig t ray teatimuny of theirgood cffrclc in esse ol dyspepsia. sick head-ache, bilioue fevers, and. inner diseases, pndueed by inactivity of tha lir. , re. Tliet a a safe and mild aperient, being Iba best article of the kind I ever awd. ' . - 6 4 tiKimuR u. SCOTT, M. n. " The lortnwinr, ia from a highly twspeeiahla. Planter of llurke eouittv, (a. July IU, 1137. Peters' Pillc.1 have givew sbem a lairtrislt Hearty threw doxrn bices have been used on oy , 'plantation the last year their mlministraiioa . has bee ettcaded wilb mora success Ihsa any ' . medi me I ha ever ased, and I taka pleaeuro in recommending tbcm to my friend and neigh. , ' :: botrrst thrt'ere hanrlr. ' ht -imd' ellleient, and" '"wjwoe bat etraf to bo approved, -"rt. " - . . ....1:1,11 KH ttY P. J.OS F.3. tesz: Cnmmnnieallon received front h rminenl llr.. J. II. train f Florence, G1. March 13i.tS39. lgl.tofll.clliltintcni, I was called in treat kasie.io the house ol a fellow eliiaenYMr. Uei 1 """-where t towtrd hie son a ctidd af ais year oW,. laboring under a mnct slarmirg attack ol Cyn aneke Tracbrali (Croup) and apparently be- ;U vond lliecid ol reined, H) iba greatest goad , fortune, hawever, I had lu my pnekec. h trudwo ' boa of your pills two of wbmb I administered,... wUh aoch an fmmettialely happy effect lhat ia a , -": few minutes my patient was at- ease, and eat of ilaoger. 'I'hi ease, in eonneaiioo with any nam , v . at your service anil I nave me pleasure io w . able io Btfurm you that year inestimable mcdi S rhte iabi such great lavor aitb the faculty here, bst.l telle.e il.ere is cud Mie of litem ako doe - 601 alt U ia kil itrisatc pteetiee. r u.ostrcsp'y ' -. t....... ,.;.' I:-II, 1RW IX," Jwf-tfc Thesa sfrinnlWiare and I justly celebrated l'illc, are old in ltxleigh by U illism k Hj - wnmt aad W M. Mason at Co., aad ihniugout the United State, lite Canada,.Tei(, Ales ice, ttl ,ba .West IiicIm-s. . ' - ' .. r.i fi: m i: ic is ks- UhUAMMATIDX-WI.en the most ' im ". pun ant funclioitt Id lie are suspended; aadthma V:' a lio are lutein's by inheritance or impradmra , are reduced io a rU ploritble state nf aeivnuide f l-ilitt., lltey sbmtM not escn ihrn despair, fur it : ta um in il.-spair ihnt relief can be fund. tie. ' . . I.H them ArM look arrmttd, and laying aside all ... prrjutlwe..ak . )ltfmel- thic cjue.titm'!! i my p't) stctstn eaanol help me, bis rtipntetp skill -itij tnty-reiv f.',"''' ' ' '-' . Prrbap at lhat moment (lie beading of llii .. ailtriiisritir.l. Vltpfl.tt'c life Medichtcs, would '' cC.'h tlit ir r;et antl were thry'in troth dtveded IliMtrvli pirpulkre, llry might- perhaps, be ni. . , dneed to htqitn-e whelher Mr. Moffatt s theory l treat taetil of cliaeacr. differed- 4ron tliat jiLj nir ova uhvskiaii. 'I bee would tbtn leant t . - a) dnl difler, and verj widely and with mo ' ., .,'rt rrsi l'i t. t - ,,.r; -; CUUII VKCF.TA MEmCIXF, I jo tit. icteric of all Uiis. ir hundreds if j ar, I f- " , . ... i J . ' .. . . --,'. " $iobth Cakouna VOL.XXXI before dial aeonrre "f mtnkbid, Merenrr,' w employed ia the healing art, Phyikln aceil nothing bat timple herb. Kvc) the Itibla re. aommea-l a I We kilful pli) licae be who pre. parelb hie medicine lr.ua herb. Wilaec Ke . leciailieu, clrtip. axiii. V $. Tha skdful .hjien thall lilt bit htxli and ia lha eight of tit great mta ba aball' he In cdrninlioa. , V 4. For h bath prepared bh medicine oat- of ih HKRUS of tha earth, and ba thai ) wia will not abhne Ihrm. MOFFAT'S VtliRTABI.R UFP. MF.DI CIXKS noteu qoalitie of the mod mild and krueAeial nature. 1 hey arc omocrd of arM ale tha most antl.pntreceent, caoihiaed with in gredienl known a the oaly eencia antidote cor fever of every description. When tha-diea a produced either from old, obvtraeiion, bad lir, twamny and camp (itaclina. or putrid mi ectuVahcUter nlignnt or epidrroie, r by mh or caae, these metiwine aia ceruin m tneir ; operation or eRccte. They ara poted of pe- litie which not only epn an exseace 1 tamo lima restore invigoraa the rrttem. When art! taken lute the siomsrh her ' immediatetr jljBuse jlrrsirlietUJi.!- ii pur inrvugn evfy. pftre, prouuvmg ruccn u onea delightful, acluisry cnil permanent. Ubea the (park of lile begins to grow dim, lha atreo lalion languid, and Ihefaeultie parcljaed, these medicines are found ta g1v a tone la the nerves, cihilercle the animal spirit , invigorai the bedj. a1 re-animsle the whole msn. THE UFt MEDlCISF.a beve-also been uced with tha most happy toecc ia Narvont ! end dispeplic diseases, Uontuntplton, A t lims Liver aomplcinl, Ithenmsiisra Jcliroiiie and ia lammatory) Dropiiec et. fce." ror further particular ol tli anave meaione, Moffat' good Samaritam a anpy of which accampanie tha medicine. A copy can also ho bed on application at the office ot VM. I'tXK, Kaleigh, N. v., agent lor w ssiaoi ma eaeuf inc. . v ' !. r ... m A liberal deduction mtt to lioo who par abase ta sell again French, tier msn, and Speaj ilk' direction, can be obtained, oa application the office of the proprietor, V. D- M offal la 36r.."ew Tork. SI tl ' Dr. Win. 15van' Ccletiatcd . Camomile and Aperiept Anti Bilious Pills, For Coratimption Coughs, ma CoTJ. nrr rta rt'agaaea. liver; cphiiii Uycprpitin. bi. - i. Ikti( diseaeraunile. ulcer, female weaknesa- amPall diseases of hypocliondriacwn. n spil rile, palpitation ot tne neart, ttervoti imtaoi. lily, ncrvoua weaknesa, nmir alnin, emina Wekne, imlijrstion, lose of spnrtile, heart-: " burn.' general debility, bodily weakness, cblo rosi or gTeea atcknea, llatuleucy, 4ty clerical 1 fainting, htatericv headuche. hiccup, ea . sicknrec, nightmare, rheumatism astlvma, tio-, lukireu; cram,t, pssmo.lic allection, and those who' are victim to that inoat eierttcia. " tine disorder Cowl, will find relief from I heir . Docl. Yl rvans' Soothinr Syrup For Children Teethlng.l'repartd TU.vtUrilF.KS AKO kcrsss. Tkepasaag of the Teeth through the gam produce troublesome and dangereuc y mloms, l u know n by motlaet.that there is g al irrka- , view ia the ntttcwtt and gums daring Ibis process. " Iw gum cwell, the lecretioo of saliva ts in. reaacd, tb child is seised with ImpieM aao) . suilrfea fit of arj iog, walehings. Marling in the sleep, and spasms of peculiar parts( the child thrieke with eatreme aiolcnce, and thract h ' fingers into it mouth. If these precutsoy symptom are not speedily allciialed, cpasmodia coavulsions' universally capcrven. aad aooa ' cause Ihediasolutiea of the infant. l mother ho have their Iktle babea afflicicd with thee die. treating symlomt, would apply Dr. William bnanc Olebrated Soothing Syrup, which hi preserved hundreds of infant when thought pact recovery, iron being soddcaly attacked with that fatal maladr, onnvulsions. T AlCoal Illesslns- to Mother. ' Dr. I?. Rvun' (jtlcbrutttl Soothing Surup, For Children Cutting Iheir Teeth. ' ; TbSiinfallibte remedy ba preserrcd bunitretls of Children; when thuaght pact recovery, from ' ooavelsiona. At sooo ac the Syiup is rubbed on the gum, lha child a ill recover.. J his prepare- lion ia CO mnnaeat, so efficacious, and so pleasant that wo child will refuse to let it gam be rub. bed with it. When intants are al the - age ed four month, though there I no appearance of teeth, one bellje ol the Syrup should be used on the Cm, to 0tee the par. Parent slteuld never . wkboot the Syrup ia. thonursery where there x are young abildreni for if a child wake m the ; a ightwnh pain hi the gums, lha Syrup immedi. ' acly give ease by opening th pore aud healing tlte guoui inereoy preveutiug uonvutstoas, ro vers, ix (gPrioJ Positive nfilieEjfcacii of ur. Jivant' soointng syrup. To the Agent of Dr. F.vans' Soothing 8yrapi LtVhrjSJr-i-TJie greaj. bnefti afforded.. my suffer. -m- leg inlsnt by your Boothtng ryrup, ta a ease ol nrotracled and painful dentition; mast convince" " every feeling parent bow essential aa rai ly sppH cation ol suca aa invaluable men tome isto relieve . bilaHl nlurv and Snrtnrw. Mff infant, while : tcclbiag, experienced such aeule an ffchtgs, that It was attacked wilb a. avulsions, and my wile aad lamily supposed that death would aooa re- leas the babe from anguish tilt we piocamd o bottle of your Syrapt which a soon applied lo th gums wonderful change was produce J, and after few applicttipM lha child displayed obvious aelsel, and by enntiauieg m H use, I era glad to iotorm yai, the abild ha omplrtely recovered , aad no reeorrenee of that awful complaint ha . since occurred! the teeth are emanating daily ' and. the child enjov nerleet health, I give you , i rmjr cheerful permission to msk Uiis ackaowW - augment public, ane will give any unormauoa a tkisctrcamsiaitce a . i.,. . . " Wl. JOIIXSON. -. ,Q3"A gfptlemsn wbe hs mail trial of Dr. IV. E.atts' A-.Mtihing .Vt rup.'ln hisT.niity, ia tate nf a teething ehiltf.J wfthe nt lo state thai be found it entirely effectual m relieving pain id the gums, and preventing the aonsequettea which . r snmetime follnw. We cheerfully comply wHh , bi request. X. Tork A'en. We believe el U (enerallr ackanwlettgrd b I hose who have iricd.it, that the Jtuuthing yrup -for Children Culling Teeth, adverlited io anoth er column, is a highly asrliil article tor the nur- Soscs lor which it I mieutlecV Highly retpecis- le person, at any rale, aba have wade use of ' rl.do not besital to give its virtues lite sauctkiB at thear name. ; Uoston Travrller. - (O 'evert Vase if Teething vUh ; flfitminer Complaint, . '. ured by lb itilallible Amerirsn Southing Syrm ; ' id llr.. W. bvaaa. Mr, Mel'bercnn, resMltug at ' No I, Madison street, ached c lew day since a the medical office ef Dr.. V. Kas, U0 Cltatam ' cticet, N. Y., and purchased a bottle of th Syr up lor her child, who w suuVring eicrociaiiag pain during the proses of denlitimt. berat aUt uteataril) Ihreatrned with aunvuluona, it bowel too were exceeding lose, ami eo food aoold be- ' -relatnrd on the stnmaeh. Almost immediately . On it applieaiioabe alarming S'ptom.entirely censed, and by coniiouing tac use of the strop Ike gums, the bowclf ia short lime became . Powerful in rqoral, In intenectnal, and in physical resources the land of our airea, ajtd the nALElGir, N. C cjnhe natural. A a trtbote nf gratitude for the benefit afTtHdetl Ihc ebslil, the another came of . her own accord. cud Ireeljrssneiionedp'ihlictty lo lheawev.' I'ray b particular hs, applying at KM Cltaihsa streel, as there are several stun. lerfeiis advertitetl. No ether place ia the city has the genuine lor aal. ' - , " ". ' 1yimpMmtit M Alcrmcm fHtildrea ffewer- ally Sutiar much wneasiues from iba autting, ,.. of fheir leelh. IVbaieser dangerou or laisf . (ymplon attend Oil proe ol nature Ihre are , produewd iavarlbjy from the bighjy irrltsled and ' , iiill.med cowliikHr wf the parts there lot e the Srincipal loilications of attrearela abate the in ammctlmt, and ta ceften, eoothe, and relai the gum. If that is effected the anient j preaerteeV I rem rabeewueat fever, inoculation, apssmodi r emtgh twitchmg of trwdont, oroop. cst.ker, aad convulsion, displaying their lata! oviceejtene. ' It mothers, noraes, orauardiaa have I heir babea , tortuivd with painful aad protracted drotub, , -k and this notice attract their wtlenlian,'bey ihiuJJ- . aot he cjelerrrd from purchasing a bottle m - , EVAN'S SOOTllliU Sl'IllP ' lor Children Teething, ibe hi coin parable virtu of which, in cnnipletvly relieving the most die. whew wppi ten niTt, miani sg'imc SS directed,; i invaluable, 1 ba relnrdy has re ; sirred tboaund of chiidrea shea on the verge of the grave, Jo the embraces agaia of their die- ' t reeled nareals. ttiaeked witlt Ibal awful aad mor lileruut matstfy conuliois. , . . - . AGENTS. ; r ' Win. M. ,Maon & Co. Rilrigli. g; Hall, NewbcrtK ; J. M liedmond, Tarboranghi . H." II. Mechen, Washingtont F. a. Mawhell, llelda Snotswood U Koberslon, Pcteribnrgt C. Hall, Ntrfidk, A. Duval, Kiehmnadt lwis Johnson, W ashingtoa, I), C. Mortimer k Mawbrayallimore. - IHGIILT IMPORTANT. CAUTION T THE PUBLIO-Cofe me titukct." I10CTOR KVANS. 100 Chatham Mreet, ask the present opportunity of tendering; hi moat utifeigutd cknitwlelgemml fp tbe i.tt" merous patron (afflicted ith the varioti forma of disease incident io humanity) who have committed themselve to hi care, and be ha the gatisfaction of knowing; from many living evidence, that haa removed Or re-. 1 liceaJheir reapectteo maladies, aa far a Kef withinr the compass af human mean.'. -How distrescinif to the affllicled i DYSPEPSIA or. , INDIGKST10X ! poicontna;tl the aottrce of " eujitvment, nd leading in many instance to the mrseriea of h vDocottdriaCism. .. Jjinr att . haa been the (ubiect of lnquirjrly tcsetlioar anlhort, it femairis involved much obscurity -ty. Jaitdice, Diarrhoea, Cliolera -and Cltolic," I eo perform a highly eutrpnjou part ul' tlie ' drama -of maibid aHecUona. j Dr. EVANS lis been- mngiilnxjy aucceaalul ta the treatment of tlte above complaint, : by rtmedie. tlrava e. t of which are for the most Bart icirra- vated'by or rooted in the oonatilotiosv Aytho . CONSPIRACIES of MEUCUitUU MU R DEKEHS, UNPRINCIPLED, UNEDCCA. iMrrUD AND .UNPHACTICED in any art aave uiai oi acmpinie; to icau iuw rvwti.. on the road la rum; . i j- ;.' - Ur. Kvact' offioaW auonlied Willi CnotOeeT rrmedie from foreign mrheta,nd eooiponn. , ded on the moat cientific principle. A Dhvsician is alwav in attendance, and al those who come there in the hour of need, go efT rejoicine;, . ;J ': Dr-Wi. Evan' Medical Office, iuu imc bam atreet. New York. ' rrj- moxe cojrcLusifE pitoors of the extraordinary efficacy of Dr. WM. EVAXSf celebrated CAMOMILE And APERIENT AJTrlBlLOUS PILLS alleviating- afflicted mahkind. Mr. Robert Came run, 0l Bowery, Disease Chronic Dye entery, or Bloody Flu,. s .' symptom: unusatial flatulency in the uowei levare'e-ripinr, frequent indication to. ro lo tool, tenesmus, loss of appetiie, nausea, vom- ilinif, frequency of pulse, and a frequent die- ., charge of a peculiarly fat t id matter mixed with blood, grrst debility, sense of. burning; beat, with an intolerable bearing down o tho " ..parts. Mr. . Cameron . ll enjoying perfect health, and returns htaaineere thank tor the extraordinary benefit be had received, ' A PF.RFECT. CURE OF A8TH MA, FIFTY . V FOUit YEARS STANDING. , Kffeetcd by tbc treatment af Dr. Was. Evsa. ' .' Thi is to certify that I wa attacked with the Atbma intbe ninth ) ear of my age, and from that lwe antil the oresent tear, a iieriod of Cltr four year, 1 have been (object lo that disease. For tit last five year, t fear had it-almost, iw " eeisatttly, not being exempt Iron, it more Iba) twenty-ioar hours at any one time. I had on culled in most skillul physhmmsaad tried saany -remedies wilhoat any relief. . In Jane last 1 com- . meneed using Dr. Wm. F.vans ' vegetable medi. . eine.'not with In expectation of cflkcting a ewre, for 1 believed my care hopeless snd my dissolu lionoear, but wh the hooe ofoUabtiog moment. ary relief. ' Ue lore I aad used two. package I -was entirely relieved, and I have not been at lacked with it since. I aae aow say that 1 am perfectly cured of the' ditesse. and eonademly recommend it to all who may be affltet4 vith thai distressing omplaint. T . r SAR.H 8IMM0XS. t Attgott 16, 1131 j,. JiJv-...i,' 'l.,:Z. v'l VyASTBMA, THREE TEARS STAX - Mr. Robert Monroe, ScltoykiH. afflictttl ' with the above distressing malady. Symp. 1 oms: Great langour, - Aal ulency , - dietti rbed , - ret t, nervous headsche, difficulty of brea- tl Ing, tightneu and stricture tcios the breast., v ..wsiiicss, nervous irritability atitl teltlcmnrta,-"-could not lie in a horixontal position, witjimit - the sensation of Impending sullocslion, pair . pitstion ef the heart, distressing cough, cot. . liveneas, pain of the stomach, drewsinrse, , great debility, ami deficiency of the nervous energy, air. K. Monroe gave up every bought ef recovery, and dtreueapair ene.i th countenance of every person interested i i bis existence er b'sppine, till by acctueot. he noticed in a public paper nine cure enec . . tetl by D It. WM. KVANS' MEDIC1NB in hi complaint, winch imlucetl liim to porcnaae a package of the pill, which reautted in com. pletcly remtiving every symptom of hisdi. ; ease. He wishes to any his motive for this;., declaration is, that tlnate alfiicted with ih same nr any symptoms similar to those from hied he it hiiVpity rrawtml, ; may- likewise receive he Same itteatimable benefil v 'i CT LIVER CUMPL.II.Yr. TEX t&AttH. ST.tXDI.YCUr. . HANNAH UltOWNF. wife ol Joeph llroane, North at ., Witriamsburgh, afflicted the laltceara with thrlJver Complaint, completely restored :o health through the treat mrnt of Dr. WM. KVANSj K)mptomc n.biiual conatipatioo iifilte bowel, total In nf rppetite, ,rxcru. , citiiig pain of the ep'garic region, great de " 1 1 " i.ii.iiswsswseMeseajaej MTEDN'SDAT, JAN. 8, tS10. prewsioii of en'triisv Isnpitnr, ami other armp. lorn pt extreme -debility,, disturbed ieep, inunlinnler.ow uf the, menaea, pain in the ' right aiilecouU not lie on ber left aide with out an- aggravation of the pain, urine high coloured, wild other symptoms, indicating . grest derangement, in t he function of the Mr rtrowne w$s attrndrd by three of the ; first physicians, but rrcrived but little relief front ilieirmeUcitir, till Mr llrowne procured some of Ur. Win. Evans,' invaluable prepare. -lions which elnually rejieved her of the a bdve dietreiii ymptoms, with otli r,w hM3li it is not. so esse. ilwl to intimate. JOSEPH B ROWS F , Cf y and Connly o Kew-York, . ; Josenlt llrowne, William.biiriin, lanr I - land, hirtrg duly cworn, did depose and ay . tliat thefttelcaa acl fttrth in lhejfcitiigAifc khetit, lo which he h etbcribed his rame, - are lust and trder JOSKPII llKwK, H.wtirfii.l nf the said Hannah tlmu'ne. ' . Sre1bfe.TTfirtth lay of January . 1 B37 . .? PETr.R. PI NCKNEr, Com. ot Ureds. , An trtrairdiiuiry Curt, perforrord. by Dr. Wm Evana, of 1WJ Chatham treet, Y Mr. W . W . W. of 1 00 EWrtdgwaTrctr,- trt laboring tinder a tlineeao. which wa by-many physicutn conaidered Incuraoie, ana cetitii ' find noreliel from my ooorce whaieter, un. ,; til he made application to ur. Keana, auu placed liimaeJ! under hi auccenui course at trrttment, frunr which he- began to lind im- mediate relief, and in a few Week per fectly cured. ;"r ,.'..'! i.. A CASE OF TIC nOLOREUX. Mrs. J. E. Johnson, wife of Capl. Joseph Johnson, of Lynn, Mas, wa aeverely afflicted for ten year with Tut Uoloreiix, violent pain ia her head, and yoroiting, with burning heat2 in the stomach, and unable to leave Jier room. She emild find no relief from the advtc of several physician, nar from medicine ol any . kind, until sllcf ueneci commencru smg Dr. Evaitr medicine, of 100 C'ltatliam reel, and from that time elte began to amend, aud, feel aiisfied if li continue lo medicine a fear da a longer, will be perfectly eured, Refeerocvcan. be liadw to. lie.lmh,pf tho above, by calling at Mr Johnattr.' daugbtcra .. Store, 389 Grand atreet, ft. TTT '" !FAR ALYTIO BWHUMAriSvi A, ptirfe! T' ore effected by thi ' treat meat -wf Dr, W. EVANS. Mn John Gibson, ot North Feaith M Wtiilamsbarth, atftieiadwrth ilicnaboea nm-r itlaint for three year and aiu moolhat dunue whtcb time hs bad tav use eiutclieU flit duet ymntom. were es.ruei.tHig pal. .11 bi.jon.ls . but csneaially ialbe hip. sl.oUlder' kfs and ankle, an aggravatioa ot tha psms towards aigbu and for. the most psrtsll tunes from' eli"Uil haai. aa oh (lout thickening of the fuscia and lig- sioents, with a eoasnlet lost ol muscular pnw. ininra bava xmtnlMele recovered their nature boa, and he feel able to resume hi ordinary botmes. ' ' . - MHo ANNE F.' KENNY, Tin. lp' street, keiweea Stanton and Houston at, afflictad tor ua years with Me futrewing distreccing ymp. , torn; Acid crudatioas daily MiatmoUie aaiae mlhe head. Iocs ol epewtae, aadpnaiioaaf hr hewn, gicMaaeaa and dimacc"wV etgwt, oowtd aw. lie oa her side, diatwrbed rest, otter inability of . engaging ia any thing that demanded vigor or aourage, sometimes s visionary idea of an aggra vatioa ef ber ditease, a whimaiaal averstoat juHicalar nersoas aad places grenodl, appre hcsiion ol personal danger ami povily, an bk omeaeand weariness ur life, discontented die. anietude oa every light eeeasion, she conceived she aould acnherdis nor live, alio wept lemeel ted, desponded, and tbewgbtabe 0''rr erablc lile, never wessny on so bad. wahlre qilent mental hsllocinslions. j ' Mr. Keany hsdihe advice ol aeveral eminenl phjsicians, aad bad recourse lo numeroa aned icines, but aobld not obtain eveo temporary alle-l .i.ti mt s. rfutn..n Main, tilt her susttswl . persuaded her to make trial al mjr ment She ia now quita relieved, aad Bnds her- self nnt onlf aanabl o attending to her dome. ., liasffairs, but avow lhat she enjoy gona health at present a abe did at any. period ol her, eiistenee. - J. KEN NY.hnsband oflha aforM Ann Kenny t Sworn before me.lhl. leth day wf December 1156. ; PETER. FINCK N F, Yi Com, of Deed. ,w s AGENTS. , ; Wm. M. Mason, & C. Rt S.' Hall, Kewbarwt . ' ( V J M Redmond, Trbomogh . ' ' H.I. Mechen, Washington! f -. F. 8. Marshall. Halibi ' ' bpotswood It Itoberstoa, Petertbnrgt. C. Hall,- Norfolkt . ' ." ' A. Duval, Riahmondi - ' 1 ' 1 Lewi Johnson, Washington. D. Ct ' Menimer Mawbray, Bsllimore. : Prom lb Library ef Health. w SLEEPING WITH THE HEAD COVERED. 'Before tlvtdatiger'o the head covered can be rendered aullicienUj ptain, it will be necessary to state one fact in physiology to which we have not yes- ue iu. ; The tame change of the blood from bad to ijoudrrrfrota pure lo,jmpuerr!hich is eflectetl in the lungs, is effected also in tome degree, on the whole surface of the body. Some "insects or Worms may be said to breathe entirelj on the surface of the totljTbej have no luncs whate nr. , As we ri in the scale ot.exiHien ees, to tnakes &c we berin lo find lungs or gills, in which a part of the change of blood to which we allude i is effected. Ris ing still further in the scale oi being- we find the lungs larger and larger, and - the skin less snd less concerned in the change, till we come to msn, and tome few other animals. In whom the change : is - almost wholly accomplished br the lungs. Still, we repeat it, the skin, 'even io man, has some share of the work of renovating the blood to perform, as may he readily shown by a very simple experiment, like the fo. lowing: ...........'a.ii.- -:i;...5.': When t person has lain several hours in a bed,' closely covered lo .the neck with thick covering say with the modem , ar. tirlo called a cotnfiM-taWe'et a candle or Utnp lj introduced oo.ler the clnthiog, and it will toon be extinguished. The oi ygen so much diin.inishriL. and the rarbo nic acid gas to much increased,' as to be incapable of .supporting combustion t;anl by th same rule unfit for respiration. Let it be also distincll v 'understood that this change is wholly effected without the a- horn of our iTcr4iont.t NO. 2. Znrj of the? brrath; llioosV wlien the hrtt'l i cntrereil, it is, of courir, accom- plulie.l tnticlt fatter, v 4 i 1 l lii tact, that we brraOie,n t were, that i ta aa, purify the btootl and poison the air with the who'l; mrrfsceof our body, at-welt as by means nf the lunge, is of I lit utmost practical importance to be under stood by thoie un. mtam we urge the 4i 1 or kerpitg the skin dean) for Itow can fiil-ki'i varnished over with dust pet form ils delicate and important ' Tone liooi? It is of importance to bo 4Ttler. stotiil in order to know how ts eletliVour ielvesi for all those furtns nnd trcum stancrs ol our clttthing which teird to em- liiria-ii orr interrrrtJLhiti!n in us work ol asitin the lun; to puriT the blood, Ore.; of Wlurfc.U1yiwiwMef--J It U; however,, of sit 1 1 lihrher itAportance that it should be w 11 understood by mnth. rrs in the management or thrl infants. not Ottlin rezard to cleanliness and dress. put particular in reguru to sirep. - - Fur, in the first placet the bed eloihing ought to be ts loose and porous as it cti be,and jet.at the tame times retain a suf. Scirnt amount of hest, in order that the carboni to escape, and the' purer air to Bud its war thrnujlt it. i Secondlj. The : cloihes ouht to be often thrown open, and the air under ihem thus exchanged for brtter. Thirdly. 'ITie child ought never to al lowed to sleep with its head .under the clothing. Immense it the "mischief done iti ibis wary we have already said, - by ignorant parents, and even by those whnae fttlt-iav-iitotwnariearelTHfM ignorance. Fourthly. He should sleep alone-as much as possible, eitherJn a bed or t crib, rather than with parents", broth. ererT wstert never bt permitted to lnye i dotne$tl CBTf imals, as favorite dnr or cats, sleep in the Ti I .1.1.. . . . oeti wttn nun a practice 7 quue too tow roon i h " our coo n try especial I j that-of having poppy it the bed -r-Tlrt child's jUuUy poisonstht imprmonetl tir quiterrnt i ejnuugo w.tnous any am fromons . ct, OT fro.n Olher human boiliesj SO U above all; witnoui veins atueu oy- ni own breath. What lu been said in relation to the 4 es will at least be to-ih tne mariiienHenl of childhood and youth, and manhood and oldagr. Fires without flues,tantps,candles, breathing, the action of the, skin, (if not prevented : bjr ; tlirt i improper dlolhing, See.) tad many more causes, will conlin- wwpwcc' to i-Jeteriorste the atmos. pnere at every period or existence. I here wilt be no moment of our lives 1 when we shall not need the whole actire force of t free, vigorous pair of lungs, and t healthy kin, to form and reform the blood, and to cast off the poisonous carbonic -acid gas which it formed by these ' important pro cesses. " There will be no waking moment of our lives when we shall not need tt be constantly on the watch at least as much Jas our circumstances and employments j will admit against an agent which will .'threaten our destruction, and which af. iter we have done our best, will probably gain, mere or less, the dominion over OS, ' I -';" ;' ! ' ;:' '; 1 i:-'1 - Hence the importance which philoso phers, In all periods ot the world's history, have attached to pure sir, and the conces sions which have been 'made proud .as mankind have been, and ashamed of and averse to laborin favor of agricultural employments. ?' The habitual breathing of pure air, with'plenty of tctiye exercise, will counteract.' in no little degree, the bad tendency oft host of the ordinary physical transgresssions. ;.V PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE. yifiikyiiniMCfSt tdtTctl To known deferts in the rxistinj lawn, amt uim. anal ilcMmigrmciit !u tho general oper tiimaof tradpj :hafftdntinr-thv tart iTtree yraiS inir1i.tcrrii(d ttiO riifUcnl. tie attenilant on the i collrrtion,- keep. iit, and iIisourHcmrnt ni ITiA revenue. od CHlled fWtSt triirrespondin cxer tiont from tlniHC having them lii rlitrerc, Uisnmtr.j theao "' have been atirressful bey tint! expertation. .Vast . turns have been 'coflected and (.iftburtfd, by the srvrrat Urpnilmcntt with nnexpectcd clteapticacj nhd rasr trailers have been retduy made to every part.of tho Un ion, however distitnt, mid defalcationii liavo lire u far leu than tnicht . have been anticipated, from tfc absence ' of aderiiiate legal restraints. . Smce the ollicrri f tho Treasury and luat Ollicc DrpartiurntH. we're rhtrge-d with the custody nf most nf the public -moneys received by litem, there have been rol Irrtrtl aixty.iir inillinns ordollart, nnd ex Indium thei rane t f tho tale ridlcc tor tt NrWYrki tint aggregate amonnt of Irtttrt atiHfdinrd - in tho fuIlt'Ction laotKit, it is believed, rxrretl sixty Ihniisftntl dollars. Tho defakntion of lite late rollertor at that rity, of the rx tent and rlrrumstanrrs of which Con. rrraa line been fullr Infiirmed J ran Ihroit-tt nil tho modes of keeping the nii'tlir; mimev that 1iave lirin -tiitlieitfl . er . in titrmi l wai tlmtioguished by an nrnrated disresard of duly, that cteiy be iiii-- lully relet rnl In as n test ol Hie n-nt-parative safety of eilhrr. Adtlitif nl infirmation wilt also be fuinisl ed by the report of tho Secretary of llio '"mm. ury, in reply In a rail made upon that ofHrer by tle House of Ilcpresrtttatitta at the Tax, unTiion, rj'ii inpr defaili-d inf-irnintion on the auhject tr ilrfaislts by public tiBlfert or agents under rat It Adihinistration, fmm 1789 t 1837. I'h n doniment wilt Letubmittrti to 3011 Ih few dav. The tetifrnl result. (independent of (he I'ost OBire, vl.i h it kept separately, and will be stated by ttat'tf,) to far Ai Ibey bear iipnn this- ; auhjet t, ate, that the Insst s wliidi l ave been, and are likely to br, Btistaitied, : by any t lass of agents have been the greatest by banks, including', n rrqnir. . ed in the rennlutiori. their d' jircfiattd pnper rcrehed for.pullic diwaj. that tho nrxt largest Itiue. brrn by dibbursing oflircrs, and the least by rwllectorn and rerriver. ' If the ttmee on duty bond.s are Inrltiiled, they nltine will be three. fV!ff tlLoaeJ? ibo'h Ctdleetott nnd rr. Tlverii. - Ilur whole experience, llirre.. Ctrref 'torWaaea she atrongeat rviderjre (hit the desired IcgioJatinn of Congrrsa it iSotie wanting to insure those op rrat ions the highest degree or arWt t r and facility, Such also appears to ha e ; been the experience of other nations. From the results of innuiriet made br . the Secretary of the Treasury In regard to the practice among them, I ara en a bled to state that la tarutj.lwo out. of . . tweiity-eevrn fttrrign Ooernmeitt",froi which undoubted inforniation has been obtained, the public moneys are kept in charge of public fitncers. Thi con rurrence of npiuioh it! favor of that sj t- (cm is perhaps as great as exists on any question of Internal ndiniuistrnlinnv - III the modes or business and nfllciat restraints on disbursing nfQceis, no le gaf h ahge" was prod ured - by -1 1 ans- -pension of specie payments. The re port laitt referred lu w ill be found to coutainUomwbi-Msi'ftiMnf in"relalioi.:i6:thiS"uu my rrasoi: J"or btdie.v log that the estiib lishiuent of an liMlt'l-ciidciit National Treasury, as conternpialcd byjJip; jon otttininrnTtsnrcesjarjrtfftlieTiafe action -ol lhf1 Federal Government.- 'The uti pennlon of specie payments in 1837. by the banks" having the Custody f tho public money, alio ed hi to alarming ' av dtgfee our ilcpciitlence on thuse losti. s mended I ho entire dissolution .f Hmt roiuterlion.' This reciirnmenstion has becn'Kuhjet tcd.as I desired it nhoold be, to severe tcrutiny and animated dii- enssion; and I allow myself to believe that notwithstanding-tho natural diver tit it-s of opiuion which mar be anticipa. ted on all sub ice Is involving such im- rinrtant considerations, it has hecurrd n Its favor at general a concurrence of public Jicntiineut - as rottd be - rxpct t ed on one of such magnitude. . ..Recent events hare also continued to developo new ubjet tions to ouch a con nection. Seldom is any bank, under the existing system and pi art ire, able t" meet, 011 demand, all its liabilities for dcpoMtcs and notes in circulation. . It maintains specie naymeuts,. . and trans, acts a profitable business, only by the confidence of the pubic iu its solvency; and whenever this is destroyed, the de menti of its depositors anil noteholders pressed more rapidly than it can make Collections from its debtors force it to stop payment.. This loss of confidence' with its eoiisrqucncet occurred in 1 837, anil aff irded the apology of the banks for the suspension. The public then acquiesced in tho validity of tho excuse, and, white tho State Legislatures - did fiof exarttfrom them . tlteir forfeited charters, Congress, in accordance with the recommendation of the Executive, allowed them time to pay over the pub. lie money they? ,lieldalthiii5li compelc led. to issue Treasury JBotca, to- auppl y -the deficiency thus created. . --tit now appears lhat .there are otlier motives than a want of jMiblic confidt-nre under which tlicb-mks seek to justify thnnselvra in refusal to meet their -obligations. Scarcely wero the conn, try and Government' relieved, in a de. grce, from the difficulties orrasionrd by the general suspension of 1837, w hen a partial one occurring within thirty months of the fit mer, produced new and serious rmbarrasrmeiits, though it had no palliation In such Circumstaures as were alleged is justifica' ion of that which had prcvionly tken.lace. There was nothing in the condition of tho country to endanger a well managed banking institution' commerce was tie. ranged by no foreign war; every branch of manufacturing industry was crow ne I with rich reward, and the more than 11 soal abundance of our harvests, after supply ing our domestic wants, had left our granaries & store-houses filled HHMirplflS for exportation. It is in tin midstof this, that an irreiunnnUo an i depreciated paper currency is entail ! op.iri the people by a large p irti ti f t thanks. They rre not driven t it 1 . he exhibition ot a loss ol t .. . ; - . fideticc, or rr n sutlut n fir their llenositors 01 liotc-ln.l I 0 1,. 3 .IH, I t therexctise themselves by a!!ej:ir th t the current of buiiincss, and excha: ;j- broke throii'li ihe rrslrainn nf yctcm, and cannot, tltrrrf u r, lit