4 u TH'OS.J. LEMAY, Proprietor. TERMS. Sua MBirri, throe dollar per naum half in advanec. gyPecaon retiil in j without ike Slat ' will lc repaired to pay t he mktle amount of tbeyearS uBieripiio m unvaaee. KTKH -IK HVF.RTISIN for every aqaare (aot exceeding It line this lite type) (rat i ivertmn, one 1nBr, eaehtoh tea teal iaterrinn .tweaty-Ave cent. rTT r advertive menu of Clerk and SherrtT, will w. charged tS per aent. highrri and de. doetitM of 3.14, per rent will be made from he egular price lor . Ivertiier by tbr year. Letters lo thr Editor matt be poii-iaid. "The true niche of Lfe it Health.9 ' We know that health ami ihe ability In labor eonwiinte the wealth nf the greal matt of Ihe people in thi. a in nvat ether enontrtee. To nretrrve therelnre, lhal behlih by titial meant la a geard, moral and noli leal aeheme. In fulfil WVeh require our atmoat attention. The an preeedemrp nnpolarit an-l wnivmal appcob ti whici 'hi medicine hi. achieved throughout lie Unite! Slate, the Catada Tft trletieo end Ihe V't ladie full juatify l)r. Peter in warmly and emvteienlinn! r ce-ommending tliem ta lh apeaial aHcelim nf the affl eied. Or Perlee ha apent In tit h lime in e I peri tnenting with different vegetable medicine, for dioeaae nf the" liter, an I now offer hi vegeta ble Hill, a the bevt, moat annvenent, and hevneat medicine ihatfxn be prepared loi gea- al ae One g-ea' qnvlitv of V vegetable Pill i thvt they have lheteiafive neinel,.t mbmed wirti their eathanie. or operative qualiiira, an lhat they not only eteante the Homae'i end bowel by parting, but they regulate the liver, change the la rfci I e-rrlinrn, rer-gthen the digeuive nr. gin, nl'ify theblmd, invigo 'eihe circulation, and ie tone l energy I tit nervn?i ytem. Tbey ." nld ,nl. p'e 'it in opera tion, an 1 eon e b',n-'i'i"Tie lite cone'ioii of their utility from ttt-ir firtt dne Tltey can be taken with Mfe'v h p r t.t of any agri $ h feeble, th Inflrm, the nrrvnu anil, the e, rt frrngfhnri hy their operation, uVy '-'r ,nlt ol hd liMmn . qVie- ner'Ht rrilabi'i'y. ami invarlal It produce on I health Tia e(fi able I'illt are 4 U remed for jnn tie!, iek and ner o lieadacbe, iljj;p'a, eolireieu. irknt-H "f lb alnmieh. b-nbut n, al hiltinti nm:lain' leer of all kimla, and ft lake i at ihe commenrement will mrariahly cbea iV-ir tirngrrtt. and tare ihe patient from a nrotmeted aid dnee'ni airkne. 1he are intaliia'ite in ejervnna and lijtincnndrical aflee tiH, ln nf npnelite, and all complain" to wliieh female atone are mlijert. They operate a a mild and jieil par-, and are a aala and certain r-'inmty tnr worm' in children; P.xtfet of a letter from Mr. Gnrney ol New O leal. Iji ,t)el. 9 l.17 "I hare received mo-S aaaiitanee in my prwtiee, eec'ally in Jan - ire and yellow ft er, f om the ae ! He-t'-rt ''ill I tireiiinir that, . on an i"c, I prei ribe one Itn idred b ir In a momh M r.a " net nt a lettw nm r. trklrd nf lfnd am W Y.. June S. 1836. "I .re tUt Dr. PeWr wa aneol the heal ebemit ia the Untt ed Maira, and lelt a-ured that he would come da (tnim hia intim.le knnwlr-ilge ol li e - erti- nf herb and rininiy produce an rRlcient tneilielne. ami I matt akowlil(e lhl In e aetahle Pil'a 'till reiond to nijr eieciati-na. I'wey twe indeed a tnpcrine m dicine, anit r8- at . re Mi alike Ukmi Ihe chemil, tbe ph)in, ad tbe nh'li'fipher Btrac ol a l-tre from Or Wamea, of Cinein nati P. b S M.K -Y.-ur Pill, are the mill-t Kuraet of a letter Iron lie. Scoti ol Ralti. lane., tare IT. 136. - lam in Ibe daily habit of pret iibin !h m. f Peter' Pill and thev in aearlv all eaae anawervd my pnrpoie. 1 have ditoact other niedielue tome of them very go. l o-ret, in their hrnr." Angit.1. r, FebS 10. IH39. TnTle; Peler- Bir -For itpwar' ' H"en bb'h lh- I have been cruelly afflicted with Fever and Aguei anil during ihe lime eould find noth ing -though I had applied to every thing, that gave me any thing like permanent relief At leagih, however, your pill we-e reomn-adrd to me, by one of our belt plmteiani, and I am moat gralrhrl and happy In being able to add, thai I had tcarccly uaed two bnxrt when I fnind that ihey .had rrtinred me to perleel health Since then, varlou member of mv lamilv have need them with equal tncceit and roaarquenlly I feel il ray duty in appriee you of the tact, and to reqnett of too lo publiah thi ' certificate, a I am 'itioiM In add mv public Iritimony lo the almost miraculoni virtne . of your anrivafled medicine Reprelfullv vnnra, , TIIEOtlOaFJWIBS. Charlntle, N IJ., Jan. 1, 137. t i j r ... r rrnr .Tir na'c nJif; ariiir uit .in j trar pill in the incipient .late ol bilinu fever, ami vbatinat eonMipalion nt ihe bnwclti lo. in lb enlararernenl ! the atileen. ehmnie dtteatet nl the liver, ick head-a he, general debility, and aad in all eatet have foand them la he very el feetive J. I) ROYII M I) Meeklenhneg eo , Va. eb. ST, I S7. Having awl IV. Pcteet' pillt in my practice for the laM 13 month, I lke pUature in gimg my trarimnny nt their good eff ct in eaae nl dy)ieptia, tii-k brad-aahe, bilioin fever, and oihe diveafi, pniijiieed by inactivity of the liv er The a e a tafe and mihl aperient, being tba betl article of the kind I ever used. - (iKOllt.R U. t:lTT, M. n. Tb Inllnwiog it from a highly retneetabl Planter nf Kurke c m.il , (ia. July 10. I 7. . elera Pillai.:. I have give them a hair trial nearly three dnaen bote have been a ted on my plantation .the. .at . year Ihrir adiuiniitratioai. . "bat'been att-nded with more tnecevt than any -medicine I awve evfr uteJ, and I lake pleaaur in recommending them to my friend and neigh" honrti they are bandy, aafu and elficieat. and Bef 1 to. N apifrnred ,. .... ,...,,....,..,wa ... . .M ai n y P: Jf)lF.fl.-"- ComnvinieVloai received front ibe eminent Dry J, I Irwin of Florence, tia. March IS, 18.19 IV. J. P Peier My llear iar On tli tghl of Ihe ll'h inttanl, I a called m mat hate in the honte ol a fellow ehixen fMr. Le J here I found hi ma a child of ait year old, laboring under mol alarming attack ol Cy anehe Tracheali (Cmtip) and apparently be yond lh aid I remedy. Ky lb greatrtt good fortune, however, I bail In my pocket a broken hnn of your pill t0 nf which I admmialrred, . .ith tuch an Imatet'iatrly happy effect Jbal ia a 'rew mtntiie my patient wa at eaae, and out of langer. 1bn eate, in ennaeaiion with my nam at your aervice and I have Ihe plea tor In be ble to h.furni ynu that your ine unable medi cine it in Buck great lavor with Iba faculty here, .- hat I believe ti er it ant one of ihem who doea not ate it ia hia prhate prariiee. Yrt moat repy . . t. II IRWIN, M The' extraordinare anil jtietlw celebrated Pill, are told in Kaleigh be William at Hay, "voml and W. M. Maaon ta Co . aad ibmngool lb United liate. lh Canada, Tex a a, Mexic, " aaidthe Weal Indie. y ' " :""v ' ,, , MOFFAT'S Ia!F4J IKOICINRS. R-ANIMATIUN-Vhe th ami lm- p irtam fjneiiamaval U at wiapandtdi aadlb w bo arc invalid bv tnneiime or imptauVwe a reiiueed la a de'pluralil alat wf aervouaiw bit H I, Ihey should nul even then ortpaar, fc at . t una in deapair jliat relief can be tmrnd Wa. 1 i Ihem, art look aemtnd. and laying aWe all - irejndmee. aak Ihemaelve thi quediir-.ll viieatttwanaet help B, Uhlareuwted akdl : a ml re"li f . .. , . : - i Vc! a that maeaeat ihwheadiag of 1hi r l,lalleiarl. U.ltUII' IUC Vteoiamea w. w ..beaialMa. The weald I cam . Ail .i;;r A w.dal aad W4b aanat r .cwikatn "r" ? 'v ,H3'S- ;Kil VF.ttBrA'Jr. HKIIH-'lJar. itjwa .vwract of aU ibla. -" hnadreda of r am -n ihe etiv le, sml hrnee on Ihe impu' Hiei of ,,, w ,,., ..... , . . ' j . the .blood, it evidently erv t..rpri.i..g WM' M- VASOiN It CO nalrtgh, A pent. a yieir ry ml were the In Iraia orvearew ' If, ih fweiudiee. they aaigbt tierbapa, hr ta: i' d iac 4 to muar whether Mr. Moftall a thewrf . a I treUaaewl af diteaara dnTered Irmw that nl " Nokth Carolwa VOL. XXXI before lhat aaoorreof mankind, Merearr wee emplmed in ihe healing art, Phjrticiaiia naed wHbinji but timple herb. P.n ibe llible re coninien I a the ikil(ul ph)(wwn' he tAo pre paietli hia meiltcine troiu herb. Witncaa Ke- clrtiaainu. el.i. xiiii. ' V 3 The kilful nhrtician lhall lilt on hit hradt and in the atghloi the great men be ahall be in admiration. V. 4. r'-r he halb prepared hi medicine oat f the UKKBS ot the earth, and he thaiia wiae will nnl hhor ih-m. ' ' MOKPr,S VBtiETABLR L1PR MF.ni- C1NKS poe qualitie of Ihe moil mild and beneneial nature. They ere eomotd ol arti cle Ihe moat anti-pureeent, combined with in rrcdie, t known a the only errtain aiiihloie for eert ol -eery dearntilion. V hen the ilieae a pnM'uced either Ironi cold. Obstruction, bad Mr, laarap; and aanin maaiion. or nutrid mi- dni, lciher malignant or epidemic, or by nth- or eaoaea, theaa . mcdiame etc certain in H.eir mtMn Or ffecT: -Ttet bnaa. ed of DC culiar qualitie whi'h nol only expel all diaeatti out at the tame lime renore aud invigorate the rm. wnen Drcl taken into the Inruach hey immeiliately diflite ihemteWc like a- pnr llirmiKh rrry pore, iirmlucmg effect at once rirlightlul. (alntary and permanent ha ' Ihe anark of I lie brain to erow dim. Ihe circu lation tangiiM!, and the lacullnrt ail)ted, lliete m'Hicnet are lnund to give a time 10 the nerr, eihilerate die animnl (piritt, inviguraie Ibe body, nd re aiiimale Ihe ahole man. . THR LIKK MKDIUINKS hace aln been tiled villi Ihe mntt happ) aucce in Nertout nd rtitT.eptie itisi'aae. Ininmpilon. Ani'ma, liiter enmplaint, Kbeumatitra (chronic ai.d id la innatoi ) ) lropiet he ka. Fur Inrthei panicalar of Ihe above medicine, ee MolTai' good buniaiHan) a erlpy of ahirh empaiiie the metlrcihe. A copy ran aln be had on ;'l)lieiii.n at the nffice ol ,M. I'Kt K, Hatrighj Ni C , agent lor the aala el the tatdi. inc. A lideral deduction made to thne ado pntu abate u ae'l again French, tierman, ami hn uh direction, can be nhtainen, on BipltratHa at Iba office of the proprietor, W. IJ. UoiTat So 3tjr. New York. SI ll Dr. Wm. Evans' Cclelmted ('atnomile and AMrient Anli Bilious Fills, For Oonaiimption. CoufrJia, aim CeUU, ner eon t iww. nver complati tj1 iiyaprpaia, bi: iioua tira't. il , ulcere, female weaknraa" and all lteit' "t hypochimdiiaciim luw pil ritt palpitation of lite heart, nertrou irritabi lity, nrrvotta wraktiri. flonr atlma, aenina weakneaa, in.lij alion Iota nf appetite, heart burn general liability, brnliiy wraknen, clilrt roia or g-reen aickneat, flatueixy, liyteical finti'i(ri li (tenet, hriil:ic!ie, hiccup, tea iokneev nifr'tt nilarei rlieifli.itinm aithma. tic doloiireiix, cramp, ipamolic aflVrlionr and lunar who are victim to ijwtt mihl excrncia- Doct. W Evans Sootblnir Ky nip for uimaren rtelking. Prepared I y Uimnelf. Ill v,uillr.l3 ANU MJKSKH. The iaa;r ol Ihe ' Teelh thnmah Ihe giiml ,imtu if Mlilaatnna end- dangeroaa ay mplucna, ,1 1 known hv m-ther lhat there h rieal in Ha- lion in the mouth and gotni during ibi procrat. I he giiuia awell, I ho accretion ol (altva It in t rated, Ibe child it teiBcd with trtquir.l aad iudden fit of cr) ing, watching, darling initio deep, and tpatm of peealiar part) the child thra kt with extreme violence, and thru it I Hi fingt-ri into hi mnulh. If thete precutioy tnpiom are mil iieedily alleviated, ipaanuxlia nvulinn univerwlly tupervrne, and anon caute tbe dinolulion ol the infant. II mother who have their little babe affl-cled with lliete dit ireiiigyminm,would apply l)r A illtam tu Celebrated Hoothing Syrup, which baa pretrrved hundred ol inful ahcu thought pact recovery, from being inldtnly altackcc with that latal malady, ennvuiainn A iceai uicssinz to motners. Dr. H EvuHi' Celebrated Southing i v - r a aj " uvv v wvi "Jk Chililrrik f.utlinp thttr I ,, I A can. 1 hiinUllibie remedy ha preaerved bttailredt nf Uhiltlien, when.lliiiughl patl recovery, linm eonvuliiont. A (oun a ihe Sytup I rubbed on the rum, the child a ill recover. Thi inepara- tion i to innocent, to efficacioui, and to pleaaant thai no child will relut to let lit gum be rub bed with il. When Inlani are al Ihe age nl fonr month, though there i no appearance of teeth. one bottle ol the Sirup ihotild be uaed on the gnat, lo open Ihe pore, farenlt thould never be without ihe Syrup in the auraery where there are young children! fur if a child wake in ihe n ight with pain m ihe gum, lit Syrup hamedi alely give eaae by opening the pore and hcalmg the gum; tuerroy preventing Vioavuittoni, ra ft. Ka ; . " Dr. ! Simthing Syrup." t , "To ttie gent "bf Or. F,in Somhmg Syrnpi"" IfcarSir Th great bnefil affiieded to my uffer inz iidant bv your soothin ryrup, taaaaae. of. ftrotraeled and painlul dentilMMt, vwuat convince very leeiing parcm now eisennai an eariy appti eaiton of sucb an hivaluahlv meilicme lain relieve infant 'mlerir""and "tortore." "My" mlanl, while leethiag, exp rieaaedtaeb acute sufferings lhat it wtv attacked withe nvultnmt, and my aile and lamHy aunpnted lhat death would too lea the babe from anguiab till we procured a bottle el your Syrupi which a to n at applied lo Ihe game a) wotvlertel change waa produee J, an d Oer afrw apptieationilbe ehild diiplayed obvinnt leliel. and by eoolroilitig in hluae, I am glad lo nlorm you. the ahtld hai aompleteU n cuiarcd iaad ao leeoiTcnee of that awful aoroplaint hat nice ne em-red) in teeth are eiuanaimg daily aad Ihe child enjoyi perfect health. I give you my eheertul parmittion to make thi avknowl ettgmeat poblia, and wil give aay hilormalioa oa tin circamxaac WU. JOIIXsuK. JA'geotlemao ah bat made trial of Dr. W. Evaut Nothing Syrup, in bit family, ( m eat of a teething child J withe u lo Mat ibal be found il entirely effeelaal m relieving pain in lb gum, and preventing tbe eonarqunea which ', tmneiim bdlow. H' cheerfully comply with fcUrcquett (M. York 6'un, ' We belie il ia generally Mkaftwledged by Ibnte who have Inedrl, that lh .Voothiag 8) rup for Cliildren Cutting Teelh, advertiMid m aamH er anlumn, iea highly oflul article lor the par wnvea iw wamt n ,e npiwatiaii, vvigm aai.. blaact at ant rate, wbt have ana ate af h,iiu aoi beaiiate to give ita virtae lata taaetwa ol there name. , UKto Iraveiler. (O" ffvere Cate of Teething with -.hHiV'h Summer Comptuilt ; cured by that Infallible American Soothing Syra? r. i 4 Dr. V. Krana. Mra. MaPbeeaoa. redding at ! N I, MakaM ttrewt, aatlod a taw daye aiwew a - Maaedieal olfta of Ue. W F.'aa lUIChalaca - ' tlrcat, N. Y , aad parcbaaad a bmil at lb ayr v f ap far ber abild, whe waa raff ring aeracMie - f during the praeen of deaiilioav bmt .-,, ! at atai Hy threatened with amivnlaiona, eta bowel ; toe vera eaeeedmg loae, and a fned aoald be ; ret' bred on lb tuaeb Almexl immert lately i ea il appl antiaa.tbe alaraabtg ay atpiom ealwlv , , crated, and by eontrauiag the of ibe a) rap a lUc gam, lh bowel ia a ahorl tin became Powerful in moral, in intellectual, and in physic! reaources land of our sire., and the RALEIGH, N. C quite natnral. A a tribute of gratitude for the benefil aff.iMh-d the child, the n.i thrr ram of berown aceoril. aud treelt aanclioned puldieKy to Ihe abe Pray be particular m applying at 100 Chatham Hi ret, a there are aevrr.l ct an terieii advertised No other plaaa ia tbe ally baa the genuine lor tale CT l"trhint I MoTHta Children gener ally tuaTer much uaeatmea. from Ihe culling, of fheir teelh Whatever daugerua or laial tymplnn attend thu prorrt ol nature tb v ate , produced 'inVarihly from the highly initated and infl med enn tiuun of ihe part Iheretore 'the principal indicaliona ol cure are to abate ihe in flamiuaii n, and to olien, toailbe, ami relax Ihe gam. Klbat i c fleeted ihe infant i preMjred horn tubtequeat lever, infl .tulation, amnilic congh twitching of tradnn. croup, rai.krr, and eontulin, dt;iU iug their latal coi(rtiiencr. II mother, nor, a, or guardian have their babel tortured wiih painlul ami protratrd drntiiinn, and thi, noueeatirael their aHeMiiMijtho lioul j not be drier red from nurrhug a hot lie nl EVAN'S SOOTIIIXO SVICtP lor Uhildirn Trelhnie. the niromiiarable virlu of which, in comtileteli rrlirvine the mntt rli- tretiinr cae(hen aonliedlti Ibe inlant't cumt at directed i, invaluable. Hie remedy haare tored thou and a of children alien on lie verge of the g ve. lo Ihe embrace again of their die traded par nt, attacked aiih 'hat awlulaud mor; lilervtta malady cunt nl inn. AUKN I S. Wm. M. Mamio & Co. Raleigh. . 8. Mall, Nvwherti: J. M. ttedmnnd, Tnrbomogh j H j Mechen, VahingtuB P S. Ma-Jall, llalila( Sp 4iwood k lt...s""i Pelartbure, C. Hall, N .rfolkt A Duval, Kiehmnndt Lewi Johnvin, V ahington, I), C. Mei tnaae It Mawbravaltimorc, - (CA HIGHLY IMPORTANT CAUTION" TO TUP. PUHl.lt "Cave me iituiet." DOCTOR F.VAN9. 100 dial ham treet. akt the prrtent O iportunily oftrtulerinfr hi moat unfeigned ackn'ialr'lgeoi-nts to the t.u meront patrona (afflicted tt It the variant forma of ditrnae incident to hnmaniti ) who have cominitted themarlvra to hit care, and he li the tatiafactmn nf knowing1 ruin many living evidence, that hr ha removed or re-, lieveiftlietr Teapectire' mnladirc, a far aa lie within the eotnpasa of human mean. How diatretvng tit 'he affllicted ia DY'PP.PSIA or INDIGKH I ION pniamtinir all the eotirre nf enjoy merit, and leading; in many inatanret to the" tniaeriea of hypnciiiidriaciain. Limg at it haa been the aiibject nl inquiry by medical utltora. it re maim involved ' much obacority tv. Jandice, Diarrhara, Cholera and ChoRc, io pertorin a highly ro.raptcnoii part uf tha drama of niorb.d aflVctiima Ur. KVAN3 hat bc n" 'athiriflariy" ivcceiful in the' trratiiieiit lf.l!BrKe4fc - aan j ir etM ..V'V ... ii.-. He bat alw liatl vail experience and tncceit . lliniiiKliinit ihe a hole family of drlicat diaea let, all of which are for the muat part airi'ra- ratetl by ur rooted in the cnnaiitulion by the CONPIKACJIKH of MKKCUKUI. MUK- DKKBRS, UNPKINCIPLF.U, UNEDCCA- . TKO AND UNPRACTICCD in any art tavethat of attemptii.e; to lead the credulaua on the road to rum. . Ur Kvan't office it tiinnlied with choicett remediet fiom foreig-n niarketa, and componn ded on the noM acientific principle. A phyaician it a i way a in attendance, and al thnae who come there in lltc buurf need go off rejoicing. Dr Win. Rvana' Medical OITice, 100 Chat ham ttreet, Near York try MORE CONCLUSIVE PROOFS of the extraordinary efficacy of JJr. WM. EVA,Sf celebrated CAMOMILE and APERiEMT AJrriBtLOUS PILLS alleviating. afflicted mankind. Mr. Robert Cameron, 10 Bowrrv, Uiaeaae Chronic Dys entery, or Bloody Fhix. symptom: unuatual flatulency in the bowel ' tevere sxipintr. freaueitt indication to a-o to at not, teiieatnua, loaa of apprti e, iianaea, vom il'tig, frequency of pulae, and a frequent die charge of a peculiarly foetid matter mixed with blood, great debility, tenae of burning heat, with air intolerable bearing down o the part. Mr. Cameron it enjoying perfect health, and return hiatincere tliankt for the ' extraordinary benefit he had received. A PF.RFKCT CUttK OF ASTHMA, FIFTY FUUK YEAK3 SI ANDINO. ' Effected by Ilia treatment ol Dr. Wm F.vtnt. 1 hit it to aertily that I wa attacked with lh Athnia ialhe ninth year ol my age, aad from that limeuniil Ihe eaent yr, a period of aity fouryear. I bite area uujct lo lhat diseate." For Iba lM Eve ycac. I have bail il aimoat in actaarrtly, not being exempt I mm it more thaa laMl4iHe boae 4 mj one time.' a'1 barf aon-w lulled lh mint ikillul pnytrcianvand tried many re medic wuhoar wnr relief. 'In June laal f com- mroaed utinx lr. Wm P.vaat vegetable nicili. ciire, uol with lite expectation of efiVeting a cure, inr Ibelreeed my re hoptleU and my lida tiiMiiicar, but with tbe hope ofoblaiuinc moment. ary relief Mature -1 bad ward two uackaget I waa entirely relieved -an t have nut been at -tacked wan d ainee I can now aa thai I am perteetly cured of the diteaae, and eonfidcntly recommend it to all who may be affl. cud with that dtttrcning complaint. . 9 A 11 .til SIMMONS. Augoti 1, 1I3S KfASTItMA, 'THREE TEARS' SVAX . . DIA G. Mr. Robert Monroe. SchovkiH. afflicle with the above iliatreacttig malady. Syinp' oini Great langtmr, flatulency, iliatnrbeiT re t, nervnu headache, difficulty f brea- U ing, tightne and atricturc aciont the bresat laaiirwaa, ncrvwria irriiaoiiity anu revtietanraa, could nut lie in a horizontal poaifioti, without the enaatioo af imnendiur auflucatuin. Dal. " pilation el me heart, iliatreming cough, cot liveneaa, pain of the atamach. drawtinrt. great debility, ami lcncieney of the nerrmt - enrriry. -Jr K.-Monroe rave un - every " bought of recovery, and dire tleapair acton in counteiunce in every peraan interraied i In exiatence ar nappinea. till by accident, ' he noticed in a public paper aome cure effect , ; ted by D He-W K V AN ft M KDICI N E ht hiaeoinplaint. which imlucrd him to purchaaa , package ol the Pill, which reHHel in com plrtily removing every ymptm if hitdi-, eaae. , He avialw to ay In motive for Una L earatioa "w, that thnae alfiictad with the came or any tymptoni) imilar to thoae from . arhrch lie n happily rettoretl. may likewic deceive h name Ineatirmabte benefit, ".: ,l I J LlfER COMPtsALYT. TE.Y VE-tRS, amroAvo-Mr. HANNAH 1 , RROWNF. wife ot Jnaeph llfowne, North i, Wlt'iamcWgh, affliciedlh laat ten yeara ; ' vith'lhe liver Complaint, complete! removed ' l e beakh through the treatmeot of Dr. WM. - r V k UQ. -. I... 1 aa at....! 1 .-r fJ, fflflieniw I tUltlail tTVawtipilHrll I f lH Uutf lUl ttM f spritit esern- ftiatitif rain ( tUc rpi(r'ia rrfUt Tt d- WE DNS DAY, JAN. 22. IS10. (prrtaionof apirita, languor, and other vmn. .torn ol extreme debility, disturbed leep, imir.linate nnw of the menaea, pain in the right tide, could n l lie on her left aide with Out an aggravation tf ilia. nain. urine hiirh Cnlourrd, with o'hr atrppt.mM, indicati g great derangement iif-aehe function of the ver. Mr Browne ws attended bymreeofthe firai phi ticians, but receivetl bu't little relief from their medicine, till Mr llrua ne procured tome of Dr. Win Evans, invaluable prepara tion, w hich effectua ly relieved hr-r id the a bove ilitrer.g aymptnms with nth r. which it ia not to eiacolia.1 to intimate. JOSF.fll RROWNR. City and County ol New iirk,a. Joaeph llrowne, WiUiamnhurgh, Long It land, beir.g duly aworn, did depie and aaV ) that Ibe faetvaa et "fiirh tli the aVitlvii. atate- ment, to which he haa subscribed liia name, are just and true JOSKPII IIUOWNK, llilhaml of the auid llaid ah llrowne. Sworn before me. this 4th iUv nl January, 1S37 PF. I KH PIXCKNKV, Com. of Deed. An e.rfnieruVmiry Cure, performed bv Dr. Win ivt, id lot Chatham atrrrt, N- Y Mr W.W. W. ol 1U0 Kldridg atreet, wat laboring under a diaraie. wlticli wa by mai.y phyaician cimsiilered incurable, and could find no relief from any aource whatever, un. til he made application tu Dr. Kvanlpand placed himaelf under hi aticcraful courae of trratment, from which he began tu find im mediate relief, and in a few weeka Wat per fectly cured. . CASE OF TIC H0L0RF.UX. Mm. J K. J.ihntoii, wife nf Caul, Jttgenh .lohuaiifl, of Lynn, Ma, wa aevrrriy afflicted for fen year with Tic Dulnreux, violent pain in her hea'i, and vomiting with bur ing heat in the aiomach and una'dr lo leave her PMim. She could find no" relief from Ihe ad.ice of teveral phyiiciaii nor from medicine of any k'uul uiitd aftel- ahe . had crrmmeiiced .liing Dr. Evana' medicine, ot HW Chatham atreet, and from that time the began to amend, and . feel aa'tsfied if the Con nine the medicine a few da a longer, ill be perfectly cured ' llefeeiacecau ba had a tu the truth uf tha above, by calling at Mr. Jnhnaur.'a daujhlttl Store, 38T.rnd atreet, N. Y- ' PAH 1-VTIC RMKU n I ISM A perfect Dr. W. cure .11 eied bv lh treatment oi RVANS. Mr John (iibinn, ol North rouilh t. Wdimbjrgb, afHicicd with 'he above com plaint lor Ihrce yean .and nine mpoihat during which time he had to utc ciaiehet Hi chiet aymptjen were exeruciating pain in all hit jowl but eicialH in ihe hip, (boulder' knee and ankle, an aggravation ol the pam towanlt niaji't auu lor Ihe inotl part all Itiiiat : Iron, axtcinai jaM'Viar. ...t ilar maaner, Mr. Cibtrm conceive! it meet to lay that the paint have entirely ceated, and that hit joint hae completely recovered their nature bone, and he feel able lo reittme bit ordinary bntiaeia. MKm ANNF. F. KF.SNY,nNo. 113 liuii ttreet, beiweea Stanton and 1 1 notion al. afllrcied tor ten year with the fdlowkig dileemg ymp Cnna; ctd eructation! daily ipaituodie paint ib Ihe head. Ion ol appetite, palpitation nl hi r heart, giddinen anil dimneii ol tight, could ant lie on her tide, ditlurbed rett, olieraaabiliiy of engaging in any thing thai demanded or or mirage, (omelimr vitinnary idea of n aggra vation ol her diteaae, a whimiieal averamnlo partiealar perton and placet gronndleat appre hentmnt ot peramial danger and poveriy, an nk mmeaetiand wearinen ol life, diteonirnled dit quieiode on every alight oce16n, aha conceived the could aeiiher die nor live, the wepl lament led, .letponded. and thought the led a motl mi. arable Ide, never wi any one to bad with Ire. quent mental hallueinatinni. Mr. Kenny had the advice nl teveral eminent phi tielant, and hoi rerourtc to numeront metl wlirei.but could not obtain even temporary llr viatinn nt her dilreiiiig lte, till her butMand perauailed her lo make trial al my morlc of treat mam. She ia now quite relieved, ami find her (elf nnl only capable ol aitendmg loher dome no affair, but avow lhat the enjoy a good health ai preacnt at lrdid al any period of her exiatence. J. KEN NV.hutband efthaaforeniil Anne Kennv Sworn before me ihia 14th da uf December I 50. ' PBI liU PIN:KNP.Y, Com, orDeed. AGENTS. Wm. M. Manon, & Co. Rale' v.) 8 Hall, NewlMini J M We liflonil, Tarbnrnugh H. II Merhen, Wathingtoni F. 8. Martliall. Ilalir.v, bpnttwoodet Itoberatoa, Petertbargi C. Hall. NoHnlk, A Duvaf. Rieliinomti lewit Johntnn, Waabinrtnn, D. Cj Menimer Mawbray, Haltimor. , lTIrs.'LeTIteMiirler'B Inalc Krianavi irlll rwoTimeoea iw Mondayi the tSift of Jab: nary maiani. , 7;; j villus iiuujco. tnvcDtor of tha improved construction of Rail way. Adilresa, B iittinore, Maryland. : ,1 OUTilIT tlie attention ot tlie v pl1llC.""Fr vttfuuht prtrtg in tin Ctt? J Hal-tgl mnU if vicnutg Jtr A Va eadrtf ttacf, tfe. Tha S'l'ietrUu, finding il impaltil.lav from hi ex leaeagig-m-nla in natier State, to devote lhal tua-r ana alien ain ia a' uin here, renuuitit tu Khinpr.p rly nditatcd, oflar for aate or rant THK Ki'.l.t HO TEL., in the City of Raleigh, at pr-nt oc-upird by hi.a. The II 1, a every na know, aeqtainred wMh It. It at deirMe nmneii at aau be owned, if iba Propravlor can give bit per tona att enuamtrv it. It it now thnrmighly hirniahcd, and the porahaaar ne lettec eould take immediate pottetiim. raw lituaiKia In the UuPad Slate of fer an fin a hanae for lb profitable niveilmeat of money. ' .. . Ali, a lM of grnaa'l, aontainmg C Acre with a aew IKrcllHvg, (Hon tttabla and Itarn. Alao. a PlaniatKMi oa Crab 1'rea Creek, wkhin g) mile ai naieign, aonlaHimg 79 Aere, and m rindmg til nvc nary boildingt lor a aoivluritblcr klence. j-.-i -'. j.n , v.t ., . Al30aeef Waa4 Lendreml mile fc-ara the i;ny, lymg near tbe aid llillaboro' road. The ahov Prnperty will be told mm Becommnda ting term- Peraon decirnm at awaimg the whole, r any part ibercot, are requtid to mk early ap plrcainm. . . Tb Snbeeriber altn rfTcrt lor axle the whole ol kit valuable Meek af Wooded bar, a follow t. Nnl Mart Wet. dam af Warner and Panav Inalcd l 187, by Maram, dim Citixen. now 1a I ml bv leap Pria-a. Prmluaa enleied la the .Trial Stake, Nt. villa, T aa $lrtiai eniranaa. take ran Hie 4 y nerVMaa Mi lh Peyton Sick-, alto, la I great Prwlnae Stake, near Nae lras $J0OO ranee. 4 mle beat, rail af H48.- St tiirit M new, oier Junnmry,ftr nnmtir tj Enlran c. '' Na t Poll Pewham.hy John Ricbaril. dm Imp baaawa, iubiccj a lal, now a) loal by Imp I'rl Br-wa.e-ai-v' V.xW--7-jmr-trm: ."dT aWAaTT fc. t aVJ 3Tr.'acr.. rT! .a-'are.vy-ial.Ta. at, .iif IKiV WiaaW-T'aTraaar-j n-trr ror ifir lWrfil oflhow ffliled in Urn a' home of our 1 affections, XO. 4. Prodnee entered in Pmdoee.k.. 1843. mile I rata to l ,un over lh. Mate tUajrae near Raleigh. .UHI enrrance, at,, New M lr,t V. Sre the Spirit Ihe r,mrt. ajt-r January, r the numbrr ,f t.u trance t. J No 3 wary P.onr, e m ,y g,r Charle. dam hv '".led ir. IS.11. 3 AM r"lXsV R..nd. h m be Tariff. dam Ball' rloevz I ! f.,l k, :-, n. :.. N 5 Mary A an, b m by (;,maniia,' dim by Sir . ' i ywarirv. N" 6 L dv t-hevrerfi. I.I . 1...1.J . t - .i . now in inal by imp Pimm, dam". L 'rr.V r bySirChxIe., llam imn llrixamrjl ...... ' .. . ' i - ; m i' ai u in let by Ked Wa Vf "r No 9 O... half of . I F... h. p.,, , . K. ,'o a a l Mil. VLarr L.laa lai.i t t a I B I I vrar old hall oanetf by Col. ilainpiim, ol ?"i"n i aroima, anil'j N.i U Hull) I harp. tmaMlavinit . ': b t two tear Alii, bv imn -haketinare. mil nl fn fi . . 1. over the Siaie Coure near rtalei.h 0 ...l. J,;!.-,, $X) r eh Nn " Road.g e yean old, by imp Felt, " t "wni -r i may. i iM-rrw, m,aiaj tBCn .. ftl an. al Ik. O -.a. t- $10110 entraiice. Set Sdril f ,Ae Time,', after Januurtg. far numher tj Eiilnet. -?:.if- " ns. hy Lvman f,lso.(K)0. and it ennwdered i ne ol ihe moil t.mrait prorai nrg r.llirrea in toe laae No IR Ray Filler, foaled nut-nf ViiJ,' n 1 8.10, hy imp Priam, No IT Mai Filly, foaled ja J39 not of No fi by imp Priam. 1 he whole of -he ahovr Rlooded toek nf llnnn will he mid al Public S,,, ,hr tut i,,,, next In the Cily nl Raleigh il nnl privately mid br ore that im-. Applkation. prrtnn.ll. or by l. -tee. can I.. trad until Ihe day of tale, at Raleigh, N O - - KaMgaVJaa. U 44uW , r-p - QT FRESH LOAF liRE.lD.jJ) M t he rca.ty lor dtdmrv . v. , m . nmg ( mrla r exeepteil) al tuniiae. H.-VIWK-, i.y ll a kry furniahed at ihe foil.. ma ne bare II, will prieet, nutter to and wvtrr 9 cent per iinunit I be uharr li 1 havri.gtmploird Mr I catraT B firl late llaker In Enrnpe, ran reeammenri I'-l. breed and aiackera at being equal to apy mi.de in ihe e..unfiy. " ... . LW"EN'E h CHRISTOPHERS. Raleigh. Jan. II, 8ll EXECUTIVE OFFICE, NYC Ja. 13, "1H40. V At tlm annual meeting nf the Counril of Sttt'tr tn rehniarv laL thev eHin'urned tn mtinin o IV ti.il n, h f Fanny Dingle, bv Impt'b.te.U Thn15" f M' " ,,;W".-'" "' nail o.acd hy Ihoa loell, Mam.ver t:onirlv Va N 13 A Ha, Fillv.fnalert ln b j am . .u ol No 4 -en-aged at New Ur&, V.33 waiyi . u .vjbV. affifWW! A full atiomlanc ia drsirable. thure Ivinff. he- ante we nrninaty tuHinsa, a Judge or the Su pprinrCnurt to be appointed temporarily, losnp.' ply the vacancy occaainnnd by the reiignition of the Honorable II. M. Saundere. C. C. DATTLE, Sec. to Council. ACAIID. I.ITFRAHV NKitSEniOlvR, 1', W. Whim, reapertfully inform lb pilroni of the "Southern Literary Meaaenger," end the pub lic generally, mat in iue 01 tb next no. or that perindiral 'i.nereaaarily delayed beyond lh uiual time of publication, i he recent holiday, and damage which haa occurred to tb pre on which ibe Meaaenger ia elrurk off. have retarded Ihe buai neaa nl hi nffire. Ha would furthrr nienlion, that the piililiahing of an important eay 11 pun the "Right of lh rlla holding 8lte, and the owner of clave property, undr th Cona'ilutmn of the United State," from the prn of Cnnway Itobinton, Eaq., of ihia city, ha alao postponed tbe appaaranre ol the Meaaenger. lie believe, how ever, that the Value and intereat of ihia paper will fully atone for the delay Being aniioua to pre- cent tha whole eaaay at tha aama lima to the pub lic, and aware that lh laaua of hi periodical would be lat for tha month of January, he baa conclud ed In publiah the January and February number tngeilier. Hi patron will, therefore, receive a double numher, or lh iiuinbera for two month under one cover. Tha puhlither flatter himaelf, that both in typographieal and literary excellence, Ihe two coming number will equal, if not eireed. any that he ha ever given to ihe public. Beablea lb Important ceaay already mentioned, and which poM'-ccrt aurh a peculiar inlerett at, the prrtent time, ihey will eon'ain notice nf tbe iccent attack upon Dr. Channtng in Ihe Kdinburgh Rrvi Irom the prn ol a llaltimorran. A eerond paper upon tbe Hmiihaonian Inatitut. ,oan Marino, from the pen of H T Turk-rman, Eaq i Th Wurtble oJ(iwiiiQlea'iiga from New F.ngland Iliaiory; Right of Autliorat Moral and Mental Pnriraita Na I., being a notice ef ' William Otillen - Bryan'; faahelle Da Caatraa, a tale nf Ppanich Rnmtnre; a hnmoroiia itoty,, fnUtlril. Mr,b,ootrr',,Prtyi . k trh nf the cbrari. r of I.orJ Dyron: An InriJent of the War of lr)IJ-14-a Into rtory; 8m ma Karly Lay No U; Remioieirenene of the Briiiah. at BnHinghrook Homine Aptid lnlernoe; a p.ietirl ariirle.eaihled Imrl. or the Bride of the Ftllen Star; and an elaborate and c-iltral nolire of Mur ray 'a Travel, from tha pen nf an ermmplihed rh Inr, Imerring fkeieh of Conova, litn.laie I from the Italian by M Mnrgian, M L) 6urga.in U 8 Navy. - Oeaide teveral Botice of new publira lion. H iraata, that thia will (arnUh a aatlafartory apology for hi ilrtat; and that tbe next volume of ibe Meaaenger will continue to warrant th pat ronage and 00 m me minion which have been ber tolore kindly beaiowed opon It. . , T W W ralrulalea to iu thi double number of Ihe Meaaenger. on or bedre "ha Jet day of February. PiVhmond. Va. Jan 10. 1S40. To th riumerotia inilividoal ikreughoot the TJ. niled State; to (he offi-'er of the army and aavyt to lh volunteer of the vera! HUle . who have aervad ia Ftoridaj lo univriiie, college, and etb- learned aaaocialionr; to eltlra in which publie meeting have been held; to Ihe prees to the friend and relatinni af th lamented dVail fallen in Flori Ja. end to Ihe promoter of ecienre, virtne; and pa tiim-im,-tht(nighoTit theititimt," who hi as kind- ly a dad atari advanced the effort nf founding, ia the Territory of Florida, a monumenlal college, for Ihe intereetiiig ami a Hemn purpoae of direr minat ing learning, and Inr the rmemlrlng ' tb worth and patrintiiun . nf the bear desd of I be aevtral Staua who have la'lea ia Florhla'a defence, I here by lake thi opportunity of returning my moat grateful acknowledgment, and . have llye plraaura in atate that tba menwial of Florula in favor of ihe Dark Inatitut la regularly before tb aongreatian al Committee en Public Land for their final ran atderaiioflaalfartioataml may we not rratnnaMy hope lhal a work promieing an ihnrb for ; l'm kiwi, rlrroity a work .whira, if completetL wbu!il be aabful tba C li- f I.. ' - -.!. Tiha ITllllarl Mlalaa ...I ahUk 1-.li-lla.l ka tka kaea.. eil father, mot ber, widow, and orphan-will receive IlVGTl .MeqVEEX t vjm Twin r ip irir-i i ailon. TH0S. J. LEMAT favor from tb Repreeaniativee of a great, n lighten- , ad, and feeling nation! Vary rrapacifully, yoor fetlowitixen, J. A. 1 NORMAN. P'nident and cgtht lh Dud InttilMH FUrida. lULtiuiiACAbtnr, The Subteriber would inform ibe eiticeaa of Ral eigh and vicinity ibat the erole DepMlment writ he open for the recepiiraj of Scholar, on Mtartay, Ibe d nl March under ibe mtiruelioa of Mr. aad Mr t.'ox, from ihe North, where tbe atual breathe will be taught Pint ClaufXi Per Seititn. Clataira. Moaie and Needle Word. S?end Ctott$l1 P,t SemtH. Geography. Knglieh O rammer, and Hittory. Third Cla $9 Per SeuUn. Spelling Reading Writing and A.iihmelie. Scholar will be received ai any time anil e barred aecniduirlv. A Ihe Arademv lanre, mv cbarea. I thall not trouble the Public wil a long InM nl re frr.nre, bill hal leave it tn the betier judgn eat ol Parent and (iuardian that em.lrlhnie to the l tiniiiioii. 1 here will be an examination at the ei.d oUhe tenion Particular atleatmn will h. i,ild i. ihe mnrali nf ibe pupili who attend thit innMution. 'rhnlara li-nm Ihe e.oiintry can bnati with Mr. and Mr i:nv, il agreeable lo ckem al ibe Aeademy. Partirular attention will he-paid. in the trleelaMi nf cnmpri nl 1'eachen All letter (pott pahl) dircct ed to me will be attended lo rmmeitintely , W.C. CAI1.IN, f'rmeipal. January 10. 3 I j Vi uiulcrs -uf Nuture &c ?fc. antlAit, Tbe. Wondert or Nature and Art ward of three hoai'rrd nl the 1 cuiintilie and phenomina In the P.naravine aompritiag nit ti reniarkalde own wemi wig PerervaP Wnnder of the World - Help In Pr ia i 1 anil Publiahera Flnra'i I ex enn, wiih eolured En grating, by Ca'ha- rine H Wat rman Walker' Maulv Kxercjiet, containing dieeerinr tor Rising Driving, Running, Leaping, Vaullirg ka I be Aoierican mleman Do Lady P.rrlqurfie f -t the Ijiiliei I 'auaon of Good Hreeding Naturalitl'i Library, with colored Ergravingt t$ vol. The Y01 ng rm.hand, by Dr Aleott lit wife " D-v Hon e-Kn t-er " 'oekel Ijicnn (a work lhat dip where lh reader may, Ne ailllinl a f mill al knwleleri I he ijolidnu s,a-e. I he art nl being Hapy Iltrnu'i 1rmur of Ihe Revolution ehaier'v (loliol lieti nan 8 vol Londoner! Ix-mprb r't t lat real lijctmiaiy (Icllo) Ij'rnh a el Ihe tVoiKtn' i n il llojirigbrnke, 5 qnato)anlt The mrlcaa Alu.anac hi tell trtnn U.HI lolktO .Heutie-. . , . tr Wa'irr Rale'gb. Hietnrv of the World Kaeeiolali I txk'im (! nil.. a) 8epnla! Lexienn t he t.ove valuable work r nr lair at lt. No, ainlina Ilia-k Mo-e. ah. re may be Inuiid a large nil ipteitdiit collection of Foreign anil vfinrrican M.M'ktand 'lationery ronsitihig, in pan, nl lw, tedieal, Theologteat. Clavtieal. MiaeelUneima, It Itlnih Book he tnieti and mnal apper-ved eilltKH t Rn-lith, Latin, tinek, Freneh, German aad Spanith rhiml Hook aad anie' tutied lo lb rmand nl thu eounlry r!fll new puhlreationt I reel, red a toon puhliafied ' llnokliimling nt evert dr tci iption done wiih nealueat an.' detpatcb, at 'o. 1 Alao otj Handt 500 rnpie ef ihe Mis.ouji harmony, with a va. tiny of Mutlcal Wofk tmi 1 omemqi n men nnv ltXR CR Ik 11CU1.ES. I tv :t II Ur enld, al Ihe court bouae door in German. ten, on tl e teeonil monday er ftlarrn next, Ibe Inl lowtng liacta of land, or ao much tliereol aa wilbe aiillicient loiaiiily the late due thereon, coeii of advertiaing, &-. In wit: 150 acre, given in by George XV W ila-in, ly ing on Abbott 'a creek S3 err, (liven In by Levi Stephen, in Peep. river dulrirt 4?3 acre, onliated, adjoining the Sorry line, a Wolf creek, originally entered by Ilrury Duolara. nd tranift rred by him to Perkin As Taylor 47 aerei. unliatad. formerly tb property of Mar tin Holder, on Baahavia creek 100 arrra, unluied, on th north aula of Dan ri ver, adjoining the landa al Nathaai! Moody and 01 bar, owner unknown 80 acnw, unliatad, on tb head water of Docking fell owl creek, formerly tba property of. Jame or Li- vingalon It. II 865 acre, onliated, the property of Dtnirl Had aer, on Lah'a rrreki Yadkin Dilriet . , 171 acres onliated, the property of Daniel Haa aer. on Iiha'i creek 1 Yadkin diatrirt S3 ai re, ouliatedt Ann DavU't btira, on Old Held creek 45 tcret, William Bole, in Shore Reed Die tnct ' " ' ' 86 acre, William Bolta, in chore Reed Die irict . 150 acrrt, given in by Jeee Ciheon, in Belew' creek district ' 1 20 tcret, given in by Joliue Sholer, in Yadkin dialrtcl SO acre, given in by Joaeph Crauae, in Yadkin diatrirt 98 acre, given in by George Maatcnp, In Bih. any diattict . 98 acre, given in by the aama in tha aama dia trirt 360 acre, given in by Mary Cog, in Quaker Gap diatrict - . ' " ", 670 tcret, given in hy Jeaae Cox, admipial rater nf Kane Cox rjeaed,' in Quaker Ga4liiiet., . 38 arrea. given in by 4a.sytabi.:ii.' W.eV; anond tlittiict 18 acres given in by lh airoe in thatame dk tl acres given in by the una in the game die. : : trirt '- ' ''C-'--:"t:'.. - 60 at res given in by the ii liv lb tame die- rirt ' "'' 143 acres given in by Jeaae Banner, in German. ton dial ricl m-t a';j; i One M given in I7 ihe aama in lt aama die trirt 350 acres given in by John J Salmons in KiaK - dowa diatrict " '" 860 acre, given tn by the earn in the acme die-).. trirt -". -v : ' 1 61 acres given in hy Daniel Fantler, in Yadkin diatrirt " . ' "" - ,;. SI acre, given In by HnrytWndle, in 8la ; di'trirt " -: , ; 3 acres given ia by William Cole, in Salem . diatrict ' : ' 1 ' . . . . . ( 8ALATHIEL BTONE. eih'C 8bri(T Ofl5r,'Jn.8, 1840 ' ( . wW 1 - Price ad. 114 ;'r : " ' "; . Front the Favelieyille Obcerver. - THKa ACCErAN-IS. r The followio inteteaiina; Coreapw. ilence , embrarin; the tee eptartf c f bolK lh nominee of the llarriaburg Cnntt iij tTonThae been placet! in 6ui ftahtla Tof pobliealion. "It will be ierit that Gn. Harriaon re rrrf to hia letlera te the Hon. Ilarmer Dennj and Ihe . Hnn. f Sherrwl William,; f.r aparticelar otatement of hia rv.liltra'l rrertl. The firal leilef we inaert he low,- and the other: ahall be pub liahtMl a n aa we ran laj oar hal on If. J It will be aeen that he aiUocatea k bpI Repnhiitan lWirin?itah ;ifcarntl out in praxtie. aa we hope lo aew theto wo)' Id reileem oor rnnntrf frini lht , ilia. gtare whieh a, racrtipt Ailmmntraimn haa bmngllt UIXMt If Ia t the people reaii anu jUa fur ihiuaIa. c; 0' - -"L' 'ViTi"iTij T"1