.-. lV -ft ! ft A L El G It 8 1 V A N n iti, O RT T! AltO U N'A ln A Z KTT It. V . .' '- . TUX NAME. t Nne l me when healths jra round, " : i sJ r lh ln thir gerlaade wreathing Tie flower nf wit, with muaic wound, ; ;. ' Ar ffbl from tbe goblet breathing; 'm rpeklirifjerng and aaily gay,' y . -c It. case M eteal my tearl away , '- " a f.i,l mj enul, 'mij A-etaJ gleeyi " . V l;h Sad, sweet, silent thought oflbv. . i ' " ' ': '.'.": f -.' ' It romr to .me aprta the r, ' ; , "'t "" "VVhr rsr in Jwtling nowJs UtiU, V.Th r,Arir giied lb aorilid Jteart, ,, f 1 , Or nU Amt iiinn prempta lhw ..tfe " I' trne to Wpr if .ff".v. -JLii-f t kin ilnhch pti to hrt, W Ft W Ml'lW V Vt' ' , ?,'. file wraith, unshared will) the. ", J-V-J J .JL'f , " . at i Jl ermes ) nhentm!e ar bright,' v frt gentle lip that marmot round tb, .'.- ' -Antf kindling g fa nee Hash delight, '", "'h , v IntFtipcni:ulJnchtTbiunJm ' S fe-e--but ftn to bring lUf, l ;iru.branr of eome look v ton. lhaff then eagbl I kf tir ere, f- - Sacsoa twae rat tttntfcrd by flee. .' . . . . , '-.' . J;B t ilinIot-TiI booghsv . . Tnrtr sbadrs rant opon the od, . """ . '.'.(imliil in Namra'a frit my , . . A bfinl from tbrlr.ahrinatoGod: I erit tmrH that a'l of wwtli, ; ?t!fmn fn-fwDTrn or knew ok faith, wrw britht r df r it b, .' tk uJVtt w'tfi rhj thmithtef if e.'i k - .. s. . Fnm tlx K. Xotk Amerieiuu. t la he workf "of the roft Scliiller 1 ftund S 1S fiitlowipjt tranalaiion from the Paflst of ; , ' sroTicr. v TiLm a4 oowMBiUcd to lha jJI ol eoamr. am afT "n T io mm , Miit ha bcloat to Ijivaora Warrta f ' Uooada anttntyAitrawa. Jaaoo iaaboal i yr if agt, f trrl t or t iocfcea bgh, n blaak. TIj ovarr ia rrq im irJ to coma urai ro prrp rty; p chrirra, aaHkc kirn , or M wilt be dealt anb a i ha U rtirraf . in lob aaa. ' rb. tbo 83d t4L. ' . -- . II. SCDBEURY. Jlrr. - - ... ' ' t - 10 tf ' Tondrn of Katnrc una Art Tha tVeaoar o ' Tim art and Art, ampriama; ao arrtt 4 Ibrre tinadrrn ot tha aaaat ranwrkablo tnrwMrt aod iilttBoniaa ia til kaawa oorid) it Varunl'a Wonder of lb Worlj ' ' ' t frtntar aod rtlihr 7 k'lnra'i PrtWoa, with aoiorcd Eogrip, bl Catha- r1a l Vrrma , . Watkcv'a Maaly Kirraiaaa, eonlaining diraaiiom lor Ruling, ilrHf.Kaaoig, Lraping, Vaulting fca Tha Awcricaa Gni4o . . - "l)o UrJ, " r KtiiKtiitfor tH ' S(; , Onaont ol t.ood Hrrritiag V NuniliM'i Library, hb toiorrd Engravings t !. 7b YocRgtiatbaad, by Dr AUott 4-.. ii'tha prolrpje. -w'htr'h tg ren"r?entcd a en " ?r!ctl in Hfh. Tho. translator express es hhnielf dissgfisie w ith iho ndmea of U apjirsjvh to the oriein:il. InJeeil, all . 'wtipeicnt jwetirtl eritiijiiifn concOr Tn he , ' tibinf ih Wghi excrHemrt ilwt f rv i it itsntl Jit itff word of Goeihe. ?r.'l'rmi rpme'mberlo Jiae mnf wilib ny " . ,,tic,il hrttivf of thraniiitton, by Schiller, ri that git J other purls of. this jiecc. Th t Uf phetoy of om- pa!a;eii, m wbtch tho D-rHw an interlomtitirV ha, persp re . f!!?tl attentirtn fromil grcnt poptietnerils, , ni hog fftBtprJ thorttppiesirion f tho whole ;V., .f rflfipue In mtnt"tfntina thattiave p fttart-d, TIiow t noihinrj ohjectionahle in n' . ihal jritrtioji" which" y'9 ghe, nor fndeeil in ,-,aw nuwage tJt.it ws wo- more ihan itt part SflMiS'OtlAnJ intlqwndent of itj fnrrit I ., trsnfiniion, we ennnuenwy citttnt- uir tuc ,. r-Casliih :Hinrus,,of SlhLea,granlJ)r.) tlirt'iijlil kml rors, vitieh nmst roeommend , . itself m lonif cnltiffljed imitzinatinn and ear. IV. V iL l)o J tlouKrriirr Porkit Lscoa work that dip Ver tha rfadcr iuiy, ba wiM tnd a fund "I knwtilg) , Tb LnttdiHi Sag,v. 'I kc art of baing Ilapy rUmtt't Mrmoir nf the Kfolation tVckwer't (fcilia) OietMHMry S fait Lonilea ed " LeiWpvtrr'l Cliict Dinioi.tiy (lolto) ln(trm el The Wetkinf Iah-( Ooliiigtwbkr, 1 qnarto) rnla Tt! Americaa AlmaOact a aett Irora IWO to 110 httlittir " A Sir.Waller ItnlAel. Tlittnr of the WorM j KaciioUi.Lxwoii ( Lomlna) Scapula) Jitsiao i ir abnva raioauio wnrai arcior uiv m nw Ckrolina Rnok Store, whrre ajity be fuund a large and iplcnrlid ol Ire lion of Purcign and raierieaa Kiwcaanir fftaiionrry; eMhnlag ia part, of fclw, Mrtliciil, Tbeowtgieiil, ,(;iaMiWMclloeoJt it Ittinik Jloukfr th la'ait and niot apprnacd editwni Pt' Englitb, Latin, (ireck, f'rencb, German ,nd Sniaitli Ptbnnl llixikt ml aniolra tuitrd to lha MJti te,. ve'i atifmn iiiinnrii, uoimiiiiiiimg pi I'tn ue ariitiua dona wiib nealnea rt draalch, at Vo.' L Alaoon llaml, 509 rofiira of the MiMMri Harmony, with a . rwir of lucal Vrk too namemuotn men' ion, 'TURNER k Raleigh, January H, 1840 , . 3 Xi whtilr w-prki oto tlerivcJ from tho oas wj8 in the first rhnptfsr of Uve BooV'bf job, t'o;ihe Gib to the 12ih terse inclusive: " 'Afil ibere-wM a dav whetvaha aans of 1 W, . ' .... a. :KiLs'.J Ths proiogtte opena with the cbooiSj , JKir-t An lwngi-1 Tbeaanket mnala, at oi oJJ, Amt t H.e rtral iphiTe SMtcneen, ; : T . - 0n , prrrkritliii'd circle rtllel, - With thumb peeif. The angel,' eren, 1 ' Draw ttrtsiijtti fifnm giiximj on M glatite, .' Tlimth i oi.e aarnpnrhend him may, ' " i Tlie w fW nnlttieril aHjnterane , , . h bilht at at Crcation'a tlay. . ;o:nil Ardni'l. And iwtft, and twift, with rapi ' I ' HJitrf H, ; ;.!! ;. ;,t 3'he adorned earth piri silently, - a ! A!trrnaiiig,elyiaB liriglitneu, - With ilevp aul ihraiUnl Bijliti ' 1 J" 1 hear hi billoas leap " ' ; " Vpti t e roekt-and rock and oceto, ' T'"? Onward with upheref' tliat neref sleep, " : ; . - Krt harried In eternal mntlon, ' ' One Ilnndrcti Dollitrs Ueward. 'I'h alrrgneit will giY lb abu reri tor the avpreliuiuua wf bia urgra tlli WL?O.M. Wit mm ran way Irani my eeririee about thJ(lh itar ot Augnil lM. , Krora auiheaiia inlormaiMin, whiehvl he fai.'r reretrcd. there i no doifbt bw) rb now lai kint; -m the aeigliaiuhooit, with ite- ltd alirt mm, or aiih aa unirmiilril ahite man, di(iiiei) in female apparel; that he ia armed with s gun, and proba'ily anb iMhtr itiwgerwut and onlawml-wesiHmiaoit iliM be bat K faj anntempta lion (o make hit way immediately to anm tree Suie, The Miiiki-ligi.ed wiil nay ihi tn reward lor the apjirahaminn of the negro Wilwin, amil the atnp paM4lualtrtiaaBtvlv.ia tob nopad that all' Ira triende to the fety ol lociel j end loth prteretlfl u( d aeipline and order among our I we nmnilf ion, i I Mreiuoutr tsert thetuielret to auiirehciid llii rnmtwar, ; - DKatilttPTlON. Wilton b about ail (rel lo hithf In weight- U alnutly m.1e, and weigh from HJ to 190 poulid- h)ii anbmi,t manner wlien met by any lleion,ZTIe is of ilai k eomplraiiin, bat a (car, upon liia left temple near the ear. which was produced, be a bur( anrf wiibnnt being round thooldrrcd, h bewds loi ward tontiUereblY when walkhie. . .1. O. A. UK A CM.. r SHERIFF'S 8ALE. Will be anl.l loV eatli, at lb (jourl H.,us in Ons low, on lb !. h Uy ot Smieniber. I (). the lolluw. ig trajf ot iund, t) lng tn itald Ount,' to taiitry a tn line i hereon lor ibeyear 1 838. Vnongrrrt Mi fliiat linnrtli, il a,.ropfrly of Lott 'Proclamation. -By Ihe Governor of Richmond I ' , JCorth Carolina- :-. 200 BE WARD,. ' . . Wbereti, k baa beeav ftfficially reported to ibis Drportmeot, that ea or about tb IOibj fa'bnary ah. a wrgro bey, the properly ol Col. Luk Uocaell, el LVaera araaly, was eapttoaed to hare heea katoap p4 by Iowa and Saaawcl Smith, which hoy waa dn 'awaarcd, ten or twelm dart alttrwaida, near the mad aide ia Ureea cowniy nardered "ed partial!; bwrieda ball tiarirg been abet tbrwwgb bis bead, and bit ihroat ut Irom ear 10 aerrewd tbe aaid John ead Samuel Somh tundabaigcd whb tbe brio, ny afareaaid, , f v. Now, therefore te the end, that the said aVaders may be spprebendcil and brought to trial I have thought proper to iaaoe tbia ray Proclamation, offce ing a reward ol ooe hondred dotlar for (htiar of tbeaa, to any person or persona, who wilt apprehend and eonfiae lbeiw.br' i'lher of then in the Jail, or deliver ibeaa to the SbernTwf Craren aotinlyt and I dw eaorearer hereby reqnire all .oCieera, briber ehrilerfililary,witbin Ihia Sat, te waa their beat eierjinnt laapprvhead er eaaietw be appee bended, Vkc said rogaiaei. ' ' . ' ,Utt, - ' f.W- AjfjM'A f!l) omler my bead a Governor, :?4VW n ,ha Gr i oflbeSiate rd North 2KJ s'""- " Cf ot Ullrich, h7v . euwaro d.dldiJ:y. k By Command '" ' C. C. flAITLR, - ' 4' Pairira Skiitiii. ' JOtl X S.ITII I described si t mbn of near mid. le age, about fit feet nine or ten inches high, stool. ly built ruddy, eomnlealon and heatlhr appearance. dark hair aad bailuatan utmcr front loulh. Koiles- eriplionof Samael iagiern. Tney were born and brought up in Vraaea but temoted to wither Georgia or Teoaaaaee tome yaart since, but retarned nnder pretnr el riaitine their relation and nave been lilt k hie ebokt under eery' eqapieinu -' eireumataaert tor arertnionih. I bey hail, when tney-KKinappaa Cot. Kuaaell't Negw,; n anrrell hnree, wnh a laaen mane and tad, with while feel and face, and are aaid "to bate a rararlyot covers to their Cart pn twehaage tiem very Irrquenlly. , - -t tv T 'fMIVEHSITYOPPEXSTLVAXiA . ItlrdirnI Dcpnrluifiit. flIIECoara ot lrfnrri will eommt nee OH Mon. nailer the follow hg arcangemenl s . i Praatice and ITieory' of Sledicine, Vathaniel Chapman, M. !)., ' Chemiatry, Kobcrt Hare, M D. Surgery, William fiibaon M.'L). t r . Aoatnmy, William K. Homer, M. D. , Iniiitotea of Medicine. Samuel Jaekaon. M. R. " Materia Media sod Pharmacy vGeorg U, Wood M. U. - Obttetries onrl the.iaratet of Women and Chil dren, Hugh L ! lodge, M . 0, r Cliowal Lr:nre on Medicine and Surgery are delivered reeulailv at lha Philadelphia Hoaiiilal, Hinckley.) and at the Prnnaylvania Hoaphallrom Mie urrinninK IV loveuu oc inv ariiiwi. . V. E. ItOflXER. . Dean of 'ha Medical faculty T SS3 CImsbuI Street Philadelphia. WILLIAM A MAIlT COLLEGE. r pHE Lreture m tbhi Institotion 91 com It 1 ,-e id Monder ba October. The denartmeatt of. .-vovwrnaer aaai, ine nuiowmg waaia oi lan or aa mh - nTffip r-.T I will nlTer for sale, for rith. atflie fwirt llonaelo the town nf Staieilt. ... .t. . . line traeteeflanwoeaamach w'l ...ic.:. 1. . . . i i j ... . c . . -. .... . " -w.4 ln Ibm ..... - a af lha aeaainw an aa' "'won anu hi ia wiut sosts lot ins year loo: - , , j ; - Inatrwctioa aad tb ex pew follow - - , :. i-... 4.. :-.. course For the degree or. a. b. , .. r Joaioa t . .. - i . krit Ltitm. Leie. Eihin end JBfr. Tbomaa II Dew, Preardent and Profewaur. V j rlitiel Lam mmd Cavrwc. Beverly Tetcker. Profrasor. : .v - v "1 Matkrmatiet Bqbtrt Sanwlert. Professor. CAMry. John Millingten, Professor. - , Biaton Ya. 7' j Political Etnmy, Crvernmtnt, anif Met-i . L tli. U ILm. tfmr.,Mif. I Natural Phitphy. John MillingtBtt, TrofeVj T0";?!!".0! r. " . . 1 Milera Hrrarlet j By whna, litted. ; Urt.jl3tU."c'. By who listed. s : jAere Jl.tli tjba. M Murcuck V rtebl ft 8ilTrd . A Weaver t town tit James Mate J Brian k U Waddle Saiah I uvker, . Jeremiah Mesoo dar 70 IVi 94 A PBOaFQTUS 5 Ti.ird Arthangft. ' And tempests in eontrntiM roar, ' . ; Aid rnging, weave chain of power, . i Which binds tl' earth, altb a band, : A flailiing desolation then : ' - 8p'i!t before the Uiomknrlt way I'nl thy arriantt, lorl revere, .. TJa? gentlo ebangra m lliy day. ' t . A Sjnsisle Lit tlx Uoy. AfticnJof XI .CartwrigitV.the celebrated dentist, took his eon to hae bis mouth inspevted by that able 'artis who with wanderful celerity, rcmorad is jv'sri f tl boy'a firat toeth. Upon the boy ,. crj'lnj oflt with anrprise, and a little pain, Car:wriehtrud,1Never ftiind, Johnny, your ieyj will corns aarain." .,, s - Johnny, with tcara in bia eyes, inquired, 'WiU they camo again before dinner, jIr. .Cartwrigltt, t ; ISO acres, ISO dollar, John MoO. flamphreyd joining th land of bairt of Kveritte Simons t dol UrsiKj eol. v . : i -1 JO asrea, ISO Jollan,,litcd Vy Joy. LUtUta.3 UKuarS'SSg aeaia. ;-; - 7J aaraa, IV ttnitars, Mieaj .b Marten V) eentr. tUOaeret, 100 ilollara Elijah Cel") f tleeea V or tbs " rlHGllIiAND MESSENGEnr- A weeklg paptr pub'ithed Qt Ahtvil!e, p. Devoted lo iteliatop. Morality, Science, l'olitios, Lf .---g-i. and General Intalliexaea--''r . a .,. . . EDITED RT D Tl. M A N A LLY It J. ROBERTS. " Jo propoung to puUiiaJi a m Journal, and ihereM by-lo awell the number of per mnwala already OoaaV hig our aouniry, it will naturally be es peeled of t to give an outline of tt priucipie by which we ex pect to be governed I baa w wul do a sewelKly Chriatian Theoli-gy, ww will carefully and eonatant ly Imld up the Bible and the Chrietlan religion as iadiapeuaable to alio moral, aocial and political inter- caiaot any aonimunity. ; . S.I. We shall iniluati loaily labor to set fortk'and maintain sonod principle of morality, Correct taste and good manner. Vice in all ka varied forms shall meet its merited rabuke, Mil a decided stand will be taken sgainit all impurity of t a occasion or reureaentation,. aa all wloaibnrta and votgarity. la ahori no pains will be spared to make our paper a arecame Jleenjftr to th virtuous and good ut ev ery aga and ot every ereu 3d. A liberal share ol our attention ahall be de voted to .those branches ol natural aeience so necea; aary 10 -be at Iraki partially ooderatood by every far mer and eteiy mehania of the country . 4th. Tht political tlertment will be tinder the hnmedis'e and sol control of J. Kobsbts, who be lieves himself to be- (rue Jtepubiica and as such (nftnet, and will t, support ilie leading meatur of tbe per arm Administration, On this aobject, bis arse will b alm, though decided. ie will, at ll lime, take the liberty of promptly and lainfy expressing his opinion on all subjects bearing on the political interest of the community, without, at Mathematics Robert Banmle r. P."ofeor. . INDEPENDENT CLASSES. - Jatw Beverly Tucker, Professor. Jo the text Books heretofore publislied as us. ed in this Department, is to be added Lieber ' Poli I i cat Ethics. , JSeevnem'Mr -J-ibtt Millington; Profeasor. , CLASSICAL DEPARTMENT. IjLlin anj Greek LHerulvrt Dabney Brown Profrasor. There are in Jhi. Department two Latin and two Greek Claws. To anter llio rower Latin Clasa, the student must be prrpsred to resd Ssl lurt and Virgil, and to enter the lowet Grce Class, be tirast be able to read Xenophon, JtUpentet if m Regular Student. . . '-.Jtiaiom Yasa. . ,. ' Fee t three Professors, $ 20 ech, $80 00 Half fee, Junior Political (Vallel) Class, 10 00 Irlalriculation Fees, 6 00 Board, including wash! (J anil lights, ,, 1 30 00 ' - $205 00 fi Sxaioa "Yx. . - Fee to three Pntfesaora, : " $60 00 - Matriculation fee - ... , . 5 00 Board te a before, aay " I 130 00 . ,.. ' .. : ,?I95..00 ginerrinjr, 20i wch Laun Class, anu escn Greek, Class, f20- . 'f The Price of Hosrd, here' estimated at $.130. is that iid to thetollrge steward wlie in consider stion ot certain privileges,. )ind himself to tbe Faculty to tab all Students who apply for board, at the price here stated. The atridenta boarding with him lodge in the College Building;. v T he price of board, ancludiag washing, liglit and fuel, at other Boarding lluoaes In town can no exceed $ 1 iO. Tliia baa been established by a general understanding with the College, authori ties. , f ., '-, , The former Steward having re"gnd the Fac. nltjr hare appointed in his place -one who, it is confidently belieeed, will giw entire eetietaetkm ."1 st'idejtt proposing to join the rrgnbr Jun ior Mathematical Class, msteibe prersrt-d to coin- mence with Strnnlo Equations siid he ' TUrrd Uook of IJsyies' Lejjenitre. J-s. Those who hare had no prrpsratmn In- ttalb e,talics, msy obtain it in preparatory cJasa, lo which are taught merely the Elements rf Alge bra, inchidjt'jr. Simple Equations and the first two books of Daviet Lrgernlre. . ; In addition to the studies abasa enumerated there i a department af higher studies necessary 10 tbe attainment of the degree of A.M. " A stiitLent propnaing to attend this department, with arwirar to graduate in it, must have, taken either tbe cTrgrcc Wf A. It. in this College, or tbe m or some ertqiraleri. pegfe in some,, puier Julia A Carter Do. lor S. Colbert, f ' Do and Xkha. Caiter James Galon (beirafi Juliua Ir'in Wm Morion A 1? Torolinnin Carter II Mare ' James C Husica Sampsnn Ba'l . Rachel loiwUI W ra Gnforth Thos Moas, jr. Rrbreea Mmgan 1 '. Wm Cooper Jos 1111 . ' Amos Johnson Hetukiali tommTS John Kia in , lohn Ilxrtline lames Jones tieorga 'Iwupl (etitc) R Weatmnrcland 1 hos Mr Knight ' ( Sarah Templetwn . J ordain Uodgins Mngh Allmertste" Peter Brawlay . John P Cook Sr Jnlin Fleming not remaned) Joseph Moots , , i I 183 I JO I AO lts 97 its ' 60 150 IIJ IJi 133 ISO 115 66, 16J 105 159 t 0 re 5 -50 90 1) IH 39 do dn do do do do do da do do do do da du do do dn 'do do do do do da do d do U tie do da do do do dn do do d do 11 jiephew W dea . - lohw llnwtes . InahnaGaultney " Ktiaha Ha. ria tllcnJallr David Lckrr llnhn F Marahell HsdfnriMt'ieen sTTDirtas 8liottoa II 41 82 44 40 81 85 81 00 SO 84 84 4t 66 10 43 y 55 Si 03 71 44 15 Si 81 05 44 81 13 64 2 89 - n i Jones Wroilanl kdley Ikowcll - s8twlf4' 1 Price d. $-21 Wiate Fletcher Llaeob Holler " lrx Haitness l0 for L Rirlin.ond . flWniel Mooce WnvMeKee 8 Mvlnioih " aml Waugh fnr W MeUli Mephen llothom ; Mieheal Giodwia ." ' Nancv Johnson John Kinley ' lohn Htewart Inbn Vstes, Jr' - " rhntCtnalty . . : Henry. Irvin Franklin Kerr Isme Lsalv (for C llehs) (Jeo Mnrrisnn Wm K McKay . lohn Vail .'llred Nail David Waoeh Itsberl Wilaori'a heirs tvro MeJimsev Motes Jus'iee Wm Howies .. iim Matlieroni estate inbn II Smith Daitl Purnmire (in UuJt) lames Hooper lot llair " J05EPJI 149 160 10- 100 I to e - 889 SWt 188 410 197 150 1st 150 860 154 190 loo 183 100 7 am Wl 83 IB 93 if 846 615 f.?.t 87 90 H 150 130 . ISO 97 Ml) 184 . no do no da do do do .do , fa de -dw do . do do ri dn doJ do "do do do d lo do do d di da do Ho, .da do do ila do do do .do do da .9" 11 91 l It U 18 N 7 ti 51 7t' t K i. tt !. U m t? v M Tt. tt 71. If tt It r1, u, ti i it V it ' 5 liarl. H anllitra Q7I irltL K, . i. 100acs.lO0ilollars.Smuel HulL Querns Creek, 4Jd"llars 87 aia." its aarrt xi iioitara,tiiea I litiupt, vueent vrees. .1 nortar 77 ets I3J aarra, t5 dollar. Ana Pbilllps,Qnens Creek, LdolUrr 1-8 cts. a . D.W. SAXDERS, Shff. August lOtb, 1840. - , , J w ,a siihBbbw I'laayil. Limy i i a. ai.ati aasaaast ataaw nil na. Ciansa.- TOtaetot'Wa extreinc- ,,-ly hs'jhty a a tftHtrteal manager, and tery-i "v inw'.ent ti 'drjatf.7.:'WHe'n he tSatlrcJcct- j jri a p,,ittX!iath. ; out the jjartitfulnr parts of it which displthacd Itlnt, he took a pinch of snufl" and anawercd ", i3 f sneral terms, "Sirr there is nothing ia it .-; , .. lo eotret my pastioinS r.'-1 ::- .1 CiiWtl'Jcef. A man lately deccajied ap- peared for trial before the king of tho infer ' na! regions. rTbe king adjudged that, as he !ia:l, dirrtn j hit preriotte state of exbitenee-, ..11? ed in excessive luxury, ha must return to -. Jif4.nn parth J4 the .character of a , scholar. A demon laj yer renjonatrated, aaytnj ' this hnt been a grsat transgrei)r. and tlo - - -erre not sach -tinsf treatment.-rhe king, lutghiny, said, his htving been a great , trinji,Tcsnr is the rcry reason why I decido , that he should .return to 1ifo to be a n-n gcho'ir, witJt many small children of hi . "o vn. raisms a killing cry to his ears all the tl iy b.ij That will be punishment enough. "Itcrr ut rjuj-i m rRiEXP3. Mr. J. J.'ln tis juTontia, went tt" a club, and as his appear nzm wjTjy-thrtj lrat 'tetpwuble, he bor roal a c;ir of breaches of a friend. In tlie coiTSS cf ths evening ths lender calls J out to- hint, "J , don t st tlown in uia aarap CttTi in my brjirhes." A friend who cou . CtiLi J velCx the embryo critic upon this ex pofl3, cfiTjrcl U.Jcni tua apair ofunmen tiina'-bs fr the next meoting he did so, irt j J. ...... .. had hardly Cntere J, when his . b jr..jc:or' exclaimed! aloud, 'J you rpiy sit dowa . wh;revcr yoalike in my j 1I(HTS SHOES oV BROGAKS! Tha tubaariltcr would avail bhnaell if,tb,prrarnl Opportuniiy of returning Ms thank) to thoae ha have extended to him that liberal' patronage which l tt so long reealvctl, and hopes,-hf S ttviet attention to buthnas, la merit a an1 irraaMe at the same. 11 hat JMarraturueil Irom th North, alter havine "viarfeil tlie principal manufactories, and Ratters him. aeH Mist fc triKtiow la-vutb as- wrU euaiita him to sell otinn scry reasiayabl terms, lie wonld respect, fully invite his friends and tha public generally to aall 'id examwebia atoabstbiab sonsista af tbwfcj.' lowing, ia part. vlt - --vi . 3,0.i0 ,ilo ilfi . Jo do t I to 18 no iirr- Koasti oo to it do "do, m do j. do ' to II do' a lined anil blls-do 8 u 13 do tind k b'd pugM kip da 0 II ' do do tdo do tin do 8 to 14 V do do do do dat - dn- 9 io.lt .do . dn do t'vd da' 6 lo. It In An calf tin "do A o In ri ' do : - dna ' " I t 18, bay lined U bound l-iln- h to--1 do do, - do - egM do . I to do eoaraa do d A to S women's pegM well '...1,: 4 to 9 do aiwed do T ' 8 . dn do do " 4 to I mlts pvgM anil. seitil walla - children 'a brngan women's sea'U fcpeg'.Mwuitt to A IjhIht' Pbila. seated walking ahoes d-; . ' dt.. . do rto 3 tw I do khl k morocco dn do ia do da do butkin . 4a kid slipper . i da Moroecodo ; Miss seal walking Shoe y i do and and Morooao do da 13 balca shoe thread , - '' rt t. do No: S do dt j'- .'j. ,Ca '-V ! '' "' I do do 10 do da ' J v inn lleam ruled writing waper ' : 500 do wrapping d " , , lXI do dnulile wrapriing'iiaper i V . ' . Hesis' hausawl seal troiAs. ' . v 50 Caws aatl and eal sewd boots 50 t!o do do . pig'd do ': 00 do eoaraa Vip aewed and pegyeil 50 doaen hi idlei, martiiigslcs snd Ailing ' .0 gross blacking ' ..... ....(...-...- t ..-.- Twines, taea,ka. Travelliag trunks, vslice,ke. DaVIUR NEWbOM. , Pi tenvkisiw; Ang. 140, 33 4 w Ibe MlftU Itrgiatcr will plraae copy 4 artks, sod lureat d scsctint to the snbatriber li-r paymrnt, P. H- N. IJJOO do JtK) do' l,lt0 lio J.tHKI - do 1.0IK1 lit 1,1100 d 8,000 do 1.1X10 do t (M0 do SOOO-do. 8.IMK) do 3,S)0 3,000 3 OtKl Xt0 300 flU KIT s.im t.txw t.Ooo 1.ISKJ s 50J 500 1,0.10 do iln . do do do ' in do do do da hi da do anytime,-nrottitdting hi paper to the unhallowed piie'detrtcfrnVaatf iWaitoftbsBiW.'wdi- be decidedly lndrpeideut. He is pledgeil JO no party, and will always Write snd, pobliab what he believes wiil lend lo lha pnblia steal, aud suppress what in bis judgment would be ivjuriona. , ' - And finally, a we aliall aak tb lUtor of exchang ing with the best psiert of the country, we hope to be always ready to keep rmr readers informed el the important iransaelioas passing at home and abroad. v' Te rms. Tha " HlORtiJiB .MLSssBitn" will be puhlfthed with a new Jii-ets and trtiet, and on a lai-ee sheet st $3 SO per annum, if paid in adeana, or $3 00 at the enj nf the (ubacription year. ' - Mo Buhaeripiion will be reearved for a less period thaa twelve months, nor will aav paper l-e ditcon. tinned, eteept at tbe oplioa y the publiaher, not Arrearages sre seiiiau. Ashecitle, June J, latOaWy. S4 a Alexander'! strhdiraled ioatruciioua for the Flu'. :lF,s,,,"ra.vi.' Crammer's drt. - dn, . ni.Li. ilA- An u tt , iiiia iiv, H" . - iicui r iiniicii, ' Itnw - - . - da,. . .. do . i Vidli. .'l.i'Mj'iiewv;doi,;' ; do. ; do. Flnta Also new mnsis rrgblarly reeeired as soon as pub lished. Muiia biond in the neatest manner at the Worth Carolina Uebk Store. . ., TURNER k HUQJTE8. .f 'August I3ih. ; t. . -if . JTtHR. Subteriher has resumed the Oyster boai- .JL ness. and takes pleasure taJnfnrm hi enslanser and tha fnblie, that - Inteaaa to keep the beat thaler (hat aaa be prarurcd at Petersburr. AM or- iters promptly mended to. tie return his Ihonka tor Hie linrrai psrroiiag na was recei.veil aa aopet for aeontinuiise. ; . TllOS.V00D SxcownSTitr-rt, . Natn Pncawira HBinwa, f Petarsbnrg, 30th Sept. 1839, .' 43 To flic "Icmbcrs oflhe ljxlsinture. I ahall be prenareif to aeeommoilme tment'rfiie or fAarfjr of y ilh board dwrlng the aesaioa et the LrgialalHr. I have enlaiwed my dining room since ItJI, and as I do ant expect to take transient board er, and my home bring within two hundred yardt eatt of the Capital, and na pain or eatwnae being ipiel4n my part, t do not hetital to say, tbat you will find my accommodation aa good as any other houae in the city . Aa rrgarda my table, ran only Say that II shall b aa well provided aa It wasfa 1 838. Any member wiahing in keep his horse or horses csn do SO, as I sin prepared In provide for them also. ' JOHN HUTCHING. ' SepL SS, 1810.. . 40 $w NOTICE, ' Taken ap "by Win. V aid, Eiq., ' rn the tfitb a June 1 ail," and entered en the tttaj book, two mules ooe as iron grey, the other a hrnwai both nsaked eitb rrart valanl at lot ly dollar a each. - E U M AKTIX, Ranger. Sanw Creek, Stoket County, 1 i 0.h Aoast, 1110. S3 St pd general expansion ot lac auuie fur the uegi of a. n. , . t . . Those whose vtrwa may be advanced by re eeiving Medical inalrnCt hiii, are infnrmed: tliat" it may be obtained from F. Campbell Stewart, HI. D , (a grdtleman who studied for many y ears in the scliuol of Edinhtirg and Paris,) who propos es to deliver a aoorse ol Medical Lecture during each College Seesion. -e, More -particular information of any point mar be obtained, by aildrceii-e; a letter to any one of flte Pro lessors, who ill immediately furnish one of the College catalogues, "which contain minute initwanatietit r v THOMAS Rt DEW, Preiident. ,- TEEWIuS, 'UAU & lio. Street, Pctcrhbarff, Vo. KEEP si way ton hand a large and well assotted 8TpfjK OF GUOCtUiES, anil reipecllully invite merclisnts and others purchs- sang uroceries in t'elertlmrg to exsmsae the easne They have new In store the following article 45-hhata prime St Croix Sugar 135 do Porto Rico and New Oi lean ditto . ' 8501) Losrvcahamp, aingl noil double refined ditto 2JVrnd "bldtl P,fm? "'H, Malasse--400 bag. prime Green Havana and Lsguyra Coflee 100 bags Kio do do (strong scented) 85 d old Jsvs Coffee , 50 do Ptpper, Alspiae and Ginger too kegs Uut JVails, assorird sixea.. . CO miis swedes sad Eatliah Bar Iron 300 bundles hoop, barid and rod Iran, assorted sixes 8 tons mistered snd Ua;rmsn steel g 10 lonsCnalingi Pots, Ovens k. 850 pea. Colli n Bagging - li anils Bale Itftpe - - i0 M Baling aiHlSeein Twin 15(W lbs Shbcl'hread . 1000 siilet Hemlock and Oak taned SntLfiber . 30 doa Collin fc.AX,pd MmbiMtK 100 boxes Tallow, Hull's I'sleot and Sperm Candle JO boxes Yellow Soap . t -I- tmeAave Ywwng Hysnw, Gam Powder and tntpw. rial I'aa . pipe . UlacibnrnY. Msd'a. ,'3ne. ... .' Jotjr. estks Mbn, L. P. I'sneriffv, S. Madeira aad Malaga Wine t- a 80 half pipes CngnSas Rrandy . . 9 paoeheons old Jamacji and Aniigna Rota' 4 do super, old Seteh ll h.tkry. ot onrovn ! ImnnrtatioB warranted tin t and atrial Iv lurim r Equality ' ,...--' . . 'J -j SObblsold Mouatsia Whiikev fS bids Souihampton Apple TJrSmly -SO .do . E. Rum J SSO do- - No; I North Carotin Herikics r I 000 lha Weitera Bacon fsidcsj 150 ream Mataoaa Wrapping Paper 800 dox Bed Cord and Leaiiing Lines 8500 sacks Liverpool, Ulonyinl 'tiround Alum Salt v Tf Hnxes Manulsctnred Tfjbaeen, Sea, ka. 1 1sry also give their attention to the sale id Cot. ton, T- bicen, and all kinds ol flroiluee. jGooiI lor warded to Iheircarc, will receive prompt end spe call attention. I Petrrabuig. Va. Angust 26, .1840 35 4t" Urgister fciserl 4 times and lot ward account to Pe tersburg. - - VTOIX SALE ! That pleasant situation, 4 miles v-WlV. : from lUlrigh, tat -the Chanel Mill .- ' .. read." Well knoai tk, Sirceler w 35 or 40 of which are cleared and in cultivation, the balance Is womty. T here ia a small orchard of Aral rale fro it ol early ami late apples, beaides other fruits and an arahard nf $X)0 Maliieaulis, which, alone, ill, (when day breaks nest November and the peo ple get lo wm k agsir, ) pay wbst it stked for lb place. It is deemed artless lo mention all tbe ad vantage 4 the situation, th Ana range for rattle, ka, aa whoever withes la purchase wilt rook at tbe nrcnaeaia. J.T.C. WUTT. 99th Jone.-UAo. " - .86 tf. .1 . Uviler iL ' 'i"' --I SIILKIFF'S ALE. Will be sold, On the 9nd Monday in "Derewtber next, at the court bouse In Whiteville, Cnlambos aowotv, the lollowing J'racti el Land and Lots, or so milch thereat as nlt satisfy the taxes and chaiget dec thereon for the year ol 1P39, '.bOne hundred ami filiy acres, on Cawbranch, the properly ol the heirs of Jee U. 1'stoms, dee. 10O seres, the property of Jessa or John Godwin, dec'd.'nrar Liimt er Riven, , a 170 aeres, suppoaeil lo belong to the said Jessa or John Godwin, dre'd. joining Eli-a Cowan. , Also, aem Lola in the town of Alexandria, no 104, no. 104, no. 106, Oj. 107, , as. 1,U5, no. 109, nevfJO. - A'so, Ave'tnti in the town of Whiteville, no, 8f, ao. 37, no, CJ, no. 71, no. 84. - The. names of lbs owner of the abate earned lots are unknown. --mmmm.f.M ' '1 he valuatfoaof eartitnt, 15. " '' ". . - josiiua wIlijamson. Sirr. 48ipf.fc8. 18404 x - ' 37 bw tj l Pt ice adyt $4 1 3. v ' m. JAMK3 O. McPHEKTERS, , cfiunsmisio?. hierciiaxtv .... T ,riiw r Continues tatranssct business an bia Otual liberal anil prompt tinat, at the old stand, formerly occu pied by Holiurrfij H M el'lieetrta Uulln.gltrovk St., wnere ne win m piewei..at Alt Um 10 ars) his I . I I. A ,n nrowrr,Snw k Co.wha willreeire"ll produce ili rected to I hem at Raleigh, and Uutwai iLiiiili dcsfiatah ov nan nau 3 reiersourg. a -1 ' ... . Slim " : ' KOOU JJIATjlMU.. :"' The Subscriber respectfully inform a the inhabi tants d this and the adi iceiit cnanttes. thai lie still carrsrson tha Book Wbilji-g buiinaas, in it a sailt.ui oranchca, ifom plutn to trruimentul, and at Tonliern prices. . - tireat ear will ba taken to bind' all Periodi cslst pattern and match volumes. , . (ii stelul for psat favors, he Mill hopes to receive a share of public patronb&e. ' . Ilia bindery ia back ol the Rale'wh Ilea liter Ol fiee, where all Orders in Jb above 'line will" be promptly attended to. i" P. S. Blank Bonks,'' of every description, jwade and ruled to any pattern, and quickly crane, and a liberal discount made on a large job, lie would rripectrally suggeat to the members r. led of ournext Legialalure, that if they have bonke which Iher with to have reboSHid. tlirv would dn etMobeiHigthem alevig fcjthHhenr'utmteWor' fflksaA ntlr naasaLaa . i- ." , - --" ; V JOUSJ H. DB CARtERETf; Sherltr sale. of Lands for .If 38. I shall cinnae nnblia tale U th tnwa'nl flv. mouth, in front" ol lha Court House tlonr aavthe ta.a or n ovemuer next, the lotto wing piece oi land, or annvneh of them a will pay the tax dne there on lor the year ol 1838, belonging to the following ed perimia, vit . -.' 75 Aeres, belonging to Malielil A'lann, amount due 75 ernts, adjoining the lands nl Judith Boxnian, WilliamL. Cheaaon and others. 78 acrea. belonging (a Kirhard Everett, amouut doe 59 ceata, ailjobiir.g tha lands of Jonathan Corprew and othera. v - 183 Arra, bemnging la Smnrl 1jthnv amoon, due (3, djn1ning the land a of Jabn Latham! Srati M iley and ethers, - 100 Aerrs, belonging to Emsnael Lrarryf smouni doe 78 cents, sdjohing whom not known. 16 Acres. beloneHie S John M art m. 'amount due1 r4tar'.sja'jttsBB Benson Barbee and othera. '. ,jt , .. 300" Aere4 belonging Id Klikam Ppwel anvhunj due " '"' $3 84 teats, on Welch's 4.'r-ek, ai'joining the laada of 8. J. Boker and othrra. ' '8)4 Acre,' 1dongiag 10 Geirw--rnAb-iBorjnl due 39 cents, adioinine whom, not knoan. . 105 Aarra, belonging to Adam Rrnrth, amownt . flue fl 07 cents, adjiHning tbo lands of Mariel-- ta A. pisoat ajwl other. ' . - It. B. DAVIS, Sheriff,! Plymsoth, Aog 20. 1810- io-fB, ' , j , I stac aujr, jjo xccbis, . .' y ' ' . . ' ' iT ' ,' ' i NORTH CAROLINAiJOOK STORE liiabt Workl on Fatming. Garilenittgr Bolaoy, ' CattW, Orchard and the Grape Vine, kc. eV.- Th aompleta Firmer, Americsn Gardner, Ftp rial Guide, 'I'he Green Hooao, BnJgeman'e Gar dener' Assistant, London's Encyclopedia of Gar dening.lAtt'Of . Winemsking, Memoir ol the Pen. sylrsnis Agricultural Uociety, Treatise an Cattle, their breed, management, eVe. Farmers'. Own Book, Mpwbry on Poultry, History of the Horse, New A mericsa Orchsrdiat, Ornsmemal Treat, Farmers' Register, complete a far a publiabed, Maaon' Farrteg impruved,.Leodon's Encyclopedia ol Agri culto'er together with a aplendid collection ol Boook in every deptrtment ef Literature, For eall reduced, prire by ' ' ' . ' - . , t TURNER A HUGHES. 'Msy 6. - -- : --,lfr N.. B. Book-Binding dona with neatness gnl despatch, althe N. C Book Store. " IJKif H.t' s 1 1 g UTIOX voit THE EDUCATlOIiJ , oi THE BLUV'D.Tliis rslabliahmrnt has bren rrmti. ed to that spseioas and eh gent edifice kaeea at Mount Watbingtoa Haute, at South Boston, and b now ready 1'urs.he reception and bistruetioa alyeam blind persons ot cither seg from any part of ihseoaa. try. -i ; The sslubrity ol the local km, the fasciites for wv, bstliing, and tha extent of tb edifice, which itVn leparasa rooms lor the pupils, make lliit tataMiak. men! a drab able raaidence lor-, thoae yeaag kllrd persons ho desire supei ior accomodations. . j The course of instruction comprehrads resiiinft writing, aritlimetir, algebra.and geometrytgertrsil,y, biitor natural and moist philosophy, ks. ho.i sidet the theory and practice oi nittite. Thow ho drthe it may acquire a kaowlrdge. Ol tbe ta. cient snd mnilern lanauaera. ' Aihoroogh and teie'ritili knoatedge of moiic, swl opponuiuiiea oi practice upon the numa-torte and arr gsn, arc giien to all, besiirea which ba fxinil istj " avicat any inairumcM wtiitti- ne wiaAet le leant Particular attention h) given to phyiiaa) eduestin ?'" ' I'lans: Board andluiiim, abb MX naecf sotki nd musical instrnmrnis, Irom ft 5 0 la $i0 per aa. auow For Ikoa who with to atwdy lb laauaeetj t tin have the Ute ofs biano-forte io tbeie sluubker, oris receive extra mutical insn uai iofft, $31. Th above will coyer all tbe ordiuaiy xiicoies sf tkt as Extra acaomasodstion charred in reasonabkara. 1 he followhir rentlrmrn. are connreted wka nireelinn nf the Inaumtion and ma be refrrrcs Pater C. Ilrn,,ka l l.nm.1 II. P.,Li.. P.i.r 11 i"n. riwaril llionka. Samtitrl A K 1 at. Jntstt Fither, 1'hnmwa ti. Cary; John Hotnini, JarswL'i Milla, Itoheit Kantoul, Samuel Loud, Samael M Oxiat Goodwin, Horace Mann, UubeilC Wiaihna. For particular information sddrraa lha Dirrrtsr, Dr. 8. G. Howe. Boston, ta whom all anulieatbat should be made. - ; N. B - No persons will be received while asoit mrdieal treatment for the recoVery of sight. -.'' July 3 Vi - 37 !. i VALUBLE LAND FOR SALE. The tuhtcriber, intending tart, move to the south-west, ctTrrs fat sale his valuable tract of Itrn) it the eonnty otGranville, eoataieiai about Ate hundred aerett ob Baits are situated bis ewa ' . " JRESIDENCB, V SGniitling of a coiumuUioas dwelling honte sad ill necesasre out houses, on One nl lha most besalifid and healthy ailea m the aonniy. and supplied ahk-, ,llt .(K-vJaiA mo- MdJeA,.rjipw,.wyf,.. ' LEM AY'S CROSS kOaBsT that valuable and -well known stand for a store tavern, wlaaraa boaaai air .i.iii. inn, ,..i kaa Inn. Saa keiiU anil " rtaW ' " A "GRIST AND SAW MILL. r-'' ton Cedar creek, a reloakl pirce ef properly11 gnoa aroer, having jua been tlmrcutlily rctsirrs. ' Persons in the eatter part of the Stale, Wka sV iiresv ax-LTBT wp-enaainr retidracr, have sses (nod onnnrtmiiiT of braettrwa such a ulnee. A taw lltvrdetoilnlinn.hnwever.il deemed onnrcewrf, as all who wish ta pure bats will aa doubt Irtt Visa ine premises, ;, .. .v . . ' He iH, however, sdd that lha above si'nttioa within two-Snilrtandl halt of FrankliiiienlWwat, the Ualcigh and Raaion Hail Hoad, and has srvrval never failing amines of excellent water. lie latalan aatmii 800 .vary ana aiorae MtiHtran , i trees, -tbiah h will tell either with ibalaal i aeparately. i - ' JNO.'P. LEMXY. Crsntille ebatitf, Aug. 8, 4840 ESr-BAIN'S LETTEUS.tSJ Letter and meditation on Religion and other subjects, by William T. Baia for Sale at Jhe IMortb Carolina Bookstore. - Raleigh, June 3d, .810, 10B PRINTING. 1 Keatly hnd expediiiously executed oi ihis -office. Blanfef for sale, ttcT - js;.,,,..!!.!!,,!,.! . iUAKSIg Jtbti S - Olniment for the Itllnd Pi8- :Jfi ... 1 hs .. invaltiabi remedy ,. ha ljeaa d . Crar before the publiat ita virtue aad efiitn; svs kern well 'tted, and, in nomerooi insisw. X ' eet.ln lha) most aggiavalad formaafths disnit. . ta not B sothxry cat hst M beea knees t ltd lo efJesirnga cure. Many very retpeclsHs pf '' tows have borne testimony to It eRtettev ;wong , whom is lb Re Wm. A. Smiih,oUhe M. B-' Church, and, Editor of th CooferaweeVoartel, Who, Irom his own "xperieace, annftdesllrn" . . aoromends it lo Ihe public at "a strt, " ate, axa xmrixsT bibibt." -r It may 'be bad tt the Store f B. TvCSM - Agent, Karcigh, N.C, wits Twwmmt ti ' . L'SINK. 4 Tba attbseribers keeponatantly ob ksads - tpy ei spring, snmeier.fall and winter ,a . , a rrmirr s idh, . i. whisk the will Isrnitb on th nsott sseomaio-s X 5?: fcUPTJY, ROSSEK tt JOKE. y i Agent forth Maeelsctsrt Petertbnrg, f a.-January. 1839, ' ' ' N U Alao ktepsoatianily on bsnd s lsrgs ' tortroent el Medicines, Psinls, Oils, D2 lor, grass, fiower, aad garden scene, of""! ry variety! wiiicLlhey will furnish todrslrs ' phXticisnt OA the most favorable terms . , ' Itoanoke The nnniwltneeti Comnan win be 87lb day ot October ,nxt.'i Nnvligatlon Cempf; , Beting nf the Kosnoke N"',;j' held, at Wcldia, tm Taesdsy.l Septeshl . Hegiate and Slanr't three tlmea. rr II, 18 . A. JOWM; ; 38 3 - 4 UNIVEMSITV. ' . 'j, A spst'ial aseeihig ol lb Board trf .Trustees ot Univaraity olN.fi. Is bertbv called art Chapel HJ. at 19 fleloek on Friday tbe fi5ih Sept. test., a r ponari bnaineaa rel-iing to lb iniaraal pol"' enverStpenl of tbeCollege. Lift. r " i .V ...ii

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