1 iXOPMAS ' LEMAY, j . '. , ; PROFBIETOE. . VT Staacainioa, ttr ooiitr r" . If wtbowJth. - paired t pty the waou me -.-- , T - aeriptioe h advene. ,civA BATES OF ADVERTISINGS (t -. ! ,f p.) im werrtlon, mm dollari ab tubaeajnent hwdoi; . . VT Th dvTt'eot of CWrk sad SberhTt wll r ...... . ! . . I be ehargeo p warn, pntr - " S3) paat. fill b Mdi from h regular prf ci for advertisers hr th nar. fcj Letter to lb Editor now ho nTtrr to MKMBEni OF THE aDDroachlnff Oenral Aasr-mhly. eel lo too Leghdatar. that he it amae.late eumfartably wlta nooni ;o ia 40 ol theirbady. Having rvoied ten room! in kriak iauiliUae ol Mr. 11. H. 8MITW. L"-eber Ibe bat Seteloo ol Iho Leialetnre wai held; ;i be hi hi power lo rumiah clegibl room to khea wb apply eoriy. AMreM , l MVRR.r, V Jorf, Jlaletgk. 99 If Sept. 9. NOTICE. . . v n. Maarii. lllk ol Oolober oocL will be OoU 'fat Mh, before the Coerl llouie dear, ia lleriford. l or at maen Ol mo wmawmc irama m mma mm ..II aniUTlhe Tu doe thereon lor the jeora 113 Und -39, aaa iae aoet m butbi mm: SB. o im ' Tat Bl obeai line. Sitaatloa of Uadt. due. t iaaee Hrollierii 7i II 43 lOoraafaNIl fr. h- Eiiia'd Uw-teblfl elo, do do do 3 09 K Hamire) Istmarl Holt H 99 100 Littl Rife. J 7S J. UrolbrrH so do, Jo " . 00 KATHAH WAR LET. ShT. Price iAH $9 SO eeoti. , i State of IVortli Crllaa. (iHAMTILLK COUUTT, , Superior Court of Law ami Kquit l ' o t" a ' loin Sarah War . ti K Felkiuat for Ditorea fcav Henry P. Ware, J - 1'hia aaate eonta" oa to ho hoard, aad k appear kne la lha aatiUaaiioa of Iho Coon, that proper , Lapa bad heca taken to oMify ilia deteedaot, Hea. j ij, of Iho petition or plaintiff 8arah Subpomaa M aliaa Snbpomai itwing and retamed "H twad.M Proclamation oat aeada by lha BheriS" al Ihe door of lha Court Houae, lor Iho delendanl. Hry, to appear and aoawer at eetaeaaarte ay Iho fcabwana 'I ha deiendant failbtf lo appear, M i or- , Hi Fred that publication be (iaa ia the Kaleigb Ra iaier anv nw mikvi mmw wur iRit, in w laamai aad lhat at the nest lertn af Ihit Onrl, ap- tlMation aiill ha made that ta paliuon. l fUintiff, Karah, ba heard aa parte. I WiiMia. Thomaa H. WfHio. Clerk of nor (aid Coon at office, io thfnrd, iMe JOth day of May. A U lt." - IBtMi tt. atflLUE, li a. u May JO. Si Sea V Tt. A. T, 1IOKRID OEP1IAVITT Some atilaritMi Coanlerfeilar ha?a nearly killed kateral peraont by atllb.lbcm a ipuriiHii aad talae Ipiitura ol Hayf uniowin. i r . The aaauma it varrantaa perifatiy aarmieat ano oriled w maka-and tell the true ariwle. Orljinal Froprietori lOIAMOy HAY!. P.S. -Tha Iron Haya lioament U warrawled' lo ire Pibtt tod UbetimalUm, la all aatet, or 00 pay hkenlor It. ,... 1 THE nVIHAIf If AIR n VVAURN I I) ttaid or rcatored, aad the Wad krpt tree Irom damlruff, bf lit faauina OLD ill)(iEl4 BALM lF UOUUMblA. lit member the tannine at deaartbtd below. I'hit it eertified M by aeveral Mayart, Minirtere M the linincl. ttrittth Unnaiil. Phvtiaitna. aad a iraal eumfcer of oar meat koaorablo ekiteai, to bo aria a Bare 11 11 aoin. . - DARING FRAUD! a Thia artiale hat been imitated by nlorloot eoaav fcrfeiu r. La't it never be pnrehaaed or aaed aoleaa kave the aama af L. 8). UOMSTOCKJir the aiama lira 01 tjUMSI t;n, k UtJ. 00 a apleadid wrap- rr. 1 hit it lha only external trat that frui aeon I aoblia from daeentum. -;. " j . . ... ... A annttant tappiy 01 tha anova vaioabM Dreaara Int will be kept I rpt lor tale by ' j -1 W, M. MASOIf kca .1. jt . iftt Tl '4t ci state fotN rl Caroltna, Carteret County, . Pourtof Pleaa and Quarter Sewiona, Sep . I fa. . n . m i, I temcier 4 erin, loav, Fflrt aim Jonea : , " " . ' - v va, , j. Original attocbmcal levifd ka. watiaj W. Borden. k appearing la ihe Coart, that the defendant. Da. 4 VI. Uordaa, raaidea wii boor Aha Umkt of thia faie, It ia ordered that notice e fivea by poblia Tan.awrweiK m ine iwueien atar,.ior ail weeaa. iho aaid David W. Bareee appear betoro the art of Plcaaaad Quarter .gea.jona, ta ba held foe Ueunte ol Carteret, a the Court Hooat ia ilran U on Ihe ihirdrMontlav bf Deaembar oral, and aplevy and plead lo iatae, or judfment I mil U tnlered an avainat him on th ia attachment. Wit neat, Uhvid Ktmlry, Clerk af oor aaid Coart IkWort. the third Meedav of oVMemher. A. U WO. ... Jj. RUM LEY. C. C Priae adv. S IL-ywfe'-W 8' "" " " - " ' ' HKUU AKK mane peraont who would bur- Yt auiled without hilj( to aema lO Iowa cipnaa- L vna narpoto. -- -v ':--; Ta eewfc would lay that ibcro la aot Ihe iHehteet aki.Lu. tku. k. ; i I J .ti .L . I FMry ka ordaria aa, Wrtteacat J, jutt to litok yJ prie. - . '... ; ; . - .. I have Pianna at almoat all prleet aad ibarebrd aaa D'JJP'v almen all ortlcra. , , , V ae tkaraalar of Bjy inatromenti h npw to well nabliabad that H ia entirely anneacaaary a pobltah naaaerana tetter whieh A am almeK dailr r. 'lfrota tteraotia abo bare bvnbt aad. triad Havina- Bald abanl lain knlMj 1--- 1- .11 -oa Uirly tried. J aaa. truly lay that ,1 - riia na.e aecn tuorouKniv leaiea . x , and Plana Forte. Seller, Peterwhwre. Va. . rNj.-1 k ajnality of my Piano Wtea may he teen ' reference 10 thoaa wkaae I a.a uU u 'i hf. B-q Mra.U. I. WUliama, Uabney Coaby, a . P NUnhnrw, JBr ja, ina, : so.f ' llR'fEJESriX OFFICE. ELIZABETH . Wljr FOM BALB-fho wboto or ono half tbit UflUe w.tl bo aeld In a t u... T.e f' T'hw,!. rTohmae, ike naaal liberal erwdiTwUI in. I bit vffiae praarntt ereal milaawmaMa io "a pf praetHul kuiineat kabna. l ha onlv reaaon r lodoara Urn pmpneior ta dtepn.. of all ar baU -m wb-wwwwk, n inn my aw noma will kim. vnm Ihe boaineaa uart ol ika mn. . 1 .1.-. naUed lodovoto bit atlealkia aaaro ta the edito panasena. .!.; ;, . f tL ' NKlUr !. . Ma tt A sMor Hery DeCcront by & jpVKii. hy flu'lr. . . Tfcam-, Mrlodiet, "! j'""-"-- r Oeked b -f -: ; i- Idlbv TURNER k IIPCHES. , af " Noktm Caeolisa Powerful ia moral, in fotrilfftotlt, ol. xxxi -y-j i " ,. . wniO DARBACUCt The Whip of Grantille and Wafwea trill M olit-lathioned BatliCDi, at Henderaon, aa Gran ville Vnnnty, on the Kalefh and IJaaton Bad KomC, an Friday iho t31 Omabcr, lo whieh all peraoaa, ithaal dittieeiioo of party, fraaa Ihe 8iaih Con. rreauenaJ LiiMriet. otnuritir th Coantitl of Franklia. Nh, Crannlle aad Warren,) ara moat reepeetrullr iaed. 1'hia ia.aation ia alaa eilended ib the k Coumirl af ihia Btaia and Viremia. The Sneakina will eoaaajencc at 10 e"l.ck Meaan. Maneum Dwlcer, Iredell. Lonf, Cadop, Smith end Btanlr. of North Carottna, aad Meeera, Chaaaaera. Wiae, Bolla, Shtl'ea, Tunaull and Wit. eber, of Vlrgmia, bare keen maroa, aaoai m vaom Aay of lha Aitmmiatratma Speakera are rrqaeateel to attend far a loll and free diacaaawak. Hr ibe Cltmi or AaBitoutara. P.I U it innrelhaa probable that the aaeHiag wtll iMld two daya. -7 $J A Wh? Meetipt wilt ho Mi at Dr. Laacb'e Sprinf. "oor Urojrder and WhUaketr'o 6wra. iobo ajon C'oani. on tbo 80ik inatant;" ni whtch lha eiUsena of Waka, Comhetland and Johnaton, ad- iniatralioa ireo aa well aa Wbift, ara cordially InaileJ to attend. All nweenery ralraahinanla will be provided' ; and iataraatiof politital diaeoaaioiii arenxpretrd. ' . -. - Oct. ib, mb. ' ; . . STUATED, From a mil It man In attrnflanee a nnn ' lha W hie Convent km .an Sonriat nlabl, 4-he,' BraMM wkh a dim blaae ia her taae, aa other mark reeollccted. SUa h) a capital Any prrtoa boray lakoop aaid Mara m pleeae rWt.l a w t apply at ikw oflUe or anmmunicale aritk Riehailaoa NKk'.lt, Mq 91 Mlltworotigii h. 77Z ask no pay until the Plan U tried. It lhrro"ilioiild happen In hi any one an Inetedo looa aa to d.mbl lo qolily of my Piano Fertea, after the abuadant proola which have been prraruted oi their auerinrity, I will ar.ree lhat aneh an indi vidual mav t ke one nt the' inatromenta and ry h thoroaehly betoro pajim tor It. I think thai there eaa balal lit'le ilk any way nvboyiofa Piano from arlVrr who hat iliipoaed of opaartlt of two boadred wiihout ever telling a bad ene, and certainly no riak whatever, wharo payaaout hoot leqalreA. aalil itiooi.,!,, - R.nnVn, Bmmh mnd Plan ttrtt Sttrt PtHrthurg, Fd. - ' - "- 'i- " " r Harpcra Fnmllr Library No. 100. Two Yrert before the Matt. , '',"". A Pervmal Narratiie ol Lie at tea. ; ; ' Fiak't Travela ka ,n 31ii4by tatoivet HrT 'Z l-r ) , T0HKErfk.tJ0GHES.2 J, C. ALIIANAJ I Ml. -Torner k Htnjhea' North Carolioa Alinanatk, Tor 1141. 1 kit day paMttneu ann lor hi a ine North Carolina Book Store. JtlaJlbraUa by lha Countraa lie Mrrliif Jatt publithadaodfnr aalehy , TORNER k BCGHS. r UALEIGIf, OCT. 21, 1840. TJIE ?E0Pl4E?& TICKET.. , " , 0 PBBSIDIitT, . WILLIAM "HENRY H ARBISON, 7e't'iiiiieiftie Hero , TippttunotiKt incor tit patriot farmer of OAioy .1 S JOHN TYLER, U Jt StmU Bighti' fitpubBcan if th cW o '98 on or Firwinia't nobleti torn, mnd emphattemlljf 0ne'if Jmerica't mot tagneiou, tirluoutmnd patriotic tlatetmen. IT Tho broad partner of HARRISON, LIB ERTY and tha CONSTITUTION is now flung to the breeae, Inscribed with the inspiring motto ONE PRESIDENTIAL TERM THE IN, TEGRITY OF THE PUBLIC SERVANTS THE SAFETY QE THE PUBLIC MO NEY -THE DIVISION OF THE PUBLIC LAN DS-THE .DOWNFALL OF ABOLI TION AND THE GENERAL. POOD OF THE PEOPLE. a.-- Wftisr Electoral Tlcfcet.-t. Col. Chuiles McDowsll, of Barks eouoty. Gen. Jas. WsLLSoaN, of Wilksa. ' ' Datib Ramoos, of Lincoln. . Jamcs MssAxa, of Caswell. , Hen. AaBAHAst Rsrcbeb, of Chatham. Joh B. Kcixt, of Moore. ,. . Dr. Jama 8. SoTH,r Orange. - - Chabw M a. t, of Wake. Wn.W.CHiBBT,ef Bertie. . jAJtfaW.BatAH.ofCaiteret. , Dahibi B. Bhft, of Naw-Ilanorer. DatioF. CitmriLL, of Rowan. '.' ' CotVViLUAM L. Lcite, of Halifas. JoouaiCoiAiiiSi'of Waahingtoa, TnoMAB F. Jonta, c( Perqnimon. ( How to ha a a. Sharp RaOB- Take' a strip of thick harneaa leather, the size yen want for a. strap, ami fasten it at each end upon e pjece of wood then rob en its eur; face a piece of tin (any tin dish will dc) tin til it is smoothe. Strap your razor trpon thia, smlyott will find it voith ail the patept straps that eer were invented, , ' On Thursday morning a wealthy and in fluential citizen of this city, po ..from "t malarly whieh he brought opon himself by excessive smoking, which first produced s prortration of the nervous system, then eomplete Itinacy th'n Heath. N. Y. Sun, Sim? , HALEIGII Jff, q WEDNESDAY, OCfTOBER 21 .184V ., A FlOHT FOB AlIvtBAKD HaS CAIt A lady by the name pf, Brownr who hai been refilling at Waterloo, waa deaerted by her husband, about t year ago, who left her. and child and came to thia city. The wife learning that he waa here, came bf re aonie aix Weill aince, for the purpose of persuad in him to return to his family. She traced him to his haunt, at the. house of a Mrs Dannals, and so far auceeeded in her object, aa to tale him home with her. .They had been home but a few minutes, when, Mr. Dannals and her jdaughtef came here and !nr siaied upon- the husbands, returning with them, and while' the wife was clinging to them to prevent their tearing liim from Iter, they fell epon ber, and ' the daughter struck and kfckedjter scyeral limes. 7Te- wife, who is small and delicate woman. Binding U useless tnf contend against loch odds, beg ged that, she,-might retain, ber husband's minturtLvhlcli'the jdaughier waa taking down, from over tlie mantleJ and wh'ch she finally destroyed. For ..toe atsaulj, and yie picture the action was brought" The pris oner chose to be tried by a special court, and jury, which' waa empannelled, end the tes timony gone through with, when the coun sel for the prisoner, objected to the venire, j wmcnon being examined by the presiding magtstrat,'aa declared void, and the whole aflalf was quashed; and the prisoner escap ed the punishment aheo- richly merited. The counsel in hi romarkk U the jury.: while . recoiuiling the offeringi 1 of the wretched wife, so wrought up their feelings, that there was scarcely a dry eye "among thenw ore'er Dtm. t ' ' AecoOno Foa. All the tnVy articles which hav recently appeared! in lha Boatoa Morninf Pout bar been written, oe 'lis said, when th Colonel was anderjh fhfluencs io.fpeJeado., W'hai! you ioo 4ow what ppperadoeearel Not do we we knock ander. The only knowl edge we have of their component part Is from I tha Nsw York Sijcnal, which aays that thr are of lh Signal, liliaoorwlves, is alt itnpatienc to have a cbemicil,.aniliaJUion of ppperadoea. He sskstJL'Aretbey : ' "Of a dull and apnibre hue, ; tVhielino aunkeam ytideth thronghi f )r brilliant at the aolar ray . . ' On the hteM of daaalii g day'".' - A ykrt TraK- The Batavia, Advooate eaTtiona the fair sex against the villiany of a man named Abel Austin, aged about 38 years, a carpenter and "jouier by profession, I who is travelling the conntry and practicing a aeries of frauds on the lair portion of our speeies, by marry tngB number, of wives. The Advocate records- several instances in which he had duped females jnto marriage, and (hen abandoned them to the tender mer cies of the world. .. . . ' ,;f .rs8repl!rkm' rrt.Wicketi out from chaos by the hoof ot the winged horse of Time, in, his journey to eternity. Statistics op Makriaob. Ilinfi to La die$.tt e published some rears ago a Table of the probabilities of marriage at the differ ent nerioda of life, in the ease of females, for whioh we. have nd doubt the ladies of Britain feel grateful. , It was founded, hdw ever, on limited data,' 'which were, derived a at a an .A entirely irom records- rr marriages smongi the working-class. The table published in ' our leading article of '"Saturday,, sup plies materials for -snore accurate conclu sions grounded on returns "which compre hend all classes; and we think we shall con fer t favor on our female readers by nutting the "result in s more diafirtrft 'form tnan'tne table In 1) original shape affords. .-. - If we take one hundred to represent die whole of a womah'a chances of maniago be tween the aeea of fifteen and seventy, the proportional chance in each period of five years will be a follows: - : . ' ' - 01 it ,. A ee. - Chances of Marriage. 15 and under 20 SOt ss :o. ,v85 . 40 45 .50 60 25 30 35- 40. 45 60 55 0 13 a . 18 - -'.V: 4 ' - Tl . . Tone- itenthf. 85 1 100. . From the table it appears: 1. That one-eevenih nart of all tho fa. males who marry in England are married between the ages of 1$ and 20, or eme-aev-J enth part f woman s chances of marriage iiea oeiween tnose year. i , . That fully pne half f all tha women who- marry are mirried between 20 and 23. or one half of nil the woman's chances is comprised wnhtn these five years. , a. i nat betweeen 19 and 25 precisely two-thirds of a woman's chances of marriao-e are exhaused ami only one third remains for the rest of hsr lift op to 70, : . s ' 4. That at Sfl nnlnaa it, an fi. .U. r L .'Jl "V ".. " . : "r 9 ou v. uiw ito pit atnir, ami ia, or anout one - seveout, only remain. , She hu alroij j re a-; land. of our tirea, and the son how fotimpreveiu'g ber time. -- tv At S5, a fraetionr a tenth, is alt that re maina to her which is reduced to jtwen tteth.it40J ,; i .. ..:..f.- . 4. . ft AH S, ber chances of marriare have suuhk to oce-fortieih; end at 50 to one-hun dreth. At 60 thete ia still a climmerins of hopc4 rot it appears that among females about I man-tags in 1,000 takes place at and be- .1.;. . "... iuiiu inn ajc, -; ,s,, . J he numler of women married between 15 and 20 is six times greJter lhn the num ber of men. . "', - v, i... The number of men and women married betwf en.20 and 25, is -rery nearly equal. but the number oi men matriedet all high er ages is greater than Jhe nnmbef of wo men.. . Scotman. for lb Star.' 1 r turntiimmiturtfiiimjieiHm .H . ....... wMnw. f. . Kslraordinory aiartiont ar lo bo mad between tbi fnd thf Pitaidanttat rlertioa t Uraajr y o into 111 deadly embrace ol rtuYraliem prery i(ielionl wiihin Ibe acopr of human power and Ingenuity fill b adppttJ Ihe eharrae of eloqncnro, impaa- aioned appeala, drreitful prom'ia-a, hypneriikal pro. rne d,. ff.ita'. tijlHle diw aViful tricr, aW denanciatton, iiMltarrlminat abuae, trhaloaal elaedar and unbtabjf faleabood, If th Sitmalrr Federtliem, in lb fk' aoiaa of Demoe rary," doe not again faatca hi Tana upon you. it nil) ba beeaut (ai I am proud to lielieve) yo an too hone at to be corrupted, tea Intelligent to 4m hombuggrd, and looapirited to b drivrn. . , lo thia Stair, in addilipaT t lha innumerable elandealine iricka and quitka of th Fcdvral rory trader, a few brukro dowa party back or to travtree Iho 8tata th cboaen rxpnundert of th new light " demo. craeyj- recruiting aargaanla ar to ho apaaited In very raptain'luirict in th reanectira euntiee. nd all hi may b that tampored with, ara to ba broogbt under wriilea obligation I go to the polla j and vote tor jbal heart Iae tyrant Martin VanBuran! tha order haa barn lataed irom hMd-quartaaw, nil the diHy work bat tlready cotnmenord. AbJ a new edibj aa lately cent., to tb forgS of tjb-a Bland ardjafllce to aaaial inaoininf patattt "df wioc rawic ..pinion Ac . fceJ Rrpgl.licn jif Jiorth Carolina! brware! Union, vigilance and rntrgy will again teach lha Vanoeratie Federaliata liow utterly lutpo tenl and tain are all their eflorlt .to- tetiify, wbae ill arid enanar enttghlcned and virenooi freemen, Heed not tho ravin of th inaiporiancad and Eery youth wb ha. JuM "bream one of th Sltn-Mard-bmttn of th Federal party. I know hhto nr but ha tejl yon h it " younf. x , Hi pro duction at letat ihoW th lark af political in for- ijialion, th ack of mature tudgmrnt tha lack -of aipoaition of ih priitcipla ofjMr republican Goternmenll -Why, his tout want bf on important qOtliftcation proper, diacrimination ia plainly manifrated in' hie salutatory aildrre, which, with rhr ehang of Ctw pnetlatlon-id th mieion of fwuprflamitplelio, ucb a r yeoally thrown in. by way of oroagaeot by young .writara, weald make a tolerably good whig adJraaa . Foreiampfr! " . "Republicant of North Carolina! Ya r In th midvt of a momenlou atruegl. It ia aa felt on ill banda. The eonlaat of 1 799, when ktderalitra waa drin lo lb wall, k a nvmorable epoch ia our hittpry; bat that aaw aendifig, while! iliovolvea tint am princi.il, tavolv lao tba bappinea of iwir aa many million of people, ami ia rendered more doubtful by lb torewion of atrcngth which lha monarchical principle baa derived from tbo' normoa inereaeeof Slocutivo patrona, and th aelonialiing multipKeatioa of Cadaral offiea-holdars and federal ofHce-erekan. , That arrvant of ,th people, valuable and ncraary a, hen faithfully em ployed in th hobnratl diacbarga of lhir public duiiee, bavo been permitled under tb dominion of stale and eiOM mock-drnwraey,to band Ibam. awleengt'lBr'toP tt-rrpuhiican privilege! and ia that form and to parpetutt thoae privilege, ar now boldly in tb field, Che moat dangerous nntaiTo nlatsoriofailar liberty. Tb r ba pitched In lent In tlmogl every village in lb coun try, sbnwiag tha publi fuoctiont with which ko haa been inouiioo.ly elotliad, whrnever bacaa'' bop to cloak bi metnnes or plao.W'ly throw lha odium of neh tliua upon" th republican whigai Ihroagh lb egenry of th ub-trury and th a urpUoit of offleiinV pow, - holding tbo paree titog of every aitiseo, and seing bi power St often a he may with to control a volrj contemning th autborlly of Ihe It V; and di'rrgarding bit owa obligaliona, private and publie, wbilat compelling other to fulfil their to lha lelter. - Never before, in ny eoontr), bav tb money power and pat raeagoof th OovernmatH aaaumed aa tudaclnoa a (liiloJe. -vTbey ar opaoly in tha laid con tending for political mtry. Norla ht tbo woaat, fattura. of lha aooteull Jfe. .ia. Ota arata capitaliat and aiietoertt who fVghla under tha ban ner of lha) AmericnBub-T'etfy Ttemv Tbey 1 liv apow ibeir rent and the itrM 4Mr m nty. By deaUoying tb bank and eubetitutlnf Ibf auMreaaory ayetam, you pity tnto their banila: for you thereby produce a ecarciiy money, which open a mark for their rapiul, and pave th way for tb introductiori of thrfr deepoiin principle and lli xreia of their royal powtr and" Influenc. Tb eoootry will b overrun with foreign loan of lea Of money eJaownrvAapa; and thaa will th arialecrata and naooay baronaof England gat lhair foot iipon4h"nck of lha poor and bard working Boopl of thre roontry. They rejnic tt tb etab. babment of ahat Mr. Van Buren call hit Indrpen drnt TrcMuri k haetold yon, in hi maeeag to Congreae, thai ha aauiht and found a model for It tin S3 oel of 17 kinirtv toverninaal of Edmnei J by M th lord bav iwftd and tn out tbo rab- tue of tn laboring C!mm (Arre, and by tt may hope lo glut their torwiou appetite for money and power epoj lb barj-n.tad and hard-working; men AWrav Tbi aycaim i auheer.huil to that of Brit, aim and In bi paittcplat tb prnl wontaa may b likened to that nf 7. Then the question waa wbathar W ahoold b gvrned by lb XiHf of EngianJ new, wbtiher w ahalt bo governetl by Ibe" wpitaUttt and mntarehal uHuelpln nf Eailand. Thia j tba tro ieeu. th arm auee. lion 1 to bdcidrd in NamberVTbfalaehargo agaioa wnerai Mar noon ot voting to ! poor whit men for debt, of being an elmliiloniet, and a owro, n jn clamor about m Britten goM" and ' lha Bank of England' bring rnlteted iq tb whig tmnc, " ar all mrr acaraemws gntMt ap 10 di vert iae attention a IM people from wo I roe que won. .vpon inntaaiM iixreeta aeon room for tn bonaat diOerrac of opinltHi among tro rvpuhli ranv Among aocb thrr muat he hut ana a.ind nd on kwn." Bland, than. Republican of North Carolina, by tb erincinlee nf th noW old Slate! - 8b haa Mood front 7S utt now hy ,h. nuntry ik - ' .. .iii it t ery republican adtmniairttiota, and aar gi v. home of onr ffoction8 X0.4p feg roaatmanc to federal lyrant eterpt In ih tohlvy iualanca of having been whaodled into th r , . - . ,T a n . . mppuriui niniT van Ducnw Uut. Ibank ii. awn, ene naa inuignantir dlaranied loo aaurper, Nbtll ah DOW (araak her ot failht. Bhall lh land of tbat aoola hand of whig pttrlota who were ta very r-a on th American continent to de clare I udc pence of lb Dntiah kingi allowed la imk inu tba mercenary and polluted t rubra era at leortiana. Of of ila haaUrd otJ.onng, modern awcKdamocrary Not It eannet, h moat not But ramamba, - tb tamper of the timea break ao tykewtrnt action. Kuan, then into lb eonteal at net, and warmly,: Koaartboa whaalomber.M libiio thoaa) who r deceived, r renathea lha weak hrarttd,.Drt and refuie ihove who are' bury in lit wora oi oeioKtotu Action la tu wofil; immediate, vdiairnl. unremitting action.' Tb llarriaon Kan. nar, with th tloiiout mot' WHIG PRINCI PLEA OF and HEPCBLICAMJM OP Iriaerlhrd upon, 1 baa brew unfurled and i now floating ia triumph from Main to Louie). Mia. Will you not continue 10 rally under it, aad help tn aave our pohia and ploriou aid North 8ttt front th tain t f InJeraliam, tlm Ignnhl do minion ion of ibe manyliangera,i which th par. taiiatof tbUU piueot mad and miachievau ad atiniatradoej are mlaaorjng to faatan ajn- bat! , Cienuiu young drmocraia of Kortht.'arotintr Allow one wha toofca ajpna vu a lb boo and iyof nor country, it addrn you. A naiiv North Uardinion. reared in bar in.tlinilbna and f priMmtreirymin lrium'ehi be iSfeT wne juu aanninm inai aay i netaona anouhi aa tert that ah will maniloat tb tbadow of turning a tb approaehing elections and wW 'abor with you earneotly" to auatain ber in her nrea and ire potitmn. .- Yourt it tb g for te ion, when the boaom i filled with a mot too a. And hmld pant for aaafulneoa. Tha Mtata lookAWitb oagar hope for your bcetefTun. Taur father wUatood hr Jeffanmn in lb great civil revolution of '98, orqui rw a giory ony inirriiir to in aulJiara or '70, and ar new regarded a atandarde of th faiih. -' Rely upno n, litrty year bene lh eootwat of te40 Will aland In history and publi aenllinent. at I bat of '98 tnd no-e. If yoa Would lav no recallecliena which will eheot f.u in r v. now ia rii dm lo acta Tbr i much t ho don. . Tkafl- eraliala, th Tan Burn htadera, ar rat'ring tholr aumnoga and miereprewnuiioDa hraadcart thrdugb lh Biate, piling falaebaad apwr mlarboed. lil it ouW eaenj they -war reaching 'fh prtaom oeua folly of th fabled inl nf odd. who, piling Pvllon upoa Ot, oughl lo teat tha Haawna not jko hvrn of frdraii.A,io wit. Van BtMwn Demncra ey, where loavr and flahe abound, but tb bom f th Omnipotent. " It lh federal Inrlea ar M tc in nbad catr,ihll aa not dtenrve reproach if with on o goo.1 a dart, -wo do i,0t mert nd eoemereot their effort with a apirit equal id' lhair wiif ' Kepubllcan WbiB! bo waicbfiih b dla- troalfol of tho epkrtWe, eeche aad tUlemenl of I m aartlaaneof tlial wouigdtevkinB.Itarvtn. Van Bo- i air afloat la each artleutar . a. I tSs' UJ "fif"- "" h''W I TwaL' '7 7 w -- oi A JElTERSO.T IcEPUDLrcAN. GE5T.ua BRISUN AT C II I LLICOTli f2 . The Convention having bgn organized by ths t sppointment of President, Vict ' Presidents, ami Secretaries, Col. W, K. SI I . Bra a - . a n .a (uonit, rrrsKient,' introiitcea to tne ss- sembied multitude Oen, Willism Henry Hsrriatin, who addressed them in a speech of iwe lionrs and a quarter. "The follow." ing is a sketch of his speech, reported bt ths editor of ihe Scioto Uaicttet .'V h , Fbllow Citizini: I but feebly etpres. teiliiaths few remarks 1 mads on my sr. rivsl in your besutiful it thia enomjng, the filings of gratiloil I cherish owrd the people of Rhns. Ths obltgatians l ows them sre ol no ordinary character.' Sooner far tttl4 avy -rijflit; hand-fwrget ita ran fling, thin I coyld cesss to be attached to the citizens of a,touMr where the fabric of civil liberty was first erected in the Northwestern Territory, It wa byilie influrnca of the People of this country, and mainly by the votes of her Reprtten t tires, hat 1 was chosen to a very re spnnsible and important office 'important, more particularly fronf the consequence that were expected to flow from it among the first, that, in i civil eapacitV I had filled. It waa by her rotes and infloenee that Was chosen lh Delegate to Congress from tlieNorthweslern Territory the sole reprrtehUtive.oflhst immense cxtentof country, which now com priae the elnriout States of Ohio. Indiana, IMintris, Michigan. WMr- pt-wu4tai receua su.cn eiuiiutistiH-c ongratuMHtoae, ths rt among thpf $ w,b juve.in tlava- gone b ,Vnnfrrre4 upon me. such signal honor, and set a place ao eminently diatingaiahed in the'liiitory of tht pasl?" Yes, it was op on this spot, that .were first plsnted,' I m-an exclusively pfsntrd, theyrrat prin ciplespf pnre republicanism. Hers lived anL fluuriaheil strch men as vour Tiffln, your WnrthrriRtnn.yoiir Massie.ynorLtnjr L ..... w: 1 j. ... '.i nam. yqur. r iniey, ana a neat or;' tuners men whose names are embalmed n ths grateful recollections of their fellow-citi zen, and whoae memories will live fd long' ss tha Scifto shall contribute .lis wa. ters to the beauteous river of the West. lm not with yon to day Fellow-Cili zenaJn accordance with my own sense nf pritprietyav I .cannot well realize that it is in hi I respects, proper for an Individual occupying the position t do before lbs' A merican people, to leave the retirement of home. and go from plars to plsea in the capacity of a public speaker. Ne nns csn more deeply, regret he course t am com pelled t" pursue, fhan I regret it myarlf. Intlerd, 1 sometimes r-ar, that epon me will fall the reponibili(y of estaWi.htng a dangerous precedent to be fullowetl in future lime. , Much more consonant would it be with my feelings, to remain st the domestic fireside, than to be harrassed br the carta, the rfiflirulttes,snil the snxieties of a straggle like this.' But we have fl irn upoif evil nwrii am ii. ni iru H oor opinion. And what once misht havs been :r : i. . i . . . . i . . justly considered wrung, ctreomttsncct BBaaBtaBaaBBaaBBBaBaaiag HUGH McQUEEN, t THOMAS J. LEMAYjEBntM , a 11 " seem now to render all imperative dsfy. Why then am 1 here? , 1 have not come . foe the purpoae of entangl ng your! minds ' with a web-f rphitry, or to induce yea m to set contrary tn yur titihiatsed judg. ment of right. For if there ia a prrvon b-f're me, wh consider r my prt son a I -fiiend, Mr. Van Oarem belter entitled h the high office for wbirh both of sre candidate,- let me assure tiim lhat tie sympathy with me, and no impmper psr. t.alny io my frhalf, ahnutd indatehira lo wiihlmltl frirm my respected ppohmt his - influence ami hi jrole;! am Jieie, be5 L cause lam the moat persecuted stiil ca lumniatetl inditulual now livjugi iierause ' I bad been , slandered by rrcklena pa. ncnta to the extent that I sm iletmd of every qualification physical mental snd . muralfor the high plate to which a re. : speculate portion, at least, of my flUw- ' en int have nominatetl nie. 1 sm here ' at Ihe brrenl soticitstkins tf snr frirnds. - -f snd because to" epiNar imt'nt sir fellow 1 . citizens was the onlf war to oianrove.rine. - at leant, of the many allr&atioiia that . en scrupolous enemies have laid ajainat me. , And thus much you. mutt aliradv have perceived, that I am not raged, that am uot thi old man on crbiclirs, nor the im s becile, they sccuse me of bring, nur the , vrr to disease my enemies would have it WCIICTCU. ' . i i , ... Ths Oeneral llien referred lo ihe chsntt . ' that he was not willing to nake Jtnwwa , ; bis political opinionst sm) pronoenced ila vtlectlumnr. " lie referred to -ihe nBmr-r.r. H toils papers of hja" compel' ioB(t'. that have" ' yi'-s ajiieiTcia puuuviiau , i ctotiinr . tu . , lewa'tthlin fftoarlw av.rv t.,tttlal t.i.f lha- .'. .. . .. .. . 4ia ever sfrtrftnhecT.ur;iry St peiall i 4 . .. ii v iriiria, wuttrn u uurinar uio pcn w ... dency ni ihe last coatevtfor the Presiden. cy, lo Bherrod Williams ami ll.irmar Den. , ny in which full and explicit avowal of . ' . hh political opinions were to be lounthw i rtintinaetl, lit substance loilowat ' ,. . I Would tint accent th A offi.e or PrtatA ent of the United H'ate. if 1 did not be , ive it wsa awarded to me after due dclib . eralion. . I solicit, no man's vote in nppo Siina l ti. k.u I...I.. -a If .1..'! !. -.. iu Mia VUTI in Tin, () iiirr 10 any mart led astray by feeling, brraut be deems nie a; persecuted man. he is wrnne. lactjuit him of all obligation Jo vote fn me, if lis find ihe jirrientiuas of mr tlis tinguiahed oppmiont brttel then mine, If yntt have a preTei ones for any athr ian, vote for hltn. It Uyourdstvjo do sc.; I, know ihe fallibility of my Judgment tott well to think that t km'alwavs riRht. I do not gt a tar ts the Frrmh lady, rwhe is mentiuned by UrFrankUrtia say mtr that oins how or utheri there waa' njr proS she knew who was al waj s rjglit excrpt bet elf. 1 cannet go an lar aa tlisf. Jlat t - feel the be'ffl f ami Monroe. Tho rrtnat eatranril'narw ' . . m.i eaaavi ami, noil QfaiiiauH, thing in thia contest, is that wt are fiehu -- . ig jandrKlhe same banner. ; All here claim to rhe Demeratv-. rhe qteatioit men is, who has tiieTtgni to ths apfMia Ifon of Democrat who are tlierral Simon Purrtf fThs General here t elated, far the benefit of the ladies, an amusing an ecdote, showing the origin ef ihe term 8i - moa rare, j : Let vs here examine thee vents . in our history to determine this point. I contend that ths appellation prop , erly belongs to those who are now called IVL!- .VL.l..i ... . . T.! . a. ' tnwiaai war vim instinct mara betneen the Democrats snd Federalists. I must acknowJedgw that some of the dem. 1 ocrats ofrthat period belong lo the party now in power, ind a better instsncs could not bs cited than that of Col.' Johnson. But how is it with the 'other members of the party? I have a right thus lo compare nd ei emSerrhe fr speetlf t tlaims of both ai i . ...... a . purti unco a waa auppnrung jamea; Madison, as f bad Thnntaa Jeneraon, and v was receiving st his hands. the most im-a. portant and responsible offlcesi mv re. ' spected opponent ws tiyinj to break do w n Ihe ad ministration of M adison. which wou d have tad Ihe eflVct to bring the A merican Eagle to tha feet of the British Lion. - , ' p: : I am gnirg bark, further to a period tn which neither Mr. Van .Bttren nor ?. self were actors, i AH the illustrious mm v ol-ihat period to whirh 1 allnile, the ten uin demorrata, such men ss Patrick lien. ry and Ornrge Mason, and last; though nut least, Thomas JcnVrsonv-obected to the Constitution as. containing the'' seeds .o,mtutarcbjM might we-eosted in the - PreieHent.' -wl Ich ' wuuUI render him to st? Intents sftd " purposes a tuohsreh. Two of the pewa ers under that Conititoiioa, that censtl. t lute a monarch, have already been given htm. and Aut una other remains- te be v yielded, ; This then is the essential difference be -tween ths President and those who -wish another to sflpersede him, whether the. '-. President shsll have all the power. There v te not one political doctrial epon which t . have not written, and) upon no one - more than epon thia. The removal, of public office rs merely for-A-lierWy; of aentf. ment i have neves believed in. Were l elected to the Presidency, I should con aider (ht officers the servants of Ihe pee. pie, end should sever deem it my duty te .' remove them without cause. The DUbHe ' offices should be filled br freemen, snd they should be allowed the right of private . opinion, and of casting their notes as they . CnoflSt.. i ' ' ""; " There Is bnr sobjert tn which f feet personally interested I mean thf law for lh organization of ihe , militia. I tlrr'nt ' this a must outrageous aim at executive power. II there were anything calrulatnl to make Ihe President complete tnnn. arch, it would be the passage of this hill. I have been acroard. ' however, 0f being ihe stthne of a lifl, by enme said to h mere onions, by ethers equally an wMt T ,a: u l : . l i i . a . -- mm, wnirn nan rrceivfoj ,ine ttvnranlo O. pinion of Mr. Van Durrn. When I ws a member of Congress, and the Chair- .