nsr as t5' a arf tl.at Martin u.lurcnwiin r- .ion hatred to bank, ha caused more bank i spring into eaietene. than any iraiioo which preceded hiwn! r Will yoa forget that MartU Van Burtn bat been in the eoostsnt b.bit of Insulting th. po pi. of th United Suae. J appointing to high, lucrative and ie.Hib, .- heaodi state of M P,rt 'ho nlPPen'1 be re jected by the people! Will job forget tbat Mania Van Buren has offered aocb a gross and flagrant outrsge to the Sonth aa tbat of permitting a gsllaot officer of the Navy tohedegtaded by virtue of Negro eyl i.lence! . Will you forget that whilst the Chief Kagis Irateoftlie U. States has pkmed himself upon hit democracy, that he assigned as hit principal reason for tupporling the Sub-Treaaury that 22 out of 2? despotic government of burope had introduced that detestable machine into.oeel Will you forget that whilat he has been ma king a conitaatand desolating war upon credit, which ia the tout and life-blood of the public prosperity, that he baa been getting the Govern ment along in itt operation by Iho oee of ctedii! What was the emitaion of twenty-fife ntilliona of Treasury notes, but a retort to credit when ilie Government ia compelled to redeem these note aa they become due with specie! Can you forget that, with a constant profes sion of fondness for a hard money eartency play ing upon his lips, that he hat been flooding the country with irredeemabl. paper and Treasury ragsl . Can you forget for one moment that your Chief Magistrate has been lecturing the people of the United Sum upon the benefits and blessings ol economy.d ingingthWto Contract theffdairy expenses within the narrowest possible limy its, whilst he has been upending twieo the a monnt of money which was expended by thy President of the country previous to Gen. Jack son! Can you forget that he hat never performed a tingle act, or originated and consummated a sin gle public measure wliich entitles him in the smallest degree to the high and commanding station which be now occupies! Can you, will you forget, that by remaining at home on the day of the election, or by acting With supioeness when you once go to the elec tion, that you will be aiding in tb igaobls task of fastening upon yourselves and y our posterity that darling projector Mi. Vaa Buren,. Stand-, ing Army of 900,000 men! For be professes to base his opposition to the United States Bank chiefly on the ground tbat the people elected him with a full knowledge of hisjiostilhy to that institution. And if to-elected, h will press the Standing Army upon the attention of Con gress until it shsll be finally established, on pro- cr in i ri Iri V ic tW h will h eucniei. - W alitor .oto t'evoreois a'fera-i UTJrtrtW prematut " II inahle scheme, ' II Will vou forcret when you repair to the a- fi polls that Martin Van Buren has been eompli 111 mentvA hv Hiniinffuiahed British writer for hav ing instituted a rigid system of police about the Executive mansion which excluded the common people ot tne country from the parties snd other national assemblies whk-h are usually convened by the President! Will you forget that tli present Chief Mag istrate ol the United States has been repeatedly complimented in the British journals for his wide departure from the republican simplicity which marked the habits and manners of all hi predecessors and for the prospect which he held out to the admirers of royalty . of putting down the fair and beautiful system which waa erected bjr the toil and blood of our Revolutionary fa thers and of erecting on its ruins a monarchist In conclusion, Fellow Citizens, -frill you per mit yourselves to be lulled into a fatal security ind repose whilst you are standing upon the edge'of'an awfully peiitoua precipice! Will you forget the consistent, the ardent, tho uuiforra and self sacrificing friend of. Southern rights and permit the election to go by default is favor of Martin Van Buren, the patron of high TarritTa, -Cuoibeilsnd Road Billet the wan who remitted the sentence of a Court Martial in favor of a powerful and rich offender who had committed flagrant offences and misdemeanours gainst the country whilst he permitted an hum bis and obscure ssilot to be torn and laeeratedby the eat o' nine tails for tome trivial acts of in subordination, the man who voted sgainsj the irpeal of the duties on' alt and molasses, two ieeeas'ariet of life in which the farmers are deep ly interested, the man who has Violated every pledge ha ever made, except where he lias pledged himself 0 do mischief. Prematme Exaltation. Out Van Buren nxigbboi seem to be greatly eihilerated by the thread of uncertainty and dtubtepoa which the vote ef Peonsyltania p pe'arTto be suspenccJ' st th present tlmo. It will not do, geullemen, lor all th shouts which yen may send up to the Heaven on account of I'snatylvania, will iavolv an idl and aa use Irssexpendilur JJi)fptfnJg,' reaaad with the roaviotioa that we have carried II Pnnsrlvauia. W are. also assured that Main fi j east her vote for the old Chi.f, and that N J U Vork has done likewis. Bat this -will not all do. W will eop. Dos Maine, New ' York, ; Pennsylvania,; Vir ginia and Mississippi, to hav goa for Van Buren; w will surrender all these Slates tethe Chief of Kindetbook without the alighieat restrvaiion: and what theo!. Why he will still bf , beaira fee i addiiio to the State to hick we have tfrst referred, comprehending 109 KUcloral vote, Martin Vaa Buren rannot, sadet aaf circumstance, obtain a sufficiency lctosal vou i beat bin iuu the fresid artheir."i' J". '"yV: Let see hew the ease atend. Give Vaa Bmm additioa to the 109 voU (whirte we ill wuppnM for afgument aaka to ksv gone for n.x him) lha aggregate of 3? electoral soles which will be east by New Hampshire, Illinois, Mis souri, Arkansas, Alabama and South Carolina, and bn will has only 146 electoral totes, which falls short of ejecting bius by two vote. The State which have been enumerated in the pro ceding linee are th only ones which be stands the slightest chance of cairying. They are the only Stale which can be claimed babbit friends with the faintest shadow of a right, or with jhe least gravity of face. Yet it is an event The happening of which ia as ceiiain as the rising of to-morrow's sun, that he cannot obtain all the Slates which we bare fin conceded to Mm. We have letters from the highest and moot au thentic sources, sssuringss that Mississippi will give her vote for Harrison by 1000 vote; Main is considered - pretty certain tor the Whigs. Biit little doubt is entertained onjbe subject of New Vwk, going fur the Whig; whilst wej have an equCt chance with an Buren fur Ala bama. Pennsylvania is claimed by both parties. So it appears that 1 after having conceded to our Van Buren friends, a very electoral vote which they can claim KilhMJhe least appearance of gravity, they are all.'' baahn. Let every candid CifiieAd" North Carolina, scan with deHberauoithcrngstatement, and he will find that Generairieon must be inevitably elected next PresideVvhese ni- lod States. Maryland, NewsJersX Rhode Is land, Connecticut and Ohio, hVe k W east their voles St General Harrison) itakirtiX agorregate, 5t votes; Maseachutet Kibfcy North CarbTiua, TenhesseeV VermontT Irid? Delaware, Michigan, Georgia, Indiana and Lo iaana will also to to for General Harrison bey on the, slirrlileM doubt: indeed no reflecting jndivid pretrtiis dim these' StaieJTSr arrtf-' ten, or to question the certainty of their voting fur llanUon. The aggregate vo'e f these 10 Sutes is 97, wliii-h, being added to. the 51 elec toral voles already submitted as certain for Har rison, will make 148 votes, which elects him clean and clear front the woods, and from all stump and runners. W have submitted this estimate, not because we believe thai General Harrison will obtain no more votes than thoe submitted in the slate, ment, hut for the purpose of confirming our Whig fiiends in the belief that nothing but the arm of O nnipotenca can prevent the election of the People's candidate. His election may be regarded- ar being as certain as tins arrival of the approaching Christmas day. To be liberal with our Van lluren friends, we will concede to them New York, Pennsylvania, Virginia, Maine and Mississippi, a majority of which States willcsst their vote for the Whigs. G'lt this e ncession will net tender one atom cf service to our op ponent. They cant come it. The gap will be elosFd against the rc-admission of their anoint ed chief. Toosler lo crow ing; for in tliecrurso week the throat of poor chanticleer Will be toe hoarse and his bill, will be too cold "to crow st sll. Why then all this sinzshing of powder horns this rattling of tin pins this bursting o bottles this flourish of trumpets this flying of banners this beating of drums this fluting of fifes this fifing of flutes this tossing cf hats in the air this jumping up snd clapping both feet together this rattling of chatiot wheels up Olympus, el cet. et cet. on the part of our neigh bor of tho Standard on th subject of carrying Pennsylvania! For our own part we. do not give ourselves much concern about Pennsyl via, New Yeik,Virginia or Maine. We respect these powerful, patriotic and intelligent com munities, and we should consequently delight to see them ranging themselves under the ban ner of the Constitution and the Laws; but Gen sral Harrisoo Is sbunJantly seeur without" the votes of all or either of them, and time will dis close the truth of our prediction on this sub ject, i V. . - - Tile) People Awake! A highly Interesting political meeting waa held at Stevens's Log Cabin, about 9 miles dis tant from this City on Thursday last. We have neve witnessed so assembly of persons which waa animated by a finer and more patriotic spir it, nor one characterised by a greater degree of decorum. Wt may add too, that these genuine nobles of nature not onry know how to do things right, but they also set upon their knowledge of things for they provided for the entertain ment of the company one of the most bountiful and interesting bar bacons in whieb w have ev er participated. - After th party had been strengthened and re freshed by the Creature com Tor u which had been provided for them in nob profusion; the people began (deliberate upon the nsture of the intellectual cemforts they were to receive at the bands of some of their invited gnests. Mr. Manly, f this city, waa then invited' to the ataud by Jonathan Stevens Esq., the, President of tli Urabtreo Tippecanoe Club. ao4 dativered an addreae which equally abounded In Instruc tive facts, snd in thrilling passsges ofwo-ioer.ee. Mr. Manly closed bis remarks, by paying agio ing but deserved tribute to Judge Mangi-m, howti prescnVind oiL the itaad.accKrdkgly introduced that gifted and patriotic soa of North Carolina to the people.' Judge Mangum then addressed lbs people for the space of two hours, ia a strata of patriotic eloquence which -delighted every one present; the meeting then adjourned., OOne of the largest, political meetings which ver convened la lh. county of Wake, waa held at th. Log Cabin near Wynn's Store, on Friday lash fTbere wete from 600 to 700 persons pie smO, at least 60 uf whom must have beea ladies, and a sjooaiderabl. number of Vaa Oaraa men. Judge Msngum addressed th company for mora than three hour. In on of the most biil- liant, Tauactive and effective speeches which wa have aver beard from' a gentlemaa who Ia u luversally regarded as bei'f g oee ol ihe Erst pop. alar speakers of the lim r.ii st a RXXn Judge Nfartgut was succeeded in his remarks by Henry W. Miller, and Weston if. Gale Esqrs. of this eity, who each addressed the meeting with great point, spirit and felicity. The meeting waa "also addressed by Mr. Me Queen, of this city. , . .,,,; , ."J .;. We owe to the Intelligent and patriotic Whigs in the part of the country to which we have just referred, to ssy that we have never witness ed a more respectable assembly of me in any part of the vounlry . A barbecue waa furnished too on the occasion, which reflected the highest credit on the liberality of those respected citi zens from the stores of wLose bounty it ema nated. Rninor. The rumor is prevalent in these digging, that as soon s it was ascertained that the vote in Pennsylvania was a close one, Kendall and Ulair pooled off lo Harrisburg with lightning celerity. W suppose tbesa pensioners upon the public crib are so wtli assured thst they will hereafter have to scramble for a living in the event of Van Buren's being turned out of office, that they wish to bring the electoral vote of Pennsylvania to a scramble. The Van Buren leaders,, as we are credibly infoimed, have flatly pronounced the allegation to be a " Whig lie" which charges upon Poin sett's Atmy Bill. The sin of proposing to make each soldier iu the contemplated standing srmy plovide himself with arms and accoutre ments at his own expense. Let the people read th following extiact from tho Army Bill itself, anj tliey will he enabled to decide on which par- y ihey ara to fasten the badge of falsehood. Here, follow so extract f Aimy uill wnicn rr-irrs io me noccssa-y equip ments. "Kvery eil! so enrettol ifed nmUted, slull, wi-U-in three nsoi.ttis llMTeuliur, piid himtrlj illi a mutket," fc. IPisatliei Iliraiillra. It is a ftclthat not one tingle defaulter has been appointed by Mr, Van Huren. Statulu.'d. We agree wi.h the Standard, that not one git defaulter I.3S been appointed by Mr. Van Uuren. We regard it as highly probable, though, that .some score or so of these public robbeis have crept intp office through his invrumentaii ty. But without pretending to ssy how many defaulters have beea appointed by Mr. Van Uu ren, we broadly challenge the. Standard to deny , thai there have been more of these 'defaulteis e lected and more publie money stolen during the Administration of Mr. Van Buren and that of his Hlluslrions predecessor" than during alt the previous Administrations of the Government put together. - The amount of inonry lotl to the Government, through drfalestions, op to ths Administration of General Jacksr.n.was some thing above f 200,000; from that period up lo the appesr tnal II .Mr. van Uuren ia guiltl sin of having appointed these fuilihless public sgents to office, he has incuricd the guilt of wink ing at their iniquity, hy retainingtheai in office after they had commenced their flagrant system of peculations. To put the matter cnNhsbsst possible ground for him, his failure to make these officer, settle their accounta regularly, has entailed the lo3 of millions upon the country. THE FLAG OF TRIl'M PH. " On. fire' more, snd the day is Ours." The banner of the real democracy, borne on ward and upward by Gen. HaaatsoN, is inscrib ed in letters of light with No National Debt, No Executive Dank, No Treasury Sbinplaslers, No Leg Treasureis, No Standing Army of S00,000 Men, "No Bloodhounds for Soldiers; One Presidential Term, .The will of the People, The Right ol the Slates, Honest men for Publie Office, The Safety of the Public Money, A Sound and Uniform Currency, Equal Rights Equal Laws. No bringing Federal Patronage in conflict with the Freedom of Lleclions, Freedom of Opinion Independence in Legii lation, " Liberty, Law, and th. Constitution. ' An Avrable Customer. The Senior Editor of th. Richmond Whlg.de. .irons to equip himself lor field sports after th. President! el election, purchased a gun of Mr, Thomas Tyrer of Richmond, adapted to the pur pose. Sending o Mr. Tyrer for hit bill 6f costs, he received the following 'honorable discharge:' jur, John II. i'Jeasa n u,,..,.... ?.,. mmst Bought of Thos..TjrtT., '-One donWoCun' aTi-'f:'iiIZ ., Psysble oo tbe day Mr. Martin Van Buren Is r-eiciwi- ana not oeiore which I hop to God will never tea. place. THUS. TYREIi. To J. H. Pleasants, " - : ,u , ' Dear Sin Above hand yoa tb. bill of th. gun purchased of m. this morning, Tb. terms oi pajuieui w aio gun win, i nope, 0 perlecW lr satisfactory to you, as iliev are to me. for I do assure you I shall b mora than com pen ss ted if wm. nenry narrison is elected, ami if not, $ will Terr poorW pay m. for the diappointmnt. , Your friend, truly, , THOS. TYRER. Contempt of the People's) Will. , Whom the ieopl reject, U President rewsrds. The Lawroneebrg Beacon aiaiea tbat Gsa'l. Howard, too defeated Van Bareii candidate for Governor of Indiana, hu received lb appoint ment of Governor ssj Iowa Territory, vie Got'. Lucas, whose term of service has expired, Tli Fisltklll Letter. f The last Standard publishes a very tong electione.ring i letter, purporting to hav. been written by tlie Proultnt of thp Uflid Btates, on th 3Dth fiepumber. nj addrcw cd lo Meaara. E. D. 8svoet,Edward WerriU, and othcra, in riahkill,. Nesr.York. Therii ia something very dark and revstetioo 'a boot thii Utter which war originally" pnb- tished in the Ponghkeenfi. Telegraph, aal will appear from the followiny coinminies-1 irV ; f -afat. .lis. -ai-'.. ,lnrent ttmJ. immmi Imjl t t renroacii. .Jle nas'.oeer m ntet.Dui VI JW&xt&3&tM 1 .TV - . TSWI. 11 ? n ' n T -j T. .". . A ... , T itsl I -.! tial a It I at lsekiaais. itttsi 1 1. l.a.Vi 1 iA li . a l - . ... . I aalata !. iTV iliutiiuiini hnAst nnnel as- I II II h w TV1 I I I II I Vtl K al saw ill aim visais sisas uwoa wn liiw iCall I ataveju IK luum cunnintr einel ski I ha.. 11- J I " ofoneshort I nBe,r ,b.-, if M. Van Buren i. truilUeaaof the I hoL" ?1",',l,,er.," hi0-'' r I Pennsylvania, th. Stat, which it waa aunno W., f uceh sivussrwaaaasA4aavaB(Uuuwska wvaajwaiii - .... . w. aas a aiai v aa sail ibbii. a a . N'OR .Tn , O A n p 1.1 N K liori of tire geademen to 'wlTomil purports to hava been aJJresaeJ, taken from Uj PougVkeepsie Esjle of the 17th Oct.' Itj will be seen it is dated. , f r , - , ' I'FsAJIKIJIDALt, Oct. II, 181ft,". "Mrssts. Koitoss: In the Trleraph of this day appear a loiter which purport to be from Mr. A an Buren, in answer to one sent to him hi j the undersigned on the 8tli of jnne la!, end ill appeara to have been directed to us, but we have j never received any such letter, nor ever heard of; it, until we saw it this day in the IVIegraph. .nr. an uure say in ini letter thst he acne as two pamphlets, on the subject if ASolilioa and a ProlectiVeTarifTTneither or which have we seen. We call upon the KJitor of the Tele graph lo let'us know bow he em bv our cor respondence! snd what business he or ey ether pei son had with it before it w as received by us! and what has heeome of the pamphlets for warded to us ith the letter? Who slso call up on him tosxplain the whole of this myateiinus business. If ths letter is genuine, and waa for warded to us through the post office, aa it pur ports to hsve beeiyiUor at the bottom of the leu teru is directed toTV some one of Mr. Van Hu ren's faithful post Vra must have been very unfaithful in th dil Ve of his duties. our, tie. E. 1. Sweet. Kdward Merntt, A. Si. Mes'er, II ! ss. Shields, ohn M. Goring, . Wm. Msssey, J.T. Nichols, hn VVond, in. 8. Sweet." It i evident the letter is either a forgery, or waa purloined from 5 the mail by aome Locofoco Postmaster. In either esse, it ahowa the deep corruption and wickedness which exists among the office-holders. "'Gtnerui Van fiurtHu-tht rceetinr'o Lncii Fucoa in Uullalo, N. Y., a l. w lUy. .me of their orators iateil in his speech that during the battle of the Thames, Gen. Hariimn was taken prisoner bv Pictr. and that he was rescued by GKNKIlAl. VAN BUUKN. wh coinmamte.l the re serve, and who, by a rtpid aiitl inavlerly movement, advanced upon the rnen.y anil retook Oid 'l ip, handed the fortun-a d in tlay, ..nl gained the victory! But, u!ter than all', the aoserlion wet received as g,..D''J by the meeting. S that Cut. J nil nt. t : n'rt the real 'lierniif Thames" after all T"9 victoiinu wreath ia hound ai-iiuml the brji f General Vun Uyren! Huzza for Huir.b 'g ) BlSHOi SOU Lti'Ji I PIN ION. ....... Hishop Soule, D. D. , one the moul nure and tiistiKeuulieU Metiiodut !n tne United States, waa asked, iu presence ui the Rey, LeonariJ . II. . UrifOing. . (whu Ueretoloie hat been a supporter uf Martin Van Buren,)' "What i the publie and private (liaraclernf Win. Henrv Karri son?" The Bishop replied, consid er General Harrison character witlmu The Bishop it well know for hit rrral prudence, and in the-aame-conversation, when asked how he thought General Har rison would administer our government, replied "! believe the affaire of Ihia na tion would be at well administeied by Gen eral Harrison as by President Van Buren or any of his Mentis." Mr. Griding i extensively- known in all this regiou of country, and he had the magnanimity and manly independence to communicate to the writer the foregoing ucis. RAILROADS IN THE UNITED STATES. The Journal of the Franklin Institute contains a detailing acconnt of the railroads in a number of the States, with the length, F9tV. &cv,' from the utaliles jajU which 4h National Gaxette give the following: In Pennsylvania, the number of railroads are 36; the number of milea opened, 570J ; the total length of road, 850j miles) and the amount alreadyexpended, 915,640,450. . In Virginia, the Carolina, Ceorgia, and Florida,, there are 23 road, and 094 miles opened; total length, 1,675. miles. A mount expended; M 8,4 42,00(1. In Alabama, Ioustana, M ississippi, Ten nessee, and Kentucky, there are 27 mads 185 in iles in operation; total length of roads, 1, 1481 miles. Already expended $9,62 1-000.,'--r:. . ;.-:"( In Ohio, Indiana, Michigan, and Illinois, there are 29 roads 196 milea in operation; total length of roads, 2,82 H miles. A' rootint txpendedj t 5,523, 1640. - " Exccaxa foa kot Coiko to Chuhck. Gversler iriylfi -Could riot tlrcssm tirtte. Too eohl?-T o borr Toor wlrtttc '"Tb8' dusty, Too wet. Too damp, '..Too sunny. Too cloudy. Don't feel disposed. No oth er time to any self. Look over my drawers. Put my papers to rights. , Letters lo write to my friends Mean to take walk. Go ing to take a rido. Tied to business six (Wya in the v ttkr No fresh air but oo Sunday. Can't breathe in church, always so full. reel little revensn. reef a. little chill v. Feel Very laiy. Expect company to dinner. Got a head headache. Inleud nursing my self tc-day. New bonnet not come. Torn my-munio arcs coining aown stairs, uot i new novel, must be returned on Monday morning. " Wasn't shaved in time.'" Don t like i liturgy, always prayinj for the same thing.' Dou't like an extemporary prayer. Don't like an organ, 'it too noisy. ' Don't like singing without tp.uf ic, makes roe ner vousthe spirit willing, bat the flesh weak. Dislike n ntempoianr aermon. it is too frothy. Can't bear written ' sermon; loo proain. Nobody to-day but our miniaier, can't always listen to the aante preacher. Don't like strangers. ' .Can't keen awake when at church. Fell aslecabtt umi 1 was there. Shan't risk it aeatn. Mean to in quire of Home sensible person about tlie pro priety of going to such a publie place ae church. Will publish the result. Doing it Romantkally-'Vhtj hare ; n.TZZfu i .i.. euphonious nam. of Mowbray, and afothor 1 I 1 V 1 I 1 V V t i A ZUTTI whfli answera g?ina. , to the. tinder cagnomen of ; ,i ...:(-, t ... ( . '..1. I I. ', m GREAT QtEiilOH Scltkdll The YcopV. TrusWvptnU The USURPER PUT I)01VX, and The Republic SAVETilt The true Friendt our Republican ilflftn may tioio every where ' BE JOIC CUt 'ZZi GST General IIARRISOJTS Com. mittee oLCouacience-ICcepeM'ave, in part, mado tlteir REPORT ! ! HEAR THE RESULT ! 1 1 , IIabrisow. V. Bents. mMM Pennsylvania, " 30 " . . . New York, ' it - 4wifampsli, A " V New Jersey, 8 Rhode Island, 4 ConnoctTcuti " .7 j" " "jT Ohio, . ji Maryland, ' 10 123 7 New York, Pennsylranm U rrecil A slip from the office of the North American, one of the most correct public journals in th Un ion, d.ted Philadelphia, Nov. 7, gives th fol lowing joyful tidings: " HARRISON'S MAJORITY 947 1 ! pride that wo announce id fact, now aacenaln ed beyond miatake, that Pennsylvania h given her vols for Gen. Harrison. Democraile Penn. ijlvanla ha come Torward, first la tb work of reform, to east out f power a band of enrruni of. fica holders sod to commit the administration of nur republic to pure and patriot! hands. The lieytona is safe. Patronage has been appll booeed eoyM vet no withdrawn from lh. ranks of lb. Jacksonfan Suceession, hat declared for the far. merofth. North Bend. " With what eieenio power will this Intelli- K.nc. .pteo mrouga the country! Th. wslks of on nes. will b. ihronged sgaia. Chsorfulness will rsign in all ths scenes of human association and enterprise throughout our Union. Ws nJ not congrslulsis eur rssJsrs en the result. There will be rejokln, .noa(b. Th -ven will spread nsw li(ht Mj mm fop ov.r tbs wools faes .four country." NEW YORK. Th Empire Stale! All halm Tb Empire Stat bas'pui iks brd eondsmnsiion upon her recreant swi. Tbs forty. wfV'-1' J"f ' N?7 Yerk will be et for ths soldier, pstnoi snd statesman,' WILLIAM ttZN. ny HARRIKON. And ihi sVioas raault, dk ed i the triumph of Frsemsa In other But, prastrets Van BursoUm, overwhelms snd snnibi Isiss Ijoca Fueoiaaw Ths returns from sll hut sit counties hsve been rsclved. Hsrrl-on Majority lltflSt aHU belisvsd, will be further increased. 2 " NetrJcraey hat triumphantly vin dicated her broad nesil!: ".. -i" Right gallantly hav. the Jersey Dluee fought the good fight. A usurping House of Congress has been Indignsntly rebuked by an overwhelm. Ing majority. Glory and honor lo the dwellers oponthe battle-field 6f'7(. Hsrrisoo msjortty 8284 ! r Hnll to tit IrlarylaUd MStS " -Maryland has given, a inajorUy f 4431 for I Unison a gain of fiOOt I ! I nbodo faland, with ,oni c. notigh for the rnlon!!! Has coveted herself with an Imperishabl. blsx. of glory. She ha. giv.n Harrison a m. jortty, of a,Q001U..z--t:::TTz:- -f: "i"S- ''' ' 1 W BasBaBB ' i'rW.' m i -4 oid Conuecticutrt f Sha Js gloriously .met jn tha hour of ear ewntry a psrlls. She brings aa .Bering u ih. It' of. frlo, in lh shap. oi 36? for Harri son a gain of 20595 ' - - Ilnxza Tor Ulajnel tho eastera Slar ,V7;y.:r h Coafederacyl n - Nearly Iwo-thirds of the Bute heard from; whioh gives Harrison a gain sine. September of 7V: It U belter! the Sat. has given biro a majority oi at loasi iwuun ; j ,-f 'V CarUiojuake Ohio tfMll.f. Tbs majAritie for - Old Tip" eosninos u mot is) (ram Obtai SHit detail sr nsstrs at present Heffic ft to say,' ih.l the maJwllU iW bU in th euu, will proUbly escNl UfiOQ, 5In Ibe eiii hesJ frtMit, Heria4 b fan Uf A by a triumphant set. ". : ' -' ' Teatteaie) f9 couilnffl I lb smti f WesWejvotvC.et' Sad lu ialifrem wliirtTwe l.e env iKicXwXKsM.' I , , ". ' . . ' I J . ' iviensi as ssmshesd ef PuOt 118 ate. Tur l,-, t hosw Wbie; ? l.e wiltsrt a tnmttj ef 8.CM) m Ess Tennessee! :. W . i. . v . ' " 1rtrinliv. - ; A impeeeirst.le f .r snll hone vr if Dominion, A lew days i;i sbw bu !. s OLi.At)N nRMErrtrnr TAt faming .mut.JMl of , lit -nCtrJ. tailing the cborenrv "Humbug," ple'tly NULLIFIED!!!! ;f"?r ; V SXTTha nvrtherit papers, reeeivej mes ihMlMml bill a liitnl hi .JirM tU -be Hr)rit strmnu, Km ihr IWIiiin' re it tw U- tm rfiliW (I.W.mo) si k soffiri I .ks.1 f.ttm U lh sou i tm m I'rw.Mr u in x,-rm r4 that Ihoteemn'iet mnt grm'h incrtatt . their majorititi to wrrromt the L'arritnn ' vofeP which it efpttimlrnt lo giving U vn!!! IVssisrlSaa S MHt New Vr Ur- .-r r,w f .P Harriion. tvhif khi In 61 o ..Ws 1., Uvt-j a V-'6V Dl Kl. In this Guy, a Wednesday afternoon, M.. Henry Gormsn, in the 71 year of h ate- tne f H . -1. 1 ' t I a . . . J . rnagh, Ireland, and removed to lids country la . the Hi ywrof hi aa. He had been a rei dent of this City for upwards i.f Riy tewin - and tuaiained thrbu 11 fe an T.W.-. bahl. verMlly et.mid bv Ids numerous Klead snd ae (uainiancre. . . ,'. - U . iiku sT? 7UJS HJSLtt5.: 'llf-.KB.H, I h..r Im,m ,a.rwri en a rlt nf . ... LIM-I b. fh.i-.Mb K h,-tt..n. t f J- ; ar th f KlmH i;. t. null hm .U.a Lr. nmts'il w.a Mjr Tie j,rrtoHl .r.,...r, ii, . sl lenii J! Ur nnr o l'l n4 q . trr r...s i h Irald r.tr ih sfHintv of Jn.n .. t th i.t lH. i s l.l.iS., un ,r r.urtt, A ,., lay (;, , T!ILb,r''"""M "" ,b"r " Kaetini" htntU Mths Aoifiir ilir rll of is..lnt iltfid ,! i...l r.Mn, -Mh siMlvrsrv on hitmusiv.l. .. at wn4 a iil otdsst H" l.ry ibiuk ,,rwe. : . ; . . n&Mv c. Byyt.-' a fcit'.HcM, N .vemhee T, ISl). al s . I.UISOUICU ACAOU.tg. Th ''" ot ihisth.. 4 .il .s awsr, iWrnbor, la s rtsuini.l UH ,. 1 1, r I,i.lMi.Mii H. NMI M,li ,h, Amr Sdlhlil J SSB S kfl fjraaMlilV . ft . as ....... .. ,...,, . ,,,aiai hiii .,, rrnhrtiH-ia. Moml .'...in.,,.!,. . j ' ! an.. io ., il'rrit. i ikl.ma.l Mi and om)Hsiii.in f.a nu nrt utmt Vv ' in lh tsvrciMi uf ill Mh.Mil, - ' - -A ri(U b'wHnt .mt en sir eit ----r- - - i milw Mrurt miss of orrlw, ,ih s m oilsbll s-n i. f isMHts Ine ss.lntt, en.t rare H (iw t twstMrl 1 lw-tlol ItM Ur, ktt sre trTnrty Mi .d f " i slot s j.Hulng lh subscrilMe, sal I. tul.j (V- 'lrf I bis SUIMH lliim. Il.aml I. i. I w-unIU Mteinl ttMisbl tsmilnrsin n.e v.. ! Un. ! ra HMrMHjhlMM bn wt M r.hMv4 m-m , ,',' "I tly ia e i! "j!!!WIiriWj raale Imlint (rnM IU.aranit In llmilil: '.-vn inajii.i oT. .1,. ... rirssa nin xIv.mim re p (ini 4 ke.Hl,, in ma.nl ii mint t.ii..s i.k : suhssribm it se,nlt !." -r-- -;-- y .rr. .4swssisIiim' tuhsarlberV ' qwTMMia, 'nfaZ y hw f thlra.lNi( or Malhm. W'Mr of NdelH Uaralins C forna., tn !a latMliv. sad mi my l iH r.luaies b.. siilts Itandulph Maaon, anrf C wiwMlill - ' '- , lt'n TtiUtn, In ndvantK "" ' rnrlmHisea Knlish beMabes, f 10 iterseattenl I Ungues, MathsmaiiM, Ic. til t-f Itostil. IntlM'tini be.lln, witlin.r 4 Ual. 4 U . " per sessioft, half in sn.. . -,m " " rtatemer JHh, 1140. ,, .,. 4 J , Th ItMOard, Nsvbsrw aptatri and Us, villa IttBOriar. will ! four tniartisma la .k. sshI forward Ihsir awts I th K lHor of ih Star IVrmilCSIIOSW ,i ,. :.i.t i- k tNTAl. aUHUKHT.-Ui-. V, K. rmnk Fimilull o ft .Mi lulls mifti-rtia lb p'K.lM, that tt baa rwam. J IO ft. i.iK, ml m.jr US IjohU M lt) bail l m.1. N.MrmWil. UK). iaiLLIlltVVMAIIXA.?IAiiI0 Mas. MAUI HA ANN KtMdAV rr.pccu.illr tefuemttKe t-'r- lli'eh.' suu th n.ibli. ; geneialv, ihs' ah- has eommeneed the above bu siness In th store formerly occupied be llasaleit Kyle, dee. ' Bhs has received from the Nortlt, a hsnrlsome Stiorlment of th l.tl style ef lg. horn, Straw and Sitae BOjfXKTSi 8-ila.iJi.l siilk. and Itibboasibesutiliil Mtrmu Cloths for C'oaks, uwvrat niiilKercliiel, kc. . f Aln lull Siinn'V .f maleriaislur nullna ml trimming ttemiei and lkca. . lira, It. ha made srra. (remeiiU I receive quarterly from lit. rtwrib the 'Steal laahiims of presses, Uoiinst.. &. From her Wir eeneriene id the abov h.i(init. HfU'ifiiint of if.vimf general itif4elnit she rere'r.illjf solioUs s hr of p.ihlie ,m'ru. se. iler prices will h suiubl to lh. times. wwik, on uv isti , 6W t 4 j , m VALUACIELAMS. ' I shall tiff tor St M IIm Uaurt llausa 1 Itilt wv. ns imtMritar tbe t.b Mrtnt, at A i-tlort. ttt.iinab1siattaaXs ilMiiHr frnse kMHlnHtsnsl ftltt swes, trlftftM Hm Imk 4tl Maes. '., Urabtrce s'k.I tt aliitit Crrtii. 17limpraiiwi. . mlW frame lmr, - .hI anrt fwutarlai.lc H usrs. tor ncr, fcrlre, ills Iwmw l 5, k 1'tMir is also talaatile ap.il y-M U'aaj-arw ns evntes aruas .r i t ' I U.lna h-anl iM.te, asm t aav.lhl i lh Jtnsl uabl t l IwmI I ki Ms this ..t i'iii. Kiet-alihf ia lb esMr mf aim. A liMlivr tlw "ilHii ol rl is 4rSBt smeesessary, as h It tesi alme, an. h is not aiuaint.1 w iilt it, l.tnl mild imrakai without tral Stvlng lb Simuitca, basb MI b b nsst bv in -rsrcr an Iht UH, or j mtah. ! terms viUks- i. know on tb -U rM!,hisbllb liberal tVHI slaa a .J m lh wit lime ,A stlaae, a small Iraai al lane ot lb. C awl II II .,nmt li milrs tram ibis tt, mv il.irir .., Tins u, wmsM mil tm persoa who is dispewd lo SoiniH bitn. mil aNb wmmI. . .. " ' , tf Alvo lhs ll.war sjMt lvH t lirvfci. ir,a I'S v nrnfortaldr room, smoks-batr, Ita .This ht ssmisiasMm lhbw ol a er. -Terms m.l baa. ' "-tiio. limits, s HalHl.?tev. jl t4ftj 4S ,1 ' . -ilfT5ir- North criioii-iVi. It akt Count Hi, '" - 1 heby git. tbal I U,ml m itplr I ItM . mmt Grar.al ,tse.n'-l In pJM aatai ! my M ittb, snmmnnly eallel and in-4 H (lam lit H Vrwanm. f.i.r V, t.w , Hy'.h.J'b VwfliWv.tMiV"11 4n sia atttte oTWHiTTnroilaa. -Court of Pin anl Quarter Sessions A. V lUik f lb Htat 'r. ' - i. gM Tfrm. 161 m titala x ' - . - Ti-ibv T. Klssam. v. . .Xrtgfa.I aueAmenf, 'f A iituwsirM ii. an5.rt.rra mrvsKxinxiu bM mf Mki ! Is I tb. r. I.w rr i t mtmi b mr bn lh Marih "-J- ... " ifrnw ( n, , , .,t ws tla. itttl. t. ...-'..-...i' .a ;7l- -

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