V , .Vortk CaroIjKfl. r ., -' ft ZOO ROWAED.. . Ah Wat, BT bee been nbrtl reported to ibis lUfMiiifM, Iket en or aooMl in jmw rr-j Crgro bet, Ihe property old t. Lk' HuwM. . county, was supposed ! bate been ktnoep. w by loba aad Secauri Saailh, which bay dm. or tweiew day iirii ""J" ad side fa ewet.ty nwtrdere ana rwriielly batd a UM bafvitig been shot tnretigh bMtvnal, s and kit ilirowl cut Irem car la can ene at m atu Jutm and Samuel Smith Hand ebeigcd ana lb tela- New, TWeforeieibe red, that tba laid eSciulert Wmy be apprehended avougnt .. i i. uai Una nl tVnclamatioa OOrf hit i Waal aa bawdred eWtlcra lor eill-r ef the, ta am arras, or aereees, b will epprwttcae - ad oaWlfaa.ar enkee al Ultra to lb Jail, ar " 4.t. it. ta the abf-rinfef Craven aountvi and I la csoewver hereby irtpiire at edReer. whether wftorttMary,wiibaihi Ststcy ata their beet exertiws te appmlseun ar aaw to bt anprebcadcd, tba mid Isajiiive. - Chen aaaW bit heed at Governor, ud ih Ureal Seal of the State al Nona Carolina; ibme at our Cay at Ualeigb, Stl EDWARD B; DUDLEY Br Command ' C. C. BATTLE, " JOHN aMl IH It Ueeeribed MIBMl' arar mid. la age, about Sva feel aiaa ar tea iatktt high. Moat, ly built rwddy eomplrxioe aad btalibr appewnwee, Str h-.tr nd baa lt aa upper Irem lon rrnw ariuilaiaf Saaiacl i imi. They were bora aad 4 fcr(M aa b Cravaa bat iratatd la tiibrr lt ar Taaaatar toaM )art uM, t relerara iUT rr1ruM at TitiiHir liwr rcltiioat aa aaa acca " Wkkt aboal aadtr trrry iairiat aircamatMMt tor armal taaafht. 1 bry bad, ahcalbty kioaappca Cat. RuwrM't Nfra, tMtU bam ai4b t B.ra aaa aad iad, vrib abka h1 and lata, aad era and - t iaraia-Mj otra iaircnaao amun am wry trtaaatly, .rTTTT",-- -. iw-- , " KOTICE. , . "--7."-': T.kM mh! amaatblad ta I he lull el Rlchmaad V'iiuHr. W aVarWKoa. 'br 'tf ' at iooob,' fc a) b brloaft l Laytora Warrca, of UtmJ aoenty, Altwma. iaaoa it aaoat 3S iwl af , , I itrt iachrt b.r. trf blatk. ; Tba aaeat it rrauaxed ta amaa lorvard prata proBrrty, t1 . cbartM, aattuU liiaa twty. ar b ba dealt akb i tna U dirrait, bi tatk eaart, , ; a'tb. tba tt4 lUO. aUH. BEDBEURt, J.il. , ;.v,;-r r, ,. 10 tf ' UXirCKSrrfOFPENNSY aCTAKIA medical Department. fMJP.Corjrw vl txaiurr a ill uitiM uca pa Moe I dy lha Sad day al Nbar, aad be eeatmtnl .ider tba Mlnatng atraagenwat . ' ' Prttiaa and Tktary of MtJuiae, Katbaaial 3la;ta.- M. I). Cbrmittry, Kabrrt Hare, M D. Rnrary, VVIIImiw fttbtna M. D. , , Awnuy, WilliaE. Horaar. M. D. -Inline)! of Medwine. 8iunrl Jacktoa M. D. Mirm adm aad I'iiarwat Cui( JB, VVaoil Ubtlalriat Bad tba flitnwt 01 WWM tlu- rea, na(H U teilfe. M. I , : Ciiaiaal Lra'arr ea Medieiae and 8 art erf an tielirered rejMtirly at the ftiiMrlphla fioepitel Bloklej,)tl at tba PraaayUmia loapital,lroa. tbabreioaiug W tbe tad of tku 8-ioa. . . v tu V tinnvrn Dcta of ike Mrrtiral r'aealljr, ,"ifij Ckttaut Siraet fbiUdel t - t S9-ltw UIGlllANl) MESSENOElt. "J wttklw balur but'ithtJ a$ Athtvil'.i. A. C. CJaroleJI to HeUpon, MoraJny, Sciooco, Politic!, . kn4 itwtonu laioiitifetiee. . T.DirEO BY D. It, MeAN MIX k J. ttOBCRTS. It Brvpating ta peblith a wew Joarnat, aad there k ta aaraM tba Boatbar af BarMdiaalt elreed 8uod. ing aar eatuiicy, h will atwrally ba tapewiedof at to ajreaa atilliae af tba pmatto'e by wblak we watt ta be got anted. That we will lie at oowaiialy at poaaihles And, i let tVaila wa atotbMtly eaalada all areteriaa aawrvreraMt an abttrato had ditiie4 pomil b. CbrtMian t'bealogy, wa will eerehillji aad aaaata. ly fcald p Mta tttala aa4 tba Utrttiaa raligtaa aa lalitionaable ta lha moral, taeial aad pelitaal taitr. aia af any oaaatanMy. II, Wi thail btdotirlontle tabor total forth ami - maintain (Hre4 pncNtnlct of wtoralHy , torrret fH aad eood Maanart. Vkai k all kt varied forma thai I meet lit tusrMrd ntbuko, and a dreHled mud will be taken tgainat ail Imparity of ttprcttion m repretearalMn, a all atawaitbaett and vulgarity la short na paint will be tparwd to make aur papcr a wttnmt Mavmftr to Hie virtuoat aad good or ev ery age: eed';ot wvary" .jajoj;; - 31. A liberal share at our attention tball he do. Voted to these branches at aaiwral teieaea a aeaeta tary to be at taart tartially nadcrttood by W7j Ur jar aad ev et y wo tbtnie of the eottairy 4th. 1'ba poliiical ilepartateat will be aader the Im-acillaia and aula eontrol of J. KuaiBTt. wba be lie art kHnarlf in be a frtre HHniMcan. and at toeh eauaaV, aad wilt not, tapport lba,leailing taraMres of the prates AdatinialrBlieB. On lhi subject, bit arae will be ealtw, tkoagh deeidad. lie wilt, al all limes, take tba liberty af premtpily aad Blaiely etpratsiag hit apiaktat aa all tuujeaia beaaiitsj on aba poUtical atleretttof the community, without, al ny lime, prosiituting bit paper to the unhallowed imi Mtetof detraslbn and abuse. Hit eoursa will be decidedly independent. He It' pledged na arty, aad will elwa)t write aad publish abat ba believct wHI lead lo the publle weal, and unprett bat la hit judgment would ba ii jurieut. t- Aad Saaliy, aa wa shall ask Ibe favor of etehaag. 4ng with the beet papen at the eeeMry, wa bape Is be alwaye ready to ktep our resdert iatarnsed cl Ike fwporwot traftaatliewt ttautttg at ho tjHt abroad; ' .:i tJC e r m' S7Xt,i . TbewHBt M itawta an," a Ul.ka Bablished hh a aaw prect tad lpet, and on a large sheet at ' li 0 war aaauns, if paid in edranae, or 3 UV at toeeadof tba aubtaription year. . t i No aabaariplioB will be re Baited for lea period ahee twelve woarba. Bar wall aey paper ka disced. eiaaed, eiacpt at Ike option of the publisher, eat i Arrearages era aclllaiL .- Aakevdie, Juao , 1140, ' :V,-w-vw4 i misic. nvsic' .:' AlrenJcrHtWarotad iatirueliont fortbe Plot. LatuMr't ' do. ' we, lor the Piano r'oiia - Crammer d.- 'J .'do. eit.ke't d.i''.','.t,Jo.V-v;;..ci ! 'ai Willaea.rt-!4Jw.-.:.iii ide. Patrwt Flireolctt lin. ..,.:-.:-,. do. t -da..; XUm. lh. ., " ". ' H'thv':-'" Clarioual ., A 1st aew etwaie tegnlarly raaaivod at toon at pub. licked. Meats boand in the acairtt aaaaer at the lSiortn Carolina Book More. r , T ; TUttSER h HUGflES. . Aagast 13th. ., . : ' ; aotice. . 7 t rpHt Sabseriber bat rctuaed tba Qyaier baai. jL neat, aad lakes pleasure to teioret bit aattotaart and the Pnbtta, that he (Blende to keep Ibe Wei Orrt that aaa be proenred tt Petersburg. All ar. liars wraiautty attended ta. He returwe bit Ibaakt tor the liberal patrousjt be hat reaaised and bspet tur A nantlnnanen. "'4 ei' " -' t -i ! i e? V i-u.v,T"!TUOS.. WOOD . .. . . tteasw SratTT, j : Jtltn r-sasTi. psma, Vtartborg, 30th brpl. tM9, ..f'j ' 48 .Tcttn p by Wi. Ward, Kii.'onrhe I8the u Uta, aud etMrrrd a tbcauay book, iwo mules .ia as aren gcey, tba ether a rswa bolb Bwked ie g'srMiud ut laity Ootlartench. ' ' - ' - - kl. U MAttflM. Renter. , aw t.re a, jsiocev beuurt, riwtt. ituuii, lliv. iJ 33 81 Ta'tbe Member sflhe Lerldalnre. I pWI be praiard la ataemud. tmtutpfix ar tUrlf of yo vith boar daring tba teutaa at lb Lrritlaiare I hare aalrad aty dialog rooai tmoe I til, and at I do not aspaet ta lake Iraatieal board art, aad aiy boata beiwg vkbia la boadred Tardt caai ot tbe Capital, aad bo paint or Mpeate being pared aa my pan, t do net bctkate to taf, that yea ill tad aiy aeeaiaadatiat aa good at any etacr kouta ia lb airy. At rrgardt ay labia, I aaa ealy ay that ll tball be at arU proeided at it Bat ta 113. Any ateainer Bathing 10 keep bit bona ar borart aa da to. at I tat prepared IB uroviile lor ihvai alto. i JUIIN HUICIIINU. Srpt. II. mo. 40 5a H eaders mt Kalare aad Art dec. dec. Tka Weadcrt a Nalaro aad Art, aoatpritmg op. VeHtettilrcakeedreB.al tba laott . rrotai kabte aariotitirt aad akraeaiaa ia we kaoaa a or id it Kn(ratia(t -PerutaTl Woadtrt AT Ike World A Help to Priatert aad Pabhtbere ? . .- Plora't LeaitoB, viik aolored Enrmriojt, byCatlia - rfae M Waterataa ' Walker's Maary KteraitM, eaataJalng diraalioot lor Riding, Uririflg, Kaaaiag, Unplug, Vaulliog tee Tke Aweriaaa iaeaileaiaa lie Udy . Cllkjaetit for Ibe Ladiet . , Canaont al Good Brrediag - - - r ' Naiuralitl't Library, akb colored Egringi t tolt, '." Tke Yoing h atbaad, by Dr Aleoll Da', Wife r..' Do Ilooae-Krrper ' Pocket Laana work that dip where Ibe reader may, be will end a read at kaewledge) Tba Loadna Bltge, Tbe art of bciag Ikpy Danut't Meatoirt of the Rerelttiioa Webtier't (folio) Dictionary S oU Loadaa ed leiuprin ' Chtatieal llwiionary (lolio) Leadoa ed . I be tVoikt of Lord BoliogUroke, ' qatrto) oft Tbe AnterUaa Almaoati in telt iron IU0 to I MO ktclutive T ' :rr Sir Walter Rtteigh't IlitteW of tba World Paeaiolali Lcaicoa (Uondoa) 'Sctpolaj Leiieoa Tbe abore ralsable workt are lor tale at the No. Carolint Book Store, where mar be fuaad a' large aad ai-leudid eolleeiioa of Foreign aad fmericaa Bookttnd Sutioorry, eoauMmg, in pari, of Law. Mnliaal, Tbeolngical, CltnitaT, MiMellaneooi, It HNnk Bxk ih laiett and moil aiioroead 'edilioat ,of .BagHtbt'' lra,,-hlr.- f rencb, - Gtrmmm4 Sptaiab hchool Hoakajjjaad aniclrt tailed to the drmaad el Ihit eoaiilrjf- Jhl new pablieatkMit tetei ed at tooa at poblithM. tfookbiuding ol eterr'de KnpUoa doea with aealkeaa and detpatth, at No. 1 Alto on Hand. tOO eopiee of lfio Miatouri Harmony, with a ea rieiy of Uutictl Workt loo nomeroat to men loo. TURNER k HUGHEs. Raieip. January 14, 1840 3 NEW HOOKS. The Man at Aiati or Henry De Coroot by G. P R. Jamea. findolphia by ftulatTt . Iltrruoa't Melodic, i Juttrteched by i TURNER It HUGHES. Oat foih. .LAND JkNO MECI1IOES. -?"WILL to hM toihtr bighett tlddw, on f redil of twelve toootlit. on Thurtday, the 19th Notenber Mil, tba IjumI and IVegfoee belonging to tbe relate of Wm.Flojd. - Tbe tract of land conttlnt' abont flfa hundred acre, of eery euperior qatlily, well imprated, the1 plantation ia anffictani to work ail or eight Land to tdranlaft-and a large proportion being bottom or froth land. - Tbe ailunioa it eery detiraklo, being in the county of Granville, N. U. end near the Kt leighaitd (itaton Rait Road, in an agreeabU and betltb neicbUnbood. Alto, at tht tame lime end (try apngttlly yellow girl, eiul niieta. yaara old well rllruUtad lor a houae arreant, and n woman aboot lurtyfiyeare old. Alt tbeimlulgeneo ehtll be given la lha nurebaaar compilable with dit- cbkrgrof myduitr. ' " " r'," - 8AML. DUTY, Eir. October 38,1840 41 -3 w ' mate of Narth Carolina. - County of Frmikl n. Court ol Pleat ami Quarter 8fion -Sep- t tcotberTrrtn, 1840. Samuel W. TtiMtail a. , V Original tUchmeit levied f ' . jolin Foster -' j . . on land, v It appearing lo tbe aktiafsct'io i of the Court, llnl tbe drtciulrtit in lltit elite ia not an Inhabitant ol ihia Statrt it ia tberefure atderrd by thr Court Hist pithlieei.on be made In the JRaleigh Star fur til' week, that nnlett he make bit appearance al the nest term of the Caunty Court of Plea and Quarter Beatione, ta be held f tbe County H Franklin, at lha Court Hotttein Louitburg;on the tecornl Monday in Drcrmber nr iW then and there a replevy and pletii.lo iatue. tbal iudrmnrt final will be entered up againat hint, and tba land lav. ied condemned tubjeol t plaintiff' recovery. AHesl , . , g. rATTEKSO,U.C.C. "-'." " - 6. Price adr. $3.60. VltOBPECTHS T., . OP THE INTELUGENCER AND 4 GPS HEAD AD VOCA TE.' Wa propoaa to publish In Elitabeib Citv. a weekly paper andrr the above title, tba first num ber of which wt Usut to day, and we reepecifullv an I) ounce to the public, our motive., the course w intend perming, and tbe causes wa tlull advocate. Our wwb ia to estsbli.h a prrm among at, and lo supply the people of thia District with a paper, mainly devoted to their own perutitr and local in tertcu. Tbey led W acknowlda the want of uch a paper, and re are fully aatisAed they will gladly austsin na in wur efiutta lo anpply lh da maotlcv. Our ceuulrj toed ia oar Mrr atm and Btlttving tbe re opening of Roanoke Inlet lobe a woik af great Importance, not only this aection af country, but to the Bute and Uaiont we ttuU ad vocate Ibis measure with becoming tpirit, and nac our beat rnorle in eQecting to ucetrablc an object. ' Wt ire opposed lo the present eJmioiitintion. and etnnot br ng la mind ere aiugle act in tbe po lilkal Ufa of Mr. VAN BUREN. ibat entitle him to lha graUtuue and support of tbe Ameticaa Peo ple. we shall give our influence in favor of Oca. WILLIAM HENRY HARRISON, of Ohiot and JOHN TYLER, of Virginia, for President and Vice Prceldeni of the United State, knowing them lo be rood and Atnet man and well aalruUiaJ to administer- tba Goverwaeut im a plain, aafa. ui J erencattrawtr. ' We thtll alway enlerUm a a derenl reeDect to tbe opinion of our opponents, and na ahueiva language will be need againat tba ptrtv. - We hon estly belie the Administration require thoroueh purging, and tbe people mnct give It before wa can agaia return tea toond and bttltby tttta of aflaira. We aball law before our reader clear and eon. eiao Matamenlt of tba ptoreedirtg in Congreat and our Hlate Legislature, torether with noticee of all important Oaneeniione, nomination nV4 ia) which timpaepbi may fcet an interest. v..- :" ' v. . Wa hall take a lively interest in aot own State ffaira, advocating all m ec urea thai msy add to tbe chiracter hod intelligrnr of tbe people and im. prove ike credit of North Caroliaa, bulk al noma and abroad. la a ward wa tball aU MlaaU tU INTT.LLt. GRNCER attd ISAU a HEAD ADVOCATE, ic crpuble in ih eocamanitf aad worthy the patran age of all. Will yon euppoft stick a pa pert , . , , PERKINS di TILLETTsIJTtor, . Xliaefyeih tit. Oct. 13. 1S10. . iid - J03 PRINTINa VLEiii ir sTA r; an n One Ilaadred Dalian Beward. Tba nadai tigaed will give the absvw reward for Ibe entrebcastua of biauegm fcllaw WlLSOX. Wilaoa raaaway trees my seetice aboat the 90tb day of A age at tact. Proas eeihealie talrn ntation, wliicb I bare lately met red, there it aa doubt bat ba to bow talking ia Ike Brig L hot hood, with a de bated wbita waaaaa, or wiib aa anpnacipled white asan, t'icgniaad in Icaaslc apparel i that be it armed with a gun, and probably wnh oilier dangeroua and nalawtul ecMMS aad that bo bat k in eonlempln tion to make hie way hamedistely ta tome tree Slate. The nadersigned will pay the above reward for tba apprebcatioB of lha Begre Wilton, aatil the atop p.(e at Ihit advartiarateBt. It ia to be hoped that all tree ariendt ta the safely at aoaiety aad lo the Breeertation of d.tciuline and order smoae oar tlave popubtiaa, will streauoatly taart Ibctaselvat to apurehead ihit rantaty. sc?uni r i iiri. Wilaoa ia about tts feet two inches ht height k si entry ancle, aad weight b-oca I U to 190 poeaxie kat ancbrnpt maaaer wken met ky eay perton. He ia af a dark complexion, hat a fear apoa tbe left temple Bear the ear, which waa produced br a burnt and ail boat bei ng roaad thooldered, be bead tor ward aontiderably when walking. . . J. tt. A. LEACH. Johastoa Couaty, Aug. 7, lletl MU SHERIFFS SALE. Will be oold for scth. ttflie Court House ia Ons low, on tbe 89lh dty of Srig ember, 1(40, die follow, ing tract t ol land, lying m taid Count', lo satisfy tba tat doe thereon lor tlflyear 1831. BOX) acres, $1300, to terly tbe properly of Lott Gregory aad now owaef iy 'Aasariah Averitt, ad Joining tba laadt of Cba Vegory, $9,371. 1S0U acres, $300, litte? 1 ibe property owned by Stephen P. Uradbam, tS. . 800 acres, $100, listed br Emannet King, $3,SL 100 teres, $100 fisted by John Sdlrt, 6 ets. $l300,litted by Oilce Roter adjewing the laadt of Juha A. A reritt, 8114 - 90 acres $130, listed by Jesse Wilder, S,5fi3. TOceree. $70, lined by Hcary T. Banki, $4.03 j. N7 .ceres, $900, Hated by Haht Feeler, $1,93. Z 40 aent, $.35. Joha Prker,83 ell. - 70 acres, 83 dtfltrs, htarkey Poller, 1 dollir 80) eenlt. 850 aeret, SSOdollart. lilted by Wot. T. Dkeon, and now ht nossMtw flf rcm Heakt Horse SWamp.ritollaraiStaeola. ' ISO cerac ISO dollcra. Jnha McD. Humnhrey ad joining the lindt of htirt of Everitte Simeat 8 dol lar! iff cents. 150 aeret, 150 dollars, listed by Joy Littleton 8 dollart ill cents. . . 75 acres 70 dollars, Miesiah Morton 3 eenlt. 100 aeret, 100 dollart Elijah Csnsdaj, Qecens Cieek, 8 dollart 87 1 cents. 100aeret,to0dollars,Samnel Hull, Qaetm Creek, 8 dollar 87J ets. 185 acret.85 dollsrl.AlIen Pbniipt,-QueeBt Creek, 1 dollar 771 eta 183 acres, 85 dollars, Aaa PhillipsQueeat Creek, 1 dollar 77 I S tts. , D.W. SANDERS. Shft. Augott 10th, 140. 8S 6 ( Price. dr. $6 75) ' KEEP alwiyt on bind Urge lud well issotled 8TOCK OF GROCERIES, which they offer for e)e,oa acaommotiatitig lemva, and resjiectlully invite merchant! aad athert purchw tag Groceries ia Pcterthorg lo examine the same. I bey have now b More the (allowing art ielc 45 hfidt prune St Croii Sugar 183 da. Porto llieo and New Orleans ditto 85UO Loavet lump, tingle and double reflned ditto S a d hats! PrhM Mul"" SO do Pipper. Alttiite end Ginger 500 kegs Cut Nails, assorted sixes 60 lent ewrdet and Enclish Bar Iron 800 bundles hoop, band and rod Iran, aitorted tisct ton vitaxerenane Herman oieei ; 10 lout CaHings I'ots Oveot eta. 850 pes. Cot urn Bagging 150 unit Hale Hope ' 0 - Haling and Soeiae Twine 1500 lbs 8 hoe I bread IO0O tit'et Hemlock aad Oak laned 8lt Leather ' 30 dit Collins at Co and Heer Ate too bote Tallow, Hull' Patent aud Sperm Caadle 30 boiet Yellow Suap 75 package Young llyaoa, Gun Powder aad tape- 8pipeiHlackbnrn,sHMad'a. Win 30ur. aatkt Liab-m, L. P. TcncrnTc, 8. Madeira and Malaga W inn 80 half pipe Cornice Brandy 8 puuehaan eld Jamaaai and Amigna Rum I do super, old Jieiek II hikry, ot onr own importi'iue warranted ?ure aud tlritily prime cualh ' 50 bbls old Mountsle Whitkey 75 bblt " Southampton Apple Brandy SO do N. E. Rum 850; do i..Jfo, North Ccrolioa tUnMvmfi&: IJ,IKX Iht Western Haaan ( sides. , . . 150 reami Mataota Wrapping Paper 900 dot Bed Cordl and Leading Line 8500 aatkt Liverpool, Blown aad Ground Alum Salt 75 bote Manulactored Tobacco, eta. Ice It. Tbey alto git their tlteatiea lo the sale ol Cot- Ion, T haoae, and til kinds M produce. Goods lor- warded to their eare, will receive prompt and tpa cl attention. Pctrrsbntg. Va. August 88, 1940 85 4 '' Rr eister insert 4 timet and lor ward account to Pe tersburg. - I . . -. , ; . ' BOOTS, SHOES k BROOAlf S! The subscriber would avail himself of the ore sent opportunity of returning hit thank ta them a ho have eiteodee to bint that liberal patronaga wbKk he ba so long received, tad hopes, by a strict attension to basieess, to merit a contiauseee ol lha at at a. lie bat just returned Irons Ibe North, alter havlnr visited the principal manufactories; and Baiirrt him trrt that' bit aelecttoa w ractl a will nable bint ta tell apoa very reasonsblt term v He would rxsneet fullv mvilB hit friend t and the public eeeerailr to wall and eiemiec bit ttack whisk aantitlt af the fat -tcwtng-..a art.tax,:tv-,,v..M-tf'i.. Kv.j-a-5jyiKifr.?ii- 3,000 pair men's oart peg'd Brogsnt 4 lo It 8,000 da do , do do 9 to 19 IfiOO do . it,, , -M do . Ratsctdo da . do j . -, da t ' da , 4 . do do , 1 lined aad bPk de do ' do' liaM k b'd pegM kip do da do de do da do do do c , do ; ; do de r do do de 9 ta 14 500 1,000 8,000 1,000 1,000 4 to II 8 to 18 6 to it 9 to 18 9 to 14 9,000 do do ' da do t'wd do 6 to It t.tWOwo rih--1; fine aalf - do - ,r.de" 6 ta 0 l.otxr-'deT"- da---- ' 8 ta 13 9000 da boy t lined h booad do 9,000 do -. do do de . peg'd do do lo 9 1 to 3 3 to 5 4 to 9 8 lo 9 te-t 3,000 do , tie coarse ue da 8 000 . do y :u women's peg'd weltt 4 . 9.000 do de ; mwed do . tkiO -de- do dw- '- 300 do tniss prgw and teeea well 3,000 da cklldrea's bregiaa - 1 " 3,000 : do , womes'i sew'd It peg'd boot 4 to 9 1,000 ' do . Ladies' Phila. tawed walking shoes , 1,000 d do ' do ' do de 5 to 3 i.UOO do'- do kid It ktoroaae da do : 00 ; do . de - de do ; , ;da baslint ', SOU do do kidtlirmera . .500 do4 " do Moreceodo . . ' I.O.O do - - 14ii teat walking thee ' ' ' 500 da do kkl aad Morecwo de do 18 bales shoe thread v J-,'-,, ' "1 t deNo. do do ' ,' "'' V':.. : ':' i do aa 10 aw da X-a t;': ' , ' .rm 100 Ueamsrniad writing paper af.r-j'tl, 500 .do wrapping . do v, v ,r; 100 de daoble wrapping papew r"" T. 800 Het hair and seal trank iKSiilta S Casrt tell and teal tewed bomsi j;;,i.j, .it .i SOVdo .-, do,-., do ' peg'd do , , - 100 do o.ra kip sewed .ad peggeif "" 30 tJbtvrn bridle, tnartitfalr and Slilngi 9 .TJ1 M grata blacking ) 7 i (J Twmes, lapevkaveqmg henk. vcllce. tia. irtterAug. MtXtVK -s 34w -The Kaleath Raeictee wSB wlesse ewnv a wecktl' aed forward aectuat tc the obtarvbee lee acymrwu i UN. N. y o h"i n c a n o ils I ahcD proceed to sell atanrdiag tc law, at tbe Court Moase ia lwreneeville, Montgomery Coaalc, aa Mbaday, the aovcsth day af Ueaewber. 1M0, k being tbe Bret Monday ba mid month, the- following tracts a( lead, ar sa muck ikerW tt wUi tticy Ibe met, aocu aad thargaa thereon bribe jeart 1S3S and 'S9, naJcm preeiovtly paid. " .; - . Alien W Allen Elisabeth , llroan Jamet llagtwortb John Brown Lewis - Barbyton Willism Holon Tytet Haaawt Tuut ,, , Uledaoe f'eorge Restate) -Bledsoe Thoanat (ruttc) (ok Wdlista Coley David Chtsbolm W It (estate,; Ctacclt Joha jr Crowd George jr Crowd David ir Calbway J laattc (beinj Campbetl John Crtnford Hichard Daan Bartholoastw Duma Ithant A Dumat Amot Debask Josiah IVt do Rudy AKretl Fowler Elisabeth Forrest Joha Gillit Maleomb Gordon Sterling Gilbert John jr Harris Arthur Harris llowel ftttateJ Holt Joha Hietoa Jame. Hmton Gosdwm 1 1 oue) cut Geo It Hoaeyenl K G Honeycwt Lew it Harttal Jacob Hodson Uobt Herby Stephen Hill John K Jourdan Walter A ,Jjrrrt-Wtttiao. Jono ElntiTbelh v Kirker Adam King Cummingi Kerr David Little George Light John . Light Motet Lipe Henty Under William Lilly Edmund W Monroe Maleomb Monroe Doaeaa Moore Joha Mask John McKaeJohn MdlsJoha McKae Duncan Manoel Uriltaia ' Mann Saml. Jr. Mean Joseph Mitchell Mathiai Morrit Eliat MaQueen John .;"?.:: Morgin E P Morrit Kubin ' - MarherryJobn ' Oliver Wm It Putlam Stlat ; PilNiaa A lea Page Fretlerick Pinker tiowel V hriMllrmaa JM Kobiatna Chat M . Rowland Mary Uice Thotaaa 750 too 150 00 100 30 3n5 890 589 50 I O 100 178 155 117 3i4 800 100 750 50 33 100 50 50 100 39 800 137 150 300 850 100 100 100 175 800 181 855 890 " 900 100 800 - -ISO 300 ISO 101 67 oa. too 350 1000 313 370 370 30 , 35 417 119 54 144 100 54 100 -100 373 101 100 900 848 75 816 800 I7S 511 801 300 r -V btoac saml S . u.illl k ... m-m .. .159 Shinn James M It an 341 Sell John Slils William . Ssundert Jamct 1 hompson Jnha Thompsna Watbinrton Tester Gee H Tucker Jitatph Talbot Lemiard Vkkert Judy Wktlc ThiHna Ws.le William Ward Henry H William Thot jr Wooly Wm T Whitley John Wdliamllbot Whrr Lewis (Iktitt) WrighiElia ' Wright Joshua 0 9i 100 .75 SO 65 119 too 44 85 870 195 900 863 30 too US 335 195 9J0 Montgomery Coualy, N. C. 86tk October, ItiO. I 'rice fi. C. ALHIAIKAV 1841. Turner tt Hughe' Nrth Carolina Almsnstk. for a m 1 a . cm a . e l it t ' a .. a a . . , isct. r.i ait am -pwartsaeo aa tor" sate Mine North Carolina Book Slere. 01 16th. ' ... Harpers Family Library K. 106. i wo scare oeioie laa aisi. A Personal Nan at it talLileal sea. Pick's Travclt Ice 1 hit day received by TUUKEU k HUGHES. T; Mils. ST17AKT I prepared lo acamamodtte. with Board, from 15 to 80 Member af ibe approaching Leg itinera. In addition lo lb founts in her bowse, the has six or eight room newly built, near ker house, oa raveticville street. Raleigh, Oct, S ,. 48 St The American Aimlnac' and lie- potitory ut necitil Kaowledgw, tor lcl, Tbi day received al the North Carol ma Book Store. , . October . ... - 43 ' mm kiwi iiiaiiwwiami .w-vaac1iismimaaaMSiaWma.ma '! "be CulUvatVr's AIbIiim tiitwt. 9I Atlwnl KfWvUultMa ,rCfh - Thar lr milnd, by TL'ENLit 4c HUGHES r-;5Si':V':i It- : . ". NOTICE -1 ' IS hereby greets, that (pplieatioo wDI be ajad to Ike next Vest tow of low Uewrrat Atsvwibly, la bo held ia Raleigh, en the third Monday at Novem ber aext, lor the passage af a pnvato law, relative to the regulation of tbe iaheriee ea the Cathie Kiverj a a la amead lb law, now la totcc, prohibiting Ibe. hauling ol seines aa laid rrrer, between Satar day,- til. o'clock, and Monday, 1 9 o'dockisad tutho risiag the hauling ei aslac at all limes, without kin draaea, except during tke aigbt timet vis. batween sua set and tu arise- . i ! .. ix ... . . , a . WM. BRYANT, . HENRY U WILUAMS, ', ALFRFD W. M JURE. Hertford Cowtrty Octobrr 81 rrsr 1 OKE CENT REWARD! ' RAXAW AY from the Subset iber, aw the 3rd b st sol, aa apprwntie boy, about 1 4 year aid, thick let, bat not very high ol hi age, full Ucc, huge light blue eyes, aad black hair, had on, when be wrat away, eeat aa-l breeches af Kcniarky brae, aad light Martcillrs eeat, and stktk dowo sbees bottvaaa eovered with lack. All praaa are hereby forbid harboring cud apprentiaei aad ) any person will de liver taid apprentice la me In Osfurd, GraavMIe Co., N. C, be shall receite tbe above reward, bm aw abarge - The name at me abate boy it WILLIAM nt,aut.jaiJ oataaixii t. V'-V't. ,",..rl!i.) JORSBORN. . Oxford. Octebrr 89, 180 81 pit ... , . 43 , ev - t j - , . . i ;,. ,i a ., . . s NOTICEs M A ; The Mcmhora elect for, tbe knktiing Lrg'ttltlar. re reaptcliuUy informed that w ahtU be prepared te aecmnmedate 49 or 30 gentlemen with board fckJgmev ' Being gmefel far pact fcvars. Wa proause that Bathing ehall be warned ea ear part to reader comfort te tbaa who chooea i favor at ltb Ihak CwMeas- V t l , ANN PUI.Lt AM BISTERS. OrtobN 21, 1S40 'j. , 48 3 w a i a z ktt k. gttuetionrd tjvtutt.- Cellar Furk Braucm . ; Wolie Creek Pedr U.rcV Vsrkory llrendt Ml Keck Hraatris -liltla Hear CrBtk Clover Fork Moaaisia Creek Rwlgei Crack Do do Clarkl Creek I tig txwg Creek Big Creek Itamert t Branch Lick Creek Do do Meant aie Creek , little fiver 8 peacets Creek Dysoa Creek ' Clarkt Creek Do do 1 kit Creek Nancy Throcmorton tract V Stdl Water Hansen Creek Double H ranches Clarkt Creek , Cedar Branch' IJek Branch Dry Creek ? ; Little Biter f: Big Long Creek Head, Jacob Creek Utile Crack Rock l(cV Creek ttlaad Creek .! IM do. Cucumber Barnes Crert On tbe Kidge '""'Z l'Ong Creek Short Fork or R Creek , Town Creaks - ,.,.. . ' ClarktCreekf ' ' " t'" Bear Creek Little Riter Camp Branch . Do do Gltberti Creek Rocky River Hear Creek Do do Mountain areek Drowning creek Do do Clarkt areek Tuwa treck Clarkt creek Hichland creek Town lott ia Lawrcateville Bear creek Long creek Little long areek Bear areek Short lork of R Creek Mountain Creek Uharie rirar . Uncky creek . Monntaia areek. Pedce river Dry ercck Dyson eieck Stony run Lnng areek : Kocky river v Pedce riter Hear areek Clover Fork - Mnwnttra cracat A am. tat due. as I 89 S ) 0 3 00 i or l 67) 1 Tin 07 3 88 t 70 1 16 7 n 1 CM f 35 4o ;n S3 1-9 85 1 07 9 05 70 48 1-8 60 91 1-8 93 38 1-8 96 96 18 1-8 38" 37 1-9 86 18 78 1-8 33 8 I i 9 3 85 60 80 SO , 90 10 8718 87 t-9 95 35 10 II 76 73 14 1-9 85 34 30 86 1 86 3 79 S 49 t-9 43 70 - 14 3 40 531 9 . 41 1 8 . 7 89 I S 9 67 1-9 40 53 1-3 S 83 91 1-8 81 10 4 14 9 88 I 99 J 9 8 13 73 10 I 60 87 99 1-8 1 08 .43 I 70 8 1-8 8 14 1-3 S 09 1-9 I 96 1-3 S 33 78 81 1-3 t 88 t 95 S 43 t t 74 Rear arerk Grassy lord White oak braach Cla kt areek Do BO Meadow areek Rocky river Curl tail Lick Branch 1 hickety creek Haraert ereck Clarkt steek Hamcrt aretk Ii da Little long ereek Jlwkt creek Still water Little river De de EBEN HEARNE, Sheriff. 3w. adv. 9S. . . H Kncky river OICAIVD LODGE OFN. CAROLINA. THE Officers and M ernbtr f the aevenl Sub. ordinal Lodge tin tbi Stele, ire hereby informed that tba next Annual Communication of tbe Grand Lodge of North Carolina, will be beld at M tannic HaU, In tbe city of Raleigh, ea Monday afternoon, December 7th, at 3 o'clock. . Delegates from ih Lodge ate respectfully uueetea to oe punctual in ineir attrmlonco on ailtlng pr lb Unsnd, Xdg,aad eitUine brathrea I era reapactfully ineiled to etttod during laid muonraiHiu. aj Qtfwu --- - - VaLT. BAIN, . vwW-W-' " -a-(BlMhi 93wMiarw. . KWgk, Nor. 2, 1840. 44- 4w Register and Standard 4 wtwkA . . Familf Grocery, and !prj vision - . Store. The Subccribera have luat welveJ r Charieaton and New York, their Fall and wiM eopptf cf WINES, LIQUORS, Ac, which will be foand equol lo any ia th State., For a list uf articlet,ae handbill.. Jugs, Decanter and Tumblers loaned to Member ol the giliture, during; tbt Betciort. , 2 I. WHENCE ft CtlRISTOPHlRS. Kabfigh, Nee. 3d, 1S40. ' 4i-2t BOARD FOR E)nBEUL The Wubtcriber is prepared te accommodate 6 or 9 Member of the Legislature with Board. A. J. LAWRENCE. Balcigb.Koe.3tl. 1840. , 44-jw, When enr Country waa ia danger, be fought not in rain! .. Oime, mrctue cWArr Tip let tu try iim again! Appropriate rtppecanoa Medal, (suitable for any sccactan or piece, wun a kkenesa of Gen. wuiuun a. iiimson, Log Cabin, aod Bunker il ui Monument, Otc. eke. For sale be- v- - : 'TURNER fc HUGHES." , ..i ? A TUTOR, ".;t,v;- . "A renlleman of great reapectibinty wbe bt bed rong xperitmr in Itachmg the Ancient and Motlem langnsgevMethamatita, . veaM a aitw aUon at tutor in a family, or would be willing te take charge of a echooL AdJreat X. Y. Kcle.gh, North Caroline. -'' -. . Oct S8. 1S40. ' '- i , -, 43 ff, Menaoira dk Krettertt'of ' lIadana irtaltkran, by the Coonuwa De Merlin. - east published aaa ate sale ay - 1 17UMER ll HUGHS. nfEir FALL W ri.TR GOOD 0LZVB, SMXTlTs . ' aiiacaas taiwmu, ', l " Vyfcffewfft Srew, BalHgk A". C .. w tuie Jim receivert, ,od hav ,ow ; ear aupply Gh1 whkh embnc1 ery thine new dcairable er fhionabl,T Good have been teleeted by Ma. Oum tJ" jrm. and can be coi.ndely recommended fnende and curtomer. Member ctbeli!i, litre, and Strangeit eitittng the Citw. Setsion. would nl it mJLtoZXi le give ut a call, at wa are determined Vtat raint. Our alack compriart rvery ibinw ik uaddrykept en bwrf in and, EsiabnabainTi whtcU the fulloarlnf ia i part ." e CLOIHS. . ! Sup. Wool Dyed Black 1 t ! ; ; Ho da Blue,. ,;. . j: Invisible Grren, -.i " ... Rifle do . Spsnith Fly do - . 7 London Brown, ; ' ' '-: .' Olive, and Dahlia. ' I UASSlUERESr - Wool Dyed plack. Diamond Bearer' ' . da do ' do Blue and Plain, sniii.! for Pelt, and Oeer-eo.i. Surtout,,,, SSL-' Sup. Wool Dyed Black, w",r 'wekt, do do Buckskin, '";'", Mixed Doe Skin, ' Steel Mixed,. ' . Suflolkdo . lJi Cabin . - "r-- Prince Albert, Queen Victoria, lrab Mixed,. 1 ' " Browa,, Washington mi tad, . Buff and PUin Drab. VESTING! . Snp. plain Black Vdret, do Mnlcskin do ' Blue and brown Plush, Brocade. ' Sccrlrl Wrtol.n V-t...' ' i"1 Dark Brown do Green da ; ' Figured and PUin Satin. .,1 : ' " 4 Black etid Prow-n ILIL; Tc?' iih an aswrtment of ready fcd. Clothing and Fansy Article BxmLmE? Stock. (Light and Black.) Frenck IfjdGWs Pocket Handk'fs. BUck Btlkand r.gurtaci rats. Scarf Shirt Uoll.rs and BoionL tnany ether th.ngs to. tedtoua t. ,mmC Wobave in our employ tbe best of Nonhwi workmen, and will warrant every thing wa awe, factiirenot to be .orp.. i lh UniUg g ettber in style, fit or qu.l.ty. w tender ear tbtakt te a generous public fur tba eery liberal psiratitn we bava heretofore received, and hop by eitenuti lo mem a eoutinuanca. p mw k . OLIVER A SMITi!. irin sua raise oi lonuan.. Alas, tl kw iL York and Pbtladelnbia Fatbioo. Oct .81, 1840. : 49 tf r- JPOR SALE,'.. -7'; - "V1--- - ' --' : X 3. v. f - ii, m ih. naiMn nit wgtarfk J rn,l lbaa the Sirrcttt Af " place. It contains sarat IcTsms, J'--. , 8 or4iBt'wfcick are cleared sat' a I Tnii" enltivaiion, lha balance I e. S.B .i. i ii - , - L" " "H-:w.wiia.. -wtttni, tliat, w..,,v.ncn uay smtitrit AoVrrobel snTlhtMi le get la work agair.) pat what itwakedtw place. . ll if deemed atrial lo meaiMa all ikrad. vantagrt ot the tituation, the fin range lor ak, kc as chcever wishes to purchase will look a to premeti. v , tk Jnne, 1940, . m i eg'wer ti, r. . . . f . ... : V'OTICE TO HIEItlBERS OF Till J9 approaching General Anaemblr, . - - -'ii flir III, wnwe deal to the Legislature, lh br ia prepand aa niiiinrmii. k k.i . miuii.ii . l .. - .".Mi-m.uij wnw eaara awl I''a liar, SS 30 to 40 ol ibrir body. Having renlrd Ira i rtawwh ihw acpaeious brick auil.ling Mr. H. H SatTa, LTV besslnn til ibe Ugislmnrw wa. brW; wm ee at su power in mtttlsn elrgikle i we appir earij. ainiirtts ; 1. .lm.. at iiotci, aM$fr -a si ibIa ' .... ' 3 ,..- wrpa. .? iB-tu. ' ' ' T ' W n State of North Carolina. ; Superior Cuurt of Law" iw- ami jjquifr- spring icrtit. A A ran i . Sarah Ware s T - J Pethfoa for Dive rorcikt. Henry F. Ware, J , , , . ft .. 1, 1'hia man em anmiaw mm I ...J la L... w weasel, wa sic vex gir bij is, pg m eT"v- ing lo Ike Mtistactioa of the Coen, thai traair u . i .... . .. .. . . , . ii r """" .aeen to wwtay ine waaeaaant, it ipwiiimn vt piaini tu oarani oai'i" - ...(nam, laetiing aau reiurttcn loood." Proeiamstioa wa made bv ihebaerifd lite door of the Court House, lor Ih defeaditt, Henry, to tppetr and tnswer ss omnssatled kf tk Subpcena The defendatit failing to appear, il s nereu mat pabliaation be given in the llalett ae I .1. o i : l tt. . .i . i . -i iU 8'-l- - ihw ipM oih ivr tnree motttnii aamet aad that at lite nest term of thia Cosrt, m- i : . : iit l i . . . ... . ...jr piinai win we maun him toe pcinion ot pitaiai arah, be heard ex parte. , , Wilecst, Tbomtt H. Willie, Clerk 'of car wl Court at office, ia Oxford, fhil 30th day nf Msr.a. 1 I Ala Wlta 11 Itlll .erf A .m "jf . re- the Bjr, low,, , laUUIwila Wlt44Ci V M.;S0. 84 3 , "- - Ptv Adrv $7; ' Cotn - State of North Caroliaa. " ' . ' ... Carteret County, 7 , i - Court of Pleat and Quarter Sertkxu, f ternber Term, 1840. . s William Job . 3 - (Original tttathmewt letied k David W. Bordea.3 v ll appearing la lha Coart. that lha tjeleacX. " tbi W. Hordea, rc tides without the 4imU Stale, it is ordered that notice ba given by r advertisement la the Raleigh Star, for si that the aairf tw.iA VjV - . J.. ktort tat Coart of Plea aad anarsae .WWa. sa b brM W f Ih Ccontr of Carteret, at the Court Heese ia Btav tort, en Ibd third Monday of Dreetnber o replevy and plesd ta huwe, ar judgment 6ccl f ae entered an aeaiatt him an th is tliaehasrM. W knees. David Ramie. Clerk af ear mid ttn at Ilea uf art. the third klewdav af Setttemker, A. two. f , , , . d, JWMUzi.z r Prieeedfiet y;" .44 4 NORTH CAROL1NA-BO0K STORE Vcloabla work na Farminjr. Ganlrning. Botssj, Catlla. OrchaMa and lha flmne Vina. Ac I "Tbe r at pi eu Farmer, Aessrican Gerdnefr 1 riatUnide, Tbe Green Haawa. BrWr1"' G denor'a: Aaaielant, Loodona Encyeiopetlin af 0 dening. Art of Winemaking, Mrmoim e lb " ylvania Agrietitinral Society,' Treall e Csitw their breed, mtnsgcmewt, Ae. rVasenr Own 8oA Mowbry on Peubry, History of the Here. Ne J inencaa I'rcbardist, Ornemanld Treea. J"" Regiater, complete aa far a published, M"' Farrier Improerd, LoaJen'a Eneydopedi of Af .bu. . Lu .l i I; J . --Hf tine a vanwi e.attw viut .a apnavM Boooke ia every depart meat af Literature, 7" kale at radoead priree by t a. fk. -rrrnsfFW Mr trTTRHES- 4 ' i - ." - " r" ... ta . M Wdi.Ttliuli.. lmm .lik naalnca deepstrh, atth ST. C Book Blare. if. V ;- ., r f