A M) if O II I II CA H ft DNA OAZK TT K. U ALE 1 Oil ST A IV I . 1 UBMU pri' 'VrrMtHbiMttir of i line for Rail- i.nd, between the City of Ra rlfch and iiultlkbnrouf. en the line f tlia Vil - Virgtoo and JUlei-.lt Rait Road by Ma- psag d"he " ! advaitc- : -f, wLTW pwVNN-C. f.- H SX'tX.: oixtN, j ( s , . edf .all, the ..bjecthms,, Tributaries 7 lA Pttniltni am! Directors nflhtlHt- 'greprepiiied to reciprocal and roll back . miiigtan J- UuLigh Rail flwi Voirfu- u,t i,fyinr influence d. ih mountain 'tj. " , Ittreama. In sight of. Cpitu'i Cav jc TLcy,r n ' jtawba and the Roanoke Will exchange thir - s. jib jlie view 'oabrancli from your Rail fruits. Swelled tj the harvest of the fer IN at tu ibe til ( lUtrifih; I1ae; 1a trneTfi'Ue, the AViliiiingtiVo and Raleigh rwitn'ianr with vmir ri-tjuest, made a re"- i Uil Huad will bear all in triumph to the . e .? . . ... . l. . i. nHH rulnHalicr i 'il him roi'uiaie ii.uimj. J.rg t d irw le routes winch I j found M be ipraiiiab!e, and the ques tion rniirelv oj.en a t. any detailing rfe . titiiiitu utility may be lutitid errarj, tben ni:c accurrle information is collect ed, a id h n the surveys and leel are jii progress I l-ave the honor to report, 'lltal the mint e'ijible" route will have fur its trice a line eniiiinctiring between the Ncase and Guldborou;;h, thence pawing through or near Vajrnebini to Smith . fvlJ. or to Laikin Sio t1 (a subsequent rraroinations andsurvers mav,detrrmine,) ' immiri liftle R n-rat a erjr rlig'ible aite Cor a budge near the muni road. ', To ulntlioiyer til these point the sur ' ' fty fttaj lie diti'Cted, he fa of the eun- , - - trj tv t taorab ai rouiu well ue uavirru wir rorvrwitt br tjejertarjf, rul the i. : - f w mH trecn that are croed may J be reaidi d a fa6rab1e inleriuplioni to vf.. the an. form fljinen of the cvuntrj, ajcrv jins rrierr ulc to jjf jytt itt : TVi 1. " AtSmi(l.dir;,ine lighl "bint prthe' Neue V conid,rablj above his;' ater. while 0i? South bank ii ove owrd in' ereat frekheta. to a iltstance of acveral hun- - ' tired junl.. .The banka at Lark in Smith's are (aid to be hgh on both tidea of the llif er. and a brii'ge a little longer than ( . : ihe OftliBarjr idth of the stream will pats KIT i lie waters of the flonds. , Fri'jji ither point fciosMng, the line, by a er gnlle grade, will rtarh the gen t eral level uf the nde which divides the , ,waicrf that, flow into Ihe Neuae oy riu trls, running to the North, frbm those . that empty m'o Moore's trrt k, a small Iributar which dlmharges itself inlo tt JJeaae. HtlU.helow:. Kmihfie ld jhenct "'"" almig this ndgi,; crossing Valnut crfek, - - near the stags road, t jiwithlield, about A miU ibtl I balf-irrt-4la- Guverno'r'a ' mansion) and through ill vallejr of Rockj wr- Run the line rrsches Rilelgh. h --Butlitttr excavirioit and embankment . will be encountered; an I but few devia i ' '' i '" from a Straight line will be necessary, d ' until the line reaches Button's at the cross W a . "a ' n a ' . joaus, acten mnes irom uairign. rrom srations will be indisirensable.'to obtain suitable grades and avoid abrupt curva tures. Walnut Creek will be crossed by a bridge of such height ai to give a gentle ascent and not a very - expensive route to Uali'igh. The precise point of termination 1 leave to future consideration. In concluding my observations opon the nature of the works' and inclinations, I jpay (ay, that in the whole course ol my experience 1 have never examined a coun try for a Rail Road so reunite from the Seaboard, (nor indeed any . where except Jbe 8rt 50 miles of the Wilmington & Usleigh Rail Koad) or the length this will . be, where the works to be executed are of an easier description, or the levels and ' t inclination! of a mora favorable- charac ". , Jcr. ...u . . 'lite tnaferil through which the excava . tioo wottld be mdJr ! fMHtcipally sand, with 1 subtratuni of clayi but in the neigh borhood of Raleigh, and about ten miles adjacent (hereto, the excavations would ftnsisi chiefly of clay, there being only; a 'little surface sand,' and the line will also pus hroug!i soma rock. Timber of a uita'le quality for the eonstiuciinn - of ;Ims portion of the road, and for that of . four or fie tqilrs in addition is scarce; on ihe remainder of the roytc, U is abund ant and 1 orivenii nt to the lire. The dis.'ance ill vary.Terj little from 0 miles and the cost of the Rail R..sil with width of track and superstructure of the same, and in all other respects simi lar to the Wilmington and Raleigh Rail R ad, msy be safely estimated at t snm liot exceeding sit hundred thousand dul y rf. Lira. .. From the: filndly disposition e- ti'ntfd W the la tidhfltthrrs alt ih4 . line, 1 nave ' - to tiRni i way, will W-ge neraUy relinquihedf-free--of fh rgej and with liberal harter and Aubscription on the part of the Slate of " une half or l!ree fifiha of the amount of Vlte stotk. there will bt bo difllculfy jn ob taining tlr retnain'Ivr. .-iJi.. " This work addressea itself to the pat- "" "j-onsge oTtlie Sfater "as lurmTns a part of . the Central Rail Road," jrecommendrd jity the Iuier-tki Improvement Convention of IS;S, in kikh' every interest and al- rrjj5t every distjict of the .State wjs 1 ep- rseuted. It oreopies $0 miles, of the , t ourse.of the central ra t. and U wo tcftrre more titan four or fie miles distant from ; - the'' sery ground. over whlc the Slate, ' ; influeocet by the" iews of the (Jonveution, jirecte d a survey to.be made. . t , This work, aWnrogh first in importance to the agricultural and commercial Infer- tat of -the State, has been hitherto neg lected and iodeetl lt aiglit u(. nwwg rhietly l the large expenditure involved in the prosecution of the whole arheme at una, s proposed by the Convention, f.-o- which no income 'fould be expected until the anion of all the parts was effect ed, an ! the emire work .completed." Re-e't'l-"' ,n j,tVaa re;omnnJIy O 'OventiW, it. presented an isolated liae. witlmut any 001 let, either north or ih. for the travel, thus jrieinr very just rr.u-ds to doubt in prolVtablenes. V b.lUved lott, that Ihf rat length of the f ttioii. between the primalite region and the seaboard, pasting over lijjhLsi.il, and furnishing utile for trsnsrwrtatinn, J. b,.., upon the retnaiiider of ibe 1 mad. and detract from in profits. The jwcean. wnoinjiuar in rcmu ma jhu- ducts of ihe Indira and of the sea. to up ply the accumulating wants of the dense population aon to spring up and crowd the prolific suurcea of litis great iinprme ment. The last objection to be met, is the psage of tlie mountain; in relation to which and in refnence to the improve ment proposed by the Convention, it has been said, Jhat "after the plan and man ner of crosfing the Blue Ridge is deiided on, Ihe rest i easy." Although these points could be readily determined, I wou)d propose to meet the difficulty, es pecially as it w ill detract nothinjr from the merits of the scheme, by terminating the work fur Ihe present in the thousand beds of Iron thaf lay-wattefedall along the rastrrn id one. of tlie mountains, and in all ; probability ere the werk reaches Mie Blue Ridge, Tennessee in seeking sn outlet for the travel by the llrwaste Rail Road, will have scaled the mountains. arising irom uiviiienus, i nave no uaia up on which to baseany thing like an esti rnate, but I suppose no doubt can be en tertained of its productiveness. The trav el will, doubtless, be great, and the addi tional i ducement for work, and the great demand for those minerals with which the mountains sre filled, g ven by facilities ol railway communication, will cause a great increase of population and tonage of all descriptions. And there sre said to exist valuable and extensive sesms of coal, the transportation af which, would form a considerable item of tonage. The con veyance of cattle and all kinds of agricul tural products, and the carriage of raw materials forjhe jnajno. factories, which wil spring up on the tine, groceries and vari ous other articles, will be great and bring .17-.: 1 . .1- 1. . .. I 1 in a considerable revenue. Admitting thereforer that we have met the objections urged against, arid establish ed the im portsnre of the schenfe recom mended by the Convention, the practica bility and utility, of the rail way under con sideration follows as an uxiuin. And on the other hand, all the arguments we. Wilmington, seem also to prove the prac licabilily of the whole line, and inspire confidence in its success. The Wilmington Si Raleigh Rail Road I have always considered as the: basis up on which the Internal Improvement scheme of the Raleigh Convention may be most conveniently carried out, and so expressed myself in my first report on this road, which js now completed and bids fair lo be as profitable stock as any in the country. : Kighiy-foer miles of this Rail Road will form the first link in the great State wotk, Csoolten referred to in this re- fiort.) the successful operation of which ays a sure foundation for the' construction of the (ink to Raleigh, and thus we will advance step by step to the final accom idUhment of the work; and this branch, besides leading the way to this acliiev ment. will ark) greatly to the profits of the Wilmington road, in which the State is so largely interest' d. Rut to remove all apprehensions as to the success of the next link beyond Ral righ, the work might pauselhere.and aj tcm of turnpikes, humble as they may be cum pared with Rait Rnads, might serve to shew the necessity and advantages of its further extension, 'and arrest the destruc tive progress of emigration, to alarming and threatening in its influence upon -the future prospects of the State. I am Gentlemen, very respectfully, Your obedient servant, WALTER GWYJtfN. CiW Enghutr. Wilmin;tnn,N. C, April I lth, 1810. . ' . NOTICE . : TaWun and wis)Mf(e.4lbliui't eouniT, nna negro man, ay in nam 01 J aeon, mio says he telonRi to tJiyhOra Warrtn. or Lnund. minty, Albama, Jarn ittbnai 35 yert of age. S leel 0 ee J Inchrt b'gh, verr Black. I It awner n rriartted 10 ions lori d pro property, pk charges, and take bint away, or he will be dealt wiih at the law dirrttt, in such Meet. . Feb. the Wndt Wl. - S. II SEDBKKRY, Jil-r. v ' 10 if :enix office. Elizabeth CITY FO BALK. Th whole or on half nl this lflia will be sold in a Gonn aia. To any nne wishing In puerliate, th most liberal credit will be in- Thi afoeanrftenit great inducement to a nn nl practical butine't habat. 'The only reaio'i which inducea the proprietor to dispose of all or half of hi iniere.4. is IM by lodn g will rrlioe him telf frnm the bv.lnest part nl the enneern and thus be em-bled lo devot lilt stteatioa wore ta the edito rial departmenj- JAMKS G- McPHEETERS. COH3USSI031 HEBCIIAITr . PtttnlurgiVa.' Cmttinnrs In liantact bntinett ea hi avnst liberal aed prompt leraia, at rl aid ttnd. fraiaejly acew. pie-l by llolrliy It JSaflMCter, HoliHigbrena M., her be wUI he ideated, at all times 10 tee his N. Carolina blew1 1, Mid s licit, a SOUImuapt at tlitir , Gen.t. F. Patterson, Prevalent of It. t G. ft. It Gea. Jit, Owea, PretMrat of U- at W. It. ft. .J ': J1 - ' " Alaa "' - i-i r -'. Brawn, Sa iafcCw. who wJIrecUv afl prwduc (K eected la thrta at Halrigh. and lorwara wnit despatch ay nan nai yj retsrsburg. job pmNTixn, v , v' TO TUB PySZJO rilEREAS, I beca rnrnd oa a vnl u f f m. m-, HMed ky rmnwh Kwliaratoa, . r. M Ik itM of KdisuBd Coi, lutl bsiaf it beod and Ktoriljf foe raj rxrtoaal iwnt m lb HCtt lern of lh coort of I'leai nd Qxarlee Seuion la k held for ih cauaiy of Jol.mioa. at lit Cort Houm in ttmiihficlH, Ou lh fuunb Matdi; ia No eaber (iaHantj Idea ad liter la take IL b'fit Bflbe Art for in relief of intolrenl dcblori, ahca id akrr. nek aa4 Tr an intarCHed, mj at Mail and object If lltej tkiak sropcr. HKNHY C. EVNIS. Sibitlifield, N'oTttnber T, ISW. j im LEASBUItO ACADEMY, The eierctMi ef (lata (xhool will lne, t aul, oa n IJlk Ucctnber, Ul b rcauoicd oil tk I5lh of Jaaaary aciC In aHdnina fa Ike ataul Hudfea af ihe Grammtr School iu the Kngliah and claaairal departanentt, op- gortaniliei of iiiatroclina in Algebra, Gromrli), lanrtinf, lthctw, Moral I'hilotnphjr and I lie French langaare, are aR'orded to aunli at ilrtir il licalinuliiia and oni)MilMa form imporUuil iiemi ia tlia ctrrcitei of lli Mhaol. A rrjular b midiiij bnuae oa an etmi pUo, under atrial rolea ol order, cnnluiutile ajjail- menU lor tiadenU, and remnt fi oiu the occasional buttle ol lbeillaj;ei hat been recently rpared ou S lot a joining lb nbaeriber, and ia aubjc( at lar a aeceaiarj to Ilia aupei viaion. Hoard ma alto b firoeiircd in teteial ietieeitble faniliet in lb til age, and in Ihe neiiilibnihood at a reduced prkc Lratburg it a Mall tillage ol only lea or twelx familict, acallered oter aftace of nearly hall a mile in extent, and. generally aflnrding the ailraaiage of retiremriit and iuirtude. It ia allotted on lh reg ular tltge rojtr leading from Henderson to Dantille, and compriari at many adtantaget in point of beallb, order and morality at any tillage wiib which lb tukteribet it acquainted. Concerning the tubacriber'l qnalifietlion, refer ence may be had to any of the travelling or nation eil miniiirri of North Carolina Cinfernee,.to the faeoltr, and m: ny ol Ihe giailualet and tludcnti of Randolph Macon, and Chapel Hill. Tta'ti Tuition, in advance. Forelemeniary Knglith branchet, 0 er tettion. " Ancieiit Languagra, Mathemaiict, ke. $15 do. Ooanl, including bedding, washing and luel, $40 per tettion, half in advance. October 30th, 1840. 45 Cw". The Stauitard, Newbera Spectator, and Dan tille Iteportir, will give four inieiiioht lolheabote, and forward their aecountt to the Kdiior ol th Siar tor collection. L. L. DENTAL SURERfllr. writTsroTT ret preifully informt the pnlilic, that he htt iclnrn ed to Rtleigh. tnd may be found at the Eagle lloiel Nntembrr SI, IS 10. is KIILLIi:itVNAITUAOIAUI!0 Maa. MAItTHA ANN KAMSAY reapectliilly informt Ui Ladies of Raleigh, and the public ffrneialy, that the hat commenced the above bu a i nets in Ul store formerly occupied by llazelett Kyle, dec. 8hs has received froifl" the North, a handsome atiortment of the latest style of Leg-, horn, Straw and Silk BONNETS; Splendid Silk and Ribbons; beautiful Merino Cloths fur Cloakt) Gloveai Handkerchiefs, &c. AUoa lull trpply of materials for making and trimming Donneti and Drestes. Mrt. R. hat made arrangements to receive quarterly from the North tlie latest fathiuna of Dreate. Bonnets, ke. f rom her long experience in the abore business, the feels confident of givina; genrral tatiafaction; the retpectfully solicits a thare of public patron age. Her prices will be auitable to the times. Raleigh, Oct. 30, 1S40- 45 iBIE LANDS.' I thall offer lor tale at the Court Mouse ia this The improvements are a comfortable frame haute. good and eomlbrtabl houses, for negroes, togelbcr with Corn Oib.&o. There I alio a valuable apple it peach Orchard ol choice fruits. f think I hazard little, when I say, this ia th most valuable tract of land I know in thit county, agreeable lo Ibe number of acres. A lurlher de scription of it it deemed unnecessary, aa it is f re sumed, none ho is not acquainted with the land wi.uld purchase without first viewing lb premises, which will be ihown by th overteer on th land, or by myaell. The terms will b made known oa the dy ef sale, which will be liberal. Will also be told, at Ihe tarn lime and place, a small tract ol land on Ihe Chapel Hill rnad, four mili-t Irom this eity, say thirty, aeresr This land would suit any person who is disposed lo supply him self with wood. :-r Also, the House and Lot 1 now lite in, there are flva aomfortable rooms, smoke-house. Ice. This lot contains one-third el aa aei. Terms made known on the day nl sal. THUS. CJOUHS. Raleigh, Nov. 0, 1(40. 45 tf State of North Carolina. If'ake Couniy. -" I kerelvy give notice that t iotcmt to apply fo th nest General Atsemkly to pass an act to etaaneipal my man Hob, commonly called and known by the name of Bob Nrwaom. W. HILL. Raleigh, 5'h November, I SW. 45 St Suite br Nortli Carolina iitrlit County. Court of Pleas snd Quarter Sessions Au gust Term, 1840. Bank of th State vs. -Original attachpent. Timothy T. Kittam. J It appealing to thitenurt, tbat th defendant! are inhabitants of another Stale; it il llirrefore ordered that publication be made ia the Raleigh Star, lor aix weeks, for the mid Timothy T. Kissam, i Co. le make their appearance at the next term ol our said court, or judgment pro eonfesso will be taken a- gainst mem. uy order 01 in court, J. S. TAYLUE, Clk. , : 45 6 LAND AND NEGROES.": 7 WILL be told to llio highett biJder, on a credit of twelve montl.t, on Thursday, th 19th November heti, lh I.iiid an J Krgroes belongjnjto tbs et tt wi rui. - The lrc of land contains about five bundled sere, of very superior quality, well Improved, lb plpnlalion ia sufficient lo work six or eight hands in advantage snd a large proportion being bottom or freh land. The situation i very desirable, being in the county of Granville, N. O. and near the Ra leigh and Gaston Rail Road, in an egreeablo and UealUiy neighborhood. Also, Il (he same lime and place (on the premises.) will be told &re aery a. luabl negroes, a young fellow of good character, a very sprightly yellow girl, about fifteen jean old, well ralcultted tor a bouse servant, and a woman about iorty-flve year old. A U the indulgence ahall be given te the purchaser compilable with a dis charge of my dulV. 7 " ' BAML. DUTY, Exr. October S8, 1840 43 -3w State of North Carolina, County of Frenllm. Court ol Pleas and Quarter Sessions Sep tember Term, 1840. 8muel W. Tumlain ;f ' " ' - - - vs.- " t Original ittachmeat levied John Foster ' J on lend. It appearing tn the aatiafaction of the Court, thit the del'endent in this eaae is tint inhabitant ef thin Statei it therefore onlered by the Court tltaS publication be made tn Uie Raleigh Star for sis; weeks, Uial nnleta he make hit ippearance at Ihe next teem uf the Cattnie Court ef Pitas and Q-iartrr 8eion, t be held fue the .County of -ranklin,! the Covrt House in pHiiaburg.oa the ecund Monday in tlecembernest, then and there a replevy and plead lo issue, tbat judgment etnal will be ei.lered up Against him, aed the land lev ied condemned mhject lo plaintiff' recovery. r Ae ; ' . 8. PATTERSON, C C c's " ' ' . .. : 6. "' " - "' ftri adv. fJ,60. . eity, on 8alurdty (he I4ih Notrmbet. at Auction, 1 ft" ' T 11, .rVdnu ta'.ataata l,awka. -. A XX. I a S : 1. I I '" wa turn ntBT, vtawuvc nnu a BSinUl VITCll NEtTFAa St TXTI PODS, OZaXVCB 4c SMITH, f sarats-r Tailos. FoyttteriUt Slrtti, RaUgk We havjt juat reee'iTed. and have now opened our usual supply af floods vliich tmbracra er. ery tliingj new desirable or fathiombK These Coadthave been aeleded by Ala. (Jurat in per. i ton, and can be pontidently -ccommended to our j friend ami customer?. Mi-tuber of tlie l-egis!- ' ture, and Slrengrit eisiting the Ci'y. during the Sestion, would rind it grraily. lo their aU''tge to give 11 a caH, a we are dbteimineil lo tell bar. gaiit. Our tlock compr xet every thing that ia usually kept on hand in siioh f.ttaif.lixhmeiTls, of which the fallowing it a pari CI.O I IIS. Sup. Wool Dyed lllack ijp tin lilue, . ' . Invisible Green, Rifle du Mpani.h Fly do London 11 row i, Olive, and Dahlia. CASSlMERKS. Wool Dyed lllack, Diamoml Heaver, do do do , Blue and Plain, suitable fur Pelto and Over coats, burtuutt or 1'rocLs. Sup. Wool Dyed lllack, do do Buckskin, -Mixed Doe Skin, Steel Mixed, ' Suffolk do Log Cabin l'rinc Albert, Queen Victoria, Drab Mixed, " Brown, Washington mixed, Buff and Plain Drab. VESTINUS. Pup. Plain Black Velvet, do Miletkin do Blue and Brown I'luah, Jlrocade, :'N:-caRer wHiiir :- K- Dark Brown do T.reen do Figurd and Plain Salins, Black and Brown; Together with an assortment of ready made Clothing and - Fancy Articles, Suspenders, Stocks, (Light and Black,) French Kid Gloves, Pocket Itandk'fa. Black bilk and Figured Cra vats, Scarfs Shirt Collars and Bosoms, and ifiany other thinct too tedious 10 enumerate. We have in our employ the beat of Northern workmen, and will warraut every thing we manu facture not to be turpt-sed in the United Slates, eit'jer in style, fit or quality. We tender our thank to a gtnerout public for lh vtry liberal patronage we bat heretofore receded, and hope by attention to merit a continuance. OLIVE It Sc. SMITH. P. 8. We htve jutt received a Plata of Ftbbiont fronrthe Prtteof London: A(6, the latrat N. Yoik and Philadelphia Fathiona. O. 8. Oct .21, T840. 43 tf FOB SALE, That pleasant situation, 4 miles frnm Raleigh, on the Chanel Hill road well kaown at the Streeter place. It contains about 140 tcret, 95 or 40 ol which sre cleared and in cultivation, the balance ia woolly. T here , is. a amal I . wtik4 of jtctk wii,,wiicn uay umaapcsi uveninei anil ine peo ple get lo work agair.) pay what il asked for' the place. It it deemed useless lo mention all the ad vantages ol the situation, the fine range for cattle, tc. as whoever wishes lo purchase will look at Ihe premeaia. J.T.C. WIATT. th June, ISW. to if. , egistertf. VOTICE TO ltlERIBEIIS OF THE i approaching General Assembly. The Subscriber wnuld reipeclfull inlnrm Memb' rs eleel 1,0 the Legislature, that he ia prepared lo ac commodate comfortably with board and lodging, from SO to 40 ol their body. Having rented teu rooms in the capacious brick building nf Sir. B. B. Ssith, ('where the test Session nl lh Legislature was held,' it will be in his power to lurnith elegible rooms to those who apply early. Address D MURRAY". City Hotel, Jlaleigh. Sept. 85, 1840. 39-lf Slate of North Carolina. v.,;sO Asyn.Lit-CQUNTyr,- n;v.v.:.,,r ; Superior Court of Law and Equity Spring Ter.n, A. D. 1840. Sarah Warj - vs. V Petition for Divorce tee. ' Henry F. Ware. 3 Thit cause coming on In be heard, and it appear ing to the tvl ill act ion of the Court, that proper ttepl had been taken to notify the defendant, Hen ry, of the petition of plaintiff Sarabt Suhpanai and aliai Subpmast i'tuing and returned "not touad.'' Proclamation wat made by Ihe Sheriff at the door of the Court House, lor the delendsnt, Henry, to appear snd answer at commanded by the Subpwna The defendant failing to appear, it is or dered that publication be given in the Raleigh Re gister and the Raleigh Slat lor three months, ef the samet nd that at the neit term of thit' Court, ap plication wiU be made that the petition ol plaintiff, Sarah, be heard ei parte. " Witness, Thomas H. Willie, Clerk of nur laid Court at oltee, in Oxford, this SOih r!y of .May, A. D. IS40. THUS. II. WILUK, C. S. C. - Way SO, i-,;-v.r:----.-i;-.- too.---V : A-v.17. . ""' ' -;; Carterot'Ppttty:'" Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, Sep tember Term,. 1840. William Jonei ) vs. . f-Original attachment levied Ice. Da. id W. Borden. 3 It appearing to the Conrt, that the defendant, Da vid W. BnrdeD, reside, wtihnut ill 1imi, nl this Stale, it is ordered that notice be given by public advertisement in the (Itleigh Survfor lis weeks, that Ihe said David W. Borden appear belore lh Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, to he held tor the Ceuntv of Carteret, at Ibe Court House in Beau- lort, oa the third Monday af December mat, and le replevy and plead lo issue, nr judgment final will i b entered up against him on thi attachment. ' Wknett. DstiiI Hmlry,Clcik of our laid Conrt at Beaufort, the third Moudav of September, A. D. i 1840. D. RUMLEY.C. C. ' Price adv. $S 02. 4fi Cw NORTH CAROLINA BOOK STORE Valuable works on Farming. Gardening, Botqny, Cattle, Orchard and Ihe drape Viua, ke. Ac. The complete Farmer, American Gardner, Flo rid Guide, The Green House. BrHigeman's Gar dener's AtattUnt. Loudon's Eneycloidia af Gar dening, Art of Winemiking, Memoirs ol lb Pen lylvania Agricultural Society, Treaties on Cattle, their breed, management, Ac. Farmer' Own Book, Mowbry ea Pouttry, History of Ibe tlaear, New A merican Orchanlist, Orofowniel Tree. Farmers' Regitter. eemplete aa far as published. Mason' Farrier impraved. London' Enrvrlocedi ol Aeri. cuhure; together with a aplendid collection ef Beeoke la every departmeol .' Literature, For ", Nl at reduced priree Ky -.,..v . V' 1 ; . . 'J t'RXEB & HUGHES. , , r . J ' ;. - , u , - ' N. B. Bok-Binding done wild hritnrri sn deejiitrh, stthe N.C L'o..k S?tpre, 1 tliall nraeeed In aett. acaeriling to law. at rhe Caart llnuta in I jwreeeetille, Mn);nineiy Cawatr MoNb). lite aateatb day ol December, laiu, il .bring lh Im Monday. ia said memth, ib lull-win. nw of Unil. or to much iherevf at will satisfy ibe lura, aotl aad (bargei ltreoa for the J ran I W a7 anlt prevwHitly BaiaV '. ' . fcraraia names. ,1 No of Acre. A lira ' Allen Elizabeth llipwa 4mes ltt;sworlli Johu lti-oa Lewis lliiilnu n William Itnlina Tyiil Huntivl '1 11 us llledu f;rorfe feIMr) lilrilsiie Thomas 'estate) Conk Wittiaia " t: .lev David ( l.i.in.lui V II (estate (Jaiull John jr Crowel lienrae jr Crnwel Daviil jr Callaway J lsac (htir- Caraplie'll Jolm Craoiod Kickard Dunn llartholoniew Dumas I htm A Dumat Amos Debubk Jotiah Do do K.u.ly Alfred Fowler Klilabelh Forrest Join Gillis Malcomb (ordon Sterling f Gilbert John jr Harris Arthur Harris llowel fvUrJ Molt John llinson James Hins.m (inodtt in hone) cut Grt II Hone) cut It (i lloneteut Lewis Hartsel Jscob Hudson Itnbt Heiby Stephen IlillJ.lin It Juunlan Walter A J arret WilLitra , . . tfiaei Ertiabetfi"" -'A ' Kirker Adam " King Cummings Kerr David Little George Light John Light Motet Lipe tleniy Loader William Lilly F.Jmund W Monroe Malaomb Monroe Duncan Moore John Maik John MeKae John Mill. John Mcltae Duncan Manuel Hritlain Mann Sarol. Jr. Mann Jnsrnh Mitchell Maihias Morris Elias McQueen John -Morgan K F Morris Rubin Alarberry John Oliver Win B I'ullam Silas Pitman Atee Page Frederik Paiker (towel V Kendleroan J M Kobinann Chat M , Rowland Mary It ice Thomas SO rsi ItVI 150 IH) l'S so .V.J wi 50" INI T2 IM 117 lll -il .11) SS 100 so 50 llaj .TJ SHU LV ISO 300 850 lOO 1 00 too 175 200 131 855 'ill son 100 900 S5-5, . J5( son 150 ins 67 J lot) 100 350 1(100 313 370 370 50 35 417 119 54 146 Id ; 54 100 100 S'S lOJ 100 . yoo 2i6 7S SIO. iKX) 175 511 'JOI 50t 2VJ Htone Sand 8 rWjW WbbMixJt i , ' f- a Mty- Shinn Jamet Mkto 341 92 100 75 50 65 ISO 100 44 Si 270 195 tfOO 3A.1 50 100 185 33J 125 Sell Johif Sirls William Saunders Jimes Thompson John Thompson Washington Teeter Ceo H Tucker Joseph Talbot Leonard Vickert Judy White Thomas Wade William Ward Henry II Williami Thosjr Wooly Wm T Whitley John Williams Thos Whitley Uwit Tieiri; Wright Kliss Wright Joshua D Montgomery Counly, N. C. 2Cth October, 1840. I -Price fi. C. ALMANAC 1811. Turner k Hughes' North Carolina Almanack,' for IS-sl, lui-Uay publMhwt anrl toe .tate at ther - -North Citolina Book Store. Oct Hi.h. Harpers Family Library No. 100. Two Ycart betoie ihe Matt. A Personal Narrative ol Lite at tea. Filk'l Travel. & 1 his day received by TURNER tt HUGHES. iwiis.1sT"iJATrir""-"'"' It prepared to accommodate, with Board, from ta ia aw .vicmtMrt 01 the approaching legitlaiurc. la addition in the roumt in her huusr, the haaaia of eight rooms newly built, near her bouse, sn FavMievlllc street. Raleigh, Oct. SS 43-St - The Aincricuu Afiuinac, and lie- pruilor; ol nselul Knowleilge, lor 1841, This day received at the North Carolina Book Store. October SS 43 The Cnltlvator'a) Alniuac and Ca binet, of Agricultural Knowledge, ' f r 11(41, This day rectst).. by .U.XgUt Jk UWMT&rr- ... Oetuver.38 -TZ-'jZ, - notice : IS hereby given, that application will be made to lli net! Set.ion uf the (ieneral Attembly, to be held ia Raleigh, na lbe' third Monday ot' Novem ber nest, lor the passage of a private law, relative to ihe regulation of th fidieriet oa the Ca.hi Riven so as to ameod Ihe law, new ia fin ce, prohibiting the hauling ol seines on laid liver, between Satur day, 12 O'clock, and Monday, lit o'clockt and autho. rising the hauling ol seines at all timet, without hin drance, tjkcept tlurnig ike night timet (is. betweea unset and sunrise- WM BRYANT, " ... IIKN'UV U WILLIAMS, ALFRFD W. M JOKE. Hertford Connty, October 28 :. 4J-tf ONE CENT.UEWAIID, RAXAWAV from the Subset (tier, nu the 3rd in stant, an apprentice bey, about 18 ytarsuld, thick let, but not very high ol hit age full lee, large light blue eyes, aud black hair, had in, when he trctt away, aat and brectheiof Kentucky blue, and light Marseille, vest, and stilch down shoes bnttoms overed with tack. Alt persons Ire hereby forbid harboring laid apprrniiret and it any iwrson will de liver- ad apprentice lo me In Oifurd, (iranville Co., n. m., lie sniii recci.e the (.boss reward, tut chargra The name f the alif boy it V I LLI A HENUIUSON BKINKLEV. ' : J. ORSCORX. Otfotd, October 88, 180 31 pd. . 4J, NOTICE. : ha MemUers eleel fur the eotuing lgiatalore, are reieiiully informed that we shall 1 prepared to accommodate 40 or 50 enllemea with lfrd Snd lodging. Being grateful lof past favor, Wi promiaa that nothing shall be wanted on our part lo render comfort lo I hose who cbooaa le favor u ilb their custom ' . AXN Pt'l.tlAM & SISTER nclohne2t, 1810 . - -4J 3w rrtlliiM tf I JMtrft. t.our F uk Itiaurb U nite Creek ir' Pnlt-e Kivee J ' 'ir4ory Branch Kbit Itnvk Hianrh . I.illle Hear Cie k ' . ;lover Faek - I Mountain Cirek . "J RWges Crrrk Du dn Ti Dai k Crk II ig Long Cloek . , B.g C'.rk ' ' Hamsrv a Branch ' ' Lirk Crei k I Du : Mountain Creek I i.itll iver S)M;ycei . Ciri k .. . ... iKsnn Creek Clark! Creek Da tin I Mile Creek ? Nancy 1'brocraorton IraM j I Si ill Wait r - j llameri Creek j Dnuhle lliaiuhel t Clark sCretS I Oder Branch I.kk Itrancb ' Dry Creek j Ijtll II iter 1 Big Long Crrrk Head, Jacobs. Creek Uule Creek 1 Hock Hole Creek , . Lland Ct etk Do do Cucumber ' j Barnes Creek On the Ridge ' l-niis- Creek ! Short Fork of It Creek 1 Cla-rEsfe'et:, Bear Creek Little Uiver Camp Branch Do do Gilberta Cretk Rocky, Rivee Bear Creek Do do ! Mountain creek Drowning creek Do do Clark! ereek Town creek Clark creek . Richland creek Town lots in Lawrcnecvill Bear ereek Long ereek Little long creek Bear ereek Short Inrk nf R Creek .. Mountain Creek - . ' L'bari rivee Uocky ereek Mountain creek . Pedee river Dry reek ' - Dysoa wreck r . Stony run .. ling creek Uocky river Pedee rivr Bear ereek Clover Fork Mountain cretk Kocky river Hear creek Grassy ford While oak branch Clai kt ereek Do . do Rocky river ' Carl tail Lick Branch Thickrty ereek Hamen ereek Clarkt creek llameri aretk Do do Little long cretk Claiki ereek Still water .... Little river Do da 41 It 7 ; EBEN IlEARNE.SI.naT. le. adv. f SJ. OBANDLODUE OFN. CABOLl.ti. 1 j I i j , THE Officers snJ Members of lb "tni ordinate Lodges in thi Slate, are hereby hi(e that the next Annual Communication ef lbs Gnat Ledgn of North Carolina, will be held at Ms" Hall, in the city of Kileigh, on Mondiy afitae December 7th, l 8 o'clock. , i r Delegate from the Lodges ate renpeclMlj qoetted lo be -punctual in ibeir atletuliinet St sitting of the Grand Lodge, sod visiting bretn are mpactfuUy invited to attend daring saii Cav muniraiion. By order. Ualriih. Nor. 2. 1840. 44- Register Snd Standard 4 weeks. J Family Grocery and ProTlsl Store. .. ' ' ' The Subscriber, hare juat deceived Charleaton antt New York, their Fall nd 1"fh? supply of W1NE8, LIQUORS. c b will he found erj.isl lo any in the Biatu ' Kt uf article, see handbill; JtiK Deoe Tumbler, loaned to, Members ol the durinr the Hexsion. " ' LAWRENCE & CHRISTOPHlt Raleigh. Nov. 3d. 1840. r , , ' BOARD FOIt MEWBEBS-rr The Subscriber is prepared te CC0"1", 6 or 8 Members or the Legislature with It- A.' J. LAWREf tfc Raleigh. Nov. 3d, 1840. JJ!L When our Country wu in danger, be (outf in vain! . . , , Chme, aroutt brother Tip let us try Appropriate nppeeanoe Medals, (wl.'b:jJ, any occaainn or plaee,) with liken of " . William H.'IIarrion, Log Cabin, sad. Pf.. Hill Monument, &c. Ae.' Fir "le by ' ' - TURNER k llUGUl an W . " ':: A TUTOR. a . m . . !.!!!. ar a centlematl ol rea raapeciamu..-. , bad long aiperience (n teachiiiK th U "1 Modem language. Matfaematiea. ,ev v siioa a utor ia a family, tor like charged a school. Addrea X. X. North Carolina. ' " ..lif' ' Oct 38. 180. tt.f- i ' rtlrmoirs trttrrs f f,"0?0' nalibran.'tiy th Ceanteee le NetUi. -, Just lrt.b.Hdied d Int sale be .-.'

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