nre as it4.r; which was Edopted. , eral Contention in the Commons Halt, Mr. MoreUeed. fiem ll Judiciary Cot- , Mr. Speaker Joiner of the Senate in the mittae. fo whom wu referred the tnetnori. ' Chair, ami the Clerk of the two Houses, i r Th. 11. Boont. 'reported bill ta in presence ol the Teller, viz: H. O. retire till l,aud grant jertedictipn overJSp,uj of the Senate and Messrs. Men a tract if land on Boyd's Wand to he t- deohall ami Reid of the Commons, pro uitrd Stalest wl.kbmssed its first reeding- ceeded to examine the several rctarua of Hie bill to in;.irp.irai tue concord ManuUcturinz Company; was read the third time, paased, and ordered to be eii- gre.L: Hit eniroed resolution, ' amhoriioz the removal of the map of the Cherukeo nlfiura Macon county, wm read the third time, passed, and o dered to be en rol led. .. . , , Mr. Mnrehcad. from the committee on the Judiciary, ta wlim U referre.l the resolution respecting the sale of 'and held bv tenant in comiu.m, reported a b it to provide fir the ti-tribution uf the proceed uf land l l for pavilion in certain t ae, u.kii'li mp retail lhr first tituo ami n-iil Mr. preee-ited the manorial f J (lie ria'cii'i an. i uaaion ian ii mii u nn p.n, akitig audi relief a tuny be deemed .uflli.-nt and consistent with ill inteieat f Hie Stat-. Referred. Tut; bill to purchase a library.' wa read ill third tim. and. on mourn of Mr. Al bright, amended, paed, and ordered to be enrol ed. ' Mr. Shepard presented a rnntitiunica- lion from the Hon. Will a n Unit ' in' that a c-nleiiiin pr .poses to repii. the ataiae f Vv'aiiiiigton, o receive pay whvn die work i loiif. anil will nuke no charge --utile he .mi treed to it accomplisnitii'nt.' Sent to the ither House with a proposition to refer. luieesage. s'ating that Mean. Msn.len hall an t Kciil f -nn their .bianrh of the cuiaaiitlee to auperintend tl. nuking tfat uf vote gVreo forU rrerrrrrrf and that 4 tlie Commona are now ready to receive the Senate Into llieir Mall t ir Ihat purpne; which wa4 read and adopted. 'I he Sen ile thea repaired to the Honne if Cum mnni.r Mr. Spruilt, the teller in behalf uf tnCvo llnua' R, reported; when Colunei Jnyner, the Speaker of the Senate, made the following annitunceniriit: Gentlemen of the Smate jjj of the House j oj ivmmons: i ue reiurii ui toie iven at the late election fur Govern i.r ot thi Slate, lur been opened and publiheil ac- , cording to law, ia the n'ecnee of a ma. i jiirity id'- thtf memWr f nnh' Hoosea nf the General Aaa-mbly. The teller ap pointed by the tun lluuiea to examine the returna and to make a list id the vote, have reported that forty-four thnuaan 1 four hundred and eiliiy l .ur vote were given fur John M. Morehead, of the County uf Guilford, hcing the hilicir number given fur any perun and tint thirty-five thnu tand nine hundred am) three votra were WcYtor tt. Saunderao-n, Hit ohjec lion having been ina.le to the tatu report, I It. tare that John M. Morehead ia dulv e lerted Governor of the State l Noith Car alina for two year from (he firaf of Janua ry next. A. JOYNKR. Speaker of the Senate. Dec. 4, 1810. The member of the Senate thereupon returned to their chamber, and after trans acting some oiinor business, adjourned. HOUSE OF COMMONS. On motion of Mr. J. O'K. Williams, the Committee on Education and the Lit erary Fund wa inatrucied to enquire in to the expediency of amrnding Ihe Cum mon School law, passed at the las Session: !o ihe!ex.neditncy pi inakinj; a further ppropnation, and report by bill or other wie. Uecetved from His Excellency, the Got. trnur, a Message transmitting a report fmm George E. Badger on certain suit lately pen. ling in the Circuit atvl Supreme Court ot ihe United Statea in which the State of Nnrth Uandina is interested atd Mi'ssagc and Urp-.t t were sent to the Sen- 'e oulia propuMtion to reler them to a Joint iTt"! Cvmimliee of four on the part il iiiiji lloue. Uilno 1. 1' Mr. Whitehurst, s i much f lyXGoicrnor's Message aa iclats to a Kail Road from llalrili . ti Waynesbn- nitili. was refeireil to the GiMtiuiitlee on lnt-rnl lnipi n.eiiiunt. On motion tJ-Arr, I',a4dwe4l. - Ua flttJ, Thai the Committea Oa Pnlilit, Huil-iioK and r .boilJintt -thi- Capiinl be in-Muctjwt-io'' iarjN 'ihi;:Hw;"l;;t:; 'itiii" wicf'w oirvfiAirvif Um iitaimr fwntibiita - ehe i !if I eityti; j each article and iba coot ol the aamc. Mr. J li. Jonea pr'eiit-d u (ictiiiou from aundty citiz n of Curritutk county, praying th I a Uw be ias-d peimituiig lliein to fi.h an d hunt nil nuraliea nf a'ul County. Refired to the C uittee on Propositions and Grietanc provem On itioi inn id Mr. I'atteraots, tne Judi ''7 Coinmiitee was iutrudel loenquire Lt the expi-dit-nry of alteiii.gaftdamcud "e Law reiectinx C-ant. Mr. Boy tirn preen-ed a Memorial from Court Marital t.f ihe Militia U l cer of Km kingh a m which on m.iiiom.f Mr. IVg; relerred to the Committee on M itnart affair. '-, . . ." Mr. Iloke presented. Bill declaring ml exiilaioins the Law on th aulii-rt ot 'ill nd settlement which was read tlie nrt time paee I and referred to the Cum niHe on th Ju liciary. - 1 1 : The two H"Ut then prneeeded to vote t fi.liin.-l or Cavalry attached to the f"h Brigade. " W hrieopnti it appeared tht Horace L. 'Inherta havifz reei tvrd 'lit wolea being larje majority Wr duly Kl-etd " " ; v 'I'twt. Iloute then aembted 'n Geli 1 1 a, i 1 1 -. -.1 I ..... I I m ,..e K4t i. . .. Vr1 . "V ' V Siai.te of, Cca. red in. m.i I, y , p. ay inS uie ... ... r,,e bl ,ttlhM;lna 1he several County I j 'are, win li wa re.'l anil iciirrrtitu im . . - , , " j ,. , . , - . - 1 (owrt o ftmvnle for ttimoert-a'tHn to the . adv vainmuiee on i iiernai iiiinruveiiii-i.i. the JslienHa and to declare tl,e number of votes given in the am-tal Counties of the Sute lor Governor- . -The President uf the General Coniu linn announced the remit .leclating John M. Morehead duly elected Governor of the State. . Satuidau, Dee. ft. SEN U K. Mr Spruill pn-.ruie.l lite following res oluiiuii, wliicn wa r. a.l and adopted: Thai iucw4c lu sent i iw llaie e . pruuosli.g liu.1 a cuu,tite of one on the is o lite iiiritiwo.n tlr oa i of 'lie tmu- m ouuouoim be1iiK)i..wl t. wu I mJ as M.Muks. au. a...l nuoriM ui. ol bi. Im, a. Governor of o )eur. Iron) lie Aral J-i.a. ! aiiieital.i lis til hiui ali.i a i I nit I 0 a.-near .claretbu .an tin. .or' Ilia leuce Id a. iMSir iriarr tu. . n., p! una uuu rai au lau tlie on In ot u.tita j .Mi. iiaou jiie' .neii re iuea nig the (iuvi-riiur to lay before tit- Oa-orrat Aaat-in ily a aut. Mtelif'ol tne whole aoiouiu ul pi.ijin y received or ih Dili vel aiiy ul rtortn Ca.nltna, &c. and in- ' aiiuding toe Jmi Ury c .mioni.e to in quire into the exp,d.eney nf; Ine kei'oitd aection ul in avl the U niveraiAy Ine prnpetty wht. U may lieiealirr etlieal to the S.ale." Hral alit4 a.lo;,tel. Mr. Wilaoti pn urntnl a bill inn. cming lUe Hank etaUtnheil, and thoie wtiii h Htay herrafier be enabhalieil in th.a S ate winclt paed ita first reading, an.! a re I htf bill to rnninel militia ilffi. er-lo hulil I their coiuiniasi,,,,, iY, tears, ami the bill ! directing ih cnnvey.n.e of the common j'"U tkjuttM4 Murphy tu the f man ut the Court, phased their thud read iiig.Miiu were ouleie.l to be . ngioaae.l. Toe propuaition of the Common, to ap a j .nit elr.t lommittec of fne on the part of eich house, to inquire into the lie i easily nf holding au extra ei..ii ol the l.egialiluif, to legislate mi the subject ol the apponioiinirnt of rep-eseiitation in the General Assembly under the amended Con st, tutiou, a read and agieed In. Mr. Mitchell presented a bill to amend anil act for the better regulation of the tOwn t.f Wilkeiburo. Paat fust reading ndVaferieifii-rr: -,-"7:r. r;:: Mr. Spruilt preaented a resolution di recting the Public Treasurer to lay before thi" Legiabture inrlain infoi ination con rei ning the ale, &c. of 'the Uetiaed Stat utes; which was adopted. Mr. Whitaker preaented a resolution in tru t ing t he . J udicia ry coin mi t t ee t o i n i quire into the expediency of o amending .1.- I I-.: .1 . r iiiq law relative iu ine anuoinimeui oi VV.H-- . Ir .. .. waa read -and adopted.'' Votesxin the Senate for Attorney Gener al .'. .- - - 1t 2nd MiQj'en 16 14 Danul SO SI Iirdrll 9 9 IIOUSK OF COMMONS. Mr. Sifer preaented a bill giving to the County Cnun of Cherokee jurisdiction o ver the Sute Road in said county. Mr. WinaUti, iroin the coouuittee on the Ju.liuary, leported a bill providing for restoring in the rights id citi.euship per son con kled of iiifamuttii rriitie. l liese bilU were reail the fiiat time and passed. On motion of Mr.. Fleming, tifhrd. That tl. emuniiUea oh fc.lueatio'" be. in Mooted to enquln.- into the ri;lii-m-)t of dividiuj- ll.e annual ii-tvMiio ol "he li'mry Fu.i.l, art n- the teeer a t i;ooiitieavtt this iuie ia pr.iiuiuoa to itiair fcdVr l (.iilal.on. On a'otion of Mr. Grate, the cominittte on the Judiciary wa instructed to enquire whether or, not the laws on Usury in this State need amendment. Mr. Young prrsented a petition front sundry citizens nf the counties uf Iredell, Me. klenburg ami Lincoln, together with a bill to carry thiir prayer into effect, en titled a bill to lay oft' and establish a coun ty by the name uf Graham. Said bill was r-al tlie Rest time and passed, and, on mo tion of Mr. Young, referred to the comniit re on Pruposiiion and Grievance. Tlie hill aut'.niia'ntg the Governvr tn ap point an agent in the ouniy of Macon or Cherokee was read lite second time, ar imihW imU--iitr ----.---.-. The bill to repeal the act concerningthe I'i oceaai'.t.i c of; the bill to lav off v and litejtdl . prevent Jllajp ,Cyng .l),C Mmmr inioiiie inrrsoi iinrokee rouniy, were eaiti read the second time and pass ed ; Received from the Senate the engrossed bill .i" puichu.e a Library, which was resd the fiiat '.IHie ali't paaard. AUo. a prpoaiiiin lo r. fer to a J in' Select Comiwittrrnf ihree. on the part tif each llousr, a Lrttr from the Htm. Wm. Warden ol the Poor, was read the second j tune and pi'.-.! . Ihe bill lo lay off and eaiablidi a Coun ty by the name of S aid V. was rea-t the third liii.e and pane.l. , Yea 64 Nay 46. Tne tdll to Uv tifl'anu eatabliah a cnun- iy oy tne t.ame -I l iceuoo. wa. i ."e iiuik and paaacil. eaa 53Nay 51 I h- bill to lay oft and rstaliltaii a ""., ' , P ,, , ... t by t he name of Caldwe 1, waa read the 3 : , . i . i v . i. second time and rejected. Yeal 42 Nava 67. ";" JMoaalayH peneee.Iiis crovird east. A SUB-TRKASUKBR HUN OFF. The Mobile Journal , says-Tha late Post- maatrr of New Orleans ha, aeeordinjr I die' report oflhe papers of that city started forTei- aa, boih a defaulter tn tJorerninrnt and an ; condinj debler individuals. " lie has earf led off enrsiderable pmperty wilh Uw. siiid Jits er.ditor.l..vaat,rUT pursuit, with hops of veruking him. Hip name U MeQuew. A li K I li III; 8'1 A II, A:X II Jr --- - - . J ' M Jjb:rtat it nalnlttnlum.'" THE STAR. KALElGltrDEC. 9:.lS4(l. K led or I Calli-gv nicl in Ike Srml Clitiitlx.r nn V nlnvtiliiv IkM. , Ciea J ! VV,IIbort, uf U'i;kr. i chotm Pi(ilmi( uf ih Oullrir.nol K H -S.eiMrjr. Mnwl t'tm. M l)wll ami I) K C'alitwrll Unm- aliMPot, ih. K-l- j Muud June, ol . hI llr S,mu.l It full. t n,rM.,1M. .,,,. , .unl.iv il,rk a' Tt.e Cllrgt ihrn (Icd uuaii.mi.utl) tnr Inn, liar. lison i ! Mr. I ) Irr lor I'ir.iil ul ami Vic 1'r.n- j ilent Hi-aril K lnoi iiMh llill.! H- ' i4'.!t'raai iiiia.itm .Uklr i lccuJ nicttri.cvr iaarr ik vote lo VVtl,'i.;t(,n Hugh U'aHrlL'U K.q iwcu UectvU Senttnr fram pnoie, in h il c of iitU- l..i'H .aliened l tHS niajo itT; aud laiurl (irahaiai ti In the House of i nnwwn in p ace of Hon.' Wm. A. (iraliam bT 382 mrjnri v. il" Mr. CamJuim ht been unanimuut'y l" aleeted to to Ihe L'. 3. Sena'19 for aix year from Hie Ilk of Miich nxt. LEGISLATURE OF VIRG1XI.Q. The General ,Aal'fy ot Virima aMeaibled ufranijia bv tlie rWlinil nf J;,lm V.'Nah. t Loeo Poeo.a Snraker of the S.nate. arid Val- LnUna V. Southall. Shaker of the i a HUUM Of Bc'tMWfC 47 The Hon. Joim C. Cauhoox paed through this City, on his way lo Wattliiugtun, on Monday last. " 37" CoNoarxs met nn Monday; but tha mail have jet brought us no account of their proceed ing. 77ic Beauties of Madtm Democracy. Tha last accounts from Milledgcrille left ilia Legial.ilure cf Georgia in n great ferment. The unavoidable abn-nca of threecr four Whig tSrnvj aloiH, tae tlte Locos a majority in th Senate and it appeurs that so soon as they discoveied tha power'which accident had thua thrown Into their hands, they forgot '-light, and pineeeded tn usa it to defeat the just w-is'lie and expptaiion of iba people, ia enittmpt to lay the resolution lor the election of U, 8. Senator on tlie table for the balance of ilia scsaion, und thereby to pre vent the election nf Senator at the present srs I - n -n wi- i talon. lint ilia. iilarMA -auwlioj ilrfio. masura,veryf rnperlj withdiew from the llyip, and left them without a quorum. - . - - Tallorc the in all. No mail from the North has been received in this City in three days. This mai be the result of accident but we have heard complaint of irregularity and failures from other points, which show clearly that there is gross neglect, or something worse, among the deputies of tha Post Offlce Dcpaitinen;. semewhere. They had better look iharp. The hour is at hand when they will be re quired to render an account of Uicir sic ward ship. Awfnl f-Uecis of intemperance. Mr. John Carroll, of Johnston county, waa found frozen to ifeath iti this City, on Saturday morning last. He i said to have been in a state of intoxication the night previous. y-- ty t sboa'd be gtad.lo tram lha cans af tha froToklag irveguUrily-w ith which the Iticbmond Wbig comes lo this offieei and we should be still tel ler pteased lo find Ibis causa of eomilai. t net only lo ooetvlve. but la all the sulieribtri of that paier in ihUnarter, rcmored. Nothing very important ha been dona by the Legislature since our lust. Several ineflectusl ta!lntings liavs been had or Attorney General, as follows: I at 9nd 3d 4th 5th Cth McQueen 63 68 C5 73 C 63 Tawei" zf-"-iitrm-iiifw Iredell S5 '-'9 30 .7 2 S6 Scattering . . 5 5 South CaroHna has voted .jJMryanJlorei fo7liie"aidaVt,an4 Taaeweh, of Yirgtola, for Vico President. Mr. Van Kur.-n, then, has received ihe vote of New Hampshire, Virgin, la, ll.inoia, Missouri, AiksiiSd7AUbama, and Smith Carolina 60 K lector al vme. General Harrison all the r-ai 13t; ninjottiy 74. rOSIMOS SCHOOL' BnU'e-ATidx--- Tbi ia a aubj el of dfrpand abmrt-ing iirlereal to tb people ol .orth I andin; and w esteem it a 'i.riuust nr. umnlsm thai at ihia psnkulsr unciuie lha vole of one of tha ablrst and waemaat ocate inih- Unhmrof - a- fa gtoriow ahruld have bren beard in our CaMiot. 1 Bit was rl:s4 lo th inexpressible j.iy sod dt li(ht of ma ny brsrta nn Ihe ev'nga nf 3vjtb ult. and ai inat when Prolnaaor J. Oavitta Tavtoa, af New York, for hour enchain' d lb atleniion of very large, and aa etiligblcoed asaambUge a were aver ,eo0frBa ilt,bUa.v. of bold tir among wham ' -lh. v,.,'.:;. r ihiiuia -, . tt , . f - -j.. n lha Igislatum. IIi Brat b-eittr an Monday ,,.,,. t i L i) b i was drolJ principally tn ih Importanee . t i- V i. , Sl. . j ol eouea ion, a inecuici ou.wa.a w. i.ui'j law. uoiably and raligian. The aaroml want .k. .1.11. r tla aut,tct. and Draariilad nock , " 7 . i. ,JLJ.i iu. inaewaiiMg r RmiiwJ amljodidoua obaarvatioita, iutrsprsed wb cbtqocal and saabaih-ring appeal. -. ""r it, flrst to.4 view aftha meaaare wbleb had . fa ,iVtet Sutra of tha ConM. . ,... u u . riA a ey. Wh.. he mi bad svot bda een.mon cba.d fund bar cliwl wr wpfaeia n,m u iin-A no 1. 1 n " own tae. moalljr opon real tatate. p(u fit met annually in their raxpretive t jwna, sad vo. . . mne u,M4lJ h taiaed .fVihe paMM, I V Of rejanlrd a a delectus syttem. looerli eut appropriated $1 IS lo every cluU in tba sUM annuilly. 1 bs aetiooU were aupiMiried a long lbs money UaiSd; wl.uh wa but a sboH lima. 1 ba paopW felt but till! iuu-rast Je lbs princip a that wbt w neiiber pay for nor .k r.r, aa tUt but bill afcout. Tk roiiartjuxnca waa dial lb pu'ilie acboob ll.era bad Jegeiwratad: and o-mutd a hareh, irib iniuiurr verattiadc Indepemlent oftba paopla luf hl tiry. Tlie rt P' hf tboaglil. oujhi U b mid inurat4 by di rect cniiUibulion. I h.y ought la pay a la I of two dollnra for eery aa furn s'ird fro n ihe timd Ijurt In f.ii !abjMt. If lb b.ioka!!cr hrr, Mr llutihea, wereto gin ynu a -bunk; vou a.'.ul l prol.a!.!y lay il J..wu v a pe'Uav'; but if you h! fiurvhaa d iba b.i..k at a e -a' of S you would d uhiaa r. a.l n rno;i4ti at lal lo ant Ibe orttiuf y.oir moiiry. M.i w.tut.l llir pcojilr, il lliry c" j .led ot in, ir mSuucetu Ihilr aujipai'., frl a .(o.-ient merert m. lo gri i! beurfit pf h..l. Thrach.Mli in Maaachuttt. f-ril,u wrrn in a mnrh b tr eomtitlon than Ih.wa in Coiotect. rut. Vern.ini and Xear Hamubira ha.l ri.rj ebonl fond, put b re; .rded lb Xrv Vwk ay lam at tha liat. That rvij'iire.l ilia .eoat lu rrtrt by, a . and Ofiy ecii'a I iratery dollar paid nut of hr aelond ftnd, which aoiounu to about OjO.'JOJ. tWw t.tilion lo thin, alia b. a fund of f SI 7.000 et sjwrt for iba a.i port of 17 c..llrra and ara.leinh lha edoraii n f common actio") tenrbrra; StO.flOO of ' nhu:! an aiiiiuall,apr.i,riaied to Ihxl abjnri; and in lit. e n.itila iuaiiiuliooa ibare a a 700 fnft mfo. anou. a by prciuniii; i!ii'n.dca lur uw 14 einoliy. mcnl of laach ng. ' . ' O ur. anl Mrrhitan, ha nit,- fcaJ a,! .pud tb New Fork ajmrin. Iltin.iit bail tlinoal p no.lrrrtl jJia4atttiiB nf.,tliK p.Ja ilomatn, iihst Imd-laMe. (ranl -d ber for lb nrpnae ol etluati in, by art. tinj lha land, at SI -j per acre, he. Hot Micl -il-iri bid a.l.iplrd a wiaa law. tvh eb thai not una acta of hrrU il a'oKilJ ha aoU for leaalhau a mininiom of ffl per arret and the enn'qufiic l, lie will ba a arhihU fund of iS.iJOJ.O'jU Tenna) Ivania bad ad.ijiied a yom wliich hud nol been tairied out, btxaue lha -le are lint tn- lilfbleiifd no tha aul.j'd. In that Mtalc Ibar are ta u hundred thnu-aud cbiMrrw ditilul of edur. lion i and the people are loo Ignorant to ayiupithiae amb ibmn intheirwreielied Ci.iidi'iiiVn. TtV'an'ev idenee of thiv tt.a speakar "reTaird "an aheedoie which, ahook lb aide nf hi (udienee wiib tangli ler. lie aaj.1, lile ihera on a certain oeeaaion. I aa coner,lii with Ihe Cnvrfnor mi the eut.jrel. when there came in a sturdy old farmer, wha, al'ier lialaning for a aliil lo what waa sai l, aakeiT hiru If be really Krlirvrd education diJ any pooJ! Ha waa aurpriaad at th question, and repbsJ, carliinly it doe. l.4.ication ge bappines and lilrty and nd tn id him lb prid and ornament nf hi cnun try, ."AhiV replied lb jldmn,-ynii bsf not ivrd aa long aa I bsa. I hae found llirm goes In achooi and geia tarnin aavar gela eicti they ara laxy and wont woik. One of my neigh bora bail Ihrva son. He sent Iwo to college,, and one made a lawyer and the aider a doctor; and lha other alayed si home and learned tn work. Th Larver livra in w York, and hia falher baa la send bi.a i buttdred dollars a year lo support him; Ihe doctor a'.aj al hooia and ia buy, good for n.nh, ing. and cant work an boor in lb ilsv; while Ilia iiitc ha'inl got nn larniu' work bard, make money, and is lb jny of th old man's heart.? cannot attempt In reason with inch Ignnranc ia this, sal.l th Haker. Th horison nf . ignorance is so low ynu eanmH gal sn srgumenl inlo ir. You might ss well attempt tn show ' blind man lha bsauiie nf ibe rainbow, aa ta ennsioc sucb a taan of t b imptHMiee is? etfdeiiiawi jfeW-'Kf. What can ba done in. this country, demandnd Mr. T.. to arouaalhetgnnraiitl Thi important jiti-(-linn w uraed apon Ihe audience by a moat ' clo qutti and thrilling ppat All, b said, bad ah erved lb fatal bid tlVoeuo which stlanaively pre vailed over lha Und, in regard to tha educalien nf jouih,. Men. were alir lo every thing rj- l ot dead in lbia,lh moat iularcaiing an I impo.tai.l of II. This ba illoairaird very forcibly by drawing an imprrsaiv can raal, Wb.-n a common lalmrwr e.ins tn Mi. k empl .ynwnt, h is rigidly rbstechiaed tn his quslifirsiiona. '-fan yoo eail can yoa mtnl! can you plough! ran yon hoe! can ynu sow! ean ynu rcspt" Ue. Ac. And when be i act lo woik. be i eloaely billowed n.l watched from fuu.'W in furrow, and from field o fi.-hl; and if bi employ, er, from other anggamcnts, eao.iot gi.a hi perat n al suprrinteoJnr.!', ba m bi neighhnr in "krp n aya" urino Ui.t bat M ii when the arhwil master prenenls kiir.-ll f.. pHlfnnye't VliVaJ.hc. ohty'q'ieilton 1 ' w'Vi'i''fc' jyVu uV I" and whew the cb.ktrcn are aerl rflTi.! cboil, tl. perenl mnoid at aa linla emietra about lha .annr ii whii-b -lb MeM4nfeaff retard to ht Ofiial iiaijona, Ifa p f 'f Jjf H .ihjl., arIi(Ni1"hou-Hi', liriaf atatntiiea' bis rKiQivn, lver inquires into ihe aisle nf the at h..l! I hia abow lha im.siic nf wise and ln-jl-eent ngLlaiit etiscinirtis on iba aohji-rl. : Ha Si way ailu.iieil the Isw id In land, which fcq .jrea lha court, when a rh'l I is pot upon bia trial l.t in quira obHhsr ha Lad received an education, sf.d if not lo Cau the punihmehl In b indicted i on lb parent, foe his culpable iw-glrrt of lha inipmlinl duty of cultivating Ibv mind and heart of hi eb XI farenu an rertaintf morat f rrsnonoihl fiw Ib.W b-aa nf thetc children, which result fmm a want of thai iiMtroctina wbh-h they bav the abtHty In give Ibem 1 Hiippw. asked the Speaker, I bad lha pw er. and were la eninguiah all lb kncin liahtr of theoraart. would T hoi b rcanaibla for all the hipwrnk ranaed by au act se beailb-a sod wk-k edl . '. '- '- II bar warned parent, in langaag tha and imprasaita. nol lo withhold from lb It children Ihe light of instruction. Man. ha a bl. waa mad la b educated. Ond had enlraoed 'hat duly In tne parent; snd he eanicaily eiliorl.-t rrmatosow th-da of knowleitga in lha minds f their children plentifully, ,nd to culiivale ibem earrlully. H enunarw young met. le tk d.iu gently f knowledge; ir It beiier than and aokl ts not lo l eompared t" it. go. J Citoealitm. b sabl, ia a young ntan' brat eapilal. Wa otien are parr.i lab.aj a- mp lrearea In a' their rhiltlreii a f4iti nut ihia, wiihnoi a inea tim, H like pulling bladdei under Ihe arm Inborn a boy to swim; ten U. m if be doe sml mk e MO them, and go to tb bottom. . .. Ha neil adverted la lb ara-rltv and lrk nf I'ml- Meatinn nf teachers We never, raid ha, can h ia bailee adoration until we bae better Seaehera. Where aia ibev tn ohm frn' ? H waa a matim of Dr. Fraaklm. build pigeon boxea, and piea an will noma. Oiv voone men good wgee,aBd vne wiM gat t sac bees. Ifa nan ran awt mar far teach. Kaenn it look Uoecr Hhaarinan frum ll.a alirmn- I j. viiii laiin.iii iroia iu imtittw crMUtuirr a annu ! g ;i ; z liT r r. Wi ihaw liwean Wl.iad iba enuater, ha will tak ic Ynu? can ala edneaia usee tor leacbtrs. Xtrti wual mW warUuiga betwattia aa lb profreaion ol tha Uw Wl.t i X.tftU l.'aroiina dung? A wn nma fr.HH romirt.lieut.asMi prihlka oaer the ciou ley M pluo.lfrt tcaeb; ia anung. ba otfeva hia s.HVec; a.t,wilhjiHil .e S4 a Mo.le qaal.lio lion, la envtejad e-.d ; ut in elwrge ofaacl.t.4. Canto uul your A uast pledg.s In sneb hands! NSSI AoevA CarcMiv re -e aw -. . Ifa waa by M ,1,,, ,(wn, m jB. anttnW h 4Hufj Xv reena en wb- wih t i , without nviay andwilb'Hil p er; and Ihia alata oiulJ mo Jo batiar than la appn ri al portion of il luoda ft Ibe t'..!.!. a. i,m of lea -tier, iler irrnije aays, in to aM,ui nmaeje, that the olm-W in ein vmg oot bar I w ach'a.l system lha aant of ieact.era. H iw lie yon r gel tlian. Pn.ti.te h.r their a lucat on. ' Mr. I", pe look nn i iuiaitrating via.' nf iba "tit. tern of sellout fcaw-ii.iAriit which prraartcd bm), !. noi thaioantry. lie aaid if .hia audience would go with bun to soma af Ihe n ba wouM abuw them a prilwl biclur'a nf fri-ncb rsr-lulion or Nw Y-'.k mb, iu u tyranny arid erart y of ihe tasrlMW, on tha one hs.t. and iba rudaueaa and in. uHii..i.i iiioM u the ch -.if. .m ilia oihi-r V.itr, Hirai puittahineiii waai:ie ppolar remedy, h raue li wfia maen e.wior lo git a blow man a ream.n, stt I lUrra wa.e iinnv wbu could ,WU.r who CJuhl not gi.e a rva-ou. TUia m da.ol Crtci-iiiin. was snateimea neeesrv, but it was Urn freely used. It should uot l reaoria ed til. ekeepl vlieii ana-dulrly leca-a.r.v. N. r liuul.l a child aver be whipped in ih'oe .4 ihesii.Hil. II.Mice i-iuj aathmd in .w Yixk, an t a.nii after h eilar. !, Ih un.iri arent r un i and t .ppa.l .r.Vml ol iha smaller children e Ibe hd, wiib bet lerula, litteaua ihi y bhthed al him instead f tit .rha Aa. 11- then railed, up a Urge b .y.ainl or b rrd him la bold . a tck of w ol al ., leng'b aa a puiii.hmaul laugh nr. Aa amin-as'the sv.y lalsed the billet "in a hot gonial jxt. anion, be iIhw li forward lowanls lha eltild., and rued. "hJiobS", a waa Ihed eutinhi a eta csoir on me ina.irr men vim nun by Ihe throat, and a ilM. enu d; when Mr. f. parted llit-m. and iu. k lha boy-out, and- attempted to reon wilh hi in; but foui d him all paaaion, abk liiaens.ib't .i a.gnnienl or purauaaioii! and Ihe only a newer he could g-lould biuv KsaTw.Mmd.Ube.Unapbe 1- liall be Aesf in les than a wet k; we never bad one Uiiier than a week liefor he g H t lidinf, i ' Had Ihe puot-hnient Iveu alap'eo in (denature nf the nlTe. ce. all ibis cnnfnaiou slid disorder wmild h been prevented. H.. lelaie.l ati .lhet ni-d..te. 10 show the hsr.h'tihig nilt ience of sn iiijudi.-ioo u-a nf th Md A lilscktroilh had s srni wbn bad become ineorrig b! under i; ki d being, on-day. much puzxled 10 bar.len a (decs, of aleel, afier hammering- and healing, and bearing and hammering for a lolig lime, wilboulefletl, Ilia hopeful .m said to biia, father, I eau tell vh what ill bar.Uw il. "VI hat my aoul' Wby," b replied.'jua Asree M&jJh.J "'"" '. i-- 1 1 te -or Tuy l..r jhep J v a deaerip lion of ilia ptarrnfli'scliin, and Hiinied out 11 bo perfections al aonsblerabbt Vtifih wilh maatavly .kill sml !il ly. a rirtoreed, v n h cogvnl rvaanua, iba nrcaeaiiy t,f ri-lijinus, nna.-ctsrin.) edoca ifo.i ; end also reniarkeil with fore and beauty up on th ueeeaaiiy of inuaiess an aeeoinpanlrne..aiid srasiM'Sd hi uberiinn with aim very pleasant sllieaof wh.The power of mu.le. be sard, bad bean seen in the Ul I'msidantial rU'clbm. Wa can iog-ihliig into men, which weeant istklnto them. Mu.ic'earaes and1 refines lha frsbng of.tb hrart.... il it Ih gymnssue uf tha afleciuma. nnblefund for this grnil nt.ieeit Snd if nr.toerl sillied tt would accomplisb ufinilad lo lb people. Th rilale, ba lliAuabl. abattfj a nnea ersata an note nf C'o.nmaa 8chl Kdvicaiian. and appniiil a Hupetlntendent. Illia njfbwr should b al th bead nf iba Common School system la give light, and heal, anil animation every whre among Ibe iienpl. Marsacliu-eus ha one, New York haa.nne, Dili., ha one, and every rlialS in lb Union ought in bar one. Ha should travel mn month in th rear over th Slat, lecture. 'Act and It should ha bi duty lo May bera the remaining three months, to prepare a report for th I.egialalttr, he. I here should alsoba s enunly board in cash eoun y. 10 sit quarterly, lo by sff rbe diatriets, (line- In h onstreaKion 1 f hon es, provide and examine leaebcrs, tt 1 and receive' toe their se-viea f.1 a dart lor ymj can't set men properly ipiulifkil without pay, , He U'sciilet n eiceieiit""p an of ihe mMnae In lilch ho aould tliatrto- Ihe 81a He woi'il lay n(T the prtmlntis spetinns b tt districts nf iwn a II w square, wilh School in the ce-1.- nt earh loe beglnit- 10 be laogt.t by tcnulci and every f mrof 1 a Clslr cts .no d h a scboal b tlitir cai.irs of a H'g'tee ahae vctcr 1 1 be v.Uibt by a mule teacher in which th children nndeethe female leathers should he srnl wban sumcien tv ad- a. red In . luss pip out seat ion t teacher f iheae scnon's wntiM prormblr answeri in each at whleh be shoo d leach tw . days (n a weak. Hen ndt-d by insisting niton the Imnortanae nf s- rauning Ibe nub I and of i-roht. i.i smonv lavrents a venae of t' imiM-ri mv obligations a htcb rest Upon iiiem In adueatr their naaprhie:. Tne fir t trrne 10 he dmw ba said was t pr due toeb sn aniighiened puhlls srniinie U any msn who wou'd not eilueai hi children, would b looke-t apon as a man aba vis. Hen ben-roost abmt 1 nrla ms. . Alter he Imd taken Ids seal, a resolnttmi of t'.saks. foe t'-a ab a and Instructive I rehires with wbiuh h had favored his audi on. snmlfed hv l)r F Hill, was u dinuty adoptedi afier which fiov. lug present, wasealled oot amidw theeniiitiaste ap filauss 0 the assembly, and followed lrnfeaane Tar oe in a luebt elnquew) and ln-rrsting speech nf halt sn hone's lenftbi in which he n Mr sustained lbs views of Mr Ta hi rrlaton tn the Impmistic nf ap. pnbrtlivg ' Smeri..tendent' tn pecla slat "' eta "and set er infiarmarinn en !. su' j-ct of enntman scho da. and rat" pinviiling t-t tberdW-atinn of leaener , , mmixntj,' vtnrbUCi'w.swiWHiwsesveii'bs; st,byik. WI line M t.ean. " Rtv. Kdain Osee. Minister of C lv.rv Cliorcb Wa.teab.remKb. in Miss Meg eei Aia. 1 blest d-iii-liUrof John Uocksviib, M. U at this rite. . In I'hiUdc'irbU. ttnrt Hsnry A Wis, of V'cjnla. tJ Hi-rgeanl, tboigUer n Hon. Joint terreeanl. A I lb rewiiianco of ;ni, isathan U. II loom. in I.snoir county, nn Wedneadny eveninf, the ith ultimo, by tn Kaer f. "n7letarT, Mr. ! tVJnlm Topping, of Bath, to' Mia Mary E. I. Blount. : " 1 ;, WlfclU, , . . . .' .1 tn this Clr, on Monrlsy Jjat.aflet a linear. Ing illness, C, llxireLCook, one of our clitt lesldents. " In Newbem, nn Monday, Ihe 30ib nltimn. In thalXth vearmfherssre, Mra Kiihtb U. Dunn, telictnf the late William Inn. Fsq, In Craven e nnty. on Wednesday, the 25th I'llimn. Mr. Nsthad While. In Craven eminiy, en Thursday, the Clh ult. Mr.inhn II. Jones. -: - pBES$ Toil .T..- (TT B'in ib-aironsof embarking In soother boat, naa. f mow nfler the eabliehmenl of Iba Wllinrng Ion Ad erliaer fier sale. 5 I do not know f a mo' etigtHM altnst'im foe persona deair m nf eavba'kine iw lha printing buai. aaaa, than Wilminaieai, North Pa'wtin. ., ' Term accomodating. . Applicatioo must be pt p;d..:, ' r :, .:' i - j . , ,. . . . Our eiehane p"ra will oblige u by copying thi adveisiawtwenl enlH fatrbidilew. .V. 1 11 - - 1 - --i 1 - TO PnYSIClAMB. KY r,HVtMA,f w.ahinf in laata'e la seelion nf aewntee sm elery Irs neat wesbehte, tt pta-aaa aaily at lb fetar (XBsa, foe twruW tufocsaLna. Ova . 110. . c i.-..-...a 'n?totf rth CarwUBa, - '" CsneretCiMtnty, Court of Pleaa and yunrter Hessiong, Sep. teuibef Term, V'illiam Jonat ; v T - 'iui??"!1 iUr Co"rt ih " u. "' 'b. wi ii Imo soi is,. a " ' ." two Benwa s .lira .t iHiklia) lisaiacnt a, lb. Kakb oiar. uul .ka. Ul Ihe saitl llaval . oi.i, Wki.e iW- l out I flea. aU Qwea-r .V,W.",W tr rM ,Vr ll. tettot ul Ca,lei, ai lhc twit Hi.tttai. Us.. I.hI, km the Ihitst Mt-ailat ut llrr...l .... - j Merptrr and pletul lMsaat-r.inai Ul .dl be e.OtH ral p BMat b, Va Ikaa MiaabaieM. "". I-VM bH,b,.l,.a 1.1 vbr t rait w Heaufurt, tha Ihl.u Aiuu.U.v ot , ,iu,i., A U lt ica ad, ft (l u. auiiuv .r ir 4 tw , OXFOUU 1.MAI.S ACAIIliiui. lwtw -. tbisteiewol a a be irn,.-.. aa a I, , .b. .U, u, alTT. ST! adp,lM- ius.itit.,H. Na. WH,s b l-ely. ibe ,iu aa MHI, , v, . bo. - e,;it;,.7vJ': ' ttrrlis..-il (b,iiu.sia.i,i.ia'a...i - ... " ' vawi .r1l, W I . besa. Iba wwarr a wsaws.Uh,., u ..ota urt autuil a. ii'i.i.,t ...... . . ..... . . " " iwir,. r aia.H .Ml im.... L. .1.. 2T ,u,u Mym?rf B,nw fa a anoar g a, t. at I nn piut n, ,a u Alat.bra,,,, Naiuial, j,' fntvaMMt., ilita.a..i, uVitote, ii...a.ofc) ungy. Iate, Ko.t..iajuu llivorv ,i a. last in, l,rk and Kcnah, tab - . - ' 10 nil kUUutnu tha rtatMaVM ' ril.l rnibet.uHkr l 01 llrab.g a.l I', tavb lo ov N- . mo. j 4a. a C MUtdant, Itibliaal Kaoe.l ,M K. 1'nt.m liaaMe inaeri 4etas,ail j laaiibMrber, allKiwil. . , Ult Ale v Ui..:i..)ki ie.,i;uii) . mttba sii.Bsuaul Manriga .u l VKi.,y la-t bt will itra a "h hmd hn iba u )ug ..., tn I. .a tw hws tlsiaetnirl t4 Ciieltfi and ti'e. taa R lu.a. mti iM. lie atm,anaar l4t, m ibvbu.l.ling abb h vvwwwavsjw aewit7viii--jJr V. II is an einariefbi.d frne. at.l leilU.ial.l. aa In Ins tbatfetlur, uaidUattoua, wott su.v s, I. vol (vatieuMa ul litiHniiiiiu ia Yt. glnia, (bu aa. b.s H llugitss ( I ibe llu.4 bl.H'a ul l urtiri at tluan- t 10 attorn Si.ltwsiUrti t.a- tuliauaa b'u.J. ...I... sbsi-uae. Helec also to, HeVi Drui) Laoi,. Italeigb K. . II Oil Win. C HmS. AIUwale Uaaalc. Va IV.. lessor I. uiluo U. Irl.i.4, Haiidutpu Aiasun Cwl eg. A r-giina. -k (':.. , -. . Haieigh, Uaaanibarl, ISiO. 4l. 5tWsftsis,aatV i'll!aaE4lir-Wr, f-frewlrtewmm be relumed I imina nrsl Vlomiai ia annua, y nii,unir ibw : npertulvnnaiasa ' tt ' 't bos. It. f V title, iba ovai t tswipal,aaaiauMi by Mor Mav thooet If kUbai rlaon, . H. ben U'f.xa r'lnlane ulbuiguagef at Iba- W aka '.al losmule. 1 ba p. lees ul tu-liim Will be lof Kaghsb, lemw $T 10 in tltf JJ teee aau.m nt 8,a won h 1 lor Ihs testm, firvra a0 Kevnab l akU.rv. til n.t u .... . 1 .... e a . v- e a m-m .aata aa rrai VDla laniHMS IW tut Vlllags and viainM) , tiO per ktnwi. 1 be enae. taler and qoalins nioni ui nw i.,,-s, ihs tow prasw ol tuuwn and twrd, th bvadb) aiol .leant silua I ton ol Osloed, lUnt.isI bum iai.lli.ein cbwaetar ni Dm cntuHMiuiiy ia and ar.4ittd Osiocl. h I, lentlt betteaeil, wHI tn.iile Ibis tbMttulioB I a Ub. aial share id' public paironste. Tttusj 11 urruEJoiisr. !.... I M Wiaaiaa, naa'y. Kev. I7th, IMO. t9 Sw. V: Mirirs nciiooL uoous. Fnr aal ai lha Knrtb rarolina Book fclor. ItaJ." eigh. by Turner and Hughe. . Smith' Sclwvd Oeogisphy, on th Productive yeiem.Mew E.liib n revised and enlaiged. il ue- " trld . by, tbiriy sdiliilunal rw;v, pu r bp bt oU- vj form fsrg type, ccmpsiiied by an entire new At- " la, ciHiiaiuing eigbiern very atiperbtr Vajis, bcrl nf ilia Wiwld. Ac , k. By RiMwall C. dmllh. aw. ih w of lha Practical nd Mat. 1st Arithmetic Pro dueiira Orammar, Ve.,tVe. Tha population in - lb Boob and Alt will be -shared tn correspond with th of 140, aa -snon ii officially repotted, slid Will ba kept iu every r.peet fu ly np with lb lime Snub' New Arithmetic, lha Pntrlnetlve "ysiem. I Sims full' bound much larger than th Practical ami Ment', dwdgned for wrhnlara ad vsnred in Ih atudy, (aeeampsnied by a Key aod ' eobiesl bbtck il deslted. Smith' Hraciieal and Mnts Arithmeils, on a new plan in which Msolse Arihmelbj bi eottuined wilh th 11 of Ilia slsleennlsing a eon.pletc system lor all practical porposaa; being in dollar and cents, ".tarsotyp adiiion. revised and enlard 'with -reisM for iha slste. To which ii ad.b-d a Prac. -,. ict ytm- wf litMitr Kepimj. Ite -weU C. Smith. -' , : . - ..... . ... Key lo do with th esampl fotty wrought, llmihV-ew,t5rmme-war'th'- ( method nf instruction r eantly adopted in Gcr ' many atid Savlteafi'md,) deaUile'd lor licbuul aud " Academiea. -n- j '. ' - ,-. ' ', WE ANNEX TUB rOlAOWlNO AM SPECIXCNI OF " NCMBROUS RECOXaTENOATtONS. , I bsva used Smith's (snowier, alangraphy and Arithnuxic an lbs Productive byetam, in my Acad emy for ih last three years, which i aulhVisut proof bat I eoiiabier Ibem lu y w..rk e-i the ul.jacl of which II ey Ireat, Hluibttv la . Ciauv war, tt'lug Hrnilb's wink, make prouraas which ss loniahes Ihoap who have been aerualomed tn ibe old system tafeUa books. The ama Might be said of suiUtns in Ih other braiiebe. Of ibaaw I wak eiHtfidcnil) , my kuowb Jgs from at- -ptrumce. C. P.n. MlIiTIV, ' Rtttw f MimhI Zin Itttt tm.o. Prom lb Common School Aw.ataut, a.btctl J.,0rvl!-a . i.- ' ,.'-, Tytoe. . .-v t Naw Yo. rl.53, 1819. ATa'rV Ct'aphf. -an-savtf. I he b.iva standard and popu'ar wwk ba ttial apiwared froiri new plates, ibe obi .ue bavb.g been destroy d by . Bra " I'ha en'ira wa.k has been rav 'asal; and w wow pinnn .nee h ihe accurate work In m tr k. M p-r -eive aesw at new wtn! one -rf P I . el-si nna.tfLibjetiat nnenfUsvica, dto. The Map Chart of the VVneM ht p.e-enled im an enure near plan, and one wh;cb add treat value lo Ihe w.a-V, and "iu' ba nniv.-rsal. S'lmit.!. In a'l leapeeta iba arwk is equal lo an) renography w have, and in aavar Impwrtanl particular superior to lb alb-res- - '" ' '.-.-' f - De.. lata. x: -' riTTSBonoin ACACTV. ;, Yh sneatt seaains. nt this bi v). fl sooiinthe. 00 thai lib of Jsnwary. TuH as ln.e-l. J M.lAVKH)T. Register 4 snaaV. " -" if , - -t - j "'W 'Wiaw.a-It,.a L.,. . . M J- btnn Vaeaaoni. Vi.a Jaur, 4 N aba. I i, a tsaf & si:sWat I. a ib.ev.eb-.e. .wi.- a .tie A.. .., , t, m u,, . , V " "..!).- b.w. t. iw.V, ?. b r , --.leeabl., L "ll. ' raati I h liriea. at hiat. ! .. . . . '