. - ; j E - : - . a .... , J U ALKKill 8TA II, ANli"X(M!TII OA I.. far- i ifm 11EPORT. s . -, . .' r.xrcrTitrn Office, Novrmler, I840L To Ac Ihjorehle the Qentwal Assembly of forth Carolina. GrxTLKMtv : 'jiurrounded byliijrlier proand through which there i no rent or ' ' natural dischnrft forthe ffntel7"" -- . TTTha plan of drainage is, therefore, obrious,nijd consists in cnttinjr 'ihjroujrU the high ground or elevnted Hr.Un that surround the 'swamps nnd pen up lb lake waters: drains, of sufficient enpacily to ..Tie? PrMid J and Directors oi tho Ijtornry r nnd of IN. Carolina, Crawr off the surplus ruin water winch in this great basin, or lalwrn-Vs-vjfu'.'v rerort. that the a"cortipaiiyin2 account exhibits their lory of mature, has coniibnted, nnd. iudml, from its naencr, in a f vyipK iuvcstaicuts, nrties, ash on hand, and payments-4n state of siaritntion, in nourishing we may say generating those nqne wnrd. Usral operations of the Hoard: - ons plants and trees from tho decomposition of whicli the earthy ' The'npcorriniiijjuff '.report f Major Walter Gvrynn, will show matter of the swamps is entirely composed, may be said to he-the l'it prar inada in Draining t'vt Swamp lands, undthje' probable cause of their formations In nccordance therefore with this plan two vnfM" of the enterprise. - - . it- . - (canals, denominated main dlrcw, havx beeii Inid out. one lending . 'Pi Journal nnd llill Cook of tho Board, will exhibit 'more in from Pnnifo Lake to Pungo river, the other loading from Alligator 4 i-taii, 4heir procrcd ings. I;. 1 . 1 ; .:.;:.,". 1 i Lake to Jluf mnn'u Creek, a tributary to Pungo. River. J m former, ' A ib Period has nearly arrived, when the term of service of iho j which we will call Pungo Canal, is sij miles, seven hundred and Uclobrt 3 I I: pr.ent Kurd vul cxpiro your ntientiou is particularly inntea to mi inri.ifio-iof t!i man'aomant of the trusts conmittel to ltism. JlespSctfiiUy, To.V the honor, to I cy - vf K X,'. ' - Vour obedient servant, 1 " KDWARD B. DUDLEY, SjJil.: - - President Ex ojjicio Literary Fuud. . . . , -: ' Liftrery fun i, from If 37, la Xortti&tr, T840, tWiarf, with North i'.;'f- ; ...... " Carolina. , -.-. .. DR. To "anwunt then on hand, At)DKDnation to drain swamp?, Interest received at rarkm poriods, I) da. by Board of Interual Impt. Tavern tir, ." I.and entries, ' April ' 1 ' - i j 4 action tax, 11 tuk dividend Cape Fnr Najvigatipn Company, Ba0k5toclcr Roanoke Navigation Company, Apparent surp!ur- 527,155 56 ,090 03 56,312 89 32,(5 1 9 10 11,662 76 16,283 06 2,101 68 213,709 50 -S.600 00 3,130 (X) 2,625 00 3 21 568,205 10 CI1 By iafestmentin stockJBanfcCape Fuar lans per amtui ut. of notes on hand, Amount per work drainiuj swamp tandi, ' Knponws of 'Board four years, Expended orr Caunl, Mattainuskect, under Commissioners appointed by the General ' s Assembly, . - Invested in bonds, Raleigh auj Qiiston Rail Road Coup t:iy, oudorsei by the State, Da in bnndi of tha Wilmington' and - Kilei'li Rnil-Rj ij. Company, Interest in B ink Casli on hand, $32,200 00 J?3,943 75 ti2,8 9 21 3,790 C5 8,000 00 110,000 03 85,003 00 2.400 00 " 31 50 78,007 06 $569,2i)5 10 PCNDSWWIE BOARD, VIZ: StocVJ Bank pf Cape Fear, .Tut. -:.- v' .r. .1 'BIl. I ... I. .m $532,200 00 Swamp improvemenL . ' ' 62,829 24 Bonds In ltaleish and Gaston IL It Co. " 1 40,000 00 ; Uo.""Wilnninsitou dndllaleigli R. R. Co. Cash on hand, 4i Cape FMir Navisration Company, Roanoke do. - di S5,l)O0"0i) 78,007 06 37,530 00 53,003 00 $1,611,433 J05 Stock in tho Wilmington Raleigh RIB. Co, 6o0,000 00 $2,211,480 03 JiAleizh. N'ov. 1st, 1910, . E. B. DUDLEY, President ex officio. oji'tii PP.A11T1XTO P? THE ZyU.V& LA1TDC. " 70 tAe PrtnidtM and Dlrcclor$ of tht literary JhiJof Xorth Carolina: 1 GtNTLKMEN: I have the honor to report to you the result ol tho . operations since tho drainage of the swamp lands was comoaited to toy ciTarjje. ' j . . The feasibility of the undertakinj; has Iwen so fully and clearly ! "cstnblishnd, by tormer statements to the Board, (particularly by the ' report of Mr. iShaw,) as to-reudcr nny comment from me uiinccessa- y on the present occasioa. I shall therefore proceed to the subject immediately before moS?'"': : V I ' The only tract of land, owned by the State north of Pamlico j Sound, sufficiently elevated to afford a fall for its drainago, is sitim f --tdd or tlte liff-A r ,M'hi.cJjLjlividd llid waters that-flow into the Albemarle lrom -those that"ruirinto: Pttfniico,Soundi4vwir'bei , , tvpe2tt tlie- 02,les 'formed 1y tKe : ' meeting of the boundary lines oft . Washinon ltyaeml l ywltemtnties, near takeinjneOj wbicti tt ribrnces Uextends "v the iwuth oflalf of lake . Tu)lpvnd contains, exclusive ot the area ol the Iakcs, 64,500 a crcs. A refereoce to. tlie map herewith submitted,' will mve a more , perfcrt idea of its location, and exhibit, both in plan and profile, the - ;uaiu and lateral canals by which it is proposed to drain it. This jract is a portion of a swamp containing obout a hundred thousand Acres, an idea of the formation of which may bo had by conceiving itlo form, what in ieality it doee, a larjte basinrfillcd with deconv ' posed, putrescent vegetable nutter, saturated with water, confined and .prevented from runnijoff by an impervious subsoil & an embankment, .orclejr&fed stpta of clay and sund "extendipg nearly all around ft, I ,uot sufScicnly djry for tillage at tho extremities and higher, parts at any season o( tlie year. WLen oversaturated, as is the case in the winter and sprio? aud sometimes in the summer, the surplus water Sows into Alligator pud Pungo Lakes, and into lako Phelps from ; . the south towards Alligator the descent of the surface from' the i until is three feet aud & half from the verjre of the swamp or basin. The reJundant water, ller filling the Jakes to overflowing, is dis charged into Alligator, Pungoand Suppernongr Riysrs over the " surface aud by purcilation. In dry Weather, the loose, spungy soil of ths sgrroyudmg swamps draws the waters again from the lakes; and so great is this attraction upwards as well , as horriOQtal, thai tho very surface ot the swamps, is kept wet during the greatest drouth and hottest summer sun thus through the medium of this filaceous soil, the lakes aud swamps reciprocally supply each other with water as there may be a preponderance iq either; or, to render the. description still ruoro plain, this swamp (aud sa.ncarly aH of the swamps in the State) may come under tho denomination of Lnttd hcksd lii8 or Morasses, such as "are neither produced by water risiti in themselves, no? by that of sprinjrs in. the adjoining banks, but tKicomo wet bv an accumulation of rain water stagnating on an 1 lnipervu):ts subsoil tlirourh which it Cu have no denf, and beioj sevoty-four yards in length, with an average width, at bottom, of tft-enty-two icet, nn average depth ot six loct, nnd & fall n tlie tx tom of twel ve and a fourth feet. The latter, the Allitor Canal, is five miles, fourteen hundred hiid fifty six yards long, nn arernffe vidtb, at bottom, of thirty feet, nn average depth of seven feet, and n total fall of ten foet. These canals will reduce ih waters of each lake four feet, nnd nre of sufficient capacity nnd full to draw off nil the water that may fe thrown into them by the lateral canals traced oil the map as -necessary f r tho farther facility of draining; the im mediate effects of these canals will le to render n belt of land adja cent to them, ni well as the land around the lakes, susceptible of thorough draimigo nnd cultivation. At the time I took charge of the work, in April, 1339, the season for hiring bands by the year had passed, and the competition for labourer, fiy the month, from the Wilmington and Raleigh nud the Gaston nnd Rn'cigh Rail Roads tlicn in rapid progress, rendered it impossible to procure a sufiicient force to prosecute the work with tho energy that was desired. The Jwo main canals were, neverthe less, put under eptn'act nnd commenced; but owing" to these causes, not much progress was made during the pnst year. At Christmas, the season lor procuring laborers, the contractors were enabled to ob tain a large force, and tin work has ei'nce progressed steadily nnd rapidly, .n.Hvtcrwj4ed evca by sickness, ot any iindSi-ISeafly one, half of tlie' Alligator cnual has been completed. The tributaries bare been commenced, and on tho 20th of October tho water of Pungo lake was let into Pungo canal. All the effects which were anticipated of drainage on its'borders and reduction of the lake wa ter ha i'e l)ccnrmlised; enough lMal road y oeefr aecompttshed to trr spire confidence end to remove ull doubts nnd apprehensions ( if nny exist) as to the success of the work. There ar now ready for sale 8000 acres of land, bordering on Pungo lake, on the west nnd north west. This tract is covered with a heavy growth ot cypress and maple, and has been pronounced, by competent judges, unequalled by anylambi in tlie State; and such also is my opinion, after having contrasted it with tho rich lands of Pasquotank nnd Perqnimons, and with those of lake Phelps nnd Mattamuskeet. In addition to this, there are 7003 acres of Prnirie land (the growth formerly cy press now cane and bamboos bordering on the canal,. nnd oil the northeast side of the lake, that may also be offered: for ''.sale. Inrorjv Urination of -tlie productiveness ot these hinds, of which no one ac quainted with them entertains a doubt, I would obserre that similar lands in the neighborhood, but of inferior quality, subjected to the most ruinous system of cultivation for more than sixty years in suc cession, nre still productive, yielding when the seasons are favorable tathe1ra-pie'rfccrpta prevails everywhere) from six .to eight barrels of corn per ncre. I would respectfully recommend some immediate nction towards bringing these lands injo market; the first step, that of laying theml Durinac. the ensuing year,- Alligator Canal will be completed, and nl so some of Iho tributnry canals, nnd before the expiration of two years, we expect to complete the entire system of drainage in retprenc to this extensive tract of land. My estimate for the accomplishment ot tins omect will consume the wnoic amount (8200,000,) nppropria ted for this purpose, 'and unless some further appropriation is made, thsonly fund applicable to an extended system of drainage will be the prococds of the sales of the lands which, it for cash, would be ample (together with the amount of sales accruing from time tp time on account of other lands prepared for market) to drain all the swamp lands which the State owns. This will more readily appear from the following estimate, based upon prices considerably lower than those aluscd to tin. lands by somaot tne most competent and experienced judges who have examined them. Under this view, preferable to ex citing expectations that would not bo fully realized, I will nfstime the low price of $6 per acre, nnd the number of acres which the present Bpp'roprfati0Mr$2OO,OOO'" low estimate, we have a sum exceeding the cost of drainage bv S 1 60. 000. , Applying this ratio between the vcc.ofdrainin,and the jn.r come ansingtnerero tne trom miriioii oi acres owned by the State, the sum n'tnough enormous would tall short ol the realization. .This result, so beneficial and cheering, in itself, calculated to inspire confideuce and recommend a steady and vigorous prosecution of the work to the end, is only one among the many beneficial effects which will grow jouf of its completion, homo of the effects to which I al lude, nnd confident1)' calculate unon, fiave been caused by precisely similar operations ia Gre.il Britain, nnd nre so applicable, although re ferring to land in a partial state of tillage, that I beg, in lieu of my own words, to substitute those of the Engineer appointed by the British Parliament to report upon the mosses and marshes of that country. He says tho climate is rendered more healthy and genial to both animal and rcgotahlelifo, by thi removal of stagnant water, and the preven tion of those noxious exhalations arising from la reo tracts of moss and marshy ground, where tho herbage gives but tittle nourishment nnd onlv nromotes disease. Sinrn tlie inf rrwhirtirm nf imiliinrm iatn. thlifcbShlryVffTo "fieaTth of the inhahitniilsJitTs becngrently improved: j .i .! . t.vtir:" ' . . . f aucs ana trer urstcropcrs iK-ing now comparatively unicnown, mat were rbmertywtreqricnti occasioned byihe humidity of thesoil, nnd cousetpient i mpiirity ofthe nt so ouen proves laini. i ne proouce oi mo Harvest, lormcrly precarn ouson such land, 4ccomes, by drainage, ample nnd productive in quantity, end the quality of the grain is improved also. If land thnt is in tillage remains wet, every manure that is applied to it loses its effect to a certain extent, and Jnils to produce that abundant crop which a less Quantity would yield, if such land were laid dry. in wci tana, sensousoi image are lost, mo labour is greater and the rMtrft tess." in quality; but when land is properly drained, every exertion of good husbandry is attended with success, nnd the farmer thrives where his predecessor was ruined. By drainage alone, it is wonderful to see rhe verdure that toon lakes place a. bog of the worst kind after being thorouehly laid dry (without nny other melioration whatever) will spontaneously produce so innny new and fine-grasses, tlie seeds and roots of which hitherto laid dormant, owing to the supurfltions moisture, but uow spring forth and afterwards cori'tinucs to flourish and increase. The rushes that formerly occupied the whole surface, soon decline, and better grasses inriso abundance. In addition to these many beneficial effects, the advantage of drain ing the swamp lands that lay scattered over the whole of the eastern portion of the State, from the Roanoke River to the Wackamaw, and from the Falls f the river to the seaboard, are ol great importance in other respects, !o scheme has been or can be devised, that will so effectually tav rj..:j r .: 1. a - it.. me iiue pi . emigration which hows use a migniy torrent trom this portion oi me state. I ne poor man who gams a scanty subsistence bv the "rotwdshaveand broadaxe," who hovers around the home of his nativity, until he exhausts the last pine tree, and is finally driven off pennyless to the far West to seek a home among strangers, will here find an asylumt all bis dreams of wealth and nlcntv fan ba re. alized in his own beloved State. A few acres of tho land which from his childhood he hat looked upon as a wilderness, a fit abode only which exceed in quantity nnd nre equal in quality to the tract we an'in'. AKrwnuii K.. i..iK, i ftpcrsung npon, nnd can Iw drained at n less prtec than perhaps any titer lands or tne same cxieni in me ntnie. i ill" 1 1 ill. I IJ( '(, .. '-V 'jvmm 'i:'V liiivi jh uiviiju iav I "3 TlCr tioti contains t,uiu acres; its cicvnnon is is wei nnovc jymgnna is i,, ,hM ,,,.n.tin iii U VnWn l!ir ntnl nllif r sm.ill streams, into which i( run Itn mnlilvl'lie Sr.Hi ul ihe C;ra.nii a.li- . drained. This tract is mostly an open prairie; .he soil a deep Tcgeta-lt bit mould. There are two other tractswhich were sitrvryed;oncron-tiVctiiiMirf iH.iii-i- m u.r iIa-' ftnintng 1 2,000- acres, situated iu the NewporLl'ocasoii bet iwcen JNew-1? h 'V"!!!!?. "Iir .'"i"'' "Mi2 for ferocious wi'd tasts nud disgusting reptiles, now invite bis: la- llnrperw I'nrail LlUrarr 3V iI hAiir anil wilt reward his industry. . -. v -'.--- s .- . rr '; '.' I lie .. ?, , : . i lie iiviiuw '. v ! t .iij.i.vf ... ... f rare!. 14 fersoi the State filled, the community will be benefited by a greuterr n.u t r...ii'..l aAinmnrfih'ne irt clit tli Luifila will IMelff' ' ; i i from 1 tnxruk iitftiiKs. a general and complete system of drainage, to tho agricultural' " 1 1 1 ' 11 ' . 1 -. and general improvement of the nt, are so many that the few m-f J7L,,i,,,"",,Bfl V itances (if nny there le) in which they nre neither seen nor ackuowl-: ixm7iV.k bVL 1 h" edged, can only proceed from prejudice. I towi 4s I herewith present n map ot the Mate laii'ls In Carteret t,oiinly,; TheCnltlvatWa Aimaim e 7 I Kit V" ItMXKH k llt(.HFs ... r . . Its I t . trii ' porf Kiver nnd me umoiooi nua iiarmw .nnai. i iieomcr, iii.ijiaijT. vi ocUk. mI MiMi.isviitJ,ir ncres iu extent, lays north of Loke Eflis, at the head waters of Ilun-:rin ,h 5w' iw. Hi,wkT" ter's Cre..k and Xwport River. Both of thes tracts arc nlso of su-7;;d,rrf-,'t " M., perior quality, nnd are susceptible of behigdraincd nt nn expanse that' wi nttVAXT. - would amply repay the State. j Muvn wil m,9' But the improvement that offers more immediate lennfits nnd direct; iitrtfbH Commt. Onoi-r es ; returns than nny other, is the drainage of Lake Mattamuskeet; nnd id - --' Z-''' me state s ntte 10 me naw can oe csinunsnea, 11 snouui, in my opinion,; Fifty Crate Ken-ar nticr me completion 01 me won 111 which wu are cngageu, oe me iirsi to command the attention ot the Hoard. . I am gentlemen, very respect full)'; Your ob't. serv't. WALTER OWYNN, Civil Engineer. Raleigh, lGth Nov., 1840. H AS AW AY from lh NWiW, j, ;Cr,o!jr Cirt nT Wke. He l a mulaiin, anih to !jrert of ! , MrooR )autK Wlaa. 7tZ immr m riiii frt'Bi barhotiiia nr . Unit will tr ' rrwrrt lor hit iMiwitJ iroe. W.Aeaoaatr. Ut.. HYJ ISAM SAT, Wateh andCloek lnukcr, Jeweler, and Silversmith. THE SUBSCRIBER re peel (lly tiifirm -hi I1 w toihrr and frienda, atn) the Public pcnrratl, tlikt he is prrpartil to repair all kiiuli of Watchea, Clock. Jewel- ry anct Silver Wartu. in ami perior alyle. He Iim in employ fkilfut and aieacly workman, and will brtidra, alo g-ie In buunen hit personal atten tion, aid from hi knowledge of all the different branches of nuaineas, lie flattrra himself th-it lie will be aWla to give general talisfactinn. Hi shop is in part of Ihe Store occupied by Mrs. Rmay, as a Millinery Establishment. All work warrant ed to perform well. . JVrsons visiting the City would find it to (heir . anterest to ei.nui.'c where they can have their warfc done !l and cheap. I lie liiL'hrM cadi Driers c;ven for old Co!d and Silver. RleiKh,Oct.3th,18t0. 45 ACtV JIJWELLEHY KTOKE, UHNC. PALM Kit has torameneed tha abo t bttsiness m tbe near building lately erratec! by Mr Uicltaril timUb PaycMef ilia Street, a lew Joors sliove bis Stnra, where h intends to carry it on, in all h branches, la a lew daya ha will re eeire from Thilailelpbia, a aew and lasliionable s-stM-tmentnf Jewellery anil Watches and Cutlery toa mine of pild and silver levers and flaio Watch, cs, Walrh Chains, Key and Seals, Ear Kings, llreast Pins, a fine aianrtnMHitslKaivta andUavws, anil all Miter articles ant necessary la bmMkhi, ay oT which be mn lo sell a.chraB ' h. himarl', lrom the Ion experience in the business. that be will be able to give saiisUetion He has in bis employ first rate aorkmen. Watehrs and Clocks that can'ba maka la keep time, will ba warranted fur twelve months. He liorx-siliSckisms el UalriKk. and aoontry around, will rati and give him a trial and Ond out lor themselves Call at tbe sign ot the Wsch, nearly rppnche Ihe Log Cabin. Kalvigh, N. C. Nov 1. I8W. 4 it NEW PIANOS FOR OLD ONES. I AM willing to take second-hand Pianos m ex ahanga for Be(pnes anil allow whatever judges of the article may consider them worth) my object it not to make money on the ieeond.hsnd Pianos, and would therefore either lake them at iheb valuatlun, r Sell diem to the best advantage lor their owners. I kitr now on hand a beaatilul assortment nf so. perior Piano Fortes, vsrMijin jrice from S7J to j00. I'hose who 'avor me with thsir orders aliall be nlessed or na psy shslt be required. r E I. NASH. Nor.-W- Bonk and fiano St Iter, 1 ttenbn-rg.Vav " fW AND SEAVTlTTJZ. GOODS I.EAMBtlICa ACADEMY. The exercises ol this school will close, as mnal, on the 1 Jih December, to ba resumed on the 13th of Junoary nest. Inaddiiion to the nraal eladiea of tht Ceammar SvUaxI in irUglibairtUatriejt . Mrtunilies nf iaatmclion in Algrbia, Geometiy, Surveying, Hhetcrlc, Moral Philosophy and tha Fi-ench language, are afforded lo such as ilriire it. Declamation and cosnpoaitina form important item in the exercises of tbe school. A -regular-awarding bmrse-ow aw exlensne -ptawi under strict rules of order, wuh eomlortaWe apart ments for students, and remote from the oacannkl buttle ot the village, has been recently prepared na a lot a' joining the subscriber, and is subject as far a necessary lo bis soervisina. Hoard may elan be procured m seveisl lespeaiaMe families in the vil lage, and in Ihe neixhboi hood at a reduced price Lessburg is a small village ef only tea or twelve families, scattered over a space ef nrarly hall a mile in extent, end generally affording the advantage of retirement and quietude. It is situated an ibe reg ular stage rnjte leading from Henderson tolmaiUe: and aomprises as many advantages in point of health, order and morality a any village with which Iba subscriber, is acquainted Concerning the subscriber's analifieations, refer enet may be had id aey nf lb travelling or station ed miaittera of North Carolina Conference, In the fscoltv, and msny ol the graduates and stadenla of Randolph Macon, and Chapel Hill j -Hatff ff TVftan, fa aoVaae. Forelemenrary English branches, $10 par srstMMi. ' Ancient Laaguagea, Mathemalics, he. fl5 do. ... Board, including bedding, washing and iucl. per session, half ia advance. . LOKENZOLEA. . October 30th, IM0 v . - J . Tha Standard" Newborn Spectator, and Dsn. ilhr Reporter, will give four insertion, to the above. ;tIKsuberiherha jmt rrrrlvrd his PALL AND l.ti I r.ft stMMtlv ol b I ArLE AND FAXt DKT l,))IM, uhn-h fnrvarsVrs, extent an J tie- rnnce, will hvoiablv aomrmie with, (and in mam rctieeis tuvpatt) any avsorlment be ba hillierto hail the plra.ure nl ottering in tl.e eitr of Ualrirh. I.V ri OTHS AMD CaSSIMBRE. SlLK AfSB 8aT1X, Mot FUN- DE LINg AKD 'SltAL LIES, FlGNCH AND EOLlin CaLICOC, LlK- CXeVAHtV FLAN MEL, I AT A5rlOt-Y lk.HK- KETt and Carpetinc, he is particularly well : - Purthascrs are llierefora resncetfoliv laaited ia an" b. u. 8MII H. - NEW-MCSICo A colleslina nf aew and faihionabU nD,i thi. .1.. received at the X. C llonkstore bv Tl'KNEK HCGIIRS, aVkl I Ipecifullv ialorms ihe Dahlia, that he baa return ed to RalrigVaad may be found at tbe Eagla Hotel. November 3d, Ilia 4S .VILMNEItVnANTI7A-ItIAUIIV Mas. MAUI HA ANN UAMUAY respectfully inform tha Ladie of Raleigh, and Ihe public gi-neial), that thr ha eommenced Ilia above bn sines in the store formerly occupied by Uazelett Kyle, dec bbe has received from the North, a handsome assortment of the latest style of Leg-, horn. Straw and Silk DON.N ETSi Splendid Silka and Kibbona; beautibil Merino Cloth for Cloaksi Glovesi Handkerchief, be. Also a full supply of materiala for makinfr and trimminf Bonnets and Dresaet. Mr. II. baa made arrangements to receive quarterly from the North the latest fashions of Dresses. Bonnets, fcc. From her long experience in Ihe above business, she feel confident of giving; wem-ral satisfaction; site rcapectfttlty aetie'rt a share of ptibhe psTo"' ajre.. Her prices will be suitable to the lime. Raleigh. Oct. SO, 1840- 41 Nov. tlib. 4u tf. Steel Pens. Windtra magnum bonum pen. The Knyal Diamond M Double reRned snaviter pea. V . .India rubber spriaf Patent ptrfretioM " 1 he abovo pass are warraated lor slasttcby and durability. " For sale br TUn.VF.R i HUGHE. S '. 46 tl. Sluie of North Caroliaa. liertit County. Court of PlfM and Quarter SeuiontAu. gut Term, 1840. Dank of lb iitala - . f Orlgiaal attachment. Timothy T. Kirra. J . It appearing to ibis court, thai tbe defendants are bihabHanls of another 8utei It ia therefore ordered that publication ba made ia ihe llalrigh 8iar. lor sis w we saw I inMMhv T. Krsum, k Ca ta make their aipearaaee at tbe aesl term ef our said covin, ar jadgmeat pre snnlessa will ba taken a. gsmsttkem. By onler of rhe ena-r, t. V. TAYLOE. .'lk. . ..: .1. O. ALWAHAC 1S4I. Tamer U HttgHe' North Caroliaa Almanack, for IS4I. 1 kia day smblhmed and lor mle Mtba t I 16 h. K,rth Carolias Book Store. State of WfcCaaallas Count) of Franklin. Court ol Pleat and Quarter Sessions Sep tember Trrm, 1840. Ssmue! W. Tutytain , C Original attaclimeal levied John Foster J on land. It appearin(f to the satisfaction of the Court, that the drfendent in this ease is not sn inhabitant of thia Statei it is therefore ordered by thr Court that publication be made in the Raleigh Star for ix weeks, thai unless he make his apprsrance at the nest term of the County Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, to be held fur the County of Franklin, at the Cwrt House in I.nuisburg nn the ' second Monday in December next, then and there o replevy and plead lo issue, that judgment final. . . will be riitered up against him, ai d the hind lev ied condemned subject to plaintiff' rrcotcry.' Attest . 8- PATTE-RSON, C. C-. Or - - - 6w. frier adv.. 15,60, . 1 fei-,HW&tSlF..dl NORTH CAROLINA BOOK STORE VittitH Wtfrk ihn"Ff mf Cattle. Orchard and the Grape Vine be dre. The nimplete Farmer, American Gardner. Flo rist Uuide, I'he Green Houae. Bridirrman'a Gar. drner 'a Aswistshf, Loudon's EneTclnpctlis of Gar dening. Art of Winemsking, Memoirs ' tha Pen sylvsnis Agricultural Society, Treaties on Cattle their breed, management, dec Farmers' Owa Book. ftlowbry on Poultry, History of ibe Home. New A. merican Orchardist, Orntmenlat Tree. JFarnurs Kfgtstrr, complete a far aa published. Maaon'a Farrier improved, Loudon's Encvrlopedia of Aeri. rulto-r; logetlier with splendid eolleetion of B nooks ia every department of Llterslure. Far sale at reduced pr k by ;TCKNZK Q.HCGHES. May 8. n N. B. Book-Bimline dona aviih smium ml ieapatrh, atlhe N.C Book Store. FOIt SALE, That nlraaant ailuliaa. A kIm from KalrieS. on Ibe Chanel Mill iw,T'k,J, road. H kaowaa the Streeter V m place Itsanlain abeat 1 40 acres, or an of which area eared aad ia cultivation, Iba balance Is woody. I here Is a small orchard a tret rate trait ol early and Isle apples, besitleaeiher frails aad an orchard of SU00 Muliieaolia. which, alone, will, (when day breaks next November aad the peo. ale get to work gir.) pav -what, ia asked for tbe place. It la deemed assies ta sneaiioa all ibe ad vanlagea at the aituatioa, lb n range for eallle. It.' a akoever wishes ia poreaaaa will look at tbe premesis. J.T.CWIATTi lb Jane, It4 If. egisiert'. . - APPI ICATItiN BUI be aaade ta tbaaeil Leghx -lalare of Nnnb Carolina, la restore ta ike tTaaa ly Conrt ef Moate; trial by jury. nev. is.