ii " ' ' ' . v "' ' . , . , -- - - , " " , - m j. lkmaV, PttOrHlKTOR. DtTOtl AND TEBIVXS. ,.-'' Sr.cmrTio, thre duller par-eunuea lull ia atvantc. Pertont retiilinf without til S' at will be re ej ird la pay Ibe WHiataaii.ti.il ol Ibe jear't ilU teriptioa a'advance. BATES OF ADVERTISING. Fur every eiiuare (not exceeding It line (hit site typt firtt iwtrrtloi, eae-d-tllart each ubtqaent- aurilon, twewty-fiv ccwtt. . Tit aJreriitemenl of Clerk end Sheriff will TIIOXIAS Ibe charged 2i per cent. (ii;liernd a rirt'neiion ol JlJ par cejtt. will made from the regular ri- e ior ailte.litei hj the jer. "'L-itr to the BJitors most be poit-psirf. I THH EDICAIIO r THE JILl.l. rUbikhnH nt lu been rtmoi iliotl( tiitcMHi mid elrxant edifice Lnon Mount Whiii(lun titrate, at Suuk llotlun, al it iin rra ') I'T tlie reception and intlruclMm ol iun(( t.Uad pertoul ol ciibef ea froia any jiarl vl "llit touu ry. I'he ulnbrily ol the location, llie heilitiea Tor ea ii'biiigt'4 tlia extent ol itl edifice, which nfieri aeiiaraie ronrat lor the pupil, itnake tliir ettabliih jnirnl a Ijetiiahlo rewtlenea tor lho young blind Vyoni alio dnire aupeiior Maoniodatiaiii. 'Cyl'lie courae of inatrucliun eomprehfiuli reailinf;, writing, arithmetic, algebi a.anri oiiitrTgeof-rahy, liinorv, natural ml moi-al philoaophy ita. bit , be kitei the thecn y and practice id maaic. Thoae wbt detitc it may acquire a knowledge ot the au eirnl and molern languagei. - L A iharouKh aaxl acieniuie knowledge ofntotie, and AptnilunUiei Ol practice apnn the puuolorle ai.J or gan, are given to all, betidei wliH.h tit pupil may arlrnt any iiKtrume'nt which he iliei In learn I'artieutar t tuition i given to pliytieul education I'Kixaj Uoard and luishm, with the ute of book ndmuiful initiumrnit, Iroin $15010 fiOO ptraif auta. For Ihote who with to tui!y llie language, .10 lime the uie of a piano-forte in (heir chamber, or to receivt extra nmueal inilniclihm, 2(iO. 'I'he -4 doee will cover aU ibe ertttuary expeatea ol the pa' pi!- Kxtra aeeotDmodatioa charged in reiton.ble pro poitioii. The motl raenrable age (or io'.tracliou It between the Kh and I4th)ear. The Inllowmg gentlemen, art connected with the ilirarti'-a vl the lntiHution anil may be reft-i red to: Peter C. Hrookt, Thomai H, Peikint, Peter K. L)ul tn, Rdward Hiookt, Samuel A Klliot, John 0. Fuller, Thorn t. Cai-y. John lloniam, Jamri K. Mill, lloliwt Kunloul, Samuel Loud, Samuel May, Ojiii.l'Kodwin, Horace Mann, Kobeit C W inthmp. r'or ptrtieular inloimatioo addret the Dircetor, Dr. S. G. Howe, Uouon, to whoui all tpplicalioat thould be made. .V. It No portont wilt be received while under im-ilieal trcatuteut fur the rtcovery ul'tiht. July 3. i7 3-m. HEW PIANOS FOK OLD OI ES. 1AM willing to take tecnnd-Mud Puoot in ex change for uew onet and allow whatever judge of the article may eomider them -worth) my object i nt t nwka money on the reeond-hand Piano, and would therefore either take them at iheir valuation, tr tell tliem lo the bett advantage lor their owner. . I have now nn hand a beauiiiul orlment of u perior Piano-Korte, varying in nice from 27J to jkw. ; Thne who 'avor me with Iheir order thall be pleated cr ao pJ ahall be required. ' BP. NASH. - o. 12 Rook and Piano Seller, PetaeabitrcVa. The American Ainianftc, and llr- pntitary ol iiiul Knowleogr, lor ai, ; tni uajr kii.ct. of Agricultural Kuowledee. for IS4t, ' Thi day recived, by , TUUNKIt k I1UGHFS. t)ct..ber.gS , - - - -- - 43 Finjr'Cettf. Ilejvnrd, , "1 1 AXAVV AY from the tubieriber, Henry Minn, lit colored buy who wat bound to him bv the County Court of W ake. He I a mulalta, nearly 80 year of age, and a .tout, .trong young fellow, 1 for- warn all per ton iron uarooimg or gnipijin ami tnd will eive thv above lewtrd for hit delivery to UtllJlkC. iTV.VU Wakeeooaty, Nov. 84, 140. 46 6. TilE FAli-SF.SSiOST "of IKiiAiadt'iTVMft'aTolie on the 13th of neit month, and the next .et.ion willoniineae on the tSlh January, 1S41 . Thi hiMitutlon la divided into two depaitmenta F.nglith and alat.ieal.' In each department the aouraa of inttruetion it full and complete, tn the Kaglitb, are laugh, in the Brat eia, Keadin;, Writing and Arithmetia, at five dollar, peraettion ol five monthti Atlrbnomy, he. , al eight dollar, per iletimn. la Hi latict department is taught a full and complete acilemial course ot Latin and flreei. Literature, tha tn.tBin feetetwelva dollar and a hall per waaioit In thit department, r.adcuti are prepared 4or any al our Unlvertltiea. '.v-.! " No dtj nudenta will he taken la either depart mem; each .todent anterihfnhs Academy iaiH a e.inidred bound for tlietoition fee, from the lime be enter to tha cud of tha tetelon.' No deduc tion will le made tor tne loaa 01 lima, except io eata of aicknea. Every poaaible ears will be taken to premnte ilia advancement in literalure, morality ami vinue, ol each ttudanl placed ender oar care. The subscriber ia prepared to acaommoJate eigh teen or twenty etudent w ith boanl, and good out room, for taven dolfara and a half per month, ex cept rtndle and mrn8iitg. Good Imard can be bad convenieDl W Hie-Aeadowy, at from aix U aix and a half dollar per month. , 1MNIK1V: VYV KEGR. Principal, i -AIemit - Lr of Ulnalame lullbrttO.'hy tbe ijbunteaa Da Merlin. JuU uubitthed and for aale by v' -u..:y.. ..j.-j. TTjRNErt it MVens. PITTSBOlIOUCill ACADCMY. The tiH-t.ig KttHin ol lhittna.it utlon will eoniineaee an lUe 1UU of January. Tnaion a formerly) 3- ,. . J M. LO"FJOT ifegiMert week.' t , 49 6w. ' WAIUKEiTOX MALE ACADEMY- . 'I'liTercite ol ll.ja InatHution will lie returned an Vi.iUay thji 18th ol Jaouary aieaf. ' j. TKU M3'of Tuition fir tha tetarao of Hve mnntHti Uwer Kagli.h Uranche " $140 Higher do da including Mathemttici IS jOO Ancient Bad MiMlern language tKJ 00 Itnard mar be bail in rrpetahle prrrat lainiIRt at J per Bioatb. ItUBElt T A. CZtXU A M. - --- -j ;"'- .. t I Hin'lim' Warrenlnn. Dee. I t4t. EX I'll ACT rtlOM Rl'LF.S. S'.i.h-nt trora tlte count ly will not ba allowed to joard at iiublit llmela. ,. . .... ... -. I . A Studml will be tivrmitien to vim tne uoicii, ISttrra, or Shop rn the village, rseept on buatueu and bt' lhnecial leave af the Prineiual. No Siu.lenl who ia know t J na ! trretuiv tac it,, or of immnral character, wdl be winered to eater itUn SchonU nr. 11 f j.n. to be meorrigiid 'fA.dj nwim, will be tdloaad, to reiuam. Deo. . WK V',!: 1 -i- .; , Mr. I.F.MKSSUHIi:U retptlutly auMwaeet to nublw tlwt tlte -reia. t ul bit tctMMil a .14 be re- hb dd nn the tat -MiMiday in January wat, to Ihv mm lately occaiurd at tna vmec ul tne ncacoo ano tmi.ibot. alia LB MESSUHrKK MUSIC SCIIUUL will Ja?m be rcMinted at the nte liiue. t . It.leixh, Daa 18. H40. ... . Vw. a a w iiaTiiv u ra r IF ailt af i' lull IV a W i I ditidmd ol tbrea per cm. I. o each bhtrw at lne ;apHal Muck thit Bank, ha been h-ela.red by 1 1. IVetiileut and DwxeK.i) ilie.eol, payable at the . mm. n lue nra Ianey ta jaowary ncii.ann n eral llranehv aw.l Agfeneie, fl'trr" na . inrrrai. . 1 1 if ... a-v ' , V. . ri . rnc utiiuvaiori ahuuiihc uu .a-p M XT . " . 'am ixoKTM 'iouu-i-owenui . IIIlLSnOUOUGIIACADEnilV The BpHng Setaioa will begin a th stated Moiuiay mJaauary. W..J. BINRHAM. ISO. A. BINGHAM. F.i-glith Department fcoaducted by A. C.l IXD SKY. - , Ih-crmbcr 10. l-4w. L.OL1SBUUO AC A DEQUES. The itutie of thru tchool will Iw returned on the fint Cay ol Januaiy next, under the manage ment of the tame iattruetor. Uoard aiay b Itad with the preeeplrc, lor young Ladiea, at 50 per Settiou, Tuition included, except for Mutio. ahich i a epnrate rharge of S0 peraeaaioa, Male Jiluileni can have accommoda tion ia aevtral retpretable lanulu' in the Village, at cbarge ranging Ironi , -U) lb J,iO per Seiiion. t. tlnlnmA I mf.m kUB ilnilJli 111. Sttideoti. ai Uoardeti. ilut 4.rtenl jcarvand givan , Re.B'.,"meB f'U'isUyn, J-jVwima, (whftwara b genpnT- iisfaction to all aim havetrtlcd Ibair UU';' ' " Aand. ol .Mr Nela childea a I Ward, io him. ha iaaeu a large and , S,'"(t Uuofc Store of 1 umrr ii Hughe.,) eommiMliou home, tontitting of .o.ne 15 or J ''" pitsattonloreHline may be made iu hit room, tor the apecial accommodation of Border, ; , !""." , ..... ahoean have aeparate apartmema. U p.efcried. I Iter al.n to, Ret. Drury Lacy .le.gh. N.C. Mr. Thoma., Mr, fuller, Mr. S Palt.r.nn, !Ion Kite, Albemarle Conmy. a. Pr. nd other, are alto prepared with eoual aeeotumo-, re,,or '"".,"n - rUod, Kaudolpli Macon Col tlaiioh for the Student, male tr1 female. Vr . The orderly dt portmaut of the PupH. of theta! "ecember I, IS 10. W . Sehnol for the la.t .everal year, combined with the 1 " .7 " - bealihtwee. of the VHIage, and the fcnean good io-' glU tlU'S gCIIOOL HOOKS, ciety ol lb place add it. vicinity, ju.l.fie. the expv-j For ale at the Nolh Carolina Bookr Stotc, tat.on of a liberal .bar of patronage. eleh. by Turner and lluehe.'.- Ry ril r. 1-Sw. Pea It, 1(40. ' Kegider and Standard S interlior.. riSIVATC CLASSICAL IXSTBUC TIOIV. The Subteriber being provided with auitabte e eonimodalio.il ia a reureil location, propotet to teac ae!aW HFTtES PUPILS, eight or ten f wiiiint can be accommodated With board iubit own latnil.v. The f ! of inHrwelion will embtae only the tiu diet preparatory 4a a Cnlltga cDacation. And iu order that the attention ol tha inttrwatur tray not be ditirarled by a malliplicityol engagement., the pu pil admitted being ot the tame gratis, will be k.to uiiMeit in ah im ttl mnat tn IStsm alttAua- I lie clat. with wbicb tlte School will p pen n the vnnceu in uie aiuoy, laccompauieu dj a n.ej auu FIRST M ON DAY OF J AXUAUY N K XT "" ock if de.ired .) ' will be expected ta begia I SmilU' Practical and Mental Arithmetic, an a ViRI ROM oa CESAR'S COMMENTARIES, 1Am '''ch Mental Arthmelic i eonbined wiibtbc atual adjunct .tudiet-Utia la.an.mar 'e- wh the uaof the late;containg a completa .yrtem eilation.-Lktin I'roaody Mair'i Inlroduetion,' ete. Pfaet'cal purpoaer, being in dollara and centl.- Uoard and Tuition lor the Scliolaitw ) ear of ten Stereotype edition, raviaed nd enlarged with ax month oi a-haf pa) able in advance, (US- Uo erciaea lor the elate. To which t atld4- Pv ductiont will be made in caic vl abteaea an ac- flcal Syalena wf Book Keeping. Dy lioavfcll CK count tif protracted tkkoe.a. -" Smith. - To pup.l. retid.ng in the Chy with their prcntt Key (0 jth lhe e itmple fully wrought. the wrnt e4 Ttwiou trr ae.iit, wdt U a bato I)ew Grammar oa tha Productive yW The long vaeation will Uke place at tb. clote of ( f .ruction frcnll, adopted 1 In Ger tRe teannd aa.oti. many and 8r.jlxeiUnd,) deaigned for iscliooU and The claim of tin Gakaol tor patro-age, will em Academic - . 7. . braaaiat leat twa earWO ar.7r Jt WS.iWM-mkr:'M,"L, yt2Sriarj Ktieigh, December 7tn, 1S4U. 5w-S0 N 0 1 1CB. Tba tubteriber ha commented the 1 ailormt Uuttne.. In thit City, abd retpecllul. lr invite alt thote. Who with to have ol, I'anta- (lHinsai.il , sata l anu wnic viivan nil ID Duurrp ...i. . : ii ti.. i '.i l:" I j " . . .1 U-. jt- . .. j - price', lor cutting! for hom'e.pun 50 centt-lor cloth m"'' 0,in 8m'h'a work, make progreM which -7J aenit Pantaloon, from 80 to Si cent, and Ve.i, toniche thoae who have been accuatomed to the tht tanie price lor raakiag Cloth coat, 5 for Sat- old tyttem ofcls book. The time might he lineet, $3 for llometpaof i Making Pamtlooal, aaid of ttudentt In the other Jranche. Of thete from ft ta f,t 21 Verta, the me price at nanta. I .peak confidently, having my knowledge from ex loont. Hit bhopmty balound Wratwttba Kalehrh Y jail. SAMt'EL NUUTUINGTUN. Per,enc, r p R MtnrlV KaUiaJI)eaJ0VJ84a. S0-Jav4 -- - ,i? J . 9AIT!Itr,. ULI)K1I)GK,'8 HALM OF COLUMBIA' FOR KrVm the Common School At.iiUnt, caitod JOrville I HkillAlal, lta potitiveemaltlitt W-rrrf frv- - - ; " lowt; v ' i I Taylor. - lit For tnianl't keeping the head free from tcarf i New York, Feb. 30, 1810. and aauting a luxuriant growth ol hair. Smith'i Geosrratihu, Improved. The ebovo STTrvr i,ui iiiBr aiinw ufiw, .kin to Ht natural .trenrth and firaai , reatortng lhe twwaa, awu pre- renting the falling out of the hair. ' 3d-Vor any pSr.00 recovering from any debUity the .ame effect ia produced. . aMttwotatteytigoi? gowtvr'iamatT" ed, it may ba- prcterved by attentiou to the Itlett period ol hie. 5th- It tree the nad Irom aanai in, ttrengtnen the root, impart Health anc vigor to tna circulation .-u prereni. me -air iiT.m cnantm, wj.or or xeiDg '"dv-lt tauae. the hair to earl baautlfully'wben Anttm In. Lb It ngi ktaht H tadiet todet .hootd ever hw made without It: 7th Children who bare by any tneana contracted vermin in the bead, are Immediately and perfectly vwrviiininc.il ut ita hbv. ' ii muriiiuib, . Far Sale at the drag atora af COM3 I'OCK k Co. . o iri...i... x:. v..l . AaJ by W. M. MASON tc Co. Balelgh, I1AY UXIMENT. . . . JVO FICTIO.y.-iTbii extraordinary ehtmital eompo.ition, the retult of Science and the Invention ol a eeleliraleo raeateai mao, tna miroauciK a oi which to the pablte waa inverted with tha enleninity of deaih-bad brajuew, bar.ioc gained a reputation unparalleled, ruiiy eutuineu tne correatae.. el t ie il. Itinanlei' Dr. Gridlev't latl confection, that "he. ttarrd unr'ditrwftttotit fvTng,l porteritjf the bene-': nt ol hit knntTleUe oo Un. tulijeel," aou netnere lore bequeathed to bit triead and attendant, Solo mon flat, the secret of hi discovery. U- ia now o ted aa -liW tiaip4e'hmn4tala and the private practice iavour country, firtt and moil cer tainly for the cure of the PiU; and alto exleauvely and encetually acta btflle credulity," uulc.a abera it effect are wilnetted. ' For 8.le by WM. M. MASON k Co. Raleigh. Dec. 16. 1840. . 50 14m OXFORD FIMAL,K ACADJEnlV. -Tha cxercitc of Ibia tchool will be retuowd en Hth day of January next, l he li utlce. having plac ed it eiiiireiy uader the aharge of the aubteriber, ao pail. will be (pared by him to render it a valuable and popular InauluUoB. New teacher have been employed, and new In-lrument. will be pn cured, lor ibe ute at the acheol. 'I'he eourte of ttudiet will tacluda tbe oaelul and arnanteatal branthe. of a la ithed education. Tbe general tupcrintendeuce and direction ol the opeialtim of the eatablitlimeni, will bexertited by tha tubtcribert lhe butinett of in tlrnrting will be performed cbitfly by Mitt Nichalt Iron Vermont, Mitt Jonet of S Carolina, aod Mitt Walton Ironi'Virginia. Ol th tjualifleattont of the a ladiet to ditcharg th dutiet that will be required of then, the subscriber it abundantly talitfied, a well from pertonal acquaintance, at tram oiher .sources. Tha retidenee ot Ilia aubteriber will be contiguout io lhe Academy t lhe teacher will be membtreof hi liuoily tand lie w.ll be prepared, likeaitr'lo board 1 euntideraMe number" of pupd."' The tchool year will be ditnled into two aewmns nt Eve month raah, . "1'hc pricaa oi baartV tnd luiltna by the ar.tion, payable iu advance, will It t. lullow.i , Uoard $40 ,7rfrtf . Heading, Writing and Antluaeti Ki.glith Giammar, Geography k Competition, 10 HO AihBia, tjeometty, Aatund, Matal im lotci leaiUal PhitftMdty, Chemittry, Botany,' Mineralogy, Geology ,' Logi, Khctoita and llatory..., ,. ... . .. , - - IS 0 L-tia, Greek and French, each . 10 OU Mu.it rm the Piano Kvi te , ' 80 00 " nw rfce4itar-,tr---rr: - j 00 Oivabig and I'aH.ttng, each r 1 . . .. - Rl 10 00 OKXJ.'SUMXKK. Xny. 2th,lM0. " ' . . 49 4w.- Ilegmter, btandard. Biblical Recorder and E d mon Gaxctte intert 4 aetki,ain'l lorward accoun t to ub-.iTibcr, at UU'td. ' ,.'.. . in moral, in intellectual, and tn physical rtaotirces the land of but sires, and the UALEIGII X, C WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 6, IS41. STATE OP NORTH CAROLINA, DUPLIS QQUNTV 1 hereby give notice that! ahall apply la the Lfg hlature now in Settloa to pat an act to Kmanaipaie my man Aoranam, commonly called and kaowa by llie name ef Abraham Wetun. , WM. WILLIAMS. Duplin. Dee. the 9di 180. 4l)-Sw. RALEIGH ACADEMY. f R- S1LS Bl(.rJ,OW rw.ellutly inlorm.thr 1 V 1 citizen of Itautiah tnd it vicinity, thai he will open a School for the i.iMraetiua of young men, in the iepaninei.it til Enfluli and Ulaiiieal tiluct lion on theltt of Jahnary 1441, in the building which ha been occupied the preteut y?ar, by Mr. Juhn Y. link. He i an experienced teacher, and leitimoai.lt at io nil character, nualmeatma, and tuceett, fro Smith' School Geogiaphr, on tha Productive Syetem, New Edition revised and enlarged, ilitu tralcd by thirty addilional cut, put up in uni form large type, accompanied by an entire new Al ia, containing eighteen very auperior Map, Ch.it of the World, &c, fee. By Rotwell C. .Smith. u. th ir of the Practical and Mental Arithmetic Pro ductive Grammar, &c, dec. f The- population in tha Book and Atlaa will be altered to correspond with the Cenua of 1840, a oon a officially -reported) and will be kept in every reaped fully up with the timet. S jiitU'a New Ariibtnetic,. on tha Productive Syatem, 12 mo. full bound much larger than lb Practical and Mental, deaignrd for, icholsr ad- ; . . i. . . . i . : i i r i Nt'MKROl'S RECOMXE JSDATIONS have used Smilh'a Grammar. Geosranhy -and Aritbmeiic on th Productive Syttem, in my Acad- ew, for ,D, hA ,hre ,eiJi .hick w eulnci&t proof that I con.idrr them iiiperior td any wofk on th . . . r . . . . 1 . l r aubteeta of which they treat. Siodente in Gram ,itndra and popular work haajuat. appeared from ncw pltle. the old one having been deatroyed by fir- 1 h entire work baa been revtw. and we I PL"nce 'l 'H - F""" -.h- atine; one of Lihetia; one of Mexico, &c, 'The Map Chart ol the world i preaentea en an ensre new pUn, and one which adds great value to tne work ,nd mOt b univer.ally admited. . Ia ol' letpect tQ, w,,rk eqUal to an) Geography we lave, and in iFer1 imP0'" Picular tuperiort. the otb- ef . f "Deci , lMtl, j HORRID DEPRAVITY i. . . . i . .... . 1 "" Counterfeiter, have jfcarly killed aeveral nertont by Kllinatbem a tporpu and. lalae The cenuino ia warranted perfectly liarmlet aad tfleetual. Never buy the article anlet it baa tna wrklen signatora of COM I OtJK, e CO. on lhe Ipiendid wrapper. That firm are xolilv autiorixed tn make aad tell the true article. - Original I v , ' ' ' SOLOMDM HAYS, p. The true Hat ' Liniment i waran.ted to Proprietor. ture p.le.and Ul.eum.ti.ra, in all e.e.,.o V tn t... a. ,,i..r-)----- -,T7 4 riiirninwA sr""ii AiR"Ff"'" Id WAtirt AM TF.IJ tlaid or " rellored.'tnd tha bead kept free Iroru daodraff, h tha gaasua ULLM UlUGrjTS BALM Or IJULUMUIA.' t Remember the genuine at described bobw. " Tbia it certified to by several Mayer' Mini.tert of tbe Gi.tpel, British Con.ul, Phy.ic.tit, and a great aumber of onr mott boaorable ailteat, to be teen where it it told. . , . J ( daring fraud? 1 Thit article hat been imitated ky a niorion toua terfailrr. Let it never be pnrehated o aaed anlatt it have the name of L S. COMSl OCr lhe tigna tur,oT COMSTOtikLlt CO. us. Jendid.. wtaa, per. '' This is the only external test tM will secure tbe pnblia from deception; i K ecmttanl tupply of the above ralabla prepara tion will be kept lor tale by I -w.m. MkSOir kCO. . 1 ctow lm IVOTICE. The Subteriber in. Durta.ire of an lireemea entered into with Mrs. Sarah Cooke,' widow oi Henry II". Cooke, ilcetuM, wil on th 4th day of January next, pn tne prewte itnomiy teaiw lor one year to the InghrM ,biddef, that well knowa lintel, eituate in the City, of Ktleigh directly wett of tha CaiMli.l. fomerly Oecoyed at a Tavern by Cot. Henry It. Cooke. Ud .ogelhee with all lb oot-hootet connected thereWit, extent bneaecopred by Jame. S. Stile.i a4':e'alwalawa1a-fiaa) renting the tame, there wl be included in th leata 'tie ate of several bS aad necettai-tr lurni- Pure of Ibe stale, forandrrar. A an at in Mate time aud nlace. 1 will let all the other Houaet iOl and Ltd owned iu tha Ul id lUleigU by tb late tjenry ii. fjouae, aeecatei. " ; . . i u,i . Tb Sobteriber havini qoalmed- a. epeeial A miniairator upon tbe KtJte of , the aforwtaid Henry H. Cooke, decerned, w a the Brst day of January next, at B. It- Smilh'.tore offer for bire uatd the I at day ot January; W IS4 J, aom very walttabl Nermeat amen therwhere are teveral good houae aervant. 8a id ren4 and hiring dl be apoa a credit af twelve mowig. Bond with antroyed aa euritiea will be retnid of the pertont leasing eattl real ettal and biringhe Nvgroe - 7 J. II. COtKR. nali4h,OeeembejSl,U4'J. H paoci,AivrATioij". Tiro nuxoitED DQML.1RS RW.tni) . - i STITB Alt' m. iUKIH UAKUL.13IA. BV JUS EXCELLENCY EDWARD B.DttLEY; COyKUXOR,&C. To at! re vhom thete prtienu Mull'comtCrttt intr: Ul HEHEAS it baa beribufneially reportxUo thil Departme.il, that a$ the, l ull day ol Novera- cr, inoj.one in atu t a LmbXTH, ol Uavalton coun ty, in thit State, wat to beaten, bruited-aud niaimeij that be died, ami whereat oneIIlN GOSS aland, chaied "Klithe commiuion of tairi oVeilnnd.ahe e a Lee ft hart oh, Muer Ki.rd, .flextutier iik op, Jothua Deer and llabe II. Sieenwen preaent. ijculibg'awf abetiMf and nraintammg-tlie;aa J.dio liots in the perpclialiof aaid telonytaml wherea aid oA'endert hare fled and aecreled Hiemaelvet from tbe regular operation ol theAv and Jutiice: ' Now, tlieielore, to the end UibI tha taid John (Jott nd hi accomplice in the murder, may be 'brought tb trial, ! bate (bought proper to ntttellii my Pn-c lamalioii, oircraig a reward gt Two Hundred Dollar lor the apprchention of the laid John Gojt, and a further reward ol Une Hundred Dollar each, lor one r e i'bec ol h it aeoompitaet, to any peraww or peragnt alio will appaehend or cautu to be pprtbei.drd,aiit or all of the oitciwler and ftigitivtt aloietaid, anu confine them, or either id them, in the Jail, or de liver them. Or either of them, to the hherdTol la tidion county in the State alorrtad. And I do, moreover, aereby rrijuire all i.fficrrt, whether civil or military, within tin Slate, to ute their bet exer tion ta apprehend, or eaute tn be apprehended, tbe (ujilivea and ofll-nderi aloretaid. Given uner my hand a. Governor and y L. e idc uitii oeai ui lue oiaie ui .toil.. 3 (!lat'.lirkH . Dlttiaw fat All l it t( Mtalaviirta ? Carolina 7vvsvr.v thi. the SUth clayot Uclolwr, A II lb0. tUWAnU B. UUULEY. By Command. C. C. Uattlx, Prhat Secretary . Detcriftian of the OJendcrt named in the altoxe fro clamatien. John Goto ittboul S3 year ol.lr 5 feet, 9 or 10 inchei high, dark complexion, dark curly hair, and hat tome prck of gunpowder ia hi face (tout made anil nnick of apeech. Jje It hartin it about.SJ year year old, 5 leet I or 9 inrhethigH, fair hair and complexion, hit for leet broad and aide apart, large eyebrow., a down took, voice fine, lw apoajen and i .loot made. . .tbaer Hani i about 58 year old. and S leet 6 luetic, hic.li, ateop ahoulder, fair complexion, blue cjet, toft apokea and grey. hearted. jjnttua veer n aoout v yrart old, feel or incliet high, laia; '''n. hlue eye., tuM-e made, thin vitagr, quick tuken, hair data colored. .Ilexundtr C. lihhop i. about 85 yean old, 'fair and pale etroplected. undy colored hair, quick tpo ken. 5 ttet or. Tpche Jiirbawfl Muitra- aniliahunky Tntde, tad atieak in the ordinary way whin pokn,lo. . Oct. Io , 43lf . T he Standard.Sali.bnry Watchman, Green horeugl Patriot, bitelligeneer, Lexington, Ky., and Bannet Nahville, Tenn., will iottri the above weekfj until eonnlermaaded. . -h 'I'lE SlIBSCRIBEIIoeing about to open a Clntaical School in the county of Franklin, abort midway between Louitburg and the Hhoceo Sprhg. taket thi method of informing thote who mi be diaposed to avail themtelvet of hit Srhool, thai tha Fixerciaea will commune nn tha firm dav atwit as wiHJitlJireporatofy to j.n; e( our Univar. tiie. The price of Tuition will bef is a Pration. no nttinction being mnde between Engli.h and ciae iieal Scholar, either in price or the attention paid ithem. ' Board can be had on very reatonable term, in highIv rMDecUlble fttmilielj within a mile ilia inbacriber tckea no betriler. J. H.NOKWOOD. Frtnklin.Dec. 24,1840. Cw 53 TIIOS. D. FLEWRY, CAUINKT MAKEft. Retpeelfully Wifromt, the public that he expect to enntinue hi buiineat in Lnnitburg, Franklin county X. C, thi year, that any per ton or peraou who may with to purcbate Bureaux, 8iilebord, lied tleadt, or any other ankle in hi. line ot butinett, eta do to low, fo cath, or gocd Doles, oa the de livery of the furniture. Louisburg, Dec. 28, 1840. J2 6t Pleasant Hill Female Seminary-. The exereite. of thi. institution will conimenee on Monday the llth of January next, under the superin tendence and management of Mi. S. i. Gardner, ot Virginia, wno hat acqaired great celebrity at a teacher in Bruntwtek couoty, Virginia, where the ha taught fur aeVcral year and come with tlrong WiBU4oihSf aoefiCtea-and patronage of percsta aad guaidians. . ' - TClTttN--Engith in all its variety $10 per stsiiotT'of 1 'yt'o'nth.r-v'l,fJaKI''''$J per teationt Mu.is on the Piano, $IS per settioai psinting and drawmg;-TfeT sestion." "" , bO AH l even dollars per month in the family of tbe subteriber, or or with Mr, Joba Btatwell, who lives in the immedisto vicinity. PLEASANT HILL it in a high, healthy and a greetbla part of the country, within one and a hall miles of the Port Office at Bedford, or Fotler Sill's Crott Itnadt. Every exertbo to pletta may he confidently relied oa by thote who patronise this school.'- ' JAME9 HARBISON." Nath County, N. C. Dee. S3, 1840. v 4w State of Mortis Carolina. : ,; . Cumbertand Cou&iy. ' . Court of l'leas, vnd .Quarter Septioiii, "l)ecmber.Tertii, 1 8.0. John "Baker, Jam Baker,' Parah Uker, Elisabelk Ann Baker, Daniel Maker, John Baker Sen. John McPhail and Mary bit wilo, Jaba Caddy kau. and John Uaddy Jr. . . - " , Cetbrtoe Baker. Willi. H.ker, Arehlawld Baker. -Mat Murphy, Jolia M'Laurio, jr. 4uarriiaa arf lilew of MatO.a jaaa Murphy, ant) Daniel at 't V illiam Murpby , jS' r. ' V . Petilitn Partition mf Real Ettatt, It ijipcaring Io th aatwlaatioa of th lMirt, that Calhriu Uaker bud Williatn Uakel arc not Inhabi tant of thit Slate. H it ordered by the Court that publication ba atada at the Court Houtt door at Fayettetrtle and alto ia tho htate CaSvtt tor tbe apace of aix weaha, aotify ing tha said aon retidentt uartonally to be and appear before lhe Jutlices ol our taid Cuanty at their next Ceert, ta b bald tor ttid Coaoty at t ayettcvill oa the ft rat Mottriay ot nlatwh aext, then and there la thaw eaute, it any they bate, why prayer of the Petitioner thould eat ba granted; etherwiae k will ba taken pro eouleato aad beard ex part to ihem. - Wttneat. John McLaaria, Jr. Clerk of our said Court atOnW tbe Crrt Monday af December A D. 1140, aad of Amcrtaaa ladeneadaate the tisty-Sta. - JOHN McLAUHIN, Jr. ? Prase ad. $S 6tt iMf. . JOB PRINTING. -1 XO. 1. A SI'LEXDI XE1V AXl'ALS ' For 1841. tint arr'.vrri liv Hih tyrant lt'ar. frmtl Lmtdon and for tale at the North Carol ma Book Stoi e by . TUKNEtt k IIUCUES. " Pook of Bon-lotl ljmd.nf Vetih ' . Himten' T.b'raux ; Children of Nolnl.ly Piimretnue Annual . Book, at ilc-uui v ' Loailim Keep, k '" thawing Konm Scrap Book ' Proteflant Annual . Forget M Not Juvenile Scrap Bookl Tbe Token ' . " ' Fnendthip. Offei mg v New Tear' Gift. o l lie above llnnk. are nuUan in amnimlta atto. all thoae -who wnnt to ruake ttiaeeai..' thould tail and look for themtelert. ' , Oeei n.her 83, 1840. ( , ii Itegittrr will er-py. . ' Nl SE TE E N P 1 4 N OS -,, for Sale by E P. m .Vu.i PeUrebnrg fa, VPON THE FAIREST TERMS roSSIBLE, 1'akfe the. iinirntnent. and try uhr,-if good keep tliem, if not return them, wihhout pay ing lor them. A. ii une fianoi are far .uperioa to other, anil a poraha.en generally are but little acquainted with the il ilTer nee in them, (inaide) il teenn to me that in getting tocottly an article, loo much caution van no! be observed. Many pertont are perleetly tatined with the in ttrwmenl they hate purcliated Until tome Irieiid or nelgh'.iir gett one whirh ia coiiaidered tupenor, aod ih they with they mid been more partiiular. Th re itoo neeettily for any thing liirthcr than limit in price ia auy order which may be tent me. v E. P. NA3H. Dec. S'J- ,' ... 58-4w. To the Editors of the Star: ' My attention wa called, a few days since, for the Drat time, to an address " tu the people of Northampton, Martin,' Hertford and Bertie," overtlio signature of A. V. Mebane, published in the Standard of Oct. 21, and beat' ing dale Oct. 5, 1810, from w hich the foltowing is an extract: " - 'f Vet .1 regret thu fact, that rpspectoble- ".hig" aye, eren a member of Con eta in our own Klecloral District, atoopa in public har angues, to the pitiful office of retailing, with welt affected veal and sincerity, the elnndera of the mendacious Ocrle, thinkino-, no doubt, the? U1 make a govd enoujir MorjpnM"liritil liter the ' election."" .. . As I am the only member of Conirrets in that Electoral District, it is very evident that Uie al- thb Ulobe. and other kindred Dresses, thathe'haa a.-q in'red the style wTIich marks their columns, and ia unable to apeak of political tjppohrnt. with due and becoming respect. He lays g-eat Uess upon the false and garbled report of Mr. Lincoln's speech id the Globe; and raise the stale cry which has been ao often echoed by the Administration prints that Mi. Ogle's state ments had been denied and disproeen by one of hit own party. He speaks of it in this language: M The only satisfaction is, in knowing that one of the sevetott castigalions any culprit ever re ceived, was inflicted on Ogle, and that too hy a man must be base indeed, who, in timea lik the present, is lashedtnd tebuked by the most hon est of his own party." .. Here ia nothino; but vague and grneral asser tion, rounded, no doubt, upon the Globe's report of Mr. Lincoln's speech, and the olt repeated statements of the same paper, that Mr. Ogle's speech was nothing but a tissue of " lies.' Atid home of onr afTectioi) ms "SRsv&ew cimmmmmiifiwtvti mr made ine object or attack. Now, In reply to the aucrtiont of the Van Buren conflidate for Elector, I pro. pose to offcT a few simple provs, and then leave the public to decide. As to the truth of the Statements in Mr. Ogle's speech, in regard to the expenditures in and a bout the President's house, 1 submit the follow ing 'certificates from members of the House of Representatives of hlgheharactf republished In the Intelligencer of July 83d, 1840: "The undersigned, whig membcrsof Congress, hartr had their attention called Jo a publication in tha m Globe" of the 10th of July, 1840, under thd caption of "Messrs. Lincoln and Ogle," from which the following extract is taken: . .. v ' .." He (Mr. Lincoln) was no friend ot Mr. Vgn Buren, but h? would do him tha justice to say. il there was any thing wrong in relation to tha furniture of the White House, the President was Dial lA KlatlStA,. Yra Si 4twati nnntMtH - ka Itf . w wataoaaav ivi a VS ! Wlltiaijf, 110 iUI - .hX jtpt.W- Set" ittbjMUftid, would assure h gentleman- that, whenever tha committee had eoDBultad tha J'reaidenl in rela." f.n n n.l.i:i: 1 e : . i . . r i ' tiuu ui an, auuiuunai luuiiiurv, iia nan invaiisr ,bjj WPresseihi retuctanca -v have any thing vapeiiueq lor lout onjeci. . tie (.Sir. L.) WOOia State, from his own knowledge, that not a single article of furniture supplied during the last three years had been supplied at "the request of tha President. The oommutee alona Were answer able, and they would assume the responsibility." "The undersigned do not undertake to say whe ther Mr. Lincoln used, the language imputed to him by th Globe" or riot but as he has per-. mitted ha publication id feruaio i ten aysViiheut , public eonuadictioo, we preauine that henow a dopta (ha hnguagr ascribed to, bim, if iia did not originally utter it. lr'or tlia purpose, there fore, of placing tha matter truly before tha coun try, and to correct ahr greaa misrepresentation of facts contained in the above extract, the on dersigned'eenify that they have carefully exam, ined th vouchers which have been duly audited aod settled by the Treasory Department, for tha purchase of furniture for tha President's House, aloce the 4ths or March, 1837, and that-they have eotnpared. the said vouchers with tha state--ments of the same in the published speech of Mr. Ogle, and find tha said vouchers trulx et.. forth in the said speech. . V ' ... ' Aa they forthaTcwrtify, that it appears from the said vouchers, that more than eighteen thou sand dollars wars expended in furniture far ti e President's House, between the 4tn day of March, 1837, and the6ibdayef December, 1837, the day on which" the Committee on Public Buildings and Groands waa appointed, and of which Mr. Lincoln was chairman Ike fotroer Committee on ' Publle Building and Grounds having eeaaed to exist on the 3d dat of March, 1837. y " - -. l,- The undersigned farther eertify.thst it sppssrs frorn the said vouchers, that the aaid money waa expended by the agenta of the President, vis : his aon Abraham Van Bares, T. L. Smith, aad others, on warrant a draws by order of the Pres ident or the l ntted Mates nlmtslf. -Al d tftluideiiiiriHMl would fur-lin :!. ;1 i- the t tiumitlt.eon 1'i.liin Uuui.ii g i,u buunow hate im ront.ci, dirertiuu, t,r jhriad.etiun wl.it a vet in the nelret on tr puubaae of futniiui which llie l'ntidei.t may v pnper to pr.rurt. hy hinjM'If or his ageUa, - l.t-a appropriation Sue lujil lor that object by law. ' ... J- C (Jl.AKK. New Voik. JMte COtiPKK. ( II. F. MIlCHtLL. W.MMONTON, W. KIDGttA P. G. GOOUli . Washington, July !), 1S40. - ' As chairman of Uir Commute on ihw Kerawl diturt-ton Pnbliu Uuililiugs, it becou.ek meu- . y to exapiiue the t xpet.ditorea on the Pr.aidenl'e House.' i have had the vuuih ra b4uraih committee, and, having examined the eabjrrt fully, at tlie request of Mi. Ogte 1 atate thai U facts puhlibhed in his spt rch are corrertly gieii, 1 concur in the foregoing auien.eni 4 Jklesan. Clark, CoOjier and otht'ia. KD'W. STANLY. July 20, 1810." -"-7 laita a meinbrr of the coniiiiillee of whirh Mr. Stanly ia rhairuian, and as such, have i X ait ined the voucherv above rt-fi rred to, and ful concur in the ataletnenls ol Mr. Sianly. JOHN W. ALLEN', ul Ohio, Washington, July 30, 180. F certify, that 1 have examined the" vouchers referred to in the foregoing statement of the Hon. J. C. Claik and others, and have coin pax eJ them with the copies as set forth in the j ewh uf lite Uoth Mr. Ogle and find that ItlrfZiia'li truly set forth M tlie speech," and that tipwatda -of $18,000 of these exendiiurea for furniture fcr '. the Pieaidem's Ilcuse, were ntsde Ly the Prea- . jdent Slid his agents at s lime when there was no committee cf Congtess in existente. and... if course, made bv the t'ppsident alone, wtthcnl any one to Interfere ot influence his wishes ( Slid 1 am told by my friend. Goveroof Lincoln, that - he tiesar made arty each remarks as are pnbltsL; ed at his In the CTobe. CHaS.'WAYLOK. . Waaliiiigtori, July 20, 1840.' , 4 . ' As to Mr. Lincoln's speech sa reported in ths Globe, which Iras been so much relied on to dioprove Mr. Ogle's statements, 1 refer the pub lic to a-It-tier wiitten by Mr. Lincoln, to the . iter's of the Intelligencer, dated July 85, 1810, and published in that paper of July 30; from which the following Is an extract, (referring to the foregoing certificate :) " 1 ahall certainly have no controversy with either of the gentlemen who be re seen fit to give these cpitincates. To thoe of Metsrs. StaiilyV Allen, and Naylor, 1 have nothing to object. In. deed, to that of the latter, in whom 1 am happy to recognise a personal as well aa political friend, T would my sol I mosi willingly have subscribed; and llie substantive facts sisied by all, to far at re pec t lhe procuument if the furnilurt in th' PruitUnCt llouir, 1 nomors question than ihem splves. 1 have never said, or authorized to ba ... said or reported, a single word which those cer tificates gainsay, and 1 feel entirely conscious of. having afforded nn cause on my part, for any in- . tcrposition between Mr Ogle and myself, la f the one certificate, however, of Mr. John M. Clark and others, there are expressions to which I feel bound 4toJir a word of reply,- I find lrr it the following ob -Tjranh: '1 he iindeiaiitned do not undertake to sh't whether Mr. Lincoln utted the language imputed to him by tha Globe or not,, but ae he haa penrtitttd rat pttWiiCtiain"b - u not oricmallv nttter it. f If these eentletnen heard the remaika which 1 & fact make oa the occasion referred to inVhe Globe, they mast have known that I oVd not riginally utier the lantruatre" aacribed to me I Hint paper in the extract tbey bave taken, non aay ihing like it; or if they heard my reply to I nir. vgie a lonntgut aiterwarda, when, upon my return to my seat from a temporary absence, he alluded to the same misrepresentation of my , remarks, they most have heard mr unequivocal denial of the fidelity of the Globe's report, and a full and frank expression of what I did toy on .J.l er?aaintj -.. '.-.: ..g--i. hv stands tha Mse'now" C I think- I hare ; proven that the itema of expenditure mentioned in Mr. Ogle's speech, were compiled from the oiiginal vouchers examined and certified tn by members of Congress of high character. I have further proven by Mr. Lincoln's own statement, that the report of bis remarks in the Globe was incorrect and unauthorised by him. Now, if ev mtHet&iaMmmmlMlTiii address in ignorance of these proofs, (whirh hud been long published,) he exhibits himself in tbe pitiable altitude of attempting toinlomvthe pub- . lie on a-aubject about which he knowa nothing... And I would advise him for tbe future, to inform himself better before1 he-makes art onproxoked ettack upon others, who have the ssme right to ' their opinions that he has to his ; snd thst upon a subject too, which he doe not understand. And if he wat aware of these facta when he wrote his address, the ruin referring to me, he has drawn a faithful picture of himself. And In the latter event.it is proven that the Van Buren candidate for Elector in that District, has stoop- ' ed in s publie" address " to the pitiful office ef retailing with well affected seal and sincerity, the slandere of the mendacious" Globe, m think. ing no doubt tjiey will make a. good enough Morgan" until after the election. Yours, very resptctfully, - K.BAYNER. Kiaahetb Cftf,Ns tSif Ntm-5, :0i--r?r 'LEGISLATURE OF jCq" ' --"-SK'NATE. " " ' ' r " " Monday Dee, 21. - Mr. Wonh presented the petition ef Jscob Haiman, praying the emancipation of Abram andEllick. Referred. . . Mr. Morehead, from the Committee on the Judiciary, reported a bill to amend the 102nd chapter of the Revised Statutes, entitled Rev enue ;" which passed its first reading. ' M h Moore, 4nmj the Committee of Proposl" lions snd Grievsnces, reported the resolution of Isaao Hunter; laid on the Uble. Also reported adversely to tbebilkto add a part of Carteret le ilvde Coonty : laidon the table. The following engtossed Hill snd Rssolu--tions were read the third time, passed, snd or dered to be enrolled : Bill to sbolish the Fair at or near Laurel Hill reaolotione in favor of Philip Hod net, and in favor of T. Elmore; bill concerning the Jurors in Ysney resolution iu favor of VV m. Youns i snd bill to amend aa ao t concerning tbe aeat, of government and publie outioings. i ,f Theengrotsed bill snthorising ths Governor" to sppoint sn sgent in the County ef Macon or Cherokee, was resd the third time, amended, oti. motion of Mr.' Clingmsn, snd psssed, snd s' " messags ordered to be eent to tha Commona. ask- log their eoncorrence In the aaid amendment. lite btmate took nn lit consideration, the bill ' for the establishment and belter rep-nleiloe- of Common Schools ; Mr. Shepatd proposed aa a menntneni uierrio; ano a tier some Utafueaioo, m wbirh tha proposed amendment waa advocated by Mr. Shepard, and opposed by Meters. More, bead and Dot kery, the whale aubjeet waa "oeW pened until to-morrow : " . HOUSE OF COMMONS, i Mr, Bsrringer, from lit committee Propositions ami Gnevantes, rrported tb bill to rtgutsts the meaivrrtncut tf ton. 1 . i 'V is Si 1