, - . . -f .j ' ..a. 0 THOMAS J. LEMAY, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. Scascaimoa, lhr dollart pee seeum hi 1 r-J-lu advaa. Perseus raiidiag without the State will be r qairril to pay Ihe waaLX amount el Ihe y ear'a tub eriplio i (dunce. -BATES OF ADVERTISING. Foe every square (ot exceeding I " ' type first intrriion, dollar each aubaeqweuM sertion, twcntt.n.e eeait. ' - ' T Wirt.n. of ClerVt henffrwW be aharged J per ernt. higbernd der-wetio nf J par a eel. be m.-te fro lb regular pri ons lor sntert iters bjt in ycer. C3" Letter 10 lb Editor IUT b pntt-pt l. J. XII 12 EDUATIOM Ot Tllfc. BI.IND.Thi ramtHrahmrnt has b en remove d to Wat piou and rlrg.nl .liti.e known si Mount VVaibmgton Hon, at Snuih ltd km, d ii mw realy far Ibe reception and ihiiuhb m jnnng Wwd proot ol tither tea lroa nj pail ol the ,Ti talubrily ol the Inealion, the fetilriira for r. -,.,;. and ih xtent the eninre. which orier pa'iw) room lor the fxipila. make ibi eaublieh. meal a dettrable- reeiilei. lor tlmae young blind wraow bo deair opiior accomodation. The course of inwrmiittn tmpyhetnt reading, writ ingi arithmetic, algebi ,nil geometry t geography , . distort .natural ut anocsl phUosophr. -. ".. ante iho theory and practhr ol bum. ' hot exlw rtexire if Ttrt7T(enTiir-kiiowtdg,,re"w" aienl Bad modernlengwagea. -. , j A lhorootb Mid eientiti knoledge of muiie, nd opportoniiiei ol practice upon (he jiiiio.lorf ami or gan, are giren ta all, beentr which the pupil may srleet vny taiilrumenl which lie withe i leant Particular attention li given to phytic! eduea'ion Txaaiai Board and tuition, with I lie ute of booki nil muuril iaatrumrats, Irom flSO to $XI per an num. For thorn who wish to study the language. -Jin he the ate of a piano-forte U their chamber, nr to reeeiv extr mriiical 'luitVuctmaii, I1". Ttie above will cover all llie orclinnry eipeniec ol the pu ll '"'i Rjtra aeeotnmodtioicTargeI In rr'aionable pro portion. The mot ffonble age lor tnitretliun it between the Sib and ISih )rart. ; The following gentlemen, are-connected with Ibe --direction ol the linmulion ann may oe rtitrrju u. Feter C. Hrookt,' Thoma II. I'erkinn. IVtcr K Util l.in, Kdward Hrookt, bt.nutl A F.Urot, John I). Fiiber, ThonMt li. Uary. John llomcni, Jimn K. Mills, Kolieit KantoMl, Samuel Load, Kamuel May, Oxiat Goodwin, Horace Mtiio, lioberi C W inthrnp. For ptrlioular ioformtiioo addrrtt the Ifcrerloi, Dr. S. (i. Howe, llotton, to whom all application-, thonld be made. .... , N. II No pcrtont will be reecited while andtr inr llical iretlmcnt for the recovery of light. Jul 3. & 3-m NEW PIANOS FOR OLD OXES. 1A M willing to take teeoiKl-haml I'mimm in el change for aew nnet and all-t-hatw judge of the article may tonaider ihrm wnrlli; my object itmt "lo make TOoaey" wt-the teeond-hand -Piano; and would therelore eiihermkethetn at ihen- iralnaHon,' i r aalliUemiatba beat adaalage tor their nwiicra. ...... I hare now m hand a beaumul ataorttneol u perior Piano-Fortei, varying in pitsa tiom 87J la .600.z----r"--;r: ; -- --"" "!"-'--' Thot-wbo 'avor me with their onlert lhall be pleated or no pty thall be required Koe. 19 Book and Piano Seller, I'etertborg.Va. Junto A (Hide in jr. " TUB FAI I. SF.H5T0M of tbit 'Academy will c!oe on lla ISih of next inonih, anil the next tciaiun will eommenee on the I5ih January, 1841. ' Thi inatitntlon h) divided into two lrpaitmen.lt F.nglith and tliieaLln each department the court of in at rust ion it full and complete. In Ihe Knglith, are taught, in tba 6rrt alatt, Itcadinj, M riimg and Arithmetic, at five dollar pertetiion id fit monthti and in the tecoad alatt, F.nglith Grammar, (rtogra phv, with the at of the Atla, llittory, Pbilotrphy, Attronotny , h., at eight dollart per tetaion. In the clatsical drpartmcat it taught a full and complete acaitemieal eourtr ol Latin and (ireek Literature, the tuition fee it I write dollart aud a hall per tettinn. la thit department t'.udeidt are prepared lor any ol our Iforreraiiiet. ' No day nudrntt wiH be Uken in either drparl menneaeh ttl)errt errtering-tba Aeauemjr wiH-b eonahje lK)Wd ftt' he enter to lb end of the aeuion. No deduc tion will be nad f 'f tb luoa of time, except in caaa of aickneat. Every potaibl ear will be taken to promote the adtaneement in literature, morality and virtue, ol etch etudent placed under our care. The (ubrcriber i prepared to accommodate eigh teen or twenty Undent jtvith board, and good out room, for teven dollar and a half per month, ex eept r ndlea and mending. . Good board ran be had'coi'itinienl to the Academy", al from tlx to atx and a half dollar per tnomh. ' UANIEI. W. KER. PrineipaL November 14, 1840. 48 6- eor. , Stale of North Carolina. Cumberland County. Court of IMt-a, ami Quarter Sestion. Decctnber Term, 1840. " John Bakrr, Jamra B-ker, "rh llker, Klicabeth Ann ltak-r, Daniel BaKrr, JiiIih liaker Sill. John Mcl'liail and Mary hit wilo, John IJaddy ben. and John Gaddy Jr. rs. Calhrine Baker, William Makrr. Archibald Itakrr, ' Mar ' Murphy, John M'laurin, Jr. t.nardian ail I'tem of M mil. Jane Murphy, aud Daniel k illiam Murph rii Jr Partition J Rrnl Estate Ir'aniKBrine lo the Mialaction nf Ihe tjnurt. that Calbnne liaker and William liakei are ant inhabi tant! of tint stalei M it ordered by Ine Couri tha tubliaation ba mane at the Court llnute door al 'Byet,terijhnd:ar ipaee hrtrx weekt, hoiift ing Iho taid non re.Hlrnia bertnnally to be and appear bi-fr the Jiitik-e at our aaid Onnaly at their next 1,'nnrt, lo be hrlil lor M Uonniy at rayetretnie W W Brtt Mommy of March ncxi, Ihea anil Hirre to tbcw caute, H any Ihey have, why prayer of the IVininnrn thould mH be granterii otiierwite it will be taken pro aaule.to bcmi neara x iane a to llirm. witaeaa. John Mclaurm.. Jr. Cleik creur tnl flourt atOm- the firil Monday nf llecrmb r A. II. ISM), aud ol American tn.U-ptq. Inner il.r tixly-Gth. i"t.K SIcUAUrci , jr. !...Fi;ieaad44ri3i . , YTAItKEXTOX MALE ACADEMY- 1 he exereiaet ol thi lirainulinn aill Im reaund on Mnadav the llih of Januarv aexl. TERMS ol I nition lur the aeitwa of fit monlhtt Lower English Branch tlx 50 Higher uo oo- mcratling Malhematic 15 Ou Ancient and Madera language U0 Hard may be bad in reaprrtaM nrl.at familw at $1 per mnatb. KUBEKI' A. EZtLL, AM. frineinaf." Warrentnn, TV. 1. 140 EXTRACT FROM RULF.S. Student Irom thecnuutrj will nut be allowed to can) at pebli Hotel. Nn HiHriVm will be permitted tn viN Ihe Hotel. Storea, or Shopt in th ilgn, except on bucinet d by ihe pecial leave of ihe Piiipal. - No Student who 1 know til ba ol ii rranlar bah. S or al haatnral charaoter, wdl be tuuered lo enter .tb tiaUool, ryil Ijnad be inaaatigiule alter vaV miminn.will ba allowed to remain. , - Ura.1,1340. 40 gin. . VALUABLE CITV PAJPElltV For Sale h W io, f earrying into exawutaw J ehcriahed miration of rcmov irg to th "OVr far tale that rare taJuakl K.lahli.k lur? Mh"Rh. known aa tba CITY to l- HMinK pertanal (barge of lb Ho k, orl yarS th aubaanber can apeak Trout lba!!i .i. lo " IKPduetvenet bn va- -v lb prpny . To a r artan wba it well aa- North CiOLfJ!A--:PowerfuLin tnotal. in. intellectual, and in physical resource the land pfirar irearand the V0L.XXXII qnaimed wHh the hniinett, tl.e errtaialy of a prnBt - able intetlment of bit money will be entnred. It always hat anmmanilerl, and, from Mtehrble tuna-' lion, alway matt command a fair propoiliia infj e,,,",,..,.,, 'ai""tl!r.,i.' .. IrerXnieT C ' nuturront lo h ilriailed in an lrerirnieiii but , e.n be deaao.t.rate.1 in anyone in.lid In piirehaar,, I he li rat of tali-, wlikb-aill be very accommoda- lit t be known on airp'ieaiion. DANIEL MCR.IAV. Rairrtii. Jan ar.isii. .4 N B. 'I'he tubwriber will alto tell a pleuiaiina ol St a'cret of land, aimatrd within S I- milct ol Ralrigli, known M the GRAM trtc. Orrici Litsat Fukb or N. V. . r-werr.-t1HiWU-'- At a meeting of thePrekJntand Director of Ihe Literary Fund, ft wt ordered thai ke debtor! in Iliia hoard, for monir leaned, be rcquireil ta re new thai ante oUrly at h tuju Ibex fall duet anrt that nne-tenm ol ine wnoie principal win r q'lired at each renewal. The board are compelled lo ihit eoarte lo procure fund lo meet iheenrrrnt expentr ol dniaing the lump landt now In progrett. To correct an erroneout imprettion which teemt to prevail, Irom the number ol application! to hor raw tery lrtwtha Uteraie Fund lliejr.atate.Jhat, thry have nn authority lo lembany portion of Ihe fundi entrualed to their tare, exerpt tilth portion nf the $41111,000 ppropr.led lo drain ihe Satmp landt. at may not be wanted for immediate ute. All thi fund hat been loaned aometime aince, and Ihey are now compelled to draw in puilion of it lo meet the necery expente. They expect to have ue more fundi lo loan. J A3. T; LHTLEJOIIN, See. Feb.-S - E SL'BSCIIIBEII being about to open anaeiral School in ihe county of Franklin. So midway lietareen Louiaburg and the Vhocco 8ph . laUra thi method ol informing lliot wno may n duapnted to avail memaeivea ol ma srnooi, that tba Jx.ereiet will co-nmence on Ihe firct day nf Februrarv next. Tha court of Hiudie will be och a will be preparatory to any of our L'niver aitir. Tha price of Tuition' will he $15 a 8rainn. no dialinciiiHi heinl m ule between BEngliah and C'Ua rtrat rlcholar, either in price or the -attention patd them. ' Board' ran be had on very rraaonalile lermf. In everal highly reaprclabla familiea, within a mil of Ihe action! holier. " Tha ubcribertkenohorIer. . wJiU(OKWOOD.a.- Frnklin,i)ec. S4, 1840. 6w O THF POLITICAL AM) CIVIL CHRONICLES ; orTiir Election to the Pietidency oflhaU. 8. nf America, or WILLIAM IIERUY HARRISON'; Cartfulln ttlceltdrom authentic tout' tts throughput the Union, AID AltltAKOtD Br DAVID HOFFMAN, J. V. D. One of the Electors of President and f'ect-Preiident for the State of Muryiad at large. Union of the Whig for the take of the Tnion.' Win. E nier were K To hurl the rooted mountain trora itt bate, Thin loree the yoke pl'alatery upon men "TJeteimii ed to be free South xt. liaui iiiiunui Jon, ' - , i i. i To Ute If 'higt throughout the Cuion ' Pillow Cocxtiimi Th forrgoing it th till page of work, which th extraordinary char acter 01 th recent canvaaa for th rreiicJency teem lo demand, and which will be faithfully nd induairinualr execub d, provided th enterprta be auUiciently nl4ined, not ooly by the friend of lbe inouHt Admbiiatrauon,. but epety ally by lho throughout the country who were prominent actor in achieving Ihe momcntout revolution. The timely and geuerout aid of both tbeae claaaee of our citixen will b eaaenlial lor tb lecomolwh. meut of the object, that of th Inriner, by mahifeeling their approval ol Ihe telirm by their auhacnbihg for the work, with at Utile delay a poteible, 'd h latter, by furniabing me with th moat authentic nd minute informal ion, in a mod to b hertflr tated. """ ' '""""'" All biatnry tearhr that, whenever great and trying criar occui th commenturate amount of talent, of learning, of wiadom, and of xetl, will never be wanting; and it ha been found eminently to diring th whole period that intervened between th extra aeuion of Congreaa, and th late elec tion.; in which period, it ia not too much lo eay that, moio wiadom nd eommon-aenae, moi un tiring xeal and generout enlerpriee, more manly iiidcpeiidtnce and patriotic devotion, .mor elo quenre. oratory, ippropriata infoimalion, and tal ent of every requisite kind, have been mtnifrttel tbioughoot our extentive land, than were ever ,ba-'Eirejj- iwf3r iiuhatverptt aa aince wa were a nation: pnooin ine cnrontcie, tf en, of to remarkahl a period a thia, be auflered to frpnaa in the fleeting recnllrctroiH "of t1i pi. ; cent day, .r be ten lo the rphrmeial and penabtble GaxrHc! ,. Will not th Statesman nnd Pol itician, even of our awn timea, bavo frequent oe- caiinna to refer lo tb nt of th pt yecrl will not Uuiuwnda, brrrafter, reek in vain through thouttnd avenuct, for the minut detail of thi wonderful canvaaa, Cull of moral tublimity , it iychtr eiearcbea into, and ipoaition ofalmoat every po liiicil topic that htt agitated tba pt, and will con tinue lo exrile tha fuiuret If ao, it tcemt to mo, j thi t a careful e lection ami concentration of all that it aent?al fully to cbrctriz that period. mutt It acceptable to th general public of the prevent day and be Ihtnktully received by thoae who hrl hereafter be connected with th ileatiny of eur great, and I trust, proaporau Kepolilic With .hi object, and the hope. I venture to mak thi prnpocal to tha American public Tbat a faithful and living pictur of tbit period may b preaerved, not only fur our o n day and gencation-bal for manv yet to come, every lin ment,'bowrer wnell, if truly rbaraeterictic, will he (rivto -and, wbilat repetition will be a itudi oualy avoided aa ma ba prank-able; atl aver Hiata in iha Union- mud eontrtbut il due and rel ative portion, tow trdi per fueling ib graphi uVlin- eaiioo, an mat M grt moral piclor of the lining day, may b oduead Irom all flhaa;a rroo eource. and thereby aaaur ll coming lime thit lb vnlum ic no pirtixan work of an ovrae ou imkvidu!, hot a veraciou chioniclj of all that may b recorded therein. Th volume will probably divulcj into lb twelve following part: : , , I. Th Cnteof 1830, anil il rwult. II. Proceeding of Iha HerrUburg Convention. III. Feeiivtl. Ar. Ibnaugbout ihe Union, ar ranged primarily, roookgicl!y coodiily by (Stale. . " :' c" J .' ; ; ' . fV. rJceehe A3!rra,e, T.etUr, tic. etrrfully lld, and eer reeled by their rcpeeiit aathur. RALEIGH N. C WEDNESDAY, MARCH 10, 1S41. - V. Tha litlea, tvrt.l grneral eonlent of alight) , hookt, patnpblrta, &.C publiabed during Ilia can- y, SiBml.r.enomeion 0f , nMr nam- '"' Adm.ni.tr.tion , "f A'idr'W Jarkaoii and of Martin Van Huren. and ri.tinn, ui auu aa mnj viiiifi, ilia ivgiaiaiiun- pbilneophy and moral f thai party. VII. (Selrrliont from the Meloilirt. and olhrr pceiiral production, aufTicient lo characteri the timet. VIII. Enumeration of the virion ailirle manu- faeiured fortalr and a promotive of the cauae. IX. The authenticated vote in the recent Mat Eleetioi'. TJhenticat ept fq, ,h. -itarflfiCi'& ymrA,MlIJUJmrACim President and Vica-Preeidcnt. XL Proceeding at Washington, from the mee' Ihg of Congreaa lo the 4tu of March, 1841 the Inau-ural Addreat, eke. e XII. Tb organitntien of Government the New Cabinet, ie Index. Tha volume (ehoold lb work b patronixed) will proktblr be a royal octavo of 600 pages stereotyped on good paper. The price will vary from t -60Vt fa, dfTrflderrt nro toe extent of the ubrription ht, and the diifuting of ihe work; It i veri deeirable that much should he done to ward th accompliihment of tl.it abject by ihe 4ih of March next. Gentkmen from every Stale of Iha Union, who may bo at Wathington during the tetainn of Congreaa, w ill confer a favour by bringing with then Lall pamphlete iddrrtte tpeerhe deacripiion of 'fetlivala, authenticated vole, dec. Ac. which appertain to their own Stale, and any written information that may enahl the editor to embrace ever thing material ht occur red in etch Stale, will be thankfully received. A line addreaaed to me at Mr. Hewitt t, Washington, by person then tn the city, will be promptly atten--ded to. The ubtcribcr, perhap may not he aaking too much, when ha hope that tha Whig Paper of the Union, generally, will give the fwegning on inser tion end that the principle Whig Itoodkteller in 11 ritie and town will open a (utmcription paper, in whirr) th name of mr-trrrber will be rtrefutly written and th exact address, at lo retidrnc Ac. giyenV""""'"'r'::"::"'"- rrir-s; ffy The miWriplion paper from every pert ofth Union", may he forwarded to m by riat opportonity fn moat intanrr, and torn ' alway l . UaulJnor-.-" Suou'd no- pa--opnorinnHv -oeror before th first of My, they wilt pleat ttato by letter th number of auberriber. and rr.rana will then he taken to fnrwtrd the work. .Any eugge t ion, by troe-heattrd Whigt, to further 'Utility of tb volume, will be thankfully received.- D'AVID HOFFMAN. . BaMimore, November 17, 1840. Eoat or ItSiKlnitl, A nole of hand on Alfred Lr'aii, principal andlathaniel Thompaon and Henry Waieon, as aeruritiea, for Iwenty-nina dollar, in favor of Chirle L. Hinlon a Executor, Ac. The laid note bear internet from tha I I th June, 183U. : All par sons are forwarned from trading fur th same, and tha aaid Lewis from paying it to any person except lo those duty authorised lo receive it. R. POOL, Constable. W.k County, Fb. 8, 1841. 8 3w PltESIDENT HOTEL, No. 142, Broadway, New York. -THIS splendid ritablithment ii aow nncn and ready lo rww-thoa. wba may.be lred oa4 n wiiii tnrir patronage, i he Hotel it in excellcut order. In furniture new and elegant, the larlie par. Iiinrt areluraithed ia a style not urpvwd by any ia the Union. The cellar! ire well Hocked with Ihe beat of winet and. liquors The lardcv will be conramly etipplird with eory delicacy the market cia afford. On ol the nrom iclort hat been lonr. end he trui. fatara. bly known aa a hotel kerperi ihe o'her at Captain of ateam ooa'.t lo tyiiai letton. New Urleint, liavclttun, .'." JAMeiPFA'Xovkli; j Pfop"' - Wa are determined to pleaie, Ftb. 3nl, 1841. 6 3mn WALUEC ceived by Feb. 3rd. OX BEAtrT7.-Jiat re- TCKNElt A HUGH KM. 6 tf PKIVATE ACADhMIV TheaubMribcr reiwetlully inlormt las cilixen ol Hatrigh and the djoining coanliv, lhal,nn Mmd.v, tha lib mtimt, he will open a Private nctrlemy in thecity. He Will b found at th Home latrly nacn pied by Mr.D. W. Stoh at an OHie on tavrlle ville tirret. Hit Academy will be neally filled op on the tame lot, opening on Kalithary urcct, being thut convenient at lo ditaance tor Children, yet with drawn from the buttle of buiineti in the 'I n. I'he tubieriber jimiti him tell loiweniy-aix vtnilenlt. Hit charge will be ' lb lame t Ihe oilier tehnnll in the City. The tubtcriber would b gild to board four bojt, al lb tat ot $136, the tchnlatiie rear, nf tea womb. , JOHN V. HICK. Halrigh, Feb. 5. IH4I. 6 St Vnlkcr on lHtrrMinrrlaiv-wj.i-t tmrttowhW'mii ZR A' tlUGlIKs'"""'" Feb. 3rd. 6 if $tk Brllfy EOrturoit in the tiicery aud practice of Phytic. .Second American etliinv, ir alr br TURNER A HUGHES. . Feb. 3nl. 6 if A T remise on Agriculture! Dy John Armstrong, vyitli note by J. Curl for sale by "Tt KM En & HfC. II K. Feb. 3rd. g tf MOOUE'S WAUKUOt'SK, . . . riTtaiacaa, V. -Th intneatori at the warrhont like Ihit method nf returning their belt thank! to their pttmnt and Irtendi for pan tavort, and mott rvtpecilull) ivlicit a tOWMMKCm IHWIte . Tb eatablithment which Ihey eondnct poteetet every advantage that can ba deurwd. Hiiuaicd almott crntiallt In the Iowa, upon a fine pared Mrret, and teiy near ihe Depot of iha Peiertburg and K'okc Hailroad, the fweilKie f -r receiving, eiieaing and ibipping Tobaeeo are not turpatacd by M.y other m tpteiHM in Vtrgiaia. V are determined to do all that il la nnr power to obtain Ibe highest mai ket price lor all tobacco arnt lo our aare, and have a antflsient. amber of abla band to do our butine with Uitpeub. W avture our friend nd Ibe publie generally, th. wa wrtl wee every exert toe to give' tatitfacliea Mil to aaerrt their tupport d confirtmee. Contigamentt by Rirlroedt or nthrroiie, will be, a heretofore, promptly tivt tlrielly aiirmlrd tnt and in every eat in which wk may be desired I tie to, we will with plenar lend Ihe aeenoal ol aalr. (whb a check, if diredrd,) la any l'et em that may be detignaledi nr w will pay the amount in any bouee or pertna in Petenlrtirg that w may k riireetcd lo, All chargei, auek at Uarlrtiad freight, drayage.tka. will be at all lime advanced, ta hereinfmei and ibe tobacco will be held to etder rvd,i, ike waera may deaira. Planter! and other are psrliawtsrly re qweated in have Ikeir namr itiily auukedapoo ibeir hogtkeada, and toaiigned . , ,, .'.,. - - Ffcf.RAl at JONES. Jataary Wrd, Illl . ,1rt't Mm-' hint, t u. Tb CultiVator,a AllUltnnr Rlld Ca' Inert, of Agrwaltural Kwlriter,': fir 141, I hit day recaivc'l, ty - 1 t'KNV.K k IIIJI.IIFS. " ' M,anf J 1 nnSl T" ' r;i!;:.k b,,u i Tbe Ainoricun Al pntiloty nl navHil Kwialr irt', received al lite North Carolina Ik-tiiner 81 43 FriTKBOIttlttill ACADI.HIV. 1 he aiirmg art-ntn ol ihn H.tiHimn a HI et'n,nvitre i ao tb 1 1th of Januarv. -TuMinn aa fomtrrlv. J. M. LOVFJOt. . 49 rw Itegitier t wrrkt. THE l.Alt.:ST AKD (tT 1U THE woniD OA K DOItliA III PKR - AN N Mh When aubarrihed foi in Club of lO or more. COMMECEMENTOrA NEW r EAR ALEXANDER Vi'KkKLY , Mrtnn p t.t i t. -i ' JL O -IV al "X V ,... . . . ,. , Will be malertally improved in it Typoaraphi- ctl appearance, it the bcainniig of the licit volume. in January. 1841. ' The Publi.her hat made aurh arrangement a justify bin in announcing lo ilia fubltc, lhatt hie paptr shall eontmu to take ure. rrdrnce of all its Compeiitors, as it ht hrretufur done, and all Ihe lacihtiea which hit Kalrntive Printing Eslahliabinenl ran afford, wiih the aid uf hit numerou Literary CorresiwnilenaY xt hinie nd abroad, thall ha united to make the Weekly Measenger still more saiisfaclory ta its , thirty-five Mr. Falkland' More, HtlUlwrnugh, or Mr. Lon thouaand of palrona, ditlrthulrd it i, through- don' More. PirUboro. ' out very sections of the Union. Fiery exertion will,h need to keep equal pace with the advance- Clxpel Hill, Feb. 18, I84L 8 3 I. eni which is con.tmly making in Ilia rharacler - 11 " ofth ncw.piperPieee. and the Pul.li.hrr pledge. AU.vlI.tilSlTK.kTOU'S NOTICE, bimaeir that hi. Journal shall, in'.' all it depart. At the Ut term d tl.rf Cni.nty Cmrt ot ska iv view of th. tmpon.nt evenla uvhicli in. comm. All ptrul, b, .i.im. g.i,t the eiit.e. ual.y transpiring in our own eounti and Ihe Eu.Jllirltbt .nuOed to pr.aent iU4 feuUin4f-aml ropeirt world! The actual fri i, that the Week- Ihnt- imlebled. In com loraand and make pay. I Meeenger jual aoch a newaiiinrr a reraoia ment wilhmf delav. living oat of large (;jiie, reqiilr tnd will be n'rae- : id lo teceive; and lift ruu'iher,fieiosaocrli..n of wenlj-yeara with tbeinewapaper jitea, plrdj; himttlf th hi Joort.l shall not be eifcUrd.eilh.r as retreeti Itt 'moral atid liierary reputation, or . il.ef early dissemination of newa and other impntlanl and uteful Informalion. "Go a-hetd," in his prin. eiple, and he has never failed to carry il out 'to the fullest extent. v Tha. Weekly Messenger it publithed every Wednewliy.on a l-eiutiful w f ihret, of ihe lar ge.! elate, Kmtl copies i fnrwanle J lo auh ri beraaver reek during the vear 'for two tlullare in uttnee, or leu eraon clUDMng together, can hv ii for the ram period, l.v forwtrdin th nub liaber a ten dollar note, free of pi rage, which i lett the) ny paper ofth aameane cm b furniah. ed by any other Office in the United Stale. A variety of beautiful engraving will b given in regular succession, which will b accompanied by antironeiale tiketches. of aoeh a it.vnml.m render them nart,cularlv daaarain. ih. .iL..,i.,.'n .f tbe Dublic. en and nther buildmgt arw good end onvnienl. " nn. ma ". !' j. Tbr il a g wt liable and burn, with a htd lor 0Cr 30 TllODSandt Carriage., nd Ih whole of Ihe budding and lol With ihe iinmcnae circulation tbat hi been re prrtenta neat and pleasant appearai-a -. ceived for the Weekly Measenger, during lb four He lo oAVrt lor tale anoiher lol near the Put jean pt, tine iu commencement, we are bold to are.-e-VV Mmlngtnn ttrrrt, eeennd dnor from say, that no paper has been distributed to iha A m'm BP'e.UMar,esiamlng ee-lhird ol aa rnmerl,onfw ..I.im. i r..i ' k... ,1,. . . , i T . . ,,h L eonvenicmly tonne ted with a kitchen. pjs.nl; in fct. wa have the moat caraful and f ruat. m ,kHlg h , etoM!.' rrti,, ..'' worthy Llerk now in our employ, and up induce. i would alto aril ibt long row of room i. sixteen ment are wiibbeld to make them attentive and In number, fronting, Morgan air', betwcea Watb- yitamatic in the diacbarge nf their varioua dutieri Inginn Hotel and ibe new Haul in Church, embra- iherefure, persons tuhscrihing for Ih pain-r at a t for Ih pier at s vine il iraulaflv end i of lb mall " i n .i a .i " ,ly I rest in U At.an- tiititnce, may rety on recelvim punctually by tbe due course All the cmemporare Weekly tic cilice bead their tcbteriDtion. nanres vrith th ittrpfAitfj iSapTI n nft-LergetfaadChceprai!1' Now.,. we prnpos that any person who cinnotsalisfv hiir- "Z&V.?kL therefor is best eu itled to nttronase. that wa will comer on every one making men ducovery, a fie re itr.f ifniw, wtn ,iiw .i.ce or Bnniner yeer. . At ids expiration uf Ih ' term aub.ciibed and paid for, by Ulutaj, th paper la. Jnsariably dilennr tinned, unlsas th subarrifttlons ire renewed. All letters musi b peat paid, or I her will not b taken out oflhe Pot Office, Address OH A R LF.fi ALEXANDER. lbnin BuildingFrankln Place, Pbiladalph e. Pitcmvi-tis For nrtetMi aiubscrlbera. Any Agent or potipster who shall forward la our etKlrc.i Ofteen dollar, will be entitle lo fifteen Cpiet of the Meiaengerfor one yetr, and eilhtrof Ihe following wnrka: ' Aleitmler'a Travel, in two volun-e. ' Th An of Dining, a papular book. ye?WfA avofti-fct" flliewV4' Chtreoa) ibkeichr, hy Keal. : fieniu and W'itdom of thakpeare. , Henrielta Temple, a oov in twb volumr. Health arid Beauty, a vol urns murh atked for. Indecision, a favorite novel. ' Mit l,cli.' Cookery, for mirried folkt. Th Picture uf Phtlsdelphi. ' Whi.per Ins Newly Mimed Pair. Th Prayer Uook, lSmn. Neilly haund, Every Body ' Albt m, with Gngratinga. . . . For Thirty nbcrlfteri. Any Agent or Postmaster who thall forwud 39 to our eddrew, will be supplied with thirty eopie of ihe Mewenger for on year; and tlio hr entitled, a prrmiom lor in same, to on copy of ilhi of Ibe following valuable worki: Goorh on Fema'ea and Children. - Amer'ran Ftowet iiarden Directory, '. '"'" tirego'y' Malliematir. -' I'ambour an Iroeomo'iv Engine apn tailwty rteutl' Life nf Ntpolean, - Pi'grimage la JrrusaVm and Mount Sinai, by Brrnii (jprimh, Iwo va'uiiira. IP00 Night' Fntrruinmeuis, fire vnlumee. , Fr rifiy Snberier. A eopy ef either of the followine wnrk will he furnithrd to sny Agent procuring a Club cf fifty Mubacrihera; or, if il should be prrlerred, two af Ihe first named premiom will be given instead, lekbr l,ifor Wader Henii. 1'rei on tha Maiiaeomant and Pi tet est ef Ctiil. . .j. . . . Holy Bi'jle, q'uarin, with betutiful Engraving. -Tgaais or thi wefhlt lrirssrcn, PER ANNUM-PAYABLK IN ADVANCR On subscription, 13 ; do - do . it month. . "' "' "' ,'"fl ; Poor Subscription I 36) $S ' Tn Hubarvjption ( f I) . $0 All who desire lo procure the paper fram the commencement of l volmrer, wilt plea jtorward their names imtnels'rly. Pnelmtrter and other gentlemen who Inter! nmle te attend eur eircu'ation, may rsst - homV of mr aiTeetiohB, NO. 10. etirwJ that the ronet a'virt and early attention ari iH be given lo I heir order.-. To areurr Airenit nd other from Imposition, w guarantee to forward niir pper In all who tend n ptyment in ajv.nr. direnl lo th Philadelphia -'. 4h"- r the raminanrw, will be our acknawleilgment of ihe seme, ami consequently th papel will be'regularly rnt for th tim stipulated, ' Our rounlrv Bre-iheen who oh'ige n with a few insrninnf of this Advert raement, will b forwarded the Mveaengef rr-nlr'y. and a'an ba entitled to a eopv of either nf the Brat premium. Or (hnnd lhv wi.h lo teceive the earliest teraj they wHI be Immahed with an exrhing with th Daily Chront el fr one year (m heu-ef th Mewmgeri Ac )pr- v JeJ ihey itneit tin advcrtiaement ronapicuoudy nnora week, or nf'ener. fr aix week. ' ;IIARLK ALEXANDER. " ' NOTICE. 4B-..i .a- ... al.. UA.L f . a aa h rv.nearOr,.r.l. H.y hoj .boot 14 b.mi. b'gh.'B yer old, with a full man hinging on the left siilo, with white spot 'h hrk, with igne of a i eollari a arer eM hie hind anee-4 all the mrks recollectej. Any' information will t. ,k..Lr..n . i ' "minuuri hit r-k. i tail ': a I. ' A HtUllEST. Ml pers,in having in their poe;nn h.wka be- loneine lo lb Dialectic Sociny, r req ilea ted lo return them ii ronvenienl, nr if not, to leave them al either of the following place where ihey ran be obtained! Meaara, Turr.ee and Hugh. Raleigh, By order of the PItlwlie foeiety. ' ' IIENNEF T BLAKE, AImlniirtor. : "t'e1. Feb, W4jl, .l4t. Pirn I AC SALE, n Mondav.lht S3 h March being iha- fcrMy XV,ke 8"P,r'r Vm, " at "he Coon ''""I " U,r,?h; ?Jr "' I ratn, be- longing to tn naw-ai ii mimn at H nionthi crrilit. ji , ub.iKr. Feh 4nd, IUI. AdniialHrtTor lie l.ttlMIOVED LOTS roil SALtl . The Mubaeiibee, tindmg ituea-ary In roue bom 1hii phrce, and retnrrr to Ml lin mrr place of retl denee, oner for tale ibe,hiiate and lot where he now livet, in the outli4tei n put of ihe City, Th lot it ele.ated and thy, having gentle tlot from Ihe front tt the hark tireeti a miaint one nJ a hall acre, enclosed all around with new ptilitig, and en close one of the bel welltuf water In th ly. The home it tt) by 1 1 feet, two atm-iri high, ia which la attached a (bed ell It two ronma, and thai it alto a iliiiireg room in lb hatenient making it a very convenient and p'etuut dwelling. There h) " " m ,hor,rH ',h 'eromind th kiteh- ,eet of ground by )n Further tleteripiion ' 'tet of ground hy jo Further tleteripiion ' ,,en',' unneeery, at Ihnt within; to buy will boot lo examine for iliemtelte. The pria .for tbote lott end building, nd term nl iiaymant. ,,n h, lnw inn ..enmoHating, and inch a no Aui n ...u .i, l. A. J. IIATTLR.' Raleigh Fehmary t5, ltl. v tl AilL j PALMK,ofM,Iin. N. C IiMiMra- ((( III pnhlie thai h mtend lor tb lutur lo devote him Kl filmoit exlunvlt ) to ihe praetw of ihe law, and will allend.th Superior and County Court oi Wake, Orange, Person and Csiwell numiei, and. also the Federal Coorf m Raleigh.'' He will receive claiini lor eollcelinn Hue hi sry part af Korth Car. rnna, ar in anunti ol rHistlvanra ann Halllas, Vu-giaia. Hsunrat ol any kind entreated te hit management tball ba IsMbiully and uiliganilv, alien- Heil 10. - .. '.! .. :-.-. ..; . . ;..( -- ''.-' mtrxaxeera. D. W. Stone, F.aq., and Allrcd Jsnet, Eta., Ra leigK, N. C. . . j ThematiJImry, F.in ,' P. M., .nd Mai. Jam n. r airarr, iiii-norouan, I, v.. Hamncl Waikint. and Martin P. Hunlinrton, M Hnn, N. C. Mdlon, N. C. Feb., t. lw WAiiii.taT. iiorri.. : j tilting bought ihe Watlmi'on tlotel,! tleefor Hr.iiwX'vnwwfimmn me 4 lilicral thtre of their public patronage and try me, land ie il I d not ate every method tn reader them jewnlanabl t htpy,wi'da ea my bewc. 0est ' pro mi act are rldnm rrdeemeil therelore, 1 shall 1 mak none, hut invHe all t nop and try Inr them jtelvet My price wdl be'moileiat t usual in tim. ilar plaea, ' A.IWYNNF.. Haleigh, February fly, Mil. J t i:vaiiu. t.cat inme davt tinee, t (ioM lpin Watch, Ho, 3340. mad by Imparl It Fits,' Mr TJu Hoi, Pri I will giv h shoe reward ia sny ncrton who will deliver Ihe laid VVstch to Mr. Vm borough, Propri. etnr nf tha Kagt HiMrl. with Ihg pertou who hat hi orfli lur Iha aiah. . ' t k.m, iiahtet; it. h.k. ...March 1. A..:.. ;..', 4tr Mr.' Kalkenheimer of Prussin, has inven ted a new kind oft earring for Railways, w hich may .be moved at the rale nf s ix French leagues, or shout eighteen miles an hour, without steam or horse power. It is stated that a carriage containing 14 persons may be moved ; with the force of a single man. The carriage aud apparatus cost about 500 dollars. . ' ' " ' ". " " ' Cauoiit in his bwjr TSAr.-The Portland Argus relates an amusing ease. In which beggar Initial' city 'received what he asked for but not what he wished for: ; ' MA few days ago, a full grown tWe-hod-ied man, presented ' himself at the door of one of our citizen., and solicited the lady of the house in give him two rents. She remark ed that she had none, and enquired what he wanted of them, rrt buy a dose caster oil mart .fwns the rent vl for I am dreadful lick." ' :'-r"':.t" ; y , - I he lady had no crt but she had plenty of oil; and she prepared him stiff dose, lie tried libit lo get exrueed fnvtn - tng.tija' v but ah firm, he wai a eiHt mnit and it mu(n ilnyrn. The loafer foimd fie wag emiglu in liia own tnp; end where he meirl to have a glas of liquor, he got dtee 1 phyeic; but making virtu f ftrr.eiitw unci with eondrr .wry: :htvf, . Iolricrt iik ilown andclearej. He'll not call there again, weitare ia?. :'rT, -V i-4 ' Rorfixo A Pkwalk DecroK. A mib. nitmed James Gattlner wne convicted inlloe- ton, nn Saturday laet, of resting Mn. Ruth Vhee!erg female phvfirian. of 91.784. Gardner wan studying tfie niysterira of the healing art tinder the lady .atiiiiion, and har- ,nlf gained her.eonfidence in money msttiere, arailed liimaelf of nn opportunity ta plunder her money bug. The trial tatted four day. ' but the jury were out only half an hour. . Il a eery pleasant thinstn pmutei the prod will and respect of the world about you: but it ia infinitely belter to noeeea that inward eoneceienciounneae of lectiimle and honor whieh can earry the aonl through a furnare evert timet heated in the firet of adeeraity and sorrow. r eehaj just- cone inlo CuU Uh hull raft' of men and materials for eonstruct ing a rail road in that region.' Queer rttttire those rame yankeet, , s . MRS. GENERAL HARRISON. As this lady is soon expected to occupy "Ae it hue il0ue" at Washington.'any thine: re lating-io-hcTiiittoty "will be gratifyfog lo Hie" pumic A. x. jour. iy t orn. : ' .... Alter Ihe seteie and desperate battle of the Slinm in 1794, General Wayne w nt to the AUnntic PtntM, leaving Captain Harrison in , cpmmnnl of Fort Washington, now Cine in- naii. The next year CapUm Harrison marri-1 ed the daughter of Judge John Clee13ym nies, who was born at Uiverliead, Long Is-' J ' land. New York, and removed in early life , to New Jersey, where he mart ed the daugh ter of Governor William - Livingston, end was srkon after one of the Associate Judges of ' the Supreme Cuurt of that elate, In I77 be , became thesproprictcr ot "the , Miami Purchase, " of nenr millioit of acres and removed to that country. " Mrs. Harrison . was educated at East HrimritopIjong IsJnd,-eml when -vrrnnr was--- esteemed a Lady of greet personal apd men-. Ml aceorti 'ptislirnentt. " A wciler for the hntion al rortruit Gallery, for 1836 hus speaks of hcrt?.JSiii.ja,u renee end ptetyand olt -whtf kiiovt Ijer," view "I lier wilt esteem ami. atjectten. tier whole course through life, in all its relations, his bsjn characteriied by those, jiutincstions ,: that complete the character of an.aaocoidpueU" ed matron. :y f ;v ; ; vv. .;'.' .:'.:. .." The New York Courier end Enquirer time . speaks nf a family now residing in Crolo". .. New London County, Connecticut: Daniel Whipple a young mnn of 42 rears of age had a family ol U children, and No- , alt Whipple, 40 yeare ol. age, had a family -of 1 4 children'. Daniel and Noun were eousine and had nut ried sisters.' In the visitations o( I providence, Daniel died, and also A'oah't wife. The widow had ; 10 children ta pro ride for, and honest Noah had tnty 14 deer nine creatures. To the mothersand father who quail at . the ide nv,TioTtmg n email family nf 9 or 10 children, look al tin good man s k i story. and learn a lesson of valor, fortitude, and itv , ,r eignation. Both families were entirely desti- tute, dependent on the labour of tlieit haude 4 for support,: .'.-V':: vi..v:. .'''.-?.4,: Noah was a stone mason, and daily went to his work with an honest hoart and conten- , d muftiettid WtSevaw night, 14 children flocked around hira at the . door to receive a father's store and caresses. . , Mother they hatTnone; and their father de .r termined that the ; should have another to ! protect them during the day,.when he was : ' alvcnt, and administer to their wants al night. 1 .A tt evidence of purity, of the religion of his -neople.he did not study alone to make 'i himself happy jn the selection he was sbonl to make; he did not think alone of his chil- dren, but he thought of Daniel's and tnoreov , ver he thought of Daniel's wife, and beeaine the lather of Daniel's children, and Jheir , i another the mother of his, mallinjr in nnited . family of:32; tW0 elders anil thirty younger''' W hippies.,.; . i,..'. , ; . v.- Ail you latraCMi end mothers who are per-plexerf- and dissatisfied in providing for . .. small family of 10 or 12 children, visit Con- : ', ftettfcj,an4 flowing like a bee-hive, with, eontentuienl V and pleasure impressed on the countenances . ' t alii rwt you will ' rstarn home Instruee ed and contented. . , ; ',. - A marine on board of one ofonr men nf way - v having bttea sentenced to three dozen Ih- ' i es by a court martial, was tasked after the 1 pimishmenrhanv1)ree'ir tnflleid,"h() fit feli"r" uion teceivtngthe first lashHI is repty was, " "he felt as if a cart load of lightning had been dumped on his bare back." We defy the English language to furnish a strongs ' expression. BEAUTIFUL SIMILE. , "! AVhen the clond of disunion rolled nphea- ry from"lhe South, It clad our political skies " in sackcloth. It hung about us eilont, dark, and terriblef And when the sleeping thun- derhidt appeared ready at every moment to lean from tutstnimy home, and explod upon - -the vei y hearth-stone of the Union when ; v out greet men "itt wHhrrrity itrtod linpotenl as infancy to svetllie swfoleaustrophe, then ' " the immortal vrith an arm more pow ful than Franklin, disarmed the clond of ite -wrath till its darkness dissolved in purple and gold, and the, rain bow came mil, and -sat like an angel of peace on its glittering folds. I'rtntict. ". .. THE F.LECTOlvAl. VOI R OF At. 1TIAMA - ( ft m worthy of remark, considering the ttmn tn Ih eonirsry, hick have been in circulation, (h when tht wnrn in r.iee;orai yoi or 1t,taiiieam( n ha a. ,V1M, in presence nfthe Senate and Horte of Kpe pencil, in presencs of the Sennte anil Hon of Kap reaenlalives it Waa found Ie be "all ri:itJ ennf.e matila to the requiwtlim of the Coaetiuilloa rft-HaV United etl.te. f .)