- " maTnifiT CONVENTION. - ,'AccorJing hi previous publication, number sf delegates from the counties of Orange and Person. ' fYVaka not. being ' rrpresenxd) meet Hn Hillsborough, on Friday ths 12 int. (a nominate a Whig ' candidate lor Congress. , - . .. n i i 1 1 s-nw VHHftnuvH wae wrg-aijsc vj v ing Michael Holt, Esq. tu the hairj Mr. E A Ileartt was requested to act a etc rttary. TJn motion of Dr Cratgt it was : KetolotiL, That th Crniven'inn pru- ceed. tonomioate Whig candidate fur Congress, for thi diitrict. Whereupon, the name of Dr. Jamet i!s c:.l i.:-.i ,.. l.. n and the question being taken Dc Smith - received ihe nomination. Messrs. Hugh Woods and William Daniel from Person, and Mr Jsaac Hull . 4 rows Orange, were appointed a committer 1 wait upon Or Smith, and inform him of .1 i . , - tlm nnminalum mil nll hi rrnrvl aqcev - ,; l-.: '.- - ' - I t bJSmitJi havin been waited on Ut iheJ jMifRmmee, personally appeared Deiore l ie Cooxentionj and afierth4iki4g ih Ur , he, kindness manifested 'in favoring him : with the nomination, desired to know if ..the. county of .Wake was represented in ..the Convention, or if any information had JKuunutitu. -ww nmi -eowwy t - sw - w deemed it necessary to success mat a iin- ipqf.rie Whigs of the whole district ; aVAiil, bj had. -tAfler acerlaiiiing that . ,nutjrepreaeaUl,sad, Aotluu had 4eeu heard from it, he suggested the pcopVietyof niisfpotiinw the noniination un it we could le a.sured of their hearty reo-peM'in.v m ,TIh sijr?eiiiin having been ronrarrd ii).JI SurTird then moved that this Con- ...... i '. . ' i : ... . i Trnun jiiuru iu meet again on osiuru.iv .UieiSfih ini;, and that a committee ol fi.e, gentle m.-n froni ()range and five from PrniM, , be appointed to correspond with gentlemeii in Wake, and earnestly request them t'i se .d delegties to t'ie adjourned meeting on th 27h .which was atlopt !..?:;. x,r. -,,::ri,. "V - The foil lowing genUemen were rerom .mended as suitable persons to compose 4L eHtutnitlee, and were appointed by the Ch a i r:.; from. Ora ng, )r J ainea A l'rai2,rtJMirge Hurdle. John Maffonl, jhn NVwim, and Michael Holt, E." From Her..n, John Rarnett, Kilwin U Reade, -AVftiiam Matitel, Hugh Woods, and H i y J?f rd JVi I lis WW- .,,-1 fJrr W!s toftt Iha Cotiitioii thwWiljnBnert to m-e4 again on the - 27th ins, iu Hills wMJOjghv ., ::.icJ's.:-. . - .. " L .JM ICH AEL HOLT, Chairman. f Ed win A Ileartt, Secretary. 1 ;WTHK INAUGURAL, ; Ve i take she following eulogy upon Gen eral Harrison's Inaugural Address from the vnarieston Courterar joarna-whicji "lurp ported Mr. Vau Buten during the late.con tesu r . . .. ' .. .. ' fj,Th Inaurural.Tii is an able, dilr'- . Aul i i . t iiiidu. wru vniuiD mill w luiiini nmniii. 1 lion worthy, in style, sentiment and doc trine, of the hero and patriot, whose laurels Mow gracefully commingle with thecivic Wreath, which the suffrages of a free people hare placed oii liis honored. bro wA ieither time nor space admits of detailed remark a brief and hurried notice of its leading fea tures ia all that' we can gire. It nobly re peats the pledge of service for a single term; tersely defines the proVmce of the e pow er as intended Only to protect the consiitu lion from invas on, die country from errors of hasty legislation, snd minorities from see- 'tits clitraeraof meulli currency, and points by,, a qyotatioa from Mr. Midison, to a Na tional Iknk, as the remedy for Ihe embar raement of the currency, into which we have been recklessly plunged by the fatal iiperiment of his immediate predei essors; ilemunces the uahaUowed alliance. so pro- liTioof evil, which has of late existed be tween the Executive and the Treasury, and rccomiiieiids new barriers against. Execu tive eiicroachinens on the rights and pow i ts f the other departments, of gov inruent; eimdetnns and forbids "the undue interfcr Miire of federal ofDcer with the (reedom of i i frtHinita, but concedes to them full inde lenilenee iuextrcising the right.of voting, itiat 'aaeS-eJ nrivilp . -I , O - y - w i 1 isy itn 'narUZJJl nrtB. ami nKltf u.Lsa ittefjitesaiJiiAf a decern sjd mauly xwiFm r ' .1 r- . 7 r 1 -ww aiewae.,si Hon oi tne acta ot the Uovernment;" pledg es tlie raanaginent of our foreign relations in I a spirit of lutrtupny lowards other nations. ami y ei iu I oeterroinauon to mstntsin no tarn is hed the honor of our republic and the inherited glory -of our people at last, not lew, it nobly, patrioUcally and decisive y iconoemna the nie;isures and movetnenU if the aboliuon and fanutie foe. th. Z.U I ia iiirf(iaiirsi i as against tha principle; oL thavlaoiisaWj'iL! Hon; . as productive enlv nf dinti jeaJougyi. tlte! eertain harbingers of disunibn," violence, civil war, and the ultimate destruc tion or our free insiilutions.V, and aa invad iinj Yeserved itgbu, equally . "inungible by lite common rovernment nd h. sr,.i:M.:. las-eomjwKing iU" We confidently sav tnen Uiat Old Tir has realised our expeeta l Hons, our fondest hopes- and let " threes UineS three ' ha ln rl.n..;,.. i throughout tits South and ihronahn... .i.! land. . ' ; ... . . r - .THE SCPRLMK COURT. Jtvt. some (lays past we have not beeb , a . . enableiL awm. . . ..t .1.- ! i. U-'i f"1"" I MM-.M .n .1. e ., . . . ! Z JZJrV MVc.counV, wlH beaeen from the following W 'lT2tfS tCSJ- tolv i,0m m,n ,b - ConvenUo..' ,W. 'he decision f ih. I ;.i I :1 1 meetings tmmedtatefy, and appoint deletrabs io ,1 ' w v a a, f vw mm ivtiuvitU IU . , , ' as the case of Uie United States, appellant, tt I Uiend lh nxt Lon""o- ?Let them remrm the Amisud. A. .n.l .i... r ' her that their work ia twl dotu t" Tt.. .!..:- e Uutrift I ..t .: . : .u . wail VUUIICUCUI III UIUI m affirmed ia every respect, except to sendinir th i. l. if.: ' i. o iirjiu ui w an iea.lrY , ,WUn cn6" M M . - at rate It A THE STAR. JJberU H naial tohtm. RALEIGH, MARClTnpS41. Surf CMtt;rcaal0nnl District. The Snd Congressional District, romposed of the counties of Halifax, Northampton, Marlia, and Bertie; will, wedubl not, be reprrsented in ths nrat Congress, bj a sound republican. -A more intelligent, virtaous, determined end self- sacrificing band, of patriota, than the Whiga of tnt district, never exi ' usterf. We a.e gratified to " n ?l y are " ' "Ida's taking iU ne'f ps to ensure the election of one or their purest and ableat men. A large and res. peclabJe meeting jof the enlightened ffeemen ef old Malifm a name sacred in the bistorT of N. Carolina was held at Enfield on the Cih Insf., JBf nj Jlanter, .EsoXltaifsaaei,: aii4--W Ei Lan, Esr. Secretary at which resolutiona were - t - ajne nmTuailnfCoTrWiL f Bertie, a the. repul epublican candidate lor Con gress, and pledging themselves to use all fair snl Honorable means to secure his election. A "Tong'persS wltlirfrCheriy enables us to sav With eonfidenre. that a belter selection could nvt hsve been made ; snd Iroin what ws bear from various quarters, the nomina tion will meet with a cordial and enthusiastic response from the people in every part of the dis trict. We hive been with him in the privste circle, and ean bear witness that a more benevo lent, generous and noble hearted individual can no whem be found, even in that district, where these virtues so eminently abound. We hsve heatd him in the Senate, at the Bar, Snd before the popular assembly, snd can also bear testimo ny to his ability as a public speaker. To a sound judgment, he unites one of the finest memories with which man was ever blest ; snd ss all who ,,aV?hejrdvhiman the pen of a ready writer" excellent in argu ment, dicUmation, or description.' He baa long "sd polities bis study L'-p'pnsysai.t.ei..s-. quainted with publie affairs; his seal and integ rity as a public servant, are proverb raff and ttw KafieW -matting truly say,'ffotn bis high moral character, extecsivs literary and political ac quirements ; as well as for his sound pojiiical views) patriotism and devotion to republican in stitutions, 4ie is eminently entitled to oureoidiil and iealoua support." ' He will find a respect able opponent in the person o'f J. R. J. Daniel, Ksq.1 but -itet ex-Attorney General '-can't come iu- He falls toofar below CoL Cherry in sound politicsl principles, and other important qualifi cations. llth Cosisresslonal District. The llth Congressional District, composed of the Counties or Mecklenburg, Cabarrus and Lin coin, Will, we trust, at the next election, be de livered from the shackles of Loeolocoism. The harJy and unsophisticated yeomanry of these eoontres, form U.e righrmaieriala, and when they open their eyes to the errors and delusions into which they have been plunged by the Van Buren leaders, will make alerUng Wldgs of Uie oIJJ revolutionary sump. 1 heir good sense, moral honesty, independence snd patriotism will place thrtinin the front ranks'of the friends of Liberty, Harrison snd reform ; and we rejoice to learo that ITr!cTSosei;inaY suiu they could have selected to lead them on to glo- rrous triumph, - Col. Danul M. Barrinocs, of 4 1 a. uaoarius, lias been sonunated, (and has accepted the nomination,) as the Whig candidate; and the proiect ot bis election, Is, we undeisUnd, biffh- ly flattering.-This is what- every true friend of hts country ought to desite and exert himself to accomplish. The people, at this crisis, ought every where1 to put their soundest, ablest and purest men in places of trust and responsibility . Col. Barringei would be an invaluable acquisi tion to the North Carolina delegation in Con gress. Ws regard him as one of the ablest and most deserving men of his age in the State. 1 To native talents inferior to none, he adds aennire- menu In literary, legal and political knowledge. f ,r,?l, i.. .! d'tinguislwd himself as s able debater in our Legislature; snd by lbs lit erary productions of Ms pen, he has proved film. self Mbe ,he of fit 'm'bslilrmilintl'ellaasMi writers in the Stale, These qualifications, uni ted to bis souud republiesn principles, amiable disposition, unflinching Inteyrily, and enthusias- . - w - " '"V10" Xo " hi country, emi- .flTw.spiMefety' hope imd believe be will be placed by tha wisdom'or hlsTeTOwitiMns. His opponents sre Green W. Caldwell, Esq. and Dr. Jss. H. Lytls the former, the regular aomiues of the Locofoco party, and the latter a member of that party out upon "hi own hook." TI1 CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT At a meeting of delegates from Orange and wsen. at Hillaboro. on the I2th instanu Dr. Jmss 8. Pmitsj was selected as the Whia cait- didae for this Congressional District! bat as Wake at not rrnreanu-d. t iK rnntti nr ik. V - w .auwaj V SV notumee, the final determinaiion was noamnnoH f . . TW. - uowKjuenttneeiinglo be held onlheSth . . . of GeMral llarriamt will avail Ll . - , ' " . mw,ngt ante the legislative department of ths Government : r pin in j'ui aim competent oanos. Woe will eo-nperate with him ia carrying out Ihe ........ r 'r Ii- . greal priuciples nf republiranisqi, svononiy snd : v ST A R, AN U reform, and ia establishing the wholesome con stitutjooal measures contended for br the Whigs. This district can send J a tnaa to Congress an swering this description, who will do honor to himself, the State, and the councils of the na tion. Let them resolve to do it ; and let them be up and noma. - " V -i- To the Editor of the Raleigh Star. ' UilUbora 1 3ik Mink,' 1841. Dear Sin At a Convention of the Detegalea from the counties of Person aad Orange, met thia day ia the town of Hillsborough, in pursu. sace of previous notice, the convention proceed ed to select s fed i vidua to present io 'his fi uict as the Whig candidate for Congress, when Dr. James 8. Smith was selected. But, st the., request of the nocoinee, earnestly expressed to the ennventionfHhs final determination was post poned to a subsequent meeting to be held in this place on Saturday, the 87th insu, M the reason, (among olheis,) that the count v of Wake was not represented .in this convention. ' In scnor. dance with this iwish. the Convention adopted i a resolution, that a eall of the convention ahall i 8 hd on ,n 87ln ,nl- "nd Ssrnettly entreat- I tmrm ilia f i I . t 1,T t - t f L ...jl ... mir,in i ruin r ikc, rrrson ana wr ange, to attend) without fail. The undersign ed were selected as a committee to inform your selfand others, of iheeouniy of Wake, of the a how reaoluiUa, and -I ask that, yon wilt sse every ciTort to procure a general ai tendance. : 'LA. Committee uAuj-.-'- bthM of John Newlin, Orange WcTtaeTTTdlt, yr- J no. Barnett, Com I ndttee in - behalf of Kdw. CJ. Kerde, Wm. Daniel, - - Hugh Wood, l.l'eison '11ay wood Williama.J County. waIce SUPERIOR CuUMT. The spring term of this tribunal will eom nence'on the 39th instant. , 9Iesrs CLAV and RItO. ' We are highly gratified to learn from the Bal timore American, that lbs unfortunate difficulty between Messrs. Cirt of Kentucky, and Kino of Alabama, has been satisfactorily adjusted. A letter from Washington, published in that pa per, dated the llth instant, says: "lam happy to state that all apprehensions arising from the unexpected difficulty between Mr. Clay and Mr. Kino, have been put to rest by the entire and aatisfactorysettlement of the affair. Mr. Clay will leave Washing ton to-day or to-morrow," and wdl pass thro your city." Varioui T versionfof the affair are afloat; but we believe there is no doubt but Mi. King wrote a challenge in the Senate while that body was in. session, rand jnl B to Mr. Clay, "which he se eepted. The ohjeet ot the notes which passed between them was immediately suspected, and lnfth parlies were bound over. The cause ia ex plained by the following extract from a letter published in the Baltimore' Patriot: V An attack n Mr. Clay of Kentucky was made by Mr. Smith of ConnecCicuij and Air. King, of Alabama Mlowed, and made a studied attempt to- be-as oifensivs as possible. He was, however, ihough ex ceidiiigly unparliamentary, not very vert lor the whole pith.ol his assault con sisted in the attempt to bring iftwn Hen y Clay to a level with Francis P. Blair, When Mr. King finished his harangue, Mr, Clay rose, and said he aaw he was the object ol attack roncertrd alack ; and, as on former occasions of a similar kind. its principal editor as tnlamous. Certain' f;etirirmen,jeejned,MUiuik,bya ar inference; that they nyust be regarded as participating in that infamy. If any Senator had thought proper to ask whether U . K.i..-A . , . I " IBS ne wnt any such thing, he would .have! an but the man in the corner, (continued air. ciay pointing to Mr. smith, of Con necticut.) whom I du not think worthy of my tioiiie, has chosen to make, the infer ence. I nuke n answer to him. A gen lleinan. however, who lonsiders himself sesrfonsible. Mr. Kins bowed has ' cone one step farther, and undtr aken to clas sify me with this partizan . editor if the UloLC. - " --Jl- ,i-...I' ' . ,' Th' (aided Mr. Clay) was an unparlia mentary proceeding lie had aright to comment on the journal an I the character of the man when under consideration. He had spoken of the libels and calumnies daily published in that paper. He never saw any arlile relating to him that was not full of untruths and inisrenreintMr i urns, ne --fiair reminiieu ine senator Irum Sosjth Carolina oi tt attacks on' him iifohfl C'alin Calhoti0 aa ;"a-man whtxnever sp'ke the trulh wAenanantruth would serve bis torn." He had slid, he considered the Globe a libel, and its Edi tor a libeller. . "And now, tinder these circumstances, (aid Mr. Clay with pecul iar distinctness and emphasis) for th? S- iiamr of Alabama to put me on a lever I Him nun u la'se. untie anil- cowasiH v." rr i. ir ' ' . i i t... . nir. ivnig mane no rcpiy i our was seen to write for a few minute and soon after to leave the 'Camber with Dr. Linn. . It was immediately rumored about among the Urge assemblage that he intended to send a hostile message to Mr C'sy j and ihe excitement became intense. Mr. Smith of Connecticut, made a pom abusive speech nf a , few minute, which no body seemed to .notice, : f Mr. Preston then rose and made a bow. erful argument in favor .of the resolution for ditiinsial. The remarks nf Mr, Hum- Iwitdnn and Mi. Hendersun. in the il , ' ' . . . iiai i oi meiar, on in same sine, were al so peculiarly forcible andottelusivr. At three o'clock the Senate adjourned with vut taking any question. ' ST" 's bare received the first number of the "Mecklenburg JeflV rsonian," a reepectab!e look ing Va Buren paper, published aiChsrlotte, in this Stale, by Mr. Jos. W. Hampton, It has the banner snd hornet's nest of 1775. hoiated at its jiesd; bot these emblem sre in the wrong place, i. They belong to ihe If '. - lis Editor is, bow- j """, l cicr,:iiw:a, mm ITIHHIIIT.IWUM N&urg. oJ wishes. mm . . r l . . 1 1 i.i,. I K I Gil he stooU firmandxoHectw,-Tdret,,, "fe-eMey oceumnf swhlcniV. pel assault from whatever auarter it mitrht ?J!!!rr.rOT ,.- come, lie had spoken of the Globe and nut i,.to Um uWee, lor it uu , .. at iIm C A RD L I N A ' Vast BnresilsM. Every intelligent patriot, who will open his eyes to the light, and will' look abroad upon the wide spread ruin and misery brought upon the country ry lbs evil genius and bad management of Van Burenisnv must sincerely -rejoice that though ths sad effect will long remain, that it reign is gone: . Like the tw en the mouittaia, , ' , Like the toara oa the r irr, Likeihe spray r tlielwauuiB,":: ""7"T , ; It is g, awl forever. ... - - Tub Queen City oftue Wkst. The population of Cincinnati, is slated ai 46,- 3sa. With its suburban villages and liberties, the population of the Queen Ciiy numbers up wards of 50,000-ror, as the Chronicle of 'that city states, just one thousand inhabitants, for each year of iu being. Appointments by the President, 2jr aa yi A the axWr and cmmi A Senutr. Solomon Lincoln, to be Martbait of the United State for the District ol Massachusetts, in the place of Jonas Sibley, whose term of office ex pired on the third Instant, William Barrow, to be Marshal nf the I'nited States for the P'usttict of Vermont, in place of Heman Lowny, wbos term of service bits ex pired. ' -J -XJgdeailaffinan, to be t4lrtet AHoiney of the United States for ths Southern District of New Yoik, in place of B. F. Butler, resigned.' inlVi Washington, Georgia, on the S4th ultimo. The Fulled Call. Mr. laaae Newton, a farmer of Delaware coun ty, Pa., on the morning of llie'iih inst.int, prt sented to Gen. ilarriaon a calf, neatly dreased, only five months old, weighing 3Ri lbs. This present was received with thankfulness by the President, an.l an expression of his great regard for the agricultural interest of ihe connliy. THE COACH. ; " A splendid coach wan also presented to felra by Mr. Lee ( the builder,) iu the nun of the Whigs of Baltimote. .,?u'v;A THE WALKING CANE. A walking cane,, made of pail of thecoach of General W asbington, richly mounted, and bear ing sn apptopriau iosoiipiioo. wa also presented to General Harrison, by Bisop Meade of Virginia, hivwu uii. vhii, vi Ariingiun. Mtdnlarlir J udge. lige PeteLV JJanielaud. Judge Jm1 5t Jda- aon were not the only Midnight Judge appoint ed by Mr. Van Buren, to make the parellel be- tweeu hi reign and that of lbs Elder Adams more complete. Another subservient partisan Came in for his reWatd St the last minute in the person of Philemon Dickerson,one of the spUri ous members from New Jersey. The New York American thua refers to ihe matlen ' utTSRTTOTUii.asT. I hree judees were ai!e t wulnwtM-s the Serf at Marsh - V tixhnant snd on Jeraeyniau. Coueeniinx the Virg'uia . e re- iit in an anieie irora uie maiional lutelligeiMMT. Jlui ol" Uie Jeeamntan, who aii.lt apeak or Uiiuk without indignailna A twliler or more naked bargain to re ward political usurps anil Sropliauey a at ntrver belore witnessed. J'lukmtm JUcktmn, bo uo aieps mio ma piaee -wiiicn ins brother .MaMun jaa apM I u tell lam year rot rely la keep a arm, waa-on Ol Uie live asurping ivrsey menibo.s. Iris vo tut Uie 8ub't'ieaurr uM year soulil wA be tpareil. " pr sms, Uie vote niiKlil tu have beat hail si is itch poauuM hmh, wmiow. a snpulatea f mrt amftli asliiiiK- aa time ilistiueily intimated in Uiw naner. of keetiine U Warm' , nwmtiwof&Kres- ifht fhptilJJaHfj eUcliHf the Fffile, he did fail, awl euulU there- lore B no Hmxer ot any service to the party. A more oareiaeea Mia eorrui ipt bargain has not, that in our oay. W remember, been witnessed vouner, on uie evening ol t riday last, about ths hour of the-Whig Editorial Festival l Wash ington, took a glass of pure water, and on ths as piration of the moment drank the following toast: "Tile Press the Acna which hhh .! rm . i iic uirre (real liiO'l Of th, moral ami po Inleal lraamet K. lijcioa.Leartiint; and Lit erf v. Lot ibitae who reeulata lis nnsiiinn n.n.,.lu .1... .1.. .... ... a . whimimmhi hi ,irniy wi cne nation. ,i Behold the Contrast. y Mr. Van Buren, unliLe Col. Richard M.John son, did not appear at the inauguration.' ' The ex-Vice President Johnson, in a most handsome and polite manner, escorted. Mr Tyler to the Vies President's Chair, heard him sworn into olee, and accompanied the President elect toj me easi iiontor .the Capitol. - Mr. Van Buren I kenl nossession nf. tl W'hiia .... .:n .i... iaigMjP L-apitot, wlter he remained tilt 13 Vtfdck io sign, the appropriaiion and other bills, end then 3 fh'?. Souse General, the White House being no longer un der his control. " ' Ilnmon f War. , ; Th Washington correspondent of ihe Phila delphia North American, under dats Marcji 8th, says; : - frniimia' -t"it f 'It is rumored, with much annearanc ofimth lo-day, that Mr. Fox ha mad -demand for the release of McLeed, or for bis pissr.ons, i ten days. If this be o, and if McLeod should not be given up, the British armies in th Canada and New Brunswick will be in our territories in less than ten days alter Mr. Fox' departure, snd it is not unlikely that British naval snuadron. with steam ships of ar, are al this mumem as. der way to be in readiness for sut h aciiona mav v iciiuunu un inrir ariiTai. m r liable. In o brie! a lime, to a waiQ-lnred al th cannon' mouth with s lighted maicjir ! - .- v: We it nothing of this iu the Washington pa per. ' ' ' . J7 Gen. Bernard Peyton, it is reported has been appointed Postmaster at Richmond, Va. in the place of Cot. C. W. Coocb, wbos commis sion ha expired. --'- r'" J':' :'7 ' Another Outrage by a Dritith fruiter. Th Editor of the Snlein Observer hs been fa vored witha perusal of a letter, wriite at ses, on bosrd of brig Cherokee, Cspt Webb, of that port, dated Uee, 87, 1840, whiob nates, that a few days befoie they resetted the Cape, the brig ws overhauled by her Britanie Majesty' prig ef wai Curlew, and after a full examination of NIHITU TAZK'fT K. tthe Cherokee's pspers, her hatches we. lorn o- pen, udder pretenes rfsesrehing for slave.! I See.,;, nf .h. Navy" V , "' ' a7rTn Bankini system in New York " Jobs i J. Crittenden, of Ket-tui liy, to be Alter- sppears to be tottering. The Philadelphia North ney GennraL ; ' f - v Am5ran says, some'of the Banks bsvs already j . Fr&neia Granger, of New York, I befool fallen. and"gfMit distrust is fclt ia' Wall street j vaster Gmieral. , ' v .. -n , r.:.- , . toward alt the new free hanking institutions. It Ou.tbe llth, the resole lino dismissing BUie "', is said io Wall street, if the pressure continues, j and Hives, as Printers to ihe Senate for the 97 the whole system mu"t e xplod L.JMost of Jhe4.Con';ret was "adopted io- 18. -The Vie v New" York Broker refuae to receive red Ura, President having retired frotn th 'ir and even Safely Fund bill are I per cent.' ee- i Nste for the remainder of the session, taw ' count. . j ' . How. Samuel L. Southard was hkl M.-;.i . The authorities of the city of St. Louis are in difficulty with the penple of Illinois on the opposite side of the rier..Ths engi Deer and assistants who had been' employ' e I by the authorities Io repair pier in the nver ih Illinois aide were, driven off bv the cm.ens tdhe latter Stale. The pier ia conceived lube necessary to pre vent ihe channel nf the river at St. Louis from (tilling up. .1' t2irTornTr(uTC.7 Palrlof TalfslBiT upwards of 15,000 ..ltliers, horse, foot and suiller. the ery jiSjLAi army, are nuw stait'tined irt the ttnited t Canada a TUG SUPKE.XrE GOURT. Has adjourned. -The following Opinions, I delivered ' 1 . . . Rtifliit, C. J. delivered ths Opinion of the Court in Mayo Mount, from Beaufort, affirming tlm Judgment below. 4 Also, in State,' to use ol Buckley v Hampton, from Surrv: jndgment reversed, vcnl "for plamirf leinstalctl, damages reduced to five rents nnd jitdgmenl aecirtlinnlv. Also, in Hurkley p Haniplon, from Surry judgment reversed and j'tdgmnnl here fur the Plaintiff. Also, iu Poindcxter v Blackburn, in Equi ty. from -Stokes. A'so, . in Brixendins tr Martin, frotn Rutherford, directing s new trial. Also, in NewlanJ v Martin from Rutherford, directing a new trial. -; - linniel, J. delivered the Opinion nf the Court in Fleming r Straley, from Burke, affi rmtftir 5 "the- jutlgment brdt Wirrr Alsor'i I Palmer V Yarborough, in Equity froin (?ss weil. A Istv h Jenkins p fJftckerham, frum Hay wood affirmine-lhw-jitdginent belov;, Aleo in Sherill v Nation, fmm Haywood, rems'rttf ttt iirrreupflifir' X'mrt; and affirming, the pruct-edntgs beloro the Justice,' - '"'V"'':' . -' Gaston. J. delivered the Opinion of the Court in Ieijrh v Crump, in Equity from Nnithamptoii, directing a referente. A'lso, in Hobbs ef of v Craigt, ti nl from Daviej decree reversed and cause remanded. - Al so," in Roheitsnn ft al v Stevens el al id Equity, from Johnson; affirming 4he decree Alftr-in Wade and therst-Oick,-Tn Equl' ly from Person j dismissing lite bill. i - Per Daniel, J. ' In den rx'tfem Skin ner t Fletcher, from Pasquotank, reversing the judgment below. ' Also in Davis r Cain, -ri- V '-'-, - Per Gaston, J, in State v Johnson, from Wake, affirming the Judgment bclew. Al so, in McFarland McKay, in Equity from iiiciiiiioiiu, mrcctinjr certain issue 10 00 T ' I .r J- . . . ! . . Inecf in the cotfrt bs-low." v Arguments are required in lite following cae: .Fox Ilorah, from Mecldi'nbnrg Walker trCrowder, Irom Caswell Jarvia v Corbeli & wife frnrri CnrrltucK'-iiirafner t Ersjrin from Mecklenburg )o ex Jem Ruing o Rich, from Davie .Cole Si wife Robinson's Ear's from Richmond. The Madisonian of Uie' 27tli ultimo, has bn editorial article, containing statistical sUtomenU, compiled from public documents, showing that Mr. Van liureti leaves a defi cit in th Trcarriry, amounting" tn H national debt of forty millions of dollars!!! General Jackson said he left the country "prosperotis and happy." Mr. Van Buren," following in the ''footsteps, raid Ae should leave the Government free from debt, (with a million and a half in the Treasutyljl We shall pub lish the article from the Madisonian, that the people may see how they have been im posed upon by fair pretences and misrepre sentations .in high places. '' -Many honest " . -WMSSfrr -,--"... ... z- perfect amazement, : CONGRESS. iXTiLA4ESWON '4FTilE SENATE" . The Senate assembled on she 4th of March. Mr. King waa ehosen President pio. tern. The neW Members were all present except Mr. Ar cher, and Were sworn In. Mr. Archer loolj. his seal on lbs 5th. ; ' rS' Ing taken the outh of office, assumed ths Chair as President of the Senate, and delivered a most appropriate and eloquent address. V , ", ' ' At Ii o'rlock, the Senate attended ths Inau guration sf the President, after which they re assembled, and voted thanks 10 Mrv King. . ' Mr. Msngnm submitted I resolution, that Bbir snd Rives bedismissrd as Prmters of ths Senate for the 427th Congress. No effort was mas in tne House ot representative to elect Printers. j This resolution was taken open the Sth, by a strict party vote, 39 Whigs to S3 Op position, every Meinhei bring, in Ida seat, x eept one from Tenrresse, a Senator not having been elected In place of Mr,. Anderson, whose term has expired, i Debste arose on ths resolu tion, which was interrnpted by Ihe receipt of an Executive Message from the President, 5 The Senate then went into secret session, and on Friday and Saturday confirmed all the nomi. nations of Members of ths Cabinet, as follows: Daniel Webster, of Massachusetts, to be Sec retary of Slate, -'j ., f:A;' -: '--'.':: ; Thomas Ewing, of Obis, to be Secretsry of theTreasnry,.. . . '- .-.t w John Bell, of Tennessee, to be .Secretary of War. ' , Genre, ,L,:.l .T , pretrwureofthatbndv. " - . ; THE RKX HOSPITAL. V. - The fund UtC by th tat Mr; John Rex, ft,, ; lbs charitable purpose of establishing In this ! CUV a hoaptul for the afflicted poor.sinoonu. w ' understand, t, between eleven and twelve thou. : ' i sand dollar, all in good hnnds or note; s liiij upwards nf f 10,000 of whirh have been paid r- ' ver 10 Ihe Trusiea, whrs at theii last meriine," passed an order retjoiriiig a lenewnl of 1 the) note, and the payment of ihe interest thereon., riih one twentieih of the principal, ? ' V ,,'h"bo", "ffrusieea have appointed linn. W OAi 11. fiaUle lheii I :hairmai., JrwtMst, and Richard 8with, Es.. Sec.-isry "- 47T The bill, which passed the U. 8. Senate ' .iHitlr. ih Vinrtni and -North Caaoliim-4 euit Court, was lost iu the Hosiae of jlresg-'tl.-'-- The Superior Cow I of 4lus Count- wi---- in aessioti this week, Judge. rsaitsox pr -siding. , . ', , -- charged with the murder jOIr. Tapp and ' : ' wu uirvaj weeKs ago, waa tried on th) indictment for th8 murder of the son, and -e&nvMteuV' He has been sentenced to bs i huitgon fridaytheHlthpf April neat. ; Jarrot, slave of Mr. Tmn., f P ' , charged with flie murder f Thomas Chat- r ham, was convicted ofmanslaughjer, and " sentenced to In branded at four oMoek ... . S .turfcy, and diet h irgetl.' Jarrot was eon victed at the last.Superior Court of Person ,-. for murdei," the cae was afteiwsrds taken Up to the supreme Uourt, and a new trial r m,Iam.I. !. .1. . ' ""'ui "n mmovej totnis cottntv, and resulted in a conviction of manslaugli. , tor, as above stated. ' " . ,; Al'riek Arachelt, a free blac!t, IndieteJ -1 Xtr.ng,JBM.wBrrlivs) f Mrrolisr5 S. Tucrentine, was convicted, ant aentene. ed to the stocks for one hour, and dm pay. - -h "-Wlborq!Jiuordef New York Courier writea f hi 5!y. .V r t jwi th I ro mora respectl piwcrruings ji tne i reasajy partment. I dtniot iitlend i repeat them, but will slate a fact, ojyiih which they kre prubabls' in'pirt foondetl. What I t slste I kfinwlo be substantially true., . This mm-nin&yr; Ewjng went to ths Treasury Department, and discovering aoms n vemen -w hirh he did not tik fT h proceeded td ihe President and cow munica'ed the facts to him. Shortly af- ter, Col. Chamber appeared at the Trea. ory Department, with an nrtler, from ths President Io stop all navmen's until fur titer orders.-;- ",'.,:. 5 -. It i but tliU t ! Hot. Vouch far. .that they were paving improperly, if not jjS'yiJUjrej-itia aeicrreit claims. ...-r i slated on the same authority, that Mr. Webster had appointed' his son, Daniel Fletcher Webster, tinder-Secrel- ry or state. Is thtselty, Holloway. ' th! lath Instant, Mr. Jsh uin'.T. UMiei would takV Urn Boarders 17 th month of year. Hi term ar S modarata. : , . ; March 17, 1841.; 11 It. ' Mr Martha A. Uaira will rseeir etacuia any kind ofMeing work. with tnM and deapaich. - . March 17, 1841, II It - - - r lTEW 1T0TEL. JVighl and Murninf. By Edward l.ynen Bui. " w, Kaq.autbnr ef -1'elham,' Riensi," "Eun Aram," Ac. et. Just puhlinhed and fuf sal ba - 4 , . TL'K.XEB b HUGHES, 'i IIAIIFEU'9 FAMILY LI 11 It ART. eh-ciions froaa American Poet, by W. C. Brvam. Halleck's Poets. - S Vat. Keigbtley' History ol Enlnd, I . if. Half's History of ihs-tf. Mtats. -irJii - trtine's Life of tlnliUmiih. Sa - Life of Pewit Clinton. . . : ijiiiiuiucu jBia, . l.tv-;; a-.... tjfaof UiimrnoJiH I'erry, Live of jay snd Hamilmn, , .... lb bo ar loraal by .; '--J- ' . TURNER It HUGHES. ; j March It. 1841. ? ; - -.-" 'i TI1UMA9 O. FLEL'Mir" " ""' Will tonlinu hi CAHIVET BUSINESS hi ISWslMarf'ltll!to resity u rerriv snd eeul order in his Un.r Furnitar of vsiloos. kind isy b had low for ceh. , r oud notes, by sdJina six per can 1 u in on lb ah prices, ud psymsnt 14 b mad when ths work IS taken away, -j.,-' -' f ' K, 0. A Journeyman of steady bsbilsmsy 6nJ employ eieot, hre, j.. . '. - , Louiaburs,, Msreh J, JMl ;1 . . U t w , ".TOTIlE PAUIIEIty. '' EXT CHEAPER THAN EVER. . A fresh 0'ily of "Rrtl Clover Sed." on Cos- . signmenl. Price f.S 00 r bushel, Cmh. - TURNER HUGHE ' - DuotssllcTS, Raleigh, N. C. - " IQ Kejislrr epy. ; s laeuve the choice of your Piano to my self, nnd I'll Insure you a fine one. ' There are many frsn-.s"whn vmilit pnrch.M TU ass Fori If they ere stir nf beinr suliail wiihonl milch trnslile To Mich, I wm.l.l say, Irareahaslioles 'your InMmment re saysi tf, ami ii I aeeil yawae a, dirfrrsl arlicle il will he my n iaa, simj.rv t mi jranr eracr ana aj ariiat tjrut rumo sIaII alinsrs). - j . --....-'"'.--' . . 1 am ihnrrVy oinef "jreK ik4 mi Dae re superior, ami. In order that elber n K. ne vineed also, I will agree letiWaa la kw trwd seliM being paid for. It is oat f say rmi saiike a sore liberal (imnoiiiim.. r. t S H Hook and Paw kan Stars, iVstritarg. . . JawySI. ,,- .'4 s-;.: t