K A L K I tt II ST A Ry'AX U NO ttTH CAROLINA OAiRTTK; U it 6 3 f i, it: tl si II 1 ' I f h H'it I' , 1 r,,wTtT. The I..".v'ri pare" f the , l'l inxian s,nn'n;nre that m the tenth of; I ir. nili. in llie vear of our Lord one ; l!;()unml i!-i .iiiiidted uihI forty-one, me . i if tl Uiii-n is to !t rhnslencii: " . ... pete c nirif. in oi:r ra f, aim jo 4 1 mnr'i. r' atiitarts I fti 1, er.d firn! Lei the earth the urn.-.do hold i quake ureati.J P 1 1! r, m v a n j a ; i or te m per-a.nl-e . JUhchsmi'li in the city of l.i i 'e'rl! a- roup fortv Yf-arfiijfo. v. a complaining to his iron merchant ihnisuch was-tlie scarciiy i liionev that lie rnuld rot pay lus JMt. i he rr.rnh.int tt"-!i asked him l"w ' "n lie vcd in his f.miiiv in tlie course ol a day. l"pon hii answe.'in' ihi .question, the iner i hr.nl mule ft ralctiUton. and showed hnn tlitt I : r-.-m ammuitH to more money in the x.n lhnnlii Iiouk rrnt. The "i-aleu ation so J.Monished tite mechanic that he determined froin that duv lie would huy and drink no i . r;- ct.irit- ofanv kind. In the course of the rca nt.ii'E year lie paid his rait and 1- i!Ciita ner. iu'il of cioilK otft of the Mt mps ff (.mpernnce. He periled in it through ,he rw.utJiM..-lif.flfiJ l-i'c ?onsca!W?e v.,aj;uf:-:i .etfcrrcc and re.f ecubililjr. t . A Pommi. At I'lviitouth, there i. or v.-t n final! green opposite the epvirhinent l ouse?, orrr vviich no one was permitted lo , V. Nf'l a creature w: allowed to ap ItrU. "vc Uic Gtficrals t o,w; and the seu-iri.-ii had particular i-rdei to turn away any , nc v. ho ventured u cross the f..r hhlrn path. One dav o'J ladv 1) haYiiiff -called at ih; (Jc-m r . in o iler M make a tli'.rt cut, hcoi hor s'fp across ihe.h.wn, when she wis ar i s od by the centrv tailing out and dcn:n her t renin. aJ ' JP the fitlier'maJ. She r-mon:rU-l; the mn said he could nut dis obey hi" orrljra, whn h were t pr?vcni any rr.e fr":u crossing that piei.-a of urmitwl. liul,' SHU I.a:Iv U vrnn a iau-iy a r. do ou know who I a?' 1 d"t k:iw who on' be, ma'am. ' r pli.'d thi' immoveable s-ntrv, I'"! I Lr-ew '" ,"",t ,,e .enr'ra!' cow!' This was a fact which she ouldnot d:, pule, so Lady l wisely pate u; the argument and ent the other way. v ... . TIIF. rTllSY MARE INCLUDED.- A ro-intrv doctor, of homely breeding, courted - a trrtii jnrU -tho . jua'ajliver of a farmtr, who i 3..4)i'iund-:d lo marry him, he hivihjf a pretty good estate. Areofdingty. the: day was rppuiaietk Uut shortly af'rr, apyin p-ctj mart oir-wliicU taf olJ mm wseJ to ride, a-nd (oi her easy ajait was wueh esteeirteJ, he, llie dotlor, U.'sired t hate kei giveu in to camplste liis ma'.r muial Bjrain, but be in refused, hef unjr away abuff, and told the fit lier jio might keep bU daughter. The rirl was do1 tailed wi ll l!i ruptur; buj soon ufter, the doctor r?prn:ed f his lolly, and came again to see her, wh;i he was at h.unc ahms. Slie pryteniled la have no knowledge v( him. 'Why, it i siranje,' said he. that you should so soon forget inc. I sin your o'ld aJ.uiu r, the doctor.' 'I cry mercy realiud sha. ! dj rsimmber me of uch a person; you are eh a person; you are the geutleuian who came wooing my father s grey wjre- our luislress i Jfazing in the orchard, and you may make your addrcw to her if you please, led to tell why it wa that our orators were 'ci iuacli" luoio'lonjj winded ia ihelr spseche than tKuse of former year, rntil we it 'Utcd, that thera have beeo added to our language since tli day of Johnson and Walk er, gtmie Ibrty-fivo thouud words or about doadle the number origina'ly included in their ilietionarif ' Now as these words must be - . ... , - jTcts up to apeak in pub ic can tin no less ibaa oec.ipv double the time that was cus Dmiry thuto wcie but hall the worJa iii use t!iat are at t'uJ presant lime. And so the . wonder ris accounted for. 3?" Bal .vrr new woik entitlfd "Niht ant) morning,' j;t iu'j'.i;ied uy the llar prii, t l be one ol his beat tQ'irti. fc'ilijjiuel are too !i't esKacti: J'liitlp'i c.d.lresa xohi Uncle. Mirk me: jij hu'.d lh weal;1! !h-tl 1 wai trained trutn my cradle to consider taijr heritage 1 have wmkeil witk tiiete hand fur bread, anJ never complaint-d except to inj own heart and o.ul. 1 iieer haled ami never rurhcd yuu robber ayoo wn e )c,'rob beir For, even were there nn maniage sve tit tlie siihlol GjJ, neither rrty lather, K9tar;o'illvavft wal'w! . yi. ?'r'"ld " V?ze at t?''u iWtf '! 'wWiyJi.utMiij itw tirtlv tlaiw nf Ak0jiL4.voad-,; lie waa Lot the lrs my father, ceu if the titorcli spoke imt on my bide. Despoiler of the orphm and dendrr of human lore. VoO are not lb a rubber, ihounh th ; law : Win es ou round, 'il men tall uu holiest! t... I .1. 1 ..... I..I. ...i. f..r I lu. Xhlu. in iiui uiu ii i v . , ... i t:ie IirffKCiire Oi niT sirau mmiiei ueu.i.a.w hwh I'r.iin both her suns now 1 aljiior ftiul curse tou. Yu roaj think youiaelf isfe wltrn "yot rjuit t!is room sjfe, and firm my hatred) yoo may b,e a but tl riot d enve your tell tlie curse, of the widow god 'hJ I'fp'ran shall permit it ahatl cling in rou and y.iurs' it thatlnsw your heart ia lie n list of pleii.ilir -it shall t Icjvc to lha .hen'age of your ou Tln-r shall be a death Uetl yet Urf-ide which you shall Tee tie apcc.ie of lur. now sural in, ruiijfar retiib'ftitiir from the ra e ! 'These wot ds m, you lii ver nhall foiget thvui years he-.ee Tber . 'ta!l rin in your earty and 1 r e ze t h c tit art-o of y ii'u r tjovt 1 Ainl tj w b . jiiine, my Uther'a btoiher V2" from ui v mo het ? ctit p. lo'yoor luxuriiiila bo.iie.' 'Sight t-ni morning. - S i, ohilatk mis- teivuflhe liiorai wurld!,o, unlike the ' .ii.lrr r .lt, ei.u.l O. ivrt.e. -lij, t.. j It-t;ir. si lo by side, the shadowy oteeiU j i.f Niji'tl arid "MH 'iitjv. F.Xiirfilie life ill i i a on i ivoi u: C Miinun l t:ot Ilia' wnr tl, j l ie iniit: o ie, ihe praclical one, wiih t'ie I iHit.e ti.u.,- vei ainei ati-.t iea SuDvianilM ' syslc ib diiioi I llirti ii artr1l immage to me tun in wimse the infinite soace, the hu fAi h. a. ( !it do f iis la fl ec. tn life. . '.. aV ill mind and the eirrmtnre eive ItieT true ri-on. ami, reguUte the darkness :.hI lijiit.' Of two men ttindiitf, on the r- . r . i at r . ciaa tame lout oi earm, vie one itn i , joyous, noon, me inner anuuucr in "i:....l. ..r ;..t,i P. It... ...1 V. rlnna . .untune m u'm. -it . ihe tlay s'r i ever liinins. Tlie "An- inuili Sfrahleinlor" lie tef in ihfe ir, ! tV ...r .im.t P.nnr ll fl tl fTfl Mil I i' , ."i f.u- T ' 7 Willi "iJ'K wui uw on the dial. -Morning for Ilte heir, ' Nizht for the houeIf, and God'i eje on j lull t i A man that doea a! I he sh'iuM d. the bent he can duel fem rtrs school books. For sale at the North Ctrulia Book blare, Ital il(jli. If Turner anil lluglira. bmiiliV tfcliul ticugrijitiy, on lh Produeiiv 8) lem, EtlUN n revurd and enlarged, illu rUicJ I t thirty aJJiuunul cu;, ut up in ui.t lorni lirge lyjie, ccomiiiird by in entire new At la, conliiiunig figlueeii very uprrior V.ap, Chart ni iMe World. .&c..&c By Koawell V. dmiih.au. ih ir of llie l'ractirl and Mental Arilbmelic Pro dCeitt Uramtnar.-Ae.iAe. - . . 'l lie )'.). iiluliuu lu Ilia Oiiuk and A1 will ba Urrrd l corri'f:onil with Ihe Cuua of 1 840, a ioi a oiliia1'y fvfirtried, and will tie kept li, every re--H- lu ly up' Kiih .lb tiinr. ?itiir l,-w Arohmetic, on. tb Pfoduetiva Suiiffl, I2ni.i.-I'ull li.uiid much larger than the I'rac.ical mul Mt-lita', I'fiigli. d fur tchutara ad v jneid in llie alu.ly , ( ccoiiijianied by a Kry and tuliltal l.lucka li ilf.liuJ. tSiiklir I'rariicnl and. Mental AriitimelK, on a f lu m wUuU .VU.ual AntimHic ii.coiiluricd illi llie iieul ihe alalr; inrilaiafE a camplcte ayalem .r ad praciieal iurpnrs being m dullaia and renls. Stereoi) e ediium. roed and iilarrd with ex iTi iM-. I,ir Ihe laie. To which l aciil. d a I'rac-fn-ul Sy.tem uf iluuk Ktciiiii. Uy Koawell C. Siuilh. Key I" do., wi'li ihe eam.!e fully wrought. 8iufCr new tiramcnar on lha Producllve ya (a liieitind of inalriieliun r cenily adojiied in Uer- liiN'iy and SiwUerl .nJ.) ileaiiimu ur cttioo.a anu At adcmiia. C ANNKX THE FOLLOWING AS fPECIMEXS OF ' M;.YIKKOi:S HKrOMMCNPATIO.NH. I have used tnnoh'e tjrnnm.ur, Ueograiiy and Amliineue on ihe Hioduitive Syairrii, in my Acad, riny f ,r ihe laxl lli.ee ) i a:, wh.i'll l aullicirnt proof thai I runaider ihem a'iier.or lo any wrka on Ihe ul.jw-u .if which ti.ey treat. Mudenta in Oram mar. u,,nij muh'a woik, make progrcaa .which aa l.n:aliea ibiwe avhor have bren arcuxtoined lo Ihe old nvr.t-m ol rlao houka. The aana might lie auid ul 8;uden'a in the iilhcr hranchr. Of iheae I ki ak c.mbjYiilli , having my knowledge from ex ueriLuce. '. j C. P. li. M AKTIM, j Jitcldr efJIoTtif lion lnitituiijtn. j Frem llie Coramon (tohool AtnHtnnt, edited OrvilU J Tvl; , - Ni Yomc, Feb. 90, UtO. - ! Xmith'i Geography, JmfiroveiLTU above lanJjrJ and iiular work lias joet appeared from iirw plaira. Ihe olil xnea having been dealroyed by lire. The enure work liaa been revised, and we noir piono on e it ihe mut accurate woik in mr kc. We perceive aevcral new maps; oneofPale aiitie; one of Lilirii; on of Mexico, &c. The Map Chuit of the World ia preented on an ealire new pUn, and one which adda great value to the work, and muai be universally admiied. In all icupecu the irk U equal to any Ueography we tte, and in aeveral important par'.icul.u aupcrior to the oth er. Dcc., 10(. IIOKIZID DFiPltAVITT Some nul'ii'ioui Counlerieiiera lie nearly killed teveral pertnui by afellj'.g Ihtm a puriout and lalte lU'Xarc il i) ' Liiiiineiit. The genuine ii acranted peifcetly harmleit and flYxtuxl Never buv ihe ai tirle iinleaa it have ihe l;rteflilMl wraiperi n;u ill in ,ui,i .uiiirnni In- nwkc and wil Uut IHIi Mliclev ,? Ur ifiaaJ Propcittor. . - SOLOMON II AYS. P. S. The Irtae Haya' Liniment ia warranted to aure I'ilea and Itheuiuatuni, in all eaiea, or no pay taken lor it- THE HUMAN II AIR IS W AUK N I El t'aiil or reatorrit, and the I I 1.....I l... ln.H .I.TnlpllIt ll lh Vllllllll. Ill .tkl Uii.einber llie eemi'iie aa qeaci luea (leiow. Thia ii eeitifi'ed lo by aeveral Vlayere, Minitteri of II. e ;..p I, Unlivli Liinml, I1ijicii;u, anil a great mi'iiker ol our rnott ho'aoikble ciril'ln, o te ecu u here it is nht. DAKINn FRAUD! T!m i tide hxs been imitated by a nntorloni eotyi- IcileiKr. Iet it never ne pnrrhaaed or ued unleaa it hve the naroe ot L S. COM3 I OCKir the (igna lure of COMS TOOK k ()(). on a splendid wrap per. Thii is the 'jnly eatrrnal test that will secure the public Irom dearption. A aoiiilaut supply ol the above valuable prepara tion will bekeM lor sal by W. M. MASON fc CO. It eo 14m f?40( KRWAIU)! FOR STOPPING THE Ii UXAWA YS, SANDY, a Fellow abntrt ili years old, ft el 1 or 10 inches bib, a very bright , his knees much inclined in, hat a very noted mark ' on one ol his hands IVelieveil to b ihe net, the lil- 1 tie Huger turns ba. k ami ti-os last lo Ihe back of i I.;. k.i..l -...'in...il l.v a tnrn-.haa ralhea iluaa whe'n spntt.n to is jminely featured and not iiitelliKot lor a mulaitn, its a all. no dotibt. I""" " l'""-l" h.vea Ires pt- lie liau good cloth . and I3AJ. a vfiimg Fe'l iw, slmut S3 years old. J !amt and writ bnili.-.") Let. or I tacbea high, and has a sullv-n.Muwnwaril look when spoken lo No marks recollected. He had some clothes ai.d mo ney with him. W Y V T I", a rtout, black Fellow, about 83 year old, 5 tcrt, IO or I i inches high, and has lar-je white eves, and rather a p'e'atant lock, lie had some gfi'Ml cio!ies' ' sl'A rKOIIll) a Hoy, abnnl I7yeart ol age, about i feel lO inches hijh, ia jellow complected, ery iikelv, rather spare-. built, and slow spoken. tl hail iolerable fond cl.Mh, a." I.lie ah i Negroes Ivll my planlaiino n llairit County, tieorgia, ahout he (Int nl the p'Tseul month, aud lima the best scooanl I can get cf their hiu-iii.oo, it wa to go il rotigh ihe upper pari of . ;orta.end Atahnma, ia UiS dueii-n ot Oh in. it re prnbalde (bat ihry may be travelling with, or on - r the dii ec tinw at w hue nf o. I wilf give 6fty : dollar's for each ol Ihem, if taken hi Ihe op(M-r part ot t,eur(ia ot Alabaiuat or one bnnd.ed dollars ' etch, il taken in any other Mate, and secured ia) Jail to that I ret them. I will give twenty dollar each, il taken h the neajibnitiood ol the Plantation, " TlLLI M B.SCOE. 4 il. Eatonlrm, P.ilnam Connty, Ga.. lannary . 1111. OA It DEN SEED. 1 1 ,' K AKK no rtceiving from one of ike heat and mnti pmiiilar rrda,en ln K,w York. f f moil prfiinlar trr!aWicn in usual sunpl) Ol tiesli tiarden Sceil. our Tor talc at the Drug Slmc l ViLUUI tnllvYWOOD ItsV.iah, las. 4 4 We ilULSBOnOl'CII ADCAEBIV 'I b Opa-iug seaaioo will begat oa Mic Stooad Mo-i. W. I. BINGHAM. ' ' . JS'U. A. BINGHAM. "' English Department eoodueied by A- V. I IND SEY December 10. Jl-4w. LOLISULUO ACADEMIES. The duties of. Iheee schools will be returned on lUe 6r d.j l J.ny ex. yoderlu. u.te. f mfll ,j he ume wttraclr Hoard nay ba hail with the ireeeplresa, lor j onng Ladies, at $S0 per Session, 1 union included, excepi for Mtisie, ahich ia a aeparale rharge nf S0 ieraessioa. Male btudenta have aacommnila lion in several resprciable lamilies in (he Village, t chargea ranging -tioru $iO to f iO per Session. Mr. UuUlnrd Lewis, who fins bad under Ins cure Students, aa Itoanlers, the present year, and given gefirral uouhiciiiiii to all ' have entrusted their chdden and Wards to bin , has luken a large and commodious house, consisting nf some IS or tto mnini, lor the special aecimmn ation of Hoarders, who cm tiave -aiiiir apai Intents, it prefnted. .Mrs. 'I hw:nas, Mrs. Fuller, Mr. 8 I'alti-rsnn, and Dihers, are also prepared a Uh equal accoitinii dations lor tbe Siuden, male tr letnate.' Ihe on'erly donniai.l of the Pupil, of tliew Scbmds for th last several years, combined with the healthiness ol die Village, and the known good to ca t) ol the pi. ice and ita viennti, justifies the expec tation ofa liberal share of patronage. f Uy nrdtr. li, 1848. Sl-im. Kefcivier and Standard S intertiotn " fmiTEtAssic TIOX. The Subtcrilr bc'uij; provided with suitable ae cou.moilations in lenred iocs) ion, prnpott a to trie a class ol MKTKKN I'lyl'llA, right or len ol whom can be aceoiumcdaled with board io bis own tamilv. - The plan of instruction will embrace only the stu dies preparatory to a Cnllt-ge e4uealion. And in order that the alien! inn of the inslrurtor rraj not be disirarled by a mulliplieity ol engagements, the pu pils admiiled uemg ui tlie tame gruue, will be asso- airteo in or at most in Iwi elatiea. I he class with which Ihe isehonl will open on Ihe FIRST MONDAY OF JANUARY NEXT will be expected to brgin viki rom E oa c.ksar's commentaries, wi li the uual adjunct studies Latin (iramniar re- ciialmns Latin I'rusoily VI air's Introduction, ke lluaid and Tuiiinn tor Ihe Mehofaslie year of ten mniiihs one-hall pataMe in adtance, &l7j- De ductions w ill be iiiaile in caiea ol absence on ac count of protracted stcLness. To pupils r. tiding in jjie ('ity with lltcir parents; he leims of 1 uitiou per session, will be as hereto fore. The long vacation will take place at the close of the seeniol session. The claims ol the School lor patronage, will em brace, at least two particulars. "I he small number of the pn.ilj, and Ihe anenrit of the oljeet ol their poroit. WM. MePHEKTKHM.- iialrirfh, December 'lb, l&iu. Jw,iO ... NO l'K;E. The subscriber lias commenced ihe Tailoring llusintss in this City, and respectful ly rnvituaall ilioie, who wish lo have-eoats, I'anla- luoni and Vests eui anil made ctieap and in modem style, o give him a call. The li.llowing are his pi kes lor cutting! lor tiomesrmn SO cents lor cloth 75 cents Pantaloons, front 20 lotll cents and Veaia, the same price lor making Cloth coat, fs for sal t meet, $.1 'or Hnmeipun $ j Making Pantaloons, rroro fl lo f Vi Vests, ihe same price at pauia loons. His Shop may be lound Wrstol ihe Italeigh Jail. SAM I EL NOtt I IIINCI ON. Kaleigh, (Tee 10, IS40. 50-3 w, .j Ol.llltlDt.K.'S lllliHAIK.- It SrLM (' COLUMIUA FOR -lii poiiiiie qualities are at lol- los: ls For infant's keeping the head Iree from tcurl and cauong a luxuriaul gioalh ol hair. SJ Foi ladies alter, child birth, restoring the ikin to its natural strength and firmness, and pre- retiitng the salting out ol toe nuir. 3.1 l or any person recovering from any debility the anme eflcet ia produced. 4ih Jl used in infancy till a good growth ia start ed, it lasi be prcscned by alieiitioo to the latest aiiwl el lile. 5ih It frees Ihe head from daadrilT, strengthens the roots, imparls aealih and vigor lo the circulation and prevents the hair from changing color or getting gray 6 ill- -I t eauiet the hair, to curl beautifully when done up lo it over night, :m7TTT?'m ' No ladies' toner, should ever to aaade withoal ft. 7ih Children who have by. any aneaht contracted vermin m the head, are imruertiaiely and pcrlrtlly cured of Ihem hi ita use. It is infallible. For Sale at Ihe drug store ol COM3 I 0':K it Co. Hoi. Fletcher street, Net Yoik. Aad by W, M. MASON at Co. Kaleigh, HAYS LIMMKNT J0 F1CTKXX- Tl.ia extaoidintr chemical , corlU',.lie;reitl srt KtWO aodlltiventiaiB ol a celebrated medical man, the mtiuiluctiun ol which to the piiblie was iuvetled wiih the snKmnhy of a deaih-brd bcauest. has sinte g lined a repHlatioo unparallrleil, fuliy suttaiued the correclncis of tbe the larntntec.' t'r. liridley t last Conlession, that "he dared nut die without giving to posterity the bene fit of lot knnwlede on Ibis subject, " and he there lore bequeathed lo his IrieDd and attendant Solo mon Hs, the secret of his discoveiy.. It is now used in the principle huiptials, and the private practice in our ennntry, Ifrst and most cer tainly lor Ihe cure ol the 1'iUt, and also extensively and effectually asto baffle credulity, unless where ilt tfficlt are aimrssed. For Sale by M. M. .MASON k Co. Italeigh. Dec. 10. U4l. 5U-Wiu OXFORD FE.HALE ACADEitlV. 'f'bc exercises ot tins school will be lesumed on tlih (ley of January next. The troateea having plac ed it entirely under the charge of ihe subscriber, no uaitiS will be spared by him to render it a valuable and popular tnatittilKin. Nfw teaeliers have been employed, end new iuttrumrnts will be pnicnredt lor the use dt the sehnol. 1 he (rmii-te of studies will include Iheuselul and ornamental branches of a fin ished eduettmn- '1 bo eeueral Mnalinlendence and i dirawi im oraan Uiisudililitiittnl,.wiUi Be exercised .by Ilia JBMcriwrr Ihe bustneve vj ,B. struct mg will be perfnin.ed etiietly 1) Miii ivriols from Vermont, Miss Jones ol N Carolina, and .Miss Watson (rooijVirtinis. Ot the ualineatioiiS of these ladies to discharge Ihe ('ilfes that will b res)iiil cd of them, the s'Jhscnbrr is abunsjVntly salittied, as well, from perto'iisl arnnaiiitauce, as from other towreea. Die resilience ol the subscriber will be contiguous io ihe Acsden.M the tearbcra will be sneftibersol his lsmityiar.il he Will be prepared, likewise, to board a enniiiib-'nilile number of ntli.ils. Tlie sclioci year wttl "tre tiivnitu iTrtjotwo eevsmnsnt nve months each The prirtsol board and loition by lha session, pajable in adianCr, will be as lollowti Board tt'J Tialiont Reading, Wi tting Snd Arithmetic $T tO English (ian.mar. tieogra,liy l( Composition, 10 00 Alitebra, tirnnirtij. Natural. Mcialand Intfl- leeiuul Ptiitrrinphy, Chemistry, . Ilnisnyi:. Mineialogy. 0i.olnjy, Logic, Khctutis atltj History It tO Latin, tireek and French, each III 00 Music nn ihe Pi.no Forte . ft) 00 no the Cuiia 11 00 Diawriig and Psititihg, raiA f 0 00 i BEtfJ. SCMXsiKi -,' NntSSth, tsiS. . 4 km. . 4 Ueji.t-r, Slandanl, Bihlieal Rreorder aiVsl E atama (iaxeOa insert 4 eks,and lorwsrd acceaaai to subssr.ber, l Oxford; 1 .. THOfS. D. rLEWBTt UAIISNF.T Al AHrilt, Respectfully infrftmi, he pelilat ihst fcrt-kjieets le enotinue his bmincsa ia Lanii.boig. Fraa kiln county N C. Ibis year, so thai any person or ersoHSehe may wi'.h le pnrchale Ptireaux, biiltboards. Bed steads, or any oiher article In bit line ol business, eaa do so I w, lor Cash, or gocd notes, oa the de livery of the loiniinre. Lounbuil. Dec. Sl5, Hit. " CtSI rTrrnioirs , & I"ltrsj tf ffladame niatibi an. by the Cdantrs Delttrlin. Just psttilished and tt-r sale by Tl?KaiER k HlCItl. T. B. F hNl H b8o, MERCHANT TAILOR, FAYITTETltXf STREET, RALEIGH, K. C. v' The Subscriber hu commenced th Tailoring hu.inraa. in all Ita Tarious braiichea, in the bnikf- ini foroieriy occttpied by Mr. Th-mpson aa a Jew- . ... i j ,k ..r k. K.K ellery orotv", ana iwo uv, ..rw.i r;.rnl,n. llok Store: where he haier recently received a splendid assortmenl of attperfine Cloths . ... , ' . ! of almost every color, aaaiirierea, v e..mK, a.m II r.nee articles. atualW kept In aoch Katabliah- merits. These aHiclea were aeleelett y binvaelf from the latest importations in the Northern mar kets. His slock conita m pari ol Sup. wool died Black Cleth. Olive, Invisible and Mottle Greek do. 111. tli own anil llndon do. Illaek Diamond Beavers, suitable for Proak and Overcoats. Plain Beavers. CASSIMERE3. Sop. Wool-Djed Black. -Ittue. Diamond and Victoria. WaaUingion Mixed 1) ah. Hon", Ste. VP.STINGS. TtiaffTlr n!a;n anil fiiriired Velvet, Brocade U figured acai lei Valencia, plain and figured Satin, (superior quality ) . Also, a general aasortmrnt of fancy Articles, via: Slocks, S'ispendera, t.mves, llanaaercnteia, Cravat. BtifToera. Merino. IShirts ana llrawera, lt....m. I.tlarw. Jtr. The subscriber has ' iriTils employ.'first rat workmen, and aa he intends devinfr bis Mte, itiltt1ii)r personal attention lo -tha tuainesa, he hopes, by pnnctualdy ana deapatqn, lo.mrrij iiic patronaec uf a eenerous public. Call arid try hie. T. It. F Jan. J.6, IMO. 3m. UMOi HOTEL OXFORD, N. C. UK. slinrilinFIt haa rented this establistri. I ment of tien. Norman for ihe present yeert and ia now prepared to accommodate travellers and others who mar think proprr In call on him. No pains will be spared to PLEASE. Unremilling and diligent attention lo the wants and comfort ol those whe may favor him with iheir custom will be most teerlullv accorded. To this end he has also pro cured the asiislanee f Mr. Tnsow Yancar k L.BT, ho are alrssdy fsvorsbly known to Ihe pU- ne. ami expt-rieuccu in ine vmnii ISAIAH M PASCHALU n. 1.n.... lOlh ISlt. N. There ai l be a Bali at this lloose on ihe Wnd of February next. I. M. r. ' Kim ' Standard 3 weeks. DR. W. W. MAKSIIAl.'S einimcait for Hie Ulind Pile. 1 Ins invaluable remedy has been several " ' veara. hefore the tiublietiis virtue and tffieaej have been well- astud, and, in numerous instan- ees.in the most aggiavated forms fihodiseaae. In not a aolitvv ease haa il beea known to tail " in effcsiine a cure. Many very respectable per , sons have borne testimony lo its efficacy (among whom is the Kev Wm. A. Smith , Of the M.B. . Church, and Editor of the Conference Journal, -who.tromhia own aperienee, eonnoenvty re commends il to Ihe public at "a sara, abssa slb. awn avairisaT iiasBf." It may he had ai lb Store of R. TICKER Agent, Italeigh, N.C. "new jewellery stoue lOIIXC. I'ALMKIlhat eniumrnced the above t busiuest in the new building lately erected by Mr . Itiehsrd fmilh oa Fayfiteville Street, slew doors above hit Store, where he intends to carry it on, in alT its branches. In a lew days he will re ceive from Philadelphia, a new and fashionable as tort men t of Jewellery and Watches and Cutlery .con sisting of gdd and- silver Levers and Plain. Watch es, Walch Chains, Keys and Seals, Ear Rings, Breast Pint, a fine essortmont of Knives and Rasora, and all other articles aol necessary le raention, all I which be ewgages lo sell at cheap for cash as ibey can be sold in this part ol the country. Watches repaired in the beat manner. He Mattel a himself. Irom Ihe long experience in ihe business, thai ke will be able lo give talislaelion. He has in his amnio Erst rale workmen. Watches and Clocks that can be make to keep time, will be warranted lor twelve months. He hopes Ihe eitixens ol Raleigh, Landaountry around, will call and give him atrial I , .I. I.. .l...ul... "I'.rt .i it. .Tl,. mi. ll ll u i?u ... ii... it. ... w. i.ii. .'u ... Watch, nearly otrpoane the Mt cjakm. -- -Kaleigh, N.C. Nov. U. UiO. Mil SCHOOL BOOKS. THE FOLLOWING SCHOOL BOOKS HAVE THE STRONG APPROVAL JF MR. J. OR V1LL TAYLOR, Secretary of the American Common School Society Little, 'TbiukerV j;flt tost anil, .o4 kfj Sahtaa Town. Kay'a Infant' and Piimary School Reader and Spel ler, (so 1. I nese arc llie nrsi oooars lu ue given to the ehilil. In completing 'the spelling and reading course, the tollowiug should be used, aud in ih same ordir the books are here mention ed. Town's Snellinr nook. Ka4s Primary atrrool Reader -end DvGner, Novt and 3. Child's Guide, by Merism. Young Read'-r, by I'lerpont. Cirla' Ueadmg Hook, hy Mrs. Sigaornpy. Hoys Heading DiA, by Mrs. Slgottrney, - National Iteailer, by Pierporrt. Town't Analysis ot Derivative Wwrvts. .. These complete Ihe spelling aud Heading eeors. For ihe Writing course, Foster's Copy Books' K. I, , , , , and 1. Olney's Small Geography for beginners, tone rol luwed by , Smith's tteogrsny snd Allss, late imrrTovrtl edition. On rev's llimuy otlhe United wtarea. . Hobbosth,itiesl Genets I History. 'First Leatuus m Ai iilinictis," b Professor xJsie Adam'a Net, Ariihmetbs. - SOT ImV '--" - -. imrmrmM.. UrowrtiT;'rmvcifcvman-ayld''taiW Civd Pol. ay and I'vlilical Economy, by M. Wilson, . I his jnftk teaenes tnimren ine nature snu rorrn ef oor govcrnrneiit and Ihe lirtt aad meat ebtioud prinfltpl. s ot Political and Domesut Economy. It thonlii be studied by every child in a free govern ment Phv rdtitoty for Children, by Mrs, Jsne Tsylor to be lUiii.wvH y u a tij ..u.vgj , wm i" NfHvr Uncle Davy's Chcfalstry he lollowcd Ita Ihe higher achoola hy Cumsiock'a. M as Swift's Philosophy, parts 1st and -end follow. ed by CemstrKk's. MaMRr'st,rlryi - ... m Marsh's Book Keeping. Thcle thrill Can be purchased el Taylor an Clement, V holes! Booksellers, No. ISO Pearl Street, New-York, and of tbe ltaokaellerl general ly in each of llie Slated , " Plcnsitnt Hill Femlt scmlnarTs The exercises uf this instlluiiou will comoieace oh Monilsy the I Ills of Jatitsry ne, ttmler ine tuperin lendvnse slid thahsgihlcM of Miss S. It. Gardner, ol Virginia, who has ecqrlircd great celebrity as it lesaher lo llrdtowiek torrty Virginia, where she baa ftreghlt aeveia! ytara ahd comes with sirarg cialfbl bi"n the eotiDdcliee atttj patronage of parents and gitnidiana. , . ' - TCM IU.X. Knglish In all l! vsneiy g,iw per ststmo M nve mouths, nenen, a per actaruni Mus'ie 6fl the Piano, ill rrf ttirtani uiintftr and drawing, TgS per selt'rtjn. III) AUD Seven dollMpr.rrnhhm Ih f!t lamily of the subseritjer, or or wiih Mr. John Biaswell, bo lives In ihe imftieB'tte Vartntiy. PLEASANT II ILL is at a bi.h. healthy and c- greeable pari bf Ihe cnainti-r. Within one and a hall miles ol ine I'usl umee at lledlom, or rosier aura atiovt Rnails. Every exertion l pleaso may be eiMifidenU) rtjied oa by those who pairwnise this arhnnl. JAMIS lift isivi-vj.. Naib Cenatr, Jf. C. IVc. 89, tllO. 53 llj muUr Seed aaaew and Kartktarra talbcNonli- I . . .... . l : f... .1 I ens Biases. 1 nrraniew irean mu cawn Ll UO A laige awpdy, just receives! and lor aala ai km North Carolina Book Store-, by : TUKNKIl k HUGHES. ' N. B. Flower Seeds ef almost every deaariotion. Raleigh, January 13th.. f. State sf Nerila Carolina. Chownit Voitnty. Court of Equity Fall Term, 1840. Edmund Brinkley. Henry Hurdle. Josiah Hurdle ...and Mile Goodwin, by their gmardian, 7-acha-riah F.varia, Ciillen Bunch ami wife A key, fraij, cis Wkislpw anil wile lUchel, John Winsfow and wife Lydia. Ca eb Goodwin, Richard Grant! win. Harvey Goods in, Ephtiom Goo-.lwin,riios. E. Rid.lick amt wife Amy, Caleb Perry, Allen Perry, Harvy Ieiry and Christian Perry, infanta by their father and next friend, Josiah Perry, Samuel Kewhjr ami wife Martha Ann, Joseph Newby and wife Sophia, Prg-gy Moore, tlugli Elliott ami wife Martha. Lory An.. Charles, Richard, Daniel, Aiig-tislua and t.'alvm Moore, infants without any regolar Ell'oi,,. by Thus. V. Hathaway, the Clerk end Master thr-rifuer. disn ail litem, Jeremiab Moore and Ljd a Spaigrjl; " VS. John tloore, William Moore and Ederarrl Moore and John Coffieid and wife Penny . Pttitin fir tat and divii if Intuit. It appearing to. the aalidaclmn if tliis foiirt that John MoorTT William Moore, Edward Moore and John Coflield and wife Penny, reside beyond the limits of this State, it is 1hereforretJ by the Court that rmblication be roade for (if weeka . I . w . . . ... .1 .. r successively, in llie Haieign otar, loraaui nr. ants to appear at the neat term of our said Court lo,be held for the County ol t;nowan at me svotirs llnnae in Eilenton. on the aecond Monday after the fourth Monday of March neat, then and there lo plead, answer or demur to said petition! otlier-sWl-sjsilL.bo.Uke.4raj parte as to ihem. Witness, inos. v. rtainaway. iicrs auu na, of the Court ol Eipiity office, at E'lenton.the sec ond Monday after the fourth Monday in Septem ber, A. I). 1840. T. V. HATH AW AT, U.6X at. r. - I December 23rd, 1840. 52 w. NEW FALL sV WlXTEIt GOODS. OLIVEH V SIV1ITII, MXBCHSST TAILORS, Fayctttvillc Street, ltakigh A. C. We have just received, and have now opened our usual supply of Goods, w hich rnibracra ev ery thing iiew desirable or fashionable. These Goods have been selected by Ma. Otti xa in per. son, and can be confidently recommended to nor friends and customers. Members of the legisla ture, and Strangers visiting the City, during (he Session, would find it greatly to Iheir advantage to rire us a call, as we are determined lo sell bar gains. Our stock comprizea every thing that is.-H usually kept on hand in such Establishments, ef w Inch the follow tog is a part : CLOTHS 1 Sup." Wool Pycd Black Z ".; do do Blue, Inviaible Green, ' Rifle do c Spanish Fly do. - London Brown, Olive, and Dahlia. CASSIMERES Wool Dyed Black, Diamond Braver, do do do Bfcte and Plain, suitable for Pelto and Over-coats. Surtouts er Frocks, Sep. Wool Dyed Black, do do Buckskin, - Mixed Doe Skin, .trel Mixed, O .IJ-ll. J. - guiiuia. uv . og Cabin Prince Albert, ' Queen Victoria, - Drab Mixed, Brown, Washington mixed. Buff and Plain Drab. YEST1NOS Sup. Plain Black Velvet, dojrt'ileskindo ' ma.1BIue net" Brown Plush, . Scarlet Woolen Velvet, Dark Brown .do Green do rigured and Plain SatinaV Black en Brown; Together with an assortment of ready made ' Clplhing and i"anc Articles. Stisnemlera. .StockhCI-rght and Slack,) Frrjgch Kitl GUi! PoctetlarTdrft. Iliac Silk tiul vats, Scarfs Shirt Collars and Bosoms, and many other things toe tedious to enumerate. We have in ear employ the beet of Northern workmen, and svifl warrant evry thine we manu facture net to be sorpa.aed in the United Slates, either in style, lit or quality. We lender our thanks to a generous public for the very liberal patronage we .naveaawrelofore received, end hope by attention te merit a continuance. OLIVER & SMITH. P. 8. We bsvejuct received a Piers of Fashion from The Paste bf London. Also," the latest N York and Philadelphia Fashions. ' . .& S, OctJl. 1840, . - 4 SPLEKDIO SEW ABMIALS For 1141, jnit arrived hy the t.rtat Western from Londcn and for sale at the North Carolina Book btorc ev , -- TL'KNEP k tlVGMtl. Book of Boudovl "ta-enils of Vepice"''""'"-J - --:.-r-i..Hiud'a.TableaBS,...- Il-uum ot aiiutw. "'- Pas-uresnoe AvrmnH , 'Book'of'htttut Jj'iJajtiijipnAjiji -jajPvar.:i'A-'Af.iK.i'.. London Keepsske -lrsrng Koont Scrap Bnott Protestant Annual Forget Me Not Juvenile Scrap Books - , The token m Friendships OfTerinf New Test a Gift, The abors Books are out wb4 AUbbtlor It vie, nil those Whe Want to asahe prcaaait, aboeid Sail aad look for themselves. . 4 f - Deeember t3, IS40. 48 11113 NEW WOKLb. NEW YORK. Both aZ' and auorieie furnirhrd to subscribe ars at the uniform price or 83 per annum, or 88 for two copier; and arrangements are made which en rols tbe Publisher and Editors lo increase lha In re rest of tbe coming vole me to very grset extent, both In splendid emtXliiHruVnta and rare works, not generally accessibls. By the untied voire of the press and the httblltJ, the IS'xW Weetn isnow onsidered lha but and moat interesting family newspaper la Ihe United 8iatea. --, f. .. , -Te tfontbern and Wealern people it h invataa able, as furnishing tbenv at ihe uont trifling coat, With all that is nsw and choice in tbe literary World, anJ whirh they can have no means of ob taining in books, except at twenty times thy, coat ofottr yearly eolsserirHion. rinr Cent Reward. v HANAW AY from Ihe subscriber, Henry Minns, a ImiI lw.. ak. -nmrnA So hiaa bt H'C Coomy Coort of VVakc. He is a mulatto, nearly m years of age, and a sleul, strong jneng fallow. " jar war all persons from bsrbming or employing himj snd will give the above reward fur bis delivery lo me. HVCHIX9 ATKINS. Wabceeaety, Kev. 98, ItiO, .46 8. i , . -r u. l ii l. . i-.i. u..l, fiQ TWO' BU'UH$D DOLUIHS JtEfTASi STATE OF MOUTH CAROLINA, . - .. -- V Y KM EXCELLENCY EDWABD B. MDUT, 7 OOVEKNOR, SiC, ;' i T mil t wiem tiett prttemti sAeU rotwe Crer. '' ; . .-:.. . - UrilERF.AS k has been officially reported te this Department, that on Ihe l.h day of N Octo ber, I SJ9, one Namte LanexTti, nf Davidson sxma tv, in thisSmte, wat to beaten, bruited ax id maimed liixl he iticdi and whereas one JtittN GOSS staaila cbc gedwiththecninmisaionof sanl deed, ami, where as 1 H'kurteu, Mner ll'artl. Alexander Bith p, Jesnea) Deer urf Nope H. Skeen were prraetti; anli..gau. abetting and mainlaining Ihe said Job Goss in ihe per pro atom nt said lelouytaad httwas said ofTeiidrrs hive fled and secreted themselves haas . Ihe regular operations of ihe tarw and Justice: Now, therelnre. In the end that the said Jobs Goes and kit accomplices in the muider, may be brought -tnlrial, I have thought proper tn iaanethis my.Prne. Inmitiiin, nlfcrniga rcwanl ol Two Ite iilreil Dullara for Ihe appr, heuvion t Ihe said Jl,n tinsv, anf lurtber rewwd ol One Hundred Dollars each, lor wsa to-efbrr ol L Is accomplice,, tn ani perami or pel sues who will apprehend or cause In be annrekeMled.aRV ur all of Ihe ollcnilrrs and fogiiiv, a daresaid, and ' conli a Ihem, or either id Ihem, in the Jail, orihj, liver Ihem, or eitlier of Ihem, in the Mienfl l Iw. - J eidson county m the State aloreaaid AndJ on , moreover, hereby r,fnire all .i.nicers. wliiUieTshaT ' ur military, within this Slate, lo n,r their best earr ' . ioms to apprelii'hdrviFcaOTe tn a fugiiivea and offeailers aloresaid. , - -- .-.-j Given nnCer my hand at Goveriwiraad r ? rtieT,reaT-SeaT'-rxSTaTe V IV y Carol ova, IW at mir City nf 4t'ali.,kj.., SS this Ihe 80th day nf October. A D lAu. EDWARD II. DUDLEY. f Uy Cnmmsnd. I ; .. c. BATTtay Priiate Setrrtarg - ' I' nettriptim ef the Ojmtlert ame4 ia th aisre pr 1 '. cLimnlion. . f "AAi't,isHf hoW"S inches high, dark enniplcxion, ilaikrurl, hair, and has snrne speeka of gunpowder in his fact at out made and v)niek of spti eh. Jmi II luirton Is bout 2.1 jevrs yesi t old, S leet I 1 I or 9 inches high, fair hair and complexion, hit lore, teeth broad and ide apart, large e)ebros, a doa look, voire fine, slow apoken and is stout made. ' .fbiier Itanl is ehmil 5 yeera old. and S leet 4 inches high, aloof, shoulders, fair completion, blot eyes, son apoaeo ano grey-neaoeu. Jjthim Deer it about JS years oldf 5 feel t art inchelhigh, lair skin, hluo eyes, iare made, Una titage, quirk tokrii, hair daik eidnrrd .'rXiH(Ar Hirktpl alio, t 'IS years old, bur and pile cornpl. cleil, txin!y colored hair, rjuick tutv t ken. S (eel 6 or T inches high and dark rjes. ' tjip It Slree is about SJ j tars old, 5 test tar 1 9 niches high, lair enmph-xioo snd lull lace, dark ' ;' hair and chunky nude, and Speaks in lha ordinary wsy when spoken te. ' . Oct. 43-If j , t he Standard.Salitbury Wat'hroan, liieens. .j borough Paiiiol, Inlelligeneer, Lexington, Ky , snd Banner, X asbrilley l'n., ill insert - tlie aWc -weekly airtil cMntermMded. j- I-'IIE SUBSCRIHEItS osTrr lor sale privately. their well known FarOf-anil Mercantile stand, hkh ia believed lo he the b.st tountry Stand Say where is4ne Couroj . - I he mriu ia amply auffi-T; cierrt for sireir- fnut handa, 4he alwelliug it-.large aiHi enmmoorovit, wnninree rooms below stairs, m length, and sixteen feet wi le, and not Ins lam tor Ihe business ol llie vicinity. Also a Gin House, tventy-fuor fet asiattre, and a .Church' close by be blere. sKhiii seventy yards. Tbeieara beiitUa 1 'necessary Out -bouses.. Further parthnUaia is deem. ed unnecessary, un application, any par sua aaas. examine for themselves. It we should not sell ly ihe 1st of May, we May go to business again eer jaHmi. i. . A. S. WYXXE k CO. Janeatj Uih, 1UL 31Jw. A TEACHER WANTED The Subscriber wishes to employ a Female who is qualified te leach Music, and Ihe other branches usually taught in Female Schools, to lake charge of a small Female School at While Oak Grove, 10 miles east of Rsleira, for tbe year Hit. ' None need apply who casual come well recommended le discharge Ihe duties s. bove required. Address Ihe Subscriber si Rah k. or, Eagle Hack. Wake sounty. N. PRICE TC fTT IT a Traetfer MiTM proe'trreMeTi ubstrlT ber wilt erwovninoilatc i or eight (iris wilhcxwre. at ff? per month. , ; , December 86, IS40. ' IS COMMITTED to the jsil of Northampton eoas ) ly, N. C. or. llie 81st December. 1810, I sev gro slave, as arenawav, calling himself SYLVESTER. . He taya lie la tht property o, Alexander Wtlker, of Augusts, Georg, that he was raited in lUlilas, Mr. Davis of Pelerihore. shout three .. ..a. 'e is about 40 or 45 ) ears of age, dark complexion, is t leet 4 or f inches hfh, haa on common hums made Clothes. The owner is requested le corns forward, prove property, or he will be dealt silk according lo law. WM.S. BlLBKO, Jailor. . Jackson, N C Jan. fih. lll. 8 If A'7 aV K m'A; PIANOS a'r Sule byiE . Math, J'ttertburg" Tr t'PQN TIIK PAtRKeT TEltJia POWIBLE.- - Trhe-the mstrotnenttand try Ihem, if good eep. Ihem, H not return them, without paying lorthess. At soma Pianos are far superior lu others, snd as purchasers generally are bol little acquainted wab the differ bcC in Ihem. fii siilel it irrni io aaa that mgettitHl so cosily an article, too much caution aaa-. not be observed. t v- Many, persons are perfectly saliaBed sitb llie la itruineiits they have purchased until aonic, friend e l , neighbor gets otic which ia considered superior, and then ihry wish they had been more peatatelar. , J 'W re iaoo trecettHv.forew ibmg U iW ftTJ limit in price io aar order ahajh may be sent me. ' niltttacirs Uevgraph't- uutl Alia. r This excellent wmk, published a boot one year a- go, by Thomas Coppertkasii, fc Co. of Philailelphsy, hsaslrewly obtained a patronage almost enuaawlleled. . It has deservedly received the approbation aad rrs ' ommendttion axil nnlv of nemcnias protestors in oar . bestracarlcmiea and schools, bal of many literary gea tlemen m private life. So great has keen Ihe de mand for this work, particularly by schools and scad- cwias, that lha enterprising publishers have rtseatfy Inerea vert tbe a It tonal esprnae, f there hv renderiag . H still more saleable,) of. adding ihe additlonel asaps -to Ihe Atlas, the one eottibrrhendin Great BmsiB aad Ireland, and Ihe Wher trrrmany, Switxerlaad , f and iVartssrs Italy It. at cmneeessary 10 add any, i IhaagrartW limn lo taw. thai ihia it the best smnpaV' I ed snd aaosi enirttt SeKnoJ Geography aad Alia ( nasa Oat ever Ireca pi-ttlca t ihe Lutiii. .... ntitcbcirs. Pritnarr osraphf-. 1 s . It wnutd aee-m that Mr. Mateliell's ent el prise, MS- '' 1 doalry and ilethc 10 de good lo ih rsaieg general ana is nhoonded. he having joal sompleled another motl . excellent work for yrmneer pupils, which it publish, i ed by ihe same bhnkselleis as ihe- above.) enlitled j Mitchell s Primary Geography, being aa ea-y Intro. I duet on ro lha lidy cd geography, designed for the j mMrueiinn of ehihUen in sebxdt and lamilsrs.. This f i .,o.l linta work.wrll nriaicd. and conlanta j ing one hood red and StveaiJ-tia pages, illustrated f, by one hundred end twenty engravings, and loswtere-. colored mtlt Every etiild fro-e seven lelencr j twelve yeat-S old, should hsve this hook, sod It shear be ksirodtieed imosediatcly hstn est rv primary sahod : in our ebOorry. II ia divided into eighiy-tnre. lessor! s, ancBe rat which relate to astronomy, tl at designed as a first book of gsography far children aa sooo as I hey are old enouf h lo arieaiirehend it. liis simple in its arraneemenls and beaotlfully els- eistesiliesgraphyofeornwnaBd the ether eoee Irds of the earth, and it decidedly en peri or lo eaf f giegeaphy lur primary schools which baa ever beea pee.iisi.eil. ia. 1 nese valuable worst ere tor eaie i me . va line Book Store, Half Ijh, by Taevtrr k lloghca. and three rooms with nve hre placesi framed kileb- eAtabnd Ktnnar ahinAnre. ' with naitil l.n... . C .. rants' use. The Stoic House is sixiy-two led long, 5 with two fire rinses. and the Store thirtv.ri.h, i X i