' It ' ALKII5I1 8Ta", AMI S II It Til OA KO 11 N A t A ZKTT K. - FostiaJT or VU. Va Bet- 1 i teem ' y quits sasswaary eouayliiaeot is I be Uuiied Bute (a , public mil, retirii.g- te privet life, lo sit fal their poiuaiis. Souse unknown fcwidteaiy deter artUt, sterns to have ek o fltVs (mm of Mr. Tan Purea. The rrult of the attempt tp?ttt U b l th follow ing tketeb of lhe retiring Pieaidenl i lb eul MS 4tbe EveidruT, Poet. Th outline and euloripg make The poniait sot enly ereditabl I a work f art, but admirable as a iikcnc, 1- SI. Van Buren haa liril moral faith of ny kind; barely enoujfli -to need no arirficial esciut iiob f boJy er .i(id. Thi deficiency drive bun into u artificial code of political practice, in whit b lie rt-t. fl alt eocial Scion to individual iuU'it-eie, tad all pntliicl aelion to combina tion of tk'M internal, lie believe firmly ta ' the iWe of matiagtmetU, or the cool, considerate, erti'ul application of general J topcatlinn to the 4 tntting temper and opini'ii ul the masses, a , tar the can Im ascertained, and w ithout any -a4inf relerrnce to their propriety of durability. Uts generalization of social pbettometia never rwU Up a to a moral power. Of oeeeaaary liutli U public opinion; but tie eitnpty deal with iVoileoiive opinion oi men, aa niamft-eted by tun fcpresenlaiivts, of . otheiwiae eonapieuous individuals fruio or among Ibe people, by wean nl certain easy tulei anaUgon to addition, sub traction, multiplication anil division in arithme tic J i belongs wholly to the pretest time, and may Je saij to represent trading or buinet pol itic, lie ia tl e fery impersonation nf party io . lU stiica-st feaure of.f'irujal diJp!me and r eiuaive eouiLhuliun. He is ceremeMio. polite, reamed in manner, wy a.u' i!l and extremely ua io fttiun." 77ie Laboring Clatttt of Eurwit.- Thank God! we hare in our country "net t her poverty nor richer," in the European ' ico'p'-t:on of these lerrue. We have none of those overgrown fortunes which accumulate in pancular familiee enormui wealth, pla eing under their control large rvgiona of pruieianu, wiui m wng iiiiiaui-. mem, a-.m thin rendering die mats miaera'ile, that the few may live in luxury-. I content mvself with ituing tile facta a they exist, with out comment or teproacli; neither aeeking to investigate the cauae, nor to suggest the remedy. A a one of the phase of human life, an American may well be anxious to observe the condition and manner of high 'European aociety. and to deacribe theu lor tija .jcotryroen;,... m' ..dracriptiori, if faTitiru'- will contain much more for want - 4iao,.for Mttitatinn. Vhon ntratd 'With the extreoiiiy of penury end w etched ,jstm whiflhery where meet the eye the - prevent terrdeoey -f ihe inalitution in Eu rope, whether continental or inanUr. pre aent a auhject of painful reflection tn the foreTf n traveller, and I ahuulJ think of e : zri me alariB tu erery lover of good order, and to erery WBll-wisher to human nature. In fact Kuropeaa ociety J a volcano, pre pjtreJ alany moment for an eruption, which May bur; beneath 4u Uv tlie nappineaa of rmieraiion. The evil, in truth, lie far deep er than mere appearance indinaia i'olit- iealinaii tu lion certainly equtra regenera tion; a better adaptation to the preaent ttate ioi aoeietr, anil to the prevalent opinion of pie world; a ayttem of legialation and ad WiincVatioo, not iu the interett of the few whe govern, hut Making the general wel fare of the entire rommunitf. Dm beyond Itlii. there - are cause in operation which flawtra-inoUotcktCiiJ whi.:h Governinem, if they can affect, cannot control. Proper Ay ia ton unaq-ia'ly divided; population prcs t too cloely up n ubiieiice; employ menti ton ofinn wanting, and too inaulfi , cientty paid; and penury and in:ery are the !njquehrof. ''Life, 4n advance, offer to the iaburing man nothing hut a perpetual trugr!e to procure the mean of ubiienc aal the prospect of early decrepitude, and nf n death in aqmeden of wretchednee, pub lic or private.' The extremity of Buffering which the tdj world exhihiie. i bevond tlie reach of "an American imagination o conceive.- I ahall confine myelf tn tingle fact." I pawed the hint tummei at Veraail let, when the commanding general put at my diaporitioiri.MWi-efrr to "accompany tna in my walk, and to point out the fan- ""oua loeahui wortriy of particular obaerva vtion at that (cat of wonders, Ile wa a very Intelligent man, and well educated; and I owe to tii conrcraation much knowledge oftf-O true condition of thmt tn the inter nal economy of France, lie wa from the neighborhood of'Amein, and hi father was a email proprietor. 1 aked him, one day, t what waa the ueual breakfast of the lubor mg people iu that part of tlie country. He aid. , ''Plenty of water, and a piece of am- munition bioad vubbed with ao onionri fiobmc t rtad W e have often encountered jiiea who profess to believe the bad "no ti ne to fetl;H Now we think of It, they have always been men of om character, the point of which are easily summed op. Nine lime out of ten, they are men who h never found tin to eon tor any anbttanfial advantage either upon their rountry, their families, or tliemselves. They generally have lime to go la. election, attend publis barbecuH, canip-rumling, sales and sing- Srg chnol, but they have "no time to read.' Ttiey frequently epnd whole days in gossip Jng, tippling, and swapping horse; hut they . have Mm tiaae to read." Thry sometimes loot - aay tn aakinf advtoa of their neighbors aometimee a day ia picking op the new, the pii- ee curroul cd the exchn-but these meonev : er have "any lime to read." They have lime ta hunt, to fiili, to fiddle, to drink, to do nothing," hut 'bo time to read." Kueh mea genoraJly have ' atiedneated children, animproved farm and an hippy fieekidea. They have no eueigy, ne epir it of l uprovemeot, no love of koowtedgat ihey live ankaowing and unknown,' and often die unwept a ltd aregreled- Smtiktr Cultivator, : , Aw l!rPiA X-rox.-rTbe abrigtal4ra dition concerning the origin of the well known inhabitant of oitr forests, whoso plaintive rry has induced ita cognomen of w -ip poor-will, l highly imaginative, and worthy of the aucient mytltologisu. Raw chewaine, or the flying Pigeon of Wisconsin, lore! Wai-u-natsa, a young chief. The father and kinsman of the maiden were opposed to her wedding Wai- o-naisa, I la lb beatiful isTgoda of tl)t river near the home of ike Indian maiden, the lovera had frequent stolen intemewa ; 'J be young cluel waa lorceil to go out on a war scout again! the "ioux. The . maid en, dieonolate duiing bis absence, was ac customed to swan nightly to the loved isl ands, arid there wandering among acene hallowed by hi remembrance, call plain- i lively oo the name other lover. One . . a as night aome-ol her father a people bearu tier voice, and pursued the eound. ' W hil fly ing from them, juvt as her weary limb were about to Tail her, the kind Maniiou changed her ante a bird, which haa ever ince born the name of her lover, and flits continually from bush to bush, repealing in melancholy notes, W ai-o-nasia! Wai-o nai tzlI'hilaJflnhia North AmitUan. Dr. Franklin' $ Code of Moral$-'tt lowing list of moral virtues wa drawn up by Dr. Franklin fur the regulation of hi lifes Temperance bat not to fullness; drink not to elevation. Silence Speak not but what iny benefit other or your self: avoid triflinir converaation. Order- let all your things have their place; let each part of your business have its time. Res olution llesolve to -nt-norm wUat you ought: perform without fail what you. re solve. Frugality Malee ruj cxpence, but to do good to citiexs or to yoursell; that is. waste nothing. . Iiulusiry Lostt no tine, be always employed in fctimeiMng useful; .keep out of all unnecessary action. Sin cerity Use no hurtful deceit; think inno cently an J justly; and "if. you spunk, speak accordingly. Justice W rung none by do ing injures, or omitting the benefits that are your doty. Moderate Avoid extreme; forbear resenting imurie. Cleanliness Suffer no uiic'eanlincss in the body, clothes, or habitation. Tranuuiliiy I'e not dis turbed about trifles, or at accidents common or unavoidable. Humility Imitate Jeous Christ. Yakkb IxoKxurrr. -In the course of hi lecture on Tuesday evening, before the Mercan ile Library association, Mr. Lat rohe related the following iticiilont. While croaainjr in the atagtvona-of the vant west ern prariea far ahead on the black line which m rked the road, was tliacovered an object, which, from 'lie dialance, could nut be made w lf?e'r near approach, it wa per- celved to be one :"of ifioiie yeWcle kontfuas a. Yaukea pedJw'a waxm. 'J.lie .owiter-of the concent had met with a sad accident l ie had broken both an axle tree and a shaft of Ins colored and curtained wagon. The first he li d repaired with a rope, but that done, every inch of the rope was exhausted MUi from a tree or even a bush of any kind, from which to 'cut a temporary shaft here was a dilemma, truly. Hut the man wa equal to it. lie had a tin drinking cup, a hammer, some nail, and a pair of tailor' shears hen the stage came up and stop ped, the man was found busily employed ta catting up the cup into strips, having Hist bmkeii out th - bottom, knocked off the han dle, and unrolled and flattened out the cyl inder of tin that formed the body of the cup. The curious passengers looking on while the Yankee ped ar proceeded to lay the two broken enda of the shaft together which for tunately had been split obliquely. He then wrapped around them the atrip of tin, and nailed the end fast. This dono he tried the shaft and found it strong ! A he bitch ed in hi hone, he looked up to the won dering passenger in the stage coach, and with a quiet amile of satisfaction, remarked, " I guess this i the first lime in these pari that broken shifl wa mended with a tin cup." How the passenger in the ataije couch laughed, the lecturer did not say, but their m rriuient may be easily imagined. Mjiix..K creature brought into existence for the purpose of getting ptoperty. JP'otnan.k being who was first made an angel ; but having been turned out of par adise, her wings were clipped uff so that she tdiould Rot (ly back over the gates , One day ttfter marriage. I he begin nin of sorrows . Christian Urbanity Shaking hands with your antagonist before blowing his brains out. Nr.w Classification o the World. England is a vast manufactory, a great lab oratory, a universal rounting-houso. France is a rich farm, contending to turn itself into a manufactory. Germany is an ill cultiva ted fie'd. because they are philosophers and not peasmts who till it Southern Italy is i villa Ja xuitts.. IXorlhern Italy is an iittt frtaTjtrfrfo tana is a canai. .,,.?!! ween ana uenroantaie, carpenter's yards. Poland is a sandy heath. Russia is in ire home. Switzerland is a chalet. Greece is a field in a stale of nature. Turkey is a field lal'ow, India is a gold mine Egypt is a work shop for apprentices Africa i a furnace. Algiers is a nursery ground. Asia is a grove. The Antilles ire sugar refineries. South America is a sioie. North America a tilt futf. Spain a till eoply- CANstKo'JViTTicuM. The lato- Mr. Canning, it is said, was requested to read a phsinph'el written by a noble Lord who waa deeded by monopolist quite an oracle in support of the respective duties oo loreign wool. The tract is atatod to have begun with a sentence like the following: "There ia no doubt that under a due system of pro tection the growth of Uritioh woo! might be greatly increased, and lhatour domestic wools might eventually be enabled to stand the com petition of the wools of the conti nent The witty atatesrrinW W in wool into an F and returned the pam phlet to the party who bad forwarded it to him for his opinion of ita merits. FathionabU Lir.hgur.-Uerti a "hit at the fashions" irom the Uoston Poal ; : Mrt. .0. Mrt D., do you visit Mr. C? ; Mrt. D Certninly, her husband ha a partner in Paris, and by kcrpin? nn an ae- J nilainhuica with his wife. rrt th l,.t.t Uailtiontl ' ' SMITH'S SCHOOL. BOOKS. Fm mU at lbs North Carotins Boufc 8tore, Ral eigh, fcy Tarurr and llugbss. , Omitb Sclmol Ui(rapby, on Ibe ProJutiiw 8t eai. Clew EditM a frviaed end enla-fd. i!'u rutl by thirty aJdiiwntl cu'a, put up iu uni form large Ivpe, aeeuoipeuied by en emire Ai. Is,eatlin(-tiglttea very auperior Stapt, Cbail of tin VVurhl. &.c,,lAc by K.xwell C. dmiih. au lb of the Practical ar.d MnUl Aritbmeiic l'ro Jticiiv Cirmmmir, Jtcdcc. The pupuUliun in lb Book snd Allae will h ahsred teorrpnd with the Centua of 1840, as won a officially tportd,and wiU he kept Ms'every rmpeel fu ly up with tbe iiatee. Hniib's New Ariihmetic, on the Productive Hjgirm, Kmikfuil b 'UiiJ much larger ttian tbe Praclical suit Meats, iteniyurd for achnlara ad vanced in ibe lady, (ecempuied by a Key end cubical blocks if defied. J tfm rii'a Practical and Mental Arithmetic, on a new plan in which Mental Afilimetie ia coobihed with th it -e ut the aiatricimlaing a complete ajalem or all praclical purposes lieing iu dullara and centa. Sleretyi ediliun, reKed ami rulareed with e- eruieea fir Iht eUte. To which ia sdili-d S Prac. fical.tyeteniuf Uuok ftt-ejiiiig. Uv Koswtll C Smith. Key to do., with the example fullv wrought. Sinnli'a nam Grain mar on the Productive y- (a meilicd af iiuiructioa rrcenily aduplee in Lier many and 8uzerljnd,) deaiaiud for SchooU anJ Aia lemii. -. " - - WE ANNEX THE FOLLOWING AS SPECIMENS OF NUMERICS fcECOMMENDAT IONS. I have ueJ Piniih'a Urauimar, Ueojrajihy and Ariihmeiic on the Productive Syalem, in my Acad emy f ir ibe laal ibree yeara, which la aullicienl priiuf that i conarilcrthenr etiFCrior to ariy wirlia on the libjeeia of which tltey treat. SluiienU in Graiu mar, uaing mith'e tvoik, make progrea whtclma Innialita tliuac who have been accualnmed Io the old ayateni of class hooka. The aame loilil be eaid ufaiudenla in the other branrhrx. Of theae I apeak CDiifiJinilv, bavinj my knowledge from ei perience. C. P. D. M A fi l l. V, Kecltr f Mw-t Ziou Imtitulitn. Prom ibe Conmoii School AsutUnt, e.litcd J Oil il e 1 aylor. Nsw Yobk, Feb. 23, 1810. Smith' Geography. Impravtd. I he alwve atandard and popular woik baa juat aparrd from new ilalpa, the old onee having been dcatroyrd by tire. Tbe entire wuik baa been reviaed, and we now pionoMncr it ibe nrnat accurato w.irk ii mar ket. We perceive eeveral new mapa; one of Pale aiiue; one if Liberia; one of Mexico, Ac. The Map Chart of the World ia pre-ented on an entire new plan, and one whiqh a.ida great value to the work, and inual be oniveraallv admiied. In all leapecle lb irk ia etjual lo an) Geography we have, and in teveral imporlaut parucuUia aupeiiur to tbe olb era. DecS.ldtd. " ' " A Treatise on AgrlcirlUm-: Dy J..im Armitrong, avnli nuterhv J Moel Ihr aa'V by I Llt.NKli St HUtillKI Feb. 3rd. 6 .1. MOORF.'S WARKIIOVS'K,- riTiminu, ta. The impeetn'-a l the wairliomt lake llitrnelhl ol raluriniia their 0t thank In ihrir pan-uni auil IrwiKla r.n paal laoura, ami muit reapccilull) aulicii a coutiMUaiir.tt uf Ihr annie The clabliahnieiil hh ihry conduct poaaeaiei evrr) a lvMrtage llial-eua iw-ilea'iril Siluateil almnal crtili-iil in the lowii, uuon a fine paved atrccl, and very near the l)pii ul the Pcteraliui g an'l Koanoke Kaitrnart; the taeililira f it receiving, opening and ahtiiing Tohaccn are nut tin pulled by any oilier in a;iteiinti.in Virginia 'e ar, ilelei innirfl In do all lliat ia in nur power tn ob'ain iIm higlieal mai-kcl price lur all Kibacno arm 10 nur cat e, anil have a auHleient number xJS aide hanila to itn our Ituuneat viib iliiiMtcb. t'e aaaure our li-irnda atid ihe publie gi-nvmtly, thai we wi'l uar every rxertion In give taliilactiun Bud to merit Ihrir atiptioti and eniifulrnre tjonaijiiinirnu by HiHruaJa or nlhervlic, HI be, at heieluture, pronipll) an I tlrilly aiiemlril tot and iu every cave in ahivh we may be drairetl lo ilo to, we will with pleaevn tend lliu account ol talrt, (wilh a check, il diicelcil, ) In aay I'utl uNiue that mav be deiignaiedt nr we will pay Ilia aiiiount .to any hnuie or KT.a iu Peteraburg that we may le ilirreicd lo. AH lurrgea, tucti aa UwlrMd b-eighl, iliayage.tte. will be at all timet advanced, at heieiu(oir and the Inbaneo will be held lo oil r or tnlil, a, rhe nwnert mav deiire Plantera and ntheri are paniciilarly re fUled tn have llirir namrt diatinelly luaikuil upon their lingilieada, and enmignrd to I'l.t.tlAM h JOXP.S, Jar.aarj 33id, Hit. .Mow't'tH-urr itnit, t HK). ItSomoirs & Loiters of ITIadaiac JMaiibrnn, by tbeCouiiteeV le Medln. Juat publikhed and lur le by TUItNKK it HUGHS. f lAKOKV SKKDS. Frnm the brat and ronat I entMthH- Rceiltmen anri -Carftcnert in the North ern Statra. (Warramed lieih and genuine. ) C'tr p ol MM. A Uige tupply, juti received and lor aale al the North Carolina Dunk Kiore, bv TUItN'KH k IIUCIIF9. N. tl. Plower Reeda ot altnott every detcriplion. Kaleigh, January I Jib. a TUC NEW WfJtlXB. NEW YORK. - D.itboua and tju.irt,. , furi.uljrj to tnhaerib era al the uniform price nf $ 3 per annum, or $5 for Iwo enpieaj and at hiligi'menia are niaiia which i n ehle tlie Pub'iaher and Edilura to incretaa the in lereat nf t ha enmina nlin.. m . B,u . 1 both in aplrndid emlieliahmenta and rare wotktto I aim -me nnie, rt aw V olb Know c.?niih-red the 4r, and moat intereating- family new,paer in ibe United Staiea. To fouthem and ".Veatern people it ia iovalui able, a furnishing (hem, al lberrioat trifling coet, wild ell that t'a new eod cbuice in the literary world, enl which they can heve o vneane of ob taining in hooka, vacept al twenty lime Ibe coat of our yearly aulwcriplion. a'HK SUIISliuiIIERS effer lor tale privately, I their aril known Farm anil Mercantile Hand, wliudi ia b-lieved f be the beat cpunlry tland any Here hi the County., 'I he larna ia amply mm aient fur three or jnuc liandu the d welling large and commoinVwv. with three roomi below ataiit, and thrwe rexMna wild fire Krc platraj Iraaaed audi en and Htnwe chinney, with good honw a lor ter ' e. The Stnrv llnnac it titty -tea tret tng, vareasa Iwo fire larea, and the Store ibiny-eighl lerl in leegtti, and tn fert able, and not too large lor tbe tin tine at ot ibe vicinity. Alto a Gin llontr, twenty-funr feet iquarr, and a Cl.uicl, tlotr by the Hiore, Hl.in rcieiity yardt. I heveere bctidra, all keaeiaary Out Itimart. Farther panictilait it deem ed unnevratary. On application, any pertne can et.min fur thtanarlvrt. It we abi.uld not aril I y II fat ol May, we May go to.butineaa egaia ooi tetve. ' ' T. .Iiitaarjr:iJib,.JWi.:,;,,,;,1l;-,. ..nrytim (OM MtTTEl) to the jail nr Konhtmpinn coaa ; ty, H. tj. on the Slat December. 140, a ac gre tlaie, aa a ruoawae. catlmg hioiacU 8VLVF81 tit. He tat a he h Ihe preprriy of Alexander Walker, ol Aiigtiiia, Georgiat lhal he waa raited in llaliUt, N. C and wat Bold by Mr. Aattia nl aaid place, to Mr. Datia of Peivrtbnrg;, about three ytart agn. V a ia about 40 or S jeare ol aae, daik aompleainn, it $ leel 4 or i iarhrt bfb, bat on emvtmon home tad elotbea. , I he owner ia raqneticd le eme h.rward, prove propert. nr he will he dealt aitb eem dii g in law. W M . S DlLBKO, Jailor. Jack ten, N C.Jan. 7th. Ml. If NINETEEN PIANOS , rrr Suk if E P. Xot. Petmtmrj Tit , UrOM THE FAIREST TEEMS rOSSIBLE. Take ibe aaromiaand try Ibeet. if good keep ibera, U not reture tbeaa, witboul paymg lor theaa. At xaie Pianoa are fee toperior lo other. " ai pnrhat:it generally are but Idtle eeqaamted wnh ibe dia'ertnee in them, (m tide) il tetn.t to m that in getting to cotlly an aiticSe, loomuah eautkin en aut be ubaerved. ' . Many prraone are perfectly watvtafied anil the in atruiuenta rbey Lave .u.cbated until tiiend or neighbor geti one abirh it cnnaidered tuperior.and then ill), wiihlliey bad been more partireler. lb re it no uccetiity ttran) thinf fuither than a limit iu prtca iu any order nbkh m be e,ut sac. 1 CP. NA3H. Dec. 2J- - 52-. ADWI.MSTHArOlt'S KOTICK. At le I i lerm ot the li.n'y Court ol V e the' b I aer 'r iualibed at admrniatiaier tl the ta taaVl T i.-oi bililt Hunter, ileceabt-d. All p . mill having tlaioit hgamit the elte, are I. reb inifi-d to pictent tliriu lur aeitlenieut, aud liio.,u lebl.-d, lo cunw loiaaid and make pa uicnt ailhnu! itt-lHV lIKSSFTl' T. ItLAKE, Admhilatcelor. Haltlih, Feb, 'JJiid, ttl. 8 Pt'RLIC SALE. On M.indav, tlie LmIi Si .y. being the Brat day if Wake t;ountv Cmrt, will be tnl.l at Ihe Court Houte Door, m It deigh, a likely nrgro man, Le looiflnr te Ihe ettale, at i i niontha cieilit. " U T, ULAKK, Adniiaiilrator Feb. 22nd, 1811. 6w MitclicU'a Gcogi-aitliy a ltd AtlttS. 'I hit racellei.t woik, pulilmlied about one year a go, by i'lioir.atCoipeithaa,t, St Co. I Philadelphia, ha, already Q .taiocil a avroiug;e.alruuit uniiarajltlrd. it m iletervedly i rem til tl. aptirubaiion and rre limtiirndalioti lint only nf nunien ui pruletturt in our beat vcadetnie, and achoola, but ol many literary gen tlemen in piitate lite. So gicat hat been lite d maud liirlhia woik, particularly by achnolt and acad emlet, lhal the enterpriiing publithcrt have recently inci raved the. additional expente, (ttitcehv rrndering it tnl! more valuable,) nl adding the addi'i.mal mapa to 4he AlUt, the one cnniprehvndmg tjreal ttrilain and Ireland, aml'the other Germany, Swiiu'itaml and Northern It'alr It it ttnneeettaiy to add any thitig I'm iher than lo tay, lltat (hit it the best eompil ed and mntt enirect School Geography and Altai which hut ever becu pret rated u Ihe public. If. H. Gaxrtte. ItlitcliPil's Primary Geography. It wuuld teem lhal Mr. .MitcheU'a enteiptiae, in dutlry antl detire lo do.gnod lo the vising generation it unbounded, lie liaviug juvl coni-ilcleil another rnott etcellml work lor younger pttpili, (hich it publith ed by the tame bonkiellei t at the above,) entitled Mttuhrll'a Primary Gtogiaphy, being an eavy intto duct'Oii to the atudy ol geography, tletigned for the intlrueliiHi ot children in lehnolt antl lamiliet. Thit it a beautiful Ittlle woik, well nrinletl, and contain ing one hundred and ttvon'v-aia paget, illuttraied bv one hundred and twenty engiavint;!, mill fourteen colored mai.a. Eieiv child Irom tcven lo ten or t weve veai t old.tlioitld have llitt bank. and 4 iluu.ld be inlrotliieed tmraedi.trtely into cvrry primary, tchnnl in' nur eounliy, 1t it divided into eigtity-ll.rte lnt m, tome id which relate to aati onomy. It t, deiigueil at a Ci at book of gaogrwiih) fjr rhililreit aa toon at they ate old ennneh to comprehend it. tut ttmple in lit arrangement! and beautdnllv elu eiaiettiie cenRt-ahy ot our own and the other coun Irdt ot the earth, and ii decidedtv tuiiei inr lo any giexrathi4or priiuiy acb'vtl. whitU haa ever been peoliitied. lb. Th-te vkIomIiIc workt ire lor tale at Ihe N. Caro lina lluuk Store, Italtigh, by Turner & lltthei. ' Tlie American .4 istinnnr, and Itc- pniilo,) ol utelut Knowlriige, lor. IH4I, I hit day reeeiveii al tlie .orlli Larol.na UuuK Slotr. October 2i 43 WASIIIXGTO.'M MOTEL Having boo-lil the Varhmton Hotel, I rherefore hntie that Ihe community at larce, will c'vciiic a liberal ihare of their public patronage and try me, and rre il I do not me every ructhod In rentier them eomlortalile anil happy, while in my boute. Great pmtnitet are eeldom redeemed) therelore, I thall maku none, but ittette all to atop ami try tor iliem- trlvet. My pucei will be niodeiate at u.ual ki lii ilar placet. A. S-U'TXNK. Italrigh, February 87, I Stl. 9 S l.ntl tome da) t lince, a Gold l.epine Welch, No, 33iO, made by Imparl k Fill, Mrt Ou Itui, l'.n. I will eive the above reward lo any neiton who will ileliver the laid Watch to Mr. Yarborotuih, Propri etor pf ne Kagle lloul. with tbe pertjo who hat a or V.J lor tlie wticti. U.M. IIAUYIiY, U. S.N. March I. "9 in - PROSPECTUS Or THE PILOT. - The Piotettant cnmmUHily are unwilling in any way to abridge the nghia ol commence, und hri.ve aie alow la believe, although it baa been publicly cluugtd Irom iba pulpit, and in rrlrgmot newajia pei i, thai there it a'wrll arranged conapiracy to o verthrow our tree luitilntiinu; and that the Church ol Itorae, in alliance with the moil devpoiic govern ment! -tit' Kurope, ia making eauanidinaiy eUott, to Oiacmiiiate Munianiim in ihe United tvttea, en-.., unlamnig a hope that Itvetirot la Viear iif tiaiiii alien Ihe tear of ita empire may be Iraiitlerrt-d lo Out country. The ai roganl ptelrnlioiii ol llithop Eng land hit atMciatct, Ihe aekuuwltriged tgenit ut lor tign dripoibt their eitiblnhment al prominent pointa hi trie l iiiieil ntatet ol Ualliolic preitet, conducted by their ablett arilert, and their open attempt, du ring Ihe lain election, to eontolnlate Calholie voterl it a political body aooililute a eritii, calculated lo arrctt Ihe aiteulhm ot the American piib.'nri and, warranting an examination into tbe truth of theae charget, an. I how fur onr civil iuiii utiunt tuny be aftVcled by the put pote I io queitiun. It.ii bclietedthkt, Itomanitm ia a civil inttiutl on. to iliicuti how tar ill predominance in ihe Culled State! may ktlVct our civil right t, and abridge .nr irlirfiom ptitdegea. beioiiui adpropi inlt ly to tire political piest Ihe unrtertigned, iherrloie, ji-n-ptesroiiW it; ta ita bearing tipno onr iotliiuituht. . ' hit propoted io rentier the' Pilot a valuahle o nn tnercialand polnital paer, lo give to it a hi.ll nioi al tone, carelully eichiding Irom in enluraui every thing w hn h mav be i ll, nine to the l el'giuua pub lic Itupur am public ductiincnia, arid the Icadu.g ipeechet u) Congrrti, on both nt'ea, will be giveu at Ii ngdi, and wuh the political mailer and newt, ptibliihed in a wetJily paper nf double aiae, in iUr In lor an. tuned to binding, coniliiuluig a cindul and imparlial hn'orj id the timet, wuh an indtl cue. tuitT prepared tor future reference. Tbe Pibrt will be a free preaa at far at paaai ble, without parlizan biar- aaaertiiig al all timra ll.a opiniotit of the editor wilh imlepandencr, yet dealing with fairneas and candoi : lowartli politi cal opponents. In asserlin our purnose to sneak of Romaniam aa any other political influence, we by no nieana propose lo devote Ibe paper e eluaivrly to that subject. We consider it a po litical question, having a most important bearing opnn our institutions, and believing that it febculd be discussed, that it may be .understood. We know thai we have tor tcounlei manv prejudices, and particularly in ihie community; but w are eonfitfent in our hopes that patronage sufficient to uciray ine eipentea or publication aaay c ae cured iu iupport ot tbe paper. With thia view ,:Ai,;,,;l,v..,.; . Ketipeclt'ully, v DUFF CUE EN. TEitns, Weekly Pilot per annum. f 2 60 Where five aubaenbrra al one pott efTice nnite, and remit fire of pottage, they will receive five cupiee of the Weekly ' Pilot fur ' $10 00 nJ for a greater nomber at ihe aame rate. The pat meet io all catea to be in advance. ) The Editor reeervee Ihe right to continue the paper, unlet all arrearage are paid; and in that cat the price of tbe weekly will be three dul lara per in num. OUtRinGE'l BALM OF COt-UMlllA ru 1MB HAia . In poailiic qrulilici are aa tot- ... tfm l-i.-t'. wu;.. ,k kd Itm frnm acorl and aaUMg a laaormM growth ol hair. n I r t-A. -i. 1. . 1 . 1 L1..I. mlMiH, the S'l . o. ,M,e vnwr wmi.u wihi, tkin to ill nati ral atrenglh and urmneta, and pre- U.Vaeia, uveaoji rreleiiir from anv debUitr - m the aame eBect ia produced. 4m 11 nveu an Hiiancy nil a goon growm i an ed, a) stay be preterved by Muntiun 10 the laittl period at lite. . ... . i a . i ir . aib II freea ine nvaq irom nanni in, airennmena . i. . i . .i l. i i ..... ine roota, wwipanv wcaim 11 Ik"' and preveau (be ban- Irom cluuiging color or gelling 6th It cautrt tbe hair o curl beautifully when done up in it over u:gh'. . . . , . . .... .. a I . ' V. n .. '.. no l-ittea iiinei anouMic.er w,,..,.w. ,, 7lh Children a ho have by any mi ana acinlraeied vermin in the head, ere immediately and peilriMly cared nl Ihein by in uie. It it bil'-llil le. Fur bale H Hie ding mire nl tXJMS I OrK t Co. No 2 Uttil.er ureei. New Y ik. AnJ by W. !. M AIUN &. Cu. IUUh. HAYS' 11XIMENT. '.VO FICTIO.Y Hot .iliaoirtinary rhtn.ieal eomKiilin, llie retult ol tcience and the iineiiiion Ol a celebrated aucituaJ luau. the uitrodui linn ! which to the public wat inveaied with the toleiiiiiit) of a deaib-bed b-quell, hat tine g.iuvd a reputation unparalleled, fully tutlaiiHiil the einrvtnet ol the the lamentexf Dr. Greltej'a Itvt contettmn, that "tic dared nut die without giving lo pntlerity the bene, fit of hit kimwlede nn ihia aubjecl," and he there tore bequeathed to hit w-icwif 'Titnt attendant- bolo mnn Data, the teen I nf hit diteutriy. It it now uted in the prinriplr liotpitalt, and the private practice in our wmanlry, dill au.1 nmti rer IjiiiIi lor the cure id tlmv'ii , and aim rttriiiivrlv and effectually alio baffle credulity, uukia where itl itfcctl are wilnrtted.' Fortlaletrr WM. Al. MASOX Sc Co Raleigh Dec. 16. 1K.O. SO lim :- MERCHANT TAlLOIt, t'AYETTCVlLLE STREET, B.VLE1UH, N. C. Tlir Sob.ci'ibrr baa commenced the Tailoring buiineea, in at il vartoua branches, in the b.iibi inj formerly occnj.ii'il by Mr. TbotiiptHin aa a Jew ellery Store, mil two door aoulli of the North Carolina ISook Store; where be hat very recently received a splendid aoaurtmeut ol sn inline Cloth of almoat every color, Caakinieiea, Veetinga, uml all fancy .article, utually kept in aucb F,it:iblitib mehtn. These arliclca were aelectiu by himseii' (rum the Utcst importationa in the Noithcru mar kelt. Hi" atock contiat in part of up wool died lllack Cloth. Olive, Invitible and llolll Urctn do. Olve llrowtiand lmdondo, IJbtk Oiaiuoud Ueavcri, suiluUe (at- Frock and Overcoat!. - Plain Heaven. CASSIMERE3. Sup. Vnol-H)ed Hlack. Itlue, Diamnnit and Y'ictnria. Wailiiiigtou Mitt d. Uiab, IttirT, be.. VESTING. .' lllack, plain anil ngttrrd Y'elvct, tlrocade do. fiBurcd tcarh t Valencia, plain and -figured Satin, (atipetior quality ) Alto, a guneral assortment of f.u-cv Articles, viz: Mtocka, Suspentlrrt, Glovrt, lluiilkri-chirla, Cravat. Stidiiers, Merino Shirta ana Uiawcrt, llotoms. Collar, kc. The aubtcribcr haa in hi employ, .first rate workmen, anil as he intenila (lcvotitt)r; bis iinre mittiivir personal attention to the bitsinraa, lie hopes, by puiictiiali'ly and despatch, to merit the patioiuge ut a generous Public. Cull and Ir.v hit. T. H. F- Jan. 16, 1840. 4 .Itn, nit. y. v. juAicsiiAL's Oiutuicuti for the Blind Piteav 1 hn invaliiabiO remedy ha been teveral yean ucio.-e tlie public; lit virtue antl rrheacy have been well .-ted, and, in numerout inttan cet.in the ninil aggiavated form in 1 1 he iliieaae. In uol a tnliii-y case hat it been known to tail in effecting a cure. .Many very respectable per- tont nave borne letiiraony tn ilai!Rieary;aniong whom ii the Iter Wm, A. Smith, ol the M. E. Church, and L'.ditnr ul Ihe Conlerenee Journal, who, Irotn hit own xperience, confidently re commend it in the public at "a ears, auaiia m it, ISO rrriritsT Rtnitnr." It may be had al Ihe Store of It . Tl CKEK Agent, Kalri);h, N.C, NEWJEWELLEUV STOUE OrlNC I'ALMKlt l.ii cniumeneed the above nf butineii in the new building laid) erected by Mr Itichard fmith on Fayelteville Street, a lew liiort abore hit Store, where he inlrndt lo rarty it on, in all it, biauchri. In a lew da) i he will re ceire frnm t Jiihoti'Inhia. a new anl la.hinn.l.l.. ... loilmcnl ul Jewelleiv and tl'atchctand Cutlery ,eo- iniin; ui goiu ami anrr i.eveit ami nam tv atch et. WaKli cliNhn, Key a and Sealt, Ear lllngt, Itrewil Pint, fine aviorltuotilofKnivta and lliilori, and all other at licit ! not necetaai y la mtiaioo, nil nt artiich he-e'ni'Birt'i rrr left aa eti,.,, IXW .4.r. .;l..r can be mid in tin, part (.1 the cotjtitiy. Waiehei letiaired in iheheftl mu,n 11 A-ti.. himvell, Irom Ihe long esperience in I lie buiineta, ' lhal it Will h htdle. iih aali.l.nlin It. I... ; 1.;. . - J. v, ... ,v i... r, .... emptiiy Rut rate aoiknien.' Wan hit aud Clockt that r,B be limke lo ke, ,1 tim mIII l. Inr twelve inuiilhv. lie bnpei ihe citixeni id ltleigh. nu anuntry arouini, win call anil give htm a U ial anu nun otii tor ineniietve (..an al tlie ngn ol tlie tt aiaii, nearit nppiiii-.e iiiei.ng caoiu. iiaicijii, .-.i.. nov. 14, law. ftCJIOeOL BOOKS. TIIK rOLLOWINO SCHOOL BOOKS HAVE THE STItONGJ APPUOVAl, OF .MU. J. OR ILL I A YLOIt, Secrctnry of the American Common School Socitly. Little Thiuker, I'll tl Bt'tt aud tetoud, by owhini Uli. Kav' Ma-a4 f iiev 'Brm'CWinVr'iajiXS'iaelu " ter," Sieri"'f trete aiictlie fir! book I to b given lo the lrfld.v Iw mnipleiaig in tpellii.g ami reading coiifte, the lulluw mg should be uted, and in ih tame onltr the kookt aie berc mention ed. Town'i Spelling Hook. Kay 'i 1'iimary achool Header aud De finer, No-S anil 3. Ilkihi'i Guide, by Metiam. Y.uung Head' r, by I'lrrponl. diilt' Heading Hook, by Mrt. S'gonrnry, Bojt' hewding llcnk, hy Mi l higwUiiiey. National Header, bv Pierpout. Tnwu'a Alulyiii ol Oerivatite Wordt. Thete complete the ipehinc aud Heading courie. For the Writing eoiu ie, ' ottcr'a Copy lluokiNo I, x , 4, 54, 7, and Olney't imall Geography for beginnrra, lo be fol lowed by amHh'a-GeogTBpy and A.laa, late improved edition. Onley't llittory ol the L'uited Slate. Knbbint'i Outlines nl Grneial Hitloiy. "Ftrat Lettona in Aiitlimttic," ky Piofcstor OuTirf Adam't New Arilhroeiie. Firit Leitons in Atgebiaand Geometry, b; Piofei- aor Daviee. S " ' ' " llrown'l fararnmar imall and Urge. Cud Polity and Political Economy, by M. Wilton, 'a.- Thia book leachet childien (lie nalureand form " ''Of onr government And Ihe Urtl end moat ebviond pi-imipiet of PolKvcat and Uomeitie Keonnmy. It should be studied by very aliild in a tree govern ment Phyaiology for Cbildien, by Mr. Jane Taylor k Inlluwcd by "Lee'a l'h)iiulogj," iu lk higher dantci. Cncle Itavy't Cheraitlnr tn We tjllowcd ia the higher tehuala bv Cumitock'a. . Mm Swift't Philosophy, pari 1st and Snd follow ed hv Comstotk's. Malber't l-eolory. Marih'i Book Keeping. These worka can be nnrehaard of Tavlnr ana Clemrnl, W hnlrtale Bonkaellir. No. 10 Pearl Street, New-York, and of lb Uooktellert genet al ly ta each of ibe States. , .,. , , ; ' vt titr POLITICAL AND CIVIL t IIUONICLE " OF THK . - ,-.. Elect ion te lb Preaatletwy of lb U. S. ef A merits , or - . r WILLIAM 1IEKRY HARRISON; Carefully ttketed from authentic tout eta throughout the Union, A.MD ASRAKOD Br DAVID MOFF.TIA, J. Vi, D, Our of iht Eketora of I'rttidenl anJ- Vcct-Pfinidtnt for tht Slutt " of MurytaJ at large.. ... t'uioa of il Whig fur the take uf the Union. Win, K tier were it T To liurt the rooted nimiuinin n-otn iu bate, T'hur Im-ee ihe yoke of slavery upon men Uete. n.ii i d to lA: IVi r' oUTUir. ; HALT1.MORE, 1811. To the JHtigs throvgliout the Union. Fnitow Cocstbvmew The foregoing ia Mir title page of a woik, which tbe etttaotdmarv rhm ecter ul the recent canvata for III I'rwwdemi aeenie to ilemenJ, and which wilt be Ijlthlul.'y and iiidumrioualy execul d, provided the enterpr, be aullicicntly sua! lined, Uut only by lh frl-lid,af the in-coinittr Aduiiiiialralion, but eapertally by I lio? ihrnughuul ibe count ry who wer prtninet. aclora in achievinjj ibe uiometiloua revoluttoa. The timely and generoua aid of both theae claaa of our citizen will be e.seotial lor the ercomnha, menl of ibe object, that of I he former, by BiiitUUiig their approval of th atheme by tbcir ubcribing lur the tvutk. with aa little delay at posaihlc, and tke Inner, by furniahing ine with tbe moat guibeniig auil mitiute ittforma ion, in a mode Iu be hererfMf a laird. '. )T - All bialory tcachc that, whenever a great ajd trying criaea occur lb commensurate amount jbf talrnt. ol Icurniiig, of wisdom, and of seal, if never be wauling; and it ha been found eiiiinrnily to diiriog the whole period that intervened belwera the extra aramon of t.'ongres, and ite late elee tinnr; in which period, ii is not too much lo aay that, mote win Join and common-aeiiae, more ua Urine; irul aiul genrruua enlerpiitc, more manly ii!ili',rni!eiicn and patriotic devotion, more elw qiieute, oratory, appropriate infuimatiob., and fal. ent of every rt quiaite kind, have been intnifealei j ihtougluiut our raiensive land, than were ever be fore, on any occasion whatever, exhibited among et aince we were a i.aiiou! should the chronicle, thru, of to remarkable a period as lliit, be euflered lo tcpoae in tlsr flei-lirig recollections of lbs pie. aent day, or be left to the f ph nieial Snd perishable Giizette! Will not the Statesman i.nd pet iliriana, even ol our own timra, have frrqoent casion to rcfrr lo the event of tbe past year! will no' tbtiutand, hereafter, reck iu vain tbrosgh a thousdiid av'eiiutt, for the iiiiDut ileiatl of thai vvdiiiTerful canvata, aa full of moral sublimity, is it it charged with deep polical n isilom. and careful eararchr into, and exposition of almoat every pay liticul tupic lliat has agtlatrd Ihe pail, and will coo 'inue to exciie the future! if to, it seeote la m,' tin t 3 areful telectiou and concentration of all that ia essential fully to charac eriza lhav. period, must be acceptable to tbe general public of tht jiresent day-Tsnd be thanktuUy received by thoa who ahall hereafter be connected wilh the dcatiny of our great, and I Iruid, properoua liepublic Wilh .his olijTcl, and theae hope, venture lo maks thiaf ropuaol to tbe American public. .. . That a faithful antl living picluts of thia period may b preserved, not only fur our o n day and generation hut lur manv yet to come, every lie eantciil, however small, al truly characteristic, wiV be given and, whilst repetition will be ss atatV' pusly avoided asjnny be praciirablc; atill, every Stale in ibe Union must contribute its due and rel-' etive portion, toward Wlrciing the graphic tlrlie ralion, ar lliat tbe great moral picture of theae lining daya. may bs educed from all of thevt riout mtitrt'i, anil t'.ireby attuie all coming liaats that Ihe volume is no partzan wmk of au overzeab out individual, I ul a veracious cbtuuisU of all that may be recorded therrin. The volume will probably bo divided into lb twelve following parts: - I. 1 he Caitvaaaof 1836, and it rasulla. . II. Procei'dinga of the liarritburg Convectio. III. Ffnivala. dec. throaghout the " Union, ar ranged primarily, cronologically lecondaiily ky Slate. r.. I V. Ppcerjiea--Addreasea, Leltrrt, fsc. ctrtfully ' telrcted, and enrreetcd by lbir rrapeetive aulburt. V. '1 be litlca, and geucral cooteiita of all the, books, pamphlet, &.C published durius; tbe caa , v. . .2- VI. Wmulir enumeration of alt easavs. psoV phleta, &c written in eupport of the Adminiatratiea of Andrew Jarkenn and of Martin Vat BortilaadL a aeiection of tuct at may exhibit tbe legislation pbllnaophy and moral i f that party. : , VII. SSelectiona from tbe Melodic, and olbrt poetical pioductiona, aulTicicri) (o clwacleri (hs . time. VIII. Enumeration of that variout article man factutcd for tale and aa promotive of Ihe earn. IX. 1 bo aulbenticated volet in the recent Blslt Electioi a. f- X. The authenticated voice for lb Elector Pri.tMl an.l Vi...P..,i.l..i .1 XI. I roceeiltnga al Washington, from the meet ing of Congre to the 4ib or Marrh, 1841 IM Inaugural Addresa, eke. ' XII. The organizalian of Government lb New ' Cahiiirt, cc Index. .- The volume (should lbs work be patronixej will protahly bo a royal octavo of 600 page. sti'Tcalvprd on oo! papery- The price will if fron,M. 6tt4 $Z dqWerrt orn the cxieiir ef lb utwcriptio htl, end the difTutirrg of ihe wort. It i veri desirable that much ahould be. done. wards the arcomplithmeiil of itit object by lbs 4th of March next. Genlbmeb from every Stat of Ihe Union, who mav be. el Washington dunVtf . the aeaion of Congreaa, will confer a ftvosT y. bringinir with then all pamphlet ajdrr apeechea description of festival, authenticates1 -vol., Ac. eke. which appertain lo their own 811, . and any wrlien information that may enable the editor to embrace every lbing material Jhtl eecar red In each Stale, will be thankfully received. A line aihlreed to hie at Mr, llewili's, Watbinto, -by persona then in the city, will be promptly sit ded to .;. (. i?: The suhicriber, perhaps rosy nol be asking !V much, when he hopes lhal the Whig Pper of tb Union, generally, will give fhe fjregnlng eoe wr- , lion and that the principle Wbig; Boookar Hera in all cilira and lowna will open eubaeriplion paper, in which the name sf aubaertliere will be carefully written and the exact sddrr, a to retdenc given. . ; . . X (TT These atibarrlplioii paper from every part of Ihe Union, may be forwarded to me by rivw opportunity in most inatenre, and tbea always St Baltimore- Should ne p rival oppnnenny ocean before the fir ef Mr, Ihey will pleas tut by - letter lb aurolwr of sutieuibere.' oJ icen then he taken to forward th work. Any ancg- liona, by true-hearted VI big, lo further utility " th solum, wilt be thankfully received. DAVID HOFFMAN. . Baltimore, November 17, 1840. TO TUB PARSERS. CET CHEAPER THAN EVER. A fresh supply of-IIri! Cloveir Seed," oa C" s gnment. Price JS 00 per bushel, Vath. 1 UHAER HUGHKO Booktellcrs, Rslcigh, N. C. March 1 7th. 1841. 4 fjCy Re.-istrr copy. s' ' " -'

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