If : j '' ... r THOMAS J, LEMAY, EDITOR AVKD jaFITlU -7- . , TXB10S , . , ' SoaeeairTiea, Urea oaae-v-in x Pces.aeid.t wKhaultae Will k rj- aaired Py tee wu emwi asrtptioa ia advaaee. RATES OF ADVERTISING. Fe every eqaar (act exceeding 11 linilhi sis type Ci teerrtiee, o.t doilart eaeb ubeqeent- .wetioa, wmLki . ...... . 1 aa aevertitemenit oi i,wr --- . be (huH SS Mf eeat. highert Bad e"?WJ - r... i -.1- ika malar Dri- jMr eenu win - - - - p- Letters ta the Emrt mct awet-emw. i"?"2!..-- . nlu will receite and execute ... kind af Se'wing work with MlM dermic, ' March 17, 181. 11 . tiio.tias d. fleuhf - Will eootiao his CABINET BUSINESS in Lewsfcurg. Franktia Co., N. C, wbara be will be ready to raoai aod aiaeala ardor la hie Una. Farnkare of various kiad may ha bail low fur cash, ...j -k. ..Ml. m. malum na Ilia cadi pricey and payment la ba mada whan the worn m lasen iwij. , N. B. A Journey mu offtcady babiu mat Bad employment here. - l.autsbargr. mutb i, .tear , m'- PHESIDENT HOTEL. Ao. W2f Broadway t A Yorifc. THIS splendid estaMiahmeot it bow open and ready to rtwiti those aha may be pleated ia favor it with their patronage. . The Hotel it ia excellent keder, tha furniture aew and elegant, th Mies Pr lifers are furnished ia i style aoi surpassed by any la ihb Union. The cellar ara well slocked with tha beat of wine and liquors. Tha larder will ha constantly supplied with very delicacy the markets aaa afford. Una ot the proprietor! baa beea long, and he trusts, latera bly known at a hotel kerperi tha oilier at Captain of ateaai boats lo Charletton, New Orleana, Gsvclaton, Its. T. B. IIKIIMONI), I p..nrL.,n-. JAMES PENNOYER, J 1 roprittora . We ara determined to pirate, Feb. 3rd, I Ml. 3mo. WALKER OX BEAUTT. Just re ceived by TURNER & HUGHES Feb. 3rd. 6 If Stokes Belle'e Lecture en the tbeorjr and practice of by sic. Second American cdilion, lor aale by TURNER & HUGHES. Feb. 3rU. . 6 If PROSPECTUS " ' TO ::lPItl8rltl0r THE--""5"31 RICHMOND STAR IN WEEKLY FORM. A dtaire having baea aipratttJ, by many tndi vidaala in the country , to obtain Iba 8tar and Tran script ia aome other than Ilia daily form, it baa been determined loiwue a Weekly, under the title ot the Richmond cUari to contain the choice matter of (he Daily Evening 8tar anil 1'ranacript In this Protpectua ne profesaiont whatever will ba made; but those who ara curriout to aea what the paper will ba, ran do so; and thus be able to judge for themselves, without tbe customary string el on meaning promisee, to deceive ihem. Tha paper will Jbe purely a uewe aod miscellaneous, not a political f jsurnel; it being consider-! that the country haa Useii sufficiently aurleitad with politica, to answer Its needs far some time la com. The current aewa, foreign, domes ie and local, stories, a lit le iottry, with a broad clash of good natuied humor, will mainly eharaetrie iij the object being not le iostroct, aa mnch aa la keep its readers informed ot the worM'e chit-chat, and be a social eort of wel come weekly companion. Tha editor, in discharge of hit duty, goea by his owa notion only, and be invites every one's censure or coo'mendalion, free ly, but no one'a advice. But tbia, however, a mounts to nothing. Those who think they would like the paper, bad better see it, and then judge. Veiling what a pepet will be, ie eery much like de scribing tha comforta of a wall cooked eatldlr, of venison to. a moutitaineer, ot tha solid delights of roavt-beef and plum pudding to hearty English man. Telling ie not enough lasting is tha thing afisr all. Therefore those who feel inclined to taste of our paper, will peruse tha term following; those who don't may let it alone; it ie nobody's bu siness but Ihcirti and w shall sot quarrel with them for il. We desire all patties to ba setiefied, and it shall not be our fault if they are not so. That tbia may be the case, wa present the following; liberal terms: - For one year, $ 60 For ten months, n 00 For sii months, 1 60 For four months, 1 00 Persons subscribing for one year, shsll have the first number te'nu and il they are riot satisfied with the p iper, they ahalt ba released. If they ara sal isfied, then the money must be forwarded, before the paper will be sent again. Any one sending M 60, but becomine diaaatia. ', ted aife end of one mith, upon giving n otice of rUe fc, shall have S3 relumed, free of pnet , ge. i nose woo preior to try ii lor a lest Urn than c ear can do ao, a will he seen above: but those lubscribiag for a leaa lime, will be held until tlx ascription nas expired. (LT No paper will ever be sent before tha - anhv acipiion is paid, except the first number. I Two or more persons clubbing to either, ear. Jbave their money eent by the f mlmsoler. .PostBwaten, ethers, senillng the bioney for if ht yearly agbecribera, shall receive J paper one pear free of eh,rge.-..;..u.; 1-"2J...,.- . Person aatwned teahake btnde' wtth Us npor: thoaa terms, will please tend their names forthwith. as it is desirable to comcenee immediately. Mlttre not containing at least S3 in money, must be postpaid, to receive alien tion. Postmature receiving the paper, will confer at ntdiiralion by placing il in a conspicuous positiot to their oflicea. Addree Editor Richmond 8tat Richmond, October 7th, 1840. State f North Carolina. Hertford Countv. .Court of Fleas and Quarter ficaaions, Feb ruary ierm, 1841. Collea W. Barn.) VS. l(V'.1. .tl.ckm I..I.JI . MaiilaB.Baal.3 " "WO- It tnac-riiie ta tlui -ti-f..Lt mt ,k I,l 77 . . -.. , vu-n lull J ndant this ease resides without the limits una aiaia, a. n raeren inereiore k) Ine Uoan, tkM publication for alt weeks ba made ia ike 1U- f-'ga oiaraan Porta Usralma Uaxette, gwmg the Martha E. Deal aotiae that alia he and appear jWfore Ilia Jrvtiees ot the Cuort af Pleas and Quar U?r 8.ei". at the ant Ceuit ta ha held ln: ihe aaniy of Herifori-a- th Coart Unas la Wwten, i 'osjeth Maoday ia May tirtt, thea and rhera V7,10" ewwpwy attached and plead, ether rT J1-' jndgmewt will he aatered ap apmst her, ih property levied aa eoademaed aabieet la vZmX?'7 If lhPw"i"".rnbly Uaal of Aa- a " saao ano previoeo . Weead..,.. .-. fVir Cnitl wag.Pt, Alaianac anal Co- 7-j -- nunwienge, tor I Ml, Ibis PTretlv.d, by TURNER It HUUHF.S. "TrBIRTSD AK rOKIilR 1TTII STAR OFFICE. ) " North Cakoura-Powerful in moral, in intellectual, and in physical reBourcea the laud of our airea, and tlie T0L.XXXU J. BRAIKIf Alt aV Co. OLD DOMINION CLOTHING STORE. OpptiU Mettrt. Allinn tf Wttt China Sltrt, Maim Strtei. WE would beg leave ta inform onr Hende and the public generally, that wa keep eoaatanily on band Clothing of all kinda, and suiuble for all seasons, which we will sell low for ceth. Wa would invite all ta call and examine for themselves, whether they want ta purchase or not AM rnade cold by us that da not answer ia every particular, can ba returned, and tha money refunded, provided they ahall not have beea worn. Ktchmoiid, Va.f March; 80, 18.1. - it iar" Walker on I-termarrlafe. Jut re ceived by TURNER a. il UGH EJt Feb. 3rd. 6 tf IIERKINS INSTITUTION FOR I Till. EDUC0riON OF THE BLIN D.Thi establishment has been remove td lethal apaaioas and elegant editiae kaoaa aa .Wouat Washingtoa House, at South Boston, and ia aow ready for the reteptioa end iusiructioa ol young blind persona ol either sea from any psrl of tha eouo- try. Tke aalubritv el tbe location. Ihe facilities for sea bathmg, aad the eiteat ot Ihe cdinee, which offers separate rooms lor tha pupils, make this establish ment a desirable residence lor those young blind persons a bo desire auoet ior aocotuodatioat. The course of iustruclioa comprehends reading, writing, arithmetia,algehra,nd genmetryi geography, aitloryr aarural tad moral philosophy, ate. ace , aw tides Ihe theory - and practise td masie. Taos who desire It may acqnire a kaewledge ol Ihe aa sieat aad modern langaages. A ihoraugb and seienldia knowledge of music, aad opportanhiea ot praetiec apoa tbe pntno-lorle and or gaa, are given to all, beside which the pupil may srleal any mslranieid which he withes to leara. Particular atlcalioa it live ta nhv tieal education Txaaai Board and tultk a, with tbe use of books ad musical iq.ttruou.els, trom $H0 to $.00 per an aum. For those who wish ta study the languages. to have Ihe ase ol a piano-lorta m then- chamber, or to receive extra musical mail uetioas, $X. The hove will aovcr all the ordinary .expense oi the pu pil- Extra accommodation charged ia rcasoaable pro port ioa. - The matt favorable sg for inttraetkm it betweea the tih and 11th years. The following geotlemea, ara connected with tbe direction of Ihe Inai notion and may be referred to: Peter C. Brooks, Thomas H. Perkins, Peter R. Del ta, Bdward Breoke, baarael A Elliot, John IX Fisher, Thoroasli. Cary.Jnba Hamaas, James K. Mills, Robot Rantoul, bamael Loud, Samuel May, Oxias Goodwin, Horace Msna, Robert C. Winlbrop. for particular lolormailoa addreaa tbe Hireetor, Dr. S. G. Howe, Boston, to whom all applications should be made. N. B. No persona will be received while andcr mediae! treatment for the recovery of sight. JulT a. 87 S-aa. NEW PIANOS FOR OLD ONES. I AM willing intake second-hand Piano in ex change for new ones and allow whatever iudeea ol tbe article may consider them worthi my object is not to make moaey on the teeoad.haad Pit not, aad woald I beret or either take Ihem at iheir valaalloa. r sell them loth best advantage lor their owner. I hv aaw ea bead a beaut itul aasorimenl of aa- perior Piano-Fortes, varying ia jriee from 875 ta ,600. I hose who 'avor me with their order ahall be pleated or aa pay ahall be required. K r. NASH. Nov. 13 Book aad Piano Seller, I clerabrg,Va. VATH ANIEL J. PALMER of Milton, N. I w weald respectfully Inform hi friend end C. the pohlie that be intends lor Ihe future to devote him- ell -almost exclusively) ta Ihe practice af tha law. and will aiicad the Superior and County Courts ol Wake, Orange, fcrtoa aaa Uaawell counties, and also the Federal Court at Raleigh. He will receive claims lor collection due in any part of" North Car eliMp er the soneties of Pittsylvania and Halifax, VirjiaHS. Business of any kind eatratted lo his asaaseeaaect ahall be (silkiallv and dilireail. n... ded le. " - t- - axnaxwexe, i " v:: Jf. V. Stone, Esq., sod Allred Jones, Esq., Ra lelgh, N C Themaa Claney, Ktq., P. M., and MaJ. James M. Palmer, Mil borough, N. C. Samuel- Watkiaa, a4 Martia P. Hantrnrton. Milton, N. C. Milton, N. C. Feb.,' 14. ' 9 Sw TA111EILC11Y FRCFERTY For Sale. I he suuscnoer anxious of carry mg mt ciccuiion nit long eneritned tnteattoa ol remov ini mg lo th Establish West, offers for aale that very valuable ment. m tbe eily ol Raleigh, known aa the CITY HOTEL. - Hsvmg had tienonal ebarce of the Ho tel lor Kveral years, the aubtariber ean speak from nis own Knowledge as to lb product veneM and va lue ot Ihe pronertr. Taa jieraaw who is wall a. qxwied with tlie botmcts, tbe Certainty oT a profit able investment of hit monev will he ensured. It always -tuts anmmaaded, aad, from Mt eligible trtaa ""y ; ntutt onmnl ., fair proportroa of euttem. It advanlaeeaaa a miblia house, era too aumerous to be detailed ia an adveniaement. but can be demneMrated to sny one inclined lo purchase, i ne terms o sale, which will be very aeeommoda tioa ray be kaeaa oaapnlicaiina. UAMLli MURRAY. Raleigh, Jaa 27,glt, 4 N B. The aubssriber will alts sell a nlenialloa ol SUtl acres of land, siiusted wNhin 4 1-9 miles oi Raleigh, kaowa aa tbe GRANT track. William T. Bala woald take a few ooarurr oy in monta or year. Hie terms ara moderate. March 17, 1841. lilt. LAW SCHOOL IN RALEIGH. The undersigai'd propose 10 opea a Law School ia tba City t Raleigh, oa the lt ot Jaae next, provi ded a tuflicieat number ot students f eight at least J can be obtained to justify the andeilakiag. , Tbe most approved course of studies will a adopt, ed, and era! aad wratea Inslruelieci will be given jM'hig the 'alterstioa ef lb law a laid dawa by Blaekstoae, arismg fines our Aelste Assembly aad : ,0 f aur aourtt. The stodenls wdl be re quired to undergo frequent and anted examinatioaai anwlie. tbev.alMsMhevoswsVmW sd It proposed that Ibey ala.ll have a atewt aoort, whera they may argae lrpi 9IM)tt wt fc, eaqoaiated wab lb form, t pleadmg and peaejiea " ff ,- A aompleta eeerse af studies will embrace twe ,crs, but Modem will bo roeeieed for aay shorter perind Tha term for instruction and the am of aur libraries will be 8100 per annum, ar $10 per aaawth, for any charter aeri. odtbaaayear. O JAMES IREDELlT WILLi H. BA TITLE. Raleigh. Marsh 31, IMI. . " Utl Itcgisisr aod Blaadard. HERDS GRASS SEED. J cat received wae haadred bethels genaine Herd firsts Seed.'' Price SO cents per baahel. CJSII. Tl'R.NERh HUUIIEi. March St, 1140 : . BAJLEIQII N. C WEDNESDAY, APRIL 23, 1841. Ta the Tirflnia aaa V. . Pnblle. Tha subscriber psopnses, if patronage will war rant lb enlcrpiiee, to publish ia the City of Wash inglon, a Daily Political Journal, to be called Ihe "OBSERVER " If subscriptions will justify him, hie wish ia to iseua tha first number aa tha first Monday of June next on week nr Iwa at fart bast, after the commencement of Iba Extra Beast oa of Congress. . The Observer, If it goea into operation, will ert- Kiae rreeiy and unreservedly, the action of tba Federal Goverment, without "fear, favor, or affec lion.' will look for support ta the People, and the People only. Having taken aa active part in the election of Gen. Harriaioa, ardentlv hoping and. confidently believing thai this Administration will justify tb generous confidence, and fulfil lb pat riotic expectation af tha American People, I yet pledge myself la extend lo it no andiseriminating se priori. I ahall ba happy to praise, but not afraid ta censure 1 have long ago promised my con science nsvef lo Vtimn worshipper, never to sustain any man or act of men, against tb Consti tution of ih country. . Thia vow I mean lo keep to tha best of mf ability, ao help me God! If tha People will eustain me in this attempt, the fruite ol near 30 yeara of editorial experience shall ba dedicated diligently and laboriously, ta render lb Observer worthy of Iheir favor. I promise them and I will redeem it, thai Ibey shall have a political print at Washington, if not able yet hon el faithful and true lo them and the cause of Ihe country, and ihe Right of the Slate and of the People. Whether a print is or is not required at tba Federal Metropolis, whoa leanings ahall ba la Iba State and net lo the central authority 1 1 leave it ta the country lo aay. I throw out the proposals now, intending in a abort lime ta be mora specific I wish lo ascertain if there exist a disposition lo support a ptper at Washington which will give a cordial support I General Harrison or any other President, while he entitle himself ta it by tba Constitutionality of hie course, but which will primarily ba jealous and distrustful of Federal power, and certainly more prompt to attack its excesses than ta acquiesce ia ihem, let wba will ba at tha head of the Govern- A lb lima l limned, I request those wba are disposed lo support m ia this enterprise, to an nounce u by letter, JNQ. H.PLEASANTS. Richmond, March ltd, 1841. FRANKLIN SCHOOL. (cLAtblOAL AMD KNOL13H.) My School Room being aow completed. I' lake the opportunity to make known tke terms and con- anions aooa which 1 ahall heraaltcr eoaduet a School. 1st. Every Classical ar Mathematical Studen will nay me 17 00 a settioa of fir months. All other $19 00. ad. Ms atadeat over sixteen will be received wit boat aa asauraaec en th pert of himaell or pa rent, of good behaviour, attention to bounces, and an orderly abedienee to tha rules of tba school. . . Sd. No deduction of price to be made lor abacnee. anlesa eauaed by protracted sickness. 4th. Only thirty studeatt to be at aay lime in Ihe school. f th. From April to Seniember. lime oecenied in school, 7 hours. The remaining part af each aea lkn, proportionahly lets. I lake this public manner of nledtmr myarlf to the faithful performance of my own pan, at prepar ing for college theae who dcaire It, end in giving aseful knowledge 10 otherst always bearuur ia mind tboae eerdintl branche of learning, to.niti Read- ig. Spelling, English Grammar and Arithmetic. In addition to Ihe above. I would be clad 10 havo a alas of young geallemea ta attend aad recite at priest nouta. A sistt 01 young laaict would be gladly atleaded at their owa residence. JUI1N I. H.lUh.3. Raleigh. April 1. 1141 . 14 4teaw Regituraad Standard 4 interrioni (every other week) PORTS1MOUTH, Will make hi first eeaeon, at Jackson North- ampton, N. C, commencing th first day of Feb niary and endine; the first day of Jun heal. Term. Twenty-five Dollar lha season, and one ta the groom. Tha cash to accompany the mar. Tha bast poeaible care will bo taken of mares and foals; but no responsibility for acci dent or escape. Mares fed with grain at 25 cents per day. Servant board the same. vol. tnd no. of Turf Register. Sea Portrait, PediegT, Performance, dee. JOHN WHITE, ekaon, Jan.Jth 1st, 1841. 14 4w IMPORTED H0&SB noWT0NT. Winner of the Great St. Leger. 'HI3 sclcbrated aad aaaurpassed English Race I horse aad aanital Stallion will stand Ihe areesnt scaaoa t Wiltos, GraavUie eoamy, N. C. at S0 a marc, and fTt lasoraoee, witn sac dollar to the groom. Tba teasee money will be doe tbe 1st July, at which time tba sc. to expire, lb intarance so aooa s th aur w ascertained t k with foal, or parted wkb. Mares will be fed for Si cents per day, wme mast h pM neorin7 are removed. Hlack pertoas aoming wkk mares will be boarded free of eharge. Great etlentioa shall be used lo prevent acerd-au a id escapes, but ne reaponubilily for aay which may happen. I pledge myself 10 my friends aad patrons, to do them last w in all respects if tbey will scad ta Raw Tax. For hi rwnaiag la England aad that of bis Celts es ba bills. EW'O H. CARTER. WUloa, March 99, 184!. 119, Slate of North Carolina. KOTHAMPTON COUNTY. Court of Pleas tnd Quarter Sessions lareh term, 18,1. ; John W, Southall y ... Ckhrlwal Attaimiat tetied Sarah Petty. 3 ea I and. la thia ease k apnea rins la iba mlicfarlloa of th Ccwrt, that the dcWadaat la aa aa inkabitsat of Ihat State It it therefore ecoeree ay th voart mat peblisMina be made in the Raleigh Star for six weeks, aotify tog mid deleeoent to a aad appear be lore Ihe Jest ices af aur self tjoutt, ta be held tar tbe County ef If erthamplen, at lha Court House ia ihcTowaef Jaaksoa, ea lb first Moaday U Jane acat, then aad there re piety ar plead t Isaac, oth erwise. Judgment pre OMenae w ill ba taken aad Ihe property levied on esademaed subject to tb plaie titPs rceorery. Wmbcss, Wa, Bottom, Clerk of aur mid-Court, a office, iba first Maoday oi March, , 1S4I, CStb year of Americas ladcpcadcnor. WM. BOTTOM, CPk. ? u g Price sdt. $5 CI NOTICE WILL ba anld aa Tueadav. iha I lib dav af Mav next, bat era (isles Court House door, ia Uateavdla, Ihe following 1 1 sets ot Lirni, or as mncl. as will pay the amount at Taxes dee for the veer II, to gel her with the cost ot adtertiaie:, he. 101 Acre Bentoa Abram 0 , Horrell Gilbert Si Hurdle Jas. T. 40 Heater Klisha R. 0 Hurdle IWaiel Hawaii David S Hoffler Levia TO King Net moa IK .' Letseler Kxler . 100 ' Udo Tbosaa ".. . tQ - Parker Wiley 181 PawellJames, of Me, 177 Perce Abraham $il Tarkar Isasa III Rogeraoa Abel ' ' SOO Plaall Kubm 100 While Hnecrtoa . Curl Uichant ' " J AMES R. RIDDICK, Sheriff. Gatcsvll a N. C. April I. (l'r.Ad.5) l w TO DVILUERS. ,.ed by the Count, nera lo counsel lor THE Undersigned are appoint Court of Johnston, C'jmmittionera the boilding ling of a Fire prooi Court-Hnase, ia ihe 5-x-i. dlX! town ot ba Ibey will receive Proposals lor doing the work, un- til the 9.1th day of May. 1 bey have a urait ol ine Plea reedv lor exhibiuoe. The buildiaa will be forty -four feet long, aad thirty-six feet wide two stories ; Court-Room . sov. with tb office below t materials to be brick, ofTr.nnruTrj.o sitin:!;.-; The building i lo be completed in a year, er lets, alter the contract A large portion of the naymeut wdl be given during tbe progress at the work.uader proper guarantee. R,cf. John MeLKOU, I' WVSOiiV0' (I BYT AN BHYAN, J 5" Smiihleid, N. C tsth Apiil.tm. l .--GllltailuiaW .frnnB-r wnnnvxrrn ntTJi'HjiWM PIANOFORTES. E. P. Nasn, sole Agent for Va. and NorthCarolina. It ba beea remarked by soma of tha moat die- tinguutbed masiciaoa in lha United states, that laaaat Insml rsitaanta ara fja sWaa Iniliarf aM a star rauntlW trs. "...1 ,:r7i:.T:v. aTu.. w . Li: Mni V tMWwW lltpwxe gij viVUBII Ti VIUBiti B..,vrHBt3nt., ham New York. Thair lone is remarkable toft, aweel tnd mellow, and at lha same time powerful, They are mada with particular reference to.durabili- ty and keeping in tune. IS. Y. NASH, Petersburg. February 14 statu or WOBTH CAB.0Z.IXr A. Ceverner, Captain Gtntral and Ctmmandtf -i-CkUf, in and ewer f A r. abresmd. ' Whereas, I have been duly informed by the Proclamation of His Excellency, Wuuan Hxibx Haaaiaoa, Pi-tmtlmt ef" rA UniUd StaU; Ihst the last Moaday of May seal, (being the 31st daythereol.) bat been Died upoa by bim lor lha uteelinxof Ihe first session of th twenty-seventh Congress of tha United Staiett an event which rea ders Ke.pedernt.nd aeeessary that Ihe Ele.linnt - toe Ihe R-preventatives from Ihia State in Ihe next Cangreaa should be held at aa earlier day lhaa Iba usual liasaof MaW aabi, llsma. . . . now, mrreiore.ay virtue of the authority in sua - - ...... ....... 1 , vested, by aa Actol lha General Assembly of Ibis Would aoon reach the SISty thousand In btte entitled -An Ast concerning the mode or Jian warriors that are congregated or our Jul-T Western border, whose y.f. w'ouid resound V. Chaptor T90. J aad la tbe cad, that the rrcemea ol thia mate amy be duly represented . ia the next Cong res, at its fir at session aommeaemg as afore. mid, 1 00 isjue Ibis my rreclotnatton, hereby com- mending and requiring all Sheriffs and other re- larwiSg Officers at tbe several eoontie composting cash Congrettmnal Uistrist, la aausa Polls lobe opened and kept, and Eleetmns ta be held, for Rep- resentatives to tha next Congress ot the United State, oa Thurtd!. the thirteenth day of May next, at Ihe place establithcd try taw m their re. neclive Counties, for holding said Elections. And I do further command sad require ssid Sheriffs. aad other reluming Officers, to meet-far Ihe purpose 7..tth. Pi roclomatioB, further "require the Freemen ot this stale, to meet ia their respective Coamies at tha time" afnreaaid, aad "at tha place established by lew, 1 hen aad there lo tit their vote for Repre. tentative," ia the next Congress. In testimony whereof I have eanaed th Great Seal of the Slate lo be hereunto affixed, aad signed tbe mm with mv bsad. -tf Done at Ihe City of Raleigh, this the twenty-second day ot March, in the ? I'is'i "r oar Lord ana thousand eicht t t,C haadred and forte one, aad of the la fS.'?'1 mi iw tr.it.rf ai.a ik. m" ty fifth. - J. M. MOREHEAD. Bo -d- - -- .-..:.w,wj!!'i'ii.iw'ff JV T. LtTTttiaaa, P. Secy. 4-W,x,7tv3hn, nrr - w a aBiai w,w TAMOaUfEJAl'lVAW ANO GENERAL AQENT AND COLLECTOR, RALEIOM, N. C. Will attend theC.urUof Wake, Orange, and Granville. Claims ef every description thankfully recoiled aad promptly attended lo. ncriB TO Thomae J. fcetnaf aad 7 r,t.,.i. Raffia Tucker, Esqrs., j Hon. Wa. A. Graham, Hillsborough. Hon.. Robert B. Gilliam, Oxford. Aeolstaaee In wrocurlnaT FeiuaJe Teacnera. Having bean applied to frequently by head of famil'te and prtnciiaul af schools, for ,aislne la procaring suitable female Teachers, and also by tb Teachers themsv In want of situations, and having it in my power, from the nature ot my bu siness, to he aseful in such eeeea, I beg laav lo offer my ssrtit ee, free of charge, to both parties-. I will .therefore take pleasure ia endeavoring la obtain good and efficient laetroetrcese lor those who may want them: and alas, take tha mm dr. .fr f-pleasure 4 pfwtvriaf '!wllwte"uvsareb Teachers aa aay stand la need of lhaa. : loiter, poet paid, addraserd u tba subsaribsr, wtU be slUnded to, X. P. PC ASH, Bank and flano Forte Seller, Paterahurg, V. P. S. Order for Hook and Piano Fort, will be promptly attended Is. Agreement in writing will ba given, any oa wanting a Plane, allowing them la try the rastrument bsiore paying for it, aad ta return n If not good. When it is desired, I will agree ta put ap piano in lh parlour of any individual, ready forts, at stipulated price, anil at my own rick. I have sent off rune in tbia way, la place a or 4 hundred mile distant, witbsul being tb least Injured. ' E.P.N.', . It homo of our affection. NO. IT. MR. RATNER'S SPEECH. Gentlemen way aar ihia it all enrjec- tare. Il ao, let aa luik at auinrtiinig a little more tangible. Every one must ad mit that our present relatiunt -with Hng laud gr any thing lt lhart peace' and fiarianny. Toe bayonet of the Britlun ia gUamtngan oar Noriheaiiern borJar, and a portion of lite American toil ia now trod forcibly iriiiliUn. by foreign feet. Sir, tliia ia no Northern queaiioii no aec lional question but great - national qaattioMr iavoUtngnatiotial honor and national rij;hta. And if force doea become nceaary to vindicate the uational char acter, wi f ihe South, at well aa tha NurtU, will ut 4a4y puar cm t oor ra e n ae( 4 but wa will pour out oaf blool. tug land ha lo taken poaacaaion of the acuum of t e ColumbU river," tha great outlet througli which ll.t commerce or,Kiaterity Will gt Ire I g1 led to the btiailltl HI tilt Pa cific, and in a territory which wo claim a 'VJ: Wo cannot much longer aubmit to thete agff ionJ and when we do act, we allould be in a poal- tion to auitain ouraelvea with honor. Let It not DC galtl, i am endeavoring lo get Up a war-rxcitrmeiit ajrainat England, f ahall ,h. i.. lu .t 9fm w.r, ,m the cnuotry tain na present Iclancelcna condition. Mr. Chairman, With all Bit , JJ,.,,,,, for Ue greltM ,a the r f EnE,n,t, ,e,1 wilh ,e,rru ap prehenaion upon the dungi-ia f a collision - - ' K'tc Power. Wi.h an .,. ' biiion more trrsping than that of Rome in her patmiett daya, ehe ia eitending har nnijIitT globe. Her nag 1 Busting in tt erj brerg,e, her ahip are covering every aea Universal dominion aecuil to be her object an-l her aim. Sunpote wt should bo precipitated into war With England . wulU be our condition? O-r army - h . - ... ., -.... -"'ft: ' " reduced t 9 handful, and IheT In the awampa ol Florida, held at bay by tltg savage. ' Our navy contisling of but few frigates, and aliil fewer ships, and they unnt lr service; uur lortiOtaiions un manned and decaying for want of repairs, Without barrack, without ordnatice.willi. out munitions of wart and, what ia still " " ' . , f. . "7 -nd no m"n f 0PP'jt'g With twenty thousand Vetera na on our Northern bonier. Rnrlaml wuulri invade oar terri. , , . . ..... w:.u J "J ." ' " " a fleet of ateam Ships. h Would ravage nur rnnta. ami law uur etiliaa in aalia. n 1 r ' r l B. n'ng " f w. rerroeBt of her m,B Umilted West India Slave troops Upon Our fi..nlh-rB Cllaat. alia would excite a dome. , , thmrm tier marhinatinna irom me AllSSISSIppt. to 100 AliegSDieS, This Indian ptipalatlon is already restless . . ;i1,.;iJj , WllU . Ii:,i. ... ........ ......... .fc they look bark Upon the deserted graves 0f their fathers! and With feelings OSSSpO- 1 ' , , . ", '"' goaded into m.lloe.S, by tha infliction of their accumulated wrongs. t,e. prf nared for K Sudden . OU'breuk. ' ,1 1 r n"er there 18 the least prospect ol SUCCCSS. .1 ilUS hemmr-d in 00 all Stiles on lha North, ah tha West, on tha P.aa. our Situation? Gentlemen may Say these dangers are all , imaginary, and that we should triumph over all these difficulties. I know it, air I know it. American pat riotism and American prowess would save us in the end, aad expel the invader from our S'til, But how much au Bering woald it coat us huw much blood wuuld it shed! How man a widowed heart would it wring with angaiah how many orphan would it leave pareniless in the world? In the tOMft-sittjewhat commerce, which is extending itself into lMtT mrJ 7V" Miwer and rapacity of our .enemies, our ittie navy would be ahattered to pieces, and our commerce driven from the ocean. I eaid I wss opposed to Urge stantlins ;" istii-s of paaee. Not So with a navy. t nrrr are aaaociauons conneciea wilh our gallant navy, which- should en dear it to the heart of terry American pal ritr Its heTrMexpioite--durinr" the last war, taught England what ahe had to fear from Americao valor, even on her own favorite elemejil.A , nd jawing J.oiJbt Tel aifve position of our country to the Eu ro pes n Powers, if we ever have a protracted war with them, it must be a maritime war mainly. What protection could our small navy a (Turd tn nor commerce, against the numberaand the strength of theirs? Iennk to England, France, Russia, even Tur kr and Egypt ihev are increasing their naval power daily. The Mediterranean ia literally ahingled over with the flreta of 'ihoEarnjKanp Weat tndia Archipalagoea are covered with English ships, and the common ial system of China and the Est, in danger uf beng entirely revolotionir.ed, or put on 8 tew footing. ' France ii sending her hostile naval armaments ' almost to our own daora. One day we see her batter ingdown the castle of St. Jess tie Ulloa in Mexico, and' lha tt'tt Islorkadinr-the port of Duenna Ayre. And all thia, too. whilst, according tn the official organ, as ...la.. r- A t'. .a.? fm fl.nlul t.w M fi.nj f. n tT.M,...L. It- 1 - - - . .. r..m ivHinui.va;, yir uayis.; mere is not a port aeynnti our own shores, where American. eommsrea can float la safety, Englanil and Francs and Rustts are building steam aliips dsi- I, not one or too; by stinted' approprtm lion aa we are, but. whole fleets tf them. . Mr. Oainxatt. Yes, betiding them in this country. , , V ? M r. IL t, ir, building ihem in our own country here in our own ship yards, to be sent back perhaps at ame Jetvto time, for Ihe purpott of batirting down ourriiirsand drsimying our cnmtnrrce With these facia before m, 1 derm it tlie part-of: prudence to prepare fr dan. grr before it at rivea. Let us orgsnixe aor army, increase) it sufficiently to mm our fortifications, and provide military pnsis for our frontier defrace. , Jrt . us erect bsrrarks for our soldiers, and esisblisb foundries for the; manufacture of'iHUiii. lion of war. Above all, lei us increase our navy, for the protection of our cam nirrce, ami send ihe American flag te' Austin triumph in rry part tf the worhl. Lrt.es build ateam-bhips for the prole, tion f our harbara and drpota, and for )he dr. ; eiice;.af our cawaia,. More csnerialle" nufcht we te do this, since it is beirinninr lobe admitted, that the anoticaiion of steam 10 vessels uf war ia likely lo t hanga the who e aysietn oi naval War fa ret ami Ihat vessels of this description are. above kll.oiherr, calculated for coat defence. In onler to do this, we must have munar the oi'ly prscticaule way of obtaining tutitey, ffwm a doty on tmpwrrsf and in -laying ihia duty a referent; aliould be had to ihe great leatling intrrrsts of the coon tryi the benrfiis aliould be diflfmed and the burdens equalised. This can b-dona ' by an ertialIhaiion of detiesf and that is what is ctnemplatnl hy ihe pro position of my friend f.Ntm New York, t"C , And. Mr, Chairman, in orcanixmr our revenue syatein, 1 take the distinct ground ' now, mat 1 amin iavoroi raising aumcieat revenue from customs, for ihe support of the Udvetninent, rxclusiva of thst arUIng from the aalea of the pub'ic fands. ; Thai Ism in favor of dialtiuuiinf among- the '. Stales. I shsll not go into a discussion of this question now I when the subject fairly . ciimea up, I will give my , views upon it. aumre 11 to say, that whiln I am for pre . yiding for our national defence, I am also in favor of providing for the mural and intellectual Improvement of ooroeaolee IbO'l extending to them the means pf prova per 1. j a no column, as iar as is consistent with tha limits af the cnnstitalion. At to the Units ceded, you .are front) -by ths 1 - " deeds of ceesioti to dispose of them fur the common ute and benefit of all the States" and ss to those acquired by pur. chsse.you may iif your descretion, d'n-l"7 pose, of them at yos ; may think "most -4 ' conducive to the publlo good, tet os, " ' then, dispose of them by distributinar them - among the States, to baaonlied br them. either to education, internal improvement, - ' the payment of iheir debta, or to any oth er purpose ihey msy prefer. Thus, whilst providing for our national defence, we ' shsll be extending the blessings and con- tcuiriicca vi uutncstic prosperity aotl Usp piness. ' : . . I wss supprised at the eat with which ' my friend from Virginia ft.Mr. Wise) op- , posed this proposition of a distribution ui0, , the proceeds of Ihe publia . lands.' A liad " always suppoeed that this was a cardinal . principle ol the Whit; creed, and whilst I do not presume to arraign that gentleman for his opinion, jet I do not recognise in him the right to arraign me for mine.- 7" When he says no States riiht man ean ro for this system, I put is Ma plea to the ju. risdiction." Upon tha oeeation of State rights, humble as my course hat beea, I i . .'.. .., . am rruuj iu compare H WHO HIS, WIIOOUI sny.lear of sDlfering by the compar'tsoa, , tie attempted in cst.1 nuicuie. Upon - the " propokitien of distribution, by calling it a 1 proposition lo rdistribele a dfftcieney., :. Whys no one ever thought of distributing b revenue from this source befon it had' accrued for such a thing- wuld - be an - abaardiry although they might wish te make provision for its distribution aJt$r tolleclion. But there ia not se great an ab surdity in "distributing eleflcteney," af. fer all, if he teill have it ao. t car? only be dqne, by tlistributing the burdens ne cesssry to supply a deficiency and as ws ran da that onlv bv a dutv on iiniwu-ta. 1 we propose to distribute the burdens, br ' - an etiuanaaiiiin VI nuilCS, wnicn Will np ersta equally on all sections of the Us 1011 .-.. - ;i ' r- j-f- I " 1 at grniuman trom -Virginia. - in - th. course of hie remarks, did me ihe honor to refer to -ine as a nullifier, who stood f ready u oppose the march of an invsjing army to South Carolina. In the dark pa- riod of 3. fla appealed to my State rights principles, and warned me againat ' what he is pleased to call a revival of the ' tarif, least the asms stirring scenes msy ' stain return. ' Yes, sir, I wss a nullifier ' I then nd no matter what may have been ' .4.1... ...? l.i:.V.;i me iiiiiuvra 111 innaa woo trrre moi prom inent in that contest.- for myself, mutt " ay, I was actuated by the youtiifut im pufae of patriotic leeling. And when he referred tn that dark period, Vhen the ' cloud of civil commotion was seen in the distant horrizrm, ha touched a Chord In my btwonie which vibratetl ihrmighont my Irame. " It revived some of the most stir ring sssociations. Which have Dot been de stroyed by ' ihe Ispse of veers. And t know nut whether I was mtrre ' I cited, at (he thrilling picture which he drew of oar detrrminaiion to tnsintsin our rights at the hizsrd of Ar blootlf or mnrUfieil when, moment after,. I rrUecfed spon' the prtsmt imeeaerVing policy of those mn,nn whom all 'the enthusiastic 'admiration of my ' youthful heart was once lavished. Yis, ( was then infivor ef Stats ' interposition not from any factious onnnxilioii to tk execution of ihe laws not from anv with tn dismember thia glorious and happy Un. ion aot thst I cared Cur tlie Gua-snun theories anil anph'tstical "arguments with L L a Bl T . a . which una question was mysuned and en .t.... J . L. . . t- . j ' m' M tti"i)rii si oecauac ooetn fjamima was airogglmg agvsjit the system, which I br lievedtobe fnnndatl in tr.n.i;ii;.n.i epprttaioo. The most aggravatiog ci -V

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