R A IiKI Gil 8 T A n, A N 1) NORTH CAROLINA . GA Z K 'l-T . ,ss,Jt. -ew,.; . their trait. Corruption completed the, rta which indieretion began. . A JNa tion.l Bank, in troth well as w M would bate avoided both, and would hae escsped their consequences. A National Charter woald have eaeed it fie a the tie emit; of the one the coneciowness of the jealousy with which, eo lonf, aa it waa nnder .such a charter, it w..uld be watched, would hae preserved it from the other. But. aa aoon as it secured a Stale charter, and waa removed from the lynx red ecrutinT of ita oppments. it threw olT ail restraint," and plunged into the wild.! eicetses. Ita bankruptcy ha been the Ietult a result which, though seemingly ring no direct connection withthe Re metal of the Hepnaits and ita sequent measure, i the fruit of the unhappy pol ler of which' that act wa the forerunner- T nan filial A FT in lfi THE STAR. IJbtrtat tt natal malum.. RALEIGH, APRIL 23, 1841. For Congress, BR. JAMES S. SMITH. Or ORANOK. 47 Dr. SMITH will address the people in . ibii city oo the 30th instant. THR UNION IN DANGER. The refusal of the Executive of New York to surrender the fugitive from Justice demand ed f the Slate of Virginia re sot only an out raje upon the rights of Virginia and a flagrant violation of the Constitution of the United State, but ia a palpable infraction of the estab lished principle of international law ; and it it the duty and interest of all the other Slate in th Union to express their disapprobation of it in terms so decided and emphatic, as will briny the delinquent authorities of the "Empire State" to a sense of their duty. -Their steps, In this matter, mutt be condemned and retraced. There it nothing that will so Swiftly and so surely lead 'to Civil commotion and dismemberment of the Union, as a eooree so onjuttifitbleand lawless so wantonly & totally regardless of the righta Jt feelings of a sister State, and of the solemn ob ligations of the compact by which the States are bound together. Under the taw of nations, ssys a distinguished public jurist, ' every State is bound to deny an asylum to criminals and is, therefore, obliged to deliver op fugitives up on demand, " aa well in the case of the subjects of the State surrendering, as in the case of the subjects of the power demanding the fugitive' Here, then, th act is condemned by1 a general law, founded upon the broad principle of rea son and justice, which applies to all enlightened and civilised nations, though In their respective government totally distinct and independent oi each other. Hut how much more ia it condemn ed by the express provision of the instrument by which our State are connected in the closest 'bonds of onion, which plainly and pointedly provide that " a person charged Id any State " with treason, felony, or other crime, who ahall " flee from justice, and be found in another State, " ahall, on the demand of the Exeeotive adthor. " ity of the State from which he fled, be deliver " ed up, to be removed to the State having Ju M risdiction of the crime." The language here is so clear and positi ve, that we cannot see bow ' any State Can disregard it, except with a wilful and deliberate deign,not only of setting at naught the sirred obligations of the Constitution end dissolving the Union, but also of involving th country iu th horror of civil war. f'atal accident. On the Uib instant, state the North Caro lina (5axette, Mr. Frederick Kiaer, of Stoke county, While engaged in repairing his mill, re ceived a fall which terminated his existence on thetpot. . SILK. N Mr. Frederick A. Ross, of Rutherford county. Tennessee, offer to purehase two thousand bushels of good cocoons of the next crop, raised "i"kf.ilnrT.m,ni.l-)i.i.ili.HlMi...V'i. gmn , iur wuicn no win gi vv per ousnei. . Ai a publjo meelinf of lb, citizen of New bent, ii)rKW.BaVxif,E(i.wa appointed to de liver a eulogy on General Harrison in that place i sjo instani. , 4 80UTUKRN LITERARY MESSENGER The April number of this moat excellent wtk will eompsrs very favorably In richness snd v "y, with Ry of ha predecessor, Hon. Wm. Drayton, lormerly of Charleston, . .... circiee f resident or tbe fenn- yWnia bank of the United Slate. - . . MELANCHOLY ACCIDENTS. .. Two house were recently burnt down in Canada, and nine children perished in the flame. A hula daughter, about 4 year of age, of Mi. Scbeaing, in Washington City, ws burnt to death, oa lb 19tb instant. Both parent were from home. The little girl was eK alone in ih room, which waa oon discovered to be on fir, and fWr the flames we.e extinguished, was -found burnt alrooet to a crisp. r'" " " f , The Boatoa Mercantile Journal of Satordsy eing annouucea the death of the senior Edi WofU.e Atlaa, a follow J Mr. Haoichton, in the Atlas of this morning, ""punerd hie intention of proceeding to Kurop '"".Aeadiaj and at about 13 Vlock,-wuile "uingarraiirmebUfef hi departure, and ap k. ui' P,'i0" of muci health a !!.t j . jSTW foT m month past, he waa Mdenly aiiBCked with illness, probably ano piiy,and liuruedi'ly expired." . THE VALUE OF OUR RAIL ROAD. Th vale of our tail road to the pabltc to the farmer, th" merchant and th traveller ia not properly appreciated, nor much considered. It ought to be prized and patronised for the safe. iy, speed and easing, with which, it transports passeogers and produce. Aa instance of it ex pedition ha just been brought to our netic. Mr. W. C.Tucker, 'of thi City, baa uat re ceived hi Spring Good ia tight rfayi from New York, after on day's detention- in Petersburg, by way of tho Rail Road. Just think of that a heavy lot of good a . transported five hundred mile in on week ! A single example will il lustrate the eheapnes and saving of thi mod of conveyance. A gentleman farming in thi County not on a very larg e scale, informs u that h cave, oo lb aingl article of aalt, du ring th year, by ordering it from Petersburg on the Rail Road, iuxht dollurt. If farmer would manage prodenily, th road would save them enough to pay their taxes annually.' Titer .i no'doubt of it t7 Mr. Clingman will oppose Mr. Graham for Congress, iu ih Mountain District; and Jon athan Worth, Esq. of Randolph, ha com out against Mr. Rancher in the Salisbury District. We are sorry to learn this. It will create a di vision In the Wbig 'rante, whicti may result io advantage to the enemy. J7 The Standard i not only opposed to any allowance bring made to General Harrison' suf fering family by Congress, but actually tells the Whigs they must not have " the audacity to call on Ilia Democratic voter for such contribution!" What aay yon, Democratic Voters," to sueb unchaiitablenessl RESPITE. Governor Moschiad has grsnted a respite to Maditon Johtuon, ( Who, under the sentence of the Court, was to hsve been executed in this City on Friday next,) until Friday th 28th of May. The Governor of Alabama ha' convened the Legislature for the purpose or providing fog the election of member of Congress. A letter from Cincinnati says .Mrs Harri son hrd reached this city on her way lo Wash ington the mon.ing on which the intelligence of th President' death leached here. Her be reavement has been Sad indeed but she bears it, 1 am informed-, belter than, in her infirm state of health, eonld have been hoped. Moat of her family are near her, to aupport and comfort-her, and if th sy inpaihy'tff a whole nation can avaiU we may hope that her loss will not be si togeth er irreparable. MONSTROUS WOLF. A wolf waa taken, a few week sine on the Keoebeck, in Maine, of a griixly grey color, which measured, from hi noae to the tip of hi tail, 6 feet 4 inches. Th Maine Cultivator aya: " Such an animal must have been a frightful ac quaintance to meet in the wood alone." AWFUL OCCURRENCE. , A few night since, twelve negroes, belong ing to the Rev. Westey Adams, of Jefferson county, r id Ida, were burnt to death. They were all in one building and it is supposed were suffocated, and rendered insensible, a they gave no alarm, and when th door were opened, ut tered not a groan. Th building waa entirely destroyed. . TOBACCO".. Tbe St. Louis New Era stales, thst the export of Tobacco from the State of Missouri this year, will amoont to 9,000 hhJa. which it estimate at about $ 720,000. The Bangor Whig says tbl a fine tot or Bird' Ey Maple ha been brought to that place du ring the paat winter for shipment to England, where the wood is said to be mueb admired. ' . , Mr. David Kcnsdale, o( Stpke ,cqiiijr wa lately killed by ihe falling of a tree while plough ing. Thomas L. Budd, book keeper, in the Bank of Tennessee, was committed to prison on the 37th nit. charged with feloniously embeitling the fund of the institution to the amount of about t.18,000. Tbe St. Louis Republican state thai th mot accural and best delineated map of tbe Rocky Mountain, is the handiwork of a lady lb wife of the Rerfr. Spalding, lne4onry the fiitt white wotntn thai ver encounterd the per il f of journey tree U Leui to the shores M , the Pssifie. ' MITCHELL THE FORGER. Bowyer, the New York police officer, haa re turned without catchiirg the Knavish Ex-Member of Congrea, for whom be a in search. He followed Mr. Mitchell. Into Ohiovand then found out that he wa pursuing th wrong man. 4'h gentleman pursued U said to b a tall Vir ginian, named. Mitchell. Bowyer overtook him at a hotel, arriving after be had gone to bed at night. The officer' importunhie induced the bar-deeper to awake Ihe lodger, whose appear. ancointhe Bar-rooji, in ho very pleasant ho- mot, caused hi pursuer lo tee! considerably dis appointed and chagrined. He made th best explanation he could, and islracod hi steps to New York. . . w.,.. ...... r r , ... Of the six deceased President, four hare died on the 4th of the rnonlh; Adaruv ' Jef- feraon, nud Monroe, on tlte 4th of July, and Harrison on the 4 th of April. V- , Another new eect ia rawing: ita heaa in Boston under a new name. They call them- elves tbe No-human-government Sect, and if we underaUfld them, denounce' all ' civil government aa without Divine authority,' and therefore inconsistent with the natural righta of mankind. , ,'' ' 1 , ' i v LATE BANK OF THE U. Among tho aosny msl-praclice dsleeted and ' irniM.il k .AMihillu nnnlntul IA AT. f mine the a&aira.of" th Pennsylvsni Bank of tho United State, wss that of its extensive apeculalion in cotton, which amount lo 8,900, 000, upon which nearly a Billion of dollar Were unk. . .' Th conduct of lb officers under who ad ministration the mismsnagemfnt and corruption exposed took place, is very teverely and justly denounced, and w are glad to perceiv that it meet with merited condemnation Irons th pie of all parties thioughout Ih Union. Mr. Biddlo ha published three or four long and labored letter to ihe publicintended to ex colpato himself from, blame. Whether be haa don thi uccpfully or not, ws are not pre pared to aay ; for aa yet re hav not read hi letter. But th Richmond Compiler think hi honor i untarnished, though hi reputation a financier ha suffered. That papei ssys: "Mr. Biddl' letter, ills said, will provoke ever rejoinder fiom the Committee. His last letter is a very plausibl one ; but he ha not yet justified or attempted to juatify hi aa sumptions of authority and. his invasion ef the rules of Banking. This he eannot do. By hi own account Ih Bank held, when he left it, Jl8.35S.705 in stocks and duo by ths State;" a very smalt part dur by tha Stater: 8fh bf these slocks are no doobt now selling for 5, or thereabout, in the $100. It ia owing to the state of the time thst they are so depreciated perhaps in ssme com, in ome certainly , not ; bin it i owing to bad management, and im proper assumption of responsibility that the Bank bold them," ' "THEY SAY." Ws hsve no where teen any proposition to al low General Harrison' family a larger amount from the Publio Treasury than "a year' salary, which is 195,000. Yet tho Standard aay a, " They ssy ths nation owe a debt to General Harriaon, and Congrea mnst appropriate the million and a half or two millions out of the peo ple' money !" Will the Standard tell the pub lio which of th They Say it i who ha (aid thia! There i a notorious personage who bear thi cognomen, first cousin to AoWy,( so othe! eery notable It suspicion character,) who is regarded hereabouts a a totally irreaponible fellow ; and what he saya . only gees for what it I worth, and that ia just nothing stall. Is this the witness whom th Standard quote, and on whom i tho Standard relie 1 THE VIRGINIA ELECTION. The only news we have from the election In Virginia, which took place on Thursday last, ie the following t The contest In Kichmond wa between Messrs. R. T. Dsnicl and Samuel Taylor, (both W higa.) Mr. D. was elected by about 181 majority. Mr. Sherwio McRae (Whig) ia no doubt re elected in the county, In Richmond District, Mr. John M. Bolts (Whig) ia reelected to Congress"; and Mr. James Lyon (Whig) i re-elected to the Sen ate. Neither of them had any orgauixed oppo sition. - In Petersburg, a larger vote wa given than ever before polled in that place.- Mr. Syme, tbe W lug candidate, wa defeated by about 40 majority. NORFOLK BOROUGH. For Conertu. Mallory,(W Scattering, out of DtUgata. . Taylor, (W) Madden. (W) . v Scattering, . NORFOLK COUNTY. PORTSMOUTH. Conertu. Mallory (W) Atkinaon, (Opp)' Uauu if Dtkealt. Watt (W EiheridgeW) Silvester (Opp) Cock fOpp) 323 33 3S0 66 6 174 137 197 188 158 116 UKtSAT BkIDuIS. Wtu (W) 75 Etheridge?WJ 63 . f Silvester (Oppl 47 Cocke (Oup) 39 " Mallory 83 Congrea. - Brt Mallory is said to hv received all the vote cast at Suffolk, Th Fredericksburg Arena say i " We believe, for we hsve not full re torn, that th Whig hav carried both Spotsylvania and Stafford. Crutchfield ha a majority at two precinct heard from Fredericksburg- and th Ct. Houseof upward of an hundied." FIRE AT NORTH BEND! We are gratified to learn from the following extract, that the fir at North Bend wa not so disastrous first reported to hav been : Ofncinmui, April 13. "Fiaa at NoaTH Bano? Th belief waa general yesterda y mornimr, that Gen. Harrison's residence had been bufnedf." TlIC horreenght on Ore at 3 P. M.ln ihe western wing, and ba- Bed an exertion to aubooe U"-" i waory y polling down the connecting hall with the main building, that thai was aaved. Th western wing I now a heap or ashes, and th ball en tirely demolished. " ' ; ' M The family of Gen. Harriaon feel deeply In debted to our Irish friend who first gav lha lann. and-who uoeeedd in outline the fir out. .They left their work on th canal; end labored aa if the house wer their own. iut lor the generous exertions, indeed, of the noble heart ed irishmen, Ih whole building must have been destroved I and they have not alone th thank of th widoW nd th orphan, but th warm ap plause of all our cttlxen, lot their prompt and aflitient aw. - - - r- " CORRECTION. A paragraph ia going the rounda, which atatea that President Ttlir was made Gov. emor of Virginia by the death of the Gov ernor, wax mad Senator by the death of one before hia June expired, Preaident by the death of General Harriaon, and bia lady i the daughty of Cooper, the tragedian." The Richmond Whig aaya there la not one word of truth in it, except the fact that Gov. Ty ler aucceeda to the Presidency by the death of Gen. Harrison. Hia'aon married Miaa Cooper, an elegant and accomplished lady. "A TORCH LIGHT PROCESSION. On Saturtlay evening, the firemen of Alba ny marched in funeral procession through tlte atreota of that city They were in th fire men' dress, were accomDanied by a full band of music, and bbra an urn, covered with a pall. Over 800 torchea were borne in the procession. The Albany Journal aaya i "The bight wa etill and very dark; and the effect produced by the long array of mourners at that unusual hour the funeral emblem the solemn music, and the atrong red glare of the torches, revealing from the gloom and lighting up with picturesque effect the house and crowds of spectator which thronged the window as they past, left an impression which will not soon be effaced from the memory of those who beheld the scene." GEN. HARRISON'S REMARK ON SABBATH SCHOOLS. -The correspondent of the North Amort can aaya that General Harriaon in his last out-door exercise, waa engaged in assisting the gardener in adjusting some grape vine. The gardener remarked that there would be but little uae in trailing: the vine, o far"ai any fruit was concerned, aa tlte boy would cot on Sundajv while the family waa at church, and ileal all the grape; and sugsjessj ted to the General aa a guard against such a loss, that he should purchase an active watch dog. Belter, said the General, to employ a Sabbath school teacher ; a dog may take care of the grape, but a good Sabbath school teacher will take care of the grape and the boya too. , V BEAUTIFUL ILLUSTRATION. At the Oratorio of the-Creation, at the Musical Fund Hall, aaya tlte North Ameri can, just before the passage " and God aaid, Let there bo light," occurred, the gaa waa ahut off, and there waa a dim and obscure light in the Hall. The audience hardly un derstood ita purpose, but when the word "and there wat light" were pronounced, the gaa was suddenly let on, and the room glow ed with an intenae and brilliant light. The effect was perfectly electrical. Many of the audience almost sprang from their aeata, the illusion wa o atartllng. . GENERAL HARRISON FARMER AND THE The correspondent of the North American relates the following interesting anecdote J During hia brief aojourn in Washington, Gen. Harrison waa in the habit of taking early morning walk, and frequently called at the market Houae. On one of these oc casions he purchased a new milch cow of a neighboring farmer, 'and requested him to drive it to the Preeident' HouseThe Gen eral wa there to attend to the animal, and invited the farmer in to take some refresh ment : procured a bowl of hot coffee, ham and eggs, and continued conversation with him about farming. The farmer having finished hia breakfast, remarked to the General, You have bought my cow and given me two dollar more than I asked, and a good breakfast besides; but if it wojjjd'nt be two much trouble, 1 should like to g) a loosest tne rresiuent oeions i go. i am the President, replied the General, The farmer at first looked incredulous, having ta ken his hospitable friend for the te ward; but convinced of his mistake, with much frank net observed, Well General, I voted against you at the election, but I did'nt know you then. That aingle remark I did'nt know you thennwill explain thouaand of Vote caat Against the. good General at hi election. ' . SUGAR. . A little more than two hnndrsd year ago, sugar waa kept only in t a shop of th spothe eary. Now, th annual consumption in the U niied Stales alone, I estimated at eighty million if prnindt! . . , ' . ' Temperance laeetlajr A called meeting of th Raleigh Temperance Society will be held at th Presbyterisn Session room, on Monday evening next, at 7 o'clock. A general attendance of th member I requested, and all persons friendly to the rane are res- f wctfully invited to attend; ; &2:tbApViCr.l i no .. POSTOFriCC-naleltrb. SUMMER A RR A NO EM IS NT. , Ofne epao at S o'clock, A. M. , . ,Y " closes st S o'clock, P. M. ..: . opens on Sunday from 8 to 9 o'clock A M ad from I pl 6 lo I past 7 o'clock P M Th Office is do d on tb arrival of each mail, until it is assorted and istrrbirted.7- ARRANGEMENT OF THS MAILS. NORTHERN. Due every day at S P M close every day at 9 M " KOUTHERN. f rr L Due every day at t A M clows every dy at 4 GREENSBOROUGII. " Do vry night at 1 o'clock closes every dsy tt 4 P MJ- . ' SALISBURY. . ' Do avary ATodneeday nd Hsionlay at t e'elock. PH. Clo v7 Mondsy end Tbursdsy l AM' ' , --NEWBERN. rna avsrv Tuesday. Tbursdsy nd Bsturday si r si CkH Monday. vYdadjy and rr'tday, St7 AH : , TAR BOROUGH. Do Monday, V ednasday aad Friday st 1 st his M ChMM Manday.Wrdneaday and Satordayt tPM KUAUUKUUUrt. . Du very FrUay, 10 A N-rlM Friday, fit AM HAYWOOU. . , Du veryMn!y, 10 A M eioaes Friday 8 M I II UK A3 O, Birri', Y, M. rJT'Lattrr abneld b in Ih P.iet Office al least' fifteen ailnute befor tb Urn I ltd for Ihe closing of h Msils.. " , . . AprllSJ. ' .17 Naw Yobk, AraiL St. ' We hav late new front England aer- enteen . day later than belore received, and up to the 4tli of April. . I he learner Columbia ma.i her apicarance ia B on harbor on Monday evening, in a ajge uf fifteen) day from Liverpool. A large number fpaaen(ercam wul fifty frin Liverpool lo floston and thirty from Liv erpool to Halifax. ' Neither tbe political nor commercial inieliig-nc reevtved isui mu h impitrian e; The news -aken out by th Britain, and Ihe packets wnicb arrived about the same lime, had had the desired eRVct ujMin the public mind. 1 hrf war bluaier bad thang e.l to a' gentle breez-. and every thing, in word and in fact, seemed lobe pacific. Public attentuin, however, wat centered upon Mrl.eort, and in new pa per were engaged in an animated dii utaion t-iucb ing in oueuaer enu ni miencr. oume few, upon paper, are di-poel tu be per emptory in Hie fulfilment l the deinitd for .release, and other are wise enough in see the relationship there is which vxm's between tlte Federal and Stale Gern- ments, and lo know that such a demai il Ti 'pTai r i i c tt Tl y 1 ifi" jpwii bl e-Tav? ' iit if," 1ti ever, there, here, talk widom and feet diapoaed to leave a prisoner in the hand. n the law, trusting to the god a-iise and jr"od1nteiiti0nrof iuW happy isue if pending (liAicultiea. I have read wtib i care all the cotnmrof of the EngliaH press, and see nntliinx i sny or them to excite evett a fveting of a larm. The political newt from the East and me continent ia nut iiiiininani. in i ur.j, key ihingt remain iy$talu quo. The Je notttnent haa not cuuie yet, and I rum tbe policy persued by the lour Power a de cisiun would seem to be aa far off as eter. The French. Ambassador are yet dispos ed to play into ihe hand of Mchimet Alu and at least to prove troublesome. Affair in France are also tiretty much as they were. Su in Spain, Portugal, and indeed in all parte ol Lurnie. From Vhi- na there wa no new in England," upon ihe sailing of the atcainrr, ao late aa that received here. The commercial intelligence, briefly told, ia, that cotton had d-c ined I 81I1 of a penny i that flourwae dullj American e cuiitiea pretty mu. h at they were, and the money market generally in ttraight ened condition. : r.The ' pieifio Bf wt from the United Sfatel bad. neverthrler, im proved the condition bf thina, and itocks had" felt"the benefit of a reatered ennfi dene. State stocks, so far aa there ia a lite far them, bring bitter priors abroad than at home and, strange to aay, there ii more confidence in American securities in England than in the United Statea. "President Habsisox's Inaugural ia pub lished in full or in part in all ol the F.n glish paper. . In all circle it ia well spo ken of, and its tone and temper in regard to fiireirm nations spoken ol as dignified, diplomatic, courteous, and all that. The London Times of the 26th of March has a critiaurof two columns, -from which th Globe, once the defamer ami now the eul ogist of the President, might learn ales son. . ' . ' ' .'. The atramer President from New York, 24 dare out. had nut arrived when th Co lumbia I aft. Much apprehension was felt in consequence. She is one of the slow est of the steam craft, whether moved by the winsr of canvass or the power . of steam. But for this, there would V good cause for alarm. As it i. she is probably taking a nap aponlhi bosom of tb Atlan tic. . ' The news fiom Europe haa no effect here, and pronabiy three ween' inreingencc never had less interest than that recrived to day. . r ' ' - Our local news is not Important. Th McLroil debate was eoniinued in the As sembly at Albany yesterday, without com- t fMJ tasielMSIOfc I'r,w'' ' ' -,,:.:.'-;.' iai.tnt. CANDIDATES FOR CLERKSHIPS. For 1 Watct Superior CourU ' ' Richard P. Finch. For County Court of Wake. Thos. O. Whitaker, Oreen' F. Ellen, Willie J. Fuller, llcnry B. Ilnyes, John L. Terrell, William A. Ilarrtstio, Jos. T. Marriott. ; . . ;mariued,v:',:-; -To Al1WT.W.lJ.Ur,iaMIF.iwe. TOC1ifBy,:eaast Wabiy-WuW vffeCetoy KUL In Salwhury. Sir. D. F. Hadvn lo Ml 8usm SbomanJ Also, Mr.' James Itoa tdJHbs ChartuttsJ vsrnon. , - - - . - . In Salem, Mr. C. H. WlnkUr to Mia Ame lia Reich. . -' In Siokea eoonty, Mr. Cyrua Wisner to Mis Maria pp, both of Stokes. DIED, In Anson sounty, Mr. Micbasl Beard, agd yrs. ' -: la Mecawiiburg, coL Evan Alexander, Sd 44 yssr. t--...- In Rawan, Mrs. Man Icaneor. - A wo, Mr. Mr carat Lent . :.:z In Tllehee.rioiida, Gen. Stephen MilUr, lo'ineriy oi uupita county, in. k:. - - -On th 19th Inst., atth realdeneeof Mrs. La cy Bullock, in the county of Granville, th Kv. j .dm V. Thompson, Pastor orth enuren eeof Nat Buahand Louisburj. Th lingering disaasa.by which the eharche hv been deprived of the service of thi young Minister, wa Consumption. It will h grstifring lo hi brethren In. th ministry, nd hi numerou friend to know, thst h endured hia affliction w lib Christian iekM aad reslfnatl-m, and that h Wend waa peace. Con TJivVYtt.Uj of K CatoWna. '--'f DiaiacTic Hate; ) '.';"'"'.?', 'i: ;Jr;--'r; AprU 17ih. I8t. ' ITWiam B. Baywtd, Tr. Eta. hatim aeeepied at th appoinlm-nl f this body, te nUrt ths two Literary Mnehrtie of Ih Univemity of N.wlh Caro- li. a. on Wedneaday. the 3nl of an nrsr, n. the lay b-for the Annosl Cmmencsment, public notice thereof is erdsred lo b itvsn. April tii. . A. SITUATION WAIvTED!! A Oentlcmu, wha is qualifird M ,rrpsre eta dents M aJnut-iea ten, aa, trr In il,t Uniltd hum, and lw has had Mral vvkrs M . till ptriencs in Iwhins. balh ia tb Nwih and foaih. wwhe m chhK l.i. pmeai lorsibm lor a aer healiby on. H m wiltu.g m akr . ttfeiiber a male ur fratala Seminar) l-w wiiia La dy, who is pn-jwrml to toarli Ih l,d ,d .rk,,,, . Isl blanrhe of frml edaratioa, it driu ( ran linuing her prevent tmulajntrnt in iMcliiif , ihe Istlrr would b prtfrrrrd. Saifaclorv trxinwnt. la. ss In character, mUtilif. and faithful dlwhai of doiir will be rberlfbUy furuiahaJ. , AtkiraM " H. tt. UeaHfon, Canrrri, ft. V. April 6. 104 1. 17 ltwf lS.4lt BOV TO HIKE. Th hire, f. b balance of ihe year, a hrahliy, hri.k snl shl hmlitd nrgta boy. i(hleen ar ni. . teen yrai of sg. Apply at ih Siar Ufliee. April 17, ' - . 17 tf - KUiC'ATlUrV. THR TfUHtMofth SmithnelJ AeanmynhnH " r. . i . i . . ui-viimj, rn, in. mvm m nr,. lit H Rrka (or tb util year, t.i Mperinten I Iheatiot , iiittitulion. nd wmilil ear) il.s iiemioa mf Psrents and ()urdian lo lb dvsnisee wliW-b i.r ilrs til tillag. '" wity. Slid heslihfulilusl a ( . frl tut eiluraiing; thrir rhildien and wiil Mr, Itrook is a raluite of Wake For, st I'o Irjr. and has irlven pexctirat eviilenre of hi ptorlo iai'h"i s mm nf inbteirrfahed miwat ehctery - snd a M'niaier of ihe U,p I, and esperi lo atk fchool irahin( tbewsin buainr al hi I lur lif, nd will spare no slna to pmeurr tut I im-vlf aura a r(uiiiiim mm awiiww itm urnnw. in nia prolion. ' BMid. inrtmlinf wa-lliic.UHjinf . Ar. may he bad in lha familie I ' and about Ih tillage, t al rlollara per roon'ti":: fonmant aiienlion will ' o Ki.en iiv in , wnar a 'Hi i ninm m in av mnsauMM ol lha achoul and i oral of Ih tu -ileiil. Price of Tni'inn, foUowar Fur "net i Reading. anJ Wriinf, per art. $11 00 rliin( Reading, Wrillngft Aritlimeli Il 00 -- ArtthjMiile, Ueograpby. and XngllaB' 1 , ' Grammar, .'. .:. , SO 00 ' J . Tb Lsn;'ig,with any or M the abitv 24 00 Algebra, Plnlooliy, Orotiwiry or Rurturie, . ' an additional rhrc of lo dollar. , 11AVIU TU0M80.N, frrtt. Trutttt. ' April gjd. 1841 17 3ir,3.m -- lU0ul piputi tug II ' . , '18I 'SM! IMdV . 'alsuoiiad qud t)i ju aitutnatt -uo a maul oi Sipninduioid pus uoiun 'Xit onpu; q'seduq pu 'peaiajol UJOjotaMU, t H tuauwJIainoaue Jqi( i)i Joj iuui8pa.ou os eiei t I'puai oi uoiismo tti s)i if -'tuoitmf Iiiudif try o put V !, 4A iJJusaw j 111013 " jo iddn ujJg ni pssjajai . if M ti)i eouiiouu njiMdsiM isojy pioor jV qH tnnn3 VHVr Y y".v ur i xganiaauuv.- 'UOItVi AHVH3H4H , C U E'A IT V O VV 13 a tt ; If you want cheap g-ood, eall st W. C, TUCKER'S; h hss just returned from New York, Philadelphia and Baltimore; and bavinf mad hi nuiehase with Cash, he will b ena bled to aell eheap, H I opening a (renpral a. sorUnent, suitable for both Ladies and Uentlev men, among which are Callicoea from S to 40 cents, Moslinsand Lswn, all prices Dome- tic 6 to 90 cent a Ural rat stock of Loaf and Brown Sugar, Teas and Coffee, vsry cheap; : ata. olb. W. C. TUCKER. - 17 6w April 88, 1841 NEW aPUINO A5IO HfjnMEU ouTna 8Mrra MARCH ANT TAILORS, FATETTGriEEBaTKEKT,KAI,EIOH,N.C. ' ' Ha ju( raeoived, aaJ are newopniQr,'Stihir , otere, oeaolllul sasortmenl ol Uoods lo inrir line, - of which Ihe lo:iowinf eorhprise a part, uw ; , lolhiwina comprise a part, uw i ool dyed Black"! do Blu I in, ' 5 CLOTHH. " . . - ' ( : . . I Dahlia. . J' Huparior wool dyedBlsck uo - l Light Green, - HnufT Brown, Claret and Black French Borabuln and Drap d'u tat Kummtr Coats. ! -. . ' 4. , . . . L'ghl ainiil. milled Cataimer of ovary vartsly. : Linnen Drilling, Crap Drillings, and Girsft. Silk and Mciwilles Vaating of every color..' Borkkin nd UiinvElaetie 8upendfs - ' Mockins' light snd dark tilovts. ' ' foliar and ttoaoms. i ? . ..annanL MaiinmArMlArk. And in fsct, every thing In our lino thst can b found in shy srmitsr Etsb i.bmentNorih or South. Tb goods will b sold on accootmodalin lerme lo punctual (uatomer, ami very htap fir Cash. , Wa have la our employ th beat Workmen, pod eontinu to givy stiiactio. Thankful for past fsnrs,w resptetfully request -a ootinuanc. of . pul. lc paimn-ge.. .OLIVER fc SMITH-' ' Raleigh, April S8, 1841 A IT 4w - i:.n:iMAiii k.t. 4 NM PULLlAMand BISTEH ai prepared at all limes to enter alu transient visit, with their hnrwa, In the most com fortabj and areeahle manner, .-. ' ' . .. mntitn nr yen ann are prepare n owim -date FAMlUEt In a style which they are cent. rtawm NM Tall H'aWaaW '?PV!WSr?--JU. er.f WiB.irM- Their Iwiis i mi conveniently d pleasant ty allotted, in the Very centra of the eily, imane liatety in the rear of th new Market and City Hall. ' , . -u. " . . .: '- The will lo SELL OR nENT a valuable HOUSE AND LOT , The Houe l Urgf,ow, venient and roomy, in food repair, and wall aiU oaterl. ' - ' ' .Z-i .- ' Raleigh, AprU 1 1 . aw Asaiatauce In- procuring Fcnatlw Teat chera. j Having heea appH -d to freonenily by head famil eeand prmeipaUofarhool. (or aiinr in pmeoring soilshle Fml Teacher, and lo by lb Toucher thm1e tn want of aitoatloea. and hating il In my power, from Ihe naium at ay ba aine, u he oful in each , I beg l7 oner my erire. free of charge, to bmh pnu, I will tr.err.fm tak ptir ha endeoring to obtain good and efllelenl Irwtroelr V thoaa who may want themr "d sln,lak Ih smde grre nt plmwura to pMcering ailuail ma far such J Techor a y nt m d of hm. - letter. poM paid, addreed.t th subscriber, E. P. ft A8H:" Book nd Pin Frt Mtev. reterahorg. V. P. S, Order for Hook snd Piano Fortre, will bo promptly WienJed lo. Agreemonta in wilting will b given, any n wanting a Piano, allowing them to try ih inatroment before paying for it, snd to relorn it if not good, ; , . f When ft l.iteaired. I will aer t pot up piano ia lb parlonr ef any Indiaidoal, realy fori-. t lliul.l4. price, and si my own rl-k. I nt ! . ofTPrnosin thi wat, to plseo S or 4 hundred, atilss diatsnl, without bejng tb leaat lnnnd.. .

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