' "Ml . - . - I r - THOMAS JULEMAY, " I .Hciin i . -thr dollara pr aaaa-la ia Unm. , ' 1 ' o.-. wiifcaal Ik But will Wrc Li r I t f wi latin tf tb year'e tub. ' HATS 5 Ur AUVB.IHKMWU M,,r7s(o itui.t liaelhUla Irpt sraf inmiM,Hnw raw n!.. t..ol,.fi.... . 1 ajaj KrvriiifHam wi win - tnhrH a wt.kifei lwJts ja Mr win pv - Ml for a vertisars the veer. CJ- Utters t th Editori awe b post-psw. will a in w. iioldew, ATTORNEY AT LAW, AN CKNEBAL AOBKT, AKB COLLtCTOS, ALEIOH.W.C. 3 Will attend the Coart Of Wake, Orange and Granville. Claim of very deaeiiption thank- full received ana promptly auenaea w. KKFSR TO Hon. Niehola Biddle, Philadelphia. Fr. Hopkinioo, Philadelphia. Ant. Chaa. Caaenove, Alexandria, D. C. Thomaa J. Lmay and 7 n.tah -Huffin Tucker, Keqr.,jK,,M, . Jinn. Wm. A. Graham, HilUboroogh. Hon. Robert B. Gilliam, Oxford. Ball sad Party ut Sboec Sprins;. Thar will be a Ball and Party at Shoeco Sprinf. en Tudy and Wednesday, tba lOih and 1 lib efAufrut next. There will He fin Mii in attendance. ANN JOHNSON. Wairea Ceoatyv July 14. t-.-- .v.: 9 " .exo UGWAKU, For the appranenaioa and aalia delivery ef Gar. had Stunt, Peter Siucd, Geerge J. Hunt and Oitin Grimcty, Is (be Bberiff of Kemper county, Mietiseippi? ' feiaid men committed a murder upon the tody of Bradie M Brown, ef the roenly and Htale afo'eaaid. on the lih ol Tebruary, 1841. Seven hundred and fifty dollara each fur Garland ineed and George J. Hunt, and two hundred and (Ay dollara eaoh lor Peter Bneedaad Owin Qrimee. OnrtunJ Sneed ia about thirty -four year of age, fire feet eeven or eight Inehee high, weight about I60poutd, eqaare built, fait earplxien, blue eye, dark hair, (a little gray) under teeth project beyond the apper teeth, tad high broad forehead He hee a lump on the outtide of bit left little fin. ger, appearing like the stomp of a tilth finger. Ap pearance genteel and prepoeeeeeing, voice eharp and thrill perform en the violin. Grtrge J, Hunt ie about tMrty-fbar yean old, lire feet eeven or eight inch high, weigh about 1 55 pound, eqoare built, dirk ewarthy gloemy completion, black hair, light blue eye. One of hit eyee squint, and oc a elee examination will be found to be Mind in Hi Performt en the violin luiemaker by trade. Pet-r Snttdm about thirty-eight year old. fit feet ten or eleven incbee high, fair complexion, blue eyee,. black hair, (a little gray) eharp feature, weight 140 pound, awkward in appearance and ipeesh. - .i'-'-.r Owin Grimetly aboat lhirty-tw year of age, fire feet I'i -e or ten iachee high, wehihe about 175 pouad, dark tkia, dark eyea and dark hair eboe. maker by trade. The Gove nor of Mittittippl alao offer a reward of three hundred dollart for each of the above mur derer. HOLMNGER BROWN, of Stewart Conty, Geo. REUBEN COLE, -JAMES M.COLE, of Kemper coax ty , Mite. Jan IB. 1MI. ' . 18 61 PAINTING! Tha Subscriber respectfully offer hit aervi cet to the eitisen i ef Raleigh and it vicinity ,a house painter, vc He can paint both inside and outplain and mixed ; and flatten himaelf that be will be able to give eatiefaction in the execution of bia work ; and at bia pricee will be lower (ban the lowest, there can be no tort of grumblinp, 0 EDWARD McNUNWERYV Aagnat 3, 1841. ' 30 6t Kroru the Uommercial Herald. Mr. Ewroa Tb eitixeot of Moseow and neigbboi hood have been induced from oocu rencet o( a character, that at thia time, would be improper to publith, to examine the grave of the individual that eaa found in .the Bayob Deeha, in the month of June 1837, and ai led to the belief, that thia individual came by hie death bv the hand of violence, and the eitixen nf Motcow have requested that Alvah Nichol, H. N: Lewi. A. J. Caldwell, Samuel C. Celdin, Jame M. McFall, G. W. Humph. reyt,J. D. Lowber, William Rayner, acta a committee for the purpoae of ditcoverinj the de feated and Uie eauae of lilt death. ' Tha com mitiee, are in poateaaion 1 of evidence aufncient io produce the unanimotu belief, that the indi vidual found, waa Mr. A N S.-O N W H 1 T YIELD,, gentleman, who aome aix ot eight montba before the xlittcovery of thia dead man. was attend in? a law tint, in ihia .circuit: Mirk man county, Ky., and left thf neighborhood to return to, hi home by the way of thia place He bad $1300 iuepecie in hia saddle bag, be tides a large quantity of Bank paper, which lis wished to lay out ia the purchase of negmea . to. the astonttkntcnt biifc cowt,ud frienda here, with hia heavy aaita dependmj) -u tliough now near tnii yeara have elapsed, not the tligl.tee information hat tret been received at to the myaterioos absence or silence vf said Whitfield. Hia friend at who boo, he made hi auy whilst In thia county, baa written aev. eral filers, to the place where he formerly un derstood and believed he resided, ti wtu ia Claiborne eoenty. Miaaissippi, near the Grand Cntt W w a ln(Wed that be had sold out in thai count?, and had taken hi family neat Nashville Tenn., to which place be intend ed going, when he lefl tha houae of hi friend near thia place. Now air, our ot.jccl ia through your aaeiaunee, together with othtt public loom alt, to discover whether ihia Mr. Whitfield ia alive, and wiiera fc IJvet, o that we may U i. ha ditappejred in Uie manner described. Dial we may take such slept a may perhaps lesd to the discovery of Hi perpetrator or perpetratora f thia Bxxrt atrociont Heed. Tb ernnraittee are iuforaMd that Mr. Whitfield baa wife and two daughter and nomeroua other relatione, and fttskt thia poMieatioa in order that the may come forth in oor aid beside wa are informed he hat important hpalnets in this; and adjoining eonmic now utTering for hia attention. ;: W iherefrr rrqncat tbr. yon gN thia, aa many as six.inaertinnia ymrr paper and w reqneet through yor paper that th Naabville Union. Whig and Qanner, Ciarkavilt Chronicle, Cv luroVia paper. Grand Gulfand Port Gibaoa pa- Pie, Raleigh (N. C.) Star, do aid aa ia our ob !.difa ehargefamade, to forwaid their eewnt to you for a payment fot two laseniona, ani to forward to the Post Offlce at our place a eopj 0f each of their papera. Ih eoTitniiit are in poaseeaaio of U.e owaofth individual, (which from many im ,tu",L,,,B' '' kept concealed,) and ch they cannot but believe, are the bone of wfcttunate Mr. Whitfield, and it 1 likely J " Noeth Caiouha tk VOL.XXXH 5- 3 that his friendt may spoil viewing them, aid va in our object, and w close this our publication, with a call upon Uie filing and aympathiting tpiril of all good men to aid us in ferreting out or all good men to "1 ofatroeuy and o.rbamjtb.t iah.artr.od.. an net in Ia human nature. R. N. LEWIS, -Chairman of tb Com. A.J.Caldwell, Alvah Nichol, - Correspondent Secretaries. '. ' " E A Rg'i " PICTORIAL ILLUSTRATIONS ' ' 1 - or the . BIBLE - AKD flEWS IN THE HOLT LAND with rwu. d !TtTte urrraa-raatt DESCRIPTIONS CHIEFLY EXPLANATOBT OF THE , BJO RAVZ-ftTXIS and of aameraus page connected with Til Geography, Natural IJiitoty tf flnliquUxtf or THt ' Sac reel Sclptnres. 1 THE FOLLOWING WORK HAS BEEN COMPILED FROM THE LONDON PICTORIAL ; . IB 2 IB a IS . WHICH SELL 1.1 TMla CODNTItV FOR IS to $93 per Copy! rr Every man, Woman and child in th Unit' ed Hut, who poe Bible, will orly furnish themselves with lb foHowinc beautiful terie Bcriplar lluttrations 900 rictoristl Illustrations U, 0F THK BIBLE, . YIEWS IN THE HOLY LAND. - Nit-wf cri -vMjata tiucTioji. For undred page; 8 V., Tin Paper, Hand- omely Bound, Price eajr r rfar. The ub- srriber retpectfutly invite th atlentKin ef Clergy- men; Twcbeif ef tarjbb 3eaolt Head F- itie,.nd Booketller. throughout tb Uuited tSutea, " SZZZTrZTZrT'l? N.vmu street New York City, it. fe.ture. ar bet- ter defined by tb title: two hundred pictorial ILLUSTRATIONS or thk acBiFTFREs, eosnsrta or I Views ia Ihc Holy Land, t Together with many of th mort reaitikabl ob - jeeu mentioned in lb Old and New TeaUmeats, Wenitna sacred historical avenK eooied from celebrated pictures, principally, by tb old mas tern the Lsndeeap Beenee, token iron, etyioel aaaicoe mauv na um Bpui, wnn iuii inn inivr esttng Ittw-Prea dcription, doted t an iplaattioa f th objecu menlionad in in a- eadatat. -- - trf.-- -s-ri On etamintiion this wUI b found terjrilea. ir. tumA .ith .r... r.n ii.. and lalett source. It may. very properly, 1 de- erjr mire of pollution to rake up. a few signaled a caramon place book for sverv tfaint val. grains of Uie people's money. And so used oahle. relating lo ORIENTAL M ANKERS, CUa). have we become lo their slang, that it is al TOM8, &. Ac and eMpriae within iwelf most impossible io ret into office widiout be cmpuu - Wrarj, ,f retifieu, .nd yeW I-,,. TOraewhat of a demagogue yourself. etfre. Aotttm hk the present, is far soneriorte v 8 , .,. r,u ,t .hi-commoo A.nuaU-tri.7, rfre. You, must plaster the people with the coars-(tj- It is beautifully printed ia'nw long primer est daub of fulsome flattery; bespatter your type bandmly bnd in muslin, gilt, and lev opponent with all the mud and filth you can. tered; and K decidedly. (A beet and cktapett pu rake up; wear your threadbare coat, your Acer (for the price,) ever itiuedfrtm the jmer- erowr.lcss hat and un whisperablcs as holy as 'c"i,7 I . j . v i i th" garments of s high priest, and tell a ehSr " 40 Wh,MpU P"r' drunLi. mob of loafera and foreign vaga- trr Person ia tb eoontrv. wkbin to act bond that they are the strong pillara of the sgeni. may obtain all th actuary iiiforaiaiioa, by adJrMing their bttera to lb .subscriber. No. 188, N.-.u Street New York City. tors, were perfect sUangers to humbugi the ItOBERT SEARS, Pubh.htr. Mng well we name had exiatence ' 3 antong diem. But now we see it pervading V r.lersym,. SopinUndent. and T..chrs V department of Society: we see it in ofthbb.th Khooh, (CrAf.rn.of Reli,iou.N. c,,en.ce- we,"ee ,l m ". w? 11 " papers and Periodical. 3) Poatma.1, i Book- politic. But as some of my fair hearers ellere, throughout th country, are respectfully re- may wish to know what humbug is it can q orated t ad a ear agent. best be explained by illustrstionr. ( A truer mill be laletfrem the ejlce -" " Suppose for instance, ladies, you take' U pn paid, ' (np a newspaper, and turn to the advertise. w TZ.' menls. You there see a flourish rhetorical T P"w!..V diaciple of Galen. ie, Xew,pafre r Magmzinet, copying lb a- "ng 'orlh ,n wnguage, sublime and figura beve entire, wiihoot any alteration or abridgement tire, tlie transcenuant qualities of aome new (incluJing thia notice.) and giving It 12 ioa iw ha'tr-pcrfume, extracted from the sublimated, (iRTtoaa, ahall raeeiv copy of tb verb ( Wrc 'AirTZZJT,' "",160(1. ethenal essence or roses, whose quau .1..'. , P.k. JS5Ti ;;Th publisher will be "pleased ' to deposits i "our" copy of the above Pictorial' work with Messrs. Turner it Hughes, Ge neral Book Agents, Me. No. 10 John St. New York. . ' WILEY'S ORATION; ' - -We - have perused, with nndiaacm'iled pleasure, an Oration, pronounced by Calvin II. WatT,' Esq. before the citizens of Ox-1 ford, on tlie 4th instant. Tlie oration is re plete with sound sense, genuine humor, and substantial principles, expressed in a manner aFdnce captivating and original.-' Mr; Wiley is graduate of our University, and a young gentleman of fine genius and varied attain ment. We subjoin a few passages from his Address, which will, pchaps, furnish to the reader an idea of its character: , t "Our ancestors were a people of few wonla, but when the time evne for action the were prompt, energetic and brave: keep ing watchful eye on iheir public serfants, extremely jealous of their rights, and in the eloquent language of Birke, Snuffing the very approach 4fsTyrranny U the tainted breeze;.; ..But now. we .fight, , with newspa per paragprapha, and defend our liberties with public diuners; . When the savage foe on our horJers, hegms to plunder and tomahawk our frontier settlement, he is clistnised by a presidential proclamation or a battalion of gallant Cuba blood hounds; when a piratical enemy commits depredations on our Com merce, nd insults eur flag, he ie annihilated f. ' i!--v l Powerful ia moral, In intollectuM. and ia'phy-aical reaourcf -th land ot our ilrei, and 04 . ' , ' " : ' ''. '! ;ll'.. - ; Il.iLEIGnX. C WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 1 1, 1841 c by a three, dav'a apcech " in Congreaat and when a President it to be made, or tyrant) turned out of office, it magic of skinuing hickory role, or drink- uidet, freeyomWarded by j . . i oriOK an army of valitnt stump orators; our .na tional honor vindicated by prqti-sts. and our coast fortified by Congwssiontl debate and newspaper squibs! .'..;"',, " Simplicity of Manners was regarded by our .forefathers a another essential quality of. republicans. But how fast tit V aping all the fashionable lollies and disapauona or the luxurious courts of Europe! Their manly exercises are disappearing;, oae by one, and we are besieged by a legion of foreigners, trench dancing masters, uerman v altxer and Italian singers, who art stunning oor ears with their barbarous lingp, corrupting our moral with their depraved manner and j pouring innumerable streams of corruption throughout tne lana. it you a a tor a song-, at our tocial parties, instead of listening with mtuMT Ii nni nf those aimnle national aim. that are said by a profound philosopher to form the national character, are you not sure to have your whole nervous system disorgan ized by some Italian tonnetto as melodious a the'sqeaking of a pig in thelaat agonies? If you go to the theatre lo have your patriot ism warmed by the representation of the historical feats of your progenitors or your affections purfied and refined by the tragic powers or a Booth or forest, are you not eu i i .1 - i i - c : fie(i tm vastly improved by seeing a foreign danae nse cut the pigeon wing in all tl kedne of nature! Ilaa not the whole all the na- coun- try run mad after the glittering gew gown of fo' etirner: nar some ot them numuiatea themaelvea so far as to spread their garments on the around and fall down and worship the chariot of a licentious opera-girl, brought from the stews ol Europe, to tne streets ol wa( noble City where the first blood was gpiue(j f0r American freedom: in sight of the fieU of Bunker-Hill where bleach the bone of many a revolutionary hero, and in a State whose proud sons of yore could not be bought by all the wealth of the Indies to bend the knee to the greatest potentate of the earth. 'fhitj is an age of deception and humbug- eery4in(i Mr. Wiley proves it tlinches f. ' .. . ., k.. .1 the nail nd throws the hammer through the "meatless bones and hard crusts of this wprld," with most humorous ven- b m geancc: " Again; integrity should alwiys charac tcrlae the public functionaries of a republic. tnd dmneoguc be utterly Inscribed. But despicable race; a race who will root in the republic on whose Atlantcan shoulders our proud confederacy must rest. Our ances nnruwotrated. ilonhlv-d'is tilled, refined, clar. .... ' ' '.. lies are iiuracuiuuo mii anniTiMug, yen have omy to stain your, eye-brnw and hair, and straiirht'Way yon will become so surpassing fair, that all the young men will run mad with ecstacy of delight; and the old bachelors commit suicide on the spot. If you should be so foolish as to go to this man of nostrums, pay him your money, and find yourself in looks tranformd from the rv ven hue which nature gave yon to a green or blue, and yourself suddenly changed from a fairy sylph to a walking -calamity, frightful to behold, you are then said to be humbugged. In like manner, gentlemen, whejsfter petmittiti; s polite dentist tone tract your uth, and fit you up with a new' and fashionable set, yeu And" yourself in a short time, a toothless bachelor, doomed to gitm your way through the mectless bones and hard crusts of wis tough v world, you may congratulate yourself on being cora p'ctely kumbuggej, . .'- . . . O i-,,jit t , .,. t . - - " Let n ' talk oft one with another" en the membrv of thoae illustrioas sans who have gone before os and left a twit a bright example of patriousm and elevated love of country; anu wniie our nosoma are glowing with fervent patriotism kindled at the ahrine of their glory, letns swear eternal fidelity to our constitution; convinced that under it wo .will grow and be forever invincible; trithout it we must Tall to u'ter wrecK. uiighterj pe the heart, palsied be the band, that would of fer it violence! .May the outstretched arm of its impious violator, like thot of Rehobo ain be withered forever! May his judgmenis lorry not nor his damnation slumber.' t r t '.r aBKA paaaBBBBwaBBBxBBJak. .. . wSkaaiWajakaV 1U) A 1 l!7i, - - a a ii f ., ANri-DE$T8VCTIViB- . t rat Caiatitra Caeaita. 'Tr eira-nitte art Uaammmln f ap'olon . at vengreee u i'tainrMar.g retted milk a.wtf. ' - ... u .-1 1 1.. . wiaa and iaapoliil tnfin lu operaiian wiib in seen um limits ss u.t UMtrict rt;imM" Jftpert ef Cemmiitee A ttfitlature ef aemtm r,'rAa, 1811. Tht repeal jTar. We renlure the m senioa that this oaf will never Wave in Soutli Carolina. Lei od one out of it op pose that it finds any to rally around if. Tne rhodomoniada welch oeeuples the col umn of aome of our presses comes not from the People, and Unas no echo among tht People. The People of South Carolina are essentially a loyal, law-loving people. With the history of the Slate fresh in remem brancewith the opinions and conduct of all her leading men In JMibly engraved oil the' heart of the rommunity-with her broad com millal in favor of the constitutionality of a bank the facliouseditAns,i.n principled cry of lawless resistance to law, passed with all the sanctions of the Constitution, will find no response in her bosom! The very idea of aanctioning this scheme of license and fury is an insult alike to her mind and her char aeier. She would as soon be false to her bond or her word she would indeed be false to both if she eould lend the leiat countenance to this demagoguical war upon the deepest foundations of society itself. She will have to lose every thing for which she ha been distinguished in the past, and abandon all care for her fame in the future, before she can enrol herself aa a champion of political morals, which would bring her to the level of Mississippi and MoNcrr. But this pro ject find not Sufficient support in the public mind units too Utile warrant in the deepest principles and the deepest seated sentiment of the state is too weak, ridiculous, and friendless to meet or merit any thing but the silent rebuke, the utter scorn and indiffer ence whieh it be in fact recoived. H -- Nat. Int. A NEW COMFORTER . A letter frm Washington in the En quiref f jraterday, tajs: "I pray you to encourage the heart of Mr. Tyler Mo run with dilligence the race be fore him.' It ia hit, if he pleases, first to reach the goal- lo wear the victor's crown." The "Curious Antique" thus enters up on his labour of love: "We would do any thinyfair and honor able foeherr Mr. Tyler certainly no one doubts it whst a pity your ability is not commensurate to ths impulses of yuur com panionate bosom! but we will never sa crifice one jot of oar principles, fo soothe even him. Oh! cruel, cruel!Jnot one little jt? O do for pity'i take. We must de what is right I by H means gold cant buy you t do wrong! and Jeve consequen ces and men. to their fate. A very Ro man. condemning his own son to death! Haril-hrartrd inexorable Judgr!J With what pleasure we could unsheath our sword 0, the blood-thirsty man! to guarJ Mr. Tyler Irom attacks of hia enemies, fa gleam of hope if he woold tut stand ip lor Uoil and the Right embrace the offer, Mr. Tyler, if you would escape perdition. How glad we would aland by him if he would aland to his old Slate Rights Prin ciples we have not the words to expreaa. The ecstacy is too great for utleiance that's beyond peradventure.V But ir he does shun the path of duty and the consti tution we will observe our wn princi ples (the immortal teven and obey th constitution the Richmond Junto, J Fur every soldier who deserts us what, are the mercenaries deserting their leader? it becomes more important that thoae who remain should do their duty the more faith fully, firmly and indomitably. (That's a clear proposition. Fall in the last ditch, as a certain office-holder once fell in a gut ter in rear of the Museum, of a cold rain y night. Be courageous!) Mr. Tyler's principle, dnties, policy, interests, are all with us, (as was apparent from all va vo ting againtt him,) if he only can tee them, yHarrf condition.) But m'M -he see them? (Thers th reb po&f-Wmjrf'-lk aid of Dr. BrockrnbrougVt fynx vitioned spectacles.) We hope and trust that he will net threw himself into the arm of the Federal Whigs, ('reme re at in thai bosom, my own stricken dear!") but that he will do his duy fearl of all consequence." . It is most raniieat "Chat (hi volunteer comforter has no mors bowelg of cnmpai sion than he ha teeth. Jiich. Whig. 7- : v AN AMUSING HUMBUG. Benton wrhosa futtain harangues are jeo'd lof UytpepiiaTin larrii.playi a sertrd upon the authority f honest Levi Woodbury, that , Van Buren's admin istration could hats gt through the year with the appropriations made last winter. He says speaking of Wooduory asser tion, in one of hit ''pulverizing tfttthtt ' Ye bar ad beard hi declarations and I now call open htm tay btbr I bar si la taken hi essrtiaw, "m whether lim'n3 reflection-, rer tbeav gumnls ef bit epponta, bav inJea him ie re tract, or qualify hit important declaration. J pane for a reply.' . . -1 "Mr. Woodbury stood up and reitera ted hia declaration. !" Mr Benton. ' Oood! I moat requect the Sen, tar la writ down hi Mtmnt in hi wa worcJa, tad dtlivor it t as to b ineorpor! ia mv speech. I will put H in lb body of tb peech. Itabe.lt be printed in great letter; they hold bt of (nld leu lert large and ahining acb J'.git loaf. It eball be printed in etarting'capiUl, that lh old farmer; lb predoeinc claas th bee which mtk the beney, oat tb wb eat hv that all lb friend of their eeuflTy, n ertlter hew classified la party pe- horad f tuf iffeclii v - i lltirs-o awtur bow they voted at th li atatlM. bi tbey, o sad all, ma.- an read, sad read log. rjnmhf frr, ibi aathenUo deelaration, thnl Mr, P Maren'e JUmtnittratie wMA gen thrmk the e. ( U bed been eentinned in a?, WlAtat btreine required tni mdditienml mntmr jrtm ine priptr j. "Mr. Wooduur handed his statement Is Mr. Benton. It was in these words." "Mr, Waodbary tata ii rapt I lb ail alio of Mr. Benton, thai lh meant potetaee and ex pee led I secor. Wer fully equal lo all lb computed and proper tpnriiiare. and. woid defray tb wool U nfofeeeo aectdenl thoohl Intervene.'' Mir,aldMrv8. addeeealnf himaelt lo th rresf eat f lb Itenai w ha got yea! W hold ys In th rip ef tb hand." . . Thiai decidedly th feebleet attempt at humbug, W bav eeeoHotered. It i rliwrring oeverlbele, ad graphi to. "Th mesne . pMed and ear fected te. ntcure," f u tinereeeen accident tkeuld. hurrvrn'- - i - very i u-er iudeed! Hooet Ivi-hM a bill raor cunning lata inoet people tnttgin. But the very idea qf Voobury' know ing ahy thing about The securing' ree one, ia laughable. When at the head or lh Treasury, his estimatee never came within live milliunsof the result and tome times departed from it eighteen millions. During the latt year, he told Congress the finances were jn a moat prosperous con dition and all the obligations of the Gov. eminent rould be promptly met- and with -in sixty d n js, he sent In the House a mod eat entreaty for authority to issue five mill ions otTrraury notes to ssve the Govern ment Irom immedia'e protestj and a bill was immediately introduced and paaaed in the day and night to save the faith of the na tion. - 5 l "Expected lo aeeure',-t'unoreiern acei rfenf" Good very good! AieA. Whig. MURDER. fn Portsmouth. O'.tin. about a week ago, whilst a party, of persona were amuai ig themselves dancing, a gargol rowdies broke into the house, attacked the persons as sembled there, broke tha.windo.ws, atid stabbed eevera! individuals. In the affray Henry Stain shorn, an unoffending Ger man, was struck with a stick of wood and killed. The villains then fled, but were persued by the sheriffs, and three ot them apprehended. They were brought back and lodged in jail. . "To Aocoe."--Can anybody fell where this word came from?-ie. Pott.; Anewtr. It came from the past parti ciple supine of th latin verb Toco, and is as legitimately derived as the word create, or any other verb of the unit claas, e are aware that it is considered an Ameri canism by English writers but that is not, in our view, a sufficient reason for discar ding it. especially aslheie i no other word in the English language which expresses precisely the same meaning.. Americans have as good a right to coin words for ne cessary purposes a the Englinh have. But a word can' hardly be said lo be coined which ii legitimately derived from the pa rent tongue. We have uniformly avoided the word lotate, sometime In the exercise nf much self denial, as the Indian did (he jug of rum; but we mean to use it hereaf ter not the rum whenever it com s in our way Journal of Commerce. LYNCH LW. Lynch law i a law of blood. Its decis ions in some astanees have the show nf jus tice re slightly pilliat its deeds of murder, But at the rerent outbreak in Kentucky, we are shocked beyond measure. It is the mos. unwarrantable act that has ever been perpetrated in the name of the bloody mon ster. Let no man talk to a of the respec .::. r ..r.uL lauituv oi auinr ut ine parlies concerned. 1 hey have the blonrl or the n.urdered men in their skirt. Tlie great rivers of the West are not sufficient to wth sway the stain. Norcan the fragrant flowers of their fcrtileland obscure the scept of blood that will go with them to their graves. The public press the man j -mouthed preas, thai spea ks for the whole nttion a press that ,4s bonnd to keep . nr escntcht eon as a People unsullied, should issoe its anathemas, one and all, againat this dann ing deed. v It will plant in many a thoeghttesi heart lhatentered this bloody list without reflec tion, a pang that time can.- never remove.. W 9 would not.-for all the wealth ef erery man concerned in th astaulr. 'li ivve 1h thought opoo our dying pillow that we e ven remotely helped in this deed of Infa my. We take this resolute aland that ws may et men to thinking. The public mind ..I.vLbe.ritted . nl..lev patel'ie" morals kept op to a s'andard that wilt not allow a man to rashly tske the vengeance nf the laws in hia own hands. The blush of shame may not mantle upon a Lyncher $ cheek when he perpetrates th offence, bat in da Briton the whip pf conscience will lash him most severely When he may seek most 1 lerventiy lor repose, we ear w ewry man whoparticipated ia this work; ojdeath- ' Go to your bosom .- -Knock there and ask year heart Whst it doth know. Every violation of this kind shakes the stability of law. Hamax was hanged upon hia own galloWs Rests riEKKit fell under the hands of those he had taught o murder in childhood. Let e. very man who aided in the Kntuekyirrh ing beware. -They have not only .wronjerf tlieir country, but themselves and their children. Other lynchtrt may ere long 1i in wait far t bent. ... FEMALE HEROISM f, W a. t v ollewiof account of a a art of heroism on tht part of you rig lad? at Monpelier. Du ring a fire which entirely destroyed I bosrd ing school for yuarg ladies is that city, da ring the night of the 14th Of Jane, Mile; d ftoquef.uille, en of the teacher a, Hot more than 2 yars of age, displsyrd the following Ins'anc of iniereid humanitr. Soon sfter the first a'arm she, with g. tat presence of mind, made her escape with -(wool tht younger children in her anna. Her next care was to master all the numta and call over the names to ascertain that -nont were eft -behind. AH answered bat ' one, a little gir seven years old. lonvtn ceil that aha was still in tb burning buiN -dinr. Mile, de Rcaoefeuill resolved fa save her or perish. Obtaining a flambeaa, ' she entered th hoflr and reached an. ott er domilory: her the amok was so denst' ,A thst her lht was rxtlntuithed by if. Net ertheles, and although thtfioer dad been ranzht by, the flamra, aha mid ntf way fo, - an inner room, whert slit found the object of her anxiety,; still fast asleep snd un harmed. Catching up tht child, aha happi. ly made her way Lack into Ike open air.. nieorched, fully rewarded In her own, heart, and therefore happy, although si: a had loat in the fire'every particle of propf erfy aht posiessed. '. y . ?. , CONGRESSIONAL ELOQUENCE. . ! said to hive improved vsatly . ainrt , the adoplfriB of. the "on hour' rule." It - -it attended wi h od vexatious thing. Sub-. -limatcd orators are hardlv aware of the - expiration of the hour, and as members sit with watch in hand, the eloquent speaker, is often choked off in the very mid it af bis , ecstatic rhapsodies. Sometimes, when at the very top of hi loltiett flights, when his . steam eloquence is at the highest pressure. tne hour expire, and he It dropped by Ins colleagues as quick as a sportsman wings', " a plover. Business goes ahead promptly, : even If some pathos ia loat. and the orator ' from their sublime heights are suddenly . brought down to a ridiculously low eleva tion. MERMAID OR SEA COW. An animat or Fish fsavt the Philadel- . phia North Arrrtriran,) answering the de scription of a Mermaid, has been carried into INew Y.ork, Irom tlie Iltver Amazon, where it was caught. A naturalist who ex-. amined it. fays it ia an exceedingly timid r and inofr-nsiv animal arul anon abandons . plaeea visifed by man. It feods on aquatie . planta vxclMveiy, and sleep in shallow,. 1 streams, with its head out of the water. The I BciTi ialiigMy esteemed, resembling veal in" i;s flavor. Tht female bring forth two at a birth. It aeea very imperfectly, but the defect is amply compensated by the ex treme acuteneta'of i'a hearing. It has teats on its breatt. It la between four and five feet long.and so gentle as to take food such . as hay, straw, grasa or other vegetables , from the hand. In seizing its food it aet bath if a hands, also ita curious apper Ii p t , its body terminates In a broad rounded ta'dj , or fin, and ii covered with thin short hairs. ., j 0ejjB) .j . . . Advertising is fo trade what steam ia to machinery, the grand propellingpoweri and jet there are aome persons Soolind to r iheir interests as lo ponder aver an rxpen , diture which yield them, from a hundred ' to a thousand per cent. f tt ' Tha new Locofoco cry of Rtpcal, will . prove no go' in the South, certainty, - I here are very fewagiariansin this whole " region of country, and there are onlv - professed loafer in Virginia I in Rich mond 1 in Petersburg 1 ia Lrnchburgt in Fredericksburg, and in Norfolk. Out r of the wns there are none, and" tonse- qaently the radical and diaorgaaizing doc- ' -trine, which would deprive tne honest and ' Industrious of tht fruits of their labours, ; will find but little favor. In th North, it may be different, Irjutbe .crowded cities there, there are many wlioie fortunes can--not bp worsted who hav nothing to fear from change, and every thing ta hopethey -f-may embrace with eagerness tht new battle-cry. The gentlemen who are wont to sleep upon the benches in the Park or Bat- ' -cry the '-fifth and scum," as Rilrhie terynnce railed them, will be leaders in thia glorious war ajainst vetted rights and the security of property. " v. . Hich.ffhig.' ' NEW YORK ROBBERY. ' ' -The Courier tnd Enquirer lays, they ' 'learn with extreme regret, that Metir. ' Marie 4 Decoppelhave discovered no trace .r , of : Iheir abronding-ich;rk : who teok-wilh' IfMtViifiaeWai'w 9000, or Saturday the 17th inet. Metstts. ' M. & D. arc both highly respectable young men. who each hav families to provide for. they do only a coinmittion businctt, and are anable'to luffer to severe a loaa Cir- 1 rulara have been lent to all the Banks and ' Brbkefa In Ihit country is well aa in Ee - rope, and tlie reward has been raited from" ' 500 to6 1000-' Our damocratie 6lcnda onglit to be , very earefu' how they tread npon the toes of Nicholas Biddle. -AIL his family were ej ths old democratic party, ' He himself com- -menced public life as secretary to General Armstrong, who went out minister to Prance under . Mr. Jeflerson's. Administration." Ha ' ' wu afterwards secretary, to Mr. Monroe at , . . ' ?a.w.aT'-Tla 7' London.. Uurinar the waroi ioi, jir. i.w dl was s verv active member of the Le?i- latere of PennylvaniaVand somewhat di-.,. tiftffuised birosclf by wrtUng a very eloquent and spirit-stirring report in Javor of the war, and a severe phiiippie on the federal opposi tion at that time. rL woman died at New Orleans on the' 15th instant, from intense passion. The New York women fcriVe taken to gtealins: coats now, not aati&Sed ja'ith the breechea. Go on, ladiea, goon; you hat v right toall- . ' - 4 , :

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