, THOMAS J LEMAY, . KDITOA. AND PttOMtlBTOR, room. The beloved one, the apotrophie-J' moUier, had paated a wa to "make room fur - '- TSBSXS , SvateatrTi, thr dolIrtpr aaaaoj ha Person residing withoaltb 8tt willb r aired l f wiiois oat of th year's sua ssriptioa i advaae RATES OF ADVERTISING. tttfrj square (aot iediag 16 liaeathis sis typ Ural irrtioa,adollar each tubsea,eat atsrtloo, twot.Bt. Ta advortiseasats f Clerk ad SharifTa III ha aharwed tt met teat, biibert aad adeduatioa o i$ par aaat. will a made from (be regular pri- lor aflvenieere ay me yrmr. T Letter to the Editors icrt be poet-paid. 03:' HEW JEWELLERY STOKE TOHV C. PALMER hot ommod tbs sbov vl easiness la the aea building lately erealed by Mr Kwltard Smith aa FaytUvtll Street, a few door abiea hi Store, where he iateada ta rry it on, in all ita brioches. He keep constantly aa hand (of the very beat ajaalitjr) a aew and faehionabl aa sirtiaent of Jewellery anil Watches aad Gallery, sontittinf, of gold aad ailver Levers aad plaia Wales ... 'ateh Chains, Kef aad Seala, -Kr Kiaga. JLttriW ttnt."- BMesnorimgai of-Knlta and Warnr sail ail omer amvics n( aeeeaaairj 10 meeiiun, ,l whioh he eagageafrtn aell at cheap for eaih aa ihey nan be mtui in thil part of the errantry,, VVaiahr rcuaired in the brat manner tic ".altera hinnelf, From the Ida eiperlenea ta the bunnrtt, thtt he will Hi able to rite utiafaetion. He haa ia hit employ Rrat rate workmen. W atehe at Clock that ean be mail lo keep time, will be warranted lortwei raanlht. Ilehnpeithe eitisenanf Ualei;h in I eoantry aronad, will call and give him a trial an l la l owt fur Ihemielte. Call at the aiga of the Watah, nearly oppaaile the Log Uaw. Raleigh, N. C. July U, U4l. U If PROSPECTUS OXFORD MERCURY. Th undereigned inlenda to publieb. ia the town of Oifard, Oratlla to., N. U., a weekly newapa par of the aboe title, lo aoliciiiog the patronage of the public, ha deema it hi duty to aiate, a well hi mot ire for commencing auch publication, a alio Ih manner in which it will be conducted. Ha heg the public to rely aa what ha aay a, and to be ae tured IhalUae af certainly oineet all that ia oromiaej. In th caamie of Grenille, Paraon, t'aawell. Rockingham, T rankling and Naah, all of which or in the earn vicinity, there ia not a no il preaa in operation; and th ciliient of thro conn tie, moat of them reading men. ar compelled to utiecribe to foreign paper, which contain none of the home new, moat nle mating. w the ubacrtbr, and to hare their adreitiaing and job work; rxecolrd at auch a diatance.aa lo ba inconeeiiieirt in the ei treme. Tho underaigned haa therefor thought that a paper aituatfldin Oi.fnrJ,whihia nearly inth centre of thia aacancv. would allord great naciluiea end ad aanlage In thia aomcunity, aid from it merit of a political, mieeellani-oua. and literary charter. In aJdition to thia, the northern mail arrive here aa aoon, or aooner, than it doee in Raleigh, and th -percoa'd thu pra4 through tho country th la trat new from Washington, and from the aonh quicker than it eotllj poaaibly be obtained from any other periodical, ar puMiceiion iu the State ao that if it were to b nothing but a mere tranacript f the laleat iutdlijence, It would he alinoal 1 al liable to thia community ua th Waahi if ton InteU lijeneer or Olobend wouTd be beaidea much cheap er. But the undereianed intend that it ehall le in frrior to none in the Slat, either in point of me- trhanical iecutiin or editorial ability. He haa made arrangement f.ijrechaii?ing with all the moat ralu- liU nnhllMlinna in ihn ITnkedlBteBthe hatvn of lauperior quality, and piinter at groat akill and a vility The euitorhl department will be under the arieluaira control nf C. H. Wilci Eaaj., a young V"ntlaman whoae name, to all who know him, will a aullicient recommendation. Hie pea ia already aaorably known, and it only want an opportunity o become the mot populir in the Stale. He will ipare no enorlion to render Ihe paneraniuaing and natiueltve-, and with hia aaried ae luirementa aa a . hnlar, a writer, and a man of lenie reading, ta atl (and he ia certainly willing) to arftrd hi rrad- braa weekly literary treat, with which they raanot ie dupleaaed. Mr. Wiut ia alao a firm and eon- ient Whig, and although Ihe Mercury will ba by mn nieine, what ia. ailed a political paper, in com- Jmoa lamuage, et.it will be ever found advocating Jtlie dUlinctiv tenrta of ihe whig party, and the gen uine principle of 99 and 99 - Beery thing, how ever, like party tanenvr, party prejudice, ami mie renrrapntation. will h ricludrd Imm th column f th Mercury. Th editor iaVna of thoee who be- lievea no party ia alaraya right, and who is not dia piaed lo look on nil, who differ with him in hia n pininn, aa blinded, corrupt, Ac. If all part.e were J'jraJe l aa they repraaent each other to he,thrjr oulb be fallen in lead, and all our boaatc d free In, tilutiona, nay all th reatrainta ol law, national, ntd, and divine, wou'd aooa be prortratrd in the vhirlwind of contenling paaainna, like rootle tubblea before the awerping blaat. While there- f ire, the editor will alaya he found true to what he eoneidere th orthodnt whig doctrine, lie will look with an eye nl reepeel.on thnee whom he deema the wanderer fro-n the Irae filth and though he may conceive them to be in errror, he will alway ffinl toe great miioriiy of them, aa honeat in Jm'ir nriiar. HatU.I ao, oiler inem me cmumna of the t'rrcury & jh , etnoailion and defence of thir vir'wa, conatncrd.thit iroiK I only to be arri- van at.aiter a l iir ahd impartial neanng oi tne mer in of both aidee of every controverted ejueetion. With thie exposition of hi view and deeign. tn andcrtigned ow hmite hi Pnapectue. to a (natowa Batblic aBreapeclfully eolieit their pat 'onare. The community whom he particularly de. ire to be benefited by toil paper, and for whoae upport he infijently hoea, aie evidently aa intel lit, hheeat4n4 f atri'itiri aaany in thia or any xhr ttiala- Ha flrm'y behave that they only want an opportuaiiy to alTird a triumphant refutation of the illiberal aapereiona which anm would caal upon t!irm, by eomii.g f.irw.nd and manfully auataining It '" tiu.latiter enlrfifltw;-ehertalltiilt ar.d rewirdin i?rit among themarlvra. Hal convinced ihatthe lact ef there being no tvuier nubltabed amone them. doee net prove either their Inability .or on williDgneea lo aupport one; and ia only an evidence that ne one bat yet given them fair trial. Thia the underaigned hope to do, and ha ardently troata that hia aatimate ef the patriotM and public apirit of thia eomma i'y, will bo found "rather brl .w than above the ark. He roily wiahea mem lo try him, and If be d M n fulfil, lo the letter, every promt made " thia prwyai Ina, he will at objajet. 40 Ibeir ba. 'oaiag bim at oac. , 9 . . r. nitmri i. . - ' fpnttr. OtforJ, June S3! 1811. . . t t piotice:, ; Taken ap and remained to Jail am the I'b'o' J y , a negro woman who eal! her name t.'l ariu, Mpiamed lo be brtecea thirty a.f I Inrty year id agi-, oat three of her Hi;.er friMt teeth nut, aad ta)a ! o Krankha I homion, nt Warnrnanaa Hi oenrr it rrqneater! to come fcirv ard , '""v" peoprHv and lake her away, or ab p Til !. SIZ- MO:iE, u77r. rra Count., X. c:, Anj , tttt. 3i-Sw ) " Norrr Cabolina TOL.XX.XH WILLIAM & MARY COLLEGE THE LECTURES in thia injtitution will com. monce on the aecond Monday in October. The eepartmenla of infraction and tho expeneeaof thi eeaioa ar at followaf COVaSB FOR THR DEGREE OF A. B. DV10B till, Belln ltttrt, Ltg-ie, F.lhict and Jlitttry Thomae R. Dew, rreaident and rrofeaaor. Text Dobk-Blair'a Lecture, Hedge' Logic, Palry'a Moral Philoaophy, Manual of Miatory by th rro- lenaor. Political JjUW nT Cmrnmenl. Beverly Tuttar, Profeaaor. Text Book Vattel Law of Nation.9 Mathrmalici. Robert Blunder, Profeaaor. Text Bnoka-Leg-endr' Gom try, Toung'a Al Te bra, Uavia urvyl'ip;.. I Chtmntr. ' John Millmrton, Profeaaor. Text Boofc Manual ot vnemiatry, by John w abater M. u. oil eumon. ,9ton rtaa. . ' Political Ecmtmu Gmvrrnmtnl and Metaphy- tie. Thomae K Jew, Profeaaor.. Text Book Sav'a Political Kconomv, Ucw'a Lecture on t(ie Kcftriclive Byatem and Uaury, Hrewn'a Iec ture. Uew'a Ka nn Slavery. A'atura! Pliilnphy. John HiPington. Profea aor. Text Hook OlmateiVt Natural Philoonphy, Eaaav on U tlvemtm and Eleclro Magnotitm by the Profeaaor. Matkemptict Robert Saunder, Profraaor Text BnnkiYonng' Algebra, Davie' Analyti cal Geometry, Davie' Calcalui, and Ol mated 'a Aatronomy. lnra!iiT eta mi. .Law Beverly Tucker, Profraaor. Text nooka -T,uckrr'a Commentary, Htrplien on Pleading, Reviaed Code. Federaliat. Kent'f Commentary, (lat vol.) Vladiaon' Reaolutinna and Report. Mil font' pleading and Leiher'e Political Kthica. Citii.' Enginetring 'John Mdlington Profea aor. Text Book Treatiee on Civil Engineering, and Treat iae on the Steam Engine, both by the Profeaaor. CLASSICAL DEPARTMENT. ., Jlneirnt lgagem- Dabney Browne, Profe. eor. Text Book may be had her - I'd enter the Latin Claaa, the atudent miiat b able to read Satluat and Virgili and for admiaaion into the Greek Claaa. it ia necnaary that he (hall be qualified to read Xennphon. EXPENSES OP A REGULAR STUDENT, jotnna tiik. Fee to three Profraaor, $M each, 60 00 Half lee. Junior Political f Vattcll Claw. 10 00 Mairicnlation Fee, Board, including washing and lights, Fuel to be paid fur, (a used aay $205 00 60 00 - 5 0 130 00 195 00 atxtoa Yxia. Fee to three Profeaaor Matriculation Pre, Board oVci aa beiore, aay Of th Independent Clatte: It.. ka ... : Engineering Junior Latin Claaa tienior do Junior Greek Clasa Senior do Prenaratnry Mathematics T 20 00. uu 30 00 tO 00 " 20 00 20 00 20 00 ' Tlia price of board Here eetimated at 1.30, is that paid to the College Steward, who. iu consi deration of certain privileges, bindehimsalf te the Faculty to take all students who mav apply for board, at the price here alated. The student boarding with him lodge in the College Building. The price ot board, iiicfwAnr weaning, light and fuel, at other boarding hit tse a in town, can not exceed 150. Thi haa been rstaMiehrd by general understanding with th College author ities The public are aaaiired that the entire amount of the neceaaary exprnae at ihi Institution i exhibited above Whatever money, therefore. beyond this amount, ehall be furniahert to itM student, will be altogether at the discretion of the p irei.l or guardian; and it ia earnestly recom mended that thia aum be aa email aa poaaible Anyatoilent proposing to join the regular Ju- nio.' Mathematical Ulan, must oe preoareii io commence with Simple Equationt and the Third Bonk of Daviea' Legendre. Those who have had no preparation In Matlie. mat ra. may oftta n it in a preparatory class, in hicli ere taught merely iliac Elements or Alge bra, including Himple Equation, and tho brat two hooka of Davies' Legrndr. In addition lo the atoden'a above enumerated, there ia a department of higher studies, neeessa ry n the attainment of tho degree of A. M. I.il.ii-motion concerning this course, as Well a other matter, may be obta ned from the College cala'ngnrs, or by corresponding with any one of the Profeaaor. Gentlemen wishing to prepare thenaaelve fur the Medical course in Philadel phia, 'will have an opportunity of attending the private Lecture of Profeaaor Mi lington on Med icaajev?. v-rv;.usF' A private course nf Medical instruction i gir- T. R. DEW, President. Williamsburg. Va. 8pt 1 35 3w NOTICE. Will be sold in the county of CaHeret, at the Court lloaae ia Heaufmt. oa the S3rH of Oelober, I IU, the follnekng 1'raeta ef Land op aa mack itterenf a will pay lb Tax due I hereon for the year 1S39 and aottsr , ; 7"" Hit, of-; By wbora give in. - ----A ere. 94 Elijah Idam. list Ralph Bell. . 40 Thomas P.llimt, J!l -Wlltlam (ilaneeyi ar- Amt doe. D C. i n 70 rm it i i 86 I 1 HI 45 f t '-'S . it I i .-i-atj.. t s 4 sn l IT HHI ...3'. It .1 ss 50 SO 5t 50 I SO " I , M " SO. Joha llanileoek, J- J sines Mallabe, Willis tUmmoniTi" John Blnodgnod, . Mania Guillen, Dnrraa Mrrkma, Alhms Golilen, William I .WH. een. Jamrt Sall.e. (un. -Abater II Davie, " IM ef l.viat Wallaee, Hrira f Jnt.0 Wallaee, J'4m W:.Mftl,--.'-.--- Maalia Pnlfntd, .y Mary. Haadtsty, - Jess E Hoover . . . I or . Half of Old Iowa lt. No. ft, I listen by James Kamaev , " f.EOHGK DILI. 8erilf. September H. IMf . t 31 w Pi iae !. $ Sa . , Wirj wiiiPfED place Baltimore tlmo ,We!nc(lay- name of the brute Tappan -consequence bound over. One of-ihe Maryland canilidaie for Gov ernor Iim talked himself sick. Probably he erred the people the eame sauce. 5 00 115 00 15 00 Powerful in moral, in intellectual, and in phytic! resource the land of ur.sires, and the RALEIGH N. C. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1S41 NOTICE. Will be aold at Ih Court Hon io Whhestille, Coiaaskas eeemiy.eo Ike aveoad Monday ia Dreeav hor next, thcteJIawing T rati a ol Land, tar aa mask inert ot aa will saiisly the Tax aad ebarges do ilwreoa lor the ) ear ol I B4u: 180 Arret, the property of Sinwa Robbhw. ol Marks' Branch. 9U0 A ares, snore ar seas, th property nf Joha Wil aoa, deceased, oa lb Beavaratam Swamn, 800 A ares, more or lea, tho prwaerty nl Shadraek wooteo, eeat, lymg M the Wbate Marsh Alaa the reaaeal al lb Big Serve. U'mr be' twee Lumber River and fj wale's Braaea, trom the toalia ua lo II tv-anoal line. JOSHUA WILLIAMSON. SheriB'. SeptlS, 1M1 . - it te. Prie adv. 3 7. SEARS' JL1XJ1JJLAJ ILLUSTRATIONS OF TH' , BIBLE ' AND VIEWS IV THE HOI,r LAND WITH rVIX AND IHTXRtSTIItO .CTTKB-PgS DESCRIPTIONS CHIEFLY EXPLANATORY OF THE snraBAVxxvos and of numerou paaaage connected witk ra a Geography, Natural lliitory I,- Antiquitu or tbb Snrrd ftclpinrra. THE FOLLOWING WORK HAS BEEN COMPILED FROM TUB LONDON PICTORIAL WHICH BRLL IN THIS COUNTRY FOR tlS ! . per Cpy! (TT Every man. Woman and child in the Unit ed tMatee, who p isetassa Sibn, will surly furnwh bemaelvre with lb following beautiful atrin of Scripture lllualrationa. v . 800 I'lriorini iiinatraiiona OF THK BIBLE, VIEWS IN THE HOLY LAND. Nxw: carir, aa vatoaata roLicTion Four hundred pnret, ft ,, Fin Paper, llend- omrly Bound, Prict njf r dolhtn. Th aub srriber reapeetfuMy invite the attention of Clergy men. Teacher of Babbalh Hchovle, Head of Fern iliet, end Bookseller, throughout the United Is latee, lo th above New, Cheap, and Hplendidly llluatral ed Work. Published and for aele. at No. IM, Naavan Ktreet Nw York City. It feature ar bat ter, defined by Ih title: TWO HUNDRED PICTORIAL IlXVaTRATION OF TII CRIPTl'REi, oonaiaTi r VIewa In the Holy Land. Together with many of the moat reatrkabl oh- jecta mentioned in Ihe Uld and Hen Jestaroenla, repren'ing aaerad hfatorical vH, copied from celebrated picture, principally ly the old ma lers: the Lsndacsp 8cnea, taken from orifinal akelchea made on the pot, with full and inler eating LellerPrree deeeriplion, devoted to an iplanation of th object mentioned ia lb aa- rred text. On esamination tbia will ba found a very pleas ant and profitable book, especially for the peruul of Yooao Psorts, abounding In Iba most valuable inbrmation, collected with great care, fiom Ihe beat and latest aoarce. It may. very properly, k de. iaenated a common place book for ever? thing val oable. relating to ORIENT A L M ANN E Re), CU)- OMS. dt. dec, and eomprlae wilhin itself etmplett library a religimm and uerul tntwl- edge. A volume like tne preeent, la lar superior to the common Annual Until never te nf if date. tgy It is besntifully printed in new long primer lpebndomely bound in muslin, gilt, and let tered; end io, decidedly, the keit and tkeapett pub lication (for th price,) ever itiuedfrtm the Amur- traa Pml. QCj A liberal discount mada to wholetal par ehari (ry Peraona tn th eoontry. wishing to act agent, may obtain all the neceaaary Information, by addressing Inoir letters to th subscriber, No, 183, Nassau Street, New York City. ROBERT SEARS. PubU.htr. V 9 .? rlargymen. Superintendent" nd Teacher of Sabbath Mchoola, (CT Agenleof Rrligioua Nw. japera, and Periodical. JJ) PoatmaeMr. at Book- aelUra, throughout th country, ar respectfully re quested ta act a aur agant. (0" A'e tetter will be taken rem the effice nn leu peel paid, T Pnttllsfcera f Paper llironcta- smii the United states. ( XewtpapTi sr Magaxinei. copying th s bove entire, withoot any altetstioM or abridgraMtd (Jneluding lhiaVMic.) and 'gising il li jial. axBTrssa. nlt receive copy ot ine r et ii- e ire Ifteie) alilsrf- - TO THE PUBLIC. The subscriber having conetantly on hand, in Peteraburg and Richmond, a large and well se leced stock f"nerlv thirty in number) of Ih ve ra beat PlANO-fORTES ind in thi count ry. attd being tUkpoaed ell them upon tho-atoat- Hbcral Lterma thai count possihiy be askert py am cm rrca ll ovist suapicuwa, h brgsUav lo oggest I tbnae in want of Piano the imporUnee of giving him at least a trial, before purchasing elarwhrrv. sine there is no possibility of thrir hrtinr and probabdity that ihey would 1 h greatly in gainrrai in mti, h wonni uc out a poatpnnement of a positi purchase, for short time, of phy in.trument-wtevr, nntit "thry could have an opportunity of testing Ihe quality of those of mine, which are wmirpaaard, if . q .ailed m England o America. I have sold nearly three hundred of these Piano in a few year, without arlling a bad one. and I held piy arlf boued l lake hack or exchange ny in re tent which., perehai ee. aaighl prove deft-cirre. Holding, a I h t "piolon, that Ih oU of a (ingle had Piaoo would occasion eucb a ls of csnlite)) a could not be after ward repaired by theeale of a hundred good ones, U my well b expected that I ehall be par ticular at to what rt of instrument I aend off. - , ' - E. P. NASH, vh ;4i',".',',, ,1..-.. '. Peteraburg, Va,. (TT My P'uinos are lo be (bond in great variety al J. W. RANDOLPH CO'S. in Richmond. Aug 18. ;' ' -' "' ' '"- ' ' ' ' Norm Carolina Aliniinn rr IM. 1 UHVr-.K tt ltlltit'k-' Nmlb Orsdma Alma Mi, for IStS. jnat psib Wied and lor sale, wbnletslr and redil. bv 1 vmer tt llhes. Ualrtch, did tHMreatbli.h'iew. Kawlfl, Job Slrest, New Yoth- I Bait ith, Sepr. If. . itllSSES PVLLIAKI'S HOTEL VV RALEIGH. ANN PIUJAW t SISTERS U - XVfcSI'EtTPULLY asasmneeto the publie, that ootwHhaianlmg ihey base bee ratry embaraaard and diatretard by th heavy loaiea they sustained by lh Uie drrueiioo of their fonuer stand and other property by Sra, they bate bee enabled I ft op their large and eamsaodieos bu rding Isanxdiahrly ia Ihe rear of die Cap Fear Bank, aa a llmel, where Ihey are prepared lo eeromnsodaie traveller and ei ther in aa agreeable and comfortable a manner, and apoa aa reasonable lerma, a can be procured at any publie hoes in Ihe eiiy. They will ciitrrlain. 1st, 7VeitR( Viriterw, aad take good ear of their horses: uir, rrrrxlnr Jlwrarrt, bj the month or year, to lodge either in or oai of ibeir bousei 3dly, Fumitiet, who ean be furnished with rooms sod every thing rieeeaaai-y io administer to their com fnrtmd sans'aetion. - ,ri I hetr n as is plraaaally and owrenieoihr situ t-J ed-being but lit le more ilisn a huMtreilyarsta raat al he Court House, and sufficiently near the hrart o bounces. Their t.bl aliall always be supplied with Ac bcttihe market sfTonls-their slab'es trim aa a- bundane of provender and iruaty nilert. every no- eessary ilentioa from themselves and aervanta hll al all limes be given t and they 6ater thrmecrvc, iromihe agrecableness of their local ion, the extent of tbclr accommodations, and their long exuerienee. tlwy will be able to please all a ho may favor them ith Ibeir en atom. r- - They avail themselves of this occasion lo offer their sincere thanks to the public, for Ih substantial evi dence of partiality and kindness which Ihey bei eeived for a set ies ai year at their-hande, aad earn Sally t aolieit a anntinaatioa ol thai favor in this their lime of greatest need when el regaling againat the wavte of misfortune, ai d whea their fate la sus pended upon it. Matelgh, Oct. 5. 1 841 40 Jieow Cy iiuuidard and Kegisirr pleas aopy S lime ev ery Plheeweek. A P kg. NOTICE. I will offer lor sale i.n Caah at the Court House mt A-n ai ine wurt Nonae I eounty. on th 3.1 Monday . lot I oaring lisetlet Land, or' in Siaiessille, Jr. dell iu November next Ihe so much thereof as will satisfy in Tx du thereon ana atl coats: iMa ,.' Yta.a iue. a t. " r Henry Chamber MdaaP Preel.nd Margret L. Plt-wmg Alrxaader Hall David Hamilton IM9-40 H ai. 11.19 18.14-40 ISS9-40 1139 ItM 40 IS.1V 1l.nV40 INTO 139 UJO-40 J J U as M i Joha Klu is . Geo. gifford Solomon Htnnaon Amo Weaver , Do. 1 T Lot R V m Hooaat 2 j,, .92 John M tUHey 10)1 Baxal (iaiiliera In tnial lor J. Gatca'a Hem Michael Harmaa Archibald Cats JuhaCatl Joshua laseere Williams R CampYelf John firanl Eliaha E. Joarnay Hub mi Morris Bait let Morgan Joseph bhaipe Archibald 1'omlin Strphen Wile Wm. Wesll.ermaa Paiea Dowrll Anlej liiwM Levi Uokmaa XV K-t Flrteher Jacob Hollar Alrsamler Hart nets Jas. Kharue Alexander Williams Nathaniel Hai-tness Joseph Looer Henry U McLean Joha Waits Robert tV. Car in Allen laori Wm. Msihesra't Ealale John Oavenport Law ton lJugltss Andrew ii. Merriso l.'hn PatteraiHi, sen. Edward Beckham fur A. C. Lackey John W. Vaiea, Jua. Henry P. LsaUlar John Mel-ean.., . t . I9 J J I 4t " I jjj AT to co 1 56 hs- . 9 Ml t oil s is g 56 ti t tJ I ' 44 i Cherlee f.Maoa I). C larern Jo Hall Mamucl King Jamet MaUollam 'trernbary H. Hummers W i'kinirn Tomlinao'a Wdliam Walt IJiidand i:aMas",rZ John lu. Irtm J . Walker.- Jon., ia traat Peler Riawlrr 3 .ill : rah Henry 'a i Vt mum Menry, Estate Franklin Kerr tiro. Mmrisea Kdaard Psuon Henri PI, Ire Sarah Cviawel! Marv Ksmsrv Thnaaat MaXight John ' Pwikel Haiy Piiekat farah 1'emplelon liarnitias 1 orrene . tnd'ew Chrlti Hrokiab Hobk- William Preeland I8W Its IMS , 18.19 I William U.raautt Ollesry Williams : John H. Campb.ll BObLE. SbmnT. Sept. 4, Il4f 40 Pri Adv. fir. Valnnbte Ileal Eatattv ADJOIKIKO TBK CITT OP RALBICB, M. O. . For Sale at Publie faction. That valuable pmperty, welt know at lb Epi ffml ScAW. tfsjHlarr wub the lead Mlaibed there to, WM pUteelg be said, en the premises, al Pub lie AneiHMa, an ike db day f Ik ce saber st. The MnUdingi ar s laiga ihrsn Marv Brick Moaae, with a baacment, and two Slow Rellditig, sh ta sto ries, with all the neeessa ry Owt-hoase 1 hey sr well wdantad lor Vial r Fwsud Sehael, bol more eapeaially for I be latter. 1 be Land eenteine HVJ Acre, Hi greaier part of which h well limbered - 7Vntt. fS.COO cash, and lor me behmee, a ared. it af ' veara, Ihe Interest payable awnsially, to b aeeared by spproved prsnnl seeurliy, and a deed ol trust oa 1st propei ry with ihe emtdhino l hat on tail, re af the parabaser s pay th aaaael hiiereat pene aallt, lb payiwawt of lb priaeipal shall ben quir ed and enforces). K, B. FUEEMAX. Jtgrnt Rstcigb, 8 pt. ti, 1841. 40 -'-. home of oui Affections." NO. 41. WHAT ISOENTILITY? Eeery body ean diwiinguiah what they Call a gentleman from a man whom they'tlo not eoni(ler to be on". It ii true, howfvef, that every body mta not the .rne slamlard for gen' tility, and what one mihi consulei to be gen leel another mightconsriler to be eery far from it. It ia therefore, impossible to give auch a definition 16 gentility aa would accord with the idea ofeverv one; or, if auch a definition could be given therf wouli be a wide- diller enee of opinion t to the rules that might be laid down for carrying it out. If we were to venture an opinion on the aubjoct, we would aay that gentilitv u In at deportment. whether al home, in tciety, or in the treet, which ia the result of a desire to avoid aoviig or uoing any uihih um couiu give ontnre to other. A strict observance of this law would linilOllbtBiUy neciirc for its observant the respect of all with whom he Would be brought intocontsct, and in earrvtng it inttf nractlCC. U lie aim at the hiehest Standard of gentility, he must consult the tasUJ oi" the most refined and even the moat fastidious, ot else he may foil short of his objecL and be eoI1,illf,nl a e-nnteol bv Olid set of nersons ,n,l -,,1-,, kv nnntlir. A man who ahniild , , ,l,raino.alndrd ftnul.l hanllv fail to be considered as a gentleman by every body although we are free to admit that he might be considered by many as rather too much of onei . It iF not genteel to swear. It is not genteej to indulge in licentious conversation. 'It is not genteel to taUt loud in company, It is not genteel to laugh loud. It ia not genteel to interrupt others in con versation. . It is not gentscl to be quick and abrupt in conversation. ' It is not genteel to pas your opinion in a dogmatical and positive manner. It is hot genteel 6tftv tm W fawm aertioas by hammerinif on the table, or by .,, .,i.,-li., e.lt'i",1,n!lr3r 8l 'WCTe infallthle. , Uculatton. AS , ifVOU It is nol genteel at nn evening party wnere r,.lr. .1 j...liU . i.. . 1 1 1-J with tertapins, oroyiters, orchicken. or salad aa it she had eaten no dinner, It is not genteel to sljin a door in going in or out of a room where there are no other per- sons. It is not genteel to imnkt cigar t in the ttrtet, as some respectable persons are often seen t or to do. - : w If is not genteel tor twee itedum io turn up his nose at tweedledeem company. s oo It is not genteel (o talk at concerts or lec tures so as to prevent others from, hearing. gfi. It is not genteel at a table to begin before i or! the rest of the company are helped. 1 It is not genteel to eat fast or put a large quantity in your mouth at once. his itotgentctHto finish a meal until others have had lime to make some progress with theirs. 1 1 is not genteel to eat so slow as to est after others are done, It is not genteel when you ar invited a Palty to mee' trangcr, lo go away before the stranger. -' ' - it ig not genteel if you he that stranger, to wait an unreasonble lime before you take your leave It is not genteel to salute a gentleman, while w'nS 'n the street with a lady, with a nod ol the head. . "MAKE ROOM FOR POSTERITY."; ST JOSgPH It. CHANDLER, BS4)., Editor of the Philadelphia U. S. Gazette, The editor of the Baltimore Clipper, n re vo ply to a correspondent using the signnture a Si "Posterity," says, "we make room for Pos 9P terity." ... . . ; i Well, just what our brother does, has been .done before from time to time immemorial. io so a'n sundered to "make room for posterity." 4 35 Israel sojourned in the desert and poueuei l Canaan to "make room for posterity" 7 iEneas, the pious, wandered into-Italy to S7J "make room fur posterity." Penn gathered R'J the people of his faith together and sat peace l 2" down on the banks of the Delaware I 44 - to "make room for. .pa terity," .Men are W 'Hbowed ;fro had tuowfl quietly tn his wigwam lo swwiks . t I t - ; "1 ' . in uine oi peace, ami ee bib aeini-riTiiiaa- tion prosper around him- lie, to J, is sdmon ishea that the whites need the laud to "make room for posterity." He goes reluctantly to the distant west, half pleased with the idea of hunting gronnde - that will -afford "room foroter tne inuiatii: -poor waning, wperingconi its broud base the whole soil of tne new world, its point lost in some peninsula that fades away in the distant Pacific. The deep Bifida for habitations yet to rise, and the finished saloone and ornamented h.-Jls - what are these bnf "sooinfor postcrityl" : ' We followed, only a few days since into a richly ornamented burying ground the body, of one who, for years, had filled a large apace in die publie eye; and when they had low ered Into ihe narrow resting and decaying plate the coffin of the great man, and covered it partially with earth, our procession, tur ning to 'pass out,' met' Mother' following young - aiaideu to-hef last home. As wt passed the mourning throne, marshalled Into a funeral train, one whom we had long known shook hie head tn mournful recogni tion, and seemed to say of our errands thither "we have come to 'make room for posteri ty vm-:jr v ? " . "Room at thy hearth, O mother,' said one of the sweetest poets of our lime, a he started full of filial afToeiion, to placd his new bride in a dnurhter's position. "Foom at thy hearth." lie came, and found ample iicr i All or us are crowding onwTdall are passing away to "make room for our poster- tty.' We are to he pressed close, like the gathered herbage, so that the whole harvest of our sis thousand years will seem to ocru- , py less space than the single generation ih?t consiitttUJ rAetV posieii'v. .ftelow the aod ' we lie still and compact; , the true quality; of flesh snd blood is understood and illus trated there: while above amtile manded, 4nd acre are required or a sincle living The true demderacy is in th grave: "f Acre the rich and the poor lie together, . that they may "make room for their posteri ty." .. L.ven rre who write, and moralize as we pass along, look back "at the troop, that dc- " mand onr place, and feel that we have the duty o perform nd thg debt to" pay, and gathering , np our nantle we hope there Is" room for ti where there are "many imW slons, and in that hope we prepare Ilia our professional brother, to "make room for -posterity. f '- ' IrOOKiNo Up. This passage is from Cola- ridsre's Aids o Reflection: ' Every rank of creatures, as it ascends In the' scale of creation, leaves death behind ilorun , derib The metal at its height of being seems UBMlt prorjyof I i . : 1.1 1 . inlA aiimi. .n.kLn.. a r 1 . i k ft .,.ia.si1i"aw rTii.mniauo yi aaiMl a. arijaasji- ligee. The blossom and flower, the seme tC ." v vegetable life, divides into correspondent or gans with reciprocal functions, and by in-' : T stinctive motions and approximations'ems " impatient of that fixture by which it is differ enced in kind from the flower-shaped Psyche. Jhat flutters with free 'wing above it, Amj I wonderful in the insect realm doth Ihe irrita- ? bility, the proper seat of instinct, whilt yet the recent sensibility is subordinate thereto.' " -Most wonderfully 1 say, doth the muscular; life in the insect, and the muscular arterial in the bird ' imitate and typically rehearse the - - , adaptive understanding, yea, and the moral ';; affections ahd charities of man Let us carry ' ourselves hack, in spirit, to the mysterious week, the teeming workdays ot tne creator, as they rose in vision before the eye of tho ' ; inspired historian of the generations of tha i . ' heaven and the earth, in the days that the f r ' . Lord Ood made the earth and the heavene. . ; And wlt that hath watched them with nn . .. understanding heart could, as the vision, . evolving, still advanced towards him contern ' plate the fi Hat and loyal bee, the home-buil-"-" dinjj, wedded land aliove all, Ihe manifoldly intelligent ant tribes ,' wiiJ4irMmmonwWltK'id 'tonfederMiea,' 4;li''-r ...' their warriors and miners, the husband-folk, that fold in their tiny flocka 6n the honeyed v ' Ieal7nn.'drt1ti stincts ol maternal love, detached and tn sell- less purity, and not say to himself "Behold the shadow approaching Humanity, the tun " rising from behind inhe kindling morn of Creation!" Tims " all 'ower natures find their highest good invaembhinceb and see--kings of that which is higher .and better. - All things strive to ascend," and ascend in ? " their striving. And shall men alone stoop! , Shalt ptmuit and desires, the reflections . T of his inward life, be like the reflected image v of a tree on the edge of a pool, that (Tjrowa . downward and aeeks a mock heaven in tho unstable element beneath it, in neighbor- u hood with the slime water-weeds and ooty :, bottom grass that are yet better than iuelf, , . and more noble in as fur as substances tht appear as shadows are preferable to shadows miataken for sybt:ince! No! it must be a , higher good to make .you happy.'. While .... yon labor for any thing below your! proper J - -humanity you seek I happy life ia the region ' of death. ; Well said the moral pool: ..-, Unless abov himtelf bo ea i i., - Eret hlmwd', bow nt oa thing It mum.m Comjioii Sknsb. Talking of to day, with , ihe temarked, that he had eve . ry sense but common sense, and made light , of this deficieney. .How. frequently do we , hear people do this, as ifthe possession of , talent or various fine qualities can atone for its, absence! '.Common sense is not only , poaitively necessary to render' talept avsila ble by directing its propor. application, but is indispensable ss a monitor to warn men a gainst error. Without this guide the pns- . sions and feelings will be ever leading men astray; and even those with the best natural dispositions will fall into error. f Common sense is to the individual what the compass is to the mariner it enables him to steer safely through the rocks, shoals and whirl-; pools that intersect his way. 'J Were the -lives of criminals accurately known, I am ' persuaded that it would be found, that from , a want of common sense had proceeded their " guiltt for a clear perception of crime would , do' more W cheek its: rsBrpBiration, than the . - gootiness ot near witicu i nv iiouuenuv ..... ureed as a . rrereouve. agaiiuii. iu , . uonscw . ence is the only substitute for common sense, ' bu. eyeri this will not supply iu place in all I eases.' Conscience will lead a man to re pent or atone for crime, but eommon sense will preclude his committing it, by enabling him to aay so and so are very clever, or very cunning, -i-ro well ' ealculated lo make thehr way in tho world. This opinion seems J to me to be a severe satire on the world; for, as cunning can only appertain to a moan intellect, to which it serves si a poor anb st'itute for sense, it argues ill for the wot Id to -suppose it can be taken in by it. . I never -knew a sensible or a good person who was eunning; and I have known so, many weak and wicked ones who possessed this despi- " cable quality, that I hold i. in abhorrence, except in err younf children, to wljont Providence gives it, before they arrive at good sense. iMdy Bletrington. ' . , 1 Btoppwo a IIom -At a horse harness ed to a eAar-v6anc was yesterday Tunning'. ' off at full speed down the faubourg St. Msr tin, t locksmiui boiaiy piacea nimseii in tne . middle of the street, and, in! 'pita of atl the ' warnings Of (he bystanders, quietly awaited " the arrival of the frightened animal. On the horse reaching him, he, with the great- ' est presence of mind,' seized it by the nose with such force as to throw it to the ground. , ' A crowd soon assembled, jn the miJjt nf which the bold locksmith walked away. A woman had. been knocked down by the : vrhi. le in its progress, but was not seriously injured. - VmeA pop "A r

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