i The Constitution oftheLnited Statu i. then, but a piece of changeable "'k; re flecting the chameleon hue of Mr. Cal hoau's prUroatie mind a wax note, which" be nay mould at will to suit any phiz, though the moat brazen in the land. Mr. Calhoun denouncing Gen. Jakin"B and extllin; Mr. Tjler'aveU of Na tional Bank! . In hia speech reported in the Register of Debate a. vol. X. p. 1 6tS, he aaid : lie (Gen. Jackaon) haa pronounced the "United State Bank t be hmhhwiTiuiiI, and ha, of courr, impeached the conduct if Washington and Mattiaon, ('he former of whom aigned the charter of the first bank, and the latter of ihe present.) and all the me miter i of both Houses of Congi eta who voted for the acta incorporating; them." "I am mortified (aaid Mr. C.) that, in this country, boasting of ita Anglo-Saxon descent, any one of respectable atanding, much leia the President of the U. Slatea. ahould be found to entertain principles leading to such monstrous naultj ami I scarcely believe myself to be breathing the air of our country, and to be within the walla of the Senate Chamber, when I hear auch doctrine indicated. - It is proof of the wonderful degeneracy of tlie time, of a total Iom of the true conception of con - I atitutional liberty. But in the ro'uUt of -V. .Ma 4MH,Mi I HBPJTKtBI Hl3 3ff!ir SVT. 1 Hi tin in ia j . jjci vc i . iiiv vj iiijiiiiiiv of regeneration. What ia there in the - meaning of Wbix and Toryyand what in the character ot the timet, which haacaut e l their sudden revival, aa party designa tion at thi lime? I lake it the very et- a -nce of Toryism. That which constitutes a Tory is .to sustain prerogative againet privilege, tit aupport the Executive against the Legislative department of ihe. Govern ment, arid to lean to the aide of power a gtinst the aide of liberty; while the Whig is, id all these particulars, of the very op pose principles." In hia lata speech on Mr. Tyler's first veto, on presenting a preamble ajad rt so lution from Goochland, (VaJ (apptjuving that veto in advance, he aaid: KJ "He concurred heartily with the meet ing in the approval of the veto. It would do much good. It had destroyed the bank bill, and, he trusted, would prevent the creation of any bank herealter, which would indeed be a great dcliveranccJlci went farther; be notnty anprmeJ of the veto, but concurred with ihe President that, in vetoing this bill, with his opinions of the unconstitutionality and inexpedien cy of the bank, long entertained and often and fully expressed on many anil side inn ocrasiona, he but performed a high act of dutr", bofh' tirtlie" Constitution and' him self, for which he is entitled to the thanks of the country." "Anil here he would avail himself of the opportunity to make a few re mark on the veto power. He did not re gard (hat power with the aversion it waa viewed on tlie apposite aide of the cham ber. On the contrary, according to 1ila o jiin, it waa a high conservalive-prrweiy intended not Only to guard the rights of the Executive and those reserved by the Constitution to the Statea and the People against the encroachment of Congreaa, but also the weaker interests of the communi ty sgainat the oppression and plunder of the r. nger. It was, in this view, a high and saltMary power, which, fmnvt nature aa a negative power, was almost incapable of abuse." Thus, Mr. Calhoun deals with the veto power a he doea with the question of a National Hjnkj it ia right when he thinks it right,and wrong hen he thinks it wrong Whi n Gen. Jackson vetoed a National Bank a unconstitutional, it. waa gtcal outrage on popular rights it waa regal prerogative wielded recklesaly against the i itr.reta of the People, an impeachment if Washington and Madison, and the Con gress which acted with those illustrious fa thers of the republic, and all who support ed Jackson on that occasion were 'lories, ' 'leaning to the side of power sgainat the fide i.f li'iertyj" but now that Mr. Tyler hat fa'tlilessly to hia party and the Peo ple, exerted the s.une prerogative, it "is a high art of duty, both to the Consti tution and hiimtelf, for. which he is entitled to the thanks of thtcountry" a proper exerciea of 'a high xonaci vative power," ' high and salutary power, which, from its nature as a negative power, ia almost incapable of abuse!" When your bull gnr eil my ox it was a great enormity but when 1 JSJU bull gmtfjMHBlJit..jol . f Ten. pecaiiiiio., but positive virtue: LAires- lon Courier. A Itetniniicence Somehint ichichhat uiippeneJ and will IwpijenugutH. It will be remembered, thaf. the Slate K ectiona which took place before the great Vliijf Harrison Revolution the Var Bo ren party tarried almost every Stale Ken ucky. New York anil Vermont excepted from Maine to Louisiana. Morton the U rofoco abolitionist, carried Massachusetts. M Uonatd In Georgia." Graaon in Mary. land. Porter in Pennsylvania, &c. In ilianaaahivdiad voted for Harrisim, wenr for the loci.focoa. Tennessee, which had voted for White and riven him a majority f twenty thouMlid, elected Polk. Geor gia wWch had voted for White went foi McDonald. Maryland which had voted for Harrison by a large majority elected present lor foco governor. Vermon trembled in tin. balance. Kentucky waa haken. fjew y0rk waa surrounded by the nemy.tfta the Van- Buren flood awelled high a to leave , acarcely an Ararat for t'1 Ark f republican liberty terevt epon. I he eye of the patriot, as he gazed around him, on every aide, a lar aa the borizun'a erg. at grreted with cherries black a of locofucoianv Van Burea itemeil disputed aaas er of the Union, and hi bale ful reign perpetual. And ao thought hia lollowera. But it waa a deceitful IrinmnK. " deceitful aa those which neir fill wiih a false jy theheartg f hia partizana. Their It! A LKt li victories new, like their victories then, are vr"r YT7?, Iwlrr"'T . l u r .1. c inraw. . n w.swi i t roy ia not ine ocsaaaa -Acuiiira is in nis lent- ineir i'onrs now art all Iro- SOth. Testimony was sob, oucntly in jn triumph. The can no more perma-! troduced I. thn.w discredit e ih wit- ' J . . , , . mgtinan uiu me urmn in me revolution, tneir tri umph are like thoie wh'retrthr English would gain if we went U war with Errland. (t is admitted that the English would beaf us at first- -but their ahort-lived triumph would only .er ve to put the country on ita metal, to rally the people aa to one man, to fire their blood, to make them give up every thing for their country, ar.d to' ran- vrt the unwelcome duty of fighting into their sole business, for the time, just as in the great Harrison contest, the people left their work, their woi k-tliops, their plough. their stores, and made the e'ection their aide business. "This they cannot afford to doevery day. but they will do it again when the t; me comes and the Whigs will assure' ly triumph as they did in VCsnd '41. ONWARD. Chraltttm Cou. WHAT SAYTHELOrOFOCOS? The Baltimore Republican ascribes the late triumph of its party in Maryland Ae two or." This we do not deny. Aud , jlJU'dmita.JrAUUIaawat.rbuke 4 those Wings who permitted their dUaatia faction with this single, however, much-to be r' cr:tteJ,rerrof ol tlie Fetteral Execu tive, tn betray them into forgetfulness of ineir Uuty i their party, to their Statea, and to their principles. Let the Baltiinoie Republican, however, and ita ro-laboiera, derive what comfort they can from their preenl succes-; the cause" they assign for it tsot itsell prophetic of their t.vcnhrow; lor uniea they can show (as wt know they cannot) that the "vetoes" have driven any Whigs into (he ranks of locofocoUm; their triumph will be short-lived, and they may even now number it days. Nat. Int. McLeod's Thial. The interesting cause wao brought 011 at theOneid Circuit Court at Utica, Judge Gridlerpreklding, on Monday the 4th instant counsel for the people Attorney General Ha4l-and for the fruoner Joshua A. ppencer. A jury waa empannelled and awrn. The Attor ney General then opened the jause, and read the indictment found against the pria oner by the Grand Jury of Niagara county. I he first witness. Will. Wells, owner ofjh Caroline, testified aa to the facta connected with the destruction of that vea sel, which are too well known to need re petition. He had some difficulty in escap ing from the steam boat after she waa "ctp tured. On crossing the whai I, he saw the body of Uuifee about 3 or 4 leet from the boat. Five witnesses then testified that they knew Durfee and that he waa killed on the occasion. One mitness showed that a sun was loaded with powder on board the Caroline, and fired on th night she was cat out. It was shown by the witnes aea that arm, men, and munitions were conveyed to Navy Island bv the Caroline, arid that the vessel waa rut out of the ice and employed i this business at the in stance of Van Rensnrlaer, the commander of the insu' gents. Gdman Appleby, cap. 1am 01 ine Caroline, was asleep on Doaru at the time of attack. He was prevented from lea villi' the cabin by armed men.- but finally escaped through the engine room. jumped in the water and awain ashore waa thrust at With a sword by a wan he supposed to be McLeod, but did not dis tinctly mark hi leatures, and could not say it waa McLeod. The mate of the Ca roline wea asleep in the cabin, was wound ed bmlly, but could not recognize the com mander of the attacking oartv. A bar keeper at Chippawa aaw three boate return rrom the destrucuan of the Caroline, and was positive that McLeod waa one of the party it waa pretty dark, waa wi hin ten feet of him, heard him apeak, knew hie voice better than his face. One Carson saw McLeod at Chippewa on the day after the expedition, and heard him abuse the Yankees and say he ahould like to be on another expedition like the Caroline, to cutout and burn Buffalo. Another wit ness had heard the prisoner boast of kill ing a Yankee, and waa sure McLeod did embark with the expedition. Four wit neee then testified that McLeod was at CI ippewa on the evening of the expedition ami early next morning, and that he boast ed very much of the exploit. . One witness said McLeod produced a pistol aa the wea p.m'-w1iictii1iot DurfecT'ih'BVow'd'-''1li act. :,.;,. caur lor the prosecution, anU. the delence was opened by Mr. Spencer. Testimony was then introduced showing the lalaehood, in a material point, of Quirby a witness who ttwoie met positively to the return of McLeod tram the expedition, and Ids gen eral character for truth was proved to be extremely bad. The character ef the bar keeper at Chippewa was also shown to be bad. A Captain Seara Ieati6ed that he -aw the expedition set out and return, and he wai punitive tTiat McLeotT.waa noTone- of the party. Sir Allan McNaU'e deposi tion was ihen read,, whii h sustained the evidence of Capt. Sears lie had known McLeod six or seven Tears, made a return of men engaged in the expedition to Gov ernment. but" McLeod ws net among them. rive other depoaitiuaa were read, made by persons in the different boats composing the expedition, which established the fact that MrLeod waa not one of the narty. It wa also shown by a Mr. Preaa that McLeod left Chippewa about dark, -vni the evening of the night of the deatraction of the Caro line, that he rode an miles to Stamford. and alighted at the gate of Capt ' Morri son, (t was then shown by Morrison, hia wife, son and daughter, that McLeod ar rived at their house in the evening, slept there, and did not leae until after break fast the next morning. Some circumstances in their testimony were corroborated by II 8T.AR AN D NOTlI a denoaiiion ,.f i"VI Cameron. - It waa - . r - - ' by wimessee that Mc . Le; aniveil on horsel back At Chippewa about In nVI, m ih. r.. - 'i .1.. - WI VMWWM VI r neiaes f,,r the defence, bet nothins fur ther ol consequence waa brought forward. Tlie Court adjourned on Saturday even ilgriatf Ihe Counsel were to sum up on Monday A'rur Vork Dent. Jour. THESTAR. Libcrtat et natale eolum. RALEIGH, OCTOBER 29, 1841. ACQUITTAL OF McLEOd. -The trial of McLeod for the murder of Amoa Durfa, terminaled at Utica,, on the 13th, in a verdict of S'at Guihu ! after aconsulution bv 'the Jury of about 90 minute McLeod waa to leave Utica on Thuraday lor Canada, o4 the .High Sheriff J Oneida, in obedience to instructiona from tb State Execu tive, waa to give him aaf conduct to th line which seperatue Canada from the United State. With this result must end all rational ap prehension of a collision between Great Uiitain and the United States. UKNKKAL REVIEW. The two Reginiente of Wake Militia were reviewed in this City on Ssturday last by Brig adier General Crenshaw and Staff, aasistad by Uiigadier General McClanahan, of Granville, and Sufi". The officers were richly and hand somely equipped, and appeared lo perform their respective duties with celerity and promptitude. They were especially pleaaed by the Raleigh Guarda, who presented a doe and Soldier-like appearance, Indead, it waa the remark of aa intelligent officer of the dav, one of the Aids of Gen. McClanahan, that he had seen many of the" j finest infantry companies of the North, where military discipline and address are brought to their highest and fulleat perfection, but that cone of them aurpassed the Raleigh Guarda, either iu appearance or in the manner in which they went through the customary evolutiona. BIRTHS AND UEA'i'HS TUB REASON WHY OUR POPULATION DOES NOT INCREASE MORE RAPIDLY. Aa act waa passed by the Leoislature of Lou isiana, at its last aession, which provides for the recording of births and deaths of all whites snd free people of color In the severs! Parishes of that State. The act ia published iu "The Con stitution" of the Snd instant. It make it the duty of the Parish judge to receive declarations from the fathers, or othera who were present, of births within eight days, and to record tha names of the children ia the presence of two witnesses, hich record shall contain the day, hour, snd place of birth, the sex and name of the child. and the names, &c. of ita parents. In like man nerall deathsshall be recorded tha judge re ceiving as a fee for every aueh record, 60 eenls. Such a record will ceiiainly be a useful and in teresting document among the archives of every county. Yet we know of 00 Stale, except Lou isiana that haa provided for it bv etatuta 4 n our own State, where thera rri n mm. birtha, and an few deaths, eompsralively, the first branch of ihis duty would be highly pro fitable to ihe recorder But why, it may be askeJ, if North Caroli na contributes ao largely lo swell the tide of the rising jrensrstion, e not th Census shows greater increase of population within her bor ders! To this inquiry, the answer is at hand. The lack of an enlarged, liberal, and judicious system of public improvement at home, drives our young men, aa soon ss they are sent out into the world lo provide for themselves, to launch their boats into the current of emigration to seek their fortunes abroad. Take Raleigh for ex ample. Here we have, perhaps, fifty birtha to one death. Yet the population, aa to number. rename almost stationary. Did all the children now alive, bora and raised in this city, still form a portion cf id citizens, w should not exagge., rale to say it population would not fall abort of ten tl.oownd aoule,' Burwhere are ihey( They have gone JKr can th Legislature haa oeglected to provide la tnean of eommunicetio between -the city and the rich agricultural eectiona of the Slate, Which are favorably located with raapect to com mercial iotercnurs with it, and endued to e- pea a channel thence lo a seaport within 00 r ownlimita. In this, it is now ss plain aa day-light, the Gov ernment b as acted unwisely. The want of a great central inaiket, and facilitiea ia transpor tation, i th grand cause of the spsrseness of our population the hard late of our moat use- ful ctiiieaa, the farmers and mechanic end of all our complaiola. A it ia a aouod nsaiw, tbo' altered by a poet, that a knowledge of the disease i half th euro, we may now hope for a apeedy application of the proper remedy: It ie lo open a read to the farmer that will enable biro to get Ida produce to aa good a market in hia own Slate epon a cheap and eaay term a be eea elsewhere. Common sense points out the City of Raleigh aa the point for the reception of Ihe produce of many of tb western eouati, aad ihe construction ef a MeAdamised Turnpike from thia place to the mooouio, aa th proper method of providing for it eaay tranaportatioe. Let thia be dene, and then let the Wilmington Rail Road be extended from Wayneaboreugb to Raleigh,' and it will be the emmneemeat of a new and glorious er ia Mirth Carolina. We acknowledge the receipt, (through the J ft O L I N f . A 7. K. politcaea of Meaara. Turner & Hngheajof our copy of Sears' Pictorial Illuatrationa of lha Bi ble, ; - Turner Jurhet' Nwtk CUnKm JImanme for 1843 It wiH be seen by reference to our advertising column,, that Turner & Hughe North Carolina Alouaa for 1343, baa been P'lf,heJ, and can now be had In, any number at their Dook Storea in New Yotk and in Raleigh- Beside the usual astronomical caleala tjona and calendar page, iteontaint a vaiiely of uaeful and entertaining mailer, aoibraciog atatia tteai information la refreoc to ihe court snd other institutions of this Stale and of th United Slate moral Imaona agricultural hints and useful reel pea anecdotes, V hope no one will fail to treat himself ith a copy. The only error we ebaerve in it, is a blunder which has been mad by the printer in putting the name of J. T. C. Wiatt as JJ. S. Marshal instead of that of Wesley Jones, who bold thatoOUe, Col. Wiatt ia Marshal of ihe Su prem Court of North Carolina. fExtiTvvsbs. , The New York Post say a: We are grati fied at being able to slat for the information of those interested in Texss funds, that a lellei baa beea received in this city from Gen. Hamilton, I announcing thii imnnhl.. tniIHm.m. r him i- tentidu to luav Europe fr thia eouutrv eaily this month, bringing with him tlie proceeds of the Teas lose in gold. - Ttl will tie good newt to the hol lers of Texaa 'bonds and Treasury noUe, and we anticipate a speedy advance in their prices." Haaoa nrLocoa. Fanny Wright, the "bright Veaue of Democracy," arrived at New York a few daya ago, f.om Enjfland. The Milledgwille Journal say Messrs. E.A. Nun it and J. C. ALroan, have both, we re gret to learn, from private considerations, been necessitated lo resign Iheir seats in Congress. We regret lo leara from th Oxford Mercury that the Hon. Kiknctb Ravhkb lie dang, rously ill at th residence of Dr. Hawkins, in Warren. Mr. Webster ha published a Utteijfrora Earl Spencer, informing him how Col. Edwards did died him out of a few hundred pounds, through ITofged lettef of introduction, purporting, m have been written by. Mr. W. H may b a matter of inleresllo som to learn, that the two Postmasters, charged In the recent Official communication from the Preaidentto the Acting Postmaater-General, with ahuaing their. Officea for jiolilical purpose, are both Whigs, and the complaint against them waa preferred by political opponents, ' ' James G. Watmeugh, late Sheriff of Phila delphia, haa been appointed Surveyor of that Port by the President. U. S. Bank Notee were selling 44 per eent. discount in Philadelphia on Saturday, and the ftpekj going at ft in ..New. Yrk..?. 47" The General Convention of the Protee Unl Episcopal Church aasetnbled ie New York on theCth insu All the Bishops were present, except Bishop Meade, who Waa however in the city. The opening sermon waa preached by Biahop Onderdonk of New York, "snd waa an able vindication of the 17th article of trie Church agaiust any supposed Calvioistie tendencies. The Savannah Republican of the 9th state that a Slav plot for insurrection was discover ed near Purysburg, S. C. a few daya ainee. They had agreed to kill Iheir several masters. Nine of the plotters were arreatod, of whom four will be hung. : Ex-Cov. Henry Dodge, Loco, haa been elect- ed Delegate to Congress from Wiakonsaa by about 500 majority over Jonathan E. Arnold Whig. The Whigs bsye done better than heretofore, and believe they have carried the Le gislature. . MARYLAND ELECTION The Whigs, we are pained to state, have sustained a signal defeat in Maryland. Thomas, the Locofoco candidate, is elected Governor by a majority of 656 votes and the Opposition party have a majority of eix members in the House of Delegates; last year the Whigs had a majority of forty-one. Thia disastrous result ia ascribed to the p athy of the Whigs. Fie! Fie! when will they learn the truth oftho old maxims thaUho price of liberty 1 eternal vigilance aad that in union alone there ia aUeugthr. - But we nave some comfort in the nope that our friend will not be caught napping next lime. The Wblg vote ia 7,000 less than it wa laat Autumn, and Ihe loco fnco party ha fallen elf nearly tw thousand, llie fact i conclusive, that no change of political sentiment has pro duced the result. PENNSYLVANIA ELECTION. 'The Loco bare carried lha eleciioa of Porter by ao increased majority.- In the City of Phil. delphia Banks'-anejoriiy 4 about 1 tOO. and Porters's 3C00 in the ecunty. The Whig Shei- iff was csrrled by about 900. Some eight or te oounties are heard from, which render Porter's election eertaia. It is believed Ibst ibsuisiorily in the Leglslaturewill alao b Loco Foeo. Ele tion day waa a Very tormy one, and tbe vole waa exceedingly email. Tbe National Intelligencer says: In the eity of Philadelphia the Whig party prevailed, but by a much diminished majority, and Mr, Joel ft. Ia-oeasou, ia relumed to Congres, to fill tbspre ssnt vsesocy. There is ne little consolation in ibaU 1 WHIG DEFEAT IN GEORGIA. The Milledgvllle Journal tha apeak ol our disasters ia Georgia t T Be atin ! We bad as welt with a good grace. as otherwise, "acknowledge Ike eora." The delusive and senseless cry of the Loco about re lief, high taxes, dniy on tea, coffer, lie, all for T.T K the benefit of ihe poor people, their especial la voritee, ha for the present, given them the as cendancy. . They have am only elected their Govern nrrut have a large majority la' both branehc o( the Legiklatere. We give returns frnea 73 eoentiee, which show th following reaulu: ' ' i-. . MoOoNAlo, Cfl.989 Dawsoa, ..... . , e6.9i:9 Msjoriiy S.027. Ths remaining la counties pav McDonald in 1839. aawioritvof " 8.78T. They will also have a majority of epwardanf su in ine senate, an 1 more than 83 iq UicJIee ofltepreenities. ' CONNECTICUT ELECTIONS". The Hartford Cnurant aay: "Our friend at a distmce must not auppose that there harr been any defection in the Whig ranks, be cause tha Loeo have rarried a few more town thia fall than they did last year. Thdre are as many Whige in the State as ever, but owing to the unpleasant storm last Monday, they did not attend tlie polls. The Locos took advantage- of the. weather, and carried a few Whig town, over which they are raiting a great hurrah, They may crow aa lustily as they please, but they will have te-yield-them in tfrewiS1)riitg'-iBkhig 11 tltf ' dtate through -we do not suppose one quar ter of the voter were put. lo JVcia Jcrarjr the Whig party na been true to itself, although great apathy was avincad in th esnvsss , and they have maintained their ascendancy in the Legislature by eleeting a ma jority of members in both blanches. A week or two ago, (says the NalcUtochea Herald,) we gave an account of the trial of one Jackson, in Harrison county, Texas, for murder; of the manner in which he waa tried ; how he waa acquitted ; and how he- and some of hi friend thee seized the county judge, Mellenry. and brought hi us into Natebitbchee, where he I now in jail, awaiting bis trial, under an Indict, ment for carrying off negroes from that parish. ft now appear that when Jackson returned to Texaa, be was attacked and killed by four or five frienda of McHenry; and they In their turn hare been eapiured and hung, without any cer emony, by the- friend of Jackson. Where is this bloodytiigeVIyloeiidP' " T Col. Grogan has been surrendered by the Canadian authorities to'tliow of the U. H. Thi settle one difficulty.- " Tho Caledonia, which sailed from Boston on tbe Sd ioaU, ae4HinUM4 a lremodou eierm e her passage to Halifax, and made a narrow es cape from destruction-aha lay-to 63 hours lost her life-boat, and the third officer and ear pentor bad their lege broken, and nip of lbs seamen were badly Injured. Rev. Alfred Lee, D. p., haa been eonaecraled Bishop of Dela ware. " ' The Nepliina lufcurano Company of Boston haa declared' a semj.-annusl dividend of tea per cent. . A eave ol large dimensions has recently been discovered in the town of Colebrook, Ct. near the Massschusetui line. It .was discovered by some boys, who were playlna- amonar tha rocka at ihe' .botujm id' a Miuce.Tn av-baa been explored to the disiauce of a quarter of a mile. GOOD FRUITS. Th Temperance eause haa done, and ia still doing, great good in many sections of our coun try. The Philadelphia North American says, MWo do not recollect of having seen a solita ry drunken maa In thia city 00 election day.. isau viy ouisi town, wiin am m population esnioii auca a apeeiaciet" Thi fact apeaka volume in fator of th Temperance reform. s ', DARING MURDER. It become pur duly to add to tha list of 'norna muruers," now going the round 01 me papers, anottivronecoiuinitteu with in th border of our own peaceful county. Mi (?,:.!. L'...l.i 1... .1 o-.-l -t r. " ard BuLtooK, EQ., one of- the Maeis Irates of this count y, was shot and instant ly killed, in his own house. Hia dauy.lt- terandion-in-lawwho reside in Chapel Hill were then on a visit at hit huuie,and while he was standing near tbe piano, on which nil Daughter waa playing, he waa fired at through the wind aw. It it auppoted that tne mouin 01 in gun couia not have leen more than two or three feet from hia nod v: M.alllh alvot eotred,a ,back;; williitn . . j . . . j w tnail ffewsof each,, pther,JIa Jiedja few aecondt afterward. -A- Coroner! in quest wai held oyer the boly negt day, and a verdict 0! "Harrier by an unknownhand ' returned, suspicion as yet rest on no one. MARRIED. In Granville eounty. oa the 6th inaL bv the Rev. Jame Jameiaon Rev. JohaTillett to Mis Elisabeth -Wyehe, daughter of Jai. Wyche, Eq. : ; 1 . -' " - Ave, on the Sib Insu by Wa, U. Gregory. saq. Mr. cawara nam to Miaa fcien vsss. Also, o the 6th inst. Dr. Jams LrWeriham of ibis place to Mia Charity AUton, of Warrsn eoontv ',. . .j ,.44,.i. .... .." ., in Uiebnwad eenntyAlexander Stewart, Esq, of Moore eounty, to Mi And McRae,younel, oangnier 01 uaneu Mcnae. . In Shelby eounty, Tennessee, Mr. Tbemss Gholson, of Columbus, Mi. to Miss Catherine D. daughter of Cot. John C. MeLemore, former ly or Waahville. - - .. - 1 a Stanl v Oountv.Mr. Allan Nswsnm. to Miaa Charlotte W.liowell. On the 16th of September. Levi Oatnev Cas tle to Mrs Hannah Eliad. . Also on tii S3d, Alexander H outer to R titer MeBrkW Alao on the 30lb, John McBride lo Jinnetta Riddle. Alao on th 7ih Instsnt, Stephen Crimea to ho- annah eirad. All ef IHvl county.. , . At Beaiie Ford Mr. Ell Hoyl to Mis Elixa betk, daughter of Alfied M. Burton, Esq. In Mecklenburgh eeenly, Mr. Elam B. Boyee lo Miaa Ssrsbne Honter. . ' " DIED. , p ' 1 Atthe reviJenee of Dr. Ilswkina, rt Warren, on the 12th Instant, suddenly, Wa. B . Msas, Etej. of Wilmington. The' fneeeery aaye "he waa In Oxford last week, and left na Taeeday, complaining of being very unwell. Ilia di vae waa congentiv fever, snd proved fatal in a Jew Uy, he having died on th 1 iih inalaiX Mr. Meare ba filled large space in the politi cal, history -f N. 0., and was fustly eoosidmad on of her moat talented sons." - " la thi county, a tVw days ainee. of Dropsy, Mr. Henry Jone. (Crahtrre) aged 77 years, of ouroldeatand mot respeetaule Plai.leis.and a roan' remarkable for the fidelity with which he discharged alt his aoeial duties, whether iu rthw relation of father, buaband or maaier. In ItockinKham, after an illness of only 9 daya John Wyati Slubhlefield. At Su AoguMine, Florida. Mr. CharleaT. Avery, inrmerly of the firm of Mead it Avery, of thia Ci-y. ,, , Near Tallahaaaee, Gen. Eli R. Whilxkev, aired 70. Also bia wire, Mr. Mary C. Whi taker. . "-, ' . ' In Haywood, Ham County, on the 6th instant. Col. John ear, eged 68, for many year a Re rearutauv- m thai Comity, ia boi branches of th Legit m:. - - In Cumberland county. Joaiah Evana, Esq. In the 75ib year of hi aa., Alao, Mary ann, eldest daagbter of Mr. Absalom Marah. At Piiaborooirh, a few daws ago, of Coue. MaryJoaea, eldrat chid of the .Hot. Abrahaiu Rencher. . 1 - ' f In Cumberland, William Lerla, In the8lt year of hia age, a soldier and pensioner of tb.e Revolutionary War. and a native el Conteoiuea. jJate.aai.mwBty..Mw..-,.-i.rr.,rnn--TT4-- 10 Sampson county, Mr. Jetiire Oalee. a highly respectable ciiisen, . In Halifax, on the 5th lost. , Mrir mary E. Alsobrook. eonaort of .dr. Alexandtr P. Alac. brook, aged about ii ywirs, :- aars . . ' M . . . 1 in uaiiiax eounty. David, ao or cum n4 -William Purnell, , ' In Halifax, Mr. Ellaa Gardner, wife of Jame 11. Gardner, Esq. formerly of Philadelphia. In Guilford eounty, on the Sih inal Mil ion A. Meredith, lathe 33d year of hi are.' Alao, on the 3rd nu at an advanced aga, William Lind say. Also, on-the ih Inst. Job a Mitchell, in tbe C9lb year ef bia age,'"' . :- i FALL & Wlttifi GOODS. Merchant Tailor, l - FayeUeville8t.,twodooii(MjJh ofN C. Book Storn, ; MOST iMpsctfully anaouaeas to hi friend .' and tb public eraner.il, that he ha just re turned from lbs North with s tic, aad esiensive assortment of UmU, aeupuaing alt tnelaunt eal- laraa Mid fiuujpoa. and pmenting every thing bai t'fut snd tfil in his line. The following may pet hap serv te convey sa idea el bis stock) Ounr. Vool-dd London Dlack, Ao do llrown, do do da Light and dark Blue ' CLOTIW. Oleta, Olive Ortta, ..i.H.-JBoxO OrtenJ Uupr. Double Waive, J BEAVER CLOTH. . do Diamond, , euittM for Frock tnd d J'laio, J I'tll Costs. Sunr. wooWytd Black. - - i Blue. I do Fancy Frncb, CA8SIMCUE1. de PtiitDituiaed, 1 i do Ftney Dalmalia, V de, de Printed J IhptJortdJPejn VW0 . do de , Brocad,' do rarKlan Brocad. Black Velvet, Figured Bilk, Pariaian do Bilk Veilings, Pulk Satin, Plain Sstin. do do de do do do deWhito.8tjo ue Alobair, do Valencia, Together with a general attortraenl of Fancy arl'i. nm, compnung aionair ana Bilk BcerJa Jul (. tlemen's wesri Black Hart Skin Glovtai lllaek VE3T1X6S , 1 r Silk Gloveet White Silk Qleveet Marine Glove, SbirU and Drtwrrtt Handkercbieb, rltockv But. pendera, Shirt Collar tnd Botorat; all of which will be disposed of on saedeisl terms fur caah, or on credit to punctual customers, Tb aubtitibsr svaUt bimttlf of thU aceajian to - " render to a tentrou publi his aineae tad ainaC. faeted acknowlrjgmenu fur tb Uberal ptlrMtga -and encouragement h bit rtctived tine b hat 1 bteoJn buaiiujet ia Ihis eiiy, tnd be meet confi denlly hop te m lor tb time to com renewed -evidence of lb public mvor tnd regard. II hat ' ' net been disooatd t say lime, snd is not new Jit posed, to indulge in strains of telf-comatndanWnt nor hit it been hie praetK hitherto to boa of a " ' . superiority In,', workneoto any In th . United "Uln. II Uaufficient for bins to knaer . Ibst bit work give general sstiataotiont and if it' , were CU te do an, he would not labor to en ha ma ' it value by'higb sounding u!k snd ml: laced en- comiuma. ,t:;:,...,: cm ;::-.... 1'banUeriberheaiualreei,adaDUterP.!.'. Itlett London Ftahiont, togeihar with th Ptrlt, New York tnd Philadelphia Fashions for th Fill snd Winter of 184. -.. ' i!' 1 JT. R. FE.t TRESS. Oct.H. 1841. m " - . -7 Evr nvmc. -.s '; Tbia day reeeiveil s enleadid aoll.llna nf .hnimm v vrt. lorfrte Waao forie. Call at Ihe Kortb " wwai MHi-Mar ane evtwiwt rrwi-tra" iisa55eiBoi tUltlgn. M. C., OeleW, I III. : 44 ,w Jstaf rectlvel h rithvu Binrtivn ' TALB,'' in I Volume. By Cooper. - . . . TURNER V IIUCHK9. Raleigh, N. C., October 1841. 43 . Seven naere FJano Fortes s just Rzczn zd jr e. r. xasu. B "tieoaer Juliet, I bar received aevte are Piaaa rm. .lui, .aa-a ,k. 1... . , . ...w .WW..W Nn W -b-' J ' a ..." . - n, mi pleU. I have a beautiful variety of aMteeae. van. tag in. prie Iron lu ImmuWI a4 ev,.fiv is baadred dallara. all ml .kuh .111 1 iu ..... Jt to b eataraed If not really tooL aad alia aa aatomaaaaly laeg a atoek (upwanle Iblrly k. Mmiarata) I etandt fa.1 la -v.- - i. to want of Ihe aniala. , Ne oa ei-pa the Hark. -r rum say rlak hi paeeh.ainr a Pi. Fart from Ihe tobaarlber. aa ka ia a,iiii. ... ahould withhold payment until they tea fall triad. TWO iasranaaa 1'ailara. ta K and. aanMam em ploy neat will be gin. U appliea Oo be trede seaa te - - v ' D MaPUEROW, Baaikt) HTliraitJn Company.' Tb taaail mectbir of lb Raaanka KhImU. nonptay. il be held al Waldo et Mnnd.r lb tib day af November at, , , Beptomberb?, Hit. , ,t , ; 40 Sa. . O B V R I NTINQ ' .. Neatly at this Offlcf. '

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