V THOMAS J. I. EM AY, EDITOR AN'D fB'OPBIKTOR. TEBKS- 4 Siacaiii, tar.edelUra per aaaara-hal in aJvaaee. I'arrlding -wltkontthe Stale will be r q-iired M pvte vioiiiiKiUK ol th jear'a b ierili" , BATES OF ADVERTISING. fcr every eqaar(aot eieeeding 16 liaeathle aiie tvp aretieeertoa,odollari eaeli abteBnt j.i,ertiaa,teati-neie. ., . Tae adveriUeaaenl ol Clerk Sad Sberilia.HI be (bargee: IS per eenl fc ighar i anil a deduetioa S3) at eeat. will be made from the regular pri ei lor advertieere by the year. . Letters ta tbt K.titori near bt poat-pai.l. im&WINTEl GOODS T. JU S'ElTTB.ESSa ' "lei-chant Tailor, Fnretleville St., two doers south of N C. Book Store, MOST repeclftilly announce to bia Irirnd and tha public generally, that ba baa iut re turned from the North with a neb and extcnaive aaaortment of '(io.Mja, eompriaing all I ho laleat pat tern! and faehion. and presenting every thine beau I ful and elegant in bia line. The following ma; perbapa eerva to eoavey an idea ol liia atock: fcsupr. vvool-iiyeii i.onoon uiaca, i do do do Hr.iwn, I Light and dark Blue, do do do do CLOTH. Ulren, 1 Olive Green Bottle Green, 8upr. Double- Waie. BEAVER CLOTHS. anitaMe for Frock and Pelto Coat. ilo u.ainond, do I'lain, ) 8upr. wool-dyed Black, do Blue, i do Fancy French, do Pafia Diamond, J do Fancy Dal matin, j do do Printed J CA3SIMEKES. Supr. Figured Peraian Velvet," ilu do Urocaue, do Parisian Brocade, do du do do do do do do do Black Velvet, Figured Silk, I'ariaian do Nilk Veeting, Pull Satin, Plain Satin. White Salio, ' Mohair, Valencia, VE3TINGS. Together with a peneral aaaortment of Fancy arli rlea, eompriaing Mohair and Silk Scarf for gen tlrmaii'a weart Black Horaa Skin Glove; Black Silk- Glover, White Silk -Glovev; Merino fflom, Hhirt and Dra eras .lUndkrrchief, Stock,. Hue pendera, Shirt Collar and Boms all . of which will be diapoaed of on mederaie term for caah, or on credit to punctual eualomera. Tho ubrriher avail liimaelf of thi oceaainn ti render to a genaroo public hia aineera and unaf f-cled acknowledgmenta for lha liberal patronage and encouragement he ha received tinea ha hca been in buaineaa in thia city; and ba moat confi dently hopre In ean tor the lime to come renewed evidence ol the public favor and regard. He baa not been diapoaed at any time, and ia not now dia pnaed, to indulge in atraina of eelCcommendtiin; nor baa it been hit practice hitherto lo boiel of a j.riW uprrioiiiy in Ai workmen to any in the United tatee. Il Uauflkient for him 10 know that hia work glvea general aat'mfactiun; and if it were not In'doan, he would not labor to enhance ita value by high-sounding lalk and mia; laced en comtume. The iiibarribr-r haajuat received a plate of Peele'a lateat London Faohiona, together with the Pari, New York and Philadelphia Fa.bion for the Fall and Winter of 1848. T. R. FEX TRESS. Oct. II, 1841. ,48 ; 3m JCcvj a and Winter GOODS. & S ECU IP Sis" JIERCHJIA'T TAILORS, RALEIGH, N. C. WB have jurt received and ara how openinf XV at our well kliawn eaubliahmet, on Fay atteville Blreet, iba moat elegant aaaortroent l Gnoda in our lina cvei opened in North Carolina TheaaGood have been aclected by Mr. Olivk in Iteraon. and no expenao or paina have been apareu to obtain the beat that could b had. Having )ur chaaed them on the beat term, we will cll them '45 per aim. cheaper than they have ever been of- l rd (ir in thi market, ana ai low a they can b had in any of tha Northern Citiea. Persona dia pued lo trade for Catk, would do welt to give ua a call, aa w are delnrmined to anil lower than th Inweat, and better than lha beat. Among our Good may be Ibuud the billowing article: Superior Wooltlyeu Black, " do Blue, ' la I.ioht farMM l- do Dark do do Dahlia, ' " & Brown, jfe'-ii', ,'. ;.rv'iV'"i:-.dl.';,-i.'Gfy and Wool-dyed Blk Blue Beavera Superior VVoolilyed Black, do uroe, . do do Black, Brown, Gny, Light Drab, Drk do Due Skin do Kcolcb Plaid, French do S-CAS8IMERES "Pi upenor Plain & Figured Blk SetiifY no vrnits ito no r'elvet S- do j do J do Black Velvet yVaaTisa. rrencb Merino Figured Scot -b wim an aaarmmem -af Kttr.aii t'lnTaiao, llmiery or all kind; aplendid silk "rait'a, and Stork of every pattern; black Italian t-ravata, Hpiteb.fi!d Handkerchief.; black and light Moakin Olnveat 8neiider, and Su.peiider end; "hiri Collar and Bonme in abort, every thing that can be found in any aianilar eatabliehnient North or South. W have In our employ none but thebet of Northern workmen, and can make up "rk not on'y in aa aueriiir a manner hot wnlt aa etprdiuoa a can he in any if tha Northern . Ker lhin we make we guarantee, and d.i ot ihank ureninner lo lake garmenta thai da 16'. Thankful ir pa.t Homo, wa reepectfull THjt ,B"in,,,nr "f P'tl'lie patronage. On'r -d. will he Wj u ptyj OWom4! 0B ,b, bett term. , 'OLIVER,' fc 'smith. .. ,ti-J" -43 4i..., , Orlober, IR4!. A Ban nuil Party ' d . VC. T"' ' "' ' """ Holel. rm Thsn. ant. tha III aad 19th Novem'jcr "w klialoa, Oef. 19, nii '- A3 Ct. 1 I I icLOTHS- 1ilJMii;'!.rt''i'.rf North Casouwa VOL.XXXII e?"aL. i 'Ji ii1 S E A US' PICTORIAL ILLUSTRATIONS or the BIBLE AND VIEWS IN THE HOLF LAND WITH ri'l.L AND IKTCRITINO I.KTTM-PRKSa DESCRIPTIONS CHIEFLY EXPLANATOUV-UF THE EWOHAVINOS and of nuineroua passages connected with THI Geography, Natural History Antiquitit w in Stkcrod rlptnrei. THE FOLLOWING WORK. HAS BEEN- COMPILED FROM TUB LONDON PICTORIAL V US E 18 & 18 WHICH KLL8 IN THIS COIN TRY FOR $18 to $3.1 per Copy! CT7" Every man. Woman and child in the Unit ed Sutra, who p.WFre a Bible, will lur-ly furniah themwlvra wiih th followinf beautiful aerie of Scripture llluatrationa. 909 Pictorial Illustrations OF THE BIBLE, VIEWS IN THE HOLY LAND. Naw: carAP, ajid vnciaia ruaiiCiTion. Four hundud page; 8 vo Fin Paper, Hand aomely Bound, Price rwe ih'lart. The aub-ai-riber repeetfu!ly invitea the attention of C'leryy men, Teacher of etabbalh Schmila, Head of Fam ilie. and Bookreller, throughout the United !ite, to the above New, Cheap, and Splendidly llluatrat cd Work. Publiahed and for le, at No. 1J2, Naaaau Htrnel Naw York Cily. Ita feature ara bet ter defined by tbe title: TWO 11UWRED PICTORIAL ILLUSTRATIONS OS THE SCRIPTURES, ooiratrnaa or - Views in the Holy Laatl. Together with many of the moat remarkable oh jer.ie mentioned in the Old and New Testament, repreaen'ing aacred hiatorieal event", copied from celebrated picture, principally by the old maa eri th Lamlacap 8caRea, token from orirnul ketcbe made on lha epnl, with roll and inter eating Letter-Prea deacriptiona, devoted to an eiplaoation of tha ohjeeta mentioned in lha aa ered tail. On eiamination thi will be found a very plean ant and prdulabla book, eapecially for the perusal of Youko PaoPLB. abounding in the mot valuable information, collected with great care, fiom lha beat and lateat aourcea. It may, very properly, ka da i'gnated a common place book for everv thing val uable, rrlating to ORIENTAL MANNERS, CU. I'OMS, &a. &e. and eomprlae within ilaalf a complete library f religitut and utrful knowl edge. A volume like the prevent, ia far euperior to the common Annuel ii -will uever ieeul of date. dj" It i beautifully primed in new long primer type handeomrly bound in mualio, gill, nd let tered! and ia, decidedly, the beet and cheapen pub lication (for the price,) ever imtedfrom the .atrr ten a yiv. CCj" A liberal diaceunt nude to wholesale Dar- chaurr. (T Peraon In tbe country, wiahing to act aa agrnla. may obtain all the necery information, by adlreing their letter to the ubcriber. No. 123, Naaaau Street, New York Cily. . HO BE BT SEA R3, Publi.her. ! 1 Clergymen, Superintendent and Teacher of Sabbath Mchool, (fj- Aientaof Relig'ioua Naw japer. ana renooicale. jm PoMmater. Rw.k eeller. throoghoot th country, ara repeful. r( queated to act a ear agenlat . CLj a letter -mil be taken rim the oJ!ee n en Jpotl paid. To Pnblithcrs of Papers thronsb- ont the United states. A'ewtpapero or Jllaraxinet, copying lh e- hov entire, without any alteration or abridgement (including thi notice.) and giving it 13 isaini is BKRTioTte, ehall receive a ropy of tba vork (tao ject to their order,) by (ending direct to lha Pub lisher. . Fiom tbe Katrhea Conrii-r. ' LOVK AlStt OOOSEBEHRIES. A SENTIMENTAL STOUY. We had a cousin heigho! she ihe " anx ious nioiher" of a half-a-dozen liulecousius, now well, she was in form and feature as far above the concentrated charms of ail the novels thru ever were or will he -writteri.a i 'Amanda Midvina Fitz Allen was superior to I tir. rfoirjr onraaa. lltr mice, 11 was I IKS the wild waiblmgs of an bolian harp as it lulls the Zephyrs to their slumbers hej eyes, look t1t upon the stars, you can't match them there, and the cunning little gip sy had such a way of half closing the bril liant orbs, veilng their dangerous beams, and then, with sudden start, flashing, jheir death dealing rays upon you, Ihatvour very heurt instantly felt the process of Combus tion her brow, shaded with her auburn hair, was like a hand's breadth of white cloud mid the rich lustre of the Southern suust'l her hands, were fitted for nothing but to sweep the limp's mellow chords, and to be kissed by a lover and her feei ahliow we adore a pretty foot! her feet Titan ia, Queen of the fairies, would have given her most beautiful nut-shell charriot, just to have seen that perfect feature, we must call it. . Well, we were In a dreadful comlhim a bout that cousin sometimes, sce'd call her cousin," it was delightful to claim relation ship with such perfect creature and then we cmdd'nt cull her cousin, for we laid a sort of trep, that -if she asked as we hoped she w'Ould, why we used not the cousinly title we hsd a very pretty speech made up to ir- umate mat we desired, when manhood eamr , to cill her by s dearer name. Hut the pro voking uiue minit never seemed to notice whether we cov sixkd her or not. , She, was older than wo and her name was Elegantina! 1" One day walking in the garden with tl e fair one, vie determined to divulge the yet la. mT - " Powerful in moral, in intellectual, and hi physical resources the land of our sires, and the RALEIGH S. C: WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 31841 unspoken talc of afleciion which surcharged the heart. Wo were in a beatiftit walk, fring- ed with gooseberry bushes, when, after the most approved fashion of romance, sinking; f..ll I I ! .1 rui-i-uiiiy upon nric am-c in miriiiMj worus, we poured forth the story of our eternal love.j L.u-guuua .-iiiiiy lurciim wc im.ugiii ru 10 me rerepiacie oi an uungs lilthv, wn j loal ol breail or waslie;! out s pocket hand e perceived a kind tear dimming her radi-j miserably, but not helplessly drunk.' The kerchief! They would more likely prate t eye we rose, ana stretching out our tna, thinking ol course, that alio would lk upon and murmur the gentle conies- n ol reciprocateU attachment. Header, e did no such thing. She serenely turned and pulled a handful of grern gooseberries, and gravely asked, ' UoustD John, what are these f " Gooseberries, my darling Elcgantina!" answered cousin John. " Eat them,'.' she replied, " ooosK-berties must be good for your complaint!" - - " Reader, "Cousin John" wa(e tracks. Snuffing. The subjoined 'pinch' from a paper full of snuff, in L. Hunt s 'Common places Refreshed, will have the effect, we hqpe, to prevent modern lovers from becom ing snuff takers: Turtle doves don't tnkeT s mi ft. A kiej is surely a thing not to be ' sneezed at.' Fancy two lovers hi the time of Queen Anne, or Louis the Fifteenth each with a snuff box, who have just eome to an explanation, and who in the hurry of their spirits have unthinkingly taken a pinch, just at the instant when the gentleman is going to salute the lips of his mistress. He docs so, finds his honest love as frankly returned. and is in the act of bringing out the words, charming creature, when a sneeze over takes him. "Cha-cha-cha-charming "crea ture!" What a sitnation! A sneeze! (), Venus, where is such a thing in tli v list!' The lady on her aid?, is upder the like .malapropos" inflnohce.andi p'iliged to divide one of the sweetest of all bashful and loving speeches, with the shock of the sneeze respondent! 'Oh Richard! Sho-siio-sho-should you think ill of me for this!" ' - Talking of "sneezing reminds "us of a new anecdote of the celebrated Urummcl, with which we may venture to close this notice. He was sitting at a table in a London club house, reatling the morning journal, when a stout Englishman standing near gave vent to a violent sneeze. Bnimtnul lifted his eyes languidly from his p.-. per, and surveyed the perpetrator with a look ol contempt. A second report soon followed with incrcasea effect. The refined exquisite uttered n half suppressed groan of horror, and began with dignified leisure to change his position, when a third shock of sonorous and misty sternu tation brought hi in to his feet. "God bless me!" he exclaimed, "here, waiter! we can't endure this! Brink me an umbrella!" ... Knkktrbocktr.., A young lady having given a eendeman. who was not very remarkable for his taste in dress, a playful slap on the face, he call ed out, "You have made, my eye smart." Indeed!" said she, "Well,. I am happy to have been the cause of making something smart about you." Sixoilar Freak. A woman in Massa chusetts lately had one of her teeth knocked out by lightning! Although she was knock- eU down by the shock, she was. not other wise injured, THE USE OF LEARNING. The Newark N. J. Daily Advertiser contains a letter from a grandmother upon fe male education, having especial reference to her grand-daughter. We copy the closing paragraph: "You should encourage your daughter to talk over with you what she reads; and, as you arc very capable of distinguishing, take care that she does not mistake pert folly for -wit and humor, or rhyme for poetiy, which are the common errors of young people, and have a train of ill consequences. The second cauuon to be given her, (and which iy mot absolutely ne!CBar v V is to conceal yhaerhjarAipgjhe .sttAiiis witkaa jniuihi solicitude at the would hide crookedness or lameness; the parade of it can only serve to draw on her the envy, and consequently the moei inveterate natreo oi an he and she fools. which win certainty oe at-least three parts in lour ol her acquaintance. The use of knowledge in our sex. beside the amusement of solitude,, js to moderate their piisaions, anu learn 10 te contented with a small ex pense, which are the certain effects of s stu dious life; and it may be preferable eveil to that fame which men have engrossed tc themselves, and will not suffer us to share." a w Pllarv, I w. r" ne Boove quo-. tation is admirable. We. wish it t,l k. , made a "rule Of action" in- families ... r .-. "s wiiter of such a letter, if she is fortunate e nough to cause her precept to be carried in to practice, deserves tha immortality of lirandii:oincr tois, mentioned in Uie scrip ture. v e were passing the from entrance of ( one of our principal hotel, a few day, sincef aian nour avnen me anmmor ! far from its meridian height a litde noise in- t a lltdn nniaa iru --IMi .1.,;..-.. .e .t . ..,,iU)e.rUlinST Dassion IS Stl I trmmnhnnt. Yo side adntctedour atuntiSn, and w. iAZL of ee'C stel7 stopped- w men ps by any thing a.nd dol'ar. per annum, in manufacturing which gives indication cf an affrav. In a lWiV nf hi. n i., m .. ....i:..: .i ' , " t. w ui.uiiiuiiicu hic vuume. lorone of the servants,' a strong muscular fellow. bore out it his grasp, as though 'twere but ii uiiisaui innnimaie inaiu r. Boniiiiine uhiih ..i c..t.. .nil v.;n,i .1.. . ... ,. r i ') UWU.I.U ue ungenieci. i ig. , ji you uon t like that allow me to ..... ......v ... , . iiv ng loriauics to work -is i f t woM tarnish commend the "Favorite of Nature" cr hough scarcely human being, rianting the fair and delicatr fiB;crsthat b :hg sscl. I-Vagabond " lo or Natora or this fllllPCl nnnn il. font at I lio .:.!. . , r ' . --" I "jjiwiiu. ' ' " .'" aweri aounus irom uie piano, to dst the La ly. don't think I should like ai its face to the street, the 'sertarit applied his foot to the rciir and brutally sent his huriltm into the ditch. . The act wcovvardly anil unjustifiable, but it was to qtiiUil v consuin- . 1 . 1 . . . .V " . maicu mat no one nau ttiiisft niirrlere The man thus unceremoniously introdueJ ile liquid in which he had beH partially bathed, seemed to bring Liu) a little nearer his senses, for he scrmhled forth quickly, ; staggered to one of the chairs lipon lbs ban- queue and took possession of it. Nauseous j and disgusting as was the stream from which, wet and dripping, he had just tescned him- self, still more nauseous and disgusting was; the volume of language which issued from his lips; the very dng before him "k mean. -thieving cur at that dropped his tail be- tween his legs, and trotted btiskly away from so pestilential an atmosphere. Our blood froze as we listened to the fool profati- ity of tho forsaken wretch, hi horrible invo- cations of the vengeance of God upon the prison who had thrust him forth into the open air. We, passed on our way, silent anil sad. " a a It was even so. In that bloated brute, we recognized all that remained of an early and accomplished friend. He came lo New Or- leans a few years ago, a full grown, real man, in heart and intellect. The canacities ' capacities ator's own of a soul, fashioned in the Creator' image, were his, in their full proportions. In his fresh and open countenance, in tho quiet depths of his dear and transparent black eye, and in hia manly form could be rMncmiAfl tliA tlrik.ita nt LiIm. for the enjoyment of nil that is briirht and true in existence.,. In his present condition, Peculwr interest . He has resided several his whole course and history is told wiih a ie? ,n Peniix nong the Nestorians about distinctness and eloquence Whfch"we"eni'ir not preaumptuonsly attempt to iitnliTate "si Janguagu whI manncrsrnd He himself had admitted the enemy which l3atnt mclhiug of -iiw. Nestorians 4f- the had stolen awv hi -brains, and "left hiiii'..",0l,",a'"' termined to pay them a visit, lower, far, thaH the lowest of ihe animal thouSh jl'Mouraged I from the attempt by the kingdom. Ho surrendered his soul to the reported dangers of the way. His boldness 4oclrineubat.tnth.U:-cniW.la His reply to remonstrance as well as persua- " ' WOMAN sion. was in the paltry sophism of the poet ye finj in Kent's'sentonce of Peter I et n driiik, who ouid nu me through life'a Kane, for slabbing and killing a woman, the varied round, t M i In the goblet aloue no detention ia found lOllOWiag remark: ' ;. The forfeit of his roily has been early and "rriaoner, your life is safe, but in sending punctually pai.L Better would it have been ?iU to the Sta'e Pr'""n' CourI mlt for him, belter forrll who have known him, ns of ur dreadful conduct; and if that the grarerwoOT should lone ago-have . .I!' to11 etont die law allows, rioted upon his flesh and bones. For ihe rt ?y reason of the goorchaiaclor yOu had consuming fire of low and depraved passions P? To your Wile also brings more of agony than would be endur- y0U-T ,n',obt!!,d for " ' ''n ed were his form, instinct with life and con sciousness, beneath the sod jfcvcn until decay had anuihilnted all oudine and trace of hu manity. ' The poor mother in a distant land, who mourns over her lost son; tbe almost broken hearted sister, who can never forget the companion and playmate of her childhood, while she remains this side the tomb, might search in vain for a familiar lineament in the face of this wreck of fair humanity. There is but little in the appearance of that hotless. coaile.e, dirty vagabond that gives an indi- cation of better days.. . Would, those who nave loveti and ciienshed him in his past alas! forever past! years of beautv and pride, recognize the tight of his glazed and . .I. c ... sunken eyes, ever and anon flashing with .! u..r.H, umiii.uii j ui icmporpry insnn- ity? Is there any tiling of the free and hear- ty laugh of childhood in- that maudlin leer, or bate, derision, .the more' mockery , of a " ' an otaori in hop .ur, u. n ouie wouiu pray lor power to re- thrown to tbe dogs: a work-houso fuueral member that she had strangled her child at nearly without attendance: a rich mnn's ito birth, spreading the pall of oblivion over funeral blocking the streets; a woman beat all recollections of its mwch under her own ing her child because it bad nearly got run guidance, fiom infancy to the full derclope- over, a county overseer putting out a poor ment of its faculues in manhood, God woman by the shnul lers; two men fighting grant mat. sne may go down to the grave as she surely will, for her Father in Heaven is merciful in uticr ignorance of the final scenes in tiwUJo of the monster she once running away to escape detection; a child called her fchdd, cryin? fof hour jhe,. j , mUlff. , His race is nesrfy run. Between die la- lahor girt, at five o'clock In a winter's mor bors of Jhe bule : thev W son.thecold earth has alreadyeen hallowed ' oiH fbr his Yihalresfiiig place now totters. The last act, in the drama of his existence will be that of thousands io whose Toots tens he lies trod.. Brandhv. upon his bed he. will be strelched,.tht most fearful or all beings more and more loath, some as he approaches his end a drunken maniac. In hia Viainna nf hnrrn. ihi ...:n Kj. ImsAII t AvII.Ia ! . I swfut and revoltinp: in realitv. Ionir afur sense snd perception hsve fled, when the laugh and jeer of the demon alone -iva evi. dence (hat life remains, it will be found that .i , . . ... ' . , v W- .CIT? , " "i.iaiiii nimtiei ma ncari. : .land otwn ihe last siirh that Dosses over his land nnnn th !- kiirl, iti ......... 1.: - . :n l. i j . r.. i- . . wm w ncnru a auppucauon ior more OI the liquid fire in which hehas burnt "all tha distinguished him from the brute. He goes to another woild, reeling into the presence of angels, with a half uttered rrayer Still hovcrinjr upon his lips, for dceoer and dark. cr In0f c "nal pcrdifaonl ' Fslsk" Pripe-I ok tock lCftv years, behold the , hare-footed adventurer, at ... .. . . . . ' ili ,i.. n: ,. ---m6.., vmm B wcl, uinn the usual rudimcntsv of housewifery! Very rarei)'. Is it because the healthful eiemis or the domestic beauties is dis irr.iceful? Q 'an , , , - ; ; f. NO. 41. goreoug instrument illf, ; . J . How supremely ridiruloua ia this illegiti mate pride! Thousands ofdauglitets, whose mothers have been raised in a kitchen, and their fathers in a horse stable, would feel insulted, if aeketl if they had ever made a about gord society, good company, and the ! dignity of their ancestors! A few years roll 1 round '& the thrifty but imprudent parent dies; and ihen eonias the scramble for some ten or ' twelve divisions of his hard earned estate. How small docs a large fortune appear when apportioned to 'n timorous heirs! The daugh- ters must of course marry gentlemen pride dictates it; and the gentlemen must of course lirandsr thcif uatriinonv. And what has ihe parent bequeathed to society snd his country? Children raised in idleness, with- out the stimulant to add one iota lo the gen era! substantial prosperity tf the commnntty; Can there be a doubt but that honest labor is becoming daily more and more stigmatised? A grovelling imitation from tho cellar lo the garret! A spirit of exttavagance in which tho most unprincipled means are resorted to! Let it drocced with tho same rnnid march it nM commenced, and it will be a stigma to earn your bt"8ai' by t,le of your brow, Infect the country tho farmers with the 8ame noi nt flows through the popula tu,n of large, cities, and you make the coun' ti,,n of large cities, and y UV of Franklin parallc 1 ta that of Moire- zuma! INTERESTING DISCOVERY IN TUB . EAST. The. book of Dr. Grant, just published. wu f!"""''" reading public with maiter of punishment Her conduct on that occasion has excited the admiration of the Court she seems to have been to you as a guardian an gel pursuing you, whose conduct was more like that of s beast of prey than a hnirian be ing, and striving by every means in her power to envsyou irmn sin and guilt There are very few evils to which a man is subjected, that he-might not avoid if he would atonfer more with his wife and ft.llow her advice. Few gratifications ate meted out lo lum, which he does not owe in part " wom""' P'T ? VWMr. wot height 4y hsr paHicipattoiiV-vv I Dox'r Like to See A dirtv shirt covered with a elnn AirJiv. a wnrkin-mn - ------ . who has two bat, arenrino- ih h. day; the window patched with paper, rags. or tun; a sweep or baker passing through "the crowd; a woman's bootdace dangling tonne; orange peels thrown on the foot-path; an orphan girl tempted to walk 'the streets lor the purpose ol prostitution; good meat .pitch battle on Sunday afternoon, with a large attendance of men and women; a man rui himliinir a annam nf ia . arrian m,mxvr(rxrT;m"f,v; i left full halr servant wailing at thotablc with dirty hands; a woman slipping in at a W - b.!nr.,f jug. at tea time, a justice fining persons for getting drank, who frequenUy gets freahM himself; a beggar exhibiting his wounds and deformation on the road side; art old man of soventyand a young irl of seventeen going; to church to get married; a drunken "coach man driving his horses at full gallop down a narrow street; cloth lying lo bo moth eaten. while then are so many backs without to : . ' i , i i i i - i . . u 1., i. I -i i i: l i I ' ,. r-v w.Mm itiiwii, i o- i tiers: a aov in a noor iiiau'a hnuan who tmta f r.i - e . ' . . .... . I relief from the- Parish: children's shoes unbottomed and stockings out at the heel; an umbrella on a windy day widi Iwo broken hones; a shop with dirty window! the bail iffs carrying the bed and chair bfa poor widow to the obelisk, to sell for rant a poor ragged wife seeking her husband at twelve on Saturday night ; -- "'i "TZ Engfah Educational Magazine.' Sarn in UrtulaUne Library. Librarian be- hind the eonnifr, throwing aheep's eyes ora fvery pretty wljlow who Is looking over the eatalogae. i , lAdys What have jrorj that Ia new and interesting? . A'.inm riri,l. Bn,t .Wirti tha "M.-imino- Mo..";. - - - - -- J ihwicoi- re- the home of our affectione.- ther of ihose have yon irot Human Frailties' or 'Ten Thousand Year?' t ; Sliopiiun.r, I have !ie first but un fortunately tKt the second, VVouldn't you likef 'Flirtatimi ir 'J'he Oevoled?' lt'avi yooTh hI die L'apritious Father? -- Im y Oh! yes, I've h.wl tJial and the Miseres of Mai rises. ; ' '' Sltopmen. Here's 'Live ant) Iiesrn. 'Thinks I lo myself 'A Schoot br Wid ows." - - ' .- " ' Iji(fy,-Haven't iron got Manner ? - .a a " a a nnorman.-Reeo sooi nere a Sla'rh- M.l-..4 T . niu Priila .T..lin t... sions. t m vsrv sorrr X. csn t suit vnu. Very strange hut very true Do you like My Sister Ann?' . ' Jjidu. can't say that I do, heller than 'Blighted Ambition,' but 1 think I wiU lad Romance and Reality' or, if I ran'l get ii . v ;ii ... i. f. 1 ajr... ... itiai, I wui HiaKO uiu ' -.uuiKrvwu man U) aer. i - - Shopman.-You'd better Lavs I'fts.-w- tion also. - ' LaJy.fio, I have got enough, : Good moimng, sir? U- " " And the lady left the 'Irvingwiih a smile on her lips, which seemed a reffeciioa of, tliat of the polite ai.d witty libtarian. ' . if Keeping Ei&trtuinmmti-Recently gendcinan while travelling through the Crek Nation, in Aliibams, met an Indian, of wrrona he enquired how far it was to the nexthotis&v About twomilea, answered the Cm just beyond the house the toad forks and tin t riirni hand win take von to a verv rood noose Ore miles further. Ihank you, said the .O . .. . . W . r. " - traveller, and he Dursued his lournev. In half an'hour die gentleman came to the first houso. The, worthy host was standing in the door. ' Hallo!' cried the Stranger. :." ' Hallo, yomsein responded the man of the house. ' ' ' Do you keep entertainment here!' Yes sir.' ' ,-.;.'' " Can my horse hsve some corn and fod- iler?' - No sir, I han't got any. Can yon let me have - some bread and " meat!' , No, air.' . Have you accomodation for lodging! -io, air. - j .: ' Why, then, how do you do?' 'I'm quite well, 1 tlisnk yon, how is it with yourself!" -.- - The d I a:cli tho fellow!" said the - stranger, aside,, and sgain resumed: Well, tho road forks, 1 believe, a short distance 'from :hom?:pp-'';:";'"- oa,-eHi'- ' i; -:,.z.-t,i 'Will you be so gooj as lo lell me-where ! the right hand goea to!' ' 1 .... 'iLliun'l iroue an v. srluaa-aiiu-.n -I lived ia these parts.v.j . , Good day, sir,' said the stranger.' - 'Good day,' replied tho fellow, coolly, and walked into the house. i - . I- A New Wav io okt an Old DKnr. A poor creditor, wearied out with continued, calls upon a rich rogue of a debtor, and be mg told repeatedly that he was not at honwv , it lengdr hit upon way to get siglimi him. - "My master is not at jiome,"said the ser- , rant as usual, . , ' "Is he aware that his debt to me has been discharged?': saltl the creditor, ; . l "What is tnatf said the debtor, darting suddenly nut of an inner apartment, . Guod morning; I am not aware that my bill ba been discharged, sir." ' , : . . -, v.r, ik id, wiih n iin.p n last fonnd rou at homo, I will now thank; " you to discharge it" ' .' v, TCI Wfll in and you shall be 'paid.' A. ' O. Pic. . The following singular incident is related in ma raau. 1 1 i iiia....,m - r .1. . ei.i. - 1 h -t. . .1 ; . e i f . . j. .. , . uimauH ana euiuir oi wnicn voucnes tor IIS trutlu ji.--' ''-' 1 ' I. -. .1 ..... . . .. ii appears mat a yonng npamaru was ly ing in the last stages of yellow fever, next ' door to the printing office of Mr. G in Cnarles street . The physician. Dr. B., was ' sent for, but before his arrival, tlie young ' ? ...i iv lire, acvumini lo liter IM ; pinions pi ijioso in the house, so that when he arrived he found his patient covered with ? a white linen, and reported as dead. That -Very evening they washed and cleansed the young man, and having put on his burial dress, they laid him on his bed sntil the morning. In the morning coffin was got, ' and all the necesssry preparations were made. Ua was then taken and put in hia eolBn, but no sooner was he dropped in it than he jumped op snd asked where they were going to place him- They then eon- . ducted him in a carriage to a colored nurse-, l Woman's house. t, lU, ta ret wmrw alek- but may perhaps jive. It appeanmhat hf was , ' I il ir " ' . if i is .1 ' I . Lctuer's Coukaoi. Luther's defiance '' of the "devils" in Worms was ho$ a mere .,' boast, as the like might be if uatw spoken ' It wss a faith of Ludier'a that there were V devils, spiritual denizens of the pit, continu ally besetting vmen. Many times in hia writings this turns up; and a most email ancer jias own grotinued on ijl ftj ; spme, , in J the room of the-Wartburg; rwhere ho ssf T translating the Bible, they still show vou 1 i i i. ... . j . black spot on the wall, the strange memorial ; ,r . i "no vi uihpij conniria. j,utner was tranv with long labor, -with sickness. ' abstinonesi - ,., w.. worn trawn With 1 from food: there roaa before him some hide- pus Indefinable image, which he took for the AVftntlA lt l"v4.i .1 U i . . r . I . ... 'iiai ii wora. i.uuinraiaruNi UI) With fiend-defiance,. Huns' hia mbalinit n the apectre, and it disappeared. Tha spot ' still lemaina there, a curious monument of ' ...nl I .1 t. rc.Eiai iiiuig. . nay apoiuncary a ; app-en-tics can now tell o what w are to think of -thia apparition, in a scientific sense; but the man's heart that dire rise deGant, facts lo face, against hell itself, con fit no highne poof of fearlessness, .The thing he will ' qmil before exists not on this earth or under if. Fearless eo'iticli! Thev . anna bol his not being at Leipxig. as if "Duke , George had hindered him.'' a treat ennm nf . his. It was not for Duke Ceorre. answerml he; no." "If I had business at Iioxiir. I would go though it rained Duke Goorge'a for nine days running." LCrW '$ Lectures on Heroes ir the II ric.