' - . . . - - - . v . - .1 - . -. - J . . - . . '. , .. - . - . , tuomas ). id-M ay, -;: . ; .: 7'.ie ?( jiireiuicn, w liat cf 'f lm-k ' .7 nir m ho hfi eii!tWifrf a chcatrr itniJrr ' I H10 title of t!;e "Tangar irnt& cf . ; -' - ! Mt mints - i hevimontMit hhil jiwi o i M d upon euslomer or two, when (he K udelpHin poluv interftTd nnd Wod the' Pp ' for ami uvrntor ia way fcIiar u 5 ' Uiemclve. , . Vl , - s .- f ' NsiM " T. .I..'. ' , , - ' . rrliraim do the mjjor in Afiica luv ' ' flreidcsr . T . - , " ,'Ye . - 1 - V; 'Well now, I thought it vu hot tnoatfi then", wnhooi ,. , . .... i .. Sca-cair Tits, br.a dollar prm-hl !,- . t - t-r-rii-l-t without Ha Bute llb re- tieed Id at? Hi wnoLi .a.al ol i y aar'a lub- riplioo ia ada-a .-:' .'. - RATJ-S OF ADVERTISING, ' - For aeary-qtar-Jaot e-eaedm. 16 liaoatbla i ., ImI iBMrTiAa nn ilnl!-,. Hih . tihmul . vNorth Caroiina Powerful in moral, in intellectual, and m physical resources the laud of our lircs, ad the home of oiur tleclion." , UirtK(, (eat.rraata. . ;.-;--, j Ot-.XXXII J- Ta--rtiynneall o Clark Sheriff ill r .'- . I baaturgeri Si pee a.nt. fcigherianri ...twlion o I - .. .. ... J ' "' Pr cl!' de.rn Ui regoUr t r- ' g '' a-lfoeadMriiMr ; they-.. . !..,.,.- J.etterfthBlttortTbji-pW. .'. - --- - ' RALElGII iV, .C. WEDNESDAY, DEt'CMBEK 8, 1S1I i rf 'Exactly Simon for ih.-Hreoui'wheBtU wvw up, afiHir nrerrhW ',', t-' - . - '''gh! hnm! so they are.' . , , A STATEMENT OP THE REVENUE. OF NORTILCAROUiVA. - yzr.z- '"mmmmmmMmmmm.ti.mtjii i. uiLjuiy .- ' '- tl1 ?'?'nfn, f ''iftmw eW M .rriW fri fniri impof4 : " . fi ' !Wiii -an. - .n r !, ar Vw n, t. v.; ,vi r i-MTth tf me per.rrnt. M individual Sharti klU u cia lent. A Statement of the nelt amount oftbat braoch f tbe Revenue which la rcrelvabte by SheriOa, for the year1 tSIO. Town Propftfty 'Ts. Stud ilarae TiwnTu, belonging to Lil'y Fun! GaU CtlCSTIXf. 61)eriiG' Kamiw. Land Tax. PoU Tx. 8tor tt. Pedlar Tax I:... j iwra Hum !' -v'n.not ef Auetlui Counties toil Tears, r w tv i.nriiiK. I '. . . . .- .. - I LI IX ;jr - W - I 11 f Ik I Hvn l II , 111 t , ,1 ' 111 i I . M . 4- . i . - Artificial I Natural J BilliarJ t Tx on j ..9 j 1 KiunoMj j iuriowty 1 I nut I ' ra . I ' fin-a Au.. -r-Xucuoa- Anson Aslio Bunconibo Brunswick Burko Beaufort ' 7 Bertio 'BTadoiiT'T!"! Carteret ; Currituck- Chowan Ciiathain Cotuinhus Cumberland "barru ' Cherokee' fHeaveland Duplin- - Davidson Davio. Edgccomb Franklin Guilford Wales (irauville Halifajf ' Heitftird ifvde ; ..; IfawpoJ llliKICISOU ilredoli Johnson '". Uncolo Sloora " Macon ' ' Montgoiticrj Mecklenburg JSInrtin New'Habovftr Nash' . ': NdTtfiamptori" Ooslow,- -Orango... Person ' Pasquo'uat ' P.U. ' - 1 crqunuoua Rowaii. : gandolph Kockingharn Robeson Richmond ' Rutherford,,' rniinpsoii . Surry Stoke ' ' Tyrrell " Washington M'ilkea -;i Vak : Wayni) rV; U'an-cn. Yancr" " 'Joseph -White' "- 2jGc6rro Philipa " - 0WUie-JotRs- -r:" r: 4 Kobtrt W. Woodsule 5,no. U. Ptaro!i - CjAtTen Crftt"""."" r jjno. Frceinan " ? jCcore iT.' M el v in" WfloriJawioa jlOlGcorgre l)ill ' II S.B. Uoaier 1 Saiefr Bareto 7 13 Thomas I. . UlWilliaia.1). ilascoa 15 Wm. PTaylor ' . 16 Joshua Williamson 17Alei." Johnson , ISjLewis B. Kriuiniinjer 1 Of Thomas McGea - iO.'Charle D'anlon :, 21! JnoT B. Ilussey . 22 Wm. Kenejay - 23 Wm. March vT " i. ; 24!WHIiain D. retway jS.Guatin Perry " "; JametW.Doak Jamea R. Riddick ' Italic Gilliam ,-V " Haywood Edmondson -Wjlliam W. Brickell .;. Richard G. Cqurpcr,; Israel-Brooks . NLdhGylIoweir' Doiii 28 :27i 28 2ff 3U 31, 3 ;14 ttoht. Thomas WJowfth AI, Bole 30 Risdrn M. Mclahiel 37 Wm. S. Ballinyer "r. 38 John B.Stancv -T T i jeir -"j!t9) Jlrn Jjayjs lOUJex. KellyV , - U Kit JHcKeo '?;' v lCbt'n Tlearne " I ' JW,N, Alexander ; Arthur S. llorinz-- 4.Wivon Fennell 46pTho. J. A. Cooper btheldrcd 3. 1'cebfea -John A. Ateritt I ' lylJamcs C, Tiiitcijtino.... 50'Hardy Walters " : "5 51 Joshua A." Pool v; .wiBenj. M. Selby ' ? -T- NatLan Bagly ' 5lRich'd W. Long , .351 Isaac.W.Mto,.;:. -UaL Martin Roberts - 4.V NeillMcAlpin - , Sarn'l Terry , James Carson Ann W. Cbesntit Henry O. Ilaiuptdn ' Salaihiel Stofte . ' WifRohu B.Davis; C5jAbner Carmichaet OOiJauica Edwards . WlCalvin Coor; ;68Joseph S. Jones Thomas Wikort A Additioxa.1 Rirrunxa for 1S39 ad . fog m b- -v sasr """""T" ' ItWiUia'oi D, Rascois y aijohn'fti: Smith i: 3 Win. W.BrickH " 4Jataes Quinn'-.' , f A. S. Morinr . . CjWm. W. Bryant .' Paschal B, Burt S Kthcldreil J. Peebles' fljNeilJ McAtpin .: , 10 Fraocia McGce ? IllElj.McKe-.s'vl Chowan " Datidmon . Jlalifas ., Lincoln Martin ' . Nash- ' k-- -Wak- ; Northairipton Robeson i Cherokee t Macon- v ' r - ,' 01a 2u 844 34 42L39 200 $9 690 IS 397 17 . 734 09 75 143 89 285 67 J3S 22 54-1 1 376 24 oOO 30 113 03 425 39 406:20 O 25 ,103 es -358 68 535 45 256 59 038 50 446 02 720 67 295 55 688 85 311 .27 003 29 332 65 '301 94 ,,143.38 -275-7(r ' 40 25 I 92a 24 ' -316 3C i22S 49 4- 124 75 '350 93 ,751 40 r 305 4)0 306 52 337 49 775 63 300 04 .1007.67 ssritr 275 04 532 30 362 70 511 33 ,489:02 487 91 288 33 347 35 535 0(1 408 57 45a; 63 570 66 1S2 17 ICS 40 .803 50 827 03 678 00 - 5D9 48 K 16503 4 49 58 14 30 15 53 ...l' 14 42 05 14 38 5 83 .21 16 00 Lhillc'Vuij 1AHI. Cm. "ToTl. 0t. 15 Go I 50 - 2 14 34 133 44 10 74 6 34 iso 01 : afl 34 . 67 35 72 24 ' 32 42 194 249 63 18 69 .-. 3 5M ' 20 4S " 85 75 78 CR 30 63 , 4 55 ,2a 70 83 18 V - mm ' ' . 8 '80! ;ri8 63 - 5 73 -15' 40 03 11 77 3 44 80 90 14 01 406 94 - 12 23 f 8-57; - ' 5 44 ;.62 .40 . 30 OC 30 63 18 07, 62 1(H , 2 74 -- 6 01 17 40! . 9 65 .., 53 66 - 25 UGI 10 42 : 212 22 11 45 : 19 5(M 673 40 177 10 230 09; 276 92 455 J2; 510 04 697 48 ,. ,""9 on. 57 6 97, 212 44 -' 266 02; 214 50' 760 H 393 75- 643 52 157 54 ,; T.83 18,' 342 ie; w6 31 20a 24 " 465 30j 477 14 256 81 643, 43 :.528 23! 530 91 381 64 907 29! 380 51 ' 79 28 304 91 . 233 70 130-6 54C U' 274' 2yj 450 64! 735T84 353:S3 44 IS; J 3 16 . 47 00 40 06. V 33 84 r2820j 83 67 '. 4 70. : 48 8d ---11 28 - 78 14 10 92 81 St 4 70 17 80 54 09 2S 54 5 64 U. c- 9 40 4 70 f 4 4 70 : 4-70 4 70 18 80 9 40 1 50 j20,394 02 250 42 05 13 . 847 99 - 807 4! 325 02 ' 634 68 '416 98 -767 23 300 63 ..1000 72 465 m 320 03 557 98 815 28 520 67 .11349 .-ea ? 603 29 366 07 419 80 . - 380 32 T 520 761 -389 16 476 02 183 6K 204 36i 20 2;l 946 2of w 418 11 . 629 64 -108 48 20 19 ,26 14 52 13 03 ...73 22 56 14 57 52 17 24 44 - 69 09 11 28 199 28 " 7 52 , . 24 44 0 58 . 22 561 25 31 -15 04 40 00 78 02 25T56 , 1 45 129 25 17 39 07 68 -.x- '4 70 ; 12 22 13 16 - - 52 61 2 82 152 23' - .22 50 13 ro 27; 26 14 10 4 60 :..54 Hb ":72 .38 17 86 24 44 64 6(1 52 64 35 72 j 9 40 3 76 29 201 40 42 69; 00 0 40 4 70 4 70 0 40; 4 70 4-7(4 14 1(. 4 70 9 40 ' 4 70r 9 40 14 10 -' ' 1 18 M . 6 51 8 29 22 56 .." 3 38 : 2 26 1 50 5,311 81f0,26l 12 4 Dull. Cu 157 2; 39 48 fr-04:OgJ 22 50 78 981 374 12j v 135 36 ' 26 82 "eii 00 15 04 - ea si; - 21 20- 143 82 67 68 28 20! 753 00! 152 36 ,37 60 35 72 56 40 131 60 7 52 101 76 04 00 223 72 63 92 r 216 2m 24 44 227 48 142 83 16 02 .3 H ..ai Jul S8 36 26. 3 Ji 30 48 169 20 50 76 J 64! - 22 501 78 SO 174 4 62 84i !841 30 v 50 76 lV-32i 37 60 203 04 "00 161 193 64 99 64! 60 16j , 169 20 1.3.7. .24 107 16 . ,39 4ffl 43 24 " 80 84 83 84 ,41 36 137 24 121 26 41 30 278.24 77 08! 09 63 : eg DoU. Cu. , 30 0 , 15 04 37 CO . 41 30 131 m 41 3 '120 32 7A 20 45 lil 75 20! - '78-6 18,V0 33 4 26 as . 62 7i 15 04 J1 28j . 18 80 26 '8i 3 76 ' 7 52 6 41 33 84 18 80 -15. 0 33 64 37.001 52 64! is- eo 48 88. 15 04 15 041 -18 H .18 m 28 82 . 41- 30 45 12 ISM 15 04 15 01 37 0M 7i 4 86 4 26 32 60 16 37 60 M:49 45n 07 70 66 40 7 82 15 04 ,60 16 7 62 17 631 52 61 ' 37 60 , 18 80 ! ; 00 10 15 JLU , 41 36 18 80 169 20 56 40 ' "30 08 15 04 bulla. I.'U. "8760 r is so 2,473 10193 701 -.a7-.fi0J . - 2i 60 6.5 t 3LW 18 0 18 80 -37- m ' 65 80 ' 18 80 , ' - is m is eoj 141 00, 75 20 18 0 37 60 18 80 j . 94 00 - 18 80 65 JBOj 47 00 18 80 37 60 .18 80 " 75 20 1 80 37 61) . 16.1501 - - 1 80 37 60 58 40 19 80 50 09 .': 18 80 37 61H " 18 8D' . 66 40 - 8T U0 ; 37 60 13 80 '. 37 60 18 80 .. 18 80 37 00; ' 18 80 50 40! 56 40 . 37 60 56 40 f 19 m 56 40! .18 80 37 6(H 18 80 , - - - - . D. . :.r v. c. . P. t;.' D. 6i ,;, " )',... - ',..-... ' 1 ' . 10 ... " 2" M 20! ' ' 1 - ' " 66 4(H ' r- - - '; I k.: J : i : !i -66 40 .- ; 2i 20 : 'f 13. j - ," ' A, . 14 - ' . ' I li . - i 1 6 28 20 . i : 17 28 2fl . . . 113 - - i - 10 i - 0 , - V ' - - . I 2U .. 2S 20 .1". 0 f , .-.'. 23 ' ' - - 24 28 20 14 10 ! . 25 56 40 , .14 10 ' I J ..: . " .28 28 20 - . . - - - . 27-- n.m i : :- S- 28 80 K- 80 58 40 ' "' - . . 31 - -U---- - . - 32' - . ... . '33M I - i " 1 " " k " onn An J S5 -1 ( t-r . ...... I.J..jJfV.--Wi - - :. J....i:l. J . lm. . . ...... - i . I 41 .. ' ; ' ; i r -'- 42 28 20 . ' ., ' . . , ' . 43 28 20 . ' . - ,' 44 56 40 040 00 . 4f, 1 ; , . . - . 46 .-26 20 ' - i'. - .- - 47 'v.r-,r. . - 48 - 28 20 - 14 10 . - . - 49 ": "it ' . . 50 - -.. : .-. . .. . . ' si - . . - , . .- . . . : 62." - , . " . " 63 , . .. . i . , 54 - 4 . f "55" 88 90 14 lot . - - . -56 --;., '" ' i ,v," .. 57 - ' . . . . , V:,..- ' 68. ' 28 SO . . . . "i 59 28 20 y 14 10 ; ; - ! . 62 -c ..... , v... . B. .. , " ' . 64 14 101 v 940 0 . 68 - j-v; . . 67 14 10; . 68 ( ..-i-l.,;-. - .1 ' -60 8,504 20) 2,777 47) 2,11 39' 28 20 28 20 28. m .--.V ., . . " r - .-..V "A , -... -.; "..V-.?:.-T. '" . "S!MSE feft MB -U ME. r ,i7'f0j 183 30' . 230 0(V "aooiio U-7 43 530. 62 886 7 543 0 -1355T 1633 31 1775 43 23. '4 7 fl "599 91 600 73 14 04 1859 04 10,0 77 1528 03 350 63 215; 08 1000 50 -ID.) 20 479 08 1051 19 1280 19 590 00 2163 05 12110 48 1731 17 7D5 03 2221 4 1 708y 79' 2214 69 1002 40 .6.r)8-38 303 00 v602 24 1470 05J 651 29 1081 03 1080 60 700 20 540 63 440 80 619 75 2001 48 t 8.9 81 3410 23 875 71 18i5 30 708 03 2611 35 1015 2 03119 1343 07 787 ?3 1400 44 1037 70 1406 10 72? 90 800 07 1216 60 1020 22 1021 03 1432 16 . 473 01 618 60 C71 37 3542 01 1200 84 itt. i; 148T41 ! 630 82 1630 t I 1T73 43 -A754'l w w i 0301 C0 73 -6!4 94 1659 04 1020 77 1528 63 350 53 2157 68 1 Of .0 60 105 20 479 08 1051 10 I2S0 10 69:) 00 2)63 93 1200 48 173L17 70i 61 till 44 708 70 2214 59- 1002 40 - 658 38 303 00 Jlin MiitnY. C-m'l W. TiiliMjIiait. '.. 113 4liii 1 fijrviiiea, -tVorw Law. 1- -wprh .rurrf, -"fntdnvav'BWfUtf ' Ma l; Browa, -4 '. , luieolt Uurr . M. . Amu KjinlnH. ? EJmw W. Wjlkinff, .WHnotrf.l-'MA.I' CumSerliuiJ I S3. A '4C Da- . .. " 18 10 A Ml avilla . 1810 tit "4t t)nt,.. . U40 t 41 'cven - a- D " " r da' Cirterfl . ! ' Nr Ha nor, " i) " V H . .'. f W . .rp. . Do . . f-iqu.ilink (unilwritn. iBunetim-s - da 4a i fttrtnut dtnetd fjn Tua tn fiviietilnil tank Stark tli)jlc..rm , lvr. v ; , V4t4T B7', .4. BT i n - v at , - ro t cs .w eiriv- . .-J,0 flOt-iU tfl is 5-1 ..19 6J 9 60 ' ' . - , '44 IS ',' . T TJ j.irtt--. - . -'' 60- 37j 8.8 f - i . -- ..... . - . - Hn. ' ."I liiilii)ur?ti-rfM. Hank olfTo Jluif JiTC. 1 t00Q - - : Do. i'ntii Far. ... - 1 PiJ(J J Do. McjcU'ul 0's KowbuaJ SS-9 5 Ait) i ilur. r Am t rwt tl. t39"00 S-50 ( 0 .as. ro 4M 60 $S.St)t so f 5.:o i en - . . - XXernpitul.ttion oi Recet jit. t i PUBLIC FUND ' J'' - ' ' , , f '.; JUett4 v tht fittloiting tourttt; ;;' 'r i .- Pa! of Kevtwd Si-tuie ; - ' , l- m SI 1' " v ' C ink Dlvitleuila. Ujnk of V.nm Fur ' . , an na ' . - I VVilliam T-ontMan an. 7'lMimas tiofaiaa, ' IfC -. 95 99 ' I ; Jlunrnmha Turitpikt ;ipany, i . . - 6ltl 00 -.' " I Pubtic-'ax rat-iWHtofSlii-nlt-, - '- " -t T9,0 04 '' " I CoraniMain 00 W reck PlOMd." ' ' ".. ' '" ; ' ...lOff M ; v ' MDonVT.. -p. - r.,-i fh" - 502 2 T ' KW of Land nrar Rafrl.h ' -1 ' - r'JtT- ' .ii ."", f? I - . . . . Y-r ' . -W. . i fr. .... - Ilc-.ua4. Avw-e-iOr , S3,84t 9. - uro 05 651 29 1081' 05. 1086-66 ; 798 2X 610 63 4f0 80 819 76 2001 48 829 81 3410 33 875 74 1855 30 708 93 2611 23 1015 8 080 19 1343 07 - 787 23 14.J0 ..41 1037 70 1106 10 722 00 90 07 1210 CO 102Q 22 102 (03 1432 10 --473-01-. 610 50 87 1 P7 3512 Ct 1200 84 109.8-9 99 .118,704 49 . . ..... . .... i . . . .. . . 1 Di'ttuet Dmbar-nnenU f.omNor, 1, 18tO,U K,'41f - -i-Vt. i Batanea dot rubbe Traas. an 1st Kov. 1941, . J fi0,30 . 60' ; LITERARY PUXU. , . v- f ;- ' Het-apitulatioH qf Rttixpti tmct A-t. 1 , 18 W. ;. . Cntrim of Vacant f,m1, -", - 1 6,76191-" Kiwnoke K-vtfaUon UmilcnJa, ,s- - SSftO (10 Pnnstital on Luana hy IJterary Boar., wV ' ' A 99.994 44 ' - fiifcimt on loans lijf l.uerar Jlfintv .",., :. 6,4.8 61 . . 4:!; w Inlcrrrt om lin by the lirtornat Itnpronrncnt Board, 1,610 69 - ' ''. : :m Cfov, Dudley, nTumlcd afiar tirriavuia; e-pcnucaof -e 1 .? "-' . .lnlcnLIiuptoviiull)aaj:il,iUU)ilmiiipI4a, 84 69 '"- - Intorcal oa li .niliof the Witmmgton and K. R. R. ;, 9,650 nO . IMs, . -do -v Rjicigh and Gaatoa K, K. C 6.400 00 .!,. KeUiWia oT Hiwtuoua Li'iuuia (By tJhnill.) 8.T77 4T -.- " " Auction T - . m 979 Ul -- I Bank DivulchJa, Dank of llic 8tta,! . . : . 9160 09 .-v ' ' ' int uu uo ,. rear,1 i ai,..j i-q z w AuiJ balancadut Lllerarj Fund I at No. 1140, '. '78.007 06 KtaipUuktum af bitburumentilinc JTmi.-l, 1810, XSommeq B-hoolaT. . 7. . 'r 93.S39 19 1.9,636 09 1720 75 i, 172 76 -8.7, 43 j '347 43 "'T; 8U30 098I,339C9 f' "I-i 'i 1 ' 11 25 U 25 2 28 05 28 05 1 8 2 20 2 26 4 2705 . 27 05 29 03 83 3 : , f 14 1 14 I "7 "t(3 87 T 88.7' - 37,67 S7 67 '9 0 21 ' 0 21 10 , 2 47 ,-2 47 1 1 - 18 20 1 1820 Swanm Iianil,; CxpeiMot of I.itrrary Board, ' " . . Attorneys erttplovrd by Liiarary Board,.. Clerk to Literary Board, - . , ; .i Prinlmg for Liiriary Hoard, i". 1 I.oana by I.ilcrary Board, . . ,.. '.' ..:.. - ... ',..!.--. 47,819 63 -, 1,019 63 .; 65 00 61 -00 ' '46 00 10,319 90 00 9i,85. 67 - Deduct Taj imposed en Hatai!ers;e J?pint, TeTof in to T-itcrtrj Fumf, 2.777 47 Balanrt dut Mlorary f und.JSfer, J,.l84Ll--- i. 1 100,80 tl . " ' INTERNAL IMPBOVEMCNT,rt"-D. . lUfpUublit Rtteipk '( Aae, 1, J840.'.,,V- '" Charokaa Bond (! 1136) ' ;. .-.. , ' . 9,413 SJ'V- f-i .-' Cliewkat Hood (aid sale) , ' 1.41 1 90 ', v t'lrnli8BiHl(loof 138) V''.m" 7,4fi 0 Bank Dividcnil, Bank of Cope Fear, ... " .. ' t 673 00 "' , ' I'ruijip an loaut by Iuiarnal I-iprnTBnl Board, 9.3i0 9t . ' ' Retoj'lvIption nf Dutrunimtnit tint Aoe. t, 1840. w..4"' j . Zxpnur of Vemlicni ofihe Aoard,- t . f 169' 75 ' . " CoMTtiiinioncr of Nanlahala Monmam Road, ... 94-00 -.-.--.. . 8. liiij.lt. Clerk lo Board of Internal Imjiro'emHtt, , t 133 l0" . 1 i ' ; Uiaeouut on Geof-ia Bank Sou, - . . . 41 60' - 4-1 1 Urey of Heid,. " . -v - 13J CO " 1 pl-triliuikirt cf Cuvulars for Board of Internal Impre-" ". V 'venMint-a . ....;.. -". v.... "" ' 00 - .'..'.'" .' Add.lwlanea dua T r, of rand far Jot Iwp o lit - r ..--f j'.' v' ' I'Wi t Jz '1TJ 78 1934 '- - ' - w . ; ; v ' " ,; . ', lltlanea du Preaideiit and Pireetors of Puni, fjf la-'..''' ; , ' V . . trhl Improf menta, on tat Not. 1941,'' 1 " " 9113 354 09 i '.....' '.'.,..', v-." .r..';''V',t' i?'-'1Ts-5S- ;-. ' Cr The forenoing Smteaient w a truo aibibit of raturna and -o-tr aa v -file in lbs pamptroH-r'a OfBor, ftovamW K 1340.... ;... ' '' j , ,7 ..., .. 1M. KCOLUNS, CmwtnO.' - uu.lll.'.JI-r.l . )'.- !. 111! . . . ' .. i. ' -nil 1 M, .'.. ".'"S'-!.'!.!.w.r.,-S'-' 'Mi,lv;..ft.-liW,A ?h.lft''-tlSi ;eS. -.afV.30'iw,i(ff..r iU A fpfc ilZiSa tint o( g 'rooy-- one day drop him of the &M!t where Jhe aif came fronv ing; drinKhig of the ri.ap. tarern, until, um'tnt sleeping footil' which adjoin rim v ful triido' as- fmm "TAi CiUf 1 Uiv a.VLli. JU kj II a I C - otiantl v into Itu oravo. at. the breath of; and that where it arrived, but then it has beitis- brettv well corncdlhev named lrilMA .nrl rim ilnnmf ,hM ; ffaum " t.l. .t.. r : I of, Capo - Pear -IJaoVStocl.,,' harei nf': tlio Alnnighty.'watt hitn 8 liurriedly Itoto :i-:'ft'jndUoit io .thefaouth; fof ;'it is rushing ' .tlt eiich'4111. o'ttT rrtnroing homo t.hrulh not brmjr ohl. to nviritp perfectly, you Ti..m.U , .i, ; . rn.ilKt i which may; b. had otvtery I favorabl-etcraity.3Corilact with tha world may .into a Vacuum left by the air which rises-, 4o the Srst thlnsr that his wife told hnw," .know, i mndo a dalf.ii cl.ittcrine a 'rL I H fc J aZtt r1 r"' -T l JllrW-T--S-fT-.Vl4l JL.i. -i :e-- iT... ftil.9 T9.VA VioKtn fntt aatit Kilt1 nrtHtSpftCi' jini ihft Jail tlI-9 ftf yysrvaift 4n9 fir.! rK?tl---- aTfw-tr r-nri---tr..tJ' -..ift, : ,: ,f. "ii. "-Lrl.Ji..... ..."'..' . - ' - - - ' - 4 90 iH'fc tt - "its 1. ts.tav .viiva is r '" T ... w ... - ... & j. "Hj, , m iii n si:i y 11 it. (11 1 lb it Hi 45 tf "of her erent lessons. ' J V- t degrees north ol the east front which it pat-ated for thtrnif,hrr enjajinnr m meet fj'pf trenk tiP porritlsr isMiotirt vaiii thatNafui of her jjreat lesson., iC.bAWlcdontr- btrt iftkeoiihiTlcB. and-Xiracird i a fiorrwffa vol. ,t trrasure. arnil inadr'the rszii'ir liHiw9 - Nov. 9. 1S1L AAtmr. Atyrc. Iticlf occrdrni-i at'-l'd the laat ol the pot, and, ainkin, it tame kletd? Are nut .he Wa.ftt of Bie jKfii.su, Aasociatioa fof .the advaii-ement of-' Wind lias, been exained intheftIQW the north to the;"diO-ienc- twtweeu the yiiMiiej. so: far afOhcyLrelotedJo thal)U- laguuut the chimney Jamb, Jiroke llw a -atMlwt4.rthaw.il tta tha rrankii4 at h- " , : 9 wiemeni areau,-.awHMifr rfyTrmirner, TT",;v-- -pr- f - dearth's motion at the. equator and at tlie.s ; -The next tnorninz Walker and Brown ,, -hundred . nieces.' After this eknloit I wchanioM biddios eafflntllnl ii turn ill that in thexourae f..eyear MOsliios W.''JIealed air has a; tendehcy lo rise; fllirl T" , ,r"''. ".T "'""r.' did hir tushes into supply UV e. and polar region; from whence the air conies. K. were early at thairposls, but it was some retired u rest, and jrot it curtain ccture -H not ..mechanics 'tintsrit the bww.ls " the annual hiss of live 'b-in? 1 23J d t ' t.-n-o m w uj'ij w.hv. s iiier uiuai. uo a cunc.uiujii -iuii. iinir ui:ht. k ni.toii uiiiu. uisajipcarauca.. ail tnjriit lor my pniiiS: ' ' ' ' v' farm, anil maoe 11s prmiuc co. r-an -?i inn nftti".- " - . i , . wis ine neaieaair 01 win qi q.iui re- . irom .uie etjiiaior nigncr tip, nccoraing-,r.t) Mixer Jkstm lifst: , . ; . -. , v vi U wn$ now Tim Watson's tnm to - ""'-. mnr wamsr -m tic im-ii ugar Pm ' 'or " -'-'4?;'': r" ;; 2io nso. and gives place to a carrent to this theory, the wind should', every s k on sea when I entered .'my house pe art account- of . hfiosclf, which" lie, rnt Ihcir pisymitt -sml t'ey rids irv, .'rP)ttUife Lei-:ad;yca beaWseat' .lonri f.he polar teg oris, which is a ; where ba northenst or south west, but if the eandte was out, and the fire giving . did wtth'si very longfocefts follows: ' ? pliant ih' wins; M- mlMy wind' fn,K;ntetbptatio'5,4f the Siting'- ':prM-si that serves id equalize the lemk blows in very dilfcrent directions atdif-Vbut aV glimmering 'of lijrlit, I came near-4 ' Mv wife ffavo theme"uui lucky com- J J , w its .1 h y s-arx -ih floil ataW v .Vftt". Ihi-pankr-inui JJa, thai w'drMfror' i x. tltindrrin j w,e,,'"'l lnf ktnss and q-ifrnit are -1 cayt bat ..is'viKxle which Ndtdre a-todfitcies lyibg neuf fd the axis o the ' -My depend, on the variations ia temper cakes were to be ninde of in the mrrninff. . upstair in tho dark, when she cried ouP '? r i -swt n k, H . ts to teach one; great leisorti and trito sphere, theaiV from those repipns : has ature aVdifrerent J'imXJ :?,r.'"", rer',-T9. ? V ?VH -si!Nf.;.tmaoQi.''9;;it ittAlra'ys tpeoka ' not mmfti.fmth "inotiori-.'.'a that Tlert J'jUeteorcKef. aboutAimoipki't'lcitivi. te 'lite-iircasncally: - . " TII be cursetl if I do Kale," s.iicll T 1 cj .' 1 . . - wiiiKnwving gatlierinttysrjf,pp, I'll sooner pnV ' 1 . '" - .-andjts buttt. and uoise may seem to vn from tho tlsls. v.whrelor& it arrives JitV:i 5'iL.; -i C.v-'klk-i'-fJust a von say. Masw." .aid I. rnd -.!, t,in aT..-.s a.intil n.'- - , Mto'ifr tht T.wlirs,W rl-smwttit a - . 11. . w.a l j. . j - -,. i . " - . . - f- i. .m -m. 1 1 ' wnoie-; airention, nut tijo Willi- trie - equator, Where ' the- motion ol tne, 1 1 red feaf," Citlini silenUy at one's feet, or art8 is freater. . If it had no molion be. J 1 dflVen ill the fitful h!nsrof aut.imn Ui2. W nn fnst -nrinrt Wrtiiht. Itfi. thA r.rMl' 3 inR THRE6 JLLY HUSBANDS k w.nput thekleast hesitation' I put tny cash for yon; and this isTtlie last time I'll Jr. - foot in ihc'POt Of tatter, and then Went mot riklf -fi-d 1(i1lara n the rOiAmnnrl ThrjoIlyhusbands,otitinthecin-.'vto1-ed. A - .' of my wife.'t - , . -. ' .u... - - ' - J ' J T - v n ., .. : - ... . ... . - . . . v ripfilrt. K. --.:-. ..II - ' ' . .... e : f ---..' J i L.'jll. - ...... en!..-..r .-.. . -- . r .7 ' w"1 o"u--tuta, u npiiiere- jeuencelana mo tore, ounai wmu woiita try, yig naint-.i. nm ttaisou.'.oe isext .oe urown tola IH9 Storv; ' n I .. . . ? .It,.... . . .. ... ... - r " 1 . . Ml : .... . j . . . . - . . . ... I . - " " . . moiion : i.rown. anT ti ai-er, sni itue tint even . J ; .m y wils hiwl alread v retired in onr t?-'1',9'00 WWis tiwrtal, arid that ; be as the difterenbe between the.ftioi 1,.,,.'.-;."-.;..;v '"r -.:'. :X-v-r: ..... " - r' : Tht AftfJtttnit.'m'Dit followio beaati- senMions of profound lov thnt iliere is like ly to bfl innoh ftnp.pullin'at ViiFhinton, 4r it hs hen"1 rteeeriTiineil that Sprreuriet Forward. Wirkhfla artd Ufher, widow ert, and Mr. Levari is a bachelor. -Won't tir bs aio tlrsat no9f " ..; , v., .., ,, ... . ., ; . .' .- .' - a;,i-r t-vi-Tf i'.''-- .- r-- -k' k' - vi''"":"-' I ;; ..' ,y.;'V;. k:-; ' -t-t .. . "aAr "t ".'. i" '.-.' w r.-. .'en i. i .-.,. -v-:;- - . , -"'"f.' -ri.w:,i,.;.-' 'vr..-s..

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