f ( N li t II A u o 1. 1 N A ! A K TT 5 1 1 .t: 1 e i I I r e l' e , i f V . f OXGHESS. ' Mumtini, Jan, 3, 1 84i, ; ' In the Senate, the debate un the Fiscal Ag-ncy project was resumed. Mr Huntington rose wtfP&kl: Thar, in coming forward I? j":4'E&,, lue M. lie was sctated by -o teerg perfotul resentment toward the' Ffcctiiive. ; He . then tefnX joWa" long analysis of the qtes ; lion ii all lis bearing, anil denounced ihe bill, as a purely Governmental tues!.ure. He took a review of the state of th-currency, at the period f the demise of lite late 1're.ddent Ilarristri, and nswng iitcif ihe published reasens ofMc Tjtcr f.i eting the Hank bills, prticedeU to hw that his - present view, em the subject of the Fis cal Agency" were quite at variance witj those he entertained on that subject, st the . per'nad of his vetoing the Hank bill; that Congres hadb'een contending, for ihejast twrUe years, against the intrvase id that executive power with which the present .--billroptised io'iimst Ihe. Uitfwn'i.cnt. , In the House wji or three members suc ceeded in tUgbiHt in their p.-titiuiis before Mr. Andrews, of Hy-, taUtid for the or- derS of the day. . , . Mr Ilugst'll, suiceivn1 -id" JjidgelVaesj, deceased, is as announced and nullified Mr V C JohiiMiii thwii continued the debate upon the tnofioti,.ifreferrnre of that portion I uf tie TieSiagVfeTiurig'TolTiVrSr" Hf ' - . .""- v;v Mr J C Clark having ob'ained the floor, after apologizing for the necessity'' of the course, moved the previous cjuest oh. Mr CliHind moved a rail of the limine 1 Do members answered to their iwibei the doors were i ited---a few members were excused frorn sickness and unavoiil- - able absence. ' The .call was then suspend eil, and, upon the motion for seconding the previous qtieslio.i, Mr Lewis Williams oiered, that as no ultimate action va inolveil in this mutton of re IV re nee, by should vole to re fer the subject to the Committee un Man ofactures. '. Mr'Rhelt here rose and withdrew" the a- J tnendment to the amendment. M r Fill more "t he o - hmm 1 i IW hi s resol u ion so as to give the subjects of 'Domea- t1c Mjouaturesajid IWtsVijnd'iafMs .ii ties in llie Committee on MaoufacMicea, Mr Underwood tnrjuircd, if the oriinal " iriotTon.'bcI'ig ihusliiodip edVas"iiot ope ri l; amendment, but the Speaker decided that (he preious question still spjdied. The vote o sevond the previous qiies ti.iii was taken by ayes and nays, and re sulted in a lie 18 to 88: the Speaktr vo ted in the ufnmative. - . The main question was then taken up by yeas and nays upon. Mr." Athertini'saipend merit to strike out. ' Mnnufacltires' and in sert Vays and Means' upon which the vote stood, ayc 95, uoci 104--so the a inendment was rejected. , 'f'he qoestt'n w"as then.put by the Speak er upon the original mutton, and carried without a division. The remninin; parts of the Message .were then referred, without dissent, a"nd ,.tj!je (loue adjourned. - - -- - Tnrsihty, Jnn. -A: 'In the Senate, the debate on the Hoard olKxchequer was continued. Mr. Hates of Mats, eid Mr. Harrow of Lou4 spoke upon the question, and yield ed the Boor to Mr. Morehead. r - In the House of Representatives, Mr. Hunt off'.-reil a ioint resolution rertrictinir the term xjf office of 1he Psesidi't Tf Tlve United States to fmir "year, and making the incumbent ineligible a seconil tunc, which was objected to. "":,, , . f M'V Adams nSired a resolution for I he printing 300 of llassler'a Coast Snrvey lleport, and stated that the.additional ex penses would only 6e a')out . Tlie Hi use refused assent. '" : Mr. Adams enquired what-was thebu """ siueis" wTlicT5"nwTia Vl'pfeiif reiJe1.'k'Stiiie oiiversation ensued between Mr. A. anil the Spenker.the former insisting that Wheii sniiii; days since h had the floor and pre vented a petition ftoni llnmillon Coaniy, Ohio, n2"'nst the cohtiouaiire of rtie 2Jsi rule, and moved llie reference id ( lie same to a Select Conmiittee,; which giviog rise to debate, was laid over, the Speaker in Timn'ti him tnat it r.e then novo way and permitted the reference id the President's Message fa betaken up.tli.ii a.utji'ct.DuM th'e-44etiti-ftrr t 1 " ,jaxi ca.1.Uil... 'S Dealer's oruinise. ' Alter . mutual rxnla- nations, the pcaker decided, upon reler rii'gtuihe Journal, that ilia resi'utin to refr llie gfon-said petition f it h" instruc tions tu a Select Committee yi as in order. vMr. M erri wether moved an ano'nil men t to the Insti uctoins, to abolish the previous -qvestiojK-jtatjij iic. tic, - Mr. Adams raised the question whether this anieodinent, being thus general, could be made tu his" distinct propoion. . The Speaker decided the amendment to be-iii order, ' ':;;' """':J:' .yn--.tt' Mr- Wise appealed from this decision,: and debated bri By lh rnngiuliy or ihe 'amendment wiih the first resolution,' but t '.before he took his seat wiihdrevy the ap k neat, and moved tu Ur the whole subject vpoa the table. ' 1 ' ' - Mr,' Adams ruse and with wlch et ite ment, declared ih.it the House h:id already once decided against ihe" laying of ihee pefff Tof s'upfffi e' t'Wrealviri'lsirmliViis1' sue with thje Speaker hpu ihe fact, de ih er the intirwc'tiops' which were sppendnl to his resnluiion wrre, at the time, declar ed to te out of order. Mr. A. referred to hepu'dic journals if that ' day to prov that surh was the rase. ' T he Sneaker re-" f in-ii uMin uie journal oi the Mouse. I" Mr. A, wai strongly called to order, ' and directed h iK S iionls fn loin l.i j Upon the niotiotl'to 1st tlie whole sub- ject upon the table, the fieri t-3cc vote us ordered,' and was ayes 1 15, noes S-J." " Mesages were announced rroen Uie Tre sidenfiif ihe U. S. and from the Senate. Mr. Gidding iitquired . if the other pe. (itions, presented at the tame time, were, o'ot tinw belore the House. The Sprakcr iv plied lit at Me held in his hand twenty pe-' tiiions to the same effect, which were now to be decided upon. ' A motion was made tolav" th W'hole of them upon the table. 7 " Mr.. Adams called fr tlie teas and nays upon the first of these et ition n, and they were ordered. The vote stood ayes-403, noes '87. : The Sjieaker suggested taking the ques tion upon the remainder, hut Mr.. Adam insisted that : the title tit each petition he read, and the question upon laying the same upon the table he put by the Speak er. ,.'....' ' - :' Mr. Stanly, upon the ground that seve ral meoibcrs from New York had skulled from the vutv again railed for the yeas and nayi, which were area 108, noes 80. "Mr. Arnold of Ten n. here obtained the fiuor. and nioveil i reconsideration of the vo:c m yesterday, referring , the Presi dent's ('Message, 'avowjiij;; his object to be lailebitkJili'tmttinn. aptlltTrnib 1'V llir I'entlcmen of N. Hamshirein the attack upon his State and constituents. , Mr. Wise fuse to a question nf order, whet her rlM-mtiniv wa tebatealtev -The Speaker dec ded that strictly the debate was not in iH'dm but a decision of his at the lat session tojlhi e fll-ct had been then overruled. ,ir . . : .. . ' . .Mr. Arnold Wa proceeding. in his re marks, when the question ot order was ra'ned anew, and an appeal taken from the ilei'u'icin of the peiiki-r. The appeal was biiefly debated by Messrs. Gilmer, Howne. Hai ton, and Stanly, hut before the ques tion w as taken, the House adjourned. Wednesday. J tin. 5, . In the Senate, the piopoed Hoard of Exchequer, as the tii'fioiihed business uf the Senate, came, up tor coniidrratinii and was discussed at some lengili by Mr. Morehead of Ky , and Mr.: 'iiiimonds; the former oppoxed to the measure and the latter in favor of it with certain tnodiika. tioti. . I u ihe I1 iiiisc t jiere""was alivrsTiglF upon a Hwin-tnaderbv M . Adams to a- mtid the; Jnffrrraf tioii mdehy l.im on the subj.-ci of abulilion petiiioiis. . Mr, Fdlmore aked the gentle-man t waive his Tight to ths floor, momi-ntsrilr, that he might present a bill from thi- Com. mi t-e of Ways and .Means which was ur gently necessary at this time,, and upon w hich he desired the House to go iufu (Jom oiittee of the hole'upim.ihe- state of the Union. The bill was sen to the table and being read, it proved to be a bill for the rssue of $5,000, WOO of Tieasury notes (con idrbl lnghtr, and queslioiw-soch as has it couie to this?"&c. The bill was twice read and a motion made bv a mem ber from Illinois to lay it upon "the table. "Mr. Fillmore then sent a communica tion to the table from the Secretary of the Treasury, purporting that advices had been reeeiveif frwn capfta istsin NrYort, Huston and elsewhere, stating that even with a long extension of time, no money rould be obtained upon the 'Loan' hereto fore authorized, and that there was no al ternative to save the Treasury from being dishonored, but this resort lo Treasury notes. ... "-The-yeft-ft4ay w on the motiuoto lay (he hit I upon the ta We. ami were ayes 83, noes I lb. The bill was then read a second time and ordered to be printed. i ; Thurndny, Jamirtrif C. ; In the. Senate, the ord. i a ofihi- day Were culleil for at uuii'clock, when the debate was resumed upon thi? morion tit Itft'flllV-ttniHi Select Committee of nine members. Mr. Woodbury occopied ihe time until the adjournment, in debatingthir plan pro posed, which he regarded as unsafe, dan gerous and impracticable. The Senate adjourned uVcr to MmuUy. In the Housn. Mr. Saltonstall, from the Committe on Manulartures, nflered a re solution that this committee be authorized to send JW persuus atid papers,' and exam ine witnesses, rl W? 4, - h-rtm p4lU"a V1U (i,t () .vc.ltejnyi.ce,.. 'tnerii'p. lle uiv 1radbirtoTgruWTTrTuT lion. Mr. Ue a)o opposed the resolution. Mr.- lilitngliast warfprofeeiling In make some re.nai k on the subject,' when hevas lt),t oeighhorbood of Newbefo will avail ihemTvon intetrupted by a call from Mr. Fillmore rfbi aervice before be leave, that wction, which for the orders of ihe dati and tlie'mornTitiT.i. i.i,M.ie?. t.i . .hi ,.t Ji,!HL,nll!rinB expired, various Senate bilU were tlieti laejioip.reail 4wlce,,anuFip; propriatily referred. Z. i K -i r The bill authorizing" the re-issue cf Treasury Notes w s then read bv the Cletk. ; , ; Mr. Fillmore then, i nterrd Bpnn sn tx-amin-tiion of the state of the Treasury, and submitted ' a printed statement made-by the Secrefnry to the Committee of Ways and Mean, showing ihe absolute necessity tor this resul t., -".- j,.,,..,. The Serrtary says that while the expen ditures fur tlie'firel quarter of 182 would exreed f 6, CC0, 0 0, . the reretpt for jhe same pei ioil , would not probahly amount t'mijfWC"S6 that though rallei) ptn by tltr Secretary of the Treasury to introduce a bill for the issue ol Treasury no'es. the Committee declined so to do until ihe necessity for this pirticular. resort was shewn; thit it itppeared that the Secretary had received information from some of ihe larger ciiks that no extension of lima upon the Loan bill would produce fund from that re source. They were therefore 'slriren, re luctantly, and tosave the honor of thr coun try, to the proposed tne astirc. L : :-. t . "-. a . Mr. (5. Da' ies vehem'ently oppased the proposed course as being nothing less thai the old schema of "Continental money, Mr. Wise followed, next, and closed by moving a-proviso that n Treasury notes should isstre until the proceeds of the Pub. lie Lanihf,' now in the Treasmy, had first been applied to the wants f the Govern ment; ' ."' "Mr. Fillmore raised tlie point of order as to this amendment, and pending this, the Committee rose and ihe House adjourned. Fndn, Jan. 7. The Senate did not sit. ' Nearly- the whole of the day's sitting in the House of Representative, we arc sorry to say was consumed in eontAis and vo'cs concern ing the reception of inemorials hhviog for theirobject the abolition of slavery, &.c,. I n every instance upoa the yeas anil nays being taken on motions to lay upon the ta ble the question of rereptiiSn, the question was determined in the allirmaiive, by ma jm-ities varj'ing frcm ten to eijiteen-voteSr It is fleeply to be lamented taat tne House should again find in its way thisstumbting block.. ' .;v- .-. -. -I "-.i-'. '" ' "- ' .ImuJSili.'Mtilwuryai , pne r pray .ng , the recognition of Haf ti, and siWther usk ing the passage of a law enacting that all slaves on hoard of ships sailing beyond the limits of (he Unjted Statu, should be eiifjlled to their "freedom. t mini mi iwimi mi I ! il l. !!. "".Ti'l THE ST AIL Libtrlas el nntalt tolum. ".ha Tj:icin7 jan v vhy 'is. 1 s ta- ' WHIG CO.NVKNTION. '1'lie propoiliiin of our imojhlior of ihe Rev1 ler,. thsl a Wbif conventiun l hflT m thin city, at art rartr iImv. w i mA frt nprrrive. mtl with nil hops thii iei will nul ouly give it itieir rH-lMrt. t.iiT istte ite niaTtet rn-tuwit ooc util in g'Kid carnriit. Let Uinr b n.i h!l'-ay bui nesaof .it. Wbati verU wurili i!niH. ia worth wpll iloit-j. TUt bttl S:i ougtil to tijur. nentfJ. "1 tie great October rmvonu.ati prove that the Vt'higa know how ths thina shout. I ! -Uooe, O'.l tlitt thrv lire lh tioyt t.) Jo it. I.Kt the peo tliro, in rirry count y, without wailing onr fur the i tlirr, proctJ forthwith lo hi'ld nifetings miJ (ipoint ilclegalr. I.st ery county U rvpreaerit Cil. The Vhig'1t(ie the power lu carry th &atn with coff, but there iiiuh! he concert, tigilaoce anil activity 8ni"ng lhBrm t Alreatty aro thefr enemh-a ilri'led, equipped anil litlpj out -for the campaign, in ilie liiU; ail ul'3 , they arooMt, aoJ rrpm-r for action, tVy msy look for certain ilcfe at miJ c!i (rare! A g'.it, who foIJa hi mii.aoj f'IU a-tk-rp in falte aocurity, may ba fettrreii anil taken eapia by s piemy. ' ' prtsenl to our railers, in 1tHJaylsStr, Ihe eloijui'nt s"peeih of Mr. M.ingum,onihftan pi n Fisnal Apeney. " ' We shalf publish the Interesting remarks of Mr. Itayner, on the refi-renon of that pstt of the PrenMed'a iSc;iuga wbieiixelaW. iw ihe 'fur iff, iu our next,. ' . , Tfie ehctioii "i)T InTendant and ComrnTsnion ers fur litis City will ba held on only next. Til tTHMPEBA"Nci CAUSE, it la grutilyilig In h-ain, ia, .througli lbs matruniRn tality of Mr. Carry, ihe inU-lfijpnl and worthy del cgaia from Bi Uhnore, Inking deep and wide tool in Ihia Stlale. Ia thij city, it bsa become large lr, prrling ita sebl branchea oae'r and aheltenng tinmlryii .wm. . : - rt ; '" I lie tIi mipcco wliixa pealiforoua hrralTi Tu f'al ia poiun, and to inhale i de.ith. lo Chatham, Orange, and GtiilforJ, it ba found ftvorahle sail, and pniqoiwa a lutarianl growth. And, In drop Ihe figure, oo a rertul viait lo C wrll, Mr. Carey found her enliahirned citizen n t k-M diepowd to filter into tin great and beneficent moral rciorm. In Milfnn, he fortued a eorjsty of 60 or BO men; tn Yaney vijjjaf'rrnc enmpoae d of 45 or 60; and tl.e.hflrgT one was argnii.e.l nntn betiiiB heiween 30 ami 4 (.: He Uo iiie 1 t)n- I 120 eeiitloimu and flfi ladie. A great nuniher of "TaTFrmrTiltuftfd.1 Mr. Carey, la now on lu'a way to Xenheiu, Fiin I thenne, hi preaeni purpow i tu uu rjttvilie j and Cncoul, We hope, howartr,. ihetowo io " ' ' ja'j. sill Ihcjulka' Lug. txtiaciaJraax-leuetao. traamom juttceivrd at this othee,-from intelli. gent and influential individual: -." , : ' ,.' t. Tf From Pitlhorough M We" bare .swept within the temperaaes WleX - pry '- neatly. wy man, woman and boy in Pittaborougb. U i aaid ilia ba lance are on the fence, leaning over toward our side, slmosTmHlirte' enter.' " ,; 7T From Granville- I rannol lay down my p0 without congnttulaliiig you on the happy result of th temperance csum in your city. . We (eel ths hapuy conarqeences o! it in thiection nf country, pjrtieitUrly in Orsngs, adjoining Uranvills,. They have taken ths pledge- on Flul rter,;tiJ enjoy peace knd eomfort. . It w'a herntoiuie cne nf the mot diwipated section perh'apn In ihs Klste." much p!e.d with it. Il errbr.ceS ih. whol. Hi.'.' .. . ' , - . , ' i . ... , 1 1 hie, in two neatly printed volumes, with uwful 1 , , i i- i . " i 1 margmal references sod judicious pole and coin' ; meat, .condensed f"m the m;i.i.oroved com- t nisntarie;" and, w duult not, richly deceive Ihe recommendation which it ba received from " cler gy mea of various evangelical JennniioHlloii." ' I Maj. Walter Gwynti has been elected President of lh rurlamoulh and Roanok lU'.t Rctd Cam', pany. - v - . MAMKOlTtll HOC.-' V wera gratified, or) paing through Uuioo Square, yeitenkv mormn J, to witne li e exhiln." tin of focr msmmnuth hog. rafJ by Col. 11, Wilder, a worthy and an enierpiiinj farmer of (bit ronniy, The larjrat weigli at leart Se bon-J i i , r ,. : ' , e i I ureu pounua. )i oai ncfei ueior aeeu nu e qual in this rity. - - rXFANTTCITOOL EXA MINAIIOX?. The exaniination of f!io chiluVi-ti attac-hed to Mr. Teal's Inl'urit Srhoolio iliepresenee if a' hirfre aiid intelligent andienee, nt the Cfly Hall, ctn Wedaesdiiy tni'iiiyg last, was higldy interesting and gratifying to every" One present. , Indred, the di'groe of nientid discipline, ncctinite kninylcdge.Jand prompt tti.niilesU'J by lite pupils, all .of very tender years, was truly surpriyng, and re fleeted great credit. upon hotii themselves anil their teacher. 2 , The delightful exen ises wertv closed hy an appropriata" address by tUe "Her. ('. I. F. Ikcms. "DllAtOCJtATiq", CONVKN TION", .-'..... This body assembled in Ihe-Commons II a. I pn-londay last, tnd proceeded lo orgfltirtfl bj Ihe anpoiiitmpnl ofTlionias I.. Ilybart, ('hulrntan and Thomas Lotinff F.sq, Keerolar The tinnips of the delegates were then enrolled; v hen It appeared, is we Iwirir from the liegiK- iwt"thweJ were tlR S'leg-iUt!. wpresrotino; 1.1 -nr. 211 Counties, in stleifrljiini'. After these prelim inaries, Oie Kev.. Ileoty Fins of' Warren was chosen I'reMihuil of the Convention; Dt, Wat son of Wake and Gen. Craves of Caswell," Vice FrssiSents; Messrs. Siillerfiord and Jmiies L. SniiihJ.Seeri'taries;' and Messts. Jclifl llatrikn. and ti'reen" Hill, door-keepers. Oo mr.li.rn if Col. Wh l,e, . mmi.lea of I twenty-six members wens appointed lo Teport J Ihe w hole business to ho done; end tho Con veniioo ihen adj.-iurn,ed to 7 nclock, P. M. ' MEALTU UF nr.LS,lIOROt'Gri.. . There have been only 13 deaths iu Hillsho rough during the past year. 1e poputatfon of the plsre is 1000, teides about ISO sohul.ua In the different sohools, v'TE M P KM A IN C K C K t. K 0 R ATIOX , Ctiiistiiia was cefebrated in HtlNhuruuub by in a yfirj spirited and appropriate mujiuitt. A ptweh5ti was fnnned afii maretied lo' the. MettV odisl Chtitch,-w herej says the lieeoriler, "Ihe services were then ripened with prayer by the Rev. Mr. Cure!l; after w hich ihe meeting was addressed bv ihe Kev. Mr. Jameibn, the pre- Hiding elder for this district, who spoke with much eloquence and foreo. In Ihe course of his rt marks he explained tha origin of the Wash ington Societies, and gave a gratifying accomii of the unexampled success which has every where attended them, in .reclaiming an oufortu nale elass who have hitherto teen considered as h opelessly ,Iot." He maintained, by nantiwi t;. able arguments, llie importance of ihe principle upon which these societies' are fVmded, the in lal abtthitnt pledge showing it to be thejpuly safe ground, not only fur those whoso tssto ha been vitiated by long indulgence, but also for llie moderate 'drinker, lie also answerd tnaiiy of thc otTjeeiros--WH4i4t-iV!tlr hara throw n - out. Indeed hi etioeoiirse appeared to cover ihe whi.le'grouud, sod w as happy ia its coneeptiofc, and very earnestly and forcibly delivered. The Hon. Frederick Nah followed luV faw plain tut impressive remarks, illustrated by striking and melancholy , GX4ni!es which h?d been kjiitijiht before tiitr In his Judicial capacity." " ' There was alo a very handsome Temperance celelaton iti Greenshorongh. ..' , j7fi i K B K O B B ER " . .:. On the 2Qih IVec. a closnt in the Patent office at AVshingloo was "opened by a false keyiu llie prewineei of msnf stranjere,' and a number of valuable articles nlo'len which had beet) pre- eitext JffJf'Kijin jifteotayes to M Tc;'rt,Ai,ne-, rtljrrarfea of ihla ovornmftnr.-Ttie rngtie made his escape. DtSTHKSSlSO. ' The Fsyotlcville Observer states that, on ihe 17th till., John McD. Rtid. ated IS. and Wit hum W, Keid,si;e'l 16, son of Mr. Jonathan Kei'l cf Meckletihurg roiiiity, were dtowned In Crof sing a creek which had been swollen by the riin. , , , ... And Sit tne 3d, Dr. W rn. W hit was drown SilliiiTEG'SAtuiiTu.t.fui,! ci lC15 tluTuiiu1 eniiffl. "Otrtbe"h''jtntoffhe lltlf, "Mr. J ntsK ot xki mtwMkixltLJ 4svtiiVUhi' a stTttrof .CRKDIl' Of THC STATUS. , . The Slate of Ohio and MdryUnd'hsve both, wa are gratified to -stale, ptil the seal of eon demiMlion npon Ihe di)innett and halefut doc. Itine of repudiation avowed by the Stale of Mis- swsijijii. intitiiiiiufloi lA-iegales of Mary-I ianu a OhLtajepcaLilie la wjiuposiiig s tax to raise, money to pay ths Stale debt, hai been promptly voted' down, 53 to 2I and in the Jloiise of Representatives of Ohio, s resolution lias been passed (it lo C, in which the doctrino of repuJijlhtfMS d-oi:need es -beiiig--at vaii unee with every principle of patiiutism. morali. ty, and even of enmmon hunosty." The o tnocracf" have a mnjor'ny in both these hodiea. The "party Hi Mississippi, fmdi'nj themselves on snp'pOrtcd by their political friends In; other j ,Sla'te, may yet h induced to retrace their Steps. -'pi.- tii...!-l . rii .i. '-.I..... .ii... .i' 7 t" of Jan,u8ry 1,8,3 """ 10 Mj thousand dollars, Issued nndur the (fuaranu-e of ' the State, aecordint; to the Act of Ui last I.e - w,'"" - , s g'slsturs. .-....., 8TATB OF FRANKI-AND. ' Proposition have been laid before the Legis lature cf Tennessee fer dividing the State.- One is, to make s new Stale, to bo called Flank 1snd,cnt of Fast Tennessee and the monnijln. oua portion of North Carolina, ,'lViimmeo arid (Jenitjia, epntijnons thereto. We tnnw ot what Uoorsjts Siul ViioU m,.y av lothh; bul w rau t ipr any psil of the Uld ionl !SIte. I. ha c.tb.r-r propostuon M, terert ( Vesie?ro Disitie into a new tjlale, to be called Jaelifioniana ; G it , . " " " '.' - . HAN K OF TUB SKATK, Al thejate Ationul Meeting lf ihe StockUolJ, j r .r Ibis tiisiUiMlStu -lUessr OOKcaii sme- ron, Wiliiain ;J5oylau. Juhn I.Uiyan, Alfred ,, Jotma. AVilllam Pence. Cl aries Manly. ih! tieo. W Mordecai, wefa. elected l)(rlur lor J uio pteseut yMT, na ir,e loiiuwing renfuiioti wis unanimously adeptrd.- . Jitfnltwl, That theeoure purriied the Prenidenl and Direetomef llie Knnh, to CHn'nrl iog Ihe lT.iir of the tivwnuon during the pasi year, meia with the hearty concurrence of ihe Stockholder. Y . John Iljill. Ksij. tTaslibr, hsa bepn appointed President of the Unok of ('ape Fear at W il ruinjton, -ei Juo. Jj. Ji.nen, IN". . , A - young" -Btso by .the nam cf Sunly, says Ihe Wllmiiiglon l-hrooicle.-ons kilted tn BrtMis wtck eounly, on Christmas dayi by- receiving in his body ilia wad of a gun fired by "another driok'tng frolic, for fun. Cliarrs being i.i ihe sci. of firing hi gtiii',.f?uniy juniped sudjt-iily . he (ne it, reccivit.j( ihe fatal rouii urs. , - wouiviMoTLTNT" Tlie'.Mailiioiii.ui says that thumiof the Heads of Oepartinetits, al Vaahtiiiton, are at their pom long before'-w but uru called olftcc hours. The Seerplaiy rif Suite is oflen engaged in the J dotien of his o.Tii'e until iiiidniirht. Tha Post- innaier liractal ia at work before breakfaslf and l,,B erel.iry ot lite Nsty lakes Ihe lead of ell h anJ Is fre,p,o..tly at bis dsk, in the Dep-irtuient, before the messengr r has had time to rouse up agood fire. The Secretary of War and ihe Secretary of llie Treasury, are both in duiatigabie iu ilmif f.ibors. . titelt examples are Worthy of imitation. roit t"oV' vi'fuitNtimi---'. The Chronicle cf thu, Slh instgtit says: "Out linilmr at ths prfsont time presents' a pleas'u.g tppr-aranee, there, ti Jng in iva greainr number of vessel than in any one lin for.'jrnaa'if jar.V a largo propottiou cf iliem heay lowiage," This tooks-business liker nod furnishes vl donee oT The incieasing coiiiimn'e of Wiliiitug lon, with which we Hte much gtutified. , Uut just conuecf tjtta City with Wiliningtouhy a Kail Road ftom'Goldsboio', auJ then give us a turn pike lo Ihs mountains; and. another -eotl of for; est of toasts will darken vuur waleiS. "What say you, bto. Chroit.' " t J. V. L. MoVJahon, in a coinmunraiion in the Baltimore Pntrlul, Styles lloil the monies re ceived bv him, tor the benefit cf the widow and children of Thomas IJ. Lairghlin, who lost his lite in tlte giTwWg-ptWJsion" of- May,- 1848, amouots to $3,2t!) )'.). It has been luvestcd in real estate and city slocks, T j 1 Tiia Harrisbttrg H'oporler continues In lakn strong ground In favour of the lion. Jas. Uiich- unan as a candidate for the niXtPjflidency-- 4j - Bb4iecipiTrioff, says ihe Philadelphia Enquirer, has sufiicienlly developed to sulhoriie Ihe he lief that Mr. U," will be the oppostiion candi date of Pennsylvania.'" ' " "" ;' r: NEW HOKSE.SI10K. . ' "A. Frenchman, resident in Poland, lis in- vtmted ..(so-aay ihe -Uiuoitl Smvmw JvurnnV) new nwiilrod of nboulng hore, fur which the einpnrurhas awarded him fifty thousand rou bles, besides an exclusive patent. He covers the entire Imof with iron; and the basa of this shoe or sandal is perfectly Smooth. 1 It requires neither oatl nr screw, 1 exirmnely cheap, and has the iuipuiliint characteristic of great light ness. It is getilng into use in all parts of 4f.us- , sijv , W!hi- JiJtgf very benehciat. A near as we can understand this account, this-shoe is a kind ef meeasie, made of sheel iron. , ,. c ' " ,' ; , . Ttie Riilhnrfordtna Intelligencer stales that the dwelling' house uf Mr. Saniucl Wheeler of Uulh- erford county, with its content, was consumed by fire a few nights ninoi : A bill has pssaed ihe benaieof Tennessee, to remove iheScat of (iovernnieni of ihut State to Koosv-riiev now iTonored wrlh moreTTiuit so ordinary nuiri hef of the must. accomplished foreign swindlers snd knaes which' ever escaped ihe psllows The police in Kngland. hvo become exceodtng ly rigid. Hence accomplished rogues prefer visilinjj this country as fashionable geutlrmrn, lo an ignnmiiilooa tr.in'poitatioi! ito.JllaejyTlayi 'ttre-AmerTeaHi y-lliid4egts'viVeh-impuf-j taiioit. remarks 1 hey amount to" s" very large number; most of them come here poor, bul the great chance for plunder ib New York and rhlladoTjihla lias enabled 'ibese adroit las cola ULsaaka" tuuaey cmuigh lo assom-tte8Hexl tut 'of iravclling geniletrien,, w ith, large port msnteaus snd bags, goltl headed canes, gold chains and watches,, and t whiio servant, Usual ly an accomplice. They are 'doing,' and will continue 'to co, fine business, Same nf this gang effected the Ja( gr.'at robbery st Wash ioctyn. -. Rewards jfvr ihcse -depredators will have but little etT.fCt, except lo increase their gu- in " iii:-.-:.; . e it.t-'I -'. jjL'.-r-'"" V Oaf JIJ .aoa iiw af.w.icar riHisposvv,;: ' fy See lb ilerlienient ol Jmea Stifart, . European Agent dte. who may b eonautted atlti lodging tithe Eagle Holi'l, in this city, where h will reoisio a few day only.. . , . : , - , Ths New York Banks have somewhat ex tended their discounts, and the money maiketii not quite so light. ' . : J-VeniiIaiset Kinsman ha been held to bail in Philadelphia, in ths gum of 0,000 for fraudulent insolvency. Ell'flt Iletrirjr, a pavniaau-r in tho Arny, wlji, Rrr0,trtl in Srw Yo,k jnM WMk( fr ,ilh, ,ldinj finm he govP(nniri t r'.e sum of35.tat. u wa!( Iri m bail in f SO.twtO. .. U A PsoHTiBi.k RiL8on. A iitemrria! to the i , . - . I I.eeyiiturre of New, York sutea. thai ilu- nett proQits of ilm Liiea and Seheneeindy Hailroad :f)W ,t,c &w ywl have Wn S J3H,Sri? fn f ,nnm on mii avi-rage, or 13 1-t jereenV p-r so-'.' i,"ulu cri'ihs eapiisj.aad .wyirig Hkf Legiatatuns ,0 .nh late ol fare lo'two cents pet "mile. 'Ike L S. Jlunk I'rttcMmtfil Ijumtieil.'- As' wa generally expected, the Court af V'litiiluaJ Sesotiins tpiashed Ihe preret'dings hy the (lian I: Jury against Uidd'es and others coiiuecird wuii Ihe t'ni'ed Slates Bank. The matter, it is tin--derstnod, will be brought befote the next CcanJ Jitry. ", .... .'.,.....,,., ,. JtA. CAMrns-LL and Thomas T. IIoco. Ko,uires, of this City, have been apiiiiuit ed Alils-ilc-Catnp iu the Adjutant.fJenrr -ul ol the1 Saic, with the rank of Colonel. ' ,'- ";'"' !' -- Ktsisrtr. ' A forffed cheek for 1000. in thename of C. rli'wtjijj1,' was"prieiite(l at itf irft nleT llankitig Association, New York, a jjay or two ago, and paid. - : : " - ' firr. " - - Some nhrhtt atro a bain uelnoglng to Addieoit ... VVhidbee, t'so,., Inrmer of this comity, w en tirely cousmned by fire, ' Il was fvted by som) villian tt late hour in the night, and dis covered loo lulu to a sire auy thing of its eon tents.-'- Leas uhout St.&OO, '&.' Xarth .Srrre, " " IMPROVIiMF.N F IN FIUR ARMS.' ' The London Times gatsan account of a Uunsiuti musket which is constructed on a -fiew principle, and has just been success-, fully tried. It has been invented by the llaron Heurtelonpe, for the Russian Army: - Thmigh th gy was wet and boister ous iti the extreme, ICO round of bull car-' -. triilge were Bred Irotti the Damn's gun iu- atiiii.conceivable. short space of time, w ith nut a singfeTattunf "r bang fires, and, in-j deed from the formation of the piece itself, ' which has the lock placed under the buN rel. immediately before tlie trigger, and IiTtli1Turlltm lijr TiTi'tiflst lngniuuiri?iio trivance, completely" securetl IVom the ac- . . liou uf the weat her, the priming being cun lained 4-a-etmtiotthin tlt-wta ttrter,- impervious, to -'moisture. and enclosed in' thesioik of the gun itself, rain or wet can have no effect on the action uf stuusket so constructed. It is however, ihe composi--lion contained in this tube, and the simple ' manner tn wntcn it is actea upon, mat gives the invenfiott its great superiority over all' other fire arms now in use. ' The lube in, -question,, which is about eight inches long, by about one-eighth ef an mrh wide, con--tains detonating powder- sufficient for 30'" primings, and is in the first place Inserted t rrf the.bndy pt the stotkMinder the hsrrel. V A very simple, inechsnisift causes theex t tremity ol this tube to sdvsnce over a fiat, topped nipple, and the cock which Mrikee it is so constructed as to cut from the tuba ' that port inn which lies ovjr the n"pple,atul the hammer-actiftg wpon.4t.-aJ most sintu I-; laneously protluces the discharge.?. ;-.. DIED, .',". I!- In this City, on Sunday last, Mr, James. t Uoman.an lrinhman'by birth, but for about Ioit--ty years s resident of tlits plaee. , , . Ktatff of Itorth Cstrlltia, ' ' -, ' JIertpokd UorwTT, Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions No remlrer Teim, 1841 Samuel 3. Wheeler Judicial attachment levied . on Unit, , j. . n Jms t,.t!is, ' It appcarieg to the Mli.fnelicB of Ihs Court tht- the ilt lenHmii In this actum li-i't a renlem of thi " 9ute it. ta llierefbr neilered hy Ihe Coott, ht .iib- ' hoiioa t made in llie Klui(ti Star fc oriS Oroli- , a decile lor ai wet-It, gifing the mid Jaroe C , H.rm noiKie thai It be and eppeae btfoi e th J u - ., rice of ' rfieCrnft 4 I'IVh pi CJnweee Siii t - - . ih sent Cwirl lo b htrt lor lh e.omlj ol Ilrrifoltt, at Hi Court ftmite in W lntnn, th tiwrlh Mmity ' ' in Ktbrmry tint, then snit Ihcr rtplety ih pro- i f.ertt attached anil leail, eilicrvt Anal I Nilgmrnt j ill be entered up againtt him, and ihe property .' letied on, enndepaned an I ij let lo Ih mieer.ry ot , die t.UinnrT, tRreeuhljr In aut cf Aaaembty in tucb ate nile Suit peoiiled ' , , "ten ' " J M. COWPKR, Clk " , . " "' -Pries Ad. J 61J. ; , e "- .. y , . rruoprAr AJi:cr. ' ; TJtF. bXHKUMONBO r'vspeeimtlr" iiilorni tha a PohliS. that Ih AIr-.Ni;V Sllileh he r ll.mlieil In , ii8imlii'aiiilii7ltsiyU ''"' tuud, ,UiU,t uiul JLwfM anli.niiunUHUMJ and rierin b) tiitnjit i-wiSHti.i..lt.W WMw .eMyvi ih M .tw.uumj . 'm--,-'..-u ' -l-rllH Slil-.SrHt-t ult Mionraa n rllleil, ,iilinnt na tt ironblo ue i'elr. l-egeeiea, llmdilary Proper tjr, j Aarmiiiea aiyl any turn pr'ilir T notnev rraai ltd pol ever, in ever pit Of Kntlanrt, Ireland and t Scotland, and sIm in Suy nri ol the U. Htaie. . Addrese ' ,r 4 , JAMK.H STUAHT, , - -, . .: - -:i,!,'- S . EuenfMrB Ast, ' ' - i'. .'";., ,f f H- t .. J'tiiladrlpliia, I. j -f-Bstetgli. jaat , tOHWr- rr,--: V HpV The stihcribee hsving cnnaiantly on hand, in ' Prtrrbur snd Hiclimond. a kirfre? and melt ae- ' lecrd" stock fnearlv thirty in number) ofthe ve. ' ry best pIANO-FOHTKS made in this cminiry, add being disposed in SVll them upon the nnwt f llb"errtt-rfflcitj one, even Ihe most , stlspiekni; be beglesv 10 -sofffeSt l tho in want of Piano the impmlmie of giving him teate? a trial, hefors pnrchaeintf elsewhere, sinee there ia no poWibility of Ihrir " toaing nd atroiig; probub. lit v that, thev wmihl f be greatly th truiners; in fuel, it would be but ' ' a pontponernent of a poiti'e pnrche. for thort time, of any lnlrument Whatever, -tinlit they coold hsve an opportunity of leitinir the quality ' . of those. ,of oiinev which are junsurpMsed. if j., -,, Jt osllrd iii Ehjrlamt . A meHca. I -;ii i ohl nearly' three' hundred '.'Of' (bene 'Piano's in a few years, wilhoui setliPB had one, and. I hold my. - self bound lo lake back or exchange soy instru ment Which, perchai'CP, nuKht prijvr .t'. frciivr. ' ' floldinv, at I he eer tlone, tlie opinion, tht the sale nf a atngle bd Pianu wooM nccuioti inch a lo of ctiifidence as eenihl not be after wsnls repaired by the ale of a hundred fcoJ one, it may well b expected that t ehutl he par- . tlcular a to what ssrt of intrnment f - d o.T,, . . E. I. NASII," t--mT " ' ; I'etermr', V. ( CJ ty Pianns re'lA b f'l in) ree veiry st J. W. RAMDOUril H CO'3. in l.;cUi o I. ' An;. 18-- t.. V. X. rs "