A; R A LK t li It ST A h A ll D N O K T li tf A RO LI N A U A A kT.T K PJ5 08PE CTU8 or Tii "' . 9117 8ICAL tCiniNCT. , George i M ebb. at its llandrt and Hadn oei. ly, tw-l i"t II Hay ward, Kdiior. . - For much longer prriod iban thi country be been ilhtbilcd by civilised people. Europe ha been - luxuriating in th eompoanioit of thua maater- spirit in matte, wbwo wot k lic after them, and Mill rrmaiu the ieli(hi and admiration of mankind. The-greal matters bev computed volume apoa vol u DM- bay, whole "libraries of sioir,'of which rarer iba uundrrih part over reached our ahore. In (iiia mini af view, static U bu' in lla infancy in Ihia country. W baa indeed a portion of thee rompnaitiona, and oma of Iba very big boat charac ter; but a Urge ahar of thia ia not generally diflue rd, and rest anly in Iba band f few profeswor and amateur,. iN'ot only it Eurep rich in lha production of lb art, but i contain lo an abundant atari of lnuiel lilera.ui. Hiatorir of Music: Uiogrephy of Musical men, boib oinpoaera sod per orovrrt; 1 raltra an Iba leaching and praciica of In ail in all l' branrbea; arotk on lb culture and manage- met, l of Ihe voic, and on all kicclo of ilia rumenla; bouka and essay exhibitiug tba religious, moral and ' anciaK influences nl music; its importance a g branch .of education; and iu softening influent upon Iba human character: -volume oa all Ihraa, end many other tuhyect, have been multiplied in definitely, containing lha accumulated experience of several gaueratione. m-rmn-hM balitd shea an attempt I iainsdei aad - spread a portion of I hi mu-ic and musical knowl- - edgo trill be acceptable in tbia country, and will meet with the patronage of. lha musical public gen - real y. rurh ia Ilia grneral object proposed in pre : arming lo tie public tha MIIOL CAHl.VEl'. TJte principal deaiga of Uia Musical Cabinet, la ' la twitd forth oioubry a choice collection of muaic. both aacied and ereutar, vocal and insirnmantal; , and elao a number of useful and inalruelivo arti cle of muaical literature; lha whole drawn from the beat aourcea, and adapted to I lie vinli of the muai cal public in tbia country. In regard to tba muaic, ila cheapness ia not an unimpnilanl feature; aince every subacriber, al lha ebxa of lha year, will find lhal ba baa on band a etock of piecea auiled 10 hit wiha, at one ball of the coal fur which the aame -. quantity could be pure bate J at the muaic timet and ba will hsv Iba muaical literature into tba bar gain. The Intlrument U Department will contain: 1. Pinnt-forte Piece, of eveiy va.ieiy of char acter, from plain and eay pirc.es, to lho requir ing, a eonciiteublo degree of ekill and execution. The majorily of tlieae piece will be adapted to the wanta of ihote who hate tnatla a tolerable proficien cy on tba instrument) and iu passage where it may Ike thought serviceable, tba fingering and oilier. inarkt and direcliona will ba carefully given. Tint Instrument haa beeoua ao rominoo iu tbia country. i - i , tbttt Jaymenrwtltr tnaka r'tllier an irpp6ii"ant zr. Jeatnraln tha wrt - X. Organ Placet, embracing Vnlunlariea. Pre- ludee, ImcrluJea, -'ekei- - ri' ftttli aiok ToVthfa tn a ro orient bat been publiahed in tbia country, ihat ucb piece cannul but ba acceptable to our or ganise. Tba? Vcal Department will contain: -I. Seclur Mitfic, embracing K- ig, Dna Trioa, Quartette, Oleea, dtc Thit will eonaiilulc the mxiel imortant feature of lha work. Much of the aecular muaic now- in eiietenre, particularly at tejrarde lha t ihjecU or the poetry, can lay little claim ti portly of moral, delicacy of aen'iment, or refinement of character. Tha public may real at aured that nothing will find ila way into the page! - of the Muaical Cabinet, which brealhet of any oih er apirit than the pure principle! jutt named. S. UticrrJ Mutie, tioiiga, Due t, etc., from tha work of Handel, and the other areal nmatrre, who hare Jefi an abundant atora of. the mom valuable inateriali Ao Anthem may occationally ba in- aerted. The Ytcut Muiic will ba arranged with an ac tompanirr.ent fur lha Piano-lorla, aicept tuch pie cea aa do not require it. The Literary tluparlment will cantaio articlea, b.nh orlilni 1 iuJ f Iwwd, an "the theory of muaic, includinif the variuui deparltnente of muaical act euro; lha biatory of Muaic, and of muaical instru ment; eaaave and miacailaneoua article on muaic, both vocal and instrumental, and on tha varioua in etromenta; biugraphiaa of eminent eompoaere and ' performer; criiicitme and nalyae of muaical com p eitiona; articlea on iba leaching and cu'tivaiion of the varioua branchee of tha art, and on muaical education; mutirtl talea, anecdote, etc.; muaical newa, both from Europa and. America; accounla of muaical itwtitutiona and aojietiea, and their opera tion; eke. etc. Tha object will be to fill tha pa tea with matter of permanent intereili aince a month , "ly periodical la littla auiled to erillciama of l.ical muaical pcrformancea, axcepl in very general In atl tkt Department tba want of Teacher will ba constantly kept in view. In tha Literary Department, lha great object will be instruction and information; and the eul'ject of teaching end mu. lra;l etlucatldrl' Will em in forihwr ftiHhar 1'a ichai af Ilia Piano forte will find tha peice fur that inalrument particularly adapted lo their pur- pnaee; and there will aleo ba introduced. inttruciiont nd aaeful eserciaea for training and culli'aliug lha GO '" Muaical Cabinet will be published mon'bly iir quarto form, each number to contain IS pairas of Mutie, and 4 pge of latter pre, to ba jirinte.1 an good paper and new lypa. Trm f 4,00 per yaar, payable in advance, Tba firat number will be iatoed In July, and will contain an elegant print of the head of Handel. behera, a tie American and Foreign Periodical Of ,8c, fCatttr.'Bctool atreeVgoalbn. ' " IVorth Carolina Almanae for invi, l UUK.II at HUl.llrJs' Narlk Carolina Alma nee, (or H3, jotl publiabeat aad lor sale, wbuUaale m retail, y Turner at Iluihet Italeieh, and at tUrir rttabUhmeai, No. Id, Job Street, New Yoik. Haleigb. aepl. IT. , TO THIS l'UDLIC. The aubcribrr having conataiitly on band, in Petrraburg; and Uichmoixl. a Urge and well te - tecrtrMik r-tlH iimwmber) of the ry beat PIANO POKTES made In Ihia country, and being disposed 1 aell them upon the mo.l liberal term thai cunld possibly be asked bv am our, even tha mal aup.iiouvhe. bMsK'v aoKlfesi to those in want of Pianos Ihe importance uf giving him a Iratl a trial, before purcbeaing eichrre. aince there ia no possibility of their toeing and a strong probability Ihat tbry would be really lb gainers! in fact, it would be but poalpunemeut of a pueiiivc purchase, for a short time, of any in-ir.imriit wliaU var, until thry cmtld ha an opportunity of testing the tuality of lloe of ni ne, liien are unsurpassed, if -q 'all.-d in England oc America, 1 have aold Hourly three huivlrcd of these Piano in a few ,crt.,h"U. telling a bad. onr, acnj I hold my-- I b-Hiaul to lake back COT rxchiiiye any iuslru arnt 4iich.-perch ..iBigJu oVfcfiJlve, ; llobling, a I have ever done, the opinion, that lh mU of a single bad Piano would occaaittn eucn a loa f c'Mifidenca a could not be aitrr waida repaired by the sale of a hundred good wnra, it n.ay well be expected that I shall he par Uculal at 10 what sort of instruments I tend off". E. P. NASH. Petersburg. Vs. V CJ" My Piano areto be fonnd in great vlirly - hi W. AUOir.l at Cll 8, in llichmona Aug. 18- E. P N j o n i it 1 n t 1 n a rw.Uy executed J thit Officcv Seven more PianFor(e JUST RECEIVED JtT E. P. AVI5. B tha achooaer, Juliet, I bate reeerrrd avvea nor Piaoo fortea, ahach.adtleal lo lha Ivrlve late. It uaiiacked. anake at Block verv turn orl com plete. I have a beaulilul variety of petlerat, vary- mg in prw Irom t vo hundred and aaveavy-five ta tix nBlred dollara, all ol which will be aold tub. i'tl to be inaracd if not really good, aad aitb a OltCnmeantllv lr klnh I mnmwAm mk lliirl Im. tirument) I eai.njl fa.l t pirate tlmte who may be ! a want ol the arlieltu Ho one Mepa in loe ork, i nr mat any ritk in perchaaiog a Piaoo Forte from ibe tubteeinrr, a be it willing that pvjeebaaert I thould vilbhold payment until ibey are tally tried. I t. f. ffASn, t cteraburg. ret. H, llll . it i a, BOOKS! B00K.S! Joel recehreil al the N'orth Carolina Hook Store, Vn. I Pat nieville at Kleigh, T he Token anil At lantic Houveoie lor MIS. enilx lliiherl wilh beaulilul rncrsoinga. I lallam't Literature ol Uuri-pe Huek. inxbain't Travel in America. Tea Th'nitanil year. Ormocraey in America, by lie Toeonrville, "tt"volt new edition The Modern Huililer't (iiiide, a new work, with 17 engravingt, by Mmtrd U fever TUttNKH tt HUGHES. Ud 11 FALL & WINTE l GOODS, T. PEITTP.ESS, Merchant Tailor, C. lJotik Sloi r, f OHT reapectfully annnunce lo bia friend kti and the public gent-rut!, that ha haa juat re lumed from he .North wilh a rich anJ attentive aatoriment of Ui nit. coinpriaing all ill latrat pat terna and faahion. and preacuting every thing baju I ful and elegarl in bi line. The following may perhap eervo lo convey an Idea ol Ilia etock: Ur. Wool-dyed London Hlark, do da do lirow do it ia do rtupr do do Ughland duk Blue ue. cloths. Crtren, Olive (Jreea Uutlle Oreen Double W e Waive, Diamond, Plain, 3 DCAVKR CLOTHS, aoilalile fur Froek and Pelto Ceil. M'upr. woel-Jyed Black.") ila Blue, do Fancy French, V CAHgIMEKP.3. do Parie Uiauinnd, I , ' do Fancy Dalinatin, j do da I'linltJ j 8upr. Figured Feraian Velrl, do do Brac4, Jo. -v do de do do do do do do Parisian Brocade' IMack VeUel; Figured 8i!k, Pariaun do Milk eating, Polk Satin, PIami Satin, Whit Satin, Mohair, Valencia, V VI9'n.NC3. Together with a grneral attorlmrnl of Fancy arti rles, compriaing Mohair snd Silk atcarfs for en llrmen'a Wean lllack Horae 8kin Glovea; Hlark Silk filovra; Whit Silk Glovea; Merino tilovea, Hliirla arid Dranirrt; Handkerchief, Htocke, Hut. prtiflrra, Shirt Collars ami U joint; all of which will beiliaposed of on mrderale term for cash, or on credit to punctual cualumrrs. The suberrilier avail himself of thi ocrstion i render to a generout public hit sincere and anaf frrtej nrknowli-dgmentt for the libersl patrons)' snd eii(-m ragemeiit lie has received aince he ket been in buaineas in this city 1 snd he most confi dently hopes to csrn lor the time In come lenaweJ evidence ol the public favor and regard. Ha h not been disponed al any time, and ia not now dis posed, lo indulge in strains of srlf-commendstion; nor haa it been hit practice hitherto to boast of a f rV superiority in kit work wen lo any in the L'uilrd "taiee. It it -uflicient for him lo -know Ihat hi work give general eatiafaction; and tf it were not lo do in, he would not lalior lo eohsme its value by high-eounding talk and mis; Iscsd en comiums. Th subacrilicr hss just receive J a plate of Peele's latest London Fsahious, logrlher with the Psris, New Vork and Philadelphia Faahiona for the Fall ami Winter ol 1843. T. R. FENTRE8B. Oct'. 11, 1841. 4t Ira More New Hook. Thit day received, at Iba North Carolina Book Store, the lollowing bonkst A Treatise on Ihe Church of Christ, deslrned eliieflv lor the n e of Students in Theology, by the Hcv William Palmer, A M. of Worcester College, Ostoid. in two Volt (ktavo te 1 he Viear of Wakefield, a Tsl bv Oliver Gold. snilb. iliutiiatedhr mEsuiniviaau. wilh au at, count ol ike Author's Life,.tnd writings; by J, Aikin, M II ' The Divine leeatinn of Motes rlemonttrateri bv the liighl Kev W.W.r burton, I). II. Lord Uitbopof (ilouer tier 1 in two Vols. Urhlgeman Young (iaeflrnrr't Altiitant. v ' TUKNER h HCGIIKS. Raleigh, IVe- 1MI. 5(1 -The ft-u ring KraslOn of ihe Subscriber's School commence th first Mondsy fn Januarv J. H. NOHWOOD Franklin, Not. STth, 1841. 49 ftw will resume tht txeru'e el my tMboal w Most d.v.tl e 3d January lUl Tuition. Classical or MitlwtFvewfrftnrlvrW tioh ' I WtoM boart! or 4 tlesdy " iittng men St )juiw a setsmai tuition anrl lights extra. Only thirty jitudents will be sdmiltcd. . J. Y. HICKS. Raleigh, December 10, Kit. 50 St. fStnle of North Carolina, Gates Cot'NTY. Aovember County Court, 1841 John AAudrsu 0rigi, AHtsebmenl levied Jew. Y. Ilarrell. m U"J In tbia ease It appearing to lb Court lhal Jets Y ll-eretl la' an liihabitant of aaoiber State, It iter lered by the Court that publication be made m the lialeieh Star, for lh de'lrndaut lo aiiiiear on or ke- tor ihe next Term af thit C"urt, aad replevy the proerly levied on, otherwise It Will ta eoulleahued 10 sniisIv thr plaiiltflt demand. Wstneat, tl illwra li. llaughlry, Cler or wid Iturt, al olHi-e ia Gatestille, Ibe third Monday ol November, 1841. W, li, UM'ti't I KT, IJ t;. u. Price Adv $5 C8J II w. Ila(aAn W, IIO&UEM, , . .f T'FOIiXE Y JIT I Jilt', ll wmovej hia-eflir. to Nov 'iV in lha not butldino-of B, B. Smith, Etrt.- where he may lya b foind, wheel not lMieni-rrn h elty on professional businrs. Couection of any mount joinpily and failhlully atlendsd to. (tuletgh, JJe. 15. laOVISBUUU ;4CAUEniLS. Trta-o oehotjls wdl be opened train on the Irtl day ol Janstarv next Uoaid may be ban w lib ihe Prsateipal at $W per betwon, l uitioa latlwdrd, ex eeul Muss, whtah til tepaiate ahaiy. Wilh nlher Familiea in ihe -Village at,d neighborhood Hoard mty be had also a terms but Ulle diibrenl Irom tba above. By oriier 1 " 4XO. B. BOItniTT. Dra ttl. 1141. M S. , lUgisicr S huertioss, TROSPECTUS OF THE PATUI ARCH, Or, Faintly- Library Magazine. rATaONIT.CD T All ASSOCIATIOW or tADIt. EJilorial department superintended Br Ur. U. W. Bat lit. The treat obiect of the work will be to defia aad ' enforce the relative dulua ol Ihe rliflereot members ( ol the family as audit aompiehentively embracing '' the subject ol domcstie Kducalinn, sod social obli- i raiiovi. bee we consider llae Hiflaeocc which inei- ber of lh unte lainil- eiert over each 01 her, to Educate, aad to mould the chaiacier, it may be tru ly taia mat lamuiea, imutg proiii- iiiaw miiivicia- alt, are Ihe matcraila out nl oliieh society is eonvti luted, anil which indeed lorra the etseatisl charac ter ol naiiont. ip their intellectual, mural, political sml pin to-i-d pecoliarhirs. aell Katuctuoe, lliereloie intelleclsl, moral, ana phytic .1; relative dutiet in the influence one mem ber ol the family mat hive over others, pal lieular Ir that nf Ihe pare 'I over Ihe children; in ahort, all .thai may contribute 10 torni soaiety in ut imtividiial a, nl collective character 10 mental intelligence, phy ties! energy, and moral power, all that can contri bute to social refiorment anu bappineu, it will be the aim of thi I'ei icxlu al to aid sml cnlorce- The Family it regarded tt sn Elementary School, aad at tueh, well filled to in endt, and ntecttarily exerts the moil important influence on lha entire character ol its inmatea thiough eicry grade ol Edu cation. Kighlly iliuipliuee, it bring! a po eerful aid lo oilier tchnolt, and may even supply Iba aanl ol them where they are insceettilile. It will be attempted 10 aiil parent! to conduct th Eitneatlaa rhrTrehrtilrert. parriwlitrtyy" tlbe - ju'liaiout direction to Ihe Kesding (he social pun- eiple, tt4t improvement, ann baliitl ol mouatry , to cnlorce a talutary Family ditaiplme, to excite chil dren 10 tuborilination.-anrl filial rrtpeet, lo aid youth ol both trxet to effter retpectably into society, to make, in Ihe retult, good citizent, and a happy na il . The Patriarch will be published on the first ds)t ol January, -laieh, Mtf, July, September, and No vember, wilh a clear lipe, on good paper octavo form Each number will contain 4S pages, suited to make a ) early volume ol 1188 paget ol permanent value. The fust having been ilelajed till .Iarch, the fifh will be published 00 the firat of October. Price $1 per annum in advance. It will thus be found, tor the matter contained, among Ihe chtapett publication!. I he reading mailer will be increased at loon at the extent ol the tub'cription will justify it, snd Ihe publisher hopes lo interest hit readers to tar that lliey will toon call lor the Monthly ittue el Ihe nuiubeii at double tr.e price. In Una enterprise the Editor betpraka snd ennfi denllv anticipate! the ardent coopeialino 'l Clergy men h parenlt, whole latiort, lliit work w III be found etleulated 10 aid h relieve. It will nol be beneath the Ihe attention ol the Statesman to support snd extend Ihe circulation of s little volume, which is wholly a dapted to foi m good citizens sntl lo blett the coun try. Every Philanthropist will Irel that tuch a Hook should be placed in every family, and read by every member of it. At Ihe low price Hated, it it manifest, expensive agenciet cannot be emplojed. All Clergymen at Pottmatltrt, therefore, respectfully requested to set at agents, to lake tubtci iptiont, and remit payment- Money, current where Ibe subscriber lives, will always be recrrved. . . Sabteripliont, Ui-oihtaneet, and all eoromoniea tiont on the pecuniary catieerna ol the Paiiarch mty be made 10 Jonna'han Leavilt, 14 John Street, N York 1 or to Joseph titer, Washington 1) C, (pott paid. ) All anmmunieationt eoneernirg the Editorial f)e part meat mas be made to Rev. It. V. Hailey, No 14 .lobu ttrev.1. New Vork. 7't Eihttrt Publishers ol newiptpert who will insert Ihe protpeetua ol. Ihe Patriarch, and send s copy nf the psper containing it to the Native Amer icaa Washington. I) C. will promptly reecite Ihe numbers of the Patriarch lor the year. May 1. 1141. ACCOMMODATION LINE I H atY I Jgt Jat. FKOn SLEDGE'S TO WELDO.V. 1 he tuhseribe' (living one mile and a half soulh of Gsslnn) it prepared to convey pnsmgvr from his house to W'cltloo. Hit cosck a ill be kept in rradineat every day lor the ssfe sad eomtortable ac commodation el travellers who msy desire to be conveyed Intra Ihe Raleigh snd Cation to ihe Ports mouth snd Wilmington lisil Hold. The citrsnee it about IS milett and the cbtrge will be f'i SO a head. Passenger! intending to Iskr thit route, will be s ble to leev the tram and rest one night, with the subscriber, avoid the fatigue, ritk sad expense of a circuitous travel of 4U miles by tsil road, in the right, and retch Weldon just ts soon it they sin by Ihe ears. JM There ia slso a regulsr conveyance, kept by rlr. lleai. Snrutil, from Weldon lo Slrdge's. WILLlS BI.F.nC.E. Nesr Gstlan, Nov. 11. IS4I 44 Knttt WILLAni TV. IIOLUEK, ATTORNEY AT LAW, AND OENKRAL AOINT, AND C0J.L KCTO, --..-. stALmon, m. e. Will attend thuCoorta of v'ake. Orange and Granville. Claim of every description thank Mly teceived and promptly attended to. REFER TO Hon. Nicholas Diddle, Philadelphia. Fra. Hopkinson, Philadelphia. Ant. Chaa. Catrnove, Alexandria, D C. Thnmaa J. Letnay and Ruffin Tucker, Kiqr... j Ra,e,Kh fl"n. Wm, A. Graham, llillshorough Hon. Robert B. Gilliam, Oxford. MISSES Fiit.LIAlrl,f HOTEL, l-ci'M- AXX PLUJAM J SlSTERi ,t aR ESI F.CT FU I -LY atinonnee to the public, that notwMbtiandiHg ihcy have bean greatly emharatsed and drat rested by ibe heavy loa let thry sustained by ibe Use destroo ioa of their former stand and other property by fire, they hive been enabled to lit up their large anil commodious budding immediately in the rear of ihe Cte Fear Bank, at a Halel, where they are prepared to accommodate traveller and -thers in at agreeable and eomfir!afIea "rh'shnerV suit uMHi as reatmiaUle termt, at can be procured at any publie house III the city. 1 hey wall entertain, 1st, Trantieul Vititert, and take good car af their horset: Sdty, -Krftttnr DiMtrthrt, by the month or year, te lodge cither in or out of their house 1 Silly, familiet, who can be furnished wilh rooms and every thing necessary 10 administer to their com fort and saiisfsetion . 1 heir bout tt pleasantly and convert 'sent ly situat ed be-ng but lttle mnre tbtn a hundreil yardt esst ol the Court House, and sufficiently beer the hetrt ol ktkvijx-t. . Their table sliall always be supplied with the I ett ihe rmrkct trfitu ila " llievr itab'ct with tn a- bumlanee of nrovender and irtirtr ntitcrt every ne- Mtwv Mltiti Irons llrrnaaehet and aervama' shall' at all lime be giveni and they flal er themaelvet, irom ihe sgrvealiieneaa ol their location. Use extent of hriraceommo'laiiona, and their long rxierieiice, thrv will be able to ptca.se all who may lav or iIkid with 1 heir custom They avail themaelvet of ihtt occasion to offer their si noe re luniks to the public, for Ihe substantial evi ilrncea ol parti sliiy and k Inducts which they hare te ceived for a an lea ol tears at their hands, and earn etl to tlieit a oullneatton rd thai favor in this heir lime ol great est need whea straggling aisinst ilsa want el mwliirtune, ai d when tut-ir lute ittus pended upon it. Raleigh, Oct. . 1141 40 Steow gT- Mandanl and lirgiatar pleas aopy 9 time cv- 17 Oliver week. al. P. k s. SSAKS' PICTORIAL ILLUSTRATIONS or THB BIBLE AND VlEWalN THE HOLT LAND WITH ri'LL iHO INTCaraTINO i.gTTia-rNcss DESCRIPTIONS CHIEFLY EXPLANATORY OF I HE EIIOH AVIN03 and of numerous passages connected with THI Geography, Xaturul History 4 Jintiquititt or THE Knered Sriistnrcn. ' THIS FOLLOWING WORK II AS BEEN COMPILED FROM THE LO.NDON PICTORIAL a nana a WIUCII SELLS IX THIS COUNTRY FOR 18 to23 per Copy! (Cf Every man. Woman and child in the Unit ed Htatea, who possesses Bible, will surely furnish themselves wilh lh following beauUful aeriea of Scripture Illustrations. alOO'Pictorial Illustration. 0 F ,TJJ fiLJJl BLK, VIEWS IN THE HOLY LAND. Nxw: rurir, 111 viiiini riiBiiciTio. Four hundred page; H Ve,, Fine Paper, Hand somely Bound. Price only t-w dtllart. The sub tirriber reirrjectftifry invite the aHerrtfwn of Clergy men, Teacher of Sabbath School. Head of Fam iliet, and Bookseller, throughout th United State, lo the above New, Cheap, and Splendidly Illustrat ed Work. Published and for aale, at No. 122, Nattsa Street New York City. It feature are bet ter defined by Ihe title: - TWO HUNDRED PICTORIAL ILLUSTRATIONS OF THE SCRIPTURES, ooiurrtiii or Views In the IItly Lnn1, Together with many of Ihe most remarkable ob jects mentioned in the Old and New Testsmem, representing sacred historical eventi, copied from celebrated pictures, principally by the old mas ters: the Landscape Scenes, taken from oririnsl sketches msde on the spot, with full and inter esling Letter-Press detcripliona, devoted lo an explanation of the object mentioned in Ihe aa cred text. On etamination this will be found a very plea ant and profitable book, especially for Ihe perusal of You so PioPLi, abounding in the moat valuable information, collected with great cars, ftom the beat and latest sources. It may, very properly, b de signated a common place book for everv thing val uable, relating l ORIENTAL MANNERS, CUS TOMS, ska. Sec. and comprises within itself a ctmplcte library f rcligiaue and uteiil knowl edge. A volume lik the present, is tar superior 10 lbs common Annuals it will never n tut tf date, rry II I beautifully printed in new long primer type handsomely bound in mutlin, gilt, and let tered; and it, decidedly, the tett anil cheapett pub licatitn (for the price,) ever ittuedfrom tlx Amer ican Prete. $y A liberal discount made lo wholesale pur chasers. Persons iu the country, wishing lo act as sgrr.la, may obtain all the nccetttry information, by adJreaaing their letter lo lh luuKiiber, No. 122, Nassau Strret, New York City. ROBERT SEARS, Publither. 'I 1 1 '9 ' " . Clergymen, Superintendent and Teachera of Sabbath School, dj" Aarrnleof Religious News ,)iper, and Periodicals, T3 Puctmatteri, 6c Book teller, throughout the country, are retpectfully ra qortled lo acl at uar igent. fXj" JVt letter -will be taken frtm tie tjfee un let prtl paid. To Piiblishera of Papers throiiKli ont the United Stales. A'etripapert tr Magazine: copying Ihe a bove entire, without any alteration or abridgement (including thia notice.) and giving it 12 ixainx ix-tta-riows, shall receive a copy of lha work tnb itct tt their trder,) by sending direct to th Pub lither. ANOTHER NEW SUPPLY . or WATtnCS and J E WE LLE It V, JUBT from Philadelphia, can be pur chased cheap fur cash at JOHN C. PAL MER'S, Faysttcvillk Street, a few doors above Mr. R. Smith's Store, at the sign of lha Watch. W A T CHE S. Gtld and Silver Levert, Lepine snd Vertical. WA1TII CHAINS and KEYS. inu cj s. FIX G EH KINGS V UUEAST PINS. Metwit, Kaasaal, Slant, tlagret aad euW t a nave ,asturlmecU., taotd Mtdaluia jk Haaru sod. Crust KNIVES, IIAZUUS & SCISSORS. linear', Woslenholra. and Klliotl t .a very fine assortment, from ti ell. to $3 each. Very cheap. , SPECTACLES. COLO,' tvr. Steel and Iron,- Concave and Con. veiTG'aa, W' Wh all kbiir-of Bv nw lrker:- Alto, German Silver, Ambo) net, and &cotb Spec tacle easel and Goggles. MALKING CANES: Ebony. Rose Wood, Pstridge Wood, and Hickory, Gold and Silver outited, ebesp ariile ; - Plated Castors. Candle Slicks, Snuff, n Ic Trsvs. Cold and Silver Pencils, (.old and Silver Thimblrst a very fine assortment uf Coial, Bud Gold Clasps, silver w biuret aan muter ivnivrs. A laree-assnrtmrat of Steel Pens, aa excellent article) feasor Straps, aad all other m lisls a osvaally kepi in Jewelry Mors s. 1 abov Jewelry was purchaser! cheap ay ntietu, a no wui wanans wnai I aell lo bet as rreomHiended Watehe repaired and-warranted for twrlv.ntomh. ...Sitvrf war mi. aulaelarert, and Jewelry Trpaired all slow ta Ibe aell rausarnMtmis4a!iim gieew we wa pvr. -?!.. 1 JOHN c. Palmer; Raleigh, No. 30, 1.141. . 41 &-w. To Dentisls. , I have on hand a large arsortment of Dr. R. McGrath's Incorruptible Teeth, for sale al Philadelphia prices, tor cash. J.J. 1', A CARD. DOCTOlt U:VI3 will be absent from lh Citv tor a few weeks, on businelt in Ihe Snulh but will return a ooa a peaaible and re sun. a tba practice of hi profession. LUleigh, I oa.l4.lSU. - SO at. PllOSPECTUS OF TUE NORTH CAROLINA TE3I PEUANCE UNION. The Slats Temperance ' Society of N. C. al its rats meeting, diieeted ila Executive Committee lo lake measure fur th tallihment, at this plsre, of a Journal, devoted lo the cauae of Tempe.-ance- In obedience lo ibeir wiaiie. and impreued with th importance of tuch a publication, ihe commit. ' laj has detcimincd, if aulfirient encouragement , ran be obtained, to laau the firat number nf such a j puhliralion, lo l called the NORTH CAROLINA TEMPERANCE UNION, on the 6m of January i ' I neil. I The leading object of tha Union .ill be, the d.a- t mutation i 1 emprranre priuripua, we snail .! t T 1 ... ... endeavor to pres. nl in Us psges, a full recom ol , the progrrvt ol tha Temperance Cause in our own and in foreign lands ol it efTuet upon individuals nd 3ommuuitis and original article in drfi nra of its jtrinriplrs, and in reply to tba various objec tion t urged sgsir.st it. While, however, the promotion of Temperance will be the lint and leading object of our Juur nal, it it our intention, thit in paget shall bedivei sified by a general summary of Ihe moat important events of the dsy, and by particular atteution lo lh interest of Agriculture 'In carrying out thia object, the Committee look with confluence tn Ihe friends of Temperance, par ticularly in North Carolina, for aid and aupport. A new impulse has been given to ibe cause iu this Iuik"' Wert" this tlieirapealoTT, w coufJ tell a lale of what ha been patting under our own eyea.which would tend a thrill of joy through every benevolent heart. The teformation of tba inebriate ha commenced, and it Hill going on wilh a power and aucces, which lha mod unguina never dated to sntictpsts. Oive 01 but th mean of commit. motion, and we iruat that an inuunc will go forth from tha Copilal of lha' old North State, lo ila re mote! boupdary, Ihat will teltupon it happiness and prosperity through all future generation. Permit ua, jhen, nviet rarnettly to appeal to ev . ery frienJ of Temperance, Morality, and good or der, to aid u promptly. A the object it to com mence with the newyecr, delay on Ihe part of it friend may be fatal' Lei every individual then, who feel an interetl in our success, snd every Tem perance Society, become responsible, al tnce for the number ofropie, which they suppoac can lie circulated in Ihcir viciriity,snd forward their name immediately, for 10, 20, or 50 copies, at they may think the demand uf their neighborhood may jua- tify. In thi way only, can we hope fur tucceat in our effort. At a meeting of tbe Executive Committee of Ihe N. C. Stale Temperance Society, the following r aolulioii wa adopted: Whereaa, arrangement have been m de to commence ihe publication of a Temperance Journal in the City of Raleigh, on lha first week of January next.previded Out THOi'taxD Subscribers can be obtained " Jtettlved, That it be' most earnestly rrcommen. ded to each of the Officers of the Stale Temperance Society, and to tha member of tbe late State Con vention, and to any who are friendly lo the causa, immediately after the receipt of this resolution, lo become responsible for from 10 to 60 Subscri bers, so that the publication may commence at tha lime contemplated. By order of the Executive Committee of ike North Carolina State Temperance Bociety. TERMS: The North Carolina Temperance Union will be publiahed wei kly on a medium sheel,(ssy 26 by 18 inchea,)at One Dollar and Fifty Cents per annum., payable IN ADVANCE. Letters containing Sub scribers names andremitlances.must be diieeted, pott paid or free, 10 the Treaaurer of Ihe Society, Jitss Brows, Raleigh, N. C. All the newapapers in the Stat are lespeclfully requested to give this Prospectus one or two inser tion. arvLlllllliGF.'s, H ALM OF COLUMIIIA FOR f VHK. II AIR. lit positive qnalilare are as iol lowti In 'For inlanl'i keeping Ihe head free from scurl snd cstiving a luxuriant growih ol hair. Sd For ladies alter child birth, restoring the tkin to its eatenl strength and firmnest, snd pre venting ihe falling oul of the hair. 3J For any person recovering from any debility the same effect is produced. th II used in inlancy till a good growth la start ed, it may be preserved by attention lo the latest period ol life. Slh It frees Ihe hesd from dsndrifT. strengthens Ihe roots, imparls health am! rigor to Ihe eireulstion and prevents tbe hsir from (hanging color or getting grsr. 6th It eautei the hair to curl beautifully when done up in it over night. No ladies' toilet thould ever be made without il. 7lh Children w ho have by any means eontrseted vermin in Ibe head, are immediately snd perfectly cured of them bv its use. It it infallible. For Sale at tbe drug ttore ol CO MSI OCR k Co. No 8. Fletcher iirrel, New York. Aad by W. M. MASON ftc Co. ltaleigh. HAYS' LINIMENT. WO. fCyVOvVThit extraordiaary .chemical composition, the result f teiente and Ihe invention of s celebrated medical nian, the introduction ol which to ihe publie was invested wilh the anlemnity of a death-bed b'qitesl. has sintt g lined a reputation unparalleled, fully sustsined the correctness of the ihe Ismenlec Dr. Gridley't last eonfetiinn, thst "be dared not die wit hoot giving to posterity the bene fit of hit knowlede on thit nibject," ami he there fore bequeathed I hit Irienil and attendant Solo mon Ha) I, Ihe secret ol hit discovery. It it now used ia Ihe principle hospitals, aad lh private practice in our country, ant and moat cer tainly for Ihe cure nf ihe J'iirt, and alio extensively and rffeciuallv aato baffle credulity, uulett where lFr 8) by W M..M.. MASON c. Collate igh 3v-iaeari3ara v JBRA,A X-A laBwWaui jULIJ DOJV11N10JN . . CLOTHING 8 TO R E . Bppttiie Mettr. Jllittn & Watt China Sttrt Main Street. XI7 E would beg leave to inform oor f-ienil and lha public generally, that w keep ontlntly an hand Clothing of all kinds, and auitahla for all teasons, which w will tell Inw fur cash. W would invite all lo call and examine fur themselves, whether they want to purchase or not. All good old by l that da) , nol niw-r 4n every particular, can be retun ed, and Ihe money refunded, provided tbry shall not have been worn. 19m. Richmond, Vs.. Match 80, 1811. 19 Classical uud English School. - - Thesobseriber retpectfully Ihlormi the inhshiianla of Raleigh, thai on the 10th of January, 1842, he will open a Classical and English school hi a building Bear ihe Rpisenpal Church, lormcrly occupied as a law office by II. W. Miller. Termiper Setsion Clastic - - - - f SO, Kngl.sh ... Those who d'sl c any inlormitioa ia regard lo aSe charaeier of Ike tubxiiber at a tracher are re ferred t Cherlee Manly, tiq , .d rlvr Hon. Mteljard Hiae. , :vM IjOXEJUY,.. . . --V::-r" I-., ' " Ut Anecdoi k. -In lime of much religious excitement, an honest old Dutch farmer, of the Mokawk, Was asked his opinion as to which denomination of Christians were in the right way to heaven. "Veil, den," said he, "ven we ride our weat lo Alpany, some say dat'is de peel, nut I ton't link it makes much titTerence which rout we take; for wen we get dare, dey nifcr ask us wich way we cum and il is none of dare pusiness if ouiweat be gooL EDUCATION. MRS. PHILLIPS will ope. . Sehonl rt t.io,' Aa emy, one mile and a half , ol U-,,,,.., L Koatla, t.ianvillc counlv. on the Is i afi LJ next. n .fcr T..,.i- "7 'Ibis insiitntloe it located m a a ., 1 1- bnrl.ood, alxiul lout milet from Fismklmiatt. a del pot on lite Halrigh aad GasKas 11 Hoad.aaslsa etieof i Ibe health- 1 teciion nl lb Sialei all Ibe varsow hranches id an Kugtiah E-lutatii utwally laughi in ibe belt Academics ill be taught in tkt( i, sw. sirucirsst bat bad greal rxprrsraee in leaebangi waart) ""J " m reapeelaWe Tawilie aa aheap a in mnf '" Ue """'H " feont Ma nstUoea T ."!? 1 V 'hejr ehilrlren or arils abroad lot an education, would do well la ess. .,,. ,,., -,i.,. . ..... , .. , u ' ' " "e,a ' 'JWftN Iter Settien tf tv mtmtkn 8ie!lii g, Heading. Writing and Arithmetic, t 00 Thr higher hran. bet. 10 IM Januar) 4, 184.3. 1 St NOTICE. The partnership ol Dunn, Mtllwaio tt ftrowa. Irs having ripired by litnhalalion, 1 this day, slit s dvetl, except to litr at msy be necessity to slots thr business 1. 1 the concern. A - The ttirviving partner! will attend lo all tetltr ments. and desire lhal llicy be made at early as may be .practicable. A. G. MelLWAIJIF,, I turvlvinc WM. nilOWKLKY, J partnerJ: Pctert'jurg, January 1, IS-U. TuoMtt Smtth, will ennlinue the Grocery and Commission Business al Ihe old stint, nnder the aame and si) la tit ITIcllvraine, Brotvuley & Co. f anrPtnlick a aoelinuanc of thai conailene wkstsj they have heretotore 10 extentiyely enjoyed, ; - -r A G AlclLWAIXrV WM BHOWNLRY. January I, 18 W. 1 4w REMOVAL! CM EAP GOODS. TboiubscTiber bat removed Irom the old tltnd of SeMiy ic Crcea to Mr. T. J Lemaj 't new brick Story immetlialely in Ironl ef the Star Office, and one door above the Apothecary S ore of Or. Sliih, where he hat and will continue lo keep on band a complete assortment nf Dry Goods, Hard-Ware, Cutlery. Queen's Ware, Crockery, Groceries suited lo thit mark'tt among which may be found almost EVEHY Alt HULK usually kept in Dry (oodt Store. Hit Coodi are of an excellent quals. ly, and will be told LOW fore b, or on a credit lo punetual dealrn He rnprctlully invites hit old h-irndt and cuttomert, and buert generally lo call and esauiiae lor Iheruiclvea. , . .T. II. SRLIIY. . Raleigh, January i 1843 ' t it Ralelgii Lnsr Sctiool, The second session of this School will com rues ta" the at-coi.d Monday in Januar) next. Terms as herctufoi-e, lo wit: $100 per sunu.u, or tlO per mouth, loi any shorter period JAMES IRKDF.LL. WILL II. UATTLE. Dee. C9, 141. I 3w. State of North Carolina, Wayne County. In Equity Fall Term, 1841. William Whitfield, John T. Ilrvan and wife. Uill lo appoint a new Joteph T. Collier and wife, Trustee. and other In thit cause, It appearing lo the taiUractlnu of Ihe Court, thai Joseph T. Collier and wile Itachel are not rcsidenta ol ibis Statet il is thereto! e order ed Ihat iiuttliealion be msde in tba Haleigh Hiar lor tix weeks, "for them lo be aad appear before lb Judge uf our said court, at the court lo be held at the Courthouse in Waynetborough, oa Ihe Hrtt Mon day alter tbe fourth Monday in March, IS42, and plead, antwer or denser, or said 11.11 will be lakrn pro conletso at lo them, sad the cause be heard ci jtarte. Witness, James Gritwold. Clerk and Blatter of said Court at office lo said county ol Waine, the lit Monday after the 4th Mondtv in September, I (HI. JAMES GUIS WOLD, C. k M. E. Price Adv. (S CiJ. 1 6w. State of North Carolina, Franklin Countv. Court of Equity Fall Term 1841. Bill fur Sale and Diviiitn tf A'egrte. William E. Smith, Jamet Smith, laaiah Smith, Wil- , liam Aight and wife Fatter, Matthew. Johnson . and hit wife Nancy, and Joim Pleasanla aad his wile Nelly, Complainant', ASAIBIT Denjamin Wadily, sdm'r ol Goodman Smith, det'd, Kebteea Smith, Thomas L. D Smith, Willie Smith, John Smith, Klixabetk Smith and Guod man Smith Delenslauls, It appearing to the Court ihat Willie Sro'lh and John Smiili, Iwu ef the delendantt Iu (he above asute, are nen reihlenlti it ia thrrelor ordered by ihe Cuurl thai publication ba made for three atonihi hi the Haleigh Star, that Ibe said defendants, Willin Smith and John Smith, be aad appear al our next Superior Court of Equity to be held for the eounty of Franklin al Ihe Courthouse in Louithurg, on lh Sod Monday after the 4th Monday m March neat, and then and there plead, aner or demur to (aid Dill bl Complaints, otherwise the earn will be heard, judgment pro eonfesso will be bad agaiott Ibera, and decree made accordingly. Wilaett, SamTJuh irn, Cleikand Master of nor said Coort ol Eqoitv for the tounty aforesaid, at ol-'" l&e).tba 9d M.uf; 0ttoMom4lTm 8fm;iar ember. - "JUNTO ACADEMY. - - The Spring Setsion ol tbit institution will com mence on tbe 15th januarv, 1142, and aloaa en Iho ISih Jane following. 1 crmt ai heretofore, vixi Latin and Greek Languages, It. $14 50 per ses sion! English Grammar, Geography, History, Phi losophy, Astronomy, ate. S per cession. Students prrpan d lor any el oar Universities. The aubtari. her is prepared to accommodate a large number ol students with good board al (7 50 per meaJh--lights and mending only vsjsxeepied. , - - - D. W. KEIltt. December 10, U4t. 1 Steow. Pettifoggcrsin law, and empirics in me dicine, whether their patients lose or save their property, or their lives, take care to be, in either case, equally remunerated; they profit by both horns of the dilemma, and press defeat, no less than success, into their . service. They hold from timo immemorial, V iheet-iimple of a vast estate, subject to no alienation, diminution, revolution, ror tax; , the folly and ignorant of mankind. Over this extensive domain, they have long and, by undisputed usance, the sole manngement - -and' ctf most slrenuously and sturdily ditclaim all right, title, and proprietorship therein. The following is told of Fresideutllum phrey, of Amherst College. One morning before recilatioirs, some of the students fas- lencd live goose to the President's chair. When the PresiiJeot enterea trie room, ana discovered the new occupant of his seat, ho ' turned upon his heel and coolly observed, Gentlemen, I perceive you have compe tent instruclorj and I will, therefore, leavtj you to your tiudiegA ..' i t t 14 I- r- SI I II I! I ( i

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