. it i'I . ? ' 'V. THOMAS J. LKMAY, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. 3 Seaicsirt i, lbr dollars jer . Ii " la advaaee . pr residing triihnutthe Stat !! r- ard to eay ih arn it taieaai al tae year ua- ia) advaea ' ' :' .ui RATBS.OF ADVERTISIXG." J F r every sqoe(oot exe'eeding 16 liaeelhi trie '"" type Am taertin, onedollarjf aeUabooeiit T: i avert toa, tweatj firreeat 1 - . : '.y T tJreia.ents al Clerk and Sheriff a III ,neenrgeej a p-r eani mgncrienn ifliiwiwifl JlJ ptr aaau ill be made fraia Ik regal pU --ee (or artvertiaere ay taa year. " ' " CCJ" I'"' ' K-litart BOtT b uott-paid. CeuFectloaan't Fancy, Itlnsic, Jew cilery, ft Jr Goods. G. W. & C GIIIMME, Thankful far th-encourgemenl they have hereto fcre received, inform Iheir friend and the pubUr in general, that Ihey have opened al lb aaar stand . aoroer of Fayettevitle & liar gelt Street, a cbi See eeeorttnent of Gooite in III above branclie ly far larger tha formarhr krpt, and a they alway eell e vary tnoderaie price, thy hop la merit a ron- . ljnnanae at-tiuata.-!' CONKEUTlO.NARV, a largo a,.d fraah tori menl. : ,', PEKr'UVIERY. ehnie article. V MIMICAL IMsTKUME.N r. from the fine.t lo the loareat qutliiier, BOOKS, eweciallv for Children t e n:i no a Ktr Boxmo -a ppsr atvst - fy-lhing in that line, FANCY HOODS, a very grl variety, GAMES anl TOYS JRWELLKRY, of fit Gol.l and Silver, wall fiainvin nilver and Pincuba k, DRY GOOD In fact the variety of article on band ia very numerous, all of which will b auld on raaaonabl torma (or Cb. O W. & C. GRIM ME, Corner Fayeltevill & Hargott Slraet. Ralaigh, Jan 17. 1843. THE NBVV-YORK WEEKLY TRIBUNE- Ia potlihed In ih eiiy of Naw York rrery 8 AT. I inn i.iMiuiun i . -: : r ry larga hel, and affordad to aubacrtbera in the Country at v-- .rr-- !....- f- '- -j TWO DOLLARS TER ANNUM. ' , $y Six Cpie will ba'i farwardaif a Tear for Ten Uollarsr Ten Copies for Fifteen lkOilnr and any larger aumbar in tba latter proportion. v Pymeo( ih adtanea- invariably re quired, and tna paprr flopped whenercr lba term of aach paarnoniaiplrta. THR, TRIBUNE-whether in iw Daily or Wrckly edition will ba waat iu name import an onflincbinf aupporter M tba Ppla Right and Inlcre!, in atetn hoaiility to tha error of eo perficinl ttieoriett, the influence of oniust or imper fect lagialadon, and the echemee and aoplitotriea of aelfaat ktng domaaoguee. - If will etreauoaely ad aoeau thr PROTECTION OF AMERICAN IM, DUdl'RY aainat the graeping and lo ua blighting policy pf European Govcinmenls, and lb unequal competition which they force npon nit it will lo rate the rratiKatian of a aound and aniform NA TIONAL CURRENCY) and nrga a diaareet but delormined proaecutinn of Internal lmproemenL The .Retrenchment wbereer practicable, of Go arrnment Eipanditoiaa and Eaculia patronage, ill be tratoualy urged. In abort Ibia paper will faithfully maintain and etrneaily idrocala the Prin ciple and Mraanree which lba People approved in -doaotataa.aai Whig Blaleamen the coioduct of their GorarnmanU , : . : ' But a email portion of iU eolitmn will be dera ted Id purely political dircn-aion. The proceed ing of Jongraaa wilt he carefully recorded; the Foreiga and Domeetle Inielligenre early ard lu- ciillt praaamed: and whatever ahall appear ealcu Uted U promote Mtwalha' maintain Soriai-Order. ieid tho h eaherrv tba great cauaa of Human Progreae t u timata, Virtue, Liberty , and Happin, will And a place in our column. . , , ,. .. fii i. Where tea pertan club together, and remit (to at one lime in rural tint over lour per rwtil, dioenunt in Naw York, tba paper, will coat but $1 50 par yaar.,f i'... t,. . -.,,.: It b believed that thtr i no paper in lha Uniied State doted I! literature and theroffrf Cllr- nrnt JVrwt the Day which eontaina to mach Reading Matter and i flbrded at o cheap a rat aa the Werkly Tribune, ' "!' ' . ' . ' Subacriptinna are aolicrted by GREEI.Y Jc McELRATH, No. 30 Ann. rt. 8 ,. Jphn Lcwia Tnylor Kneed,: ATTORNEY AT LAW, L GRANGE, Tenneaaee. KEriRKRCt To Honorable Wm. Giton. t-v. Wm M. Greene, ; Greene 4 Hattingt' , . '.i S Jar , GUCCSBOKOIIOII ., A awetWa aTrtir notri "of Tra.let of Greene bormiJ.Ktrmlc..C(iJJ(w Bttiau-. oaraiiHy- trvirer, a, autii.e, ol Ihe gwiBwai imrmrnMa rae )rrtmtt af thevntritutioB will require tbair attreiioa r . i t - s j - , JESB IMUPtlt, FrauJcnt. , , rii' T,Cntrctrs.'4v' " It It ex peeled that lb Board of Tretlee will be prepared lo amttraet for a Collate Huiloinc M their mealing an lb 87ih prH a advarlkct above. Il woold bo well f"r eontiaalo' deilrb g Jrj rtbtiHa lbr work To apply for in(oimla in rKard I lie mod el rObaraaier,. tta. of It proposed fcuililing, lo r I-1. M. Lindtay, Greeatboro', H. 0 , or to lb- A gent of tha Biard, ihe He, dame Held, Keidtvlla, Koakinthaaa, V, C -. - ,i - ..mj ':u.. . BHYkNT, SM'y of (leant. fCT The next art'iea ol ih School, preparatory to the abava, a-Kwrnroeat on ft rat February and elo- latt ol Jane; nnder th aupe. viti-m of VI in Jud-: aoa aad Mi,t Walker. ; Pria of tuition hralo oro Hawed $f H) (0 $1. i - - Jaa U, ItM " f -j i. . ... $ tjw . ' STIUVLD, . TAKEN Ij'l'. aa lb bkataiara f Nathaa Patter. ton, -mile north M LaaUborci. oe strav her rl.ti' -!"r f'- "h? 't4'- '''; "'I' "" aea)ra niga, aaeui B year etd, valued at tar ke ddlar. all d ohirh ere wt td t lha airat anMI d J Fraal lia anuatv. blala ol K. !. 1'La It' U ' 8,CKT FURMAS, Ranger, - a'k-i, f Itte net, -VIA Milpr,who predicts that' a xnejend ty yie-world is at hand. U. it is said. f-T'i ...-.:. .:.. . ,-n. uu.nrrou. convena to tna Ooctnnea. Vol, xxxm v.. t Sta.iiui, .tortli Carolina Cxeriitor, COX r UNIXG the otata'ce and voraratM l o lt.it te. mjettiite t lba rfeeiaMm iA ta Su prrm j ir( a tl ajl ta Maaaaary tmaaaad ced.-nte. t ttanied a aitarviiirnt Mshitat, ltT g-iii'a IVKlOJUt l-t, . amiMratora, tiaardiaaa, Jariaa aad C'DiiKuiMcn ;ipotntel ay tKe Coartt, Uterk. SlH-riir'i, an I all e tier a iblw arnter la abort, k it iea!el f w the kaorSt of all peraoaa, pablia or nrivate, alto are. or poHly may be tnterrwed in ilte proper miaagemaul of lha attataa nt dreeated paraoaajrltb the leaat iruaril and eirfc-ate f'tniUIr, aaaonltag to tha laat aow k, (brae. For betide lha legal molar above aavmioiwH geaantlly, il embraae tha kiilrd aultjeeta of VVilU of Laort and r'era.Hial Prt)iertT, Letie 1)itriuiiv altarei of Estates, Rulaabt Oeaaeat, Partitioa rfKlalc Real aad Pcr tonal, among lSoe eatitlrd, Dover aad oiber pro. itinnt fur Wi'loal, It k.' , Aiaang the Farm il atntaina, art(l lha aeeea vary ll pr.taejM. " Willa,' B 'l,.t) ah, I !,' Hill of tie!, Leaect, Form of Avaoanl, retHtnei, Wrtti, Ueturat, l(cortt, ke. tec m all near a hirtirej In number.. And i beiieverf, by .gmd ItnljC, to ba lba Urged, a wrll a tit rtt praa Ileal and aipraed aUeaima ol Frwoi aow eilnl Ttil b uk ha Jatt been pablUlied , It eomain M trior page, (aame ia a lhoe of ibaNnrih yv.tlm Jmkci''4 U bitwoJ ioiiAuSi aad, a ennarqniinee nf the. aearcity nf money, at well a to pine il withia the reach of evrn pt-rton, it it now offrrcd lor l i tha low price of $l Wbrrt. Iiil. Marahantt and other a ho tiny a quantity lo rll again, at a have a-rcatoaabl reduction ia ihe prke Arply at the Printing Onice in Airn-bornut!i, Ramihlpir enn'y, N. C, or at Ihe N. Carolina Hook Store in Italrigli. - i nKXIHMIX SWAIM, Aathui and Proprietor. Dreember S.II4I. S COTTO!J YAIW. T. H. SEIJtY baa J0l rereivrd large ettpply nf Cotton Yarn,, from the Irt-akaville Factory, ' hick i 6t rate article, and will be aold very rhi-ap. . Hi country friend are iuviteJ to call and eiamine it . . - -HaleVgh. Ian. S5. 1843 4 if The Tboroiijrli Drcd llorne 81 R W A LTE R R A L E I G II . :.,,,;..ii,-tl. Tlte ulweribrr take leave Ihue early to inform hi friend nd tii ublie generally, that thi noble Million will be undar Iti uprrintendence during the enaa'ng action, and that bi eervicee may br commanded at a price to cult tba hardneerof Ihe time snd the condition of every otto. Thote who any deir to improve their Mock, by breeding from the beet blood and 11 neat bora now in thia eertion of the State, would dp .well to avail ih-maelve of tbi opportunity, a it may be the lal they will e er have; it b'ing; probable the flora will be re moved frriif Orange at the aipintinn of the eaenn I regard -to bi padigraa, it -i anly ceary here lo at ate, that ba if olba purral and beat blood in thia country, bating deac, oded, in a clear and on polluted elreim, on the pirt of hi aire, from Sir Charlee; and on Hi part of hi dam, from Montieur Tanaon two of th moat celebrated and popular hrxtea tnal ever trod in American turf. He it beautiful ba, with black mano end tail; and a to (onu and aiz, ia unturpaesed. . All who are, ad- mire htm. For further particolere, ee handbill. akchioalu w, pahker. Lilltle River, Orange County, 4 If. v if ' v jan'y g 1843. Hi laborough Recorder will please insert three intiea, a j other week. ' : HENRY A. DREER'S HOUSE. - ' No. 97; Cheanut Street, Philadelphia, Wher I offered Hill atutrtmetd of WARRANT- ED ti RI)KN Am O FIKLIJ -RRD-t,- com pr nine all ih mat auparW and aevaat Amda worthy ol aattivaiion ail oi me ana ol 11 Fl'fWP.U HERIH.-Graat a tentlon h drvo'ed 10 ihi branch, aad apward of 300 eheiee aad rare vartallrl are ottered ! ala thi teatoa. Aavart mrMa pet p ia brart of It wry rare kind for $1.1 r I0 I tw kind Inr (I (XI. Kaehboiiiae. aompantee vek uireatloaalnr planting. nULH'U Kl.OWE.tlNG UUiMl-A hrn collraiiua auitaula)lar prmg planlinr, at Gladiolut, Tigiidiat. Amarvtia,' Tawerotet ha. ka OOUIIbK L)AIII.I38 Ti.e eolleelioa of thit o erb Flower etand unrivalled, having gained Ihe Flllil' PdZtE for three aucaetaive teatoa (1139 'til. and al lha Gra..d Aa'umnal Eahibilion nl the Peontylvania Mnriiealiaial Seeleiy, I' r lha bet) varietietaod beat diplayt UKY HOOTS can b Ir.mpiirled an) rii'tanae helwewn tha moalht id O t-h.-aand May Paakajea euntaining an itiortmrn' nf 12 ane kindt, and of all the various colore, aa- h rM labelled with nama and a'dor, aad earelelll pa'ckrd in moil, for (,0O tmtllcr tiwrl-nen it in proportion. UOOKSOM FAUMIXG ANOG III)KIXG All ihe tiaudard and rantt approved wa.ktan tbi ae tubiqet. among Willi are? the FJimer'e Cnmnaninn, b) . . J ada llol ,. ( J,,..Vtu)'a em- Pmtkry yvf 5 teniti mevKtn nwipe Hrtvder,, Jjjt -. M'Mahoa.'. ifir' - 'W'iz-- '1'"-' m i' "i ,' .. . ' . . i '.' xnici-ran irneMrr, as nt ffamaa7a"l rmav- M ar-l ftttntanr, sr i riontit i.nio.-, i'ik cvniti .ilyraiJH'l'iwt . fim dvw m mmu 3:P3g.Tte:: CAHIJitVINti TOOLS k tine and Hake., Prnntne Knives ami KhearatGardea Trow, la. Saaile. Green Himee Hyemgea, ke ate. GRKKf and HO t HOUSF. PLANTS Shi ob bery, Krual nd Ornanwaial I re. xipplied pn Hie moat reatnnahle larmt Irom the proprietor1! eollee lioa or enaldiihed. Niliwk. Frenah iiugae Hert, .Mxrrri-1 n'nrltel. Hot IWgt, Fi lil Carmt and Tuxatp areila,.. V bulctaLcand ttc tail.s ., -. ., .. . rf. , Oealert tnpplied with SEEDS, neatly pot np in bags ilh prrn'ed labela. analainlog frariiral I Crea tion, for Planting and Managiwe, by lha 100 lo 1000. or bv Ihe pound, on lavnrablr Irrmt. , Catalogue, gratia, on (post paid) application. ZALEXANDER;S MESSENGEIL Tb cpiAfiaT wsvra' 'fbpaHat, in the woblp! ! ! JEt vaeea? JnrnitUnf tit "aOwii wiM Thirty. ir Ctlumnt a Inlerrttinf IntelLgtHct, and , en One Dtllar ptr uttnum! ; . , ' Terms and I'reuiinin for 1842. ' FOR BIXI'Y Dpi .LARS forwarded in erle remittance, in current bille Ibe Publisher wi'l furniak BIXTY-ONB COPIES of the Mraengvt for On year, and sUd preaent the agent proctirlng th atm. withe copy of Von Rotvnk' Oenerai Hwt'try of iha World from the rarltaot ttmef entii Ih year 183 1, ia four volume, illuetratod br twen. ty-f 'r Eagravings first Arnaricaa editiiip, haqd- aomrly knund. . ... .1 i TO a TO HTf DOLLARS for artriLd 1 tk Mm vriy fnrty-on eopie of tha Mearea jer, for on year.' will be furaithed, and alio a enjiy of Bi Walter Scott' Popular Noxla, eomplet ialwen- , ty-five aidnmee. . . . ana .vivnww Vrvtf Tr.t ' . . iv " aJui.i.ifo . torartrn- ad . .bov twenty i copies of the alcenger "r " ""'"' w Jr- 1 ,uo V7 tha wuarta Kdltlon af the troly . male, lUuatrated wiih Bngr..lngs, and neatly bound. mil Powerful in mord, in intellectual, and in physical reaoureewtlio land of onr airea and the RALEIGH N. C., WEDNESDAY, ''FEBRUARY t 1S42: FOR FIFTEEN DOLLARS-rimca eai the scat ah aopirod to. rr7 .7 """r' ence likely la arie IZIZ ZZr'T. -.H would dutrw her. and a Nigh! Enieriainment, in Bva tolnm-r wiih- Kn- graving Tke Dramatie and Muaieal Olio, on- aiding of popular Playa, Sdnge and Ballad; aut lo Mm, with Engraving or a copy of Every B ly' Album, an tniiuaing work, in on volumi wilh Engr' ing. . FOR 1 EN DoLLA RS Every agent proeur log Tan Subaetibere, end forwanling lh ubcrip tion price in on remittance, will be entitled to an additional copy, gratia, . The Term for a aingl aubacription it two dol lar per nnnm, or oue di liar r.r tx.morilb al way in advance). . Four copioawlll b aeut tor uri yrar, for nva dollar liar olore. . ' . Pnmmai'era r ' aulhorit-d. and generally wll ing le (trward money to nawapapera free of ei- Petvnn witbing lo tranairit, w.ll tlierefore. wl.en it can ba done, write jtwi wbat they want the Pool. mttr to ay for Idem; by o doing lhy will only have lb trouble of i?ning . Polmaier. i!l lake car do endrirae their name on tha ouitide alan the word free can be written by any one, and i of i aarin rVankirit a irtter No-fetwrr irS iccepT-tshs ed t our office aid th pnatae ieid. Addreat. CHARLES ALEXANDER, Aiheniaa Duilding, Frank in Pltre. pa. 4 4w. TO TUE l'URLIU. ' The iiibcriber having; eonatantly on band, in Petersburg and Richmond, a large and well sc ire ed stock 'ncarlv thirty in number) of life ee ry beat PIANO FORTES made in thi country, ml being disposed 'O tell them upon the mod liberal ti-rm that could postihly be akrd by air. one, even the moat atiapicinii, he beg leave lo eiiKjrt-ai to (hose in want of Piano Ihe importance of giving him at least a trial,,befora pttrchaaiitg eiHcwhrre, since there ia no possibility of their loHf-and rstrOTgTJTQbirtjtiiTy that" they would be greatly Ihe gainera; in fact, it would be but a postponement of a positive purchase, for a thnn time, nf any inatrumritt whatever, until the) cnulxl have an opportunity of 4eating the )iiality nf those of mine, which are uoturpntteil, if . q tutlcil in England or America. I have told nearly three hundred nf I bete Piano in a few years, without selling a bad one, and I hold my aelf bound to lake back or exchange any inurn ment which, perchance, might prove defective tJolding, as I have ever done, the opinion, that the tale of a tingle bad Piano a O'ild occasion such a loa of confidence a could not 1e after wards repaired by the ale of a h-tndred good one-., it may well h expected thai I ahull be par ticulat as lo what tart of inalnnnentt I send off i E. P. NASH, Petcnburg. V. My Pianos are"lo be fuund in gret variety al J. W. RANDOLPH at CO'S, in Hichmnnd Alia;. 18- " E. P S. Sttvte of N"r VaxoWna, franklin County. J o , Court of Pica and Quarter Sciona December Term. 1841. William Hagnnd aad wife Fawn, , Thomas Brooks Snd Poll) Urook. VS. . I Petition to aell John WUsoa, alminiirtrr off Slave. Ann Itrnnkt, dee'd nd Karri, (n It Maeon and hit wilt Peg' mi and others. . It appearing io the ditfaalion oi Ihi Court thai Harriana H. Maana'Hind his wr Peggr, the beirt ol 'kristophee Brook nd the heirs nf Sumner Brooks, defemlsnts in the above aaae, are inhabd ant t of another Staler It Ja Iharwlare onlorad that publiaatioa ba made for tlx weekt In tke Malrigh Star, that anleat they he aad appear at oar nen Court ol Pleat and Quarter 8ea,iona, to a held lo the enumy nl Fr.nk'm. ai the Court Hoae in Ihi itbnrg, on the aeannd Monday wt Maerh next, then and lltere In antsrer, ke. the petition will be taken pro eonfetto at lo them, and dcere made aaoord n.gy. t tineas, Smllh Pattersnn, Clerk nf oar tsid snni I at nfflae lb ond Monday la December, A. D 1141. f. PATTERSON. CITt . ftw YPrieeid $5 00 NINE no HE BALES of our owa Lex ington cheap Cotton Yarn and ?wfcs jwai ia band. Our atork u heavy, and aaanrtnwftt com plete. - i. WllL. PE K. Kaietgn, ra. o at. MR-QUICK AND HIS SPOILKD CHILD. "Oh Jenthtt judge of Itracl. what a treature hadat Ihou Mr. Quirk ("Little Quick") had also a treasure," namely, fine fair daughter, the which he loved pAssing well,"- too well! It followed, then, that she was in infancy so humored, petted and "spot ed," that in com- . ' r -i r . . . . . i ,i,0 . :.'. " , , - iK f!Hr Llltl latllltTLl IV" II lliaaii 1111B ail sit n , r UIU Ulli IIU aMUff eiMmii waa mndaae ..... i M., . j mi... mm . Wramh-- One daV, a friend flrnnnnd in' itnnn Mr. . -r-i . r . - and Mrs. Quick at their, dinner-hour, found - a . . these fond parenu and their 'treasure' alrea-1 dy seated at table, although the dishes were yet covered. . The hnnpital couple insisted on heirfriend;s participation of iheir home-1 !y tneal: and, he, in -compliance or their' wishi tooFlfieTourih ...' ... mediately opposite to the voung mistress of ths house.' (then, about six years of age.) i i i . e ' i no, ov riirni oi custom ana ner own sov ereign will, chose, day by day, whausver prf. eition eaptice or local speculationl, connect-J"1 mA .iiV .t:kU. n;..aj ah , k. . V I'll , I. I 11, 1 1 1 oitiV9 UVIIIK.U .U, M. WO . ...... . most desirable; and there the high chair of .i -. , , ine nine aespot was oroerea. to oe piaceu. On the present occasion, having forestalled lc" "" 'H sn onA that $ worth threi quar ter dinner by eating a lump of rake, which 'fr f ajf"ar' m& I don't pitch at him, had palled her ;pretiio, and rendered die aTn me J 1 u ,; - ' , V: " -present meal an unwelcome superfluity, the . - A Csk or Pirtt A noted politician was little dear wis seated next her doling father as a mere "looker-on. '.?-.'Vi,'r"r'v:rrf:''"-.'ring -The main dish tipon tablel'wfheri ttncovr ered, excited the curiosity of Miss Quick, who either had not seen the joint before, or ho had forgotten the home of It, which she now eagerly demanded; and upon being told that jt was a saddle of mutton, she stood. and promptly announced her intention to rida ppon it forthwith To: this prep08ttr, ons tecreatjon the parents; wcie fain to en-' treat the little imp's forbearance. ' In vain; , for she declared saddles were made to ride upon, and lorde shs.was reolvel. After much a Jo, her patient father and mother luckily suggested that the obvious heat of and the incanecni- froin audi exeifiae. nail her new tVor-ks the di faculty pm J etinnoun tril. - snd lh child deiisti-d from further iinportnnitrt but immediately after,' perceiving the ilialt al most overflowmj tk-iih the juice of the'mut ton, she eried ont, !'()h, let me put mv feet in liio graryl I will put my feet in the fraey!" . ' The father, a'heit nnt rnnscd to inch ec centric raneiea. ws a. J 'title atarded at his aweet pet't novel desire, and exclaimed in a tone of assumed wonder and nf deprecation. 'Mf pmcrons love! what a preposterous iiiiriu yanj, propose', jfa quite out or the question., JVow be a- dcirr, ooil child, and atnTiTi-,fl,lmt) nirinnir.' '.' 'Oh? rei wraiod the little treasure, J teil put niy feet in the gravy firttr In vain thedcrotnd pren:i arjtiel, tTtreaf ened and coaxed; hi vain promised that the ntxt day, when Ihcy were withrtnt a visitor. tlTDuld do whatever the pleiwcd all, all in vain; lor upon a more determined opposi tion, the tweet liftle angel yelled out her wishee in such a piercing ker, that her mo liter, a very mild-mannered person, thus ad dresaed her husband: My dear Mr Quick, I'm, afraid we shall have no peace until we allow1 the dear child t do as she likes.' . : . Well but, my love,' urged Mr. Quick, in reply, a little ashamed of their Weakness he fore their guest, -what wilt Mr. aav to such a proceeding? it is really so impro per.- . .... ... ,f, ,. Mr- . wUlmg lo ac to what extreme paternal folly could go, withheld both hi opinion ami permission, preferring a state-nf neutrality, and Mr. Umck, finding the tittle tyranlVdeterminalkm warmer everr min ute, and the mutton cooler, proposed com promise, namely, that a iVfernrjVip; should havean -ther dish Jroujht int and plareJ in a rorner of die roorn, with some of the gravy in iL and then paddle about whilst themselves and friend were at dinner, and return to table when the fruit came in. No: the treature, at the very top of her voice, once more declared that ahe would leave the dish, and nothing but the dish, bafore her; and further, that the would not abate ons drop of the gravy. At this perplexing junc ture Quick turned towar Is his friend, in apol ogy fir the scene before him, assuring hiih at the same time that it was nf no use lo thwart the dear child, who would have her way. Then, cslling for another dish, the poor father placed the shivering sadHe upon it, and lifting t'lat from the table containing the gravy, carried it to remote corner of the room, where he was flowed by the ie duck, who, after a persuading kiss from the goose (her father,) consentetjjo hare her shoes removed," and to remain splashing aSotit until the dessert appeared upon the table. When the little nuisance graciously allowed her foot-bath to be taken away, ahe re-ascended her high-chair, and there further showed hew iwteful Jovely in-j fancy may become from improper m'lul gencc, by pushing, annul and , knocking down whatever was offered that she did not approve. Screaming forth her preference, she at length declared in favor of a laree pear, the largest in 'the dish, upon which she had placed her affection. Mrs. Quic't. unwilling to incur by a' fresh denial another contest with her powerful superior, with prompt kindness smilingly placed the cov eted pear upon her daughter's plate; when, to the alarm of the beholders, Uie little fury threw It hack upon her mother, with all the ferocity of a full-grown termigaut, exclaim ing as ae did so, Why did you yite it to me? I wanted to tftatch it! ,,-.'";., Mr. Quick himself Hated this tory to the person how telling it, at the same time cnngratttlhting himself that his child had grown jrtlo a sensible, rational woman, not withstanding her parents' c u endeavors to maketer fool. - , i " - Axpenttvt .J'rofanila. The Ed lor of ,T" " J -e- T- - - "w'-vwiiai w . .. tlXTII B-weaa - , . - -- 1 - l.Ao,J.k...iA..aa4wk4. al..'J X.r;'"a"efY. oath, for whtghrlgdifi fihea Wm,-With much nonchalance he nulled out hi nocbet . i. , .. i "1? ""u ""u D" r me outrage. Tha la.aaaeaaaa.aai atul ! l . ' a ""."' .' w"a nis argument, ana wurn,nK eeimga oi our firmer, lie a gsm broke out wi(h-e--' .s - D " "y eye! 1TIT aiht a TieP aa.. . K aa ... B J B a ' "if"" U,,BU ..ie..lUl.fiowvr, nd regularly paying his nne lor each oath, until at last he found him- elf ,n temble psion, and only seventy. nva rpnta-ntl hia nru.l. II - t J " " . " r"" 'vc,r""u. o could ontHl. mm"c" nn mnger, but jumping tip orn .J.a.!medjiJbere1 Judge, that ere lawyer is a cursed ar-nnndrol. anrl I . , ' " , ." i.r,, , . . . 'vs" ami i want to swear at him afAmntlar ria.l arnM t : . jr w, jrr imaw, recently caught by s friend, in act of perus-. the Scriptures. Upon asking him what partkolar portion xf 'the good booVhe- had selected tot examination, he replied with the utmost naivete; , I am reading the story ' about the loaves and fahtt. . The inouirer i immediately ' vanishrd. - , Corporal 8treeter says that Udies would make good editors, because flier could fur- n'M "pretty ye-tems., They would not spare the lath, wt presume.'- j . . . ' - Ex-Presi lent Jamar, ot Texas, , is to be lmeaclicd for fitting put the Rants Fe Ex peduion - ;t . ' ' ' This is so atrocious world, but it will be burned one day, and. that's some eofflforL home of onr aflVction No. 0. Lm the auld.ee ejnlt I the pmnp ol 'r,' , The King lu bit aelf-ihroneni ball & ' S ' . Th free-burtt IVvaer it baimb-r tap fe ' t Tha kings, and .wd anil fl.i . s i'Si..f$ Hit are no Eeld with tjrwuxe red, U And dranehed with blond of the it da, i " ' Rw hills and Vale o'er which 1 spre , !.'. A b.rVeM nf vi ralnn Difllcalty r ititi; nuu acetainlns; . , ' , Clover, i'"'1!, . i-i h t VYa bare frequently conversed with Southern gentlemen who coinnlnined that the had often tried clover, and as alien haqbectu mortified wajBl-'ia""Mi'' ymnrir i na rnirn yrto ii re-' sot i at ' e eacii auinnier in their sections of coun J extent, when skilfully applied the grea iry; now, without nueinptinir to a(Brm ;ter trill be the profll: they therefore rra- with certainty as lo the result of -wtint we are about to advance, we would res pect fill )f !-Tr"esl to ftM.whomnyjf row nfoWr under sik the propriety of sowinif orclmrd t?rass with their clover seeds, and always, immedi ately aAer ciiltin-f theif;gras, (vhich should in such situations only he once, a vear.) to sow, iri the proportion,' one bushel of plnister and six of suit In ihe acre, nnd not to let Iheir stock run 0:1 the clover. The orchard grass, J ike clover, on good hind, may be cut twice il a season, hut where danger , is lo be npprehended from drought, neither should be cut more thnn once, and then treated ns we have suggested. By thisxlug his crops become less, and in a few' application tnu growl n ot tlio second crop or after-math would be vigorously pusnea torwara, ana ine neronge, tnus tpeedily furnished, would afford shade and protection to the roots of the plants, nnd tnus would tney be saved from the pernicious influence of the sum. Inde pendently, howeverof the good effects to be produced by the luxuriance of the second growth of grass, plnister is known to be a promoter of moisture, by abstrac ting it from the atmosphere, y by atisor hiugnnd assitmlating with the ammonia of the dews, and by retailing txtti for a considerable time beyond that nt which they would he on unplmstered land. ; Of suit we are enabled to s C urilll a one. mlTitjr , gained hy.- experience.. Some years since, after . preparing an acre of ground with cow manure for turnips; after. sowing the turnip seed, we sowed ten bushels of salt 011 the surface, and harrowed the seed and salt both in to gether. Tho turnips came up well, but were destroyed three several times bv Theily7This piece of ground formed a portion ola live acre lot, all of which we put in corn the succeeding spring man uring; Ihojot wilh a hundred , loads of barn-yard manure. "The whole came up finely and grew well, but tho Part which had been united the previous fall, maintained a milch deeper green during the whole season, and lha blades on that part remained green and succulent long after, say three or four weeks after those on the remaining four acres were entire ly parched and burnt up. r To the effect of the salt we-ascribed, at Ihe time, this power to endure the blighting influence of drought, and we remain of the same opinion still,: From the reasons we have assigned, we are firmly of opinion that the means we have pointed out, would preserve the clover crops in the loca tions to which we have alluded: and as the experiment is one easily tried, .we commended u to nil who may need it. , ' TrniisrormatlwB of Wheat.' ' A grain of wheat when put into the ground at the depth of Ihren inches, undergoos i tho following 4 translor- uintiuii. wmhi tin riej inrinitceous matter whichyoived the :frame of the mHttonr- as-- soon as The farinaceous S . . . 1 J - a a a . . tenedinttt tt mil kymre,"!! ref m Is pnVir- ed out; and at the bottom of. that germ small roots soon follow; the roots nre gathering while the perm, by the aid of the milky fluid, is shooting upward; and when the mJI ; js cxhaiiRled, .tho xoots are in activity, uud are coJleciUig-nonrislt- roetit for the- ptrmt lrominefSou itself, This is analogous to the weaning of the young of animals, which aro not aban doned by tho mother;, till they can pro vide lor themselves.; jjut the care of nature does not end here;, when the germ hns fnirly got above the surface. and become a plant, a tet nf tipper roots are thrown out, close to the surface o the gronnd, which search ell the super ficial parts of the soil with Ihe same ac tivity as the under roots search the low er pat fs: and that part of the germ which separates the two- sets of roots is now becortie a channel, through Iwhichjhe lower roots' supply the' plant ." with "jhe nourishment they nave collected. Xf 'i t 'Wbaf'"iuiafjrn!rabla' contrivance to secure the prosperity of the plantsl .Two distinct sets of roots sever,, in the .first place, to fi x theplant fi rrol y in the ground, and to collect nourish pjent frottj every quarter, t The upper roofs are apposite-' ly situated to receive all the nourishment thatcomesnatorally from the atmosphere or nniuciauy as manure, io me aunace; and serve the farther purpose of being all the base of new stems, which are, tiller- 1 up, nml so greatly-increase the pro dnctivenes nf the nlnnt. Theexcol. lence of the drill system in ernin mny be prohnhlt pf.fcP,vet t),i8 cxplanntion; (or in bro;id cast sovvinr ihe eed li very near to thei xirfdce, and in this ait. aalion it is not only rtjoro exposed to accidents u rising from birds, insect", and th wentherrbilt thn two et of roots nre necessarily crowdid top-ther to as filmost to Iworna indistinct; ihe plnnt is less firmfind.JiaHjw-r piiffeyofs col leclingfood for it. FeatheritonhavgK. 8 , ' Prtltrttl I nrmlnira - The question is often itskid. ITot r.in farming bw mndn profitiiblc? I nnswr-r ny unerai men n ring, dren find throhrh plouojiing and clentT ruttiire"! will venture to ofBrnt, withmil fen of comm. diction, that no instance can he cited, where a farmer ' who lias mmmred bis grnnniJs highly, made- a judicious use of iha ploutrh; nncl cullivitied wiih core, hns feilcd to receive an ample remnner ettinn for tho n mount invested; nay more, that he lias not received a grentt-r ad vanca upon his oirtlay, than the average profit derived from any other bnslness. One creitl difficult lx that most fnrmairii bv- its beinfrTaeemiiot 1o ho aovnm nf ibn C.nt it.. nitre: sparingly,, plough - shallow, and the consequence is, get poorly nn id for ihi. 'l'i.i. ;...ti and gives a disrelish to the business of fanning, cspecinllfc among; those who are in the habit nntl are desirous of reMlU zing soinruhinsr more front iheir orcunn turn than lutkcd niura oi jhe smount expended. ';'fB -sr:.. '.u j " Thd farmer who is so sparing of his manure that he can get but thirty bush els of com from an acre, gets buHy en- ottgh lo pay hi in for Hie expense of tnl- tivation, and in addition to lhisvthy the ' ordinary mothod of ploughing,' his field, at eucn successive rotation, is deteriorate years ho finds he must abandon Ids ex hausted nnd wonr-out fields to seek n subsistence for himself nnd family in " some tftitefjvMisiness,' w itfmtriBther T rticrinn. iwhnM lbm tli linn.t f mn I-.. been less wuMefuf of the; boantici ol : natnft: lustend, then f his scanty manuring often cart-loads lo ihe acre, which Will give him but thirty bushels 0 corn, let t hltn apply thirty loads- This nddilinnnl twenty loads, at , the nsual price of ma nure in this part of the conrtry, will com mm inirry .ooiiars. .bui ue now,f intead of thirty bushels" of com, gets sixty bushels, jiud Ihe; increnser) ounn.- tit., .r.l, ..HI .1 r .L "Trvf."-.iTa.Jiu y..i,.s w.',i:ii.-4a-,i4wiw timit "y I'Ttiiw excess ot luhor , required Id, cultivating and harvesting the large crop over that of the small one.T He- hns then added t i. . a . a ininy-otisneis oi corn to I) is crop by , menus of tho twenty, loads of manure, which nt the usual price of one dollar ERr bushel, pays hi n in the first crop of is extrauut lay. 2Jr Phinney, , t ,"' srviimoa - The Cincinnati Otzeiie In noticing a' lecture on Ihe subject of Agriculture re- cent! y delivered i in that city by E. I).'. Mansfield, Esqcojues Irom it the follow ing facts and statistics' in relation lo the potatoi - ' ,. . '.The Potato is a tiativo of America., to South America this vegetable grows . In great profusion, having a fine flavor and differing much in thia nnd the nsual shann from ihnu rrmtvn in that ITniiarl 1 f ffc."r. Ill ni.. States. In Europe, 3X) years ago, this vegetable was nn known even 150 years 1 ainrft ''it Iirna nnf VBrir aa-lnnaivaltr itenf . i -I T-l! f J . a " - - " - - - ..-- . . . u . i . u j, l.l yill t 1616, he is charged with rotntnea at a ' rate equal to about $12 per bushel. " In 1810, Sir Walter Raleigh introduced ' the potato into Ireland; and siice that period, the leeturer stated "the growth had extended with unprecedented rapid- i ni, i.i -i in in hi .inmsw r tin , ihi nuirn jfy, and tow we see ihe potato cnnstitn. ting three-fofirths the entire food Of the people of Ireland; and a density of popu- V Intioti sustained there, of which; without . them, (his Island would be incapable," " T,Ttifl nfiniinraa if tU rift nf ttiat mtatfiriirfhe surnort of htimnrr tifc. tn are aluinst beyond belief. s It is ascertain-; ed that the nutritive power of the potato", is about one-fifth that of wheat. Ihe most ' valuable of grains; biit the average num ber of ponhds per acre in potatoes, is 10 limes that of wheat, consequently, ihe" UJJl .puwl; wtr-tirTB Tf potatoes is double that of wheat. The popula tiou, therefore, hf a -potHto feeding coun try, other things being equal, may be made, double that of one anstnined by , other grain or vegetable fool Such a fact has inealculable cott the future mnfiiplicntioii and aiistennnco -of ihe human family.",. t j , , ' ' 7 These facts, as 'to .the power of culti- . vaiion nd sustaining life, nre important. The census table of , 1840. return the growth of that veer in the United States to be 89,030,100 bushels, not inrlnding. . North Carolina, Kentucky. Michigan ndPlorida,.aiid ol this ,nn thwre-.M-aa-1 raised in Ohio 5.629L7S4; in Mani 10.- " 302,S80,aiid An New, York 30,000,503. I he growth of tho latter Slate js rhore ' mnil mreo nines uinini any mner I (IIS shows that this vegpiahie is extensive-1 ly cultivated, although' the viehl is far-"' short of the producing power of the soil. in ioiu ine export wos valued at Sit,. ;4 624. and 'the import at $16,090. The averege value of the potato is about 23 ' cents per bushel, and, deducting that as above, the consumption of the United States is about 89,778,764, or about 5