"A ft B A L K I it 1 i 6 T A I: A'jN D J O H rr il G A R O L I NA,U ' A B T T K U ; -J 1 1 1 5 ,s : I 1 1 V 4 ti - f HENRY .A. I) REEK'S jr?BAV5 UOHtlCULTUJtAL If .WE ; MOUSE, Nn. r7, Chwv( Sir. Philadelphia. " Where M .vd i H rt went J Mi A-Jrl AT cnniulu'N 'AKIl KIK.I.l) -F.ED'..xl run , "all the mm sopettur ad kind eulitt"B allot Ihe cup of l4l . FlOWEtt SEEIIUt! leniion tl dO'til la w knMk, n upwaid id SOU -bo o end rare vcrictle ar flered f'T l '" teaton.' At.rt tnenr pal tip ' 1't " ' '''f kind, b-r Ht rW4W t - JX!fL$l lQ,.Kecb box ie compsoird with Ikreciintutir Planting HUCHoO- KLOitE.tlStJ KlUl'lt-A larje ollrctluO joitable (or spring planting, as Gladiolus, Tigikhes Amartlit, Tabeme.1 ke fee ' OOUULE lAHI.I99 I'd volleetioe nf thil clrb Klarr aiao'it ui.rtvalled. haviug gained the MUST PuZtE for three luceniiw mi, (1839 '411. end '41,2 ai lh Crawl Autumnal Exhibition nl tlx Peons) latiia Iturticultoial f r I lie brat varieties a4 bt eipUjt DRY HOOTS can be. -transported anj tlttt.nec ha-twero the month tober anl tl y , Putk.gct e.-i taming an ectortineni of l flae kind. ihI cl all lb varine e..lor. ea.h root labelled with aan and color, and earelull) perked .a root, for fi.OOj tmsllrr aM.rmeiiU in book" ox f a n ai t S'r a n A g Vii oking AH lha standard and raiiat approved wo. kt on th-te silbjr. is, anir.Bg whir ire rtie Pm mrr anmpenwHt; ' hf Jada, llawj, fl.OOs MoulirajP on I'oulny. 75 ami 1 1 Aauprteaa Sam Hwifcr, 7St M'Mah-m'i Amcrioan iardei!rr. fix flridgmaa'a Young GarT ((nrr'a Aaaialaa!, f l,t. Unrtan iiiidr. 4 cent; liMivl'a Kli.arr Ganlen IHrrclory, i,ti iic. k fi AKUrtMNd TIIOLS t lla and Uakca, Pmnm Ki.Wetaod Shein; Garden Trowcli, Sjiadea, lirrrn Hona Synntn, tta N. (iUKKN and HOT H(f I'SK PLANTS Shi oh. kurj, Krurt nt Oraamcntat l'r. aiiidicl lm Hi moal ratonhlr Icrini Ironj I lie propi atior'a collee 4ioa nr ca'ablithad Niimrlea. French 8ar Br, Mangel nrlzel, Ruta BaRa, Field Carrul d l uniiu !ird, 1iult.a and Kt t.. Dealrrt incptieit with 8EF.DS. nnly not up in 1arl ailh tirmtcd laHrla, ontinii ( Hianical Uirrc. Iinna for Plawiiif and V1uneinj, br the IIW to 100(1. or h the pound, on laotable ttrini. talaloge gra.lia, nn (iot paid) plicatinn Freah danlrn Srrds. Jolt rrcriaed, at the North Carolina rtnnkatnre nnr oitwl nply of (iardrn Sceda, of the gruatli mi. iUKXKIt Ji lil-(.IIH3 Ka'r'Hth. 1.1 Frli . Ih4 TU I HE riiKLIC. Although tfir an noiibi r ia under the painful n ccaany nl antniiinatiii o the pobti the Inta ut Jun to Aaadeinti t) fi' ahnrh In It j lace on Hir 13th Inn , piiivl) the remit of accident. )el he hat the happtneia In tay to a geurtmna public hit Irieiida a-:ii painma, that hia mImki! ia ttill m (iei ati n, and tt aoHiinitc atth'Mit " material 'eoteuirnce Ir'tm the loll ol the Academy Ummecled aruh the .ealeiu) aa a biiartlitig caiahlialiment were thi.e nr fui batldinra ol iheaa taa hern fitted it in com furtabla atfle, aa a School Huniu M it iulf.winily am ple and ci'O'eni nt, btinr taenia fife ten long and intern or eighteen lett wide itl erriy neceaaarj article for acliool 0eratiiia Tjie autfciilier it. atill prrpare'Hn aceominiwlale a lagt number nt board i'fi. I he mtiwribrr pledget bnnaelf to the pqtdic 16 BaeCMiyiarteVtlinl'-lu' hi-pfier"ri Hm-t hr ra 1 and fjtislfeciuai cui'ttre nt ihea t- ttif tlaced ila-, - II. VI K I W K. If II IM. gjTT Cf I aT pTr. 1 1 'r T I j a V arm w w Junto. Uiang. Fri V, 11 9 4t. A ItU.AH AY NEtilCO MOJIASI Wai a.imiuKled to th jait d-Jt'dta count) '-n the 51 it of AtU'ial laat, ho taaadi belongi to iiwi Freeman of Mlatiatippi tMM ia iu, vied to be a bout 40 icart of age, ah'iut S feel two hchra feign, dark c-unpteiMM, and hiJf made The raiwra rrqiieatcd to come torward and prove proiieit), pa) charge tnd lake hrr aa-atr, nttieraite the will be ileal! with according to law SALVrHIF.t, STOVE SlilT. Gcrmanlon Sinkea cnnnie. Feb 8 i, lUi Price Jr. 9 00 9 la - N0TIC.I2. Ttr tirtno of the nower anil nithorit eivtn n a i t D.-ert of Trott mada ny Gnl PiiO ri A JJNKS on the 10 h day of thil month and which ia irgia erad ia liranatll couiitjr, aa by refer na will ap iear I iliall proeee.l to aril to Hie biglicit bidder to autitlc eer.aiu drbll therein menlionl, on 'h. I7ih da of March iet. at l'i h"Ue nl llol. Jni ti, the LAND oo which h liea, ahith it highly im- prn rd with a large and rTcellrnl l.ouae. with gn -d oathmitea, all near. The lni Iktt in a qnaiiar of a mile of tlita pw .m ft 1nero-i. t.raiiii'le tuunit N (J., oomiJing of abnul IWelrc hundied acrrt. ir mnrct and it good fur lnhacco ant: V neat, tad HI kiflda id pmdace Alan, between 30 and 40 tier alu-bia and likely SLWKS: hit STOHK IIOOK and tilir in Itehdeiaon, which ia large end eery com modioat Aim .15 head nl linKF.'i about 50 head of :TTLK. and ISO head of HO'iS; abiui 900 harrclt of CUKNi hciweca 40 and JO aiaeka ot FODUKK and Ot I 8 and a great larirty ol oiher article Amoaglhe aegioc. itagcod blaikamiih. cqarta i:arpei.tert. good Saajrerc, goo (x kt. and horn rrai. I ihtll tell Hn a Cejlit until t.ie IHlli day id December next, lor bond with approved security. The tale will commence on the 17th ol March, tntt cootlnue liom dat In da until a'l ia told: FRANK HAW KIN9. T.natee. F.b'j ih, MI, 9 .- PRO. PECTUS. It in proposed In publmh in the town of AVilinirrgtotv, N.Ci new pspcrMo b called THE LITEIlAltV NEWS. -Tbat North Carolina i far behind lb apiril of Iht age in l.itera'jire ia a Iru'h thai nnn ran que lion. BeholJ the im nrnn number of M g i:up tnj Nepper publUhnl i i ritie North and South of a, all teeming with literary matter, while in Iht "Old North Mutt" hert it a pcrio.lic! or piper devoted lo Iht cultivtliim of a corrert laale tad refined ptrstntion of all lhat it brtu'.iful tnd alttctitt in tha mora pleaaing department ofpolitt lilrratur. AnJ why.j ihie! It it fr m I want of ma.erial.' owing to oar (leetiiatina of thai ktinwl- editor talehV r.()Uilt tor tltrir poratiitt. Ttirrfl J-lVjKfWiiu etk'ttiiik i jie). M it oiuriw'kn. Sa now propnaeJ, can only bt attributail Uian inenntijerat neglect of thott iitiinmrnlt, which, though they thould never ocnrp lb fleet that belong togrtver purpoeet, atill never fail lo rhetr the heart tnd tdura tba mind. It a rioblc edifice lea beautiful heci)t trailing vinet and flower tnlwine ihetncelvet in graceful featoon around iu Corinthian rnlumntl hhoald jrttt b fontatn heeauae they fhim not wrth atbwr?emtprTet not, and H it the ohj. et nf till piper lo prove not. A few word will ulficieht!y '"explain" our" inlrn. lion. In tht Diet pltc then we mean to be neu till In P.ditira, and ahall can-fully eachew-all eommittlim" on that aohjert, while w aball, to iht beat of our ihithyV eater to the mental ippetSte of the lover nf fm and good humor. Tali, Emit. SKiTctm, tnd article 'of Point, nrigi ml Sid eelected, together with enndenaed etete menl of the newt nf the d will appear' Tn-ur eotamttt." In abort wa wih to publiah an egraea. bly Miaonlleny, t ltvl enurtiining aheet, lo which, tbt eye weened with politic, may turn lor pleat , are, aot nnmtnglnl w'tlt pmfil. tTHE LITERARY NEff 9 Will Ve : pubfiahad weekly, on Co paper, of a - aasall medium ate et-4ue low price of JU &0 per . aonuV vTbU,lctJl oi ia edveaee. - Tt 6nrt erahai will anpwreq or ahoul thefiitt nf March a--w -. JAMR3 G. BCg.v . -r, CARIX ', 'v-. DTCTOR LFJrVIJ having returned i ,h, City, hai raeumeil tlie prwtice ol pivdctal ,. He mat be fuuow at hiiaalKce ormcanlaec , Fatcutvillc Street, at ell boon wbra ao prulcaawcajl) engaged Poeataal ttcwdan, it bereifore, ml aU Vert aotk ia town a d eeuatry, ' . E.b. . -x. AlJJJ11! 1 fk '. -Tar e.T-r Z. CoBfeclionarjr, Fnncri Mtilf Jew rllerjr, Dry Oad. O. -W, & Ce-O HIM 31 E I'batikful fir lb rneouragetnanl lhy h hereto, loira rrcaiecu, infoim their friend and I ha publie in general, that ther haopeneJ at ibe near aland, corner ol Fayetteville A Hargett Street, a ch ice aacnrtmrfil of Gomie in the abort branch, bj far larger than formerly kept, nd " they tlway ell at rry iruvlerata price, tlicy Uii lo went ron linnanC of farora. Their near autiply rnnaiala in COX FE trr I ON ART, l.ige .,u KeiV AcaoH - menl PERFUMERY, choice artirlea, MUMCAI. INSTRUMENTS, from tbt Cntt to " the lowcat qtttlitirr, "BOOK, eaperially f.ir Children, FENCING AND BOXINO APPARATUS, - ly Uvui hi 4ht line, . - FANCY GOODS, a rery gr4t inncly, - GAMEH.nl lOVt, JE.WELLF.RY. of fine nM ar .1 ,Siler, a a 'te.mm Hilrrr and Pinrhba k. DRY GOOD. In fact the variety of article on band ia vary numernu, all of which will be told on reuonable term for Caab. O V. Ai C. GRtMMK, Corner Faetieill at Hargctl Street. Raleigh, Jan 17, 143. (aitcnsuouoitaii FEMALE COLLEGE . A meeting id. the Hoard of Truaicea ol Green. hoioiigh Female Cidlege will be beld in Ureensbo r njti on V-:ilueil), Apid 27th, lUi. A lull ineaiiHt; it eiir.ieitl) deiired, a? buaines ot the gre(rt impni tance to the iftteresii ol the institution will teqiiuc their atteptina JKr;,il AIPKK, IVciUhnt. To C'ontrartorfi. - It n expected that ih. Itnaiil jit I runeei will be preiareil to contract lor. a t college HuiKlni at ihei iiieemig on the i7th tprd aa advertised above. Ii would he well lT contiautoi dcairig to obtain the wink in apply for int1' malum m regaril :o the mod el, character, tec. ol tie piopnttd building, to lit I.J. M litidvai, GreenelHiio', N. C , or to th- A gent id Hie I) old, tha Itev Jainet Ueid, Kciilcille, Korkinghani, V. ('. S 8. II UY NT, Sre'y of Board. Tj- The next eiou oi the Schnol, preparatory lo the above, a immenees nn firat FrhntMr) and clo- laat 61 June, under the tuiicrvitiiin of tlita Jud ion and Mm Walker Price oi Iniiioo a h'itelo ore Homd f7 40 to Ji. Jan 10, 18)2 r-J 3 Uw Slltg AP, STRAW O00P3, , PISH E It, F V ;RM ANltjD A V I &, WHOLE SALE DKAI.F.nS IS SIHL12 &SS' lKtiorn and Slr,v Kounvts, MI L L I N E R Y A U T 1 ( 5 L E S, tic 101 PEARIa STKEET, Samuel Ftirinan,V NliW YORK tOllll G I -wis, 3 Fib. 9, 18ii M C S in EE1TT.L STOGEH7. IV UL'I.U tvaK-ctlnli) aiinoun e to ihe Ladies and Grntleuteii oi llategli, and to4lie pub ir teneral y, h .t I liave jtiai reniriird from the No th with all the iniprnvemriita of 'he dy Kvcry peraiion nereawry for the heal h, preaer- vanon be uty aim itarabtl ty ot the t.eili pen rmcd in the most e fee mnn. r ArtiHcial l eitli itiarrt ed ution ihe la eat and moat approved aya cm I may be found at Yai'brxUgh , lormerly Guion Hotel. W. R. SCOTT. Ra'eigb, Feb. 9, lUi ' - 6 4w A l-A Hi). The onderiigncd have acociaied themielve nn dcrthc fiim of lierhardt k Mcl'lierton, lor carrying oa Ihe TAU.ORIXQ BUSMJSS8, ia it variou btanUiel in lb town of SiaithBrld, N C Mr Grrhardl i crictly verted in the cutting aad Ruing department, and wdl eierule that branch at well aa it can be dona in any ol the cilirl, being jiitt from one of the mott Ikihmuaule and pcrlect - taciiinmeixa in liaHttuoee, ,ey pledge themtrlve b) every atiurantc to Ihe citizen of ihi and the aurrounding cuuntit and loam, thai their work thall cenainly pirate and riT, or Ihei will have nothing fur their labor, but will make all aatulaeto ry irparation in eaae it duel not Their, work will not only be in the firl ijle and laat.ion, bu it aliall be don on terra, luilahle lo Ihe timet, and chrajier than in Ihe larger town and ailier. On Iheie term and Ihete aloi.e, they decile and bop to receive a fair (hare of patronage HEN'V GP.RHAROr tt'X McHHEIlSO.-v . . Smithfietd, N C Sdh Jan'), 84a " CO Mo i ICE. The Waabhigtnn Temperance Society uf Chal. ham prnpnte tu hold County Co wutina ia Pitla borough on the 941 ot February n.it, fm the pur. pnta 'f having a Iree anil open intrrchaage ol opin ion a iih other aocietie upon ihe tubject ol tcmocr. aoee The people of the e untv ithnot diatii.ea. and all other friendly lo the acute, ire carncally By order ol ihe Society W M STF.DMAN, Cor SecV. Pitfboro', Jan'y SIM, 1842. t SSL;!,,M' Cnroliua Ex-cutr, u-it a., injenii r ni tne qtciiKiut id h Su preote Uot.t, and alt lb Maetaary lurma aad iir. eetcnt. I mended at a eoavenient Manual and tife enida I In EiL-cutorc, Ad.iiM.itiiaira. tjuarriiaa, Jurktaad ' knaimuiiuint apiMiiuied by the Cuuru, Clerk. I SherrtTi. and all oher public nffleer la borl. it a iiiiem-en uir ina BrBeut or all Heraow. puDlic or private, who are. or uoitiblv mar be intereated in lh pmper management of Ihe etlite of deccated iwraiiti. 'auh f 1-. K I . :u. aecordmgtothr law now torcev For betide rtMgVi - legal mailer above mci.tioned generally, it embrace 1 mwainnriw nmjecta-of v ill ot Lnd aad Herwmat rrniert), Lrgaur llitliihunve abate of Eaiatea, Huletol Deieent, Partition nf Etntcl Heal and Per toi.al, imong thnae emitletl, Duwer and other pro titxatl lor Widowl, Ice tt. Amnrig the Purw t Ii .talnt, ire ill the neee. vary Legal pr -act. Will. 1 !, O-tha, lleeda, Bill ol Sale, Leatca, Form of Aecoenb retilion, tlHi'avit. AdveriivemerM, Commiuinu. Notice, Vtrit. Itetumt, K. orti. Iter fee m all arr heodeol m number. Aad t believed, by good fudge, ie b ihe large!, a well a th anotl mw lical and approvrd cllecin ot: Form now ruant . Thil book hai jutl wee published It contain 848 crav pages, (-ame thu a llio of ihe Nnrth Larolm Juttice,' ) well bound in law inuHnf, and, menateq,MM nf the tea -city nf laotart, a well a '." ,,"e ".wrttiia the reach of every perton. r I oir offered tor tale t the law tne.f IL Mb rw. , ; d. Mbtir. ho tay- qWff - - ' --" "' a rcaaoaaoi reuwdiM la lb prat , , , ' V ply at the Priori Office i Arfwferoagk. H.n.h.lph county, JJ. C, or at the N. Caralioa Uouk Slore m Kaleigh. - " ; u BF.ISJHMIV 8WAIM,-. f Aoihotaod Proorietnr. , December 4T.JUI. . . . .. p , a Seek, not alter ihe (ailing of other. '. Correci yoar own taulw. j Slate ot XotV UftToVW, j - . Franklin County. "' ! Court f Pleat and Quarter Seitioni-. December Term, 1841. ; . William Nagnod aad wife Seaans -v - I nema HrooK aoo rotiy i Urouki, . VS. t A Petition to tell John Vilwm, aalmialtlratnr of f Slare. Ana Itre-kt, dee'd. aad if arri. ana II. Mtcon aad hiw Peg-I ' gy c.d wtbert, ' J . ti apperingr Ihe aaliafaetiwa of tbi Cow it thtt Ilarrhnn H. Macon and bi wife Prggy, the heir ot t hrittoiher Brook end lb heir nt Semaer i Hronka, dclentlanta h above eat, are HtliaDa i ant of another Statrj It i therclnre ardeei) lhat I tintdieation be made for- ai week in th Kaleigh Star, lhat nnteti they be and apiear el our nest CiHart ul Pica and Quarter eWttioa, to be held lor the ei unt cl I'r.nlt m, at ihe Court Mouae in lytu-. ithnrg, mi the eeeond Monday in Mrch next, thee and .there to aiiiwrr. It, the petition will be taken pro eoult'MO lo them, and a ileeree' made accord, nigly. ' ifneat, Smith Pllero, Clerk of ear laid eoui I at nffie tlie trcontl Monday in December, A..O. Hil. 5. PATTERSON, CI "Price dr J5 CO J , S 6 THE NEW. YORK WEEKLY TRIBUNE I piililiahed in lb ciiy of New York every 8AT UlilMY MOIOilNGin quarto form, on eve ry large beel, end aflorded to lubacriber iu th ' Country it TWO DOLLARS PER ANNUM. OCT Mil Copifft will he- farwarderl a year for Ten lollant Tea Copies for Fiftcr-a Dollars; and any larger number In lb latter proportion. Payment in "edvtnre invariably re quired, and Ihe paper ttopped whenever lb term of orn pavment eipire. THP. TRInUNE whether in it Daily Weekly edition will be whit ii mm import an unflinching tnpporter of tbt People t Righto and Inierraia. in ttern hnaiiliiy to lha error of u perficial thenncl, ihe influence of oniuitor imper- lect Irgialafjiin, and Ihe achemr tnd aopliiatriet of elf- king demagogue. It will trenuooaly ad. voratethePROrECTION OF AMERICAN IN DUSTRY igiin! the griaping tnd to ua blighting policy ol turoi can Govcmmenl, nd the onequtl compelilion which they force upon n, it will advo cate the realorat on of a aound i.d uniform HA TIONAL CURRENCY: and u'ga a duaraet but delcrmmed pmaecution of Internal Improvement The Retrenchment wherever practicable, of Go- vrrnmrnl biprndituiea and hiecullve patronage, will be ictlonaly orged. In abort Ihi paper will faithfully miintain and earneatly advocate thePnn eiplea and Meaanrr which lb People approved in devolving on Whig Statetrarn the conduct of ibeir Government. But mall portion of it column will be devo ted to purely political ditcuaaiona. Tba proceed' ing of Jnngrea will he carefully recorded: the Foreign and Domratlc Intelligence early nJ lu cidly prrtenteel: nd whatever lhll per calcu latrd to promote Mt-ralil v. maintain Social .Order, eitend the bleanng ol Education, or in any way aubarrvaiti great eauae of tfuman Progrea .i u- tTmareXmuc. I-ttrty and Happint, will find place in our column. N. B. Where ten penen club together, end remit (15 t on time In fund not over lour per cent, diaciiant in New York, Ibe piper will coat but VI 3D twryear. Il i believed that there t no piper in lb United State devoted ti literature and the entire Cur rent AVara cfjAt Day which contain to much Reading Matter and ia afforded it to cheap a rat at the Weekly Tribune, Subacriplion or anliciled by GREEDY c McELRATH, No. SO Ann. u Kial.r Norili Cnroliua- Oatf.s County. Aovembtr County Court, 1841. Jimei U Sittrrfield .-,.. , , , Original Altaehmrnl levied leae Y. Mirrell, 3 tand le thil cite ii appearing to the Conn thai Jeaae Y. Il.rrtll nan inhabitant nf an.. ther Slate, it i onler.J ed by the Coon thai publication be made in the Ka leigh Star, lor the dc'ea laut to apixar on or belore Ihe next Term of thia Court, and replev the pi o ;rny levied nn, niherwiae il will le condemned lo tatitft ihe plainiifT'i demand. W in.eit William G- Daughlry, Clerk of mid Cdur,, at Oflic- ia Galetville, tha third Mobdar e November, 1141. ' W. G. OtUGHTRY, C. C. C. Prive Adv. (5 6?4 51 Cw. ALEXANDER'S MESSENGER, THI CHIAPIST K!W JOURNAL III THg WOltLD! ! ! MSiL'ty week Jurnithiur its patrnt with Thirtv- I n . i r v . .. ..... v . no- l oiiimrn mj intereiung intelligence, anil nig une Hilar per annum: Terms md Premium for FOR 81X1' Y DOLLARS forwtrded in one remiltinct, in current hill Ihe Publisher will furntrh SIXTY-ONE COPIES of ibe Meoengrr for on year, and alco preeent the agent procuring thaaame, with a eopy of Von RottetV General Hiat'try of the World from the earlicl time unit lh year 1831, in four volumci.illutlrated b, iwc, ty-four Engraving firtt American edition, hind comely bound. FOR FORTY DOLLARS forwarded in Ibe tame wiv forty-one enpiee of th Meareager, for one yrr, will l-e ItirniaheJ, and alio a cojrjr of Sir Wilier Scoil'i Popular Novel, complete in twenty-five volume:. FOR TWENTY-FIVE DOLL A RS forwarr. ed ai ihorc tweniy tig eopie of the Meteenger wilf be furniahed for one year, and alo a eopy of the Quart Edition of the Holy Bible, illuatrated with. EurLim.aitd nlly.be4iL -- - FOR FIFTEEN DOLLAR) viv-rv eT. t . a.:..i':"'':vvti,'rr"':.,:,-::"r..- a"wi i . I foiwr( fa o ageiH wrwiiur.g tucaame, of either nf th following work, viz: The 000 Night Enlerlafnment. id live volume, with n- ttaving Tbe Dramatic and Mutical Olio, won. ittng of popular Play,. Song nd Rallada, et to Mucic. with Engrvine or a coo of Ever Rb. dy' Album, an rmoeing work, in one volume) with Engra'inga. FOR TEN DOLLARS EvcryTagent procur- inf - Xtii - .auhKiibera, and forwarding tb aubacrip. ,'OB l,r'c" on" niloea, will b entitled Jo aa faotwionit copy, grauc. The Term for a (ingle auUcriplioo ia two dot. lar per tnntim, or one di liar for tig month al wy In idvince. Pour eopie will ba tent for on year, for fiv dollar t her.ofore, Polm!r are authorized, and generall wiL. ling, lo torward money lo newtptper fre of eg. pence, where the Idler are cigned bj Ihemealv. Perton wiih ing to lranelt, will Ihrrrfora. when it cn be done, write joat what they want the Pot matter to tay for them, by o doing tbey will onlv have Ibe trouble of ifrning. Po mart era will tik't car lo endnrv their name on ibe uuiaide tlo Ibe Word fret can be written by any one, and I ol no dm ia franking a letter. No letter are accept ed at our office unlevw the poatan t paid. ..- Addrea. ; tl A n t- bo A L A N D Eft.' . i - V - - i - aVtbcaita Baiiadtag, Ftuikiui TIoco, Pa. s ,: .... :, :;r;-;rf;s:;iv:,K ;4t-S John Tnylor Kae5. . . ' ATTORNEY AT LAW, ' ' L A GRANGE, Ttoncacee, crtRiitci : . Tv Honorable Wm. Gut. , Re. Wn M. Greene, Greene cV fiaeting' . ' . Il ' . REN OTA la! . w . C JI EJi lG 0 O B S. Tlie nbtarlbtr ba removed trove the old at and iof Sclhy tcGreea t Mr. T. J laemayl new brick Store wameil lately. M irowl ml the Mar UUHJ, and one door above the Apothecary It or of Mr. btlth, wbeew be bat and will ecjMtiune to keep kaad complete atcortracnt of Dry Oootl IIiru-Ware, Culler , Queeu't Ware, Croekpy,.roceHc he, 1 - '- -- wiled lo tbi marktti among which Ihwr be fonad alteoat F.YERY ARTICLE omally kept in a I try Goodi'Store. Hi Good are at an eaeellent q late ly, and wdl Ve told Ml W for ea.b, or oa a credit lo punctual dealer! He retpeellull) invite hit old friend and cuttomera, and buyer generally to call and examine lor lucmtelvea. T. H. SELHY. Raleigh, Janoary I, 1 043 I It Mate of North CarolJuar, Wayne County. In Equiij Fall Ttrm. 1841. William Wbitlcld, V , , '.t i - ! Bill lo tppoint a new John T. Uryia and wife, ti Joaeph T. Collier and wife, j ruwr' and other J la thi eauae. It appearing to the talitfaetion of lha Court, that Joteph 1'. Collier and wile Kachel are not rriidentt ol thi Stale; it i therelore orVer. ed lhat publication be made ie Ibe Raleigh Mar (or lit week, for them lo be and appear before Ihe Judge nf nor aaid court, at the court lo be held at the Courthooaein Waynetborough, on th (! at .VI on r' -v alter lh fourth .Monday In March. 18S, and pUld, antwer or demar, or aid Ull will lie taken pro oofco a to them, and th can be beard cl nana. ' WHnet. Jamei Gritwold. Clerk and Matter of tanl Coort it tifflee In raid eminty nl Waine, the Id MotHla after tba 4'h Jrlnndav in September, 1(41. JAMF.3 GRfSWOLO, C. et M. B. Price Ariv J5 C'2J 1 6w. State of North Carolina, Franklin County. Court nf Equity Fall Term 1841. Bill for Sale and IJivmun f J rarer. William K. Smith. Jamea Siuiib. l-ah Smith, Wi. Iiam Aight and wife Pane), Matthew Johuion and hi wife Nanct, and John Pleaaant a'atlht 1 wile Nelly, Conipiainauf, IHIIVJT Benjamia Waddv. idm'r ol (;oolman Smith, dea'd, Itebtcca Smith, Thon.a L U. S.i.itS, Willie Smith,' John Smith, Elizabeth Smith and Good man Smith Dt-lemlanlt. It appearing to the Court lhat Willie Smith end loan KBailb, lao af Ihe dcleniUmi in Ibe ibove aaute, re eon reiiden'; il i ihercture ordered by the Court thai puhliraiioa be made lor three month ie the Kaleigh Star, thai the an id defendant, Willin smith and John amiih, be and apiear al our next Suierinr Court of Equity lo be held for Ihe eooniy nf Franklin at the Courthoai in Louiahmg, on Ihe tnd Monday after Ihe 4th Montlay in March next, aad then and there plead, anter or demur to mid ItilK ol Complaint!, mherwiar the tame will be heard. luugmtnt pro contetto win u uao ajainti iiiem rid decree made aecnrtfiiigty. Witncaa, SamT Johnanw, Clerk and Matter of our Ptd. ot F.o. fice ihe Sod Monday alter the 4ih Mondaj in Sep. lember. 1841. Tel SAM1. JOIIXSON.C. M. E. Prlee Ad $10 00. 1 3rr. Dee. 87 1811. State of North Carolina, Hertford County. Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions No Ternbor Term, 1841. Samuel J. Wbeeler v. f. Judicial atliachmrnl levied ou land. June C. Rirni, J It appearing to the latitfaclinn of Ihe Court, tbat Ihe defendant in thi action it not a retident of Ihi Stalei it ia Iheretir ordered by the Court, llial pub lican. in be made in Ihe Kaleigh Star K North Caroll- m Gazelle lor iz week, giving the tid Jaroe C- llarn nolece lhat he ba and appear belore Ihe Jul- lice of Ihe Court id Plea and Quarter Settion it be neat Court lo be held lor the county ot Hertford, il tne Uooy Home in n inlon, the lourth Mmiday n --euruary nexi men anti mere replevy ine pro periv attached and plead, otherwise final jadgmeal will be entered op again! bim. and ihe property levied on, condemned luhjtei to Ihe recovery ol the plaintiff, agreeably lo act ct Aitenibly in Mich cat mane ana provided. Tet L M. COWPF.R.CIk. Price Adv. f J 6-2J. 8 6w State of North Caroliita, Gates County. November County Court, 1841. Jimet ri. William v. David C. Crott, Original A'ttichmcnl levied on land. In thi eat il appearing to the Court tint David C. Croil it an inhabitant of another Stale, it it or dered by th Coart that publication be made in the Kaleigh Star, lor Ibe deftndant to appear en or be fore Ihe next Term of thil Court, and replevy the property levied ne, ntherwiae it will-be eoniremned to Minly the plaintiff' demand Wilne, William G. Daughtr. Clerk of laid Court, at office in Galetville. lb third Mood of .CTOTerooer, c, U , ..la " a W. G DAUGHTRY, C. C. C. Pric Adv 5 6S1 51 Sw. State of North Carolina, Bertie County, In Equity September Term, 1841. C. W. Jacpckt, AdmVof N. II. Thomptna.T. T. Pag. J.. June, Henry Nichulli aad other plaintiff, a ' Thorn B. Webb, Jonnhan IL Webb, AddOiai k cunntngnam and other, defendant. In thi cate it appearing lo Ihe talitfaetion of the Court that Addoini k Cunningham aie not reti (tent of ihi bttei it ttrrrref. rirtertdtljiik lcyvivale ;t-wa-ck. lor them' to be end pper; -bclore the Joifge of oui wiu .ourvm w ut v tnaaor oa thejbact Mm dav ot March, 1841, and ded, -antwer or detreur, or judgment pro nleao aill be entered againtt them, and ibe eauae be heard egpane. l ea 1.8 tt BUB, C. It M E. Dee. 15. 1841. Price Adv f5 62J 51 Cw." TO THE PUBLIC. The anbacriber having; constantly on 'hand, in Petenbiirr and Richmond, a large and well ae. leced etock hrarlv lltirly in number) of ihe - rj ; beat rlfrii.'OllI ES made in tlti country, inci being iliepoted to tell ihrrn upon the itioat liberalternv, that could potaihly be aaked by ant one, even the moat luapicioua, he beg leave to ugfre' to Iboae in want of Piano the importance of giving him it 4eal a trial, befor patrcliiMng elaewhere, inee there i no poaaibilit of their Inaine; and a atrorig- probability tbat they would be greatly lha gainer in fact, it would be but a postponement of a positive ptirchaae, for a ihort time, of any iQatrutnent whalrref, until the cmilil have an opportunity of letting the quality in innac- oi mine, wincn are unurpaeU, if e qnallrd in England ot America. I have aold nearly there hotwired of th Piano in few yeara, without rllrnj a.fead one.-inil I hnld my- aevary .perihaeee; might prove drfeelive. r tlnliting; at t have ever done, the opinion, lhat Ihe We of tingle bad Piano would oeeaaion nich Id of etnfideoee a .could not be after ward repaired by the gale of a hundred wood one, it may well be expected that I thall be nar- ticular a to what (art of instrument I tend off. E.. P, NASH, . Petertour;. Va. ' CT My Piano arelio be faand in great variety at J. W. RANDOLPH k CO'9, in Richmond. W E. P.N. PROSPECTUS -.-.'..'-' op THE WOI1TII OAHOLIWI TE3I PEKANCE LKION. TheStit Temperanre Society of J?. G. at he Imprtiued Ihe importtnew of toeh publication, lb commit le have determined, if MjfJirieot encouragement cea be obtained, to iaau tb firat number of u h a puhlirmitrm, to be raited th NORTH CAROI.I.HA- J EIr EK.V-VCE C.MO.N, on lb firat of J.nu.ry , tit,'' ' r - 1 ..Ju-4- Tbe leading object of lh Union will b, Ihe die- i t minatien of Temperinc principle We thall ; endaaaoi to preeent in it pagee, full record nf lh progrra ul th Temperance cause in oor own and in loretgn land of iu eOVct upon individoal and ommuiiitie anj original article its defence of iti principle, and in reply to the variou objec tion urged againtt il. ' While, however, th' promotion of Temperance will be Ibe firtt and leading object of our Jour nal, it ie our intention, that iit ptge thill be diver tilled by a general eummary of th aiot important event of th day, and by particular attcuuon lo the interett of Agriculture In carrying oat thi object, th Committee look with confidence to-lhe friend ot Temperance, pr i:u!arly in North Carolina, fur aid and upporj. A new impulse ba been given to the caut iu thi State. Were thi ibe proper occaiion, w could tell a 'tale of what buheen piaring under our own yec.which would tend a thrill of joy through every benevolent beartATh icformation of tb inebriate ba commenced, nd i (till going on with a power and ucca, wbicb tb moat canguin never dated lo aiilieipata. Uivt u but the mean of commu nication, nd we troat thai an influenc will go forth from tb Copiial or lh old North Stale, to it re mote boundary, thai will tell upon it htppines and prosperity through all future generation. Permit u. then, ro an earneatly to appeal to e ry IrienJ of Temperance, Morality, and good or der, to aid u prtmptly. A the object ii,to com mence with lh new yer, deltig on the prf 6Tit friend oiiy be fatal Let every individual then, wbo feet an inlereat in our tucceaa. and every Tem perance Society, become reeponaible, al nce for the number of copiee, which tbey auppoct.can be circblated in their viciniiy jnd forward their name immedintely. for 10. SO. or 60 eopie, a ihey may think tbedemand of their neighborhood may jua. lify. , In thi way only, cm we hope for euccee in our rlTort. At a meeting of tb Executive Committee of th N. C. Slal Temperance Society. Ibe following re tolutini, waa adopted: Where, arrtngrmenu hive been m de to commence Ibe publication of a Temperance Journal in the City of Raleigh, on ihe firat weekof Jinotry next.proided Oa Tuoctiaa Subvcriber can be obtained ' Hetilveil, That it b moat earneatly recommen ded to each of Ihe Officer of th Htite Temperinc Hocietv, and to the member of the ate Si ate Con vention, and to any wbo ire friendly to the cativ. immediately after Ihi recruit - of thi teaolution: to become recponMbla for from- 10 'o 60 rlubccr k ?r, gd tAat. tb pubbc lime . contemplated. By order of the Eieculive Commillee eftfae Aorib Carolina ctaia Temperance Society. TERMS: Tha North Carolina Temperance Union will be publiahed wei kly on medium hcet.(iy 26 by 18 inche,)tt One Dollar tnd Fifty Cent per annum., payable IN ADVANCE. Letter eotUaining Hub arribere name ndrcmittance,mot be directed. pot pta or ire, to tne I reeiurer or ibe SocMty, Jmi Blows, Raleigh, N. C. All the newapapert In the State are lespectfully requeued to give tbitProspectu on or two ini lion. JT. IIKANNAN cV Co. OLD DOMl.MON CLOTHING STORE. Oppttile Meter. Miten U Watte China Stere Mai Street. WE would beg leiv to inform our f-iend and hai n,.kli .p.ll. lh., I ..... .1- on hand Clothing of all kind. nd uilabl for II senna, which we will tell low for ctb. We would invite all to call and examine for themaelve whether they want I purchase or not. All good old by u lhat d not answer in every particultr. can do returned, and tne money refunded, provided tnry tnau not nave been worn. 12m Richmond, V.. Much 30, 1841. 13 sVlLLAl.ir W71I01.DEN, ' - ATTORNEY AT LAW, AMD OEXF.BAL AOET, AND COLLECTOR, . . BALEIOH, K. C. i Will attend th Court of Wake. Orantre and Granville. Claim of every description thank- tuny received ana promptly attended to. REFER TO Hon. Nichola Uiddle, Philadelphia. Fr. Hopkinto. Philadelphia. Anl. Uh. Caienove, Alexandria, D, C. : Thoma J. Lemiy nd J , . , Huffin Tucker. Eqr., V ! Hn. Wm. A. Graham, Hillsborough. """"" Hon. Robert B. Gilliam, Oxford. MISSES PULLIAlTI's"TlOTEJV ANN PULL! AM le SISTERS r JTVESPECTFVLLY innonneeto the publl. Hut notwahsiandmg ihey btve bee greatly emharatsed ana aisirastHHi by ate heavy ose they wstained by Ibe late llcwruciion of their furmer Mand and other pmperty by fire, they have been enabteit le fit on he large avid eowimrtiKonv budrrhtg IrmTterJiatcly trt iinayirjLJreiita ther io as agreeable and eomlitrtahle a menner, and upon at reuonabre termt, si can be procured at any public house in the ehy. -They will entertain, 1st, TVdnnenf Viutett, and take gnod car f ibeir horse: xWhr, Kertilar SearJert, by the month or year, to lodge either in ar out of their hoaset -' Silly. Familiee, who caa be fun.ialied with roema twt every ihitig neecnary to idmlniuer to Their aoia furt and aalialaolion. Their hue 4 rdravantlv and convenienilr almit- ed -taring but tit'l mure than a hundred yards cast ol he Owit House and suffietently near tlie heart oi btitinesa. I'hoir table shall ilwivi baaunnlied wlik the beat ihe market afforils ibeir ttak'et with an a- nuiMlwac'! provrudvr nd iruvty octlcri every ne Mitey ilnlioo Irom lhemele and servants shall al alt tune be civeni and ihev flaliaa- il.n. irom the agrerablenraa al their location, tlie. egtrid nt tneir aeccmroonationa. md their long experience, tliey wiH be able to please all alio may favor them win, ancir ca atom .. . , . Thev avail themselves of iliirnaVn in nf&, ik.:. tine ere thanks tn the publie;; for the tubtaniat evi- iciteet ot pant.iiiy and kludnet which they baveio eelved for a aerie et tears at their hand a. and Me. e-rtyt towdieit a nntinn.iea, el that favnr in this iheir irae o grew, est need- when Wrwcgling ataiau -- w. ......j, i..., ... w ihh iftrir WIC It IUS- yneVsl opnai h. .i-,"irr'S,"t lUleitrh. Oct. i ltif ' " "' 40 Sien. gT1 JStandard and Register picas copy ( time ev ery other week. A f kS, .'COTTON YAiiN ...,.;"V" T. H. 8ELBY ba ju rciv4 lrg .upply of Cot too Yarn, from tb Lekil Fsctarr. wbicb i a oral ruta article, Bd wiU.be nld very, cheap. Bit eoutitry triend ar invited to call and gamut it, Raleigh, Jan. SS, 1841' 4 tf ai meeting. uneciea it cieruuve i;.mmtlte.ta ear.. Hrraocrsey Jn lake neaaure for the ectiMi.hmetit.al ihi nlar. lo iw vol new edit of Jonrnat, devoted lo the ciuae of Trmperanre- " " f n Attaaliatnea IA" ihatia alaKaa J I '.i. la reVr. -' r- . -: 1 BOOKS! EOOKS! ' ' Jt reeeiaew al the North Crrvlioi Bek Blare. No I Fayettevlll t. R.ti(h, l b Tokea aad ,! lanti Soaveair tar li2, cmWIIitbcct wick kraarttaal eagrwviagi. Ilallam'a Literatw ot Uoropa. liwcka anzuaca'a Tiaveli ia Aaurm. lea TiiohimmI Amer.ra.br lie 1 ocqutvilk. ton . tie Moflera iiaiiner'a Uh 87 eng.avmg, by Minud 1 I' UN KM k HUGHKa. Oat 1841 PROSPKCTUS OF TliaPATUIAnciI,- Or, Fatuity library . Magazine?. raT0Nit an wgmti8 pr lapii. '- Editorial department tuperioteuded '"" ""'V. ' r. U, W, BatMf.;.. ' Tb great object, of the work will b t del aad enforce ihe relative duti. ol ibe tliftcrenl aaemben oi tne lamity ai tuciij comHetieatcly tambiaciag the Mliject i dnmeitie Kducalioau and tuciaj abh." (,a'tM. a hao weaonatder the Influence wbicb nteia. wr or lh earn lamtly ea-en aver eeh other, ta F-docatc, an to moaid ttx ehataevrr, il atay be t ea, ly said that tamdwa. ator projiei ly tliaa ladrrtoa). alt, ar the materiala out of whieh aoeiety it con-it-luted.and which Indeed form lb etaeatial chaiaa. ter ot nation!, m Ibeir intellectual, moral, political ml nh, aiaul naanliaritLaa , ' - Sell Kducatioa, therefore IntellectaK, moral, aad nhytkalt relative dulM: io lha inliimc oue mer. tier el lh family may have aver oiner. pwtiaalar. ty that of lh para it over lb hiMren m hnrt, all Dial may emtnbute to lorm society in k individual and Hectic character to menial intelligence, ht. tical energy, and moral power, all tbat caa contra bate lo tochil re K Be meat, a mi bappineia. It will hi the aim of Him Perwdtral ie aid and endue. 1 he Ftmily i regarded an Kleratntary School, lad at tucb, well jilted la Ua end, and Bneelaarily rierti the mott important Influence oa lb eutii haraler rrlHt iomatra through etery grade el Erica, cation. Riglitly rii.ciplinrd, il bring a poacrful aid lo Oilier tcbonli, and may even wipply th wbm ol them where they are InBccacaaible. ' rt will a attesnpiedto l pareBt le crmdnct tk -, Education ol their children, particularly by giving -1 judicwu direcliOB to lha Kceiling.-lhe ncial pit, eiplei self improvement, and kabitt uf indutiry , le enlorce a talutary Family diuiplme, to eicite cl.il dren lO Hibnrdinilion tnd filial rrtpect, lo iid'yoiith nl both trie lo epter rrtpectably into society, t make, in the result, good cilment, and a hippy a, tie . Th Palriareh will b pnblithed on Ihe first daM ol JtBUiry, etfuch, vfay.July.Srpleoibrr, od No. vembrr, with a clear lpe, on good piper acta form Eiih norabrr will contain 48 pagn, turn 4 to wiik a ) early volume of 488 pages ol peruiinrnt value. The first having been delayed till trch, lha fiPh will be published on the first ot October. Price $1 per annum in advance, i will iho be found, lor ihe milter con'iined, among th ehtapcat publiraiiom.- Th reading mailer will be increased at too ts the cxteat ot ihe suberlpiina will justify it, and Ihe publisher hopes to interett hit reader ti, tar tbat ihey will tooa tail for Ihe Moaiblv lutia mt t.the numbers at double ire price. in tint enterprise Ihe Kiln or bespeiksand aor.g. denlit aaticipalc lh anient coopciaiii c -a Clergy, men It nareMe. whote labor, ihi wm k will ba fn.,.J calculated loatd k relieve. It will not be beneath lb i in atieiMion tne nlnteitaaa to Utriet and extend tit airaolaiion of a lhile volume, which U wUotlf . daptcd ie (ot n good ciliaea and. io bleat the coo a. "J- Every PhrtanthrnpiH wirt heltJut Mich a Book- nouid b pltccd to every family, and read by every Ai Ihe low price slated. It tt manifest, einensir agencies cannot bo employed. All ClerkTmen kj -Postmstter. therefore, respcctlallv renurttad att a igriita, lo lake lubtw ipilons. aad remit pa, menl- Monty, curreul wbere lb cubtcribw Uvea, will tlwiyibe received. Sabsariptions, Remittances, and all ootnionica lions oath pecuniary eoncern ot ihe I'a'tiartk may be made to Jonjiaan Lraviit, 14 John Street N York i or I Joseph Etler, Wtcbiagloo I) C., (post paid. ) -t . All eoramaiiicalioas cnacerwia the Editorial De part meat mi) be made In Rev. ft. W. Bailey, K. 14 John sire.1, New York. Te Etlit tr Publishers of newspaper aha will insert Ihe prosprctn ol Ibe Ptlriarch. and sea eopy of Ihe paper onlaining h to the Native Aavev. can Withinglnn. 1) V- will pinmpilj reaeiie tb number of ih Patriarch lor Ihe tear. May I, 1841. More New Book. Thu da received, al Iba Noitli Carolina Rlr Slore, lb lollowing book at A Treatise o Ibe Church ol Christ, designed chic") lar ihe une of Students la Tbcadogy, y 4be Key. William P.lmcr, A M. ol Worcester College, Oxford. In two Vol. Ocltvo. The Viear of Wakefield, a Til-, ky Oliver Gold, smith, illustrated by SOU Engravings, with au aicnant ot the Aulbor Lire, and wrMings, by J. Aikia, Tfc Divine Legitioa of Motes demonstrated by the Right Re. W.Warbarton, U. 1. Lord Ditbonilf Gloucetteri in two Vol. Brhlgemsu's Young Gardener' Asiittknl. '"' . , . TURNER h MCCHF.S. ttileigh, Dear U4tv ... , cjj The HrRcr aesion of ib Subccriber'. School coanencea tb firat Monday in Janorv J. U. NORWOOD Franklin, Nov. 27th, 1811. . 49 w State of North Carolina, Gates .County. November County Court, ,184 ( John A. 'Anttcrioa 1 .' '. i""V"." VT ' " vt Original Attlacbment levied Jew Y. titrrell, 5 " " '- , .v In thil eat appearing to Ire Coart ihit Jen Y. Harrell it an iiihabtiant of aaoibrr Stale, H It or rtered by the Court that publication be made ia the Raleigh Stir, for Ihe deleodanl to ippear on or be. fore Ibe next Term or Ihi Court, and replevy the properly levied on, oiherwUe R will be eoitdamaid lo taiitly he plaintiff' demind. Wilne. William G. 'Daiirtitrv. Cle.k af uM , Court, at office in Galesville, the third Mendav, V.. I ICt I ' w.aH,mr, lm, . W. G. DAUGHTRY, (3 C. C. ' rriwe- Avf s f Jt -gwv- l;-i vtBa.t.aaA.aal aa w a w JMvrjiwMt 11 removed hi ,c(Sr to Nivf 6 Jn the Btr buildinrrof B. 0. Smith. En. where ha m.w, alwayt b found, when not bnt from the city on prolettional buaine. Collection of any mount promptly and faithfully alteoded to. Kaleigh, Pee. 15 - j State of North Carolina, ii: 0 ATEB COTJIt TT. . .-.November County Court, 1841. Job 3. Griffla -t . .' , ' . . . " I Oiigmal Attachment levied s desteY.Harrcll.3 " - 1 ibis sase k snnealnr to Ihe rVutrt ih.i 1.... V Harrell it an inbabitacit ol another State It U ALar ed by lh Court that pvblictelioB b mad in ihe Ma- eiga otar, lor in aeteadaat lo appear aa or btlct lh neil Term of ihi Court, and replevy th uo perly levied on, otherwise it will be oadrmaed to mtry mc planum 'lemsnd. , IV riaet. William G. nnahir. rtr .r Ceurt, at office n Galesville, the third Monday f November, 1841 " : - - - ,- .- . W. t5. DAUf.HTBT. C.C. C K -. Price Ad. $S 2J v , vl4rw.T aaa ' Inir rhn at avtav VfclSffc 'iSlttrrreirerl oa onsnmment. ten boiea afTib sv Kotanka I obaceo, tor. sale, at tb fionh CaraJl.; t mm tinoawwrv ai a aow prase. , - .1 base whe like to ahew good tobjecp, will do' well I call' tnd eiiaaio thi article, which bat' . had, by lb bog, or by th plor t th tlrv-k Sine, t RatithstFb.,ll4a.' ,4-; vfi .'Ifdt. tvlieni .woman, while auieilr ewrnlr.- creatinifadiatiirbarrce?.1 When Ii i rn king buttle '4