EDITOR AND PROrttlETOa jaictriie, tr dollar per aaa-.6at ' .., ii .'-v- '' - ' , petoi-stirtiag wllaeetlbc 8lit willhere. ' Qiirad tu pay the. w.a-Beoa alUe year's sub- 1 RATES OF ADVERTISING.' fr every square (not esecsdiag 16 lieesttus sizt type Hrat iaertioH.endoller aeb subsequent IMrtK -- ' .'.. Taa rfiwMavttl Cfarkssa.t Sbarlft's will be eairged $i Pr sent hijberi and dcdaclwH o 'Atf pie sent, will be n)lefrou) the regular pti- see toe advertisers ay the year. ' ' - (rj- lttTSte the Kditnrs xiiit ba port-paid. FRESH, FROM .YJJrr". YORK. No. .70, 'f ATETTBtlLLB StRSKT, JVeJrf rfoor o the New City Half, RALEIGH, N. C. . HAS just rccrtv41aiy-f-DR GOODS,, GROCERIES, &c. &c. lie will fer ihaih at price-, la ui ihe time. , A few of lb? ariicle will oow bi named. Rich printed lawna, Balsanuts, Foul aril Silks. Colored and black ailka, American, P.iiglith ami ele gant Scotch Gingham, Ameriein, English ami Fiench Oaticose, BJnnoi anil Cap Kibbowe, (.area tx Caps, at eel cap springs,-ehtjant artificial Flow era, Superb Chinee Fans, coiamoikdo. Ladies' ve ry eupenor Glovua, Light, colored aiul btttk Phda defphia Slippers, atlh anj eolton Hoaa and hair H .ij?, ailk Hcarfs and Handkerchiefs, Irish Linen, " Spool (Bolton, fax Thread. Sewing Silk, Silk Twist, Long Law os, Lilian Cambric Pocket Hand kerchief. Hanwtitchsd do. Worked Inserting-e and Edjine;, Button of many kinds, Hooka and liyre, Neillea. Puis, tJrfssots, Thimbles, Itc 4tc; PU.d Coitm llniJterch.eis, Corsets, shell ami eomin ni Cjm'M, thread and cotton Laces, Towellings, 'IV till- Cloth. Hirdseys and Russia Diaper. Carpet H j tor travellers, Very lirjra cheap iiunka. Palm Leal" Hats for mm anJ biye, Piui.n' Bonnet, llnl Cmta:;, wriiing Puper, lildchfd and uiib'eaclird D nasties. Com Padding and Canvasa, .Gentle- men 'a Gl wee. "lock, Nark Handkerchief. Linen Collara anil Utoius ailk Pocket Handkerchief, ea, SiiJjJ? uJ'.'ra, .ailk ..D.(awa,. 4.C,,-. Suimmi Vesting, Nankeens, liruwn Linrn, Kowri) Cassi meres. Mur Jruns, printed do. Oamlionna, Mixed Linen, f!m Cloth, ailk and cotton Pontree, he. &e. Worked Collara, Bleached and ui.lileachod Cotton Jeans, Arpon Cheekaj Turkey Red Uottan, Spun Cotton.' .,.,. i. .:.;. .j,', ; Creea atiJ Click Teas, Uoflea, Brown Sngara, Ln.if diito; crushed Lunf ditto, Pi'jiper, Mustard, Aljiico, Ginger, 'Nutmeg, Cinnamon, Starch, whi'e, blown kin i fanejr tfoana,' Powder riho, Ik'SiI, I'rrcuaaioa Caps and Flints, Mrs. Miller', AfirSnulTin bottles anil bladders, tjiiuff lioxes, Chewing Tobacco vciytctt, C'igire. . ,. .,. Kaleijih, May 13 SO It CelstraUon efThe Fourtb of July. A meeting will be bald in the City Hall, on the afternoon of Thursday. 9uV June, at four o'clock, lor 1 lie purpose of muk ng suitable arrangemenla for celebrating the ensuing ANNIVERSARY OF AMERICAN INDEPENDENCE. Ills hoped 'hat the eiiisena generally will attend, as on such an -occasion we should bennited '"unwarp'il by p riy age, ta like brolbera." , . ,, oT.LOBLNO. ..,.,. K ilngtt. June 1, 1S4Z, CLA85SICAI, SCHOOL, r After eMiif ,XritMic m ilw aMMiwaa of teaehine;, (lie Subset ilier lakes I hi m K1 if of ag.ln briuHig his chnol"lo 1 lie notice I the pulilie. . Si ui4 in tlie County ol Franklin, abnnt mlifwsy beieen Louiabu g and bnoean. a HMthty woral utul litalth cioiMiiui.itv, alike removed Irou scea a of id' .xess, eSiravHanee anil dissip-.lion, it is believ ed to possess 'vwii'Hgei hi Mint ol Ineaiion, Tift ii Irrkir to llintf any luttitulinvi i lt ttiate ' And it ihe Snlii ilier has Ihua lar been anaeesslul in gn iiij taiisfa lion as a Te.ih-r, his c- ,1 Ti -at inns lor u.eiMlneta will at least MM be itimiiiishee) by live in creased prnfieuner uoatniMiit upan a ivagee lis-ilia'-ge ol bis viliea. ', v' - , , The F.aei . ises of the School vill ba resumed on Tuesitrr, th 5ih ot Jilly, ; .Tnilioa (15 nee Sewion of S mitnlbt, payable h silvancc. No tle'lueiion mml- Inr I0.1 f iintsi by he Snidenl, or his being diutiisied for gooH and ul fisienf ax?i and tfi fs.ll prke require,! Jor all srtu see s meeesl a aawiene-shsriiig Saw fiessitiT- r R r,l ean be bad at S per mniiifa iat the (smilii t nfiheltev Amo.Iom. la Juiiv tl 11 1. and l eases. Wnina-eow, and Win.? lissscH, all with. in ani'Vrnwnl disiame of rieknol liouae, ' ...... Louitbure is the Wrai cat Ppsl Uffiee, J. H. NORWOOD-. 83-t ' Prank tin Cn. Jnne Kiclic IVitboiit Wiu; FOII i mere trifle, s tinle volume can be tinrchss ed, eniiiled Kiehea wlihsit wing !" a look ihii is thought ts be worth its weiatil i gold. . fvt lie by . E. P. NASIf. Book and Plan Foite Seller, s if. Petersburg, Va-r T!ie Lonos spe.ik f the low prices of pro iliifff, thu deranged currency, and the) 'emhnx rwrneAu"bf ific treasury, as the fruits of the' AVhliV triumph,'1 and they tell, the ' pebpte to bt-hulil the fjtsinr-aliou of the Whig predic ttoas; ''-'Tlifl pe'nrile, ho'wc'vei,' know tnnt'the m!rule of twelve yrari Is 'hot tri fie corrre-"' iy.1 in inuive mnnins, even wiw on it.e tic pannvems Af tha goveniinent mnvitiff in har-mrttiyU-eeriliifj not, when 'ihe " Presidont vlio' should have- led us on in the work of reform1 tiits 'arrested our measure of relief by the Veti-tho vicio. 2 - I'ill - ife nil tk - ni ' SnaVor Rives, we are gjad to perceive, takes the true 'groundsill reference to, our. commercial system. Iq a late speech ho. re-, nuirkaj"! believe fteo ; Jradlba jhojrue, policy 2rtt,wn,rand I e.innol doubt that each would find its highest advantage in it, if all,tuoiUd a jopl if- , But, ,while a larj;e miijor'ay of the na'tond of the, earth .scek'tp.. build p tlie,. peculiar - interests of tbf ir own national labor arJ production, by regulations ' of restririion and exclusion., other - nations must sliape their plicyia a greater or leor 'Vm 1 we uiy heads hich-WiU puidei-, tlct5ree-so as to ahieiU tliemselres rrom the ; " " e" .aiTge,i n.i son n nn ou ami at eflectf of this solftih andkol :!ot'iar8jsicm'i1,,',',,cn 'hel: sufficient .eji to inake If other najion shut us (jrnn their markets. ' 2 or bushels the second si-ason, I we mt?st indemnify our elvesiiy a market lf wsi d a head if this wheat to must at home.'?, It seems siramjethaiany Ameti-: f the K liter in this Sate, where any pef; ran citizen should enlTtn'w a diUcrcnt opin : ;. ' " r is. t -..,;-, - ' ' J IOIJ.-rtLwr '' p - 9 Bettcr ThAJt- JfbNti A " poor 'fnareJefl woman wae telling a lady, cm Ihe wrong tide ; ..i nnys-wiwivfiiwiswuieauv uimu.,wHw a s. .rca,i -.r ,i . ....i... u;.u .1.. in great part attributed to the irrrgnturities of hey fetisbarKl. W'eH, aul the obi maid,' 'you brought these trouble on yourself; 1 told votf not to siiarrf himV I wu cote that I w cote that I lie-would not "make a good hmband.,'Iie j! I ltiut 1 go! tme, tu be euren inadairi,!? re- ratea the poor woman,- but lie a po,er the vre yield .tftlai corn reop U amrh better than nOne t . '- le Its 1 ebght lerbeanil thattty proV,f Exerience,how,th9 "the roost recre istteT.iion jomatiaring and etiltere, it mly ful IrtethiKl f leaeliing men to hate w hat i jbe increased a hundred prrenti we feel': Won, t to induce them to lost w ltnt 'Is I solir rfoos lliat soma tf our Com plsrt'ers nSV' l BOt oflicient to expose the il-j 'shotil.t, rf.n rng the preaehf eeason, snake the formtty of vice we mist also unfold the experiment whirh iti the purpose of this charm of virtue. . ai tide to po nt eut. Il i contented by " r . - t : -- - : r . '. . . -jmil L '. .1. .JJ.l J 4..! .!!J.'JU1 J North Cxrolina Vol. XXXIII '- ' . IMPORTANT WORK NOW IN THE COURSE OP PUBLICATION ADICTIONAICY Of Arts, ManuOtmx-i, eiid Miiwa,eon)aiaiaj a elear potiuoa ot ilieir p1'l"c'l,lr liracneva By Andrew Ure, M. D. F. R. . M. G. S. M., " "uu 7 t inner ami plan ASJ.Lxnd,te!n,Aead. JSLS. Pbi'4ilt-I. I r tn very eatily perceive, hnwmuctihe Ph. Soc. N. Oiftin. llaiiov. Mulii. to. &e. i lose by not ecoinunisinj iht resource of iLtusTRATED with one Ttioi'AD two iiu.v - nBKD Atfn rnRrv.!ivR rvcSAVivr.fl. 1 -n u r : i.i .t . adiniraMy adapted to the wants ol all claasea of the eomm.i,.ity. . The following .ra th. imprfruqt ! tit ol.j.cia srhicti the. 4eaiued author endeavors to! accoini li.h; j let. To ro struct the Manufacturer, Metallurgist and Tradeanan in the principle of their feepoeiiva . r ,k I, k ' ' ' ,nT" lera of their business; and,, to emancipate them from . .in i. ..f hi.n,i. 10 ...rh ..... tZ. .,.. 'sV ? u ","iu"'""''J' "" popu-sr woiK, muC, ju me iinpainuent ol bis interest as, ita I ottrn heard ot it. and re.t unable ex CA of the kind ever putilished, and a book most ti .j i,. ,i,, ..r.i. ..ki;.. ti.. -...i;..i .-il ... i .:n-.. ... ly goeerned by blind prejudice and a iciouerou., il wHhe an easy matter to carry out the tins. i plan thereafter. Willi a view, therefore, Undly. To aiT.rd Merchants, llrokers.U ysal'era, f coiniarucifl tlie work, we respectfullr I pruggiatsndoincers of the Revenue, th.racter- pn.pose, that the Ciim,.0St whu h weshail! ZZTZX e?mm0ilUt' !"c,V "'j.-e,.y be mad, and ap.dted a, 3nlly. By e.hibilinir eom. of the finest .levelop.' 2ed ! order that the experiment. msnts of Chemistry and I'hysics, to lay open an I etcellant practical school to bludenU id thestj kin dred eocietM-a. 4thly. To teach eapitalista, who may be desirous of placing their funds i'l some productive branch of indnstry. to seltct, judiciuu.ly, among plausible Claimants, 5ihiv. To enable genllrmen of the Law to he- come well acquainted with ids naiuia of tboa pa- ' mend. lent echemee, which are so apt lo give ri. to lni-1 e prnpnse then, lint en h r thosJ-whn gSr"k"l i t . l i jmHvmske the experiment, shall mark oil". Ch y. To present fa legislator su n S clear ft- , - . ' , . potion of the staple mantifacmrc, may dis-1 "ns'irement, an acre in t ii-lrcorn-snsde 'hem from' enacting laws which obstmct in- j ''eld now planted, or to be planted, and that '.lostry.or cherish ana branch of U lo the injury of ' n ibis acre they put a pint of the compost many others. ' I to each hill, either at the first or sernnd And laatly. to give the general reader, intent ciiic'dy on Iniiitcrtiial Cu livsnon, views of inanr t ti . .. , . , L ' of tho nnhlesl achievements o Science, in etlUnn those (rrand transformallona of matter to which Great Britain and the United Statea owe their per mansat weilth, rank and power among the nations of lhaearib.e . The laie-t statistics of every important i,l jeet of Mmutacture are given from the Itesl and usually from official aothoriiy at the end of each article. The- work will be pitnted from tha Sd Loudon Edition, which sells for Ji2 a copy. It will be put on good paper, in new brevier type, and will make about 1400 Swi. pBT; It will be Issued in twen ly-ona semi-monthly numheia, in coers, at 23 cents, each, payable on ili hveiy. S3" 3'" "y peraim aendinffflyfive l"hara at one lime In advance, we Witt lorward llie nu mhcra by man, post p in. as soon as mev corns rrom Ihe pieas. To suitable agents this affords a fare opportiini ly. as we rkn put tha work !o them en terms ei trrmely fiWtrahle. Ijt every manulaciuring town, and every vjlUfre thru ighout the United Mutes and Canaday auhacrilie-rs may be obtained with the greatest furilily Addresa, post pid. La liny Sun derland, ViQ. Fu'ton aireet. New Yoik.' "' To every editor who gives this advertise ment entire 12 insertion., we will forward, lo . dr, one copy of ihe whole work, provided tha pa-J prrconiatiiing tni no'icsl-s aeit to tha Kew York M'sUtiman, New Vo.k SO J2t April 10 1843. AGRICULTURAL. CALIFORNIA WHEAT. We rail the anenrinn r,f "ourestlers f T Ihe fnllowinjfothmutiicstinn addressed to us by Mr. Lorro. of Bulls county. The ear of wh. at nrtompsayin if, can be seen at our olnce, ' We invite our' ftrmina friends toealland see it. They will find it a noble spetimen nf NVhestj j 1 Milltilgtville Journal, . .... ' H ., ' NEW ERA IN TMK CULTURE OF . WHEAT.' ' Lorroxs Stork, Butis County, Qa To the Edit on of (he Georgia Journal: I obtained from Thomas Siiect inj, nl Abbeville S. Carolina, a. small tjuitntity of In Lantorn a heat Ijst SMminer; ulm h I plattted , ihe Sis', middle, and last -id October last. In all I hud about one thou sand stalks to stand, which lias, or will jirmlure t least 20 thousand hesds a vera i;ing over one hutnlrrd and fifty grains to the head. The grains are, large. 'and of a beautiful yellow, very ii. k and sweet, and no doubt U v. ill tnnke tlie bevt kinil uf floor.'! - n -Iiiw.it. .'if 4- ,. t I have about seven square rods of grourtl sown with this wheat and very thirj which will utnke between fie and ten busliels, ii nil wimld be over one bun 4ml bushels lo tlie acre. And what i aiilLto be.jid-i iniieil, while oi"t nf the . u heat cropa throughout this cnunlrv for tlie presi Bt st i mm Hie creaily- injired, and tome en tirely ruined with , the rust aud smut; it remninsfree from either. :" i . Person wishirr to get thia wheat can, by fur ward in; me five tlollars, have putun son call exaiitine it for tlremelve. Any person sviahiog to prndere ii't ' wheat. will by lor warding to me their order, as ah, srav lipee.,v.t Lv. most iimtitll V Iti irii: ,,.,; itt rr .t.m ;, .;M..,i' r. i -r " - i - maVtlirecV i JtJHN LOFTON. Slsf My;i842. fd t,fl : i J'fomifie Utatricun Farmer EX.FRBJ& Ki't'S t REQUES 'VKp IN y9t ' CORNf( Impressed weare with thei belief! lltat -Powerful in morel, in intellectual, and in physical resourca 4h land of eur ires, anil the RALEIGH N; C.VEI)NE8DAY, JUNE 22, 1343. J Leibing that, the liiiu'nl and suliil etcre.; brealheil a tew trn; breilha intn iti no .l0J'ini"nt of a man will, one year gn- trilaj after whic'i I hae, with my rompm ifraie a u(ricient"qMtntity of niimeti ,iin, mtle several mUfl i tin our er.camii. t( raise more than an acre of wheat, rye or oaf it- . ir.l.t.L. l-..a A. ..I - i una uc uur, ami we are nit inni ; Itiae state, which, under ln present arrange ments, is now permitted l in l waste, I , " . , V. . . r 7 S c,,"n e, tU frm. -h'cl j bear teslitnony to the fact from the nutner- would be necessary to be made to eR'ect ions instances which I have wi'nescd since the savin ahove indicafed we are aware' I came' Into tlia ctmnirvUurintr the ! must bt the work 4 f lime, but tliO'Jjj1 ' ehtire saving Caflitot be effected at l ' !'" ""-sue; that a bejrinniiijr ' . , ,?, 'uJ he iBudeiaitd ilieneonce broken, slull be' fairly made, we would propose. that several rtiterpr.mg corn growers nuke it, and repu t ( our pprr tlie success al ien linj; their respective experiments. If tlie lesulfs should ciirrepond., why then tlieie ran be no-cueslinn us tutlu-utility, or inulilil v , ol the compost we slisll recosii workinj of lite ciirn, that they ffie t.i e i i c i i .i. i who e hsld the same cm lure -tdrooo-huut , . " v " "o . '' i i"u pn i i -juni erinj; tlteir corn, they , carefully tne.isure tlie corn nit thn composed acre, as alio that on any Other acre in the fi-ld which they may select, and thus test the product f each. By this they will "be able to ascer fain with precision the importance and val ue of the compost as well as to tell .vlielh er the increase in yield will justify the cost of labor and material incurred. THK COMPO'tT. Take in the proporiiimof 41 Wshel oTrich loam or rotten manure, 5 do' ashes, 2 tin lime, I do plaster, 20 galls, urine. Mix the whole well together, thnrotiuMy aaturatiti'T the mass with ihe urine, making it into a pie so as to reoist rain; after li t ting it remain two or three days submit ill I tie toanother mixinjr pniceas, when it will he Gi for use. ami shmld be app ied, by nrrevvin a pint i.f it around the plants in each hid of corn, i . . , . - , lleceipt for the rure of Fitmfdin ffre, aftrii hat broken and rwi. -Sometime last summer, my fathi r had a mare ihatli.Vd ine fiaiuU very Uadr and he spplietl to sevj versl ol his neighbors Tor iheir presrrip lions in die disease, sll of which Were inef fectual, s'nd appeared rather to agitate than soothe the diaeaae Finally he ronelu led to try an experiment on the disease;' mil leeling willing to lose his mare' wi. limit somtiertiins to save her fife.; 'lie firsl made a wash for licr'shouldef. ouf nf elder. wild cherry tree. sasafrfts root, equal riarls of all and bni'ed them 'on a dot Ci e Tor a half an btitir; after cooling he wash tl the erupthm welt and filled it full of salaratua win king it in iih his Gng'rs. On the third day, under this treatment, the tiseae re sumed a considerable rhange. and ii the ceure of ten or twelve days the man-' was cured. Will. R. THqip.S0N, : G reenu p Co. Ky. Fi b. 15, 1342.. To make permanent ' Marking Ink. Take 6J cents w.ot th f Ittnar-faustir and. having put if in en ounce (.il filled Willi vinegar, cork it iigM and hanjin the suh. I lit a rnaide of dylt will be fit for Use. t To make the preparation for t1s above, lake a ttiinpirpearlash the i.e of a'thest ntif, and tlissolse In a gill of rain-water. The part of tlie inuslin which is to be wrillen upon Ss in be wet wilh lhe prepara lionatidjirjejLanil jj'axed with a warm naiiinn: immediately after whidi it is ready for marking. , . .,' , A tifile vinegnr, in ' wtiiiti a rusfy aail has remained for few day, makes a mark on .linen which is not easily obliterated L - rming what is cotwrmnly ca led iron Dllld. jAtuitvdk Journal. : To ffifgontrr. Take 1 1 dg Lit rd, tneTt it over a t"'le fire, and then stir it in floor ttntif i become paste.' i Urease four wagoii or rarriage with it, and yoe will never ne lar agal . ' Try if. ' ? . Unrutv Cu lie. At von would tescb onrtr calile to be rojtnea. pe up a lew or a len-in8 Uer JVnee at li Ud raise or Hrerigthed iti ""'a-e"f n'ocr wn aa they become expert Jn jumping.,,,, X I'krly 1;i bethnnvn in the way one. icfiew a maiv so. f..HJ xf expei imenli,,, lu be has reovtl I" pob thai herul up onU one rail lokeeo l.irowi,w, ,h,M Pr,l'. gentlemen, fartnerf , . . ., . . 1 - . in the yar'd, fur the purpose of trying how long that woold. Answer the purpose. . - K ' sfi' TAMING HORSES. Ihrit ttnininz, tn.f': J. Ellin, It. A. JTimhor.iOxtev MrCitf nvitt W wotk ft'ihe manner and euinm of ifi North jA ;merKr iodia-n, m 4the,ntoytg ctMint of the method of tamine the wild buffalo calves, and witWacievs - v'A I "lh-neic yn . i, tit ,uiii rtrntaM3Pt4iii well kno.vn rtrnfom of te cnunfnr. hrlil mj l.ai il orcr th i jf of ihe (jff, tuiii :':':': ::' -X-.; M: , m.-nt, wiih the little 'urisooer btisilr fl- : .1... L ll 1 .1 l. igmnj ine ueiis OI mr norge tne vnuie way, as close' and aRVclioMatcly as its in stinct would attach.il to the company of its dam. This is one of the mint extraor dinary things that I have met with in the habits of this wild country, and althouoh I 1 f . . - . . J ' time that I 'resided a( this post, in the spring of the year, on tny way up the river. I assisteil (iti numerous hunts of the buRMo, with the rur Conipaity's men.) in bri- gi ig in the above manner, several of these tit tle prisoners, which nmrttmes fid low for five or six miles close to our bora heels, and even into the Fur Company's fort, and into i lie stable where otir horses are fed, In this wav, before I left fur Ihe head wateis of the Missou.i, I think we had collected about a dozen. In the sime wav, the wild horses are tamed. "When the Indian has got him well ae cm retl wi i it tlie Jassiv and a pair of, hob biers on his feet, Hie gradually advsnees until he is nlile to place disband on tliean imal's nose over hU vyi-S, and at leojjth breathe in its nostrils, when it soon becomes docile, and rniiioeretl, so that he has little inure to do than to remove the hobbles from his feet, snd lead or ride it into camp." Mr. Kills chanced to read this account when on a viait it Yorkshire, and forsooth resolved to try the experiment. Il and hi frienil werealileincrfilu'ous.&aougot amusement from the nature, rather than knowledge by the result bu two experi ments he was ab!e to try, were both suc cessful. Jlerc is the particular of one of them:' ' 1 -'" ' ' t ' Saturday, Feb. 12. 1812. While the last experiments were being tried on the yearling, W. espied B . a farmer and leoant. wi h several men, at live distance of nine fields, trying most inelTcctually, on I he old I system L i break a horAC-,-W pro pnsrd to go down and show him whs t e fleet had been produced on ilieyeai ling. , When Ihe party arrived at the spot they found that B. and his men had tied , their filly short op to a tree in the comer of a field, one aide of which was walled, and tueoili hedged in. W.noiv proposed to B. to tjme his horse afier ihe new nielliod. B, who was aware of the -chracter -of hi horse. anxiously warned W. not to approach it. cautioning him especially against the fore fet, asserting that -the horse would rear and strike him with Ihe fore feet, as it had 'lamed' his own (IJ'a ) thigh just before llie-y had cume up. V. therefore procee ded very rsutiously. - lie clitned the wall and came at the horse throuiili the tree, to ihe trunk of which lie clgng for tome time, that he might secu-e a retreat in esse of need, n limnediately urmn his touching (be halter the horse pranced about, and finally pulled away with, a slogged anil stubborn expresaion, wbtrb seemed ' bid W. Uefi a nee. Taking advantage of ihi, W. leaned over as : far a he could, clinjnig all the time In the free Willi In rijhl liaotl ,ani succeeded in breathing into usie nostril. without however, being able to bind the eves. From that moment all became easy. W.. who is verr skilful in the msiisa-emrnt of a horse, rosxtil it, and rubbed his face' and brealbed from time to lime into the no frils, while the horse oftVied no j-esistance. In about ten minutes AV, declared his con viciion that 'Hie hisre was su'iduedi and he 'tlien unfastened it, and to lite great and eviilenl as'nins'iment ni II., (who lisd been rying all the nmriiino; m vin to tret a ma tery over it,) led it quietly away with. a loose ha ter. : Sionpin tit the uiiddleof the f ' near, W.,tj!iieily wlked ap to the horse, placed Ilia arm over one ere and lit. hand over Ihe other, and urea l he tl in lei I tie nostril s-.il I was pleasi n'g to ob-erve how agrreuble this opera ion ap peared to Ike home, who put up Iris nose to n-ceive the 'puff. Iti this manner V. led ihe horse ihroutU the fields . to the stable yard, where fie txa mined the fore feet nf the horse, who odere! no Resistance but while W, was examining the hind feet, bent ifsnerk round, and kept timing W ' back. He next buckled n a surcingle, and flieu a saddle, and finally fitted llieliurse w ith a rope. . During th whole uf these ope rut ions the horse did .not oflVrthe liglUrstj-eia tanee, ror flinch in the least degree.",, Two experiment are all Mr. Ellis lias had olfjoriuniiy of rithcr witoeisiiig,? or hearing the resul's of. . But as he slates, tl rse have been to lim neifecllv salinf.icto- I ..I II... v. , ry; a no. aa ne lias nit nppnriunity ui carry ,1",B' ''; ' utiacquainied with lraie-r. and other, may at .least try so simple a plan, and thu teat and determine it value, ht Mr. KUi is of opinion, thst this is the eecrel.of the CeUbrafed Irish horse tmrrs.-and vv remember thst lo more lln one recorded iuaiice of (heir power, tury pretended le. whisper lo. h. animal, and iUy ed with hi heaL:nd Uiuk roba I'lya- brtalned inta ktisr otrii.j, i' CI'UE: FOR JLSF.AS.tX.fEAQIj , ' pt tftlrpTV.MJ '( 4 Tlie application to the tree consist of alt and salfnelre combined, in thepropor- kflectiont.' ' ( '" ' 1 V'.Ai ";"! . 'V'. -tCV .i !.l.l...IJIll.".".i'J,. J-Ui."-!l J1L.J-.' U ' (ion'of one pari of saltpetre J eight psrfa of salt, one half piiutfd of t' mixture to tree seven years old and upward,' to be applied upon the surfuce. of the ground around and In Immediate contact with the trunk of (lie tree. 'This will ilestrnv ihe worms; but to mo'eifeetoTi1ly preservethe tree, t also sow tins mixture over my orch ard, t Ihe rate of two buliels to the acre. The size td the fruit !s increased, and the flavor greatly improved, the worm destroy ed and the yellows prevented. " . RHODE" ISLAND. . k V" FnoM TtiR pnoviuRNcn (r. t) joit-mvl. OstMTJNICSTtO.V rROl.'E!tlV1., I)'- Woi.f. he followineomniunirsiianltas been received by the Governor frOmJl) Wolf;' the matt who had the command ol the insnrgent on the night of the 18th:' . UxBHtDtii!, (Mas.) JvjirI, 1842. , The Qndeisigned having been induced by the earnest solicitations ol a commttiee of the suffrage party in Rhinre Islahd to take some small pii-ttn their protce'lins, ha ince been convioced that he errr d in o ilotng, and take this medium to infmm you that nu further part will bo taken by Mm in the rank or in tlie iiteetinjr Of the. tlie tiieetiiict of the sultrage party. Uly laolt seems to const. t in Ihe part acted mi tho 13th ultimo. 1 I assure you that I ws so placed that I could not svVul taking the cnmtnnnd. 1 did it, and I (ay il in the fare of Heaven, that the greatest' inducement lo my acting was the desire I felt t kkerp order and prevent bloodshed, and protect property, so far as . the influence of my command would avail.1 Thi could not be dime, In the excited state of the men, without strong snd ener getic measures in their commander. If I erred in that, it wa a fault of the head, not of the heart."" ' ' - ' II. D'0I.F. The Providence Chronicle contains an other Circular signed bt between thirty and forty inhabitant orCrompton village, friendly to the extension of Sullng, but re pud tin g alt a t tetp pt -to earry 4h so called "People' Consuiotion'' by force A Touln o Ta The ancient fown of Jedbnrgh, Scotland, f ems sadly affertetl with decay. " Tlie populaiion fell ttpwartls of 90O between the census" f tB31 and that of 1811.' Of late the decrease has been more rapid; antl perambulating the st re; t you behold almost every alter hate hhuse' t-cke'ed "To let."' The town i well situated for -manufacturtni industry, and yet the few factm-ie which hive bee-n established ' are nearly all do sed. '.Number of Ihe working classei are departing (or Amcrtri, and" the whole as pect of the place present very unfavor able appearance. Gateshead Obeeivtr. , The following Ci,i t!ularf Irom Lntii D. JljLsChVii-.mati of iheCentralCiiin mil lee anuointed at. a meet'inz of thu Don ocratio members of (he General Assembly ami ,oth"rr , Democratic, Delegare at, R- leigli in last f$caxttt,", (bless nir 'J what a lung tail our ct hi got i) loiind it way into the newspapers soon after it was writ" ten. if It, excited no little amusrnicnf at the lime. not. only as exhibiting modut ope randi by which contributions were levied on die fat liful, but for the particularity wth which the letter were 40 be ''addressed always to Thomas I. Hybart, V.(.V It rnn'iidediNse of he old "u0 of the lover to her mistress, ..jj.i, .v-.t? -.ti--! -. ( When you wrile, pray don't furget to pay the po' , , , But the ihf purpose for which it i now revived, is tolet the Nullifier see whafMr, Henry ald of a htm irt IB36C 1'Tfie com bintd forces of iht MoHuQiutis. NvVifois, mid Hank t'higt.V A.nd. yrt f ithtrj with nts tisuAt veil :i 1 1 ty , it now eniicavtjring to bring in, the NuUiliers to the aiipp'ort uf a mauL who tliisspd , them , willi Aboliiiun- Uuitfippr. Fay. Obk, :; i--:.,rTTTpytot My,20jh, 1836, t ' .iVii; The. qtivsiiuit bow pending before llie American People, wht hall be the next President of ihe United i5la1t.e has alreailyjbecome ilej'plyjnomootou atul j n -teresnng. "AV consider (tie existenre" of the Union and the fundamental principle of our Governnu'tit involved ia (he cunt's'- ,r i . Tlie combined force of the Jlhothion- fit. Null Jery,, and .flank Filial present a formidable arrav in point of number. MdjfeaUh. and theyare already, aciively J cgS',1 in Hie lielil, in the, circulation of Apetthes.JJocumeju, aud FompMt i, lavnr -.. ii .v . . t l- . ... so 10 ioe,iuseioinuiion,oi ,inrir pnnc) 'OBC, ? -V If the election of Mr, Ilia Lurcn 't fealed by this romhinatioti , who ran for- ve, whetjher Moli'ioniiu, Nullifurs t, ir lyVmsolidationists, iro to t ul the Country A we hold, therefore, the Intpciilyof the .Union and the principle nf, ,lhe Re. publicai .Party sacred, .it behoove u to exert oursclvrs for our country. " To do Ihi we mast raise ibe; mean to , par fur, pciniing, publishing, nd tirculafinit infor ma (ion among the people on all important subjects involved in ibe contest, ; W have tearneil to day,, that, the, opptwiiton .have, Jn,rchfd the t Wi'uniogtoiv . Advcniser armerly jA,op Vrrss. n i.dny nftra lion pper 'll oow they hyewt pati-f in tha Can Fear, and about 15 nut of COnf fl nolltiraJ Jnuraal of the whole Slate, i You; re requested te csdlf ,j, ii ybur cun-a ly.notles thaiitJIO and ai much more a mmh more a you cm, and forward the horn' of our afTertiont fume f Thomat Ihbnrt. Kn... Fur ipatch, n furnish' frbin Mme 'lims anj intormatinn .that may be useful Tor us la know in lhsi nrsmiasa ail.lra,l I isinnirin iijdsii, r.l. ' A i Ml, rtiniinunieat f i)an-a .of the person mho liIl:Uu : uowsJnar 'cftr In jour Di. - .1 . T til . 1 1 a Tour uWiltr-ni htimblt irfrant, 4 ; , ' Louis' n: henry.' Chairman ff tlie Central Cuiumiilet an- ptiinifti at a. mrt;iiiig til ihc Uemorrauc other Democratic DeTegutei at Raleigh, in last December, ." ; ; , - iiirMitj.-i ui me urnrrai AMriliUir anil .. . . . . .. .. . j " j , ttitreneh.mtnt md Reform! n despite of f Opposing influence, tbe 'Whigs re endeavoring to redeem tlu'ir pledge to tr trei th?the expenditure! nf the govern, itienvand to re W m the rjee-wlric!rav strowrt out tif it mat administration.' The. bill reported by the committee of. public expenditure propose tn .reduce' the ale ries of officers: appointed since '1825, SO per cent, and a reduction of 25 per cent, is reromtnended on the mileage of member of Congress; also a,"redu"tton of S6 per rent; oft ail the exomsrsof the Judiciary' except the salaries of th Jdgeji. It af. soretiucrpKTme pay oi the otlicer of th Army and Navy 20 per cent, snd ftif fifT from them, a welt as from all'clvil effi. ' cer. every thing in th shape bf ' earfrtr l luwanccl, heretofore constituting a furmi. dable drain on the treasury, and prolifie source of abase ind eorrupiioti.0 The bill t sccompanteil by a report, which expose and comment! with' much severity ' upon tne amount nerert lore chargetl in tin eay; A a specimen take the following extract, relative lo the ovmha'ses of CaptTslcot. avlm was in charge nf : the opeiationr of ! th.i Etigineer D.'parlmi nt, fir causing - trvater depjh of water at the mouth of the M iasiasinm river ' ,f" ! ''- ' - i j. "The amcunt rlnrged by Capt Talent, for bis service from the "l8ih nf April, 1837, to the 30ih uf April, J 330, exce.'di' ihe sum of irXOO!" The 'imount allow ed hiiirl e)ti.894. Tlie excels, near Rll,. 000 lias been retained in hi hand, and tlie government is how1 compelled to re-? sort tii an action at la for the par pose of recovering the money," The full owing is' list of some nf the Item which were re ,' jerted by the Department r '1 peiiknife, 91 Uamasjt napkins, table cloths, tit., SlOtig 2 dinner irtl of china, 108, pick' te,f3! 50, tongue. $21 ; macoaroni, $ II, . vermarilla, $2t 50f .6 bottle champnieh brandy, g2 f5 60 dozen of eggs, $33 81 j 43 btixe 'Vaisin." S141 1 1 Ibuehel dried '" ncaches. jfiwith smtile lUor-lies of wal- nut and tnnshroom calsop, Ipepperj Baucei.l. sage, nutmegs, cloves, innamon and oth" " er pice'" ,:;ry-,ij-.'.':;:;. ! , Our voi king men of ever .deienptlon, ; will ee, from this slight specimen that. Uncle A'um's boy have bee living in cIo-j vet bnt they jwid for ivwhile tntny of' ihetn hsve lieen glad to get plain' bread' and meat! .T be committee, in rderencej' to these "case, ay; with gret propriety , and forrerthatilhey-wouUl4iot -i censure, the punhae, t the pubtie rxpente, of the necessary bimi proper provisoop, out rosy believe the foregoing to ' be ennecesssry' snd extravsffant.v' They are but the food' oi in epicure, ana snouni not jm allowed at the publie expense; The soldier of Ihe k army, who fight the battle of his country, is denied any auch luxuries. 1 he honest r.. r .I.V ...... i.t-i . i. , such,1 because the -want Dr hi tamily forbid it, and the committee" da not be-f lieya he should be taxed to support them In ! U I h"r . " " 's ,y fMW. ei :. . x ' Wittf these fact before the people: htv one will deny that Retrench meat and Re form were' needed. 'ft. t i - f" tet-Limthburg. llrglnian; B'f J ' '! 'I II, i .1.1 I 1 i I. H I , J, ffftf 'jl.-f : TARIFF AND REVENUE.. . In the estimates' of the Treasury Depart-' mentof the United .States, for the current . year, it ia abated that tinder the prcent raw ' enuo law there .will be a deficit of about fourteen million of dollar,- It iaa fact bey onu question that trie revenue, derived Irora s (Iiiueson importation, on Ilia acal at which, they are now established, are wholly iauf ficient to meet the pecesssry expenditure!, j The last reduction of dutiea, under tlie com-, promise act, which will of course further) decrease that source of revenue, will take ef fect from and after the 30th of this month.' The sum arising front duties in 1812, sup posing tlio coniproiuU act to. go into full, npcraiion, is estinvded at only a Utile over, - fifteen and a half million., The expendr-, turcsof ilio Goyernrnefit, cannot Jfall nelovrl twonty-six millions.,,1; : y t In Uie face of these fact, how would our , "Damocratie" opponeat propnse lo aupport , Ihq Goveruracot, H'itJio'j, a Tarifff, What; ' proposition .would : our ; Democrat, Nulli--fiers tniiko for elfecli.ig that indispensiblo , 1 end! Wouhj they propose direct taxt' ' Would they propose that every poor man - in ihe country should pay to the federal ex- cisemsn an assessment upon hi land, hi horse, bis window-light, in go-to meeting, wagon, &.!., while the wealthy man enjoy hi rich wine' and ilk,hi broadcloths. are arid. hi cottons, too, imrJ"'tcd from foreign eiiutitric frcq of dutvf , There "wa once 't direct, tax laid and .collected by General ' tiovcrnmcnt; and lie wholo operation called down upon it thcdbuMcdisiilled odium of Federalism. Are "Democrat ready for ' a similar meast'troiiowr "Nullifier" threat en a second edition of nullification thould the tairffbin pas.": Doe not Mr. Henry now hake hand with " "traitor and courtte-' nance the tr'casonr ' ;' ' ". " " A tariff ui1icicnt, V raie the nece.iry : rcvehiir if and 'will be laid. And we ' enniend that it i, besides, the duty of oar ' legislators to lay It wiih Such dierimination ' 4 lo protect the grevatarsliite of home m- ' dtrtwythe irrnt and Cotton manufacture of die north.flwi' ihe 8outh--the leather rratv- le. . . e . i- ...l A .L C. DlSftiiTPaoi lire Tiorui nuu ino augar iiiauuioo fuW of mexbiitlVK,,Sie,,, ". iictiflfhlmril.fii rnimU that accordiitjf to the term of the propoaed tariff, and the terma of tho liOaa bill already paawd, the pubiio

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