V'1 v '' - - - r H ALKlii H 8'i'A h" A'K I) N 0 It i IICARO LIN A f. Z ETT Kf i J" M t Tbe ttf ol Prrlamallon. I!fr the myal piwluniHiion, . Th .Wing f snlv-ation. , Publishing; to every creatine, - To the ruin'd sons of nature. - ' CHOIll'8. Jesus reig-rm. Iiercipn trrlnriiws, qet beav'n and earth most sIhthi, Jesus reign". Fee the myal banner flyinp. Hear the herald !u'H rryinjr, Ke' cl finnnrn, inja' tot f Now is offeir'd hy the Kavimir. ' J- JeuTnnprar. Ij ffww, tViwt ofwnrti and min. Who luve wruueht your own umimng, ' -,- ' Here it life and free' Mlvatinn, Offer'd to the whole creation. Jesus reign?, &c. Turn onto the Lord most holy, . Rliun the path of vice nd folly j Turn. r yon are 1o iWver j 0 1 now turn to God the Saviour. 1 . Jesus reigns, etc. T tn for you that Jeslh di ed, For you he wss crucifi-ed ; -jConquej'd death nd lose to heaven , . Life eternal's through him given. I Jesus reigns, &c. Her i wine, nnd milk, and honey, Come and ptmhase wiihoui money Mercy flowing, like a fountain, Streaming from the holy mountain. Jesus reigns, ice For (lits love, let rocks and fnoiinlatns, Purling streams, srnl rryalnl fountain!. Roaring thunders, lightning's Mazes, Shout the great Messiah's praiao. Jesus reigns, Ac. Now our hearU have caught new fire s- ; Brethren, raise ymir voices higher j Shout, with joyful acclanwtion, To the King of our salvation. . Jesus reigns, dec. - "Shout, y tongues of evety nation, To the bounds of the creation ; Shout the praise of Judah't Lion; The Almighty IMnee of Ztrni. Jesus reigns, etc. Shout, ye Mints; make joyful menti.m, Christ hath purchaa'd our redemption -Angela booMhe pleasing story, T htough the brighter worlds of glor . Jesus reigns, A THE FOREST ST REAM. If JOB A. SU. Bright stream of tb forest Unnara'd and unknown, Thoa shin'! not ies brightly , In ibming alone. Smooth, elm, tnd transparent, Tbou glides! along . To th old wood, relating Thy myrtVy of song. Bright l ream of ihe forest, I love lb full well Thou art to my Joanna r 'A aoul and ape'l ; TrVhea I ra the I faney ' Thwii look, on mr, With lh beautiful hrM! Of moonlight on ki. Round tlif spring on the mountain IV bnsw i sp'e ndrd, W her all hue l th sunlight Wni gloriously blended; . But that un'rtiil wber fraud Tho firinament'e glory. Had no voir lot thy moral. Mot car tuf tlv story. From tho fxide of that rr (ion Built U in ihi" rkirt, Thna wtkeat ihi, ilrnro, Ilia llrj of aigha; Whrt tho tt nt riiiring, Jut nrn(lriii iia biealll Villi lb dlriis ot in arpliyr. . And Mitkrlli to deaib. lXert drrs conlamplailon, Undazs'ed and calm, , ' Cocs 41 p aa in Klali, . Tho prnphet'a tiih paalm. The wing of lha apirit la M-arfully furl'd Vhilo Ihundcra nvrking 1 ha firnunwnt wjr.d, Tbo cairn in fiumil.ly. rar pr ana ir, , My trcam of raiairnrt (ilidra nn ward lika lha; A lypo and a prumiaa ' Onaril'd and cngrarra. Of it erean-warj pa h To iiii,'a batto ! A DVINO CHILD REQUEiT. - Ni FACT. t itaia tio.iTsoaiKaT, "Mtrnma!" a little maiden said, ' Atmnat with her aspiring aigh, fut aoaarret rnaea rou d my head, When la my iota t dtcaa 1 lie," Why art, my dear?" the mother fried tVhal flower So Well a tnrpa adorna?" ' MnanMr lb Innocent replied, ; . They crownea) our Baioc'e bead with thoraa." We tery much admire the church war. , ilea's wife who went to church for the first time ia her life, .when her husband was made church warJt-n; and being somewhat late, the congregation were getting up from their Jiiieci at lite time' she entered, and the said , with sweetly condescending smile, "Pray, keep your teats, ladies 4 gentlemen t 1 think no more of myself now' ttuu I did ba 1oi" . munDnpflTI'o WW rnusriiV mo yr the souTimun pe.iter Or, Mi.nilily Magazine of .llaabandrj. rcaLiaaaaaT NATCHEZ aiaaiaairn. Tfcta m ink it tWrnttd I Agrxitlioro and lb aaelul ana, awl ill bolap(cd to. al mita'lt-d f,v circulmiu lhniKh Lniiun, MiaaitMppi and Ala bama. aa orgaa M ika grM wo. king Mtd MOdua mg elaair of iltrac airr liiiir Ii vdl iiaMHibanaia Agrieolioial laiproaa mrM. K.trrHhmcu( and IMurw, awl aa awraaa In ib aaaenrtul Iheaa aima. itl adoa ta lh Kccvaarty 4 gicalcr ahill, tadmlry ami eaooomy bring caciaiacd, m Ike fl.itl imea and l.a.bamJrjf of" mr aieenMrr' Ii will tu4a la kannh frnm ear dnmraiia ayaleHi etery thing ike ilia- fmiliil cnitam, what haa grown Mo ami Tatar wttli at niant.iil p-oanaimg ilifc roicrtraaml rapenmeitiaaait laworila iHireuila ami plana in Agriauliitrr, wiihi eOnaaliiag llic pabiia gno.1, or pn,ate brnRl wbttb would reaaill frnm a ) tmr crnicerl ol action, or a mm general eorauariina ol tirmi ai pnaiitt l will rwtt'ior la direct the apnlieatUin of the rreatrit of all pt) aieat ajenciee, irwa lwr. ujmn an r monAcil aal cairmiav aaln. In lb piirioK, ol a ifieultural Mapi.ivrmcnl ll will ailtncale llie mi aipro d plan lor alili ng. roili-(. managing, and amclioialing llie moral amdiiinno! tlia .e II will arvk to anain 10 Ihrw ohjrelt, hy entitling In Ih ir aii).rl llie eeraicetof aaiuable anrreainniU nVwta; amhnna linng waaaeatinn In a anmmnn atuak, llir aU quaiilily 0' uwlul inio. ma'ion, lah ai prearril lir, ditpcraed aiirnad anniig our many to illiii ila,iiera Ii mt a 1 1 enler ihia Br-W. nK a view in a ill a-lng muirrial ami claif M'g in nrdrr lor uie ilinie nuinernua Iragnienla. which, in agii aultur. aa in (eulogy, oltru Ii- in itialolgel praawa, wiih.,(iraHDrna aealnsrcd at rauilora, and larra in -enluunn. ll will lake up I he M.l.jftt of imr foreign relalinna, with ll.e drain ol lu; hiit.ing 10 Ihe planter a aua e ncl lairrorm ol aneh Ikii and tialitiiei a, arc ne crnr) la I. ii (nnning an aeri'iamlanra with the aiale lha maikifl abroail; aad while it rigiilly abil.ma I rom all erinituriil anil rliteoiHttrnaficei all ducus- mn upon uneitiiiria intutving our political eonm e-4 llofta Willi olii. rt, it will eiiitravor in treat, wnn pr.i ,iei lierdum and ralcnt, uiioii all mailer, apiieTiain. "f to Ihe iul iiiiereitl ol ennnneixe ami manure. tare,. II Iheie mra-ia he rightly pm turd, ihi, pu'ilieatmn i'a iI,ihiI to berfti,u a are! aeliicle tor elioi'inj troth, torentmenling aundiMunMig uaeful knoal- eitge, hn npening new thnrfMiglilaiea lor Milnrma lion, anil lut-Hivhmg incre4rd laciliiiet In Ihr pranlrr lor detecting anil ahnMlimg lairnl error lor checking alir tuc niiniatkiiig etil anil checking iia prngrei,-lor awei taiitin anl promoting real imnrueriurnla and linllai , Inr I .Iroiluctng anile,. ulili-liing well gii.Boileil (ilaiii fnr Ihe ailraneemrnt ol nor great ami predominant hitereat, Agriculture. I hi, wmk will he ubliaheil in a quano rilition, annteniant lor biudmg ciimaiiiing Si paget nf read Ihg matter,: wttn a cover lir rath milliner, aan win in- reaiinnally Hiutlraieil Willi wooo cuia or rngra- i nc nrat ar.ntme riatet itie emtmrncrr.irni in na regilar arrwt fi oin January, iM, and dl be lur niatied n iia anbtcrihea itnii the Inllnwiiig Term lor Snbcritlotn Pur One cup) , per aimnui. - f- " two COi.lr, " - " Itifca " ", . . 10 f,,Ur " " - 14 Pnjnblt witliin one month after the receipt of Ihe h at ciiiiv, dating hack In the lati nmrtrr oi tne cur- rem toliime, and always lor the term of one year in advance. Money propeily committed tn the hand, of Poll mailer, mar be remitted tree of poaiage, at Ihe risk ol llie I'ubluher. - (ommunicaiiona npnn bntineta, or I rom unknown corietpiindenla, to entire alieniirm, mutt be adurea acd lo Ihe Piiblithrra hurt baiit. .Adacriiaejaciata wdl ba.inteited . at $1 per qnare, i eight line, or let,, Inr taeh inaeHioni oer tigm linea, lo be cmintcd a, two aqneret oaer tulreo linea, at three, tee. N II The I'uhlishert hare it in view tn ralalilith an Agricultural Agency in aonnrclion with Iheir of. See, lor d)ing the country with iniptnaid imple menl I ol l.ntbendry, Ireah field and garden teed, ae leet aamplea ol munulaciurea. and eiioiee tpremirni ol approrcd nock Until Iheir But I arranemenlt are enmpleied.lhry offer their a ivieei lo eareuie any committion prnprrly enliutted to their handa by planlrra, at inch charge! ai (if made at ali) will m no aate caered tea per arm, lor trouble incurr ed. XEIV SPRhYG- GOODS T. R FC.HTIIGSS, "Ierchnnf Tailor Fayetteville St., two doors south of N. C. Uook Store. THE SUOSCKIHEIt adopt, thia method of an nouncing io hia liirnda mil id the pulilia general I), that he hat juat recii,d Irom Ntw York, by Ihe Schooner .Nlaigaret.a large and aplendall and beauti lul atinrtauent ol Spring and Summer (ioodi, which he will be extremel) happy I tumuli to thote who may choae to ellend to him Iheir palionage, on ilia moil reaaonable teinft Among bit Hock may be lound Ihe billowing article!: SunV wool-dyed lindon lllaik"! io do do llr..wn ( ... n-rtia do light and dark Hlue f -"'8- do UreenJ Allpaelta Wool Coating k Uiap d'ete for Sunircer Coats Light single milled Caatiinerts of every variety. Itlatk do do do do Orab do do Doe Skill r'aney Caitimeret Gamhmoa bile Sal in L, indon l)i tiling rana 'V .do do Ho Scotch d elvett China 8ilkti Light Silkit White Pit in an whie Crinip'd Satin Veiling! and Mir- aeilles ol eter) color 1'ogether wuh a rich and aarird ataonmrnt ol Vun ey arliclea, anmpriamg men'a -knit Silk and Cotton Shim ami Diaaeiai Mohair Seai It and I'enry hilk nid Satin Craaalit black and atme tlotkin I. lore, ! Silk and l.innan Cambric llandkerchieli; Summer St HtkaStiirl Citllart, llotoiba and nipriidcrs The siihtariher it sincerely thankful ior the kind and liberal manner in -winch he I at been lutlainrd by the public, and he lakes Ihia opportunity nl aa iirmg hit buineeimt liirnda 4ind customers, that he it at all timea at their errtice, ready and antinu, lo meiil a emiimuance ol their snppnii and patronage, lie Impel l all li net In he hai aoleritrd by punclu aliiy, tn'rg iiy and promptitude, and lie knout i-i no eouti ifr.ti'in which aiuld induce hiin lo awerte lor one mt mem from thai paih in which an Opc a and honoiablr business ought tn be enmtucltd hen hia Ii iemla and auatomera luvur him with a rait, he will tell liiem bimerlt, what reduction ha TfccTirveit'Wii,prwaa. and he bt In tei -he-hatariia-nothing when hasaethat ho'h hia (,ntdi ami hit p-i (will be S'lih at to pirate the mntt lutmliont. l in: aih-ci dn r nlM, nVems il eepedienl to rim, hit acc untt by Note or Caili. He would mntl rr Ct. etfully remiml hia wuttomert that he dim, huii. neaa iiMin a ereilii ut aia tnontha in moat inttancet, aud thai the lime allotted, hut, in reipiwt to a good many , eapiiTif ile hopeUhe eirH fwr a aetrh-nwrrt will be gray rat," for he "wT,ht7iir order in do lul juaiieu tu all bit uitomera, to know prrciaely the iMUiiiuaol bit Business. T. U..FEXTHESS. K. ft A Tlaie nl Spring Pashhiut just received. Hale.gh, April II. 141 , U Sol A ItUXAWAV NEGRO WO.TIAN Wat eommitted to the jail nl Sii kea aounty nn the 41 t of Angnct last, who aaya she b,Jnnga4o iamrs r'reeman oi Miaissiipi. Mie ia aupHiaeil in be a bowl 41 years of age, about $ feet two inelava hign, daik e Huplexion, and hray mail. Therwiwrii reaueated to eome Smwaad and nreae fronrni, . nat ahargctaal lake, ber away, vtheraite she will be dealt with accenting to law. : SAcrniEi. stone. Shir., Garments. Stokes eonMy, Kab. 9t, 1144. Price adt. $9 00 9 tm ROOKS WANTED. Any peraon bating la bis poeaoealua,a Bock or Books, vekisaging U the Dialectic Voeiety at Cha pel HUL la reQSaaalad la reiura the soma aa aaa aa ooeaible. - - ' Ma; tt, IM II It A Keml Bleuinr Mother. Dr. tt a. riraiM Aawruaaa aootlamg Strap tot children teething. P.epaneS by lr. Erana, 100 CUathana at. Aa! for tale at . K. L; STITII'S Apotbeeary Store " Raleigh, March tt, 1I4. I I ' laOTICs i SF.AURD Propnaala will be iceehred at the Eire- : nine ifffiee ol North CaroJion, let Kaleigh, until the Siib nf Vlay neat, t making and ooatii tiding a ; SI'AMItKO VAItll MEASUKK, and cmnplete ; aeil nf S'nntlarJ Oinirt M tightt. far each cnunli ia ' the Slate, (aay aeeoiy-nne) atrreatondiiig exactly ; with the blandanl Yard Mraturc and Ounce V i igliti furniahrd Ihe Slate of North Inirolina by the Sccic tary of Ihe I reaanry nl lite United Slatea, and now tn the Eaeeuuve Office lor HitpcUkmi lo be encased In Ca-a of Mahogany nr Walnut, aimilar lo ihoae in j the Office end each Cate 10 be encloaed hi a ttrong boi l"r aafc trantnnrtanoni and to he ttclircrt lo I Ht order oi the iioternnr in Kayetieedle, Raleigh, j nr other fdace to be ar'ern upon, rm or oeiHC tne tat Nemer net. 1 bt Uuteini r rrarr'et lo him aeM ihe pritrfrgc of licrlinmg the bida. il he d-a no' aiM-ne l hero Aa il it belieeed lire MaTaiX lo the Yard Vteatuie m: y he diirtented wuh, I'rupoaali will be received lor that, with and without Ihe Malria. JUIIM M. MOHF.HKAD. R-lrigh Marrn 85.1HW 71 tw. f?3 i tpijer ftr ihbtm 4ifor. DOOia.t fcVANS' MINIS I4JKH TO Tllli l)IS- Trr.ssmi. r.vhnV Camomile Pill. Tliil inuia Medicine ia Inr neraona eomptainti: g'neiat debility, indigettioo and iia enntenuencri a w.nl nl aiiiirtite, dittrniioti ol the aiumach, acidiiy, unlreaant laate in the month, oei vout aymptoma, languor when the mind becomea h-rnahle, deipnd. ing, ihorghtlul, melancholy and dejected. Iltpo. cliondriariain, annanmptioni dimneaa oi eight, deliri. um aad all other ner"U affrcfioda, Iheac 1'illt will produce a aale and permanent euro. I'rrpared by Da Kvist, ltKI Chatham it. Xew York, and lor tale m Una place at N. L. STITII'S Apothecary Store. Raleigh, March 25, IMS. 13 11 TO 'I HE PUIII.P. The Fall Mea-ion of my achool, will commenre on the l.'ith nf next month, and rlnae on ihe lSlh of December following. A full and complete eourae of academical inatroctton will be imparted. Hiudema prepared for Ihe Unierity. D. V . KLKK Junto, N. C. , June 11. 3 4t. l'nlvrr.lty of Feniiylvnnln. MEDICAL DliFAUTMKNT. SctiHlon or IS12-13. Tax Lectures wilt commence on Tuesdsr. the lit of Jititember, and be enaiinned, under Ihe follow- nig arrangement, to Ihe middle ol March ensuing. Practical ant Theory af Medicine, by Naraaaiat Chafn, M II. Cherrittry, by HosaRT Habi, M. P. Singer), by WiLLiae Giaaoa, M 1). An.ii, nr. by WtiLiit K llnaaxn, M.I). Iiiatiiiura nt Medicine, by 8, writ. Jiciloj, M. D. Materia Medica and I'tiarmacy, by Gto. D. Wooo, M I). Olxteiriea and the Diteatet of Women and Children, by Hcoh L. Honor, M. I). A course ot Clinical Lectures and Demonslra tinns, til connexion will, i lie abi re, ia given at the eryrxli-niive and convenient lufu raary called the lu ft , , , . rniiaoriinia r,o,inai. Clinical Medicine, by W. W. Cannian, M. I). Clinical Surterr. bv Oat. Giaiot and Hoaacn l)i- Horner conlinuea in iiuhlie aitendance at the aaid lloipital until Anguit lit and at the tickeli of admiittou are Ittiien lor one year irom iNovemuer In, they remain valid for hit courte, anil the other aervice nf Ihe house, unlil Ihe time expires. Clinical Instruction in Medicine is also given frnm Ihe Ittdiynf November to Ihe tit day nl .March b) Dr. Wood, in Ihe Pcuntvlvauia llniuital, an inttttu- lion which ia well known aa one ol the finest and bett conducted Infirmtriet in the United States The rooms for Praciical A nwlomy will he onenad October 1st, and continued an to the end nl March They are under ihe charge of Paul lleck Coddurd M. I)., Demonstrator, with a supervision on the pat of Dr Horner. Copious additions In Ihe eery extensive ealiinels I Anatomy, Materia Mediea, Chemistry, Siirgerr, ant Obstetrics, have recently been made, and are in pro greist ihe ,iolny of the tehonl lie ing to give lo its in structions, bmh Didactic and Uiimtal, a chararter at practical and InBatntial at possible in imparling a sound Medical education. The Pro'easor ol Materia Medica, betiilet hit Cabinet, haa an extensive and well lurnithed Con servatory, from which are exhibited, in Ihe freah and growing stair, the native and exolis Medicinal Mania. Wi- E HOHNEH, M. D.. Dean ol ihe Medical Faculty tCrt Chetnnl Street, Philailelphia. August In, 1842. 89 16 Nora A contidrrable number of the ditlinguish ed graduates nf the school who are in connexion with the Medical Drpartment of ihe Cuardiana nt the Poor, and with Ihe different Dnpentaiiet and Heneficiary rtiabliihmrnla ol the city, give Clinical and Klenn niary Intlrnetinn through Ihe year, in private, and in their rouuds of piaclwe, to such gen tlemen a drtiie it. A SLIGHT DIFFERENCE. MrriiUTH Y. I come lo athk yu if you kin lend me your pigpen for a lew ilayth?" 'My pi? pen! why, Mr; Fisher, what can vou want with my pig pen!" . "i have juih been putchathing thome twine two thowth and pigvli. at a contha hle thale and want to put them in your pen. Why Mr. Faher my pen won'lhold so many p gs as you have. What on airth (. you htiy them liir?" "1 butiglit them for my own family utho marm, and I'm thtrtain your pen will be ihuflicienily laree for them." My pen will only hold twenly-fiive common aized onrs.' "Well, if il will hold twenty-five bojth, it will thurr ly held two thowth and'pigih." Two thousands pigs why it won't hold tho twentieth part of them-" "Umlerthand me, inarm, I don't thay two thoulh nd pigth, but two thowth and 4 hear. :i wo -inauaana pifa ior a.iam. ily of six? I think the fnan'a demented ' two thottaand pigs in that pen? ha'i certain ly crtt2y " " - "Mithuth Y. ! I tell yon again, I mean not two thomliand pigth, but two thowth anil tw4 piprh " . (Jli oh Mr. Fisher, ia that you meant my pi pen t at your aet vice, air Thank ymi ihintherely, marm," liaped the relieved Fiaher, as he started from the pif pen, in whxh he soon deposited lwo twt)ih and pipth!" Pittsburg Chronicle. A DEFINITION OF THE TRINITY. i here was once an Indian, who, while, pawing his examination to be admitted as a Presbyterian Missionary to preach the goa- nelan (he village wnere lie lived, was asketl if he tielieved in the Trinity. He said he did. lie waa then asked his reason. He aid if they permitted he would answer ia his Indian w.y, to which they consented. He then proceeded and said: "We go down to the river in winter and see it covered with snow; wo dig throogtt the enow, and we come lo ice; we chop through the ice and we come to water; snow is water; ice is wa ter; and water is water, said he? therefore the three are one. HOW CAN A FERSON JUDGE OF A PIANO BF THE OUTSIDE APPEARANCE! ANY akilltul Cabaxe. Maker eea frame a beewtU . ful Caae.and tbeae aplmdid oataaaea era ire cjuently found to eover use poorest sort of inwdet but k resjairea snmetbang more le make a good and durable ACTION, which tathe moat irapoi tant mat' ter connected with a Piano a thing ee.reelj ever looked inlo-and how enw a porcbaaer be a jndg, f The safest way h) lo lake Pianos upon trial, aud Ibee t ou are tore to be on ihe aafe side. t I have near TIIIKI Y PIANO FORTES lor aale at reduced prices, and I oKer them upon trial ii they are good, keep them; if they ere bad, return I hem. E. P. N ASH. Petersburg. Vj Dealer io hooks and Piano r'orics. 19 If More New Books. This day received, at the Noi1.li Carolina Book Store, Ihe loltowing booksi A Treatise nn Ihe Church ol Christ, designed chitflv lor the u e of Students in 1 heolney, by the lltr William ralmcr, A M. ol Worcester College, Otfm-d, in two Volar OetavcK The Vicar of Wakefield, a Tal -, by Oliver Gold tin it h, illuttraied by 300 Engravinga, afkh au a anunt nl ihe Autbor'a Life, and writiiiga; by J. Aikia, M I) The Divine Legation of Motes demonstrated hy the Kight Krv. W . W arburton, D. 1'. lird Bishop ol ijlnuceateri in two Vols. Uriiigemau'a Vuung (iarifrnrr'a AsiTslanl. TUIINCIt (r HCGHP.3. Raleigh, Dee- 1841. SO JUST RECEIVED CHEAP SIDE Nn. 1. Mtllman'a Gihbon'a Rome, in 4 vol. , Seoitiah Gael. Feattvala and Katta. Meditation on Prayer, hy Whip). -Kerry Lady her owo Flower iiardener. Charter's Discoveries. Rollor Heading Books. Pictorial Geometry. Pictorial Arithmetic. Three Baskets. Pictorial Mutic Buok. Pirtoiial Preceptor. Good Little Girl's Di oks, Gift young frienda. Boys own Book. R ecollectiona of a Housekeeper Worth a mil lion. Forasleby TURNF.R eV HUGrlES. Coufectionsiry, Fancy, Itlrtsie, Jew ellery, Ot Dry Goods. G . W. & C.GRIM ME , Thankful for the encouragement they have hereto fore received, inform their frienda and the public in general, that they ha reopened at the new aland, corner uf Fayetteville Sl llirgett Street, a choice aaaortment of Gooda in the above branches, by far larger than formerly kept,' and aa they always sell at very moderate pricea, they hope to merit a con tinnance of favors. I heir new supply consists in CONFECTIONARY, a large and freah aaaort ment. PERFUMERY, choice" articles, ' MUSICAL 1MSTRUMENTH, from tho finest to the loweat qualities, BOOKS, especially for Children, FENCING AND BOXING APPARATU8, eve- ry thing in that line, FANCY GOODS, a very great variety, G AMES an! TOYS, JEWELLERY, of tine Gnl.1 and 8ilver, aa well aa German Silver and I'inclibak, DRY GOODS. I In fact the variety of articjlea on band ia very numerous, all of which will be aold on reasonable terms for Cash. ' G. W. & C. GRIM ME, Corner Fayetteville & Hargctt Street. Rileigh, Jan. 17. 1842. 8 SILK AMD STRAW GOODS. FISHER, FURMAN & DAVIS, WHOLE-SALE DEALERS IN SILK AND LACE GOODS, Leghorn and Straw Bonnets, MILLINERY ARTIOLES,kc 161 A II I. ST HE El , Hiram Fi.her, ?i.her, i ttr) new Samuel r YORK John C I Feb. K, 1842 Bra 6 Chewing Tobacco. Just reeeiveil on consignment, ten boaea of Thorn as's Koanoke Tobacco, fur sale at the North Caroli na llnokstore at a low price. Those who like to ehevr (ood lobaeeo, will no well to eall and examine thia article, which can be had, bjr the hot, or by the pine, at ihe Honk Store. TUUNEU at llUGIIKS. Itaieigh 1st Feb., 1S42 6 BOOKS! BOOKS Just received at Ihe North Carolina Boi.k Store No I Kajclteville at Itaieigh, The Token anil At lantic Souvenir Inr IDS, embelliaheit with beaulllul ennravinga. Ilellem's Uilerature ol Cumpe. Buck ingtiain'a Travels in America. Ten Thousand jrar. Democracy in America, by Ue 1'oeqiirville in two vols oew eililioo 1 he Modern liuililer's liuiile, a new work, wKh ST engravings, hy Minard La Fever. TL'KNKIl K HUGHK.S. Oct Ik-it Seven more Piano Fortea JUST HKCEIVEI) Jit E. a". A.iSH 11 the schooner Juliet, I hate received aeven more Piano Fortes, which, ailileil lo the twelve late. I) unpacked, make nj stock very lurgt and eaas tlfte. I have a beaut ilul variety ut palterns. vary ing in price Irom two hundred and seven. y. five io i humlreil dollars, all of whieh will be auld sub. jrcl to be returned if not really good, and with en uncommonly large a atoek (urwanla el thirty in struments) I eann.it la. I lo please those who may be in want of the article. No one steps in the ilaik. nr runs any risk In purchasing a Piano Forte from ihe aubacribrr, aa be ia willing that purchaser! should withhold payment until iliey are sully tried. B. P. NASH, relersoorg. Oct. 12.1141. 42 NOTICE. A RUNAWAY Negro Man waa taken op anal committed to the JH ol I'a-rjuolank County, who eays his name ia JOHN, ami that he iaa blacksmith, and belongs to William Kreling, loemerly nl Nor. lolk Borough. The aaid negro is black, haa good teeth in iroat, and ia Irom 25 to 25 years ol age, S feel S riflO Inches hagh.ihii nose, end baa a aear el ver hia right eye, and one uader hia left breast, and has an impediment in hia speeab. , The owner can get his negro by coming leeward, proving property and pajicg charges, or lie will tie riralt wuh as llie law directs. JOS H. KKF.UMi. Jailor ol Pasquotank county. N. C, Aptil 19 Pr'a lee, f t,i. It San COTTOK VAUt. T. H. SEI.BY haa just rereive4 a large aupply of Cotton Yarn, from lha Leakavjlle Factory, s-bich. ia a first rate article, and s,! be aold very cheap. Hia country friende are invited to rail and eiamine it Kaleigh, Jan. 23. 1842. 4 If ST IIA IE D. Taken ap on the plant at inn oi Juling Mae, at. out two miles and a half aoaitls of Leuisliwrg. Pranklla County, a si ray korar, of clay bank color, black mane and tail, three black lege, left bind toot white em the back part, blind in the right eye, fnarr fret nine or lea inches high, supposed it) be twelve year old, valued al twenty two duller. and llty eeals Ihe owner is rt quested to tome forward, prove property, and pay ehargea a score! inf to taw KICKY FUKM AN, Kanger Louisbarg.X. C, M r l, IM2. 23 St pd. .. . Stat of Worth Carolina,, ; . ',....' PRAKKLilf CoBHTTa Coort of Equity Fall Term, 1841. Bill fr Sal una Divuitn f Jfegre: Willaaae K. Smith, James SmMh, Laiah SanMh, Wil liam Aixht and wtte Pataet. Matthew Jobn-oe aad bis wde Nancy, anal Julia Pleaaanta and his rile Nelly, Complements, XOVIXtT Benjamin Waddy, edm'rol Gnodmaa Smith, dee'd, Kebtece Smith, Ibomaa L. D Smith. Willie Smith, John Smith. KliXaWih Sn.iih and Guod- man Smnh D.seadanta. ll appealing tu the Court that Willie Smith and John Smith, I woof the dt lendanls m the above aanse, are ami reinlcniai h ie Ihereli re ordered by the Court that pobliration be made lor three months ie the Itaieigh Star, that Ihe aaid defendants, Wdlin Smith and John Smith, be and appear at our vrxt Superior Court of Kquitv to be held for the county nf Franklin at the Cuuithowse in ljuiiluig, nn Ihe Sod Monday alter the 4th Monday in March ant, and then and there plead, answer or demur lo senl Bill ni Complaima. mhera iae Ihe lame a ill be beard. iudgmeul pro -on let so will be bad against them, and decree n ade act ordingty. Witness, Saml Johnson, C'erk and Master of eur aaid Conn nl Kquity for the county aforceaid, id uf fiee the Sod Monday alter the 4 h Monday ia Sep tember, 1841. Test SAVI'L JOHNSON, C M. E. Price Adv. (10 00. 1 3m. Dee, ,, 4I, - E. P. IVAKH, PEl'KRSBIJRU, Viae,r, pvFFRRS Hl PIANO FORTES lor eale opon trial. If they are found good, to be kept, it olhetwiae, In be returned. The prirec vary from 875 to 600 dollar THREE HUNDRED have already been aold and not a baJ one atnongel them From 20 to 30alwtys on hand, at hia extensive establishment io- Petersburg, Va. 'JS- State of North Carolina, Nurihumplo'i Count. Court of Picas and Quarter Sessions, June Term, 1842. John W. Souttull "1 vs' V A'thment levied on Mill Barnabas tleher. J and Tract of Land. In thi case, il appearing to the Court thai the De fendant, Baruabaa Usher, ia a non-reekUut uf litis State; il ia theiefore erdere.1 that publication be made in the Kaleigh Star for aix weeks, notifying the aaid Barnabas Jaher to appear before Ihe Jus tices of our aaid Court of Pleaa and Quarter Ses sions to be held for the County ol Northampton, at the Court House in Jackson, on lha flrat Mod day in September next, then and Ibera to .replevy and plead to issue, or judgment pro t onfraso will be taken against him for Ihe plainlifl'a debt, and the property levied on condemned subject te the plain lilTs recovery. Witneaa, William Bottom, Clerk of oar aaid Court, at Office Ihe firat Monday of June, 1842. WM. BOTTOM, Clk. (Price ajv. $5 63) 86-6w Dr. Win. Evans' Celebrated Fever and A (Tne Pills A certain, sate and ,n.eilj cure lor the above dis ease. Prepared by DR. EVANS, 10(J Chatham st. Xew York. And for sale at N. L STITH'S Aputhecary Store. Raleigh, March 25, U42 ii ll. To I lie Ptihlic. Fermns waniine L1NSKKD OIL or FLOUR by the Barrel or LotKlj will write t tbeeubscft berat Enoe Mills, Ornnjie county. THO- VV. HOLDKN. July 6, 1812 27 3t Standard will insert three timea. STATE OF SOU 1 11 C A KO LIN A. To the Sheriffs of ' the several Counties in this Statu Pleave pay attention lo the I6ih aection of the 63d chapter of lha Kevis.nl Stalutee, and to ihe 25th chapter ol the pamphlet Acta of the laat Ue. neral Aeeembry, found on page 54, that the un pleaaanl duty, in caae of failure, may nut devolve on the Secretary of Stale. 27 31 Standard and Register cope. Itichcs) Without Wings! FOIl a mere trifle, a little volume ean be purehaa ed, entitled " Riches without wings I " a book that I, thought lo be worth its weight in gold. For aale by E. P. NA8II, Book and I'iann Potte Seller, tf. Petersburg, Va- TO THE PUBLIC. Having incurred Ihe evH.nse ol purchasing new Printing Establishment, ia order that I might be the bet lei enabled to publish a neat paper atid give sai ls fact Ion to my Iriends, I deem this a fit occasion In eall opon them lor assistance, ll ie indeed difficult for a village paper lo sustain Hselliii limea ot g.cat politician eaaiiemeet, against the efforts of parly, to sink it in public opioon, unless its supporters annir In ihe rescue, I ask no uifnitatcd rain no priruls ctntributien. All I aak ot tririnta, is the vindication ol my paiier, when asiailed io my absence, and se curing lor n, as many subscribers aa the cowieami my rj-cTlisn, in the support of that ranee are eali lleil In. Will my frienda nfuse lo exert Iheir influence in behalf. if om who for the last nine yeart, has luilcn night and day in advocating correct principles' One horn and raited among thtrm one who comment rl the world without llie advantages of fortune or tiht ciUitn, and who has been bitterly opposed at alninsi eveiy step in life? N'mwithslanriing this optHisitim he has overcome diffirullin, sut mount, il b$taclei. nd given all hia mergiet, to dcleud llie hilrreat ot this ecmmuuilT- and the prosperity of his ci utiiry For leir ut being intrusive, I conclude by return ing my aineere thanks lo my I'alions lor their gen er jus encouragement, and trust Ihev will lung con tinue to support the ROANOKE KEI't'BLIUAN." OH AS N. UEUII. Halifax, N. C. July SO, 1342. Swnlm's ffortli Carolina Executor, CON l AININli the Slalule, and toinmon Law ui tl.ia btaie, together with ihe decisions ol the bu preane Court, and all lha kcecaaery forma and pre- eeilcnts. Intended a a convenient Manual, and safe guide to Eaeewtora, Administrators, Uuarttiaae, Juries snd Commissioners appointed by Ike Court, Clerks. Sheriffs, -end all ether, ptiblie .flicrra. lo short, it is intended lor lb benefit of all persons, public ot private, who are, or poasibly may be interested it the proper management el thai cstetea ol deceased persoi s with the least trouble and capruae possible, aceoriling to the laws now ia force For beanies the . gal matter above rtentioiied generally, it embraces the kMKlrid auLjecl nr t illsol Land and Prrsnnal Protiertt, legacies Diitril-uiive shales ol Kwalea. Rules ol IKscent, I'arlition of Estates Ural rod Per tonal, among those entitled, Dower and other pro- .:.u-.i.- ui.i-.. , r Among the Farms it cnlains, are all lha neees. iy Legal process. Wills. Bunds. Oatba. Dreda. Hills of Sale, Leases, Forms of Account, fetitinna, Afni'avits, Advertisevnenta. Commissions. Notices. Writs, Returna, ltrtrls, ate. tta. in all near a hnndred in number. And ia believed, by gnnd judges, lo be Ihe large,, a well as the rrost prac tical and approved eulleetiea ol Form, now esiant. Thia baufc baa iwal beea wbliancd ll aoiriaina 24s arlm pagea, (same sis aa those of the "North Comlina Juslieet") well bound m Itrw trading! and, meeinaewaweo of thai emrcHy nf none , aa well aa Iw place) rt svithia lb reach of every persne, it h now offered for aale at the low price of f I 50 by rc tail. Merchants and other bo buy a quantity lo arr, apiw, waw hiv rcasenaoie reOUetlOH la llie prase-.-' ..iu. '' "T in rrioilag UUiee m Ashebcroeek, ivaouoipn rouniy, jl, t,k L or at the N. Carolina Ooek Store ia Raleigh. - BENJAMIN 8WAIM, 1 , Aatboraaa) Prearvernr. December 1,1 Ml. - - Bobert nierry'e Hlsisesim. i. EDITED BY S. G, GOODRICH, Atrruoaer Pirca Paaiair'a TalcsA lLtf With January, 1843, commenreala new voletM, icobekt MLRur'trlTii'scijjri, . Within one year from ihe peWiratioa of the Fiiat -Number, thta work baa obiained a rirculalion of more lhaa . 10,000 COPIES!!! And baa receive I the highest commendation froa ' people of every pofitieal and religiose eraed. eouraged by auccewt ao uuexpecled and tratifyiog and in older lo give the work a More (neral titCB lation, the publiabera give notice, thai it ia their lay t tention lo reduce the price, heretofore 1 60, to ONE DOLLAR PEff AHXVti U ; ' The lull number of engravinga will be given all : the eatna number .? pagee aa heretofore; also Ibej' lare and splendid Engravinga, printed H) eolera :ii L - I , l . I. " a. , . r win w iiivcriru uuring in year., onauwring fag illuatrationa and emb 'IliahmeaU, the ireatnwu,.. of reading matter, tba eljle af ihe work, aud (be " ricnsca oi gelling ii up, ioe puuiianer believes that Robert Merry'a aluaeum la Ihe CHEAPEST PUHL1CATI0N Ever iaa ued in any coun t r j, A great variety ' new, emerlaiiiins ami imtrui live articlea ar b progreaa, Ingrihcr with a seiies of etrikiog rjngray vinga, carefully deaigueJ by H. Billing, Esaj.ei presaly for thia work The publiabera are deierv mined, aa far aa talent, enterprise, and a liberal penJiiure will go in rfTectiiig it, to render the May, arum every way aJapttd to Ihe waula uf the Jgre nile community. And they respectfully , jij Mr. Itoberl Merry'a friends who have Mara ' and all who have not blark eyes, to give lotbiaUkl Gentleman their suppurt amj eneotiragetBant, Lowest Terms. One copy , . . heven copies, j i , Fifteen coplee, . . . i . . , All orders inuat be poi paid and arconiicoifj by the nionev lo secure attrnlinn. Addrraa DREW dt SCAMMELL, i'ulili.hrra. IN". 67. South third Sireet, Philadelphia, i IF A GOOD PIANO FORTE CA Ha had ef any one. North or South, there i daubt ln:t that it can be obtained of E. P. Na8H Petershorg. Virgiiii. who hi nnw on ka-j TWENTY-NINE INSTRUMENTS, ol diff entpnees, and ia experling POUR mora by the next paekei. There i no risk in ordering PMM Fortea from tbe subscriber, at he feels himself av. ry wy bound to take bark any instrument Waj.h perchance miht prove defective n 12- P. NA8II, Peteraburg, Ts March 22, 1843 ' r IULEIGII IAI'EU MILL The Subscriber, having rebuilt hia Paex Vnt, which was desnoved b fire iu Fcbmary nil, and pui it into full anil complete iipeiali.n, wilk altta modern improiemenls in Mii.lnn.ry, whitbeiani. enee has shown tu be so valuable. Is now prepsrrtlo supply ihe IVintersul Nnrib Carolina, and others, aith as good anil clienjr Caper as tan be parcbaset in the Si.uihern Market. He is pi epai ed I make all qiialiiiea, sties ami quantities, and his prices adt bs aa low. as ran be ett.irded. . All orders for tapr, mutt be accompened with a satisfactory reference, ft here Ihe peraon is an -knowh) or they will sm he al tunic J to. Ue ,11 purchases, amounting lo (Itaj, a crnilt ol 4 samMbe will he given the purrhurr giving an Asceplaaee pwybte s HamV.-or- N mount perclieaed esceerl flSU, the paimenl will be arranged al 4 and 6 uinnilis in iqn .l iuiatm,ats. I'ei sons oilering 1aH-r will specily the aiae, that is so many ineltea long, and an o.ai.y wide. The, snal size lire Nt'simmu if Ot.ea I , - .i.ir . - f- . m m .iiiiercni size be wantpirt ii hii.i i.ui;n.. -i , - ' - . . 7 -... m me omcr. AUkitiitsot aHir inr printii.g I'an.iili'cis ,4 - I .w-..,a ,ue aimr, coiaiailv I...I nnli..il U I I iwtf.l u.'B'v.. . t ' - am cu, - Raleigh, July 1841 jf Tm PORTA NT WO UK a' NOW IN THE COURSE OF t'UBLICATIOK. A DICTIONAIIV Ol Arts. Mamtfactitres, and Minrs, eiintaiiiitig aclisr expotiiion ol" their prineipVs and prae ices By Andrew Ure, M. D. F. K. S. M. O. 8. Bl. A. S. Lond. Mem. Acad. N. H. Phi'adrl. S, Pit. Soc. N. Germ. Hanov. Mulil. fcn. tie. ILLUSTRATED WITH ONE THOUSAND TWO U- DRED AND FORTV-OKR E NORAV1NCS. iTplllS ia unquestionably lb most popular eert ii of the iin.l ver published, and a boat ateat aJmtmhly tdaiite.l lo lha want oi all classes efia community. The following are tba importaat tant olgecia which llie ieaned author endeavor ta accomplish: lac To instruct the Manufacturer, Metslturiist nd Trsdeaman in tbe principle of their rrspattrr proceaee. soaa lo render them, in reality, lUeavas tera of tbeir biiaineee; and. to emancipate the frnm a slate uf bondage to such as era too roDimse ly governed by blind prejudice and a vicious lus tra. 2ndly. To afford Merchanla, Itrnker,!) yaallen, Druggists, and ofTtcera of tbe Revenue, cbsrsclef isjic discriplion of tb comuiodilie which p through their handa. .. 3nlly. ily aihibiiing some of llie Cneat develop menta of Chemistry and I'hysirs, to lay open ta excellent practical achool lo btudenl of tbcaftia drrd aocieiire. 4ihly. To teach capitalists, , ho may l oVslrog of placing their funda ii some pmduritvt branrb of industry, to aeleet, jujiciou.ly, among plauibla ' rlaimanls. ' ; 6ibly. To enable gentlemen of the Law tab-" com well acquainted with the nalute of ihos tent achemea, which are ao apt to give rise to Uli galion. 6ib y. To preaent to legislator! su h actrarV position of tba atapl manufacture, a May auad 'hem from enacting lawa which obsiiuctis duatry, or rh.eriab one branch of it to lb injury af many othera. And laelly.ot give the general reailrr, intrat chiefly on Intellectual Cultivation, views of Biae of tba noblaal achii vemenls el Pcii ore, in efTretuif Ihoae grand Iranslornislions of matter lo vabk fiuauUiruiin and JiiaJJiiit manent wealth, rank aad power amorg ibe naliw of the earth. ., TU late.t atalistira of every important oeject ef Manufartur era g sen from the beet an J omslly from oUuial authnriiy at the end of each article. , Tba work will be piiiiied from the td ladear Edition, which sell, for fit copy. It will be pat on good paper, in new brni, r iype, and wiH -about 1400 8vo. page. It will be indued ia lars. ly-one arm i-mont lily numbeia, in co'eis, al 14 rrnla.earb, raya'ile on delivery. Cj" To any peraon vending n five litlrav time in advance, wa will I or ward ihe nunWsaJ . mail, post paid , aa eoon as they com froa is at . To suitable agent thia affords a rare opportva fy.aaweran put the work tbem nn Ufs" trnnely favorable. In every mannfaeta'iag tew and every village throughout Ibe I'nked hiates aoi Cawaday aubecribera my fa obtain eel with da) realral fw-ilily, AM, post paid, D. Al pataV I St Co. 200 Bratvdway New York. V ', To vry editor who give tbia advertw men! ntir 13 Inaertinna, we will forward U or der, ona etipy of tb wnjnla work, provided the pa per containing rhi notice bs cent to tb New York, Watchman, New York r .i..,srM IH'." April 18, I84S. ...J.. 'v..p;.;;.;..! tup. wnni.Ti. . . rasa but a moment, anil this bust-rinbev J lis throneav tta empires, and its Jjusmng mu liona i ,"' Will seem a speck in ihret voidofsrW?

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