Tl RALEIGH STli IB IOITI rr-J t THOMAS J. LEM.W, Editor m roraToa, 1 south casih.1: fownrri is aomi., UTiLHCirn iss rmirii innrifM thi turn or ova siaia, i tus uuat or ota i rriCTiois.' THREE DOLLARS A YEAH-rs atriac RALEIGH, N. C, 4 ttXSDAY, JAMAItV 4, 1813. VOCa 31 KO. U CIBLIJI II! I I ! V 1 PROSPECTUS or tiuj Worth Carolina Library Record. The subscriber proposes to publish, in the city n 7.ine with the above title. my nurooers. on lony ; (yawing , for iK IV ADVAXCE! tublicatirm of j-eneral aphical sketches of orlh ('aroliiia his artlruM'ly RE.VTIM19- public mi and ir.iiine will cherish TuCf will be graced A prominent place iia of the Common in our State. A ailded, which will licsiions; and it is have a monthly noe. making the aboe he promise of as jished gentlemen rnrnts the puWHc ks to niake 11 a pe s well with any the labia of the ae Visiter to any be (Pen that the octavo Pa gel that its circola will be at nnctr not jik a com lher of subscri ix Dense. responsible suh- rst niiinoer win layment for the it in advance umber they will srnption imine icntinn of that magazine will This arrange Carolina need doubt whether alent at leisure profitable and not risk two north makingl ipeel a hearty e how It will rent the publi rieti lly to the n, if it be not 'ill subscribe, liefj if pracii Will no doubt , as they are prospectus an ifA with ink, i copy of the who will be- plfona. shall, tr. I reused, post LEMAY. FAMILY RUPTUltE. Believing that Mr, B. had used the only repeat, that no such proposition was sub- We have no disposition to interfere with means in his power to effect a reconciliation . milled to me as coining from General Sauti the fimilv ouarrel: bull to rive our readers ! 1 could no ,l"f et withhold from him my j dcrs, and that consequently I never rommu- j support, i nave iransrKineu tne correspon- mcatcii to col. urown, anv such proposi sometueaoi ,..e..., rti,llce annended to this statement with the desire that in justice to myself as well a Mr. B. it may be published. D. K. McRAE. lunula v, ... v i ought to lutt been received rit in which it was given. Frorrthe Standard. MESSRS. BROWN AND SAUNDERS. An anon"mons rommunication in the Richmond Enquirer, has given rise to the following, vhich appears in that paper of the 20th in- and w hich we (eel it our du ty publish, tn several accounts! We hope die Mcckleiburg Jcffersonian will see, as every eandn man must, before this'subject is closed, tilt the adviee given by us to the friend of Gen. Saunders, was such as ed with" th- sin- and that our re marks poinud out the only course which could preserve ths harmony of the party. an4 fl"ce 011 n'Bn grounds with the people. V regM that we were so tardy that we hurt not t weeK earlier given this evidence of true friendship to Gen. S, and of sincere devotui to the principles of the Democratic Party Vh Tl. ... , v,l nf l :.l 1 IIC IJUUIU- ni'i.'H ui nrui;r, UtTllie (Ml , tne merits oi uiBiiirovi-rsy, tin tney near wh: t is said by III menus ol (.ion. .Vmi. der- We were I hopes that all animosi ty would cease vth the election of Mr. Haywood, and lid not, on our own ac count, ucsire atyjieveiopments should be made even to wtr!T the ambidexter thrusts of some ol fuir hucal associates. Had tf n, nil would, have been be two; opinions about (CORRESPONDENCE.) Ralmoii, Nov. 30, 1812. -.1. lion, as I considered none to have been u; I further state, that it is utterly false, that Col. Brown was present at either caucus, and h is equally untrue, hu took any part in the proceedings of the Senate, of which he is a member, in relation to the Senatorial elfction; but ha on all oeeasimif j tliHnHmtfr hrt tmtmn. in raisin; a child ? This ought not lobe so. It I is wrong, wroiij;, wrong; ani we hop the time has arrived when llio evil will be corrected. If parent have not i!ip lime, llm disposition, or ; the iualifiertliiins to teach their children iheni- i r Ives, they have a. i npportiinity of connnittinp ' them to the care of one who can, the accomplished t instrurlress cl our lnlanl Str. o!; and we hope1 tlrv will see ami iVel the importance of plaeinc i Genrrat'Saunders: J enlertain a sincere'! as I am informed from unquestionable au- : tnonty, rettjed from his eat, whenever any question naving tne remotest bearing on that election, was about to be considered. 1 aUo state, on the evening proceeding the first caucus, and before any voto waa taken, that Col. Brown called oh niC and requested that after ti e vote was taken, if lie should be in the minority, that I should withdraw his name, and state that it was his wish that his friends htild unite with the majority. In that contingency, I certainly should have pursued such a course. Yours, rcspecfiillv, f RICH A RD V. CARDW ELL. desire to see the Democratic party acting in harmony and concert and althoug I have received a majority of votes in causus, I have determined to waive any consideration arising from that circumstance and for ward by Duncan K. McRae, Esquire, the enclosed paper for your concurrence and signature, if it meets your approbation. Verv respectfully, 6lc, U. BROWN. -W OF THE ESQL'IRER. ff Commons, Dec. 16. our advice been well there caimfl this. TO THE EflTd Jlaleigh, oe Dear Sir: ' My partial 'orjexion with Mr. Brown, in the niatterf flection of U. S. Senator, demands froirtnd a reply to a communica tion headed otth l-nrolma Election," in your paper qUc13th December. This reply I propo mike in a statement a sue- cinct as possiiK nVompanying it with the correspondenqp liich this atatemeut will relate. ! Heloro proedinato this statement, I deem it due tnysel to say. that so far as personal prefVtee las concerned, neither of these genlleApn Was my choice; and so far as I have anil fl fa,, l)rown ,ave done so from llJcoliction that the course he pursued in liA (trtsnonde net. l' rpnnlrt . a fti- . I I subjoined tvn ne0jy one calculated to re lieve the pk.tyrrtihe unfortunate nosi een placed LEU. raging' and lot Wise." perance Utu- wr pr.iposes, I Slrte 7!ej4- uiion of the a paper minediately ance Union, hnw thff im cter. Pub 3 side of the ;cessful pro rnade by the its pure and tion in wiTTcrr I hi I U.K. McRAE plEMENT. tt is true, ait.fl in the- article headed "IMortli Carol a flection," "That a cau cm was calieoyat in tho second week of the session. Jd for one, I unhesitating ly declare, e'r been personally ap ' .yrown ro vtejitr him', and I am instici to say when spoken to pun uic Biu.jcj i Has never considered the Kayner Kelulns a disirrart hut nnl felt himself ceikrl by them, and left it to in ijmocrai if;, to do h'm justicr, i.e minor oi a Aide alluded to neelccts. in giving his mini of caucus proceed- ngs. io intormH public that there more man onei succeeding ballon increasrd, and ik Mr. Brown rcceti i ' aim a? tBv,,v extends, as ?v as ilemcn, Mr.n,,vn ., . . I A ine world at -m:i; mi n com Reform, yet friend of Mf Sn at thai cast, vim ih irnnilrv,.. Ihbi, i r. ..r - ' l hear on thnt cagj( Brown (ccrtatnlj SlBt An thm nnn... SO inaifiloil J w- , : . . i si icons matter domestic In- of i-npor- pcopy a por. otlmr liiera- ihe Plsin nice Journal,. i to enlighi shed ciely at the it is ths subacri- fXectation, ughout the cut the be mce JSocie Hn Printl- was oting; that upon each Mr. Brown's majority n the 4th balloting. i Mr. ntlers 11: ersonal observation b observation of gun- not pre'rnl in that a gentleman, 4 . proposed to in- nd let them express sition, opposed hy rejected. Nor did any friend of Mr. r. B. himself.) "in- and if any one had tild have heard it. nut 1 . . ... . declined J -.-STS draw . nameafi,Mfir9tQ self nominated." I tv, a .i am authorised to IT' who nominnt-onl t "T, afTnaU fl.. - !")' "u-u 01 o every ,: BTu,nl!it he hare of . conci istion in tha '. . . . eap-.- "t i.rt,, .1. COPY OE PROPOSITION. Rai.i.kioh, 30th Nov. 1812. e, the undersigned, seeini' that the lrc- iic party are divided in reference to the Aiijo r., Senator to the Congress of the flft- Vitcs, and most cordially detsirins their 1 do hereby pledge ourselves to withdraw 't names as candiilates fur said appointment. This agreement to take elTeet only on condition thut it is signed by both of us. (Signed.) BEDFORD BROWN- I rue copy ol proposition made bv Hon lledl'urd Brown to Gen. R. M. Saunders. D. K. McRAE. (GEN. SAUNDERS' REPLY.) Thursday mornins, Dee. 1,18(2. Sir: Your note of yesterday's date, was handed me at too late an hour last night to admit of an earlier reply. You propose that both of our names shall be withdrawn from the nomination lor u. S, Senator If I L .r 11 an sucn a proposition oeen made at a pro- peritmrf 11 would nave been lavoranlv re ceived, but after the door has been closed by your action and the 'question is no longer an open one, I consider the proposal made too iae to oe entertained. The paper sent by you is herewith retur ned. Very, respectfully, R. M. SAUNDERS. Hon. Bedford Brown. loriu ci . I the CBMCiis to be dischar iIm d every cnsideratioa of the sub had -been-ban had moved rom the further ijtbvt- $1 per an- , tbtriberg to , Irtl.t. wn. Toted for caucus; but on seconl caucus y of the House ciiool. ,ience on t ' " r TUITION. ClanJct aod Modern Laniuajes. 20 luglist, Braocbea, . 15 ,:.;' J. M. LOVEJOY. ' Dee. SO, 1812. 6. V. egittrSif.Sertioofc s ,, LOUlSDURfJAnDEMYTT" beduih., of ihui rbool b resnmrd ih r rr- '-.without uic aail'ljr oi latureUpii : th rial ivilhilr jiu. for reasons, of neitfcer M. B. nor Gen. iiiemorninirsuhseanent h M4 B, took me aside in the anil, fl I iindAtatAn.t ...ia t .1,- , ' . "I ?P,n'0" siw imoi vriiiPC hesitation told him the party in the I-gis Male, tlepcnded upon ' al or the two enmliil "the party to select one upol J unite. On the eve of the s.n j called upon me and requestc iur- . a cnmmnnication proposition I desired. Thi linn I ruiro in VI. c r.. with him, I 'inderstood h.mWprcss an I vi,.., j j . . Twm'imra tne 1 i'"Huon 01 nein? elected hvli.' To the Editor of the Richmond Enquirer. ' kaleioh (N. u.,) Dec. 18, 1842. Sir: I perceive in your paper of the 13th inst. among many other gross perversions contained in a communication respecting the election in united states senator by the Legislature of tins Stale, the following mis representation in regard to a transaction in which I had some agency viz: "A second caucus was held, and'a similar resalt) except on the second caucus. General ' Saunder s friends who were present, stood firm. The question was adjourned. The next day Air. urown had himseli nominated, thin closing the door against reconciliation. The day after, before his nomination, Gen. Saun ders' friends Aposed to the friend of Mr Brown, who had nominated him, that if he would withdraw Mr. .. Brown, Geu. Saun tiers 8iintuu not oe nominated. 1 ins was refused." As I am the individual who nominated Colonel Urown, I consider it 'ut justice to him, as well as myself, to rrtnke, a plain statement of the facts which led to it and the motives which induced me to do so. Ort the evening previous to my nemmatm him in the House or Commons, the Democratic par ty hail a second meettng, for the purpose of endeavoring to unite in their choice of a can didote for Senator. After two ballotings, on both of which Colonel Brown obtained large majorities o vcr General Saunders, anil a decided-ma- ority of the whole Democratic party in the Legislarnre, the friends of General Saunders still persisted in refusing lo unite with the friends of Colonel Brown. In this atatc. af- the question, .AiJrir-mnn a'ftTrihcr cottsii; mejeivfof the subject, on the eround. a observed by the mover, that it was apparent inai me mailer eotua not be settled there. but mould have to be settled in the Legis tuiurc. From ibe Kit-hmOm Krqm-er of Drerntbrr '24 TO THE EDITOR OF THE ENQUIRER Washington, Dec. 2 let 1812. Sir: I have seen in the last Enquirer the "Statement" of D. K. McRae. Esq. and the letter of Richard P. Cardwcll, in regard to the election of United Stales Sena tor by the Legislature ol North Carolina. The statements oftliese gentlemen are ciro neous in many particulars both in what they say, as well as in what they itieont to say, and such as are calculated to mislead the public But I do not deem it becoming at present to coirect these errors. I shall at a proper time make a lull and explicit cx plnnalion of the whole transaction. But this explanation shall be made to the people ot piy own State, tOinhm alone fl res ponsible for the course I have taken in the matter. 1 have to ask the favor of publish ing Una note 1C. M. SAUNDERS calTfornFaTT Tho-annexed letter has been addressed to the edilors"of the Baltimore American by GeHcral Almonte Minister of the Mexican Republic, residiiij; at Washington for the purpose of correcting erroneous statements contained in the article on the subject of taliiorma,.in the M. I.ouis Republican. Washington December 24, 1842' To the Editors nf the Jmeri ttn,- liatlimore oeutiemen: Having seen Hi your paper ol f nuav an aructtt taken Irotn the St Lou is Republican, in which the psople of tins country arc invited to emigrate to.Cuhfornia tinder the pretence that tho Mexican Gov. eminent will give libnvl ritnis of 4and to persons who'shall take" the oath of allegiance and conform to the doctrines of the Roman Catholic fiiith, I feel it to lis rtly duty tn con tradict stiAh' assertion, and to state, for the information of those persons who may feel desirous of removing to California fn that belief, that the Mexican Government has never thought of colonizing the said territo ry with foreigners! and that, so fr from it, 1.1 ll . t ' . ii nas expressly proviuea, oy a law enacted the 1 1 th of March last, that no foreigner wui ever oepenmitea to colonize, or mrch- use, land or property in tht said country'. uit rjjiicti jjcnnmsion ry tne uov ernmintnf Alfxiro. Knowing, as -1 rlo, that no such permis- sbn has ever heert allowed to anv Ders-n or corporation whatever, and believing thnt-'the project ?ct forth m the St. Louis RepnhKcan it a mere scheme of some Ian I speculators, who wish lo take advantage of the credulity of the ignorant I think it proper to inform he public of this country of the IruS facts of this new plan of encroachment, lest they should be deluded and brought into difficul ties that wonld end in Tho destruction of IN SENATE. Tuesday, Dec. 47. Mr. Morehend . ptesented a bill to amend an act to incorporate the Salem Manufactur ing, Company, whidi passed its first reid- Mr. Walker presented a bill to authorise the County CourfciTof Mecklenburg to ap point inspectors of the elections at the April trim of said court; which passed its first reading. The bill to pay Ashe and NaUi counties their distributable share of the Behind fund, having passed its last reading in both houses, was ordered to be enrolled among the laws of the session. Mr. Cooper offered an amendment to the j bill for the relief of the people, providing that the paper proposed lo be issued should bo scrip, and receivable in payment of tax es or any debts due the State; which was dr dercd to be printed, Mr. Stallings presented a bill to amend an act of last session to authorise the making of a turnpike road from Gatesville to ths Chowan river; which passed its fust read ing. The bill to incorporate the Nantahalah Turnpike Company, was rejected on iis se cond reading' Tile vote was reconsider d th na ly, - mid the bill referred, j The resolution in relation to the Treasur er of thia State, was taken" up; when Mr. Allison of Iredell moved a substitute there for, providing that Charles L. Hinlou be appointed agent for this State, to receive mo nies offered for the entry ofland; and autho rising him to payoiTriny moneys allowed or that may bo allowed by resolution until the first of January, 1843. Laid upon the ta ble, i '.."- The engrossed bill concerning prosecu tions for pntjury and subornation of purjury, was read the third time, passed and ordered to be enrolled. . Adjourned. - HOUSE OF COMMON'S. Mr. Mendenhall presented a bill lo per petuate the evidence of marriage; which passed Its first leading ("Provides ihsit the minister or magistrate who solemnizes the rites, shall endorse the, data of the mar riage on the license, and return It to ine clerk, who shall make and keep a record thereof and; receive thereror 23 Cents as a compensation, to be paiJ when the , license is taken ou.J , ' -.v The enijrossed bill making aecmiites on prosecution bonds liable for plariltilTs costs, was rejected. -. ' Mr. Yilsort of Pcrquimpns presented two pension tertirlcates in favor of Priscilla Goodwin. Referred,. -? W Mr. Mendenhall from the committee on Education, to whom was referred a memo, rial and resolution relative to a deaf -and dumb institution, reported the aame back lo the House, and asked that tho committee be discharged from the furlhet Consideration hereof. Concurred in. y Mr Moore, from the Judiciary commit tee, to whmii was referred a bill on theNaub- ject of register's Tee so far as respects the county of Granville, reported as a substitute j therefor a bill concerning reaiei's fees; which W9 r--' ""u' aiiu the hill .-- r . . i .l- i- e .i -1 --..-unci remit rrjems I iHrrMendenhali, from the ane commit- IMievnio il.nt , 'i,KC J,"T """"i mi iviumi was reierrcuine nut to prevent tithe welfare of v.-" W , , . Bl,"" ."' Rawing props, reported a sub thus leaving nom it could Vy, Mr. B. to bear to Mining the wnmunira 'P'. who iU I Dreoarail in i.l.. k.i. M Pet imilm. .ku . I . . , . f u ik.. r ' " " ,lnw uonnr I lie 5i.h ',?!t.,"ee 'r B'-rd to be f f'crnd aundanl 3 insertions. il3l. I i ' . ' . an mailt wmifJ h nifn,in.l . niuJMiiciiih rir..dir9,r'".,8.,') h i-Cdhav; ...v.Litn rpmienng him pe "I?".". ihnt coromunication Arsi. n n . il, ., rir. JS. dpi. ininir IH his proposition and sending Unc A conspicuous friend of General Saunders remaiked, that it wotira not be settled there, and thafThe friends of the latter gentleman would themselves bound to record their votes in the Legislature for him. The question was then put by tlia Chairman.- th mn lion that the meeting be discharged from the further consideration of tlie subject, hd so iur uie writer neard, was carried without a dissenting voice. Under the conviction, that it was the determination of the friends of Gen. Saunders to carry the question be- lore tne igisiatme.and feeing that all hopes were; at an eno, ior it to rje settled in caucus, and Considering Col. Drown tohethnra,,. dictate of the Democratic party, according to the principles which had ever governed -that party, i -nominated fum on mv owa resnnn. ibility. As I am alluded to in the comma nicatioii referred to as, the individual to whom a proposition wa made by a friend of Gen. Saunders, not lo nominate him If Cot. Brown ahould be withdrawn, I emphatically state that no such proposition waa made to me. aa an authorised-one from Gen. Saunders.. nor waa J requested w submit any such pro position to Col. Brown. It is true, a friend of Gen. Saunders, in a generaf con versation on the subject, remarked" that il would be best to throw both candidate overboard and "elect a third one: but I airain Vfltl Mlll M-idilav liianvt rt I tAM1" J "Sis Ibd'UIT IUDL'11 not. ,carrfuiicaliori in your valuable journal ior me purpose or arresting the execution of a project totally destitute of any probabiK ity of success, and calculated duly to fill the pockets of a few speculators, who care not for the peace of nations nor the happiness e.i i-i . t 1 . oi meir ninu, ann wno only cqusulj theit avarice and cupidity. I am, gentlemen, your obedient servant, J. N. ALMONTE, - Knvoy Exlrohlliiary and Minister Plen inotentiary of the Republic of Mexico, to the united Males oi America dly odi he Dart I cede to : INFANT SCHOOL. The astonishing and rlily gratifying exhi union oi ius. r satc a schoia's, has "ivea to all who had the pleasure to witness it, new 1. deal of the capacity of children of the tender- est aga lo be taBg.riljorneiliinguserul, and ilia Importance of beginning with the verrr daw- aings or reanon to cultivate their minds and Hearts. I ha character for life is shaped bv ear ly impressions. As the iiia bent, to is lha wea inciirMKi. v hat a lesion does nalurs teach, Ifwawoald but obscrva ill Troe, ' in some things it Is heedsd. Whit diligent attention Is Ksa. . t s tar !t n . d . . i ' . -fii uower earuen. or aven a sin gla flower I From the moment that the Jirat hoot pats forth to its maturily, the plant ii watchad, and wed, and watered with unremlit ing diligenoe E ver noiinua ..,! ia ed, and every appliance matfe that will conduce to tha higliasi perfecUon ; and yet bow little t lentioa ia ptii to leaching tha young idea how te shoot!" ' H iw many parems bestow mora labor aud litae and cars ia resting a Dahlia thsjfcj stitute, entitled a biil to prohibit the levying of executions , upon growiug crops, uotil such crops are matured; which was adopted, and the bill was laid Ort the labje ami order ed tn be priu toil. Tlie engrossed bill lo amend the act tore'. charter the Bank of Cape Fear passed its third reading, and was Ordered to be enroll ed. Adjourned f.i ' Those who voted in favor of indefinite finement, were Mea-r. Albright, Arrin lllnn of (Jrange. Allison of Iteilell. Bo H.ijH. Hrwn. HurtFin. (Talhy, Ui-htun, Do rv. Rdwa ils Kllmti. Knut-it, Hester, 1ol Hodrfps, Jjrncks. Jones, Jyner, Laikins, : vin, Milehrll, Mnr heliil. Moye, Myera. Pas Hharr, Rav. KeiJ. Hihelin, Uouers, Sjn Spt-ijjlit. JStarTc:r(l, Siallinas, Tomlinson, kt-r.Jno. . Williams, Win. P. Williams, V,.rth IJ. Those who rofed"asSrrist nostnonenient. t ) Messr. Cooper. Kxum, Miller. iSheriard. S( son and Thomas 6. HOUSE OF COMMONS. Wednesday, Dec. 2 Mr. Mills presented a memorial fi sundrj citizens of Rutherford, relative" th ronstrticiion M a turnpike from Fnyl vine to tn west. ueterrrd. Mr. Ilalsey presented a bill to Iricof no Swain's Academy in Tyrrell county wll passed its first reading. Mr. Bojd tfresefltcJ a hill Ii niiiing right of prosreu'ions for assatilta and biJ ries, where no weapons hc used to the r eona on w hom the assaults arid batieriea cbmmittsd; which pnsicd its first read and was refened. ' ( The bill nuthoriEing Joseph Clause httild a mill, Arc. was amended, aft mot of ilr. Urtimmcll. and then rejected 01 o. ; Mr. Street presented a bill lo amend ai t for the estahlistirherit .and 'belter rcg tion of common schools, sd far as said relates to the county of Ciavcri. Mr. Ashe, ,n bill supplemental lo an at ihe present session, to establish the" coo of Union. V. Mr. Nash, a bill to increase" the enmr sation made to witnesses attending the co of Orange county, and for other purpose Mr. MoRae, a memorial and bill lo in porate the Franklin Fire Company, of . tie Riickfish town, in Cumberland, ' These billH severally passed their ; reading. ; h Mr. Wilson,5 of Perqiiimons, presenta bill for the better governmertt and regulal of the toVn of Hertford; which, on bit I tion, was ordered to lie on the tabcv ,,' ;. Received front His Excellency ihe (3 ernor, by his private Secretary Mr. II nolds, the following communication: '. To the Honorable tha. ..!( ,. Geneial Assembly of K. (Volina, Oentlemen I have the honor to enclose wwompiinyinjT letter rom the Presiileni of Wjlrnlnglnn and Raleigh Kail Road Compa informing itin of the Inability of the Coinpt In pay the f SO.tJOO of their Sends etM,, the Slate, which, full due en the first of Jam ry next . ' - t- JV .tI.' As the Public Treasurer is directed to a these bonds upon ihe iilure of ibe Qompaic do so, and as the credit cf lbs tat5. ijitmali that tliey b pmpt!y paid, I call your srii'r,nii to the auhject, mat such steps mufho lake a ihcir prmnpt payment as your wisdom may i gest, and tha cretin of tha Slats may require. This event produces a ciWia in tha alTaia this company.. The property mortgaged tM' Stale, Uis believed, ts altogether ufliciM, protect the State against any loss upon j) bonds endorand l,y ibetate bat as the Kiatp, a siockhotderln thia Company Id lha amount IttOO.OOO, ami individuals to about ift mm ' 130.000. it is ptper thai Irtany'coursa'lh may be adopted, a dua regard to this Utter int rust of the btste should be obsetvml. ' - -.g JXQ- M.,,MOSlitEAD. Kxecntive OHice. Dec. 2184,'J,., ! Mr. Moore moved . that, .the, cjonimnntA lion and , accompanying douiiments be ?et to tne ocnaw, tviiflipropotiiion, loeR ineiii to me cammutee on i iinnce; and,tou occasion iti atate Jhal jJie Company, ltij nnanie now to pay ths principal wet ,prd. pareu io pay ine inijercsi oil all llicir bonds Mr. Bigtrs moved to amend the motion liii proposing to raisa jo" select eomuiii Irt u,,,,i.l MlPV it 1 1 - 1 1 lift I ii In i " tv.t'v-f -'- gentlemen suppl)rtcd;iheiJ 'K8iuiueiiueo tnai tne mitlef shrtuli ' IN SENATE. Wednesday Dee, 88, M.-AJlison of I.rtreeired,lhC memnrinl or sundry citizens of Statesville. praying the Legislature tn provide for the making of a Turnpike road from Fayetteville. to some point in the West Referred.. , ' Mr. Hester Ptesented a bill to ineornnkua -i the Henderson Academv: which oasse 1 iia uiai rcuiua;i . Mr. Albright presented a bill la nmen.l lh execution law; which nassed its first rvadinglnd was referred. I he resolution authorising Mai. Ilinton to conu'nuelo discharge eertnin duties of Pub lie Treasurer until his inc.canr r,....!;!;.,! and prepared to enter upon the dufJes of the ir. . I .... i i....c,, us secmia ant tntrd reading, and was ordered to be ertgrossed Tha bill introduced hv tr, Kk.n.;,1 r. tlie relief of tha .people, was taken up and read the secon-1 time. Air. Conner tfwn f fered the amendments proposed by him ye, lerdayi which were agreed to. The bill was then ' advocated bv Messrs. Rhpnaeif a.t Cooper, and opposed by Messrs. Joynef and Edwards; and, ort motion of the last named gentleman, Wat irfdefinitelprtjiponod, 43 to Mr be referred to those wliQ linii; mlucad thi' iviii. ue nau lorescen nnl predisie, ...a, ruu;ii come,.. u was rotih( upoi us by the .act of 1840 far tha h.f f .i, rail roads; and i became the duty , of this! who were iuatrumenlaui ihe passage a Uiat act to devise some plart ottcMtf andfoi preserving the Tiorior and credit nf ia untarnished. For this rCason, he proposet to refer it to a, select committee,; lo ba com posed of those gentfemca, with'iha gentle man from Halifax as their, chairman. : Hi tfacommgnt4 w4thr severity mum ttrsr-fc thai the Company hail not only foiled meet this engagement, but had waited liutj tiejrentrLitotir" befora lit y-ppTts m.v. ,.C ,r uunus necome due givin ..n vihj iuur uiiyn ia wntcti to prorids q the emergency. . . - - ' the State of their Ielinniieiii.vArtf r...; ,l,.,.k-,r..-.l,. 1.-1... t , y..V."- Mr. Moore f-eplied with (freal'll.rc atu .1... t - . 4 a M 'I Moqwiice...- ue rcgarueil it as a subjee which oii-ht not to be eonfiei.i.f polities, riof prejtidioea bjf fwrty gpir;t; as tin! ge-hilcman from Slartin Tliad jiougii tui8r.i vus emnarrasHment upon the whr he would ssk f.i'ro to refer bac t.. 1 83(1, a eco wnen ine connexion or the "State will this road commenced; and with whom (, 'J ginated; and therf lay which p-arly is rrsport sibltf for tha conseauencps. Tha nii.Mi (Mr. Haywood) who had just been eect lo the Senate of tha United Stales bjntti democnitic party, was its author; and it tr by the force of his influence, and doyjileiici that the riegislaturai. in 1830, was induced I suthorisd a subscription la thai road, on 'th part of the State, to the amount of 63fJ,00 dwuVaj and the suWqoonl yet', lending & credit of Uie State tojhe Company, by eii doming J'.a botvITwas a "necessary oaf i rinence, a tr "vt the interest of lh Otatf - i - . - ,' - xr, I r , aaa,.SJit4s .W'-t V' ..' '' " x. "' i-Zv&wmjL r e..;-- '"J'',r -:'""ni iii i aii j .a. aVf-i.- 11 1 1 - - .

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