' US.. 'J. I J. , . -.- -V T v .j -r m 111 arrnrdint- t taw. uMonday,, the J4th Uij of Augott rtt, it being the 2d Monday . ia laid ,.;, the fullowins tracts of land, of so tnech thereof will satisfy the. tax, eoit tnd charges thereon lor tlieyetr ia.i, unlets previoejeij pata Prrtes't Naruea. Avitte Julia . Noot , ,. I 60 , m. . r to mo . too T. 100 " 100 , l 114 euo o ' 1110 1i to 150, , . IKS .too . M 0 60 ' -IQO 9.1J 'Hi n 195 SOO . MO 8A() 40 850 1U0 M 300 140 . 100 ISO 100 414 160 156 150 140 1 150 S50 t wri t Btatnek George BsFiry . i '! Biles Willises , I V CsSels John . ,i CagicCbstiee Duke John P , tilers Willlsss FrMMM TftOUM ' Fink Rearge '' Huh liaratoa ; '. Gilbert Joseph W i;ilberl8tepbea " Crtn Britain L t ' tibta Jwha fc Co ' ft0wl Martha ' . Iludaph Rithd , llolt Soletnoa 'j,. tleglar loasrd ; Hanym George "' Hhiso Ssmaet ' j-ii e1 1 . Mm l K.k Johe-: " Kimra George Krndall Benjamin -.fl 7" Kirk Alexander -V't ' l.yerly DjvM "" , Iwdrr MiimkI1 Ladwirk Wia " 1 " Light Christopher ' MeCoHom NVill Mdli-r IticltdC Mom John L, , VJ l t, , JeW Benjamin , Nixon PUocaia Ponli, Jese i' ! ' 1 ,.,U AUna t. t-i kamfJ.mtiS , kuMQa Frail so t', TliMpwi Mr - ' i JHooa Wjrfiiagtoo 1 Udker Laonard 41 . ..' ' ; Ury Vaaderbaif joba J-'ya Walbwa Hxbl " . Wafcia( liwctf S Whiil.y Ntc!hM r , WhliUy Ncadluiai Woodruff A Icy YoirDeanW fomliaioa Haary M. . Junt 30, 1843 Pric dr. .W71LL ba aoltl. at (lie Court Houae drior . T T . . August next, the following tracts of eot to latiaiy the taxes sou cot is mereon, io Ka. af : a. IB whom fWeo la, or to wborn belonginf l.$;:'t 'Wiillam Prait 'K: Coleh Uuclgine , " Willf m Mathews, 8r Allan P Bdiith ' Elwar Gooda 150 141 v..'.M I,,, . f. 60 , -ia v 80 . 70 Da Do Jeaea M'Caia firi Dilloa ' John L Hitchcock Jeeok Hobereon leaae r)reu(jhn Robart Wllli.mejhtirt - 1IM !.-:i- do ! ' da U tM Nr do s . do .. .. 1TB... :., I do )., An SOO f do da. 100 1 do do li ,J iBamaelBbiaWs S- Slakes County, June 19th, 1848. &TATB OF 'NORTH' CAROLINA, "".BerBty Superior Conri-i-Spring Ttim,' il M l. 0) ,'1813.' ' Mary Ruseelf " S ' ' ,u! - " as. . CPaiitioa fof diforco. Raines 7t Rusnll. J Ii appearing lo the aalltfaetioti of lite Court, that James- V.' ttuaeetV lh' dofndtnrJn this auit, rusidenl of this tsiskt, it it thare- r l. j.i... i.i;..,u k. n,.d. Cr ki. . ,i. l. . r ayetteTitis woaarver. fTtn of Ibis 'Court, to b to appear at the next e held on the luird ,J. . J,.k. ... d nl.til in.W.1 '"c""-' r-t -..- r 0dwr, Of judgment Altai will M rnteiee up agwatt biinin favor of the peiiucner. in Witness M wnicn I nave; iieieumo a mj hand and ssil. SOL. CHERRY, yr .( i.s. tt... 'stjlerk. "WATE 0f1JR Til CAROLINA, tiorthamptonCtunty. .' ' Muoe Coort.1813. Hcteliah ! lb UtajUir.. EOl , . ' . V Allickmtnt levied on Wrifht1 Allen iW ; j land : : "fn llils etsS, It appearing to Ihe saJsfaclion of. His court, Ibsl tbe defendant, vVrijrbl AUen, Is a ooo-rrtUtnl of ibis lalet it ia ordered that publl caiioo be mads for ait weeks in Iba Raleigh Star, a aawspaper pubtiabej in iba cilj ef Raleigh,, no- . uil k.i.- ..i.i iv. -hi i i. t n inmi, mi inn ...jj ... -rr--. . ! Hv;t isrre of that eourt t.o beheld for ihe eoan y or oonnamptoa, on mc ur.i musiiwy ear, leu, at toe court oouee in i. i- hi on. man ana were to replevy nu v . no, nrrwww giwxraani sj gcisan win sv j-mmi .im i.i.w and aba proely teied s awoawausad to the waa. ',::,uA l!.V nasvisj s mum HBUfavw. v . at effioo lbs Ifst Monday in Jena, 184.1 , . TH0S; HUGH E3. Cfk. Price ad.: $S ) ! lit n h:t4 !. ! i . nAS-p iRnx.niiii.riixnay" IA correponi!cnt of tiie Ixmdoi Timre, tnya Jjuildinge of east ironware dajlj' in- President," from ih pea f m gf aileeam t.i't..iMri'm nrn'iirrVTn'tia rfli2 ii,'p.B-iriu'reWini in that city, and "eompilotl Lm the i i l t . j -i A whole housa m to be heated hra amgl 'J a .- t nk - a it. 1 1 8t0T V" n A l.re. t?.r7 contaming U tjlva fooma. i to cost only a Latit f.WiAlt It may be laten to pieces uai part w ui vora rremung to thef -v anJ emorca Jo another r ace, at.aa ei- rr.1 T 01 T. w,'nf ,c- , , " I'-. j.'. , 1 r . , . -1 ..reer, Witt I read wuh great iniereet. ' , l S .,, a," S " 1 A-.Tft -jst- a.j. ,L.'iAia .;ri!L.: aLf." .i-1 at the court noaee in Albemarle, Slanir Aaras Bitoaiioa. Taxes. . i U C 1 to . tt iti t I 9T t to j ; it , 9t I 4 I 04 S Ot 15 1 0 a 75 II 4l tit 4 Ot I 50 I 71 II I 71 43 I 05 I t it t 01 04 1 71 1 7t ' 17 59 , i5 5 M I 95 4 49 a 40 I 97 J 40 '65 10 I vs gs 9 10 5 93 i ri I CO 4 05 8 46 3 90 1 14 96 33 15 tt '!i Ccdr Creek L Bear Craik - , Cedar Crack .... . .tgly Creek 1 I Jkdj Deal Bilea - LBear Creak ' Slant Baa ,-.'! ,'. Ctff Crack ' :' Deride Creek ' ,i Look Creek . , Meado da - lo . 00 " . ' i ' ',. I . Bear Creek ' -wB.-rk end k S Rua Caeamaer Creek H. Riecr Srigi Cedar Creek -t'iy i;re k Seen per Brock Hot Hete erack - Bear Crrck -Long , do Bear Creak Long do Vfiy Creek Mooalaia do Bear Creek do do Pole BrbUa GilborU Braaek A llentne lk Cr-k Yadkialtiear MaaAUin Crffk Loaf Creek - Ltng Crirk Crly Ho do do Beer Creek Lane; Bntaeb 'Cilbertf Hroneh Kooky Hirer Coder Creek Ceoip Hrentk Biar Crack Cueutabcr Boakr Pieer Cedar Creek do do Stony Baa Bear Crack i do Slaajr Boa Rl EBEN IIEARNE, Sh'tT. 28 3t $18 75.) in Germanton, on the second Mondar o. land, or to much thereof as will be suflici- wu; Where sitaate. Ttiae OU town Diatriet fl 90 da do ... 1 45 12 QuekerGep Dielrict 1 45 Kiehmood Dietrfct ' 1 97 14 Waiars of Toeea Fork . . 30 do. do I 11 Deep RiW 8S do do . 3 S Muddy Creak 4 48 do do 4 99 1 X do do . ." ., .dL.3 Wetere of the YaJk'm riei 8S do do 3 40 do 1 do t 30 a do do 0 17 do . do . 0 4a do do 0 3.1 Deea riear Dielrict 1 85 SALATIIJEL STONE, late S,J. adv. 98 60.) 6t. CALHOUN'S SPEKUHKS. Juit Titfrlvorl at tha North Carolina ltook store the WpecoSrS of John C, Calhoun deliver ed in Cono;ross ftout IS 11 lo ilie pteseat time. For sale by , TURNER It HUGHES. Joly.1813. 99. j . 0 Ne of two ronrceS must he puraued by ma in " wcaaiei the tela of my Piano Forte I mud cither w nrucic oi runnme down other inairuments in order to riiee the character of my own, or I must " "V -C ywara past, get ih public lo f,m iheir awn ottinioa by lrying my iLrnmrtila, Thc'forme, ia a eourae 1 hava aavar aitripiad. aitd sicerr abaMt Iho latter 1 have tried and found to wotk well. 1 bcliavo that my Piano Fortrs srs si letrt equal to any mails in this or cay Other country that I knee heard of.'but that opinion boiug an intatealsd one, I do not ask. toe publte to depend upon It, alona, and aimuk beg ef them to testa the rosltcr by actual trial. A ay perawa deeiring to parcbaaa a Piano, tan Itka mine upon trial, and withheld pajravaat natii inry can prove tna mairumrnt. 'at. P. NASH. , ,.. i..,,,;, . .Book Ma4. riaae Fort fMlor. ,K Pcleraburg. Vs.. ; IV A K It IS N TON MALE . ACADEMY. ! . w n . .. . . u una nawpti are ttao as rrlura h ia mnai ,iuctn u,,,,, ,0 hi$ UnB4t iha ftinit w ibe Inaliiution for the patronage with which , heretolere rawoead him, and ii inform the foM taa4 h exereiawc as the sroaol win he r MwiI w grtt jfoay afjufu. . UttaaS . h?reldfore $9 to $10 pet month: Tuition In the ."tea 15, tn.h. EegHA Br.nehee Hi 60 petaeaaiunr .-r The School at now placed on t permmtenl lamt end rha 1'ilvwipal taosi earuestlj solicits Stilncreate - ot pitrvaage, ..f ,.. ntir; ,wvi TM-i aaw v A.mU..Pf.p.L i BIG0ORAPHY OF MR. TYLEK Thd Madisoniiit' nnouncee,1 ' tien'rfy rendr dor theipreoe, t orTephy of the huUieniic aurcfs,' rrrfaniiti ilia rrcaidcntL ...,, .u- . - w-... ,. . H'f I.W.HI uirmuii mm Itaill II1M UIO UIU . gtapljef hen been fcf totM time domiciliat- e4 tu (lie -Whiw Ilotiea. Tba, Maditoniatv' ,,- .. r. i.,ii. t mr...--im- - - a. ii JOHNSON'S FARMEK'3 EliCVCLOPiDt A. .,;i.jjvu "NOW KEADT. " "'-. t' I-- . - Wa. 1, Prt 4 CentV f '"" THE FARMERS EJNcfcLOPXDIA, DICTIONARY Of"RURAL AFFAIRS t . Emirtemg all tit Jietxni Ihtcovoift in A'g rUnllurol ChtmUlry, adapted U tht '' Comprehension bf UmeUntiJU Rea , era, ' BY CTJTHBEB.T W- JOBaTSOIT. Ealaraed, Improerd ead Adapted to the tailed 8tle, by a Prsetieel Farmer, utitled J Mt eeieailta (ienlteiee. THE work apon hutbandrr aow oibeted before the Amrrkie noblie ie Ihe prodaclma of aa Ea- 4 glubgoMleiMa of eert 'inleiiligenee, auieted by oraa uf the beat author it let a (ton rural aunjecia m bit aooatry By enllealinK d cendeamie the aH ierrtulr detaill reUuee to brroing, chiefly, dri d from Imne aalhora, auchaa I'lotetton Lie bi(, Lgwa, ir J, E- Smith, Brende, Yeaatt, Tnompana, Liwiecy, I P- Jubaioa, eta. ate., be baa been enabled to preerot Ibe eery hlt-tt inlorma tam, aad faniah a taad ol matter erbieb aannnt fail la attraet all ahoUke aa iutercat is rural alTaira, an lone; aladied and eo ihornngbly aadrrilood ar Ibeae moat aeeda be ia Cireat ItrMata. The abarnae oi apseulatite eiewa, a it b I be eery practical and malter-ol-fact character of the Inform lioa girea apon all aubjeata treated of, aill perhapa be lound to eonttitute tbc bigheal rtaommtadatiua af JOHNSON'S FARMKR'9 ENCYCLOPEDIA, AND UICJTIONkY OK KUKAL APFAIH9. The aomparatiialy limited rangra ol Bnglkh t ricalture it Itrongly eontraated nh thai dieeraity ol cul'nre met vith in the United Ktalea. A work limiteil ta an aeaouat at prodaalkma of tba aeH and climate ol Kne,lad would leare out aaaay olthe moat imnortatit crept vhieh eiaet the atti-ntion of the Atcerieaa farmer iiid plantar. Hence the ie ceaerry af adapting ahook of the kind lo the nee loealitiea into which it is introduced. Tkit, aa ay be well auppoaed, precoma a taak of nauaall labour. It hit been charged upoa agriculturiUa, that im prorrro im m huabandn ercnuntrr great oppoaitioa and g-nerjlly work their way eerr ilowtyt wheieaa iitcuAuiit ami impiareaiente rani a ia Ihe manufae-' turingand mecbanie aria ate Mixed apoa and lut ta . pro fit almoat at quickly aa rnmulgated. The aeccen with which aeienee hai dceelrtped ' ibe agvueic eeacented in the eerteae ctaget and pncae of vegetation, and Ihe certainty Willi which defieieneiri of toil enn now be delected and remedied, haveaudtlenly elevated agiicntture Iroin I lie cuo'lilioa at aa art anutr the guidance ol com mo n obtenraiion and enopu icat experiment, le a ciaaoe regulaled by ncognited pitnciplei if ioduo lion. We are indeed much miataken if the day hat not arrived when the euceeteet of the book farmer li II criiie hit iaureilulotia brother farmer of the aid routine atttem lo rente hit launtt and p nil tume ol hit leiwre hourt ia at arching intobookt cnntaiiiing modcru information iu regard to matters of husbandry- a Many of Ihe processes which may be resorted lo in tarrying out the new s)sicm are still in a gieal drgrca mysteries ta thousands in Ihe Coiled Slates, although lamiliarly known and long employed in othrr cnontriea. wherewith not hillihe natoral ail fantagra tbe labour of ihe husbandman it far belter re wart lnl. Suck has been the agricultural improve ment eftaeted in Flanders, that the whole country may almost be styled a garden, each acre being eapabla of supporting its man. Scotland, in little more than hall a century, hat changed Irons com parative unproductiveness into 0 of Ihe richest agricultural districts m Kurope. In Great Britain Ihe product! of the grain harvests have increased within sixty years from una hundred ai d seventy ta three hundred and forty millions ot katiteia. Tbc system inculcated by Ihe new piinciplca hat, i Ten ia tome districts'- ef-oor owa country, whrrc they have been well followed op, increased tba value of tsrmt two, three am' tour hundred per cent. Irom twenty and thirty dollars to one hundred dollars per care. 'It hat.' sari lluel. "made every acre ol ar able land a.ion which it baa been ptacliscd ten yean inrt Ijing contiguous t navigable watei a, ora gnuu market, worth al lea at oae hundred dollar! for ag ricultural purposes-" TBItMa OF PUBLICATION. Thit work wifl ctmear in temi monthly JCumbers, and in atldilion lo numerous wood cuts will contaiu Sixteen beautiliilly eii(raved Flales, and will be completed in Bixteea Numbera, at 5 cents Eaeb: that placing it m the hands of the American reader at leas tbaa oae-lhii-d tha price of the Knjlirh Kdi lioni j CAREY k HAUT. Publi.hert. , rniLtDCLrniA, February 1, 1843. j Any perron remitting $10 lo the Publisher will he entitled to rueeive Three Copies. A liberal dia. ' count allowed lo Booksellers and Agents. New Theelofrlcal Work. A history of the relormatHUt of ke aixieenlb can lurv in Germany, Swilxerlanda fsc.. py J. II. Merle U'Aubigna together with all Ihe works published by tba Preabieriaa board of Publication with a isrire and reneral eolleetioa oublsbed by the Kyi. copal I'rcsa and In met, we have on band a very large anil gaaerat eolleetioa of religions aad pious reading for all denominations, of Chiiatiana, with a great variety fo Bibles Testaments, Hymn Hocks and Prayer Uookt ot retry variety ot omutng or prase. rar aate Dy TUHNNF.U k HUGHES. ! New Novels Ac. This dar reeelreff at the North Carolina Book store, Hulwer I new novel, I he iytl nT tha Hironw Adt.a Itrowa, the Merchant, by Horace Smith, wiih a variety nf oihers al Ihe reduced price of (tfett each. Alao, Alison's History al Europe, llrandes Encyclopedia of Heicaec, Literal arc aad Art, Not. at Stclt a number. , ,. ' TUKISErX ft IIUUHKS. IIIOUENEW BOOKS. TU8T RECEIYED at the North Carolina Book- J State, Baleigb, N. C ,Fayw Kew Novel, H boken, a romance of new York: Winter Btudiea and stammer Ramuleehy Mrs. Jamieaon: Conqueat and self conquest.- I he May Flowca-ur sketches af lbs tleecemlants of tha Pilgrims: Lays of Ancient Itome.by T. B. Mt Cauley.- the Life of Gen. Ls Fay ell e, by E. Meek: tha fife of John C. Calhoun: Incidents af a Travel in Yucatan, by J. L. Ste phens: The I. He and Treason of Benedict Arnold, hy Jared Pperker Spark'a Life of Sebastian Cabot and kHhan Allent lores year a in tbc PaciAs by tn Officer ol U. 8. Navy: Sketchec of Turkey, by eo American:' Letters from a father lo his sons in College, by Sarasel Millar, D. D. (said U be an in valuable Work.) all of which and mtny olhera, are tirsalsby T CRN Eft Ac HUGH B8. Raleigh,, May ti, ... , TYPE AT REDUCED PRICES feorce Urwee tfc C Type Fmmdera, Jf al Nn. 1.1 Chamber's street, acar the Po.t Of tea, N ee York , hre on band an unusually large aah af Ihah' well, known Prmtrng Types, Orna menu, HoirictS Kulei, ka. of tbc ben roe'al. aaet sn orlqrnal matrices, and very accurately finished i alt of which they hat determined 1a sell at greatly reduced prwes uJiuug tha. lluok sad Newspaper founts as follows : 4Vt'. a t. m "' ' Small Piea.. j, m. .'; j Libg Primer , 1 Beorgreii "' '' ' ' Brevier c.4 u ui -.-1 . M hilna . ..,.,. oemnietl " ' AgalO .;: - A ' Pearl . . !lt cents perlb. Si St '40 4t 54 C6 19 aa , d do . 1 - ' e . da ' do :u s at six per. $. so Far appiovcd paper at sis months. cnt. last loreasn,. ' t ' ! NEW , MUSIC ; w 3 day received at the North Carolina. Book' tree sonoly ol Vocal and lastrumenla ma- J Hie "n half the Inraier nriecs tram It lo 44 eta nor wail anu cxaniiue " r.iA TTJRNP.H k HUGHES. . CLANKS . ; f,Vw -o- For inle atliia QfQce... , , JUNTO ACADE3IT. jryiHE cxrrriaet ef this inatitulioo will be rrsom ii ad on Kotrdty tha Iftb July. This Ls a Ctateieal aad EngHtb School, in which ttadcaU are prepared, by a tharoagb source of in atiuctidn, iur College, or for the aairwsa of life when a college cooras is not eentesapieied. Ureal cars is psid lo moral aa well as mental colt are; and the Institution Is further omraeoded to the public tor lbs hrshhfulness of its ettoation; iu remote aeas from sH those bsanls of tics, which so often corrupt and ruin tba youth af nor country; and tbe vary low price of board at Iba place. I. W. KERR. Junto, Orange county, Jans 32, 1643. ! St Standard three insertions. SCHOOL BOOKS. Juvenile end l ey Hooka constantly for rale at wholesale or retail, and every description of Boaks lor the young aad more advanced students t all al reduced prices, by ' TURNER k HUGHES. m PRINCES LINNiEANS 5&??K BOTANIC GARDEN & Sr' h I NURSEItir.s, 4jmi Fleshing, near New York. Wm. K Prince fc Co., auoeaeora lo the lata Wm. Piinca,deeeaaed effer for sale tha largeet and ehoi. ceil assortment of Trees, Plants and Breda to be found in America. Tha new Catalogues of ibis immenes collection, which comprises Ihe moat vat oal.le prodtictioae of Europe, Asia snd America, will be sent gratia to every poet-paid applicant, and all orders will bo executed with that preeieMn anl despatch which have distinguished Ibe ettauluh inent, and ha chipped lo any port designated. The Cstalogues eompriae: No. 1. Fruit and Or- nsmcntel Trees snd Plants ; No. JJulbous t ew er Roots and splendid Dsbliss; No. 8. (ireen Hoass Trees and plants No. 4. A Wholeeele Calsloges for Nurseries, eompriainc Trees of smaller sizs Ko. 4. A Catalogue of Garden and Agricultural Seeds, with reduced wholesale prices. The proprietors cf Nurseries will, so application, be furniahed with a Catalogue of Trees and Shrub bery of the smaller sizes at low wholesale prices. As the prices have boen reduced to a cash baaia, to suit the times, all orders muat be accompanied by s rernttlance, or hy s satisfactory arrsngement lor the payment, and in regard to sll Trses snd planta when a draft is remitted with the order, s discount, will be made of 10 per cent, if for $50 or under, snd 15 per cent, if for $100. On Bulbous Roots snd Dalhiat, sod on Roses, when 13 or mors kinds sre nrdsred, Ihe discount will be 25 to 33 per. cent, sa stated in the Cstaloguee. A draft on New-York at 4 month), or on any olber city at 90 days will he deemed equivalent to cash. The following Books are for ssle : Prince's Trea tise on Horticulture, 75 cents ; Treatise on Fruita, 2 ; Treaties on the Vine, SI 50. Flushing, February IS, 1 843. N. B. 200.000 Mulberry Trees of lbs choicest vsrieties for silk will be sold low at 6 months to 3 yesrs credit, or will be supplied lo be cultivated on aliarst. FRESH IMPORTATIONS, DIRECT FROM LIVERPOOL. ER ship Margaret Forbes we bsvs just received the remainder of our Spring importations, ccn suiting of new and beautiful patterns of blue and browa dinner, lea, breakfast anu toilet Wars, Superior quality. Also White Emmel breakfast, dinner, tea and toilet Setts, e new srticle, and superior lo any whits wsra aver before offered in this market. Alio China Tea 8eUs, of various patterns snd stapes gold band, plain white, raised-figured snd painted. Daily sxpecleJ, a largs sssortment of GIsss from the manufactories, which will, with our present stock,' render our assortment complete. Common goods of svsry vartsty. Ws invite tha public to give ua a call, believing they can find goods tbst will not fail to pleaae, ae our stock is entirely pew sad of tba best articles manufactured. Country msrcbanls will find it much lo Iheir advsnlags to give us a call before purchseing, as our stock of goods will conipsre with sny to be found in this country. Ws sre sura trlat such a stork sod better goods csnnot bs bsd in Virginis. For Cash, or city acceptances, ws can sell, by the original package or re-packed, as low as csn be purchased in the U. States. Simfsox, "rissi!r,s 6l Hastiss, Opposite Mcllwsins, Brownly k Co's, . Msy X, Sycamore at reel, Petersburg; Vaa) S3 lm Swsxiiaa'a North Carolina Executor CON TAINING the Statutes and common Law ol ttis Stale, together with the decisions ol the Sn preute Court, and all tba accessary lories sad pre cedents. Intended ss s convenient Manual, and ssfs guide to Executors, Administrators, Guardians, Juries aad Commissioners appointed by the Courts, Clerks, Sheriffs, and alt oilier public officers, la short, it is intended far tha oeoefit of all persons, public or private, wha are, or possibly may ha interested is ihe proper management of tha ealales of deceaaed persona with the least trusble aad expense possible, aeeording to Ihe laws sow ia lores. For besides the legal mailer above mentioned generally, it embraces ihe kindred subjects of Wills el Land sad Persoaat Property, Legacies Diilril ulivc shares of E.tatet, Rules ot Ueaeent, Partition of Estates Real tad Per sonal, smont those entitled. Dower sad Other pro visions for Widow t, ke. ke. Amoagthe ferret it tonttint, are all tba neeee tary Legal process. Wills, Bonds, Oaths, Deeds, Hills ef sale, I .eases. Forms of Aeeonnt, Petitions, Affidavits, Advertisements, Coanrnissinns, Koiieea, Writs, Returns, Reports, ke. ka. in all near a hundred in aumber. Aad it believed, by good j udges, to be the largest, at well at the scoat prac tical and approved eollcelioa al Form aow extant. Thit book has jxst been published, h tool a in a i I errors pages, (same site ss those of the "North C relms Justice,") well bound m Its inuKngt ana, ir eonseqiivnce nf the scarcity nf money, ss well ss t place it within the reach of every person, H is l it offered for aale at the low price of $1 50 by re tail. Merchants and ethers wha buy a aeintily to tell again, eaa have a reasonable reduction in tba price. ' .,....-. - " Ayp'y St Ibe Printing OflUe So Aaheborough, andolph eooaty, S. C, or al the N. Carolina Buck Raleigh. - ' - BENJAMIN 5WA1M,; QJ Opifer per Orient di;or. ) DOCTOrt EVANS MINISTERS TO THE 1)13- TSESbEO. ' Evnnt' Cttistomile Pills. This tenia MedMno k fear aervowt aomplamtt geasial debility, indigetliea aad Mi eonteqaeaeee, a want at appetite, a i steal ion at toe stomaca, ssmay, nnlcstant taste la the month. nerveat rrmetomt. laaruer wha a tbe so led hesosaes h-rliable, deannnd- Jag, tkoughtlul. melancharr aad dejected. ( tlypo anonartseitm.sontnmpiien, nimncatei sign., net in wm aad all other aerseaa affeations, tliesePilll will preduee a aale and permanent aare. Preparrd by Da Evtas, 100 Chtthars tt. New York, sad fsr sate la this place at - ,. , If USTITH-S . ..'e-tm-Vi'' j. . t.. Apothecary Store. r Raleigh, March 25, Jtii. l tt, a Classic u nnAittsXW I shall strain commence thia School on tbe third of July J. M. LOVEJOr. ' 23 3t Raleigh, Jtrfit S. ' "' m ' Register 3 timet. ianviisr mi? ml' cesrc s t INTENDING lo close tba Hat end Shoe besiness, 1 will sell off aiy-etock of HATS AND SHOES AT COST. Among them are a freali supply of Sprintf Uood. . . , ' 1 have a large lot nf Brojsns at CO eta. Also a lot of Fur Hats si 90 rts. JAS. T. A L FRIEND. -Rsleigh, May 8, 1843. 19 tf . Jtegisiet will copy. NOT ana in ahundtad is competent lo choose s good Piano Forte for himself A perron may be pleased with tbe tone of sn iiietroment, and may (because of his want af in fbrmataun J think it su perior, whilst at the asms lims il nuy be only tol erable. Sorh ia the care snd precaution necrtasry in selecting a Pisns Porta that ,'ff yoe have not ex perience in each matte m, there era ten char.cts to one, tbst you will bs eVteived. Ssinse instruments would bs cansidered excellent until brought iotss comparison side by tids with others, Some are very good at flrat, but soon become Wortbleaa and otbera good but not the beet. The important part of a Piano ( the action J is bid from Ihe even of purchasers, sod Ibera ia at much diuereuca in lbs principles upon which they are constructed as il ia poeaible lo. conceive nf. Under such circumstances weald it not he most prudent to order a Piaeo from a dealer ia the ar ticle, who h is looked inta Ibe camparstivs merits of ibe different makers; has been selling a particu lar msks for 6 or 7 yetrt, during Which lima has sold upwards of three hundred, wit bout celling s bsd one. And in addition, otTers to take upon him re'f the risk of selecting for iboaa who mav wiab lo purchase, allowing them the privilege of s trial, and ef withholding payment until the mailer is fairly lasted. These are tbe terms ef ths subscriber, whoprom ises lo aell aa low to thoae who are alwenl, as to those who give iheir personal attention. P.. P. NASH. Petertbtir, Fa, J-'eS. 10, 1843. LouiNburg Male Acndeiny. The Second Session ot thia School will bi gin the first day of July -next. Terms per SeMiou as follows i - Board, $35 ." Latin, Greek and French, 15 (Mathematiee snd othrr high Rranrhea included.) For advanced English Students 8 Female Drparttitont. Board for young Ladiee, per teuton, $J5 Muaic, 910 1'ainiing A Embroidery ' 5 Latin snd F.ench, 10 Lower English Studies. 6 Higher 8 In thia school the vounr Ladies mho mav attend lo French snd Lstio, will, as to theee Branches, be under the Instruction of Mrs. H. ft. Bobbin, who will also give occasions! sssistanea io other studies ; but ths genersl management will be un der Miss Sophis Psrt ridge snd her sister, Miss Csr olins Psrlridge, both recently from Newark. Stats of New York. Of the quslifications of these young Ladies, it ia unnecessary to say any thing: they are sxtensively known, snd acknowledged. inv. B. BOB ill IT. 25ih June, 1843. 37 31 , Standard dr. Register. T- p i ..n :.. i i.j a s. . n. ..' i m u j uriiH7i ui.u , ifiicrniru ,r yi .rruiritrr.' THE AMERICAN AGRICULTURALIST! The cheapest, the most able, vtried, beauti fully embellished Agricultural Periodical in the United Stales, containing 33 pegee. Double Col umn!, Imperitl Octavo, Monthly, or 384 pagot ir. each volume, with upward of 100 engrav inrrt, at the low price of One Dollar a year; Three Copies for Two Dollars) Eight Copies for rive Lioiiars: len tJenti per single num ber. The American Agriculturalist i a complete guide lo the Farmer, the Planter, the Slock' breeder and rlorlirnltiiMBL ' Artinlpa w;ill I .a found in it adapted lo every latitude In the I'n iont and in addition, it eontaina a complete monthly digest ol every thing Foreign, upon Ihia subject, selected from more than twenty bumpean Asfricullnral, Hoilicultuul and Stoek- breeking periodicals. A. U. AllviI, Kditor. SAXTON & MILES, Publisbere, 205 Broadway, N. Y. PROSPECTUS or Ts COLD WATER MAGAZINE. Thit work ia to bn. sa ill litle irulieataa. devo ted to the Canes of Temprvtncr; and tt is fully hoped anil confidently anticipated, that our cxer ttons, tbrough the medium of its pages, will be productive of much good, esprcislly lo the yung and thing generation, for whom it is more par ccularly designed. I; will be our aim lo incul cate, by statements of fuels, by illustrations, inter tilting narratives, sketches snd lalet, the princi, pies of Total AasTtstscs snd sound morality lo give the )u,ng a just abhorrence of ihe use of intoxicating drinks, and eatiss them (o thtitj.Jrvery temptation which may lead to to baneful ''prac tice; to incite in them a just and Iwudtble desire to benefit their fellow men, by at! ding their mite of influence to the moral power which is now at work, and which promises to wipe sway the b'ot upon the fair tame of our country; lo aid tiihtrefurmer, and encourage the reformed in their prssscworthy efturti toeonqucrthe enslsving pat- ton tor drink, wlncl hss debsaed to many ot the noblest hesrts snd proudest intellects to speak the woida of hope and encoomgemsnt to tha drunkard, snd of sober truth and remonalrance to thoae who still persist in the unholy, unchristian and Inananly practice of dealing in that which la aligning the fairest Bowers, poisoning Ihe holiest ' affections severing the fondest ties, sud filling the land with crime, miery and wo. To aid us in the undertaking, we have secured the sesrices of Messrs. N. Mouse and A. Fin, gentlrmen warmly devoted ta and actively enr gaged in the cause, as editors! and shost of coni tribulors of sterling merit, wboe . productoia on not fail of being the instruments of mnch good, if widely disseminated. ' " ' A number ofthe wotk will be Issued on tbe first day of each month, containing 33 large 8vo. pagea, illustrated by nnmerons original Engrsv irigs. Temperance Songs sod Music, done up in a nest and appropriate cover, si the In price of UAH llytiLAK A I EAR, IN AUVAIMJfc, or seven copies for fire iloiiars. sol"fe w e solicit the aid or the friends of remperance in sll parts ef the country ia this esrful underta king. ... ,. . - .J : ' Ail orders and communications, petijiaid, ta qe addressed to r . DREW k SCAMMELL, 67 South Third 8trect, Philadelphia. Brigadier Gen. Abraham Eustit, of the IU 8uiet Army, commanderofihe 6th MUi- tary Department, died in Portland. Maine, Toeiday morning last, aged 57 years. He arrived in Portland on ' Thursday previous, somewhat out of health. If is diaease was ongetiionef the brain ia tome form, and rat rapid in its progress. ..; Col. Euslis Brigadier General by Bre vethad beert command ever since tha new arrangenirfnl of the army ,was adopted. He was n native of Msssacliuselft, and son of Governor Eustis, once Secretary of War, lie -was Utinca with mi hlarv honors on 'VTednerdy.tli. .1 ."I 8 ARGENTS . NEW JHONTIILY AQaZS ' fdittd by Epe, Sargent emef F.UiJuj Broadway, Kw I'ork, by dargtni t c ITtlVK aambenof this beaut ii. I aaatMifc,. 1 appeared, and Ireos tht) tabjnioed hat at H. 1 " .. w ,mm lluvrtll - gently embellished pcr'udieal woik i,f tfctiy will Im ii lliat a la Ik M.n-. l.i atWi JCW&sistit.-'l he Blue Stocking, a mc evgravmg rioreite, a oeautnal BUoi7' iiadd two adaiirabla- ctchit.gs ew atctt atkll Iwo eagraviagt on woo.1, a atccl plate ef tS V"-f ions; and Music, aa original song, by lltaLul j jonn L. atrpneni, the traveller. K. P. H "Ski H. A lams, I U. l.rallan, James K. Pauhli Hi.ln.et, Mrs. Helen Berklv. N. Il..tt Anna Coia Mowatt, Mrs. Wiekhfle, HtTl bupo Le, aad raauy other popular writart, FEBRUARY. EmbeUiihment: I his du tuber surptttet J the first in the splendor sad varietv nf a. met tt eontamsr PartrnF of Jrsnaie IkZ 1 superb tmuMmt by .a Hie dnalottt a. J costly line eaxraving by Jacktnani Hoar t teewt wHhmg alter Sir T. tjiwreiitrrtke aa lire ' :asjK l-ll. etched ost at eel bv Ph..i'4 ful eolosed prist ol Ihe wild boncj-sutklc, IsiITtJ first of a series ol ai if inal id awings of Aaua J wnii Bowrri; Lateai raria r ashx as, aa snd-..' original song by Dcmpste. ,, ,K 7J 'the original toiitributiont are by N. p k'jf Mra. Osgood, C. F. HorTinan. T. C. Crsttae?Li -' .", m . nvanaa, BSajia&f .... II 3 1 . . t.t 1, ... . I . o. uct, a. siawinurae, u. v. nolaxi., VINCI , " M Alcrft. ' Embdluhenli The moat exnaistte engraving ever uublithed in Ainriita., iWt the Vesper Bell; American Wild Plovera. X. ,' ThaWoedltnd Pea, and Mountain lbela)tkam iiiui'v viiiurru pj nawiii snicas raiia "-flitgaii il x , .. . . u . . : . i r ml ,.u.h;b, uurf, an engraving ua vice I our tttk I ne list oi wrners eniorncei s similar ttrinj tit the preceding auatbera, wiih the addition) tig, new vupii luuiura. '' APRIL. ' "" The prkicfptl leature of thit nnnibvr lit ttw-v copy from an original drawing by Sir Tkexat kta. i cnce, never oeiore eogi avvu, and uow aa lot a, session of the publiihei s. The eipentivc ratravings in Liitei Htinnh); J Mtxxoliui the drawings uf our VV rid FloatnJ pied Irom nature and painted by hand the f(ti civunigv on sieei anu inr eariy f-ans r atnioartBKt appear in every number -iIhi original twaiaxd a, iiv rieht music all eombinrd. lei.di-r ihutWm-.? attraclivc Utilxs' HAOSSIXK ol the day. Txava, Una eiiy, J a' year, invariabtt haV vanee. Two copies, $S. Ft-, $10. Elasetg TThe first four numbers ol the Mapmine tit m sent to sny person, rciuillhic: tl lice of beets Address JJARGENT eV fjs. 251 Broadway, New VonJ 1 tt NOTICE. Tsken up sud sntrrcd on tbe Ranirr's bask Minus r-nilnl hv X.mw lkmntull iknnl SO South of Carthage, on the 26th of April list,, j gray mare with dark legs, 15 bends high, snd p poesl to be sboul eight years oldtspprsttrd ts$3 Wm DO WD, Rsnftt May 23rd, 1843. 27ls4. ; : ..a,. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, AltckUnhurg County, j. May 24, 1845. Tsken upend entered on my stray book atesi ing to law, by Silas Hunter, living IS aula Keith East sf Ihs court house of said eositi: Charlotte, a certain stisy borse, of the follovnif description. Bsy color, bind fast whits, text at, right loot wbits, s while blase in lbs fsea, asrsttf maiks On t)a sids and shoulder, shod so IhetW leet, lett eye blind, about nine years old, spprsaxj to sighleeo dollars. Said stray was spprsiaed al Ihe stttn dsy of Msy, 1843. FRANKLIN L. MONtEETH, RsngevT 97 oH.fi THE L4DYS' WREATH, Ntt YOUNG LADIES MAGAZINE, Is the title Of t new work, published li-isos'l-1 ly in Philadelphia, at Ihe extremely lowpiWols ONK DOLLAR A YEAR. . K The detign if thit work iato furnish, el tk rate, a Magazine, which, aa regards literary ms it and mcchsnical execution shall equal lbs to' three dollar tnagtsinee. Each number wlllcfv: taia at least forty-eight (8 vo.) pages of readier matter, entirely ertgital, from ihe peas ef tht, most talented male and female wtilere ef the day I One or more splendid steel engravings, will, given in each number, snd, also, one of s eno' of splendid flnml engravings richly eotored.aovi lucooiawoi prrnarsiiorv; oeeineaiy tne tnottsi tractive seriet of embeltiehmente ever givrtif any magazine., uue or snore peers of new al S popular music, will he given in each Borabet J will be printed upon new type, eaal exprrtl for the purpose, end upon line while paper. It work has reached its fourth number, snd as far, the result hat proved that Ihe detign ef per I lisliing' a Magazi.ie of euperior literary sirti and elegant execution at the low pries of set dollar a year, could not but be luccetiful. Osi tnbeeription list Is already double that or anji one dollar Lady's Msgaaioe, end kautreottril added each week. New contributors, oUtoai snd acknowledged talent have been tsttrs ar.d Ihe publishers sre determined lo trie" paint or expense in rendering the work tl way worthy the patronage of the public. CLUBBING AND PREMIUMS. For the convenience of neighbor, sal M facilitate remittancee, wa will send whet miued Post rain, - ' Seven eopiee of tbe Wreath, one year for $5 Four copies of the Wreaibaud any Tbiee ' uonat magazine, . . T . ,. Five eopiee of tha Wreath, and any Phil , . adelpbia Weekly Paper, - . ! Fifteen eopiee of the W reath, ' . 10 W Ten copis a of the Wreedb, and any Three 1 Dollar Masazins. . . ' . 10 1 Tan eopiee of the Wreath, and Spark's wit-' tar.. i,. .. . A AS uuo ui vvasnington, in moe. - iu Tan eopiee of thcVVreath & Scott Novels If Ten copies of the Wreath and Dickeh's " ' (Boz'e) Woratt. - W Twenty coBjee ef tba Wieath, and any one of the above named works, . ii Specimen numbers furnished, If eidered poet Jddrrmt .,. ... in "'. ,. UREWtVSCAMAIELL, ; tJT SouiU 3iel Strcsete Pbila4a. WlIlTE sLiTS PENCILS ; w A stone,' of a whitish color, easily cat j slender cylinders, which aeive admirably " foi slate pencils, hs lstJyfc been diseovetoi1 Caeileton, in Vetmont, The qtrany it este by Mr. Cain, and it tnpposed lo be lbs only " in ilie Unijed Sietet. The pencilsintke a h"1 and tberefora a moi dislincl anark tbtalbtf dinary slate pencils. 1