THE ST A It. Liberia et natate solum. RALEIGH, SEPTEMBER 2Q, 1843. FOR PRESIDENT, HENRY CLAY. fjjy The editor of this paper still con tinues to be confined through severe indispo sition ; and nearly all hands have TJte Grippe. 7" The Alabama papers state that the Her. Dr. Manly, of the university of that State has been elected President of Mercer University, Georgia, to fill the vacancy cre ated by the resignation of the Rev. Otis Smith. The Tuscaloosa Union expresses the opinion that Dr. Manly will not leave his present station for the one tendered liiin. SALTINd AN EDITOR. Corporal Slreeter, of the Richmodd Star, is ill luck in the fighting way. An indi vidual named Kuowles, agrieved by a pub lication in the Star, determined to take "satisfaction;" and so, arming himself, not w ith bowie knife, pistol, dirk or rifle, but with a handful of salt and a cane, and meeting the Corporal, threw the one in his eyes, and, having thus closed his peepers, struck him with the other. This is a nov el mode of 'tanking an Editor, for which !V r. Knowles deserves a patent. The Cor poral should lick him well on sight .' MICHIGAN. The Whigs of this Slate are taking the field with proper spirit. They have recent ly held a State Convention, and nominated Zina Pitcher, of Detroit, as Governor, and James B. Lame, of Berrien, as Lieutenant Governor and appointed a full delegation to the Baltimore Whig Convention, to be held in May next, with ifstiuctions tosup- Dort Mr. Clay, fur the Presidency. NEW COUNTERFEITS. Formers' Bank of Virginia. 10s, dated Richmond, Jan. 11, 1811 pay able at Lynchburgh to Wm. Rudford, J J Blair, cash. V H Maxfield, pres. No. 3123, let. D. Vignette, a fertiale leaning on a staff, with reapers, and ship in the distance. Paper has a dark yel lowish appearance, otherwise calculated to deceive. 30s, purporting to be of the above bunk. They are so badly executed that very little caution would suffice to detect the fraud. fZT The Globe mentions a rumor that a portion of the f 10,000 appropriated by Congress for the China mission has been purloined- and it more than hints that an extensive system, of forgery and official peculation exist, in at least ne of the De partments. Very likely. When officers ire bought they are not apt t be overly honest. A man who will sell hioself will hardly be too conscientious to stotl, if, as Cen. Jackson once said, when he was op posed to the Sub-Treasury. "Terapwtidn and Opportunity" are both thrown in the way. RHODE ISLAND. The votes for the two Congressmen in this State were as follows: Easlern District Cianston, Whig 4078 Weeden, l)em. 10G9 CrUnsion's majority 1521. Western District Potter, Whig.2449; Aldrish, Dem. 1353 Potter's majorijy 1098 Thus, in the two Districts, the Whig majoriiy ta 2617; an increase on the majori ty for Governor Isst April of 671 votes. This is an overwhelming defeat for the De mocrats, who most richly deserve it in Rhode Island for their identification with the Dorr faction. ILLINOIS. The Peoria Register states, tint notwith standing the Whigs succeeded, in only one Congressional district ia that Slate, they hate gained, ia the popular vote, since last year, upwards of3000 votes. Another such nort will redeem the State . PAYING FOR THE WHISTLE. A letter from Beaufort, (N. C. to the editor of the Philadelphia Forum, states, ihat while Stanly, whose defeat at a Candi date for Congress has been heralded with u .u.:n;ny, reiuscd to spend one dollar in nuymg votes, by 'treating,' his competitor ""Mime expended at least five thousand dollars." Arcrdinjj , , of Artiew in .eU.Uie, fruma fiti d u fc,.,. Calhoun 'Pp?r Virginia ia lobe JO bwrifi,, amon the middle '. d excluded from he company .oethrrn State. The souil.lthe Huib,. say these acticlrs, has ntm had a President! We expect thit after r while the real south will torn out vuij ma niuua vi 0yuiu viiw lint. ELECTION OF PRESIDENT A correspondent inquire bow many Electoral Vote each Stale ia entitled to sader lb New Apportionment of Copgres. We bare stated It long since bat will atate it again for the ben efit of those who bay bare forgotten. A. T. Iribune. States. Pres. Electors! Maine 9 States. Pres. Electors. Georgis Alabama Louisiana Mississippi Teanete Kentuey 10 9 6 6 13 12 23 12 5 9 7 3 New Hampshire 6 Massachusetts 12 Vermont 6 Rhode Inland 4 Connecticut 6 New York 36l Ohio 'Indians Michigan New Jersey 7 Pennsylvania 20 Delaware 3 Maryland 8 Illinois Musouri Arkansas Virginia I 5 North Carolina 1 South Carolina 9j Total 27S Required to elect 138 To know how many Members of the House any State is entitled to, subtract two (for Sena tors) from its quota of Electors, above, and the remainder will be the number of ita Representa tives. The Crops. The planters of this region are begin ning within a few days to complain with some bitterness. It is becoming very evi dent that the Cotton crop will full short. The rainy weather has prevented the bolki from forming, and the little that has come to any account, is about to be destroyed by the rot. We hear these accounts from most parts of this State and Louisiana. Natchez Courier of the 23J tilt. SUPREME COURT. By Iter fin. C.J. in Johnston v Kincaid, from Rew n, directing decietCor plaintiff. Also, in Webb w Fulshiie, from Oi.slow, directing judgment to be entered for plain, (iff. Also, in the State to tiae of Boddie r. Vick and others, from Nash, affirming the judgment below. Also in State r. Sandy, (a slavej from New Hanover, directing the judgment to be arrested. Also, in Fleming v. Burgin, in Equity from Burke, directing the bill to be dismissed, so far as it seeks to have the deed to B. Burgin, Sr. declared void, and a reference, if plaintiffs choose to take an account of the defendant's mortgage debt, tc. Also, in Lewis v. Burgin, in Equity from Burke, directing a reference. Also, in Ciawley v. Timberlake, in Equity from Caswell, directing an Enquiry. Also, in Mosby t. Hunter, from Wsrren, affirm ing the judgment below. Also, in Ives v. Jones, from Currituck, affirming the judg ment below. Also, in Walker v. Crowder, in Equity from Caswell. By Daniel, J. in Bell, v. Jasper, in Equity from Hyde, directing sn enquiry. Also,-in State p. Be!I; from Edgcombe, di recting the judgment to be affirmed. Also, in llclleii, v. Noe, from C'srteret, directing a new trial. Also, in Cheshire v. Cheshire in Equity from Davie1, declaring the plain tiff entitled to the purchase money, after de ducting a reasonable compensation for selling the slaves. By Gaston, J. in Cone v. Skeen, from Davidabn, affirming the -judgment below. Also, in Foster v. Craig, in Equity from Davie, declaring that the plaintiff is entided to have his contract of purcbsse set aside, and directing the necessary enquiries. Al so, in Sasser v. Jones, in Equity from Wayne, declaring the plaintiff entitled to re stitution of whatever, he has lost by reason of the recovery at law. tie. Who would have supposed what un inspired mortal could have predicted when a few years ago Fanny Wright came to this city, outraging the feelings of the good, and shocking the modesty of the virtuous, by her foul lectures of licentious ness and infidelity, attended as her chief psrtizan by Robert Dale Owen who we, ask, cot)ld have believed, when these peo pie were almost literally hissed out of the C4y amid the execration and scorn of the people that this same Robert Dale owen would, in the year of grace 1813, be elect ed a isember of the Congresof the United States? And that his 'elevation would be heralded with exultation as a victory of the Democnttyt New York Commr.rtitd. From tU Baltimore Jimerhan. DREADFUL lUIL ROAD ACCI ' 'OENT.' ' ". ; , W regret to be lompclled to record the occurrence of a very disastrous accident yesterday on the Susehanna Railroad. When the first train fronVBaltimore, which eft at 7, A. M., with a lat7e party 0f De fender., Military and Citlrns, on their way to the celebration at York, bad reach ed a po int about eight miV fam. York, the front axle-tree of the hrst psssenger car Broke, throwing that car and fhe two following it off the track aiulaplintering all three cars, the first one bekjg almost entirely demolished. The cvrs being crowded with people, a scene of effusion and dismayenstied which may beVadily conceivedr A number of persons who were impru dently standing on the platform in front V thcars were thrown off, some of them bcVj tnt ' .n themlve. ' democrata op , t i c jsd otherwise, let them' be1 undeceived ing caught between the cars, aud others forced under them. Many, we are happy to say escaped unhurt, out the following persons were found to hare Icon more or less iujured r . ' . Miciiam Gki bb, member of the Junior Artillerists, a leg broker.' Samvm, Child," coach maker, hia deft thigh broken, and so badly bruiaed that he is not expected to survive, David Pcgu, agent for the Gas Compa ny, both thighsbrokeu. Pkteb McKaid, employed on the rail road, had both legs broken. Thomas Wilson, a young lad, had his left knee fractured, and .was otherwise much bruised, Cphraui Collbt, a" man who resides a bout 25 miles from Baltimore, hurt, but "i not seriously. John Glver, Junior Artillerist, much bruised. David Lefsvkr, Junior Artillerist, se verely bruised. William Allen, Surgeant of Junior Ar tillerists, much bruised. John Coops r, a resident of Fell's Point, and a member of the Association of Defen ders, very eeverely bruised and lacerated. He was taken from under the car where he remained for nearly thirty minutes, al though every effort was made to release him. Christian Meyer, a member of the Ger man Yagers, slightly injured. All the persons injured were on the plat form. As soon as the wounded persons could be got out, medical assistance was instantly rendered to them by Doctors Dunbar, Miller, Martin, Maoiikk, Hall, and Rinuuold, and, as soon as he could reach the spot, by Dr. McClf.llan of York. The wounded persons were soon. after conveyed to York, and thence taken to the Hospital where they were well provided fur. At fire o'clock their wounds were diessed, and they all seemed to be as com fortable as their condition would am it of. 5ff The Susquehanna Railroad Com pany have liberally tendered a free pas sage to York this morning to the families and friends of the injured persons. I T E M S. A COOL RECEPTION. The papers by the Margaret, at HaliTai state thai at a meeting f the Repeal As sociation, at Dublin, on the 7th Augus'i gentleman who had for tome time . been sitting near Mr. O'Conneil, handed his card to Mr. Steele, and requested an introduction to the great sgiiator. Mr. Steele accordingly prescaed the card and intimated that James Gordon Bennet, of New York, was present. Mr O'Conneil replied' He is a person with whom I can have nothing to do. lie it the editor of the New York, Herald, one of the most infamous gazettes ever printed, and I shall have nothing to say to him. Mr. Bennet, not feeling greatly flattered by this reception, made hi way to the door, as quickly as he could, amid the groans and hisses of the meeting, Amos Krndall, in uote tone to the editor of the. Baltimore Clipper, in allusion to the rumor of his intended appointment to the office of Postmaster General, savs I presume President Tyler never thought of tuch an appointment) certsia it is, that it has never been intimated to me. GOOD ADVICE. A Texas paper recommends the set tlers not to run in debt. Having ran from debt to get here, siys he, there can be no greater tolly than la run in it while here beyond which there is no place to run. The Corporation of London recently bought the Autogrsph of Shakspeare for 700. The London Athenaeum notices tavorsbly an iuvention which has attracted m that city. It is styled the Sprachroasihine, or speaking machine; and is said to have been invented by a very ingenious msii named Faber, a natie of Friepergh, in the Grand Duchy of Unpen. The mac hine consists of a pair of bellows, wot kd by s pedal s milar to that of an organ, of caoutchouc imitation of the larynx, tongue, nostrils and a set of keys by which the springs -are broaght into action. Daniel Webster Nominated. Charles H. Paabody, Esq., retires from the ad dition to the former title, that paper will henceforth be known as the "Boston Evening Bulletin, and Constitution's Ad- cae, and will urge the claims of Daniel Webster to the Presidential Chair. ' ' ' The Smithsonian Bequest. National Faith. It is now" seven years since an Act of Congress accepted this legacy of nesrlya million of dollar. Levi Woodbury has sunk the whole of it in Arkansas donds. The U. 9.' Government, of roars must nuke an appropriation t nuke it good, and pay tW thlr folly. When res tored it ought to be given to the National Institute at Washington. It is noe of the most idle things oar p pon nts can do to talk about the Whigs dropping Henry Clay si their candidate for ths Presidency to take op ledge Me Lena or seme other person. Mr. Clay is the only mail spoken of, thought of. or wished for by the W hig psrty as their leader in the coming great contest. If f:.'. a i isis -. . ' . ' soon as posstute.' ine tart tnar uen l Hanrtirm was taken up in 1 840 iDsteld Mr. Clay argues nothing. The Whig weryihro divided about men. 1 Gen Har risorihad the tapper! of a large aectien. For at reason, ne other was he nomfiis Vow no divisions about men exi-' in ourpvtjr. Cliy n shouted from the Hlls of New England Clay re-echoes the valldys of the Westj Clay is the sound 'ent up from the broid fields of the South, Clay is rolling in loud peal ever ths Northera Lakes. Every where throughout the Union, that name is the Whigs watch word, and it will continue to be until success crown their efforts. Wilmington Chronicle. The fortifications of Paris are rapidly prog easing, la another year the whole of the detached forts around the city will be in a condition command and bomdard the city. Barricades will then be of nu use,, and the capital of France will be at ths mercy of the powers that he. Proreas of Temperance In Laurens District, in this State, there is tut one shop in the whole district. This district sent between sixty auil one hundred delegates to the late temperance Conven tion at Spartanburgh. -Charleston Courier. It is sa'd ihat the President, since his t reels, has bought himself a farm in Wil liamsburg, Vs., for which he has paid $12, 000, and an estate which for many yesrs he has owned in Kentucky has lately much increased in value, from the discovery of a coal mine within its boundaries . The Walking Match. Ell worth and Fogg completed their grand pedestrian tour of one thousand miles in one thousand hours, at Chelies, on Fridsy afternoon, snd received the one a silver pitcher, and ths other his wages of 95 per day. Fogg has rather gained in flesh by the Journey, and Ell worth has lost but very little. An Air Lock We have seen says the Springfield Msss. Republican a very cu rious lock st Mr. Bemis's hardware-store; it is the invention of a gentleman of Beverly in this Stste snd is intended more es peeialy for Banks apd stores. Ne unlock it, it is first i tcesssry to charge the bar. relofthe key with air, by a small air pump. Printers generally make good lawyers snd physicians, from their prerttius ac quaintance with cases, The Glob still Continues to fire its brosd sides into the Madisonian and John Tyler for appointing Loco Focos to office The Oars ng Outang at the Boston M oseo m which was lately imported, died on the 31st nit., f cholera morbus. A French dentist, failing, after several trials, to extract a lady's tooth, sreoonted for it by saying that nothing bad could come out f her mouth. The neighborhood of St Stephens, N. B. wss visited with shsrp frost on the night of the 1st mat. which destroyed all the tender plants and vines exposed to its influence. Madame Csstellsn, the delightful vocslist, has returned to New York from a visit to Canada. ANECDOTE OF MR. CLAY. The following, copied from Mallory'a 'Life and Speechea of Henry Clay," re futes one of the most current of the whole sale calumines against the great Statesman: " In the spring of 1829, we had the pleas ure of being a fellow passenger with Mr. Clay from New Orleans to Louisville. Af ter a general acquaintance had been estab lished among the cabin passengers,. to pass away the lime more agreeably, it was pro posed to have a game of cards, in which one of the number proposed to invite Mr. Clay to join. ' When the invitation was given he enquired what game was propos ed. The reply was, "Brag." The sud den compression of the lips aud the change from easy politeness to the dignified de portment of one entitled to give advice, e vinced, at once, a determination not to en gage in the game. "Excuse me, gentle men, said he, "I have not played a game of any kiad of hazard for twelve years; and I take occasion to warn you all to avoid a practice so destructive of agood name, snd drawing after, it evil consequences of incal culable magnitude. In earlier days it was my misfortune, owing to a lively and ar dent temperament, to fall into this vice, and no one can lament more sinccrily the evil and the consequences of it than 1 do. These have followed roe into nearly all the walks of life, and though I have long since abandoned the pernicious practice which led to them, it seems that they never will abandon ine." k ( ';' CHARGE THE 'ENEMY, 1 J 1 Yes charge the whole line let them all feel, and make alt yield lo the force of the following facts. ', Let the Whigs be at diem, on the right and left charge the rank and file, and ki cp tip ' the batde, and a more thoroughly, totally, .irrecoverably,' ousted, scattered, ruined set never was, thsn will be ihe Democrats in 1844. . 1. Charge first with the fact, that while we had a revenue Tariff, or if you please call it protective, snd a National Bank, the eoun tty prospered.. , . , " ' 2. W hen tha Tsriff wss taken off and the Bank eeaseo operations, the country be came enibnnassstd. , , i , 3-' When fa Tariff .wss restored by the laat Congress, business soon began again to revive and now is that nothing but a sound currency is wanting lo make it com plete.O: .: -A .-. 4. That the Tariff icjiigher now thsri in 1840, ana yet goods are cheaper, tlirrefore the Whig iloctriue that ' the peine of goods does not rise with the ineieaseof the Tariff, '5. That 'the products of American labor have risen in proportion to the increase of the Tariff; because a market lias been buill up tfcomV''' i- L-'''"'" i ' 6. That for some time during the present season, and at the last aeeounts, flour was higher in New York than in Liverpool which is mainly a'.iribnled to the fact that inisnufrctmie nave twen put trt operation it ourcoantry, thereby r calling off a 'puhlon if the laborers from agricultural pursuits, suJ creating a greater demand at home fur such article. ' 7. Chsrge with the fact that almost every prominent doctrine in the Democratic creed is impolitic, unsafe, dangerous and destruc tive in theory and practice; such as the Sub-Treasury, Free Trade, Standing Army, &.c. SicfhgAland Metttnger. married; ;4 In Franklin county, on the 13th instant, by' the Rev. Janus Jajneison, Mr. Ulait Burrellnf Stautitou, to Miaa Mary Eliza Davis, daughter of the lute Jonathan Da vis, Esq. At tlis Presbyterian Ohnrrh in thit City, ori Thursilny Uih inst by the Re. Drury Lwy, Henry P. Potter. Ktq. of Payetteville, lo Miss Isabella V. daughter of Willis Scoit, Lo. of this City. DIED In thi City, oa Sunday morning last, Mary Rebeeea infant daughter of the (lev. Wiliam J. an! Mi,- UnAairt Linbdox. area ft months and 9 day. owe, oioMom inoa an eai aown ana wunf fd, but only lo b ttsMplanted in a richer anT more congenial soil, where thou wilt flourish in all the beauty and grandeur of a glorified seraph forever. In Wilmington, oi Wednesday the 13th Inst. Mr. Thomas M. Goimon, or this City, after a hriefillnru of three days. The deceased had bMi in Wilmington fur aevrral month prosecu ting lb duties ot hi avocation, and bin family at thusunvxneeiediy called on to mourn undsr ths sad tiding of this melancholy bereavement. He has luft a disconsolate wif sod three suwll children to deplor their loss. FY&H At iVathfngt m, Republican Sefdcmhtr A In this town, on the 31st all., Jama. son of Levi Lqng, sgd 4 yr, 1 month, 7 days, Inlhis town, on ths 31st ult, Mia. Susan wife of Mr. Riley Wright, Oa the road lead inn (torn W'athinton to Greenville, on Saturday, Id int Mr. David Phelps, a mechanic, fortoeily ot Maaeebetis. : - In this town, on Moiidjf,4ihiat., Mr. James Credlo, aged about 32 years, , In tut town, at lb residence r John Tylers Esq., of congestion of th brain, oaTuovd ay 0th inat., at half pakt 4 o'clock, P. M., the !. Chapel Featherelon. Minister lo charg of Methodist eongregalton . in this plane. He had recently attended a protracted meeting In the lower part of Hyde eotinly, from which tie re turned quit unwell he wss not believed dan geroaaly Ul, bowver, enlil a few hours before his death. - As s further Obltnary notice wilt be given of ihM pion ana f ooe man, w forbear to iy mora at present. Doe nolle will be given of hi funeral seimon. tit rams in were Interred yesterday in ths M. K. Chqieh yaid. The Rihcmood Christian Advocate will picas eony tnaaoovs. la thi town, onThorsdsy mominff, 7th Inef, of congestive fever, Mr. James Gardner, cabi netmaker, formerly or the elty orPhiladephia, In this town, at 9 o'clock A . M., ori the 7th Inst., Mr. Chiistopher N. chant of this place. Le Hoy, mer In tills town, on SalordaV nlnht Ual, Mr. Z, uoway, Manner. Ia this town, on Sunday Mormiin last Mr, John MeWilliams, Printer. . . At Haw Lsndine, Grew County, oa tbe.Bd inat.. Mr. Willis Dixon, nn, aged 78yar. ,; Mr. Uixon was a Mfflily resoeithble cittaeo, and for many yaara bnfor hi death, he waa a worthy and pioaa member orth liabilst Church. At Han Lomond, lb residcno of har on-ln law, General W. K, Armistead, U. S. A- Mrs. Giiaabeth Manly, ml let ofllon, John Stanly of norm uarouna, in ine 634 year or bet age. VALUABLE; REAL ESTATE . FOR SALE. ' o nthe 21th of October next will be : sold at the lute residence of Isaac Stalling., Dee, in Johnston ecuty, li. C, th foU lowin Property, lo wit; About aOOO Aon of Valomhl Land, la lot U suit partbsMrs. One Irscl of I ISO Acres, t of first rats Pin and fresk land, with s good Oris! snd Saw Mill bit th brcmise. on Littl Crki lh Lnd liss on both side of th Creek. Also. vslusbl Tract of f Land, containing XSft Aeras, kith a eicsllsol Dwelling tbroa, aad all aeeo. sary Outbuildings. , ... , . , At in cam Inn and pise, will b Mid, lb Slock of llorst. Mules, Cstlls, Shf, and Hog all lh fanning 'Utnsol; on aw fin Carriage; ne Roid Wsgnnj 4 Carts; wvsralTok of Oxm on Ml of Blacksmith Too!; sod (II lh House hold and Kitrhon Fornitursi Qorn and Foddsr, Pe, Oats sod Wheal, and soral ,Iog Chain snd two pair of Lsg Wbl V " ' f ' 7fi tSult. A eredit of sit avmlba will b gien and lh purohaacr required to give bond and ppord sseorMy. s ELBERT A. BRYAN, Ea'r, September, II, U43. 33 .i ii . ! NOTICE. r Will bo suld, at the Court Ifouse isj Wbilrsville, Columbus County.' on the 2nd Monday in December next, the following Tracts of laud, or i mnch thereof a will salisf) the Taxes due thereon or the j oar of 1812. . - I Wit y ' " m ' " ; SOO Arr, th property of Jubaathan" WiogaU, lying o th Waesmsw Rissr. -, t , SOU Acre, lbs property of PliUip Witts, ea Gap. . way ftwamp. ..:., - i ,e .w : CO Acre the prapeny of William Coley on th Bee damp Swamp. : J i 40 1 A or, lh am. - ' - 1 ' t'; 890 Aere. th property of Waisoii Parker, on Roffborri Swamp, Joining Ignatius flower " Unda. i i . ,. , . .,, ... 370 Aciee. lh propart of ii Wsteon Parker, ' join lag In lse ol n. I., Wlllismerm. . v ... . , .-.j -J. WILLIAMSON, ftberiff. 13th of Fept. 1843, (Pric sdr. f 4 00) 88-10t t-. NEW 'ARRIVALS """ . t( '' "t !"r' f - NORTH CAROLINA BOOKSTORE. Principles 'of llnmaa , Pbvsiotocv. with 100 itlostrttioos. By Wm. B. Carpenter. M. D Elements of Chemistry, withiumero illiMtra- tions, , By Thomas Graham, F R. 8. L. 4c E. D. Tfce Ilora. By William Yeoalt - Tb Thorjf fc" Pretk of Midwifery. Bv riMtwood Churchill, M. D. M. R. f. A. ' f ' ' Lhre of th Qacen f Eaglso l from th Xor-. man Conqest, wuh anocdot of their Court, By Agnes 8trickland., .'.,-, u , Received this dsjr a1 for sal by - , .... . 88 , t TURNER a. HUGHES ; t ANEW NOVEL BY COOPER. ; f WYANDOTTE the Hatted Kaolla tal et Border Lit, ia 3 vol. . ; .,r-h . For ml bv 83 ' TURNER I1UGIIE3.' mmmsmmMmmmtmmmmmmmmmsnmsmmmr ' : LAC RANG E. XI Eh A MX' : t,Th undersigned have been Induced', , thwgFrfh long snd" Orgt?nt solicitation of', their frrefids iir Troop' an J the adjoining counties, to commence the publication- of a weekly Newspsperi ih 'the' tnwn of La Grange, to be eotided the. MLaGrange Her alJ." ' intrlligenpe and 'wealth of its ciiisens th diirereri. branches' of Education ntnght in ha various s flonriehin? Schools, combine w make it one of the most enviable location in the whole Souih, for tlie (blishin of s DuLlie iournal. , !. . ' a ;i , : , - - - - - T. ' In nnnosjncing to the rwbtie the speeefy forthcoming of the Herald, it is not oar in tention now to puff its merits, nor endeav or to ingratia'e ourselves into the good gra ces of our fellow-citixens by "many promt ies," but to make known the leading fyia ciples that wUl be firmly and undiueliingly advocated tlironyh iu columns. The Herald will adnoratf the lenting principle of the Whig psHy -will lend iu aid in the establishment of a United States Dan, and will support a Tsriff for Reve nue sufficient lo defray the expenses of sa economical administration of the General Government. HENRY CLAY, of Ken tucky, is our choice for the Presidency.' In asserting our ridits. our nrincioles. and procfaimin the liberty of the Pftss. we shall b fearless and independent; and. in all of our remarks, shall endeavor to plumb the Hue of honesty. :" ; V , , ) 1 li columns of the Herald a ill be da- voted to the dissemination of Political, Ag ricultural, Commercial, Foreign and Do mestic intelligence.' The several important Cotton Markets of Georgia, Alabama, South Carolina and Louisiana, will be quo ted with jgreat eare.' A synopsis of the pro ceedings' of the Legislature of Georgia, will be given, weekly, during ha session.' And list, thongh not least, the Literary, Scientif ic, Miscellaneous, snd Poetical Department of tha Herald, shall receive due attention. The LaGtanre Herald will be. issued weekly, on an imperial eheet. at Three Dol lar per annum. Any person remitting us TwtntT-fivw Dollars, shall receive Tea copies of the pa per lorpnoyean a j , Person enclosing money for Subscrip tions, will save postage by getting the Post-Master eiiherto wrilo or frauk their Ictlcra. ' V ,', . U w fflanka, Cards, and Job Work of all kinjs, executed withneatoesa aad despatch, at moderate prices. , ; Tha first number' of the Hetald will be issued on tlie 7l)i of Seplembet next. AH tetters on business wilti th Officii, alluulfl tW mAArmtA ltn.l I.. . v. v uV, rw, I'Miu, m . llENTON UUONSON,r 1 MU8IC MUSI ?, MUSIC J tUST.rccid al Ika Worih Cenlfiu tUU, iReleigti. N. C. tb (olloviag lau ssd ktshioa) pia of Musis ; - , Yes I will thar Ilh the, nij love." -''' wish I Muld rMrswdMri v " Tfcere era a loads that atasl oWkede a. : .i. Obi l h Her awy ks Umed by a scaile. ri t aVttlawHs, ;).,., ,J,t'.'';ii lnmelo the Moamaiav . ,j, " , The Henri, T.a Heanr Ohlal M U -' ',' 4 ' The Hindoo girls Hmg, . ' ' , ' ' ',t Th Koey Mm of Bsealng. 'S r"-" . i'.Th Kads Aeiai'''M ." ., 'fi ri) Vt rtbr aot Waep. i' V'i t-H',i -tui !. -ii; i' M'l'r B re aaapWag, - w ,i J $!&Jirm i u-f' ;..;.i!l 1 he Eallo a Bonr. , . Ce'Utabeatbe Undo th Br. 1 " " ' -M Ihns Beat I a ihy gewtlo ioc. '" . ":'!U' n I'm saddest ke lliog. ni';Mif? ,,: AeaUr Walls. ,sk,.v..-nf Vsrlv.J ti A. ' linni "" wi .A-f,: ,gilm,ha - iXn ? ' Utiba Mareh. .o,.!.-j r?t bi'. 1 he Riehsaoml tsarlet Guard's q.iltk Slrr ' '4 m.v .I'ortoeH March.' t '"i; ' . v Lsgiathy fsretrtll Quitk S-p t j ' ! Aad great variatv ut oiber dUk. that have beea Istetv DUbliihod. ' Flcaea nil aaS eaamiue xie UollMtimi. .. Ttmvr.B's, inrrjMM - i ' .i liMh, i.l jijinn'jui.;,! imi R P. KAH"S'"'vt' wut't' ' PIAHO FOItTK. .v, 4 S lh b.t efwleaee lb ubssritwr aa) possibly l i fi ef kis owe eimitmi. ae la lb snersr! of Ihe Piano fo-te whieh ha fieri lor sale i a4 ia ree laat ainera mar ha ennoitaait of testing lh saatler, h prnixiscl to pins them a pom . trial in ihe perlnrs ef tnti persons s ktsy be deal reasoi aupui)iag inarasklv wMa (nicies M MM Th postpone i rt a pestliv; parcbase of anR' iatlraairnt wltalevrr lor law lanaibv lo eiet tli dHIeraat. raakers a lair trial, would at ilea . d th pureheeer barw. ?;(.'- A lai edah-cssed In the subscriber, M Fetersbttrs;, Va wosjlet aaswar jast as gosr (HN-pes orary way ss a'pereoaal Inter, ie, since he lake apoa bieaaoi the rUk ol Selectlnk aad nu, anieca la nlsa Im w. m , sry rrij.eet. , . .rr .-;;. -!, - . j n wm tiHiiwi ii.iii n nnM Uflvem ov three hum) red bars bee suld by hire, without avae Mllieg bad '' ' ' ?w . .. E. P. NASH, retersbarg, Vs. ' 1 ' ' ; -i i f c it. i t, i , .i, i.,..,. ' CI1LYJ, GMSS 'fy EARTH. Importer; Sycamore SVreef,,1 Petersburg, II AS now ope a lull supply of I'tjj IjL CB1SA of sariaus kind and" qualities '. GLASS, Cut, Preae'd and Plain ' KARTHEN WJRE, ot eeery encripdoat ; H will supply himself with Goadahy Imporsailoat Pwrrhaeere sb rawy 6vol bint srlt b a alt, may dw petid apon bavin; Good of lh beat ualiiy, pack t d with great ear and oa reaeooaid taraia. ., ;;u,;Augnt tim : , .,. ,M , w n . 't " ;kotTce. ; :j v ' Gammilte't to th jiil t Gernrantoa, Stokes (OU ty, en the !3ib rly ofJun lasta a ransoay, a saaw left boy agwl abiot aineUea ycajr. who irira. ta pats ss hta sasa, and sv ka waa bnuad la Got Is AteaMider 1 ",; h abH Sre feet, rkhl aMkr etbilh, dressad' beilly, and ha tb aasrk ol User bio a Ms lisek. . II raasaray, lb owner M roqiicat ed la proe kis property and pay akargesi Mhetei aid boy will b dealt with as trie Isw riireets. ...-l:t.: .-w.,t t L. ZtGLAR.'Bh'sT . - .Aaut 10, -UW ,. ; , .. t .Ml .,j L t- r"1.' ; .r i

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