l.EGISL 4TU11E OF H. CAROLINA. SENATK. : t'.i.luy, Dtt. 6. 1844. Th Speaker anno-inred the Kr-nw' commit tee n eelmtnfr tli Cpltn Nqnsrv, la be hf- Docker y, Canirro), Shepard, Tbooipaoa of -Wii end WHm, .. - . J Mr Frtnci jweaentvJ reslation rnTavof of - wet uftwnif J dpaiei "I ha follow Iav their Iral reeding. By Mr. Ugg a bill to if : praJ a act of lrsl-1, to for a it extend 10 tha o.uty of Mniiv,By Mr. Woodfia, a bill to ; complete tha" public road- fiom tfurniville to Jbo Tenrjf wear line. On moiioa of Mr Francis, tba committee on T tha Jadiciarjr were inatrueted to inqaire into tba ripediewv f e amending tha lar..M lore quire eonstab: to r tjrn civil proeesa to lomt nragianat if aiding in tha ni diauict with tha I irU ndai t, r. if there ba no magistrate in tha ; 4 said a a net, be'orne In an adjoining district. !- Tb Senate took on tha Bnfiuished businese I of yrawfffay, to wit. iho-biU to amend iLa set . inrorpoiaunK inn uuiiena IO MMf ig uompa- ltrlli) an.'Siinn tum.lifii t.in mn mitim.iH. . i a.l f 41 H.L.daa t a ika .....nns.Bl .f af lii(ti'. which was negatived.- Mr. Hargrava v prop-aJ m n aubaiitni for Mr Uitfi' ainrnd , r. Bfnt, a clause providing ibat. in eae cf tba In r. , aolrfDr-jr o( iho Compiny, Ike private property , f iha aw ckholder aball be liable for ita debta . 10 pioprnon 10 ineir eeeri ainooni owrtea i tito lima ef ita failure, and not otherwise. Mr. i liana called for a division f ilia question, . the Rrat branch of wliirh, lo ilrifctoui, waa nrerived -ii U33. The. amendment ot Mr. ritfja waa then adopted, C6 to 91' The bill w Uien, on motion of Mr.- Lli.dssy, raid wi 4U0Uj0.mimm . 2 .- l no bin more rneriuary 10 npprr-rnro -' fencs " of tiailinjr ttti tav and eemr ohr iilJa.Ird.jfJuiioD. Blared' the third readmir - end were oidcrrd to be r ntio$riS7'' The pinpnition of .the Uiimrnon to pitnl the ' rrport of the Liirfiry Boi.r J, waa ajrrei d to. i , Mr. We?dft pAa ntcd. tba memorial ..oTtlie J PftrrtburB Hnil Road Company, praying a law thai "Art may be allowed to retain tboir brid(e ' ai Weldon in ita preeent elate, eo long aa iht y ; ah II fiiihfully trana.torl pteduee from Wrldon " to tba bridge and from the bridge to Weldon , free of ehree Kfirrrrd. Mr. Jrttreya prrarn'ed l retnlation innlioeiing lion cf the Dankeof the Plate, which were laid en ibe table and rodrred to be prinird. Mr. Gain preaenied a hill lo prcvei.t the cb etriirlion of fih paaeingnp the eret k called Sil Rone, which paeaed iia Riat reading- Ua moiivn of Mr. KHiott, the Treaeorer of the 8iate waa teqttratrd to lay before 'he Senate communication from the Hon. Kd ward Kveiett on Colonial Docnmenta in relation to North Car olina. : J On motion et Mr, Franeie, the committee on Ttnaner were 3iwtfnc4r4 1 bMA all ihe irraery nolea In the Trrnii Mr. Taylor nreaentrd a bill makinc com pen eation lo ibe jnrora of Hydr; and Mr. Boyd, a bill lo re-area the land of the rliale: which paetrd their firat reading, and the latter ordered to be printed. - Us molien ol Mr. Waddell, a mesaage wa aent to the Comniont, piopocing to raiae a j"int aeiect rommiltre to inlorm Hon. W m. A. lira' ham of hia election aa Governor of the State, and toeeeeftain wbrn it will auit bia conven tenre to lake the oatb of i fTice. On motion oi Air. riancia, a meaaaea waa aent to the Common!, pronoaing to act apart the afternoon of Saturday the Slat' inatant for rectmmrnding aufuhle perron fur Joaticea of the freer. I he engroaaed bill to amend the act Incorpor ating tne Iruetrra ol bdenlbn Arailrmy; end Ibeengroinrd bill to cede a portion ef Kuiher. ford county lo the ' county of llndrraon, were read the third time, paeaed and ordered to be. enrcllert. A number of billa reported from eomm'ttee a M). paaard ttiPir necoi d rrading. " Mr Malary from (lie e oinmit'ee to enprrin lend llie election ofCooriaellnra of Stale, report ed Ibat Mrearau. Hrition, of Brrllf Jaa' VV. Howard, of Joneej lr. W.' Perry t of Franklin; Abaalom Myera, of Anaon; Jnaiali Cewle, nf iMUtyiJaa. Low tj uif Buncombe and Dt Na, liiantel .M, Koanr. of tJnawell, Ma 1rriv-r mnjority of the votea giten and were duly loct M, the Public? TreaareTtorenoft to ibe Senate the nom-a ef Ute oUligoia to the bondi given lo In demmfy the - ntnle aainil any Joaa in iorwe- ijoenre o me ennoraemeni oy tne Ettie oi ine ot-. d .i-i..k ...i r: tj.ii i..i r. .,.,' KlWl firm ilnll.i-. lk an in Jtni .CLfc' .hn'ilinf.f la llablxs and any infurinaiino in the T rraanty J department rrlaiiva to ih in-otveney of any of all obliirua. Au. , un muiiun oi il r. tilimrii, mo mucn ui inn ' Gofrrnnra meaare aa refrrt lo the llia.ry of ,The eoinmiuee coimiata Mrr."-Wad dell; ' Cameron. Khenard. Wilann and G ok) fin. Mr.Sliepaid prewnled naemorlal aaking le- t giautive aid In removing obairuoiiont in f aa- - , qnolank riven llrfirred. a:' - flu ninflnn tt If, InVna, BA fnn-tt. ttf I " i CJorernor mrag a leulea to an agilcutinral , - echini, was flffiea !- the eomtnit're on A. " eiitiural and Mineralogies! aurveya. On motion " of Mr.'Wnddell. tht f.ihrarun of the State waa inatrueted to inoui-e into the probable eoal of having a new ediiion of Lawton'a llistonr of ", WOfiU tjaroltna pohllat d V hoi'b or commons. - Viita y, Dee. (I, Mr. Troll IntrorloceJ a Bill fo incorporate the town of Monroe. In the coonty of Union. And Mr. Miller, a Bill lo amend an Act for the ltter regii' , i lation of the4own of Mnckaville, in Davie eonn'v , t Theae Billa were re (erred to the Committee on Pro- povidone end Crievancra. " Mr. Jloane. inlrttduced a Veiolntion in faor of . Eli McKea, nf Mncon county, vhkli waa rctWred to tne Judiciary Committee. i Mf. Mebane preaanted a 'memorial from aundry j eJriarer Orav pnnlv. prinva repeal of the law aothorixing th people t elcct'cimrahlea, and : tbat Ilia elecion of laid onlceri be eun ommi:ed ' te the aeveral Coonty Conrta) which waa. on lib 5' motion, re'erred to the ( ommiitee on Piopoaitiooi r and unevaneee. . , . ; ... Mr. I-ord, from Ibe romji'ttre en fropowiinnn t.. and Inevanere, rep rted nnfavoralily on Iha peti tion of aundry citiiena of Burke, Roihrrfon), ("a- " 'J tawlia and Cleveland, prayinc tha rieion of a new coonty by the name of Mangum. Said Krport waa lead and concurred in, ' Mr. Thmab prevented a bill lo amend tha -ret rlaaaa of ibe eixth ted ion of the Revived Suinlea, f " eilenJinj he hirixliction of Juatieee of lite Peace, wh'cti u refiTTrJ lo ttie Committee on the JuJi- r d,.7- "' :j . ;;,r : .. Mr. ra?g prearnlnl peu'ion (rem aundry ctti . S aeneef Butiemnbeeuan'y, praying tlie erection ef a t- new coonty out of portiona of llunroail county, j,.,' byjbe name of Warm Spring. R.ferreJ to the Committee on Prop wl.ionr and Orlevineea. I. - A -manlnllnn nftml hv Mr T U'il.n- - '' jected, inatructin( llie Committae on Eduealiot) to h inqaire into Iheetpediency of a.-ipoinling a tfuper- "intendont of Common SehooU for each of the Con- i greaeinn-l Uiauidi.. and of defining ti e dutiea of t eaid etupcrintemleiit, eo that Ibe requite nenta of ' ' the preeent School law, mny be earrvd out,, and ' ' that thee report bv bill or eibervri. ' ' Mr, Mill re-anted a bill lo raviva an Act rar In the year IMl, to autho he Iha laying irand r eaUbliebing a Turnpike Uoec' from Lauloo Lnch'a . in Rutherford caunty, t tne widO fctti'a in Dun ? combe eonniy. RelorreJ to thi Uemnuttee on It ' " ternal Improvemrnta. " ' l'- Mr. Walter premmted a petition end resnlution TP lb carry out the prayer of the petitionera. relating to , Smiih'UK U Brunawick eoooty Referred lo the r,. Committeo on Propoeiti-me and Grievance. " -' ' - Mr Waabinjton presented a petition from aundry " ' cilienneof Craven county, p -ylnf additional re atricti -n np-m Prdlara, which waa, on hia notion, wi h the ceompanyinf d'-tumenl-. referred te the ,.- : Mr. E-iJ prevented a bill etinceriilng the eteeiien . , of con-tal!ea iu iha coi.ty of Iredell. . Refuted to lite t'om.iiiu on the Judiciary.' ' On ra tion -of Mr. uuthne, a committee of R-e Wat raiee I, te enquire in o the eipedienry of avlling HOUSE OF COMMONS. SuWrJay, Dec. 7, ...Mr, Moore, from the Judiciary, Comvuttee, reported with aondry amendmenia, the BiH for the relief -f honeat inaolvent debtor. 1 he a mendinenta were concurred in, and on motion, the eaid Bill together wilh the Report of the miriiiiice, waa ordered to be printed. Sundry othet report were made from com mitter, which we have hot room fo notice par ticularly in I hi week' paper. Mr. Washington piesented a memorial from he Synod" 6"Nob'" Oarolinn, preving -the ap pointment of an Agent Id procure from the Ar ehivre of Iha- Oritiah Government, copiea of lich patera may rve 4.o Uluairate Ih; Hi tory of the Mate. In Which, thee favorably mention the name of the Hon. David L. Swain. Pirvlrfent of the Untveraiiy, aa a euitable and deairahle person to be aent. The memoiial, on motion nf Mr. Washington, waa referred to the Committee on the Library. Mr.- Moore preertiied ' Bill for the rip-or gni' lation nf the Pontmnoth and Roanoke Rail Road Company, whirh waa rrferred to (he Committee on Internal Improvement. SliNATK. ........, AhfuImM Dec. D. Mr. Francnr prevented 111 memoHal of eitiaene of Chero'iee County, praying relief from the pre- (ore under which they now labor, and the release of the eoretiee for t berokee bonde Referred. On motion of Vtr. f Je it waa ordered that the President of the Raleish and O anion Rail Road Company b directed lo furni-h information aa te the amount of rtock owned by citixcn of lb elate and thine reaiiling out oflbe ftate. Mr Hist preernted a bill to pro iile for a va eancy in llif oflice of county urcj or which pes ed its flrnl readine. . Mr Worth presented a bill to amend an act to ch inae the location tl a Court Ho:e of Montgomerr County, which aaed It Brat reotlmg. Mr. Iligg prceeutrd a m:i to tranarer the fund for Internal Implement t the l.iterarv Fund which passed ita first reading and we referred. Mr. Wootlfin presented a bill to emend the Re vised taiaa'..eMM CWurta . o Euiiityi which uaistrd its flrst reaJini and waa reltrrcd' Mr Cow per preeentrd a bilfto reiieal a part of Ine act re ating lotne manner or electing Warden of the poor, so far concern the County of Hert ford i which passed ii first reading.-"" 7 Mr Wilson submitted a resolution, which waa adopted, requesting the Governor lo lay before this House a copy of the mortgage taken to secure Ihe Ma'e from the Raleigh and Gaaton Rail Road Company, arid also a copy of the bond taken Mr. i ayloe presented a bill to alter the mode of appointing constable in Beaufort County i and Mr Woodfin a hill to alter and amend tne State road leadi g from Athvilie by Bumsviilet .which passed tueir Brat reading. Mr. Francis prevented the following prramb'e and resolutions which were read and adof-tedr W hereaa Ihe Ornate ba beard with rerret of the death of General Thomas Love, who waa a menilier ef the Legialatuie of North aroUna for nearly half century, aod who, sfier his removal to the Sta'e of Tenne-wee, waa elected f peakcr of ihe Senate in that Atotesnd who has occupied many distinguish gutabed etsliunl in the gift of this; 1 bcTefure, Be it licioirtd, i fist, a a mart ef reeixet to the memory ef General Tbomae Love, Ibe tSenate do now adjourn until to morrow morning 10 e- lock. Reithtd, " That ameaaate be aent to the House of Common asking their concurrence in this tri bute of reect to the mernary of ihe deceased. - R'ttlvtd, Tbat Ihe Siieaker be requested lo for ward copy of these resolution lo the surviving relative of the deceased. HOUSE OF COMMONS. '. Monday. Dre. D. "' tlie lande belonging to the Klata which are ailffaU'd in lie rity of Raleigh, The chair appointed Messrs. Guthrie, Gee, Hackney. Woodward and (Huwe the eemmi'.t tfuudiy ImIIx. wh'i-h had been referred to euro -nit-. tecs, vers rened bark to Ihe House. ' '. '- 7brllnx raseaned lb eetieidi-retion nf the too ' t!ou of yesterday to lay Ihe memorial of Francia E liivesc ef V on the table. After ronsidoiahle die , v ruxinn, in which MessnvShepard, Paine, of Chow an Mi U-r ef Davie, and berry participated, sketch of which we shall endeavor hereafter to ' puh'i'h, the memorial wa finally, motion of Mr Guthrie, laid en the taUe uutil the 4th ef March i-rt Mil St. ;...,.', ' Mr. Lord presented a bill to Incorporate ihe Pre eiih-nt. Director and Compe y of the Tadkia Toll . U-ilj. cera of the 14 ih regiment, Referred. ; A number of billa psased their third reading and were ordered U bs engrossed. A message wa received from the Sena'e, trans mitting the resolution edopted by thai body in ho nor of lb memory ef the late Gen. Thomas Love, asking the concurrence of this !loue therein; which were read, and unanimously concurred in, and the House adjourned. SENATE. , TwiSay Dec. ffard frrmi tlvo ciumiiice 'to whom waa referred mufH fftiTe- G-- ernor'a M ravage aa relates to Elections, re Mined a bill tt change the time for holding the Elections for Governor, Members of Con gress, Members of the General Aseembly, Sheriff, snd Clerks of the county and Sope. rir Courta, to the tott J hurtday of Ji- vril in each sncceaaive year. A resolution introduced by Mr. Halsey. authorizing ihe Governor to eause tomb slonea to be placed over the graves of de ceased m-rubers of the Leg'slature bur ied in the city of Raleigh, passed its first rrad ny. Mr. Francis presented a preamble and resolution, calling on the General Govern ment to par over to the S ate the 4th inatal ment due under the deposit set, which were ordered to be printed and rrale the order of the dv for Monday next. They will be found on the firat page of to-day's Star. . Mr. Joyner presented a bill to authorize the Portemouth and Roanoke Rail Road Company tit chartre Tolls on the Bridge over ihe Ronnoakit River, ne-r the town of Weldon, which was, on his motion, refor- reil to ihe Corti mfttee o iTtternal-Impro,ie ments. The flngroesed -bill ia amtlid Jhe Kwi- ed Statute, concerning the Comptroll wa read the third time, passed and order ed to-be t.nro!leu Mr. Jeffreys presented a Resolution, in struc'fug Ihe Librnry Cnmmiilee to inquire into the expeaiener of sbolielung the ol- fice of keeper of the Canitul, and of infpoe- intr the duties of said oflice upon Ine Libra rian, to keep the "Library open at all limes for thff acponmrHiation ot the public. HOUSE OF COMMONS. . - Tumlav, Dec. 10. After the reading of the Journal, Mr. Broeden called, ud fur enneideration the bill ineor pitratiiig New River Ri!ire1ahd Cbftf- panv. in the County of Onslow. This bill pro;oies t2000 as the Cnpitid Stock of the f wimninv Snndrv nmeiidmenls wefe A offeired lo the bil by V?r. Scales, to make the p irate properly of the S'ock holders li able for tlie debls or the Company. Upon theae amendments, a very latitutlinotir- and lengthy debate ensued, be'wecn Messrs Shepard, Scales, Brngtlen, Ellin and Flem inj on the one part, and Messrs Moore, Mills, Cherry and Pmneion the other. The bill and amendments srsre finally on motion of Mr. Paine, indefinitely pos'.pon cd, 58 to 51, ' Mr. Paine introduced a bill to set apart a Homestead Freehold to any citizen of this Rtale of the age of 2 1 years, liead and or dered to be printed. Mr. Ellis, from the Committee on Priv ileges and Election, reported adversely to the memorial of Timothy tlirkins, conies ling the sent of E. V. Sander the Com moner from Onflow, and state they find no proof of the charges set forth in the Memo- rul, and asked to he dieenatged from me further consideration of tlie subject, in w hich the House concurred. iMr. Nioi presented a memmorial from the Wilmington and Raleigh illait Rwacnv puny, which was, on his motion, referred to the Select Committee on Rail Roads. SF.NATB.' ' ' Mr. Puryrar presented a memorial from citiiena of Iredelli agamat the erection of new county lo be called W iltiama. ' Iid on th table. . On motion of Mr. e-bepard, the uas of this ITatt waa granted to Mr. Whitaker. editor of Ihe 8oulb ern Quarterly Review, to deliver h-ctonr on com mon achoole. ae. on 1 uesdey, Wednesday and Thursday evenings ef this week, f i Mr. Moore, from Ih committee on the Judiciary, reported a number of bil'a which bad been referred to that committee. ' ' :. ' ' 1 Mr. Calloway presented a bill laanpotnl eemrnis aionera lo iai off ror, tu the county of-A likes. which paeaed it first rending and wa referred ' Mr. Ehriouhau prienud the memorial of ctti- sen of Pasquotank asking an appropriation to im prove the navigation of Pasquotank rrvev Kefi-vred. Raaolution were preernted by Mr, Mebane, in fa vor of James , Turrent'D. nl by Mr. Mills, in favor of Michael Frai.ei which paaard first read ing and were referred. Mr. Fagg presented a bill to authorize 8amuel Chunn lo ethHb a bridge over French Broad n eri Mr. Prentiss a bill to incorooiale Ihe Nrwbern Hechanica Aaencialion and Mr. Adams, k hill lo prevent betting on election, (a most important and salutary measore, and we nope n win Den-roe a law.) These bills paseed their 6tt reading. ' Mr. Lord preaented the memorial of the commie ' sinned officer of Ihe C4th regintebl, suggesting a mendmenU in ibe militia tews. ' ' On motion sf M r Gilchrist, the" rommirtea on Prop4tlona and GiievencM were instraeled to in- nented to the Si-nate tho r J quire, inle thf ejpcdirwy of inaVinr afipjro 'J'reasarer, relative to 'he .' prpriation (br removing obstruction In Pavgo nr" S IK ,Vrr P t! .nh!ie J reasarer, relative to ine : prepriallon lor removing , i ' nrV1iiM by the Mat in Incorpora- r. . : , i-'oa i. -port !.ewii j ibe eondr j Mr. Atkins prvsrntal a aarojoriaf froaj lb ett, IN SENATE. H'tdneiday, Dee. 1 1. Messrs Bogle ami Boy Jen were appoin ted the Comittre on Enrolled Bills. Mr. Boyden, from the Judiciary Com mittee, teported the Bill to prohibit the levy ing of Executions upon Growing Crops until said Crops are matured with an amend ment. The Resolution authorizing the Govern or to place grave stones to deceased Mem bers, who are or may lierenfier be interred in this City, was read the second and third times, pnesfd and ordered to be engrossed. Mr. Worth, from the Committee to whom the subject was leferred.reported a resolu tion urging Congress to make an appropri ation to rebuild the mint at Charlotte, which passed its three several readings, and was or dered to be engr.issed Ms added, from the Committee on tne Judiciary to whom was referrwl the com munication of his Excellency the Gorernr or on the subject of prosecuting' defaulting Officers in making returns of Electors ol President and Vice President of (he Uni ted State, reported a bill to punish the tame. ' ,- Mr. Tayloe presented a bill to author lie the Court of Pleas and Quarter Sea ison of Hyde County to. appoint apeciar Justices of the Peace, and maktii?compeni sation to auch Justice for certain service. HOUSK OF COMMONS .. . " IVtdntnday, Dci.W. Mr. Poitidexler presented petition from Ferdinand Wi Rirque and oflters, Heirs at Liw of James B. Rietiucv praying payment of a specie certificate for the euro nf 0500 issued by an Act ol Assembly in 17H0. which waa referred to the commitiee on claims. i ;V -- j. Mr. Caldwell presented a till to establish a Superior Court in the county of McDow ell. Referred tu the committee on pri vate Bills. ' ,' i wt .; iMr. Moore, from the committee on the Judiciary, reported without amendment tlie hill to locate the residence ol the Judges of( the Superior rourts, hereafter, to be e tected. in tome ope county ,of the Circuit where the vacancy ocenrs, ad rrcnmmeud iu paseage. The said Report and BiM,wer on motion of Mr El Iia, oidered to be printed and made the order of the day for Tuesday next.-. ':; '; .-v-i '---J.- .'"-.: fTtiis jinportnt Peprit si.d hill will be fjirflha fiiM paitrif this pap. M",,Moore, from the ssme eomrriittee te portrd the bill on forms of Criminal Plead ing with an amendment. The amendment waa eonciirrc-l in and the bill aa amended read the second lime and paeaed. Mr. Moore from the ssme committee, to whom the considers. ion of ihe subject had been relerred, reported a bill lo amend an Act puhishingthe default of returning officers in ihe election of Electors of President and .Sir-e Piesidcnt 61 the United States. Mfr We1mpfffiXljlhomiiiee on Internaf lirip75veTOTlTtyrireporurI 'tfi4itt4a estsblmh s public Road in the county of Buncombe, and to make aivrjppropriation therefor, with an amendment. The amend ment was concurred in, and the bill passed Its second reading. Mr. D- A. Barnes from ihe Committee on Private Bills, reported the bill to authorize Samnel Chunn to establish a Toll Biidge o- vei French Broad River in the county of Buncombe, with an amendment. The bill as amended, passed its second reading. Mr. Bond, Irom the Committee on Agricul ture, repotted unfavoradly on the bill for the establishment of a Board of Agriculture; when said bill was, on motion of Mr. T. II Robinson, laid on the table. Mr. Washinglon. from the Internal Im provement Committee, reported unfavorably on tba hill to appoint Commissioners to lay off a Road in the county of Wilkes, wheri the said bill was read the second time and rejected" On motion of Mr. Cherry. ftrwhed, ThM a message he sent to the Senate, proposing to raise a -Joint Select Committee of four on the part of each House, tn fnnnhe into the ioanlvenev of tlie Raleigh and Gaston Rail Road Company, according in the provisions of an Act of the General Assembly of ISJ6 -TT, and that they bej w- structeil la report aa soon as practica ble. Mr. T. R Caldwell ealed up for consid eration the Reprt-f the Committee on Privileges and Elections, in the ease of John McNeill, one of the members from tlie county of Robeson. The House sustained the Renort in finding no lust grounds for contesting hi seat. . Mr Mill presented a bill extending the time fr perfecting title to land hereto fore entitled. .',. SENATE. HturtJay; J)te. l2 -Mr. Gwynn, from the commif.ee on Propositions, to whom' waa referred a bill to confirm a sale made by Jamea W. Gain, late Agent for the State, reported thesame.to the Senate, and recommended its passage. The bill was then read" the second and third time, passed and ordered to be engrossed. Mr. Ciwvnn. from ihe same committee. reported a bill to lease a silver mine fo1 George Sotherlin, the discoverer, and for other piirpoaT which wa read the first time and passed. Mr. Dockery, from the committee on Finance, reported the bill concerning rev enue, with sundry amendment. The Senile proceeded to the considera tion of tho bill concerning jury mats. The bill, after tatinp in a preamble. e importanceof.disiinctly declaring cer tain rights of parties and counsel and cer tain functions of Judges and Juries, pro vides that in all jury trials, counsel shall have the right and be allowed to argue to the jury their whole case, a well of law as ofaef, and that the judge may state to the jury the evidence, but without any compunt .either by repeating the argument nf coansel or othrwises bn-A declare his opinion to the jury on questions oi law tn the case. Mr. snepara movea 10 strike out nil after the words "law as well as fact' On this motion, a long and inter esting debate arose, in which Messrs. Waddell, Shepard, Bigg, uoyaen, tran- cts, Woodhn and Edwards parttcipr tea The motion finally prevailed, and the bill was laid on the table Received from the Governor a commu nication concerning a mistake in the cony of the morfjjape gicen to the State by ihe Raleigh ana Gaston Rail Road Company, transmitted to the Senate yesterday; which was laid on the table, HOUSE OF COMMONS Mr. Poitidexler presented a bill to pro vide for the distribution of the proceeds of Innd 'aofd forTjnrttiior in certain rCases; which passed its first -reading and wa re ferred. . On motion of Mr (inthrie, the Judiciary committee were instructed to inquire into the propriety of exempting Justice of the Pence from working on .V V. REPORT. ,- rv ' iVi Tha committee on finance have proceeded, according to the pro visions of the 7th section of the 115th chanter of the Revised Stat- ' utes, to inspect the books and accounts 01 tne 1 reasurer ana 1 Comntroller': and carefullv to examine the exact condition er the ... J - . . . . . . . 4 statement and condition of ,the dejxisites made in the liauks oy tne 1 tc Treasurer, and to ascertain the amount of money and funds of tho Stale in the Treasury and Banks, and respectfully aubnut the fol- LC . .1 i. c . 1 . . .: . I lowing if port, as uic resuu ot tneir lnvesituuun; eO I S3 ran.. A nf .u 1 .1. nrU. rP-Aloal.A nM4 i I lie uuiiuiiiuii ui uio ujuas aim vouuucio ui uro 1 icuiu suu 1 g I 2 i.O T2T 7 8 , . 1, 1 , ! 1 r-i 1 1 ii 1 tJompirojicr is generally sucn as tne taw requires?- ihb uuunsaii ; balance with jacciirac V. and eorresnond -wilh-rfie prujtedrxyls of r g the Treasurer wM'frqtnfTfri; 1h'rTrTTi'n-ff-ilitTr,?lt'rt of six hundred and fifty dollars, which 1s credited to tl ttpe 5ai Navigation Company; whereas it should have been to the Roanake Navigation Companv: that the amount of deposites in the Uanks corresponds with the Treasurer's statement; that the amount of Trea sury notes in the Office of the Treasury was sixty three dollars three and half cents, which your committee burnt by authority of a resolu tion of the General Assembly. The eommitee, in tho further progress of their labours, ascertained, what appeared to them at the time, a "payment of eighty one dol lars to James Page, late door keeper to the House of Commons, more than he was entitled to. The committee desiring to investigate this subject, and the General Assembly having given -them power to send for persons and papers and to administer oaths, submit the fol lowing testimony, taken in pursuance of tho resolution of the two branches of tho Legislature, which testimony is intended as a part of this report The committee forbear the expression of any opinion as to the person to beheld liable for the deficiency further than to say that two certificates were found pa file, one signed by the Principal Clerk of the last House of Commons, for eighty-one dol lars, and paid by the late Treasurer Hinton, and) the other for two hundred and twenty eight dollars, and signed by the Speaker of the late House of Commons, both in favour of loor keeperage, and endorsed by Kim; but th the State, as the matter now stands, has lost $81. .Deposition pf James PagOiJtfkedA JJte Hill, marked B, Depo sition of Camilhts Saunders, marked C, Deposition W. F. Collins, marked D- DOCKERYCL.a. A; F. S SJ" p 3. 3 I D oT 8 a ? u .OS er a from working on public highways, The bill to establish ihe couuiv of Gra ham, waa hid on the tnblo until the 4ib dav of March next, 69 to b'l. Mr. Moore presented a bill concerning ihe writ of replevin; whih pas,44t first reading nnd w as referred. ! ; Mr. Nixon presented a - resolution in fa vor of h. II. Marstellcr; which passed its oi readiog.and L , Mr Ehrinphana presented a bilf to fn rorpdrnte the Phoenix Fire Company; Mr WakliiPk'on, a bill to amend the act fr the establishment and bftter regulation of Common SchboTe; and"Mr." Roane a reso lution in favor of Samuel - Waiters; which severally passed the first reading and were referred. . : . ."77V - .- . u: '- ' ' ' Mr Iord presented a memorial, praying the paesnge of a law requiring all contracts and leavr of land for - mining operation to be made in writing Referred. .. .The bill to estsldish a public road in the county of Buncombe, and '0 make an ap propriation therefor of 91000, passed it th:rd reading, by the casting vote of ibe Speaker, nnd wa ordered to be engrossed. Sundry other bill and resolutions also passed their latt reading in thin House, and were ordered to be engrossed. v inIsenVte. - Friday, Dee. IS." Mr. Do Aery, frr.m the Gommittee on Fi nance, presented the following report, which we tent to the Common, with a p reposi tion to priat : DEPOSITION OF JAMES PAGE. Question I . Did you receive eighty-one dollars $8 1) on the cer tificate of L. H. Marsteller, Clerk to the House of Commons, and if so, of whom? Answer. I received it ($91) fiorri Col. Stephen Birdsall, Clerk to the late Treasurer, C. I Hinton. Question 2. Was' this amount of eighty-one dollars deducted from the.SpeakerV warrant of $229 presented by you at the close of the last session? - - 'TT'SZ - , , Answer. It was. ' - - Question 3. By whom was the deduction made? Answer." By C0I. J. H; Wheeler, Teasurer. 7. : ' 7 r; , - Question 4. Are you certain that the deduction was made, and that you are not mistaken in supposing so? Answer. 1 am Very certain that I am net mistaken,, for when I received the Speaker's warrant, the Clerk (Marsteller) reminded me ctf having .been paid in part (including my mileage) by virtue of the certificate received from him, and on my presenting the Speaker's warrant to Col. Wheeler, he asked me how much I had received. I told him I had received eighty-one dollars ($.81) by virtue of the Clerk ( Marsteller 's) certificate, and the deduction was then made by Col. Wheeler after he had made a calculation as to the amount He (Wheeler) then filed the warrant away with other papers. Question 5. How often have you been id Raleigh since your settlement with Col. Wheeler? Answer. I came to Raleigh in April or May 1843, and received the Journals and Acts of thelast Legislature, which I distributed in the western part of the State. I returned again (here) in July or j Inniiit IVllvuriniv in mnlro mv Tntiirna tn ihp Srvv. nf"Stjlte of the rfvpints nf thr I :TfrW fnr tho Arts A c. distributed as aforesaid, and I received mv comnensat ion of Secv. Hill I came to this citv the week before the sitting of this Legislature! to make thet returns of the Presidential election for Randolph coun- tv. and received ft 15 for the same of Col. Wheeler. Question 6. Do you know that Col. Wheeler was in Raleigh at either of the times referred to above Answer. I don't know that he was. excent the last, Question 7. Have vou received of Col. Wheeler any money since ha'naid Von IT. 15 above referred tol Answer. 1 received $30 of him (Wheeler) in Tor-about ten days after the cor mencemerit of the present session, for services rendered as door keeper of the Senate. .. .... . Question 8. Had vou any intimation that there was a mistake, from Col. Wheeler or any other person in your settlement at the SSa. m ... . . J il. , A. close ot the last Legislature, previous to-its discovery oy. me present Committee of r inanceJ Answer. I had not Questions. When you first heard of the mistake having been discovered, did you communicate that fact to Col. Wheeler, -and if so, what did he say - . Answer. I did. He f Wheeler) replied "content yoursclfTthey have only told you of it to scare you, there will be nothing done a- boutit" - Question. Do you know how much Col. Wheeler paid you when vou handed him the Sneaker's warrant at the close ot the session Answer I dotft knoYr the precise sum in cash that I received at that time." Tlie reason why I can't state the precise sum received by me at that time is, that 1 don't recollect whether I find received any money from Col. Wheeler previous to our last settlement at the close of the session. - - Question. Although yon cant state the precise snm received of Col. Wheeler by virtue of the Speakers warrant at the close 01 tne Session, are you certain that you accounted with toi. wneeier tor the e.ghty-one dollars paid by Mr., Uirdsall ut tnat time, ana mat that amount was deducted from your pay? Answer. 1 am certain that $91 was deducted from the $223, the amount of the Speaker s warrant? Question. Did you have Marsteller's certificate present ai your settlement with Col. W heeler? n.-r .. Answer. I did not have it. T Question." Did you receive more than one sum of money of Mr. Hinton or his clerk? ' 1 r-, ' Answer. 1 received $81 of Mr. Hinton or his clerk, but m not certain-that I received it all at one payment. ' . . 1 ' .1 . t. ; " J.t. ,. wnestion.--Are you iu me naoii 01 TeceiTinfr nwnsy .wiiu" counting it at the hands of the person from whom it is received? Answer. I am not, '' ' '7 ; 4i 1 ' " 'r' Question. Are yoti certain that yon received ne more than $$1 of Mr. Hinton or his clerk for your Ecrviccs during the last Legisla ture? - - - Answer. I think I did not; but can't say positively." " 'T- 1 JAMES. PAGE-' .. Test, 0 ' - . A. Dockkrt, Chm. ., . ' . , ' " . ' ' ' j, . " DEPOSITION OP GREEN HILL. Question. Did you hear Col. Wheeler say any thing in regard to nu naving paia wr. rage jpo muqn money, nnu 11 , wim Answer. A short time after the adjournment of the last Legisla ture, Col. Wheeler told me he had raid Mr. Page too much, and ar k- ed me the name of Page's Post Office: as he (Wheeler) wished to write to page ou the subject : he also asicca me 11 rage was :.i. - j i . u MnnA t Mniu.l that I (thought ht was responsible, and that I had alwaya regarded him I -V. o a 09 A- 5. 8. w O P I

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