(.'i tinMafArriof ib I(:jiMura WN C1M4- PUBLIC ACTS. ' ' I "TV. - --..l .k.. .: . r .1 ri - a. I v lairmi mr kcuihii pi iop nevHro . Ml . 1 imiiiim cimcei ning i leiks and Uegtsteii I MaLr.it Ihedut of ih. count v eoliritor. at Aki.rtlt Am aa.tr.ai n ..anH nnan.a r ar , to stamina ih officers, (is ths precee of tn onx. or rrfHim md elrrki of tne .ty and superior courts, to eteertai. and re port whether all the ktromente ordered have fr am-N duly reeofded, and whether Iba several docket, have beea avrittea out ad kept op, bei eooaty court way snake a. order dupenaiiig with aucb .lamination. Report concerning .nprrior court to be made ta attorney aaeral or anlteitnr. Drliitquefiit mat be indicted and . fiord or rvntneed at Iba dieeretioa of the court. Cuuaiy earn .hall allow toltriinr eontpentation fur hia -ric. - Upon the death. rt.ignsilon, ' or removal or any of Ihe officer aforesaid. If it 4 shall be foaad that any ef their datiea remain nperformed the court .halt appoint aoma per. son to di H, snd so. for the smount paid for tha aama on the oflirnl bond of the delinquent; and a itch officer may be Indicted for breach of duly a nW provided by law, , Z. ursntinf to the Sttpcrwr Oouite of ., .1. ... .... .! , -T J 11 . fl WW tne cnumii-e w lamy, tu tenmoe, lien- dei eon. Ilavwood, Macon and Cherokee orgiual and conclusive jurisdiction in all case, where the intervention of a jury may be necessary. From and after the first ' at. tkt UlMk. analMa .Mtl. nf tka.a ...... I ; . " w...... wvmi'w miw-wwt .uwnin not to auminons any jury ; clerks f each coun ty c-timi Deliver over a iranteripi ana papers ol ., all suits pending in aueh eoort, and deliver to clerk of anperior eoort by laat of March, who hall dockj-t then, under the penalty oft 100 3. Concerning the admissibility of evi dence arainst the acre tics of officer and otliers., (Provides that in actions on offi cial bonds, any receipt or acknow tedgentent, or .. tBy thine admisarbW aeaint any nicer, snail also be admissible and competent against his sureties t that all sheriff, coroners or eonsts- bits admitted and sworn into office by the eoon T" ty eosrt. shall be deemed tiffhtfalfv In ouVe. : antil. bv Micial sentence, reiuoved t and their r bonds shall be- eslidf- notwjijistf odipg anyei tret to ui.ir ciroiion. t -r- 4,- TwBendthefthicetianofthe Revised Suiates, concerning tlm enmptroller. Pro- U tnw lt BKli. 1 f Ik. I -1 II... -ww wnw W w, II " VUlHr'lUliri Repon, In the year when ihd Lcilaiure doc not meet, in oamohTrt tutm i and that it ahatl - ha published la onlr two newapapcrs In Ra- i.it. i - . ... H?iK n, i"ua vi ventwapaper oi uisoiateaa IVlvvviUTt. 8. To Ceile to the United Stalea a cer turn tract of land lyine on the island of Portsmouth, Carteret county, foi the pur nose of erectinir marina knanilsl lliaMnn 0. More effectuallr to tunptess the of fence of trading with slaves. Provides that it shall be lawful in the same bill of in- dMitmrnt. In 4ifl-.ni .fitifi. ... !. ... J.. readers wib uJi hiiw, lwu iwww tnt h pa stotea, mm petit larceny. ' '7. To amend tit tan, section of the lthh eiispter oi Keviea ututcs, that aa tha dmlh nf an al-.k court la vacation leaving no lawful deputy, it wai mm wm uuty -oi uts alien a to summon tns a-agistratee to meet and appoint a clork. 8. Ooneeminr iurv trials. iProvides that . ia mil ftBI-h IpUlc itlM fcllliaa av iWaala. a...l '. liAVtt a riffht. Mi aKatl kd aIiea.l A a..MA - - - s - w - --- w eiu iv the J wy their whole esse, a tH of Hw aa of l-ai ff-...-.. . ToproviJe for taCitlfy Sn the office cf eonnly surveyor. Authorises the coun : r ty eoerte to appoint special ereyors, when tltereise vacancy, to sorvty any lands that ay ae entered. 10. To annex a portion of Rutherford eountr to the eun!T of AlcDowxIL . It. To eilend Uie time for registering grauis, mesne conveyances, powdsof at . lorney, bills of Bale, and dceda of gift.-- w ww jwara i oo noi 10 Sa- tend to mortgages, deeds of trust, or twamn land a. It. To cede portion of Rutherford count to the eoontr of Henderson. : 13. To extend the provisions of the act Ol ISSO-'SI. far tha rll.r .J a may-have" suffered irom the burning of !... .-J- -r ll .c.. ., . hii - irvnnu o iienioru inumr. ami in passed J 83 1-33, to the counticer of Mont gomery and Stanly. . 14. To ' protect the public bridges in Tyrrell Washington and Onslow counties. (Imposes a fins ol fifty dollars for injuring said bridges by running any Vessel, boat or raft a- 15. To amend the art of 1829, to keep . a n a srw em open tne r rencn urnau Kiver, in the coun ty of Buncombe, and the Tennessee River, i- tl....t r .. .1.. - ret a ii.jwwui u r pitm ni nail, 16. To authorise the Wilmington and Raleigh Rail Road I'ompany to isaue ' bonda to the amount of one hundred thou- . sand dol ars, to redeem a Tike amount of bonds issued under the act for the relief of " the" Wit mia&ion nd -RalcigliRaii " Road Company. . Provides thst the company 'my isaue lbs snid amount of bonds, made pay We to the I'ublte Treaaaw, whe ahali endorse the aanM, signed by the Prertdant under the seal of the company, in asms net less than 1000 J. II... .. m i. . , wiww, p. v pi,, ewk luivrrvi, lu av paia vemi 1 1 ,l. r it i r , , annual it mm inw npit pionaaya in January ana Julv nilncloal ta bs Did. &0.MUI J..lla lu "Jan." IHM, and ramaiuder 1st Jan, 1810. ' 960,000 of ilnae bonds to ne delivered over to the company when ll shall pay to the Treaauier ' the t.0.000 4ue on 1st Jan. IMS, of former bonda; and same when the 5C.O0O due in '46 shall be paid , and company shall furnish to Tieasurei lbs names of persona to whom sold, and be shall also be informed to whom trans ferred from time to lime. . Pinvids luitbsr fur takings mortgage sn the read and its receipt lr the indemnity of the State t and fr seques tration of receipts and appointing a receiver for --the State, oa f.tlere to pay inteieat t and oa fail era to pay Ink-ins and principal, the mortgage . .may be foreclosed. nd road sold, . 17. Extending the jurisdiction of justi, eee of the peace over jmlgments, and a mendatory of the' (Hit aecuun nf the Re- - vised 8'atetcs entitled ' justices of the peace," and the 40ih section of (he Revised Dtaiutes, entitled courts, couaty .and su perior. Xiivei jurtsdiction'over all mmi doe by judgment rendered by a single magie Irs not eceeeding aiOOTlho' interest and cost may go over that amount. Courts shall dis miss suiis brought, bw such judgments rendeied vr wii auia). . - . , ... . , IS. dmceniinf tha Sunerior Court of leTtT:Jr ' ':'Yi -n-' W 19. To alter the limes of holding tne' eouniy eouru .of Beaufort After March nasi, lu na kalJ ,m l ha Sra Mo.Ji, la Ma. I ri wonuaya ia nay, i S a ana) Nawnku Tso. Jlore e ffcstually to ptevent the iot i"r":.::, ,v.iJ""'u f-ft-m-! t-, a.thoMwho .prisonraent of honest debtor. Provides j ihM hereafter remav aus talitfacitndum shall J .I.-..- I . .t ar i -1 . i nr i . . . mHv,aiiini wi piiiflwij anail maa. . ID.aB.lt IB J ...l.t 1 - I I .. 1 . 1 Wiiting thst ks botievee the defendant baa not BrooertV which eaa ba wmmrhmA hw S f, r k property which cannot bo iboe re ac lied, of rraur J. A .1. . I. L. v - pj nmtrm hi piopenj, money are neeie, or is about to otmove from the Stale. Thst no eoort shell permit an issue of fraud to be made ep. under the act for the relief of honest debt ors, unless the plaintiff shall make an affidavit suggesting fiaud end stating particulars j and that plaintiff may proceed, in the first instance. au, ny lu.ja., wnicn nau not aland ir uiai ai me appearance lerm . 31. In favo.- of poor debtors, fin ad' dltioe to what la ua .vimnt mm ...iiim. exempts, in favor of every boose-keeper, for debts contracted after tat July nest, necessarv farming touts for one laborer t one bed, bedstead and eovariiMr tnm mm. im m iL.m m .1. . c.M. m .- J . w .ji"vii ui . ,.ua- ily two mntiths ptovikioo for the family, four -ii- an neceaaary nouaenoia ana K lichen fiirnilure. sot tocae! fin tnllr i That on application of a debtor for the benefit boldera to ln nit hia nnninn Tl,.l .11 A.. .r ui, ui niaiica 10 appoint inree tree- truat or otherwtae of the property exempt fiom .zrcauon, snail oe null and void. 22. Asaentino- tn tha nnrchaai. k il. IT States, of certtin land in the town of Wil. mington, and ceding the jurisdiction of Worth Carolina over the as me tinder certain I imitations sml conditions therein contained Cedes land on which to erect custom hoose. ZZ. Sunnlemental to an net niunl iu ilm year 1838, entitled an art supplemental to an act passed in the year 1834, to lay off" ana eetauiian a road Irom Alorganlon to the Tennessee line. Appoint James A. Ilttsli, Alfred Kealh, snd Thomas Baker, commission ers to Isy off that part of the road lying between Burnavills and the Indian Giave Clap, by the firat of June nexu 21. Concerning the Snrwirinr Pniirl- f m i j . .' v ica reiana county . VJerliS prohibited Irnm iuine certificate to Judoa until a nVlt nn Thnraday evening ol Court week. - xo. ro amena an act or 184243, lo punish Uie default of returning oflteers iif the election of President and Vice President of Hie United States. Makes the olTVnce eog niaable in the eouniy where the defaulting officer lesides. 20. Amending the 8th section of the 50th chapter of the Revised Statutes enti tled an act concerning; frauds and fraudu lent conveyances. Provides thnt con tracts for leases for mining purposes shall ba void, unless mads in writing. VI. For opening the Peetlee and Yadkin rivers. Appoints B. W. Simmons, Eban llearn. Lemuel 1). Kmh ami Vi.nk.i. commissioners to inspect the Peedee and Yad in 1 1 wm oomn iaronna in in iiowan and f )a- j4mUfy.tob$tlWlrMiA lkK.HMhl pels Of said rivers for the oassaea, of fih, and 1 kin from Bomb Carolina in the Kowsn and Da maV emoloV nanda tn ramaia an l,m. f ceut mill dama. waia. A. iliai r. i.. sad 100 feet on mill dams shall be marked and lept open. 28. Kelatinrr to the F.imi-nmho TnmnlL. U..J!. n " . " ... -"I"-" nuau in uuneomoe antt t lenaerson cun- ues. unsnges the fine on hands failinir to work oo ssid road lo those counties to 50 cents. MK Ceiling portion of Rutherford coon ty to the COUntV of Cleavelanil. 30. To amend the Ret iaed Smtnii.. titled an act concerning legacies, filial por tions and distributive aharea ami thm Pa.!.. ed Hthtute descents. rProvidee that when any person shall die Intestate hsving given a ny child mors than his distributive shsrs of the personal estate, the excess shall be charged to him In the divilion of tha raal ania. iml ih. ssme, if he shall havs given one more than his miHiiuuiiT anars 01 ine real estate. 31. To allow tha Jtialirea nf ih P.... of Hyde county, to lay a tax for the pur pose of purchasing the MaUmuskeet and Rosebay Turnpike. This shall be done at the next term, snd when an niirrhnaxt shall keep opeateld road and canal as public iiiyiiwaj 32. Mofe effWttlnll- tn afrnr ilia .t.ki due for Cherokee lands, and lo facilitate the collection of the same. Provides lhat the Governor shall appoint a commissioner, who, i'b Ae -egom aballke, board (to ba psidf S a day for their services) to examine tha bonds lo ascertain tha aolvennv oi ina.l . nf,K. elpala, and make out and report to the Governor separata lists of each class, with the namea of the ohligors snd thsireureties,emounts paid, due,. &e. Thai Uia Oo rnAf aha It St Mall rr ai.. a. der bonds in which ihs ptincipals ate certified l L I I . . i 1 . vm maoiveni, wnere insir sureties sre purcha sers, provided the shsll surrender within ik... months, the lands and improvements to the otste, in a writ ea conveyance, duly pioved be foie a luda-s or eoun. with all oiim r. . niss paid and on failurs to do so, the Governor Shall brino sail on lhair hnnta. That -wm - .- . fi-fiiicill On IhS Solvent bonds ma k maila . ll vna-iwenuein pan en the tat Uec. 1813, and one-twentietb of ihs principal and Interest due on the 1st Dee. 1845. with all shall be paid on ihs 8.'h Dec. In each and every year thereafteit and on failure thereof, the uu'nuur tuaj uirera auii,aa n may w Urn any an vvciiiiib i.uuuiiui. . 33. To attach thai pi rt of Carteret cou n ty aaown as ucrsrone to 1 1 y lie county 34. To secure the alliens of this Sinte the richt of nslnne in the nnvirr.kL " ... .... . . . H . w u a..;, i, of the State. - -TProvirlaa that nn nannn .I..1I nsh with selns, 4tc. In these wateis, nor assist - :- .... ...... nor oa interested is Bulling until they shsll have resided ta -this Ktaia 14 nmik. n,.i.ij .k.. .iw-,.W lil.l noihinj in hit act ihall rstend lo any on ... - - J sisisjiiaiB VI UIIIC" lUanrt. or mho 1a hired bv an nnl wlii ku. m lawful right. Penalty one hundred dollars. 35. 1 O amend the Li!.?d chanter nf thi ait of the Rjvissd. Sta tlltAS. pnnr.rnini wreck I Md wrecked propetty. ('Provides that the county of Carteret ahall be divided into five and New tish'ovar inta aal, Ji.i.L.1.. thst no pilot ahall be commissioner of wrecks! w pvrauoa 10 aajusi rewsru 01 salvors disss; rasing assy select anorhel; shar commis sioners alone ahall sell wrecked property, for which they shall receive five per cent, snd shall not ha entitled In uliim ami Ik., .... ooart of Hyde may Isy off that county into dis 80. Concerning the Siiiurii Can r vsniutti. rerson counties. Prohtbi j the rlerks front issuing eeilificstes to the Jsdoes i : l . ...iii i - I a rt .... m mica aoTsoay or court week. 87- Supplemental to an act of 18:38, en titled an act supplemental to an act of 1834 to lay off and establish a road from Mor- w ISj vii anu vataoiisn m TVml rranmn inihTni..u.i;.. T- tie time for perlecung tUieau, i.0ll, hereUfor. ,ntereU rp" ,. k.vingentemd land and Z.pukkll. i" ! pureuaaa money since Jan. 1840. may have ami J... i. havs not paid, may havs antil Jan. 1847 to pay 1 and perfect title: provided it shall not aflitet lbs I .:. i- r .i j . i j - title af olliara. aor extend ia aacaeun ln4 3D. To authorise the Portsmouth and Rosnoke Rail Road Company to charge tolls on their bridge over Roanoke 1 river, near the town of Weldon. (Tor 4 wheel 5 leasure carriage, 62 J cents, barouche 37 J cla, wheel pleasure earrtsg, "85" cents, 4 borse wagon 50 centa, S do. 37J, eatt 0 cents, man and horse 12,ing1s horse or foot passenger 6j. 40. To authorise the foreclosure of the mortgage of the Raleigh and Gaston Rail Road. Preamble recttea the provision of ihs act of 1833, authorising the Tieaaurer to en dorse bonds for f 900,000, and taking a mortgage for the same on the road; also the piovisons of the act of 1840, for endorsing $300,000, taking individual bonds and mortgage, and authorising inquiry into the insolvency of said eompsnyt declares that the company has been ascertained lo be insolvent; and proceeds, therefore, to pro vide that the Governor shall cants the foreclo sure of the said mortgagea, in Wsks Superior Court, at it term in April, 184, with power to the court lo adjourn the eanse, il hot heard at thill term, to thsearlitst day practieshle, and from time to lime until it shall be decided, snd the (lovemoi shall designate the Judge who shall hold such adjourned court; snd when the court shall rendei a decree, it ehall appoint the puhlie Treasurer catnmiasioner lo sell theroaa, after sixty days' notice, and the Governor ia au thorised to hid on behalf of the Stale, s sum not exceeding J300.000 and the interest unpaid by the company on the bonds of 1840 '41; snd if purchased for the Stale, the Governor, Treasu rer ami Comptroller shsll be a board to appoint Officers lO msniu. lh Mm. until tha Rl.f. .kail dispose iheieof, which is directed lo be done as ranj sv prsciicaoie, oy tnelicveinor and Coun cil, who ahall convey the same to pnrchssers wnn tne original franchises, opon ihe securities provided: or, if many time, the road shall fail to pay eipcnses snd repairs, shsll discontinue llie aams snd sell the perishable aronertv. Anil the Governor and Council mi noen hnnlca nf uuscMimon: ana 11 Biiiu.inin ara anhai-rrhaH sod secured, by iieo .and,, persontl aecuriiy, to be paid in one and two years, Ihe lubsctibers, aa a company, snatt take Ihe road. 41 To amend the 58th sect on of the Re vised Statutes, entitled courts, county and anperior. j iTovit.es tnat after 1st June next, no cival ororeta ahall tm aaiveit An ana person attending divine worship during the time nf a 1 1 Ii urn..!;.. ... ... . . ' I . . "'ui, noi mnj precept irieu at socn place durinir auch time, under nenli nfn.. ddllars. - ' r ' w 41 To prevent the levvino- of esernlinns . . - n upon growing crops, until said crops re ma tured. Makes it unlawful lo levy execu lions on any growing crops. 43. Concerning a penitentiary. Pro vides thst st tha nsil flection for members for ieinoiy, me vote ri tne people shall be tsken ft.,a4.ageinjt .Penitenarjannsyhqo sernor shall obtain tnioimatisa nn tha .nhi.r Aisembly, the vote of the people shall be tsken r. . . . . .1 ; . ii . uu imuiiau tne sams previous to tin election. i-i. t o amend nn act tn - nrnvii! rnr tha collection and management of a revenue lor mis atale. (Provides that the Comptroller shall allow for inanUanla in aaiilia. ariil. .Wa. iff'i and repeals so much ss requires ths Comp- ivnc, luiintii rvriatn Dianas. 45. Fpr the reorganization of the Ports mouth and Roanoke Rail Rood Company. Provides that ths Governor shall appoints commissioner to act with commisaiooers of Vir ginia to sell the road, franchise, tie. to purcha sers, but rights of creditors shall not be affected ly the sale. ' 48. To repeal a part of an "act of the lie vised Statutee.chap. 89, sec. I , as to time and manner oi electing wardens of the ppor. o i.r ns relates to tne counties ol Hertford, Tyrrell and Yancey. (Provldea that, the eoiinty courts of each of these counties shall, at the first term after Jan. neit, and evsty three yesrs thereafter, elect seven fieebolders as war- j ... .i uet-ii oi me poor. 47. To revive and continue in force an act to authorise the lavinorntrnml otmhli.h- ing a turnpike toad from Laxton Lynch's, in uume, 10 tne wiuow sales a. In linn. .combe. fRevives the mid. nM tmki much at auiboriwa a tubMriutioa oo the put of lbs Sl.la . r- 4S. Tb nmeml llio 1A3ril h T7o;t Si.i utes-coflcerniiw the Imrtfovetrrent of rivets i i ,. ' . anucrevKs, ana to prevent obstructions to their navigation. I Prnviiloa thni am,ni., courts, where trraoia havs been or may hereanar u luiproTea unaer tne proviatons of the above re cited BCl. BliaU aillnint iwiHUM mwA mmmlm k I. ' I ' w. a.na wi,h liaiHI. to keep them clear, but aloDea la he kent in renair by the owner. 49. To revive and Continue in force lh act of 1831 '32. to re-enact snd extend the provisions of an act nf IS90 In in.n,nn..id the Lake Drumnmnd and lkrnnar,lra Pnn.1 Company, entitled an act to amend an act n iui rrasion to incorporate said company, A.e. TRevivea act nf in.1i Vt J nrf Jesse Wijfjjn, ,nj olher. commissioners to open books of subscription. 80. Supplemental to the act of 1-st ses sion to establish the county of McDowell. Provides for a Superior Court for said county, lobe held at Union, en the 3d Monday after 4th in Sept, 1815, and on the 6tb Monday after 4th In March and Sept. iheieafter." 51; To provide for making a survey from Raleigh and Fayetleville, west, to Uie Geor gia line. (Directs the Governor, before ins 3rd M ntlay ia Xov: t sM, to eantw a survey ut be mad kh a vie of miking a laraiike road. 02. To amend the Revised Statute enti tled religious societies. (Provides that the Confluence. Synod, Convention or other religious body, repreaentinc any church, shall have power to appoint t'uateee to bold property for auch church. 53. For a canal from Cape Fear to Lum ber river. (Provides that a company may be formed, alia a aapilal of $300,000 lor laid pur 54. To alter the time of holding; the Su perior Courts nf Law and Equity lor the counties of Rockingham and Guilford. tiivea the aranad int of liuilfurd aaurt la Hork. mglu-t lor koih Inni el IIUraa4 Iks aama t Or ange fie 148, sad Una lorrlura haak to Guilford a hair tutor. S3. Concerning Sheriff and Constables. ?UrilT. aad aonatahlvi n-t aaing dae diligenee hi tn tollrarioa of alaimi ptaecd tat their baada, ihall Imj liable for Ihe amount .' 66. Authorising the making a turnpike road in Wilkes county, and to incorporate a company for thnt purpose. 67. To consolidate and amend the acts heretofore passed on the , subject of com mon schools. (Provid. s. among the prin cipal amendmenta and aluVmliona. thai annarintaaA. ens ahall be appointed by lbs court nest preceding m ur aiuauaj or uciooer in every year, and I ate office On tha nmt Mmiila V (Mnkan iK.i m..;i. ahall ka -1 --- I - 1 n - n iuv na -"1 Uiuaj i orp. I semtier tn every year, aud lata offic lbs trat . frfondayof f.o.n preaan, mipbmd-nt. aad eommiucaa ahail eoaUaus la aKee antd etben ' er choaea aa mjuired by the artt that the ebai" man of saperinleadrnta shall be aliowed lo retain 2) per cent, of all monies that may pas tbnwah hia banda ss a comproMlion for bis services; that this act -hall be printed snd distributed among ths counties.- that all persona or the aga dffour years, ball be allowed to go tn tha arbool.'" and that coonty tax, when levied, ahall Aot ba lev than one half of the estimated amount lo be raiaed from the 8tate. 68. Providing for the appointment of Engrossing clerks. lfiovidea mat only ens shall be appointed st the commencement of the : i .i r i ... . i lOTiun, oj ui agiiiaiure, ana mat mnera uiij ka anmanlail .... ..1 i . .... K. I ti . ... i n.l ... I clerks .- and sbsll not reccivs more than $2 s day w .I'I'h.i. u. mn i.i..uiii ,wwi t ... ... each. 09. To repeat an act paaed in the year 1825, entitled aa act tt repeal in part an act passed in the year 1820, entitled an act In authnriai? and .mnniir.i ihn .nrnmitainn. ... . .......a..!. era of the several towns of Fayetleville, rsewDern, llmington and larborouvn.to organize and keep up Fire Engine Com- jmurro. fifl. Silinnf manlal ti nn net n.J al " " ' 1 I ... III. MV- j'.'J.JV. U V the General Assembly of 1943-M, entitled an act to lay off and establish a County oy tne name oi Mcuowell, and to nz llie time at which the Superior Courts of law ana courts oi equity, and two terms ol the non jury courts of Pleas and Quarter Ses sions shall be held in the counties comno- sing tne seventh Judicial Circuit. ., . 61. Repealing the 8th sec. Rev. Stat, concerning crimes and punishments. 62. To amend the 7th section of the Re vised Statutes, entitled Guardian and Ward." f Provides that where any guar- man p remove", unncr aam ,ciioa, ana ine wacea amiointed la hi, htaaa ntfau. in apavM. At. toraey t.caeral shall bring au it aginiu him aad hia urviic. fill. Conrernino lh inanprlnra nf Amir - -- s 1 Authorises llie county court of New Honovtr to appoint an inspector of flour for Wilming on. who ahall hold hie office for five years, give bond dec, aa uuai un npeOrBv At. Ta imAibl an aat n . .a. 1 In fQfl an. . ...I. t.V. hi. u. , JJUO.l . ,i, VI. tiled an act to incornorate the Nantahalah Turnpike Company, f Ex lends time for opening book to 1st March. 845a and reduce iocft tj WHH) alollara. .v fi . I rt npnarailsa IV. a Vtsa Arlisaetl iirt Ck m . ji'wrtuw airs, ana vuu.siiivii uiiii maintcnanm nf ihn ni-vor nni ilpHtilntA Hpf J IIV 1 " .1 a. . r a wai si V4 vjgouiia ill tut Miutct I r niYinriallM ainnss-illa ft AAA e.AM lliaa 1 ... VnnJ I " " "iiiiuauj bvVvv iiuui sitw avt(ci at j a uiau lo the education and maintenance of ihene cltMec, nnoer tne aciection ami direction of Literary Board. eithttr hv rirusxiinrv -Lokwvlai aa ftkaaa . ftlaaiaa n aamlinn them to invitation in other 8 (ate: and count; court may levy Uie to' the amount of 75 dollars tnm Ilia, - a t I . f swi a.ssD Bu ir iMrra an mmmrw muxrn nvrann mmwimi irrxn sivii VfjllUf. - lift. To preveitt Tree netToef anH mulattoet frotn trr7Ukinr In arle-l .nirua r Pfovula A ihatl ihssw aspr wti 99 iitrj iTitatft ifiemaeiTr. n finer a penai - iCn vwiiairw iir mm irra oncnev i anu wr niej vaaa.Aa.sl eaffa. aa .L.ll 1. ...I. a 1 Jl-a a.-. a J fine or iropriaMmimcnt at the di mi at ion of the 8upe hhi,ii v was 1 1 ajar sj)jc;sb i bsiuis.siii;iiv , sgusj lAaHswkihat taM Paw n.a..i;. : - j"- vast ikiii. witvwai mm wi saw saw lea . oa. ie rrpra.1 aa act to repeal lite third tectioa of theaet of 1825, to direct the manner in which -.a-m...wai snsita twrcrBiiicr am iBsajca io rviaiicri oi tbiritooai liqoort, io far at regard the ouutie of vvsis-GBj ajaiBig ncrcaurr ne ntvco io rauueri n9. Ta .amil t. 1 ... : i by s fingle juilioe, and to enaourace and bcilitatsihe practice w, iani Kvuriij mr in fortlieommg of Snnd aivaa fna f. ... knn 1 k .. I- irroviiiei mat der election, thai) contain Matencat oftucb aliat- i.l. i : ... I a . . i ... aw itm mail aiaa a given ia aeturnie. 70. To ineorporata tha North Carolina Mining, Menafaetaring Mj Land Ataoeiatioa. Capital aot to exeeed 100,000. ia aharea or 100 dollar each, aad alockboldara 10 be liable in their individual capacity. 71. Halalnra la Vm..!.. rt ,k.t. I f invpunm 10 men- atoaa. -- - .... .. ... .-..".n. ... v.i in, ni. wiaa, iv 3u ccnii. eioepi ai 10 reteit Tt. la relalioa lo Ihe Slate Library. Librarian to keen dam I .iknM ka.a. ik. l..... ni a . .. j m and d and I o'clock. 7S. for tha mora ineedv admlaitlratlon mf mu lice. Gives tha Judge ih power to apitoinl and hold eitra Termi of tha Sunerior Rourll. taW be lhair aarviaaa Ka ika I l . Llr.1. uah term may be held. wrV ' ,'",ioB ' 'be Revised Statute entitled Wills sad Tenement!, to amend tha tame and to re neal nart nf ika l ual.. ai tk. .uM c,.. lied laad. af - J J-L.. . r O : i . .1 , - . -cinini. 1 1 rvinici i.iat in. RURiatl-atina n. k. ta .kiw K...-. n.-'A..- - ""'l'7 i win maua oni 01 ine siai. it an thm iaei a teatator to bequeath erery interett ha has, tho not in rmiaellion i aad Drovldaa rar In a ana. ,.fl. ..... I 111 t . . .. a. . 1. traction of wills. 75. Ta lauil ika Cfl.k .ka-,.r.k. n : 1 ... 1 .r. wiarH V, lllliau Statatetand 49(h aratioa of tak) act (Pro-ides that IRtn4Hara aaslaa aa Maamls avi ltA a.11 a. .La.ll m n.v-acij uw UUII1II, e a difterenae at to hard and toft terpentine, he. aaaaa...a L. U C na . .I ""-iiorf. i.aneret, Mania, brwor. rut. Craven, On blow aad Whtm. 7o. ConcerninHXhel a(nta nf Pkrdr.a. T.n.la TO furnish th tflsmnlmlta-r HlinliaamaW -4atsSTaas. - aj-mw.av wvIHVVV - iaSSSB) of money collected. 77. To amend tha tnib aa nf it,, itii -k. Slat, rAuthoriavs Court of Eo lit Ia annninl tima Snd place of sale. 7 Ta provide for removal nroitrutiont to nav igation oi Kaaanke, eeraaionrd by erect io ol Hirra burg Rait Boad Orii'ga (Provide that tha Mmpa ay ahall entire! a draw lo admit iba piaiar of 1 -, pay in i-iaie aents lor ev ery pertna pawwg ner taid bridge. 79. Ta prevent fraudulent voting. (Maketfraa daleat voting indialable ami puaiahabl br 8a aad imprisonment. - Su Amending act concerning coronert. Giving Sjuat ices power lo appaiat one, where there it a aoroaer. It . Declaratory of ihe set to aid fat. Impts. 4 To sawed Ihs Bev. Stat, souceroiog guardiaa aad ward. 8:). To encourage the culture and manu facture of Silk and Sugar am'ong the Cherokee Indiana in litis Stale. ('Extends to them the provisions of the Act encourag ing these articles in this Slate, passed in the year 1836. PRIVATE ACTS. 1. Ta amend ihti ait innnrnniaiina. ika Trustees of Edenton Academy. a. I o amena ins art Tor the better regu lation of the town of Mocksville. 3. To incorporate 'the town of Marion, in ihe county of McDowell, and to appoint commissioners for the lame. 4. To authorize the county court of Lin coln to exercise exclusive jurisdiction over ihn mihlin mail tftlii-li ia ttna ,tia,,tina C. " - -- . ... w u. . V. 1 1 1 p( llllfS between the counties of Lincoln and Cleve land. , 5. To amend an act lo change the Iocs lion of the court house ef the county of Montgomery, and for other Dumn.ea. na. ed 184aV-3. fAuthoriaes former commis sioners to establish tha town of Troy, at West'a Old Field, and In Ineata lherain tha court house and jail ; and the county court, at April term, ahall lav tax to nav for aaid buildings. , "na-r osrnuet .nnnn 10 estao- iah toll bridge over French Broad river, ia the couaty of Buncombe. , o. 1 o autbonse bamuel Cbnnn to estab- 7 To incorporate Cross Creek ' l-nlge. No. 4, of llie Independent order of Odd Fellows, in the lownof Fayetleville. a Tn nresanl the nhalmrline nf fiah passing up Six Kens Creek, in Sampson county. fPrescibes a penalty of fifty did - .1 n - . , tais mr tne onenee, it a wu.ie person, at.it whinpittff. if a slsve. 0. Making compenastinn to the jurors of rt i em .a f ttyae. Allows mem 73 rents a day. 10. To alter the mode of sppain'.inz con stablea in Tyrrell county. Gives the elec tion to tne county court. 11. To ree-ula'e the 70th and 71st reci ments of the militia. Militia in Lincoln former I v attached to 70th in hp altanhad in Tl.i regiment : and that portion in Catawba former ly or the 7 tat tobe ol the 70th. 12. Repealing an act of 1823, direrting the time and nlaee of selling laml unrlar av ecu lion, so far as it extends to the county of martin. 13. Inrorpnrarinjr the trustees of Milton Female Institute, in the county of Caswell. 14- Incorporating the town of Monroe, in the county of Union. 13. To attach a portion of the militia of the 63th regiment to the 68th. 16. Incorporating the Franklinsville Guards in the county of Randolph. 17- Incorporating a company of cavalry in the town of Wilmington. . 18. To authorise the ennntv rtnitri nf Beaufort to appoint special justices of the peace, and making compensation to such justices for certain services. fCourt. at first term after 1st Jan. may appoint aa many . j ........ y , -.. ,,. eounlv. to receive feea for their aatcina.! km nni viivciai niaiicea a it mnv think nmut ri.r ika iiiwid man two io os appointed ior tne town of ii aaningion 19. To atithnriae the). Pnrtamnnlh anil Roanoke Kail Road Company tn charge tolls on their briilrra over Roannkn ni.r " SO. Incorporating a milling1 company in Ihe county of Anson. Constitutes Wm. ( !...;,k t'l a.f-1 , n a., , . . Smith. Khen Nelm. Jna P. Nairn, a kJa corporate, to be styled the Pee Pee Milling Com- 21. InCornoratinrrthe PlirPniv FireHnm. pany, in the town of Elizabeth City. 22. To Drevent th fallinir nf limtiar in r - - - -- s ... the water courses of the cnuntv nf fJnil. ford, rimposes a Denaltv of ten dollar far every offence. 23. IncorporatinertheNewbem Mechan ic Association. 24. To amend an act ta inrnrnnnta tha Fayetleville Riflemen. 0 25. To chancre the nlain nr knLtinn- il. 2ff. To i-evive an art fnr tha Tuiita. .an..,. lation of the town af Wafretttcm. 27. Incorporating ihe town. of Rocking' ham, in Richmond county. f 0 'ease a silver mine to Ueorge Sotherlin, the discoverer, and for other pur poses. 29. TO Prevent the fellino- nf llmka. in ihe creeki and rivers within the county of vauiirrus. 30, To incornorate the FavattaVnia T.i brary Institute. dl. lo amend the act of lftlft-7. to in corporate the town of Greensborotigh. 32. To alter the mode nf innn;.iln. stables in Beaufort county. Vesta their e- ivciior) in tne county court or said eountr 33. Incorporating Washington Lodge, ISO. S. Of the Indenemlpnt Orilar nf (1,1.1 renowsin niurireesoorougii. ll ii i oi. supplemental to the art nfiha riaa sent session, to amend an set tn ininrnnMia the President and Directors and Company of the Yadkin Toll Bridge. Authorises mu uu a luaueu wagon, oi 43 cents. n - T I . . . I T.T . t r . . .... iu man io u:e iortn Carolina Milt tarv Academv at Raloiirh. fnr iha -r ,k. j J T -w, ...w U.U J 1C cadets thereof, the necessary military arms auu equipments. 36. To appoint cammisaianera fne il.a tovrir oT AsheborbV and to incorporate the euiiic. 37. To nroville for the nnnninnr on1 .1... incf out of Aluddv Creek and its hrsnaha. in Stokes county. Makes it the duty of a uiai coumy eoun aiier 1st Jan. next, to order tne clearing out or iheaa raiMmi . m la ik. off into diatriets, appoint an overseer for each. Jaa..a!t L.-J- . I .a a . aiu ai'iiuim iiBnua )0 etcD, irom wow liable to wuin, on nuDiic roaaii. 38 To annoint commiisinnr tn lav aiT ruaiu in iiiRrnunii ni aina i a nKn.i. I I- al a- a- a . a- . ifiomatf 8. ChIIoWIT- inrl nlhora !.. A mMA C v j 0 A. sk .... ivau uum rrea. ainiprn in i lanisai Haeitaaia. 39. Incorporating a corps of eavalry, in the countv of Chowan. 40. Incorporating Dunn Faison Academy, iu uuptin. - 41. Dividing the militia of Ansoa into two regiments. 42. To improve the the navigation of Cy- cn-c, m oiauen county. I Authorises James Cromartie to clear oat said ereek for five mites. 4. To incorporate the Truateea of the ucuiuniu literary oociety and Academy in Stokes eouniy; ' 44. To incorporate a volunteer infantry vuuipaiiv in asningion, ueauiort county; 45. Making compensation to Tales Jurors in the county of Person. 46. To incorporate a corps of Cavalry in me ruuniy oi renjuinions. 47. To incorporate tha Fayetleville U brary Institute. . 4S. To incorporate Truateea of the Mor Iran ton Academv in Burke ennntv. 40. To incorDoraie the Cnnnnm mala. and female Acadeiniea in ;ibe couotj of 60. For the relief of Samuel Sowers. 61. To eatabluhanew regiment out of wo muiiia in uie county ol union. 62. To incorporate the town of Pittsbor wugu, uie county oi UliatDam. 63. Giving the countr courts ofSianlw two jury terms. ' 5t4 To P nrtni "hstructiona in Hitch cock's creek, in the nmntv nf P;Kn,nn.i .... ..llllllUIIU. S!t. Tn j;-;.i. ,k. :ir.T . , . av ""lug am iiiiiuis oi Anson into two regiments. 66. To amend an aat In Innnmnvala I k . ..w..aaiv iw town or Shelby, and for olher purposes. 67. Repealino; part of the act. Rev. Slat Ch. 80, Sec. 1. SB to the lime anil manna, nr tlcclino- wardens of the rwvnr u fate .If NXaranloa rS.w mLViSL? .l lCooMJ wa,jeo every thiss ysais electing wardens of the poor, so far aa re- Court to ' a ' . 68. To authorise the coanty eoonorpl-f to appoint special justices of the peace inj 1 makinv eiimneHiitiim in anah t....- .4 a - aav lUaUCCI In, SB certain purposes. 69. To repeal an act of 1825. cone.m:.. 1 Crs companies in Fayetlevifla. ' J 60. I o authorise the holding two addl tiona terms of the county courts of Cataw ba, at which there shall be no jury trials." 61. To incorporate Washington Acada. my, in the county of Duplin. G2. To locate the court house in the county of Catawba, at the town of New ton. - 63. To appoint eommiasioners fur tha tows Rockford, in lbs county of r any. , 64. 1 repeal aa set of lit ta rtnrtY ,,Mrf 1 13 --titled a. ... .bol, Umi cC eT-wtsi? Uu-(e nt ih eountj or Mam. -waaiy Cb. To eon firm a sale by James V. Guiniv. agent. Confirms his ssle to Scroop Knlos 4. Ta aoihorite the rrrooval .t aountv mm at volVtor'n! U,rt,,,bo",1-"lP'- th.nVy r 6T ,, 0ni Ibe aet lo amhoriw a TomiilU frem Hloekhouir to Cain Creek Bririg. 1 61, To ..t.bli.h aad regular . lo-npike1 mad la Maaon. to he a. lad ik. r. n J . - Cou,p..r. " w RESOLUTrON". 1. In lavor of Hnt Ail.lin.,.. it . ii- V - ' - -e". i rviura u ssi.1 Addington four bonds for JI 85 38, 1 bev baa. ing been executed without sny valuable eomidars, lion. S. In favor of I.ann.r.t Ziala rD.f...i. .. ... - 'a . 1 iioiyuu, hint HO paid In 18 fur insilvenl polla. .1. In laror of Jamea C. Tm,..,:.. r,. . to bin. 1300, p,id by him in 1842, in co.r.eaueZ of an error in the eatimat of land tax of Uranoe 4a Iu favor of laraal Ttarnaaa II...L ' . - . . " inmnnriaaa . grant lo he twued in him for 60 a-rta of land. aa. " " "I " putensaer sttha UlMrek-a kta- - sle. . In favor of Wm J. Lewi., allowing him 4 dollar, for carrying a writ ..f ehvtion to Pin. 6. Authorising the public Treurer lo borrow from til Intrrnal Improvement and Literary Funda or from either of tha Banks in the 8tate, at S par eent. intereat, auch turn, of monev av nu be na. eeaaary td inlwt ihe tiaMmies 6f the f late, unlil Ih. .50,0oo!tin f ,U" L'Ut eaceedinw 7. Authorising tha Governor to erert are, atones st lbs grave, of dereaeed member, of lb. La- '""" vmieu in uwetty or Kateigh: - - R"i.ngkA- a Mo'inff' heruT...f Martin, - 60, balf the amount collected from Gee. 8ts- Traarory nl"Wfil1 tl"'K' ,nd miJ in, PuhS 9. Refunding to John L. Chri.li.n. aheriff of Montgomery, a fine of S00, fur failing to fihr clerk'a eertificsts relative to blank Ucenaea. 10. In favor of Wm. 8tringer and Graen HilL 11. In favor or William Dills. IS. Relating to 8mithvilo, in tb countv mt Brunt wick. I Aulboritw me commi-Mooera to cloaa up Elba' street. 13. In favor nf W. T Ttln D l- a.. . ik ,ka V i " . . ' "wn- llireeq that the judgment, obtained against them, aa clerks. " Ondar Ih. 34th tw. mma i .. .. ' paring all cotU. " ",,eu' 16. In favor al Ramnal W.i, ran tw.ntv doUara-lo, UrTZ.-i: LJ?"0" wsrd. ,ld by lb. sVaUk ' 'a 16. Inf.vor of L. H. Martteller. rAliov,.bini . .k P"nci'', CW toHo- Commone st lbs commencement of th. teaainn, 17. In favor af ika InaiM. .r u rn: . .i n. J ijwooa countv. Direct. Ih. Traaturei to credit their bond, with truvTiwijitH . uMHf IllOy Bis' ""' ; " ' "" " ttS S J aa . H " f oi Morn. tv. T.ylo. and C. Ken. hart Authoruw.agrtnttothem firSOOacreaaf land conveyed to them by G. M. Bean. 18. In favor ofThomaa J. Ro.ne. fTb. baa ing a grant for 60 acre. land. 50. For tbc expulaion of Wm. Ennett, Senator fromOnalow, for prwenung . forged rertincal. of but ektction to th. Senate. ' 51. Allowing Wm Ennett pay for tb. tin. be i" o " w"" mmber f Sen.U. rp i Ke',,,n?, to eommiue. rooms in the C.pitol. tProv,de,for.llotUng.nd labelling room. i th Capitol IOT Commitlaaa ,iJ .t . . i . ' " i"w"u"a uarir oeina; maed ss sleeping sparmenbj. aonrBfTOrWil.lil,,,Thoml,w,n- P-yshina , 9J DO for renainn fnrnilnn. ....I r.- e , penae. of Mr. Fmeinan. " 24. In f.VOT of Thnm.a W .1 rn. raat prooeedinga againtt him for failing to make rs torn a Brigadier General. . 25."- In tavor nrf tinmaa W;t.. ail fn-v aw ""- man. 7oenu Ol III 26. In fttVnV nt Ika ! . . . r...k .1 ""uiwonera oi Kaletgha I Autnonaes them tnirat ainna r. kv n - - in. oiaia quarrv for public purpoaet, without charge. ...V fi,,ornf o keepers. P.vs tbass 88. tha OMial eitr, allowance. 1 7 S. la iavor of Mii-hnal r. r . t . v . "" i Aiiow nun a fe. aa counael for the Bute. SB. In relaiinn tn ik. Hi.,..- . ur rA.thoria. u. on-JT;" " " rwr. intotb. Capitel. "" 30. In Ctvor of Wm. T..:j m ... W6W;.i,hmteretfor tix yeat, being the 4th Dart of a luilamanf na.J l. i v , a V ' . . 5 , " . v""",' " mm irom tn. c. Uwba Navigation Co. 81. Authoffiafna tha lmmm. ,. . . , " . . w putroaa. a na- "ff. ,B.d one l'e"ri" tht " of tb. 8t.t-. 3S. Allowing Thomas M. Ch 800 dollar, for arreUng fugitive, , ," 3J. Halalina in tk. I.i i. . , . . ' rr-i. c? 7T " n.ng oi aoeuments. 77 ?. 8tote Dto eoP of our chs. of furniture for GoTernor'. Hoi-.. V OA T r - ' Allow him t6S 091 i. T . " ,, . ,, - , " -- aia,ry note. SUVni, M ' I k!. 7 1 Bukin out lua of amounts 96 Authnriaiaia iKa n.M.a. i. . misfit 6"u ,u z 37. In bvor of mamnri.t:.:.. r . . ... - Branch Mi,,t,Cb.7hiS: W 38. In favor or AitmanTr v ti.i ... ' ia ir.w-aa-srs?r?.r' , ., v i ami aaiu com. miaaion.r. S7 dollar, for services during tba Ut 40. In favor of Juatia Martiodalr 41. Authoriaina R tv a-i.. . . . . . lot in R-Jeigh. a Uk , 43, li fcTor rf Joh" A- Av-ritt, aberuT of Ons low, f Kemiia fin. mt ami -, , - - - 43. In favor of Reedar it Longee. . 44. 3oneaniina Ika J.M. L ... , their dutV lo arauWnn inVa-.J. a.. . ... ' r uca mc. auu oin, r fragro-nt. after adjournment o. in nvor of 8. T. Finch. 40. In favor nt Willi.. r a .. Ennett SgB Int nmmnm . al .r.li: , , J a - -"a-iaawaai UUM low to auDnlv tha mn., ik. a , ... . . t w, unlaw OcaMOlaM by th. erpuUion of aald Ennett r""". a. Aatnortte.lh taovtraorl. brealoas the BtorU- i.1 Company; ' """" -r--re. restinf of th. Gnenl Govmrnewt a nertfv athaatman. -J k. 1 . -i : r ... . - v- ja ai.naa b vnartW) lailuia. ia lb. 8t.le. 49. Pnnlilina lk.l ika a. . a ... , a . . - ' i""atana Aoareaa- es of th. Governor of ih. 8i.te, HMlotlia. tbat af Governor Hrak.m k. ..u. .i.T. . . lrr.do-.miMr ' "a" 50. Krulalina aath-rising Ih. Rev-raw I. lean, tbr ".'leott of Rakigb Acadrmt ifly atatkata. - . a I : t ia, .1 1 I II a.,1...,. ..i . . , AtWlakll. v. ymj at aacaaacrs SS .