-a f inl .tfTpi i : f J7 1 1st .111 . - MV i ii a? hi . in if . -j ,iw: . i'r . THK J, LEMAV, (Printer f the Law rfth8tote,) Eoita PaorBtswa. 8tte,) Edit. w Paofir. " obt ubouhmwiiwi; i aiistsi.LivTTAal tu ntncu aiaooactaTai , or-oc atata t aoxi or oi mutini TEKEC IlOM-ATS A TEAIV-! aTirs VOL' ov -'' '"::- -,:J. ' I v t'j v WHOLESALE HOUSES -'SIBW-'SfDIBto -... Th raWnbera aa w .amply prepare hh fullilOth f.UORo ihir mapcallve de. pirtmntii. paeolia.ly snfttdi jbe o-anti of Soudi Tk narft ad varied aaiarMnanl whiek Ike Xear Tnrk nmrkel afford. IQ porJer. lo-earnls a uj. tint ni.ponuni y fi-r tltoiee eetroiioBy and oo terms hi all ie.tM Uyrljlayv,ly !' lrV a any other; ma-ket. . '" , , Southern 'and T1eterh Mcrehunli are nnwl of oar farmitlr.wi 4- f UW, W pasiiliie. all aha mm Mk l PK.Ilii. a,,d bCMMF.R BL'PPLlP.S and r ri;HTllillj initil la marine our attend atn.-k and prie. , ... lUrwn tt McXMn,'f6 Mf r)iim;nr ef Bfer . jtrest. t .- .'.v. .' ' " ' Crlrtm, Frrxl.ingl.nm. Co. No. 17 Ptnl St (nfneof Pine iin-t. . ' ' ' -Qlrafo' Goods..' G. M. Pk, U6Prrl a-trf. Staple, mid Fmrg Dry Good. oinrr iii I.iIwiIi.iikm iNt PnM UflWe. C. W. k J. T..Mmh- c Co SJif Penrt Micel, fmirtllrtu tiOt Mirtrn T.' Kliaonk Grey lon t Vnitr iirtot, nxl iloor to lh " PmI pfTwe. .,.k t . . , . t , .1 W. fc n lj!iti, Uifi IV.r) H-eel ISrtont h Iw.(ii b; 120 Prrl Mrrcl l If Hewrcr, i a frr-r.lm Wttre.- - Knilnrr k C-b IfiOtfrarl roar WU.. 1.1,. P fn l'i Pri'I lrct. f-S. J l lotkwi. U lUiam !rrt. corn!- ol . , , 1 fl ' 1 1 r i a. i J t- - ' Cloth t Cammeri,- - Vrttittg and Sarnmtr Wilton , IliinJ l Co. No. N William trft aor. nr of .Mtiilen Une, - , "f !-.; WlnttB 1S1 PeHfl itrceUloreipi and ? Donwtiis Woolem, Vtrtingi ani Paixalooii pi...aw.- i ' , Hwrdwtirt and Cutlery. Walk fc Gairtpie, 193 Pcil fel, near MiiiJen llidoult nraitiHP, ' tuewir in BoUrt ll)t'opk S .a, (Co A Prl re, hT M.'l Una. r..ll n.i1,. 1 IV rl 'aoraer KuMiailrnl. VVXmnm k Oo. 79 and 8t Vaary and 9W , Migloa atreait: Impmiura n4 IKnrfrraid Hard frara, ltr Iroa and S'el ; . . .. itteJA4ViWitlool. 4laa)aaa ..Mi-aw! WiMlv'?Xt.-wwy"- ami Jkalrr in Sartillerjr, Uaac aal llaraet Jlarirt. . ... ... . V. 1. Huck, (8 Parl Htt, f'-nf rloorf 1ioa " Malitei Caii, t(eiita M:aiiifjrirr and lm pnrterel !Sa.iair, Hara awl Coatl lUro- arc. Rfbnill find again fairly , nndcr " wiijr ' ." Tkia loatiiwion, Waatrii (wla milaa norih areat of Hillfhuraugfi, ia an c pen for lb tt lion of ftudeni. . J' It couraa of jnflruction i at complele and thorough atjn any , other Aeailuijr fn tia Sooth. , Tb lrmt f admiraioa lor the L'nglirli courf, nnJir'acIng all the bfaflcf.ea of an rirganl ant) finitlii'il K'ij;titi rihirtint riht dl ' Larf per eetainR; for lha CltMtfal fnurff, c mhrax in( the I .Mm and Urerkt with tome ether ancwnl Ui.juotf, it' inquired, $,1 60 per fCtwian. , .1'be licilint rxrrriHtl io the Acaticmy U cry. flnct and carrfnf, shil Ih whollj oftli pircntal kind. Every fft will tie ueJ to' ruio! (lie literary and inonl rulture of ttiore rh enter the aehool The tultaeriker it prepared In arramtnitd its aeveral oilier Coordert w'uli ftnotl board and Tory come M-utot M)ni, at fQ 50 per muMh, ligliu en crp'nt. G ioil board can lie hd courei.icitt U tU Acwlcmy, in rwpettsbM; f.imilii t, at from 54. 5lv to 5 d'Har ,ct month. H(uJriU pirparrd (or ant of our Univertie. ..... , DANIEi; Wil.SON KRnn. Jan. 17, 1SM5. 4 5w ' Standard 6 inrerlionr. : - HOW TO KALSB GOOD APPLKl . Nu . brantK f liirnl industry is more nrglectril thin the cultivation uQOil ft u4t, and none will nf . the. ' farmer a hi jficr irjfrtce rt the hrtttnrtnjf rrtntrke inttn Zur. li. Ii Pell ol lIIer county, N. Y., who recently received a gold medal from tin; American Institute, f ir tl.iebest Fruit Fsnn. shall aid any of nr couiitry friend to im prove tlieir tirclianls: 7 o the Committee on F"uit Funni: , -Uentl-MnenBeing denirous to comjicte far; the premium lo be awarded bv I lie A merican Instituteat tt Hixtventfi Annual Fair, for the bvaL Fruit Faint in the Sulc, I now abide it rulea. andofl'.-r, al "the re quest of Mr. T. H. W., it wot ihy ud eJ When out, 'I peter seed any lhM' . hold on o lakes aii amazin site of screw in, liof to lltaiy Bylir.-Oil MaidT4ner- MiwuWarwand I miMM-tar M N'acdlea and Fancy 4J.iota. Importer cf Fremh hngHhMae Sttilioneru. , 1 wiI. Cobra, fil WilUm itrvet. tao deora fraaa r'ullon- Importers of f ratchet. Fine Cutlery, Jar ' etry and Fluted ff'ttre. Fcllova, Wadiorth fc 0i V I T klabten Lane. Mall. Tompkma k Ulack, (U .Ma.qn.ad fc ao. tl Mots, Shoes, Leghorn,, Palm Hat and fc A. Wewon. 1ST Prarl f.eel.-nrar VIM BiwOEird. Tileaion k : H lr ",e' wVa.k Shlpm..N Ka.. Met, poaua the Hon Offi-ie. .'. - ( Calrin W- lloar, I3t il'len Mna. Hoots aid Stationery. (Jolltnt, Brnther k . Mr?'1 Pwt , Wandl,d fc Co 63 Wall etrwel. Importers of, Fancy Arhete,iutke, i r. Prrntmeru. Sre. ..-.. A. IT Ward k Co. (formerly liadly, VVaid, k Co) utn. li: Carer k Co. 1 W a.e, oppoi. Cedar atrea : - . ' . . ; t 'rrntrrrte,4W--eJ Manufacturer and Dealer . tnIfrugK " Medkine. taint mi Dy Stuff ll.til.ad. Koeae.fc Co. ttlSlM II.- II Sahieffclm k Co. 10 and 106 Jaha ltlfey, at reel fc Co. M Water ttre Bear 7U i k j, p. rripi. w n"," """" llallrf, Pbelp Maiitca Cutlery,' House keeping : Ilardw, and Wood U are, Haskett, Hardware, hn t H ood Uare,nasKnt, -c. aa aa im 1 al. ara.. tBt M llrSa lanD. 7i, Ltijuom- Segnr, FiM GroterUi, - r- ! '' " ; A, 0inlaCr kCo. Ml nroada-af. J Ultolesnle' Grofrr. ; , J k A. Imeryv 11 Prw - , CAwi. GAm hd Earthen Hare.. llenrv W. H'.jdnck. W atceot. a?mff. I'or aanir year I Uare bren f xjcinen tinytjpiin the apple tree,liaii) an orchard of 20,000 Newton pippin applts tree 1 hae found it wy uopro itable t it- f- wfiiaf liTerjfti'tf Tti teartFjryearv a rf.t rorr. gequeaily it hai.Jbee n toy study to aaaiat nature, so as o enable the trees to bear every year. I have noticed that it bears more profusely than 'any other tree and consequently " require! the intermediate year to recover itself, by eitraeting from the atmosphere and earth the reUalitiea toenable it to prorf. - If tintssitted - by art.tfte intervening year mut necrwarHv L a-- - ak.,.. - .!JaK.i.iA. the proper sustenance, u win otar everj " . -.t ft IT T arraneit alii I nree year nj?" " -i the rough bsric on a lew oi ine y in mr orchard, nd washed the trunks and limbs within reach with soft sop. trimmed out aR the branchea that crosed each oth er, early in June, and painted the woun- ded tiWTi with vnife irat, w . ' . i . ,1. t. b War ai. .iMi. mr sntll onen uic i a aliam mdnted knife fronr the srountl tttif nrsi set nmw. Lnartft! the ssme month, which prevents the tree trom beeoming hark brnjod; td ,k. ;(ne woim) a bpWbrtaHiltt 6f ft- Kiacw ...... . - - . , - psnuinr. in r '"""'. 1 i V I-.i., .hell lime around each tret, and left it piled OOOUl "io iruna u.i... , when I duff the the Hme in tnoroogMy. i ti.. r..n..urini ear I roltected , from .u 1 rnn barrels of Iroit, aome of which wis sold in New Tork for and the balance in London, al 99 per oarrei a.n. .a it mir oonear.' ther are liteial I. bemlins to the ground with the finest rrnif I ver SSWi aiicvunci. - ' now before jeo. The othfrtreca in my orchard; no treaed as above, are Darren next year beinjt J M'U; . Ret 'm out, aud aim they alick and alip'pry when they dots coma; i Sutowth a an eel'. I've a good mind to give thai, feller lodg itif; . joat to realize the T-lvaHHicl J-ht use. I tn say about speckaLtiun.?' , f ,Vc!l iv" was the reply, ,,dwn with two bits, and .you , can . have a iWy.en," . ii- fwo biWeXcUimed the Sucker, "now cuiup that's aiickin' it rite atrong, boss, ir inter. A dz!n.oti 'cm aint nolliing' to a chicken, and lltere'a oiit;cUins' more'o a jiicayiiOf a piece for them. " I ve only realised fitity-iive picayune on my ."first veiitur' ti St. Louis I'd tell you what, Til gin you ttvorhirkens for a do'en il you'1,1 coucluile to ileal." . , . r- A vaj. who was standing by indulgin;;1 ill a doea, winked to the aitrndatu to shell out, nn.l the ol.' r was accepted.' , ,.- . ' Now mind-repeated the sucker, vail fair t'o thickens for a do.en yoiir're a witness Mister, turnig to the-wuj a won & -of your trieka,-' lor-I've he aid that yourr -tity-Jeller are mity'slip'ry coona.'' ; "' r 'Tite wi our ftueksr sqUHreil litmsell tor Pre onset deliberately put orlMiis s-al akin, tucked up his sleeves and, fork -in Tianil, awaited All?, apprnrkuce of No. It rame-he Siw ami qu ckly it wai bult. d T ":A nvo ments dreadful pause cn-ucd. The v.ag dropped his krrile and fork with a louk .ol mingled am.izemeirt anJ horror some tiling akin to shakspere's Hamlet on see ing daddy's ghut while he burst into the exclamation Swallowed alive as I'm a Cluta Uin." ' - - with pleasure a moment before, but now it a ojd opvnvves)ru.'hairid-'dreJr-'Wt did'nl know what a conaciouaiieas that all was'iit right, and ignorant of the extent ol tile iuron ihe uncertainly place by ihfi vilealmacliinations ,and most unreU-utig pcreepiition-F-surrptinded jn funeral ailt-nco nnd 'aolemniiy,' by the cho sen and most gifted men of hta' adopted state by his ueujest peighbofa andoldeat friends waa impressive and cvernptt-er-ing ieyond ttescr iptitirr. 'I o bearThr"ont po'jrinjr of hoir brtiiscf! Iiea'rte,' 'and his calm yet deeply felt response to behold his moist eye and fjuiverinj; lip, and their manly tears, excited unutterable emotions. .But .we will not dwell upon this a ob ject; we never expect to be called on to chropifle aucb another incurrence, ija Jifo though w;e may Jive beyond, the ordinary life of man. ' Upon tenehrn-ir the door of Mr. Clav'a dwelling, Mr. Underwood, surrounded! by the oilier . Electors, by . Ui tjovcruor arid '.he lix-Govcriiors, Metcalfe' and Letcher -tmir-f ne peoplwho -nttenilf d, H reaU the luliowir.g add real to Mr. I lay: MrClv:1 Imve been selected fey the members of the Electoral College to 'say to ywi for each One' of tis, that we have conic to oiler you a homage of uur pesoiu al regard unJ prufoiind respect. In this work of the heatt, many of your neigtiLiors nave likewise c iinc to uaitc yii Sir, fr. Uiuier wood) their rgan on this occasion, for the feeling and eloquent address whh-ti yotv haw yosl done me the honor to deliver. I am under the greatest obligations to the people of Krntnrky. Inuring mote thaan forty yoars of uiv Jtfe, thev. hnvfi ilHirt(iiitraji-t ilieir ffinH&tnft apd affection towards me, in every turiely of form. This last and crowning evidence of their long and uitliful ttttachmenvexnilMtait in the vote which, in their behalf, you gave Vestefdaval tha seal of the' 55tate"Gov.-rn. ment, na the Electoral College of Kentucky, tills me with overdo win's gratitude. Hut I ahouhl fail -to express' "the feelings "ir my" iicati tl I djd not also oiler . mv-orofound I emHitr at "the Pi'esiiliSiiilalU'Ieciion. but vat frcfusSei1;attliimg!t Vlie jmiea of W fief Ifmi wete' themtew jocofccfl and the same who received, without .(juefflirm, ii vote in Oriobcr! The reaann assigned' by the Mfnahiitguin' 3tMmI'd.A(r tbjs extraor ffiiiaryxemre of rigrii in the fart trtsi;veB is, that a Whig uf Washington, viio nwn ed propeity jn th"o(iime rmintr, jnd like tUaiY,-in4ut!s rrporilol. - oflitai Mirtte there v , ad been . prv-Tioiisfy rejeru!i 1 I5!a;r ia a j relty fellow to talk about pipe layer! t M tS? lre'BiiUitM6r'CRp(1iefeioforo' a neuttal 'pnpet. tn politiveta raiaeo the for-' istraey ol thu Uioou.ajnd to ifieTn llma and a- fjtrartj.'l', of. freemeii embracing .sq mueii virtit'' intelligence 'ana patnoirsin. who whutver iesiding, have directed strtert nous and I'lithusiuentjH'Xcrtious to the aarjv; 6hji-'ct.' i Their elforl ha ofreh 'Hhaifailing, itnd the Uaue of the. eleotiott has wot eorrepoiided with their anxious hoes and confident ex-pet'lutiun-1 You have. fir. awii'nrd some of iia.. v r-r..rj-rni riankiun, we line caiises wntcri you supposv uavc occa- aiidgfatrful ackiiowledgtimenti to the tlrl,HNatit American"? .ig. ..'plates jhe roe Stales, whiidi iiave United' with' Kenttiekv cigners"iil our Targe cities will leatn Wisdom in ue .. uiiucavor te. eiew me1"- mit t:ef Mngiatraey ol tliu Uliiou. oflhe moment was leri iDte. t'i sedTo dct peratiw,- he-filtered nt " What on "eat ih' the row ?" ' " Did you swallow it alure !" enquired tlie wag. ' I swallowed it jet.1 at he gin-it to sac'.'' shouted the Sucker. " You're a dead mm !' exclaimed his anxiodt'frieud i Tue xreaterei tie, and Will est nvlit through t. Uil a Wen liOHin beamed the Suikct , iu k frenzy, hi jcs irlT sUrtitiS fiiim thetr aocketa "U gea-4 . -.11 I .1.. l.l. r.1 emus : wnat -m - my innards aVeadr, and I ui ilcau as - a hicken : uo suinenu ior uic . let the infernal sea loan cat in aiore your e3 SWALta0AytIO OYSTERS. ALPTR aa . .. . a 1 -a -A aasiaatouui lallJ TftHfltaifl ' I PJVi:;ZrJe.7Sy lk.ler U, VmU A .rVBrHia S'r-t. 0'Mlr SwalUw " I . ,. ... andPsrawit - .'?.. Z : 'iLTxiT' IV.i" lt"irive Terobler 8tiatfo i n . . I. v. .a n-111-..m ri,aal. Mann Ui-hara Maiaainoe, . a. IVl.a. .-.la.'t fa'.urer an.1 Wearer a vii -- . ainka linen nd Sirs" ood- ,... ' CUarP-a IWK in Prtrf -reef, Mamrfaaturae 4 j- . Wi;.lcleTo1er t trwbivrtst. Horn. tl. W.8l Mslr ta V"'.'.' f "l-av.1 l.-l- Knl.Kr -t.-odi s a.d alt klnda ? ft - imuitjBHj.!..'.j. n I ,. Firth, Hll fc PonJ.'Na 9 IWdway, Mf. lurara. PaLMrs and Imporieea t tul ta-t ' MHtiTa I n.immrn.t Kcle agei.ls taf Uioker. in Hno.rirei,- , -4 '"8, a I -t- - . ae a. f.t iwZ. p.a- ' 1 1 - . a .a 1 At a late hour, the uthar ftign', 111 of an "y tw iu.our tx ilyvaa lb ru si ppen. and in Halked a hero from the Suck er Stale, lie was qune wiim uirii.a, aotne what stooped, w4ih-a hungry aiisioM ceuntenahre hd bi; hBl;pf.ed &tv down.ltt tlie, JboHiun m lug bieechea. uis nutyr tovtnng wJwTl lodeBne.bot alter .'.... .vmia it OUIItttelrr W ,''. rnnrl.. nn tbst biaeuit bd irn iade iA-4 ti W,-yhco.l, nl H dingy yellow . fiaaey wol seyand Urt U'w eitrnuted urawitn -tnihtii. .apilitr M.tet.I"r- ft . o.,t u-iil a lcglo, ' ii sier eep pace wth4.ia-bedy. rn, spite id" 'ijnH,-)iiiVTr he had falieiun - tire to exer rears tsti iii- jgli you, auueil he, na litimp tt out r penormeu our ollicialUutT m obedience to i he will oflhe people of Kentucky, by voting unanimously, fur your self nnd Theodore Frelinph jysen to till the offices of PreaUciii uuU Viw Tr sidem of the U, Stales. Thv' inuchinationa of lout enemies, their frauds upon the elective franchise, and their duplicity with the peopUi in promulgating opposite principles in differ ent section, have defeated your elec tioa. We have no hone of preferment fyour bands, wliiJhM-tfrrprtttf tv fl.wtfpittofs an the pen of proscriptKm liiliiiujata ,ur in . fiueakiuff the .. truth.. Under exisulirr clrc'uiiiiitaiices iigrVtiiies us to lake vo4 bvl .1.-1 I i . - j. j iiicuaiiu, uuu vi iiiuivr b u uu inusi cor dially, ia tipu'ssiiig,, thp .seutiments of ou t Lcaxla auil of. those, w e . jeprcsent in regard to your pcrsontil character nnd pol itical principles. V : ' - lour past seryipcs are fo interwoven wiih the history ef our country for the last foity years, that malice and envy cannot pievent succeedina generations dwelling oa your nau.e with admiration and grati tude. our example will . iljgnunaii; Abu path of fulu re statesmen, when those who bu?uthe"cmpCT dontr. - . " . ; , To you the-electron; bariterminatea without personal lossj but to ine nition, hi idgment, the injury is incaicuiaoie, jrant that the' confederacy may not hereafter mourn om tne reun in qismcm- Why don't jou put some .f , this on U t" , enquited .mi!; wag, pointing to but- it. nf at i-.i no oenner-ajucr. ... ..r . r. , -,r- - r. t The h mt was euouirh-a-ino aCitr uii the Jo9t.nl, sei.ed. tlie bottle-awd , deaper- atLtr tavraaiif killt UUl Iiha cofk. walloed half the e'ohteiaa at - iTriught; . ..ii iihtj .a....t..l from ilarflecla Ultd CStOOvJ Riiu h owed, ana Ditcucu. anu ,wiaiu, , , -. , . - .... were courting lUrougii -uim ; wins . cie. elVecl, while l llw same time his eje ran a stream ol tear. At lengui oecomioa little composed his . waggiah dv ser approached almost burning with sup- nr...aed taut? iter, anil eirtymeua .. " -..ur.ii.i .r..i . .... ll"w aieyou uow khi j " kill HV ,vr . : Well, I did, i"Sr ogh ugt co-o my a i- .1 k . . ' a .. ..V. Jail ' aa in'l. 11 .Hiai-ir criurr a niea didn't slir a riipiion in ine equal to a mall earthquake, theo 'taint neose sayin' it it squirmed HKe serpent, nen mm killin' avtwtt' touched it ha' and hero whti a coun enrice made up M auppress- ..1 anniia .i,l-nresent tleltrminaiion, ue paused to gi force -K nis weetis, aluwlv and d'elileratelv remarked,5 you git two chickens from me fr (hat live annnat 4'- d---4Jiutritiiig iihraeal,- skin ha taninhed. . - r ' " - .'I he'slioutoflaeghier.aiidtliecoB'oriioiis of the company at thia finales would ha maije a !pecior belieae thaTthey" h-ll kn mtraBowinir ouster rte.'" f i ... &k I.ouia Bevelll. tr - Dercu iragiiienui. -. ,-. - enemies nave not atiempwu Whilst vour In .lotract troill VOUr intellectual characier, ilicv have witirurttiriilg tnaltce' attacked your moral reputation and endeavored to destroy iu Kl ne yeroai ianuc aim tinned the result. - 1 wil not trust myself to speak uf them, , My luty is tliat ol per fect submission to an event Whrei i now irreybcable. ' " i . " I will not uirectindiflereiice io flie'persoit al concern which I had in l e politiral con leea, jut terminated, but, unle.s I am great ly si ll devolved, the principal a'traction to me of Ihe orlice f Prealdjnt of Hi United Stales arope out of ilia cherished hepe that I might bo an liuinhle instrument, in the I Irjjiils of Providence, to accomplish public good. 1 desire! fo' ,see the former purity 'urnsVneraftiftm see 'danger altd cvjls, which I sincerely bs'- lie'el etiQom passed it, averted ami remedied, i I was anxious that the policy of the country especially lit the great deparluieul of its do-mestie-lHttor and industry, ehould be .fixed and stable, tliat oil might know ter ra teg ulnte.uiid aecoiitnjmlate their conduct'. ' ' Art! fully convmcej' of the wisdom of thelpub- .lic measures', w hich you have enumenuted, i nqpa to live to witness anu locoiuriuiite to their adoption anuZestttblishment, J-f- ' So far a respect any official agency of mine, it Iumi been otherwise decreed, And kew respeetfuliyx td ther tlefTee.- Tlie fu ture course oflhe Government ia altogether lttl" TiriTnetrce lii,niisreir.rtrira-ra,''r,l .. j - (. Oa the contrary I earnesuy uesire mai m liglileneJ by jut own refleclioim, mid by , a deliberate teviOW Ol all ine great luierca!. of Ue country. o prt.mpt.-d by public opin ion, the benclH. may yet oe aecurcu oi tne poetical execution pf those -principle meMurei for whidir we have bonjst'y eon- tended, that 'peace and hofioi 'may uepresef ved. and th l tliie fuhg' but great nation inay be '.rendered harmonious, prosperous B.pbsrl.ful. r i ; -.' we are not witnouieonsoiaiionsunueruie bv -recent events the y tiashl td tree that ther wjll place, puniieel its ill a rtioel isagrffal' ftoaiiMMi bpfine the ; l:ips.e,,fnany year. Bhturing tftemselvei (ogether ': distinct elasse in '.'tho- commimity (aV Frenchmen', (.erruan, ia, liisU;&;e.y and aetitig Under tlieir . separate organizptions- iijtrcjiuig iiy pfocssfon, ri6i oilier our (lag.-but undee the flag of their ties reiive'i)aiit)rislcclar .iug, jra, iiuliingly expressive motto, that ana ftw'?P "S . ..overawe nauw .boxoL. j'tit- -zens and tlieir own naturalized brethren, who have too much g nod sense to onite with them in this course jof twnduc. theydeeeive flietnselvcs' if the believe that even the etkr(flhiirtltfTiiX tiiVrAia "Wjorily oi our citizens, even ol jhat '' political party which profit by, and ihcieC W no w, eacour agea them-in lliese indiscreet- proceedings, much loriger.to tolerate th'em'. ' When"- tfiey become naturalized, end", wnder that s"tx of naturalization, claim the right vf eitiranshipv among u they cease to be Frenthrm-it' and1 IrUbinnnd iJer alleziance I aK loietah Wtcntutea aii J pow ers and sworn allegiance ihei Uiiite4 States, they should cease to act as rorego ers, as' ihey now ' do, and' Wheti efeclijft days arrive, not eonteat kh declaring that Ameticans shall not rule over fiem.endeav my by a combined- e (Tort,-to rnlevf m rricCnst rr .'- Swii.'--.i....iJ'.-.i.l. r.i. al ia mia jaui. na loiiuuci, v.ciorr wiua Uia f.ic1 before their ejrra, that, y this'com- " bination, lliey jhave', lor rctuiV jeaH-past",-by casting their almost unbroken vote. in die' scale of one or the other of the contending parties actually cou ironed wr election-, that ha induced iheoimatipn of , Native Aanee ieah Asociajions-not to.-commitnj gression npon the itgiits of foreigners as so la.,! IIK..1. ernnla. vid its means to tusconiplishr, -,.pnt whic.flias; hannened. The Whig pojitiesl irbjectfa-jiayeeMiibe tats fully rd fairly - exliibiie!? e4 or our wuwuy anu inaiuuHuup i counry in pruiciurea mu than they haive injured y0iirs. 1 it believed best adapteuw aecura our. no lo your high personal- character, in yourLrlieg UJ promote the eommon f welfare. i...... i ...-;,.vr,i,. and .'unrivaled .zeal and 1 1. 1,. made. In tlmir sunnort. constant and JUll.l,.. I.. ... l'- "T- . . " .. t 111 " " t " . . . Kt Kiiuv'tn mrrv diem out.! may be toillid the r.rong molivea foi out anxioipr effort te-sev cuie yopr elecuoit.J'heproteciionof Amer ican Uur, a natioarurrellcy, connected iih a fiscal ag"1 10" -ne uovetnuini,-ine trihutioii:Hm(ii:ff the-H-atffi v( the pro- urgent appeal id the -ieason il: Judginipnl ,.f il.e i,..tite. . Foi myself, I have tho high satisfaction to Vnoyv that, I huva escapod a nrPAl tin ,1 fpitful resnonsihilitv; ana that, durin the whole can-rasr, l hawrdone nmlH .i....: Hwu.ff urn ,.ntts -til- lire i i ' i,tr.i,n.l4t,illl. - Willi lliu i.iwiuic . aa. HWiriuuiiuu . , i "o ."v . . i. -J iU I'ul.Iii- -Inds.- turtner eoiiu-l ,i,. --i hfiimr. i0 mortal mnra autnor tutiorfsl restictioh . irpw -tho ilvx--rutie jjj l0 Bay hold-out (o him ill promise o power and patronage, anu biiihiwukh "i""' t any otnee or appoinimena ir'. the eliitlUltitV OI Uio ricaiueiu iu m. . ' l.l.t. rM.l... m..n term, were measuies,-wjii.-.i, adaiinislrauoii,-wa .hoped Taaiftiftliira and brim into practical operation, J Uy yotM de tave been end Migered, it not lr fi.- r .i. al.tlM follonlne "nmmrtl Pirtilia .. Hoaww 1. ; ataawii?! AS Vorkt w-i-rin tok-J? ' r:!rr a- ...I W MeKlann. ' trail i.iM- Cnmrcit Bmarinin. 1 1 tall at out. p.oa . maj rv sla- . ' rlaWt rlXtlf,th-Bff,!MF tMailirnMi.'Wf d ,,,5iL,5r ' ' Meemwftnentlv.aMek-inatrartanMiglt ia u nanl Haul. I : "',wfl. . t " ' .. . air. ,M1,B.f Wairtt aailf m.UII- -t .tii. Hawfy t:be.er Seni.!!. Wr.dwy. , 1 expresaWdes.Ut Ctp Mir w Msaitsna uc . w.i'h'MwiB WiiW tvaiwas, " ted by 4he ruinie mil aeai nr -p . ..... . roadwT, .i Slf fc 4! ' t.-:.1.t: After laklo atvoailion. he W- W aaW.a lWl.Ko Ikl rtro. -Ta W. - " . .i". ' wi'H -rt4wsasjije T . r a-- 4 "'" - fat'ilU lloi.1. IMCrcenalch Hreet, '.HvT odr , . tv;D..Pro tiVF - ; .ai"T ; l- Si umawaaT. i.a.va w rww-.-.. 44t. Prtntitm Houae, !' Ap lonVrVan. til. -'k lli.'limnd.'VaV tadyVM ed a eonntrV rosre.Vh.atdoJ iiih lir, in a VevP,gaina; n ',' J0" aid th , qya.nl gehTleiha; "1, I k t',t Utiggnic part, jerj vi e.l; otit i unn 1 nae uio compart ring oriour or, nve S" riair,,Waltamir.T "IVaT, air, , ' " litraa ih'e arnhiT":' "V-Madam' whirlm. tounl. dwUril inslongare at the wan fpenitig lsterr 'a -v,r v '-- r i .V.' ate reanoniled the etlcnlv ope- rfciok-'-'atidlli.e ones' they ' 1 'At'eiri've. 1?al ( fs'rrai afore.'; say TT ''"bal thfa U the ftt-t Jim I've ee4 tTonrbe cif.os! y rpmacr.e . ,. arid icrueoi.e'4 t4e.e?l'P nh !' iirivHfyamU"n're1hVehtwttldkve to I. a ii. as ntAci iiiUaairifiui riiinTi .hVWJ.IeSwV.renes-tnaiareaAUere ft4V firk)i siVm fWv MR, CLAY ANli niEKENTUCKV (i h"'ic ELECTORS. ri- a Vim vmblish.Ml'omc'da afctf a Iru-r naj tice of the iiiitefesttng nntl affef&yf -hi'-h tok' wecontlic Ith nir atant, between the leid lential'ecWre of Kentneky an Mr CirtV.nner ineomiei find dciieod theirflieial atttfetThe ..1, arliir.il li OCt-nSHn flifcrted WIVf since reach s and- n'rrr given beFim.. 'he a,Lef oM . Clv w ill bi'read w ith deep interest bj ery frkftd iHf'eal From UioiU-xiiiffW Ky.5 Ohs. Vic. W- ! Aeeedino:hoTrihise,: pfseht oujcj 'reademtooiay . tbe-taadress i. toe ttftkV Electors to lif; tray.-nnthat gen- at-.. ir,riaii:"Ye .OOUDt II Ob, IttnY -wttl-be lead 1tlt pftifound InteVe( bv . ,a. ri.,T ".'mi'frtrafi: ?Aftr fry lvvp wi iw j - f.-, m as , iu.nm(p heretofore w ci v an-ncr- .,r.i ntha unnoauiir scene, fecliiie all tb . . .. .. - - . -.il . hove. -jinDOSeaHo.la ret worua . :i i .. - a vc-. . - WT,rr.ia..T " j.. a, mi- , i ait eaiuit-.y v"-cvj-a psowa tt'eshboldfHNMl ipwrriati ' . ' u.. .a.taa l. feat they have beenetidMig' ever lost. - -ft jr.--r- -rt But we will not ipecu'aie on . coining e ,u ') ' If ahintr wdik well. sreAshall lirtd i nnaniatiiin iii alia ireiierjl prosperity,. 11 1, pTirehendiW evTli'jwmS.'e siWe;and retaining oor pomjipies.. w snau enjoy the happy -loaeciioni Having nn Jn tliOMiades Or .aiuani my ""S eontinue toenjoy peace, quie aud alr po seasien of tlwwc greiu faculties' wbiclu have teritlereJ vott the adiniftntoif 5 nn tnd uic benefactor iif our eHiotry. e uu when at:Uat death shall aeifiau' - I.. la iKinni-ti av in . conuu --arum i ft assared.'thfit I.Nnrfai.ilulr; bi&' Uio who knowing 1.otijetj4weii Jhi e-trill cherish tjroof evS,aa4teij t tour Tetiutftiion: " . ? ft a.- j , What now id the duty of tho Whig par. ty I 1 veiilurr, to express auy opinion itlt t ierealestitillrdi-lKe. I ne tutureisenvei ooed in a vail iinncnetrab'e by human eyes; i , cannot contemplate it, without feeling of great disconragenieiiu uu i aimw oi uii Ur one aafe rule. In all the ia.udes of hu man life, nnblic and priraU;. aud that ic6n- at MialT tf satisfy ourselves of what is1 . .. - t V "t 1 ..r t I ..t , mi. 4 right, ano iirmiy .anu unuciiiug.7 ...u.-i sue p. antler an triaw Tircuiu.v.n.-c.. c.-mttailing tn Oie. great Kuier nt tne unu erss, for tilwrnnta' sucoess. t The .Wh'gs arc ilialilieraiolViabvinceil of .lid titi h"nnd wis- fe.l.im'jil the brhicli)leaiid : mcaluVe wliicti nd they will iiltlmatoly break down-; tnfr offenaive and liijurioii - loretgft i 'IriHiiehce.-' The foreigners will aoonfinq Uisllhs Amer icans will eovefn tnemselves and j if Uiey" do not like to live unilef tfnHrrule, tlM-jean- reuirn whenee Wiey came i w m p 0 NCI1 Fa'Sr - UTERARY RECIPE?. ii.The following llrraluable literary ractpes were kindly furiiiahpJ kr" Fqnek by tlie eel ebrated Ude bey wjll lw -iVund w.MrV ful fif yotin'sj- authors" on this side the At lantis the have beta W England: Hjte fo Cook vp FaskiinableNmtl. Take a ebnsummai puppy M. 1. pro- feublevea thsyUre generally ihe" tartest, and . don't require. , tnueh4 pressing baste- . . ' ii . . .. if ' . l.i .1.- AA.tfT.aa Willi Sell-eonCBIa' aiuir win, yiaiiiaavaaa- wi'tn ' mtnflin sootimch,! nasli up wilji a popular ptibUslieri sltniMr down wtin pro . paratory tnl?erusetnentiAdu4i rwns'of giIt,-dgiU papet, grjl'J in .jp inouaana hui..., garnish wiiri'maiblcorcrs.anJ ' nVrce ba,-ks and coriirfcSnrp"tltb magatne pnffs, akim offsn-otentlornrefac ti.rea seraps of Frencli and amall-talk yery.,fina. KM "superfine tifel'silin tocVs" "bou-, a. r.erat)tkCaM alt floJ)- menl-aa-Sainl Oeorje'selinh,ivtrbtttie .... a . . a ' altaa tentlfng fofHhfrnr : arid th it,( a lhefingt to ii.nir.nnarale and ifistinel of 'anizti f. the ahouid trejat U who Aaiw ill goed iof ihew Buntrvin vfew wttll respeet, ana ft favors,' eight footmen,, four poatihons, the like'homberorhorser.-areager" oi ran?, tome filtered tear hlftouiiag for a dead uncle (the better if h b. uvjch Im Bos5r""v,a "yMt 'H5:Bp T A SuUiMejUut-jDiltfByti Antlm Take a young Jadydaea -Jw-uv btueribbo.spr.nle with innocence, aprthg" fl twera and primive. Procure baronet;- a lord f iu.acason, -f nat, aaepravM -yoon- gflr-t noir, ford'a. r son") trim hint with :tearle.rugn.et if, rapsoniv'KiAy. wa'a'ice-of'prolt.-d's.. i Work up with wstie cMlJtge, irf a- -. .- ' i. .k.a.r. Ihew liave espouaeiu.iM .wuiiia,Hai...Hc, "V .. ... 1:1,-4.1.... r.-j . ,, ., , , 1 nn.l To 1 h or. iiiinu nuiiuuraiia jij tome us tany . jibou.ii jPrre , : yr- ,. .r. ninafic. f-. PU I LIP -JR1 PLtii f. r v i-.'v. i s. vi Wai sou'i 1 its a i5a : V; joiiN KiNCAioi ; -t . ' ' , 1 J. - ii' S' 5 i a, t's . " aClRUEN iO.V 1. B. MIIal-.S fJRt,AHAVC- t-TsTtl Agoing tddress Mf. CU If &?:a...J ait. arbitth ha- prompted r.- .k.invernor; the. Preiden- una a,w .'vr . a i.rJta.ii ttol Elector cf Kentucky and" r.iilTa.i,;na inSttlvite life. And I loan whiB.i'h-fipMi,vaysBn i,ir .11 1 InvTte-t'.fcir c'o oneraioii In securing the pa ifto'f olirets wbieb1 it In' beeii their -mlin ptirjroeVB;c.implih v, r r fcearuiy tliam. you, sir, mt your ineuu wlshes'f.if myi4finnes In th retiromenl . . . ' - ' e .... ku:ll,aAimaa "me: wluclt, ni-ncciui""'"' -"" - ibaee 1 hfirte 1 os.oeaeemlaflqiailiiy; .-ri-u r.imMjir to perform in' the walks . I..JT.V:. V ...JiVJ .l"..1..." . fen, n n of rtvat IlK'r -uuiu-a - nertaiftto mej And Is hull-' .. whllBtlifc remain. to)0k ,wu,liVely nH n,t ,lpen aolicit ide npio the. more- i Zt n.r.tuins of bur fieo'svstein4 oft the fioierrtmelila and to c hops f that, tin A ihasmileaTor on all-wise fwidence. ye Remiblimay oe.eyet nom prosperous and great. FR ANCIS Pa: BLAIR, A PIP.15 LAYER? ;niifi Uwk editor of ihe OI?be, who - at a - . .Z..ntB " KT -. laanf-1 aai rtea in Montgomery w.1171 (,;.,""--t h election of l.fljvetnor ueiooer wm, a tlrmigh6t a eitizen;.nor ; tesklent: rtliat fState, ttemgtAw " .h.l etaiara-in hroan Holland pinafores. froddce mock tMyJuciton"strong(doee ofvir tue and ipsntance.8ery '( WrtB' age churchIuppypsnlKaflei'p;!itfaM toned rake,,bli9iut tiritncr,- .siren listers, and pertecf owioicnarm. -. ...Na R. S.ason.with twrspeen' vr cltiist. i enini and pistponed epitaph litfK' LlA Slarnng Jl)mbtrtTtie i small jJf charitvfVactorf;'r;arpnterr apprenic-, r other wist. ?s oeawit'mayJeto hint well down in;Tic?grnnmIaryfwMoi ers and flasV son, b.iil him inj tcaulda. of crime hir tmproh.ibtlr.icS 4.oaon',e qnally: willts gooit MAai& qa1ki.w tofuwo petty lsrcency,:!aiieaati04iroerKvr. aa- hiirglary.'honpr a.id lwiolic?king. amia U-.t;.-' ' ...arm.4 fcrtil -Ul' Venllr: Ct W dovtt a mai mother, a jrany'of fobiierfcflr- eral pisUA WooJjfJtn;. Jen?--' a oolite of muiders, aa I seawn with a hang 5STi aW flie InieltV'ta a bea Jle ind a wotkb theeeenaam'ybli'tn' same, but !ie whote fljver of tic will .be loaf, and th biy will Juru, out. st,pvtrft nattern. ' Btrunilf roaorom.-nd lUHHWni' . r4 v' -'-' rjla.--.-.. i-iJ t. ft 4 1 il.ifft latt). . . tin Jr" j 2 ' a--.

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