1. 'Ugh itl my hiR n hit til ill)' .cm 4rt art-1 w.lki 1 with vert it d j uchu ureii ily em now Krd tiewr eefullr efora e to limorf Obw- idem fdre? ighoot barae-! !Std tabs honor that a trWe" elwet wlfcl hint ctatt fig iplaii lv? bok ile hi k as. SUBfO rrW eament u 1 I ky basis, can ppff IT Wl IWS atroof j cam To Join! diount General of the U. S. Army? and The Association ol lfenders ofBalti- thim M now VhM bat Texa i virtually an more in 1814, which ceopied a deserv. ( aexad to iht, United Stat, and dut tha atipula edly conspicuous station in the line l tiowef MninU acknowledge the Indspaaieue also regarded witn deep interest.; , TMI deprive Mexico, entire ly of the reon members hose infirmities prevented j hU pMnj opot to .nnctjo,,, which aha rnriuv' www a .k-m fmm takinir their placet in the ranks carriage! were provided. The six taller ed and weather beaten staitda of colore, r.Mnalty belonging to Tolantrer corps in Baltimore, now extinct, were borne in the ranki, furled and clothed in mourn ing. We are requested to call the attention of mill owners and those who are engaged in repairing mills antler difleient patents, to the advertisement of M. Baaaell, in to day 'a Star. The "Union states that Mr. Ganse voort Melville, and not Mr. John Ran dolph Claj will po out with Mr. McLanc as Secretary of Legation. THE STATE OF FLORIDA. v The firt General Assembly of the State of Florida met at Tallehsssee on the 23d ultimo, and proceeded to organize for the . .transaction of - business by the. election of, James A. Berthelot as President of the Senate, and Hugh Archer aa Speaker of the Houe of Reptesentatires. The death of Gen. Jackson was announ ced on the second day of the session, which is the date of our latest accounts, and no business mmsffafSSiM'Mtaai done. Weare informed by the Tallahas see Scntinell that the meeting of the Leg-1 islature attracted considerable interest, and that the capital was thronged with sprc tators. ' EXPQSIGN OF CANNaNTHUEE LIVES LOST. - In celebrating the 4th July at Ithaca, New York, an overloaded cannon ex ploded, Trilling instantly Gen. Boyd of that place, who was struck down from hiar horse. Another fragment of the cannon taking a different direction, struck Pro lessor Quimby and John Nix, Esq., the former of whom was almost instantly kill ed, and the latter died in a few houis. THE 4tt OF JULY IN FATETTE VILLE, was celebrated with the usual honors. The Mecklenburg Declaration was read - feV:Ttomtts-"VVr-Btekev Ksq.r tb Natioa; arn''y Anderson,. Esq. and the oration was delivered by Robert Strange, Jr. Esq There was also a pleasant celebration at Rockfish village,,., where. an -; oration was delivered by James Banks, Est. - THE 4th -OF J ULY" IN BUTIIER- f FOR DION, was celebrated in a spirited manner. The oration was delivered by George W. Bax. ter, Esq. THE 4th IN NKWBKRN Wai celebrated with tha usual military and civic ervicr. The Declaration waa rea.l by I. Duo- away, En., and an orauon waa oeuveieu oy bit Thai B. Wilson. i MM. KIN KEYS EULOGY - Oa the chanelM of the lata Cok Chcrrt will ap u ia our paper next week.. . ... . Vision op the mei hodisTBI8Hop- A'lhe convocation of Binhopa of tha MathJit Epucoj,! Church, recently held in the eky of New Yor, only four were preeent, via. Iwhopa Hetklint. Waugh, Morrie end Jane- Mekftg Swite, by leter, doclined to attend, and Biahop Mainline notified hia eolleagoea that he ahoutd be prevented by ether eogagemt- Binhnp Andrew,- wa believe, waa net notified. The reeotutione adopted are understood to be a foil recognition of the aeparation areed upon at the lata LouUville convention, as in aceordanca with Ihe authority and action of the late General Conference; and alee a decision that tha majority of every aociety in the border cenierencea have au thority to determine by vote to which aide of the line they will be attached,, and Ihe Biahope atten ding thd-a conference will act accordingly. A new plan of Epiecopal visitation baa bean a greed upon, the jurisdiction over the Southern con ference being regarded aa terminated on the part of tha Bisbope adhering to tho North. GOO Da IN NEW YORK The attention of Merchants and others, who in land to visit New Tort the ensuing season for their Gooda, is invited to the New York advertisement W tha columns of to-day 'a Star. The wholesale hoove of that city have adopted Iho right method of making themselves and their business known te Southern Merchant publishing their adver tisement in Stuthern papers. ANOTHER TERRIBLE STEAM BOAT DIS- - - - - ASTEK. - : Tha Stearnet Marquette, hurst both her hoilers as aha waa putting out from the wharf at New Or leans on the 1st instant, bound for Louisville, and killed and severely wounded between thirty and . forty of tha paasengera and. crew... At tha moment f tbeexpWoo, rCaptain Turpin hd just given the word to tro-abesd. and waa walking aft on the horieane deck to see that her atetm waa clear, when after na or two revolutions of the wheel hei thrawa about tan feat in the air, and fell on the decs, slanut tba ssm distance aft, escaping with a Slight brnisa an tha leg. ' Tha pilot at th wheel, Mr. Ostandet, ns blown, it is ataUd, aver 100 feet in th air, aad fall npon the deck of the sScaroar Tax City, lyipg alongside, at the Levee, dislo cating one of hi hip joints, rive are mentioned as eertainly dead. and four missing. A SEC RET FOttAFAHMER'S WIFE. ' Wbjje the milking of yonrxows is going on, let vonr pins be placed ia a kettle of builir.g water. Strain the 'milk into' one sf th aa taken bolfrera tba kettle, jxi t over the aarne with another of the hot pans, sat proceed in like manner with the whole mesa uf milk and you will have doable tha avantity of god rich crearn, and gM dooblt th qvantii of sweet bat lrr. '.'" TEXAS ANNEXED. It w.ll bo aara Vj that news fro Teiac that had previously urged, that Teiaa waa here. The anion of the '(Vtovrntion which assembled on the 4th July, will complete the measure of an nexation. No foreign interposition, no infloeneea from any quarter, if each should intervene, will be a'lowe j now to defeat a consummation which haa received the undoubted approbation of the people both of the UnitedStatve and of Texas. President Jones, in hia Messsage, say a that, ''although the terms embraced in the resolutions of the United Stalea Congress may at first have ap peared less favorable than way deurable for Texas, the very liberal and magnanimous view entertain ed by the Presidont of the United State toward Texas, and the promise made through the repre sentative of that eouptry', irTregald future- ad vantages to be extended to her if she eon ent to tha proposed union, render those terms morn more acceptable than they would .otherwise have been." The inference here is quite direct, that assuran ces have been given to Texa of an assumption of her debt try the Government of the United States. It is not, indeed, ed intimated in term) but we know not wht "future advantage" can be alluded to unleaa the assumption of the debt of Texas be meant. She ill have all the rights and ' priviligea of a Slate of the Union, coming in with no diwbili lrJk&KtT4iaas the only act of grace to which she can look forward-! with any interest. THB TARIFF. The subjoined extract from a tetter from Mr. 3?AjfA;Sa tor of the Missiasippian, declaring that "the Tariff mtut btrtduetdto (he revenue standard," is published in a late number of the Government orga.i st Washington, with the remark that it is in unison with Mr. Banerofi tpetck. Whe ther the language of these gentlemen is "in uni son", with the sentiments of the President, or intended as a sort ot dictation to him, is a matter of which the public will judge. In either caae, if Younf Mektry be made of any. auch stufTas Old HUktry, these gentlemen will he made to suffer for the indelicacy or Ihe audacity of their conduct. Old Hickory took "the responaihility" of framing hia own measures and publishing ,i b wri'opinftrWr aSdfhriugS lie wai Subject, e be operated npon by flattery and artifice, he was the last man in the world to submit to dicta- lion liut from ihe imperious tone of Mr, Wslkei'a letter, it would appeal that he ia to assume the character of Old Hickirv, or lo wear Ihe Lim't skin. The Union attributes to htm some of the ehSraeteristics which distinguished the late General Jackson, aoch aa promptness, firmness. &e. and compliment him as the possessor of rara powers. Perhaps he is beginning to think so himself, snd is taking this method of making a display of them,- bat we fear he will not be able to "tread in the fotMrpi." Should be suc ceed in swaying younp Hickory, It is aery ques tionable whether he will be able to eootrol the people of Mississippi, with whom he appears to have a fesrfol controversy to settle. The presumption is, he will signally fail both in hia attempt to diotaie to the President and to influence the elections in Mississippi That part of the epistle of the Secretary oiAe Ti-eoewrjr giv ing directions about elections, to prevent the ''de feat of Me parly," is openly bringing the power and influence of the Government "into conflict with the freedom of elections," and ought to be ternly rebuked by the "Democracy themselves. But what does Mr. Walker reran by redo eing the Tariff to tha revenua standaidl Does be intend thai it shall be brought down to the fre trade atandard of the abatraciionista, who form but a very small fragment of tha Democra cy I If so, what will lbs great bulk ot 'the party" think of it, who were.assured, In candi date Polk's celebrated Pennsylvsaia teller, that be would support the principle Of incidental protection, snd were made to believe by othe' means that he was stronger for protection than Mr. Clay! If be means something else, what is itl - The Tariff of 1843 waa framed by the assistance of a portion of tha Democracy , w itb the view of sui'jng the reveoue standard, and at the same time affording incidental protection te Ametieae Ialor and interaata. If k ba fail ed in thia, we believe the Whigs wilt be just as ready aa the Democrats te amend or modify it in such a manner as to make it answer these two great and important purposes. Why, then, should Mr. Walker prate about it, aa if there were any material difference, oa this subject, between Whigs aad Democrats. If there be any difference, It Consists in this,- there Is grea ter unanimity among the Whigs, and they are governed more by fixed and well defined prin ciples, than their opponents. If other wise, why have not the Democrats repealed or modified the Whig Taiiff of 1812! They had h fn their power to have done ao at the last session of Congressr it had been promised in certain see lions that it should be done; yet it was mot. Bet here le the extract. Read ft; Extract from a tetter loth tenter Editor of tie MutUrippia. datrd Junt bth, 181ft. . It would he impossible for me to give yon any adeqaat conception of the laboi of ibis offiea, (Secretary of th Treaiury.) soffic it lo say, I never hsve any leisure. At present mj ehief oceepalion la with the details ol tho tariff It mnut be rtdmeed to th revenue tandard. I do hope and truatoor fiiends ia Mississippi will not qoariel about men, lo election for officce. Their mouo should be, any goed de auxrat, (for all the olfiees.J and anion and hsrmooy la his support against all the Whigs. There should be dioimtn, or it may produce ends that will defeat the party. " J ; Ever truly your,' ' " ; S "VI. i. WALKER." i " 1 1 II II - lJl I " -1 ,1 Mr. McDoffie's health is said lo b im- proving, and . it is expected bo will able to lake hia neat in the next Congress, J HV." G.'Brownlow.fcsn,. Editor of ihe JcwfV boro' W hi;, haa been aomi sated for Congress in ths 1st Congressional District of Tennessee; and has accepted the nomination. In canvass ing, he'll de ihe thing Br, urn, and if he don't hj his competitor kw, it will net befor the want of hard knocks. The Union exults ia what it regards a frest tain out of the citisens of the Whig city of Richmond to pay funeral honors to Genetsl Jackson, "the only man fit say a) of I enty mil lion who eould hsve drawn forth soeb a burst of national feelings." Upon thisnhe Whig re marks, "the tore out" here, in place of being the tremendous affair which ha extorted com pliments to the Whigs, even from the "Organ," was so small as to excite the regret of many of the Whigs themselves. The leas the Organ says shoot it, the better." GEN. IIOUSTO.NaVd DR. ARCHER. ThejJk'1HeraldpMMiBhsw Jeltereof Dr. Archer, fomerly of Virginia now of Texa, the one to the Editor of ths Hrnld, the other lothe Elitor of the Union st Wsshington (which Mr. Ritchie declined to publish.) These let are couched In terms of the bitterest and moat personal denunciation of Gen. . Houston, . whom. Dr. Archer, in company with many others aus pects of the design of becoming a candidate for the Presidency of the U. States SOMETHING BEHIND THE CURTAIN. It sppears that Mr. Rives, late of the Globe, reeeotly made a speech before the Pointers' So eiety, Snd also read a letter from General Jack son, in relation lothe conduct of the Adminis tration toward Blair ii Rives, whioh the Edi tor of the Union had set np in type for publica tion, but did not publish. These, articles, it ia supposed,; hitar opon. the ad niniUatioB, withJ some severitv; ard it ia further eharged by the New' York Courier upon Mr. Ritchie, that when he disco veted this, he concluded to sup press them. This he ealla faboloos, and asys they were only impended. Rather s small hole to creep out at! But why was their publication miptndedS They were publicly made, are said to contain matter important to the public, and what can justify ths delay in their publication? smokeT " Mia London, in one of her works, says: "Light trensitory winding its graceful circles till finally lost in the blue air, born of the fiery element -which smoulder below, -smoke fit the j very type of that vapour of the human heart, hope. So does hope spring from the burning passions, which consume their home snd them selves so- does it wander through the future ma k in g i t twn ehitrmee; "pet h end so'doei ft vanith swsy; lost in the horiton,' it grows at lest too feint fm outline" ., . , .; c. Tlte . address to the students or bgianune Acaoemy will be published as early as practi cable. mexicanTndemnity. Wilson Shannon, Kq. late U. S. Minlater to Mexico, has addressed a letter to the Hon. Jamca Buchanan, Secretary of Stale, on the subject of the fourth and fifth ioststmeats of ihe Mexican Indemnity. This letter is published fn the Wa&hing'on Union, and confirms, sub stantially, tha ststemeni mads a few day ago by Benjamin E. Greene, Eq. Tale Charge if Affaires at Mexico. Mr. Von, the American Agent, finding it impossible to obtsin the mon ey from the national treasury in Mexico, pre vailed on the Government lo give bim drafts on the local treasuries for an amount auf&eiently large to cover the principal and interest due on the instalments, snd ihs r ost if collecting tha lame, and transmitting the mor ey to Vera Uruz Mr. Vos receipted for these drafts ss payment and Mr. Shannon, who arrived in Mexico after the arrangement hsd been entered into, sent to our Government the announcement with bis own endorsement, Mr. Vo plsccd tha drafts in the hando of Messrs. Tayleur, Jamison dt Co. in the eity of Mexico, fot collection; but the revolution broke oat soon after, and the money intended to meet these drafts wss diveited from that purpose by ib Government of Mexico, and applied to its j own purposes. Up to the time of Mr. Shen non's departure from Mexico, which was ou the 14th of May last, Ihe drafts bsd not been paid. No doubt, however wss entertained by Mr. Voas or Mr. Jsmison but that the drafts would be paid a soon ss the Mexican govern ment eould cotnmsod the pecueisry means. - THE CALT0RNIA8. . 1 , It is said tkat Mr. 8hannon report to our gov ernment, that the British government ha taken a mortgage npon lb California to secure the pay ment to her aibject of debts te ths amount of twenty-six millions of dollsrs. If Ibis b ao,' Brother Jonathan is outwitted for one. The Vicksburg Sentinel, a leading Locofoco paper in Misissippi ealla. poo President Polk 'lo dismia Mr Walker from his Csbinet si once." unless Us can give a SalisfsetdTy expl. aaHon of hie eonduet in nsllifylng the appoint, sent, by suppressing- the commission, of Li successor in the, U. 8. Senate ,TU B N S WJP08TA GH LAW. The Uaion asya away eouulry Postmasters ar tesig'Dinc their offleas ia eoasequenea of the new law, which depriraa thra of tho franking priviley; the only inducement many of Ibem hsd for holding their appointments- If found Deesssary, the law might be amended to meet their particular eases , The mail matter i greatly loeieaaed in the large cites. In Philadelphia, Tuesday, between thrae and four ihoeaand more letters than ososl were mailed. Ia New York-and Baltimore, the increase hss been immense.' All the private letter express maila have given way lo the new law and backed out; from the competition ' with th Government Mail. With torn amendment wnieh m,T be foona proper, wa think tha new ks ill aanrk well Vt'a k... .. a.. ,k.. OS i the ratee af bests ffe. h waver, will ka l. creased. Doring a display of Firework la front, of the Ptesident's Hosnse, Wsshington, on the 4th. a rocket shot off horizontally and struck and killed Mr. Jas. Knowlea , a worthy meehsnic. His wife was leaning upon his arm at the time! For the Star. MR. CLAY. The distinguished individual whose name J heads this article cominne to reeeive, tn hi reurement, tesu.nonials of the estima-1 tion in which he ia held by a prateful, eon j fidinir and enlightened neonlo. They cannot be otherwise than gratifinj- to a tru ly noble and genrroue aoul tike hi. Though defeated, his fame will live on when the ephemeral celebrity of his ene mies shall have gone down with the ebbing tide of political excitement to the shades of oblivion.' He nobly prefered being right to bent President," "ihe fame thst would last forever to (hat of a day," and the inter ests of his country to his own. Aristiilcs was banished - rjectroee he- waa-just. The very men who condemned Phocion to drink the hemlock, and denied his lemains a bur ial, afterwards bepged his bones pf the pious female wh4tad rewrnrd them, and erected a monument to his memory. Socrates shar ed J.fa.w,-?"!,!!!.. picero too fell a victim to the corruption of the times; a proof of the versatility of popular senti ment in every country. But posterity hss done them justice, and posterity will do Mr. Clay justice. Let his fiiends erect monuments of marble, if they choose; but his fanie Sitt--JmpexishaUa, without infill ' " ' "-iv.' ' " . . . . I It requires no efforf on tW part '-bn.rsWlE,LIf t m if a mw ucsiaencs ' I 11 t ,h raurl sl ljinasn. :em friends to sympathise with him in his do mestic afflictiona- May the great Uisposer of human evei.ts endue him with- fortitude to bear them! JUSTICE. Jthriire THE OREGON It is rumored that this contfOTewr ii rs be settled by a proposition from our Gov ernment to make the forty ninth parallel the boundary line between the American nd British possessions. ; A correspondent of the New York Tribune, writing; from Washington, says there is reason to be lieve it true; and this opininn is said to come from a hisrhly respectable source. Mr. Calhoun in his correspondence," . a a a . . . 1 says the letter, "reinseu to entertain sucn a proposition. He contended for the fifty fourth desTee, Renlon and many other profniWerif " Io'cO rocos WilT denounce the authors of it.'' It does not appear that the- RnUnh Gov ernment has agreed to accept this compro mise; the burden of the rnmor is thai our Government is willing to propose it. . . It was once before offered by our Govern ment; but England insisted on tha.Colum A REMARKABLE FACT. The Lexington, (Ky.) Observer stales that Jacob F. Todhunter, deaf and dumb, aged 3 years, has been taught to articu late by his instructor ', Robert 'T, A nder son. The editor heard the acholar read a chapter in the Bible n ith ease and clear ness. j ANOTHER THIRD OF aUEBEC DESTROYED BY FIRE ! --On ihe iZSth May ftufbec was . yinited by a fire, which destroyed, it was said. a third part of the city; and on the 28th ult, this ill fated place waa again scourged with a similar calamity, by whir h 1300 dwellings were destroyed, and 0000 per sons rendered homeless! . Water could not be obtained for a long lime, and when obtained,, was of little service, owing to the 'rapid protrrcss of the flame.- The oss Of Hte IS ROl SO-grej as Jtr ine. lonner . . , i r . I fire. One was killed in blowing up a house, and two were burned two died from fright, and two from their sick beds. One more such fires, it is said, would blot Quebec from the list of cities. Grest ef forts were making to relieve the sufferings of the people, numbers of whom had no refuge out the streets; the military had louned their tents to shelter them at night qj estionIFfo R ASTRONOMERS. What is Eclipse ? A racer that JMHifd. beart a bod called Henry. What is longitude T A clothesline. ; , Prov it It stretches from pole to pole. What are stars T Separate bodies, like Ellen .Tree, JIacready and For est.' ." ,- :..1; ' 1 W'he'r their prospects art clod Jed. What are celestial globes t A woman's eyes. " What are the belts of Japher t- His sus penders I suppose.. . ... - The rings of Saturn, what ? Torphiea of female conquest. . W hat , is JrnntU L, Part of , ihe pLrass "Sic transit gloria muidi. - When is right ascension t When you get op in the morning good natured. What is latitude t A eross-grained chap that fools his time angling, whereon he meets Longitude. ' tj y B-Palmer, Esq. haa been appointed oar Agent in Philadelphia, New, York, Balti more and Boston. to afford the business mea of those eities an opportunity to advertise la our paper. They will and it sa eaeslleat ehaanel thro' which to convey information to the pnb lie in North Carolini. as lb KUf clreulstes generally over Ihe State. . ' ' ' v DIED, . - la tliis City, on Friday morning last, ol In- Barnmaiion or In nowts, Mrs. rraneis n. Sbepaid, the youthful and beloved eonsort cf James a. Hbepard, Esq. end daughter of Hon. johnR. Donnell, of Newbertv r ' 4 v v la this County, of Coasumtloa, oa tha tain alt., Mrs. T P, B. Hi a ton, eonsort of the late Jamea Hinton, in the 48th year of her age, - la this City, on Sunday Isst. Joseph Green, infant aoa of Mark H. and Martha J. Hill of tbia Coonty' " " i ; f ; On the 9Cth aft., at the residence of W'm. P. Terrell, ia Waka Forest, Alfred Hinton, in tbe join year of hi age. Mr. Hinton wa a mamher of the Baptist Chsrch. sod died under the cooseiaiioae a. letigioa, ' ' ... Ia this county, en Saturday 38th Jonv after : j mi 1 1 . pi' . i i. ter of Edward and Nancy J. Dshnsm. aged three years, four, months, and eighteen days. God bath taken my favorite lo hie bosom in heaven. Yet feeling laments that tie gone, i , . ; ,., -. , . . Ci. TolUlLJLOWIVUKSt ESFECIALLV, la March. IIM, I purehsM of 6. T. Wsaraat, t?9 euy. Kniaky, hi right s Ut ,Mlrr, , lhrnn!,1Mt bri,ini bim te honeiu I bv . diwovercd ih he iit not J',j,, Millasorimgtoik plan sjeified In am letters lnlnfIMin. ah m4 iff kn. mii umg part of noiher 'r. I have uert all Ihe mean neeeasary in eHakle m t arrive at ihe iraih the snhjeet, and ra sslUKed tkat k ha ltd trnproperlt'm diipotias ot hi patent. I have par ehaswl of Mj. Wca. V, Coll, ! Rleih, hit rifhl 10 the iiatint of Mr, K. A. Knaollnn, to 6s fiiin Uitli to a rind Cnrn. Cub and Shuck, tn the Count ie of Cu ruber l nit, Uisrltn and Kt krsna, and hrv eomptoraiMrd with him for Ik lairing meat of hi ritkl in Chstlitm snd ttiskmnnd. Imlet ereJ to open s eorrrvpoerhnre rth laid Wallers, bat lie hit UiUn lo n,wer re lelier. i be on jeti oi ihu tcmmamutiot i la pnt oiaert who uave h(T Jeitinr, vilh bim, lMm-aerrfsd.-'- M. HUsSF.t.t. July IS, IU5. r-.1t THE EXPLORING CXPKOITION ATTEN DOLLARS. HIS Edition of the Narrative of Ihe -U S.- Exploring-. Expedition, con tain (he ,me type. pte, snd rending msttar f the Urger eriitiun the dirTcrcsee bein Tn ll.e quality ol Paper, snd the Mibtt'tuiinn ol ihe WiwmI Cull fur Sirel, ill Vigin'tlci Ttj lj'Kr E'lllion it $ii For l it tlie N. (. Hoiikttore. . TL'RN'KU Ic IICGIIK9. July r. . pri,in( imulents, elfloMl nj pertonsl, troin IStf l tigs, including negotiation nn ilia (RF.Utr QURS'flOJf, nd other nntettled question belwet Ihe United sinxt son i,rei urmm, yj iihsiihiu ltuth. Eavoy'Kalfarmlrnary and Mlntter-'-PlenMMi-. tehiir :WmThe fJtiRvirr Stbt;retn rtrtrrlSi Iliatorical nienioira of VI f Own Tlm, hy Sir N- W. Wraxall, Hart, author of Poihuro'Oiia"Mennh-C-- --' Tho Pecl rtnd Poetry of Europe, with mtronuetioa and biogisphUat noli, by H. W. Unglellov. The Doff nnd the Sportsman em- hrig the u. tr,nnf r ni Ste ot IKg, and n aeeount el the eiftVreut kind of tisme, wiih lhir habit. Aim, Mnts 10 nnooters, ult variout receipt, ke , hy J 8. Jjk inner, lormer Kditorol Ihe Turf Regitler, ke. Tokeaih or the White Hone, an Indian 11. by l estfielU ror ! nt h North Cnilin nookrtore, eoroer of Kayettetille and UargeM Strrei. July 7. 29. Ttid ltlS Ileurof ArkuaiHUSj. jmH E BiR Bear of Arkansas, ainl ther Talcs, li iltiistrative of Characters and Incident In th South and South west, ' edited Ky W. T. Poftet, with ten origin! engraving, front designs hy Dr- ley prir RO cent. Also,", .Tu.'UatU of ths.Factions.1 snd other Tales, of Ireland, hy "A illiam Carleton, ulhor of Pbelan O'Toole' Coortahip, prio S5 eent. -Charles TyrM or "the Bitter Blood," hy O P; R. James, Eaur-prk Sfreentar-' ---- - The Man at arm, or Henry De Ceron by O. P. R. Jamea, Riq- S vola. in one price 25s rent Zo" tho HUtory of two Lives, by OerolJin E. Jevrsbury, ' "Indications of th Creator,' by William Wha well, D- D. Master of Trioity College, &c. &. The ado bav just bean published, and ar for sale, with many other new and interesting worka at th North Carolina Books or. Orders from a distant: promptly attended to TURNER A KUUUE3. Rateigh, May SO. . t3 -NGWtfRK Wholesale Houses. The undenigned Meralisnl, Manufacturer, Im narter. snd Vv hsletal Dealer, are now amply pra- .ared vith lull Stoek ol Good la their rctiv dennrlmeni neeulwrlv UHe4 t IB want of SOUTHBUM MBKCIIANT8. ' I he large and varied saaortnvent hM tit N York market AVrds lo nsrehsser. nreienl a sap rior oppenunliy lor a ekoiee seleeiica, and on tern-.S a lToralU, lo ssy in lrt. say ether market. SOUTHK'tPi MERCIIAWrs are surea M oor tUfaraainnlioa M alas, a postibttv sain oia sua 1, weerl :atawks nd prtw psw ,u.iw'i -1 .. ------ - ... M M.nJilfMll Invlt.d ta M. Importers and Dealers in Stopfe and Fancy Silk Goods. Uowea k MsNsmee, 10 William at. aoroer of neaver. Carleton, Fretbioghso) h Co., ITS Pearl it corner ' ot PJne. Fancy Silks, Stapla Dry Goods, and Straw, Leghorn and Palrn Iaf Hats. Robert U Smith fc Henderson, 1T0 Pearl It. thr doors shove Pine. Importers and Dealers in Staple and Fancy Dry Goods. , C W It J T Moor h Co. SOT Pearl at. font - doorkft Maiden Laa. Importers and Dealers in Staple Dry . Goods. Atasttr, r.oald k C. 14 Wall U hetaeea Broad way and Kassaa, Tmpbrteri rWrerVestinirs. Winter Goods, Toi- lors Trinm.ings, &c. ' WilsnnO Hunt fc Co, 13 WUIIsra St., soracr of MaideaU, Importers nnd Jolbers of Suspenders, Gloves, Crnvats, Scarfs, Hosiery, kc. Mntiulacturers ol Cnps, Stocks, Lin- l-iivOi-SilkvdV-i-- John M. lv!c fc Jon, 100 William street, I E .,, ' eavneeef John. - ,-. ... ; . . Booksellers and Stationers llanlingteak &, SIS Pearl street, between Malen lane and Burling Slip.' S S k W Wood, SCI Pearl at. opposite TJ. 8. - Hotel.-.- ' - : x .J . Collins, Bmtker k Co Sit Pearl atraet. Down k Ca, 149 Pesrl meet, sorner ef Watt. , New Books, Periodicals and Cheap Pub-lications.- Ageflts supplied at Publish ers' prices. 4Vm H. Grahsmi Tribune RuUding. Kanau Itreet Eslalv Agent tor Graham' Magasme. . f . Importer and' Dealer-irr French and , English Perfumery, Combs, Brushes nnd Toilet Articles; l' f , William Brvwer, St Maidea Lane, an stairs. Importer of all kinds of Toys and Fan cy Articles, Perfumery; Soaps, Musi. ; cal Instruments, Stationery Articles, ' German Glass Ware. French China, ' &c; ' '" ' t(- i . Kl,-V'. I':. CbaHe Ahreafetdt, SOfaide Laa and U Liher tysireel. '. i '.- . . . Cbarfa F. A. Hinrkh, 150 Broadway and 71 Lib any at. aoeeenor jo St.. Wmkrasltrari also - -Archery and Urirket Implement. ; GaiUvni F Meyer, 19 Maidea Ln,op ttr.i Importer of Toys, English, French hid! ' termanit ancy oopas. ueaier in r ro i ; Crackers, ana Ionufacturer of Ftw ij German Fancy Goods. Dealer in ire ..wWrU-t.?ii.bIi.fi nd;P;ivate Exlu buions. - J W HolUrtor., 71 M.nWn Li tv Manufnctnrers Depot' for the-tale-of Hoots, Brojrnns, Shoes, te, . Gianni k Gdbtr), 96 Mi!rn jmf, ev rVart, Miniifactitcrar.ctmpovter of Ssdllry, Ilnrness and Coach Hardware. ' Y J llu,k,.imr,lMmt.rar4rUTMr dee Lane. Saddlery Warehouasi. . ... It.nsl, Catlionn k Coj t09 Fearl at. ap stair. Importers nnd Denlert'm Drags, Med t oinef, Points nnd Dye Stufli v-.; II II .kh.. Relin fc Co. Reural Aent r sini' Psaace and Vermifuge, 104 snd JOB Johnttrcst. "" ..'..;.., Grocer and Commission. Merchaof - J C Hooker, SS Bro4 street, .. Coffee, Ocoa, , Mustard and ' Spices Grtuind nnd VhoIe Foil Assort ments The Ilono Mills Company. A Worihington.Orue 17 Front . Mill M ler krlfield itreet. Importer and Dealer in Sugars, Tobnc- rn. ,v Georg W Fottom, H6 Water atreei. ep!air.- Mat.ttfacturers of Fancy and Brown Sonps, in nil their Tarietics; Patent ,,.StettraRennedL Cande. ..yirrantefjtq stand nny climnte, VLiV tv.j' """ . ' D 8 k J W.id llroan, 10 Peek Slip. , . Mnniifnrturers of Scented, Shaving and Pnmily Soap, Essences, Perfumery, Oystaline Candles, ice. Importers ol Paris Perfumery, Labels, Class Ware ajtd Fancy -Articles 4 for .Drnggistt wHa purnn r'fiitiw Johnaon, Vrcara k Fowler, S Court hindt street. Dealers in Painti, Oils, Glass, Djre Stuffs, &c- Manufacturers of White Iend, Colored Paints, Verdijfjris, Put- Ripley k MtCulloajh, ISO Freat ttreet, serfHT of llurling Slip. -,- -t; ;- ' .- Pu W ishc ranr Dealer In" LTthngraphic - Enzravinfja. .. - . - , , , 3 K Carrier, S Sprue at., opposite Trjboa Build- ing.-' . ' - - ' t) Manufacturer of Soda' Biscuit, Sugar, Butter and Water Cracker; and Pilot T , Bread, of the tost quality only: s F.phrsim rreadaell's 80, 87i Waahicglea street. corner 01 warren.. , Wilder's Genuine Patent Salamander Safes warranted free from dnmpnesvl- -- Silstt; Herrihg, M anafturr, IJ9 Water stmt. orner o llepryater. IticliV Tmpnf ed ;r SaTsainnJcr Sales ""a' warranted dry. - - Manufacturer. , , -.r. . :. . ,,.1 Mnnufncturcr and Importer of Mnsica' I nst rtt metits, nnd liepot of Bronze Ponder. - .--.'.,......., .. - - Rdvrard Biatk, St Fulton street, orrter eTGotd. lilnnu focturer and PeAler 'Jn Playing;, Yisiiin? antf Business Cards,"ofevcry " kind. : r ' fieorg Cook, 71 Fallon Mreet. 'i Manufacturer of the Celebrated Magic -v Razor Strops, of fourside. . L Chapman, 0S William reet. Sold at - fasttirer's tiiUe ty all ih Hsrdwar and Fan cy flood Importer. I'riceq reduced Mi p cent ' -: Manufacttiror of Coffca and Tea Urn, Table Dishes" and CovmT&e: for Hotels and Steamboats, Jane Y Watkias, IS Cat bar in street. ; French China and Glass Ware, F. Gerardin, IS John strcetr-Agent firManof tarr Gilding and Psmlia on Ckia Wr to msteh any pattern, caeeatcd at Ibis sstslilisb- mcni. Importers nnd Manufacturer! of Look ;. it)Z, Glasses, Looking Glass Plates, Picture Frames, tc. . v '. Bull It Denaldana, 3S Pearl alrset, kttweea Mai den Ian and John. '" . f?Borr't,lt-nltir, Iftl.Folloa an PesrH , Alan, Plain snd Onismemsl Gliding, tied aad .,' Curtfia Ornament, Fsinlinga.Kngrstings, fc. Manufacturer of Brushes, Blacksmith . nnd Family Bellows; a: Factory and Machine Brushes made to order; Cot-tim-Gin nnd Shoemakers Bristles, O Berrien, Jr. k Con 857 Pearl Mreet, Steel's Patent Feather Brushes, Peacock Fcnther Fly Brushes made to order. Wlllisra Steele fc Co. MaBOfaernrera, SOS Pcsrl at. Type Foundries, Printinjr Presses, and Printing Materials, of alf kinds at , manufacturers prices. EJvsrd Pelocse, Triheas Baildiag,. eppatit City Halt, ' . - ... .'..,... i Willisra Hsgsri Gold trt. ' r,- Joha T White, 45 Cold sires. : '. ii Phases, Machinery,. Steatn Engine Printers' and Binders'-: Wnrerooms. L j j " Manufacturer of-Sieves, Sales, Copper, brass ,i and iron w ire Clotn, - uita Cages, Screens, Rat Traps, Plain and Fancy Wire work, dec. . , . r ." David Wowl, it Fakoa straat . egi'- Agricultural Repository. ' John Moore, IIS -Front ' M. ' Manufacturer of Ptrmghi Hon Power, " Tbrbing Maebiaev " and other fsrraine utentits; alsn, Bras, Copper , aad Iron Wire Cloth, Sieve, Screen, kc. '?-'AffricuUnniI..Fonn.dry.'4i Them TrJrablo SOS Water street, Maeul'aotarer , -I Plaagh Casline. Gia Gear Segasent, Harse Power aad Ssa Mill Machinery, of every 6a- arlptioa, at rasnufseturer' price. . -t MaRBLt. Dalers in Ornamental Mar- ble Work, Richly Carved Statuary, ., t n- mm a ; ana t-tain wiarDie fljanues ana aionu -?-"menls..--'-;-i'-i'- - tlnderhill k Ferri.. S73 and 174 GraeaaUh street. . orr of Bench. .' -, Fisher k Bird, 817 Doweryj also, fcur aptilaaf ler the Laniera of Itomenrheeet, soilabl toe olaans fnnr feet ht diameter, Intliaa Baar ,M. Prise $3000. , -. , B I Brown, earner oi Greenwich and Franklin at. flss, the had anpplled with Foreign aad Da '. ,immI Marble la block or slab. $ -- . daoANS-Chnfch and Parlor Organs constantly on hand and mada to or--. der, from $230 np to $5000. Metal : Pines made t5 order."; " - Davis k Ferris S9S Boweiy. ' ft Manniacttirer 'and Importer of Double ; and - Single-Action Ilnrps, - Strings, I Music, dec. ' 5 ' v ' ' ' J.F Broa.M BroaJwiy. s. 16-ti. W'-s ,t'r,i( U-l i,"

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