a. Liberia et natal solum rOK GOVBRSOR. JULeTtL FEBRUARY 2. 1818. U. STATES COLLECTING AGENT. V. B. Iit. PbitaWphU. baa e-atitt-1 lot tuaWf a high reputation M U. 5lUa CJi Imimi At4. HkMmcMta PhiUJelphl ftew York, Boaton. aaJ BiUlmore, U of hich plaeaa he aetoaa aawt for this rp -"U h prompt. dUigent and bitbful durfuree of the duties fetiM, ai Ifc be etUee of bis HaUfieatios Joe tUa buatnaaa. ' ' " - ' rta ALMOST. Aa anapt mUm oa Mottdsy saorning tMt to r, taa. Mle" buiUiinc. oeeapUd ky Mr. ioirpli Batta. on raiotteviiiii Ino", the wty l-art of lb city- The Cm ioawtoi uadef .a aptrtura ialiia iM.ladalUiiiatI tuOef tba . Ul it at aaoa lirtaWiolf sjaaiaoae oad anwtad by Me Kfowd wbooeetipUa the neat . door, tha whxU block mtwl iaoihaUlf have' Uesi sweat off. H -ao Ait of leidirf.' .. L . ' . Irt-MT rEDRUABY. , . A tha adnlWraij of dw Birth-Jay nfUw FoUf c of btt Ooaatrj Jbaproaod oa Bmadagr.iu Wow id; d'f waa otJ with military bouoM, by lbs Guards, the Cavabv, sad ths North Carulino Ca data. As ad.Iraw wm deliMircd by CaJol Lenity I th4 City Hall, iwfore iarf audtdHcS. , j , . VAR CLAUSE. " ; The. New York eomsMadmt of the Natioaal Intelligencer wrhinj oa the Ilih Inst says . It Is ronton red in Wall street to day thai ow isaoitseo eenipanuia, or some o( ibem, bavo ro-fesod-ie iasaro wiihoet what is termed the 'waf cLoaoS' to baoVnod fa the pulley. , . A gatttlomaaia JkUxieo ; says ih Now Or 'loana JeQaraoniaa, whooo ItMotigMieo aod 4- tVrinaiiod aie iiaarpaaed, givea it aa bia decl. ded opl.iiod that war must evennally enace with the Mailed Suus. We tiaHatstethe foHoarisjr paragraph from the 'Odtirlor ,dos Vak,''oi this fnuwiiiig. -CewJl. y t.w, ThoWltiotelT igenee from Mekteoleavee no doubt that the new Govrrnrooot of that eoun try i teSolvao to rrjai all acefuTvertures from the tinitid State; aod aoticit the inter vention of Eurnpeaa'powara io vbiaia from the Union iriflerohi Beat too for the loss of Texas, aad a botiaderl Uae under the protecting gursntoe of Fiant'K dHd Great Britain. We know p onallyi Ital title was an idea entertained by Geooral AlioooM, whea be left New Verk so bia retain lo Mesieo, wkoie be now ' eecpics loSuetml place in Ute Goverantet!" , - v PENITENTI.VttY. We havr the pleasreCf laying tie fore The pnrjtiCIn t-lay'a Star, the highly in m ' - LLI " . . m . irrcuur commasicauoa . oi uor. tiaa- am, oo the subject of Penitentiary. Let it be arefully examined aa 1 preserV ed. We have no room for note or comment his wek, but shall recur to the subject ljESTABL!3HAfEPiT8 WORTH I AMlNirtCl. EX: U DRY POODS The extensive" tfry l.o..-.eaubliahmentof Whiteley, McCon uy dCd., Ualtirridro- , IARDWARK. CUTLERY". &c. The Splendid establishment ufPaut At. Winnkro. H er. PbiUlelphia. ' I BOOTS, 8UOE9, HATS. &e.The ItichmoutL Va, Forkiosi. 4J.fittTtc Dav-Ge.-oator, CbarrM k. Rod wood's great whole ale importing esUldishmeul, Baltimore. hPlANO FJR 1 feS,-Tbe'ettenaive es. bliahmeaU of E. P. Huh, Petersbute Rjcheaeod. ' . See advertisemaato' . - . ::v i GREAT -STORM: I The Northern paperg renresent fL Mow eterm of Sunday, the loth Inst having beenVne oftheMoW extensive id seeero storms ! witnessed fir aaaot jyears. Tbe rail roads were obstructed? .add great d.m.rtl M done a k ,i,f. T" a ii B,ch alone. 3ie Chsrlestoopapdrs oWribe the gfl )ieh wee experieneed om muL, having 1een lefriarilmi Aew arti- rjr material injury u the ehlDpincV" W. ed to hear from the coast of North Cat bos. a H ; , , , . , .. . , . , . r ' s ..-.. ii - --m 1" onmgs i juice a.ixej : withni!asli.f M,-' Baa , U. . . ... Kr8.,e..lJ,i;tet.;,aioid.. crowded I. (laV ) . " m7 7"tu I weVVift; Mosoeoe wokino' -d,.t-.hild,enwileloViu;!K The lollop in j list of crime and punish menu which Ims been- furnished to us by a gentleman of the legal ptbfession, will b read with in'erest in, connexion with the Penitentiary question. ' i ICriines punishabl smilkdealh in North Carolina ra single offence. f Murder, . , , , i . . t . Butghry, ..... if Arson. t . 4. Rubbery Oil or fleer a hif i wty. a Accessories before the fact in each of these fMir. 0. The lighter of a duel arid all alders and. abetters where a piny i killfcd. 10. Castrdtidn with udaliee aforethought. 11. Rape, or Carnal abuse of female child. 12. Ciime against nature. , IS. Burning the Staid Houie, Court IlouseSi Jail, ccc. 14. Stealing a slave. v . 15. Couvevior or concealing a slave. with intent b enable him to escape out of the Suite) 10. Talking a free negro, or person st( mixed blood out of Uie State wnh an inten tion to fjfll tit dispose of him, &c. . 17. Breaking Prison when confined on a capitil charge. 18. Rebellion or Insurrection bf slaves, 19. Joining fcoiwpVc or rebttlioa of stares oy l roe persons. ; 20. Slaves' who voluntary return to the Stairi 8ie'rWinrtoiispored byAeirtene ofaCotfrfc V. v 21. Attealpllltf Jd. iidniiifif , rape on a white, woofa, by- jteroii.of elorr secoAd ijence. T ...,. Malicious Maiifling; -. 1. - - 23. Bigamy. ElliaHt:l 23. Iloi'se stealing. 20. Buining Bridges, die. ,. 27. Circulating seditious publications a mono; slaves. 28. Exciting slaves lo sedition by words. 29. Forgery. - 80. Manslaughter. Offences punishable by branding 1. Manslaughter. . 2. Bigamy. Ss Counterfeiting Coin. ' " " ' 4 f And all clergiable felonies not having 1 special puuUhmfcdt provided for them by totertr:'-"-'wt v . "1. Perlufy ' committed on a Uial for i capital offeue'e. y whipping the bafebOck. ' 2. Malicious Maiming. 3. Bigamy) . , , 4. Larceny Grand and Petit. " 5. Horsr Stealing (by statute ' 0. Circulating seditious publications a- nong slates. . .... , 7. Excttidg slaves W insurrection by words. 8, Forgery. ,'"' r- 9 Steulin. erowinr corn &c dee. 10. Attempting' to burn State Uodse; Court Houses, ate-. .11. Counterfeit ng Coin 1 12. Having in possession', with fraudu lent intent, instruments for the purpose of coantenettingfoin. ' 13. Counterfeiting Bank notes. Ill Pawidg or .attempting io paascoud- terieit pans notes. 13. Cheating with false tokens: Many of the crimes in the last three rJaJs- e are subject to pnnhmertt oTIhe Pillory in addition lo branding' and Whipping. , Imprisonment. Many oi these as well as others, not enu merated are liable also to lung lehns of imprisonment la Jail, some by statute, aud others at the Common Law. . 1 . Persons of color, whether slave or free. are likewise, punished in every case not already enumerated For the Star. Mr. Lemay: W ill you please publish an extract front the Utter part of a sermon pretfehed in N.I. Text 3rd chapter and iSihv. Habakkuk. "Wo unto hint thai givt'th his neigbbbr drink, jlhst putteth thy botde td hioi, and aoakeat hlitt drtlriken al so,".. Till trafficker mat say, the business will be cirled on, and if 1 da hot engage in it others will; True! "It is impossible but ' that oOeneel t will cifme,' but wo unto hias through whom they came."- The ma'o who engages in the business, will incur the guilt of doing so, a.ad bring , iipott hi nMd the wodenounoed against ic'-' --' b A " .' ; : ' ' ' word, ' Thomas F. Marshall, the eloquent Ken tacklan, whose refortosnon front intern perartce by the Wa.hintonian while , mijiberofthe 2fth Congress rang throegh the whole'. naUun, tad whoso ctoqaeat tenrperanco' -r eprocbea 1 the Eastern cities thrilled Ihl heart ofevery , frend to the cauaej fell frota his high estate and broke his solum'n . pledge, ait - hexing to j e nis soiomn . pieaga u . jxtngtesi k before last ' PecuuiaW, embfrraav trfrHls fiWalf "ha J Seen fulatic we Wade'rstand; -combined ''wit wee atentr debW duappmhled sntbitran Was doubtless the exceis; ra4 refurnedia iU hraa aa4 conarieace ie'uater her oalanor.i He wa to iheExrcaUvo Cemmittee f the 8orirtyv ockoowledged his TaelC tiled torgivenessV and rvnewed'hIsple'Jge. ,' The ' pwg . nv mane iwe poweriui -r- ....... irRincranc mvaung; ine niai ncknowledglrtghiV' Jerelfctwif,' Bnd the eamt snrMMVffikr.Ausi i. ,atn m.A k Urre number tif wkome lolhej.' Had" he Uken tfewaUlM mora mm. tfuwno.r,! x-hiT'k'iMl .-M . lCtnvablj.AtRMg. fjr- CORP0RAT1OM PROCEEDINGS- :i - Jfuidgh, i. j, 186. lUjular meeting of Had of ,Cut misiouers: Present W'.lt. Gales,' K4-' liitenfan'j t k W.'Ha ywdjJ. F' I. Ila.v wooj; W. D. Ha j wWd.'S; W. Whiting. Wm. Ashtey, Wm. Thunlpaoh, aud Jiw Hutchins, Cmintsioners. Tile Board proceeded td ballot jut Clerk of the B.ard. Whereupon, aner six balloting, U. U. Smith wda duly Elec ted Clerk for the .preaeat year. On motion of G. W. Haywood, it was made the duty of the City t!a table, to aupetintend all repairs Upon the Strette; Pumpe, die; Mr. Whiting offered E: B. Fteeniaa and II. D. Tdrner Esq., ai hia securit) for the Treaaurerahip of the City tuoda) which waa accepted. 'lhe Committee appointed at the hat meeting to settle with the former Treasur er, reported that they hsi)performed that service,' and that the balance in hi hands of 82 J 1 45, had been tlely paid over to the new, Treasurer; . On motion John Hotcliins. Emj. wsa sppointed Committee on the Grve Yard. The application of Rihert " Nicholsba for Licence to- retail Sjiiritoos Liquors, recommended by James Edwarjn, Hin t..n Franklin,: D- C. Dudley!, iud jUbett W. Hajr wood, wsa i ejected.. The memorial of the . Mercbants of Raleigh; praying for a suitable tat on itinerant'. Merhaiit : or Trader from OlV er pifccea a oa mutton, refeired 4o i Ja'I Comntitlee, consisting of S. W. Whit Will Taomp.uiv And VD-41ayw4MM The system of -a H red Guard iwhich has been ib operation in this City far sev eral years past- were unantmunaly ie-ldo)v' edfor the present year. N r.'lhe --.To u tJunstaUle- waSj ou eno ion, niectrd to sell the laon Pump and loae Rock near the Market House, t ? A motion was made add agreed to, te purchase forth benefit of the City; the the Spring in the. Western. Ward, gene rally kmiwH aa HielrV Snrtg.? )ogetb er with' one. Acre of greend . attached thereto, for a audi of money not exceed ing 75. '' An Account ,orfirr?.ol James rut tick, fut cuitiiig stone fut Pnnkp; wis 'ai: lowed. - The Account ao of John Hutcbloa for Wagon hiret uf ) 17 35v was allowed, ' Tee -Account -of Joshat Allen,' tot t ' 45, we also allowetl. - The Account of Tboma Loring, fr. printing amounting to f 00, waa (ike-; wwe atiowttl. . . . j The. Acrt4otOT.SlM.Burnaior repair ing loda, ol 919 M, was also allowed, and ordered to Be ha d. t The nuestlon came p for tlcctin on the apticarinli of the fuHowing pVrao, to td o recommended WttieCoiiuiy Court aa proper individual.! we liceosed 4o felaii Spiritnua Liquors, 4y the small measare. wit: J. J. Kvals, James u. Koyester, Henderson Smith, Ransom' Johnson, AI vis Sorrell, Seth TaylojrrelJLqai eMel' 1 ft ' Riin'rtli ''"" iartiVfU. An .! liiw eve a a wunviif wu J mvu veoUft wss decided iu the aiuirmative by the fol. lowing vote: rrae F. J. llsy wood, O. W. lis wood; Wm: D. Hay wood i end John Hatch sas:' 1 "' . ! Ways Wm; Ashley.. 8. , WWUng, and Wm. .Thmpui ... y-... .- . w . ' r B. B. SMiril) Cl'ltj A RAMPANT QUAKER; Mr Kennedyof Indiana, (who sevs he ie ndtbing but a plain , simple; QaakerjVI delivered a speech, full of fight on Ore tba. a fe davs agol Many part of bis speech, like the following, elicited shouts of laugh ter. -r, v 'The inarch of your people il onward; and it is wetwatd that it llirir d'esilny. Th;y are gihg npard to the paili which leads there) (he British lion shall lay Liut lown, shall wson that account be craven lo our duty aod dea ioyr No never. The American eagle will stick his claw into the note of the lion, and male, jiit blood spout out like a whale. fRoar of laugh ter, shouts of merriment-. .' The British may snake pretentions to Oregon but tights they have nntie. Do we wain iii ies, ana wantlttdttoldour - a ; si mr a s . . . m Tes, and we molt have If. We lonS 1 M. 'nte the broad and fert le val - nr, uhw le OLtbe MiasHMihps was one great aod aaofekea waster And what is it ntw? Thb fairest refin h'eneaih the Sun, and teenting tlith people in. swarm. Yes, Sir; and 1 will tell yoe, another fiingf The Amerkafi multiplication . tattle : te at work. Gkeat merriment, j Go into oer western cebios, and ynh tvill Snd yp'uni irupnnion 1UH ( S. COIDpSUlOO JlOt much leee thin hlnraeiriod lOBuit their feet yetf will flua .m Wile, eompsftf of twenty. Ay. sfeythst i the nfulupU, aiio table. - And now : yen lake ear preea numter's,- and reckon; twruty for evert two and where do yoe think we shall find hunting ground for them? ; ! tell you we mast hove Ore gen. The meltiiade pi the west 'M lt?mandirig If at oar haod,Snd the,f otc have Au, There is a wieltilede vtav wraaaaf thev wav so their inherrtarfee bvihe awoidf fi ii their, hd fhj will do it., ind , (, one will never ho ine traitor to inrfeWer oe itten of their pa'tffMMiy.V - : j ,TheNev Jn Herald of ttlrl. day 6ntains a feler. frorfi Washmjoioo) correspondent ats'ting that an eilrsordinry eouiier hsd arrived at Wsehingloo.Teesdsy nighifrffm Tyrone Cnjiu!t brmging.ioteC liKnce(UmiMexieo was about to make a boatile demonstration against the t Sutes, ' end that'tbe'" Secretary.' of United War rrau sent loruen. scou. oi jttiM waits neaneu owys antt Inrl , girli ' rH" cwaaeu w (God biiU themtlfall over that MiMUpnt ?fW W.the Ikate. ari;! ally;andfhev arirVot going to'aion Vm9WWmobffolmitomm there. ..The entt raettloh It wjll yon open t !?? m j"d,",7 1 H aprh Tor 'mf)ftil yofi IresWe lbs lob Mmw ott imnrovefnen of iu .i.rt.. r k.:. 2.- ... inmates ss hr similar Institution In the 7 ' Kcenta Orrrrs. Rak-igh. Feb (SSrd. J94, Sid; stud yea an article, prepared m otcor dance with tfi dfroctlon df the lrwlai bre, and ui(nfcdr Urllubrl tfia cxriicrih T tfie tllattd of tl Union oince the - year 1839, In retard lo the com or profltl of their States' Pruottt IW puUuh it ie lb 8tr, aad iind cop ie of lb paper . toniilninf it, lo the Clerk of the Caoniy Uoart of atb Count; ia in Btato, for lb uat of tha poopia of hi Caflhiy. and rtit4 SacH Editor of a aaieafaeee, in rhia Stat to fi h ohti iiuertiou, aod forward hia account to this office. Yourobedtrl,' WILL: A. fJHAllA)!. T. i. Lkmav, kiiij. PENITENTIARY dliESTION. ' i- - . c rt x S CiXBCVTiTw vrricn, ; Raleigh, Feb. l4o. J By the 4th section, of the 'act concerd ldg St Peflitert iary, passed at the last session of the Geuerat Assembly, the Gov ernor was required to open n correspond dence with the Executives of the several States, in which Peniteniiariea "ar now established," with a view U bbuin "such statistical information, in relation to the profile and expenditure of those Institu tions, sinew the yeat ' I83S, may a in hia opinion be necessary for the infoimation of tbe people, whose vote ta to be taken. on the adoption of that system of punish ment, at the election mi August next; and to cans the same to be pobi'urhed m the nawaoancfwof the Stnta rMvinulv la lha eiectio,i' " .. " . : ' 1 r'lr letter, embracing the hecesa ry inquiries was accprdiniy prepared; aad a copy aent to the Executive of each Stale and Territory f the -Un wo, during the last Autumn. Prompt and satisfactory replies were in a ihorttiw received, from several' of the, Sidles, arj-1 antotijr them, sortie ol those thwat distant fro iii us. But, it i d sotircevof regrei that from othefa, Iri which ttie svstem i known to e!t. no lrttclllgence has boon obtained. Hsving delayed this publicatiod longer than .was deilfVd: with the, Hope of pfocdring ttie returns of the' fear td4j. whlcH hds been in part realixed, and waited urllil there ia no reasonable ground to expect additional information foia official soureesj the un dersigoed presents the folio win, as the result of his inquiries and researches. IntheStafe ftflXjxml vr - . -.x FnfiU. Lam. Nat fro. af State Krw, fat 140. fiSOft T ' ;' " Lose ,..! "1841. . Oil ). . Profiu , " 1U4 018 1. - Pa. - - 6l4. 077 oa. .. - rear. Prfi'41. Lou, Nl Lea of 8uu Triton iul MO. . J7i 4f. " IMl.'f 1010 BS . Fronts , .r ' " . 1S4X. g03l .3. , - 1840. A031.-41. Profili -CoxitxcTictrr. 1844. tu e Profiu ofatal' Prwouiai 184D.. " ' " 141. lets. '..' 18. ........ 1B44. 94511 J. set 90. v M6& S9. . 60 to. 60 8X i This prosperous result is attributed in tbe Report of the- Inspectors, to the fact, that the officers of the PHsioll, hive hot been retnoved front office ttitli be chan ges of pdlitical parties, as bad been the case lb some other StauHa. Niew Yoaa has three Pefiitentmf'ies; viz; At AubuFn; at Sing ftirig ' Or Mbuni Pleaaant, and t Clinton, (the last recent. Ivr erected, I besides the State's , Prison at Ulackweirs Island, for the punishtneal Of a Jm . " imnpor oounces. : At Auburn. '"' : , ' IW. Pronts of But Prlasn ia 1843. " " 1844. i . 1845. , Profit. t337v SI. 680. JS. . 738 ii. . Nanahar of Prison 63. At Mount Fluuant. - . . i-ob r,om BiaU'i Priaor, U41. , JS4 00. . . " 1848. S9688 00. " " , ".: " .r .-, .8. 1140 ca The statement respecting both these Prisons, for the last Venr, are obtained from the Message of Go vV Wright, dated Jan. 8th,' 1846, who remarks respecting the deficiency of $18,140 60 at Mt. Pleas, ant, .that "this balance of expend ittire has I P1"0 mel drawing front the Treasury 17800 deoosited therein fVom'thl ft suflus earnings of the prison; nd $340,80 ifuin a oai om a balance on band at the cloee of the preyio.ua yeer-- I h MM Ml l.l'- Pp!.Ah .Mm. including ail the female pftsoh'ers ia icts the 8thth,0t id number.' .,; , At aintmhh Builurtis hetiig only partially eofnpleled.' the stattsiic of .Be ceipt aod Expenditure are not furnished. tjMatfcised. only, as showing t dirposition,' m 4hst State to extend the yeteroi '..1, j lo tbe State Prison, there is a gam don tog the past year, over' trad above the . ex penseof an ppordnglhe prisoners of $9282 of Which $2000 have been paid .into the Treasdryt Message . Gof Slruttvn Jan. 18 W. PrenU of 0ial's.Prwoo;t84aC 184. 1 ,M Ad J . ... w. country "Messare tJov. PraU. Dee. 1849. I( pBLswajtc V 8oirrw Cfifoifif ; Ptn' itehtiarie have ft4ijjtti$ c1tahCs'bed.K1 TlGeOROIA. j ' .; t-a IJaul withio tne'' 'past-rwo Ve'ar jhe eyoierifhes Weeti a constant and heavy bur, men w iuq ouue. ;, nut lor ue yeata, icmo and '45, it baa yielded aggregate proflta Tteidea aggregate pronta 1 430.98.; ftlnder the tkilL! it of the; principal keeper. .net ipLo of $gfli amounting to avtw, and management it ha 'yielded 'a ir it... v rrr-j'r''irri mw picKn vrar. vvnaiever nsav ,sihvO heB . heretofora) lK Hn'rantrYft -ouiliva of nifoney 6t ntitiiA OT tEtt listitouoo, I l . f.t - , f .... , therobyHnkkig i aliatastefol burthen on ,lbe.. people, the problem u now 4ved. that convict labor, nwy ,be supplied as lo reiuuneraie 'the public Treasury: and iaiUryihat active piUanthrop which look ed to guilt add its atooeinertw.that preser ved life, and refoimdili oflehce:' - Me: sage Got. Crawford Nov. 1345; AlsbavI. "Il is jreavljf lo be regretted that tbe P( en- itentiary has not yet been able tn defi tn delrav its own expense: I srn hot bf6citntly conversant with ill , fiscal ..dRtjrationa t Itttte to you why H has not." Mesing of GoVi Fitxpatrkk, Dee. 1845. IU i jlfevtbus part of the Mesaage, the Legislature ia iiifdrHlftd. that "the sum of $15,000 appro priated at the last aessidoofihe General As seubly for the suppOrt of the Penitentiary the current veafc, was wholly insufficient (ado so, and discharge tu debts of the Institution at the period when the appro pKiition was made: AtlSSISSIrTl. A Reoort of a corrirHhtaa of iha'f ttife rjf tbkt State, declares thai the Re- cetpte of tha-PMiehuary -exceeded the expenditure m the yeat iMi'dt but by how much ie hbl staled. -The same report also avers that "the Peridehtiary bf Mla aippi ie now fully ariawettng the ehd of its erection, and res pond mc both to the coniiminds of Justice, aud the anAieue de sire of benevolence.' Nat Proflt of IVultaottary IM4. it&f o.' AnKAMAS. Gov. Drew; Jan. . 13th. IB48. Irriiet as follows: """Yiiii will' perceive fr'bHl the a gents reprl ff.irWdrdrd Bv ,him but not yet ceive4Je)juu.,Stto"p has been a tax upou our Stale', Prison so far, nou our Stale, vet it ia b- lieved that jnthjr:.eo may be turned la prpfll. It uist be re marked -hdwOver, that the 'Institution is productive of .much good, and has proved a greet aaviriir In the exnehdittares for tha suppression pf frirriJ, whde it is eminootly iiuuiaa in pia oujecu ' ' MICHtdaK. . ' t- " " ' Profit of fa jii ( f t34 j9. Report of Prison Duciplino Bvcioty Baataa. Kr.irTt!CET. The Butldines ol the JSlala Prisun war destroyed by 'Ire' in thd autumn of 1814. audjiie now, being' rebuilt. It is reported -a- ' la s ' s 4 . io nave vinueo consiuersDte nruHta Im eral yoare.befbiW'thiraspalm-j:; Gov. fiarijey, in hia Message of Dee; 18i5, ststes the nett Prodi of the Penit'v for the year, at 18.025 Oa lie previoua'y wi viioimu uununmniu: snectal r garnaspeen paid to the lomplaint of. a portioq of our citixens, whB. have perhaps witHebbd esose; illt;ed." thil iL'aav.iem of prison labor, created an unjust rompeti tion with their buines, and tended to de " '" v .luiaiiyn wi uiu -coairaets lor pris. n labof, the employment of the eonvicts, haa verr nranerlv. alNweil a nmrii.kU. been directed to.thote objects which do not conflict with the interests of the existing mechanical pursuits ih'8,ld.r-;'7 An Inapactioa of th'a iatara.aad doerhent. from woicnw lora(oin stalanaanai haa bamcollwy led I wi I be cheetfnliy sflatOaw to any on deal root lte'-S&F. f $ Felt.e, , ' "T""" ""'iw m mia 011KC.07 an arebitajl , 0 reputation, wBa aalimatra lb coat of Ittau oa trnctioa 1 at fao.000, a beinf part of tha itugm 1 IhatwUibona aball ba 'raaua, aa reouirad, b lb labor of lb inmatec ("ignad) - : -: will; A. CaiHAM. NVs. C. Brown of MuwfMubi in noticing, a srmilar eomplaint tbera, raeomineiHls thaeradioa or Factory of Woollan or Coan Cottan in lb PoniUMtary to avoid snch eempaiitioo. Meaasf , . MAIIKICD- InGranvilla. Henry . C. Baakarviu. of Vir ginia, to Mia laabella, dangbtr of Patrick HamiU U)n,qq. of BornaUa. CranviU County. ., ,' . DIE 0( Oa tb Id irat., in tb city af Naw Oriaan. Tbom If Wadaworth, Eao. agwj 40 7 eat, M. ti of NewUra. 5. C.. and for a sonas of vaais paat, s nat. Lawyer a that ciiy. Mr. W. waa ditinguj(hd for, lu proioaaianal abilitias. ; , r Deaf and Dumb. r The Annual Exari of the iHetittfttort fof irtttldd, of.the Pupile tAEM, tynib wi) take,( pijiri on Thursday next at 10 O'clock, ifl tboJVesbylerian-ChHrthi .t j. An address will be delivered by If U Ex eellef ty .Gov. Orshant. , . -, - 7 4 The Public i7e respectfully invited (0 aitettd. -WM. D. tJQOREr - lJ7 Loo !r H c iii !- rMIE rJobferiber hi just feee.ved 1 1 ifdafief Kgs hew Buckwheat, I 4ltVa4 aJa4 lr 4 HHr-srrufBss?'-t B. w nualxv (iraaa Juagwirn Uaftaa, : , .'1 W ,, j Wanlwv k Woolan'a Laol aad Urained vrari - CaT,f U kia4aawUliai , f-r Hihm Cwtte. woai Millaa Paaary 7 rUa 4t,- . -r Caa Urtek ratorf tMMw PlaaaSli, Cotton and, Ua4a Diaper ,' 1 Vrmlmmk aa4 Otakt f.r . , Nfvdlri. Piat. pf! P0 Tread i. ' 1 fl l sraad gtookte-Xnhim. Segara ' 'that IUM wd,Tla Kak tod Farfca V ft(. Hr)lar aad Oif! War; aapeticr eaality. '!. nramltaaf ahee ITM freaaaatU MM,' hwooM praar tjaaftif it aw tbaa wko war be diapaaedtawfdawiia bia, to. oaf wb1bar awi bit OuOd are aaaa. aad wwajd UtoyiWroi ra. peariull htail hi raMamrri and Oieadi, sad lb aubtia ta swawral, I tha bia oad -aiKVatimtaa Unb." i wU, id. It HITAKehV (Pab1t.-V.'J ,.V'r.9". '. ,' . il, ,T ihiii j, 1 " j t . ' 1 e' . I h.nVia RRoWllA Cokis vhfo dry di.' solved hy intoal opooat.;,, All prn tadthW awe erwv am. wiihi rawnwaiwa 14 eome ror. W M. or0cbU and sett) their ieV rrVW ?mti? h Siif c oot . esoeem. CHARLIE USSEL CBO. T CDOKk. RaUigb, Dee 18.1845, S-4U sajs vine syiein of prtsnn4isctpline which lae bajerfc tigiVrorry well calculated to neeohllah the true ob ; BALTiMOftlD IVo. 19 HaiHovcr. aierair Mairkat a. J Keapaafulrr iaU the attautioa .4 Ceajnfrw JHtr. e M4n.lt iMiii.g tha Itullimart mmlrt, hnUwd eiaminatbaiiajraaaiae a a! wer surk at ta- Alan awralaartMOt. aaaa V.l i ... DllY COOnP."' ' Rant!lHwM I ' 1 . . ; ama iusp ana ipeum in miking lUi smrcbaeas la loia oils, in- ataad of viaitine fit in East r m ta-. -i-i.! ' aoivea not to tie Uudcr.tud, iu Uix Uadu, wtortay f t7"Cn and aJdrHlne Siov, GOODS AK1 PRICES, vt p wiU thifi smihwg fat MMiag . an rttmmrg 7th, 14S. A'o. 70 North 3rd mbovs t JrU Jstritl, PHILADELPHIA: , . Wniilil riDrairt.llr ali ik k. -t d-' t T. !. iha .No. ik; I aa esamaHMtoa at thaw letti-i .-- Tbcy ba sow an bead a M aMoeimeai UtA r"1"" MS'AM i DnsfMae faOefa ef" !! ati.ifl aB.a . .a t d w - JJ Mlal H tk at Parana aa4 Uaaanila iifmAi iii. rari fram Akariaaa. Kla.l. lA -.- u twtarers. I'.nicuUr aiimaa la iv.. a. iilL. --- aailrd la la NoflH aa4 Bwtih f.LJil. JlZT birb we Hwt wB.'cat lu in aniabaiiM I ikJ HicluM Mil amaaar. -. . . H M. H. IViiaalae W awroonaj aUeallea Is pale! ordiia Ij Mad or Uerv.- ..... a. U'lldLxtSALB lYABEIIOWBE of ISootitSkMat Trasika, PaUaw leaf ll.l.; Am M.- A'o, tl UkhmonaVm. !!! 4. a : .I Skl5flS 0-om,Holaa7l to.fc.or ttir aV V jPffiafeVovf reeelvi' hTIi lha Kaatam aaarkai, bis SprS.f tv m-T v V aa vw. wuwaia'iw wv SXlil t'mtm Km, nluua. tl': til .It anklllL - - - 11 WM naelala akrkaa at laB a aaJi tun oni Palm txwf H. ' f"1"' ailO lairf k Male Tronka. ' ' '-.' vJ , W, Travatliax Ttwaka. ,- ".: m, Li iniiH ia mil aaa auauaa 'aVf-woa. j. Paraiuuii lifHOJ ittat- wnnitbalttrora.' aaa' nflrr tba ai ia eaa-aii. aitkrr ! ariao ar mm, 10 aa aim m fiona ar eiMwawre. J. u Ka. few 46or aaat ; .: v.. f Waftwortb, T ! COaw." PltMCU'S LlNlVJEAM BtfTANlO Oardennnd Nnnwries, FLVS1UKO, ao.sie HGWTOIUL nZlTllrjrOtt.PriHnof- Zisiaousnment, WM ,R' PK1NCK ft CO. aavagstUba -MaUd Jbar Uarintlad taairL t - .- . tiwo bataloaa af rmi,t .' uraaw.-Mal.iptcaaM flaasa, tpriiag tha, laraaM .asawu ..z., ..-! "J . tfcf fftrfaa. ianoa.an4 the rl lalleatioa mt tt aad Mr aaraMiaa r jat 1 0Vr1 te Ik oabll. aad at swMlcswdwa . Tf, ll Tltm " P'onto.J individually leMrba fhb a peaairi aaaar ha Own inaal ia any , Biirouaaa ar Aavariaaa trtatwwe and thirbladaraarDlbrCallowaarSvatoa ' MtarUln, 7'ba M-tt-isaMiiiaiT! b Iftto. nilMiid varwtka.. ,.tWiir Llalognr. will b seat Rrallsto nwi r f a. t appliaaut. ..riiiWM. IC PeUKCaVa) t7 . , - ... X - ' E. F. WAllf"'1-'' -'"'V Ct TILL continue the Book UkI tfano. O Forte busineee in Petembunl Ti W. T3 awit ' rt .ia that hart aaiipliasoanaM b few biaay taa Marat Narrii or aatfcrnadai-hr.ajr7rt ar. iirarad, ha ia Oatarnilaad . not V aa adaroaldi 1 a pre tba .lart, ia willlag that prna in raw kbil at poretuuiac Plkwaa kerthr any IrW wtlaat Ibmr iadrMaaat, ta tntmt .ar MiabNMad, aw alter aaHMnJv. Hn tKmmkm la prfea Nana, aatHratura aad U& tbaarat tKt ml, nddin sal ? B P. KASH, i , ," .. 'e6rg. Vkv; -KAStt at WonntiOUBB. s , : Pab lit, iyts Caater, Cbarrom df tlMweeeXr'.'- Importers and wholesale Dealer In Foreia a and Domestie Dry Goods, j , t ac ill .r . ! tTin-'' n mm, V -n'u. I m-'f II 'TL W"rwi ww HII 4HTBWV Ar w.f.re-a Wt.ie ... 1.0- fraja atkaro.rt, faH aasory of dVairaJ,), finj. and Hwenaer Oaod aantaMjag in pan, of. 7 ,. Nwl.iAlna-mHb-MoabV U' nr um( i,niir-Frf,imuaaji waaains.kawla,' . Hoaitrf ilad falu;.. la mrw, arM, k. SmT ; tivu'a totVa'Tj' blbt, Sta. lis. ; , ., ' 'i n qorroN H&Tkttid$ Stuffs ' 7 Caws airriraaia tb aaoat diairable rfkss '. . Aaiarlaaafaaelaa. f J -.V-.,ij a . j pases points.1'. ffHrtMra atytra eapriint rr (iia adqablir ,v ,.j t . jj-, 4 , r'. V - Narn.a.daeHdob labK bl&JuZZ ' " Y V 'V f UWM' MitCES AND BIQr ; J Wkii n, - e anwe, BaiM ami la. aaawT!I V. "!:-. r' "OW-t Of M , d,a. aaJ . ,r.i ,r7 " ww" "" awn wnaw -aaa. m noatwrwMO T w;-.O.iuWrrt. Drills, fcliaiH,W; a kvaa,plaida aadabaak, llaka, Puilal, tAa wiaka, iaa Trraa, t. ( TAiOJt'S TRIMMING? I.N EYEBT i tt; - TARieTT. w r -': v 7. - ! la )t)i I". 1 a Va, w Kn Va raerWmg kv lb aarfcan Parkta troai Caraia, ' rraW ajlp. '". xlie, irl U nrwaw a tl a oawls la wbia) w aa la Ut arrnHina allVawiry . WarabwaN aad -abirk a'M ha aoVrad for 'a an iikaral tiwia, Rak f.k. ItHtC. . v trV-oaV I