- 1- -L A- - I it ,1-- ; , MATWMOJfiW 4 T1m bu must KM happy u 5 Wmm'mlnmtn-n tottrinil ehaiaa, TOVureted by wife. ( Iintiii attflar for bU Pin ' 1 Adauld find a Ud peee. 1 Whe Eve was given for Sm I t Until a w Wi boa, 4 Aowto ia ebkppy state. g ,-!"" 1 ' In all the fcm ile foe appear, if, UpptAij4 deceit aJ pride. a Truth: daritcftlitonainearc. 4 f Jio'ot kow I mea.fo 'Ma 1 WfcalfcarwwaWlaWbM The falaebnod that in woman dw! Tb worth U woman w bhotd, ,lfaloliipar'M- ' '" ' C b th foUsh rat I fy. . Who changes hra bis eiiiglettes, Wh will. not jWd to womaa'a away. js f parfcct harstodam. - To advocate tb Udia' eatwo, yo ill read the tst end 3d"bnd W and lh Una together. . t THBHIBAhT. - ' Tha honun heart, that restlee thing, ThS'trmpef and lha triad, ;TMHoa ytth wff-rlng, , ' ; Tha enure of pain end pr'nla. Tha fdtgeWthrooged- tb Aaaolata ' Tb sell oT lora. tha tatr of hto, :TT!JffiT' '- Tat do wa blest thaaaattioia art, .-v--T'fMleH-Mng4ha human hU , AtSCtlwai at Ci N. B. HUGHES, ,euorl Agent, nvin; ukra th larrt brick 8wie Hoa d- Hi. r. H Snow, rnre noor aoove u. m Kmif a corner, on Main or lyetteville Slraat. ia praparad to receive in tot , an kind STmS merchandize, goods, -W rrkifNiTltV PttOOUCE.and ae fc.Hu, wnieh 4 may ba etitd to hlra. which will ba sold aa directed, either at privet as', or Public Ac- i Ha alv nlrdre to srt himself to Wthlul diabareaafhie deli, la wfrfeiiee to lb in- imhu of th owner and Maigoeea, and u icily , to Mount for, and pay 10 hi Tha Homo whtcn na aaa aeiectee Kwawng tMlMt ipi M Mty If proof Ci,- IKbID ,cttf vgwwil$& . A . Ba afraid of Fire. TU think It haesry to gW refureoce, Veiag ao general I y known all over notin t-s roll-, u.i ta, thoss who deair it, b would reepewtfully refer i tb aiiiaeo ol Rateifh and - Sr fjaa WttOt !- Iiuwnwn: V Late f th N. C. Book 8 lore. TeS.'t.'IM. 6. 4- . HOTCI1IUSS8 '"Yertic-rWMfcrrAVheel, -rai uuMuaat' ar tha varr treat a l aM lU Wheel have attanasd by the " of aa.rlr 0Wi tt hi BlnVrea.- pejris f - ImG auassnecr, mm . ihCaie.ef wfclsh are h full an IsNanh aa uesaaeriaa When Mrrry Mraac. they acarty aoaaie me va ai the Mill, aad la quantity f w.a a-raiij rar eaeawd rb saevt saagawM espeatMaa. at ihe een- ejf wajoaa are gewienara ai,aviw da mmd BraMiaal akill. wa have at. tha-veta at rbta lapra?aaat. The Wltectaare ar duraUe. aa mor easily kept m . mtm miMrti nui intjeiner. inaa inc coca WbeelthCT will tav -lhlr4 of Ike. water, aadiuai w W ia- aasfc water wbea ihere laakaaakQT ITitfl r aw mmm mA i- ibu daabla ihe airokcs awr miaute The priae ofaa sadrrldual rqrht, for ao pair of Wheats, te ma-S f Wa refer, aorang irfhers, ta the Mtowiag gemle aa anaae of woeea hav bad the W beets timm caaaaha aaera. aad fraca aaaov el ekeea - . kmM ' laaaivad aeriaisataa -bioMv ummoimm it aXae Wkaala.aad aUliaf that Uwir Sawe, witk ibis imprfvaateat, eat aUi kigh at 0M toat day, laaBracaaaaat. eat SHM. SUUU. WUUL M a w IM aaaa water. ,,,,, .: Faretteville. ' A Gtahaas. ; Cumberland. Cot Ale Msrakiaoe, Cawistopher Mearee, Ale Williaea. Col A t MaNaJll, Parwshard mab, Job McOaoiel, Jab Evaua J W Hawell, Uladen. V Gen James McKay, . Hobert Melvi. ' H ibHBa, . Tbaotat OSraitb, IaaaaWtigM. JalKtSotah., . -Sampaon.' O T Berktdal, Patrick Murphy, -Jh M Spearaaa, Harey Roal. . - New Hanover. Jaaaea Marphy, Charle tleary, Orwlov. , " , . , Babnrt. Aaa Grees Thomas rtodkor. -LerrTio.'-;;-.-- Mr fat sailer. Jones. Ornatefta Joha Hrjeaf Columbus. Lot W interna. Robeson. W : MaNeill. Richmond. lohwG Metaarl. Job L Pairhry. Anon. t Baaebae. U R Iteid MU1 aright Caswell. Orang. Or Taaev, w Chstham. Cat It Mraally, tntwh Is Pulkta, N Clegg. Wake. i Baaaley, IT ' -Itinw, wwaavfc Basaie aaany , etben . la differwat pertt sf th uii.ii .k . barb attaraater. IM I ..Tibet, feel Jstied in mng-beae Wheels to lb. lhaldat. . naTiU ett IndrrinWew eaal, eiehta tbraathoal lb Slat wem paig say pet saas aa - . aajrsetvesar owr aatberisc Agent tot tn right l asiac lhe Wbealfs- " "' "-NOTICE TO MILLWRIGHTS, - If yea wieh eaaployateM. acqubat y)rela wdh ' MUiae la ihes Wheels as w now wish to "PfT M toast 10 bt ibis baaiacM m dirTrrtat part of the fjtta. t if ' ' ' ..r DUNCAN MeNElLfn J ' ARCHD. MeLAUGHUN, A.; A. McKETUAN, ; Tayvto4l4.jnary 1st. . T. NOTICE. 1 ka Sna mi Kaaaell A Cook I ihl Uy dl- polved b toilMl eoaset. AH persons ladshtod t ii Brat ' lhrfot raetod tooomefor. ward tfly ss irtlcbltaid'til tbair ao-!l-ha aoia sad seeoaato W left la th iaitf.f. ssjAg alort lb Zf.K CHARLES RUSSELL. . i- VOW. -"wtow "w-a nj i - A sa so fl5- ' S- , stateiga, twa " ' r - BLANKS, - don lo order In Ibt Luge Stock or Dry Goods and Til E irnt of Rasaell It Cooka having been (diaaolred. and thair remaiaing atoek of Gooda bavins paaaM into uia aanaf oi air. h listen, one of ins la-e firm, who ia determined lo cloae lha basineee as apeedily M piaelieablo, tb whole atoek, "nompriaing as eliensie aaaorf meni nf DRY GOODS 4SD GRQCIES of exorlloat quality, ia now offered fot eale at oat. . i Good of almaat every deaenpgon aulubl to tbi market my ba bad so ebnap, that a better opportunity can ne er occur for all to aopply ttHHneelve, who win can soon. The public are assured that this offer to el' mi esar ia made la good faith, and will e rnricuy adhered to. The will alao And lb ffeode of lb beat quality, fashionable, aouad. aad aubalaotial, of a kind made for urn, net mertif tau - All may be auited, as there are on band many articles of the finest quality aa wall a a large assortment of tt. coarser and mor substan tial kinds. Alt are Invited to call and examine and judg ful themselves) I hne who have the keenest taste for CHEAPNESS, will doubtleaa b satisfied. Those who do not need at pteaant, will SAVE by baying now and laying up for the future. Let it be remembered that no on will cell oods ia a regular husinea without profit, by vhlek they can IITi WH aoont win s sen nee gooda at I ess than coat without compulsion; and that cost is about ae cheap aa moat mer chants can afford lo aall aod moat people would wiahtobai' -j-- U KU. -T. t-UUKK, Aganu Raleigh. Jan. 1846. &-tf. Beglstef aid Standard till fotbtd. " - G. T.'C" Difsolution. THK Cepannarsblp berslofore eiUlint betweea the Subtcribera, natiec lb firm at Tamer fc Hughes, is ibis dsy dissslvrd by mutual eoaseat. Hnrf U. Turner ia alone. Mtknl to alo the I ausiecss. aad all persons btoebleil I the lete Bra, are reiUested la snake iameilistc psrmvM te him ' nr. mil I u. iuiir.ii, KELSON 8. HUGHES. Jaawsryl. IMo. t-M. Slote aVevr Goods. ITQHB subscriber has just raeetved a trash aa ll . I A J At a. J I U...l tl i I T. ft Cruekwy and common Tumblef., rr ehoop UaJi Ka k-.... e....i:i. Uai tl Heia thankful I his friends for their' custom, and' hopes by Strtot sueatiea I busiaess lo . sterit ila eonlin- .WWi:.f ,V",7'ii , "wvw " Tlr"'"J a a M S . S.-' .'ii,J . ' . anea. S. at. wuitailek. its, 14, mo. .. . M. T SwvUnerai mbmI Aeslcra Iner- CBasiU. WB resneetfalli ask tour alieatioa te the fellow. lag rsaiaut wby )o should make your purehaass of goods La the New York saarket, very Iraakly son ic ttiag It is ear desk you sheaM de to. M aauti be ail mil I d that frm 50 It 60 patent. of all the frrrign merthantMu ehick is importt d into thlt saUMry, w reealve lata Ike tort TJ!Te Ttrlt Of saUrae ibere M baru Ike apportaatty fur the wideat aeleciioa, Tke steak of goods oa htiid in tbia aky, ia at all tintea, larger tha the uaited stocks ail all lb otber Batter erftri. It is equally eertaia that New Yarfc Is lha abwf aad great oepot for the ataauiaatures as in Mutt, an jshm af Ihe ra acta uf lb Wester. The aoaatruerioa af the Ohi aad Illinois Canal tt making a way great shea ia the rea'et el in trams or ine urrat watt. 1'ba anee of goods in New Tim k, by reason of IIS immense supplies, ana tne eontrqueul eomueli- lioa, are neeesaarily laeei, aad aradita are esteaded o a liberal a seat at ear etker poml. 1 be asersnaats, aesauiaatniaas, aaa importert whose addretses are subjoiaed, are prepared la prove the rath al iLete potitHWia, aad well be "IT py te dispose of their goods oa Terms w III varwv an taw ia aatenco aere. Importer anu Uealer In staple and. r ajicy Silk Goods. , AKrcd Edwards A Co. ltl Pearl street. Importer and Dealer in Staple and Fan cy utr uoas. Dor emus 4; Nixon, 39 Ifastsu, Coraer Llbjrrty Street. Jobber of Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Zephyr Worsted, Canvas, Glove, Rib bons, Laces. Embroider'd Trimmings, and embroidery articles in general. D Turner, No. 60 Will .aaaa, betweea Cedar A Pin street. Manufacturers and Dealers in Straw Goods, Palm Leaf Hats, Artificial Flowers, &ts. William B Whiting A Co 112 Pearl tU . Manufacturer and Importer of Saddlery. Hrnem, ana aert Hard ware. W J Buck, S09 Peart street. , - - - - Baddlmr Warehonse. - T Smith k Co. 101 Maide Lane, manufactnr- era oTHaddlct, Bridles, Martingales, Collara, fcc Publishers. Booksellers and Stationer. HunlinirMn A Savage, 1 10 Pearl street, Ptihlish- er f th "National fchool ueorraphy. With Globe Map an a new plan, by N U Uoodrien Samuel S h William Wmnl, 261 Pearl svrct oppmite Unitrrl Stale Hoiet. - letander V Blake, 77 Puhi cornet of " Gold. t Importer of French and English StBplw Stationery, and Manufacturer of Account Wa A Wheeler, 8 Well street. Stationery Warehouse. Frsndt A Leutrel, If Maiden Laa, Iifiportera of English and rn nch Stnonery nd ananu fact irrrri Account Bowks, Maoifbld Letter Writers, Crwtoa Ink, he. It. Lewis Francis ' Cyru M Loatrel.f ' Commission Merchants and Dealers in Pa' Her. Twine, Shoe Thread, School aod Blank Books, Staple Stotiotmy and Pa Hanging. ' ' Hintoa U Travsra, 84 Maklen Lane. . " "Gold Pen Manulacturer.' ; Albert 0 Baglev, 109 Broadway, for mm9 i BMiMtMCturer pncea, oy ait in waiai Jeweler, tatiaara, A ravntod. ManuCenrer f the -Celebrated -vMafie JXasor Btrop of roul Bidea. L Chap aaaa, 109 William street. Void at man ufaoturer arieea byul Ihe Nardwar. F er Oaods laaporter aiad wholesale DcaJera, prices , reduced S3preaC ' Manufacturers and Importsrs of Psper Hanging. The Tiark upplied at fint price. M A Howell, aV Co. 367 Pearl etrccU Christy k ConUat, 61 Maide Lane. Manufacturer of Playing, Viaiting and Busi ness Cards, (Juilla, Jtc. George Cook, No. 71 Pultot, street. Wanafacturer wf all kind of Paper Boie. Hand Boxes. Bsnd Box papers, dealer to Binders and Kpx Boards and Impor ter of Fancy Paper. Cha Claudius, 58 John street, up stairs. Irr porter And Manufacturer of Musical In struments and dealer in Strings for Vio lins, Piano Forts, and Publishers of Mu sic f. O G Christman,44 Pearl street. w Manufacturer and Importer of Musical In struments. All kinds of Musical Mer chandise constantly on hand. Bdward Baack, No. 81 rlto si corner Gold. Manufacturer and Importer of choice Pw fumeiy. Toilet Soap, Extracts, Col ognes, tto. Eugene Rausselt 119 Broadway, between Liber T ly and Coortlandt streeta. Manttlacturing and Furnishing Establish ment in th Dagnerreotypa Business. E White, 175 Brordway, Plates, Caea,Caemi. ieals, Poliihing apparatusea, and ervnr article used in the business. Also th Gennaa, French and A meriean Camerast Laxnp Eals.hlishmeni. SoUr. . Camphen. Lard and 0;l Lamp aad Chandelier, Bracket, Hanging Pat lor. HstI, Chureh, and Table Lamps, Gitandoles, Glass Globe. SJtadea. . Wkk. &c, Superior Camphene, Chemical Oil Burning FJu- W. H Starr, Manufacturer, 67 Beckman street. Importer and Manufacturer of Glasses, Looking Glass Plates, Picture Frames, &.c Ball at Donaldson, tS8 Pearl street, apposite Piatt. doodyear'a Patent Insoluble India Rob ber Goods, warranted to stand ia )V ery clinate. George Beecher, sole agent, 100 Broadway. Wood, Willow and Tin Ware, Mats, Brooms, Comb. H iir Brushes, Fancy Goods, Britannia Ware, dkc. Job Chandler, 01 Maidea Lane. Msnuftteturers and -Uealer ra Brushes, Quills, Trunks, Steel Pens, Sealing Was, Ink, Blacking, Razor Strops, dec. also Manufacturers depot for Friction Malchea. Barnes fc McBrachnie, 55 Pearl street. William Steele's Patent Feather Brashes, Msnuiaclured by Steele h C.. 305 Pesrl street, from 40 t 50 eiscs slwa) s on hand. New York Agricultural Warehouse. A B Allen. 187 Water street Farming Impl ment. Field Seeds, Guano, Lime, Lc. Fruit, OrnamenUl Tree. Ac Editor of the Ameri can Aericaliuriet a monthly puUicatiaa of 33 pases with aumcrous engraving. Pric gi t year. Manufacturer and Dealer in Agricultural Machines and Implements, Portable Horse Powers. Threshers, Mills, die. Ploughs, Plough Castings, Gin Gear, dec. Field Seeds. eVe. , i PUnt, 5 Burling slip. Fine Cut Tobacco and Snuff Manufactur ers and Importers, of Choice Segsrs. Job Asnersou. It C , No. t Wall street, SIS and SIS Duaae street, has tbe pre ia Hint a Uta Aaaert eaa Ibstdste for 143, 'tt aad 'U, Viaecsr. Leaaard Browa. SO Wall street. ufaeiurer end oeaier M waoe wme, aa uuer. Vinegar. Manufcaturers of Crane s Pa'ent Twelve Month Mantel clocks and Time Pieces for Banks, Pulic Houses, Churches, Ac, also Turret, 8teeple or Town Clocks. J. at Mills k C , 109 Fultoa struct. Importers and Dealer in French and Ital- lan winaow ansae. J C Woodford, 8S0 Broadway, receives by each arrival tliadet of evrry It) le, lull Isnacapes, Uo rinthi'.a, Korean, Gothic, Vignette's, Plain Serollt, kc, als gtlt eorakwa, gimps, ka. New Type Foundary and Printers Furnish ing W a re bouse. CecharoJt fc Oterend, No. . 68 Aaa . itreet. .. enraor af Gold street, lumish .11 katda of Job aad Faaey Type, Presaes, aad every thing nuaasairy far a aotaplet pifcitiag ofiae. Rich's improved Patent Salamander Safes. warranted Iree from dampness as well as fire proof, an improvement upon Wil- der's Datent. for sale by A 8 Marvin, agent tor the maauttetarer, ISIfl Wa ter atrvet. Wilder' Genuine Salamander Patent Safes, warranted free from dampness. Jidaa C Herrine, Manuhieturer aad Dealer ia all kiada of Babts, 19 Water street, scraar uepy Double Sslmnder 8afe- C J Gay ler, tha original inventor and patentee of the Dtiuble Sale nd imptored Detector Lock, warranted fire and thief pi oof and dry. Single Salamander Safe warrtaied equal lo any maker, for sal bv Lea card Brown, SO Wall atrect. Rrotixe PewdeM Gold Paint, Gold, Silver and Florence Leaf, Dutch Meial, i-e. J H RMktr. wlwdceato . IS Matdca Laa. Brcaaes W aeat, bear abaaaay atbar a ease la tb uito siottt. " Marble Dealer. Vederfiil! fc Frrrii, S7 snd 971 Greanwlcb street, aear Beaeh.- OraMal a rMe wsrfc ml all kiada. rWalj earvad statuary, aad plaia Burble aaaa til Bed sBOsramaota. ueaaert awpplie WM Proaaa aod slobs. ' , .... Msclun and Hand Cardan 1 fx J aba Whkiemsr fc O.. Maaotaaturar af Catlsa ad Wool Head a ad Machete Cerds, aad dealers , to arskU be aaaawaMiareri aa; UflUtStl Pearl atraaa,, 3 "4 ' . ' St Nicholas, late Exchangt) Uotelt try Wemmel fc Dumphrey. Na. tS Cauetlaadt Blrart. A A Wcaamer J S Dumphrey, lata f Hesardl Nmeh -?rv -twvW' ' ' New Ymk,eaary I Ida, ISM. i..,-ri- NOKTll UAKULdIHA i ) I ArsH siBdl EjiaiieiU rciuisnED by rut state. Ntxl Stttion otliit Umfical and Math ematical School, open on thtU of Janu ary, with aJrartiutci untvrpasud in uy Pprtoru School in tht South. Classics. English, etc R. GRAY Mathematics, Tactics, ale. O. A. BUCK. Experimental Cheat.) g N B0XSF0BD. istryJt Philosophy, y TcnMa rla session or rivi mouths. Classical Department. (Collejriate coarse, including full English Studies, with Mathematics.) ate. $30 00 English do. (Elementary & higher bran ches.) IS 00 Military do. (Infantry practice) no charge. Vocal of Inetrum'tal Music (85 Lessons) 19 00 FWing per Coarse 6 00 Surveying and Civil Engineering, bo charge. Thecoura of Kducaiio is thorough, practi cal and Well calculated to quality yoth lor th va rious dutie of lire, whether occupy Ihg public or pi i vale. Civil or Military stations. Tb moral end intellectual faculties are kept eeverely in action, bat not at th eipena of th physiclsl as is anfortanately for th health of our ehiUtren tooeoaoioaly the case througuout th coaatty. LKCTURES. Daring th Session, Lecture on Popular sahjucu will b delivered, of which due uotic will b giva in th Publi Piint. VISITERS. Gov, Graham, Rv A Braedes, Dr Baker, Rev D Lac. Rv B T Ulak. Rev J J Finch, Hon- R. M. Saundsrs. Hon G E Badger, Dt Hill, XV R Galea, , Too J Lemay, E B Freeman, Geo Little, Hee, Jee Iredetl, W J CUrka. Esq's. Letter writing, with English aad Lati Cos. poatupn, will he ejosely attended lo. A cheap UaiConai adtiptd-Drae PaTo' day," Friday. Nedaductioo tnaJs for absence, uuleaa in eaaes ot pratractod aieknes A few Pupils can b hoarded I Mr. GrSy's familv: Raleigh, Dc. Sth, 60 FLIES H A U It IV A LS rglUE BfJBSCRlDEKS aav ioat raeatved A tore aod axeelient aaaortraanl ot NEW GOODS, of various styles aad aualitie, ting w part as followsr FOR GEM LE MEN'S WEAR, Clth, Csseimere sod Vesting of every shad aad lity Satinett f. lain , striped nd phnd Kentucky Jean of variuns colois Hate. Boot, and oboee f all quetittoe end price Umbswool. merino, Silk, sal Buck-aKjasoirts and Drawers - 8tocka. abirt callara, scarfs, bosoms and cravala Lambswool. Angola, wonted aod cottou baU-bos Glove, hoekin, "Ik, woe ten, aod cotton TafetbaT with - every thing suitable lor mawor. FOR LADIES Black rep Silks, foar-fourtb, very superior Do do three-fourth, d. Black Sgared Sfld colorad Silk Oil silks, d. Wide Black ailk, for aprons Foulard silks, af vri colors, - Rich brocade fifarad Vklvst Cabmer, Moualin de Lainee, Alapaecas. T Cusena, af every variety, quality and price Rich brocade Worsted, changeable colers Rlaek Ftaeahesin riwiaa. Book. Tarlton, Medium, ahJ Jaconet Mbs- lins and Cambrics Satin striped Easier Bob Great varietv of fieurd and plaia wide Laces Great variety of Lisls, Cambric, and 8wisa Edging Great variety lu..en anu cotton BODineti Psnnfl and 0p Ribbons Kid. Bilk, and Worsted Glove and Mil Gimo. flat aad round, of various qualities. Fringe of a variety of shades for trimeaing dresses Uirdles, assorted colers Nat aad Lac Cape Fancy Cravat. Drees Hand kerchieft, and Sear (rdcd skirts. Grase ditto . " Great variety of Linen Cambric Handkerchiefs American, t.nglieb.an rrencb prtnu great v riety. Ditto Oil fimu Manchester and Ursten Ginghams tfilfc, Caabmere, Lambewaol, Worsted and Uottoa Hoe General assortment of Ladies Shoes DOMESTIC G OODS, FLANNELS fc Red aod Whit Flannel., Domestic Flannels Ditto Bed-ticking, and apron Cbsoks good eoeUtics Browa aad Bleached bheetinp aod Shillings, Kersey, good sasortracnl Carpeting, Woollen and Cotlan, Drown L,iant a no coioveo temurica Umbrella and Paraaal. Indeed th subecribste he oa band rich, e- fu and eomptoto eseertBMM af OOOU8, wklcb thsy ofler for sals at sw bats for csvb, or oa abort credit to pane! Dealer. In addition to tli hi lot of Btard and Fancy Dry Goods, they hay Grocerier. to wit Leaf, Brown, and Cruabad Saeara, Teas, Caoe. Pewder, tfbat, kM which wiilU diepoaad of a aeeamraedsUofl tar. They eaa conBdeatly rMoatnaaod their "lock I Uom- sl sad discriminating fabMc. boo aops usee ta want of Good will ft St lhSi "tor before purch asing ereewher. Do not forget RCMELL A COOKE, No. 19, oa door ahov Richard Smith KUH8C1.L. X lUU6. Raleigh, October U, 1845. 4S tf tOO DULL A US BhW, KU A Proclamation by BU Exctllcncy, WILLIAM A. G RAH AM, Governor ofjfortk Carolina. HCKEAS.lt has been made known me by Wiujam Foaars, Cor saWal Carnde County, tkat mm EDWIN SAW- VKK,- tat at tbe tjoaaty or rsaoootaak, stoads ah tb murder n Cathcrtoe Uotoa. idw womaJa.ih mid Can all of Cantata, aad that tb said Kdwia 8wyr ka eaaaped worn Jo. IMC4 ... Now. tbei afore. I. VltUiar A. Gatu. Cev eracr of Ik Stat t Kertk Carol w. da leaae ihie my vwelseaalioa,nerw.g a reward edTWOMUN DKED I KM LARS, tonka a nan head ee aad de livery af tb said IVtwla Sawtcr to tb SherbT ot Camdea aouatv afneeeaidL ae toe bat ammmet to ay Jail ia lb United States, beyond Ibc liatita af ibat Ftoto. Aaa, I da msisnttr ewyota see reacur all OAVcraof the Smt. Civi mid Military, i as tbttr beat rrtiaa to arrest tb fagiliv sforsmld, abet be aaa ta dealt wMb aaearaJiac to Lw. , - .ci,, ' Civea aader my bead, aad attested .V ft. .li. .aa Great Sral af tb Stat f N. S . - i Carellaa, al Ibe City mi Babrlgb. lb 9 ?Slat day at Usee Baker, a. u. is9. v. aad at aar lai'taaaa rb Tmh. '4t' . WILUAM A. GRA Haanv W GaaaaJt, Frivat teerataty. ! DMCRIFTIOII. . EDWI1S SAWYF.H It ymmg , SO or SI aar afage, aJt s at Iramo, vaaad htH to, er dawa lock. has edsfe, aba S tret I ae 1 lac Set btk, eyes, bit Si rih aad eaoverssa bat IMilc, csocpt ba tbato- a. ,mww S-St. , NEW SHOP. FOR PLATinfJ. GXJK 9.qa i siimu, flierlUIKO, dke. C. ' HE subset iber informs his friends and 1 lh public generally, ihitth. Ka. taken a shop n . Murgaa street, aest door to the Coach SMITHING, HICPIUINCI, dkc. dkc. Shop of th late' Capt H illiam P, Clark, where he will execute all ilr and Brass Plating of Carriage Irons, old and new, and all other kinds of plating, in the neatest and most substantial ntaoner, and at the shortest notice, in the old way Casting Mill Ink and 8s w Mill Boxes (Sua Smithing dt repairing all kinds of lock-rnctuHng Mending Hraaa Aodir ns, Mhovele and Tonguea. and Candle Slicks and all fancy jobs as ehesp as the times acquire, fur Cash, KF.LL HANGING well executed. Orders from a distance, as well aa at borne, thankfully retsivjd and prompW attended to. WM. E. LEG. Raleigh) Hay 6, 184A. IB-tf. Meveurtal and other TJIeers. bflong or tliort stand- Htgt aaeefulous sou otber tumor, leclufling White SwellmgM Bar Legs, OM snd Prcsb Woaads, Sprains aad Braises.- Scelliage aod laraWnmatioas; Kheumatic fc other Paiaa, Scalds and Barns, laetodntg Burns by Lightningt Chil. blakati Wontea's Sore U react., whether ioflaaaed or deeply aleerated Scald Head, Tatter oa Ihe Heed, Wbillvee er Feloas, ITilet, Caaeroua l leelioaa, Rruptioam, Pat ana Oak Viae, Pilesi Dog, dlnake, Spidrr, and ether poianat Uiieaj' to gather with alsaoat every speeies af Eslaraal Dis ease QTfcHE PROPRIETOR, in wtrodueutg IhU Otot iX ment asaia lo th public, feels aawiliing (s Is th general custom) to resort to lb cant made of making an article knoarn, try nunirigl out. a out stat, that the great and unrivalled reputation it al ready enjeva,.bto bt acquired Solely Dy its supe rior medicinal virtue. It poaseese several vry sa fVJUal pfopsrties. vis. It is stimulating to th weak j. . . ' I 1 1 u i . . pnecto pans spneouy caouuea au innainmauuaii aanee fra ihVbarge of maber, in loag Standing eoveer pTadoee a healing f Ihe diaeaar and ia ax iremely mild in rts operation.- No- ininry, whatev an arise ram tne as of tt, not to n inrani. vea, as it l one oi uta moat innocent rememes ever applied to tha human system, all the materials of which it is composed, being ol tb moat pure ana wbetosoms character, consequently, tbera can be no liability to cold at any Season. . Expef ienc has shown Ihst tt may be applied to th most tender age or weakaat frsms, aader any stag of suflfcring. h la pleasant and benign in it operation, and yet a earcbing is it n ure, that it penetrst to the verv root of tb disorder for Which it is Med. sad never foil to effect cur even la th moot obsti-; nst cases. This invaloable renwdy should be kept in every house, ready for tbe many casualties and afflictioes to which all atnulie are daily liable, aa wall aa for th relief of the afflicted horse, aad other animals, for it ia very elTicacioua, in almost every specie of external dim ace, both on maa and beaat No other Medicine has performed ao ma"y remar kable cure. If ha taken prrsoct out of the poor house, and prevented others from going there. It ha lifted ihe afflicted poot man from bed of long auflrrinr. and made blot asaia eeful to himself k family. It baa likewise taken tbe crippled wife from painful bad, placed her again ia wet com- tnaaiea srub bar buaband aod coudrett, an bled her to resum her damsatie dotie In nearly all the disease for which th Ointment ia recommended, its viilue ha been fully tested umlar ray own eupertntendt .vxi and ia auppottof its emcacy, I have been ruroatnea witn in saost ample teethnorry, from varioua pafta of th United Htotes; while I daily continue to receive convincing proof of tbi great value. ' Tb pubhe are informed, that no Ointment, pur porting lab prepared by me, ia ftnuine, anleea h bear my signature, in writing, on lit outato labs, of the pot. All Ordeta. directed to me at Kaleish, or to Wv att dt Ketcham, 111 Fultoa etrert -New Yrk, trill be promptly aUended to. W1LUAM W, GRAY. Raleigh, Dec S, lSr l lj. FEVER AND AGUE, ' - - IMMI'at AND IS,'! f Ar now suffering under that Bamtf Lift, Fettt mnd Att or . Bitiou. Intermittent Fever! HROWANfTS IMPROVED TONIC, MIX TURE," i univerully acknowledged, by th di.lntere.lrd, lo b the O K BAT NATIONAL RRMRDV the ottlv WARRANTED, sore. rurt, and rarfi'f CURE that never has failed, when properly eted, toeradteaia the disease, and also its' immediate ctrs- restoring lb aataral fosling and - elastieity of Ihe eonstlt- tion ia a manner that aoihinf la wll. , - rt- Therelor nrocure at ope thi loaf-tried Id. favourite, and Storlia: rerod t.aow called Howaad'a. lmurmmtd Tool Mlxlorir protect eo asrainst eoanlerfsiters, bv th written mrmturt- of th original Invenlor, JOHN R. RllWAND, over th mouth of vry boitle aad which atay for rtaiIT, ometneu gennine ia tutietga of WILLIAMS, JUVWOODk Ce, ' ... f JOHN K KUWANU, M. V. Proprietor i K iin u.. pbiia. -V.5 . CHEAr rArEU HANGINGS. THE fuhsenbeft refpeettutly infora . the public that Ihej art now recei law. from iheir awtiafaclary. om new aad arv bMUfi style d rapt rnaim it er lrs. Fire wereema, mxti wok mry al ter mw few srie, areawa'rcm. Tbcff asrtaaai to eeetainry uw mrgeet lata Ci-y, ad rampriers every variety . in , tbsh No. Sana nd commoa Fsper,' gay and pkttn, feaaee aad ether baaeufal atyU lor pa i lore, pcaaages, . .."..v .. . :. -:.;v: A aw and dreirabi article , fot wiaaW. saving all twabl f paetiag, doubling, fce, A call is aslieited. --j HOWELL fc BROTHERS. StT BollisMt strtoV aew Chart, BaMator, Hd. i i Ja- 30, 1S4. 4 tU ' INVALUABLE. J of SAVE YOVR COTOV COBS AND SHTCKSX1L . " TO THK PLANTERS 6P N. C. ' The awl- riii ka. m t.iw d 1. tfrf -. t able SMsmMt Will noun (nr e-, i.J r'ail COHN.IXItl aad ivHU K, kr. rt, aales sMite, ko. ht tlH-rH) , M. mK ikaa ane (bad ot a cri, lWh ). w nM .itfc. . lia with pbmiers. The nwckMr - r -sbm porpMe la Siasplr s4 nabl. M j nbtiirmi.t mm 4 errr. i win loaeasih nhiLsiiiiHMMn ki sfry av ycara. lsssnl,ik,MiMNBd rmd nr mnm rrfr , ZCZrZl"- r,wef The saaae thill mM sfr f v fear, teawakl. rtw mmw b,.II .(.-, kail ipplird av tiTra wet ef a-ra omuI hy Mm Intrinl il.n f nt mmm hinery. sail aaa hm lrM ervllie fnra iaihe tliokk. tagriuitii.g cor e4 ia ikesiwrref lhty seaowls.tjorwslnnewkea fcf lattnck, ia saidw b nj ,nr most practical aad warm ills I lamers, mhimI. I.i( ia ksrf at., p.tair.t iDuadtr rlwbra aad varioea other mal riira kicli aieiucHlrai la stuck mneastna (aa aearaary tatbe proper halih af m ... . . ssais. ay their beaag t eat a saaVciant butt to produce diatratioa beta,, l amiat.t braacuea frged. Ceht and shacks grouad abb tbrra pert dote bis aeeeetary diweasiaa. ebbce aay darerTal diarasea aj isiug lr.a avcrraliic; Cor eab and aback -"" ""iiroveo aj ataiaiag. an a) III a.nte at partial ler-aent.lWn. Aft the pretawetieeis vaeHbai digasuoa for bgt. Uui bartcs ami mole, a-dl nai eel rermeated lood.sontcaheailt Ihry will rrauir m dr er partially wet wrth wer. Horses, malt a " aadoxeo, v-Ueafed fth aagrout.d food, void maab in a ttadieeeted Stalt, ftbieh I. af enures low far all benelcial purpotu. Qj- itmd Urn ewasW Jtricttt (O-n tudtHfiMita U odjrtmtem ml Kmk rifk, mud tatt tbi IhtmtmJfd to oaacfaatVy and iMk JapmUk bf hlmtolfmr mjftm. , , . . .. s WM. F. COLUSS. Raleigh Feb. SO, ISW. . " . Heviag: bee aeiicitc br Maj. Colllnt to bar. my MUI arfptaied to grind Coram Ibc Ear and Sbmh I aaaaealed that be aliauld do to aa a etprriaaea and I am able te sty (bat h grirwtt a ra in ihe thaek at the rate af SO huabalt per hoar, and the aVeesiee of the sttect iaaa icpraVad, that w grioae befh-d -eora more thaw taricc at- brat . before, aad by my it.h, at tbe rt oi U baUw-U per boar, U a.a- -aaeal Saer tha Bsaal. I derm H a rateable . prOTCmeBt. aad akall mrahaaa ik. ri.k, as it will anord ue I speedy kv .if riedih i aad cat lie, end eaacb mrrrbr, r " Feb.,.., . - WMi tOVLAPJ mR. GALES. tB fn oider to remov tbb. lie prejudice (which appears i. prevail ia this sectiufl of lb country againot all .Patent RigbUi ao for aa my statameut WIN goto gfviag it advantage which I have derived 1 bating Maj. CelliaV Patent Right for eriadin CofaL 1 the (.' Bhuek, tttarhed or applied to my Grist Mill. I .tat - 7 " improvement was attached, grinds not aiily tt good Maal to before, but jTm ' ttmet betttr. sad grinds ap th Cora, Cab aod Bhuek, into Mesl sufficienily Aae to mis with oth er rough food fof Stork. My Mill ground very slow before this improvement was made, but new !WvW ' Imskethisautemeat. as well for the benrflt of lb Public, as to do justic to Knowltoo'a Patoot f now owned by Major ColUna.) . ' . . . - i- MORSECAI ... - PHI LADELPHIA "EW INb tnEAP, A3wbTea & Varaaul isian-" ufacttiTt AW 104 Market Street, ' tfKJCT DOOR BAST OP THK OLD tlTlfttt WlkX. H. niOKcUPiSSOaV f 1 AS witbdr from tbe Sra, .1 a w u IT. Hiehardaoa.aad eaeMnewetd baeiaets bit bit aa SI NO. 104 Market Hiraw t . Third aad Faurth. whre he bat lor ssle fall .. sortaMot of Umbrella. Forasott, Farssolettes nd Shades, of the aecesl style sad best utaaalaetore ' et eaa .oweei maraet pr t. t.ouoa uatoreiiaa, tair sjoslito, SS eeM. i ' oua wa no fla SO utner uooos I nroonrtian. Tau .r. tpeetfal' ry intited to call aad see I bets. rbilsdelpbia, De. ; - tt-tm. V!J!.ab" n,a JFra rr Cailc.-il THEanbacrlbrT ofTera for eale. a ..I...KL Farm just scltfod. containing 100 cra f Pfim!; Cor and tobacco land only ,20 ol which ar clrtf" ad recently put umbr cultivation, which will yield about 100 barrele of eimttis season. It has on it comfortable dwelling bouse, krtcbenr argc oarn sneutiea round, all other n estry out bosses, and a well of most esceilenf ttater-. all new and in fin order. Jt is located ia one sf Ihe ntoet healthy aud agreeable sections of th 8late, in Uranvill county, snd very convenient to good msrkrt, being ot ly four and hlftlto South west from Tranklinton Depot. It may a bad for the vary low price of six hundred dol lars and time will be given, if required, for the payment, th purchaser giving bond and approv ed security. Apply to Mr. Hrury Whitfield", at Frsnklinton, ar to the suhscr her. ROBT. C. MA7KARD. Ocl.S, IMf .: 41 If NOTICE. . . UT virtue ol a deed of trust, executed by J S Kirkham, I shall, on Thumb of Wak County Court, h being the IShh day of February awxt, ofTtr : tut sale., at the court house i th city of Raleigh, Ihe Lot and premises Orer th south' sattcra suburbs of the city tT Raleigh, adjoiuiog th lata and land of Hie hard Smith and others, and al present occupied by M J. H. Khknaav The Aforesaid property will be sold for cash. ..a GEO. W. HAT WOOD. Traste. ; itouary 27, , s- i ? S ( $ T - .,-') i" " 1 " 1 '" ; BA LEIGH dk GASTON lsAlsV I ftUB'nttrr! THIS Road, having-becAme the proper' ty of the- Bute of North Carolina, tare is bsreby eivew that' a is ia saaataatat aatfa alieav sad th ' b-sarartatloa of' Faaarnger aad Freajhu will b (eaJiaeed at tb rate a beret r lets. Every aural mm will h paid . I iaaur . capeddia n eecaian loiae nweiier ' - - . . WESLBT HOLA tSTER, Preside. , i Batobjh,. Jan. ,h. iUi. ........ i, """"'"I coaa ana anaca II a tne corn maaet a fond bnaceaa.1 web Ibrb- uatur. and raaaot nmrtote ab el h aertou reaal's above Baeatinned. 8tk, wh.. led aa ear etalawrrlf. arcdrnri. ik. I a.. . 1 nrwvra i a- unr -t-r BJVrt a hT W WISVAiV B im a vmnwnen. tpa A sytbirryBs it. m.l. at a fal aaUiig iaVci ; aaaa MtV 04 ,krW. "''ill Pearl sf. torntr efPintJ 1 ' NEW TQRK.,. , ; Waald tavtt the arte km bah. - - - alarb af ' fjwls, bee VBrTliBra 1 ewhtiag of every toetotf f raX Baa, fornb 11'. r&l. mA -VlM..b. mJ (.. bad style d ja!y teead In tbe" Hew Tarl nterket. aai'aile for ihe oWAcra and fTesto Tkatr Black WHI be said for aaab or . A mmt. at such aaton aa trill seek h for-aV nMarrW at all t tl mm saaml- to tbamwlret, ml Orlkntpr'l Bast fad JUe Awr to eVray far 171 irorf dl acfoi porehaaiaf rlacabere . ( , vi.-nSAteUFJ.OABIEUavC Ne rrk, FebV . Ilih, !, u. . :U J0R PRINTlNtJ '" ' Nolly eiecaled at thiol elBct, At the shortest avtlss. i , '' it ' 00" J "' ' ' -jr -