1 . . u. 7 ii remembered.) these r0,,il?cal Pionee" "convened hod oipaheT at Oasto.. and demingiia suitable 'opportunity to ex pre,, iheifwwi:,pB.Oitter andthinge in generaf, and upon conscience'" and ear pecmllr Ex Senator H aywood's n science," in particuUr, pased a wries of resolution!, amongst the choice af which" was tbe.foUcwing: viz: V :? -Rtflttd, That it u with mortifleiim Cad regret, deep and unaffected, we heerd of ro w turn of William W. Hay.eod. Jr.. ia tb Hour of th gresteet peril, and when H we not eefum that the full of 4b. great TsriiT onta .. de pendent unoo his conduct; and we regaid it a sbsmef,.! .Unction ofduiy.dessrvuig .our un qualified eensur and eeverest judgmen t and we esteem each mekfy snUmentaUttf and oWiarf oKiemtituf, uy which it U Mncd he was govsraed. ousuiied ia ail public hien fr great and noting trials, and undeserving the reliance of a lure end just people engaged in the refcrmaUon of great national ei Tore." It doe not clearly appear from the re cord, whether there were any other persons present besides the Chairman, Secretary and the mover of the resolutions; but thty were a Aosf in themselves, and fully equal to the great and momentous occasion. It seems, then, that the Gason Democracy hold in contempt all "sickly sentimentality and delicate conscientiousness" in public men, anil that they ShmJtd disregard their own' convictions of right and honesty, and ' act in opposition tooM. when jreqoired so la do by their Party, that they are to ti4p iheniseiveVof all candor, of all honesty, all Justice, all responsibility to their country', kit obligation totheir oaths ami go for (heir Party and its meanui.es, however eofrupt that pafty, and however dangerous and" ttdictir thw e 'measures --may be! - By the same process of reasoning and upon the same principle, the acts of the murderer, the highway robber, the swindler and every 6ther crime, might be equally Justified or defended. Let the Gasioit Democrajy get foot bold for their doctrine, that all featf conscientiousness" ia unbecoming public man and deserves the execration of the People; and defaulters, public dectxv trs, traitors, and all such publte benefac tars, will become ss "numerous as black berries;" and it would require, under such , - politii it - lUhwar'aules-iBef .-etulf ( than men are made of, who put forth and avow . such . doctrines, to prevent them selves (i entrusted with office) from become . fag the brigheat txemp tarr Tftheir uwrf torrupt and disorganizing faith! But let us inquire lor a moment who - theta - newcboolphilosphers are, "and whence they comet That they are de scendant of mother Eve and old father AdatA", we aTenclined,7frbcT tho "proofs before us, ralher to dnnbt, in aa much as both of these good people themselves ac knnwleged and taught their descendants, that there was such a thing as "conscience,1" and that they" felt its reproved wheu they attempted to cover their nakedness wilh" ne' fig leaves in the Gifdert of Eden. "They may sbo fie regular descendants of ""some of the ancient' gods and godeases tot aught we know! But we fctfve ' heaVd it ' mbiV confidently asserted that the mover of the resolutions was actually born ttpoii the very soil of YtaoniiA, and that" Is breathed' from his infancy the very same' atmosphere with JerreasON, Madison, WaihIkoton and a hbsl of other great meny who adorned the history of that old1 '. eViramonwealth! Be this as it may, who - , - w , Would conclude that he could be any thing bitt great f with all these extrinsic- and m trimic advantages; and who would daVe confine such a "widely ranging" iu teller, t down to the old beaten track Which was travelled by such pimy minds as llarail tbaJay, Marshall, Henry, Rutledge and others? . No, it has full and ample right to eor aloft and' abroad, and to gather ti the richest sweets from the iomlectuat honey of every clime and nation and system! ,, Having been born, then, on trie" toll of VuronnA and being entitled to the exclusive rt .: -r nf -tr 1 - privueage oi ooasung oi ir auiogwn am . .Jefferson and others as his countrymen, He rrastrtned himself called on to Uke unon '' . , , . J men, nave roe. spurious disciples or ih rih- hi shoulders the affairs ol Ihe naUoner of the Republican Church to esll iheirkam- - and began to talk very learnedly, upon the doctrinee of -'83 and W-a Tariff of valorems aad specifics Sute rights and consolidstioh--ldtiludinarianism and strict . , . , , . constructionism, -hd every - other Hsm' VhiA makes tht : speakers demagogues Tariff, in th teeth of the Caet tbat it la eon-..j.i.i-. , ,, . j r ' oomMedfO! adnnt,y tthe opiiss ofTabr nd tlie listeners dupes. lie first profess- ingteM, 'r Joorof Mwdioow .4 Monroe- ed to be" a Whig, bul'soon refined and the entire' line f Republic Preaideat, la aoi.Wtica4ed himself out of thlW ranka ia-1 y profeas to btooY and .l . " , , . , ftihfgl followers, a well a of lh falheOf to (ha Corporara Guarjr of the f; it Modwa Demoeryy, J.rk.oo, and of his adeo- r resident: but nndiiur that he met not with aaofficieocy of favour there to obta th . . . appointment of Superintendent oflhe Char- btte Mint, he suddenly hoisted hign Uia k..r j i-t,;-!, baoaehirZWcrwcy. under which, tn the Vrpnse and tcgret n most of hi political seoeiater, be bUtl 'eontinaesto fight! ', It k . .. ; ir. . . fvehpt-poned that he cam. from Virgtma Intb'Norihamptofl ounty to revolutiooiis lioith Cm-olina and dissipate the error of V.t.: a n ." T ' .f . " Whiggry, Vc. But upon this point, we hop and believe ere this,, he has found llmwlf "erreg lousty mistaken; and wa ..J. V,, 7, - resfoetfulljr adrtte al) who CX)mc OB atM'h.an etrwd. wlto begin such a crusade, that Sir people have too tndch "itdty sen timentality and ddue-te conscientiousness" to allow them even the hope of success. And especially aioof a lYrginian show that he was caught yiiiog, quit young, and brought intd our State, before we can be lieve hfin an autiordox teacher of North Carolina .Whig doctrines; and most espe cially wilt he hare fixed upon him the seal of disapprobation, if he avows the doctrine C3iitained iu the Ganton resolutions, that to consult conscience, to do what that monitor which Uia God of Heaven and Girth has implanted in out soul to Mad us to the right, says is right, "is unbecoming a public man," Such doctrines cant get a foot-hold in our soil. They may have ta ken root in the neighbourhood of Gaston, but it is not the natural growth it is spu rious. It is not in indigenous plant, but hits been transplanted from some hot-bed of abstraclioiiun, and absurdity. It miy flourish for a while, bu"t wilf soon wither bene'at'i the bright sun of truth and hones ty,- which ever shines upon the soil of the good old State "the Whig star of the South." ELECTION RETURNS. ASHE. Beni. Cfllowsv. Whiz, is elected 1o: lh Corriraons. A. B: McMillan, Whig, Sen ate. ; . . :. : - , ,- u.: . 7 MR. HAYWOOD'S ADDRESS. "Wa-arO indrbied to ftjr, Ex-Senator Hay wood for a eopjr of his address to the people of North Carolina, whk n w e ehall spread before our reder. It U a triumphant vimlioaiion of hi coiuaia the Soat iq ri-htiion to h Tar iff. Wa aea laawy highly coniplmieniary no tices of it in the fcbleit papers in the Uniont and copy the following' from the Richmond" Whig,' to which we inviiespeeial attention! SENATOR HAYWOOD'S ADDRESS. We lose no tiintin laying before our reader the triumphant tlniieatioft both of lb motives and of the eondmt of Senator Haywood. which bare been a justly and so wantonly imnuirned, ia wfrnno to a meaaur which he eharaetertXM. with equal point and historical Uaih, fh-e "ExifineriUl Tariff" of the present Auininiaimioii. Mine national Intellieencer well remarks, he "e'flmnpletelv inaiifies himself. snd rolls back npea bis puranera the tiJ of ooioqoy wrin wpitb they have attempted to overwhelm him. fthisewfrmefvy 1dvoleaW!tionf s eiisraetcr merely personal to Mr. Haywood, however, we do not know thai wa ahoulii fa! jvtllte tn devutin f so larjr apace to Via d. imire, uoweer grapnie and revolting bi X- poara-or-thatrle(lesa- party defpotiam, which, baviiift Ifien eterted in vain to control hiaenneientiona eonirtlonsoftful,lierwa.tds nnent revenmuy to jleotroy hla eharacier. Hut -iit aremtttcra' of farinoV fpiih and moment ftr ihe powerful Address of the Ex- &eualor th ioor powerful from tka rudit iinplicky of the narrative, and the abaeftce of j HJjf-e an enort- to appeal from "Um juoaiuem io in sympathy or the country.- iim T"i ot mr. nay wood'a Adtfreas Which publiah ihia tuomina deuaonatralaa. bevond all question, that the enactment ol ihe Tariff pf tan: ... r... r. y. . -I winy in arooruaoce who to principle to which the pany in power were pledged to the teuairy by the result of the leetion or 1H14. ia to direct conflict with all their erSvioue oromtaea and Jclrai;nn ib aubjeot and lh' if fliey wer pledged to any particular schema it waa to McKay's bill of 1H44, which dlfleta senirally both in princi ple and ia detail frnui the law juat paaaed. II aloUte( What Was already apparent eooagh, that the oew Ta.iffwa pisaed spinal tlie jnHg. mentttfh majority of Cong-reee -other bena torf, tkrhb rtppofW .It, snd as Mi. Haywood aaya, foot a lew of them," eoodenMiin'g: tlie aet J even while they voied for ii! Will it be pre- j tended that a law thus paeaed under the leduc tiv i..fluenes of EiecuMvo perausaion snd en treaty, and by meaaa ol a stern party drill, by which all indepenienc of opinion andaeiiou was as effectually tilenced a if another Crom well at the head of bi legion had surrounded the Capitol, to br,wbeal,Sen!ore lho acquies cence to his will, ought to b lf(frded'aS ihe voice of th peouli.'or as' the fntelligently set. tld judgment of ihe countryl And may not' Mr, Hywood", in bis retireuieul, ttand pi'ood ly erect in th mliist of those, aervile Senator, who, condemning this rsroluiinniry ex peri neal, Mverthelen voted in ii favor, ellhei to propitiate tht favtr of th President or to ' eap the dene.wititfn of th Preaae devoted td'ltiw eervfeat ' ' - ' Per hap, however, the most important posi tion esubliabed lit the first part of Mr. Ilay Wodd Addreaa aiirf it ia established bevood all eoptroveroy ia th direct sntagoniara of iwr. roiK's corratner w ahoold say or Sir' Robert WatVw'aV new taiiff with th principle and-opi&i6nM'foraly vowed by every Re publicait Praidnt urid Sedretary of the Trea ary.bv evoty Rdpublican Coosr. and bv every Party, exeenrihe Nullifyer, sine tho P,P ?. h V!;f,?. W1 ling this rash "experimerital" aysieta which has, for tho first time, received the fl octant sanction ot t bare majority of Conrreslr, against th Judgment of ii members what right, we repeal,, bav they to chnaKrt ihi nioostrou eoncepuoo of, visionary brain, waicb cam aM the world ' io.i baVfamdop.w a Demoeral- 14 soeeeMor, fa Htrten, whoa nam Mr. j SV'aZZAu t0 ht Utt ' VI tboniios baa he deemed It neceatary so to dot A Demoeraiie Tariff! Why. Hit be so, the b lb Tgvrnnienl bees' admlniatered upon Fdral riarbl sioeo " It foundation, al- hotigk h, u - "pradetf of theeontrarV until .iar.d Walter ' "I?. h',f jnto rbs'eoormoos lrie iato ! whlfrb ucb puny wlbirs a ihna of Washing, ftl, Jtffett I M;di.oa had been betray. ed! U p.f ' But our limited apse dnwsi.hes'ut to forbe further remark. , Indeed no comment upon th lu -M Addf aenatof Haywood, and pecilly upon thUWsoch f itwhuh b fonifiea iroprejoa W'f rW u l"y ; r ok1"I wUliafWgboriUwapto"Virtii,s ad of tmVSavth npaa the itt o ekarly atattd by Mr- RaTwooJ. , W will at a thai w bsJ rstbar bewreof with Wsshiftov nd idSSlitm. Madieon ml Moure, and with th arest tod pur saea by whom thev wee aidwd in Ihe admnutrstioa of venwwnt, than right, with Polk. Walker and their adiaer, but w aaay saft-ly y. when w find onervea euatainad by the old Father even Ihoufh We be thrown ia esoflict with th dpoatate Irom their ereed and nraetie, who neverthelee claim U be ia lha direct line of succession and the only uthorissd interpreters of tbrir doctrines, that ws stand apea th old Repjblteaa platform. And so w think, the sober eecond theoht" vn of th popleaflit South will finally adjudgs. Jtick. H kigl pjVTe would not be at all surprised to hear die Democratic leaders in less than twelve months from litis time, shouting ss lustily for protection and against ftee traded as they have heretofore hallooed against the former and in favour of the latter. They will possibly be for going a little farther than this even, and swearing, thut h is all 'a l'hig lie" that they ever sup ported the British rarirT bill of 1848.' Let our friends bear this in mind. , "Blow the trumpet, best the drum, Tremble Ptlk, w come we eome!" We wonder if the "Duck River Cofo- ne,"dout fuel somewhat aa Zekt did when he'look shelter under British' protection)" He is k chip of the' old block and do'ut like 'ff 'hig revolutions" tn ttte old North Stale! ' : "HEADS u pr t , v. - A week or two before the erection, the Standard put forth the following boastful prediction: " ' From Rowan, (says the Charlotte Jef fersonian) we hear the m'ot cheerirt( news. Our whole ticket "iV almost be yond-ouestion safe in that - County., . In J Davidson, the prospect of a gain 'of one or more mem'ters is certain. Stokes and Surry, and Ashe will be redeemed; and from lite Mountain Counties we count up on a1 gain' of at least throe membets This will give a the Legislature, if our friends in the old Democratic counties Su'nd fTrm. Heat's frf ttKrt. Democrat. Be sure to attend the' polls, and be as tnYe to1 vote for no mo for the Legislature who is not a thorough, sound Democrat. Blow local issues to the four winds." What has been the issue! In Rowan, the N big Ticket (except one) is beyond question" elected. In Stokes we have a Senator and jwo Commoners a un of one. Idsurry, we have two Commoners and a" Senator jf McXiillah'J from thai county and JLahej and however firm the Ediior's friends may have stood up to the mark, "in the old Democratic counties," the Whig have aweprbmlr bra ttches 'of the Legislature! f Head up ! Democials, whv do you look so downcast and-de mure! Cant yotr look each other In the face? - "Head trp." The skies are brjghu enirfg.-, 'i ' For the North Carolina Standard., Mr. floldeni I see it stated in the lart Register dial Mr. Shepard win tVott the democratic vote of Cumberland. 1 he Ed itor of the Register, tells a falsehood. Mr. Bhepafd will get a tremendous majority in Cumberland the psrty are enlhustayiffor him, an he will get some whig' votes on account ol Or'abaraVBid lor tlie Rail Road. Success and victory to Shepard and dem ocracy. . - . ' T '. .Cu'mbertanfC July, 1848. TRUTH. The above appeared In ihe ' Standard. The usual Democratic majority in Cumber land has heretofore been about 600. Gra ham heal Shepmrd 21 majority!. ' Yet the Register told a "oiseAootfl" and ShepartTs majority "will be tremendous!" "Truth" is himself ('falsehood?' this time! '', ' ( "Msy ibar ever slwsys be, i ' Such "success alftl. victory ; Tfbhepard and Democracy!" j The Washington letter-writers now say that Senator Dtf. of New Yorkr. is to be appointed Minister to O. Britain, tn' that event, Mr. Pickens, who is understood to candidate", for a foreign Mission, may perhaps succeed Mtt Ku)V, who is about to return home, at the court of-Franee. The Washington' corrtpondent of the New York Evening Post says: r am ander the impression from all that I csn learn, that a direct proposition has been received from the Mexican' goVerumen, of which a restoration of peace' mi i the cession of California are principal cdhdi- tioh Itr the meantime, however, no re. laxation:of waf like preparation secmir to have taken place." ' fntcmnl Imprtvtnuut Cmvtntitn . Art internal Improvement Convention, Was re cently held at Charlott Court Houm Virginia, at Whieh tt Was greed that those tYif ndly to th improvement of iba navig'iioiof th Koa noke, San, and Siauotoa river, hall bold . a Coavaailon lit' tho town of . Oxford, Granvill, Co. ia thi Sut. on Toeadav lb Jd Uf November next Th Convention f : to' b composed of Uelegstes Irom . tho eooaue and towoaia Virginia and North Carolina inures! d In the ImprovamenU. . t TUECABINET; The President, it it said, or oon to Bachanan to Bedfotd Springs. Mr Bsn eruft will spandta few wVefik irf Maanchu sctts.-Baft Sun.' J " " - ' ':. ' Wa learn that the President is ex. pected to beat,OU Point, B'a Thandays nexU.Ed. Beacon.,. t v . ....;,.v , y There are now four cotton factories in Pittsburgh whieh manufactuie aheetingsto the amount ol 50,000 yardi per wek. ( A new factory' is f nearly completed, which, ! with the others, will swell the weekly! prod uct to 80,000 yartli.' ; SUODEN-DEATU.-We learn from the Nashvillo Whig'tfiat Mr. I.'C UaasriKLD) editor of th Sheiliy ville (Tenn.) Free Pfess, fell dead on tho 5th iuU, MLiUtaiondiiig reading in hi office. He was a native of this County, and learned his profession In this Office. For the Star, i Mr. Lotnar; Having been pained to hear (by ramoi; mat me Hon. Willie P. Mangnm will not suffer bis name to com before lb Legisla ture- lor re-siecuon Tor the U. 8. Senate, and thinking 1) expedient that th Whig should take the milur into conaiderkiinn a there are two Senator lu elf et, sod bring out Norih Carolina mosf worthy eon. I would ugel lh name of Geo. E. Badger sad Jam W. Oaborn. by whoa exeiiion our S-.ata mav ba honored, at peace and prosperity may be restored 10 our aappy country. I he mere mention of their nnea u aufScient. Thev need notsom- mendation, and if elected, lh nation will soon know that North Canlin i Hurt.. What av you Whigl KA1TEKN. Wa had n"t heard this rumor, and boos it amy turn out to be without foondaiion. r TB NINE DAYS LATER FROM EUROPE. A f plica ion on the part of Mexico for the meaunon oj trance ana .nsrtana Postage, of the Sugar duties bill Jit I timnted assatsinntkn of Louis Phi lippe effect of the American Tarff th Angianaiitchne in the flour mar Tic steamer Caledonia arrived at Bos ton m Tuesday after unon from Liverpool, which place he left on the 4th instant. -i. Tlit Ltrernool oaoera are filled with an accoufit of th visit of Prinre Albert to Ihat ftiaand the munificent -doings ou lhe,oi casiun. - The C"0on' market was without any pei ceptikle change," and an fmprnvernent had taken place in the manufacturing district; in ,coiSfqeneooT the probabili-1 ties uf .he passage of. the new TaViff which lad passed the House of Represen tatives here.' The value of iron is risen in anlicfpa tiori of a large exporf to the United Sutet. I he money market lias fluctuated but litite since the sailing of the) last packet. The steimer Britannia at Liverpool frcn ffoston, on the 31t .ult- Louis uonaparate, Ex-ktng of Holland. died at Leghorn of apoplexy, on th 24th wit. e sixtv-seven. The Pope of Rome hss granted a gen eratamaesly to all political offenders. The debate on the Sugar duties occu pied two .data,' and the vo vero merit xheme triumphed by a majority of 245 tn 135-T-uearIv two to one. ,.,Thi result lualljr abrogate the monopoly, arid places sugar ja the.aam category-as corn, Uy an easy declension on tlie high rosd, to Ire trade. Sir Robert Peel gave the ministe rial manure a generoua support, and the greatness of th majority may be traced to that circumstance. Anither attempt had been made, on the life of live K og of France. Wrrile aeated at the window in the palace oftheTuiler it's, to listen to a concert performed by the National Guards, on the SOth ultimo, a mania the crowd drVw a piaiol and fi , red twa ahot av the King. He missed him, of course, ar.d also (lto in hisim' mediale vicinily. H was immediately irreitedJ Hi name ws Joseph Henry. He said he wa weary of life, and resolved to eommit this crime as a means of meet iog death, ''. A Paris? f aper, Ihe CddrTer Francis, tiYS that the Mexican Government hss demanded ol France and England their mediation to pot an end to tlie war with he United. States. '- - Thi Sea Serpent hat made his annual appearance in the harbor of Salt m. Mast. A hentolore "incredulous" fisherman lytd distinct view of his snskeship, humps and H. on the 14th inat. The monster etpoed.only about sixty feet of his as yet vnssovfislned length. After gio)'boling in the harbor, for the gratificstina of the incredatou fishermaii, for the space of ten luinutra, the monster went' down-to the 'dark, unfathomed caver," io which we supppve his mat and fit tie nurslings repose during his brief excursion. COLD BLOODEO "ftUIRDERl A yuug man named Victor Lewis',' clerk is tlie atore of Mr." Mallard, Leaka. vrilrU-ickinghamcoautyjJLCL3irai murdrr'd die night of the'lSth intt., an der .clroimslancet of the most secret sB(t atrociott cTuracier, . lie was' found lead in the (oant'ing-room the next morning sht through the head with a shotgun, the load entering hit face on . the right sideof hit.ribue and oming. out at .the bid of his head. He had apparently just prepared to lie down for the bight) an( it ts suppoaeu "inat some person ' nao cle hiniji lth j window.1 whrfhi ; tliow wantlig any thiag frbnt the store aiter It was shot up sometimes railed, and was in the act of patting on his slippers when he teeeived the fatal toai. "The storehouse Wlthrn" entered through' f he window, and thr contents of the moneydarwer, probsby some eight er ten dollars,' taken outi -Attentp wen? sl,o made on the safe, which toritairled a large "sum" of money, but pmved unavailing die murderer snd brgUr, In hie excitement probably failing In fiad the key, which. was in, the pocket of Mr. Lewis's pantaloon w'here he had threw o them as the rhair. Although. the . . . r.L L...JI.I "P"f "r,7 "f "or, " ruwd as there wii ' 1 v1enitj of ha, ; ttore, hf "oJ r qreW"d ilr der-peritapa Shtin; tod firing", off of guni. .X ll,K - Two taen have been ' committed ' to jiriton on suspicion of the deed; but what the nature of tht evidence la against them we bare net lally learned.- . , The deceased, we learn, was a vouna man of nnexectlonablt characur anil de J mm-smsmms'sm!mm(imswem n talents' and iha. comma'uity whei I fd are in a s'ale of great excitoineni anil anxiety to ferret outj the atioriotu vt liaa of villiana who were engaged ia ne marir. t ' . irttr.sb0T9 t'al; FROM THE ARMY. : ' Gen. Taylor left MaUmiraa, fur Caraaf- go, iu a iamer, ej t'ae oih tnMmil. I uo army now number alout 17,030. iCapt, I ir was uanterousiy in at niaiamoro It wa geUing st. klv among th troops. I A number of deaths are! rnorted fmm licL. ness, accidents, and murders. Gen. Tay i lor bad lasued an aider suppressing tie sale of spiritous liijuow, most of the djir tiers naving arisen from the excessive of liquor It is tbourlil th "last shot has been fired in the Mexican war." EXCITEMENT IN SOUTH CAROL! NA ARREST OF KlCfNAl'jPERS. Wo were shown an extract of a letter. received in this city yesterday from Che raw, S. C which sUies that-eoneiderahle excitement prvilsin that place, in contie quco of a man named Dorsey, alias Car liaU, who had been arrested and put .in durance vile, confessing to a Dumber of respectable citixens that he waa cognisant of the fart that a plot had been laid lor Steal ing or enticing away negroes from their masteis; that it extended from Virgiaia to Texas, and that some of the most respec table citixemT were engaged fu ll lie further stated that he had an engagement to meet one of the number the following night at Marlbro, and that thote who doubu-d his revelations might accompany him, and satisfy themselves. A number-did ao (first painting themselves black), and per-' rhUleu Dorsey to pats -them off reicued Uvea. 1 hey subsequently rallied in n body, ntl captured, the kidnapper whose name-i VVemherlyv He was comnuuqd ? Mwlbrov IJoraey . at Ctcr; field. Another ooo was- rretad at Dar lington. An intense excitement prevailed in the neighborhood, ' . vtipper, GENERAL SC6'TT AND THE MEXI CAN WAR The National lalellifencer flva:--Ve have just seen a letter fiom an'tniailfgent officer of the army, on, the Lower .Missis sippi, to a friend in this city, which says General Soptt's calcaiations foV. opening the campaign againat the interior of Mexico, are consfdeed, in a high military qVsfter, ss already proved to be sound and judicious. The writer adds,' that the Kentucky snd Tennessee horse volunteers, supposed by Gen'i 8- to bormlitpgtifabrts'are nottikcly L if' m a.- ' to reacn toe uio uranao peiore me tniuuie of October" next. . ' J - liun-iw c.L.uftuiiii.r. -zTlta AleXindrU Jttritate-ThaHha enor'mbus expense ol lone aessions of Cob gress might be saved hereafter by a pro- per unuciaiauuuiji auvanso wiin UIO President upon the subjects to which he in tends to apply the veto. 1 A Still more eco nomical plan would i Jbe to dispense ,wlth Congress iUog'ethef; and really . we can perceive no necessity for. the annnal meet ma of that body if the. Executive is first to prepare for it alt ; the- important 1 ws which that department of the rovernmenl ia in favor of and then to, "veto all others which may hencted without Us previous saoction. i na i ana is in the brat catego. ry, a relatsl to vot for which aubjecled the rebela to thaf most furioua Renuncia tion snd iha Harbor Dill in the second. Why should Congress-' meet 'merely U regisler Executive edicts' Why. not at once give validity to . the Ckase of tho AutocratT ,. j ' . .. . ': . : - COMING DOWN.' One oflhe b-hovs,"on the day of the late cltbration of the glorious fourth, des ranting upon Ilia final ! settlement of. the Oiegen question, aeriously took Iha paj tiou.tliat th treaty waa a concession on the part of G'rriat Britain unparalleled in her history ' How do you make that ol?' laid hjs companiou with a Bvwerj ahska ofjhe head.' "' " -Y.-.'li;. "' Mak it out? May , I nar kill for Reyser, sin Hail Columby, or giv three hundred and sixty fire cheera fur the Star jTpl gird fiiuner, if y ot, aint 1 thick hea ded customer. Didn t we offer the bloody Bniikb as far up as 5 deg , 40 mini, and didu'i thcr comt down to, 49 mih, u'' rr'f hdidn't da nothinlat4i YV lelt. JV. r. Ulobe, "I 'r1 la ibis City, on Mood fter'noeri the 17th, tni., ariar a protracted Illness, bsaan U. Mo Pheeteiv third daughtet of tbe lt Kev. W ill iam McPberiera, d. i)', ; ; : . v. , tn Fulten, Mi. on 31t July,' Mr .lber,' Beits, late of ibis city. ' ' : j ' j' . In tbsUism, Mr. Aoa W, Cotton, aged 83' , In Omnia, Mr. Edward Ward, of Onslow, Also Left in K. lrU, Esq On Friday night lat (in th rfounly of Pr on) th 2t ih lnU, Lucy Ana. Jo;an, aged. 4 years, 5 months and 17 days, daughter of Ol. U. II. Jordan, of that eootity This lntrting littl , fiowr was ,troplwted . into a mor llvenly soil io two daya od a half after be lug taken sirk. No aeriooa appraheoslon a bout her war fe)t until an boar or two befor be bieatbed her last, Mtb might be -aaid of th happy .efiVct of religioos training apoo th Ufaand cbarsbtar of tbi wet little child, bl lb writar lor hear. . ; ; . . ' , 31i Julf.Iolo. . :-!..'.' - ( Ktandsrd will please to eopy."-- -. " lo Johnsioa County, on the ISth InstJ Mrs, Saub MeCullar. daugbwr ol Nathaniel WarJ ren. of Wsk'e Coaniy. N. C- Mr a, MoCollar was a member of the Methodist Eplscspal L.usrca. t TUE INTERESTS OF . The caaiBlry, Mm people, th atrxny, Tf VavTi. W have Isborcd ht hiat and tlerhMi asass. sd or whole fraai th, ills with BlesMr waa we soa- leeaplaMtb befwfl.isl resnlis of sw esettMH. The aatiea has arkd ia a war.sbrasf po ibem by aa amy abost parlliy of sw(N bas lee )srsps bn-o .tiroed with nmfli ell ktlmrz Mh rve. f lo an xt i,ju. k a, BBtrr T tyros to irns. far A,m.i ti.i. l il !! ...It tote.. ,ha, .tti.ts. t.l( iervW3 ' leilt lhy tin l.,iHI U.,.. .i - :.. ...aVZ ' .rm.. ., b. bl.',,. n. .he i- of buturj p.l ksl h, u-, Iimi. ai.ua' s5Li iH wleravsd ia ik jlrM toe Boa of freedom, lb .bttfi ofAnKX -)le Mtmci m bvmt fktm eoasuutvr to proseeuto the sd,tm.s he Hi so brd -..I) rb..lod. S, 4 8, lv.OT ptnciw vJJ V Ohbliely bU preod f bi sthievvMi,ls. mZimi "'I Md mi a, ihry re by bia gallMit imiudmi i d si a trMt to their sni k.. unuJ ..t.. Wsiierwi tlslieWMs snline ot.l, I. tkiU kli; eySMMa tfcrir rewswa slier lbs i eroes 4b bt MvalMKl jirf, rb booar of ooe SMnno, esaatry. Q4r arreMdrM rwer .swvee lJer ' sskwMtcd a brichisr valur af f.mmm.u . . wto.i B,l,.- it UMiress r va,aintirg sb (.ersiwa thej era samed lisr. io aU hi.h sb.li ; ; Tal'Jt&ll JS' Ki4a r . . . r"r " SMtetamat warm fmsds h sirslvUll be kept oHntly iaorew. , ? i 77". w"" w asrin qir mdesvor to - drs . ' T.""" . 8, i. SYLVESTER, v.... MAJOR CR0YV7U ,. ,or loao, tooe orawnat Jer. t City. I N. J.) on Wednesday, th Snd of, 8ep., l5l0. 73 Number-: U Drawn Ballots. - GRAND eJCHElrtK.: 93U.U00! lOOOO! 1 of 0.000 tf 4,000 fofa.cw lofa.opp . . : ;, ' . i t ai 9 lo.t jir.M u 25 PRIZES OF i.lXlo'EACii.il 60 ol 200 BG orT&ff " , . . .TicVeiaJoDonira. . . ft4 . m CerttilCSt of s Panlsav THE LAMENTED MtJ.H ALWiANOUIA LOT t EHY, CIsm B.' he 1S' -w sw via siw at an Aiunir"nl. LI II. ava Ntl.Mlak. . th ib of Hep. OSIIOIW 930 0001 I of (,000 iio ioof 14,000 10 Priae of t .150 eaeb f , - a . Mprmeaol t.OUVeasbf of soa Voi: 644 lUO 170 of M , , v - . a..' L. ' TIcketiflO-Hhire! Is projmtloo, A eert.ri.sie ol Paekaa at is Tick.!, ill 1 . east for t304ollv Hhares hi nreMHlusu - "UA4i'AllMJNeAff lllTIHhllll I Sk-.1.? l.O ... V S.ae orawaj. at reanHina, Ii. g. e Batuvday.' " iislUl, - - pUmdid' fiscal. , - -l-.V' -7-- 7v-T-. fw.ooAr- iOPrWe off.000Mb 8,W" fio of Boom , tooof f.ouo; ISO of Sou Mhf - ft50 5,ot0 Uol W , , -is CfcC. ; tic, ' BiO, TikeUMSurss iapftHiws. lr A rtiBeate ot fsvksg of C6 Tiekwlll b KM lor taudijll.rs' Shares ,1s nmrwtles. ' - CAPTAIN WALKER.' - . . N. J. STATE LOTTERY. Cltts. Yj (or 1S4, to be Hr at,Jersev Cwy,(N. J.) WedoasdaVL lb I6ih f Sep. lUo. 71 ms takers 18 Draoal , Bsllota. .-- ",v ; . . v 4ivtbp'iQl'i;'1 f V ao,oooi 10,000 f Ifl,000 ; 4a.(00. iia,SKrfo . ifs,oo 40 PRIZES Of iff.OOO EACHf , . M tootsm - . . , dooij, tSoflSO r - (4 s 100 ate, "- &e. Sc. . ,i - . -TlekikU 10 dollar. , i.i- A Cerliawr a Psuseel ts WbU Tlskai will be t for Shares It pjmnrtiao.v ' "OLD UUUUil ANU UJuAUX." ALEXANDRIA LOTTEttf, Clsss D. for lied.' I be drs st AlesMMlris, III. CI as Satrda tlw 19th of Sep. !. ri Nuabn If Drawa Ballets. , , Splendid Bsbma. -' '' " 50,0001 -' ' .. ,ooo- iio.ooot -f a.ooo - t'orlayi a oi a oooi ,; 60" PCIZTSS OF 1,000 EACH!. . SO Of 500.; . .' . , , 60 of 400 100 of 140 1984 tuO Tlekets, Tea Dollars A CertlBeste l Pashai af 84 J'ieket will be Mat tor (ISUWObsres io orspertloa. COLONEL MclNTOSlI. ( ALKXANDKIA LOTTERY, Clsss K. lor 1144 u. a lr. at Alaisadrla. f 11. ?. aa t asturiisy, twa .xoia of .asp. iim, is Naaihora," U Ur Bsrrots ,,..". . , . --i. 30,etfr-.:-: - -r- 1510.090 I etas ooo. . loiaJ.issKO. I i 4.000 ; i V ' tft.so9 t Of t.OOOIII . - ' . 0 PR1ZEA OP 1,00 EACH ' ,-, .; lt . Us. k,, ' ' ' . i TWAcU only to dolhtrs. 1 i , A CenifUet.- of a Pack f U TUketswUI b satfor tW Shares la aroportls. FAUST 6c WINErjRKNER, . No 70 "sVirrf Ii Zri.ttteet, tlove. Arcfi,'- ' PHILDELPH1A, , - ar now paing their Fall eupply ot (; - 4 Wat Avi'dYe, Cultt?;&e., ;v which, oa imwatiim. wiflib 4jondN equal In joint of variety. and, yls t any lock in Pbila delpni. OJ psm tor. nS reapcc(uii7 metebsni visiting lb North to call aoa xmin earfoedi ," "'. J " J-.-'V'v' "i. ' " N. irrUeutar personal atUntkia is paid to roar by msii or otaerwi.:. : . - s H.h!i- - GUaa VaViitsTOWsV &c. Th uberiber would rupeetfully iavil tbe, attemioa of merchant to his largo wm of Baltimore. Nw Jeraev.a.ad Crowa VVN. DOW GL ASA Ll. Wwiherel's, Col' Attanthiank UUtt WHITE tEAD; Chrome, fJreea and Yellow) Linseed Oil; fcirl.of Turpentlnoi 8od Papeii Glaet Pony, Copal,. Japan, and Coach Varnishes; Paint - Brabe Saab Tool, Aitis eolowr and ..material Ground palnta, all ooura, ia small e. i , And eonstsn'ly teiin from iha Faclotie II th above, wlib a torl ssprtmnt of ar liclrs , 011 kept it. bi line of buainass, whlubboQVrd at lb lowest market mea. - .-..- ' WM. WlSONG, , ' ' No 9 Norm liberty Stieet. V ' Baltimore, , . -O ! ' .,--..,-" - 3S St, , . i -4

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