Painting.' Music and Drttmng.--Mt. ken of in the; h.ehest errfls ttMdl faw4fifo'k pap ! and tecbef of m-is,fiaa; located Jifl hl i eity, ila view nf nrrtaiwntine- It la rtfoftSslon, We have 'o private Irttert ffortl Nefcfk,J where lie lies resided lor several yeara. bearing ihe tame testimony to Meek 111, well m lo hieoniforialy honorable aftd gen tlemanly deportment. He' Will, "we under land, toon exhibit tome specimena of his' portrait painting, in fresco-- ityljp whidi eives enduring freshness i and brilliancy to hi picturea. He likewise intends to open a school for Music and Drawing, when an excellent opportunity will ' be o (fired to those who desire to cultivate taste for these accomplishments. 1 MR. CLAY, THE TARIFF AND FREE TRADE. ; Our attention hat' beert called to an arti cle in the last number of the Sootherrt Quarterly Review," oil the. subject of the Tariff, in which there are many severe anil unjust strictures oport the character and motives ol the great American statesman, Henry Clay. It jar e vidently from the pen of sotpe South Carolina free tnde ab Ktraetiontst, who seeks by' the! denunciation of AK XHatji to .. weaken the cause .of pro lection lo American labor. ' There is a de gree of disingenuoosness. and rnisrepresea tation in many parts of the article which would strike any one of the most limited political information. Isolated serilerice disjointed end di-coonectf d paragraphs "are taken from the speeches and writings of Hti Ckrtfmna distorte.d 1nto a mearthrg entirely different from what the- onteJt would shew was intended. We have neither the time nor the space to expose the fallacies - awl- spurious, reason in -running thro' thit whole production nor are eve disposed to attempt a defence of 'wiry Tram .the fcpitetid '.ji enom ..exhibited therein. ;, It would be. task. tinnejte-eary and supererogatory. His fame and the wisdom of his cherished policy1, , are foun ded upon too solid and broad a basis to be shaken, by the attacks of the theoretical pig mies of that ereatesl of all misnomer "free Trade.", Out we would call tbevetten lion of our reader to at least one short ex tract front this article; which will Suflice to shew Its true character. J ' - - t "Withtut the peverful tilnnee,H says thli article, fJHr- Ctojr, the . Imtrican tyHem ('.. the protection f American indntttry) mnulii have tun abandoned Unrofo: and men of any pre tentions to kmttlerlge tuch at Mr, IKeUter would have been iwuu tt have their rtamu tonnetied it& --- j' 'i.' 4 . Was there ever such a ba'efiteed absurdi ty and oonterrptible tie ice! However "powerful"" the "assistance of Mr; Clay may have been;-neither Ae -nor h is -friends" are so ignorant of the political history of the country as tn -contend that upon. At sole efforts, has depended and does depend, the success of the great policy of protection. It would Jiarcllv b, denied, even , by the ease hardeoe J free trade neophytes of S. CaroUna, thai the Tariff af 184 d wasaJuffl- 1 j protective measure, and that one of its avowed objects end ends was protection Most, if not all the articles of prime neces -aily bore a duty much greater than that impo,ed.Jby.tbat Tariff of-1842 and that now so very odious and tyrannical sys tem oi rspecnics ' was incorporated in the bill. Upon Candle. Coffee,. I ron. Infigoi Nail, Sutfttf , Ten, Salt," &e. spectficm were levied. And pray, who were the champions nf this measure? Have the South Carolina free traders fcr-rotten Ulut thit great vrolettive Tariff of 1816 'was introduced by William LowndkS of their own S later Do they wish lo conceal the, fact that its ablest ad vocate was Job n C. Calhou-k' All his speeches in eupport of the bill went the full length; of the Whig doctrine of pfoteetfoit; Yea, his aeal in behalf of domestic manufacture was pre-eminently conspicuous, p Of the s South Carolina ueiejrmion in Uoneress rtvn ((Calhonii, Lowndes, Mayrant, Woodard na uam-iriw'Tntea "jot, and runs (Hu if er,-Mooie and Taylor) against the bill. 'It received also the support of P.- P. ,Bsf- 'boar, Masori, Pleasants and Tucker of Va 'Culbert and. Lumpkin of Geo.i Kich'd. 41. Johnson and Wm. T. Barry of Ken itucky and a aomber of others whom the 'democracy bare delighted to honor." 'The 'Tariff of 82 was voted fWby Gen'l. Jack son, Van Buren, Benton. Johnson. Buch- Anan. "and Qe. Hovstitn: that of 1828 .JxlJlW. Buwo Wri'fftit, Buchanan, Dick- ersnn Etorw BebioV Jobso ami LoUu MclMni.' :We bad then iu addition td Mr. CUy aftd othet, Whigs the "powerful a- -sistance; of an these distm-ruiahed lemo ' crSt4 to establWh and defend the doctrine protection Hove Uioseof them who are iiinow-livmr abawdoned Ihir woelritie. nd Adectared they are "ashamed to have' had ';l thetr tiame iofinee(ed kcitAitf" Have ,7-Ti 'S'" -via'nr yonnson,, vaiT wren jajiMcInere-twUinced itt t AnJ are ihev mot mm -4f some . 'pretentieis ta know! edgef Howprominvwt are ihe bvpocricy & deceit f the Fe tmder'' reriOered b their association with, add suppott of men vyfhose whole life ha' been- spent l etfort "to duiiu up thedoctrine of FTECTofr, and "-who by, their speeches and Votes have given mhtwappoWioWtfMka Woteetive ff " . --.-L LTa 3 - . . ... in wmen nar passed vongressl 'And WUI " the "Free Traders dare avowt "fat. th . powerful assistance" of Mr. Clay and the "artful dexterity it, management of wen thy monopolists' ' have kept there men true to ' a-:.l : T,?i ; , . . ' Wi-re they not acloated ' by. higher and ' T J'. - a a t ' . Is .n rh . fl J t ,ft..",n duoumenta to all portions ot the renq S Gen'irjack,n. or Benion. or Van Kurea.l r.. i .k- r-' ' tfieir "denunciation ' of "minimum's'-" ' and peei(ic,,i But bow was it in 1824 fl'(M4 !linnp lights jacksppVah tive Tariff by fid 1 ansistance" ol Mr ;, :.. . .. u i n . 11 'Cl.y,h.weefpowerfuir, Thare' Z?nW'V important fa coniiected U the I ariff of "WJj.-aa de.ixoyjke public . Uber., ott or ; GeoJ ' mrivsd to tnnd the bill p( xHi by 1 tciking eul i prof , o jhs duties on Cotton goods, j which required lhatW CoUorr f.bricS eonting leu than 30 cents a square ySf J - should "be tken and deemed to have mit ;' 30,!cenU per itl yard end charged with duly accordingly,'! This amendment failed by a vote of S3 to 24. ' Messrs.' Derrt'iB, Jnckon, Jolitison, i mi , Van Burerij, toting egaliui . it, arid thereby supporting tax on'ALt cotton gorfds of at le-tst t ceuts per" squars ysrd! i 'Dowft with the accursed minimum ssy the leaders.- Huxsa for Jackson dt Democ racy and ad vsloreiffs arid free trade- re- echo the t ack end file flora Maine' to Texas! - "And bark! what Hoise tetftf Ihe tiii ; What iteddmations niake vf s taret .. News from the region of the South, Wide opes'each Democratic Ofouth; "For Frte-Tfade's reigti prepare Ufa way, The DemotrMt will gain the dayf South CafolintCt votes wilt come? Scrund (he trumpet, be! (fce dfunf . Let every voice with triumph sing, joitfit 0. (jLHoct Shall be ooYkfagl ' 1 Ring everj'bell, Mt etcfy SteepTe! Announce- him "monaich of the petfpiel' This wil( be the yinalc'-the TtDeUm if the- Nuflffiert hd "fieft -tradeft of Sbnttt CfardTins r74ueeif 'Td'''ictatfn'gTaVii. and policy to the whble Somhefrr people! let the Whigs of the good old State stand firm.' V " ' USE OF TOBACCO. Read he article on tlris subject ' hi In- other part of this paper. t, . C7 We ajrree with thrMRegister' that any public diacmsion of the comparativ qualifications of the worthy -Whigs whose friends desire to seelhem honored by the pproachtntf Legislature, should be post pone4 until the teiflgof thai body, when it can be done without offence to any. Nor did we intend to part from this rale by giving "place to the Communication signed "t astern." But we beg leave to remind the' "Register" that at the.Veiy lime he deprecate such discussion , and advises against it, he sets the most potnerf example we have, yet seen. A pefiisal of the article in 'the Register' . to ,hch we reier, hi convince ' any one oi tbis. LOOK ON THIS PICTURE. ' (Standard before Mr. Haywood jesign- eaxtn8t!httv&t Ilrly wood'ln' .toytn' on Saturday last, and will leave again for bis post in eslungtom 4o-dy or to mot row. . lie appears to be in fine health and excellent eprrrtr.- it w rer v "imriortaiiT'tf gency in settling '.he Oregon question tne uncommon anilities which he brought into ueoate nun sucn men as Ua'noun. Benton, and Cass tii bis elevated and statesman like views Upoi all the leading questions of the day have eiven . him a reputation, in M nortions f-tbe- fioufltrv -of which any mnn might justly be proiid- Our sincere wish is, that he may fahtf.Wl spared to adorn 'lie pubrc councils, and serve his enlightened and honest cons tit U THEN ON THIS! (Standard since Mr. II, resigned Wt have; Mlmiiiemmsiihh eoniwt . . -?. . . as ireacnorous to nts party, ana istse to the crest interests confided to hie care We have listened to bis defence with Da- ttence and forUarance, and though we ill perhaps contribute a little more to that notoriety which Mr.' Haywood seems to desire, we are bound,howevcr unwilling. Id taks him up again, and add a few, a very lew words, before we hand hi in to that bitter bbscurity which wlir hereafter be bis fate; a fate as melancholly u i fall; as damning and irretrievable as the double treachery which was its cause.' ' ' i No doubt Mr. H. cared but Utile for the sycophantic praise of the Standardand lie fears less the "terror of Jts threatenines." The teditof l the Standard banding Will. H. Hay wood over to wbscirlty--jffXettl "Werrxf ftfao(idt;?--Jns aftef Mr Haywood resigned his seat in the Senate, because be could not misrepresent a ma- joiity of hm constitcreou, Mr. Asa Biggs from the ninth Congressional District, sta' led on the floor of the House of Represen tattves, that froia bikpeettHar tilualion, ft became his duty to denonhee the retiring 9toi.ii.U-oo4ttho.lthkX- pecul ar lituattcin i; At tfrec' Vecent election,.- f Hipth Congressional District gtm to7 the Whig candidate for Governor, 9w major ky, and sends to the General , Assembly f Wh'gv, 4 Locofocoe, 1 Indepe4eot. Truly the .sifoatioijt 6fM. Asa Biggaii PekooRaruferiy. TREASON TIUS ENEMY, in TH3& .:;'piiDi:,M''. ; We find, the following jblatl of that same "old bugle'' which has teen so often and o long blown by the demagogues of DerpJ ocracy Ik ntenrji pawer m the t&st siMdaAir- v: . ; . "The -Washington Cnibn stafes, ntfr, the oesi auinonry, wiai tne, w nigs naye a well ' devwed and retrular sVetem of .orirani!;. fmt V Vf"S City. aM that Whig V'' ' lx etves the" Uemoerata' etery 10 ' De-active anff Tigilan.Ibe - . ew, lt)h. gratuled fUr loaiW that Hi itlirWbihaw'BBr'abaut to haea'rean- - ' . far aotT wenMeVlsfd!fi!fsterp;ofrg lion any where, and especially t W ash ington Citp,' where tti so much needed! Iad thejr been .organiied ifong iocei ft would have beeri better lor the Count ri. t is ibis, which bas ensured victory here (ofore, ta the dominant party at Washing ton, and we would say to our friends "Jit tridoceriabhotte. By the way, we wottld advise tbat' unfortunate, ' Whig member ftow ihert franking documents to sll ptfrti of ihe Coiintry,''' io look' sharp! It M next tin lo Treatdii ib their Royal HlghriesseS tWabfngtdrf fat at t big IS frank Uottl (henta and distribute them thro' ttte Coun try! The froftkiftg privilege, ft should te remembered, is for the sole benefit of all Simon PHte DemocMtJ,- and It is gross sedition ifi a' Whig to' aali himself of it to propagate Whig principles; and "to remrfm irt Washiftston" fbr such a pu puse, la a direct insult to the powers that be! Mt. Polk should send out bis pffsie' rt'ith a governmental search warrant to' hunt up this straggling Whig, and carry hfm before the newly organized Star Chamber Coord ui But "bella-4iel1a--ltbrida iefo!," ",The money power is in the field against the Democrats." Can this be possite' ifpds'! can Dertifecracy long debate," when the "money power" a charging lull tik, "with friied btrfiits aeainfit . itf Rooted they must bet The fifty odd mitt. ions of -i$Bprpriation-f made by the last vuukicw una lursvu-ujuinsi tjr. iryia anu uwnoxrvy--Hinfl"coBe8ive attraetforf pi ttir apoils!k'Sscffftrino Idrigef keep TlritiT.o getftetT fl Flee Eremoc'rats flee to' the jnnunlwnaif f)u ,wM jrot M. f-ilLbenjcatk the gdden darts of the "money power" Where a're the men ofjioderick I)hu, that they do not ralfy at the bleat of the bugle? . "In the EJenton District; we learn from persons who have reoenftly bean there, and bv letters to the Editor'.- or friertd are sanguine of giving Mr. slicpard oNa thou sand majoiuty! . Let them try to do even better than that. ' 'They can, ahd we doubt .Hot tbej fill,?; iv ; !'. icin' We are gratified to inform the 'Stand rd' and his friend Ata Biggt, Etq.x thai litelr prediction Is fulfiilled. The Edenton District hadjBe'-'beer,---wcA bettet . for it has given about U thousand majority for Graham! ' In the legislature, it 'baa ..doBOLMaumJHtltebAiilbk elected 14 Whigs to thut body( and but ' Democrats and one Independent! Won def if jjMr.t Biggt Aoee not eonsidei' him is high time he should J , , ' THI? TARIFF QF 1812. Thts w ise meesnre of pnblic pol reyviin der which the Peopj tvere prospering, was characterwed by one feature, which should have gone fitf to lecominend -U to the f vour of all Btatesinen,. via: , its uniformity the almost exact similarity of its annua results, tt was estimated by its friends before It went Into operation, that there would be realized from it an annual rev enue of 20 or 27 millions. And what fias beed its actual aVarage yield! $20,7 7i, 533!, ' ' . v , . , In 1814, 126,183,570,04 ' 1845, ' 2r,63S.il2 94 Nd measure of fecnUe was ever adopt ed in our Country which more thorongly fulfilled the pfedictrona .of iu friends .and Wsificd those of its enemies i sll i s Opera tions tending io prove rriost coficlu'sively the skill atfd ability vtrithriihied it jp?af frameol ' ' .''- ' '' , l';, inovvlt is woRKiNd. , ' As soon as tt ta ancertaineil in Elrii- land that (he House of Represerttaflives had passed the British "eapej'imerfwr f fiff." American produce wettidown, and Ijriuam goods Went Up. kit these to be the glori ous effect of the etneriietttal itfitfi' the evils of trh'icli Mr. Hay woffd - at) elaborate ly and oncluajvefy-'demrjrrnrtmes iddretsT ' These are only the prenjoiinory symptoms. The people may took out for squalis when the stage of collepi-e corrtes Snai Hiad. A ntan on the UailerA rail row thl( other day, was near being (tilled oy a snake head, or loose afntf of a ftatlroa raH running through the cf, . Kail foafd strjprerinten'de'uts cannot bs too careful In keepinv these' heatls dtwttus carefully pinned down. " ,'.' " " " " ' . We tfre indebted . io a friend . tot ilia fol low ing correction of ata error hichnp peared in a late ' statement orf .Art aubjec't in in is inn oiner Barters; . ,.. . ... rue first Assembly thit set in Kaleigh, mt on me 3i.ih JJec, JTS. wBeP Uerf , Wcff. Lenoir' W48 Ihe Senator from Vilkes County, and p-ftule. Speaker of the Senile that session Penjsmnt Joneir, and The- ojptinui Ef a'nr Vefe thr KeprejehUtrves in the Ilotiae of Corn-mono in ih-at feav. i f , CtenV Wellbwn' was tfte SenatoV iff 1 T95r which wa (htt ; 2iicT sertion flVat was field in jBafafg fe'T , ", ' ; i ' t .. , i . I- ,J , KVAlr.J Joaiah Eaton, an oltl rrtun, nearljr 80 f ear of ag, has :jtiaf ' Com Ipretea Capti Datclay'a celebrated! leaf of walking a thouswid miles in ir thutt-, sand hour.; The rfbrnruitice-; foot .place at the Caledonia Springs, u water ing plac on tlKi Ottawa River, Cafla fda.. iff bill itsell, if tls.aOfrtbm of, the od valorem pmieirne. . tin tills grfl h JbaHt H patim-rt; arid weald lesJ til Mariort io up thmlM ek a itiins) was wwrt heaid of tM fbre;--Had he-lwrmumbe ?ompr.wl4 pica proviues mat an a ties snouia oe tejiw i'ttaUrtm'ttyt fiotim fiilher than 80 IK""'' Bui "McKav'a Dill" lualt whieb b spetoved Sad aaatslail la waking, wfrh itt eietpiion of a sVy fe artlolea, laid dm defleearftnf-!. , ., , ; ;mnaar4AgtWJ' No uch cortsUuctlon as is here attempted caiitfa tMr g'iven to Mr. llaywaof en- marks on" the 'ad valorem principle of (he present Tariff law. An 1 tho', it is lo ali in tenu and purpotee an ixperiiHentliM ' pecially the ad valorem feature; nd fne would have so little regard for truth, we hope-not even tile Editor of th 8tandsrd, as to contend that "ad valorem duties were never heard of before' the bill of 1849. But Ihii we do undertake le declare, viji that it never was- even attempted by the most himnriril and reckless loearrv ad valorem duties to the extent and fcpon the principle of th'e present "British Tariff." It is true, under the , Compromise Act of 1833, tho duties were to be levied ad valorem alter the 30tlt June, 1842, but upon endi -sly a1 difl'erept .piiticipla . frora thst conWhed in the present law. Under the act of 183$ 'called the compromise act) the duties "up on goodsi weafes, and merehsfidiie, trer to be aisetsed upon Jhe value thereof. Where! 'At tbt foreign port whence tliey wee fhlppc'd? o; but, irt tlie lart-fuage of the act j "at the port where the tame shall helve beep entered, under such regula tions ns may have beeb prescribed by lattf Bv th is eomprofiPis ae tne-"iiiMii earn- ation'' was adopted. The deities wfe to be paid aCc'ord!n to the value at Re port here irt our1 own country where the MCfclseftrrii 'instead of that feigned and fiati Intent valuation fied at the foi eign port, wnence mey were snippeo and s'ubject to th6 fraud olettt l6(ces mnde tfut to Mil the varying conscience of the foreiiriTi lmno'rtef of his less scru'pa fous a-rent. Under the act of J83J, ntf sfjch frauds could be perpetrad tipb'ri 'e raven ue, as can be under the odious "British failtf, wliicK disg'fsc'ei pur astute book. and vtifl in our judgment,1 barikrupt onr Goverpnfent, if eontniueij. i batM rfcKsy-e" "of $U YwitJ the exception of f'tttfjeui initeS) 1 laid al valorem dutiesf'f' "Very few?: tnJped! They Kere be rwoat tmportant" slnd necea" sary of all the article, and if specific dp ties are wrong and , pajuaM ivby were they thns to be imposed ufon the very articles which are necettary for the great body of the pOori iieremey are: troif (itt marrnfactnred, &cf)fi&perto Do fma-rtufactureu in whole or p-tf ft Sit.) r .' 20 per ton .JtaaolaWlcV. - - ; 20peitop Do ( Kail ttoud) 1U do; Pie iron v . , , , 7 : do. Old or scran Iron - 8 do. Cast Steel in cas Act . t 80 per i 13 lbe Coal i per tow. Sugar (brown raw ' S eeid prt lb. 1 1-2 dd do. im dd. do. 3 da do; 4 dfll da: Sirup do Urown Hayed do. Clarified do Refined do Sugar Candy 4 do 1 do. 3 mills per Ib. j Molalttt si 'r Brandy flat proof) ; " 2nd da 42;cts per galU 1" 43 " do." .4. .Ai"''. ,A a" - ' M ' A.: inrougnoui iiie, ariyeuesi i :,,.A u. m,i-' Tliis list is sufTicient fof itfeW.'io. sbew the utter want of sincerity in th4 leadrrs of Demoeracf " Specific1 duties art' tyra ntcaldown wiih thetnfl "hf e'fy. .Yet they sf willing to idipqsa ; thoin tin Iron, Susrar. Coal. Mdailtes and Brondv. all ex cept the. hut the most Psefdl and JteCetoary srliele far tK pdort " " - ; - ' GRdCgHIES. Sefl the tjirvprtismabt bf Mcllwatne. Brown1y it, Cd V j , a NOTiTfcrtsj qis ok , dc ii At id t ti designs of tha nerooerSy .'In nrgFn'g tHa idfpiotftMtitr oeiti the divorce of the OoerVimeti'f fom all Banks, arid the establisffmeni of ffaA that ie IkwadTelU'npi ' jUktonU Currency, id- wit: 'haramoney. ,'- eats ago, they professed to repudiate. all shirr plasters iif tba monetary operations of tne Government, and to desire the adoption of the "Benton yellow boys? as the ' only kotieaf tmd cotiiti'f utionat med-am. of ex. change in , the collection of the revenue and tha payment of the public officers. fn1 life face of all such profetsiona, the GoVr-rn-rneiH has been1 issOinff. arfndafly, .. .a. j t .. . Mt.. : '. . - ' miiuona oijooiiari in ireasnrv noma. fiirdlt ha thee beien : a; vteelfs cessation from- the use of BanVa a !minaging its ffsraf c'one'erna. Nolhine so" atfikinsfrV Jiiiistrafes tha tfi'de drrfefSfncV befwaerf l'h profession art-f prUcUcr. of those in power! Opposed fo'tiirhbiiey power, spd hofetile to al) t tfepltVrl&vy nav converted thVs Govermnent into- n - gHm "tmnpldster Bank.t, Irt irbpport of this we beg leave' fo rdfer to "Democratic authority" coti fttiiied; In Hhe ' followin 'fctter' ,Jof Jeisi Speight; W V5iaor tW f tf. ;jpiatt a from 'U"wtjisip0f slbf formerlya Repre. sentative in Congress from- tlie Wayne Demagognel of the Irtrfotit ' iifinT 'Ml U sVeallT rno,tTrmftk Adalnistfatiowt'fnaosaAes -tha Mi Hay vfoofdiJrWbl? wniTtfilffiotrscjrff wayns and Johnston jsnd tiiat wnoie re gri iy tb this letter fro'itf their former favourite,! tt'ttieyj,M)ia'K.M'' H effigy'1 for daring io eali the tarrency of this hard-moheHj Adfhinbtrstion i !,,tbmp- lilacked rags and the ,"CantttiiUioriail Treasury", (that gresf rtieilsure rtl ''deli' J trance and " liberty") Shin platter ' litmk"') We shall ai-a, pirhipm the ertd of all thitf ertf fongi In the mean while, let . hi lea'leri do wk nbroui oEnitop,, Greerie itc. the fll, arfd swallow if they can, thst delicious morsel from the JoH.Jttte Sptijrht to the Editor nf the "Miiiinriin"' llre h ill Washington, JulfHS, 84tt Mesirs. PricB & Fill l I ain not id the habit of. writing . for newspapers, bt- eause the city newspapers give too pews' and sometimes oof fancy feads ns to Write what never comes to pass. Bat, sirs, l will depart fiom my rule just faf enoutrh to say that a bill has this . day pissed, tie Senate authorizing the issuing of 9 10,00" 000 of Treasury potes,-to" which, in -be; half of the people of Mississippi, 1 en ef y protest. I am oppbsetl to converting this Government into a tMnpldsttf bank.. The Kmi'ttiitution authorizea u tu borrow moneys but nowhere do I odd any author iiy 10 issue 1 ninij tivMwf Mivrvwrov' m i the Goierament raise its revenue by bor- rowma 01 by taxation.- I He Seriate ia en gaged with the tarifT; f cannot sdy what will be its fate.; Beyond the abidishmchi of specifics and minimams I consider it out little relief li the South. In l ie course of a long service in politic, t nevef voted for the issuing cf rflgs and Inrhp MaeS in'any sliapT.'M and, so help me God, I never will. S. SPEIGHT. Tllfi SHdllT WAY Of if;., ' It this nation riripnr'.i more th-rt It ti- ports the bill mut be footed with epetit. If fpefcie is in demand to foot the for eign bill, it cease- to be a Medium of cir culation arid becomes an article or com merce. ,' Sfrppoee a dollar in the( vault bf the bank for each dollar in circulrttitfii -If the dollar in circulation will -not fb'oi tlie foreign bill, the dollaf in ths bailR fthttst do iu That puts at'iend lo alt odnd cbrfeney; and reduces usf to the necesstiy pf jssuin hin-lat!Sv bated ttpen trhat wt ptie? s-. AN OUTLAW, KILLED. John Work, a4 notious outlaw, and whole aie murderer and robber, was 1 killed in Waslnngio'a o'on1y i Aikansas, about tw i. J! ,, if u.j . j-i i.j weeks nn;o. 110 uau uocu vuucerueu in several of the on tf sgepu j nnfruert commit-' ted in and near fh' Cfiercikea oau'oif witliiif s year .rv two past . It is stated (.tlitt Work ihreaie'ned the life df a Mr.' Funk. RsiserTb il a plan T wallsia "to calclt hiip; that a negro was to" give lnfifniation to Wdrk wherd be might steal a hone; thit Ho led hirrt to the plecar-nd - that ,'ight rrietf, with rifles inbartd -efe 16 wait his ddmltig. '"' Wherf he was within ten pace's, eacNnfari fired and h1 t rushed PPfln ' the negro, b'ut felt dead c'puld jmure jiiuiv, t SU JaiuU liepubiicdn. - , , FROM MKXICO ANIJ THE HliX, The newa ol tha revolution tn Meii cd and the Inking of Montemy ia c6n- nrrried.-' One account, howeyer, aaya Sitlita Anna vtai taken prisoner by Cdtat Conner; . . , . :f.k , v , . -. ' THo setariiir Arab arrived off Tori Cruz on the Kith inst, with Santa Anna on board. He . immediately placed himself pt ihe head of the'.niovetoent io that department.' The Uepartmerita of I'nebla nnd Mexico tiave declared tdr $arifa Anna, and Pa redes has H' ready bmi taken pfiaonerj Tn teaolt mfli.e dnpif i1;frna headed by;Gen Salaa;. ,'r, t "Bforc Jsanta Ann? left Havana hb' toolt Htera frorri Oe'ri;' Campbell id j-J'AV lJ-V-J -J.-jJi.JI vjuiuru'iuwrt., LAiuuur, auu vuwcia iimu- eif, jit reply Ko sonwandtiiriel its to hh intentirfni, its follOvia f ' f-lf thfe people of trty country nfe for War, thitnf , 1 ami wun.iiiem; out i woniu preier pence rtNew's Hds beeri received Id . Meiico thnt Morttrteyi in California, has bearf aeiied by etrt f the-veaself of the - Pa cific siiaiiroW.' ' Another hccotfnt aayi that all Ual.irornia has yielded to life Aigricans' i LiA icn r ivuxu i it i Atwni i : The tffeanfnWu McKim nrfiied fit 5tW ttrtetttti dit tiio 23 ;tflt. with dates from Isabef to (he 17t&J and C'amdrsfa to the 14th. Tlie newa isn'otifltRohara, Crfnt. McCulloch'i co'innkifv of Raineert -Z- - i r I . M . . tsde in to and rode out -of a little tbvtti AattAil r?t,fMO tnr e.ntir' nW. .. -. . r.-,, 4 . ? - I ' position, t no enemy unuer tne vir. brated freebooter 2?eiruiuLj about , 200 stropfr, fobfe to the chaparal. Tfie troop-f are r'apidly concent nrtfn'jj at Cia- ntorgoT where Geti wBitt if miaay en-ratred in'drillrnsV thenf Mar.'Geh. Bmley H tJtfrfeerttellrlirdf Volni , jnf( house . q ( Matnmoroa a , very larjre quantity oi mirslrat cartridfea, mnskets,- Meztcanf tfnifotmS, apearaj-kti. were lound. - ' " ; ' : , nniTER -llI be" -fold, "on Aa 4tb Mon' X' df of Tovert-rier'neit, at the Court ft oat In the foam of JelToraon, lha fiillowmi past or Latin or aft much thrraof so .will aatiaTy tho las era and chariiea 4uO lhareon, irt the years Hti h 'tit 1 100 seres, the land of James &pp, dsera ard, aJjoining Ihe Tanoer tine, known a the Big Rys Co , ,..!. 8ART1.ETT, 8UX ' AsbtCoa'-Ni O.'Aaaa-d 28,184a. f i ' Frtee ad $S 50 . 7 IT. I flHB tfnilertiin'ed.'An appinteil to ,JLV,cli4e flie r business of th? firm of Kfirsj ell V Coot-!, mttl ctm its Snefru with rrtV sent , week,. Tbsra.. ari' a, frtst n'v otdrable 0mJ jrit ft alc. TbpM in Vint will Jo well lo ,all Inwneiliatrly. Thie nods will podlietV h sfd! fir aiueb iesa than tlie original ewW , , , , . . MltLEft. ' ALift tho Q-pdvnii ohum' indebtwl W lh Li firm of k mtli VixAe, aft rtqueatre! to wits navmta( 10' ttmloriisn- durina the ptaetint weoki otbvr. wm the ocooHirt ill M piaeod In ih baixk of aat uoravy for eeiloitlao (bf eraw of (he asslgaoa) PiluigW dept. 7iwjma.,..u w-. i7i) ," ' 1 .... .' I "IL "" . Brlniuet TII Tlaerarde.' 4 O (esfvljtirjil-l sdttii ton tbervhi U ieolsi mild sdmntatioa lbe. aoatpaniti. Aes fraieHV of a fU$ of, uxtimn mm lo eoea ens ao(ln H 4ra arpHor. - J at -. of rj otota ptr fat. Mr oa-iioM H-tlod . Bo.iUi ol Mloet ia aa oor-Uata Mif4 tad lo.' belled for int sod lomil atoi treed Q uUh arid apvordi aoeordinf lo Oimlht, . Aotf p4r .. fof MM kmdt, loocot pr5taa .il-" PfovltJonal rfiri.iom.M ,(ifr 4hto bv tr-tv-ii nd afore (tmt,n kl4s of Im fr1t of Ike (W Mt rTj pnimnJ oo rtMonib1 Itrati. Tri prapn.ior ot Uto nublithatM. as a kaf. oota not onljl at kononl ! o anv m lilo, VU ad nth, ilerl) aanctloiicd bj lh frea-it iaUerm of ihritian faoralt. honti tar ooolioood flbeiill'Mn -ronafo a-om oe ohlifhioMd okrtaloW MblW. : , W -u -v. ;-i n- IIO-tRT WeLLEX. , s P. . r Vnud pariod of lihtoo, (hirmf oleh krttitt pi grapoi rips:. fi-o 6r& of AupHt Ut ' " OMptor. Thovgh , saa. kiodt m perloattsa k.h' Ou-lwr and l.trr, . ,, ' & vi. N..B.; RJiiors In ff. Csrollnasoil s!MwhM ' ., fiieodlv to AmoricSrf XgKcblturol tiiterpiiw, pc fuc woom i hit- raie communicttluna, by a griluil- out in-iniun or so oi mo SMve. Will aigO tUlf ftionil a'dd Uunibis ssrvont, ' tj. w, fTBttcbeav Clock and Jewetrjr Tment rtrum isi,'-.'. - - , , r . . I he on (Wai fried weald on i fins' aowrlinantof Jowolry and M(ialail Instrantontv; arid wilt alao rapalr w.reW,' ifckii' 0inj.aU) a(.d Jawalrjr of otirjl imaiti incl auttiUntisIlK at tMdarais prf.ea- muMcol matron J: .U. L.,1. J-4 lion, nratij ana vuv-,-..,iaiij. bi Uonndent of bill sliiUty (Oflvo aatiir.cliotii h's so-' Ifptla a Ihao' at oublle l.-ttrooaar -it - . !jy. RatelftlBeptT. 1846 ' t' ' j 9nf " ii ii oaSiT"-, f 7-..-f, 1 . . rdsiJectiis .mi ... -v,.J bw r i'tllE nntlersigned propoiel ta establish . JL,' Whig Paper ia the .Town of - Mil- inn, Csn immy. ,Ha Uaworo ihor tbaro h a Wlktg paper putttlaliOd , ltirO slrjj)dy, Ut. ho has aclaaled that loealloo lor lrt mtona,.: First; l 4 Mia of the atroBt-eat horat ol Uaatoaracf.' ko oaliaa. Ha li anaioaa, tberoror. 10 go ooa k haw ithtfUm tm-'4- IK fiort 'oo-t-l-l : (ha Uttto will b tiotteai, aiui4lkjt Uflois r Hlictear. a okdly. it lo Um oaunir f vbi aMivitV, tyt A . It 4l j) d.Wo, thM, os ,lto IVfaa. laal, iclfial), koartku adftilitrt ot a fa . OaoMorMa rdkiu)M.-U porootlr.ilwMfirtl pooad ira to Ikelr trdo eharaotaf. Thli M kioi to rcootJos'; aod ha aarte tntho acl(iloo; ifiai whk hd koav. arable iaaptieat4jia tcadaraortbo ao-oailea f). ,-oat oa aH of aol, JkmWoa-oM: eoiili at kB.l.oioal ai i t deiai.lhs Oooplo' aod provide lor lkamialao. The MlerlMd U oanwaioriy naini o wriu law M naaa wouie. Urat tM UNoVta trotloi.- il tSalr lioa liod , Tho sfcisrsts-asf'- fowfa Tltd 8nthrai WNlir, dmd llerali eral-l Of FreadOui' U will bo atrielfy i fiarluan paper. Ha wlil aalltliHK, balk maaaad mraauraa; k; kai r r.i(t naotaa. Publie mo' ore- pnhlio pro pertf, )la will Ihcreforo teel 1$ fa hi duly lo plaao Iheaa io I heir troo anion ra beforo too pooplo. Ho' rvsarda lbe oatiaa at l(ie tVhigi, as lh' cauaa of kla f irt Aid Amadrci, ,K U hla akilitr. -pad with tils' VHoia anul. , Tbaooaalr ta ia a aHtiaaf ..ooadilloa,' anramio tnotp prlnew i w s iwas vnoa rr m anonin be do aod do id whaa ba doea ball I let hirp bo (m MratotJ Peri itt I anoal anrfjueaa afiAUli ocar, boa- Th "i .trihVI Whlo sod Herald ol FrteAnm" ill tio itaaod, oi osda aa Iho aubaartplloo wiH ja lily k. 1'boao dlao -aad W folKNMt tlho oajrn Uoa. i1l nlaltao Wvo ihoir aoaaaa wlik ail ha at thai WbfcftMws-f! jUlwh. tJ v , . JAMlua AVrtUKKS; it 'Xi"-L ' '' i : Trr;if ' KteittAINEa ttlioWULGT ot Co ; :v; ptersburo; Va.; ; hk'titiw veeeivino ihoir FA 1:1.' SilPPf.V of GROCERIES, which id vert lairre and well assorted embracing nWty- every arti- iblttin their lip'e.' J . Thay ipvNe tho ' a'ttoatlon 'of, MerchanU'oW Vottoo runtmi U tbsir stool of Cotton BafiPir. Bale Rope aod Tfriho.' ' . Alan a very I tarw supply : of , Sots 'sM'! (Jppee Leather at eagwtallj v.prke, Usti,-jjjI.i-. IimIm rMn. iujuim ..ill :.ju . auanuoo., , ... , . . Tetonbiirc,, Sept. 7, 1U0, .JV41 jA-Uuii ar-sas A Lsu Paper; fen 1 A VeWr. Mow Voblnhlnf m lb Cily o rhaeSotphia, , eou Weekly JPj-My . . A lai-ee e raiiy MewaMpor.Mutral pi .pbtw Itaaaad Itelioo, aod devotod to Lilarolojre, Truth, Vow n Arts,' Salaaiia. HeoHb. -.en...,, vwam mnim' w rsnaor, Marketa, k. Suhioriaod' priae,. i ; . - osslr 4iltr nf retnr.' V" yba MWribed to Ciuko of friit, Oa4 M OTf r lhat Montr SaeHH Phfla'tafno'la -War'tlr Pao KMBomb am . rvnrtnt of aa Br. The.' at) titer arHU' vhi b M ie primed I bot tekVa already act bCW aay aaiiyoapov. - . - - Terms TaTfrtftT 'Te iy afpVA SioRle aMbeeriptioba, fsw -HiSMO) aa odWe, f I .ti, ne suoaanpuooo 1.09' Twal,o, p. Sna obpy Weekly Pope?, ami awe eesWjtJUw. . tMey Vet j.ahm Mfin. .; 8,00 j-. a- ISPP boo oopf oT tho Weakly paper Sod'000 of " ; ihb Uoioo W.t1o; " - .0tV Ti eopie of lha wojrsw ,rpw .w. ...IV.I.W rnn... . J.OD lffOppleollVw',VP,49'!, 'ft. I ! Meoeh ofUodey HepHola of rr.01. . - Pareeoa aal biros aawaia. aowj proaartwe; 1 oberi berkarealloyMlooop, arona, lee thaw. Irpeblo, . . A BiaKrliliy of ana oi.ihe Sirnera ol lha. DUiW, lioo ol1nfra.(idiia ia pubtiahed ta rrrt ounhr with ahoift Biocraphical Skaiehei of otlife eiuineo PyWI h-'Ari1 wot (''altdraeC V0' t'. ( mbor-y ttwwsHlea thrboth the Poalaaettat ,) to ; .. ' - A l COTT, Pobliahe1l "' ' !' " '' ' "f "' , 1Wt Vumaor Te Nov 1. -i vJ Brawn ara Pnlriad While, do! ; -Boat Java and Lajuira Coflee, juat tn bawtl aofor' aale hy I , - J AS UTCHrok -. rj7rief'aopUo!' ,. . ; ' E1 spoctfullj intoro. tho eiu-eni ' fy"0 rf W'lh bat he.lias opan. VU ' 1 "i I ravsitt-le: neL (PX. J It wiow Mowt. m 4 JJ a- oW M. jKafjf A ; aaKk-aaV k ft. hand t!2 ,K